aquata-the-champ · 25 days
Deep-Sea VIP | The Mercrew
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amphiriteaquarium · 1 month
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Just look at her.LOOK AT HER-(working on the second batch of the mercrew,this is Roxanne's slug i was too lazy to finish)
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neoninky · 2 months
Writer Thoughts (I used to keep count but who knows anymore)
Hey y'all~ how is everyone?? Normally I'd be working on the next chapter of 'Her Devoted Shield' today BUT....I'm doing something a lil different than my norm. First, the flagship fic of my Sacred Crown TWST Canon x OC series, 'Her Ivory Crown', was started and finished in 2021. On paper, not that long ago, but it feels like a lifetime ago. Plus three years in internet time is basically a hundred years lol. Why do I bring that up, you, (your name here), may be wondering? Welp I woke up today with the best AO3 notifications waiting for me in the email: the 'someone commented on yo fic, babyyy!' notifications. Ah, chef kiss. To my surprise - it was on Her Ivory Crown. So my first thought was "damn people still read this??" Surprise part 2: I checked the stats and Her Ivory Crown has 7100 hits???! DAYUM, people still read this!
So before I say anything else - to everyone who has read and still reads Her Ivory Crown (or any of my fics frankly), y'all are the REALEST thank you thank you thank you! ;u;
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I have no idea what anime that gif is from if anyone knows tell me cuz it looks SO CUTE
SO with that said-*rewinds back to the part about doing something different*- I've been thinking of my other girls who were introduced in Her Ivory Crown but haven't been in the spotlight as much yet. My readers know Reine, Elise, the Cerith Sisters, and their whole crew. Reine keeps making cameos cuz she's the OG waifu who is a literal queen, but her story is pretty much complete as is the Mercrew's. So while I'm also working out details for Petra's far more complicated story, I think my other girls should have their turn(s).
Initially, I had planned for each girl to get their own full-blown stories like Reine, Elise, and now Petra. However, with that said, while the Princess Trio's stories are more grand in scale, and sometimes way darker and adventurous, my other girls' stories would be more slice of life, down to earth. Which may not call for a 16+ chapter story like the others. Granted I could prove myself wrong on that but even so, they would still have their own short(er) stories about how they and their canon bois got together. I have ideas in mind, some that are very K-Dramaesqe and I do love me a good K-Drama lol. Which honestly, I've been craving the latter lately. I'm still gonna work on Petra's story cuz I like finishing what I start. But today, I'm changing gears and writing for one of my other girls. Who up first? ..... ...........
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Scarabia fans rejoice - your time is now. We goin to the country of Scalding Sands and Hot Bois, babyyyy lol
Normally I put shorter stories in my Sacred Crown Shorts entry on my AO3 page since it's supposed to be more like an anthology. But not this time, oh no, the Almascaber/Scarabia adjacent girls are getting their own posted story: 'Her Third Wish'
So be on the lookout for that and thank you again so much for your likes/kudos, comments, and general enjoyment of my fics. Hope y'all have a good day!
*jumps down the writing rabbit hole*
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tagging peeps activated: @nuitthegoddess @wysteriadelights @thosebrookfieldgirls @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @victoria1676 @yunaemiya @feldya @ladyrosemoon @1ndigowitch @shironakuronatasa @sapphireblaster3000 @valy-gc
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a-merman-not-a-guppy · 5 months
one or multiple introducing the mercrew hehe ⚠
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swynlake-rp · 1 year
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This is Halloween! This is Halloween! 
MUN: S! Members applauded S for diving in head-first with two memorable new characters that we already love. From the scrappy Angel to the dignified Darius, we can’t wait to see what stories you tell here!
CHARACTER: SCAMP! From the first time he popped up on the dash, we’ve simply been obsessed with J’s Scamp! He may have just joined us, but he’s already up to some exciting new plots and we just love to see it. Welcome to Swynlake, Scamp!
Honorable Mention: PACIFICA! Pacifica had a huge month, finally escaping her parents and exposing them for their shady ways! Way to go, Pacifica, and props to L for executing a thrilling and dramatic plot.
THREAD: THE MERCREW’S GROUP THERAPY SESSIONS! We love to see a community of Magicks come together like this. While Bruce, Aquata, Alana, Gil, and Gabriella each have their own reasons for being there, we’re excited to see where this goes next. 
TASK: HARVEST WITH THE HAUNTLEYS | FOODIES! Snow, Cass, and Julieta are such a power trio, and we loved to see them team up for some fall food talk. More of this, please!!!
