#mentioned tuggoffelees
It has been a long bit since I have written anything and posted it but here we are. As part of @storyweaverofgondor's Cats-Pril event.
This takes place after the Ball and features Munkustrap and Mistoffelees. Tuggoffelees is mentioned but not important.
No Warnings needed
Have not decided if this will be posted on ao3.
The energy from the night’s ball had finally ended. Everyone was headed back to their dens, their mind, and body finally succumbing to sleepiness. 
Everyone but Munkustrap who sat high on the tire watching as the Jelicles cleared out of the main part of the Yard. 
He knew, in his mind, that he should be in his den with Demeter and Jem relaxing. But his body was still tight with anxiety as he thought about Macavity showing his face and his mother going to the Heavyside Layer. It was still fresh in his mind.
‘Just a little longer. Then I’ll go to the den.’ He thought to himself.
Just as he finished his thought, he heard a soft and familiar voice. 
“You know, I thought you’d be gone by now.”
He chuckled. “I could same the same about you Mistoffelees.”
The younger tom took his seat next to the Jellicle Protector. 
“I’d like to think you’d be with Tugger. Afterall. You must be tired after using all that magic.” His tone was light though Mistoffelees could hear how tired their Protector actually was.
“I am. But then I saw you here. By yourself. I mean you must also be tired from the fight with Macavity.”
He seemed embarrassed. The complete opposite of the confident cat Munkustrap saw at the Ball today.
Munkustrap grinned. “Tired doesn't even cover it. Then again. Your little show with my brother made it all better.”
The other tom suddenly found the ground more interesting. “Tugger does have a way to make one feel…” he paused, “special.”
“He does. Though I think that only applies to you.” He replied. “I don’t think that’s the reason you are here talking to me. Isn’t it?”
Mistoffelees huffed and rolled his eyes, “You're right. Demeter saw Tugger and I on our way to one of our dens and asked Tugger to make sure you got some sleep. I volunteered instead.”
“Thank you Mistoffelees. I appreciate your concern.”
Mistoffelees stood up, “Does that still mean I’ll have to force you to get down from the tire?”
Munkustrap laughed, “No. No. I’ll follow you down.”
And so Munkustrap finally gave into what his body needed.
Was his mind still filled with all  the panic the Jellicle Ball had given to the Jellicle Protector? Yes. 
But his mind was also filled with the love and peace his family provided.
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
For the drabble asks:
For whichever fandom you prefer (leaning more towards Tuggoffelees but if you feel like BatB go for it!)
1, 6, 17, 23, 47, 55, 71!
Sorry I took so long to respond to this! Anyway now it's finally done; three of them are their own separate little stories, and the remainder are together in a single story at the end. As always, it's based on Lindsay Chambers' Zurich Mistoffelees. As it got pretty long, I've put most of it under a keep reading.
Definitely rated T as while there isn't any smut-smut, there is a brief reference to a kink (literally like one sentence), and some innuendo.
1: “It’s called a safety pin for a reason.”
On a bean bag in a corner of the dressing room, Mistoffelees sat cross-legged, sewing up a stray thread in the collar of his dance costume.
A loud curse from behind a curtain jerked him out of his calm, pricking a finger in his fright. Dropping his work in his lap, he snapped his eyes up to search for the source of the curse that sounded suspiciously like Tugger’s voice.
“My costume! It’s ruined!”
That was definitely Tugger.
With an annoyed sigh, he cast aside his work, moving his legs in preparation for getting up.
May as well check he’s okay.
Turned out, he never needed to even get up, as a second later, Tugger flew out from behind the curtain, looking frantic as he clutched his dance costume to his chest. One of the legs was full coming apart at the seams, which was rather alarming for something a seller had claimed to be “just like new” from an online second hand store.
“Look at this, Misto!” Tugger complained, sliding to his knees in front of a much bemused Mistoffelees. “It’s in tatters!”
Mistoffelees sighed the long suffering sigh of someone used to their partner’s less smart moments, but loved them anyway. Picking up his phone, he began typing into a note app:
Did you take out the safety pins?
“Uh...yeah, I thought they weren’t needed, so I’d taken them all out even though the costume designer told me not to do that.”
Mistoffelees shook his head with an eyeroll, before typing:
Tugger, it’s called a safety pin for a reason. They’re supposed to hold the stitches together until the costume designer can get to them.
Tugger grimaced a little. “Uh yeah, figured that.”
Then why?
“Dunno, I guess I thought I was helping? Or something?”
Tugger, please. That’s the costume designer’s job, not yours.
“I know. Guess it was just another of my stupid impulses. Tell me without telling me I’m an idiot.”
Mistoffelees locked eyes with his for five whole unblinking seconds as he typed on his phone before showing it to Tugger.
Ah! But a fool art thou to understand thou must not undo the safety pins of thy costume, and yet. A fool art thou to do it anyway.
Mistoffelees spotted the twitch of a smile at Tugger’s mouth even as the latter tried his best to pout with hurt feelings.
You know what you did. Love you anyway ;)
Tugger grinned, leaning forward to plant a quick kiss on Mistoffelees’ forehead.
“Love you too, Misto.”
6. Kiss me and/or shut up
The muggy summer day soaked everything, including Tugger (who for once wished he didn't have such a big mane), the shimmering air, the barely twitching leaves (damn wind taking a holiday, abandoning everyone to the heat), and even the birds weren't chirping. Evidently, even the birds found the day way too hot to voice the faintest of chirps. Or squawks. Even the seagulls were just chilling in the shade, not yelling at each other over nothing.
It was so hot as a matter of fact that the normally talkative Tugger contented himself with just stretching out on the grass, limbs out every which way like a feline starfish. One of his arms was oh so casually draped under Mistoffelees--who was also flopped out on the grass next to him--idly scritching the other's ears. Looking over at him, Tugger saw Mistoffelees' eyes were shut, his purrs deep and warm.
"You asleep, Misto?"
Mistoffelees opened one eye to look at Tugger with a little shake of his head.
"Aren't you hot in this weather?"
Another shake of his head.
"Mm-hm, of course you aren't," Tugger remarked, idly brushing his other paw through his mane. "You don't have copious amounts of fur unlike us poor Maine Coons. I mean, in winter it's perfect, and then you're the unfortunate soul--or you would be if you weren't able to just keep yourself toasty with your own magic, right?"
Mistoffelees made a small purr of idle agreement cloaked in drowsiness brought on by the muggy heat.
"Seriously! Who needs a fireplace when I got you in winter? It's like a fire burns inside you, keeping me all toasty when it's too cold even for me."
