kage58 · 2 months
Pirate Software Game Jam 15 - Meowchemist -
Decided to join the Pirate Software Game Jam 15, together with my partner @princearcren & a friend. It was a blast, the theme was Shadow & Alchemy.
We decided to make a 2d puzzle platformer called Meowchemist, where you control a black cat that needs stay out of the light. Along the way you can collect ingredients to craft items to help you stay out of the light. The game was made in 2 weeks using Unity and I learned quite a bit from this. Firstly, Unity was definitely too bloated an engine to choose to make the game but we went for it because of familiarity. Secondly, game jams might not be the best format for me. The time crunch, even if it was 2 weeks, was getting to me and I was getting close to burning out. I put a lot of time into it in the beginning to get all of the features that we wanted to have in the game and to have the base movement, detection mechanics and everything else. There were a few days where I was unable to even open Unity and try to do anything in it because of how much time I put into it.
Side note, maybe I am just missing something but I was unable to check a Unity Visual Scripting variable which made me lose a day almost because I was trying to change the colour of the light when the player entered the it. In the end, we decided to make it in a janky way of adding two other lights with different colours and just activating the one I needed. All of that was just because there is no 2d light component in Unity directly, or at least it's not accessible in Visual Scripting.
Funny thing that happened, about 15 hours before the submission deadline we found a bug that would make the player character turn the opposite way after stopping, which would make it impossible for the player to throw the items properly. Took us about 2 hours to find what caused this and for whatever reason it was the ground collider being too long on one side, once we shortened it the bug just went away.
Not sure whether we will continue with this project or not but I know for sure that if we would, I'd rebuild it in Godot or GameMaker as those engine would lend themselves better for the game we were aiming for.
Nevertheless, I will be trying out Godot and making a small idle game in it to try it out and learn the engine. Already made a prototype for it that I will be rebuilding because I found some issues with it.
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raptorhoundrune · 7 months
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fullmetal meowchemist (?)
had an insane moment on recently after looking at pics of sand cats and being like. edward. edward. this is ed. and so i drew This. and now i cannot stop the kitties takeover
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im cooking up more of this shit so get ready. im not gonna stop also i made an fma discord server !!! if anyones interested !!!
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geoogl · 9 months
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Fmm (fullmetal meowchemist)
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renslice · 6 months
full mewdle meowchemist
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@meowchemist​ responded to her comment. 
And she really didn’t mean to think aloud. Her and her big damn mouth usually got her into trouble, after all, so she usually kept it shut unless otherwise needed. But she couldn’t help but stare when she saw the man with golden hair and eyes--peculiar, yes, especially the eyes--and then think about how tired he looked. 
Maybe it was because she herself was so very tired lately, and not just physically. She was tired of everything. Roaming around Amestris, all that chaos that came when everyone just suddenly...collapsed without a warning. Seeing other people--or maybe not ‘people’, per se--that were like her, battling it out for the glory of simply living another day. She’d been there in Central when shit started going down, and like always, Anger had run, as she usually did from problems. 
She had no business getting into shit that obviously didn’t involve her. And yet here she was, interfering with this stranger that likely didn’t want her commentary. 
Her own face reddens when the homunculus realizes her mistake, and a hand is held up in a gesture of surrender, maybe peace or even apologetic; it isn’t quite clear. Her other hand is kept tight to the strap of her messenger bag, slung across her chest. Violet eyes widen a bit as Anger gives a started chuckle, something often done when she was nervous.
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“Uh...Sorry, sir,” Mind your manners, be normal. “Didn’t mean to say that out loud...or, uh. Is that worse?? Sorry for disturbing you--” Oh, this was going just swimmingly, wasn’t it? She was making an absolute fool out of herself. 
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bennysrphub · 4 years
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couldn't decide which blog to post this to so im posting it here and gunna reblog it to both of them <3
@meowchemist and @lakewoodplazahero wish sunshine boy a happy birthday!! (K.O. is included bc he's my most active muse atm)
@citrinexdreams hope this puts a smile on your face :)
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ishvalanfaithful · 4 years
@meowchemist Continued from Ask:
Layla loved being outside almost as much as she loved working at the shop, so it wasn’t a big surprise that she’d choose to go outside on her breaks. Sometimes this would lead to her being a tad absentminded when she strolled around the city, and oops, looks like she ran into someone…
“Yeah, I’m okay. Not the first time this has happened, and probably not the last.” Layla managed to laugh it off. “Not entirely your fault. I need to remember to pay attention, even if it’s a light-hearted stroll, you know? I’m Layla by the way.”
