sterekcraptrash · 2 years
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sketch dump
this time the one that got turned into stone was stiles and derek’s just floating around i guess 
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batwynn · 1 year
merman stiles but he is ponyo sized and fits in a bucket
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Little bucket fish
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lotusxpop · 2 months
Drew some stuff from my fic “h2o: just add water” on ao3 cuz writers Block is even more fun when you have been sick for a month
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sterekbingo · 5 months
Welcome to Sterek Bingo's MerMay 2024 Edition!
Check out our Rules, No List, and FAQs. You can also follow us on Twitter and save the A03 collection for your submissions.
Bingos can be completed by filling prompts diagonally, straight across, straight down, inner four corners, outer four corners, or a blackout. Bingos must be fulfilled by June 10, 2024.
If you have any questions feel free to send us an ask or ask here on the post. We will respond ASAP. If you’d like to join our Discord just follow the link.
Can’t wait to see what everyone creates!
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lizbuns · 11 months
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Lydia being overprotective of stiles is my weakness
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flower1622 · 5 months
Percy and Rachel
(Other Universes)
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scribeoffate · 15 days
Very intrigued by the mason fic, the mermaid scott one and the hayden take three fic
Thanks for asking!
The mason fic was something I was trying for Mason week, there is not much in it:
Five times mason comes out + one time he doesn’t have to? 3 times, mom, dad, siblings, +liam
Mason and Liam having a sleepover
mermaid!Scott is exactly what is sounds like. :D Here is some of what I put when I was playing around with the idea. (That's really all this has so far. It does have a bit where Scott is captured. Because. I have a brand.)
Mermaid! Scott has a green tail with iridescent scales. They are really shiny and pretty. He has long dark hair that falls around his face in soft curls. His bare chest ripples with muscles, trailing down to meet his tail. He smiles a lot, in the water and all of the mermaids are smitten with him, he’s so beautiful.
His best friend is ofc, Stiles. Stiles has blue and green scales, less sparkly than Scott’s. His hair is shorter, but still falls around his face. Long hair is normal.
Hayden take 3 is my third attempt at a "Hayden and Scott talk about what it's like to die" fic.
“Who told you?” he asks.
“Liam. He said, when you guys faced the assassins that Noshiko told Kira how to stop your heart.”
Scott sags with relief. He hasn’t told anyone about what happened with Theo, not really. Mason knows. Stiles suspects. But it’s not… he clears his throat, he doesn’t want to think about it.
Ask about a wip!
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dylanconrique · 1 year
i just know lydia’s been annoying stiles with wild uncharted waters since they first saw the new little mermaid together.
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sapphireginger · 1 year
Title: Set Free by Curiosity & Bravery
As their king, it was Noah’s responsibility to see to the people's health, their well-being, their safety, their happiness and their love. Stiles vowed to save them all and take up the mantle Noah had tossed aside, the mantle he was no longer worthy of. In fact, it was the mantle he had never been worthy of. Noah had married into the Gajos Royal Family and without Stiles, without Claudia or any of her blood, the man had no claim to the throne.
The truth was immensely satisfying, and Stiles knew he’d be returning to his home. After all, he was the rightful ruler now sealed in blood that none could break. Not even his stepmother the witch bitch would stand a chance. Especially not after he had added extra layers of security to the blood binding oath once he became aware of who and what his stepmother was.
Square Filled: Unsupportive Parents
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Character Death (Off-Screen)
Attempted Murder
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Steter [Stiles Stilinski + Peter Hale]
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Stiles had always been curious, always devouring knowledge, burying his nose in a book and was always eager to learn anything and everything he could. He hoarded information and was the most observant person—the most observant merman—in the kingdom. Some had said he was the most observant and intelligent merman of the seven seas, and of the five oceans. 
He was hiding one day, not interested in the slightest about the wedding. His circlet was locked up and he was lucky he himself wasn’t as well. His stepmother’s words kept echoing in his mind. 
'You cannot escape. It's time for you to accept that your mother is dead. It's time you accept that your sister and your brother are dead. It's time for you to grow up, do your duty and marry for the good of the kingdom. You might as well, considering the fact that your mate is dead. You will either fall in line or you’ll end up wishing you’d never been born.'