No response from Mistoffelees, apart from him turning his head, eyes closed, in Tugger's direction.
"And then we have this, and the humidity? My mane is gonna go poofy if it gets any hotter than it is already. Exactly the opposite of what I want." Tugger sighed as though this was the worst affliction in the world. "It's a constant love hate relationship with my fur, I swear, Misto."
Mistoffelees opened his eyes, gazing up at him with a little hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth. An impish little sparkle gleamed in his eyes.
"You're up to something aren't you? Or are you just thinking about how lucky you are not to be a Maine--ahh!"
Tugger withdrew his arm from under Mistoffelees, trying to shake off the sudden icy cold that had radiated from the spot that had been under the other cat.
"That's cold!"
A silent laugh from Mistoffelees, now wriggling up to Tugger, pressing his cold body up against the latter's side. Tugger squirmed, a shiver up his spine at the sensation of cold through his skin. It wasn't unpleasant, in fact, he didn't mind it at all, and not just because it was a welcome reprieve against the heat.
"Damn! Tell me that's your magic working or I'll be worried."
Mistoffelees winked, his body suddenly very warm against Tugger's.
"Okay, okay, I get it. Magic."
The sensation of heat against Tugger's side and leg cooled away again, Mistoffelees grinning at him in that way he did when he knew he had Tugger's full attention.
"All this time you could do that and I never even thought to ask?"
Mistoffelees shook his head with a self-satisfied smirk.
"How many other surprises are you hiding away?"
Mistoffelees winked, pointing at himself before laying a digit across his own lips as though to say he wasn't saying a word either way.
"You'll let me know at another unexpected time huh?"
A raised eyebrow and glance up at Tugger as though to ask "What do you think?"
"I see, I should've known. Of course you wouldn't divulge all your secrets, mister Vague And Aloof."
Tugger gasped as an ice cold paw splayed itself over his side, Mistoffelees never taking his eyes from his with a self-satisfied glimmer of mischief.
"Misto!" Tugger squirmed, pretending to try and get away from the fingertips now walking up to his chest, the coolness spreading under his skin. Mistoffelees hooked a leg across his, just as chilly as his hand now splayed over Tugger's chest, resting it there.
Much as he pretended to try to squirm away from Misto, Tugger was most glad for this. Especially with Misto's leg hooked around one of his, and pressed up so close against Tugger's side.
Is the rest of him cool too?
Tugger shifted the arm that had been under Misto a minute ago, draping it around his boyfriend's shoulders, at the same time he slung his other arm across his waist. Just as he thought, the rest of Mistoffelees was just as cool too.
"Damn, is every inch of you the same temperature?"
Misto raised an eyebrow in a silent question, a twitch at the corner of his mouth, like he was trying his best to hold back a grin. Lifting his hand off Tugger's chest, he drew an idle visual of what he meant by "every inch".
"That's what I mean. Every inch."
Misto rearranged the mid-air sparkles into a visual of himself with a digit to his lips and a knowing smile before it dissipated a few seconds later.
"What else can you do with your temperature?" Tugger wondered aloud. "Make parts of you cold and others warm? How hot can you get?"
Mistoffelees shrugged, but Tugger didn't miss the twitch of his ears, nor the tiny snort of laughter from his nose. Of course Mistoffelees wasn't going to reveal all his magical marvels all at once.
A dramatic sigh from Tugger. "Fine, keep your secrets to yourself, you show-off." He crooked a finger under Misto's chin, lifting so the latter was gazing right into his own eyes. "Now kiss me and shut up."
Tugger closed his eyes, expecting cool lips to meet his, but to his surprise, Misto's were warm. Very warm.
Almost too warm.
And he fell even more in love.
17. Oh, the naive youth
The only cat Mistoffelees allowed Tugger to discuss their more intimate life with was Bombalurina. When Mistoffelees had confessed (or, rather, hinted) at what he would want to try in future intimate encounters, Tugger had found himself both surprised and not surprised.
It's always the quiet ones.
There really was some truth in that old cliche.
Even Bombalurina wasn't surprised when Tugger had (with permission from Misto) asked her for advice on experimenting with temperature play using Misto's magical ability to cool or warm up different parts of his body. When Bombalurina assured him of confidentiality, Tugger trusted her without hesitation. If anyone wanted to know anything about Tugger's and Misto's private bedroom lives, they'd have to prise it out of her cold, dead hands. And even then, she'd make sure they couldn't prise it out of her cold, dead hands.
And thus, when the younger-ish cats began to settle into being with a long-term partner (while also letting themselves pair or even triple-up with others when the mood struck them), many looked up to Tugger and Misto as being such a sweet and "pure and innocent" image of a relationship.
And that's when Bombalurina, Tugger, and Mistoffelees would--when no one was looking--share knowing looks and smiles among themselves.
Oh, the naive youth.
23. Good morning and goodbye + 47. Bake me a cake and we'll talk. + 55. Oh I love how dramatic this is + 71. Would you just shut up please?
When Tugger awoke after a big night out partying and just having the time of his life with Misto, Plato, and Bomba, he was pleased to note Mistoffelees next to him, still snoring away, an arm draped above his head across the pillow. Judging by the light thrumming through the light fabric of the curtains, it was already at least nine in the morning, if not later.
And Mistoffelees hated waking up any later than seven, or even eight at the maximum. If he woke up after eight, he would spend the whole day believing he'd already wasted half the day where he could've been practicing his dance or his magic. All of Tugger's insistence that even if he awoke at ten, he'd still have the rest of the day ahead of him, never worked on him, only helping to increase Mistoffelees' stubborness about the whole thing.
So naturally, Tugger couldn't pass up an opportunity to let Misto just sleep in as long as he needed (it helped he looked super adorable asleep with his arm draped above him like that). Not wanting to wake him up, Tugger padded about getting ready for the day, until he accidentally knocked over a vase with a loud crash, and he heard Misto wake up with a loud yelp behind him. Tugger turned to see Misto upright in bed, eyes wide, hand to chest, before sinking back on his pillows with a relieved exhalation.
"Sorry Misto, morning butterfingers."
Mistoffelees simply waved his fingers in the vase's direction, and the pieces were swept away into a nearby bin. Once done, he then drew a clock in thin air, followed by a question mark.
Tugger cleared his throat, made a big show of checking the time on his cell phone.
"It is...nine thirty-four in the morning," he declared, before pocketing it, winking when Misto glared at him. "Good morning and goodbye. We're both late for our performance anyway."
Misto grimaced, squeezing his eyes shut as he grabbed a pillow, launching it in Tugger's direction. Tugger caught it with a laugh, hugging it to himself.
