#merry heist-mas
itsbuckysworld · 4 years
Merry Heist-mas
Secret Agent!AU
in which Bucky’s heist– I mean, intel retrieval mission, is unexpectedly hijacked by the always lovely, never not witty Y/N, his fiercest rival agent.
Agent!bucky x Agent!Fem!reader
3K words
I was literally was laying in bed when the random thought of HEISTmas instead of CHRISTmas crossed my head and i was like ok i have to write something with that title before the year is over so legit this was born because i just had to use that title for something, anything. 
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gifs are not mine.
The satisfying crunch under the weight of Bucky’s tactical boots was like music to his ears. The harsh of the winter was always good for these types of missions. No self-respecting bad guy would have too many a guard outside braving the cold, which meant that Bucky seemed to be the only armored bulky man with a red nose lurking around the stylish building.
Easy, perhaps too easy, but for the moment being Bucky wouldn’t question it. He had spent too many days in the shadows studying just the structure of the building, and if he could avoid having to switchblade his way in, my, would he take that.
Like a choreography he swiftly made his way up the side of the intimidating wall, making it to the modern-looking glass ceiling with a smirk and without a sweat. He shook the snowflakes from his hair and turtleneck, disposing of the scarf. If he had it his way, the room that awaited him would be toasty warm.
A nice pop and the glass window was open, and with a tug he had secured the metal hook around the framing, sliding his body down the rope like any good James Bond would. Movies didn’t get that part too wrong.
Soft feet landed without trouble. The room dark and musky. Moonlight cascaded in, dressing the floors in shapes from the statues littered around the room. Just another museum that hid some bad guy’s lab in its depths and Bucky would unveil its secrets.
He took in the art around him as he ventured further in. A long red curtain framed a huge painting on the wall of some renaissance ball, and some random vase exhibit was decorated with Christmas lights that blinked on and off. There were mistletoes on almost every door.
Bucky searched down the halls, trying to spot any obvious entrances to whatever secret lair was hidden behind the walls of the space. He eventually found it. A large painting of some castle was slightly askew.
He squeezed his way in through the small gap that opened as he moved the painting aside. Funny, they forgot the mistletoe on this little entrance. 
The walls were now covered with some steel plates, bolted shut and secure, surely hiding webs of wiring. This part of the building was suddenly cooler, blue-ish lights illuminated his path, and his silent steps echoed, the clank of cold metal under his heel. 
It took him a second to decipher where the slight beeping was coming from, as he made his way down corridors with his back pressed to the walls. He peeked over each corner, a hand securely resting over the knife that was hidden in a pocket at his hip, next to another pocket that held a taser. Silent but deadly. 
One last turn down a darker hallway and he had reached it, the computer center. He approached it while looking back. With no one behind him, this would be so simple. He kneeled down and opened one of the lower pockets of his pants, retrieving some nifty device Sam had given him prior to the mission. It was a little box with a display of 6 numbers, connected to a bunch of cables with different sized connections. He found the one that seemed to fit the side of the keypad by the door and with a simple click of a button and a turn to the wheel on the side of the box, the display showed four zeros and the door hissed as it slid over allowing Bucky entrance. 
“I’m in” he jokingly muttered under his breath. 
A row of lights and buttons and keyboards sat in the middle of the room, overviewed by an array of monitors that displayed the different areas of the museum. Blind spots, guards on their post – luckily all of them on a different path than the one Bucky used to sneak in and would use to eventually sneak out – and covering every angle of any precious piece. 
He swiftly typed on the keyboard, thanking the heavens Natasha had spent so much time explaining to him how to hack these simple systems. He would have never made it to the level he was at had it not been for her helping him finish his all-around agent training. An agent who can’t hack easily should not be in the field for these types of missions, and that would be a bummer since these are sometimes his favorites.
A click here and a click there, a blue loading bar showing up on the screen, and now all he had to do was wait. 
Bucky’s mind wandered for a brief moment as he spun around once on the chair behind the control station. He thought about what he would have for dinner when he eventually left the place with a USB filled with delicious intel. If he wasn’t too tired, maybe he could make his famous lasagna for him and – he noticed a black blur on one of the monitors.
Eyes squinted, trying to catch a better glimpse of the lump through the greenish hue of the screen. It looked like a body. And he felt the edge of a knife pressed to his temple. Nerve endings all over his body lit up. He’d been caught? But how– Oh... Oh.
Bucky scoffed and chuckled darkly. His tongue found a home in his cheek. 
Much like the silence outside and the lack of guards inside on his way to the secret room, something was amiss, and Bucky had had a long month of non-stop missions, so his tired brain hadn’t made any connections or even worried about piecing things together, but now? Now, as he could actually feel the presence behind him and the cold tip of a knife to his head, it all made perfect sense. 
