ratfiink · 4 years
@lakewoodplazahero​ liked!
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   “We are still enemies, ya know. I ain’t gonna give you a pat on the back and say ‘well done’ just cause you made some crummy wish.” That ‘crummy wish’ was obviously the one that literally saved the entirety of Lakewood Plaza, and give Fink a planet to play with, but. y’know. She’s not going to respect something that K.O. did. “And I’m especially not gonna be friends with you. I just wanted to make sure you dorks weren’t having too much fun down here.“ (She came in here to shoplift.)
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outofthisgxlaxy · 4 years
@lakewoodplazahero​ continued from here.
That... sounded oddly familiar to Steven. When he looked at K.O., he was reminded of how he had been when he was about thirteen. He’d wanted to be a real Crystal Gem so badly, wanted to do everything he could to help, and that had led to quite a bit of severe trauma and other terrible things down the road. In an instant, his heart was aching for K.O. He didn’t want this boy to end up like him if he could help it.
“Well, I wouldn’t worry about there being a huge problem that you can’t face,” Steven said to start. “I mean... there probably will be times when you do face things like that. But you’ll never have to face them alone.” He felt like it was important to establish that much. It was a fact that he had let get away from him as he had gotten older, but that was probably because Steven had focused so much on solving other people’s problems and putting his own on the backburner as often as he had.
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“If you put so much stress on yourself by worrying about letting other people down, it’s only going to lead to you feeling worse in the future. So... try not to stress about it too much, okay?” Steven asked. He knew that he and K.O. were pretty much strangers, but that advice should have been helpful to anyway. With that said, though, Steven knew he couldn’t just avoid telling the younger boy his name.
“I guess I should introduce myself, huh. I’m Steven. I just got here not too long ago, but... you could probably tell that.”
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bennysrphub · 4 years
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couldn't decide which blog to post this to so im posting it here and gunna reblog it to both of them <3
@meowchemist and @lakewoodplazahero wish sunshine boy a happy birthday!! (K.O. is included bc he's my most active muse atm)
@citrinexdreams hope this puts a smile on your face :)
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runningtoredemption · 4 years
(Lakewoodplazahero, ooc) psst did you see the art i tagged you in?
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The art I reblogged here? Or another art piece?
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avarice-inclined · 4 years
(lakewoodplazahero, tko) 🙄
Greed is in the open marketplace when he spots the kid darting between booths to stare at him. It’s clear the little guy doesn’t think Greed has seen him, clear that he’s curious, so Greed pauses and makes a point to make eye contact. Long enough for the kid to realize he’s been caught.
He responds with an eye-roll and a grin, and Greed snorts, kneeling down to hold out a hand to the boy.
“Careful, ya do that too much an’ your eyes’ll get stuck that way.”
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bcxman · 4 years
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         ❝   LOOK,  K.O., i’m not here to RAIN TERROR ON THIS GOOD FOR NOTHING PLAZA BUT... ❞
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          ❝   i’m actually here because i ran out of ingredients for the meal i’m making tonight. so if you’d like to fight, i’ll send over my robots in the morning... but in the mean time, I’M GONNA NEED YOU TO HAND OVER THE TOMATOES. ❞ / @lakewoodplazahero​​ LIKED.
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fernbodied · 4 years
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from @lakewoodplazahero​‘s THREAD, we continue:
ugh. when’d he get swaddled with babysitting duty? heroes don’t babysit, and they definitely don’t take smack from moody toddlers like him. what gives! not that he was never a kid himself...
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“ look, kid. ” fern says, drawing his sword - he tries not to sound mean or annoyed. “ you’re not the only one that can smack up somethin’-somethin’s real bad. i mean. it’s a hero plaza. so. ”
he points to one boxmore bot, then the other. “ i’ll take that one, you take the other? then we both win. like. pizza-style. easy. ”
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bashfulninja-moved · 4 years
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      Shy is very happy that he likes the rubber puppy. Least it went well!! She was honestly so dang nervous that it wasn’t all that great of a gift. But he looked happy! Mission accomplished.
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jdgmntkazzy · 4 years
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As Kiryu lowered himself to the ground, T.K.O. listened, grateful for the man’s words. Tears stained black by eyeliner dripped down his cheeks, he struggled to keep his breathing steady.
At the other’s smile, he found it harder to cling onto his hostile feelings as K.O. slowly made his way to the front once more.
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He brings an arm to his face to wipe the tears, the spiked wristbands disappearing, being replaced by the usual bright red ones. When the child looked back up at Kiryu, he bore a small smile, and the makeup he wore on his eyes was gone, and his eyes were deep brown rather than bright purple.
K.O. took Kiryu’s hand, using it to pull himself to the man for a hug, crying once more into his shirt.