"So Misto, what do I need to do to make up for it?"
Several moments passed as Misto scrunched up his face in thought, before pointing at him, and drawing a cake being baked in the oven.
Bake me a cake and we'll talk, Tugger interpreted.
Tugger grinned. "Looks like I'll be taking a trip to the grocery store too, huh?"
A nod.
"Can't promise miracles, but I can promise you a damn good cake by the time it's sundown."
Misto pointed to his own eyes, then pointed at Tugger, as if to say that he was being held to his promise. Tugger scooted to the bed, sitting down by Misto, offering a pinky finger.
"Pinky promise I'll have a cake for you by sundown."
Mistoffelees fixed solemn eyes on Tugger as he linked one of his own pinkies with Tugger's, the latter dropping a quick kiss on Misto's pinky's knuckle.
Looks like tonight is dessert night for us.
If anyone knew how to help make a cake without it ending up a disaster, it was Jemima. Even more so now that mid-winter had descended upon them, bringing short daylight hours, lending urgency to the cake situation.
"Okay we both know he loves red velvet cake, and would absolutely eat it if it were the only thing left on Earth," Jemima noted on the drive to the grocery store. "So we gotta get that. What else?"
Tugger started listing things off on his fingers. "A giant carton of champagne--actually I'm more of a red wine person, so that too--and a big box of chocolates, some pancake mix that I can surprise him with--maybe experiment with red velvet pancakes?"
"Ew!" Jemima protested at once. "Red velvet pancakes?!"
"Don't knock it till you've tried it!"
"I don't intend to try it, so I'll continue to knock it, Tugger."
"Misto loves it, he told me once."
Jemima laughed. "He was just having you on. Really."
"I mean...you could give it a go. But don't be surprised if it ends up in the bin."
Oh, we're experimenting. Definitely giving that a go.
"It's gross, but you're doing it anyway aren't you?" Jemima slowed to a stop at a red light, shooting him a knowing look. "I know you."
"Okay wait, I need to text Misto about this."
He unlocked his cellphone and began messaging his boyfriend.
Hey. Giant bore here.
Yeah? What is it?
I'm with Jemima in her car. She's arguing that red velvet pancakes aren't a thing and are gross.
They ARE a thing. They're more like a dessert. And DELICIOUS. Especially with whipped cream and icing sugar.
Oh you weren't kidding?
Nope. Jemima's lying to you and projecting her hatred of food she never tried. Google it.
Will do.
Also tell her, would you just shut up please? Tell her to not knock it till she's tried them.
Already have. She'll continue to knock 'em and not try 'em.
*eyeroll* See you later, Giant Bore.
They were already pulling into the parking lot of the grocery store, waiting for someone to extract themselves out of a parking space with the hasty speed of a sloth that had just woken up and barely begun thinking about its first cup of coffee for the day.
"So? What did Misto say?"
Tugger cleared his throat, making a big show of re-reading the messages, the phone a few millimetres from the tip of his nose.
"He says they're real, they're a dessert, you're lying and just hating things you haven't tried, and to tell you to just shut up please about the red velvet pancake hatred."
Jemima groaned, leaning her forehead against the driving wheel.
"Oh...dewclaws. I'm gonna challenge him to a dance-off next time we meet. And I won't stop until he loses the challenge for once. I can do forty pirouettes in a row, I swear."
"I'll pass that on."
An irate honk jerked Jemima's head up from the driving wheel, and seeing the parking space finally vacated, she quickly turned into the newly freed spot. Once satisfied with her parking, she turned off the ignition, a hand moving to rest on the door handle.
"Okay Tugger, what was that again?"
"Champagne, stuff needed to make a cake, big box of chocolates and..."
He couldn't help the cheeky grin making its way across his face as Jemima narrowed her eyes at him.
"Don't you dare."
"Pancake mix to make red velvet pancakes."
"Okay, fine, you simp. I'll be back in about ten minutes." Jemima reached up and tweaked one of Tugger's ears, but before he could do the same in return, she had already stepped out of the car, out of reach.
Tugger blew her a little playful kiss. "See you soon, little Sillabub!"
This is going to be a fine night.
Just as he'd thought, with Jemima's help, they managed to get the entire cake done just half an hour before proper sunset. While the cake was baking in the oven, they set up the table with two places, including the champagne, champagne glasses, plates and cutlery, all set to surprise Mistoffelees when he returned from an intensive rehearsal. Jemima had encountered someone who was handing out little pride flags wound around toothpicks that they'd made, perfect for inserting into sweet desserts.
Naturally, Tugger had inserted as many of them as he could into the cake once the icing had been done.
"You know, a few is enough, Tugger."
"Nah, we need all the pride flags. Everywhere. Misto will love it."
"All you're missing is some glitter at this point," Jemima quipped, but her smile was big and genuine, reaching to her sparkling eyes.
"Yeah and some unicorns too."
"They'd start eating the cake and there would be none left in five minutes."
Tugger nodded after some consideration of this point. "Maybe we'll just stick with the flags then. Do we even have glitter around here?"
"What, Misto's magic isn't sparkly enough for you?"
Tugger was about to answer back when the sound of the front door drew their attention.
"Sounds like Misto's back!" he declared in a raised voice. "Misto? That you?"
At first there was just the sound of a dance bag being dumped in the hallway, shoes thumping on the floor as he took them off, and then a quick flurry of footsteps before Misto himself appeared in the doorway, looking both tired and relieved to be done with his day.
"Misto! It's all done!" Tugger practically leaped to him in a couple of jetes and a pirouette before descending on one knee, arms held dramatically in the table's direction. "What do you think?"
Misto looked down at him, tablet in his hands, and shook his head with a knowing grin. He typed something into his tablet, before showing it to Tugger.
Oh, I love how dramatic this is, Misto had written, Tugger, never ever change. You never fail to brighten my day.
Tugger brushed his hand against one of Misto's, checking he was okay with touch before holding it in his own hand and dropping a kiss on his fingers.
"Same to you too, Misto. Now is all forgiven for not waking you up in time this morning?"
A little laugh from Mistoffelees, tablet now tucked under his other arm, squeezing Tugger's hand back in response.
Tugger returned to his feet, still cradling Mistoffelees' hand in his. "Then let's go have dessert for dinner."
