#message received ; answered ask
canisalbus · 7 months
Who is allowed to send asks? Is it restricted or a Patreon thing?
Anyone can send asks! But I only manage to respond to a small portion of them, sorry. I'm just one person.
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rayix · 2 months
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HAPPY (not belated wtf do you mean?!?!?) BIRTHDAY‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
(I whipped this up quickly so its kinda shitty srry 😭)
Anyways ima say some nice stuff now cuz ngl your like KINDA maybe a WEEE little bit of a cool awesome person ‼️‼️‼️‼️
Your arts so crunchy rararararar I could go on and on how I love how you draw and like just wanting to know how you draw in general RAHADHSDHDAK. I FUCKING LOVEEEE YOUR CLOWN AESTHETIC OMG IMA GO TO THE MALL THIS WEEKEND AND SPEND ALL MY MONEY ON FUCKING CLOWN SHIT CUZ OF YOU /hj /pos you have this very nice welcoming vibeee your very chill and cool like if I knew you in irl I would be to scared to talk to you, I’d just stare at you from across the room trying to work up the courage to talk to you (spoiler I don’t /silly) /pos EVERYTHING IN YOUR ART STYLE COMES OUT SO CUTE AND VIBRANT AUGHGHFHUSFDHWFDJVWDHVDEJVEDH I mean I could go on but I’m not rlly used to complements soooo I’ll start writing shit down (I already have like 672346243762347 things to say I just…. Don’t know how to say them /silly /hj) anywayssss ily you pookie… but….. but your old….. YOUR AND OLD MANNNNNN EWWW ima have to send you to an old persons home soon 😔😔 /silly
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cillixn · 6 months
It's funny how many here say that their marriage is none of our business, but they are here, writing smut and p0rn fanfics for 'cillian x female reader' as if he wasn't married. You imagine the whole hot scene, write it and publish it, many people consume it, and now you are defending Yvonne as if you were their friend? you are idiots too! Just as he would hate to read the anon's comment about Yvonne not supporting him, he would be disgusted to read these fanfics full of "you're so good for me, babygirl"
first of all, let me offer you my congratulations for not reading cillian fanfic. you’re soooo much better than all of us and i bet everyone wants to be your friend.
secondly, honey… darling… sweetums… surely you can distinguish reality from fantasy, can’t you? you know that there is a difference between writing/consuming a fictional story about a fictionalized version of someone and assholes making very real malicious and uncalled for comments about someone’s wife… right? there is no comparison between the two.
but the people speaking up and calling out the troglodytes that make wild baseless assumptions about their marriage (which is none of our business, i didn’t realize that was a controversial statement) and call her ugly are the weird parasocial ones, right? they’re clearly only doing it for brownie points and not because they genuinely don’t like to see petty, jealous children pick on someone for no reason, yeah?
hmm.. might i suggest you read cillian’s book on empathy? it seems like you could learn a few things.
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blindmagdalena · 11 months
what are your thoughts on a depowered!homelander reacting to his lover using compound v so she can protect him? love your blog, you're a amazing writer, and sorry that my english isn't that great 💕🪩
your english is fantastic! never need to apologize. thank you so much! 🖤
ohhhhh my gosh, i LOVE this premise. this immediately gave me such a fantastic idea for a fic where Homelander, after being depowered, manages to get his hands on compound v. he injects himself, but whatever was done to his body completely prevents him from absorbing it, and he's still left powerless. he throws a fit. he's consumed with anger, misery, paranoia, fear; he has enemies. they're going to come for him, and he has no one, no one powerful enough who will defend him.
so, determined to be able to protect him... his lover risks their life by taking one of the injections, and he's left holding their convulsing body in horror, scolding them and begging them not to leave him in equal measure. he's so scared that he's going to be all alone.
AAHHH the drama potential!! the romance!!! the horror of love!!! this is such a fantastic idea. i HAVE to write this! 🖤🖤🖤
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captainsavre · 5 months
I'm starting to get very tired of all your Danielle/Maya posts. Your Stefania/Carina gifs and edits always get more notes, it's clear that if you post more from her you'd get more followers. I'm seriously starting to consider to unfollow you
oh I'm sorry, but last time I checked this is MY BLOG and I post about people/characters/shows I love and not based on what YOU WANT.
and I couldn't care less about my follower and notes numbers and shouldn't be your concern either… maybe instead, you should go worry more about your own blog and followers.
just do me a favor and do unfollow me, cause I'm also very tired of you and your unpleasant opinions. I've been receiving plenty of similar messages and I'm pretty sure they’re all from you so yeah, I'm really not interested on having you following me. and if any of you reading this share the same opinion from anon please just go mind your own business, go post about your stuff, go look for other blogs that share the same interests and just fucking go away and unfollow me too. even if I end up with zero followers, I don’t care, I'm not here for this… I just want to fangirl over the things I love in peace. thank you
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landinrris · 5 months
This is gonna get super long so sorry in advance but I wanted to put it out there that I would pay real good money to know what Lando and Martin's friends think of the whole thing.
