doukzu · 4 months
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more mermay :)
ft. Nilou, Kokomi and Kaeya!
Nilou's tail is inspired by padisarahs, Kaeya is a shark because he's khaenri'an, and Kokomi is Kokomi
Someone asked about Keqing so she may be next if i do more :V
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crowcalico · 3 months
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Redraw time!! 2024 vs 2022
I decided to revamp an old mermaid AU I had, in which Kaeya is a lost sea prince from Khaenriah. He’s living as a human pirate with no memories of his past, until one day a terrible storm hit their ship. He almost drowned, but thanks to a Koi Mer named Albedo, he was saved!
Although, the water breathing spell Albedo intended to cast had some side effects… and Kaeya has to learn live as a half-mercreature!
Kaeya is based off a blue Betta Fish, and Albedo is based off a (Khoi) fish.
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rossithepixie · 4 months
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He’s complete! Slightly late for mermay by a half hour but that’s close enough.
I really pleased with how this came out, especially since it’s my first full digital background.
Just imagine a warm evening walking through the tide pools of the falcon coast near mondstadt. You hear a splash and look up, suddenly a figure is longing back on the previously unoccupied rocks. He gives you a mischievous smile and beckons you toward him.
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erathewise · 4 months
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So happy merkae
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350: getting really into the new way I'm doing coloring
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tajee-arts · 1 year
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butdriampagliacci · 5 months
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Chapter 13 is up!
“Teach me to handle a sword.” Albedo looked up from his journal. He had been writing something in precise, even lines. Kaeya had never tried to read his entries; the neatness of Albedo's handwriting unnerved him. “What makes you think I know anything about swordplay?” Albedo asked. “You have books on the subject scattered around,” Kaeya said. “And I happened to stumble across your blade this morning.” It had been leaning against the wall of the coat closet, forgotten. Kaeya had been able to tell it was Albedo’s. The length gave it away. (He also couldn’t picture Rhinedottir wielding a weapon; she seemed like she’d consider it beneath her.) Albedo lowered his eyes to his journal and continued writing. “And you believe I’m qualified to teach you?” “You’re the only person I can ask.” “Hm.” Albedo dutifully punctuated a sentence. “You can’t wait to find someone else?” Kaeya couldn’t. Not just because he’d always dreamed of wielding a sword, but because he couldn’t afford to waste any more time sitting on his hands. Trials for the Knights of Favonius were opening again soon. As captain, Diluc would be required to attend so that he could recruit for the cavalry. It was the perfect opportunity to strike. All kinds of people would be allowed into the headquarters, affording Kaeya the chance to slip in among them and get close to Diluc. It would be a dramatic end to their tale. A stirring conclusion with a built-in audience.
-> Read latest chapter here.
-> Read from the beginning.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
This is Esther.
may i add my blorbo:
Kaeya, but he’s a merMAID, yes sir!
You don’t know why you keep coming back to that place; the coffee is subpar and the tea they serve is always the first pour.
“Well, if it isn’t our lovely patron. Enter, if you please, and have a seat.”
As if on cue, you then found yourself three hours late for your meeting at the estate and spending more money than you’d like in that cafe shop.
The experience itself is a blur; people serving you left and right and feeling you’re lying on ten silk blankets every time that person talks to you.
“My, my, is that all?” You break your gaze from the cold earl gray tea to face someone with a star in their eyes.
Correction. Eye.
“Are you sure you don’t want anything else? The cafe can cater to whatever you’d like.” There the feeling goes again, the feeling of another ten silk blankets piled on top of you.
It’s so comforting.
You dont want to leave.
He laughed.
“That’s what i like to hear.”
Me looking at my blog: *nervous laughter* how tf did we jump from mafia!au to idol!au to maid!au–
It's a curious thing. His eyepatch, you mean.
You've heard many oceanic tales about marine life losing a few fins and eyes, but not once have you heard the same apply to someone high up in the hierarchy like merfolks. As a fae yourself, you'd rather die than have a mortal grace your eyelids with their rusted forks– what more for a merman like him who'd rarely encounter vile humans?
With that in mind, it's no wonder the unseelie court records would reference him often. His fate is brimmed with a potential for a vengeful folklore. You won't be surprised if your fellow dark faes have plans to use him as a pawn– once he dies, you're certain Barbatos would replicate Kaeya's skin to play a few tricks.
Personally, none of these sinister thoughts enchanted you quite like his laughter.
"Out of all the hosts, I'm surprised you've requested me." Kaeya said, bemused. "You know, I could help you request for my brother instead. He's a busy merman, but I can pull just the right strings for it to work out."
"I came to this host club to see you," you replied nonchalantly. "Don't tell me you're disobeying your master now."
"Wouldn't dream of it, my lord." He grinned. "Just wanted to test the waters."
"And you're a master at that, I'm certain."
"More so than a fae, I'd reckon."
You giggled as you sipped your tea. It's cold. You'd be concerned if it were warmer under the sea.
"Why bother with pleasantries when you know well that I cannot refuse you, Alberich." You stated it as a fact not a question. "Just tell me what you desire and it will be done."
