#mentioned caspar
askhubertvonvestra · 1 year
Boops nose, how have you been?
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...I see you missed these antics.
But I have been well. With the support of our allies, progress with the war has been both swift and decisive.
Although I suppose that doesn't quite answer your question. Dorothea and Petra have brought it to my attention that I rarely respond accordingly when questions involve me directly, so. I have been collaborating with Linhardt on his more engaging studies, and Bernadetta has been joining Ferdinand and I for tea as of late. Byleth has gladly roped me into their training sessions with Caspar, claiming that we will be good influences on one another. Begrudgingly, they were not incorrect on that front. Naturally, this has been encouraged by Her Majesty as we both pursue greater independence and free time outside of our duties.
Likewise, it would be excellent news to know that you are doing well. May only the best cross your path.
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goldenpinof · 1 month
(not dnp but youtuber related) OH MY GOD HAVE YOU SEEN THIS LMAO https://x.com/warpledge/status/1782935923035902069?s=46&t=-QxQRxgvl6A6N40VEbrE0A
omg, Connor Franta in a DRAMA? how turned tables for all these hoes. he is right, though. i'm surprised he responded but he is damn right. it honestly feels like a bit. Connor Franta dragging someone in the year of our lord 2024?! go off, girl.
imagine if all old youtubers, the og squad of the US and UK just.. spilled the tea. a dream.
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texts-from-3h · 1 year
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asperrusual · 2 years
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3H x Tumblr (🐺 Wolfpack Edition 🐺)
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maslosstuff · 3 months
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Cas and his daughter
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randomnameless · 9 months
Considering that the English translation prettied up Caspar's endings for Flower (changing "often out of control to "sometimes reckless" and removing the text confirmed Caspar's career involves invading other countries), while vilifying his non-CF ending (saying he had victims), yeah. Same with turning Rhea restoring the Church to her rehabilitating it. There's definitely reason to side-eye the changes made by the translation team.
(bcs i didn't enjoy FE14)
FE16 and Nopes (and all Fodlan content) seriously made me reconsider my stance on the localisation.
After FE Tellius I knew (I mean after FE10) that changes/omissions existed but never thought they were deliberately made to push one character by destroying others, the general feeling was the same at the end of the game (we are supposed to worship Ike, the localisation played it up to 11, but FE10 does it on its own).
Now, FE16 ?
I was pleasantly surprised with FE15's voice acting so I thought the dark eras of lolcalisation were behind us...
But then Rhage popped up.
And with Rhage, I started to notice all little tweaks here and there made in the localised (some at least) scripts, that added end up with the result that "maybe Supreme Leader isn't that bad" that is pretty different from the JP/og version.
When FE10's loc said "Ike is the most awesome dude ever" instead of the jp FE10 saying "Ike is the most awesome dude", the Fodlan lolcalisation tries to give a different meaning to the solution/story given by the game!
As you pointed out, Caspar doesn't invade countries and is "sometimes" reckless, instead of being "out of control while invading the rest of the known world", his non uwu endings are worsened, Rhea was swapped by Rhage, the church needs to be "rehabilited" instead of "restored"...
I don't want to be overly critical and dissect everything when I'm playing a game, I'm playing first and foremost to enjoy myself but when I listen to Leigh's voiced lines and see this :
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or this :
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even if you're not thinking about localisation too much, you can see there is an issue in voice direction, which leads to discovering issues in script localisation and then... you start to ask "why", and come up with sad answers.
So, because Fodlan verse really disappointed me lolcalisation wise, even if I made exceptions earlier for FE14 and FE15, I can't be assed to trust the lolcalisation at all, so if a game has audio but no dual audio, it will be a hard pass.
Even if a kind soul, like the ones who made the FE Datamine site, compile and upload the script with the different audios to compare, it's a big no-no.
I know jp audio will not solve everything (especially if i still don't understand the jp script lol) but at least when the localised script tries to sell me the apple that is orange in the original script is akshually purple I'd have some clues about something being wrong.
More power to you if you like purple apples, but if I was supposed to get an orange apple, I would like to get this orange apple (or maybe red or yellow if needed), and not another product.
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laniidae-passerine · 8 months
the dangerous thing about Uncle is that I’m pretty sure most people on this website started watching it for one specific reason but the show is good. seriously it’s a genuinely great show with a strong heart and plot focus and amazing character arcs and now, when I was just trying to be horny, now I really care about the characters as people and know I’m gonna miss them when I finish the show and have headcanons and thoughts about them
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vonbergerpants · 1 year
It's interesting (read: infuriating) how easily people forget that Caspar isn't known to start fights.
