#melkor answers
melkors-big-tits · 1 year
Well since you reblogged the post about ask boxes on tumblr I CONSIDER IT IS MY DUTY TO LITTER YOUR BOX WITH MY STUPID SQUEALS--- one question appeared in my head (I may have been looking through your blog inattentively, I dunno) but I'm really curious about how you imagine Thuri😳😳
Judging by what chic designs you have created for the main ambassadors of Silma-gachi-muchi, I wonder how the sanest person there looks and also their gangbang operator and respected critic
As I'm still pretty much in the shadowban jail I'll add this @junk-whunk-punk-artist in the hopes that this answer will reach you and won't get lost in the limbo🥹
On to the answering💖
First off thank you for the ask, they're always fun to do, and now for the answer; when I design characters I very rarely take inspiration from just one source and I don't do "face claims" etc but I will pick someones nose and another persons eyes and add that one actors chin to built my designs.
But This time I got such strong Thuri vibes from an icon, especially from her 80's rock/metal look, that it'd be Stupid of me not to follow my gut feeling and inspiration😤
The Icon I'm talking about is of course
And I am specifically talking about This look (Ain't she gorgeous?)
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Not the Vegas sparkly outfits (that's more Melkors style💕) but with the big dark curly hair, the studded leather jackets and leather skirt look💖💕
Why Cher you ask?
Well the answer is that I really don't know😂
But when I saw her something just sort of Clicked and now I can't look at her without thinking of Thuringwethil.
There's just something there in her deep eyes, which at the same time can look so melancholic and like the mother of all resting bitch faces, and in the interesting proportions of her face that just conjure up our fave lesbian bat from hell😈😈
Plus her Attitude is Amazing~✨ She can look so sweet while saying The cattiest things and I love her for that💕💖💕😼
Thuri Deserves to be an amazing and Iconic vampire woman and Cher is the perfect "role model" for that✨💖✨💕💖✨
And if anyone's gonna claim that Cher doesn't fit Thuri then here's a few gifs that Prove that Thuri is as much of an Icon as Cher😤
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Basing Thuri on Cher is a Golden idea✨✨
--now I'll just have to find the Time to draw her😅😅
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asuddencold · 2 months
What is it like recovering witch avpd /genq? we have avPD (along with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and a whole mess of other stuff) but we're curious what its like
I'm not gonna lie, it's extremely tough.
I have a bunch of other stuff as well, so, before i could even do anything about avpd, i had to be chemically stable (get the right meds without abusing any substances (unfair)), stabilise the conditions caused by other disorders i have, find a psych i trust and can work with, and start sharing with them.
For me, what has helped the most so far is going by Actions over Thoughts when a situation triggers my avoidant tendencies. For example:
Situation: My girlfriend expresses that something i do in our relationship makes her feel bad
I have made a mistake
I am an imperfect partner
I am a terrible person
Because she dislikes one thing i did means the entirety of me is rotten, my mistakes are unforgivable, and she's not blind, she will see that if she doesn't already, and she will judge me for it, reject who i am, and i would rather tear my eyes out than live through that therefore
I need to leave now, i can't ever be with her again, we should break up, this was a mistake, if i try and explain myself and why i did the thing i did wrong she will either dismiss it or hate me more for it, so i should shut the fuck up, never open my mouth again, never try to have an interpersonal relationship again, i am destined to ruin everything and should actually fucking die
Actions: Don't do ANYTHING i though about doing. It doesn't help me. And it doesn't help my partner. Instead, do the opposite. If the rot inside me thinks i should burn that bridge, it means that the healthy thing is to build it up. And so
I apologise to my partner
I explain myself and open up specifically to the point where i'm slightly out of my comfort zone. Will i tell her that the thing i did to make her feel bad is probably something i thought up in order to manage to be with people for more than a second without craving the sweet embrace of death? No. But i'll tell her that i'm not great with people, that it's hard to manage these new relationships and connections that i have and thus i make mistakes.