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“It was an irreplaceable love”
A little sequel/continuation to my “dyin’ ain’t so bad” fic i wrote back for tuggoffelees week, this time featuring more angst thanks to @soh-da-meatball who broke my heart with her latest tuggoffelees art <3
Obviously this takes inspiration from “saturation” (the song that soh used) but while i was writing i also couldn’t stop thinking about “something to hold onto” from the “between the lines” musical and long story short i’m crying over this
Warnings: mentions of major character death, descriptions of violence (basically what had happened to tugger), unhealthy coping mechanisms (mistoffelees isolating/punishing himself), overall a lot of grief
Mistoffelees stayed in his den for weeks after Tugger’s death.
He spoke to no one, not even his sister.
The only reason he ate was because he knew how much Tugger would hate seeing him waste away, but even then, he only ate the bare minimum to keep himself alive.
Munkustrap, Victoria, and Old Deuteronomy were the only cats who came into Mistoffelees’ den, after every other cat had found themselves unable to enter due to the magic surrounding it.
Munkustrap would sit in the silence with Mistoffelees, a strong, calm presence. He was the only cat who truly understood Mistoffelees’ grief, seeing as he had been there as well when Tugger died.
Victoria held her brother during her visits, wrapping her arms around him and protecting him from the world.
Old Deuteronomy was the only cat Mistoffelees would cry in front of, clinging to the old tom as violent sobs ripped through his body. Deuteronomy cried with him, cradling the younger cat gently, whispering gentle reassurances that Tugger’s death wasn’t his fault, that he had done everything he could.
Mistoffelees wasn’t so sure about that.
Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Tugger’s bloody, broken body in front of him, fur mangled and matted.
He saw Old Deuteronomy collapsing to the ground when he saw Tugger’s body.
He saw Munkustrap falling into Demeter’s arms, the golden queen clinging to her mate with tears streaming down her face.
Every time he sat in the silence, he heard Bombalurina’s screams when she saw Mistoffelees and Munkustrap enter the Junkyard with Tugger’s body on their backs.
He heard Plato’s choked sobs at the sight of his brother in all but blood, lifeless and limp.
He heard Jemima’s terrified questions about what was wrong with her beloved uncle.
Despite Deuteronomy’s reassurances, and Tugger’s insistent final words, Mistoffelees blamed himself. He should have been faster, his magic should have healed Tugger.
His isolation was his punishment, his misery his penance for his mistakes.
So he remained in his den, curled on his bed, Tugger’s favorite blanket clutched in his arms as he breathed in the scent of his mate. Occasionally he would move around, a quick cleaning, a tidy-up of the bed, but that was only if one of the three cats he still saw came to visit.
He didn’t deserve for the den to be pristine.
Mistoffelees did manage to leave his den one night.
Like the other magical cats, Mistoffelees’ powers took strength from the moon, and the full moon shining above him in the sky made it feel as though his magic was about to burst out of him.
He sat in the center of the hidden clearing, the spot where he and Tugger had shared a private dance after their mating, and stared down at his paws. He hadn’t used his magic since the day Tugger died, and when he wiggled his fingers briefly, the rainbow sparkles he had once loved so dearly shot out, the pent-up emotions and magic exploding out of Mistoffelees in a wave of grief and pain.
He spread his arms out, magic flaring around him. The only reason the magic did not spread to the rest of the Junkyard was thanks to the barrier Mistoffelees had constructed around the clearing so long ago, when it had served as a secret place for him to practice.
Mistoffelees waved his arms and spun around, kicking out and lashing his tail until he stopped, hunched over with paws on his knees, heaving great, deep breaths, exhaustion settling into his bones.
The awed whisper had the tom freezing. The voice was one Mistoffelees would recognize even in a sea of screams and cheers. It was the voice that had spent countless hours reassuring him, whispering sweet nothings as they curled together, giggling over thoughts of a future they would never have.
Slowly, Mistoffelees turned around, and he felt everything around him grow silent.
Perched on the old chair, as though nothing had ever changed and Mistoffelees was simply practicing parlor tricks, was Tugger.
Clean fur, not a trace of blood or injuries in sight, and amber eyes glittering with only love and adoration.
Mistoffelees could think of nothing else do to but collapse on the ground, sobbing. His only thought was that he had finally cracked, his weeks of isolation and punishment had caused him to hallucinate. It made sense, he supposed. His greatest punishment would be to see the ghost of the mate he failed to save everywhere around him.
“Sparkles?” Tugger’s voice was now filled with worry, and much closer than before. Mistoffelees buried his face in his paws, shaking his head. He couldn’t bear to look up and see the vision his grief-riddled mind had conjured for him. Firm, warm paws grasped his wrists, and slowly pulled his paws away, but Mistoffelees kept his eyes shut. Those same paws then cupped his face, thumbs stroking the fur beneath his eyes gently, wiping away the tears. “Come on, gorgeous, let me see those beautiful eyes.”
Mistoffelees could never resist it when Tugger spoke to him like that.
Slowly, he opened his eyes, meeting Tugger’s loving gaze. A soft, warm smile spread over the maine coon’s face, and Mistoffelees couldn’t resist throwing himself forward, wrapping his arms around Tugger’s neck with a broken cry.
Tugger’s arms wound around Mistoffelees’ waist, strong and sure, and the two cats clung to each other, faces buried in the other’s fur.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.” The magical tom gasped out.
Tugger pulled away, a small frown on his face as he looked at his mate. “Sorry for what, Mist?” Mistoffelees’ face dropped, but Tugger placed his paw beneath his chin, gently tilting his face back up towards him. “Mistoffelees, listen to me. What happened to me was not your fault. I would never, ever blame you for what happened. All that blame? That’s on Macavity. He’s the one who killed me.” He leaned forward, resting his forehead against Mistoffelees’ with a deep sigh. “You and Straps brought me home, Misto. You came after me, and I was able to say goodbye to you.”
Mistoffelees shook his head. “I should have done more, Tugs.”
“You couldn’t have done more, Misto.” Tugger replied firmly. “It was my time, and as horrible as it was, you couldn’t do anything to change it.” Mistoffelees let out another sob, and Tugger pulled him back into his arms, hugging him fiercely.
Mistoffelees wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, the two cats clinging to each other. By the time they pulled apart, he had cried out all his tears, and Tugger was back to smiling, pressing soft kisses all over the magical cat’s face.
Now that he was no longer crying, Mistoffelees could see the soft glow around his mate wasn’t simply due to his own watery eyes.
“This isn’t a hallucination, is it?” He asked softly.
Tugger chuckled, standing and pulling Mistoffelees up with him. “Not at all, my marvelous, magical magician. You did this.”
Mistoffelees’ brow furrowed. “Me?”
“I’m not sure exactly, but all that magic you let out, combined with your grief and love, it brought me here for just a little while.” Tugger said gently. He looked up at the moon above them. “It’s a full moon, as well. Like during the Ball.”