“Merry Christmas, Barnes” Bucky smirked at the sound of the very familiar voice, and immediately after the confirmation of his suspicions, his body relaxed back into the chair. 
“Nice of you to join me, Sticky” The nickname made him receive a growl in response, just like always, just like old times. 
“You mean nice of you to join me –“ with force, she spun him around, a hand resting on the back of the chair as she leaned in over him, looking at him straight to the eyes, knife now used as a pointer and poked slightly to his chest with every other word – “Where are your manners, Barnes? What would your Ma’ say if she learned you reaped the fruit of my hard labor taking these guys out and didn’t even say thanks” Her tone was mocking, but Bucky had to ask himself when wasn’t it. 
Another chuckle escaped his lips, and Bucky found himself raising his hands in an apologetic sign. His eyes flickered towards the screen. Transfer at 80%
“My bad. Thank you, my dear, where would I be without you?”
She took a step back and pocketed her knife. Bucky took this moment to eye her up and down. She was wearing the leather tactical suit this time around, he always wondered if it was more comfortable than the other two designs he’d seen her wear before – the dark camouflage one with belts over the chest was his favorite. Admitting to this to her had earned him more than a handful of glares and punches to his shoulder in previous occasions – but he wouldn’t complain. After all, it allowed her to take out all the bad guys and clear him plenty of space. She harrumphed with crossed arms.
“You’d be dead, that’s for sure. Which doesn’t sound half bad” Sitting in front of her in that power stance – oof, what a sight. Bucky couldn’t help but smirk. She scoffed and kicked his shin lightly, knowing exactly what he was thinking.
“Aw come on, Stick, you’d miss me, admit it” 90%, just a little longer. Not that holding banter with Y/N was any hard task. 
Bucky and Y/N go way back. She became a field agent around the same time he did, and the agencies that hired them are rivals in almost every sense, making them coincide in more than a hundred missions. 
At first, it was annoying, not only did Bucky had to worry about the bad guys, but he also had to race Y/N for the same objective more often than not. Although he couldn’t lie, the competition was probably the most fun his job offered. It was fun to keep up the action, to have an extra challenge, someone to one-up. And on the off chances when their objectives weren’t the same, it wasn’t hard to team up with her. And they made a very, very good team. 
100%. Her eyes glanced towards the screen in a flash, before they lay upon him again. She smiled at him. Bucky leaned forward, his hands placed calmly over the armrests as he returned her grin. Game on. 
“Well, I assume you’re also here for the intel...”
“It’s a shock you became an agent with such slow deducting skills, Barnes” Y/N rested her body against the console, half sitting up on it while she unsheathed her knife once more and flipped it around in her able fingers. 
“Slow, maybe…” Bucky paused, letting silence and suspense linger.
In a swift motion, he was on his feet, using the force to hop over her body and, anticipating her flip to meet him, he put his hands up, blocking the down slash of her knife and expertly slapping it out of her hand. He reached to the side and yanked the USB out of the console, but before he could turn around and leave, Y/N had ducked down and with a side sweeping kick, she had made him tumble down on his knees, the USB rattled out of his hands and sliding away from them. 
It took Bucky a beat longer than Y/N to be up on his feet and on the run towards the small memory stick. She had swooped it up before he could, and Bucky did the first thing he could think of and lunged at her. 
The two of them rolled on the cold metal floor, bodies fighting to be on top, hands squeezing to try and pry the USB off the winning hand. At some point in the struggle when Y/N held onto the device, Bucky had taken out his knife, but before he could do any harm, Y/N had his arm twisted behind his frame, causing him to drop the blade. Bucky bent down, flipping Y/N over his body and pushing her away from him, making her drop the pen-drive. It clattered as it slid away from them.
Pause. Bucky and Y/N looked towards the USB, watching it slide away. Bucky’s hair flipped over his face as his head flipped back to look at Y/N. Their eyes met, and another smile was shared between the rivals. 
Almost as if rehearsed they sprung into action. Bucky was sliding on his knees before Y/N could register it and he held onto the USB expertly. Once up on his feet, it was another sparring match for the history books. A punch here, a slap blocked there, kicks and pushes, grunts and tricks. 
Losing the upper hand, Bucky reached around Y/N’s body to try and grab the little stick, but she held it out of his reach. The resemblance to kids fighting over the TV remote was too much not to cause a chuckle to escape Y/N’s lips. 
A deafening alarm surprised the two, and their heads turned towards the closed doors to the hall they were in, approaching footsteps echoing in the distance. With a quick glance around the room, the pair of agents realized the havoc they had unleashed upon the room of valuable art with their fighting antics. 
