#hopefully I get some good rest soon :) really looking forward to responding to all the Things!!
If you sent me asks/have been in my notifications lately and I have not yet responded, DO NOT WORRY!!! My motivation/energy levels have been odd these past few weeks, but I’ve seen all the things, read them, and they’re so so appreciated :’D Thank you all so much for being so stunningly kind, y’all are awesome.
I’ll respond to everything as quick as I can :D
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Prompt || Bucky falling asleep in Reader’s lap. Reader holds Bucky close and doesn’t move from their spot for hours. — Requested by @writing-for-marvel <3
Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 1000
Contents & Warnings || Fluff, Mild Smut — 18+ Only, Minors DNI, implied sex, kissing/touching, lots of fluff.
Random prompt event || Masterlist
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Bucky had to go overseas for a mission for two weeks, leaving you all alone and cold in your home without his protective and warm presence that you longed for all the time.
But you and he texted, talked and FaceTimed constantly. Whenever he had some free time, he would always be on the phone with you, much to Sam’s annoyance since you and Bucky were so lovey-dovey with each other which Bucky always gave Sam his signature death glare when he complained.
Along with his and yours declaration of missing and loving each other, Bucky would also tease and rile you up with his promises of fucking you so raw and dirty when he got home, telling you this in private, of course, making you crave and yearn for him more and more with each long and tortuous day that went by without him, barely able to hold it together till he was back in your arms and inside of you again.
It was Tuesday, and Bucky should be home tomorrow, and you were so excited for his return.
You texted him good morning as soon as you woke, to which he responded with a sweet “good morning beautiful,” along with “I love you, doll,” and telling you that he wouldn’t be able to talk today. You were sad, of course, but you knew he had his obligations, so you texted him that you loved him back and for him to be safe.
Luckily you had some errands to run, which would hopefully keep you occupied for the day until you could talk with him again.
Once you were home after the long and exhausting day, you plopped down on the couch, ready to snuggle up with the fluffy blankets, put on your favourite show, and order some food in a few.
You checked your phone, and there was still no answer from him, making you worried. All you needed was just a text that told you he was ok, but it was best not to think about the worst-case scenario. He was safe and brave; he would text you once he was done kicking ass.
The door of your house unlocked and opened, making you furrow your eyebrows and lean forward in your seat. For a second, you thought it was an intruder, but the familiar sound of heavy combat boots approaching the living room made you know it was Bucky. He had come home earlier, much to your excitement.
He came into view. A naughty smirk curved on his lips, letting you know that he was ready to hold up his promise to fuck you raw and dirty. But his eyes appeared so tired and lifeless. The dark circles under them evident that he hadn’t been able to get enough sleep or rest while on his trip.
“I’m finally home, doll,” he sang as he pounced on top of you on the couch, making you giggle aloud as he laid you both down flat.
“God, I’ve missed you,” he groaned as he gave you a needy kiss, caressing his tongue with yours while you whimpered into his mouth. You were quick to tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging on the strands, making him growl between the heavy kisses. His hands found their way underneath your shirt, slowly inching his way higher across your skin with his pleasing touch, raising the material with his movements.
His once spent up and excited demeanour to have you in his grasp were replaced with gentle and tiresome grips of your flesh and delicate kisses on your neck.
Despite wanting to keep his promise, he was so tired. You could tell. The sleep deprivation and long and hard fights finally caught up with him.
“Hey,” you cradled his face and made him look at you. His eyes were so heavy with sleep, and his strong arms that were keeping him from crushing you started to buckle and lose their strength.
“Babe, are you ok?” You caressed his head as you started to get really worried. You’ve never seen him in such a drained state before.
“Y-yeah, I’m just,” he let out a grunt of discomfort as he shut his eyes tight, “so tired all of a sudden.”
“It’s ok,” you reassured him as you shuffled a little to the side so that he could lay half on top of you so as not to crush you completely. He dropped into you, face nuzzled in your neck and arms gripping your frame with the bit of strength he had left—making himself small and vulnerable to your touch. He sighed in contentment at being back in the safe and loving embrace of you. Your radiating energy brought him comfort in this tiresome state.
“I-I’m sorry, doll, that I’m unable to keep up with my promise,” he mumbled into your skin.
“Bucky, don’t even worry about that now.” You wrapped your arms around him and delicately caressed his back, hoping it would lull him to sleep. “Get some rest, babe, and then we can eat something. We have all the time tomorrow for sex.”
“I love you,” he mumbled and not a second later, light snoring came from him.
“I love you too,” you kissed his head and continued with your caresses. While one of your hands stroked his back, the other ran through his hair and massaged his scalp. You tried to make the movements and touches as gentle and loving as possible so that his body could absorb the comfort but not too hard so as not to wake him up and disturb his much-needed rest.
You thought he might sleep for an hour or so before waking up, but he lay like that for the rest of the evening. He was so at peace in your arms that you didn’t have the heart to wake him, and you honestly didn’t mind the slightest. You were just happy he was home again where he belonged—safe and sound.
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
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daemour · 11 months
Shut Up Before I Fall In Love
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Pairing: Jongho x f!Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, childhood f2l, family au
WC: 3729
Warnings: Cursing, absent family is a big part of it but not explored too much.
Summary: After you finish college, your parents ask you to move back home to help with your nephew. As much as you are bitter about your older sister dumping her child to go “find herself”, you’d do anything for little Jihoon.
When you return home, you’re surprised to see your childhood best friend, Jongho, still around, after growing up hearing him talk about how he’d love to move to America. But you won’t say no to his company.
This is written for @pirateeznet's anniversary project! My quiz result was Illusion :) Go and check out the other authors' works!
I do have an idea for a continuation of this more focused on the family part of it so if you want to see that too let me know ^^
As you leave the taxi, you hear your nephew screech your name before he can barrel himself into your legs. “Auntie!” You gasp playfully as you wrap your arms around the ball of energy clinging to you. “You’re here!”
“I am!” you cheer as you sweep the preschooler up in your arms, spinning him around once before setting him back down. “You’ve gotten so big, baby. Soon I won’t be able to pick you up anymore!” Jihoon puffs out his chest, proud of his achievement.
“Yeah! Soon I’ll pick you up instead!” You laugh, ruffling his hair. “Will you take me to the park instead of Gramma and Grampa?”
“Yes, baby. We can spend all summer together.” Jihoon cheers, his little fists pumping up in the air, and you smile at the cute action.
When you finally look up from the top of your nephew’s head, you first see your mother waving languidly and then your eyes catch on a familiar figure. “Jongho?” the name falls out of your mouth and the man in question smiles and raises a hand in acknowledgement.
“(Y/N), it’s been a while.”
Your heart is overflowing with such warmth at the familiar sight. “It certainly has been. Still in the same neighbourhood, Mr America?” you tease, grinning at the sight of Jongho’s ears turning red as he averts his eyes.
“Yeah,” Jongho rolls his eyes at your jibe good-naturedly. “I was six, dude. You’re never gonna let me live that down.”
You laugh, shoving at his shoulder. “You were six, and then you were twelve, and then you were eighteen and still talking about it. No, I will not be letting it go. But really, it’s good to see you again. Hopefully we can catch up at some point.”
Before Jongho even gets a chance to respond, Jihoon pulls at your pant leg. “Auntie, talk grown-up later! I’m more important!” At his straight-forward demand, all three of the “grown-ups” laugh and you’re quickly ushered into the house by the child, looking back and giving Jongho a quick wave. His pealing laughter follows you even after the door closes.
It’s only been about a week since you’ve returned, and it feels like both nothing and so much has changed. Your room has been changed into a storage unit and you’ve currently taken over the guest room, but the rest of the house’s layout remains unchanged save a few decor. Your mom also remains unchanged, and the only large difference is, well, the presence of Jihoon.
Every so often, you don’t expect him barreling around the corners into your knees and every time you see him, your disdain for your sister grows. It’s not his fault, and it’s definitely not her fault that the father is a deadbeat and out of the picture. And it’s not her fault that she wants to be able to have fun in life, but you also think that her time spent “finding herself” should not be spent partying it up dangerously and only showing up when she wants something from your mother. She doesn’t call him her son unless it’s to his face, but still won’t give him up for adoption for the pity points. It’s despicable in your eyes. Jihoon needs his mom but he doesn’t need your sister.
Thinking about the situation just causes you stress each day. You dropped everything to come here to care for your nephew, but she can’t even spare time to see her son win an award at his preschool. Jihoon is always asking about his mother, and neither you nor your mother has the heart to tell him the truth. Not just yet. His world is full of empty promises and you don’t know how to fix it.
Today’s another day of your mother desperately begging your sister to spend time with Jihoon and you taking the few school hours you have left to sit on the porch and contemplate life. Every so often you can hear another door slam as your mother paces from room to room and you wonder how you got here.
A gentle nudge to your shoulder makes your eyes fly open as you stare up at Jongho. “Falling asleep on the job?” he teases, a crooked smile on his face as he dodges your swat.
“It’s not a job,” you snark, even though you and Jongho know that’s a lie. “I’m just waiting for him to come barrelling down the sidewalk.”
“Spoken like a true mother hen,” Jongho laughs, and judging from his facial expressions he immediately regrets his choice of joke. You don’t point it out, however, and so neither does he. Instead, you scoot aside on the porch swing and Jongho plops down beside you.
You decide to ignore the heat of his body next to you and the press of his thighs against yours, just closing your eyes and letting your head fall against the back of the swing. A moment passes.
“What time is Jihoon’s bedtime?” The question makes your eyes open as you turn your head to look at Jongho’s soft side profile. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“How’d you know I was looking at you?” you ask without expecting an answer. “Anyways, he goes to bed around nine, why?”
Jongho still refuses to look at you and you wonder why in the back of your head. “Wanna get fries afterwards?” You raise an eyebrow at the familiar olive branch, poking at Jongho’s leg with your foot. Every time he felt like he hurt you somehow, he would always offer to buy you food, starting way back in grade school when he accidentally broke your glasses.
“Slick, dude. But yeah, I’d like to.” No more words are spoken on the matter as Jihoon runs up the driveway, just a nod and then your attention turns to the three-year-old. Once again, it’s time to forget you are your own person and become a parental figure for Jihoon. With a sigh and a  shake of your head, you will those thoughts out of your head and prepare for a busy afternoon of watching Jihoon.
“Okay, I'm home free,” you announce as you come down the stairs to where Jongho is waiting with a patient smile on his face. “Let’s go get fries.”
“The usual place?” Jongho asks and you nod excitedly.
“I haven’t been to that diner in forever! Ahjussi still going strong?” Your eyes are practically sparkling at the prospect of going to the “old” spot.
Jongho smiles knowingly and that gives you the only answer you need. “And he still hates being called Ahjussi. Come on, I’ll drive.”
Excitedly, you follow him out to his old sedan, hopping into the passenger seat. “Any better at driving?” you tease and he smacks your arm without hesitation. Some things never change.
And just as you remembered, the drive takes a meagre ten minutes, most of which was you singing along badly to the radio with Jongho laughing at your pitiful attempts. Not that you were actually trying.
Giggling, the two of you stumble into the 24/7 diner, placing orders through laughter and you’re pretty sure the worker is already sick of you two. Jongho makes sure to tip her well and you ignore the warmth in your stomach again at seeing his warm smile and hearing his low ‘thanks’.
“So!” Jongho proclaims in a news anchor voice, holding his straw as a makeshift microphone, “Here we have Ms. (Y/N) (L/N), home from college! Please, update us on how your life has been in the great shining city of Seoul!”
You’re laughing too hard to answer him properly and Jongho smiles at you fondly. “You’re just as weird as I remember, huh,” you finally manage to say, wiping the tears from your eyes. “It’s been nice. I really enjoy all the little hole-in-the-wall stores I chance upon there, but it’s really fast-paced there.”
Jongho nods understandingly. “Small towns are really nice in that way. Not so much getting everywhere at all times.”
You frown, leaning forward. ‘That reminds me…why didn’t you go to America? You certainly had the grades to do it.” You didn’t mean to be direct about it, but it’s been pressing on your mind since you returned to town. “I left quickly for college, so I don’t know what was up with you for so long.”
Jongho grows silent, his eyes darting away. “It wasn’t much. I just wanted to stay instead.” But alas, Jongho can’t lie when it comes to you, and he never could. All it takes is one look from you for his resolve to fold. “I…you can’t hate me for this, okay?”
You frown, tilting your head at that. “I could never hate you, Jongho. Come on, just tell me.”
Jongho bites his lip and averts his eyes, but finally speaks. “I stayed for Jihoon.” You blink, confused, and Jongho rushes to explain himself. “You couldn’t just drop college—you were in your second year—and your mom couldn’t handle both your sister and a newborn. I didn’t want them to have to call you back if they could help it. I didn’t even apply to colleges at that point so I didn’t lose anything. I just–”
“Jongho,” you whisper, feeling your heart bloom with affection for him. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
Jongho smiles weakly. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. All you knew was that there was a baby, but not all the issues that came with him.”
You smile back at him, reaching out to take his hands. “I don’t hate you, you know. You’ve done so much for us, and I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like without you here. Jihoon loves you.” Jongho peeks at you and you squeeze his hands comfortingly.  “Thank you for all your help.”
Jongho’s eyes are suspiciously shiny, but before anything else can happen, the girl who took your order shyly approaches the table. “Uh, I’m sorry to interrupt…but we’re closing and need to wipe down the tables.”
You and Jongho both stand up startlingly fast, averting both of your eyes in embarrassment. “Yeah, sorry. We’ll be out of your hair,” Jongho reassures before turning to you. “Let’s get you home. It’s a school night after all.”
At that, the tension is gone and you smack his bicep with a snort. “Yeah yeah, dad, let’s go home.”
When the two of you finally arrive home, you pause in the driveway. “I don’t want to go in,” you blurt out and Jongho frowns, coming up behind you. “I know I’m being dramatic, but it feels like if I go in, my life will be gone. I’m twenty-three, Jongho. I can’t be a parent. I love Jihoon but I don’t want to live my life being his mom for my sister.”
Jongho’s hand comes to rest on your shoulder. “I get it. But you know, I think you’re doing great. Jihoon will get older soon and he’ll understand. And you have me and your mom to lean on.” He squeezes your shoulder, and in typical Jongho fashion, winks to brighten up the conversation. You roll your eyes but smile at him, thankful for his comfort.
“Thanks, Jongho. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
When he leaves, his words stick with you up until you get ready to sleep and lie in bed, and you dream of his warm smile.
Those two words became a staple of your and Jongho’s relationship. About once a week, you’d go get fries and just chill and feel like the young adults you actually are. But a new problem has occurred.
You have a crush on Jongho.
And maybe in any other circumstance, it would’ve been fine. Perhaps in a different life, you would’ve been happy with Jongho, starting a life together. But not now, not like this. Not whenever you think about having a life of your own guilt wrenches in your gut because of Jihoon.
So like any self-respecting human being would do, you start to avoid him. At first, it wasn’t an issue. You didn’t mind hanging out in groups, but you avoided one-on-one time like the plague. It helped to use Jihoon as an excuse, but sooner or later, that wasn’t going to fly.
But on a day like this, when it’s just you and your nephew, you feel at peace.  Your mom is having a luncheon with her friends and Jongho is at work so you’re watching your nephew yourself, something that surprisingly doesn’t happen too often. But your mom deserves some time with her friends too and you like having alone time while Jihoon plays by himself.
The pitter-patter of his feet does not catch your attention right until he stops at your side. “Hey, auntie?” Jihoon tugs at your pant legs as you cut vegetables in preparation for lunch. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure,” you smile at him, putting down the knife and wiping your hands on your apron as you crouch down. “What’s up, kiddo?”
“Are you my mom now?” Your jaw drops and you’re pretty sure you’re not blinking because your eyes are stinging as you just stay in the same position. You both knew this question would be coming and yet weren’t expecting it at all.
“Jihoon, what do you mean by that?” You do know what he means by that but you need to get to the root of his thoughts.
Jihoon shrugs, no longer looking into your eyes as if he did something bad, and you feel guilty over your reaction although you don’t think you could’ve helped it. “My teachers always say mommies are always here and you are! So can you be my new mom?”
You try to speak but nothing but a strangled sob comes out and you clear your throat. “Jihoon, honey…it’s not quite how that works. I take care of you but I can’t be your mom.”
“Why? Grandma’s too old so it’s you!” He sounds almost angry about it and if not for the context you would laugh.
You frown as you think of the best way to explain this to someone whose knowledge of the world consists of LEGOs and Frozen. “It’s just a lot of adult problems that need to be solved first. Just like when you play with building blocks! You gotta build the bottom before the next part!”
Jihoon nods sagely. “Okay,” he agrees easily, patting you on the knee before going back to colouring pages on the couch. You’re left in the kitchen on your knees, silently letting the tears fall as your family breaks apart even more.
You want someone to come. You want your mom, you want Jongho. Distancing be damned. You just want someone. You try your best to wipe away your tears furiously when you hear the door creak open. “Uncle Jongho!”
Oh shit. You didn’t mean to actually manifest Jongho coming around, even if you knew that it was very likely that he would just go over to your place instead of heading to his own. It was almost like his own home at this point, no matter how much you and your mom tried to convince him that he didn’t have to let his life be taken up by your little family.
“Hey, kiddo,” you hear Jongho high-five your nephew and you smile despite your overflowing emotions. “Where’s (Y/N)?”
“Kitchen,” your rascal of a relative rats you out with relative ease (not that he would take that much interest in your forest fire of a crush). “She’s making lunch.”
“Thanks, kiddo.” You can practically see Jongho ruffle Jihoon’s hair, an action the toddler absolutely adores. And soon enough, his heavy footsteps make their way to where you’re standing like a buffoon.
As you’ve mentioned, you’re a self-respecting human. So self-respecting that you whirl around to hide your red eyes and overall pretty shabby appearance. “Hello, Jongho,” you greet him a little too casually and Jongho is immediately on high alert.
“What happened?” is his first question, with no hesitation whatsoever and you silently curse at how well he knows you. “Are you all right?”
“Oh yeah, I’m okay.” You’re not fooling anyone, not with a voice thick with tears and you’re refusal to turn around. “Uh…do you mind finishing up lunch for me? I think I need a moment to myself.”
“Yeah, of course…” There’s confusion and worry prevalent in his voice, and before you can escape to your room, you feel his hand grip at your shoulder as he pulls you into a bone-crushing hug.
The warmth and sturdiness of his arms comforts you more than you can explain and it takes all your energy to not let the tears break free as you squeeze his waist before pulling back and sighing deeply with a whispered “thank you”. You’re still not ready to talk to him but you will never take his consideration for granted.
“Let’s talk later, okay?” Jongho raises an eyebrow and you know it’s not really a question. You can only nod and hope that you can escape the questioning for a little longer before you get your thoughts under control.
And you’re caught not two precious weeks later when Jongho corners you before you can go to bed, raising an eyebrow along with his request “fries?” and you know you can’t back out this time.
To your surprise, he doesn’t pull into a parking space, instead utilising the drive-through, before going down an old road you almost don’t remember. It’s only when you reach the destination that you remember—the open field you and Jongho used to skip classes at.
“Jongho?” you start to question but he holds up a hand.
“Not yet. Let’s set up first.”
“Set up?” Your words are stopped short when he pulls out a large picnic blanket from the backseat.
Not moments later, Jongho motions for you to come join him on the ground, smiling to himself at his little impromptu picnic. Unsure, you slowly lower yourself on the ground, and it’s only when you get comfortable he finally speaks. “Why have you been avoiding me?”