Like on Lando's side you have his lifelong friends who are his safety bubble who he spends all his time with, he always tends toward his close known circle rather than throwing himself into a ton of new friendships (Carlos being an exception but the teammate bond plus the covid bubble was a big accelerator there and of the group only Sasha really seemed to embrace that friendship, the others even mock it at times). And since he's been in F1, they've watched Lando gradually start to be more outgoing and lose some of his shyness but its first half of 2022 and he still clings to their bubble, even now he has a serious gf. Also he lets them tag along on nights out with people like Max Verstappen so they're all happy with that. Then come Summer 2022 there they all are on their traditional yacht vacation this time in Ibiza, and Lando takes them to meet a famous DJ that Danny Ric has helped Lando to get them backstage at his gig. They know Lando's getting into DJ'ing so they likely don't think much of it beyond cool, we get to meet Martin Garrix.
And then pretty much from that moment on they would have watched Lando throw himself headfirst into a new friendship with this DJ, going to stay in his hometown after just a few weeks, they see this dude buy Lando a DJ'ing set up even tho he barely knows him, then Lando checks out early from their annual winter Dubai trip to go on vacation with the DJ taking only Martin K with him, he starts hanging backstage at this DJs shows and before his buddies know it they find they've been more or less ditched during any F1 breaks except for the odd bone of a week of attention here and there thrown their way. I remember Fewtrell in early summer 23 on a stream bemoaning with Connor about how their yacht trips no longer happened and Fewtrell was like it will again, I've had words, and I've never heard anything that made me think "ha you'll be lucky" quite so fast. I also remember Fewtrell trying to bring Martin up on stream once when Lando was staying at his, must have been like Feb/March time, Lando mentioned learning to produce and Fewtrell made a comment like 'oh is Garrix teaching you' a little sarcastically and Lando just went 'yes' and shut the conversation down in an instant, like he was saying no, you don't get to go there and Fewtrell's face was a picture, he looked like a kicked puppy for a second before remembering there was a camera on him. They also see Lando getting adopted by Martin's close circle of friends and him adopting them in return. And then having been ditched most of the year, Lando's group find an about turn this winter when Martin actually goes on vacation with them for once and they're permitted to get to know him, before they then watch Lando head off to be glued to Martin's hip for more or less the entire rest of the winter break.
And then on Martin's side you have his lifelong friends who yes have become friendly with some other people around him who Martin's good friends with, they know Danny Ric from when Danny goes to Ibiza and they've gotten to know Max over the years, but here Martin is in late 2022 suddenly parachuting this young F1 driver he's only known a handful of weeks right into their Amsterdam world, not even Ibiza but their hometown. They got to know him in that time I guess, and then just as suddenly Martin is going on vacation with this dude, making an effort to fit spending time with him into his hyper-busy schedule. Lando even makes another visit to their hometown mid-summer. And then come end of Summer 2023 they are all on vacation together in Ibiza, Lando is staying with them in a villa there and they have adopted him to the point he's part of their core group celebrating their birthdays. (As an aside, I can't help but think they must have spent much more time with Lando than we know prior to Ibiza 2023 for him to be staying in a villa with them and them calling him family at that stage and for Lando to look so comfortable and at home around them. There has to have been time they have spent with Lando when he has been with Martin that we have no idea about for them to consider him part of their group that way).
Then this winter they've not only watched Martin be essentially glued to Lando's side for a vast majority of his free time and going on vacation with Lando's close circle but have also been witness to their entire carryon, things like the matching clothing, the vacation couple postcard pics etc all of which seems quite out of character even for someone as affectionate as Martin is. Like I've only followed Martin since he became friendly with Lando but I don't see him doing this kinda thing with anyone else. Thinking about it, his friends have likely been witness to their carryon for a while if those loud shirt & shorts combos from Ibiza were anything to go by.
I'll end this now as it's got out of hand (Sorry!) but I really truly would love to know what both sets of friends thoughts are on it all. Like I wonder if they all just realized gradually over time the way things were going or if they've actually had moments of sitting back and going wtf??!!