“Oops,” Y/N said comically “seems I didn’t get all of them”
Bucky used the moment to slap the USB out of her hands and into his, pocketing it in a compartment of his suit on his chest, before she could act. Y/N growled but didn’t attack him. It wasn’t the time. The alarm continued to blare. 
Surviving first, sparring with Bucky later. 
The two split to avoid gunshots as the doors opened, revealing the guards. Whether they liked it or not, it was time to work together if they wanted to get out alive. Bucky sprinted towards them, grabbing random vases from the exhibit and chucking them the guards’ way. As they focused on him, it gave Y/N time to run around and knock out two of them from behind. 
Bucky held onto that red curtain from before and swung himself, kicking a non-suspecting guard in the head and rendering him useless for probably a week. 
More footsteps approached and both Bucky and Y/N took off in the same direction Bucky had come in. It wasn’t time to sit back and knock out every guard that came their way. No matter how good of a team they made together, they weren’t that amazing that they could take on who knows how many guards were headed their way, alone and without heavy weaponry.
They entered the room that Bucky had first entered when he infiltrated the museum and together they tried to close the heavy double doors as bad guys approached. Before closing them completely, almost like mirrored images, Bucky and Y/N pulled out their reserve knives, chucking them at the guards that were closest. With a loud bang, the doors were closed and the two of them pushed a statue in front of it. That should do it for about... 6 minutes they reckon, enough to let them escape. 
“Second knife huh?” He said, huffing and puffing from the exertion. Y/N gave him a smile, holding onto her side and trying to recover her breath. 
“I guess I should thank you for not using yours until now” Y/N sighed, pushing back her hair as she approached the rope Bucky had left after his entrance. The perfect getaway. She tugged on it, testing its hold. 
“Likewise” Bucky’s hand was over hers on the rope as he stepped closer to her frame. She looked up at him with soft eyes and a shy smile. He really liked it whenever she looked at him like so. Turned him into mush. But that was always, really. 
“Believe it not Barnes, I don’t actually want you dead. How boring would my life be?” Bucky smiled at that. She shook her hand from underneath his and placed it on the nape of his neck. Standing on her tippy toes she pressed her lips to his. Bucky sighed, melting into the kiss and the familiar embrace. Her hands wrapped around his frame as the kiss deepened. Able fingers dancing over his shoulders and chest, clutching all they could as his hands worked to push her closer into his frame. 
He separated from her with a grin, feeling empty the second she was an inch away “You’d miss me too much, admit it” His lips caressed hers as he spoke, a hand on her chin, keeping her close to him and with her face arched to his. His long lashes kissed his cheeks, and she loved looking at him, admiring his features up close like this. It gave her more butterflies than her first-ever field mission.
Biting her lip to suppress a lovesick smile, she nuzzled her nose to his. She didn’t see herself ever tiring of kissing him. Thank heavens for these types of missions. Stepping back, she hooked the rope to an electric piece on her belt that would rise her up the cable automatically. 
“I’d miss you too much.” she said, blowing him a kiss. She started swiftly lifting away. Bucky held onto her hand for as long as he could, letting her go up and escape the museum first, eyes too busy taking her in. She gave him a wink. When she was a whole body away from him she spun a little stick around her finger. “Oh, and thanks for the intel, babe”
Bucky’s eyes widened when he made out what she was flipping around, a hand immediately shooting up to the pocket at his chest. Empty. 
“...You- Wow, Sticky, what would your ma’ say, stealing from a man like that” Bucky tsked, shaking his head in mock disappointment. Y/N chuckled, head thrown back and everything. Bucky’s smile only widened. He loved making her laugh, probably just as much as he loved her. 
“Oh hush, she did teach me how to share, y’know?”
“Does that mean I get to see you later?” This made her snort. 
“Dork.” Y/N had reached the top and climbed up and over the metal edge of the ceiling, taking her time moving the glass cover out of the way so Bucky could get out quickly and just have to slide it right back in. No sign of them ever being there… Well, other than the obvious. 
“See you at home, sweetheart” He couldn’t really see it but he knew she had winked at him at his words.
“Merry Christmas, Buck” He heard her say before her figure disappeared into the night as she made her silent escape. 
Bucky remained there, looking up after her with a stupid grin across his face. They really did make a great team in every sense of the word. He bit down on his lip, hands placed on his hips. How had he gotten so lucky to have found her? 
He thinks maybe he has to give credit to their agencies for being such fierce rivals that they would go out of their way to put their best agents against each other in missions. He just loved thinking back to when their banter started, all those years when they were fighting each other over targets and their obvious sexual tension. 