Stiles hated his new stepmother and stepsister and his instincts screamed at him that this was all wrong. As far as Stiles was concerned, he had a mother, a brother and a baby sister. It didn’t matter that no one else seemed to believe him. What mattered was that he believed it. He hated the words and looks of pity and sympathy people gave him. They kept saying his family was dead, but Stiles knew that wasn’t true. It was the same as him knowing it wasn’t true that his mate had died. No. None of that was true. 
When people continued trying to get him to admit that they were dead, especially his mate, Stiles tried to tell them why it wasn’t true. If his mate had died then some of Stiles’s scales would have turned black, but they hadn’t. Therefore, his mate was still alive. No matter how much evidence he gave, they pitied him. There were a few mermaids and even mermen who wanted his affection or attention. Stiles held no desire for anyone but his mate. 
There was no point in trying to convince anyone of the truth he knew down to his soul. So, he gave up after that. There were other things he needed to deal with, especially when he realized he was in even more danger. His father, stepmother and stepsister had started poking around and sending guards to bring him to the throne room now that he had come into his abilities. Stiles evaded the guards every time.
Stiles didn’t call Noah father anymore. He supposed the only thing going for him was that he was the crown prince and would soon rule after his coronation on the eve of his 21st birthday. 
He heard his stepmother crooning into Noah’s ear and seductively drawing him in. Stiles realized one night after overhearing a conversation between the servants, that his stepmother had convinced Noah of yet another lie. He now believed that Claudia must have cheated on him, now questioned her fidelity. His new wife played her part well and insisted it had to be true, otherwise the royal bloodline would not have been spoiled and resulted in an abomination like Stiles. Stiles knew it was a lie, but his father would not listen. It had been like talking to a wall for the past two years. So, here Stiles was, overlooking the kingdom with a pang of longing around his chest, pulled taught making him struggle to breathe. "Where are you?" he whispered.
Suddenly, Stiles felt icy shivers wrack his body and urged his little companion, a blue baby sea turtle, to hide and for once she didn't argue. As soon as Nova was out of sight, Stiles spun around, coming face to face with his stepsister, Marguerite, who was wearing a sinister smirk. 
“Good evening, your highness!” she purred but though it may have looked sweet to anyone else, Stiles saw the hatred behind her eyes, the disgust she never concealed. Since the moment Stiles met Marguerite, he had seen right through her. In fact, had there not been a servant swimming by, he doubts she would have addressed him formally.
“What do you want?” he demanded, knowing she hated him just as much as he hated her. 
She leaned forward and grabbed his hair tugging hard in order to bring him closer so she could whisper in his ear. “Your daddy belongs to us now. There is simply no place for you now and it was so…easy!” With a smirk and a hiss, she plunged a dagger into his stomach. The manipulation of Stiles’s stepmother and Noah’s now wife, allowed for Stiles’s stepsister to stab him in an attempt to rid them of the abomination. 
Stiles watched his stepsister’s eyes gleaming as she swam away, leaving Stiles to clutch his stomach and wince in pain. “Poison!” Stiles gasped. His vision began to blur but in a rare moment of clarity, he forced himself to focus his thoughts. If Noah truly had been compromised, then Stiles was in danger. Stiles knew he had to leave, and he had to leave now. 
With his body growing weaker by the second, he swam to his best friend Isaac’s grotto and gasped out his name. “I-Izzy?!?!”
Isaac came darting out and quickly assessed the wound. “You’re lucky, Stiles. This could’ve killed you if not for…” he trailed off, but Stiles knew what he was referring to. It had been hard to ignore the bond with Ivy as she called to him in concern. He hated hearing her call for him, but Isaac would look after her.
Stiles nodded and croaked out a reply. “I know. Listen, I have to leave, and I need you to look after Ivy.”
“I'll always watch out for her just as I always watch out for you." Isaac's brain then caught up to the rest of Stiles's words. "Wait! Leave?! You—Are you sure you have to?!” Isaac asked in a small voice. 
With a heavy heart, Stiles nodded and pulled his friend into a hug. “I’m sorry. It’s the only way, Izzy. I’ll be back.”
“Promise?” Isaac’s embrace was fiercely protective. Stiles took comfort in that. After all, Isaac was the most loyal merman, the most protective merman, in the seven seas and of the five oceans. 