While I love the idea of an outsider's pov on the insanity of the trajectory of Lando and Martin's relationship, I hesitate to make it sound like Lando's older friends are leaches or that he's abandoned them, and that's something they feel spite for.
Lando did spend time with Max F during the first bit of Summer this year, and I believe Tom was in Ibiza at one point. He's had dinner with Max and Pietra and Pietra's family a few times. We've also seen them together (Tom specifically) in Monaco a few times during non-race weeks with a few of Lando's newer friends. As practically lifelong friends who find themselves on different career and relationship paths, it probably takes a bit of adjusting to changes in plans (e.g., Lando and co not going on the yacht this year).
Meeting someone new and involving yourself with their friends to the point where they become your own doesn't necessarily mean you drop your childhood ones. Sometimes friend groups don't mix and you do different things with each one.
I'm sure both parties though recognize how important each of them are to each other, especially when Lando is so firm with his boundaries and not wanting to talk Martin up. Martin bringing Lando into his group and introducing him to everyone in itself seems to be a very pointed and powerful stance on what he thinks in the first place. It is indeed a little crazy to think about when you stop moving for a minute and let your brain run.
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keywcilder · 4 months
sora was caught off guard by the sudden kiss from the prodigy boy but he soon melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around his waist and closing his eyes.
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bullshit-beach · 4 months
i need rex broadside in a way that is SO detrimental to feminism. yes even as blot he is still insanely appealing to me. i need him barely alive and in so much pain it's horrifying. mayhap i should seek mental help
I I don’t think I even have any commentary honestly I’m. Speechless.
Live your best life broski even if he sure isnt 💐
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malleleothreesome · 6 months
hope y'all like Malleus cause apparently my brain can only write for him at this time :)
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If you sent me asks/have been in my notifications lately and I have not yet responded, DO NOT WORRY!!! My motivation/energy levels have been odd these past few weeks, but I’ve seen all the things, read them, and they’re so so appreciated :’D Thank you all so much for being so stunningly kind, y’all are awesome.
I’ll respond to everything as quick as I can :D
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if-mirrormine · 1 year
Revealing my identity on this one lol its clock anon (not anon anymore)
Demetri could possibly have something to do with the figurative glass breaking
(I was fighting the urge to call him dementia the whole time I was writing this)
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noisytenant · 6 months
that post on japanese bookstores mentions non-con material...? is that just something you skimmed over or do you consider non-con fetishes morally viable in fictionalized concepts or irl execution?
(the post being referenced)
id like to thank whoever sent this to me months ago. you made me get off my ass and actually write the shit i wanted to write for a long time. almost certainly unfollowed but i hope my words reach the people who need to hear them
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kingofthering · 3 months
I genuinely do not understand how/why you would use tumblr without an account, which means I have also never truly understood the amount of anon asks on this website
like, I suppose people wanna hide when they’re being mean but you’re telling me all the messages with nice content and very normal/random questions are from people who don’t own an account?
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that-culdesac-kid · 1 year
You are SO AWESOME EVERY time I get a notification that you posted smth I run to your blog at the speed of light u are. So cool 💞💞💞💞💞💞/p
You are the feeder to the our life nf fandom
Awww, that's really sweet! Thank you so much for your kind words anon!
I got into olnf pretty late last year and instantly fell in love with it, but I only found a few posts and people who talk about it online. It was pretty disheartening to see the fandom so quiet while I'm having a major brainrot about it, so I decided to make this blog and post my ramblings to get more people to talk about olnf. I'm really glad that you find my posts and ramblings entertaining!
Also, since we're talking about this, please don't hesitate to make your own posts about olnf! It can be anything: fanarts, fanfics, edits, hcs, random thoughts about the characters... anything that you can bring to the table is always welcome here. The #ourlifenowandforever tag has gotten a bit quiet lately, so it'll be nice to have more people liven it up a bit. I think people in the fandom will just be glad to get any kind of food while we're waiting for the release (it's me, I am people).
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ask-w1ther-b0nnie · 2 months
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"Ello Rockstars!!" Asks Are Open! Feel free to roleplay or interact with Bonnie here, he loves to doodle and loves to talk! NSFW AND HATEFUL ASKS WILL BE DELETED & IGNORED <3
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keywcilder · 8 months
“Hello Sora.” Greeted Clayr Voiant the elder of the Fortuneteller Sisters as she appears with her cohort, Big Belly the Large Body.
' hey there, clayr! how have you guys been doing lately? ' he greeted her back with a bright smile
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