And then the first time they worked together to achieve their different objectives, rather than trying to beat the other –
A loud bang brought Bucky out of his thoughts. His eyes flickered to the door, noticing the statue that was keeping the guards out had moved, and the doors were slowly being opened. Soon someone would be able to sneak through the gap. 
Right. Escaping first, seeing your fiance later, Barnes. 
Sorry for such a long piece, hope that’s ok!
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this piece and my little Agents. 
Please, remember that feedback is literally what feeds a writer’s motivation to continue posting their pieces, and it takes two seconds. I read every reblog, reply, tag, and you can always message me or drop anything in my inbox – feedback or whatever else really. I’m open to talking, always.
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fc5holidayexchange · 4 years
Title: Gävlebocken
Deputy Mattie Covington/Sharky Boshaw- Mattie and Sharky reunite after a failed trip to burn the Gavle Goat
Hi Kate! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, wherever you are and however you're celebrating! Hope the festive season is full of joy and magic! I had a fabulous time writing Mattie and Sharky together and I hope you enjoy reading it! xxxx
“All I’m saying, shorty, is never leave a man behind. Marilyn Manson and Carly Rae Jepson wanted to go torch some Gävlebocken butt too, y’know? And who was I to deny them their Bejeebus given right as Incendiary-Americans?”
Mattie cuddled the red-cheeked pyromaniac closer into her chest as she eased his sorrows on the couch. He hadn’t stopped blushing since she’d collected him from Missoula International Airport, where he’d been marched from the building between the firm grip of two unforgiving, no doubt underpaid TSA officers, cuffed at the wrist and short two of his beloved (and musically christened) flamethrowers.
“... you know, they probably sell flamethrowers in Sweden. You could have got one when you got there. Or matches. Shit, there’s plenty of sticks you could have rubbed together too.” She mused, trying to make light of the situation.
Sharky Boshaw was having none of it.
“Nuh-uh, no-can-do. Had to be them, babe.”
“Only the best for the holy grail of goat effigies, I guess?”
He nodded and crushed his face into her.
She couldn’t tell if the residual ruby tinge on his face was from the trauma of his ordeal (though he was hardly a stranger to arrest), from the abundance of alcohol still in his system, or from where the ravenous teeth of a cold winter beast had nibbled at him. December had fallen, and the snow was up to their knees. The smell of evergreen firs and smoky chimneys and roasting meat and fresh gingerbread permeated across the county. Even the sickly scent of Bliss had subsided, the cold-sensitive Georgia peaches known locally as the Seeds having retreated indoors for the season.
Christmas was coming.
Boshaw Manor’s festive decorations were tacky and yet, made with love. The Christmas tree was a little scorched on the edges, and adorned with homemade ornaments that were just beer tops looped onto string. They twinkled rainbow in the glow from the string lights, and tinkled as they clinked against each other. Paper chains and worn tinsel in emerald and silver shades hung from every available surface, and though he had no fireplace, he’d dragged a metal bin into the centre of the living room so they could roast chestnuts and make smores through the long winter nights.
However, Sharky’s favourite holiday accessory was a slightly dusty Santa figurine. He had, at some point, made the toymaker his own little flamethrower from aluminium foil, and the rotund, bushy bearded fellow still clung to it with his moth-eaten mittens, ready to chargrill Rudolph. But truly the highlight of Santa’s unusual skillset, the crown jewel in his sleigh full of secret talents, was the voice recording feature.
From the depths of Santa’s cookie filled belly, Sharky’s voice echoed:
“Burn baby burn… CHRISTMAS INFERNO”
And now, the jolly figure danced laboriously by the door, Boomer resting beside him, snoring along to the increasingly demonic rasp (Mattie made a mental note to replace the batteries).
Of course, this year, Mattie had put her own little touches on the place.
When he’d first taken her in, Earl had given her a little archangel statue, with beautiful, expansive wings, and a majestic flaming blade in it’s right hand, and her name engraved upon it. ‘Matilda means mighty in battle’ he’d explained, pulling her into a hug to assure her of just how strong she was. And last year, Nancy had knitted her a little yellow star, gold flecked through it, to sit atop the tree, and now it sat pride of place, shimmering like the true holy light.
It was slightly overwhelming, to see her things, however few, amongst Sharky’s.
To know that now, she and Sharky could make Christmas memories together.
That was the best gift of all.
And normally, snuggled together on a winter’s night like this, she’d be teasing him, slipping her chilled hands down the back of his shirt, or tickling his neck which made him squirm and giggle the most, or even sticking an icy naked foot into his face when he wasn’t paying attention. Or she’d be letting her hands wander into his pants, and they’d be making love and basking in each other’s glow until the sun came up.
