#[‘i could just forget all about my assignment…’] (memes)
pridelessdaydreamer · 9 months
( repost, do not reblog. ) Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said. Then tag your friends.
"Linhardt. Good-bye."
"Professor, I feel I must speak to you about Caspar's eating habits. I've never seen the likes of it. He inhales entire plates of food in mere seconds. ... If that is a polite way of calling him a goat, I'm inclined to agree."
"Is that so? You'll have to tell me about it sometime when I'm not walking away…"
"You know, Professor, I used to think I would be comfortable with all manner of experiments, so long as they provided usable results. But when I heard of Solon's work, well, I realized I'd not considered the moral and philosophical limits of what 'all manner of experiments' might mean. Urk… Sorry. I'm not great with blood, even when I'm just thinking about it. I feel a bit ill now."
"Right, which means more time for napping."
tagged by: miss freyja :]
tagging: (fluttering my little lashes)
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kneelingshadowsalome · 5 months
Genuinely so obsessed with the ask you answered about reader being associated with König’s childhood bullies and coming back years later to try and make amends……. I need the angst, the drama, the nasty disgusting degrading sex, the absolute turmoil on both of their parts 😭 I am starving for this, the way you portray König especially there is exactly how I’ve always envisioned him in my mind!!!!!! And then with reader desperately trying to make him happy now out of guilt and her crush that’s grown 10x since she saw him in school, delusionally hoping and believing there’s a *relationship* between them and she can fix what she thinks she allowed to happen back then 10 years after the fact, while König is constantly fighting himself to not fall for reader despite his own buried crush resurfacing, and convincing himself he’s only using her to release stress and tension after assignment while simultaneously holding so much resentment for her and her sheer proximity to the people that tormented him back then, I am foaming at the mouth for the toxic dynamics to be found there !!!!!!!!! The old him begging to fulfill some childish need to have her, while this new monstrous version of himself only wants to watch her suffer to repent for how he had to suffer !!!!!!!!!!!!
I know right?! I’m obsessed with this too!
I’m so here for the toxic relationship dynamic (sue me), also me and @bucca2/@wordstome had a whole conversation about this yesterday because König would bend over backwards to self sabotage this shit.
(The following is mainly a summary from our brainstorm session from last night + I have bucca to thank for the precious meme at the end, it’s König in a nutshell with his high school crush lol)
First of all our girl is sooo in love. She was in love when they were young, but now? She’s a goner, König is out of this world. He's so handsome, so confident, the epitome of cool if there ever was one... and God, would you look at those muscles?
Now she can finally drool all over him but back then, what was she to do? As the shy one of the clique, she always tried to avoid attention; she could never have endured what König did. Perhaps it was cowardly of her, but she really was just scared. She could only dream about him from afar, and in her dreams, they would both change schools due to their parents moving or something... Ending up in the same area, finally getting to be together like it was a miracle, Deus ex Machina.
Her silly dreams never came true, but it looks like they're coming to fruition now. And this time, she's going to make everything better! Now that they're both grown up and free from their tormentors she can finally admit that she has feelings for him, feelings that are only sparked fast aflame when she sees the man he has become.
And König can’t stand it.
Where was she when he was odd and scrawny? Where was she when he cried himself to sleep over her?? Of course she wants him now that he’s big, independent and menacing, an odd nerd who discovered guns and gym... He thought she was better than this.
Deep inside, he’s still like this:
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...but we just need to forget about it because König is NOT going to fold for this girl.
He’s not.
And the sex is so NASTY. Bordering on degrading, König wants to be a gentleman when it comes to ladies, but this one? This one he wants to fuck like he paid for her. She brings out the beast in him, and he finds himself asking her to get on her knees and blow his cock on some filthy cruise... Fucks her like he doesn’t love her, and she’s absolutely lovestruck, when did König become so mean? (God, that she loves him)
Trying not to fall in love with her (as if he ever fell out), König is so incredibly mad at this girl – is this what she wanted this whole time? A buff jerk who fucks her doggystyle until her knees bleed, who gives her the bare minimum, who barely even calls her when he’s away? (He has to physically restrain himself from doing that because of course he’d like to hear her pick up the phone with pure hope in her voice)
While changing his tactics and devising a plot to make her pay, König doesn’t even understand that he’s falling fast for her again while becoming now (seemingly) the best version of himself. It's only to dump her later, of course. He's just being nice so that she'll cry over losing him later. He brings her flowers, eats her out for hours, getting sick satisfaction from the way she cries about how it’s the best sex she’s ever had. He’s going to bring her to her knees, in more ways than just one... She’s going to remember him for the rest of his life when he rearranges her guts, ruining her for any other man.
König is becoming the thing he hates the most while she’s learned her lesson, now wearing her heart on her sleeve. No more shame and secrets, she’s not afraid to tell him how she feels! How she always had a small crush on him… And not even that small… How she loved to hear his presentations, no matter what silly subject they were about because he had actually done his research. How she could’ve swooned when his voice changed. After a short breaking period, he started to talk lower than anyone else in the class, earning himself more of that bullying because he sounded so manly at such a young age.
König is about to burst a blood vessel when hearing all this: she had a crush on him back then? What the actual fuck??
And then come the cuddles, the slow mornings, the coffee and toast, the showering together… She leaves her toothbrush in his place, and it stares at him accusingly from the side of the sink. She wears his t-shirts and looks absolutely gorgeous, mouth-watering and sweet in them. His sexy little minx, the one who didn’t get away…
Wait, what? No. No. No!
And when his high school sweetheart confesses her love for him for the first time, she's so open and vulnerable and sweet about it. Like she has been from the start, his sweet, sweet girl, exactly the kind of woman he always wanted to bring home to see his mom. König is about to lose his mind when she tugs at his shirt, almost cries when she says how much she loves him and couldn’t bear to live without him… She would cry herself to the grave if anything ever happened to him…
(König is like:)
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teopatra · 10 months
~ choose a meme for a channeled message // this is not a tarot reading .. happy Virgo season and happy Mercury RX 🥵 feel free to choose multiple groups-
Why do ppl love/hate u ??
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Group 1 : si or yes
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People do not know how to read you. The decision most people would immediately jump on you take the time to consider and really weigh your options. People hate that about you bc they think you’re too good but it’s lowkey a subtle flex bc it shows you have options. People feel like you get too many chances or things come to easy for you and almost like it’s not fair like you always win. If it’s a situation where you always win people feel like you don’t even try. For example at school it can be a random drawing and your name can get called in an assembly or in the morning announcements and people know you didn’t even try and they put so much energy into hoping they’d get it. 😂
Folks pay a lot attention to you bc you always seem so oblivious yet you’re so rational. You say the most intelligent things and overall you make people feel stupid because a lot of times people assume you’re slow or have dumb blonde energy when half the time you’re not even paying attention. But the other half of the time when you seem like you’re not paying attention you actually are you’re just very strategic. Life is like a game of chess for you and this can make others feel like you’re sneaky or have the intention to one up them by using information when it’s convenient for you. You give non chalant energy but not in a rude way in a calm at peace type of way. People leave you out because you make them realize they’re lowkey thirsty or pick Me’s since you don’t jump at every opportunity like they would, but you teach others about the vastness of life by being patient. Others see you as abundant and before you come into peoples lives even if you’re not close to them they see things as very black and white, this or that, left or right, but you being a multi faceted perspective energy to things. I’m getting mutable energy especially gemini, or heavy Jupiter energy or aspects to your Jupiter or 9th house.
People do love that you kind of don’t care about things BUT YOU DO😂 people really don’t understand you, but the crazy thing is with you it’s what you see is what you get but people swear that you’re hiding something or people may ask you what’s wrong a lot and you’re like nothing????? You don’t have the typical type of resting face it’s more of a stare into the distance because you’re trying to remember if you unplugged your flat iron or turned off the TV before you left the house. If you’re in school you may forget about assignments or homework and end up having to do them on the bus, in the bathroom or in other classes and people hate that they’re tying to fill you in on things but you seem so preoccupied like you don’t care but girl you’re just trying to passss.