“I promise but there are a few things you need to know before I leave.” There was no one Stiles trusted more than Isaac. So, he revealed everything to his best friend, taking him into his confidence, informing him of his departure and what all that would entail. 
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Stiles wasn’t surprised when, after slipping into the darkness, he learned that Noah didn’t care. If anything, the man seemed relieved. Stiles however was not hurt by the man’s indifference, not really. He sought refuge with the only person he felt safe enough to let his guard down around and that was his mate’s sister, Talia Hale. 
He recovered slower as his bond with Noah began to strain and weaken. Perhaps that had been what his stepmother and stepsister were hoping for, but Talia cultivated a bond with him. The night his bond that he’d had with Noah since his birth snapped, there was hardly any pain and instead, Stiles felt Talia’s bond with him burning bright and unbreakable. 
He got regular updates from Isaac, and correspondence through his familiar, a Beluga Whale named Eivhir, though he called her Ivy. Yes. The moment that Stiles had learned he was a mer-spark was the moment Noah became Noah and not father. 
Stiles’s powers were what called to him, urging him towards a deep cavern much farther down into the depths of the ocean. He couldn’t see a thing in the pure blackness as the sun could no longer reach this deep, but he trusted his power. 
Slowly, Stiles dove down into the darkness, his lithe body slinking through smaller crevices as he went deeper and deeper and deeper. He then resurfaced so far under coming face to face with thousands of glowing sea stars, almost mimicking the natural sky and its constellations. 
He marveled at the stillness, the serenity and almost peaceful atmosphere around him but then felt a powerful tug towards his left. 
Unafraid, he followed it and was presented with four small sea slugs. When his gaze alighted on them, Stiles knew deep in his soul, the knowledge settling in his bones, that he was looking at his mother, his younger brother, his baby sister and his mate. 
It didn’t take long to realize that his stepmother was an evil witch who knew she couldn’t take on Stiles alone and therefore began unraveling those around him until they got to Noah. 
Stiles teared up and a shaky hand hovered over the four sea slugs. “Fy nheulu. Rydych chi wedi cael eich colli. Fy nghalonnau. Dewch yn ôl ataf.” (My family. You have been missed. My hearts. Come back to me.) 
Slowly they rippled and shimmered. Then the light faded, and he could see Claudia. “Mwynglawdd Mam.” (Mother Mine.) She hadn't seemed to age a day. Her lavender scales set with a silver and gold gradient still brought tears to his eyes. Stiles embraced her, not realizing how desperately he had needed his mother.
When he pulled back, she cupped his jaw with one hand, tears in her own eyes and pressed their foreheads together. "Roeddwn i'n gwybod y byddech chi'n dod i ni, fy seren fach i." (I knew you would come for us, my little starfish.)
Stiles chuckled wetly, nodding his head. He slowly turned to where the second sea slug had been but now his eyes settled on his brother who was two years his junior, Tristanen. “Brawd Mwyn!” (Brother Mine!) The two boys embraced each other, their grips tighter than even the hug between mother and son had been.
Over his brother's shoulder, Stiles then caught sight of his baby sister, who was only ten and therefore eleven years his junior, Anemone. “Siarc Bach!” (Little Shark!) 
Anemone was shaking from how hard she was sobbing, the water crackling with Stiles's magic as he began to soothe her. Her hair never lost its shine nor it's curls. She looked just like their mother. In fact, hardly any of them looked like Noah except for Tristanen, who had their father's eyes and hair, though his was darker than Noah's.
"Fy nghalon?" (My Heart?) said a voice behind him. Stiles's breath hitched and he let out a mournful but joyful song as he turned to the final mer. Last but not least was Peter, last but not least his cymar. (his mate.)
“Fy enaid!” (My Soul!) he whispered, choking up. “Oh, Peter.” 
The two came together in a kiss so tender, so soft, so passionate all at once that everyone within the cavern felt their love, felt their fated love.
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Stiles didn't move from his mate's side but met the gazes of his family with a confused expression on his face. "Sut?" (How?) he whispered. "How?!"
Claudia watched her son with sad eyes as she began to explain what had happened nearly three years ago.
