suzylind · 1 year
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Still working on my MereMay Transformers characters, so here's Megs for ya all to start off with some art posts!
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milos-lil-corner · 1 year
Next month is May
y'all know what that means
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chiptrillino · 8 months
I'm sorry, just sent in 62 for the ask game because I'd overlooked that it's the amazing scifi thing!
Soooo 63?
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(ID in ALT text)
okay so... you know whats really funny here. i think made this while for the first time polls popped up on tumblr. and i had this werid idea of like... "choose your adventure" kind of story telling. but... lets be honest i don't have much... time to draw all the options? but this is still like... a sort of darker AU which is deer to my heart. and till today i don't know if they should have a happy end or not. sokka got shipwrecked. and to make his situation even worse zuko poped up and and took a bite of him.
the whole siren idea is more based on the sinister one. the one drowning and eating seamen. and zuko is now out to eat sokka. i have some plot lines written out. -sokka playing with zuko a game of riddles to buy himself some more time -zuko being unable to stay in the sun so sokka has to decide if he lest him take shelter underneath his make shift raft or lure him out of there to burn him. at the end sokka does get saved and can escape for some time? because zuko did end up biting him. and now sokka cant stop hearing him in his head, and zuko can still follow him. so... watch out sokka! zuko is on his way to eat you up but i still don't know if he means it literally or in a more plessurable way...
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memethebum · 4 months
Here’s a late fic for SoMa day/MereMay :)
Soul Evans knew fate was cruel, yet he still jogged past the wet grass and beaten dirt pathway that led to the servant’s lodging for the Deathton estate.
He let out a low breath as he stopped in front of a small window which had the paint chipped away at odd corners by the sea breeze before feeling his heart skip a beat once he rapped his knuckles against the glass.
His lips bent into a large grin once the window flung open and revealed a young woman with flaxen hair and mossy pupils, only to release a chuckle as their cheeks were pushed against one anothers’ in the midst of her pulling him through the window.
“You’re late,” Maka giggled before they both plopped down onto her bed, earning her a hum from Soul while he began to rummage through his pocket.
“Sorry, I…uh was gettin’ you something,” the man replied as he watched the young woman arch one of her eyebrows at the statement.
He cracked another large smile before revealing a small leather pouch from his pocket and handing it to Maka.
The young woman wasted no time in slipping open the small pack, causing her to release a muffled gasp as she pulled out a small heart-shaped ruby necklace.
“I-uh thought it’d be nice to return the favor,” Soul mumbled while displaying the heart-shaped emerald necklace which Maka had gifted him during one of their visits to the port surrounding Death Village.
Maka then regarded the young man with a large grin before shifting her hands ontop the mattress in order to reach upwards and plant a kiss onto his forehead.
“Help me put it on” the young woman whispered while she turned around and swiped her hair to the side, probing Soul to hum in understanding and gently wrap the jewelry across her neck.
The young man then watched as her forest green pupils looked downwards at his gift before lovingly gazing upwards at him once more, eliciting him to press his body closer towards her own even though the scales underneath his skin seemed to be burning.
Soul Evans knew fate was cruel, yet he still flinched when he walked into his family’s grand dining room and saw that a young woman adorned in a prim ballgown had been the expected guest which his family invited for dinner.
He was able to suffer through some pleasantries before Wes placed his fork onto the tablecloth and cleared his throat.
“My brother hopes that your visit to our estate has been pleasurable, Princess Anya,” Wes then exclaimed, causing Soul’s blood to boil at how he definitely had no such hopes, nonetheless knew who exactly his family had invited over for dinner.
“Oh-um yes, everything has been splendid!” Anya exclaimed as she flashed a small smile at Soul, who attempted to placate a smile onto his face until he heard his father let out a small cough.
“We’re glad to hear that. It should serve as good insight of when you’d like the wedding ceremony to be held,” the eldest Evans then added while Soul ran his thumb against the smooth emerald which his necklace had been crafted from and wondered whether mending past mistakes was the actual motive for his father attempting to marry him off.
Soul Evans knew fate was cruel, yet he still tossed in his bedcovers and swam circles around the town’s cove due to his restlessness over the marriage and what it for-bode about his relationship with Maka.