EVERYONE wants your energy meanwhile they’re all gossiping about you lowkey bc you’re so interesting and they don’t have anything better to talk about in the sense. But not bc there isn’t anything to talk about it’s just you’re so mysterious. You’re a popular loner like people will try to leave you out just to tell you about it later and you’re like 😃 ohmygosh that’s so wonderful and they’re like BIH you should be jealous like… people really wanna make you the villain. The type of look you have is very girl or guy next door but effortlessly sexy. You actually do alot of self care and you’re intentional with getting dressed but you’re subtle. It’s just a I washed my face and brushed my hair type of thing. You could have a chiseled jawline or symmetrical face. I’m seeing Reggie’s fine self from riverdale. It reminds me of the main character from clueless also how she’s very girl next door almost typical looking but still very standardly pretty. Don’t get me wrong you’re gorgeous and you eat everybody up on your normal day to day. I feel like you actually plan to really make yourself look nice n the mornings before you go to work too but half the time you’re almost running late bc that sleep just be too good.. you focus mostly on your dental health and I see you putting drops n your hair like hair vitamins or oil so your hair must be long and light brown. OHHH you’re giving me Ariana vibes , “no tears left to cry” like people love that you’re unproblematic but that’s the problem lol who do you think you are to be so unbothered? Meanwhile you’re oblivious 😂
Signs: STRONG Scorpio, cancer, gemini, Pisces too actually all water
Side note: People love your hair and be wanting to play with it, when you flip your hair it’s smells like Garnier fructise or something like that like not the new style shampoos that smells perfumy the old type shampoos that smell fruity but still that tumblr era shampoo smell . Your hair puts people n a trance everyone stares at the back of your head when you’re not looking so keep protection crystals around or evil eye
Group 2 : eeyuh?
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People love how talkative you are; you’re funny as hell like why you be saying crazy stuff. Even teachers love you or superiors look up to you even if you’re younger. Your supervisors or older colleagues could have crushes on you because you make them feel young like you. People love your light hearted youthfulness it makes them feel comfortable being themselves. This causes people to get clingy and obsess over you. People may send you random messages through the day like when they’re at the store shopping like Ohemgee this reminds me of you haha and it’s like a notebook or some random stuff they have at 5 below and you’re thinking uhmmmm ohhhkay should I be offended orrrrr…? Lol people make themselves uncomfortable with how much they love you because everyone kinda volunteered you as tribute to be THEE it girl or HIM, and you’re like Ohemgee I’m the main character but you just keep that to yourself. People feel like bc they praise you or put you on a high pedistal that you owe THEM something 😂 it gives you wouldn’t be here without me energy almost like you’re a local celebrity and if it wasn’t for your fans that you would be a nobody. You mind your own business and sometimes you can’t get time to yourself bc someone is ALLLLLWAYS calling your name and you’ve gotten caught a few times trying to avoid people n the halls, office, target or whatever and those people feel slapped by will smith n the moment bc how dare you. Next thing you know you’re shadow banned irl by everyone. You have this very magnetic control on folks to where everyone’s energy is the EXACT SAME towards you it’s almost scary sometimes cuz you’ll think dang did someone pass away? Cuz the energy is HEAVY; you’re left confused as if you didn’t get them memo then BOOM almost as if paparazzi announced the new issue of YOU is dropping and everyone needs the scoop and now you’re bombarded at once. Angry mob vibes almost. Heavy air sign energy I’m sensing Kanye, Doja, trump even tho you prob can’t stand either of those 3 ppl the example is to show how they can have such a strange cult like following and be hated but followed at the same time.
Back to the funny thing where you end up being like the class clown bc once people get your joke which it’s not like you’re trying to be funny but you’re very theatrical in how you talk and communicate and it cracks people up and those laughs just fuel you. People hate that you’re so funny they don’t want you to stop but then they realize so much time has gone by that they’ve spent laughing at you they’re now mad bc THEY got distracted 😂 people hate how you disappear or you like to eat alone people be literally wanting to watch you eat. People hate how obsessed they get over you because they start to feel like the feeling isn’t mutual but even as outgoing as you as you tend to be a bit reserved at times especially when you’re trying to focus. You have very good time management skills and you type fast lmao. People hate how fast you finish your work and how fast you run 😂 you’re a runner you’re a track star 😂 you be runnin from people huh lol people will literally chase you like this old school Disney channel movies where the fans chase the pop star.
People love love love you but they hate how lost in time you make them feel and everyone wants to be your best friend and people may try to make it seem like you’re mixy or you’re just social for attention.You actually made yourself be social to help with your shyness or anxiety; only your close family would realize this and you almost live a double life like Kim possible or Hannah Montana where your family would be so surprised to see how much of a starrrrrr you areeee. You may like to read books or do skits; I’m hearing theatre kid or you like to sing old pop or rock n roll. I heard “that’s just the way we roll” by the Jonas brothers 🥺 I love them they’re actually having a concert n my city this week 🫶🏽😭I’m getting more Pisces and gemini vibes like group 1, also Leo and Sagittarius
Group 3 : doj
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People hatteeeee how fine you are 😂 you will catch people staring at you and you don’t know why? You also can be super tall or super strong and if you’re a workout girly people like staring at your muscles or buttocks lol . People hate to see you in the gym or gym class bc you can do so many reps OR it’s the fact that you’re not the typical type to look as strong as you actually are and there’s a saying/ word for this but I can’t remember what it is. You could be very slim or maybe more thicker or big boned and if you’re on the heavier side you’re super beautiful and people have never seen someone plus size be that beautiful. Sorry if that’s triggering but people are superficial. People hate that you look better than them even tho you’re big 😂 BIG SEXYYYYY . For my plus size girlies and gents you have a lot of confidence and everyone loves you and people hate that bc you make them feel small no pun intended but n the sense that they try to put you down maybe by making a fat joke or a skinny joke and it just makes them look lame bc you’re actually the total package you’re smart, creative, strong mentally emotionally and physically and all they can do is comment on your weight 😂 people actually wish you were their friend bc you sound so smart when you speak it makes people feel slow bc you’re very wise.
People love how you dress and they love your shoes and the bags you carry. If you get pedicures pay attention to when you get a fresh set bc I’m hearing it be looking good and people lowkey wanna copy they wait for you to get a new color. Or you have gorgeous looking feet it makes people stare it them in a weird way lmao and you may catch people staring at parts of your body even if it’s your face and they feel awkward and may try to make a 😒🥴 face because you looked at them back bc of how hard they was staring like 🙄. Your family or friends may be very well known and you’re very quiet which for some reason attract a lot of rude people to you like someone may try to cut you off in line and you call them out now they’re embarrassed. You could have to deal with confrontation a lot or have disciplinary hearings like someone was always telling on you trying to get you into trouble 😂you’re literally so quiet half the time but you also speak multiple languages so you could be part foreign and people assume you’re dumb bc you’re foreign smh.. you could be into spirituality or some associates from school or your neighborhood could have seen you in your traditional dress maybe you’re of Asian/Indian descent or you’re Muslim … if you’re into spirituality people actually watch your YT, tiktoks or listen to your tarot readings and may blame you for being right like😂 I was just trying to warn you. People really do not like you sometimes and you honestly don’t even do anything aww 🥺 PLEASEEEE don’t let this make you feel bad bc tbh your lil feelings would be hurt n the moment but after about 5 to 10 minutes you don’t even care 😂
Like you’ll go home and forget that even happened and if you are sensitive and it hurts your feelings people are threatened by you and sometimes that’s just life and both life and people can be sucky but you’re not here n this lifetime for people your here to share your research findings and your creativity/art. Especially if you’re a tarot reader, a yogi, a herbalist, spiritualist or any type of healer , you heal those who have negative energy around or towards you bc they cannot transmute the energy in their own. It’s not your job to transmute energy for others tho bc if you do that people will only become codependent off of you then turn on you. You have to build up strength and boundaries and if you have been doing so or done that already then good. People will try you sometimes and just don’t even let it get to you bc they are projecting onto you but people love your advice they just hate that it’s you giving it 😂 you really bother insecure folks
Big libra, Capricorn vibes .. also Taurus or Saturn dominants /aspected Saturn
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auramgold · 3 months
On Acht and Romance
going into side order, from the september direct trailer where Acht was first revealed i remember the joke at the time clearly being "and now Marina's ex is here".