But the sheer misery welling in his eyes, Christmas dreams obliterated and Hall of Flame pedestals empty, like a baby bird beak without a worm to sate it’s hunger, sent a pang of guilt ricocheting through every inch of her. One that made her stomach squirm and her lip quiver. He was her family, and though her dad back in Challis hadn’t exactly been the model of perfect, or even the model of good, she knew with all the certainty in her heart that families weren’t supposed to look so despairing at Christmas.
“What were you thinking, Shark?”
“I, uh… I wanted to surprise you.”
“And you thought running off to Europe to go burn down a giant goat was the best way to do that? I’d have taken socks instead, you know. Or a John Seed's head on a spike.”
She moved to hold his hand, fingers intertwining comfortingly, and he sniffed loudly in appreciation. Mattie felt so complete when her hand was nestled in his- who needed gloves to when you had a hand to hold?
"Just because Hurk nearly got Wicker-manned out in Europe, doesn't mean you have to."
He mumbled in reply, sheepishly resigned to his deeper urges- "I'm a Khaleesi. I go where the flame takes me."
She chuckled softly and teased:
“I know, babe. I know. Who do you think is the one who prints the posters? The whole station is more like a groupie's bedroom."
Mattie cursed the day she’d so catastrophically put her foot in it. A late night drinking and feasting up in the Whitetails, near Fort Drubman, out under the stars and the bleak winter moonlight. A slew of cultist corpses were ragdolled along the path behind them, definitely not having a Merry Christmas, and a skinned Judge or two had fallen prey to Jess’s hungry trapper knife. The pelts would make a fine coat for next year’s snowfall and the burgundy branding of Jacob’s chosen mutts was simply an added trophy for Mattie’s slightly feral friend.
There they were. Mattie, Sharky, Hurk, Jess, and Staci (who'd called in sick from his night shift), with Boomer and Cheeseburger at their heels.
Munching on fish from the iced over rivers.
Getting drunk out of their minds and trying to forget all the shit that the past months had wrought.
The topic of conversation had turned to (what else) fire. They’d just proudly set alight to the old lumber mill, and watched the Peggies scatter like roaches from the scene. Merry on Whistling Beaver beer, Mattie had hiccoughed and giggled after her umpteenth bottle, snuggled under Sharky's arm, and announced loudly:
“Did you guys know there’s a huge ass wicker goat in Sweden? They put it up for Christmas every year and it keeps getting toasted.”
Well, it’s not like she’d expected him to take off a week later towards the airport… after he’d downed probably somewhere near a keg's worth of homemade eggnog… all rum, barely an egg or a nog in sight.
But Charlemagne Victor Boshaw’s eyes had illuminated with possibility, and so had the eyes of the airport security officers at the sizable lethal and flammable weapons he’d packed into his luggage. Having the fuzz for a girlfriend, who could come flaunting an arrest warrant and claim jurisdiction over the prisoner was an absolute saving grace, it turned out. The TSA had handed him over with very little resistance.
And now, here they were, back home in the depths of the county, almost definitely up a couple of places on the ‘no fly’ terror watchlist.
Sharky sat up suddenly and rubbed at his slightly runny nose, a sudden determination taking root in his chest. Spring coming early as a flower bloomed there, petals of fury and vengeance and abject loyalty to his cause.
"We gotta get Carly and Marilyn back. We gotta Ocean’s Eight, Sandra Bullock the airport, po-po. You and me, Hurk, sure we can get Nick and Kim on the crew too, what are we up to, five, Boshaw’s five, Sharky’s five-?“
Mattie nuzzled her face into the top of his head. She was a hell of a lot shorter than him, but he’d sunk into the couch so deeply that she could now smell the scent of his Old Spice shampoo and see the bald patch where he'd thought wearing a crown made of sparklers at Thanksgiving fireworks was a good idea.
“Yeah, I’m sure a woman heavily into her third trimester is gonna really be up for a heist-“
“Kim? Fuck yeah, she can kick butt with a bump, her centre of gravity’s probably on kung fu master levels here. Ooooh, maybe the baby’ll come early and kick some airport ass too.”
“I think it’ll be more like she’ll kick your butt for not inviting me along to go torch the goat."
It was crazy, knowing that next Christmas, there would be a Baby Rye for Santa to visit. And that maybe, in the Christmases to come, there'd be a brood of Baby Boshaws too, ready to tear the tree down and hurl food at each other, giddy in their festive hysteria. She thought about sharing such a fanciful idea with him, and went to murmur a few sweet suggestions in his ruddy ear. Maybe they could make some new dreams tonight...
Sharky wasn’t listening though.