He finally mustered enough courage to sneak onto the grounds of the Deathton estate once more before noticing Maka lounging against the stump of a large tree with a book tucked under her nose.
“Hello there Soul,” a voice then hummed, probing the young man to jump in place and turn around to find Kid standing beside the estate’s backyard door.
“Hey,” Soul mumbled while twisting his head backwards to see that the young woman had vanished from her spot underneath the tree.
“Is there any particular reason why you’re standing deep in thought in my estate’s backyard?” Kid then questioned, causing Soul to let out a huff.
“No, I-I was just abouta’ leave,” the young man added as he began to walk in the direction of his family’s estate.
“I’m sure she’d want an explanation, and I’m definitely sure you know how much of a mistake it’d be to go through with an unhappy marriage,” Kid then shouted back, forcing Soul to stop in his tracks and tightly ball his fists at his friend’s insight.
That’s the thing, it doesn’t matter what makes me happy…not with this curse Soul lamented to himself while feeling his shoulders begin to tense at the mere thought of telling Maka the complete and utter truth.
Soul Evans knew fate was cruel, yet he could hardly care less as he slowly started to notice how each of his family’s guests would regard him with sharp eyes and even sharper tongues without even knowing about the curse which had inflicted him for years.
The observation allowed him to finally rally the courage to explain the truth to Maka, which then spurred him into a quick jog across the dirt path and towards her bedroom window.
He was soon greeted with the sound of wood slamming against the wind, probing him to discern that the young woman had seemingly left her window open and disappeared into the night.
The young man felt as if his heart was going to rupture through his chest while he sprinted past the estate grounds and onto the shoreline, only for his heart to grow completely still once he noticed a figure seated upon the coarse sand of the beach.
He then took a few tentative steps towards Maka, who kept her eyes glued on the ocean before he stopped just a few feet away from her.
“Maka…” Soul attempted to start as he felt his body grow heavy while watching the young woman run her sleeves against her puffed eyes and then gaze directly at him.
“I see you come down here by yourself sometimes,” she stated, probing the young man’s throat to go dry.
“I don’t want to know why you chose someone else over me, but-but at least tell me what exactly you’ve been hiding from me,” she exclaimed before rubbing the edge of her nightgown across her eyes once more as Soul dropped to his knees in front of her.
“I could never choose anyone over you. Maka..the truth is-is, I thought keepin’ you in the dark was the only way I could protect you. But, I was just bein’ too much of a coward to show you the truth,” Soul added while he tentatively ran his fingers through the small patch of sand between them.
“Show me what?” the young woman commented, probing Soul to let out a sigh before rising once more and walking towards the gentle waves spilling out from the ocean.
He looked back to see Maka gaping at him like a fish, which elicited him to flash a weak smile in her direction as he walked until the cool water hit his torso and then began to strip himself of his clothing.
The young man proceeded to dive downwards, relishing in the feeling of the waves melting his skin away before resurfacing to find the young woman knee deep within the ocean with a distraught look on her face.
“It’s alright…,” Soul exclaimed while hoisting himself onto a jagged boulder and allowing the moonlight to illuminate the red and black speckled tail which had replaced his legs.
He then heard Maka let out an audible gasp as he began to rub his neck in apprehension.
“My father had tricked a witch when I was really young, so she cursed me into slowly becomin’ a merman. The only way to stop the curse is for me to marry into royalty but fuck-“ Soul coughed out before feeling his throat begin to tighten at his own words.
“I-I could never marry anyone else, Maka. It probably sounds a bit cliché, but my heart only belongs to you. But-but I’m also terrified of breakin’ your heart if this curse were to separate us forever, so I thought I’d get myself married off before that even happened,” the young man then elaborated while noticing the way Maka’s eyes widened at his statement.
“I know now that I was a idiot and so fuckin’ selfish for makin’ that decision on my own. I want whatever makes you happy, so if you decide you can’t forgive me for leavin’ you in the dark all this time…I’ll leave you alone,” Soul then finished, allowing the clamorous sound of the waves crashing against the rocky shoreline to fill the terse air between them.
The young man sat completely still as Maka began to trudge towards him, causing him to wonder whether the moisture under her eyes had come from her tears or the damp ocean breeze.