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the way this line [image description in alt] was written was basically the only evidence for this kind of idea, when the theories were kind of "Marina's order tantrum is sucking people in from her past and the DLC will be about going through her memories", so ellipses in a line like this is basically all theory crafters on no info need to go for shipping.
i'm not one who's super into plot theory crafting, i know full well the tendency to theorize something that's cooler than what you actually get and being disappointed that the story didn't live up to your imagination. the things i was obsessed with in side order promotional material was the obvious bleached coral theme, the symbolism of coral ejecting it that which keeps it safe out of stress being mapped onto Marina, the idea of her pushing those she loves (and those that keep her colorful) away out of a spiral (and it does turn out that was basically exactly what the prologue was going for)
so the whole "Acht and Marina exes" thing was kinda just a joke to me, wasn't even on my radar as something they were actually going to lean into, frankly i was still scared nintendo was going to make them kill pearlina by sending Marina to superhell or smth and we'd end up with a splatoonified destiel meme
so when the DLC comes out and it is legitimately a "they knew each other since childhood" thing, and the running bit is Acht feeling awkward third-wheeling pearlina, and it's explicit in text that one of the reasons they're coming back after the DLC is over is to scope out Pearl as the girl who took down the NILS statue who is now dating Marina... it struck me as really interesting.
at first it was me keeping up the "Marina and Acht are exes" as a joke, but as i kept reading dialogue lines, it slowly became less of a joke, they were to some degree dating because opposite but complimentary autisms, and then drifting apart as Marina got pulled away on the big girl assignment with DJ Octavio, and then the despair of knowing Marina left without even saying goodbye to Acht... it fits well into that reading, it slowly became less of a joke to believe that
but the thing that really makes me think this is intentional subtext is the final Acht diary entry you get from clearing Eight's palette. through the rest of side order talking about Acht's backstory, it seemed like they were retconning the OE lore that Acht had gotten themself sanitized intentionally, losing themself so they could explore their music deeper. but in the final diary, where Acht directly says they drifted into the deepsea metro to fall into their music, because, and i quote
"Hey, Marina. You can guess the chaos your desertion caused. I ended up without much to do except make music. "
they fell into a depression spiral when their girlfriend deserted their society without so much as saying goodbye, falling into their music deep away from interacting with everyone else, to the point that, as the old lore implies, they chose to give up their identity to escape the depression, but sanitization so thoroughly did it that they forget even making the choice.
so when they get brought out of that haze back into being themself again, with the only the barest strung-together horrified memories of what happened in the half a decade interim gap in their life, only to find themself replaced by some inkling they don't know at all, of course they're gonna be awkward seeing the two flirting.
they put on a stoic face because that's clearly their coping mechanism within this damaged body they barely recognize, hiding their eyes behind their tinted glasses so they can't be seen beneath. but the only time they let themself be vulnerable, the only time their eyes can be seen, is when they charge out in the climax when the world is at stake, diving in to try to save Marina, leaving the elevator and its protection behind to help the only person they remember ever caring about.
it's why i don't really like the aroace reading that much, because i think this reading is even more tragic and fits into the themes. the world has changed, it can't go back to how it once was, you can't put the octolings back in the canyon bottle. Marina abandoned Acht to the point they got their identity destroyed willingly to escape the pain, and when Acht came back they were replaced by the inkling whose voice they remember even through the haze of sanitized memories.
the lingering effects of sanitization have changed how they relate to everything (i think there's a fair argument to be made for the idea that sanitization took their gender can't have shit in the deepsea metro), but Acht clearly still cares for Marina and still, the slightest bit, resents having to be reminded repeatedly every time pearlina flirts in front of them how they were replaced.
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domoz · 1 month
Ask game! Hikaku: 1, 4, 12, 14, 25, 26
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
I Can Imagine Anything.
He's not quite a blank slate, because being an Uchiha in the Warring States Era + talented + good at leadership implies just enough about him that I and many others can make up a guy around it and he can be as interesting and cater specifically to me as much as I want him to. Which means that no one understand him like I understand him and the only way to get more content about the version of him that I have crafted (for now) (since you know I'm also a fan of multiple interpretations of characters) is to make it myself and dissimulate it around until everyone else Sees. I've been doing it to you this whole time.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
(immediately forgets all other media I have ever consumed) Well.
If I had a nickel for every brown haired ponytail wearing aide to a man with an intense personality that has become one of my favorites i would have three nickels, which is not that many but it's weird that it happened three times. I'll mention Yatagarasu again because yes I *have* been watching Yukia and going "oh that's so Hikaku" (even if I think Hikaku would probably be more subtle than he is). Similarly, Riukson and Apothecary diaries, who so far is very close to how I imagine his personality. (note: user has not read book 11 yet and doesn't know what kind of nonsense he gets up to in there).
Also, he should be a bit character in a ghilbli movie. Everything around him is charming. But also. There are the horrors.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Is everything about this man not headcanon.
Non-Uchiha parent. Earth nature chakra. Older than Izuna, younger than Madara. Often forced into bureaucracy and paperwork. That stuff's all easy mode. What if I told you he's wise enough to see the structural injustices of the world he lives in but is too loyal and/or unambitious to try and change it.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
I dont know a single thing about fashion. I googled a list. He's so Normcore (...????)
Idk, he 's going to be the guy who wears work uniforms 90% of the time because 90% of the time he's at Work. I will be imagining him in fancy formal kimonos and makeup though.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Name I did not recognize -> Name I have now seen more than once, is this an actual character -> Oh, he just has a tiny blurb in a data book -> There are so few characters with names in the era I'm interested in thinking about that it really only makes sense to flesh out the ones that are there a little more -> my boy.
Once I made a pixiv accout to look for older founders era art and I found an artist who drew Hikaku eating a burger and I think about it often.
Ask Meme
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quordleona03 · 1 year
Okay, @youngpettyqueen and @thebreakfastgenie tagged me in a fanfic meme.
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
Here are my 10 most recent fics, from AO3. 1. "BJ would be the first to admit - well, actually, Peggy would be the first to admit - that he was better at the big, flashy, romantic gestures than he was at the day-to-day stuff." - "Crabapple Cove" 2. ""How come you never talk about Tuttle?" BJ asked." -"Tuttle" (Explaining either of these two stories would spoil them. They're both pretty short.)