I try to strengthen our connection. By opening up, by hearing her side of things, by being understanding and kind, by de-escalating the situation (not that it needs much de-escalating. she's an angel who couldn't be hostile of she tried. but you know how avpd is). And, after that's passed, by doing things to soothe the both of us, like watching a movie or playing a game together, or cuddling, insted of withdrawing
And i keep moving forward. Keep trying.
What i tried to explain above is obviously an "advanced level" scenario. When i first started recovering, i wouldn't dream of having a partner or friends that i would actually be able to keep instead of running away, especially while sober. But everything is a continuous process of moving one foot in front of the other and getting up when you trip and fall. Sometimes it feels like you never do anything you want. You go against your own wishes so much that it can feel awful at the moment, but the rewards are the most amazing thing you've ever felt
Anon, i hope i hope that my answer helped you even a little, and that you manage to find peace one day and work towards recovering too. If there is anything i could help you with or if you just need someone to commiserate, you can send me a message anytime. I'd be happy to answer !
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markscherz · 8 months
Please enjoy these gray tree frogs(I’m pretty sure) that like to hang out around my house. They make me happy :)
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I mean, tree frogs always give me joy. You are blessed to have such ready access to them.
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cilil · 3 months
So the truth about Angbang is actually that I never liked it and thought it'd be funny to troll people online like Mairon did and catfish everyone for almost a decade and -
I'm kidding. Lol did I catch any of y'all off-guard? Anyway I fucking love Angbang. Do I ship it? A thousand times YES.
At some point I made a massive appreciation post listing just the main aspects of what I love about this ship and in order to avoid making another massive post about it and potentially repeat myself, I'll try to summarize.
Simply put, I love the idea of these evil, messed up angel men hating everyone and everything except each other because they for some ungodly reason get along. And are also obsessed with each other. There are so many directions you can take this and nuances to explore too, from weirdly wholesome to super fucked up and dark. They're just... (gestures and points wildly in their general direction). They. Them. THIS. You understand. You get me.
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celebbun · 3 months
Sleep hc for Melkor and Mairon
☾ - sleep headcanon
Mairon doesn't sleep
Mairon sleeps uneasily, and never for long periods of time. He curls in on himself, chin pressed to his chest and shoulders raised to his ears, then drifts off to an anxious sleep. He has no great knowledge of the Songs of dreams or rest, and leaving his fána unconscious makes him nervous. Sleep leaves him vulnerable on two fronts, so he wakes up easily and frequently, just to be sure he's safe, and that he's not sinking in too deep into Irmo's domain.
Despite his reservations, there are people around him that force him to rest once in a while, and Mairon himself is not enough of a fool to think he can get away with not sleeping at all.
Melkor sleeps with the assurance that he has a part in all of the Songs of the Valar, Irmo included. He splays out on a large bed, full of fluffed up feather pillows and warm blankets and drifts off into sleep for hours and hours. In slumber, he is as much king as in wakefulness.
After Mandos, though, Melkor no longer finds much peace in sleep, his mind much too occupied with war and the gems to truly rest; it only gets worse the progression of the First Age and his mounting paranoia.
Headcanon ask game
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elennalore · 14 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
Thanks for the ask! ❤️
Only now I got time to think of my answer. It's difficult to choose only five, but I'll reply with five of my finished fics that are close to my heart - mostly because of the fandom interaction involved.
Walk Through the Darkest Valley - Celebrimbor/Mairon, M
I wanted to try to write Silvergifting because I didn't know what to think of the pairing but it intrigued me, and by the time I finished writing this I had become a Silvergifting shipper.
Dance Macabre - Celebrimbor & Sauron, M
My first TRSB claim was a wonderful art by sakasakiii where Sauron dances with Celebrimbor's corpse. Of course I needed to write a story for it, when it was still available after the first claims - and so I joined the TRSB for the first time as a pinch-hitter.