He gets himself into them, yes, but more often than not it's to instigate a challenge from folks already poised to fight (the knights in his support with Linhardt - which, by the way, does not mean he just runs up to someone and punches them without permission), he's breaking up a fight that's already happening (his support with Hilda, and this happens more than once), or he's fending off someone who's actually being a threat or was the one who started the fight first (his supports with Ferdinand and Ashe).
Like! Where are people getting "Caspar is a hothead who fights anything that moves" from? Yes, he loves to fight, but he never does it without a reason. Pretty much all of his fighting is done with a purpose.
If anything, his flaw here is involving himself in fights and using his fists as a solution to conflict that's already happening, not starting fights on his own.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
One of the biggest reasons I try to recruit all the characters in Three Houses isn’t just because I don’t want to kill them, but because if I do, I still have to go back to the monastery afterward. I still have to pass by their dorm rooms full of their belongings and know that’s where they spent their alone time and where they slept. I still have to pass by the spots they frequented the most. It’s not just the sad dialogue of characters reacting to the deaths, but passing by the spots I vividly remembered them hanging out at.
I realized this most in my first playthrough when I didn’t have the chance to recruit everyone and I accidently killed Raphael at Gronder. I didn’t have the enemy attack range turned on so I didn’t realize he was in range of attacking.
During an exploration, I was looking for Ignatz who was, unfortunately, in his dorm room... and I walked into the wrong room and into Raphael’s after he was killed and man that fuckin’ sucked! Feels bad but like, multiplied with big numbers, u kno??? ???
#DCB Comments#I also didn't get to recruit Ferdie in my first playthrough which is what I mean about#characters mentioning others dying. like Dorothea saying ''we killed Ferdie'' didn't hit nearly as hard as#walking into now dead Raphael's room and seeing all his stuff still lying around the way it was left when everyone had to flee#AND THE WORST PART? it's not like I MEANT to go into his room and stew on it. I completely accidentally walked into it#because I was trying to find/talk to Ignatz who was in his own room. MIND YOU after that I made it a point to NOT#walk into Ferdie's room and have that same thought process! because like. Raphael isn't one of my faves#and it was a huge Feels BAD Man moment walking into HIS room#forget if I walked into the room of someone I loved!!! I did try to recruit him but it just didn't work fast enough#I BARELY got Caspar in that run bc it was the final month which is only two weeks and I think I actually#didn't even get him the first week. I'm pretty sure I got him on the absolute last week so literally on#the absolute last possible exploration for recruiting. I had Linhardt already so I was hellbent on getting Caspar#bc I didn't want them to have to be enemies. basically I'd watched the game online already before playing#bc I didn't own the game or a Switch for a while after the game was out. I knew the spot you fight them at#and that they're both in the same chapter as enemies if not recruited which meant that if I only got Linhardt#that Caspar would be alone as my enemy and he wouldn't even have his best buddy there AND they'd be enemies#also tho Raphael just hit hard because I may not consider him a fave at all but he was still a nice dude you know??? ??? ???#like he's just a regular nice guy vibing and like... realizing that gentle nice man was killed in war#and walking into his old room was SADS. very big sads#DCB Three Houses Stuff
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supjello · 1 year
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this is how your parallel piece makes me feel. in a good way. your symbolism of august 'haunting' the relationship of andreas and caspar causes me so much pain but you are so right. it hurts so much to think about andreas' care for caspar mirroring how he cared for august but that resulting in caspar returning for him and dying when andreas so badly wanted him to leave and live... like. with august he lost a son completely outside of his control. but because your kindness (or lack of it) influences whether or not caspar lives or dies it's so much more painful ;_;
😭 thank you so much for this message oh my god I logged off work to find it and you made my whole day (edit: lots of spoilers below!!! realized two seconds after posting I should have used a readmore OOPS)
RIGHT?? And I can't stop thinking about Caspar taking on Andreas' suicide mission!
Like (the way I see it, with my version of Andreas), in Act 2, Andreas had been slowly losing the will to go on after August’s death. He was pulling away from relationships (Claus, his wife, etc.), losing interest in his work (so many depressing dialogue options... so many), and just living a life of regret in general. So when the library's set on fire, he finally saw a chance to throw his life away for a greater purpose (saving the books).