That was how Stiles learned exactly what his stepmother had done. Ursyluva, his stepmother, had been capturing and turning their people one by one. When it didn’t seem to be enough to sway the ki—to sway Noah, she then went after Stiles's family one by one. First was Anemone who was alone for a year until Tristanen was taken along with Peter. Lastly came Claudia who was stolen the night before Ursyluva slipped into Noah's bed for the first time.
Stiles was furious that he had missed what was right in front of him and didn't meet their gazes, couldn't meet their gazes now. How could they ever forgive him? It wasn't until he felt four anchors through touch on his skin that he dared to look up. Instead of anger, hurt or blame in their eyes, he saw nothing but love, acceptance and belief. They had never stopped believing in him.
After settling down, Stiles saw Anemone watching him, chewing her lip hard enough that her freshly formed fangs split her lip. Stiles ushered her over and tucked her hair behind her ear. "What is it little shark?"
The most devastating truth was then uttered into the open, hurting even more that it came from his baby sister. Stiles hated that she had to be the one to carry the burden. Her tail swished as she curled up in his arms. 
“Roedd nhad yn gwybod. Roedd yn gwybod beth oedd hi. Mae'n ddrwg gen i, Trident.” (Father knew. He knew what she was. I'm sorry, Trident.) 
Apparently, Noah made a deal with the witch to rid them of Peter when he deemed the merman unworthy of his son. It was met with a satisfying smirk from Ursyluva who then tried to use Stiles for his abilities after, making sure Noah was after them as well. Stiles knew Noah’s sudden interest in him, and his powers, in his spark was suspicious but when his stepmother went a step further and said that Claudia, Anemone and Tristanen were threats, Noah had permitted their capture. 
Stiles grew livid, his anger burning white hot. His eyes turned pure white like the hottest fire. He looked around the cavern at all the people Noah was responsible for, those who watched their prince and felt his pain as if it was their own. They hadn't wanted to interrupt the family's reunion and had waited patiently for their prince, the true prince, to address them.
As their king, it was Noah’s responsibility to see to the people's health, their well-being, their safety, their happiness and their love. Stiles vowed to save them all and take up the mantle Noah had tossed aside, the mantle he was no longer worthy of. In fact, it was the mantle Noah had never been worthy of. Noah had married into the Gajos Royal Family and without Stiles, without Claudia or any of her blood, the man had no claim to the throne.
The truth was immensely satisfying, and Stiles knew he’d be returning to his home. After all, he was the rightful ruler now sealed in blood that none could break. Not even his stepmother the witch bitch would stand a chance. Especially not after he had added extra layers of security to the blood binding oath once he became aware of who and what his stepmother was. 
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He took his mother, brother, baby sister and mate to Talia’s house to plan their next move. However, he also took them there to breathe and rest. He and Peter did not wander far from each other and at night their tails curled around each other. They were afraid to let go for fear the other would disappear. No one objected like Stiles knew Noah would have and every night that they stayed at Talia’s, the two mates easily slipped into a deep and peaceful sleep. 
Noah, Stiles’s stepmother and Stiles’s stepsister never saw it coming. When Stiles showed up wearing his circlet with Talia and his mate, Peter on his right, Tristanen and his mother, Claudia on his left and his baby sister, Anemone behind them, the look on Noah’s face was priceless. His stepmother laughed and his stepsister joined in. 
Noah, however, was frozen in disbelief. “ ʻslefrod môr?” (Jellyfish?) 
Claudia didn’t even look at him, instead focusing on her son. Stiles was her prince, was the prince and soon to be king. They were quickly joined by every single person Stiles had saved. The people of this kingdom deserved to stare down the man who had approved their imprisonment, some of them for years.
Stiles stared Noah down, his eyes flashing pure white like the hottest fire, making Noah's face pale. "I, Trident Gajos, Heir of Poseidon, True Prince of the Seven Seas, Heart of the Ocean, Keeper of Truth, Knowledge and Wisdom, hereby challenge you. You are an unfit king. You are unfit to rule. You have slept with the serpent, let her and her ilk slither in and I have been informed you did so, fully knowing just who and what she was. This means you have committed treason of the highest order and you will be executed along with your witch and her spawn. Guards!"