You blanch, not ready to have been called out so quickly. “What? What do you mean?” you try to defend but it comes out so squeakily that you know there’s no escaping the conversation. With another look from Jongho, you sigh. “I just needed to think over things. Nothing against you. Getting my life straight and all that.”
Jongho frowns, his concern sweet. “Is it about Jihoon?”
You almost laugh at how close and yet so far he is. “Basically. Just a lot of things adding up and I don’t know…just trying to sort through it.” It’s so hard to lie to him, even if your ability to is a little better than his. It takes everything in your willpower to not spill everything like you’re so used to doing.
Jongho tilts his head adorably and you can feel your cheeks warming up. You turn your gaze away lest you fall further. “I can help you, (Y/N). You don’t have to shoulder it all by yourself.”
Before you can stop yourself, the mental blockade falls and you blink at him, before blurting out, “Stop.” Jongho stares at you, surprised and maybe a little hurt, but your big fat mouth can’t stop moving. “Shut up before I fall in love with you, okay? It’s so hard, Jongho. I just want to be able to live without the guilt of Jihoon and eonni over my head but when you’re so perfect, so pretty and so kind it’s so damn hard to not love you.”
Jongho opens his mouth and nothing comes out and it’s only then you realise the weight of your words. “I…I’m sorry. Just forget I said anything,” you mutter, turning away in embarrassment. You didn’t mean to let it all spill out, and now what is Jongho going to think of you? You want to go home and hide under all of your blankets but the issue is Jongho is your ride home. You’re in no mood to walk and there’s no way Jongho would let you walk home either.
As you sit in awkward silence, a single fry coming into your line of vision baffles you enough to look up. Jongho sits right in front of you, his expression stone cold as he attempts to feed you a fry. When you open your mouth to question him, he just sticks the fry in your mouth. Unfortunately, he is a little too enthusiastic and basically shoves it down your throat and you cough violently.
“Oh shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to do it that harshly,” he panics, rummaging around the bag he brought trying to find his water bottle, and you almost laugh but choke some more instead. “Stop talking you’re making it worse!”
With some patting on the back by Jongho and an unholy amount of water, you finally manage to swallow the fry properly. “What was that for?” you croak out and it’s Jongho’s turn to look away bashfully.
“I just wanted you to shut up and stop being stupid.” Jongho scolds, his hand coming up to rest at the top of your head. You can’t help but notice the way his fingers slowly stroke at your hair. “You shouldn’t hold all that to yourself. Talk about it, you idiot. How else would I know you like me too?”
You stare at him, unblinking as you process his words. “You what?”
Jongho rolls his eyes before leaning closer so his nose almost touches yours. “I like you, you fool. Don’t feel guilty about it, idiot. Jihoon would want you to be happy, and I won’t be weird about it. I practically raised him too, you know. It hurts a little you think I wouldn’t care that much.” 
You don’t know what to say to that and instead just opt for something more simple. “Can I kiss you?”
All Jongho does in answer is press his lips to yours. As soon as your faces meet, you feel the warmth in your stomach bubble up so intensely that you fear you might melt with all the love you have for him. “What did I do to deserve you?” you mumble and you can feel Jongho’s smile against your lips.
“You were you.”
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writersmilex · 1 year
Call If You Need Me
James Sunderland X Fem | Reader 
Summary: "Call if you need me." (Y/n) said when handing a ripped piece of newspaper with her phone number on it.
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James has been fighting with himself for some time now…
Should he call? Or should he not?
He really does want to, but what if he wakes her up and disturbs her sleep? It's 2:35 in the morning and he can't sleep again, his reeling thoughts keeping him awake.
She did say that he could call when he needed her, and he feels like he does need the company of another person by his side right now. A final decision is made and with a shaking hand, James lifts the receiver to his ear and dials her number.
The phone goes off for too long and James almost gives up ultimately. But then the other line is picked up.
"Hello? This is (Y/n) (L/n)." Came a groggy voice of (Y/n), he had indeed woken her up and for that, he felt guilty.
James can't find his voice for a moment, both sides remaining silent.
"Hello?" She questions again. James is finally able to find his voice and sort of squeaks out "I…uh…" still tripping over his own tongue.
"James? Is that you?" (Y/n) seems to slightly understand who is on the other side of the line.
James scratches the nape of his neck. "Yes, it's me…" he fiddles with the phone cord. There is some shuffling sound on the other end, most likely it's (Y/n) moving to sit up in her bed.
"What's going on? Are you okay?" She asks, her voice full of concern. James still can't quite grasp how much she cares for him. He is sure she can hear him stutter from the other side of the line. It is so difficult to express what you want sometimes.
"Do you want me to come over? That's completely fine with me." She states, followed by more movement. She is so caring… " yes…please" James responds pitifully. "Hold on tight, then. I'll be there soon." And then she hangs up, leaving the sleep-deprived man alone. Placing the receiver back, remaining seated where he was and waiting for her to show up at his door, hopefully, she’ll come soon. The silence is getting unbearable.
~~~~ James shoots out of his chair when the doorbell rings, he wastes no time to get to the front door to see who it is. Opening the door, he is first met with the kind yet tired features of (Y/n). “Good evening,” She greets him tenderly. “Hey…” James replies, opening the door wider and stepping aside for her. It’s dead quiet inside James’ house. It’s dimly lit with a singular lamp in the living room. It feels empty and alone, depressing to be here. (Y/n) hangs her jacket on the coat hanger, and rubs her hands as she looks round the living room, seemingly searching for something. She has already been here several times before, and nothing has changed at all. James shuffles over to sit down on the sofa, leaning forward and resting his head in his palm, running a hand through his messy blonde locks in an attempt to nurse a headache. (Y/n) silently moves over to sit next to him. “What kept you awake this time?” She carefully chooses her words. Seeing how upset he is, evident in his willingness to call her over in the middle of the night.
James lets out a deep sigh, "I don't know. I just… can't seem to get my mind to stop spinning…." He confesses quietly, staring down at the carpet, unwilling to meet her eyes for fear of ridicule.
He can hear (Y/n) hum thoughtfully, then he can feel her hand squeeze his shoulder.
"Would you like for me to stay with you? " she asks, watching the man pinch the fabric of his pyjama trousers, white and grey checkered. “Can you? I mean if you’re busy you don-”” It’s fine, I promise.” (Y/n) offers a reassuring smile. “If you want me to stay, then I will.” She repeats, her hand nearly massaging James’ shoulder. He finally looks up to meet her eye, he looks exhausted with the darker shade under his eyes. His eyes have lost their green vibrance and now look dulled, it seems there is a dormant storm behind his eyes, a storm that has yet to lift. “Please, will you stay?” James asks, his tone of voice desperate. (Y/n)’s gaze turns gentle. “then that’s settled… I shall stay.” The two agreed finally. James needed the company of a trusted one, and (Y/n) could use the company as well. (Y/n) is determent to help her friend, especially if he is in this state, she knows how difficult he has it. Agreeing to stay means sharing the bed and (Y/n) is not sure how to feel about laying in the twin-sized bed. Back to back, (Y/n) lays down on what used to be Mary’s side of the bed. The mattress was cold, colder than she originally thought it would. As if it left a lasting space in James’ memory.
It’s dead silent and dark. Unpleasant kind of dark, and the silence wasn’t helping with that at all. Despite the discomfort and awkwardness of the situation, it was rather peaceful in a way. And eventually (Y/n) would fall into a dreamless sleep, her body finally relaxing from the stiff position it was first in.
~~~~ (Y/n) is rudely awakened by something hitting her hip. Although rather groggy, it doesn’t take long for her to register where she is, and who the man is groaning in pain beside her. James had before complained about night terrors, and it didn’t surprise (Y/n) very much that he did. It’s a lasting side effect. (Y/n) slowly sits up, and gingerly reaches over to the man to place a hand on his shoulder, shaking him firmly to get him to take up. “Wake up. Hey, Wake up!” she raises her voice and roughly pinchs his arm to get him to wake up, and he does. With a startled gasp, James shoots up from the mattress, unruly hair falling over his face as he leans forward while panting hard. He coughs and tries his best to catch his breath. (Y/n) remains close, rubbing his back to comfort him while he calms himself down a bit. The night terrors have been going on for a while now. And James has almost grown numb to it.
It means nearly nothing, but the effect is all the same. He raises his hands and presses his face in his palms. “Just leave me alone… Wh-why can she just leave me alone…” His voice was muffled by his hands, though (Y/n) could still hear him through the silence. “Who?” She asks, resuming the calming gesture with her hand, shuffling a little closer to him. “Mary?”
James slowly shakes his head, “No… Maria… She is gone but not really. It still haunts me and I don’t know why.” His hands clench before his face. “I did everything I could, It’s not fair.” He grits his teeth in frustration. (Y/n) scoots right next to him, leaning against his side and resting her head on his shoulder, letting him know that she is there for him. James lowers one hand, and (Y/n) takes the chance to gently take his hand in hers, “You didn’t deserve any of it, James.” (Y/n) reasons, rubbing her thumb over the back of his hand. James scoffs, “But I… I killed her, (Y/n)...” He hiccups, covering his eyes with his hands, trying not to cry. “You were suffering for a long time. Just like she did. She was wilting away, she deserved an act of mercy from her pain.” Of course (Y/n) knows murder can never be justified. But what else can she say? “You ended her suffering, she can rest peacefully now,” she adds, wrapping her arm around James to keep him close. His other hand then drops to his lap, remaining still. His head lowered with his eyes closed, calming down completely with (Y/n)’s aid. He doesn’t regret calling her earlier now.
~~~~ It’s the blinding sunlight beaming through the blinds, peeking at the two sleeping people in the twin-sized bed. The light shines right in (Y/n)’s face, causing her to squint at the intruding sun and try to turn around, which is rather difficult with two arms wrapped around her tightly. (Y/n) still manages to squirm around in his hold, now facing him, or rather his sternum. Moving to look up, James is still asleep. Looking more at peace than (Y/n) has ever seen him since he came back. It’s tranquil, with no alarm to scare them awake. It’s therapeutic, a fleeting moment of nothing and nobody telling you what to do. It’s almost liberating that moment of sleeping in on a day off, comfortable in the perfect temperature and sometimes even together with the person you trust the most. (Y/n) remains still, enjoying the moment for as long as it lasts. And last long, it did not… “HAHA! I knew it! This is the 3rd time!” Came a shrill voice of a little girl. James’ body jolts, startled awake by the sudden loud noise. (Y/n) was startled just as much. She slightly leans on her elbow to look over James and see who it is. At the door of the bedroom stands Laura, zebra plush in her hand and still in her own pyjamas as she too just woke up and directly made her way to James’ room. It appears Laura expected (Y/n) to be there. James groans in frustration, “hng… Laura, not so loud.” He complains and tries to go back to sleep again. The little girl doesn’t listen and enters the room completely, rushing up to jump on the bed, (Y/n) can’t help but smile at her. “Good morning, Laura.” she greets the little girl, who smiles in return. “Hi (Y/n),” she replies, crawling up to lie between James and (Y/n). “You know. You might as well live you. I just see you so often.” Laura says once she is comfortable, causing (Y/n) to laugh, “I still have my own house, Laura.” (Y/n) argues back playfully. “So? I’ll ask James if he can let you stay.” Laura responds with a typical stubborn tone. “She can stay,” James agrees from the heap of bedsheets he is covered under, blonde hair being the only thing that sticks out. Laura turns back to (Y/n) with a look of victory, (Y/n) lets out a sigh of defeat, “Then that’s settled.”
The angst is kind of bland here I think, but I sympathise with James a lot. Oh, and Laura is there too.
Thanks for reading.
- Smilex
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smolwritingchick · 8 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 59- ISAC 2015 Chuseok Special
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Chapter Summary: Jen shows off her studio and gets noticed by her celeb crush. BTS plays Smash. Volleyball becomes a new competition for the ladies at ISAC as Jen finds it to be her calling while the guys dominate in running. Jen does a V-Live
Words: 14,000+
Author's Note: Again, not sure if they are still active on Tumblr but also @darlings-illustrated created Jen’s V-Live outfit for this chapter. <3 credit to them! :)
After her outing, Jen spent the rest of the day relaxing in her room, in good spirits. She was grateful for Sam Okyere and his kindness. She was looking forward to seeing him again and even assisting him with his future charity projects.
While she chilled in her room, she felt bored and didn’t feel like doing anything until an idea popped into her head.
Why not broadcast a V-Live? 
Grabbing her phone, she signed in, naming the broadcast, ‘Jammin’ With Smartie’, setting the camera in front of her as she sat on the bed. She made sure the camera showed her entire body while she sat pretzel style.
Immediately viewers began popping in at a rapid rate, surprising her. Guess they really wanted to see her. 
It made her feel good.
“Hey, hey!” she spoke in English, waving as the comments started flowing in
‘Ennie! Miss youuuu’
‘Hope you come back to America! We miss you!’
‘Come to London!’
‘MOM! Finally, we get a V-Live with you!’
Jen started laughing when she read comments from ARMY calling her mom. 
“Mom? That’s new. Ahahaha.”
‘Hi Jennie!’
'Can you speak in Korean?'
"Yeah, I'll go back and forth," she replied in Korean before going back to English.
‘Jen get some rest, it’s late!’
“It’s not that late. I’ll sleep soon. I wanted to see how you all were doing.”
‘Come to Brazil! Brazil loves you!’
“I would love to come to Brazil. It will happen one day!” she guaranteed. “I want to travel more and see more ARMY around the world. Hopefully, we can have a big world tour one day. I definitely want to go to Europe. I always think about Europe when it comes to tours.”
‘Those curls are poppin!’
‘So cuteeeee’
‘I love youuuuu’
“Where are you??’
“Where am I? I’m in my room~!” she responded as she continued to read the various comments. “I was bored so decided to do this and spend some time with y’all.”
‘How are you?’
‘I hope you’re eating well!’
She checked out the number of viewers. “That’s a lot. Over 60,000 already? Sweet. I hope you guys aren’t watching this late at night. Get some shut-eye, it’s good for the soul. And don’t worry, I will be sleeping soon. Yes, I am eating. I’m eating a lot actually. I was kind of stress eating a little bit but I’m fine, now.”
‘Please take care of yourself’
‘Don’t stress!’
‘What did you do today?’
“I’m trying my best. Idol life can be hectic. What did I do today? I hung out with Sam Okyere! I had such a great time with him! He’s mad cool. We ate African food. I never tried it before since I grew up eating Soul Food in my household in America. It’s so good! I'm definitely telling my family to start making African food."
‘Excited for ISAC?’
“Hell yeah, I am. Getting to wrestle and play volleyball? I’m a bit worried about the volleyball. I haven’t played volleyball before so it’ll be interesting to see how I do. But I’ve been practicing and watching YouTube videos for advice. But the wrestling, I’m confident about that.”
‘Can you play the guitar?’
“You want me to play something for you? Sure. For a while now I have been working on a Shawn Mendes song. He’s bae, of course.” she laughed. "I admire Shawn so much. I would love to sing with him one day. Even make a song together. Ah...okay. Let's see...ah, I know. I'll play Stitches for you!" she grabbed her guitar. 
‘I love when she spoils us’
'Awwww her bright smile when she spoke about Shawn. I hope they meet!'
“I’ve been practicing the song for a while, making sure I get the notes down. I wanted to focus more on the emotion of the song to have a greater impact while singing,” she spoke as she made sure the guitar was tuned up.
As soon as she began the first notes of the song, ARMY noticed a change in her demeanor as she continued to play. They noticed how focused and happy she was when she played the guitar and it looked wholesome to watch.
“I thought that I’ve been hurt before. But no one’s ever left me quite this sore.” she sang softly, strumming along lightly.
‘Her voiceeeee &lt;;3’
‘So, can I ship her with Shawn now?’
‘Getting goosebumps already.’
“Your words cut deeper than a knife. Now I need someone to breathe me back to life.” she continued to sing while her strumming got stronger as she sang out with her voice getting a little louder.
“Got a feeling that I’m going under. But I know that I’ll make it out alive. If I quit calling you my lover. Move on~"
‘Stop being my bias wrecker!’
“You watch me bleed until I can’t breathe, shaking. Falling onto my knees. And now that I’m without your kisses. I’ll be needing stitches. Tripping over myself, aching. Begging you to come help. And now that I’m without your kisses. I’ll be needing stitches.”
ARMY noticed that her breath control had improved as she produced a consistent tone while singing smoothly and warmly.
“Needle and the thread gotta get you out of my head. Needle and the thread, gonna wind up dead. Needle and the thread, gotta get you out of my head, get you out of my head. You watch me~!” She stopped strumming and held that note for a few seconds before strumming again, “Bleed until I can’t breathe! I’m shaking falling onto my knees. And now that I’m without your kisses I’ll be needing stitches. I’m tripping over myself. I’m aching begging you to come help. And now that I’m without your kisses, I’ll be needing stitches. And now that I’m without your kisses, I’ll be needing stitches. And now that I’m without your kisses, I’ll be needing stitches.”
She strummed softly for the final note and exhaled. 
“That was fun.” she chuckled lightly and set her guitar down. “How’d I do?” she checked the comments
‘Come thruuuuu sis!’
‘Yassss boo!’
‘Honestly, I’ll be the first to say that I wouldn’t mind Jennie singing me to sleep because her voice is so soothing.’
‘Shawn Mendes needs to see this ASAP!’
‘You did so well!’
‘You make us so proud!’
‘Represent Jennie!’
“Ah...thanks, everyone,” she replied and looked up when she noticed Hobi sticking his head out of her door with a bright smile. “Oh, hey Hobi! Did I wake you?”
“Yeah, I was awakened by a sweet voice. At first, I thought it was Jungkook singing like he usually does in his room but as I walked down the hall, I noticed it was coming from your room. That was you? With the guitar?”
“Uh, yes?” She smiled shyly.
“Whaaaaaa, munchkin, you’re improving.”
“You make me so happy. Thank you.” She pretended to cry, touched by his words.
After her V-Live, she went to sleep while ARMY made various videos of her cover and tried to get Shawn Mendes’ attention on Instagram and Twitter so he could watch her video. 
They knew how much it would mean the world to her if she was able to get noticed by him.
For the past few days, ARMY had tried to get his attention, asking him to watch her cover and to check out her Instagram. They would speak highly of the Bangtan Girl and how much she admired him as an artist.
After remaining persistent and dedicated for Shawn to notice Jennie, they finally reached their goal and began to tag BTS in Shawn’s recent tweet and also tagged Jennie in Shawn’s recent Instagram post.
On Instagram, Shawn reposted a 15-second video of her playing stitches with the caption, ‘Wow, she is amazing! I love this! Who is this girl with the guitar?’
ARMY was quick to flood his comment section, freaking out that he noticed Jennie.
‘Finally you noticed her!’
'Jennie is about to lose her shit'
‘OMG! JJennie_JW look at this!’
‘That’s Jennie! She’s an African American member of the Korean Pop group, BTS. Check them out, they’re great!’
‘Jennie from BTS! She is a former member of Amity! She’s amazing, I’m so happy you noticed her! Her profile is JJennie_JW’
‘I love when my favs recognize each other. This is just made my morning!’
#GirlWithTheGuitar began to trend on Twitter while Shawn’s fans began to also be intrigued by who she was because they were confused as to why ARMY kept commenting about someone named ‘Jennie’ and ‘Miss Bangtan’ on his page.
Meanwhile, with Jennie, she was in Yoongi’s studio with Taehyung. She sat on one of the chairs, spinning around on it.
“Ah, you have a small pimple on your cheek.” Taehyung pointed out and giggled.
“Stop.” She tried to cover it.