Of course.
Full moons, whether it was the night of the Ball or not, were when the Jellicle magic was strongest, and the veil between the Heaviside Layer and the living world was lifted, allowing moments of peace between deceased cats and their families.
Mistoffelees let out a soft, disbelieving laugh, tilting forward to rest his head against Tugger’s shoulder as he sent an unspoken whisper of thanks to the Everlasting Cat for granting him a final moment with his mate.
“I’m going to sing at the next Ball.” He admitted quietly.
Tugger’s arm wrapped around his shoulder, tight and comforting. “I had a feeling you would.” He leaned over, nuzzling the top of Mistoffelees head lovingly. He then stepped back, away from Mistoffelees, and held out a paw with a bright smile. “One last dance?”
Mistoffelees felt bittersweet tears fill his eyes. Their last dance in their clearing, the spot where their relationship had started. He took a steadying breath, and waved his paws.
Soft music filled the clearing, just like it did on the night so long ago, when they had snuck away as new mates, giggling and holding paws. Now, he reached out, tangling his fingers with the ghost of his mate’s, and Tugger gave him a sad little smile, pulling him closer.
The maine coon slipped an arm around his waist, and pressed a kiss to the spot just below Mistoffelees’ ear, where he knew the magical cat was ticklish. Mistoffelees laughed, something he had not done in ages, and his grip on Tugger’s paw tightened. He felt Tugger smile, and he felt himself pulled into a slow, gentle dance, Tugger never letting go of his paw.
Mistoffelees’ smile faded into something quieter, something more secretive, and he burrowed into Tugger’s mane, breathing deeply.
As Tugger’s arms tightened around him, their dancing turning into more of a gentle sway, Mistoffelees found himself with a single thought.
“What a precious love it’s been.”
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real-reulbbr-band · 2 years
Tuggoffelees hcs!! Ok so Tuggoffelees sweep, how did I not see that coming? but don’t worry I still plan to make content for other misto ships I mentioned in the poll and were suggested in reblogs ^^
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I didn’t wanna disappoint since they were my first ship in cats and the most popular in the fandom so I kinda just went ham so enjoy it's a long one
♡ Mistoffelees has a habit of just appearing in areas in the blink of an eye, and sometimes while Tugger is talking to another cat Mistoffelees will just appear beside him trying to scare him it works 50% of the time but most times Mistoffelees ends up scaring the other cat far more.
♡ Mistoffelees doesn’t have any jealousy problems when it comes to Tuggers flirting he only really gets bothered when he feels Tuggers leading the other cat on. Which is usually when he steps in.
And stepping in meaning not so subtly stealing Tuggers attention away like walking by and letting his tail brush against Tuggers face for instance.
♡ Tugger tends to zone out sometimes when it’s too quiet or when he isn’t surrounded by the kitten fan club. This generally happens when he’s laying in the sun during the afternoon, whenever misto catches him doing this he’ll take the opportunity to curl up next to Tugger for a nap. Whenever Tugger snaps out of it he can’t help but smile when he finds Misto sleeping peacefully beside him.
♡ Mistoffelees took the obligation of planning their second date, he took Tugger to a closed for the night amusement park his Humans used to visit. Tugger thought the place was creepy when they got there but that all brushed away when Mistoffelees brought him to his “secret spot”. 
It was at the top of the carousel which thanks to Mistoffelees’s magic was still functional. All the lights and ornaments amazed Tugger, he hadn’t seen anything like it before. When they got to the top they watched the stars together, While admiring each other at the same time. Tugger loved how the moonlight made Misto’s fur twinkle.
♡ When Tugger can’t find his classic spiked collar Misto tries to recreate it with magic, though it looks slightly off. He instead gets the bright idea to offer Tugger his bow tie collar until they can find it. Tugger tries it on and it does look sort of funny on him but Tugger loves it regardless. 
♡ Tugger loves whenever Mistoffelees uses his magic on him, even though it’s usually small like zapping tugger. Tugger urges him to do more which Mistoffelees caves into eventually but usually not much to Tuggers amusement like by Giving Tugger a comically large polka-dot bow on the back of his tail to make him look silly. 
♡ Mistoffelees has very wealthy humans who like to buy him cat costumes. They dress him up in all sorts of things from a sailor, a bat, and a magician. Whenever this happens Mistoffelees can never manage to take the costumes off and so he ends up going to the junkyard dressed up. Tugger finds it amusing but he will gladly talk back at anyone who makes fun of Mistoffelees for it. Except for the kittens cause their kittens.
♡ Mistoffelees loves hearing Tugger sing, especially whenever it’s in his softer tone of voice, sometimes Mistoffelees would catch Tugger singing to himself in their den and he would quietly watch not wanting to disturb the show. Once he caught Tugger singing about him and he could feel his heart beating faster. He got caught seconds later though and Tugger just laughed awkwardly while patting Misto’s head.
♡ This isn't Tuggoffelees but just tugger however Tugger loves randomly scooping the kits up and giving them piggyback rides around the junkyard.
♡ Misto has cold paws almost all the time he loves to surprise touch Tugger sometimes on the shoulder or his hand to witness him get all jumpy at the sudden cold.
♡ Tugger is cautious about his relationship with Mistoffelees in the sense that he knows that Bustopher will never like him and think he’s a bad influence. While Tugger is aware he looks bad on the surface level due to his shenanigans and how he flirts around, He only wants to bring out the best in Mistoffelees and show him how great he thinks he is but most of the time Tugger agrees with Bustopher that he’s undeserving of someone like Mistoffelees. but Misto normally slaps him back to reality quicker than a fly. They’re on even playing fields regardless of reputations and they love each other very much <3
I also have this thought that 1998 Tuggoffelees is them before they get together and 2016 revival Tuggoffelees is them together henceforth why Misto participated in Tuggers song actively and excitingly instead of being a bystander. Yippie that’s all ^^
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munkustance · 6 months
20, 25, 26, and 29 for tuggoffelees?
Yee, the classic Tuggoffelees!
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Oh this is a fun one when it comes to these two. At first Munkustrap was too oblivious to notice until Cassandra or Bombalurina straight out pointed it out. And of course Munk was fine with it, but not before giving Tugger a heartattack by making him think he wasn't.
Victoria knew before either of them did (same with old Deut). Hell, she was actively shoving Misto at Tugger. So she was over the moon when she found out they finally got together. Alonzo however will give Tugger a death glare or two since he knows about Tugger's disobliging ways. (Although in reality there's nothing to worry about.)