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scentedbygunpowder · 4 years
❝Can you help me sit down?❞ from the Lightheaded/Fainting Starters perhaps? (from meowchemist) if you need a little set up, it could be not long after Al is released from the hospital, and is still adjusting.
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“Of course.”
Her reply was immediate, without any hesitation, and Riza moved to help support Alphonse as she guided him to a nearby bench. Not long out of the hospital, he was still weak, which was something that she could well understand. Riza herself had been kept in the hospital for quite some time after the Promised Day with concern over her injuries and blood loss. She had been more then happy to get out of there, but had found the residual weakness of it all to be frustrating. She wondered if Alphonse felt the same.
The bench wasn’t far, fortunately, and, although a little slow, they managed to make it to it. She had been happy to have the young man come visit her, and they had decided to go on a short walk in the nearby park. It worked out well, neither of them operating and full capacity yet, and so they were able to take it slowly together, even with Hayate running around, enjoying the park.
“There you go,” she said, helping him sit down, and sitting beside him. Hayate came up to their feet, looking at them curiously. “Is that better? How are you feeling?” Edward would not be happy if Alphonse ended up not feeling well, and truthfully, neither would she. She was ready to seem him return to full health, and be the young man that he was always meant to be.
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robyn-runestone · 3 years
Fullmetal Meowchemist
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alchemic-elric · 4 years
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Manhandle My Muse || Accepting 
if you're still taking the "manhandling" starters, I'm torn between 
"☠ - slam my muse into a wall" and "♞ - physically pick my muse up and carry them"
 bc i wanna play with Alphonse's seldom seen pissed side, but also him being taller and strong enough to just pick Edward up and carry him around,, I'll let you decide if you want (from @meowchemist​)
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His fists are raised and he didn’t think that was where his night was going to go. 
He’s gone into town alone and slipped out of the house without Alphonse or Winry noticing. Grams caught him when he was trying to leave but he told her he ‘wouldn’t be gone long’  but that was hours ago.  He’s missed dinner, neglected most of his chores for the day and when he was doing them - swinging that axe to cut more firewood could have landed him in the hospital if he’d been paying just a little less attention. 
No Alchemy to fix your problems now Edward.  
So the blond found his way into town, and into the local Resembool - not that he personally drank....despite having no interest in it. Even if he did, he was only eighteen and as such he still legally couldn’t anyway. 
“Get outta here, Edward.”  One man says to him in a light laugh but the blond just ignores him and leans himself against the bar and gives him a glance before looking away. 
There’s a groan from another man, when the barely adult blond ignores them, turning instead to face the barkeep and summon them over.  His face is leaned smugly leaned against his left hand while the same elbow rests on the wooden bar below it.  “What can ya give me?”  He sounds with mischief in his voice. “You know what I mean.” 
The barkeep sighs, it’s the third time this week the blond’s been in here, and even time he gets thrown out on his ass. The man, sets down the glass in his hand that he was wiping clean and looks the boy square in the eyes. “Edward, we both know you can’t be in here. You’re not old enough yet. Can you not make a scene today?” 
“I’m booored though, an’ even if I can’t drink this place has the best food in town. You can’t bend the rules fer a State Alchemist?” 
He’s swinging that watch off a finger as if to prove his point; Mustang never should have let him keep it as a memento. 
There’s a loud groaned sigh, as the barkeep rolls his eyes as the boy and just leaves him to do as he will. 
“We told ya to leave, Elric. No one gives’a shit about your fancy watch.”  
Edward’s head whips around, gaze snapping in place at the large man across the room barks at him.  His lips spread out into a dangers smirk at the other man’s words as he slips his watch back into his pocket and his hand comes down to slam on bar for a moment causing a few of the people around him to jump in their seats. 
“So get your ass goin’ kid. Come back when you’re a grown up.” 
“Oh I’m hurt. Looks like the local drunk’s got somethin’ ta say. I’ve seen more hell then you’ll see in three lifetimes asshole. You wanna make somethin’of it?!” 
“Elric I could mop floor with you but I don’t fight little girls.” 
“Oh. Short jokes AND mockin’ me for my hair? Real original, asshole. You scared, big man? Scared ta get yer clock cleaned. Fuck you.” 
“That’s it, kid. I’ll drag you outta here myself.”  
Edward raises his hands out to each side of himself as if to show a surrender. “You ain’t gotta drag me. I can still walk. I dunno ‘bout you though. How much you drank ta’night, Old Man? Can you even see straight?” 