She then came to a complete stop in front of his seated position before slowly reaching her palms forward to cup his cheeks.
The young man flinched at the sudden action, only to watch as Maka bowed her head and quietly released a new set of tears.
“You’re such a fool sometimes. Did you really think I wouldn’t want to work through this together? Well, I love you too much to let something like this stop me from-from wanting to be with you…” the young woman whimpered while Soul began to run his fingers against the stream of tears across her face.
A small silence passed between them as they both attempted to regain their composure, only for Soul to suck in a breath when he felt Maka’s hands begin to pull his own hands away from her face.
His expression remained dumbfounded until Maka tipped her head forwards and brushed his worries away by planting her lips against his.
Soul then snaked his arms around her torso and deepened the kiss, allowing the young woman to knock against his bare skin and gleaming scales.
They remained latched against one another before breaking free with a mutual sigh, probing Maka to rest her head against his and glide her fingertips towards his heart.
Soul then took a moment to admire how the moonlight illuminated her face, only for his eyes to catch the faint glint of the ruby necklace strung around her neck and realize he was right where he belonged.
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skothdraws · 4 months
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This was just me practicing and getting used to my new monitor and clip studio! Thinking of ways to make new textures so things aren’t so…flat🫣
Am I late for MereMay…..maybe👀
Will I be submitting this anyway?
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parhoshim · 1 year
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Meremay 2023
Day 5 luffy as a koi
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angelfoodcake222 · 2 years
In light of this whole mermay thing, which I haven't really paid much attention to until now, I am considering writing something in the TFA or TFP universe 🤔 🧜‍♀️. Maybe in an aquarium or rehabilitation setting? I'll think about it.
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tired-tj-art · 5 years
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Happy Meremay!
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worldcanbegood · 7 years
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#meremay #mermaid #eel #Medusa #woman #ink #drawing #illustration #character
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milagrosen · 3 years
Didn't have to do 'meremay' just to be horny on main fucking geez, get help
well idk why you coming at me with such hostility when neither reason would be bad in the first place anyway. Also, when i tell my reasonings and motivations maybe you should take my word for it and not be so rude and just assume things
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secondborn-cambion · 3 years
Guess what it's gonna be? It's gonna be may! MEREMAY SPECIFICALLY! Dante is stuck as a mermaid for two days, complete with seashell bra.
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suzylind · 1 year
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WIP (A tiny update of the progress)
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kit-the-purple-cat · 3 years
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Decided that I had to draw something other than lance for meremay. And that I should practice drawing in more of an anime style digitally. So, I decided to combine these and this was born
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chiptrillino · 1 year
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ID: three drawings showing a sequence of sokka and zuko from avatar the last air bender. Aged up rather soon after war. sokka is leaning over zuko, you see them mainly on the left side waist up. The background is kept plain withe. On the left side the artist signature "chiptrillino . 2023" on the right side isthe request to "please don't repost"
The first drawing shows sokka looking down with slightly zoned out expression. zukos hands are reaching up.
The second image shows sokkas surprised face held between zukos hands, who raised up his face inches away from sokkas.
The third images shows sokka leaning into zuko. Both of them kissing. zuko holds on to sokkas shoulder and neck. Both look happy. End ID
Small shoutout to that person that tagged, once upon a time (last year), the sketch with "mermaid zukka". And would you look at that! Its meremay! And this is not really mermaid themed, but... it remained me to finish it! -sweats-
oh shoot! also happy zukka week! i guess whops...
---- if you want to deal with all my reblogs may I direct your attention to my side only my artworks blog?
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dadrick · 4 years
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A mermaid for meremay #mermay #mermaid #illustration #sketch #sketchbook #pen #art #characterdesign #character #drawing https://www.instagram.com/p/CAJr4owDodz/?igshid=6n89r01tbaml
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Spread the love chain! Tag 5 blogs and tell them 2 reasons why you love them! Whether its for their angst, fluff, or personality! Starting here I love your creativity for meremay and I love how you pushed past your nervousness and did some big bro content!
Thank you thank you. I really enjoyed Mermay it was very fun. And big bro content is somthing ive wanted to do for awhile but i did not want any negativity. Im happy everyone enjoyed it🥰
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