“Hehehehe, it’s cute.”
“Stop talking about it.” She groaned.
“Ah, it’s just saying hi.”
“Oh my God, stop talking to it.” She laughed with him.
“I watched your V-Live this morning!”
“Oh, you did? What did you think? Too much? Too little?”
Taehyung smiled. “I loved it! You really like Shawn Mendes, don’t you? You always gush over that guy. Someone has a crush?”
“Ahaha, nah it’s not like that. I just really admire him.”
“So a big crush.”
“No!” she exclaimed as Yoongi walked in and set his bag down.
“Get out Taehyung, we’re about to work.” He called out. 
“Hey! Don’t be so mean.” Jennie scolded the Daegu rapper while Tae frowned. “Tae, don’t make that face. Ugh, see what you do, Yoongi?”
“He’ll live.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’ll hang with you later, Tae. And don’t worry, I will find a way to get you into Cypher.”
Taehyung grinned at her statement, ignoring Yoongi’s protests. After he left, Yoongi and Jen prepared their rap lessons and after a couple of hours, they took a break.
“Smartie, you may want to take a look on Twitter,” he responded, looking up at his phone.
“Something wrong?” she asked, confused, and took out her phone. 
Their notifications were blowing up like usual but something about Shawn Mendes made her stomach drop.
What about Shawn Mendes?
Was he hurt?
Was he coming out with new music?
On BTS’ profile, she realized that one of the members had retweeted his tweet, ‘Jennie, I think your fav noticed you~~ hehehe #V’
Shawn had tweeted a screenshot of her V-Live on the app, ‘BTS_twt This was so good! Wow! Thank you for covering my song &lt;;3’
She let out a scream of excitement and immediately got up from the chair, while Yoongi began laughing at her.
“Holy shi-“ she continued to look at the various screenshots that ARMY had been tagging her in and she realized that he was following her back on Instagram. 
She dropped her phone and ran out that door excitedly as the Daegu rapper’s laughter increased in volume.
His phone buzzed and he looked down to see Namjoon texting him.
Namjoon: I assume Nie Nie realized that Shawn Mendes noticed her and started screaming, running around the building?
Yoongi: As expected
A few minutes later, Jennie ran back into his studio. 
“Got it all out of your system?” she heard the rapper ask with amusement in his voice.
She wiped the tears from her eyes, trying to pull herself together as she picked up her phone. 
“Not all of it!” She responded. “Like you have no idea how big this is! This is crazy!”
She tweeted Shawn back, ‘ShawnMendes OMFG THANK UUUU! I LOVE YOU! You have no idea how much this means to me #Jen’
On her Instagram, she began to film herself for a 15-second video, “G-guys, guys, Shawn Mendes just noticed your girl. He noticed your girl, JW! Miss Bangtan! Jennie! I am on cloud nine~! Come throuuuuuugh! Thank you so much ARMY!”
She posted the video with the caption, ‘IM CRYING! Shawn really just noticed your girl! #Blessed #ThankYouARMY’
“What a kid.” Yoongi chuckled and left to go to the bathroom.
After calming down, she scrolled on Instagram to some of her fan pages that she was happily following and came across a video of The8 from Seventeen talking about her.
He had expressed his interest in meeting her when asked which idols he would like to get closer to. He also mentioned that the other members of Seventeen think she seems like an easygoing person to hang out with, eager to see her at ISAC. 
She has kept her eye on Seventeen for a while, enjoying their music. She’s heard of The8 especially and was aware that Chinese is his first language. She wanted to learn a little more Chinese to be able to speak to him.
Sure, she did not look like anyone’s ideal type around here in Korea with their beauty standards but her personality was more than enough to make her admirable with her kindness and outgoing nature. She always appreciated when other idols spoke highly of her and mentioned that she was doing well in the industry.
Once she liked the video, fans noticed quickly, commenting that she liked the post and hoped that they would meet each other.
Jennie looked up to see Yoongi walking in with a familiar face behind him. She widened her eyes and opened her mouth once she caught who was with him.
There stood her sister, Vienna, with an awkward smile on her face. 
“Hey.” she waved.
Standing up, Jennie ran up to her, wrapping her arms around her tightly. “’Enna! What are you doing here!?”
“Rap Monster let me in the building when I reached out,” she responded, pulling away while Yoongi left to give them some privacy. “I uh, came to see you and apologize. And to thank you for what you did for my tuition.”
“The hell? You couldn’t have called?”
She really flew across the country to say Sorry?
“I wanted to see you. Damn, I’m so jetlagged,” the college student exhaled and sat down. “So this is what you go through? Plane after plane? Country after country? City after city? Just to perform? And participate in other activities? Waking up early on top of that? This is...so tiring. Being on that plane for almost a day. Ugh, my acting can’t even compare. I don’t know how you do it, JW.”
Jen let out a chuckle and sat with her. “Tell me about it. My body took months to get used to living in Korea and traveling from place to place for events. I can’t even describe how exhausted my body was when I first started in BTS.”
“I see. Well, you’re still here,” Vienna smiled softly. “Look, I-I’m sorry. For everything. For all those things I said. I was just so frustrated. But there will be plenty of opportunities for me as an actress. Broadway will be in my future real soon. I just know it,"
“Hey, it’s fine. I forgive you. I'm sorry too. I love you. Even if we butt heads at times, nothing will ever change that,”
“Even after all that hurtful stuff, I said?”
“I know you didn’t mean it. Just like I didn't mean the hurtful things I said to you. We're fine."
“I’m lucky to have a little sister like you. I’m really proud of you.”
“And I'm lucky to have a big sister like you. I'm proud of you, too,” she gave her a tight hug and they stayed like that for a while. Pulling away, she asked, “So, shouldn’t you be in class?”
“Shouldn’t you mind your business?” Vienna teased as Jennie rolled her eyes
“So, how long you staying for?”
“Wow, you want to kick me out, already?”
“Well, you really should be in class.”
“You’re joking right?” Vienna stared at her in disbelief.
Jen paused before laughing. “Yeah, I’m joking! Let’s have some fun while you’re here!”
“That’s the Jennie I know.”
“So, does Alani, mom, or dad know about this? That you’re here?”
“Um...not yet.”
“As expected.”
Back at the dorm, the members agreed to have a video game night of playing Super Mario Smash Bros on the Wii U. Jennie sat on the couch with Vienna, Jimin, Taehyung, and Hobi while the rest of the members sat in chairs or on the floor. Jen and Namjoon would occasionally translate to Vienna on what was going on, and the college student was eager to watch the chaos.
Creating a Twitter video, Jen spoke in her Native tongue, “ARMY, we bout to play smash bros. BTS may not be a group anymore after this. Wish us luck because friendships will be lost.”
“Let’s do this thang!” Jimin shouted in English, causing her to laugh as she stopped the video and tweeted, ‘Friendships will be lost...no hard feelings, mkay? #Jen’
For the first match, it was Jennie vs Jimin vs Namjoon vs Jin. They went to the character select menu as the epic video game music continued to play.
“Let me guess, Rosalina & Luma?” Jungkook declared.
“Damn right,” Jen replied and selected them. “I’m at my best when I use them.”
“Ahahaha, for future reference, we may have to kick some people out of Bangtan due to frustrations in this game so let’s try to have a clean and fair fight, all right?” Jin announced.
“We’re choosing the Norfair stage.” Jimin picked.
“NO!” Jen yelled.
“YES!” Namjoon yelled back
“I hate that stage! We just started playing, can we choose a more sane and civilized stage?” Miss Bangtan pleaded
“Nope! Suffer.” Namjoon laughed evilly.
Jennie shook her head in disbelief. “This is so uncharacteristic of you. I am appalled.”
“Wait! Wait! I wasn’t ready!” Jin yelled as his character, Luigi, began to get punched around by Jimin who giggled hysterically.
Jennie decided to go on a defensive route and stay away from all the fighting until she found an opening, watching the character’s movements.
“No defensive this time, Jen Drop.” Namjoon’s character, Sonic, went right after hers as they began fighting around.
As the game went on, Jimin started laughing when his character, Yoshi, accidentally fell off the map.
“How?!” Taehyung laughed at him with Jungkook.
“It was an accident!” Jimin exclaimed
Meanwhile, Jennie managed to kick Jin off the map to eliminate him until he could respawn again.
Jin frowned. “Why, Jennie? Why would you do this? And stop taunting me, Jimin!” The oldest member yelled over their laughter.
Before they knew it, the giant lava wave began to come up to the screen while Jennie managed to kick Namjoon out of one of the safe areas so she wouldn’t get hit. But suddenly he paused the game
“Hey! We are not doing this, you can’t do that!” she shouted.
“What are you talking about!?” Namjoon shouted back, trying to look innocent.
“Stop pausing the game!” 
“I accidentally pressed pause!”
“Stop lying!”
Namjoon unpaused the game and managed to get into the safe area with her while the lava wave came through. Unfortunately for Jin, he spawned just in time for his character to get hit again, knocking him out of the match again as everyone laughed at him.
“This is how you treat the oldest?” Jin asked.
Near the end of the round, Jennie and Namjoon were the final ones in the match, with Namjoon occasionally trying to find slick ways to cheat by messing with her controller and pausing the game constantly to distract her. The lava wave in the game came once again and he managed to make her character face its wrath, to win the match.
‘GAME! The winner is! Sonic!’
“Looks like I won!” He happily announced
“What is you talkin’ about!?” Jennie yelled. “Friggin cheater!”
Next was Yoongi vs Jungkook vs Taehyung vs Namjoon, who battled each other in the Final Destination stage. After giving her controller to Taehyung, Jen watched as Jungkook used Mario to trash his opponents.
“Can you at least go easy on me!?” Namjoon exclaimed.
“I don’t think that’s happening,” Yoongi replied.
With no surprise, the Golden Maknae won the match and proceeded to take on Hobi, Taehyung, and Jimin this time. Before Jen knew it, it was her turn to play again. She ended up groaning when she watched Jungkook select Ganondorf as his character.
“Why?” She complained. “Why would you do this? I hate playing against him, he’s so damn hard!”
“Exactly why I picked him.” The Golden Maknae smirked, still proud of his winning streak. 
He had won four games straight.
She rolled her eyes and selected the Wuhu Island. As the match began, the players continued to fight around the platforms that were moving occasionally.
“Stop trying to take me out, Kook!” She attempted to evade his attacks before he could take her off the map. “I hate you, he got me struggling over here with this character.”
Unluckily for her, her character fell into the water and sank down, getting taken out as she rolled her eyes.
Hobi, playing as Ryu from Street Fighter, begins to shout, “Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken! Ha-“
“Shut up!” Yoongi shouted, causing him to squeal in surprise.
As the match went on, Jungkook caught Jennie with his final smash as she angrily handed the controller to Namjoon. 
“Fuck outta here!” She snapped while Jungkook laughed hysterically.
It was down to Jungkook and Hobi. The members mainly cheered on Hobi because they wanted to see Jungkook lose.
“Did he get him?! He did!” Jimin yelled when Hobi hit Jungkook with the final smash, beating him as everyone cheered.
“You sure you don’t want to play?” Jen asked Vienna.
“Why not?” She took Jungkook’s controller after Jen told him to give it to her. ”I don’t know how to play, though.”
After Jen told her the basic moves, Vienna chose Kirby to go up against Yoongi, Hobi, and Taehyung. They battled at Hyrule Castle 64 as the main theme of The Legend of Zelda played.
“W-wait stop falling off the edge of the map. Jump up! ” Jen laughed and tried to coach her sister. 
After a few moments, she continued to get the hang of it, taking out Yoongi’s Pikachu character.
“What? That connected?” Vienna asked, bewildered.
“You knocked him out of the map but the battle isn’t over yet, keep fighting.” Jen encouraged.
“That’s some disrespect, right there,” Vienna complained when her character was taken out the map by Taehyung.
“Ah, fuck this game!” Yoongi rage quit and handed the controller to Jin instead so he could take over. He got frustrated when he kept getting beaten down by everyone.
“Really, hyung?” Jimin giggled.
“He’s just a little upset.” Namjoon teased.
When Vienna suddenly realized that she won the game, beating Taehyung, she responded in shock, “Wait, I won?!”
“Good job!” Taehyung happily said, placing his hand out for her to high five him, while the rest of the members applauded her efforts.
“Thank you! Good game!” She beamed and turned to Jennie. “That was fun! You’re in good hands here. I like their vibe, up close and personal. It’s like you’re not away from family.”
Jen returned her smile and nodded. “Thanks, Vee. I agree.”
“All right, let’s play teams now,” Jimin announced.
“I call Jungkook.” Jennie declared, high fiving the Golden Maknae.
“NO!” Namjoon and Jimin shout.
“Noooooooooo~!” Taehyung and Hobi complained
“Absolutely not.” Jin shook his head
“Hell no,” Yoongi added.
“And why not?” Jungkook asked with irritation while Jennie scowled at the members’ disapproval of her choice of partner.
“No JenKook for this because you always win together. Change it up.” Namjoon demanded which caused the 97 Liners to look displeased by their demands.
“I call Jennie!” Taehyung shouted and clung to her.
“What...?” Jungkook frowned, narrowing his eyes at the 95 Liner. “How come he gets to-“
“And I call Jungkook~!” Jimin hugged him as Jungkook let out an exasperated sigh. 
Jen shot Jungkook an apologetic smile and prepared to play.
Jennie and Taehyung battle against Jin and Namjoon, easily getting a win when Jen took out both of her opponents with Rosalina & Luma’s final smash.
“No! No!” Jin complained
“OP! That is OP! So overpowered!” Namjoon shouted.
Miss Bangtan danced in victory with Tae, ignoring their protests, “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
As an hour went by, Jimin spoke, “I want to see Jungkook and Jennie battle each other.” 
His idea made the 97 Liners' interest rise as they glanced at each other.
“I’m down, are you?” Jen asked.
“Bring it on.” The Golden Maknae responded.
Jennie chose the same character while Jungkook chose Shulk. For their first battle, they chose the Gaur Plain stage as the theme played.
As soon as the fight began, Jennie and Jungkook clashed, trying to get as many hits as possible while avoiding falling off the map. Jungkook managed to juggle Jennie up in the air with perfectly timed strikes before blasting her off the map. A confident smirk came across his lips as he waited for her character to respawn.
Jennie kept calm, making sure to keep a cool head while fighting back. Her heart began to race faster as they continued to play, aiming to win. The members watched them game keenly, with no words spoken as they watched them back and forth.
Jungkook managed to knock her off the map to win the game as she roughly ran a hand over her face.
Frustration was clear on her face for a moment before she got calm again. They played again, picking the same stage. Jen glanced at the top of the screen to see and hear, Mechanical Rhythm, playing in the background for the stage, setting the mood for a more aggressive gameplay
“And she’s getting mad.” Jungkook teased, trying to get under her skin.
Jennie decided to ignore him and remained focused. 
All that was heard was the rapid button mashing and battle cries of their characters. Once she began to continuously strike his character off the map, the Golden Maknae began to become vigilant of the direction of the battle.
'She got this,' Vienna thought as she watched her sister focus.
"See ya!" Jen lightly said once she swiftly got behind his character and kicked him straight to the sky for a finishing blow.
"Shit!" Jungkook shouted.
“YES!” she shouted, standing up and fist pumped.
“AHHHHHHHHH!” the members yelled, jumping up and down while Vienna grinned and applauded.
The winner is, Rosalina & Luma!
The Golden Maknae was visibly disappointed by his loss, remaining silent while everyone celebrated her victory.
“Final round! Who will win?” Jin laughed
“That was just luck. I let you win.” Jungkook responded.
“We’ll see about that in the final round,” Jen replied.
For the final round, they fought furiously, both equally matched. Once they saw the smash ball spawn, they aimed to hit it. She managed to destroy the smash ball just before him and caught him in Rosalina’s final smash. She watched as Luma expanded bigger and started to repeatedly attack Jungkook’s character, boosting up his percentage rate and then he was blasted out of the map
“WOO!” She jumped up.
“OH MAH GOD!” Jimin yelled while the rest of the members started yelling and jumping up and down with her
“She beat Jungkook!” Jin celebrated
Jungkook placed his controller down and huffed, displeased at his loss while some of the members teased him by shaking him while laughing at him. 
Jennie took a seat right next to him on the carpet with her phone in her hand. She took a victory selfie with a bright smile on her face with an annoyed Jungkook in the background. 
She tweeted, ‘#Bodied’
Standing up, Jungkook grabbed a pillow and tossed it across the room before going straight to his room while everyone continued laughing
“Ahahahahaha! Yooooooo! He tossed the pillow!” Vienna cackled. “He’s so mad.”
After another hour of gaming, everyone decided to head off to bed. Jennie let Vienna sleep in her bed while she took a visit to Jungkook’s room, wondering if he was still upset that he lost. She’d be feeling the same way since they both enjoy winning.
Who doesn’t like to win?
Shutting his door after walking inside, she saw him sulking while playing on his phone. He was still feeling bitter about the loss.
“So, we not friends, now?” she teased and took a seat on his bed. 
Instead of replying, he ignored her and placed the covers over himself.
“I hope you know that won’t get rid of me.” she grabbed his covers and got in the bed with him, facing his back. He sighed and tried to move away but she moved against him, hugging him from behind. “We still not friends?”
Ignored again.
She suddenly pressed her soft lips to his cheek, taking him by surprise. 
“How about now?” she asked but didn't get a response. 
The Golden Maknae felt his cheeks warm up but he continued to be stubborn while pondering if she’d kiss him, again. Seconds later, he felt those lips against his cheek repeatedly.
“Now?” She asked again.
“How about now?”
“What about now?”
“How about now?”
It was getting harder to ignore her as he was greeted by her kisses all over his face. He was losing the battle in fighting the big grin appearing on his face.
“I see that smile! Now answer, we still friends?” she spoke and he tried to ignore her again. “I’ll stay here all night if I have to. I guess I have to be the big spoon, so be it. So, we still not friends? I know you hear me.”
She laughed, snuggling up against him tightly as he started forgetting about his anger from losing the game.
Jungkook sighed and turned around, wrapping an arm around her to bring her to his chest. 
“I can’t stay mad at you...” He grumbled.
“Good. Now good night.” She snuggled against him.
“Y-you’re staying?”
“And having to deal with Vienna’s wild sleeping? I think not. Besides I like sleeping with you. You’re so warm and comfortable. Like a friggin human heater. Unless you want me to leave-“
“Stay, please,”
The next morning, Jungkook woke up with Jennie sleeping on his chest. He briefly watched her sleep and smiled. He pondered what it’d be like to wake up to this every day if they were a couple. Good morning kisses were guaranteed as well as him trying to make her stay in bed with him.
Gently moving her, he got out of bed and placed the covers on her. Stretching his arms, he headed out of the room, noticing that Jin already made breakfast because of the smell of food. Saying their good mornings, Jungkook grabbed a plate and took it back to his room, placing it on his nightstand for Jen to eat.
When he went back into the kitchen, he noticed Vienna sitting by the table, eating with Jin while trying to speak English with him.
Vienna noticed Jungkook and smiled warmly. 
“Hey. Morning.” she greeted while Jin went to make plates for the members when they woke up.
“Good morning!” Jungkook greeted while smiling shyly.
She typed something in her phone and slid it to him. He looked at it and it read, ‘Sorry for the language barrier. I don’t know Korean but found this app to help translate. I’ll cut right to the chase. There’s been a question I’ve been wanting to ask you since I met you. You like my sister, don’t you?’
He looked up, surprised, and averted his eyes, looking shy. 
That immediately gave her an answer.
She chuckled and typed something else on her phone before sliding it back to him.