“Maybe we go Die Hard 2 instead… be in keeping with the ol’ time of year?”
“All the guys who break into the airport die in that movie, Shark.”
She sighed and stroked his cheek.
"I think, maybe, as much as it sucks, we just have to let this one go."
He went to open his mouth to protest or beg or maybe come out with another heist movie to take inspiration from, but the words seemed to fizzle away on the end of his tongue. He knew it was futile. She was right. His visions of making the headlines in every Swedish tabloid evaporated, his name destined not to be heralded by enthusiasts of the Gävlebocken legacy. His shoulders sagged and he seemed to want to disappear into his worn green sweatshirt, like a turtle burrowing back into its shell.
"Hey, y'know, who wants to go smoke the goat anyway, much better things to burn here. Seeds and shit."
He settled into moody, reflective, uncharacteristic silence and Mattie knew not to push the subject any further. And while searching her thoughts for a way to soothe his wounds and bring the hope and joy of the festive season back into his heart, she casually leaned over to the table and picked up his abandoned plane ticket, also slightly singed like everything else the man owned (what had happened this time, Mattie couldn’t even begin to guess). 
Her stomach dropped.
The rollercoaster was taking an unexpected plunge deeper into irony.
There it was, printed neatly under DESTINATION.
A final foil for the Sharknado that had sought to wreak havoc across the fjords of Scandinavia.
“Shark, babe…”
“The big ass goat is in Sweden, right? You know, next to Norway?”
“Home of the dancing queen an' the smorgasbord. Oooh, and the chef.” He proceeded to spit out a garbled string of vowels in poor imitation of the Swedish language.
Mattie sighed and for a moment, debated whether to just keep her mouth shut. To let his Christmas dreams, however shattered, maintain some form of dignity. But laughter pulled at the corners of her mouth, from the singsong Muppetry in her ear and the ridiculous error before her eyes and she just knew it would make him laugh too;
“... Shark, this ticket is for Switzerland.”
He gave her a little confused frown and she wrapped her arms around his neck, to press her forehead, and then her lips softly to his.
“God, I love you so much.”
He returned her kiss, sharing her warmth and the sweet taste of hot cocoa and a sprig of mint and melted marshmallow, running his hands through her wind-swept hair. They lost themselves in each other, forgetting the snow falling fast outside, and the bodies across the county buried deep amongst the icy grass, and the slowly fading tire tracks from their long journey home.
And wrapped in the comforting embrace of her best friend, Mattie’s imagination shone. 
A flame taking to the tinder, spreading until it burned so strongly, it could never be extinguished.
"My extremities are getting real cold, chica, an' I'm too young to lose my junk t’ frostbite."
"Don't worry, you'll be warm soon enough."
"Heh heh, sounds like a party."
Mattie had led Sharky through the dark forestry, the trees naked and sparse like a threadbare patchwork blanket. They'd walked for some time, boots snapping the carpet of fallen branches and crunching in the deep snow and squeaking over patches of icy oil spills across the roads, until they'd reached a pasture south of the Henbane.
And now, in the early hours of the morning, he stood blindfolded, Mattie's hands protectively on his shoulders (although she'd been tempted to mischievously let him wander into a patch of shrubbery or two, but decided she didn't want to be pulling thorns and thistles out of his ass all night).
"Are we there yet?"
A few more steps, up a slight incline, the frozen grass snapping underfoot. 
“OK, you can look now.”
Sharky tore off the blindfold in childlike impatience and his eyes widened at the sight he beheld.
Before them, silhouetted by the amber light from surrounding torches and the staring full moon, stood a large wicker goat.
A Gävlebocken… well, a Hopebocken.
A warm earthy brown, as though the trees hadn’t perished weeks before, with bark flaking from it to make the fur seem shaggy, thick, truly like a majestic beast from the hills of Scandinavia, with fleece enough to shroud a Viking king. Horns magnificent upon its head, red and gold Christmas ribbons adorning them like Roman wreaths. His nose was round and his face was long and he stood watch upon the hill, noble, a guardian, a protector.
And at his feet were gathered the artists of this crudely fashioned idol. Nick and Kim, Hurk and Adelaide and Xander, Dutch and Jess, Jerome and Mary May, Virgil and Wade and Eli and Tammy and Merle… it seemed the whole county, faces beaming and hands willing, had stepped forward to play their part in Sharky's Christmas miracle.
Mattie watched Sharky take a stunned step forward.
"I wanted to surprise you." She whispered into his ear, taking his hand and giving it a little squeeze.
And there was that smile she loved so much. His eyes crinkled in the corners and a laugh catapulted itself from deep in his throat into the night air. It rose like a ball of light, and exploded into a thousand stars to light the county and every county beyond it.
