#melting face emoji
thekenobee · 5 months
Woke up and decided to catch up with Instagram messages. In one of the chats my polish friend decided to casually mansplain
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ugh I still love my job but I am kind of dreading going to work this week!!
I learned last week that my kindest and most competent coworker is prob leaving for a diff job in the university in a matter of weeks which 1) is a massive loss for our team and 2) makes me extremely nervous bc I still feel SO new to this job and my boss was heavily implying last week that virtually all of her director-level work will fall into my lap with no timeline in place for hiring a replacement. also academic hiring can take 3-4 months so even if we got the search going right away (never gonna happen) I will be saddled with that work at least until the end of the year. also everyone is allowed to leave jobs for any reason and I’m very happy for this person who is so good at her job! but I also feel kinda blindsided by this and it means I’ll be managing two direct reports who (like me!) are brand new and have no idea what they’re doing. I am also going in endless circles with [redacted] trying to get her to COMMIT to a written plan/written goals but every time we meet she totally changes her mind about what I should be focusing on and erases an entire week of sustained work, leaving me right back at square one. I know I can reframe the coworker leaving stuff as an opportunity to really uhhh push myself to grow into a leadership role but I think the stuff with [redacted] makes me feel kind of hopeless sometimes bc how can I lead a team effectively if the goalposts are always shifting and I can’t communicate to them a clear sense of what our priorities are (bc someone keeps changing them on me). aaaaaa ok it’s fine I just feel kind of queasy with worry about how things will shake out. but trying to remind myself (as Macky once advised me) to think of this as a place I want to be for five years or ten years, so not everything has to happen in the first six months or academic year or whatever. but also again aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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chaoticgouda · 1 year
love those periods in your life where everything is happening at once and it feels like you’re getting jumped by a bunch of people wielding baseball bats
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hertwood · 1 year
okie!! i have posts queued until 2moro morning but i am so sleepy. gifs to be made can be made tmorro. ily
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mondonguita · 2 years
That melting face emoji is just like me fr.
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winepresswrath · 12 days
i'm going to be brave and admit that until today i thought the saluting emoji was a face with a nose coming out the side. i thought we were saying "guess my face has just melted until my nose is coming out somewhere a nose is not supposed to be" to each other. this made sense to me emotionally.
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esprei · 6 months
i think i burned myself out on drawing atm :'D
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thekenobee · 1 year
Oh wow so A Sailor's Lexicon by Admiral Smyth costs approx 400€ where I live
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madameriasims4 · 1 year
Post Move-In Update
Hey all! So, last week I finished moving in ("finished" as in 80% done, just need to grab some smaller, less essential bits and bobs now).
Unfortunately, the day after I got my computer all set up, the SSD died and I had to take it in and spend days not knowing if I had just lost all my data.
Thankfully I pretty much only had the operating system installed on the SSD, and the hard drive is fully intact, so I didn't lose everything but I do now have to rebulid the architecture and organization of my PC and convince my new SSD (with its fresh install of Windows) to recognize all my old files the way I had them.
All that is to say, I really don't expect to be working on any CC for a while until I get my computer up and running the way I need it, and even then I'm going to need to finally look at what the recent expansion changed to make sure my own downloaded stuff works.
(Also, this is a PSA to back up your important files somewhere externally! I got very, very lucky with how my computer failure turned out, but it was a really stressful few days waiting for the final outcome.)
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slaymate · 1 year
Would love to know more about Fani and her mom. What’s their relationship like pre and post fire?
You guys really love the family drama, huh!
To keep it vague, Faní's mother Dimitra is an extremely sensitive person whose mental illness is aggravated by her negative experiences of getting married too young, being abandoned by her philandering husband, and taking on his trading business to raise her daughter as a single mom. She tries to protect Faní from repeating her own mistakes (namely, getting involved with any man), but ends up isolating both of them from family and friends the older Faní gets. The Greco-Turkish War is only the last straw that makes her turn increasingly violent against her child.
Faní consequently has been brought up as a people pleaser who does everything in her power to preserve her ailing mother's better moods and health. Their relationship before the fire is certainly one of co-dependency - a dysfunctional family dynamic if you will - although they genuinely love each other.
Now, Alki's entrance during the Great Fire of Smyrna is probably Dimitra's worst case scenario. They were acquainted on a business level before, in fact, and hated each other's guts. Reuniting after 6+ months of separation, Dimitra is positively delusional, and doesn't seriously acknowledge Faní's marriage or, later, the existence of Faní's children. In practice, Faní becomes her caretaker for part of the year, and only stays with Alki for the rest.
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milf-murdock · 4 months
Wow yall my deeeeeepest apologies I had seven whiskies that was embarraaaaaassing if you saw any of those text posts nope no in fact you did not
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emily-prentits · 1 year
me, writing a meddison fic that is probably the messiest and most drama filled of my fics to date: what if i made them 1000x worse
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trans-xianxian · 6 months
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my sister and I are experiencing a yunmeng bros arc in our text chain
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aria0fgold · 7 months
Someone fr just... translated my omori fic of Magician in the Mirror to Chinese (they even asked permission first too!) and I'm like... melting... in a good way... brimming with a lot of positive emotionsthat I just burst and melted cuz ohmygod???
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waugh-bao · 2 years
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mynamesdrstuff · 10 months
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