‘I’m not angry. I’m happy. I love my sister and I would do anything for her. And watching you...I see that your feelings are genuine and that you deeply care for her. You’ll make a cute couple. You have my full support. :)’
He read and looked up, nodding. “Th-thank you.” He responded softly.
“You’re welcome,” she replied and went back to eating.
After breakfast, Jennie and Vienna hang out in Seoul to bond. When they were shopping at a local store, Jen had found an emoji head and tried it on. 
Vienna thought it was funny and took a photo, posting it on her Instagram with the caption, ‘My heart &lt;;3’
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Not long after, Alani facetimed Vienna. “Oh gosh, I guess she saw the post.” Vienna laughed and accepted the call. 
The screen revealed Alani shaking her head while Jennie popped up next to Vienna, waving.
“Yo, I hate y’all...skipping class, Vienna? Leaving ME to present our project!?” Alani yelled. “Ima kill you when you come back! Are you kidding me!?”
“Wait you left Alani with your project?” Jen exclaimed
“Well...I mean...I did my part.” Vienna grinned sheepishly
“Yes, this girl left me to present alone!” Alani yelled angrily.
“It’s good practice for what you want to do.” Vienna shrugged. “Don’t be a snitch and tell mom or dad. I’ll be home soon.”
“I cannot believe you! I could’ve gone with you!”
Jen was surprised by her statement while Vienna laughed. “That wasn’t what I was expecting.” 
"Hey! I can be rebellious, too!" Alani exclaimed. 
Later that day, an African American female college student hung around Dunkin Donuts, filming a vlog for her YouTube channel. She was with two of her American friends, a guy and another girl, who sipped on their coffee, eating breakfast sandwiches.
“Hey guys, we are back with another video. It is day 3 of us being in Seoul, and we’re here eating Dunkin Donuts. Say hi!” she panned the camera to her friends and they rambled about their excitement for their upcoming semester of studying abroad.
While her friends were talking, she turned to do more people watching but froze when she noticed Jennie.
“Wait a minute is that-oh my God, guys, I think that’s Jennie from BTS.,” she said quickly with a whisper. She panned her camera to Miss Bangtan and Vienna who were waiting for their order. “What the heck is she doing here!?”
Her two friends widened their eyes and covered their mouths. 
“Holy sh-no way is that really her?” her female friend exclaimed as their hearts started racing.
“Guys, we are in the same building as Miss Bangtan, how great is this?” her guy friend responded.
“Should we say hi?” the Youtuber pondered.
“No! We should be respectful.” Her female friend disapproved.
“And miss an opportunity to say hey to our favorite K-pop idol? Hell no, I want to say hi. We’re not screaming in her face or anything.” her male friend said.
“I dunno...should we?” the Youtuber wondered.
“We should do it.”
“Won’t it be rude?”
“Yelling and screaming in excitement in her face is. But as long as we’re not too crazy, I honestly don’t see what the problem is with approaching your favorite idol.”
“Jennie looks so mad though, should we approach her?” the female friend added.
“Remember that Jen always says that she has a resting bitch face?” the Youtuber brought up.
The Youtuber handed her friends the camera and she got out of her seat, making her way to Jennie. Butterflies were in her stomach as she inched closer to her idol. She even went over what she planned to say in her head.
When the Youtuber watched Jennie and Vienna turn around, she froze as she locked eyes with Miss Bangtan. 
“Um-I uh, annyeongh-hello-haseyo-um-i uh-hi.” She stuttered, trying to say hello.
“Hi.” Jennie let out a chuckle. “You good, girl?”
“I can’t even speak, right now. If I can’t even speak in my own language, what makes me think I can speak in Korean?” the fan sighed. “I’m sorry, I just wanted to say hi, I can’t believe you are in front of me. I’m trying to create a Vlog for YouTube and then you showed up, throwing me off guard with your beauty and I’m just embarrassing myself in front of you.”
“Awww thank you! You don’t have to be so nervous. You’re fine! I encourage fans to say hi!” Jen reassured while the girl’s two friends appeared next to her, nervously saying hi. “How are you guys? You eat this morning?”
“Yes, we did. We’re college students. Studying abroad.”
“Wow, really? When did you come to Korea?” 
“A few days before to know our surroundings until it’s time for the Fall semester to start.”
“Wow, enjoy it to the fullest. I always hear that some people want to get closer to their favorite K-Pop idols and all while being here but still take time to learn the culture and go sightseeing. Learn the history and even more of the language. It’s a beautiful place and South Korea isn’t just about K-Pop, you feel me?”
“Definitely. You inspired me to study abroad here. I was always nervous to step out of my comfort zone and go to another country. But when you did it, especially at a young age, away from family, it motivated me. This is my second time studying abroad. I went to Spain last summer. I’m glad I did it, I’m learning a lot about myself and trying new things. Now I’m a senior in college, here in Seoul.”
“Wow, that means so much to me. It’s good to get out there, you will learn a lot. I always think it’s fascinating to learn about other cultures. Especially the food, that’s always a plus. Do you know some Korean?”
“Only the basics.” the YouTuber’s female friend responded while their guy friend agreed.
“I’m at an intermediate level but I’m so nervous to be in front of you, I couldn’t show you my Korean skills or even speak in proper English.” the Youtuber responded which made Jennie laugh at the way she said her statement.
“We managed to grab seats for ISAC, too!” the male friend beamed
“No way, for real? That’s dope. Make sure you cheer on Bangtan.”
After she took photos with the three students and did a quick shoutout when being filmed for the vlog, Jennie offered them some of her munchkins and wrote encouraging messages on their notebooks with an autograph.
‘Don’t stay in your dorm during your semester. Go out, take the train and travel around South Korea!’
‘This is a great experience to learn more about yourself and another country’s culture. Enjoy every second of it and have a blast.‘
‘Cherish the people you meet along your journey here in Seoul. Learn something new while you are here.’
Just before the ISAC event, Big Hit released a Bangtan Bomb called, ‘Training Smartie for ISAC 2015’
The video contained multiple clips of the members overexaggerating and eagerly yelling words of encouragement while training her.
As she lifted weights, the members would yell encouraging words such as, “Let’s go smartie!”, “Let’s go! Feel the power!”, “Believe in the power!” and she managed not to laugh at their yells as they jumped up and down.
For a bonus clip, Jennie was seated at the table with Suga and Jungkook next to her. She began eating a big plate of Lamb Skewers while Suga and Jungkook cheered her on.
“You got this! You got this!”
“Chew it well!”
“You must eat well for wrestling!”
On the day of the event, Bangtan arrived, already in their assigned outfits while Vienna walked with Jennie.
“I don’t know what the hell is going on. What are they saying? And why do they keep staring? It’s starting to piss me off-excuse me don’t touch my hair!” Vienna exclaimed.
Jennie cringed and pulled her away. She turned to one of the staff members and bowed slightly. 
“Please don’t touch our hair without our permission. It’s rude, all right?” she responded in Korean.
“Is that your real hair?” the staff member asked.
“Yes. It is our natural, real hair,” she responded as they looked amazed and confused.
As the two sisters walked away, Vienna mentioned, “I don’t want no one looking at me cross-eyed. It’s rude to stare.”
“I mean...you’ll get used to it. It can be annoying,"
Around 300 idols made of ten teams were participating today and it was packed with various fandoms supporting their favorite groups. Once Jennie escorted Vienna to sit with the Big Hit staff on the seats, she waited for the event to start.
She stood with Bangtan backstage, waiting for their team to be called out so they could walk out.
“Now the players are entering.” The commentators announced.
“Team Female-vengers: Kara, Rainbow, Dal shabet, EXID, Minx, GFriend.” was the second team announced.
“Ah, Hayoon~.” Jennie beamed when she saw her happily walk out with G-Friend.
“How you feeling?” Rapmon stood next to her.
“Nervous but excited too. I really hope I do well in these two games. Wrestling and volleyball? I trained as hard as I could for this. I have a great feeling about this ISAC.”
“You’ll make Bangtan proud no matter what happens. Just keep a cool head and remember what we told you.”
“Team Who’s your boss: Noel, Wonder Girls, Jeong Jinwoon, Changmin, Lee Hyun, MissA, Baek A-yeon, BTS, Bestie, GOT7.” was announced next as they walked out. 
BTS walked out with big smiles on their faces, while Jennie looked on amazed at how many people showed up this time.
On the electronic display, it showed various idols. When it showed Jennie, who wasn’t aware that she was shown at first, ARMY screamed loud and proud. Jin nudged her and pointed up at the screen. She looked up and widened her eyes, chuckling before waving.
The fact that she was on the same team as Wonder Girls was astounding and she was even on a volleyball team with two of the members. It’ll be a great experience.
After saying the oath, the event started with Women’s Ssireum. There were teams consisting of three members and they played the best out of three. The time of play is one minute and 30 seconds. Jennie was teamed up with Baek A-Yeon and Haeryung from Bestie. They were stretching together and talking strategy.
For the preliminaries, Kyoungri from Nine Muses went up against Hyerin from EXID for the first match. Jennie was standing around with Bangtan, focused as she watched them closely.
“Breathe,” Namjoon said encouragingly behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Don’t be discouraged. They’re not ready for Miss Bangtan.”
“Thanks.” she smiled and they took a seat.
Jungkook sat next to her as they watched closely at the two wrestling. Hyerin had attacked by effortlessly using her feet to trip Kyoungri down in 2.06 seconds.
“You see how she goes for the legs?” Jungkook pointed out. “She aims to trip her opponents. Watch your feet if you go up against her.”
“All right,” she responded.
“Do all that you can to stay on your feet. When you see an opening go for the takedown,”
Throughout the entire round of Nine Muses and EXID, Jungkook pointed some stuff out to pay attention to, mentioning strategies on how to take on the girls. Fansites that attended ISAC, filmed the BTS members and updated their Twitter accounts on what was going on. Once they snapped a photo of JenKook watching closely, with Jungkook whispering strategy in her ear, they tweeted the photos with the caption, ‘Mentor and student. JenKook look focused!’
Fans would immediately tweet,
‘97Liners, I ship!'
'If he whispered in my ear, I would’ve DIED! How can she just sit there so calm?'
'Jungkook is such a great mentor!'
'There is no way she was that calm when you have the golden Maknae whispering in your ear’
'He was probably giving her advice on the wrestling. Y'all thirsty! It ain’t that deep!’
Matches such as Girl's Day vs AOA, Apink vs Red Velvet, Tara vs Secret, and Mamamoo vs Sistar occurred until it was time for Jen’s team to go up against G-Friend. AOA, APink, T-ara, Nine Muses and Mamamoo all advanced to the semi round and it was down to either G-Friend or Bestie/Baek A-Yeon & Jennie. Umji, Eunha, and Yerin represented G-Friend in this match.
“First we have the plucky Miss Bangtan representing BTS and is teaming up with Baek A-Yeon and Haeryung. Last year, she had a running relay and fell down.” the commentators recapped, showing her falling on the screen.
The sight of her falling, caused Jen to roll her eyes, seeming irritated at the sight. They were doing her dirty because she fell. It was over and done with. 
“They really bringing up this crap again?” she grumbled under her breath, shaking her head.
She stepped up on the platform while Yerin waited for her with a bright smile since they were great friends. The two winked at each other before giggling.
“Go, Jennie! Go, Yerin!” Hayoon, along with the other G-Friend members cheered. 
Jen exhaled and glanced at Jungkook who gave her a reassuring smile.
“You got this. Remember what I told you,” he mouthed and she responded with a curt nod and turned back to Yerin.
The two of them bowed to each other and positioned themselves while kneeling.
“JENNNIEEEEEEEEEEE~!” Jimin yelled with Taehyung, applauding.
“Munchkin! Munchkin! Munchkin!” Hobi chanted while Rapmon and Suga laughed with one another, feeling second-hand embarrassment.
“Miss Bangtan has quite the fanboys, it seems. Who will win? Jennie or Yerin?” the announcers wondered.
Once the whistle blew, Jennie immediately used her strength to lift Yerin high in the air and slammed her down on the mat. 
Jungkook slapped his hands together and stood up with a big grin on his face, fist pumping.
“Yes!” he yelled.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!” Bangtan jumped up, applauding her victory while ARMY and the rest of Bangtan supporters began screaming for her.
Yerin started laughing, covering her face while Jennie helped her up. 
“You all right, sis?” she hugged her.
“Yes, I’m fine. You’re so strong.” Yerin giggled.
“Wow! That power!” the commentators exclaimed as they went to a slow-motion replay. “The strength of Miss Bangtan should not be underestimated!”
“Winner! BTS’ Jennie!” was announced as male idols watched the performance, surprised and mesmerized. 
Some were whispering to themselves about her and smirking in approval.
“Atta girl!” Zico from Block B, shouted, cheering her on with the rest of the Block B members.
GOT7 also became her cheerleaders as Bam Bam stared at her with heart eyes, placing a hand over her heart. 
“I think I’m in love,” Bam Bam mentioned to Jackson, who cackled at him, slapping his arm.
As the fansites filmed videos and posted it on their social media, as fans commented,
‘Some of the boys look pleased’
'So who is gonna be the next idol to speak on how much they admire Jen? Cause some of them are staring hard af and I'm here for it'
‘Hahaha some of the guys look like they wanna marry her’
‘Bam Bam watching with that pleased look on his face, ahahah.’
‘Sexy, beautiful and powerful! Go gurl!
‘The girls’ faces hahaha they look so scared to face her now’
‘Look at her face in the beginning! She looked like, “Oh shit, I’m dead.’
‘I’m ready to see Jennie at Wrestlemania now.’
‘She took that so seriously ahaha.’
‘Can Jennie throw me like that too!?’
‘Force to be reckoned with! She didn’t come to play! She definitely redeemed herself from last time.’
‘How did she get so strong!? OMG Jungkook what have you been teaching her!?’
‘Flipped her like pancakes. Didn’t even last two seconds!’
‘She-she just picked her up and slammed her down in 2.0 seconds!’
‘I blinked and Yerin was on the mat. What happened!?’
‘I love how the guys are smiling so hard.’
‘That Captain America strength right there! Miss Bangtan 100%! Represent us!’
Jennie was smiling brightly at the cheers and applauds for her efforts as she bowed and waved. 
After leaving the mat, Hayoon ran up to her to hug her. “That was amazing!” she said and started giving her repeated kisses on her cheek.
After speaking with G-Friend, Jennie went back to Bangtan who had given her high fives and compliments such as, “Well done.” And “You’ve worked hard.”
“You did it!” Jungkook high fived her and pulled her to his chest for a warm hug.
“We did it.” she corrected him as she wrapped her arms around his back. The rest of the members joined in for a group hug before sitting back down to watch the rest of her team wrestle.
She cheered on Baek A-Yeon as she went up against Umji and managed to slam her down on the mat to make her team advance to the semi-round. 
“Yeah!” Jennie jumped up and ran up to Baek A-Yeon with Haeryung to celebrate their advancement.
As the last round started, Jennie sat back down with Taehyung wrapping his arms around her from behind, sitting behind her. Jimin sat in front of her, laying his back between her legs while Jungkook hugged Taehyung from behind.
They watched as Baek A-Yeon went up against Sung-a from Nine Muses and lost the match when she was slammed down. 
Jennie stood up and walked to the mat, preparing to wrestle Sojin. They bowed to each other and got in position.
As soon as the whistle blew, Sojin tried to catch her off guard by going after her legs but Jennie stood her ground and lifted her up to slam her down within five seconds.
“Sorry.” Jennie grinned and helped her up while Sojin reassured her that she was fine.
The fansites had filmed Jungkook smiling proudly and in the end, Jen’s team had won a Bronze medal for their efforts when Haeryung fell short against her opponent. After they received their bronze medals, Haeryung began to cry. 
“Wait, why are you crying?” Jennie went to console her with Baek A-Yeon.
“I let the team down. I’m sorry,” she responded, sadly.
“Hey, you did not let us down. We tried our best and we had fun. Thank you for your hard work. You’ve done well, girl. Don't even worry about it.” she reassured her, wiping her tears as the fansites filmed their conversation.
The three ladies join in for a group hug, thanking each other for a job well done for wrestling.
When the interaction was posted on Twitter, people praised Jennie's kindness and sportsmanship.
While soccer began, Jennie chilled with Bangtan, taking out her bun. Before she prepared to fix it, Taehyung grabbed her hair tie and got behind her, fixing her bun for her. She was surprised at how delicate he was to not hurt her. He placed her hair in a high bun and got in front of her to place a strand of curls on each side. Once he was done, he patted her head and smiled.
She took out her phone and checked it out. “This looks really good, Tae.”
Wandering around after catching up with some idol friends, Jennie decided to finally approach The8, greeting him in Chinese. 
“I only know a little bit of Chinese but I will try to learn more so there can be less of a language barrier between us.” her Chinese was broken but he smiled at her efforts and managed to understand her clearly.
‘Wow...handsome.” he responded in English which caused her to chuckle
“Beautiful.” she corrected.
“Sorry, sorry.” he bowed, feeling embarrassed.
“It’s all right. Can you recommend me some Chinese dishes I should try? I love Chinese food.” 
“Yes, of course!” he started naming some of his favorite dishes. 
As they spoke, Joshua approached them and greeted them.
“Hey! Great job on the wrestling.” Joshua said in English.
“Oh, thank you! I had a blast. You’re Joshua, right?”
“Yeah, it’s nice to finally meet Miss Bangtan. I’m actually from Los Angeles.”
“Ah, west coast. I’m from the east. East side is better just so you know.” she teased and they shared a laugh. “The both of you two are so cute.” she pointed at the both of them.
“You’re cute, too. The8 is really fond of you. He always talks about how kind and hardworking you are.” he gestured while The8 was looking at them back and forth, confused since they were speaking in English.
“I saw the video. It always gives me a giddy feeling when people tell me that. It makes me feel really good. Hey, can I have your Kakao Talk?”
“Yeah, of course.” he took out his phone
“I want your Kakao Talk too, The8.” she gestured to him and he took out his phone. 
After getting each other's Kakao Talk, Jennie continued to bring The8 into their conversation.
“Joshua also plays the guitar. We saw your V-Live. You were great.” The8 smiled.
“Really? Thank you! Oh gosh, I feel so embarrassed, I didn’t think some idols would watch it too.” she responded.
As she continued to wander around, she even met Yeeun from CLC, remembering that Yeeun was eager to meet her. They compared their classes for the upcoming school year and noticed that they’ll be sharing a few classes together. They will definitely have more time to hang out and get to know each other.
Throughout the event, Hayoon would cling to Jennie, hugging her from behind, while she laughed.
“Why are you affectionate, today? You must want something.” she assumed, since last time she wanted some of her smarties.
“No, I’m just happy to see you. I haven’t seen you in a while.” Hayoon replied.
While she was being hugged, Jennie would look around at the crowd and noticed fans wearing USA clothing and waving American flags to represent her. She smiled and pointed them out, feeling even more good about herself. She even spotted Vienna in the crowd and waved, blowing kisses.
“LOVE YOU!” Vienna shouted from her seat. The college student noticed some ARMY trying to get her attention. “I don’t speak Korean but it looks like you want to take a selfie, so sure.” she gestured for them to give her their phones.
Jennie and Jimin migrated to the basketball court to support Suga who was currently warming up for the basketball finals match. Jimin and Jennie were standing where the staff seats were while she took photos on her phone.
“Suga got this in the bag. He should be fine.” Jennie said.
“Yes!” Jimin praised when they watched Suga make a shot in the basket while practicing.
When the game started, Jennie and Jimin became cheerleaders for the Daegu rapper.