3. "There were images of a man tortured to death in every room." - "A Hawk Through The Mirror" (This is the second and longer story of MirrorMASH, in which Hawkeye from that Mirror universe where BJ has a beard is now in our universe.) 4. "Toby groaned out loud." (This is a M*A*S*H/West Wing crossover, and Toby is Toby Ziegler: he has just been asked when the Korean War started, and it turns out to be a more complicated question than Donna thought it was. The story in a nutshell: President Bartlett's White House is commemorating the 50-year anniversary of the start of the Korean War by inviting 10 veterans to talk about it and then have a memorial dinner, and they made the mistake of inviting Doctor B. F. Pierce to make a speech about the Korean War on live TV in front of the President of the United States. God I had fun writing this story.) -"Go, Tell Them In Sparta" 5. “You the doctor who operated on my men?” (Hawkeye is very sleepy, and a sergeant from Vermont is giving him an apple for reasons he finds difficult to understand when hardly awake.) -"Northern Spies"
6. "If anyone had been looking in the window, which no one was, it might have looked too formal to be a meeting of friends: two people on the couch at one side the room, three people on chairs at the other side." (This story is set in the 1990s in an alternative-universe created by someone else, the Keptverse. In the Keptverse, the whole of North America still has legal chattel slavery and the US government can compel you to own one or more slaves if you are over a certain income-level. Most of the stories are RPF, but mine aren't: I got the idea of taking characters from multiple mostly-American TV series and writing a giant sprawling novel-length fanfic series. This shows up as M*A*S*H because in this one stand-alone story, Francis Mulcahy is a parish priest, and part of a network of people who resist owning slaves. Mulcahy appears again only briefly in the last story of the series, but he gets to have his say in this one.) "The Network", part of The Games
7. "Mulcahy struggled awake out of a dream in which the sun was shining directly into his eyes." (MASH/Highlander crossover - A visitor to the 4077th wants to talk to the Jesuit priest and it turns out to be a Highlander immortal because of course the Jesuits know all about immortals.) "Walker Among the Dead" 8. "Outside the blankets, it was cold." (A story which takes off from "Hawk's Nightmare" - what if Hawkeye started having these memories of being back home/in high school take over his mind while he was awake? Who are all these people and especially, who's the good-looking guy called Francis who seems to like him so much?) "Dream That I Forget" 9. "It's winter in Korea, cold everywhere, cold in the tents, cold in the sleeping-bags, cold everywhere except under hot water in the showers, and Mulcahy never gets to the showers while the water is still hot." (In "The Interview", Francis says he would like to be warm and clean, and this story sort of leaps off from that, with Hawkcahy because, well. Mulcahy loves Hawkeye.) "Warm and Clean"
10. "Mulcahy had given up assigning himself penances for wishing he could go home when he realised that he could no longer remember how many times he had caught himself praying – not wishing, but praying – that someone in authority would write to him instructing him to resign from his chaplaincy, resign his unlikely commission, and go back to Philadelphia." (This story is set in the Pilot episode of M*A*S*H, and was originally meant to be the first of an ambitious sequence of stories set the first three seasons, about Mulcahy. I got distracted by other projects, but this one is about why Father Mulcahy doesn't like Hawkeye very much in the pilot episode, and he has reasons.) "Amuck"
Tagging: @topshelf2112-blog @folliesandconcerns @rescue-ram @mulcahymoment @transgayhawkeyepierce @variousqueerthings @cplredberet @old-wild-child @impishtubist @allcanonisrelative
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, people, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 15: Shadowzone
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:12 - parallel between Megatron in the last episodes and Starscream now.
00:46 - Megatron noticed the parallel too.
01:10 - one of those moments where being a smexy bicth comes second to his job as a doctor.
01:19 - honestly, Knockout not pushing it shows just how well he knows Starscream.
01:33 - I thought the dark energon was necessary because Megatron needed energon, but his body was no longer comparable to accept anything other than dark.
03:04 - I hardly even noticed Bee was there.
03:10 - the thinker.
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03:16 - But Megatron was dead during the Skyquake episode. He wouldn’t know that Skyquake would require dark energon. Understandable why they’d assume it’s Megatron, but why would they assume Megatron’s there for Skyquake?
04:03 - this girl is on fiiiireeeeee + giving off ‘friends on the other side’ rn
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04:18 - shut up, the way way Bee looks at Optimus and the cheetah meme have the same energy.
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04:22 - so they truly are skipping over that angst? It appears I have a future project.
04:23 - Ratchet is the only one who doesn’t put on a game face when he’s addressed. We know why, but it’s nice to note.
04:30 - there’s something so perfect about the way Optimus jumps straight to explaining his decision and turns around to face Ratchet while doing so rather than pulling a classic ‘yes, because we need you’
04:35 - Once again, refreshing to see a character assigned to a position they’re not traditionally assigned to, but still showing passion and respect.
04:39 - How did Bulkhead not realise Miko was up to something?
04:42 - She’s drawing Optimus fighting Megatron.
04:46 - Glad to know someone’s paying attention.
04:52 - I love the way the bots walk, especially Optimus and Bee. There’s something so proper and powerful about it.
05:06 - LMAO
05:14 - Let’s pretend that Arcee couldn’t hear them.. why wouldn’t they yell out to her so she could stop Miko or close the ground bridge before Miko got there?
05:22 - Miko, Miko, Miko… frustrating af.
05:44 - they all have similar walk cycles, but none sync up.
05:53 - Bee dropping back as they walk along could be multiple things, him getting protected, acting as rear support, could also be because he’s the smallest but is walking at a similar pace to the others, meaning he’s covering less ground. Obviously I could be overthinking it too, but if we go that route these notes are completely useless.
05:55 - If you pause it at the right time Ratchet’s head makes it look like Optimus has a huge ass. (Unfortunately I did not screenshot it at the right time)
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06:06 - my dude didn’t think to even ONCE call out to the bots and go ‘just so you know, we’re here’
06:18 - that would be my worst nightmare. Don’t have FOMO, just care about my phone.
06:25 - HO MAMMA
06:34 - the fading between the red and purple is so seemless and a nice detail
06:41 - I just need this screenshot to be witnessed. Why is he standing like that?? WHY DOES HE STAND LIKE THAT FOR SO LONG?
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06:52 - this line’s so confusing when you forget that his arms are apart of his wings when he’s in his vehicle mode.
07:16 - AHHH THE HEAD TILT!!! Seeing that we’re looking at them from an angle, Bee’s most likely behind Bulkhead, meaning he cannot actually see the humans, but can hear them. + everyone else’s reactions tooooo!
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07:27 - While everyone else looks at the ground bridge, Bee looks at the others before the bridge.
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07:30 - Ratchet looking fabulous rn.
07:33 - 1. The way his voice echos is a really nice touch. 2. Ratchet using the same tone a parent would rn has me cryin.
08:06 - Starscream went into the ground bridge around the same time the kids did. Why wasn’t he caught?
08:14 - the longer that shot went for, the more I laughed.
08:26 - As soon as Starscream pulls out the dark energon it plays Arcee screaming ‘Tailgate’. Starscream has nothing to do with what happened to Tailgate. I think they were just reusing the sound from when Airachnid killed Tailgate and forgot to edit out the voice line. Upon evaluation, I do believe they’re different sounds. I don’t know why her voice line plays.
08:51 - Bee’s so cute until he breaks the fourth wall. + height difference my beloved.
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09:03 - I don’t understand how the bots weren’t affected. Let’s say Starscream got to the otherside, but they kids didn’t, fine. But the bots were still caught in the explosion?
09:26 - You know that would be absolutely traumatising.
10:09 - … what was the point of insulting him?
10:14 - This is what makes it really confusing. How did Skyquake get caught in the shadow zone, but the other bots didn’t??
11:16 - Karma’s a bicth, ain’t she? Jack and Raf didn’t deserve it, but Miko totally did.
12:00 - God do I hate Miko rn. + Aw, Raf’s reaction
12:45 - Yes. In the rocks that are apparently not with you in the Shadowzone.
12:51 - you can hear Optimus trying not to show his panic and worry… and failing.
12:56 - Father and Son right here.
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12:58 - with mild Confidence ‘what if you (or we) call them?’
13:35 - Not ‘nothing’. He picked up. He’s alive. It’s that there was no response.
14:05 - kinda disappointed that they didn’t have any other way to message the bots. Feels like there should be a way for the bots to message them and they message the bots, especially for situations where silence is necessary or Bee has to tell Miko or Jack something.
15:38 - Decepticons have parts to spare.
16:10 - Starscream’s arm is enormous compared to the kids.
17:23 - how does he get it open??
17:27 - *mwah* beautiful line delivery.
17:40 - god these line deliveries are stunning.
17:44 - It’s like the shot at the start.
17:46 - why does Starscream have the Crystal out?? What if Knockout saw?
18:35 - Love how either thought the other would be able to tell what Ratchet was saying.
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18:47 - saying that as if common sense wouldn’t tell us that if they changed any part of it something would go wrong.