Honorable Mention: BACK TO SCHOOL-ISH | TANYA & ANGEL! This one got a shoutout for being a creative take on the paired thread prompt! A back-to-school thread… where neither of them actually go to the school. Way to go, S and E!
THE FOREST IS NORMAL! BUT STILL CLOSED: Thanks to Ella and her deal with Grandmother Willow, it seems the forest has retreated from its invasion of the town. There’s no need to worry about creeping vines or meddlesome chipmunks anymore. However, the forest remains closed and requires a permit to access— failing to comply can result in hefty fines!
PETITION TO REOPEN THE FOREST: DENIED, Despite almost unanimously passing by the Board, the Petition to Reopen the Forest has been denied by the acting mayor. NOTE: Mayors have always had veto powers on petitions, so Eboshi isn’t technically overstepping, but it is rarely actually exercised. 
NEW SHERIFF/DEPUTY: Announcing Swynlake PD’s newest dynamic duo: Tom Harrington (Sheriff) and Maximus Keaton (Deputy)! They will be replacing Clayton now that he’s skipped town. Feel free to have your characters talk about it and hit up C and L to plot!
EVIL TWIN: Oftentimes, your character is the hero of their own story… but what if they were the villain? Make an aesthetic and a short description of what it might be like if your character made different choices, went down a different path, and became a spooky version of themselves! (Aesthetic + 300 words)
GHOSTS: A self para or thread where your character encounters one of Swynlake’s many ghosts. Feel free to play with the ghosts that we already have in canon or invent a new one! And remember that unless you are a medium, ghosts do not appear to you. 
OCTOBER 4-11: BELLE’S FOREST SIT-IN Come be part of a peaceful protest to show the town’s displeasure with the closure of the forest. Characters will be occupying the forest without permits. There will be snacks and drinks.
OCTOBER 11-18: A TOTALLY NORMAL PENNY FORRESTER CHARITY CONCERT Wow, it’s so wonderful that Penny is donating her time to perform for a good cause! It’d be a shame if something… happened. Something like a peaceful but extremely theatrical protest against the suspension of the elections… (Organized by Phineas and Pip. Because of course it was). Canonically on October 14.
OCTOBER 18-25: BOARD MEETING Between the closure of the forest and the postponement of the elections, Swynlakers have a lot to be opinionated about! Come make your voice heard. Canonically October 19.
OCTOBER 25-NOVEMBER 1: HALLOWEEN FUN! Get in the Halloween spirit with Swynlake’s many offerings…
Town Hall Trick or Treat: A family-friendly Halloween bash with tables from local volunteers and businesses giving out candy. Dress up in your favorite costume and bring the family! Pixie’s Halloween Haunt: For the nightlife crowd, Pixie’s will have its annual Halloween bash and costume contest! Go all out for a chance to be crowned the winner, and check out the club’s selection of signature themed drinks. Emira and Kleopatra’s Danse Macabre: Come frolic and dance until you’re dead at Emira and Kleopatra’s danse macabre, held in the PrideU dorm common room. Medieval attire encouraged, but not required!
Scott “Scamp” Richards: October 2
Cassandra Hamada: October 5
Mirabel Madrigal: October 6
Agustín Madrigal: October 6
Bae "Nemo" Nam-min: October 9
Elliott Morey: October 12
Gaston D’Avenant: October 13
Rose Whitman: October 15
Thomas Harrington: October 19
Todd Sionnach: October 20
David Hatter: October 29
Zero Hallows: October 31
Characters Involved: Ting-Ting, Hercules, Su, Hera, Snow
Plot: Ting-Ting found out that she's pregnant -- gasp! After puking on the Ferris wheel at the fall carnival with Hercules (and also not getting her period) she had a hunch, but confirmed it with a test on Sept. 17 (John's birthday). So far, she's only told Hera, Su (and Mei) and Snow.
Characters and Muns Involved: Pacifica, Ollie
Plot: This thread is the culmination of a lot of self paras and plotting over the last few months as Pacifica and Ollie work together to steal the evidence they need to finally hold the Northwests accountable for their actions 
Characters and Muns Involved: Cass, Hiro
Plot: To make sure that Aunt Cass isn't alone, Hiro used his skills with robotics and AI to create a cat for her named Boba
Characters and Muns Involved: Jessica, Belle
Plot: Jessica reaches out to Belle for help with her harassment and Belle has to turn her down 
Characters and Muns Involved: Bruce, Aquata, Gil, Alana, Gabriella
Plot: Bruce launched his merfolk therapy group! Aquata, Gil, Alana, and Gabriella all attended and they covered ground rules and then began discussing an anonymous online submission box where merpeople could share their concerns. They're a bit nervous about the security of the whole thing, but willing to take the risk.