“MIN YOONGI~!” Jimin shouted. “Lee Changmin! Jung Jinwoon! Lee Hyun-hyungnim!”
Suga had put his head down, while his teammates started laughing at their enthusiasm for their groupmate.
Due to their heated cheers, Jimin and Jennie sat on the sidelines to watch the game. Every time Suga’s team made a shot, Jimin and Jennie would jump up from their seats and cheer.
“That’s my Suga!” Jennie shouted proudly, happily applauding. “I am a proud little sister!”
“Yoon! Gi! Yoon! Gi! Yoon! Gi! Yoon! Gi!” Jennie and Jimin chanted as the game progressed.
Yoongi’s team ended up winning and earning gold medals.
Before Jennie knew it, it was time for Volleyball as she stood backstage with the stylists, preparing her outfit. She wore a long sleeve shirt and black shorts with knee pads. When Jennie put on the shorts, she noticed they were a bit too small.
“Ah...I told you to get a bigger size. My ass is bigger than you Korean women. And I have wider hips.” she exclaimed while the stylists giggled.
“We came prepared, don’t worry.” 
They brought in a backup pair which fit much better. She checked out her outfit in the mirror and turned around to look at her behind. 
“All right, it’s covering up everything. Ah, I’m freaking out.” Jennie rambled.
When she was all dressed up, she walked to the gym, where the volleyball court was already put up. She gathered around the members as they helped prepare her.
“Ready, sweetie?” Jin smiled.
“A little nervous.”
“You’ll be just fine.” Yoongi patted her on the back
Taehyung gave her water while Jimin began massaging her shoulders to help her relax.
“I have the tape.” Namjoon brought up and grabbed one of her hands while Hobi grabbed her other hand to start taping her fingers.
“Remember, be careful, spike some balls and win.” Jungkook reminded her. “Use your golden defense skills.”
“I’ll be sure to do that and more.” she nodded.
Hobi cupped her face, pressing his lips to her forehead. He smiled softly, “You got this, Jennie! Show those ladies why Bangtan is great!”
She nodded and started to grin, high fiving each member before walking up to the court to meet with her teammates.
Representing Team Who’s The Boss, Jennie teamed with Baek A-Yeon, Hyelim & Yubin from Wonder Girls and Min and Suzy from Miss A. Their opponents were from Team the Return of The King which consisted of Hyuna & Gayoon from 4Minute, Yeeun & Seunghee from CLC, and Hayoung and Naeyun from APink.
“Here we are! This is the first time we are having a volleyball event at ISAC. Miss Bangtan will be starting to serve, representing Team Who’s the Boss.” The commentators mentioned over the roaring cheers of the audience.
Jennie exhaled sharply, as her heart raced while having the ball in her hands. 
‘I can do this...’ she gave herself words of encouragement. 
Just before she could serve, she heard loud screaming.
The screaming caught her by surprise and she turned around sharply to see Jimin, J-Hope, and Yoongi hollering for her. Rap Monster had facepalmed, shaking his head while Jin and Jungkook were giggling, clapping to themselves.
Her teammates began giggling at her enthusiastic group members and thought it was cute that they were cheering her on. 
Jennie had let out a loud laugh and blew some kisses at Bangtan before turning back to her opponents.
“GO JENNIE!” another scream caught her by surprise but this time it was actually from Hayoon who was standing on the sidelines with the rest of GFriend, cheering her on. 
She had shyly looked down after screaming so loudly but Jennie had appreciated her cheers.
‘Okay...let’s do this.’ she began bouncing the volleyball by slapping it with her palm as it hit the ground then back to her palm, numerous times. 
The loud sound began to intimidate her opponents as they tried to get ready.
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Raising the ball in the air, she jumped up high for a powerful spike. The ball ended up hitting the ground on the other side before the opposing team could hit it and Jennie earned a point for her team. Loud screams from ARMY were heard around the arena while some watched, stunned at the spike.
“YES! That is my child! I raised her! That is my beautiful little girl!” Jin yelled happily.
“WOOOOOOO! ATTA GIRL!” Namjoon shouted. 
A proud smile came across Jungkook’s lips as he nodded in approval, applauding her efforts. 'That's my Jennie,' he thought proudly.
“Whaaaaaaa, what a powerful strike from Jennie of BTS! Wow!” the commentators went on.
She was surprised as her teammates went to hug her. “I can’t believe I got that.” she started laughing while Yubin and Hyelim smiled sweetly, patting her on the back.
The game progressed with Bangtan watching closely as they saw the concentration in her eyes. They admired her efforts because she truly had worked hard. Jen soared with her defensive skills as she effortlessly blocked the ball, which caused some of her opponents to get annoyed that they couldn’t get a point.
“Ah, Jennie, stop blocking my spikes!” Hyuna whined.
“Not sorry.” Jennie replied with a grin.
“Are you seeing this!? Are you seeing this!?” Taehyung grabbed onto Jimin and started shaking him. “She keeps blocking the ball! They’re gonna win!”
“WOOOOO! Go, Jen!” Jackson, Bam Bam and Mark became some of her hypemen throughout the match.
Jen’s forearms began to sting from the constant hitting of the ball as the game went on. Her team was well in the lead, thanks to Yubin and Suzy soaring in setting the ball for their teammates to spike, Hyelim being great at passing the ball to her teammates and Baek A-Yeon specializing in spiking with Min. Jennie had made sure to jump up and throw her hands up to block the ball whenever she could with her teammates, which helped tremendously in the game.
"Miss Bangtan's defense is dangerous," the commentators pointed out at how effortless she made blocking for her team.
Once Hayoung served the ball, Hyelim managed to hit the ball, passing it to Suzy who managed to hit the ball over the net. Yeeun dove down, hitting the ball as she connected with the floor while Gayoon passed the ball to Naeyun. Naeyun spiked the ball and Min hit the ball back. Yubin and Baek A-Yeon watched it fly near them and Baek A-Yeon managed to set the ball. 
“All yours, Jennie!” she gestured as Miss Bangtan jumped up and spiked the ball across the court.
Once they saw that the ball hit the floor before their opponents could hit it, they happily yelled in excitement.
“YES!” Jen screamed and fist pumped over the loud cheers and screams from the crowd. 
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She started jumping up and down while her teammates threw themselves at her, and they all fell to the floor while hugging. When they got back on their feet, they celebrated all around the arena while Jen did aerial cartwheels around the arena in celebration.
Bangtan started laughing wholeheartedly that she still had the energy to jump and cartwheel around. They immediately ran down to the volleyball court to celebrate with her. J-Hope picked her up over his shoulders and ran around with Bangtan as they all cheered and celebrated. 
"Jennie! Jennie! Jennie!" The boys chanted.
The volleyball team received gold medals for their efforts. When the team was interviewed, Jennie thanked her teammates for working so hard to be victorious and praised them for their hard work. She had a blast with them and hopes volleyball continues to be an event in ISAC.
Meanwhile, Bam Bam had been watching her, smitten by her athleticism in the volleyball game. After some pep talk from Jackson, he finally decided to approach her, bringing a water and towel for her to wipe her sweaty face.
“Have you played volleyball, before?” he asked.
“I kid you not, this was my first actual game.”
“Wow, well you need to teach me some time because you were amazing out there.”
With the Maknae Line, Jimin was on alert when he noticed that Bam Bam was starting to flirt with her as she had covered her mouth while giggling and shyly averting her eyes. Once he nudged Taehyung and Jungkook to point out what was going on, Jungkook shot Bam Bam a sharp stare.
“All right, relax, he still has a dating ban so we should be okay,” Taehyung reassured.
“I hope so,” Jungkook grumbled.
Going backstage, Jen had Namjoon snap a photo of herself with her arms outstretched and a proud smile on her face. 
She tweets, ‘I came, I slayed, I conquered. Getting 1st place at ISAC feels so good. We winning! Yay us! #BlackGirlMagic #DidntTripThisTime #JEN’
For the final event, which was the final of Men's 400m relay, Jennie approached Jungkook from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder while smiling. “You ready?”
“I hope so. I really want to win.” he tilted his head to the side.
“You’ll do well. I’ll be waiting for you at the finish line, Golden Maknae,” she reassured him.
Those words motivated him to do well. Running and passing the finish line, to see her there, cheering him on. It brought a smile to his face.
Seventeen, B1A4, Teen Top, and BTS were the teams going up against each other. Jennie stood on the sidelines with GFriend and Yeeun.
“Let’s go Jimin!” Jennie shouted, clapping as her heart began to race. 
Once the idols started running, the arena started screaming. Jimin passed his stick to Taehyung as he dashed in his line tailing behind Sandeul from B1A4. 
“You got this Tae!” she began jumping up and down with GFriend and Yeeun.
Once Tae passed the stick to Hobi, he ran behind Jinyeong, before passing it to the last runner, which was Jungkook.
Soon as Jungkook zoomed past, everyone, he created a big gap as he aimed for the finish line. 
“Yes!” she happily yelled, continuing to watch him run. 
She started to migrate near the finish line, waiting for him to finish. ARMY began screaming as soon as Jungkook ran through the finish line. 
“The last runner from BTS is so amazing!” the commentators exclaimed while Rapmon and Jimin ran after him.
Jungkook kept running until he saw Jennie happily running towards him. He ran up to her and embraced her, rejoicing in his victory
“Ahhhh I’m so proud of you!” she wrapped her arms around his neck. 
They both felt a collision when Jimin, Rapmon, and Tae ran over, joining in the hug and they ended up tumbling onto the floor as the rest of the members joined in, laughing.
Yeeun ended up giggling with GFriend. “Ah, Jungkook and Jennie are so cute~!”
“I know! He looks so happy, too.” Eunha added with a smile.
“I haven’t told Jennie but I really ship her with Jungkook. Don’t you agree?” Hayoon asked.
“I know me too. I bet we’re not the only ones” SinB mentioned as they all agreed.
A few days later, Jennie sat in her little studio at Big Hit with her camera videotaping her live for another V-Live. She sat in her chair, spinning around, while the views continued to multiply. She always had her V-Lives in English, enjoying speaking her primary language. But also tended to accommodate those who wanted to hear some Korean and Japanese. Some even asked for Chinese although she was still learning and needed work on it.
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After a few moments and checked out the screen and waved. “What up, what up??” she smiled.
‘ahhh I love you so much!’
‘Love u JW!’
“Welcome to the Smartie Factory!” she presented. “My own little studio, haha. Just like Suga, J-Hope, and Rapmon. This is where I create my covers and work on my music. Let me give you a tour.” she took the camera and showed off the computer. “So, this is where I have all my music on. I recently transferred my stuff from my laptop. I had this studio for a few months now and finally have the chance to show it off. Remember all the stuffed animals I received on White Day? Ahahaha, they’re all happily here to cheer me on while I work.” 
After showing everything, she set it back down on the desk while she sat and faced the camera.
“Sadly, there are no Smarties, right now, I ate them all. I’m so upset, I just had some yesterday. Sometimes I think the guys steal some of my smarties because there is just no way in the world I don’t have any left.”
‘How was ISAC?’
‘I saw videos of you at ISAC! You did great!’
‘You killed it at ISAC!’
“Yes, ISAC was sooooo fun! Mad fun! I had a great time, a better time than last year. At least I didn’t fall! I was so annoyed when they kept bringing up me falling last year. Just let it go, you know?” She continued to read the comments.
“Hahaha you say that some guys were looking at me? Who? Let me know the tea.” she spoke eagerly with amusement. “And yeah, I did meet more people! I finally got to meet some Seventeen members. They’re mad cool. The8 is very kind and cute. He accidentally called me handsome when he meant to say beautiful. I am trying to learn more Chinese so I can speak with him more and also to speak with more of our Chinese ARMY. I want to be able to communicate with you all without much of a language barrier. So please bear with me. I’ll be learning. You know, I get a kick out of my friends getting so confused when I speak English. And even Korean. It’s funny to see their reaction. I feel that way too when I’m not familiar with a language.”
‘The black community is so proud of you’
‘I love your self-determination’
“Well, I’m very proud that I’m representing the black community up here.” she beamed while reading the comments.
‘Did you see a lot of ARMY at ISAC?’
“Yeah, I did see a lot of ARMY at ISAC. I even saw some of you wear some USA merch. That was really cool of you to do that. I ran into some lucky ARMY after the show. Please don’t be so nervous to talk to me. I’m just a normal person just like you, just more known for her talents, that’s all. Like say hey, I’ll say hey back. While on Tumblr, I read that our supporters would probably die or pass out or wouldn’t be able to talk in front of their favorite idols. But I don’t want to miss an opportunity to meet my passionate supporters, so please don’t feel that way. I’m human, let’s have a brief conversation and chill.”
“Oh! For a while now, I was making some of my own music,” she added. “But lately I kind of got a little discouraged. I won’t scrap it, I’ll just leave it on my computer until I find the motivation to work on it again. My goals are to create music for myself one day and release it for you.”
‘Release it!’
‘Please release it!’
‘Don’t tease us like that’
‘Do I need to fly to Korea? Release it!’
She smiled softly. “One day I’ll release it. I want to rerecord everything though. My vocals are improving, so that’s good. I had this notebook and...” she trailed off
She remembered her young self, back in Amity, constantly writing a couple of songs in her notebook. Back when the other members were getting called out to work on their solo songs. Excited and eager she was, patiently waiting for her time to share a song that she wrote. She kept the notebook to herself and didn’t tell anyone.
When Hailey found out, she wanted to use Jen’s written songs for Amity’s next album but Jen refused because she couldn’t just give songs so personal away like that. It caused more of a rift in her relationship with the group.
But before Jen knew it, she had lost the notebook right before she left the group and hadn’t seen it ever since. But then recently, with Amity’s new album out to help promote their world tour, Jen noticed that some of those songs on their album were the songs she had written in her notebook. Crazy enough, some songs were tweaked for a more sexual tone and sadly, defeated the purpose of the written songs that she spent weeks working on because she wasn’t a professional songwriter and just wrote what came to mind.
Jennie shouldn’t have been surprised but soon as she heard those familiar words, she teared up and cried in her room. It discouraged and hurt her that they would do something that. They weren’t going to let her or Angelina live it down that they wanted to leave, huh? She couldn’t do anything about it but move on. She had spoken with Namjoon about it and vented to him. Yoongi was in the studio with them and she remembered the Daegu rapper suggesting to create a diss track. But her rap skills weren’t up to par just yet to go that way. And Amity, well, they just weren’t worth it and Namjoon agreed with her reasons.
Throughout this year, Amity would constantly poke shots at her and Angelina on social media because they’ve been winning awards like the Grammys. But Jennie and Angelina wanted quality music, not quantity.
Jen wanted to sing songs that were meaningful to her. She was glad she was here because Big Hit gave her more musical freedom, unlike SongStress Entertainment. It would be a while before she could begin writing songs again. The wound had not healed yet.
She sighed and shook the negative thoughts out of her head. “I had written a couple of songs but lost the notebook to it,” she responded. “Someone that I thought I could trust, now is singing those songs that I had written. But it’s okay. I hope to make better songs. So, bear with me.”
“Why do you stay in BTS when there’s some so-called “ARMY” that won’t support you but will support the other members?” she read a question. “Well, because I love what I do. And I refuse to let someone have that power over me to stop doing what I want to do in my life. It’s crazy, people always are there to see you fall but don’t say much when they see you do your own thing and succeed. But all these antis and haters, they can take a seat and watch me thrive. I ain’t going nowhere. Oh, so I was on Tumblr, right?” 
‘Uh oh...’
‘Oh nooooo’
‘What did you see!?’
‘Hide your fanfics!’
“You guys come up with some interesting fan blog names of me. Let’s see...um...what were they? Oh yeah, Jenniesyummythighs was one. MunchkinsBooty was another.” she laughed. “Uh, IAmJenniesBoobies was another I came across. HireJennieForNike is one I really like, they really should hire me. I’d be a great model for them. I’m so enthusiastic about their product.”
‘Lmaoooooo omg’
‘LOL can you blame us?’
“So, ARMY, I have a question to ask you. I’m curious. So whenever I’m on Tumblr, I usually like to check the BTS tag, right? So, um...what is this about a Sub Jennie, I’m seeing lately? Should I be concerned?” she deadpanned, looking serious with a genuine voice.
“Uh huh. That’s what I thought. But who said I was a sub?” she asked curiously but ended up laughing at how she asserted her question, shaking her head. “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant literally, who said I was a sub? Where did that even start? Ugh, I think I accidentally just gave you story ideas. Let me be quiet. My statement came out dirtier than I intended.”
‘OMG which one are you?’
“Ah, I should keep it PG. I’m not about that life.”
‘Do you read them?’
“No, I don’t read your fanfics. That seems like taboo territory for me. I don’t want to feel some type of way around anyone you write me with but you do you guys. I like the mood boards that you make and also the fan art. I came across this Hunger Games AU mood board and I thought it was so good. I love the Hunger Games and I enjoy mood boards so make more of those, please.”
“I saved some of my favorites on my phone. I like some of these users on Instagram and follow them. Here." she pointed out some famous K-Pop fanart pages on her phone. “I will try my best to see all your stuff. If you make the hashtag #JWFanart then I’ll always check that tag on Instagram and Tumblr. I’ll like the stuff on Instagram when I can.”
“Oh, and by the way, all of your MLTs of me that I randomly came across, seem to be all wrong," she pointed out. "I remember seeing this one statement that said who is most likely to kiss first. Y’all put me allllll the way at the bottom. I highly recommend that you reconsider that. I'm not afraid to kiss somebody,"
“Another thing, why y’all think I’ll be a crazy ass girlfriend? Like jeez, I’m mad chill, I promise you. Is it because of the I Need U music video with the cheating scene? I was just acting! And who is most likely to cheat? Why did y’all put me at the TOP of the list!? Bruh! Who do you think I am?” she called them out. "Like, no! Absolutely not, you wildin’, don’t play like that!”
She laughed again. “All right, I’m done teasing. Y'all enjoy whatever your imagination takes you,"
With Jungkook, he was in the Big Hit building, in a dance studio with Jimin and Taehyung, watching her V-Live on his phone.
“What kind of girlfriend do I think I’ll be?” he watched her read a comment in Korean. “I feel like I’ll be so cheesy, to be honest. I’d like to do some nice things for my future significant other, to show how much I appreciate them. I’m not sure what yet. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. Gosh but the thought of dating someone, I’m like, you really want to put up with me? Me? Of all people?”
“Absolutely.” the Golden Maknae spoke, answering her statement.
“I’m so weird, are you sure?”
“That makes two of us.” he continued.
“I’ll admit, sometimes I have my fears. I try not to overthink it but some days I’m like, man I hope the person I date won’t get bored of me after a while.”
“I’d never get bored of you.” He guaranteed.
“I’m pretty sure a lot of people get those thoughts and overthink things. I feel like I'm a terrible kisser and need to get better at it. I apologize in advance to my future lover.”
“It’s okay,” he murmured under his breath with a smile.
"I guess when I do date, I'll get better at kissing. So I hope my future significant other doesn't mind me kissing them a lot,"
"I'd love that," Jungkook added
Jimin and Taehyung saw Jungkook immersed on his phone with a smitten smile on his face and they decided to see what he was up to. 
“I bet he’s watching Jennie’s V-Live.” Taehyung teased.
“I know. Look at him, trying so hard not to smile.” Jimin giggled.
Jungkook glanced up and narrowed his eyes. “Shut up!” He tried to get away from them as they tried to watch what was going on.
Back to Jennie, a comment popped up and she read, “When you start dating, you’ll improve your kissing skills. You can kiss your boyfriend whenever you want.”