No Grievance Between Us - Fingolfin/Maedhros, E
My fandom friend @chrissystriped writes awesome fics about this rare pairing, and I wanted to try what to make of them as well. I like the end result a lot.
Your Gravity Is Pulling me Closer - Melkor/Mairon, E
I just like this fic a lot. I haven't written a lot of Angbang, but writing this fic was surprisingly easy and I had lots of fun writing it. It was written for MySlashyValentine exchange.
Monster - Celebrimbor/Sauron, E
This fic was inspired by another fic by undercat (linked in the fic) where Sauron shapeshifts into a monster. It was one of those fics that were very entertaining to write, and I'm happy that I could make "the Sauron reveal" both smutty and canon-compliant.
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mirkwood · 4 months
feanormelkor/ feanope 31
Hi thank you for the ask!! And sorry for the delay <3
Prompt 31 : After a small rejection
Pairing : Feanor / Melkor
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Fëanor can sense the Vala’s presence the moment he enters the forges. 
The air, previously heated by the forge’s flames, abruptly turns icy. The sudden chill makes the sweat on Fëanor’s skin feel clammy. He doesn’t need to turn to see the intruder. Familiar with Melkor's constant lurking, he knows when he is there, watching him silently.
He finds himself instinctively searching for him in every corner, in every dark room.
Gripping his hammer tighter, he wills himself to remain composed. 
“Whatever brings you here,” Fëanor says, his tone devoid of any warmth or welcome, “I have neither the need nor the time for it.”
A moment of silence fills the space between his words and the darkness behind him. As if the presence he felt was nothing more than just a trick of his imagination. 
But still, he waits. 
And there it is, a faint hum that morphs into a deep chuckle, reverberating through the forge room. 
“I doubt you truly mean that, Fëanáro,” comes the response, teasing and casual as if Fëanor is his friend.
It is a cruel melody, a rumble that could shake down the foundations of Fëanor’s resolve. He hates the way it makes him feel. Weak and defenseless against that voice dripping with saccharine deceit and lies.
Turning sharply, hammer still in hand, Fëanor faces the part of the forge where the fires' light doesn’t reach. In the darkness, two fiery eyes meet his gaze.
Melkor finally steps into the light, yet Fëanor can only spot his pale face, cloaked in darkness as he is. Fëanor straightens his back and folds his arms in front of him, waiting for Melkor to speak his lies once again. 
“I have a proposition for you,” Melkor breaks the tense silence while looking around the forge with an innocuous curiocity. Fëanor knows what he is looking for, and he also knows well that it is not here. 
He remains silent. 
“We could achieve great things together,” Melkor says, approaching the bench where Fëanor’s new project sits untouched. “Your brilliance and my insight could create something unparalleled.” 
Fëanor's expression hardens as he turns to face the Vala. "I have no interest in your schemes, Melkor,” he rebukes. “I work alone, as you well know. Nothing can change that.”
Melkor falls silent, his gaze lingering on Fëanor’s workbench, as if it is the most interesting thing in Arda. For a moment, Fëanor wonders if his words have gone unheard. 
“You are making a mistake, son of Finwë,” Melkor speaks again and his voice holds a dangerous edge to it. Gone is the friendly lilt and the false sweetness of it. “You would do well to reconsider my offer.”
Fëanor scoffs, his anger fully resurfacing. “Save your threats. I know what you are and I will not let your tainted hands or your insight near my creations,” he says with a sneer, the fire in his eyes blazing. 
Melkor turns to face him, and beyond the bitter disappointment and frustration, Fëanor can see destruction and death in his steely gaze. 
"You are a fool, Fëanor," Melkor murmurs, stepping away from the workbench and closer to Fëanor until he is mere inches away. "But a brilliant fool."
Before Fëanor can react, Melkor leans in, his lips brushing against Fëanor's cheek in a quick, provocative kiss. The unexpected contact sends a shockwave through Fëanor, and he jerks back, his face flushed with a mix of fury and bewilderment.