25. Who needs more assurance?
They both do, although neither of them will admit it. Tugger is more about his selfdoubt and insecurities. While Mistoffelees's also struggles with insecurities it's not as bad as Tugger's. And his magic, although Tugger is the best hype man so it isn't as bad as it was before. So in short, Tugger is the one who needs the assurance more and you can bet your ass he gets it.
26. What would be their theme song?
Ooo, it might not be a theme song but 'You must love me' from Evita (I listen to the Unmasked: The Platinum Collection version) is so them before they confessed their feelings for each other. Especially these lines for Tugger: "How do we keep all our passions alive, as we used to do?" and "Give me a chance and I'll let you see how, nothing has changed." And then these lines for Mistoffelees: "Why are you at my side? How can I be any use to you now?" and "[...] you believed in me, I believed in you." Also the refrain is both of them to the T.
29. One headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart.            
Like the song I mention suggest, they don't think they deserve each other. Mistoffelees thinks he's not enough and that Tugger will one day just leave him. While Tugger doesn't see himself deserving any kind of love, let alone from Mistoffelees who he loves so much. To drop in another piece of lyrics: "Frightened you'll slip away. You must love me." It just encapsulates both of their insecurities so well. I highly suggest giving this song a listen.
Another headcannon I have is that Tugger regrets showcasing Mistoffelees's magic infront of the tribe, and not to self premote but I dive into that a little bit in my fanfic Kidnapped by the fire :))
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jeffersonhairpie · 7 months
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One of the YouTube comments of all time oh my GOD
Found on this video
[Image ID: A YouTube comment from user @sire-dame-sander It reads:
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as promised here in MY Insane Cats Fandom Story. formatting this greentext style bc it’d be fucking unreadable as a big block of text - be me - cats the musical fan, dumb teenager - in groupchat with several other cats the musical fans - our number one group activity is keeping up with this one fanfic, “the silver protector and me” - it’s 70k words of munkustrap x the author’s self insert oc - from the moment you pick TPSAM up it’s not great from a writing perspective but the further you read the more unhinged the plotlines get - everyone can shapeshift into normal cats with no explanation. the main character is french n everybody else is incredibly aroused by it. all the girl cats frequently body shame the main character for being too skinny. the love interest is abusive towards his son because he thinks he might be gay. there’s a bunch of sex slavery just like an insane amount - this isn’t really that alarming to us. obviously the author might sort of be goin through it but at the end of the day it’s just a fanfic - however. there is also an author’s note at the end of every chapter where the author (we’ll call her jazzie after her self insert) shares wayyyyy too much about her life - we learn a bunch through these. she’s british. she has a terrible ex. she loves the guy who’s she’s currently dating but he hates cats the musical. she’s been to cats the musical 115 times. she has a 7 year old son - she also links her instagram + tumblr. maybe this was a dick move of us but being teenagers we check them out - jazzie’s instagram is pretty normal other than the fact that everyone but her looks miserable in every photo - whatever. they might just have resting bitch face - jazzie’s tumblr is CRAZY - we discover that she’s been in several bona fide large scale scandals - you name it jazzie has posted it. most recently she’s gotten in trouble for comparing the traditional body modification of various unrelated african cultures to, and I quote, “dumb bimbos getting too much plastic surgery” - she’s also fighting on a daily basis with people who hate her fanfic over its various Issues, including one heated debate with an actual sex trafficking survivor - about a week after we start checking in on jazzie’s tumblr, she posts that she’s going to be taking a break n moving all her mutuals into a discord server - this server will also house the live drafting of new chapters of TPSAM - being idiot teenagers we decide we HAVE to get into this server to watch TPSAM get drafted live. its siren song is far too strong for morals to assuage us - in an attempt to gain mutualhood before jazzie leaves for good, I create my cishetsona - her name is abi n she’s a 17 year old girl living in indiana who loves only two things: cats the musical and her homophobic 23 year old fiancée who works in his dad’s garage - she’s a closet tuggoffelees shipper as well but she openly ships mistoffellees/victoria (which is for some reason the default straight ship in cats even though victoria canonically hooks up with plato. no I’m not sure why either) - abi begins participating in the cats the musical fandom by posting annoyingly heterosexual content - within one (1) week, this has gotten her into jazzie’s discord - a few of my co conspirators have played the same trick. there’s maybe four or five of us in there - inside this discord we are exposed to fandom drama we never even knew existed - jazzie frequently complains to the server about her current boyfriend. she hates how much he dislikes cats the musical, n hates even more that he’s always telling her to pay more attention to their kids (plural) instead of writing cats the musical sex slave fic - do you remember how I only mentioned the 7 year old son earlier. this is the first mention we hear of another kid - the next day something terrible happens
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- we MEET the other kid - he is 12 years old n he is a SERVER MODERATOR - this means he’s been fully privy to the active drafts of his mother’s super explicit cats the musical sex slave fanfic - apparently nobody on the server was aware this moderator was jazzie’s son either, because her genuine mutuals seem just as shocked as we do - at this point one of the real mutuals snaps n tells jazzie that while she loves TPSAM, kids shouldn’t be anywhere near it. a good half of the server enthusiastically agrees with this - jazzie takes this as a personal attack on her parenting abilities n the server fucking implodes - a couple days later the whole thing gets taken offline - abi gets a message from jazzie apologizing for the whole situation n thanking her for not attacking her like everyone else - I don’t have the energy left to tell her abi isn’t real, so abi says “thank you. it’s no problem” - there is brief discussion of reporting jazzie to some kind of authority, but we decide that’ll probably only make it worse for her kids, so we don’t - we figure she got the message to not involve her preteen son in the drafting of her sex slave fanfiction when all of her friends left her - TPSAM has not updated since. I really hope it’s because jazzie stopped neglecting her kids for it - it’s for the best she stopped. I hope her family is doing better now - but frankly I’m a bit sad we’ll never get lines like “can I cum in you?” “oui!” ever again
/End ID]
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totallyaccuratecats · 3 years
Mistoffelees: Every time I see Tugger, my heart clenches and I get all nervous.
Victoria: That's because you love him!
Tugger: Every time I see Misto, my heart clenches and I get all nervous.
Mungo: Don't get close to him again, you gonna die
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thespidersfrommarz · 3 years
Misto: Is something burning?
Tugger: Just my desire for you~
Misto: Tugger...Tugger, the toaster is on fire.
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isolationstreet · 5 years
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“I really wasn’t going for gay. Perhaps it was the 20ft. rainbow streamer with glitter they had me pull out of a bucket that gave it away?”- Jacob Brent
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emmikay · 2 years
Rum Tum Tugger: Quick question about Misto, does anyone know if he has any Maine Coon in him?