Jen let out a soft laugh and nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. And for those out there, don’t change yourself for anyone. It’s their loss if they can’t appreciate you for you. There will be someone out there for you, so don’t sweat it if you don’t think you won't find someone special. Be patient. It’ll be worth it.”
‘Can you please sing for us?’
“You want me to sing? It’ll cost you. How much?” She teased and took out her phone. “I’ll put my music on shuffle and see what pops up.”
The first song to come on is a rock song. “I’m a little bit of a rock and metalhead. But let’s choose another song. You know one day I would like to create some type of alternative or rock song while playing my guitar. That would be so cool. Or maybe collab with a rock band, one day. K-Rock or not, it’ll be fun. Maybe, we’ll see what the future holds. I want to be more active with my guitar. I enjoy that style of music because the guitar just sounds so good with it.”
She pressed shuffle again and Love by Keyshia Cole came on. “Ah, this song! How come all these throwbacks are popping up on my phone, huh Spotify? Really?”
She pressed shuffle again and Pon de Replay played. “Ahhhh 2005 Rihanna. This was my song!”
She started moving her shoulders, bumping to the beat. “I love Rihanna’s evolution as an artist. I hope I can have the same type of evolution as her, music and appearance wise. I want to be an amazing artist just like her! The way she thrives in so many genres of music! Nicki Minaj too! So versatile! I hope to be just like them in music. Rock Star is one of my favorites from Rihanna! I want to be a rockstar! Black women in rock are amazing! It'll be a dream to work with them! I don't care what it is. Modeling, music, anything! I adore them!"
She pressed shuffle again as Ridin by Chamillionaire popped on. “Ooh! This song too!”
She started bouncing up and down on her seat to the beat while ARMY started laughing at her enthusiasm. “They see me rollin’, they hatin’, Patrollin’ and tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. My music’s so loud, I’m swangin’. They hopin’ that they gonna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty. Tryna catch me ridin’ dirty.”
She pressed shuffle again and Right Thurr by Chingy came on. “Oh~ another throwback! I haven’t heard this in a minute! Okay, Okay, let me get back on track and stop fooling around. Let’s find a song to sing for you.”
Unconditional by Kehlani came on.
“Ah, okay, I’ll sing this. I highly recommend her music.” she looked at the camera and laughed shyly “You guys are gonna make me nervous.” she pressed her hands against her cheeks
Back to the Golden Maknae, he couldn’t contain his smile as he watched her sing sweetly to Kehlani’s song.
“Whipped!” Taehyung teased.
“Shut up!” he yelled and smacked him on the arm as he continued to try to watch her V-Live.
With Miss Bangtan, she sang, “Sometimes I come home and I’m sweaty from the day. And my hair’s all in a messy bun cause I had to get it out my face.” She pointed to her messy bun. “And I rather lace my sneakers up cause high heels ain’t my thing.” she showed off her Nike sneakers on her feet as she wiggled her eyebrows goofily which caused some ARMY to type in various comments indicating that they were laughing and amused at her movements.
“And I don’t see a flaw in that, I never want to change. So if you love~ me like you say~! You’ll be a man, grab my hand, take me as I am~!” she got out of her seat to dance and sing around.
I wanna l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love unconditional
I wanna l-l-l-l-l-l-l-love unconditional
‘Protect this child’
‘Why is she so adorable!?’
‘Ahhhhh I love this girl!’
After the song, she got back to her seat to check out the comments. “Protect me? Ahahaha! I guess I have some issues, don’t I? All jokes aside, I’ve been so excited to show you how much my singing has improved that I’ve been working on a number of covers to share with you on SoundCloud, probably near the holiday season as an early Christmas gift. Okay, let’s check out what’s next on the shuffle.” she pressed the next button.
Ain’t It Fun by Paramore came on and she started jamming. “Ooh, yes!” she jumped out of her seat to grab one of the biggest teddy bears from her White Day stuffed animal stash, and began to dance with it.
‘And I thought Jungkook was the weirdest, AHAHAH’
‘This is the true personality of Miss Bangtan. LOL'
Back with Jungkook, he started laughing hysterically. This was too adorable.
Instagram Models by Charlie Puth came on next when she changed the song, sitting back down.
“Oh! This song! Make sure y’all stay away from these Instagram models! Men and women! They will get you! Stay away from these people, man! Don’t give them clout, brah! Do not! Give them! CLOUT!” she yelled and spun around in her chair.
As the Maknae Line was leaving the dance studio, they began to walk near Jen’s studio. 
“Hey, Jungkookie, you should see Jennie and join her,” Jimin suggested with a mischievous glint.
“Ah, I shouldn’t.” The Golden Maknae shook his head, taking out his earbuds.
“I think you should.” He opened up the door and quickly shoved him in.
“Hyung!” he whispered in a hiss while the door closed silently.
Jennie, unaware that Jungkook was in her studio, continued Lil Wayne’s rap. 
“Uh, she just wanted to be popular. Uh, she just want ten thousand followers.” she pulled up her Instagram page, showing it on the screen. Setting her phone down, she shook her head and gestured with her hands, “Lord, she posted, she posted, she posted. They like it, they like it, repost it. She party promoting, she hosting. She posing, legs open, provoking. It got my head smoking. I tried to act like I don’t notice. Emotions, emotions, emotions, Lord!” 
She dramatically fell out of her seat as ARMY typed in LOL and laughing emojis while the chorus came back on
‘I am cryinggggg XD’
‘Omg, she must be on a sugar high from those smarties.’
‘I'm high key happy that she is so comfortable with us like this. She used to be so reserved. She’s so goofy now ahaha’
Meanwhile, Jungkook silently started laughing and wondered when she’d notice him as ARMY noticed him in the background.
She got back to her seat to continue the next verse and she pretended like she was about to cry as she dramatically lip synced, “I had to leave that ho alone and get my mind right. I had to go talk to my friends, I had to find Christ.” She placed a hand over her heart and the other high up in the air, reaching the sky.
Once she saw a comment about Jungkook being in the room, she quickly turned around and widened her eyes. 
“How long have you been there!?” she exclaimed while he started cackling. She quickly paused the song while he grabbed a seat to sit next to her.
“Long enough.” he teased.
“Wow. Well, Jungkook make sure you stay away from these Instagram Models, mkay?’
“Duly noted.”
“I’m serious. They nothing but trouble.”
“I’m aware from what I just saw.”
“Hahah.” she turned to the camera. “ARMY! Look who stopped by, the Golden Maknae after he just watched me act goofy. Say hello to ARMY.”
“Hello!” he waved. “ARMY, Jennie is weird, isn’t she?”
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“And you’re not?” she turned her head to meet his gaze as a big smile came across his face.
‘OMG, the way he’s looking at her! I ship it!’
‘I love their friendship so much. They are friendship goals.’
‘Aw, the way Jungkook is smiling, I want him to smile like that more often.’
“ARMY! Thank you so much for getting Shawn Mendes’ attention. I’m still stunned he noticed the cover. ARMY, you are truly one of a kind. Thank you so much for this.”
‘You are welcome!’
‘You deserve it!’
‘We ship you and Shawn!’
“You ship us? Hahaha. I do have a little crush on him. Hopefully, I’ll meet him one day and attend one of his concerts.”
“You like him?” Jungkook brought up.
“Not as much as you like IU.” she teased, causing him to smile shyly. “So when are you going to talk to IU?”
“When you are going to talk to Ailee?” he countered
“L-let’s not get into that. I’m not prepared.” She responded, making him chuckle.
‘Who would you date out of all the members of BTS’
“Who would I date? Shawn Mendes,” she answered with a grin
‘Who would you want to collaborate with?’
“Shawn Mendes.”
‘Who would you like to meet?’
“Shawn Mendes.” She answered again, causing Jungkook to poke the inside of his cheek as she continued to talk about Shawn.
‘Hahahah Jungkook looks a little jealous!’ he noticed a fan comment.
Did he really make it that obvious? 
He had hoped Jen didn’t see the comment. 
He needed to work on having a poker face and keep his jealousy in check.
“I’m gonna go. I’ll see you back at the dorm. I’m going to get something to eat first, did you want anything?” Jungkook got up from his seat.
“Lamb Skewers.”
“I’m glad our minds think alike.” he happily accepted her request and said goodbye to ARMY, exiting the room.
“As the year will be ending soon, I’m hoping that soon we can have some fan meets in America like there are in Korea and Japan. I want to be able to connect one on one with our American supporters just like we do here. So I’ll see what I can do.” She mentioned.
“I have also been writing out some more goals. I want to work more on my breath control when singing. I'm getting better at it. I’m currently working on trying to inhale a good amount of oxygen that flows out my lungs smoothly while I sing my verses to songs with ease. I've getting some vocal lessons to help with that, so I hope you look forward to my improvements as the years go by. I am striving hard to improve and reinvent myself. Especially with my live singing.”
Before she could speak again, she heard a loud yell from outside the room and watched Jimin and Taehyung run into her studio, locking the door.
She sat there, bewildered, and questioned them, “What the heck? Can’t you see I’m trying to talk to ARMY?”
She was cut off by their giggling. “We pranked Suga and Rapmon. We made it seem like we put water on their computers.” Jimin mentioned.
“Oh no, you didn’t.” she looked at them in horror.
‘Oh shitttt, Jen’s face says it all’
‘RIP Jimin and Taehyung’
“Can we please hide in here?” Taehyung asked,
“I hurt my finger, can you get me a band-aid?” Jimin asked.
“I wish I could band-aid your mouth.” Jen retorted, earning giggles from the 95 Liners. She turned to the computer when she heard hard knocking on her door. “U-um, ARMY, our time will be cut short. I need to fix the mess that these two goofballs created. Thanks for hanging out with me today. Love you, bye!” she turned off the V-Live and got up from her seat.
She smacked Jimin and Tae upside their heads, causing them to yelp.
"That's for bringing the drama to my studio!" she scolded.
“Smartie!” Yoongi yelled on the other side of the door.
“Yeah!?” She called out loudly.
“I know they’re in there! Open the door! Why is it locked!?”
“Because I was having a VLive with ARMY!”
“Bullshit, where are those two!? I'm trying to work on this damn album, and they spilled water on my fucking computer!“
Jennie rubbed her temples while Jimin and Tae panicked, and scrambled around to find hiding spots.
Yoongi was not in a pleasant mood.
“SMARTIE!” he banged on the door, causing her to flinch.
“Look what you got me into!” She whispered harshly to them.
Somehow, Namjoon managed to work on opening up her door, which caused Jennie to push the door shut with Taehyung and Jimin. Loud screams and curses were heard as the rappers tried to push the door open after they unlocked it.
“Not the door! NOT THE DOOR! My door!” she yelled when Namjoon accidentally dented her door, barging in to go after the poor 95 Liners. “Take this outside! Take this outside, right now! I just cleaned this studio up!”
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coldercreation · 8 months
Hello, I hope you have a good Day or night or what ever time it is for you :)
I finished reading "close your eyes" and I am in love with the Story and the characters.
At the moment I am very stressed about important exams and I don't have much time to do fun stuff between working and studying. But this Story never failed to pull me in and I really forgot about all my worries and I could relax while reading ❤️
I also read that you take Story ideas and I kept asking myself about something after that one scene where Isac and Nathan talk about fighting in the bond: Like how would they fight now that nathan is with them and about what do they fight and how would they solve these things.
I would find that really interessting to read and it could definitely strengthen their bond ^^
I look forward to reading much more of the boys and finding comfort in your storys. Thank you so much for sharing them ❤️
I hope you have a wonderful following week. Bye!
Helloo!! Thank you so much for you sweet messages!<3 I'm sorry it took me so long to get to responding, I'll combine responding to your first message with this one, I hope that's ok! I'm trying to catch up with messages and there's still tons left, but I'm slowly working through :')
In the other message you asked about the order in which the series takes place! I know you said you finished reading CYE already but I figured I'd still respond heh! There's not really a set in stone order to the parts, but some of the summaries will mention things like "takes place after Close Your Eyes" etc. Baseline is that CYE is "first", as it's the How they meet story, everything else kind of builds after that. Nowadays anything new I might write will most likely be "new" in their timeline as well. So sad!Kitty aka With You (For You) would be the latest point in the timeline (unless I've forgotten something lmao) as of now.
Ohh boy, I think delving a little into how fights, disagreements, and conflicts might go for them would be fascinating! There'd be quite the difference depending on how soon after Nat joining the pack these would take place I'd imagine, but either way I think it'd be very interesting. I'll definitely add this to my Ideas Doc! I have also been thinking about the fact that I haven't really written about Nathan's triggers or anxiety showing up in a... not so "pretty" way? when it comes to pack. Yes, he tends to internalise many negative things and just shuts down instead of lashing out or showing his feelings outwardly, but the closer and more comfortable he gets with the pack, the more likely it is that he might get snappy or short with them when he's overwhelmed (like he does with his parents or Sammy)-> followed by lots of angst and self-hate and shame and guilt etc. and a journey into learning how to communicate when he's reaching a point that he needs some space to calm down etc. So yeah, with that in mind too, there's definitely potential in this prompt of yours for a snippet or something in the future!
Sending you lots of good energy and vibes, I hope your exams go well and hopefully you'll find the time to relax and take it easy in between even when it's busy! SO glad the series has been able to offer a comfy resting place xx
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vtforpedro · 2 years
general update
Today has been one of the worst days I’ve had in a while. Emotionally, but also with this fatigue that won’t go away. Blegh. Realized I’m less than two months from a year since the lumbar puncture that ruined my life. My mom’s life. I’m able to do a lot more, but I still can’t turn on the shower or help with food. I can’t bend or twist even slightly. My mom has to get the apt ready for me to be able to reach what I need throughout the day. I’m missing all the PT I have left because of this fatigue. Anyway I’ve had a few ‘one year anniversary’ dates that were Not Good but uhh it’s been a decade as of next month since the last one got to me lol What’s with April man My relationship with my mom isn’t the same anymore and I don’t know what to do about that. Gonna have to focus on it later because more than anything else I want to be left alone. I’m tired of being made to feel like I’m an inconvenience and after almost a year of it it’s kinda. Old. Still a lot there that needs to be fixed but some of it is permanent damage. Anyway, I was thinking about my grandma this morning because she’s turning 90 in a few days. My mom came over at lunch and told me she was in the hospital. Thankfully, she’s home and resting. She fell while taking her dog on a short walk to the mailbox and back. She said she waved for help at all the cars that passed but not a single person stopped to help this 90yo woman at least be on the sidewalk rather than in the street. IIIIIIIIII wish I could talk to those people :) just :) a chat :))))) I love my grandma and I haven’t seen her since 2019. We were really close all my life. Now she suffers dementia, anger issues, and isn’t who I knew in 2019. All very normal for aging, as unfortunate as it is, but I wish I knew I was saying goodbye that holiday season. I don’t think I’ll ever see her again. The world pretends covid isn’t a thing anymore but I have to continue taking precautions because it very much is and could very much kill me. And even if covid wasn’t around, IIH prevents me from doing anything, as y’all know. It’s such a weird, shitty, lonely place to be. Got no end in sight for my own health problems. My PCP is sending me back to rheumatology, but they’re booked out until July. Not looking forward to these next few months. I haven’t heard about disability, but one month down. Hopefully it’ll be soon that I’ll at least know. Hoping for good things because they narrowed me down to zero jobs and that usually means disabled so 🤞 I’m sorry for being so slow to respond or not responding at all. I don’t have many spoons to start my days. Love you all. Stay safe and as happy and healthy as you can. 💜
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Maleficent - Once Upon A Dream (Unofficial Music Video)" on YouTube
It's actually behind me helping me and that's what I'm looking at he knew about it but he's just saying it and he knows he's going to find me and help me feel better about life right now I'm stuck here alone I'm his wife and he wants to be with me he's stuck there alone and what we have is what we had when we started and what he has is a bunch of screaming completely crazy lunatics that's all he has but I'm going to hold on of course in my life isn't that horrible I'm pretty much free I can do what I want all day I find he can't too but he's strict and so am I. And he's going to bring me hope and a lot of it and he said how and it's coming soon and I have dates and things that I have to look forward to now and have him to look forward to and people watching over and we're never going to harm each other and nobody's going to harm each other around us either this is going to be great and we are raising an army and will defeat you people and we're sorry that you chose to do what you did but we have to go on we don't want to live like you do it's horrific and he says he promises to make my life better now and others are too because it's too much hell in my brain in my mind it's really wearing on me it was before but now it's awful and he says they'll be a change but the change is going to be when I used to like a lot and it used to help instead of this Quagmire of smelly rotting stinking things and people it will be changed and it will be me seeing the light at the end of the tunnel too I do understand what you're saying it's going to be a lot of fighting and a lot of name calling you yelling and screaming and threats but it's different the goals will be attained and I'll be able to see it now I'm happy about this and this is Lilith and I guess I feel a little bit awful and I feel like telling the truth about my situation which I should it's actually quite terrible and terrifying at times as his is for him he had a little episode this morning where his body was not cooperating me he was not really sick or having a nervous attack but he was having some issues there's a bigger ship above and it might have something to do with it it's too close and people are saying if they feel sick and tired and lethargic and they're wondering if it's the ship and people think it is it needs to move but yes a little less horns are in the store and he says it makes people want to get at me and I hear it too I'm hearing a bunch of stupid things and recently and this is why and I feel better now because we are challenging them and they're responding I hope I get some help because I need more support and he does too and he says they're moving in here and it will help and if it's not enough they'll move more in and I do see that plan and I recognize it's very good it forces them to come in the top also regular humans are coming and not that we're not human he says McDonald's those are some of the fact that they do the job very well and Max will be coming in foreigners and everyone will be on their toes and the lackadaisical side of us will not be shining and that was horrible we need to tighten it up but things are working very well probably as a result of our suffering and we said that together and we're willing to suffer more to get there and to be with our people
We're going to take a break and they're going to take a moment to rest well he's going to cook and she's going to take a break hopefully a snack and a nice drink or a piece of fruit and she says good and both is good or all three so we're going to do that too
Thor Freya
We need to ship out of here and we're going to work on it I'm calling everybody including the idiots Mack
It's more like if you would it's better than idiots and yeah we get it I need some Kamikaze LOL
Trump no kamikazes don't smoke pot or crack for Chrissy Chris
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submitforher · 1 year
you're the sweetest angel i've ever met <3
i'm sorry you've had such a busy time lately ! i hope you get the chance to get some real rest and downtime soon, i'm sure you're exhausted. i also hope that your trip to minnesota goes well! i hope you have a nice time seeing where your grandma came from and that you can make some really nice memories there. ^^ i hope it's not too far away too !
as for me, i could always leave an extra anon message to tell you about what i'm up to and you could just respond to this one so you wouldn't have to share it? it's nothing too majorly private but i think i get paranoid that someone i know will work out who i am since i'm pretty shy in real life... (although i'm aware how far fetched that is lol) ANYWAY! thank you so much for the early birthday wishes <3 i'll tell you my birthday is next thursday so it's a shame you won't be here, but of course i trust youll be here eventually and you have a busy busy time ahead of you so it's no big deal!^^
but you don't ever need to feel bad because i promise to you that it isn't one sided. you can always be open with me and tell me anything you want to. and i don't know if you're just saying that, but either way i will listen over and over. for you. thinking of you. how good you have always been. if you promise to keep thinking of me. ^^
please have a good trip and be safe !!!! i'll be thinking of you !!