Every time before when he’d become T.K.O., his friends got him to front again by reassuring that he was loved and appreciated, and while Dendy had studied him to help him see how to control his darker side, no one ever offered to help him through it or to cope with his feelings.
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“I’m r-ready…” a pause. “I’m sorry…”
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"...” This child was coming to Kiryu Kazuma, the Dragon of Dojima, for comfort. It was shocking to him. This tiny figure clinging onto his shirt reminded him of Haruka, how she wasn’t helpless but she was alone, looking for someone to help her through her rough life. Kiryu felt something deep in his heart crack open--what was it? Was this his true calling, to protect the vulnerable, to help the needy, to give back to a community ravaged by Yakuza interference? Well, that last one didn’t really apply here, but the sentiment still stood.
K.O. shook as he clung to Kiryu. There was something about the way he held on so tight--had no one ever helped him feel comfortable when he felt out of control? I thought adults were getting better at helping their kids. Was I wrong, or was everyone in the wrong place at the wrong time? He wouldn’t know without asking, but now wasn’t the time. What mattered right now was helping this kid work through what he was feeling.
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“You know, you don’t have to apologize.” Kiryu tipped his head up, surveying the massive amount of destruction caused by the child’s unchecked emotions. “...On second thought, you should apologize to whoever owns this lot. You kind of... well... you can do that later.”
As Kiryu stood from his kneeling position, he pulled K.O. up with him, who had returned to that same look of a child he had met a week before, smiling, despite the tears still streaking down his face. That was a good sign. Things were going to be okay. Even if life was a bit rocky for K.O. right now, it could be made better.
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“Let’s get going, then. Come on.”
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slootsforshace · 4 years
(Lakewoodplazahero, ooc) GIGXIGCII im imagining that venomous doesn't know ko is a dog and boxman starts helping ko take off his human suit while his back is turned and ven turns back to see Dog and is just o.o
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Hah! I love it - give the old man a heartattack~
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@lakewoodplazahero​ said: +REVERSE 🧊
!!!!!- | Accepting!
Anger was used to being cold. When others occasionally brushed up against her in a crowd, she would often get strange, concerned looks tossed her way. Of course, it made sense that she was cold to the touch, in an ironic sort of way. 
But that didn’t mean she was welcome to the feeling of an ice cube being dropped down the back of her shirt. 
There’s a shout as she stands from the bench she’d been sitting on, quickly reaching to her back and trying desperately to get the frozen little block out. 
As she does this she turns, pupils narrowing into slits in her growing rage. “Who the fuck-?!” Oh, whoever did this was about to get hell.
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outofthisgxlaxy · 4 years
@lakewoodplazahero​ liked for a Steven’s birthday starter
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“Hey, K.O. You wouldn’t happen to know where I might be able to find a bakery of some kind, would you?” He’d never celebrated his birthday without his family before, but hey. There was a first time for everything. Since he was more or less on his own with the exception of new friends, he thought that putting together a tiny celebration made the most sense.
Maybe it wasn’t the most amazing of ways to celebrate a seventeenth birthday, but hey. Steven was happy nonetheless. Of course, he knew K.O. might wonder why he needed to know what he’d asked.
“It’s... my birthday today,” Steven explained. “I just want to see if I can get a small cake and stuff.”
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runningtoredemption · 4 years
What is your Moral Alignment?
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Your Result: True Neutral 82%
You view the world in an unbiased manner, acting mostly on either your own self interest or on the best objective course. This can mean you enjoy creating balance between all forces, meaning you may do actions that involve Good as well as Evil, respecting authority like Lawful with the skepticism of Chaotic; or, you may simply draw your line in the sand, and go your separate way. This develops you into the archetypal "on-the-fence" person.
Take from: @lakewoodplazahero​
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jdgmntkazzy · 4 years
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Calm down? “Why should I?”
Could he calm down? Sure, he’d been relatively calm before, but it was typically only when talking to K.O. in his head. And when he got angry, it was incredibly difficult for anyone to get him to “calm down”– especially since when he was calm, it was because K.O. had fronted again. Since T.K.O. was a manifestation of K.O.’s negative thoughts and emotions, he didn’t feel like he was capable of being calm.
Facing Kiryu again, he crossed his arms. “What’s got me so mad is that asshole across the street constantly attacking us!”
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He was already stressed out enough by the work he had to do with bodega and his training to get stronger, and the increasing frequency of boxbot attacks was the cherry on top. His attack wasn’t aiming at anything in particular; he was just venting his frustrations. Would he tire himself out eventually? Probably not.
But someone could probably talk him down and comfort him.
Since K.O. knew Kiryu and considered him a friend despite only knowing him for a week, he could be that someone.