Alonzo: No one respond.
Skimbleshanks: No one say anything.
Rum Tum Tugger: Why? I’m just curious if Misto has some Maine Coon in him.
Jellylorum: Silence.
Plato: I don’t think he does-
Rum Tum Tugger: WOULD HE LIKE SOME!?
Alonzo, Skimbleshanks, Jellylorum: PLATO!
Mistoffelees: (cackling)
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naturepointstheway · 3 months
5 Times Misto Didn't Confess To Being In Love With Munkustrap (and 1 Time He Did) [Zurich Mute Misto]
A series of six drabbles showing five times Mistoffelees didn't tell Munkustrap he loved him, and the one time he did. Zurichverse, with mute Misto. Mentioned Tuggoffelees but mainly Munkoffelees
It started as the kind of cute crush, a silly childhood crush a kitten would have on an admired figure. Munkustrap was kind, nice, quiet, friendly, and while not as silly as Tugger, he could have fun every now and then. He looked out for him, let him sleep in the curl of his tail during slumber, and let him follow him around—at least at first.
Then he got busy, he had to learn to be a Protector, but at least he still was nice. Little kittens always had silly innocent crushes; it would surely fade away soon enough.
Kittenhood ended, and adolescence arrived, and with it, all the new feelings that come with it. The crush was there, still, but it was different. For the first time, Mistoffelees noticed Munkustrap’s thighs, the way he smiled, the physique of his muscular frame. His baritone singing was enough to make something tingle in him, and sometimes he had dreams about Munkustrap he wouldn’t dare confess to him, nor even to Tugger.
Not least of all because Munkustrap no longer had time for anyone except the whole junkyard. He was a full Protector of the Tribe, that was his life now.
Mistoffelees’ intimate love for Tugger ran deep, so much so he imagined it ran into whatever previous lives he’d had once upon a time. Perhaps in some of those lives he had not been mute, and perhaps in those lives, Munkustrap might have liked him more. Not that Munkustrap didn’t now, especially after having rescued Old Deuteronomy and showed the full might of his magic doing so. Still, despite Munkustrap warming up to him again, like he had back when they were kittens, Mistoffelees did not dare confess his crush on him—for what if then Munkustrap became cold again?
With age, the crush became more of a deep, deep love, much like he had with Tugger. The sort of intimate love only lovers understand, and yet Mistoffelees still hesitated, despite the rekindling of mutual trust between Protector and Magician, their friendship stronger and closer than even when Mistoffelees had been a kitten sleeping in the curl of Munkustrap’s tail. They worked together to create shows to delight and stun new generations of kittens and the older cats who wished to reminiscence on younger days when they could still dance under the Jellicle Moon, when they still were beautiful then.
Alas, even the greatest Protectors must grow old, and Mistoffelees knew he had to tell Munkustrap soon. Or perhaps it wasn’t worth it now they were so old, not long for entering the Heaviside Layer themselves. Mistoffelees could no longer do his conjuring turns, but he still created great shows with his magic, Jemima now the new storyteller. In a cruel twist of fate, age stole Munkustrap’s voice, and with it, his storytelling. So Mistoffelees told the stories with his magic, and Jemima orated.
One day he’d tell the story of how he fell in love with Munkustrap. Next year.
The following year, it was Munkustrap’s turn to enter the Heaviside Layer. Mistoffelees had dreaded this day’s arrival. Last year it had been Tugger, and this year, Munkustrap. Munkustrap who clung tight to him as they ascended, surrounded by the singing of the cats under the light of the Jellicle Moon.
When they reached the top, Mistoffelees took a deep breath and confessed with his magic that he’d always been in love with Munkustrap.
Munkustrap lifted their clasped hands to his heart with a teary smile and nod.
Somehow, Mistoffelees knew, even though Munkustrap could no longer speak.
Me too.
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Please tell me all about the Kade and Nora Demestrap?? The current productions seem to be going all in on this ship and it is very valid of them!
(Also if there were any Kieran and Hank tuggoffelees moments, I need to ask you to share them due to who I am as a person)
ok so i posted the majority of my thoughts on Kade and Nora's Demestrap here, but i just HAVE to mention again how much i love the dynamic they created
like i adore the traditional fully in love happily married Demestrap that Lauren and Devon gave us, but Kade and Nora created a much more complex relationship that grew over the course of the show, from Munkustrap being a little hesitant and Demeter being curious about him, to the two of them having a respect and little flirtation with each other during the Ball, to finally having that moment during the Macavity fight and after when they see one another in a new light.
like their Demestrap makes me think that Demeter's only known by Bombalurina, Mungojerrie, and Rumpleteazer, and they're the ones who brought her into the Junkyard. Tugger's doing his best making her feel welcome (my Tugmeter BFF Agenda was FED by Hank and Nora), but Munkustrap's a little more suspicious.
Seeing her reaction to Macavity actually showing up really changed his perspective, and just... ugh, their mannerisms around each other, the way they moved and grew???? absolutely BEAUTIFUL
literally the ultimate hype men for each other during their songs
like there didn't feel like there was a "YES THIS IS TUGGOFFELEES" vibe to their interactions, which i honestly really liked? all their interactions could easily be viewed as either platonic or romantic
idk if this would be a lil nsfw-ish, but when Tugger and Misto do their little dance during Tugger's song, and Misto goes down to crawl between Tugger's legs, Tugger did a little hip thrust and it just made me giggle
there were a lot of cute little moments, like Tugger nudging Mistoffelees playfully during the Ball, and Mistoffelees turning around to interact with him
i got the biggest Bombatuggoffelees vibes during the Ball, especially after the Pas when everyone is cuddling together
They were sitting together on the car trunk and just in their own little world like yes give me Tuggoffelees who are completely wrapped up in each other that they forget about everything else 😭
Mistoffelees' song was SO good, Kieran has such a sweet voice, which contrasted really nicely with Hank's more rock star-style singing
them dancing together gets me every single time, but there was a moment where Tugger was up on the tire, and Misto was down on the actual stage, and Tugger was mirroring Misto's dance movements and it was perfection
ok i said this in my main commentary post, but when Old Deuteronomy is brought back???? it was so fucking cute????
Like Tugger was FULLY in awe of what happened, and he was bouncing around and just so insanely hyped, and he started off singing really loudly and excited, but he stopped and took a moment to calm himself down, but he was just so happy and it was such a good lil moment
and then before they started doing the last bit of dancing, Tugger and Misto had a moment where they gave each other fist bumps and were just smiling and UGH i love them
and then the moment during the finale when they're going off stage together and Tugger's like "WAIT I HAVE TO FINISH THIS" and runs back onto stage
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real-reulbbr-band · 11 months
what kind of kitty dates do you think victeazer would go on?