"I… I…" He stammered, pupils dilated, entranced, and he turned back to face the love of his life, choking on the wonderment and the realisation of just what she had done for him. “I can…?”
“You bet.”
“And I ain’t gonna get arrested?”
“Like that’s bothered you before?” She grinned and watched as he jumped and whooped, punching the air. Overwhelmed with adrenaline. Crying her name to the heavens, unabashedly proclaiming how much he loved her and all who had come to give him this gift.
“Shark… Shark?”
His head spunt to gaze at her.
An almost breathless gasp escaped him.
And the look on his face made Mattie want to throw herself upon him and never let go.
In her outstretched arms, lay a new flamethrower, blue and purple disco graffiti emblazoned on the side, and a big red bow ornately tied along the neck. She carefully placed it in his hands, and he weighed it, mesmerized, feeling the perfect balance of the full canister of fuel, and the soon-to-be warmed steel. Tears bloomed in the corners of his as he grasped it. As he readied himself for the greatest bonfire of his life.
“Merry Christmas, babe.”
She placed a careful kiss on his lips.
“Now… go toast that goat.”
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chalk-reverie · 2 years
A Day before Christmas
With another rant.
Badtrip nanaman nanay ko dahil kahapon, hindi ko siya sinunod .😂
Nanonood kasi kami ng Money Heist pero yung pa last episode na, bigla ko tinigil,kasi nag tanong tatay ko kung patapos na ba, sinabi ko na na oo last episode na, nakaraang ng ilang saglit, nagtanong nanaman kung patapos na ba. Entrance song pa lang ng MH bigla ko na lang pinatay yung TV. 
Nangatwiran naman tatay ko na hindi daw ako mabiro.
Well, what I feel is, I am pissed. Ikaw ba naman tanungin kung patapos na kung aware ka naman na nag-uumpisa pa lang ang episode, twice. Ganto lang iyon, bigyan ko kayo ng scenario; kakapasok ko pa lang ng simbahan, at sasabihin ko “patapos na ba?” ng dalawang beses. or eto pa, kakapasok ko pa lang sa Christmas Party, at sinabi ko “patapos na ba?” :)), sa tingin mo as a joke, matutuwa ka ba? Ako na anak niyo, bawal magtampo, bawal magalit?
Palagi nilang invalidated yung reaction ko at kinabukasan sila gaganti, magagalit sila sa akin. Ni hindi man lang sila mag-iinitiate na ayusin at pag-usapan, ang gagawin nila, magdadabog, at iiwasan ka, hindi ka kakausapin.
Kahapon, habang nagsisimba, naisip ko nanaman kung bakit hindi na lang nila ako saksakin, o paluin gaya ng dati. Bugbugin nila ako kung gusto nila, sa tingnin ko mas masakit, mas maganda. 
Tingin ko mas lalo lang naiipon galit ko at this point. 
Ang daya lang, ang unfair, kasi sila, na pwedeng-pwede magwala at magdabog, samantala ako kapag nagalit, hindi pwede.  😂
Sila na pwedeng magsaya, pero kapag ako nagsasaya, bawal rin (me with my friends). Kaya ang rude ko kapag nangangatwiran kasi may kasamang galit.
It’s just so hard at this point
0 notes
ao3feed-klance · 6 years
A Merry KiDs-Mas Surprise!
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CBGSjQ
by LeoLiddy, NightWings
It's almost Christmas and Keith is excited about spending his first holiday together officially with Lance. Unfortunately, he's having some problems finding the perfect gift! On top of that, he and his brother has got a heist planned with the most controversial twist ever!!!
Words: 19066, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Magic Kaito, 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid, Hakuba Saguru, Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan, Hattori Heiji, Nakamori Aoko, Lance's Family (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Matt/Aoko
Additional Tags: klance, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Just Add Kittens, Oneshot
read it on AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CBGSjQ
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A Merry KiDs-Mas Surprise!
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CBGSjQ
by LeoLiddy, NightWings
It's almost Christmas and Keith is excited about spending his first holiday together officially with Lance. Unfortunately, he's having some problems finding the perfect gift! On top of that, he and his brother has got a heist planned with the most controversial twist ever!!!
Words: 19066, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Magic Kaito, 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt, Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid, Hakuba Saguru, Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan, Hattori Heiji, Nakamori Aoko, Lance's Family (Voltron), Lotor (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Matt/Aoko
Additional Tags: klance, Christmas, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Just Add Kittens, Oneshot
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CBGSjQ
0 notes
itsbuckysworld · 6 years
itsbuckysworld masterlist.
Hi guys, this is L! I’ve decided to start early and set up my masterlist from day one lmao. Under the cut are all my works and I’ll keep this list updated with each new writing.