He dove for Kiryu again, growling. Blindly attacking was all he could think to do right now.
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“Hey, I get it,” Kiryu shouts over to him, dodging yet again. Thank God he got all that training in. Kiryu could be light on his feet when needed. “I’ve always got somebody picking a fight with me.” He gestures to himself vaguely. “Mostly because I look like this. You know, like a Yakuza... even though I’m not.”
That was more of a half-truth--while Kiryu wasn’t still in the clan, he was involved with it often enough that one could mistake him for Yakuza. It probably also didn’t help that he had a permanent scowl etched on his face. That wasn’t on purpose--Kiryu just naturally looked like that. Even as a child, he was suspected as a thug because of his menacing façade.
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“That doesn’t mean you can let your anger get the best of you,” he continues. “It might be frustrating, but destroying everything around you isn’t the solution.” Kiryu learned this the hard way--destroying yourself isn’t the way to fix things. He swiftly dodges another hit, worried the next one is going to land, and he’ll end up with a nasty scar. I have to convince him to stop, and quick!
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“You’ve got people to rely on. You don’t always have to jump up first to action.” Kiryu really didn’t enjoy seeing a kid take on the violence of the world. It wasn’t right to him. “You can ask someone for help. You’re going to wreck yourself if you don’t stop soon.”
:: @lakewoodplazahero, @bennysrphub​
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outofthisgxlaxy · 4 years
(Lakewoodplazahero) For one reason or another, the Store was closed, leaving K.O. with more free time to think about being a hero. It was hard work, especially when it was more than just fighting a robot. What if he couldn't handle it? What if there was a threat too big for him to take on, and he let people--his friends-- get hurt? Lost in thought, he bumped into Steven, backing up and looking up at him. "Oh, Soory! I guess I wasn't watching where I was going..." he rubbed the back of his head.
Lakewood Plaza Turbo was, without a doubt, very different from what Steven was used to. By that point in Steven’s road trip adventures, though, he was becoming accustomed to the differences in various towns. He did wonder what this one in particular would have to offer, so he’d decided to settle down there for a few days. As Steven was taking a moment to look over everything around him, though, he felt something. Rather, he felt someone bump into him.
His first reaction after K.O. apologized was to turn around and see who he was. The kid didn’t look like he’d meant any harm. It was just an accident. So, Steven smiled.
“It’s okay,” he said. “I think everyone has a moment like that at least once in their lives. No harm done.” He did wonder, though, what K.O. could have been focused on. Surely he had to have a reason for being so lost in his own head. Maybe it would be wise to find out.
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“Is there something on your mind, or...?”
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jdgmntkazzy · 4 years
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“I don’t need to rest, I don’t want to rest, and I’m not going to rest.”
As a new attack tactic, Boxman had sent many duplicates of his robotic children at once, quickly overwhelming the Bodegamen, and, mostly importantly, K.O.. As a result, T.K.O. fronted, making brief work of the bots, but he didn’t let K.O. back out when he was done. Instead, he continued his destruction and chaos.
You’re not going to get anywhere like this. The words echoed in his mind. Hearing anyone, especially someone he barely knew,say that set him off.
He knew he wasn’t going to get anywhere by destroying everything around him and attacking anyone who looked at him. But he couldn’t hold himself back. He couldn’t restrain himself. He couldn’t stop.
He knew this, and he hated being reminded about it. “You’re not going to get anywhere sticking your nose in my business!”
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He hovered into the air above Kiryu, raising his fist, purple flames engulfing it and violet lightning crackling around it and him.
This was bad news. See, about a week ago, Kiryu had met this lovely young kid named K.O., and got to witness his strange, magical style of fighting. Now, today, he happened to come by, and saw the scene of mass destruction, seemingly caused by this K.O.-looking-kid. It didn’t look good.
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“Shit.” Kiryu quickly dives out of the way of the attacker’s incoming hit, watching as his fist is dug into the ground, ripping concrete up from its foundation and crackling in an outwards formation. Whether this was K.O. or his brother, Kiryu probably wouldn’t have survived that hit--no human would, he was sure. There was some potent sort of fighting magic in this world. Maybe it was something in the water. Either way, the boy was reeling up to throw another punch, and Kiryu needed to dive out of the way, and fast.
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“Hey, kid! It’s time to calm down!” There was no getting to T.K.O. physically; it was too dangerous. The best Kiryu could do was try to deescalate the situation (even if he was only good at that when he used his fists). “Whatever’s got you so mad, it isn’t worth destroying this whole place for.”
If the kid didn’t calm down soon, he’d probably hurt his friends, Kiryu, or worse, himself. Kiryu couldn’t bear to see something like that happen. He had to help him cool off, or else.
:: @lakewoodplazahero, @bennysrphub​
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