19:02 - aren’t they in a canyon? Isn’t that like one long strip??
19:31 - why would it be yours??
20:15 - glad the plan worked so seamlessly.
20:18 - Why wasn’t Bee sent? He’s Raf’s guardian after all.
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20:34 - There’s literally no reason for Bee not to be(e) present.
20:39 - agreed. Repeat that and also apologise.
20:45 - Optimus smilinggggg
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21:04 - a logical assumption.
21:10 - hc is that Knockout promotes self care for everyone (autobots included, but he’s careful when he does it.)
21:18 - I know Skyquake’s a zombie and all, but I feel bad for him.
And that was Shadowzone!
It was alright. I’m not one for the human focused episodes, but it’s alright and a good way to introduce the Shadow Realm (despite how confusing it may have been.)
I thought the way Optimus was portrayed in the episode was good, showing how he cared for the children despite not really being allowed to express worry for their safety. I will admit that Bulkhead, Arcee and especially Bumblebee’s reactions to their charge’s going missing were too weak from any standpoint.
I thought that the Starscream plot line was quite weak as well and I don’t really understand what they were going for.
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raitrolling · 2 months
ok now i have Brain Power (AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-) again i can go back to my thoughts on how my ocs would play Cosy Games cuz i always think its funny how people always assign characters who are Nice People as being solely animal crossing or minecraft or stardew players and its always like 'they have really pretty towns and are nice to all the NPCS uwu'
katrin is one of those people who maybe plays for hours one day but then never picks up the game again. shit like animal crossing is too daunting for her because you put down that game for a week and your town is full of weeds and the animals ask where youve been and it is just Too Scary to return to and face your failures
nancor likes to aimlessly wander around in his games and is prone to getting lost. you check your minecraft server logs and you just see him getting mauled by various mobs. hes having fun tho, dont worry about it
ashe is a Sidequest Guy, always doing all the little jobs for npcs because he likes to be helpful :) he agonises for ages over what gifts to give his animal crossing villagers when he sends them mail because he wants to make sure they like it, he needs a Good Grade In Friendships ok. he would also get up to a point in a stardew or harvest moon game where an npc asks to marry him and then he immediately checks with cheran if its okay for him to say yes or if he should turn them down LMFAO
velour is looking up tutorials for how to design the prettiest minecraft houses ever, and trying to make sure his stardew farms are the most Aesthetic ever. catch him awake at like 5am having spent all night redesigning his entire animal crossing island because he's going to livestream a tour for his YouTube channel and it needs to be Perfect
mikiel could care less about video games, and is doing the bare minimum in any game he'd touch. most likely the guy who does all the combat quests in Minecraft like fighting the ender dragon or the wither so other people he's playing with can get all the items
lucy is a Task Guy, and is dutifully doing every single daily chore in the game as well as trying to finish any quests as quickly as possible to not keep any NPCs waiting. loves fishing minigames, and completed his fishing + bug catching sections in the animal crossing museum within like a week after he learned how to time travel
viltau is a Spreadsheet Guy aiming for 100% completion and get the absolute most out of any game he'd touch, but he is also an Aesthetics Guy prone to completely renovating his animal crossing worlds / farming sim farms on a whim because he's gotten bored of how they look. he is just like velour being awake at ungodly hours trying to redo his island, but rather than doing it for fan approval hes just generally Deranged
glas just likes to fuck around and doesn't care about having any long-term goals in their games, and generally just designs shit to weird out any of their friends who visit their animal crossing island or minecraft server. why is there a corner of their island full of dolls? why do they have big meme murals in the nether? why is their cow named 'daddy milkies'? don't worry about it
vallis gets obsessed with any sort of animal raising or breeding mechanic and tends to forget about everything else. yeah his island is full of weeds and he still hasn't paid off any debts, but check out his rows upon rows of perfect hybrid flowers he's been crossbreeding
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Linhardt -> Colm
Linhardt blinks. Once, and then twice, and then once more for good measure.
He’s awake. (And most importantly, he doesn’t feel like going back to sleep.)
Sitting upright, he feels like he doesn’t gain as much height as he normally does, sort of like he’s shrunk somewhat. His still wearing his uniform though–
Actually, no, he’s not. (His doesn’t have a hood attached, and the pants are baggier and these aren’t his boots.) Not to mention all the random junk he’s carrying– among which is a mirror, and with that, the reality of it all hits him.
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This isn’t his body.
Send 🗡️ to interact with Linhardt in Colm’s body!
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rosalind-hawkins · 3 months
Ryo for the meme?
So sorry for the delay on this one! I kept having issues with my draft not saving and needing to start over.
I sincerely think Ryou was my first favorite character from Yugioh, even before Kaiba, if you can believe it.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
When I was first introduced to Yugioh, what struck me about him and made me latch onto him was the obvious emotional pain. At the time I was just starting to figure out my own depression and anxiety that my family was oblivious to, and I think I just related to that lack of support. I guess this is the answer for Question 25.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
How excited her gets about food, actually. He and Joey are probably almost equally enthusiastic about it, and it's adorable.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
How they changed his dad in DSOD. I preferred it when the dad was an oblivious nerd just trying to give his son a cool gift instead of being a power-hungry weirdo.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
This probably sounds silly, but I want him living his best life in a Pokemon game with a team that he's bonded to, getting to live an RPG adventure just like Monster World, but a little bit safer. I want him taking a nap leaning on his Altaria with an Absol curled up at his feet, looking like it's asleep but keep watching. And don't forget his floaty little Shuppets hovering about.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Friend of Foe by t.A.T.u. because I watched so many AMVs at the time that I was introduced to Yugioh. The song captures his poignant and desperate confusion with his own life and identity.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Honestly, aside from Question 1, nothing specific comes to mind aside from general nerdiness. I used to have a bad sweet tooth, like I imagine he does, but not so much anymore.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Making him a sweet spooky boi with 27 tarot card decks at home that dresses like he's going to bible study. Also, a big one is giving him visible scars from all the stuff Y B has put him through: the arm, the left hand, the chest.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I wouldn't say despise. Not sure I'd say I dislike anything the fandom does with him too much
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
I imagine he's a night owl, so as long as he keeps things quiet at night, we wouldn't have a problem.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Definitely! We could probably introvert in the room together, doing our own things, or chat about art.
11. Would you date this character?
Again, I'm married, but if I had the chance and Y B was gone for good, absolutely.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I've actually always headcanoned that Ryou had a Catholic mom and she tried to pass on her faith to him, but it didn't fully stick, necessarily. This isn't from nowhere, I swear. In the church scene in season five, in the English dub, Ryou goes into the church saying "I should be safe in here" after running from a disembodied voice. I think that means that he must have some small level of faith if he thinks the church itself will ward off the evil.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Galaxy Goth - Give him star earrings and glittery platform boots. Give him galaxy print leggings and an illusion neckline shirt with sheer/lacy sleeves. 👌👌👌👌👌✨✨✨✨✨✨ Hell, make it femboy too, he could rock that so hard. Make it pastel galaxy goth, it works just as well. Dress this boy up.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
You know I can't ever just pick one ship. I'm a multishipper. It's never just one.
Euroshipping, Minorshipping, and Puffshipping are my top three.
Mumbleshipping, Rollshipping, and Teaseshipping are my top poly ships for him.
Honorable mention to Graceshipping, cause I think he and Ishizu could be so damn sweet together, and that's my #1 straight ship for him.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Tendershipping, actually. I don't hate on it or people who like it, and I have a soft spot for some of his ships, but I just can't see Yami Bakura the way a lot of the fandom sees him, and that's where it comes from. I don't wanna get into it because this isn't a Y B post. I'll just leave it at that. No hate here, just a different perspective.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
Deathshipping. I can appreciate some of the art and some of the sillier conceptions of this ship, but I'm not personally into it.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I haven't read the manga, but I've seen enough moments from it of Ryou and Joey together (included what looked like stealing a camel together), and their bond in DSOD was too adorable. It made me so happy to finally see somebody standing up for Ryou.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Obviously I wish he didn't get so roughed up by Y B.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Normally I'd leave ship characters out of it, but I can't help it: Ishizu, Joey, and Duke are my top picks here.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I play around with different versions of what's Ryou's mentality can be like after Bakura is gone and what the lasting impact is. There's a lot of options there, which is why I don't write just one version of Ryou.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
There's a lot of things that people do with him. I love when people flesh out his relationship with his family and
23. Favorite picture of this character?
But him with the banana.