As of right now (FEB 2024) requests are closed and i am in hiatus. i’m always up for a chat tho so here’s my inbox!
Happy reading, have a good day lovelies!
1K Followers Writing Challenge Masterlist here!
Secret Santa Fanfic Exchange Masterlist here!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
*I no longer write real people fiction. 
Studious (College!AU)  ||  part 2 ||
Little Princess (dad!sebastian AU)
Little One (platonic) (Seb x reader x Chris Evans)
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Gladly, Mrs. Barnes
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust ( College!AU for the #wsewritingchallenge300)
The Run (for the #wsewritingchallenge300)
Deep Breaths *trigger warning
Thou Dost Taketh My Breath Away (Knight!AU for the #augustauwritingchallenge)
Untitled 1 (College!AU. Request from this Random Starters list)
Fixer Upper (for the #softhairbarnes750)
Love Hurts (Boxer!College!Bucky AU)
Come Over, Come Closer (AU!Bucky for Becaamm’s Valentine’s Writing Challenge)
Not Cuddle Weather (for the #HBC Summer Meet Cute Week)
Yoga 101 || pt 1. || pt 2 || (for the #omnomwritingchallenge1.1k )
Two for two (for coffee-with-bucky’s writing challenge: #lyns2019wc)
My son, Spencer (for flightofthefantasies’s #BeatTheHeatChallenge)
Late Night Bangers (Neighbor!AU for elifs2kwritingchallenge)
What’s on your back? (Single Parent!AU for star’s multi fandom writing challenge)
Merry Heist-mas (Secret Agent!AU)
Save a Dance For Me (Royalty!AU for the #CMMSecretSanta event)
Love, One Shy Guy (TBD hopefully sometime before I die)
The Little Merman (TBD hopefully sometime before I go to hell AFTER I die)
like a gazillion writing challenges
finishing all my hello spring prompts (link below)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Drabbles from this Dialogue Prompt List 
#6. “This isn’t a conversation we should be having” “please, I just need to know your answer” - with Sebastian
#20. “I Love you” “I Don’t Care Anymore” - with Bucky
#28. "What time?" “Wow, how romantic, I love my girlfriend and our fun dates.” - with Sebastian
#31. “… and then he came up up to me and kissed me until I was-” “I’m going to have to tell you to shut up now.” - with Sebastian
#33. “Stop being seductive” “I was being myself, but okay” - with Bucky
#40. “We’ve been driving for hours, are we nearly there yet?” “I would honestly like to tell you something other than ‘no’, but life is cruel.”” - with Bucky
#45. “I think you’re going to end up getting hurt” “I know. I’m used to it now, it’s fine” - With Sebastian
#51. “Can you give me a massage” “No, because you moan really loud and our neighbors think we’re having sex” - with Sebastian
Drabbles from this prompt list (Bucky only. open for requests. writing on weekends)
#6. I need a place to stay
#16. You’re getting crumbs all over my bed
#19. You’re satan
#47. You're getting a vasectomy. That’s final. 
#62. If you can’t sleep... We could have sex?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Little prompts from the prompt list 50 Wordless Ways To Say I Love You. Unfinished. Status: you can still request #50wwtsily
#6. Tucking your head into their neck during a hug
#36: Helping brush their hair after a shower
#40: Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
#49: Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
Drabbles from this Dialogue Prompt List
#6. “This isn’t a conversation we should be having” “please, I just need to know your answer” - with Sebastian
#20. “I Love you” “I Don’t Care Anymore” - with Bucky
#28. "What time?" “Wow, how romantic, I love my girlfriend and our fun dates.” - with Sebastian
#31. “… and then he came up up to me and kissed me until I was-” “I’m going to have to tell you to shut up now.” - with Sebastian
#33. “Stop being seductive” “I was being myself, but okay” - with Bucky
#40. “We’ve been driving for hours, are we nearly there yet?” “I would honestly like to tell you something other than ‘no’, but life is cruel.”” - with Bucky
#45. “I think you’re going to end up getting hurt” “I know. I’m used to it now, it’s fine” - With Sebastian
#51. “Can you give me a massage” “No, because you moan really loud and our neighbors think we’re having sex” - with Sebastian
Short Drabble Weekends: from this prompt list (Bucky only. open for requests as of 08-28-19. writing on weekends)
#6. I need a place to stay
#16. You’re getting crumbs all over my bed
#19. You’re satan
#47. You're getting a vasectomy. That’s final.
#62. If you can’t sleep... We could have sex?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: 
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HELLO SPRING MASTERLIST: My works that came out of the hello spring writing event i hosted. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚:
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