It was over quickly and with Noah, Ursyluva, and Marguerite subdued and then killed, Stiles accepted the mantle of king. No one objected to this, and no one cared that he had ordered the deaths of Noah, Ursyluva and Marguerite. They all vibrated with joy as he accepted the mantle, and rejoiced as he lowered his head to accept the crown of the True King. That he was doing so in front of the goddess, her creatures and his people, speaking volumes more about the kind of ruler he would be. Stiles caught the various gazes of his family as the scales on his tail turned from fiery orange and sapphire blue to ruby red and molten gold. Stiles now bore the gradient of a True Ruler and Heart of the Ocean. Peter's scales shifted to the same gradient though lighter in shade and he prostrated before the True King to accept his own circlet as the True King's Consort. Everyone prostrated and pledged themselves to the new king of the seven seas, ruler of the five oceans and Poseidon’s heir. 
The people then threw a huge celebration in his honor. From that day forth Stiles vowed to use his powers to protect them, love them and cherish them. 
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The True King, Descendent of Poseidon, Savior of the Seven Seas, Heart of the Five Oceans, Sovereign Ruler of the Southern Ocean, Almighty Authority of the Atlantic Ocean, Ambassador of the Arctic Ocean, Prince of the Pacific Ocean, Interim God of the Indian Ocean, and Soul of the Deep ruled with his heart. He did everything for his family, for his people, and for his kingdom becoming ten times the king Noah had ever been.
A year after being reunited with his mate, the two of them married. Stiles had taken his mother’s surname of Gajos instead of Stilinski which had been his father’s surname. Peter offered to do the same and take Stiles’s surname when they married, as was custom but Stiles chose to hyphenate their name instead. The day they became one, they became Stiles and Peter Gajos-Hale.
Then, a year later, they had two perfect babies, a pair of beautiful twins. They were two little girls that the king and his consort named Melaina and Myrcella. A year after that, they had a little boy named Titus and yet another year after that they had another set of twins. This time they had a boy and a girl that they named, Kyro and Kiara respectively. 
The kingdom rejoiced and all five little tadpoles were as mischievous, loyal and loving as their daddy. Not to mention as loyal, fierce and fond as their father. 
Tristanen married a woman named Oksana a year after Peter and Stiles married. Then a year later he and his wife had a baby girl that they named Kalista. She was then followed two years later by a baby boy that they named Lakyn. 
Anemone started dating a young merman named Leonidas a few years later after her sixteenth birthday and unsurprisingly, her brothers were fiercely protective of her. She didn’t mind and neither did Leo. It was understandable and they both knew it was because her brothers loved her so much. 
Claudia loved her children and her grandchildren with all of her heart. She had missed out on so much. Eventually, five years after being reunited with her eldest son, she met Christopher Argent. She quickly fell in love with and married him. Chris then became a loyal advisor to King Trident. Chris had a daughter from his previous relationship, a girl that was only a couple of years younger than Tristanen and her name was Allison.
Together, Claudia and Chris had two baby girls that they named Athena and Artemis.
Stiles watched as Allison grew to adore her sisters, watching over them like Stiles had his own siblings.  Allison blossomed under Claudia’s guidance and love. It made the young king smile as he knew his new stepsister, whom he fondly called Ally, was nothing like Marguerite. She would also never know a stepmother like he had. Claudia was a mother to all, her love as infinite as the drops of water in all the world’s oceans. 
Talia did not marry or bear children, but she became an aunt and a grandmother to the children, all of the little ones adoring her and her coral crystal candied treats. Stiles decided to repay her kindness with the position of his right hand. Though Chris advised him on many things, Talia advised him on all things. Chris was the left hand of viciousness to Talia's clear headed, right hand of wisdom.
Isaac had kept his promise and looked after Ivy. Isaac like Talia never took a mate, but he was given the role and title of Royal High Guard Elite. He was the one in charge of looking after the children, keeping them safe and protecting them like he had Stiles since they were tadpoles themselves.
Peter took on the role of King Consort like he was born for it and considering they were fated, it didn't surprise Stiles one bit. He loved retiring from his day of ruling to find his mate and children cozied up with just enough room for him to join. He was happy and he could feel the happiness like a blanket coating the kingdom, not a single person untouched by joy.
They all celebrated the changing colors of their children’s scales as they grew older and rejoiced in the prosperous decades that followed. Claudia often told her son that his great great great great and so on, grandfather would be proud of him. Stiles hadn't met the man, who was also known as the myth and the legend, but he was told every day that his power was passed down from said man. Stiles was always humbled and honored by that knowledge as he never felt as though he was worthy of Poseidon's power, but he did his best every single sun and moon to rule as a fair, just and kind king.