The blond’s head is jerked to the side when a hard punch hooks him in the jaw but his lips only spread out into a smile as his head cranes back around and gold eyes sparkle with a dangerous light.  “If yer gunna hit me, hit me harder.  ‘Cause you better knock me out next time, or I’ll make you regret it.” 
The two on on top of each other, trading blows and body shots in an instant. The entire establishment turns into an uproar as other men join the fight until a true bar fight as broken out and after several long minutes Edward’s left unconscious on the floor. 
There’s the feeling of something splashing against his face and then the repetitive motion of something tapping against the side of his face.  “Kid. Kid wake up. Kid you still alive?”  
His vision is blurry as he’s met with the sight of one of the waitress that work at the bar and a frown on her face.  “Yer lucky they didn’t call the cops’on ya. Startin’ a fight like that. It’d be fer yer own good if ya didn’t show up fer a while, Kid. You look like hell. I can patch ya up if ya gimme a minute.” 
“Naw, I’m okay. I’ll just go home an’ take care’a it.” 
It took about an hour ta get home. An hour longer than normal so two. It was the middle of the night by the time he got there an’ he hoped that everyone would be asleep and he could just crawl upstairs and sleep it off. Unfortunately the lights were on, so that meant someone was waiting for him. 
Please let it be Grams.  
He walked into the door, an absolute mess. His hair is mostly down, as it had fell out of his ponytail. There’s bruises all over the bare skin that can be seen on his face and arms. His lips busted open, blood running from his nose - probably broken again - it’s nothing new. 
And the eyes that met his own were his match. Gold meets gold and Edward waits for the gasp of worry or the lecture. He’s not talking no matter what he says. He’s not talking because he doesn’t want to talk about it. ‘Caused a bar fight’ is not something he wants to talk about to Al. Not at whatever ungodly hour this was in the morning. 
Ah fuck was his watch broken? It better not be.  
But hands are at his collar when he doesn’t speak and soon his back is colliding with the wall behind him. Gold refuses to make contact with their mirror knowing full well he’d just see the anger in his brother’s eyes. Nothing is worse than making Al angry.  Of feeling like such an utter disappointment.  He can’t explain this to his brother but it wouldn’t be the first time he’d come back to him covered in wounds he refused to explain. 
This just must be the straw that broke the camel’s back this time. 
Aw fuck.  
He’s pinned there for several minutes, with his brother demanding answers and his continuous denial to supply them.  After all when he cuts someone, he always cuts deep - never one to half-ass things; including hurting the people he loves.  Why is he like this?
Hands release his collar and Edward collapses, body weight dragging him to the floor where he sets in a broken pile of himself for a moment, but before he can attempt to get himself back up, there’s strong arms slipping under him to scoop him up off the floor.  They both know, Alphonse has done this before. More times then he can count actually, when the younger just carry Edward where Alphonse thought he needed to be.  
Muscle memory has Edward’s arms swinging to wrap over his brother’s shoulders as they started the trek up the stairs to their shared room. Maybe he’d get lucky and Al’d let him sleep a little before biting his head off again. 
Not that he didn’t deserve it. 
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How Attractive Are You on a Scale 1 to 100?
Swiped from @meowchemist​ 😸 *rolls dice* Maria 🧚‍♀️
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“Y-YOU! How dare you?! I’m going to turn you into spaghetti! I’m going to - Screw you too, jerk!”
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raptorhoundrune · 7 months
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kitties au screencap redraw ^_^
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shirtoid · 5 years
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Full Neko Meowchemist by ilustrata
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teesurprise · 4 years
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Furmetal Meowchemist Mug
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@meowchemist​ asked: I know they just met but  ✿
Let’s get some groundwork going-- | Accepting!
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other .
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other .
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other .
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other .
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bennysrphub · 4 years
blog list !
as of right now, my blogs are:
@meowchemist , post-ending Alphonse Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist
@intothedorkness Wirt of Over The Garden Wall! Headcanon heavy, often discusses dark themes such as death and the affects of nearly drowning.
@neverhurtstohelp Wander of Wander Over Yonder!
@thekidcomic The Kid of Kid Cosmic!
@shcrttempered Dan of Dan VS!
@cookiebandit Gary Goodspeed of Final Space!
@freaksqud Billy, Nergal Junior, and Irwin from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy!
@sweatervestjinx Milo Murphy of Milo Murphy's Law!
@sinisterlysweaty Oscar from Fish Hooks as a Luca style sea monster !
@livedfantasy Luz Noceda from The Owl House & Marcy Wu from Amphibia!
List will be updated as needed!
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