coxinhadoce47-art · 4 months
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Mereu ended up coming back to their parents' home after a messy breakup situation, they're on a pretty shaky situation, but being around family has been helping them to take their mind out of it for a few moments
It also has the upside of her getting to spend more time with her younger siblings (she's 900-ish years old, for comparison)
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Ca doar ce vorbeam cu cineva drag mie si am simtit nevoia sa zic asta si aici.
Faptul ca iti plac copiii, lucrezi cu copiii, ai studiat o gramada de chestii despre copiii si (in general) le ai cu copiii, nu inseamna ca ca scrie pe fruntea ta fraier si acum vine orice duduie din neam sau apropiati cu plozii luati din cusca maimutelor de la zoo si gata. Tu esti prostul care trebuie sa ii tolereze pe ei si istericalele lor. Nope. Daca nu le dau lor un dos de palma pentru ca arunca cu ciorba prin casa, pot sa iti dau tie ca adult. Macar sa fim pe plan egal.
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specificmadness · 4 months
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I can hardly put it into words as it sounds like to finally be able to hold you both in my arms. Nothing in the world is comparable to the love I feel for both of you. Your little fingers, your little noses. You are perfect and beautiful all around.
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No matter what happens in this life, in the next or the day after, I will always protect you and give you a place of security. You are my flesh and my blood, my life and my confidence. — i love you, Dad
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malaak · 6 months
"arăți că o păpușică" EFECTIV COAIE ASA ESTE
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lady-in-blacks-blog · 2 years
"Un bărbat potrivit pentru o femeie ar trebui să fie un partener de încredere, cineva care o să o respecte și o să o cinstească. El trebuie să fie matur, dedicat și responsabil. El trebuie să aibă grijă de ea și să o iubească necondiționat."
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sisididis · 2 years
Eu încercând să ies din pasajul de la Universitate
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mihaicioranu · 1 year
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yeonban · 20 days
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@furiaei asked: 3, 4 şi 7 (dpdv emoțional) pt Nikolai
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3. has your muse been mainly attracted to men, women, non-binary people, another identity not specified, or an even split (between two, many, or all of the options specified)?
He's only ever been attracted to men and nonbinary people (heavy preference for masc/androgynous-passing people)! Nikolai is pretty much as gay as it gets, but thanks to his desire to reject his instincts, no one should be too shocked to catch or hear of him flirting/briefly dating/sleeping with women as well. It's rare for anyone to observe Nikolai courting people in the first place because it'll typically end in a horror movie for the courted person, but even beyond that he's not very focused on romance nor on sexual affairs. While he's going against his biased preferences, he's even more intent on going against his primal urges first and foremost, which unfortunately include his high sex drive that he's been squashing down for years and rarely indulges in. Either way, one thing's for certain: whoever he's attracted to will inevitably become doomed by the narrative thanks to him making sure of it! Beware!
4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive?
None that are immediately obvious. He couldn't care less about what color a person's hair, eyes or skin is, nor could he care less about how fair, blemished or scarred their body is. HOWEVER, one thing he does very much enjoy even though it's not quite a natural trait as it's brought on by their personality, is people's grins. If they show him a mischievous grin or a sadistic smirk, he'll instantly perceive them as being more attractive than they were a few seconds prior. So far he's caught feelings for two people, and they're both well-known for their mischief-making and sadistic tendencies, which oftentimes show through their grins.
7. where is your muse most sensitive?
I'll also reply to this one for both meanings of the word to finish covering my bases! <3
Physically, his most sensitive areas are his chest and his thighs. It's easy to turn him on if you massage either of these zones, but typically barely anyone will be given that opportunity before his hand and cloak will whisk them away from his body for the most ridiculous reasons they've ever heard in their life.
Mentally and emotionally, Nikolai has grown quite jaded. He feels a lot and incredibly deeply, but he's perpetuated so many atrocities that he's arrived at a point in his life where talking about them doesn't shatter him anymore. Thinking about the people he's tortured, irreparably maimed and/or killed, and about not being understood by anyone does make him feel sad however, and if the other person is lucky enough they might even catch his smile drop and his facade fall for a brief period of time, but he will pick himself up mid-way through the conversation in such a smooth and seamless way that they'll be left to wonder if what he's said and shown them thus far while they believed he was being vulnerable is true or merely another one of the clown's tricks. He's even canonly done this and completely confused his conversation partners!
That's about it for what makes him feel negative emotions. Practically everything he does is having a severe beatdown with what he actually wants to do, so his mental health is constantly off the hinges. If instead of making him react negatively you want to touch his soul and observe his authentically shocked expression though, it's easiest to do so by understanding his life philosophy about the freedom of the soul and making him feel seen, a feat that both of (and only) the people he's fallen for have managed to achieve.
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alexsavescu · 3 months
Apel umanitar - Denisa are nevoie de ajutor pentru a-și putea folosi mânuțele
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coxinhadoce47-art · 6 months
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Did some slight redesigning and gender changing for Mereu, plus Ive started brewing some ideas for what happens to them in the story
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timelybeloved · 5 months
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sardies · 6 months
Samuele Arca vola a Belgrado
Il giovane atleta sassarese della Bad Boys Fight Club parteciperà ad una importante kermesse internazionale Continue reading Samuele Arca vola a Belgrado
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vjhero · 1 year
EMAA - Eu cu tine mereu
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lady-in-blacks-blog · 2 years
"Să lași în urmă iubirea, este ca și cum, trebuie să accepți ceea ce este, nu și ceea ce vrei!"
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dipnotski · 1 year
Francesca Mereu – Güneyin Şarkısı (2023)
Bu kitapta anlatılanlar gerçek hikâyelere ve tarihsel olarak belgelenmiş olgulara dayanıyor. Kitap, İtalyan gazeteci Francesca Mereu tarafından Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin Güney eyaletlerinde Afro-Amerikalılar ile yaptığı görüşmelerin tutanaklarından damıtılmış. Yazarın mahremiyetlerini korumak için isimlerini değiştirdiği konuşmacılar ona kendi geçmişlerini ve aile tarihçelerini…
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misshazelevers20 · 2 years
Astia care va uitati la Rezumatul Zilei, Vali a postat un nou videoclip ❗❗❗❗
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