There was now no corner of the ocean that had not heard of them. All those who dwelt in the oceans and seas knew of the ferocity, loyalty and strength, the True Ruler possessed. There was not a soul on land or sea who hadn't heard of the curiosity, bravery and love of the Heart of the Ocean.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Kate Argent, The McCall Pack Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Canon-Typical Violence, Sorceress Kate Argent, Magical Stiles Stilinski, Mermaids, Curses Summary:
Stiles floats.
That’s all there is to do; the day is sunny and warm, like every other day he’s been in this pond, though he’s not sure how long that’s been. Sometimes he thinks it hasn’t been long, but whenever he tries to think about it, he … forgets. He told Kate once, when she came out to the garden late one night and let a fox tumble from her hands onto the ground, and she’d patted his cheek and told him that merpeople weren’t known for anything but looking pretty, so she wasn’t surprised to hear he didn’t have many thoughts in his head.
Sometimes it bothers him, that he can remember every day he’s been in the pond but nothing before, but if he thinks about it for too long he forgets that, too.
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casually-eat-my-soul · 2 months
Okay but mermaid stiles and cursed statue Derek whose been dropped in stiles lake
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batwynn · 2 years
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Maybe don't trigger your magic with bad memories... That's a wrap for book 3 🥲 Thanks for reading! Previous NEXT
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lotusxpop · 1 month
Art piece from chapter 2 of my fic “h2o: just add water” on ao3
This took longer than expected lol
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hotgirlstiles · 2 years
my favorite thing ever is when supernatural creatures just love stiles ❤️ like oh yeah. there’s a family of pixies in some random forest in california who ADORES stiles and practically wants to adopt him. yup there’s the yeti who’s practically in love with stiles and is willing to do anything for him. oh! there’s the mermaid who would literally pay to be a human for a day just to spend time with stiles. and there’s the old vampire who is always gifting stiles antique knickknacks and practically has stiles in his will (“vampires have wills!?”) wherein he’ll inherit his entire dracula mansion and possessions from like the 1600s. i just crave supernatural creatures who just adore stiles ❤️ little silly stiles ❤️ derek is so so torn whether or not he should be jealous or be happy because that’s his stile
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welcome to my romantic pink world ♡
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˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚ my name is eva,i love everything 2000s and pink !✨ i love writing and i’m always daydreaming about love with my fictional crushes while listening to music <3…please don’t hesitate to come talk to me but please be kind 🥥🐚💕💍🥥👰🏽‍♀️
don’t hesitate to request anything or give ideas like moodboards,prompt,…♡ ˚⋆🎀。⋆𖦹.🍰✧˚
🐬🎀🐰 masterlist
🐰🐰🎀🐰 my readers : butterfly!pogue!reader (x rafe) 🌸 kook!princess!doll!reader (x soft!pogue!rafe) 🌸 kook!pink!bunny!reader (x jj) 🌸 unicorn!reader (x john b) 🌸 deer!reader (x scott mccall) 🌸 sweet!mermaid!reader (x percy jackson) 🌸 princess!reader (x billy the kid or x james potter) 🌸 pogueprincess!reader (x jj maybank or x rafe cameron )
writing for : james potter,jj maybank,pope heyward,john b,rafe cameron,johny kavanagh,joey lynch,gerard gibson,patrick feely,damon salvatore,stefan salvatore,jeremy gilbert,percy jackson,luke castellan, stiles stilinski,scott mccall,lance orion,darius acrux,nate archibald,hayden christensen,bellamy blake,liam stewart,thomas (tmr),billy the kid♡
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kemmymeme · 1 year
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sterek au
— stiles is a prince, once drowned in the sea, who became a bloodthirsty and charming mermaid. he drags sailors into the death of dark waters, forcing them to suffocate. one day he finds a guest in his dry cave under the rocks. stiles almost eats the human, but he is stopped by fabulous green eyes.
derek hale is a general of the Royal Guard who was captured by the enemy kingdom. he escaped, wounded and exhausted, hiding in the cave under the rocks. it seems that it can't be worse until he is attacked by something with the top of a man and the bottom of a fish.
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