- 🐻
i'm your angel, at that. thank you though, your praises are enough to get me feeling like i'm on cloud nine. being busy isn't necessarily a bad thing but it is when you're not getting some of that down time for yourself to decompress and what not. for me, i have to have my alone time or else i get a little irritated. i'm not going to get that much rest 'til after i get back from my trip to minnesota. it's a 20 hour drive there and back. i've driven further than that before, so it's nothing to me but hopefully we get there tomorrow afternoon safely and in one piece. i'm going to be there for a week and i'm not looking forward to it that much but i'm going to try to make the most of it because this is the first and last time that i'm ever going up there.
in response to the other message, i'm so fucking proud of you, baby bear! what an opportunity that is for you and i have no doubt in my mind that you're going to excel at whatever it is that you're studying for! i'd like to know about this degree though, is it something that you're passionate about? i think you're so interesting and if i'm being honest, i'd like to know even more about my baby bear. if you ever share more personal information with me, i'd never post it in case you could be identified. even though it's highly unlikely, you never know with the internet. i get the paranoia because i'm a rather private person myself, i have like no personal social media accounts because i have nothing to post about. my life's not that interesting. next thursday is your birthday? i'm going to put that down on my calendar so i'd never forget and i'm going to try to be here on that special day for you. if not, i'm going to make it up to you. the birthday bear gets spoiled.
i would've been kind of heartbroken if it was one-sided. i'm far too attached to you after talking to you for a while and that's not me saying that to say that, i mean that. with all of my heart. the audios, my thoughts... they're for you. i'm going to keep thinking of you no matter what, baby bear. that's a promise.
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thesleepysphinx · 2 years
Summer on the Horizon
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Telltale's The Walking Dead Luke x Fem!Reader
Chapter Content Warnings: mention of violence/murder
*Please refer to the masterlist for a disclaimer on the AU this takes place in*
Series Masterlist ◈ Previous Chapter ◈ Next Chapter
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Chapter 5: Moving On
Word Count: 1962
Y/N awakes to a comfortable warmth surrounding her, and keeps her eyes closed, reveling in the feeling before she has to face the world that waits for her outside her little loft. Subconsciously, she pulls herself closer to her source of warmth, not yet recalling how she fell asleep and who she was next to when she did. But when she hears a deep breath exhale right next to her ear, her eyes shoot open. 
At some point in the night, they ended up facing each other. Her hands rest against Luke’s chest as it rises and falls with each breath, and her head is tucked just below his chin. She feels a weight on her side and finds his arm slung around her. This is it, she thinks to herself, I am so totally screwed. 
She takes one last moment to soak in the warmth and comfort before she slowly starts to remove her hands and roll over onto her other side. As she does, she hears and feels Luke stir, but is able to find her way out of his grasp without waking him. Slowly, Y/N starts to descend the ladder to the loft and finds Clementine at the bottom, taking inventory of the items she’d be carrying in her backpack.
“Morning,” Y/N whispers to her.
Clementine jumps a bit at the greeting, but responds, “Good morning.”
Y/N crouches down next to her, examining the supplies as she puts them back in her pack. 
Clementine glances up at her for a moment and keeps her voice low as she says, “We have really good supplies. With the types of food we found, we should be set for a few weeks, and as long as we follow the river, we’ll have water.”
“I like the sound of that. Hopefully we’ll find a new place before those few weeks are up.” She picks up one of the jars of jam, just to have something in her hands. “And we can always do some hunting and gathering to keep our supplies up.” She hands the jar over to Clementine.
“Once we find somewhere, we should start farming. We won’t find food like this for much longer.”
“Well, if we’re gonna farm, we’ll have to find the seeds for it.”
Clementine stops to think, chewing at the inside of her lip. “I used to go with my parents to a nursery. They sold seeds for fruits and vegetables in paper packets. If we can find a nursery like that, we might find some seeds.”
A smile breaks out across Y/N’s face. “That’s some great thinking, kiddo.” She stands once again. “I’m gonna wake up Luke so we can get all packed up and on our way.” She tip toes up the ladder to find Luke still fast asleep, now laying on his back. She takes hold of his ankle and shakes it. “Come on, Farm Boy, we gotta get a move on.” 
Luke slowly blinks the sleep from his eyes. Once he realizes it’s the morning, he lets out a deep sigh. “Leaving this bed is not something I’ve been looking forward to.”
Y/N rolls her eyes at his dramatics. “Don’t worry sleeping beauty, we’ll find you another bed soon.” She drops herself back down the ladder to retrieve her own bag and go over her supplies.
Luke takes his time sitting up, wanting to appreciate his comfort for just a moment longer. But he swears he was more comfortable in his sleep. Once he’s sat up, he runs a hand through his hair, relishing in the clean feeling it has now. “Man, I gotta find some scissors, this is getting too long for my liking…” He shimmies his way down the ladder and looks up longingly at the loft before reaching for the final backpack, his own. 
After a quick rundown of inventory, the three survivors start their journey as the first rays of daylight shine down on them. The loads of their supplies weigh heavily on them, but they push through. They need those supplies, down to the last crumb and bandage. There’s no telling what they’ll run into. And as they walk along the river, they do find a few walkers in their path. The most they find together is two, easy enough for them to handle without any incident. They stop a couple times here and there to refill their waters and take short rests. They come to a rocky river bank with a few pieces of driftwood for them to rest on, and they take the opportunity.
Y/N slips off her hat to wipe the sweat from her brow. “Is it weird to say I’m already missing the winter months? This sun is killer.” She reaches down into her bag to fish out the expired sunscreen Clementine found in the nurse’s station. 
Luke takes a seat next to her and pulls off his button up. “Yeah, I know what you mean. At least it’ll start coolin’ off soon. Sun is gonna set in just a couple hours. We should find a good place to set up camp while we still can.” He looks over towards Clementine.
The young girl is standing on the edge of the bank, looking in all directions.
Y/N takes notice of her actions and looks to Luke. “It’s crazy how aware she is of her surroundings. I’m still getting used to watching my back like she can.”
Luke laughs a little as he uncaps his water. “Yeah, it’s kind of comforting just how good she is at surviving. Don’t really gotta worry about her. She’s just… not like other kids.” He looks down for a second before he takes a swig of his water.
Y/N moves her gaze over to the horizon, absent-mindedly rubbing sunscreen over her arms and face. A familiar mountain peaks over the trees to the east, the last bits of winter’s snow at its peak. Y/N nods her head in the direction of the mountain. “Should we try to head that way?”
Luke looks up at her and follows her line of sight. He shrugs, “It’s probably as good a plan as any. Usually quite a few towns at the foot of mountains. Might get lucky.”
“We should keep following the river,” Clementine speaks up as she walks back towards the others. “We don’t know for sure that we’d find water if we went somewhere else.”
Y/N places her hat back on her head. “That’s a pretty good point. And rivers lead to towns pretty often, too. Might want to just keep going the way we are. Let’s keep moving on.” She stands from her seat. “Let’s find a place to set up camp.” She starts walking, not waiting for Luke and Clem to follow after her. They look at each other, perplexed by the sudden change in tone.
“I’ll ask her about it later,” Luke promises as he rises, placing his hand on Clem’s head for a second. They both jog to catch up to Y/N, and after not too long, they find a suitable clearing with thick trees for protection. 
Y/N looks up to find the sun. “Looks like we probably have an hour of sunlight left. Let’s set up the tent and a fire.” She shucks off her pack and the other two follow suit, taking out the tent and their sleeping bags.
“I’ll grab some firewood,” Clementine says as she retraces their steps, recalling some decent pieces of wood she saw along the way.
Y/N watches as she walks away. “Should she really be going alone?”
Luke chuckles a bit. “You seen what she can do. She’ll be just fine. Besides, putting up a tent is much easier with two people.” He flashes her a smile as he grabs some of the tent poles. 
Y/N rolls her eyes at him, but starts helping him get the tent together. As they work, she stays silent, occasionally humming a tune. Luke’s smile graces his face again, hearing something as lighthearted as a hum. But then, he remembers his promise to Clementine earlier.
“Hey, I gotta ask, but don’t feel like you gotta answer.”
She keeps her hands busy with the tent as she answers, “Alright, go ahead cowboy.”
Now Luke rolls his eyes, but he asks his question anyway. “It seemed like you were upset when Clem suggested we just keep following the river. Why is that?”
Y/N stills her hands for a moment, but finds that only makes them shake, so keeps them moving. “It’s, uh… cause I know the area.”
Luke doesn’t respond immediately, taking his time to listen between the lines. A reason why she would want to go, but not fight to go there. And it starts making a lot of sense. 
“You had people out there, didn’t you?”
She nods, and Luke gives her a minute in case she wants to keep talking. And she does. “I want to know if they’re still alive, but… I’m scared to know that they’re not. I’ve seen what it does to people, to know for sure. A lot of them can’t handle it. And I’m scared I won’t be able to either.” Tears prick at the corners of her eyes, and she wipes them away, going back to finishing up the tent, running the final pole into its slot. Next she grabs all the sleeping bags and brings them inside the tent to arrange them. And Luke lets her. He lets her have this moment to process, knowing that it’s a lot to feel, but it’s a lot more to say out loud. 
Once she comes out of the tent again, Luke can see the tears have won as they roll down her cheeks, but she keeps wiping them away. It’s once she takes in a shaky breath that Luke pulls her into a hug, holding her head in the crook of his neck with one hand and wrapping the other around her shoulders. 
“Don’t worry, now. I got you,” he whispers into her hair. He can feel the shoulder of his “new” shirt getting soaked with tears, but he couldn’t care less. “No matter what you think, you’re strong. Don’t even doubt that for a minute. Hell, probably stronger than me. And you ain’t alone, either. We got you.”
Tentatively, she wraps her arms around him, accepting the comfort that she only got a glimpse of just this morning. And she stands there with him for a few moments longer, until she hears a rustling in the bushes and breaks away to grab her hunting knife. But instead of a walker, she’s greeted with Clementine stepping through the brush to get back into the clearing, a heap of logs balanced in her arms. Y/N breathes a sigh of relief before holstering her knife and turning away to wipe her eyes one last time. She clears her throat to say, “I’m gonna get some rocks for that fire.”
As she trudges off into the woods, Clementine looks to Luke. “I’m guessing you asked her?” She starts to clear a spot for the fire.
“Yeah…” Luke says as he crosses his arms and leans back against a tree. “She’s got people in that direction. She’s scared to find out they’re gone.”
Clementine looks up at Luke from her crouched position on the ground. “I know that feeling. That’s how I was with my parents.” She looks down at the ground. “Knowing they were gone was hard. But… I had to keep going.” She looks back up at Luke now. “We should go there, so that she knows.”
Luke smiles at Clem, feeling pride well up in his chest. “Yeah, I agree.”
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Next Chapter: When We Have Hope
A/N: Sorry for the late night post! Tumblr for some reason kept giving me errors trying to post :( Also sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to make sure you guys had something! And pretty soon here my posting schedule is gonna get a lot more hectic cause I'm going back to college in less than a month, but I have no intentions of abandoning this fic! Just hang in there <3
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blu-joons · 3 years
When He Misses His Long Distance Partner ~ Enhypen Reaction
A soft sigh came from Heeseung as his call was left unanswered, the only sound that greeted him was that of your voicemail, which he very quickly hung up from.
Beside him, Jay softly smiled as he watched Heeseung drop his phone. “She’s probably asleep by now, I’m sure she’ll give you a ring when she wakes up and sees your call.”
Heeseung’s head nodded glumly, “I was really hoping to talk to her, I thought she’d still be awake.”
“It’s hard,” Jay appreciated, throwing his arm around his friend, “I know how much you were looking forward to speaking to her tonight, but hopefully you’ll hear from her soon.”
“I’ll probably be asleep by then, time zones suck.”
A soft sigh came from Jay, trying to cheer Heeseung up. “Why don’t you text her in that case? Arrange a time to try and get up for so that neither if you can be asleep.”
“Do you think it could work?” Heeseung asked him, a glimmer of hope in his voice.
Jay’s head nodded back at him, “you’ve got to try whatever it takes to make a relationship work, especially when it’s as distant as yours is with Y/N.”
“I’ll send her a text to wake up to, thank you for the good advice.”
As another sniffle came from you, Jake struggled to know what to do. It was hard for you both, but for you especially, recent times had been piling on the pressure.
Jake waited for a moment, allowing you the chance to compose yourself before speaking. “Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer until I can come see you, or vice versa.
Your head nodded back at him, “I think that’s what I need to happen right now to cheer myself up.”
“Please don’t get upset,” he whispered, “because it makes me upset too. I’m trying hard right now to smile for you, but I’m missing you a lot and struggling with all of this too.”
“You don’t have to smile just for me Jake.”
His head shook in response, letting go of a deep breath. “I have to smile in the hope that it will make smile, the last thing I want to see is you upset or having a hard time.”
“Things will get easier,” you optimistically spoke, “one day it won’t be this hard for us.”
The sound of your voice getting brighter was all that he needed to hear. “Things will definitely get easier, we just have to ride out the hard time, right?”
“Exactly, and hopefully that will all be over with soon enough.”
His eyebrows furrowed as Jungwon knocked on his door with a box in hand. Jay quickly invited him in keen, intrigued as to what had arrived for him so suddenly.
As he tore open the box, he peered inside to see several snacks inside with a note on top. “It’s from Y/N,” he laughed, scanning through what your note had included.
Jungwon’s smile instantly grew, “I best that must feel good to have something from her.”
“Definitely,” Jay agreed, flicking through the contents, “she’s sent me plenty of snacks from her home to enjoy, to cheer me up when I’m missing her is what she said.”
“That’s sweet of her, you must miss her a lot.”
Jay’s head nodded, trying not to let his mood drop. “It’s not easy, but surprises like this one certainly make it a little bit easier to get through until I can see her again.”
“And will you be sharing?” He joked, with his eye already on a couple of the items.
Jay’s head continued to nod, “don’t worry, I’ll be sharing with the rest of the group, as long as you know Y/N only misses me, not all of you.”
“Don’t worry, we know you’re the one she thinks about all the time.”
A heavy groan came from you as you turned into your street, scuffing your feet along the floor until a different pair of feet brought you to a halt, standing directly in front of you.
As your eyes looked up, a gasp came too, as your eyes met those of the figure. “You’ll ruin your shoes doing that, I thought I warned you about scuffing before.”
Your head shook as your arms wrapped around the figure, “Sunghoon, what are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d come and see you,” he whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around you too. “I had a bit of time off, and the flights worked in my favour, so here I am.”
“I can’t believe you didn’t at least warn me you were coming.”
His hand jabbed against your waist, “what would be the point of it being a surprise if I told you that I was coming? That would ruin all the planning I put into this.”
“You’re the best,” you complimented, “do you want to come in, in that case?”
He grabbed his case, following behind you. “I haven’t booked a hotel, so I was kind of counting on you letting me stay with you for a few days to be honest.”
“You’re definitely staying here; I’m not letting you go anywhere else.”
Both of you were exhausted, it had felt like some time since you both had the chance to talk, and although you had a lot to say, neither of you could quite find the words.
You were silent, whilst Sunoo was lost in deep thought. “It’s been really hard,” he whispered, only realising that he had said it aloud when you hummed in agreement with him.
A sight escaped you, “sometimes it feels as if I’m never going to get to see you again Sunoo.”
“That won’t happen,” he quickly assured you, glancing out of his window. “I don’t care what it takes, the next time we can get together, wherever that is, I’ll make it happen.”
“We’ve been saying that for months to each other now.”
His head nodded, although you couldn’t see as your eyes glanced out of your window too. “Just stick with me, I’m struggling too, but I’m not willing to just give up now.”
“I don’t want to give up either,” you responded, trying to find some fight inside of you.
Another sigh came, this time from Sunoo. “I miss you, a lot, but I’m going to make sure that we don’t let the distance beat us, please do the same Y/N.”
“I miss you too, and I promise that I’ll try to do the same.”
As soon as Jungwon saw you yawn on the camera, his heart twanged. He couldn’t help but feel bad for waking you up, unaware of just how late it was where you were.
You smiled all the same, relieved to get just a small amount of time with him. “I’m sorry for waking you, I just really missed you and my first instinct was to give you a call and see how you were.”
You quickly dismissed him, “I don’t mind, I hadn’t really drifted off to sleep properly just yet.”
“But you keep yawning,” he frowned, worried that his call wouldn’t help you sleep. “I can always call back at a more convenient time, especially if you’ve got work in the morning too.”
“Jungwon, it’s fine, I want to speak to you, not sleep.”
He sighed softly, conflicted by what truly was the right thing to do. “As soon as you start to feel sleepy, you sleep, don’t worry about upsetting me or anything like that.”
“I can do that,” you laughed, “I’ll stay awake for as long as I possibly can though.”
His head nodded in agreement with you, “the moment I see you so much as yawn, then I’m hanging up so that you can look after yourself.”
“Alright, I’ll just turn away whenever I need to yawn.”
Your head shook as soon as Riki picked up your call, lifting into shot the large parcel that had arrived for you just a few minutes before, filled with gifts sent to you.
His smile widened, relieved to see that his parcel had arrived safely. “You didn’t have to send me all of this, the poor postman was struggling to carry it all to the door.”
A quiet laugh came from him, “I wanted to give you enough, so you know that I miss you a lot.”
“I already knew that without all of this,” you chuckled in response, “I’m going to be eating sweets for weeks now thanks to all of this, and all of these teddies too.”
“Don’t forget the hoodie, that’s the most important.”
You grabbed the hoodie and held it up for him to see, “it still smells a little bit like you too, I can definitely tell that you lived in this just before you sent it off to come over here.”
“Is it that obvious?” He joked, “I thought I’d made it a little more subtle than that.”
You brought the fabric underneath your nose, inhaling his strong scent on it. “I really appreciate all of this; it just makes me miss you a little bit more.”
“Well, now you have all of this to cheer you up when you do.”
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Little Hope
(Platonic SBI Famliy x child reader)
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Request 6: An imagine or Drabble about sbi family x reader where the reader is the newest adoptee to the family and it turns out they sleepwalk! They do random things like moving stuff around, talking to empty air, and can sometimes end up waking up nowhere near their bed. Just harmless shenanigans that might be spooky at first but are ultimately funny and endearing in a way. 
Requested By: @0melodydrifter0​ 
When Phil brought home a little girl wrapped in a blanket Wilbur was pissed, another child his father had adopted that Phil couldn’t take care of, another child that would end up being his and Techno’s duty to raise. However, something was different in his father’s eyes as he held the young girl close to his chest, 
     “Dad?” Wilbur murmured an eyebrow raised suspiciously high on his head, “What’s that?” He watched his father wince a little cradling the toddler closer to him, 
     “Wilbur...this is (Y/n). She’s going to be your new little sister.” Wilbur grits his teeth and felt rage flood through his veins again, not at the little one, no he couldn’t blame the child for his father’s savior complex. “An old friend of mine village was raided, he asked for my help but by the time I got there everyone was dead, everyone except her.” Phil moved some stray hair out from the kid’s eyes, “I couldn’t leave her for dead Wilbur.” Wilbur’s face softened a little bit, now wasn’t the time to argue with his father, especially since he had just lost a friend. 
      “Could I...see her?” He asked hesitantly as Phil knelt down beside one of his eldest, Wilbur noted the girl had flecks of (h/c) hair on her forehead, her face was covered in soot and ash, he noted she had the brightest (e/c) eyes he’s ever seen. She was quiet, very different from Tommy already, she reached up and touched the side of Wilbur’s cheek with a pudgy hand. The boy was done for after that, vowing up and down that he’d be the best big brother in the world to her even if it killed him. 
Much better than Tommy and Techno too. 