"And I thought I was the servant here, Master."
"I'll grant you a wish to express my... Appreciation for the night before."
"Then allow me to be selfish."
You heard the gates of the cafe close, but you did not show a hint of shock nor fear. Instead, you smiled at him as you reached your hand out.
"Take me however you see fit, dear. I'm yours."
You don't care about the danger.
Kaeya chuckled.
"How fortunate. I do need another eye to finally see the whole world again."
You relish in it.
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swampertgirl · 1 year
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I think I did a little too well drawing Kaeya for the first time. *sweats* Anyway~, Kaeya is mostly based on a Betta/Siamese Fighting Fish. I got fancy with this fins.
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goldfish-afterhours · 9 months
Genshin Characters as Fairy Tales
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Xiao x Gn!Reader
Type/Genre: Bulleted headcanons, angst/fluff
Warnings: Not all fairy tales have happy endings—major character death
Notes: Man why are fairy tales so sad
On the night of your 18th birthday, your father holds a grand masquerade ball, inviting everyone in the kingdom
You, however, had little to no interest in such things. While the party was happening inside, you decided to take a stroll in the gardens
Who knew there would be monsters lurking in the dark that got past the guards?
Before it could devour you, someone sliced its head off with one fell swoop
Standing in front of you was a man with red hair, a black masquerade mask obscuring his eyes
You thanked him and offered him a reward, but he declined. Upon seeing your disappointed expression, he suggested just spending the night talking with him, since he didn’t know anyone at the ball
The two of you sit outside, talking about anything and everything as the night grows later and later
Just as the clock struck twelve, the masked man jumps to his feet, muttering something about how he has to get home
You try to persuade him to stay, or at least tell you his name, but he dashes off so fast you can’t catch up to him
All he left behind was your memory of his soft smile…and a black mask, dropped in the grass
You scour the entire kingdom for him, holding up the mask to every person you meet in hopes you find him, but to no avail
But a crazy idea pops in your head
Deep into the night, you stroll down the main street, unarmed. Just as you expected, a group of hoodlums threaten you, demanding money in exchange for your life
And just as you expected, the man with red hair returns to save you again
For saving your life twice, you insist on giving him a grand reward
You bring him, the son of a deceased and disgraced ex-government official, to the castle, and the two of you live happily ever after <3
“I was afraid you didn’t want to see me again. But putting yourself in danger was much too reckless.”
“That’s how much I wanted to see you again~”
The Little Mermaid
Kaeya, a merman, falls in love with you, a pirate
He’s always swimming beside your ship, listening to you sing with your shipmates of treasure, of good alcohol, of friendship, of love
Gives away his voice to have legs and be with you. He doesn’t want to just listen to your songs—he wants to be the one you sing them to
Cruelly, you fall in love with someone else
His brother, in an attempt to save Kaeya, presents him with a dagger, saying if he is able to kill you then he’ll be able to return to the sea as a merman
But how can Kaeya kill the one he gave up everything for?
How can he even dare imagine hurting the one he loved with his entire being, that he would be willing to walk on glass everyday for?
Throws the dagger into the water. As the sun rises, he watches you, laughing together with your lover, as he melts into seafoam
And as much as it pains him, at least he can see you happy one last time
You don’t see him as he is carried away by the wind
“No matter what…I hope you live happily.”
Little Red Riding Hood
He’s the Big Bad Wolf, and you’re an herbalist making your deliveries of medicine to your patient in the forest
At first, he’s too nervous to approach you, afraid he would scare you away
But one day, when he sees you shivering from the frosted air, he steels himself enough to offer you his red scarf
The smile you gave him as you wrapped the scarf around yourself was almost enough to heal the years of loneliness from his isolation in the woods
The two of you become friends: Childe shows you all the best spots to pick herbs, and you tell him stories of the outside world
The villagers fear him, a man-eating beast, so he never ventures out of the forest
Childe loves the sound of your voice, and he loved listening to your stories, especially this one story about how the Sun and Moon were lovers in a tragedy, separated in the sky
Protects you from the hostile wild animals in the forest
When the two of you realize you were in love with each other, you made no haste in moving into his cozy cottage
But when the villagers realized their beloved herbalist was in the clutches of the detested wolf, they all swore you had been tricked
They stormed the forest, armed
You come back to your cottage from picking herbs, just in time to see the villagers point a rifle at him
Even with your skills, there is nothing you can do but cradle him in your arms as his blood stains the grass red
“C-Can you finish the rest of the story? I want to know…if the Sun and the Moon ever meet again.”