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Okay, gonna try to stick to canon personality with this.
From Touken Ranbu, Nikkari Aoe. He seems sweet and normal on the surface, and then he'll suddenly say the weirdest occult crap to you with the most normal smile and you just want to back away slowly. And then you realize, oh dear this man's a weirdo. An absolute weirdo. (He's the one that can see ghosts after all, there's a real connection over that.) (He gets two gifs because you need to understand what a weirdo he is.)
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From UtaPri, we've got Shion from Heavens. He's a quiet shy boy on the surface with soulful eyes, but still waters run deep. I feel like they're both easy to underestimate.
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And from Nanbaka, I can't really explain why, I always associated him with Seitarou Tanabata. Maybe because they share the spiky Christmas tree hair, idk. Maybe I just think they'd be good friends.
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
See Question 1.
This boy is helpless in the kitchen. He's gonna have to count on his partner to either cook for him or teach him how to cookl
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inventors-fair · 5 months
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Bringing In the Year: Rewind Winners ~
Our winners for this week are @bread-into-toast, @helloijustreadyourpost, and @spooky-bard!
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@bread-into-toast — Eerie Lightswarm
What a fusion. Forgetting the Atraxa-y flavor of this, the callback is stellar and the card is weirdly fun. The colors all make sense for lifegain, and the ability to give something lifelink and beef the bejeezus out this thing later is awesome. If you happen to have two of them, giving one of them flying AND lifelink would be just gross. If you need it, I guess. The evasion is still cool; Abzan-colors aren't that well-versed in flying by themselves from what I've played with, but what do I know, I run Atraxa proper and this is just based on her pet leggy-worm.
I think my favorite part is the fact that it's on Ikoria and it fits so well with the magical not-quite-prehistoric feel of that world. I like Ikoria, kinda, but what really belongs there? I personally didn't grab onto the plane as much as some folks did, seeing as we only had it for one set. But between the crystals and creepiness and maybe that one scene from Jackson's King Kong, I feel the "giant bug" vibes and I love how whoever would be assigned to this could tap into the creepy feeling. And who wants a bug-gift? I think it makes me want to lean into these colors more as part of an identity of haunting wood-y bog-y crawl-y beasts. Gotta finagle your own way out of the web.
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@helloijustreadyourpost — Inescapable Mimic
Luckily for me, I was wearing a smaller, smugger me underneath. Isn't that how the meme goes? I had to double-check what this contest was for, and I was actually surprised that it was the fusion one; I didn't really intend for two fusions to be in the winners, but hey, guess that this is the card that grabbed me. And then took me over. I want to first start with the cool mood that you've made from this card, the horror trope that I recognize well from…uh, Spatula Madness, I guess? It feels familiar even if I can't place it 100%. That's the beauty of tropes! Recognizability without exactitude.
Mechanically, this card is quite an interesting teaching tool. I love the zonal aspect and the uniqueness of teaching what it means to have a card vs. a clone vs. a permanent, and so on and so forth. At the end of your turn, I want your biggest creature. Excellent! It's a twist I didn't actually expect to work so well, and what I love is how you've turned this into a card that I didn't know wasn't just plain good. The combination created an original feeling because of how you shifted the mood, and the play of the card feels more original because of that twist. Isn't it cool how these things work?
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@spooky-bard — Wiltox, Tireless Excavator
I wanna hug that sad robot; and what wonderfully interesting flavor text to embrace too. Tocasia feels like she's answering a question that the viewer is asking about the character, and the immersion is pretty darn great for me. I don't suppose that a partner would give it any answers, but it sure would fill the graveyard, depending. Glacian, Keskit, and Ich-Tekik all come to mind when browsing partners. Sad, really, that they can give it fuel but no answers. Unless it already knows what it's looking for and I'm the fool in this equation.
Powerstones for that first ability are pretty great, though, and the tokens are just an upside. Having an all-artifact-y build would really beef the power of this kind of card. Ultimately it fits in with basically any kind of Commander for limited but does best with the graveyard shenanigans. Unlimited options! Or kinda limited, who knows. There comes a point where it's not broken but still fun. As an engine, there are worse things to spend your mana on, and getting to the fuel that you really need matters. I think this card could be printed as-is.
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Runners to come! @abelzumi
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vote-loki · 6 months
Not to like “oh woe is me” post but I feel like I can vent on tumblr since it’s idk tumblr. But I was SO excited for my final semester of undergrad this summer and then almost immediately after I got here in August I began struggling very deeply in ways I have never struggled before. Like confused 24/7, missing assignments because I was too tired to even get out my phone let alone my laptop, forgetting everything including what I’m doing or where I’m supposed to be and even classroom locations on a campus I’ve been at for 4 and 1/2 years. Losing things constantly, randomly loosing grip strength and dropping things, horrible brain fog, waking up feeling like I’m shaking 24/7 but everyone telling me I’m not shaking anywhere when I ask, issues walking, dizziness, vertigo. I’ve been having such extreme fatigue I can’t even get out of bed to pee until it hurts because I’m just too tired. This has been happening since August. Which I assumed this was bad depressive episode so I had them double my antidepressants, and then nothing got better.
But then like two months ago I woke up with this pain in the left upper corner of my right eye. Just a spot the size of my fingertip. And it had me in so much pain I was throwing up. So I thought “I’m a big kid, I have migraines like this all the time.” and I took some of my medicine for that. But it didn’t go away. It lasted for a whole day. When it came back a few days later I decided maybe it was sinus pressure, so I took some allergy meds and some cold meds for a week while it was hurting off and on. But that didn’t work. And then it came back and I got a migraine over top of it. So it wasn’t that. And FINALLY last week it got so bad I couldn’t see out of my eye, the pain had been constant for about four days, and I was so dizzy I could barely walk. So my mom drove an hour out of state to pick me up and an hour back down to take me to the er, who promptly sent me to their on call opthamolagist who, after a serious of very very bright lights directly to my hella dilated pupils, told me my optical nerve is swollen and I need and mri.
Which is FUCKING STUPID that my optical nerve is causing me this much pain. But whatever.
Anyway the day after I went to the er and saw the eye doctor I had a follow-up with my primary care physician, and he said “oh yeah, they’re gonna want that mri urgently. We want to make sure you don’t have ms. Your symptoms are consistent and optical neuritis is often one of the first things ms patients experience before diagnosis.” like girl? If I have ms that chose to present itself by incapacitating me to the point I am failing my final semester of undergrad, and may not be able to fix it, I am going to lose my mind. It couldn’t have presented itself six months from now?????? There’s no confirmation it’s me yet until after my mri, but still. Whatever this is has me pissed tf off. Show up at a different time.
All that being said. Here’s a meme I made about it using a screenshot from one of my fave vines because I’m actually coping and not at all having a sort of hypochondria spiral and doing as much research on it as possible. That would be weird.