Characters and Muns Involved: Annie, Kim
Plot: After being sent on a wild goose chase by Annie to investigate the residents of Southern Isles, Kim finally put her foot down and told Annie she wasn't going to do it anymore. Annie didn't take it well. 
Characters and Muns Involved: Hercules, Aquata, Merida, Ren, Cora
Plot: The gym has been undergoing renovations following the PanDemonium attack, and the withdrawal of the forest from the pool area (bye otters ily). Everything should now be back to normal and classes have returned to their normal schedule!
Characters and Muns Involved: Gil, Jim, Roz
Plot: After a mission gone mostly wrong, Gil asks the RAS for extra help in Swynlake. Roz approves the request and Gil is shocked to find that his former flame/the spy he worked most closely with in NYC is now in Swynlake. TLDR: Leo is in town! Staying at the Tipton for now! Getting a lot of coffee with Gil... what does it mean??
The A.V. Club
Characters and Muns Involved: Penny Forrester, Eilonwy, Su, Angel
Plot: Penny has started a film club! People should join this if ur character likes film <3
Characters and Muns Involved: Ella, Tiana, Aurora
Plot: After a disagreement about Willa’s education, Enchantra grew hostile, branching out into town in protest. Though her friends offered to help any way they could, Ella came to a compromise with Grandmother Willow, setting the forest back to normal as Ella moved into her own home closer to the forest itself. 
Characters Involved: Belle, Tibbs, Eilonwy, Alana, San, Mads, Berlioz, Hades, Toulouse, Ashitaka
Plot: Belle’s personal life has exploded in the wake of the Underworld opening. Her husband’s brother almost died and he won’t speak with her. Hades is disappointed in her. Her best friend, father figure, and other friends were injured. Her best friend, Berlioz, whom she told that it was her fault, is pissed at her now. She is trying to repent by throwing herself into getting the forest reopened but that’s not going well either…not to mention, Ashitaka showed up on her doorstep, causing even more problems…
Characters Involved: Belle, Agustin, James, Simba, Rose, Gil
Plot: As if summoning a demon wasn’t enough, now Belle has been fired from InterPride for insubordination. Her summer long crusade to help a cairn of Stone Trolls has been thwarted at every turn, building to a blow up with her boss. What’s her next move going to be? 
Characters Involved: Candace, Mirabel
Plot: At Phineas and Ed’s back to school party, Candace and Mirabel made out on the dance floor and then went back to Mirabel’s place for a hook up…except Mirabel started crying. Things got awkward and though Mirabel has apologized and explained she was upset about her ex…things are still weird
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Here’s a clip from my recent @disneyfrozen 2 “Into the Unknown” cover video with the amazing @northgate.entertainment & @the_jorisdaniel ! Thanks so much to everyone who’s taken the time to watch it so far on @youtube , and to everyone who requested “Show Yourself” next! I’m so excited that IT’S HAPPENING!! 😱❄️🎶⠀ ⠀ Because of you guys and my amazing #MerCrew on @patreon , somehow a miracle happened and the stars aligned for this 2nd Frozen 2 music project. Have you ever had so many puzzle pieces fall into place you just know something is meant to be? That’s how the production for this next one feels. I’m planning to do a vlog soon to tell you guys more of the story-would you wanna watch that? ⠀ ⠀ I just got back last night from filming at our dream location, the @icecastles_ in Utah, and I can’t wait to share the tribute we’re cooking up! 💙 I really hope you guys like it! It’s become such an emotional project for me already in so many ways, & it’s also become a project that is so full of family (both actual & chosen) I’m so thrilled that it’s made up of some of the pple in my life who mean the most to me. This one isn’t just a cover-it’s become so much more. ❤️ ⠀ ⠀ Stay tuned for some sneak peeks & to meet more of our collaborators for this next video! Augh!! I can’t wait! Love you guys! ⠀ ⠀ #frozen2 #intotheunknown #showyourself #elsa #frozenmusic #youtube #frozen2cover #frozen2music #queenelsa #disneymusic #idinamenzel #panicatthedisco (at Crestline, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7kBUQqgqBK/?igshid=1o2p2k3f7qcct
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thehappiestgolucky · 2 years
About mermbugs
Decided to rework the ‘rescue ending’ (Ig that’s what it’s called??) for when they rescue all the merfolk.