Melkor steps back, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. “Do not keep me waiting, Fëanor,” he says. 
Fëanor holds his ground, refusing to look away. It's a battle of wills, and he's determined not to yield. He waits until Melkor chooses to leave, his cloak melding into the darkness as he departs.
Just as quickly as he arrived, Melkor is gone, the heavy iron door of the forge clicking shut behind him.
Fëanor's fingers linger on the spot where Melkor kissed him. He can still feel the warmth of his lips.
A fire ignites in him, a fire fueled by rage and a new unspoken, unacknowledged spark.
Send me a ship and a number
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saurongorthaur9 · 3 months
Hot take in this Fandom, I think eru loved morgoth/melkor more than manwe.
You can say it's equal but he tolerates whatever evil morgoth does and he didn't want to destroy him because melkor was made first and eru gave him lion's share of gifts- text says that whatever other powers valar had, melkor had a share of it.
Melkor was eru's first and finest creation. Eru was like a painter and melkor was like his 1st finest art even when he became evil.
That seems like a reasonable take to me. There's a lot of Catholic fanon around Lucifer being God's favorite (Paradise Lost etc) and Tolkien being the devout Catholic that he was, it's pretty obvious that Melkor is based heavily on Lucifer. Melkor canonically is given a lion's share of Eru's powers to the point that it takes all fourteen of the other Valar to barely be able to resist him. Which, of course, makes the tragedy of his Fall all that much greater and more bitter.
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eri-pl · 9 days
Silm reread 7: the Darkening of Valinor
So Melkor loses his shapeshifting "soon after" he runs away from Valinor (hiding from Tulkas and Orome), but when exactly? I suppose when he empowered Ungoliant. Because later he doesn't disembody or go in spirit form again.
Yes, he takes his big bad form to talk with her— and so he stays. Forever, says the book.
Ungoliant is afraid of Aman and of the Valar. :D
Melkor promises her a lot, with no intent to keep it. I feel like this may have something to do with him being so much nerfed after the situation, unable to take his power back from her (if it would be possible anyway) and almost eaten.
The Valar do like to take CoI-like forms and eat and drink (and celebrate in general I suppose). It is canon.
Feanáro is ordered to come to the party. Huh. why? who thought they had the authority to do it? the book doesn't say, so maybe it was Ingwë, this would make sense and I see why he would think it was a good idea.
Finwë is still upset, and as long as Fefe is banished, he does not want to meet his people. So again, Fingolfin doesn't feel very usurpy to me here.
…and despite being named "Wise", he overtalks Feanáro too. :( This time it doesn't result in Fefe getting upset, but in a badly worded promise.
Ungoliant eats the trees, gets so big and ugly that even Melkor is terrified of her.
Darkness mentioned again!!!
(googling the english text of this part)
The Light failed; but the Darkness that followed was more than loss of light. In that hour was made a Darkness that seemed not lack but a thing with being of its own: for it was indeed made by malice out of Light, and it had power to pierce the eye, and to enter heart and mind, and strangle the very will.
Oh. Darkness that is a thing. No, It *seems* to be a thing. (see: Theodicy and all that.)
I'll have to make a mass analysis of all the capital D Darknesses and how to connect them all (bind? no, we're not gonna do the bindy-bindy) to one concept. But I feel like they should be all facets of one thing concept.
Another thing (a thought for @dfwbwfbbwfbwf especially, I think): It's not "if". It's whenever their deeds started failing too much, Darkness fell upon them and entered heart and mind, and strangled the very will.
I don't think I'll subscribe to this HC, not fully, it makes things too easy, their hand was forced and I don't like their hand being forced.
But partially? This I will subscribe to. They did call upon something, something that seemed to be true, something that seemed to have the power to compel them. I think this reading is very close to Tolkien's intent, because it stinks of "this is how evil works".
Am I portraying Ungoliant as more evil than Melkor?
I think that at least in some aspect I am. Because she feels like something that is not entirely, well, that not entirely *is*. I don't know how to explain it better. And he was a Vala.