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#no but actually when googling symptoms I have like 90% of the ‘common early symptoms’ of ms.#anyway like. whatever witch cursed me???? I’d like to be uncursed now.#I also have been having these like random spasms where I throw my arm??#the best way I know how to describe it is it’s LIKE a tic except it doesn’t repeat so I know it isn’t a tic#it’s more of a violent twitch. AND my right eyelid has been bugging out and twitching like crazy.#there are other symptoms but I really just wanted to vent#actually no the numbness in my hands and feet sucks donkey dick#there isn’t anything wrong with having ms like in a real way. it’s just when it chose to present itself is so upsetting to me#I really wish it could’ve happened after I finished my semester#this is so unfair that my future might be jeopardized just because my doctors weren’t listening to me in august#I’ve been saying this is happening and it’s LIKE my depressive episodes and LIKE my migraines and LIKE when you get really bad sinus#pressure but I’ve also been being abundantly clear that these aren’t normal symptoms for me when any of those things#I’m TOO tired for it to bed my depression. especially with everything else.#it’s not sinuses and I have had migraines ontop of it and that pain stayed constant.#and if I didn’t listen to my doctor when he was it was nothing maybe I’d be being treated already. maybe it wouldn’t have destroyed my fina#semester of undergrad. dawg I just wanted to graduate college.#long post#vent#personal#adding generic tags so people who filter long post or vent in the tags don’t have to see
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moonfurthetemmie · 8 months
i have several questions
does Pluto still loves Halloween like in ds??
does Hunter ever met Sparrow?? ( also, who net the creepypasta squad ( idk how they r called in here ) aside Sparrow ( well he only met Hacker(?) ( I also forgot abt his name in h!ds ))
is someone masochist of the cast?? ( weird question but i just feel like there is at least one person or its all gonna be a headcanon ( tats also includes do u allow headcanons on the h!ds??))
Was Dani ( I think tat was their name or it was just a meme ) was in a hospital?? ( I mean probably which just includes 2 more questions: Does Dani like was abt to commit it? ( aka yk ) Did Delusion like have a some kind of close relationship ( aka in love ) w Dani?? Also did Delusion took Dani to the JR Hospital like in DS ( aka if that whole thing happened )
well if wheeze and I have a headcanon for the H!DS fools it’s basically canon so
1. Pluto LOVES Halloween. Unfortunately for everyone else that’s his favorite time of year to do lots of murder. And ofc Slash and Byte always go with him. People are out and about, there’s lots of sick decorations to see, AND they get to dress up lots!! Very easy to hide their identities.
2. Hunter probably has met Sparrow; he hangs out in JR enough that he’s probably been there when Sparrow comes to get an assignment or report on one or whatever. Or he’s wandered around and run into Sparrow a few times. Either way, yeah; they’ve met.
3. So far, no one else of importance has met the Creepypasta Squad (they’re called the same thing here, though I would like to give them a new name,,,). Also H!DS Hacker’s nickname is Spindle! spindle my beloved
Sparrow also hasn’t met Fester/Bobby; only Spindle and Pulaski/Randy.
4. That’s…a good question? I don’t think so. Fester, maybe?? In a ‘wooHOOHoohoho pain is HILARIOUS’ kind of way? No one else is, though. Gouge, Slash, Byte, and Pluto are just sadistic, Delusion is just delusional. Hunter I don’t think handles pain well at all. Pulaski and Spindle probably have relatively high pain tolerances due to their unfortunate time stuck with Fester (And Spindle’s is probably even higher thanks to the demon thing). Sparrow’s probably about average about it. So. Yeah. If anyone is a masochist, it’s probably Fester.
And headcanon everyone if you wanna. If there’s something we’re really uncomfortable with we’ll say something, but it’s not like we could police your thoughts and headcanons even if we wanted to
5. Honestly, mostly due to how little attention we spare for Ani even in normal DS, H!DS Ani is very neglected. They exist, and hypothetically their story is similar to normal Ani, but since we forget normal Ani a lot anyways I’m not sure we’ll ever like, fully flesh out their backstory
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readythefanons · 11 months
For the kiss writing meme: Ashedue and 21. ...on a place of insecurity
[Thank you! I hope you enjoy]
Ashe turned and smiled at Dedue. The frustrations of the day had left him with a headache, but the pounding in his temples receded at just the sight of the other man.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you until later tonight,” Ashe said, coming out from behind his counter in the dining room. Dedue opened his arms, and Ashe tucked himself into his solid embrace.
“The council birthed a litter of sub-councils, and neither the king’s presence nor mine was needed.” Dedue kissed the top of Ashe’s head, then lifted his head to nod in the direction of the kitchen. “It smells good. Soup?”
“Fish and three-pepper soup with fresh bread.” Ashe reluctantly disentangled himself from the other man’s arms and was about to fetch a bowl when Eleo appeared. Ashe’s employee had two bowls, a plate of bread, and two cups of water. He smiled cheekily at his employer. “Oh. Thank you.” Ashe’s cheeks heated. “I didn’t need any though—”
“You haven’t eaten yet,” Eleo said, setting the meal down on a table in the corner. “And drink all your water. He forgets all day, and then he can’t figure out why he doesn’t feel well.” This last comment was directed at Dedue.
“I have noticed that too.”
“This is a conspiracy,” Ashe complained, but the young man was already gone. Eleo and his sister had been born in Duscar, but they’d been out of the country when the massacre took place. After a period of time that they didn’t discuss and Ashe didn’t pry into, they came to work in the kitchen of Ashe’s inn.
Ashe watched attentively as Dedue tasted the soup. His inn had been in business for years, and Dedue said his cooking kept getting better, but Ashe still—Dedue’s lips curled into a soft smile, and his eyes fell shut as he savored the next bite. It was good then.
Dedue’s eyes opened, and Ashe felt pinned in place by his green gaze. “You’re not eating.”
“Oh! Right. Yes.” Ashe followed Dedue’s example—hm, it really was quite good, if saying so wasn’t too self-congratulatory.
They ate in silence for a while, and Ashe was chagrined that the others had been right: he was feeling much better with food and drink. Dedue looked like he wanted to ask something, but before he did one of the inn’s new guests stuck his head into the room and shouted a question to Eleo.
“The kitchen closes before the night watch begins, but I can heat a quick meal for any who needs it,” Ashe supplied, standing to make himself known. His guest nodded and withdrew.
“He’s a knight,” Dedue observed as Ashe sat down again.
“One of several. They’re here on a special assignment,” Ashe confirmed. He sprang to his feet again, then realized he didn’t know what he was about to bustle off to do. He could refill his cup? He could refill Dedue’s cup. He could clear their plates, except that Dedue was still eating and his plate was still half-full. He should really eat some more…
Dedue reached a hand out to him, palm up. After a moment, Ashe placed his hand in the other man’s, then allowed himself to be coaxed back down, to sit on the bench next to Dedue.
“Living in the capital, you must see many knights,” Dedue observed carefully.
“I see them around, same as anyone. They haven’t stayed here before.”
“You’re becoming better-known. People tell their friends visiting the city about you. Even the nobles mention it.” Dedue had kept hold of Ashe’s hand. His skin was warm, and his deep voice rumbled agreeably in Ashe’s chest.
“They’re our age, maybe. Or even younger.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“… You could have been among them. Your fellows, your comrades. It is what you wanted since you were young,” Dedue said heavily. To his surprise, Ashe shook his head.
“During the war, all I wanted was to see it through, and to stand on the other side with… with my friends. In school, all I wanted was to be a knight like in the stories. Before Lord Lonato, all I cared about was making sure my brother and sister had enough to eat. Before our father died…” he smiled a little. “I wanted to own a restaurant, just like him.”
Dedue lifted their joined hands to his lips and kissed Ashe’s knuckles, then his fingertips and the palm of his hand. Ashe’s archery calluses had softened, as had the toughened skin on his fingers and palms from holding a sword. The scars still lingered—on his hands and arms and elsewhere, traces of the war—and his hands were still strong and nimble, but they weren’t the hands of a knight. Dedue kissed the soft skin of Ashe’s wrist, earning himself a sharp intake of breath. His eyes glittered as he looked at Ashe, and he kissed his wrist again.
“And now you do own a restaurant.”
“And inn.” Dedue’s hand was warm. “That’s more than my father had. He was never visited by nobles, either.”
“And he never knew the cuisine of Duscur.” Dedue gently grasped Ashe’s other hand and kissed that too.
“No, but I do—with your help—and I can share it with others.”