Absolutely gonna make Radiance and PK destroy the place.
(I’m also going to be very mean to Tiso but then again when am I not <3)
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pickalilywrites · 5 years
Mermaid AU with the ship of your choice. Bonus points if its a smaller one!!
gonna answer these b/c i never did and i’m doing spring cleaning - including cleaning out my ask box lol 
historia reiss is the illegitimate child of rodd reiss, mer king of the sea, and is forbidden from exploring outside the underwater castle. however, her older sister frieda helps her to leave the castle every other night 
historia enjoys exploring the ocean. the more she sees of the world, the more she wants to know. when she begins upon ruins of a ship, she begins to collect artifacts and learns from friends - connie, sasha, and jean (3 troublemakers who are rascals but friendly and also kind of have no idea that historia is part royalty) - that these ruins are from the surface world 
springlestin mercrew understand that historia’s family life isn’t the best and encourage her to sneak out and explore the world and they’ll show her everything there is to know about the merkingdom - hidden nooks and crannies and secret spots - and take her to secret fieldtrips above water but they all agree that she needs to stay hidden from the humans 
which is what she does until she witnesses a ship get caught in a storm. unable to sit back and watch the crew drown, she helps them and is particularly drawn to a woman in particular - a dark-haired woman who continues to dive back into the black ocean to save her crew even after historia has saved her. she continues to observe the ship and its crew, the dark-haried woman in particular. she learns that the woman is a pirate captain named mikasa ackerman who steals from the rich nobles and gives to the poor 
one night mikasa catches historia watching them and catches her. she doesn’t know quite what to do w/ the mermaid at first, but eventually she remembers how historia saved her and she eventually befriends the mermaid 
she learns of historia’s situation and they end up overthrowing historia’s dad who’s a terrible ruler anyway, place historia’s sister frieda as the new merkingdom ruler, and historia and mikasa explore the seas together
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indarlingarmor · 7 years
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I got Posea Reef to join my mercrew. Not sure what I'm going to do with her, except I definitely want to replace her ugly shirt. Her hair is kind of gorgeous, so I may not reroot.
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catnippackets · 8 years
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Got my last, and personal favourite, mermaid design done!
Fun fact!
The Oar fish was originally believed to be a sea monster, as they used to be quite elusive and gave people quite a shock when dead ones would wash up on shore.
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averysmallgremlin · 8 years
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Hey, @catnippackets I’d like to update my addition to the #mercrew. I hope you like Leafy Sea Dragons!
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sweetlykey · 8 years
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@catnippackets , okay, but do we get mercrew varsity jackets? Because that would be amazing. 
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ravenmaple · 8 years
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I wanted to be a part of @catnippackets mercrew!  Featuring Rae!
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SHOW YOURSELF is up!!! (Link in bio) 💙 This is probably the most emotional video my friends & I have ever made, and mine are all over the place right now! So overwhelmed (in a good way) but plz forgive me as I run off for now. I need to break & eat something, & have a few FaceTimes with some of my amazing cast of friends & family members, but other than that I’ll be in the @youtube comments all night. Chat with me over there! I’ll pop in here too to repost stories if you guys want to send us some reactions! 😉 Huge endless thanks again to everyone who was a part of this. Especially @hali_bear 🙏🏼 You guys are what made this special. The end. OKAY VIDEO CHECKLIST👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼 1. Listen w/headphones or good speakers to hear the hidden sounds! 2. Watch until the very very last moment! There are some surprises you’ll miss if you click away! 3. If you liked it, feel free to share. I hope it brings you some happiness today. Love you guys like whoah. Mean it. Thanks so much for your support! 🎧🎶 @icecastles_ @glimmerwood @benjaminhinesphoto @amberarden @fatmanphotography @the_jorisdaniel @songstaforlife @amytreadwelltoy @bissellhousebedandbreakfast @randomly_riley @thereal_miley_tinythunder @sydneyelizabethhh @dcnbm @rocklovejewelry @angelsecretofficial @rebeccafaithsimmons @vpfashion @pinkyparadisedotcom @houseoflashes #MerCrew #showyourselfmusicvideo #showyourself #elsa #iduna #disneymusic #elsacosplay #frozentribute #frozen2tribute (at Midway Ice Castles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-JAeIUgAal/?igshid=jkd2b3bcupcq
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finelytaylored · 12 years
These fucking 1D Mermaid, God, Jesus, Savior and Angel twitters will be the death of me. Oh my god.
I really shouldn't be allowed on the internet. 
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