Sleeping Beauty
In the wild overgrowth once known as the country Liyue, there exists a legend of an almighty god who had fallen into a deep slumber
To save your country, you set out to search for this missing god
The terrain is harsh, overrun with trees and thistles and bushes blocking your every way
But occasionally, you will stumble upon a statue, vines and moss adorning the structure, helping you to believe that perhaps there really was a civilization who lived here in the past
The wild guides you up the cliffs, into a cave where you find a dragon sleeping, his breath slow and shallow
There was something so lonely, so sad about this sleeping dragon, trapped deep in the country of a long-gone civilization, only able to wait for someone to come
You put your hands on the sides of his face, and, as if to reward him for all his years of waiting and to tell him he is no longer alone, you kiss his forehead
The moment you do, his scales scatter away like droplets in a summer rainstorm
You were no longer holding a dragon, but cupping the face of a man
His eyelids fluttered open, revealing amber eyes that glowed like the moon in the darkness of the cave, and you knew you had found your missing god
“Oh…you have found me. How long I’ve been waiting for you.”
Beauty and the Beast
With each passing day, Xiao can feel himself transforming more into a monster
The weight of his sins grew heavier and heavier, covering him with ashes and feathers
Soon, there were rumours of a half bird beast flying over the village at night, searching for its next meal
You, an orphan that had been treated as an outcast since birth, was chosen by the villagers to be the sacrifice to quell the beast’s anger and hunger
But after being brought to his decaying castle, Xiao makes it clear he has no interest in eating you
In fact, he gives you free reign in his home, allowing you to go wherever you pleased
At first, he tries to scare you, tries to get you to stay away from him
But when you see him feeding the chipmunks outside, and the songbirds feel safe enough around him to perch on his shoulders, you no longer feel afraid
The two of you slowly warm up to each other. Xiao’s favourite thing to do is listen to you read
When he can’t fall asleep at night from the pain, he asks you to read him stories so he can fall asleep to the sound of your soft voice
You come to realize he’s not a monster but a hurt, scared boy who only wants to wake up from this nightmare he’s been trapped in
The two of you enjoyed your peaceful life together, until one day a hero from your village stormed Xiao’s castle, determined to either save or take vengeance for you
Xiao, who flew over the village every night to make sure no danger came to the villagers, could not bring himself to defend himself from this naive boy
As you hold his still body, you kiss him goodbye
To both you and the hero’s shock, the feathers stabbed into Xiao’s body dispersed, swirling into the sky
The feathers kept flying away until the beast you were holding in your arms became human again
“You’ve awoken me from a terrifying dream. Thank you.”
please comment/reblog if you’ve enjoyed! <3
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dark-night-hero · 1 month
Tropes that I think suits Genshin Men so bad.
Diluc Ragnivindr
Best Friend's Brother
Kamisato Ayato
Second Chance Romance
Childe / Tartaglia / Ajax
Fake Relationship
Kaeya Alberich
Friends with Benefits
Zhongli / Morax / Rex Lapis
Honey Trap - Enemies to Lovers
Academic Rivals
Kazuha Kaedehara
Marriage Pact
Al Haitham
The man next door
Merman x Pirate
Friends to lovers (slowburn)
Runaway Bride / Groom
Mistaken Identity
Celebrity / Royalty
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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lvnesart · 1 year
thank you for drawing kaveh x kaeya, aka my favorite rare ass ship <3 Plus your brown kaveh? Mwah perfection
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Here's another! Mermans for Mermay muah muah
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frigonimy · 1 year
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A Kaeya merman to follow up with Kaveh.
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suguwu · 8 months
Mer!kaeya on the brain forever and always he’s so merman coded and very beautiful too I wouldn’t deny him affection it’s love at first sight I would leave everything behind and go build a house on the beach to be beside him everyday I want him so bad!!! I want to coddle him and be coddled in return
you get it anon you get it!!! mer!kaeya is hypnotizing!! i want him HORRIFICALLY
lounging on a rock, dragging his tan fingers in the water, swirling it around the long digits as he props his chin up on his other hand. the way he coaxes you closer with his lilting voice and his clever words. his eye the stars, blues and purples swirled together like nebulae.
he flirts and he teases, splashing at you lightly as you wade in the shallows. he rolls over on the rock, turning his face to the sun. it bathes him in gold, burnishes him. it catches in the pearls woven in his long hair, sends them shimmering.
he's a night sky, kaeya, from the navy of his hair to the starry pupil of his eye, topped off with a gleaming tail the color of twilight, deep blue scales edged in ebony. it's stark against his brown skin. he flicks his tail at you, the gossamer fins trailing through the water like a shooting star.
he's beautiful and he knows it.
and he thinks that you're beautiful, too.
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genshinfamdynamics · 5 months
MerKaeya Kaebedo AU: Albedo takes Klee fishing and, Klee being Klee, she bombs the fish and causes a big mess on the beach. While trying to clean it up, Albedo stumbles on a gorgeous merman who was accidentally injured by Klee’s bombs. Albedo feels bad and brings Kaeya home to nurse him back to health, and romance and found family ensue.
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butdriampagliacci · 8 months
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Chapter 12 is up!
It took time to get used to his legs. Kaeya had assumed walking would be easy. Human children figured out how to do it after all. The first time he stood up and tried crossing the room, he fell. The second time, he made it a few steps before crashing to the floor in a tangle of limbs again. He relied heavily on the furniture until he was able to balance successfully. And it turned out that learning to walk was just the beginning.
-> Read latest chapter here.
-> Read from beginning.
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