Can you stop being? Can you turn from a being to a non-being? I don't think so… I do not subscribe to the "Ungoliant was an uMaia" theory. I don't subscribe to any theory of "Ungoliant was [something that objectively exists]".
Ungoliant as Melkor's (self-inflicted but still real) trauma given a illusion of form by his power? Mmm. I like this one. I don't think it will be popular, but I do like it. (Or: his hatered, his jealousy, something like that, if you prefer. I don't think those are far apart from one another in this case.)
(Why is it easier to me when something evil-evil is not really real? Is it philosophy or my personality issues? Good question. I think there is some philosophy there too.)
Tulkas gets paralyzed by the spider-induced Darkness and Orome gets a "silence" spell on him. So, not only Melkor is defeated by a spider, he's just the most defeated.
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urwendii · 1 year
'First time' for angbang (^v^)
Prompt game:
Oh dear, I only have one gear with them 🫣
Mairon's first time with Melkor isn't what people might picture - if they ever do such things. He is an inquisitive mind after all, and the new sensations bursting through his fana are of a whole new kind. He isn't necessarily at ease with the lack of control over his own emotions but Melkor's kisses and steady gaze keeps him anchored.
There is so much reverence and admiration in his heart for the mighty God he is certain that this is what the Music should have been about, the missing part, the one he tried so hard to come up with. He is even afraid by the magnitude of his feelings for Melkor, and when their bodies are finally joined as one Mairon lets go of everything but the certitude of having found something greater than Life itself. Melkor calls him his precious his admirable, so pretty, so very pretty and he thinks yes, yes I will do everything for you and he no longer fear breaking under the weight of that gaze that holds all the powers they were made with.
(He will. Break. Much later.)
(He stands alone and the darkness has lost its warmth. Nothing is precious any longer.)
(At the end of all Things he thinks, was it worth it?)
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northgirl09 · 9 months
Hey @glbtrx! You should read the Silmarilion, I'm sure you'll love the ship Melkor/Mairon, it's just like Morzatorix!
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melkors-big-tits · 1 year
How did you seduce Mairon to be on your side? I mean you're not the best person and definitely don't have charm much, so it is a bit puzzling to me that a stubborn, redhead of a smith would ever follow you so faithfully.
( From Mairons better husband, Celebrimbor.)
Insecure in your "relationship" much?🤣🤣
I mean I would too if I knew that my "husband" would torture me horribly and at the end turn me into a banner without a second thought or a shred of remorse.
But I don't need to be insecure in my relationship because I know for a fact that Mairon loves and adores Me So Fiercely that he'd lay waste of the world for me💖💖💖💖💖💖
And I'd do the same for my precious spark😘💖💖💖
Maybe you can beg Námo to give you a Bigger dick and some actual Balls the next time you're re-embodied? It might help you stop being so Pathetic😌
Honestly these elves-- knocking on my door just to whine and cry to me like a Jealous Spoiled Brat. CelebrimBore, you are
So I'll bid you farewell with the same words that your relative (who actually posessed some balls) said:
Get thee gone from my door, jail crow of Mandos!😈
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xenonsdoodles · 2 years
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Back On My Bullshit
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superloves4 · 8 months
For the Feanor au (I was the Anon, glad you liked!)
Melkor : you better behave and listen to your adoptive mother boy.
Feanor : you don't get to told me what to do.
Melkor : Of course I do, I'm your adoptive father and...
That nigth
Mairon dear, it was awful.
Hiii! Your asks are fantastic thanks!! ❤️
Parenthood is just a long, tragic realization that your parents may have had a point! Poor Melkor is about to have the discovery of his immortal life 😔😂
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cilil · 4 months
Why did Manwë let Melkor out of jail? - Ainur answers
(by none other than JRRT himself)
Like Námo's silence regarding important events in the future (for an explanation of that, see here), the decision to free Melkor after three ages of captivity has been subject to very understandable confusion and frustration on the part of many readers. Instead of the unsatisfying, dismissive answer "we wouldn't have a cool story otherwise, duh", there actually are in-universe reasons, but the answers are somewhat hidden in deeper Elf and Ainu lore that not everyone comes across or finds pleasant to read and research (which, again, is very understandable).