But as a direct canonical response to his kindness—he's SAVED by his new son! He’s pulled from the flames by Caspar, who loves him! And who actively chooses to die in his place! Because all Caspar saw was how Andreas seemed to think saving the books was a job worth dying for!!
BUT IT WASN’T ONLY ABOUT THE BOOKS! Behind that decision was the chance to join August in heaven! And in front of Caspar was a whole life to live! And now Andreas is still alive, and alone, and his actions have gotten his OTHER son killed and AHHH!!! AWFUL. It’s terrible!! He thought Caspar was safe! He tries to kill himself after one son’s death and just ends up losing the other.
And this all comes RIGHT after Andreas’ “Please, Caspar. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you” line—now he has to!!! Because he can’t just throw his life away again, he’s living on time Caspar died to give him! How do you ever move on from that? How do I ever move on from that? I’d also run away to live in the ruins!!! I get it!!!
The moment I saw Andreas' drawing of Caspar on the death dance mural my heart broke. I’m so glad you enjoyed my art about them, I’ve been rolling this all around in my head for weeks 😭❤️
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pridelessdaydreamer · 9 months
( repost, do not reblog. ) Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. Then tag your friends.
"Linhardt. Good-bye."
"Professor, I feel I must speak to you about Caspar's eating habits. I've never seen the likes of it. He inhales entire plates of food in mere seconds. ... If that is a polite way of calling him a goat, I'm inclined to agree."
"Is that so? You'll have to tell me about it sometime when I'm not walking away…"
"You know, Professor, I used to think I would be comfortable with all manner of experiments, so long as they provided usable results. But when I heard of Solon's work, well, I realized I'd not considered the moral and philosophical limits of what 'all manner of experiments' might mean. Urk… Sorry. I'm not great with blood, even when I'm just thinking about it. I feel a bit ill now."
"Right, which means more time for napping."
tagged by: miss freyja :]
tagging: (fluttering my little lashes)
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pierswife · 1 year
Linhardt is known for being sleepy, and probably doesn't even realize when he ends up under the mistletoe with you. Still, he's happy to have a chance to be alone with you, and even happier to have a chance to give you a soft, sweet kiss. His head drops to rest on your shoulder afterwards, and he yawns--he's tired, and being with you makes him so content and relaxed ... he can't find the words to express it now, but he hopes you know how much he adores you.
Caspar is the complete opposite--he's loud and energetic, and drags you under the mistletoe himself so he can have a chance to kiss you once. Or twice. Maybe a few more times. He's just so happy to be with you, and you're both laughing as you enjoy this precious moment with one another.
Hey what if I just *dies*
One of the big parts of my ship with Lin is that I'm his Emotional Support Pillow (affectionate), so honestly him snuggling up and relaxing afterward is just so on brand for him. It's like they say, you sleep easier when you're with someone you are care about and trust~
And GOD yeah Caspar would have such a field day. I can already see myself in a giggle-fit telling him we can't stay under the mistletoe all night and that he can have a kiss from me anytime, he just needs to ask.
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
G for Judespar?
G: Gentle (Describe gentle/loving mid-sex gestures)
Though Jude has experience on the matter, she's never been with someone she is in love with. She soon gains confidence and loves grab gentle Caspar's hair, kiss, compliment him and is likely to entice him like "I love that" "Just like that" "I'm close" and even hug him completely, wanting to be as close as she can. She also looks into his eyes to make sure he too is enjoying himself and motivate him. She wants it to last and be beautiful and fun at the same time.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
So returning to what someone mentioned to me earlier: I replayed the route in full and can confirm that Caspar dies but I am still pretty sure Ferdinand didn’t. The time I fought him in battle he retreated and it’s possible to win that battle without even fighting him, so I’m under the impression that he survives.
I think by the end of AM the only student that dies is Caspar if you recruited those who can be recruited, aside from Hubert who dies to the Alliance offscreen apparently (not sure how I feel about that too since it was pretty glossed over and was handed to us in a single sentence, then they moved on and never mentioned him again).
I haven’t had Hilda or Holst end up getting defeated in battle as allies so I don’t know if it’s possible for them to die, but I assume they just retreat.
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obsidiansong · 2 years
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I just had the dumbest thought of Byleth making her students walk single-file whenever they went somewhere in the monastery as a class, like how teachers would make us do as kids.
Except she’d get tired of it within two weeks and just say “fuck it”.
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y-eontan · 6 months
people making gifs of movies in 2023 can never compare to the struggles of kpop gif makers
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