OOOO love this question!!
I think it changes dramatically based on who plans.
Victoria's more romantic, so naturally she likes to plan most of their dates. She prefers more quiet and classic romantic dates, like having a picnic on a meadow and cloud watching. Or if we're going their 100% cat realism probably picking flowers in her owners' garden with Rumpleteazer, and making flower crowns and bracelets. Most of the time though Victoria will give Rump subtle hints about when she wants her to ask her out and a preferable place. Like "just so happening to mention" a new fountain at the town square she'd love to dance at and ofc Rumpleteazer always follows through.
As for Rumpleteazer, she's more the type of cat to plan the day of and hope everything goes smoothly. I can see her hearing some close friends of hers stating they plan to go out and asking if her and Victoria could tag along too. (I could mainly see her doing that with Mungojerrie and *insert whoever you ship him with* or even Tuggoffelees). Other than that Rump generally likes to take Victoria to her own human's house to just have fun together. bouncing on the bed, racing across the halls, climbing the highest bookshelf, see who can handstand the longest. etc. But that's probably because I see Rumpleteazer's love language being quality time.
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jelliclewhiskers · 3 years
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There are so many that I couldn't settle on one if I tried, so here's three that I really like:
Tuggoffelees — A staple that I consider canonical in almost every production
Mungoteazer — Depends on the production (since in some they're twins/siblings), but I see them as a wonderful duo, especially with my headcanon about them being brought to life for each other.
Munkoffelees — I like the contrast of Mistoffelees and Munk, but also how well they could work alongside each other.
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Macavity Family AU: Misto Does Some Magic and Has Some Babies
Misto’s gender is Magical (he/him)
Part 5: The Magical Mister Mistoffelees and His Seven Magical Kittens
No one was exactly sure of anything when it came to Mistoffelees. He was believed to be a tom and never argued with this belief, but, unlike with most kittens, his parents couldn’t tell. The circumstances around his birth, his powers, which were apparent almost immediately, and his androgynous form made some cats wonder if he was even a cat at all. That was quite rude of them.
From what Alonzo could tell, Misto definitely took after his side of the family, being black and white. But, instead of being black and white in spots and patches like his father and grandmother, he was white only at his chest, paws, and the tip of his tail. His paws and tail didn’t always appear white, for some reason, and even the white patch on his chest grew and shrank at random. When his white spotting was at its maximum, he resembled a tiny Bustopher Jones. When Misto first saw Bustopher, he noticed the similarities immediately and started following him around everywhere until Munkustrap intervened.
It was Munkustrap who raised Mistoffelees. His parents weren’t quite ready to raise a kitten, but Munkustrap was more than ready. Though he was more restrained sexually than Tugger, his younger brother, at least two pregnant queens suspected that at least one of their kittens was his, and even if they weren’t, he’d look after them as if they were his own anyway. Munk adored kittens.
Though Alonzo was a stray, Munkustrap found Mistoffelees a home. Tugger’s humans liked cats considered “unusual”. Tugger was unusually difficult. A cat with magical powers would fit right in. He brought the kitten right to their doorstep. Tugger and Misto didn’t exactly get along at first, but it didn’t lead to any sort of turf war the humans could notice.
Though no one intended to lie about who Misto’s parents were, he didn’t really seem to understand that Alonzo and Cassandra were his father and mother. He didn’t have a mother, because kittens with mothers were raised by their mothers. It was the rule. Kittens that didn’t have mothers were raised by their fathers. That was also the rule. So, Misto was pretty sure that Munkustrap was his father and that he didn’t have a mother and everyone was being really weird about it, for some reason.
Munk told Alonzo and Cassandra not to take it personally. Raising Misto, he’d come to understand some of his quirks. He had rules for how the world worked and even if the rule obviously didn’t apply to his situation, he’d stubbornly stick to it. Forcing him to break his rules upset him and when he was upset, he sometimes lost control of his magic. When the seasons changing meant that Misto’s bedtime was when it was still dark outside, Munk’s den caught fire.
When Misto reached the age where cats began mating, or at least trying to, he seemed to have no interest in any of the queens. All of his friends were queens, with his best friends being Munkustrap’s daughters, Electra and Victoria. Electra had a bit of a crush on him, but it went nowhere. Misto’s interests were dancing, and he was one of the best dancers the tribe had ever seen, and magic. He spent all his time practicing. There were a few exceptions, such as when Bustopher came to visit, as he still couldn’t resist following him around, but he mostly kept to himself.
Only a handful of toms knew that Misto wasn’t as averse to mating as he seemed. He lacked the anatomy one would expect a tom to have. Instead, he mated and got pregnant like a queen. Tugger, who mated with Misto frequently, found this ambiguity fascinating and asked why Misto agreed with those who called him a tom. Misto said that it’s because he was. He could magically alter his body if he wanted to, but he preferred to have a tom’s identity with a queen’s body. He had no interest in changing. Perhaps he wasn’t fully a tom, but he certainly wasn’t a queen. Misto was just Misto (he/him). Tugger, who could never stick to one of two options in most situations, and who valued being able to do as he pleased, fell completely in love with Misto then and there.
Not long before his second Jellicle Ball, Misto had a litter of seven kittens. Most litters came from multiple fathers, and this one was no exception, but Misto never revealed who the fathers were. Tugger knew that some of them had to be his.
When Misto, even younger than Cassandra was when she had him, had this enormous litter, Munkustrap adopted all of them. Jenny also adopted all of them. They shared custody and didn’t tell most of the tribe whose kittens they were, not wanting cats who didn’t understand the complexity of Misto’s character to see him as a queen because he gave birth.
Alonzo and Cassandra knew that they had grandchildren. Cats grow up and reproduce so fast that this wasn’t at all awkward for them. The fact that their son was the one to give birth was a bit of a surprise, but Misto surprised them all the time, so this very quickly became just another Thing That Happened.
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whitmerule · 4 years
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Okay, so back to my better OTP who doesn’t let me down and has never heard of a no homo in its life. In which these two actors in particular are just getting happily down to it every night in Seoul this week, including too many cute on-stage openly shippy moments to even bother giffing them all, and sharing insta stories with the ship name and saying how much they love each other and how awesome they are as Tuggoffelees and just being generally adorable.
No room for no-homo here! We’re too sparkly for that in the world of Cats!
Bye-bye Supernatural. It’s been - well, not real, a lot of it was fake actually. We had a good run but I moved on years ago.  😘
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