I thought long and hard about how I could present this in a digestible way and upon revisiting the texts, I realized that, conveniently enough, Tolkien himself has provided an explanation for Melkor's release from Mandos, which of course is even better than anything I could have scraped together.
The passage in question can be found at the end of the essay "Ósanwë-kenta". I'm going to summarize Tolkien's explanation in a hopefully clear and helpful manner and am happy to provide screenshots from the PDF (best I have access to right now, sorry) if needed. There's also a tldr at the bottom.
⪼ Previously, Tolkien has described how ósanwë works. The key takeaway is that not even someone as powerful as Melkor can forcibly "read someone's mind" or perform "mind control" or anything of this sort because every sentient being is able to close themselves off and not reveal their thoughts unless they choose to. Thus Melkor was able to deceitfully approach some people, convince them to "let him in" and gain access to them that way, but others essentially blocked him. He learned language as a secondary tool to circumvent that barrier by other means of communication.
⪼ Tolkien then moves on to the issue of the Valar being deceived by Melkor. He acknowledges that it may seem strange to a reader that the Valar couldn't see Melkor's true intentions and how Manwë "appears at times almost a simpleton compared with him" (his words), especially when we as readers already know that Melkor is too absorbed in hate and pride to repent
⪼ He states that Melkor could read Manwë's mind because his was open, but Manwë couldn't do so in return because Melkor had closed himself off/projected a sort of false openness that hid his true intentions
⪼ Tolkien then poses the question: "How otherwise would you have it? Should Manwë and the Valar meet secrecy with subterfuge, treachery with falsehood, lies with more lies? If Melkor would usurp their rights, should they deny his?"
⪼ According to him, Manwë's mind was always open, both as in receiving instructions from Eru and doing his will and as in being open to others because he had nothing to hide. Melkor knew this and relied on Manwë being consistently honest and acting in accordance with Eru's rules and laws, even if he (Melkor) broke them and did whatever he wanted
⪼ Tolkien writes: "Thus the merciless will ever count in mercy, and the liars make use of truth"
⪼ He makes it clear that Manwë couldn't force Melkor to reveal his true thoughts. Melkor had to be believed until proven false and be given an opportunity to fulfill his promises
⪼ The force that was used against Melkor - Angainor, the captivity, etc - was, as Tolkien clarifies, not a way of forcing any sort of confession ("which was needless"). It could be called punishment, but should more accurately be thought of as "putting Melkor in timeout" (not his words), so that he has the opportunity to reconsider; for the sake of Arda, but also his own
⪼ Tolkien stresses that, should Melkor choose to return to the allegiance of Eru, he has to be given his freedom back and could not be enslaved or denied his part
⪼ He also stresses that Manwë's task as Elder King was to keep everyone in Arda in the allegiance of Eru and bring back those who strayed, BUT he is to leave them free within that allegiance. This is important to understand about Manwë's role and kingship in general
⪼ Because of this, it was only when Eru finally allowed it that the Valar went after Melkor (presumably referring to the War of Wrath, but the same idea applies to the Chaining)
⪼ Tolkien describes Manwë as acting reluctantly when he went to war against his brother. The reasons given include grievous hurt to Arda, as is the result of Ainur fighting, but also that, while the use of force was lawful here, it didn't accomplish much: Melkor's evil wasn't eradicated and couldn't be; only maybe if he had repented, but he didn't. The captivity made him more hateful, more adapt at lying, more vengeful
⪼ Next Tolkien argues that while great pain, suffering and loss came from Melkor's release, this chain of events also led to his ultimate defeat which otherwise maybe couldn't have happened
⪼ Finally, he discusses the question whether Melkor's continued captivity in Mandos would have led to a better outcome. Even when diminished, his power is "beyond our calculation". It could have been that, being denied his freedom and when he asked to be released, there could have been a "ruinous outburst of his despair"