“One of the visiting nobles asked me about the spices of Duscur the other day. That never would have happened even a year ago. A number of her retinue ventured outside the palace and must have found their way here.” This time, he followed the kiss he laid on Ashe’s wrist with a nip of his teeth.
“Oh! That’s—gratifying.”
“Is it?” Dedue’s green eyes glittered behind heavy lids. Ashe thought of Dedue’s hands—warm and strong, and also no longer the hands of a fighter—and nodded. Dedue kissed the delicate skin of his wrist again, lips pressed to the spot where Ashe’s pulse fluttered on the skin… and sat back. “Then we should finish our meal,” he said.
“We… what?”
“It would be shameful to waste this delicious food. It is so carefully and skillfully,” Dedue said, eyes all spring-innocence now. Ashe resisted the urge to gape at him.
“Or we could retire for the night.”
“That does sound appealing,” Dedue said gravely. He picked up his spoon and deliberately slurped his soup. “After this meal.” Ashe rolled his eyes, but he slid back into his spot across the table from Dedue and picked up his own spoon.
“Of course… And you will need your strength.” He grinned as Dedue choked.
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slurp-imagines · 2 years
Random Word Prompts: Luffy & Sanji
(ask meme link)
written as platonic headcanons but prob can be taken as romantic as well.
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Soot: Could they survive on their own if they had to?
↳ Imagining some random "stranded together on a deserted island" scenario...
↳ The answer is yes, but dysfunctionally. Sanji does like 95% of the work. He does the cooking, he sets up the shelter and keeps it tidy, he works on finding a way to get back to the rest of the crew. He's the caretaker in this relationship for sure. He can assign Luffy tasks of course but only within reason. Luffy is also extremely lackadaisical about everything and it stresses Sanji out a little
↳ Btw Luffy's 5% of the work is 1) hunting, and 2) emotional labor. He drives Sanji a little nuts, but also keeps him from getting lonely. Every now and then, he'll say something that Sanji finds incredibly, stupidly sweet. "I couldn't do this without you!" "I'm glad you're the one I got stranded with :D" "We should do this again sometime!! And bring friends!!!"
↳ And Sanji is just very grumpily endeared by it. He's like... you idiot... you little dunderhead... if we bring other people it won't be "doing this again"... also, why would we want to get stranded a second time?!
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Thunder: Do they argue with their S/O each other - if so what about?
↳ They bicker all the time when Luffy is too impatient for food lol. But in a serious way? Hardly ever, and especially not since the Whole Cake Island fiasco.
↳ I think the closest they'd come to arguing is if/when he hears Sanji talking bad about himself. Because Luffy just doesn't get it. Sanji is kind and skilled and strong, so why does he treat himself so harshly?
↳ He'll contradict every point Sanji makes against himself. Sanji thinks it's almost laughable, in a way, how his captain can accept everything about him so easily. It makes him ridiculously happy just as much as it makes him ridiculously frustrated. Because no matter how much he proves himself through loyalty and hard work, deep down Sanji doesn't always feel like he deserves to be accepted like this– so wholly, so genuinely– or to be viewed in such a forgiving light.
↳ I don't think Luffy would get upset in return, unless WCI gets brought up... and specifically if it gets brought up in a way where Sanji hints at any feelings of guilt he carries over it.
↳ Because nope, Luffy is not having any of that. He doesn't hold grudges over WCI, and more importantly than that, he doesn't regret a single thing that happened there. He doesn't regret enduring for Sanji, he doesn't suffering and hurting for Sanji, he doesn't regret risking his life for Sanji, he doesn't regret choosing Sanji and loving him. And for Sanji to ever imply that, however indirectly, would be a deep insult in his mind. Luffy does not and will not ever think that accepting help from a friend is something to feel guilty over.
↳ It’s hard, though, because Sanji can’t forget how far his captain had to push. It might not be something he ever forgets about, but he hopes to everything in him that it's something he's grown from.
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Bell: Song lyrics or a quote associated with them?
世界じゃそれを愛と呼ぶんだぜ (The World Calls That Love) - Sambomaster
What connects our hearts' voices Are the things that we really fear. We say together that we'll sing like the past never happened!
Flowers can bloom even within sadness!
The world calls that "love"!
↳ This is my favorite song by Sambomaster. It's so sweet, and I feel like it really encapsulates Luffy & how he treats his loved ones.
↳ Something really special about Luffy is that he gives people the strength to admit their dreams and all their deepest desires they've held inside because they were afraid of what'd happen if they let it out. And Sanji's "I want to go back to the Sunny" scene is all of that, completely undiluted. That scene is burned into my memory istg
↳ The way Luffy had to fight and claw to get that confession out of him. I'll stop here to avoid getting repetitive with the previous section lol, but the way Luffy accepted it all in stride & treats Sanji no differently for it. Beautiful
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
What are your request rules and are your requests open?
Hi!! I'm so sorry for this super late answer. I didn't have much time on the computer and I don't like to write long answers on mobile because it never works right on my phone.
I haven’t wrote a proper post with guidelines, but thanks for reminding me I should. My blog is very small, I don’t get asks often and i think that’s why I always forget. 
To give you the most complete answer I can at the moment, I will begin for the requests status. Currently I have 5 requested WIPS on the process of being posted, what I know sounds like a lot, but I tend to leave my requests always open because i write from some underrated media (like the Troy movie) for which is literally impossible to find any character x reader fics out there. 
This mentioned lack on certain niche shit i like is what motivated me into becoming a fanfict writer in the first place. So, because i understand how frustrating it feels, I try to stay always open for requests. It may take me a while to complete every request, but I try to take in as much as I recieve. 
Now, about my rules. I don’t have a specific guideline in mind yet. However I can approximate a few ideas of what i prefer to write and what I wouldn’t write. 
Basical Information 
1- It is highly appreciated if your request includes an idea you have in mind for me to work. It doesn’t matter if it is very vague or extremely detailed, if you include just a concept or a one paragraph descripted escenario. In both cases it helps, because it gives me a better approximation of what you want to see in the request ( and helps my own ideas to develop.) 
2- Most of my work is on the canon character x reader fanfict genre and that is what i have more experience with. I wrote very few things involving only canon characters and I rarely do any canon x canon fics. My only exception so far has been Helen x Paris of Troy, with only one requested fic i wrote about them and one in the list to post. 
3- Since it adjusts to what I know better from my personal experience, most so far has been canon x fem reader. I have got very few requests, the majority of what I wrote has been written for and from my own self indulgent ideas. 
This doesn’t mean I wouldn’t try anything else, but I only state it to warn that this is my comfort zone. I can of course try on canon x male reader or canon x gender neutral reader, but those would be my first ever attempts writting from that perspective. I would try, but apologise on advance because those would be my first practices. 
One of my biggest fears is to feel like the “ male writers when writing women” meme. Besides that, my native language (spanish) it’s a horror of genderized words that make extra hard to completely degenderize my thinking when writing. Just to give you a simple example, the word chair has an assigned femenine article even when it is an inanimated object (la silla).
It would be harder, but I can give it a shot to see how it goes. 
What I Would/ Wouldn’t Write
- I don’t write smut in requests because I feel I don’t have enough experience to write for others on that. There is only one smut post in my entire masterlist, that I wrote from an idea I had. 
- Fluff, angst and all the other standard fic genres are welcomed. 
- Canon x Reader is what i prefer to write, but I can try fics centered in one only canon character or random interactions of multiple canon characters. What I tend to stay away from is canon x canon ship fics. 
I don’t have the amount of time available right now to make a full list of all the media I am either writing for or could be inclined to write. 
For now, I’m just going to say that what I am vibing the most at the moment is: the Troy (2004) movie, the Chucky tv series ( specially Adult!Andy Barclay), Pirates of the Caribbean ( i accepted a few request after some talking about Orlando Bloom characters I love) and I recently added Stranger Things to the list because I got Eddie Munson brainrot like the rest of Tumblr. 
Thanks for asking!! 
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