⪼ But Tolkien says that this wouldn't have been the worst outcome. Rather the main concern is that Manwë breaking his promise to Melkor would have been a step down the same dark path his brother chose, even if done with good intentions. He would have acted like a mere worldly king who takes advantage of a defeated rival and ceased to be Eru's representative
⪼ Tolkien concludes by saying that this would have resulted in a world split between two proud Valarin lords striving for the throne and reminding us that one evil Vala was more than enough to handle, especially for us incarnates
Due to the way ósanwë works, nobody had any way of knowing if Melkor was speaking the truth or not and he couldn't be forced to reveal his true thoughts
Manwë had to, according to Eru and Eru's laws, give Melkor the benefit of the doubt
Not doing so would have been an evil act and disqualified him from being Eru's appointed vice-gerent
Melkor's lies and ultimate refusal to repent caused untold sorrow, but also his own final downfall which otherwise may not have happened
Obligatory disclaimer: As should be evident in the text, this is Tolkien's opinion, Tolkien's answer to this question and Tolkien's intentions for his own universe. The above summarized explanation he gave is not an "opinion" or "headcanon" of mine. You are entitled to your own opinion on this, I merely felt like it's only fair - and arguably necessary or at least helpful in terms of understanding - to hear out what the author himself has to say.
Like I said in the beginning, the intention behind this post was to compile his take for your convenience. The intention is very much not to attack anyone or their takes. In return, I ask you to please don't attack anyone either, please don't bash characters and please keep the conversation nuanced. Thank you!
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celebbun · 3 months
Hehe I’m gonna give you the weird ones I bet u don’t think abt
Cooking/eating headcanon, random headcanon, and hobbies/quirks headcanon for Melkor
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Melkor's an amazing cook. He has all the intuition for it, like he's been in the grandma business for thousands of years.
Melkor takes a single look at a person and knows exactly what they want and like, and knows exactly how to prepare that perfect dish. There are no recipes, no rules to be followed, there's only his intuition to guide his hand and that is more than enough.
ൠ - random headcanon
In Valinor, post War of the Ring, he's very particular about what colours he thinks Mairon should wear.
The colour of Melkor's House was, from the beginning, red and when Mairon joined him in Utumno, he chose a contrasting blue to represent his own household.
In a time where he's desperately trying to restore his relationship with Mairon and atone for what he did in past ages (to Mairon, not in general), he's very sensitive to any cues that might indicate he's falling into old habits or that Mairon is, in any way, diminishing himself. One of the things he's hypervigilant about is the ratio of red and blue Mairon wears. To Melkor, Mairon wearing red would indicate that he's positioning himself as part of Melkor's House and therefore as being subordinate to him, so he very much favours Mairon wearing blue, his own House colour.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
He writes, it's what he does the most. Throughout the Utumno years, Valinor after his release and the First Age he kept journals he wrote in every day at least once a day, but more often than not he'd write 3-4 entries per day. And not only does Melkor write, but he does so in actual physical notebooks that he keeps after the pages run out. Each of the notebooks is a little different from one another, and he can tell the period it covers just by looking at the cover.
Over time, after his hands are burnt and his health, both physical and mental, continues to decline, it becomes harder for him to pen down his thoughts. His entries decrease in frequency and length; where before he'd write multiple entries, sometimes over several pages every day, he now keeps a single entry per day, short and concise. No longer does he write of his thoughts and feelings on the world around him, or draws on the margins of the pages. By the end of the First Age, his journals more resemble curt record keeping than anything personal.
Those journals were always kept private, until a good number of them are seized in the fall of Angband and end up in Manwë's hands. Mairon always respected them, and never read them, even when his and Melkor's relationship was at its most contentious and he'd stand to gain something from it.
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