Speaking of the first time Tommy and Techno met you it was quite the experience. Tommy basked in the fact of no longer being the youngest member of the family and Techno was quick to remind him the being the middle child was far worse. Tommy had called him a bitch and Phil told him not to curse in front of his sister which he huffed at, swearing to Phil that her first word would be fuck. 
He got hit on the back of his head for that comment. 
Technoblade was indifferent about that situation, saying orphans were cringe and that you smelled bad, Wilbur was okay with both of these outcomes. As he stated earlier he was going to be the favorite brother whether you knew it or not.
By the time you were ten years old Wilbur’s wish had come true, you stuck by his side and were a quiet staple in his life. He also spoiled you rotten, he made you songs and snuck you cookies when Phil wasn’t looking, he’d do anything to see that smile a smile on your face. However, much to his displeasure it seemed that both Technoblade and Tommy were encroaching on his little happy bubble with his sister. 
It started with Technoblade, he noticed you following him around more often than not. At first, the hybrid was annoyed, he’d lock you out of his room and force you away by threatening to cut off your fingers if you didn’t leave him alone. However, that only made you cry and it made Techno panic if Phil heard you crying he’d be a dead man, and if Wilbur heard he’d be double dead. He began to try to hush you frantically, you didn’t calm down until he stated he would hang out with you a little longer. It shut you up immediately, oh you were a sneaky little shit, he could respect that. He decided he read to you if that was alright, you nodded eagerly, and he carried you into his room. You were a kid of few words and Technoblade could respect that, he pulled out a story about some of the ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses. Figuring the Art of War was probably too much for a ten-year-old, surprisingly he enjoyed himself. You were eager to learn and enjoyed the stories way more than he thought you would, okay maybe you bonded just a little. He had taken to calling you Moirai the greek goddess of destiny, not only that but Technoblade had started bringing you gifts from his adventures, something he never did for anyone else.
Therefore Wilbur was feeling VERY threatened and Technoblade LOVED it. 
However, while the both of them were having their little pissing contest they didn’t notice their younger brother swooping in to join the fight for your attention. As the eldest were at war with themselves, Tommy had taken to sneaking you out of the house to cause trouble by his side. After all, no sister of his was going to be boring like Wilbur and Technoblade, she was going to be as awesome as he was if he had anything to say about it. So when he snuck you out one night against their wishes when they were too busy to notice he decided to take full advantage of that opportunity. He adored hearing your enthusiastic giggles as he tore through the forest with you on his shoulders. 
You were typically a very quiet child, so to hear you laugh because of him made Tommy preen with delight. Your fingers were twisted in his blonde locks as you steered him like a horse, it hurt like hell but so long as it kept you steady he really didn’t mind. 
The joy didn’t last long because Wilbur and Technoblade had found them not soon after he escaped their clutches. Techno plucked you off his shoulders and held you in his arms, you let out a little whine of disappointment and Tommy frowned,
     “Oh come on Technoblade don’t be an asshole!” 
     “Don’t curse in front of (Y/n), Tommy.” Wilbur hissed hitting him on the back of his head, “you can’t just run off with her it’s dangerous!”
     “I can protect her just fine you bitch!” 
     “Oh please, you can barely protect yourself.” Technoblade scoffed as you began to play with his pink hair, hating the tense atmosphere. Tommy snarled at his brother and moved to punch him in the chest but Techno was quick to sidestep them, “nice one genius.” 
     “FUCK OFF!”
You let out a displeased whine and covered your ears at the volume Tommy shouted, 
      “Shut up Tommy,” Wilbur hissed “You’re way too loud and you’re upsetting her.”
     “Tom-Tom please shush,” You pressed a finger to your mouth in distress, mimicking a hushing movement. His face faltered, his voice lowering in volume as he apologized softly towards you. “Thank you,” a big smile spread across your lips, and all three brothers visibly relaxed.
     “Alright little one,” Wilbur spoke tenderly running a hand through your hair his heart-melting a little as you nuzzled against it. “Let’s get you home, it’s way past your bedtime.” You groaned in distaste falling against Techno’s shoulder with a soft thud, the man chuckled softly as all three brothers walked back home. 
It was about two months after that when your happy facade came crashing down around you, it had been a particularly rough day. Everyone seemed to be busy with one thing or another and you were left to your own devices and thoughts. They all came rushing back to you, the memories of the day your village got raided and your bio parents passed away. Wilbur was the first to notice something was wrong and had asked Phil to check up on you, so when Phil finally got around to ask what was wrong you burst into tears. That’s when they discovered you apparently remembered more of the incident than you let on. It broke their hearts to see you so upset over something you had no control over, but like everyone else in their family of misfits, you blamed yourself for simply surviving the tragedy. 
They had made sure to coddle you the rest of the day, Technoblade had made sure to make you your favorite food for dinner. Phil and Wilbur tried to keep you busy with music and potion brewing and Tommy played some discs to help you fall asleep. You did so smiling and his heart soared, point to Tommy for getting you to fall asleep with a smile. 
Your found family had gathered that night to discuss what they should do with you moving forward. Phil had declared they all do their best to keep you distracted the next few days, preferably in shifts if that was needed. Wilbur offered to spend the morning with you, he wanted to visit Niki and Sally and both of them loved you if anyone would cheer you up they would. Tommy offered the afternoon and he could bring Tubbo over and you all could play soldiers, Techno said he’d handle the nights with Phil. 
Everyone settled into bed to get a much-needed rest, out of all the brothers Technoblade was the lightest sleeper. So when he woke up in a cold sweat with you standing over his bed he almost shit himself. You had a glassy look in your (e/c) eyes, 
     “(Y/n)? What are you doing? Do you know how late it is?” Technoblade scolded reaching out to grab his glasses, you didn’t respond to him which made his nose scrunch up. “Did you have a nightmare?” His voice got quieter as he reached out to cup your cheek, still no response from you. “Kid?” He sat up as you turned away from him to wander back out the door, “what just happened?” He murmured scratching under his chin, he’d have to bring this up tomorrow. 
Wilbur was concerned and immediately wanted to seek a doctor, especially because you had no remembrance of the event. Phil ran a hand through his hair in thought, “could it be sleepwalking?” 
     “(Y/n)’s too cool to sleepwalk. What the fuck do you mean?” Tommy scoffed and you frowned eyebrows furrowing together. 
     “Well it makes sense, doesn’t it? She doesn’t remember walking around but it clearly happened. Hopefully, it was only a one-off occurrence and she’ll never do it again.”
      “Is it bad if I do?” You whispered shuffling on your feet suddenly self-conscious, “Tommy doesn’t seem to think it’s good.” They all glared at the teenager who winced and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Phil knelt down in front of you and cupped your cheeks with his hands, 
     “It’s not bad. We just have to take some extra precautions for you is all, it’s perfectly normal especially after the trauma you went through.” You bit your lip and nodded within his hands, “Tommy’s an idiot-”
      “That doesn’t make you any less of a person and it doesn’t make you any more abnormal either,” Phil assured as Techno began snickering behind him, he turned his head to shoot him a look.
     “What? It’s just funny assuring her she’s normal when no one in this house is normal.” Technoblade waved his hand, “we’re all a bunch of misfits- don’t give me that look you know it’s true. Half of us are hybrids and the other half are gremlins,” He motioned to Tommy again who made an indigent sound tired of being the butt of everyone’s teasing. “So she’s never gonna be normal, but she’s always gonna be one of us and we’ll kill anyone who even thinks about teasing her.” 
Phil smiled sheepishly sweat gathering on his brow, “Let’s not kill anyone Techno at least not now. Especially if they’re children.”
     “Now, now dad, Technoblade has a point.”
     “Wilbur.” Phil scolded as Tommy’s face lit up, 
     “Can I punch a child?” You burst into laughter at Phil’s horrified expression, 
     “No Tommy. No, you cannot!” 
     “It’s okay papa I give them explicit permission to beat anyone up who fucks with me!” You shouted and Tommy’s face once again lit up, he grabbed you out of Phil’s arms and held you close. 
     “You said Fuck! I’m so proud I’m teaching you so well!” He spun you around only causing you to laugh harder as the older members of your family glared at Tommy, “Now say it again!”
Wilbur plucked you from Tommy’s arms glaring at his brother, “No. No, she won’t say it again. That’s a bad word you can’t say it till you’re older.” A pout settled on your lips as you crossed your arms in frustration. 
     “But Tommy gets to say it all the time.” 
     “And he’s older.” Phil let out a chuckle at Wilbur's response watching you slump forward with a loud groan of absolute torment. 
You didn’t sleepwalk again until a few months later, everyone had relatively assumed it was a one-off occurrence and their watchful eye was lifted. In the meantime Tommy had started to maybe sort of sneak out; he had his bag all packed and planned to meet Tubbo in the park. They both wanted to go monster hunting on their own, it wasn’t their first rodeo but it still wasn’t something he was supposed to do without his dad's permission.
Tommy didn’t give a shit about permission though. 
He grabbed his sword from its place in the living room, Tommy held it up with a wicked smile. It shone in the dim light and he could see the reflection of his face inside it, it must’ve been freshly polished. Tommy put his sword in its holster and turned around, immediately letting out a startled yelp slapping his hands over his mouth. You were standing behind him eyes glassy as you blinked blearily at him, 
     “(Y/n)?” Tommy whisper hissed glaring at you harshly, “What the fuck are you doing awake?” You didn’t respond, only walking past him reaching for a sword of your own, his eyes widened frantically and steered you away from the sharp weaponry. “Are you sleepwalking?” Tommy asked in mild concern before a smirk came across his face, “Guess I don’t have to worry about you snitching huh?” He slowly led you into Phil’s room opening the door and shoving you in before shutting the door. Tommy made quick work of grabbing everything else needed before heading out of the house to meet up with Tubbo. 
Phil woke up to you standing over him, looming, and it almost sent him into a heart attack. He knew immediately you were sleepwalking, “Oh honey...come ‘ere.” He pulled you into bed with him and watched your eyes drift close and snuggle up to him. At least you were safe with him, so long as you didn’t start unlocking doors and injuring yourself they could handle this. 
After telling the other brothers about the incident last night Wilbur was only growing more concerned about your sleep state. He offered to take you to the doctor but Phil brushed him off, saying that normally this thing sorts themself out on their own. Since he was feeling rather protective Wilbur slept in the living room the next few nights just to make sure you didn’t go wandering off. Plus, Phil seemed to not only approve of but also grateful for the idea; so long as the old man could get much-needed rest he didn’t seem to care. Another week flew by with no problems, and he decided to spend one last night in the living room just to triple-check you weren’t going to sleepwalk. 
He woke up to the sound of a hooting owl and soft banging against the wall, he tossed his hand over the back of the couch and he blinked blearily. Unlike his twin, he didn’t exactly have the razor-sharp reflexes that Technoblade was gifted with. Wilbur grabbed his glasses from the coffee table and shoved them on his face haphazardly. 
What was that noise? Did Tommy sneak out again? He turned towards the opened door and it took a few moments to process why the door was open. Wilbur scratched the top of his head in confusion before his eyes snapped open in blatant realization. He tossed the blankets off the couch and scrambled out the door. Bare footprints were made in the mud leading away from your house, tiny you sized footprints. 
Oh, he was so fucked. How long ago did you leave? Are you alright? It’s so cold and you weren’t wearing shoes.
Wilbur made sure to grab both of your jackets and shoved his feet in his boots before heading out the door. He saw his breath out in front of him and winced you must be so cold, hopefully, you weren’t dead if you were he was totally in big trouble. He followed your footprints until they stopped at the edge of the woods, he looked around frantically and anxiety prickled at his skin. If the trail went cold here there was no way he would be able to find you, what if you woke up in a completely different part of the SMP. Or worse yet what if someone kidnaps you and takes you away from them? 
He entered the woods calling out your name desperately even though you wouldn’t respond if you were still asleep. Wilbur adjusted his glasses noticing a soft trail of broken leaves, he decided it was his best bet to follow them. Eventually, he came to a bit of a clearing in the woods that led up to a large cliff, Wilbur’s heart sunk. He felt his breathing stop as he walked towards the edge of the cliff, slowly like he didn’t want to know if he thinks what happened to you, happened to you. At the very top of the cliff is when he saw it, the bracelet you always wore on your wrist it was made of gold and Technoblade had gifted it to you after an adventure he had with Phil. He pulled the jewelry close to his chest and let out a shaky breath, tears swelled in his eyes as he peeked over the edge of the cliff. The poor boy couldn’t even see the bottom, Phil would have to fly down and search it, he was going to throw up. 
Oh god, he could still hear your sweet, little voice. 
     “What are you doing? Are you crying?”
Wait, that was your voice!
He whipped around to find you rubbing your tired eyes, your feet were bare and you were shivering. Wilbur tore through the bush and scooped you up in his arms, cuddling you close to him as he peppered kisses all over your face. “Ewww Wilby stop!” You said through giggles pushing his face away from your own, 
     “I’m so glad you’re alright. You were sleepwalking again, I thought…” His voice cracked a little as you tilted your head. You looked around his shoulder and eyed the cliff wearily, you nuzzled against his neck and squeezed him tightly. 
     “I’m sorry…” 
     “It’s not your fault.” He whispered against you, “let's get you home though alright? Want to have a sleepover with me?”
     “Please. I’m scared I’ll wander off if I sleep alone again.” Wilbur nodded, running his fingers through your messy hair. For a girl your age, it was important to make sure you get a good night's sleep. As he carried you back home you ended up falling back asleep in his arms, he had a lot of time to think. He couldn’t believe that a few years ago he had despised the girl in his arms, thought of you as just another stowaway Phil brought home. You had managed to melt his heart and worm your way into not just his brain but his other brother’s brains as well. You had brought so much joy and happiness into their lives. Before you entered their lives there was arguing every night. Tommy and Techno were always at each other’s throats, Wilbur wasn’t any better, to be honest, but then you were there and everything changed. They had to get along and watch their language around you, you weirdly brought them together. Made them better and he couldn’t imagine what their lives would be like without their little hope.
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shorkbrian · 3 years
A Midsommar Night’s Dream
Prelude - I watched midsommar so have this.
Pairing - Izuku X reader X Todoroki males
Warnings - NSFW, dead dove, do not eat. Implied incest, cult-like behaviors. Dubcon.
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/7clyJIrLkEbXUDwj1tC9zz?si=EK3gCdOHQ3WQeK-ed9eucg 
Izuku’s been officially dating you for three weeks.
Three weeks.
He’s known you for far longer - the two of you solid friends since you first met. The man doesn’t know when friendship had evolved into something more, but he’s sure glad it did.
You were sweet, and kind, and far too caring for your own good. You didn’t mind waiting up for Izuku when his nights ran late, studying for his masters or taking on extra shifts.
You would rub his shoulders when he got stressed, offer to make him tea or run him a bath or anything else he needed, anything to help out. You loved him, and he loved you.
Tonight was a night that many partners might fear - meeting the family.
But Izuku was hardly worried. He was best friends with your brother Shouto, a level-headed student with good work ethics and a dry sense of humor. The rest of the family couldn’t be that bad.
A simple dinner, you had told him, dress casual and no gifts required. Still, Izuku felt obligated to bring the finest bottle of bourbon his paycheck could afford him (he’d asked Shouto what your father’s favorite was, just to be safe).
The Todoroki household was impressive; massive and imposing in the countryside, surrounded by tall stone walls and looking straight out of a victorian romance novel. Izuku knows what those look like, because he’s seen them on the covers of the romance novels you like to read. He’s always doing his best to pay attention to your likes and dislikes.
“Izuku!” came your excited little voice as the door opened after his loud knock, and the green-haired man couldn’t stop himself from breaking out in a smile.
You were almost bouncing in excitement behind your older brother Shouto as he held the door open, taking the offered bottle of bourbon from Izuku with a nod before leaving you alone together in the foyer.
“Hey, missed you-” Izuku grunted as you attacked him in a hug, and a laugh bubbled out of you both when the solid man had to take a step backwards from  the push of your body.
“Missed you too! I’m so excited for tonight, it’s so good that Dad and the rest of the family are accepting you.” A quick kiss to his cheek distracted Izuku.
You were fairly comfortable with physical touch, resting your head on his shoulder, never afraid to snuggle up to his side on movie nights, or hold his hand out in public (especially now that the two of you were dating). But Izuku had honestly expected more.... sensuality once the two of you started seeing each other as lovers more than just friends.
He had asked to kiss you one night, after you’d made him dinner and rubbed his shoulders and listened to him talk about the latest subject he was studying. Izuku had felt his heart warm, like cold wax cradled over a flame, and his love for you was bursting out of his chest. He wanted to kiss you and hold you close, tell you how much he loved you.
You had just smiled shyly and shook your head, saying you wanted to wait a bit. Which Izuku understood! This was all new, going from friends-to-dating, and he didn’t want to rush you or make you uncomfortable in any way. He was willing to wait.
So the kiss to his cheek surprised him, made him stutter and blush and hug you a bit tighter.
Then you were taking his hand, leading him through the maze of a house. He couldn’t help but notice the old-timey decorations mixed in with the more modern features, but done in an elegant, timeless fashion. A good blend of old mixed with new.
Stepping into the large dining room hand-in-hand with you, Izuku was met with the sight of the entire Todoroki family.
“Everybody-” You started, catching their attention until every set of eyes was on you and the tall man by your side. “This is Izuku!”
Shouto stepped forward, closest to the pair of you, and set his hand on Izuku’s shoulder with a smile. “Glad to have you joining the family.” 
Izuku smiled back, pulling his friend into a hug and giving him a hearty pat on the back.
“This is Fuyumi-” A tap to Izuku’s shoulder had him turning around, stepping away from Shouto to shake your sister’s hand. 
“Hi Izuku, I’ve heard such good things about you.” Her voice was soft and gentle, almost like your own. Izuku could see the family resemblance between the two of you. 
“And this is Natsuo, he’s studying for his masters just like you.” A white-haired man approached him, friendly and open, ready to shake Izuku’s hand but ultimately pulling him into a hug. 
“Sorry, I’m a hugger.” Natsuo laughed, and Izuku shrugged, completely unbothered.
“Here’s Touya.” You introduced a redhead next, a man sitting almost sullenly at the table. He didn’t rise to his feet, didn’t even take Izuku’s offered handshake. 
“This is the guy you’ve been babbling about? He looks bori-”
“Touya.”  The room, already hushed, grew even more silent, almost heavy with the weight of the voice from the man at the head of the table.
The gangly redhead shut his mouth, looking ready to roll his eyes. You pulled Izuku past him towards the imposing man who was looking at the man at your side, appraising him.
“And this is my dad. Dad, this is Izuku.”
“A pleasure to meet you sir.” Izuku shook the mans large hand, and the man nodded solemnly.
“Sit down, we’re ready to eat.”
Dinner wasn’t a quiet affair. Comfortable conversation flowed easily between everyone; questions about Izuku’s degree, about his goals, his dreams, his job. He knew it was just everyone getting to know him, assurance that he was suitable for their daughter. Izuku wanted to be perfect for you, anything and everything you needed.
Enji (Izuku was not about to call your father dad) asked only a few questions, otherwise decidedly quiet at his spot at the table, chewing his food while watching Izuku respond to the rest of his family. 
It was mainly Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto keeping the conversation flowing, Izuku easily keeping up with whatever they decided to talk about, asking engaging questions of his own about the family members he’d just met, laughing easily whenever you made a pun or Shouto’s dry humor jumped out.
Everything seemed to be going well. 
Fuyumi asked to be excused, saying she needed to go prepare, and Enji waved her off easily, telling you to go with her. You rose from your chair easily, but not before catching Izuku’s hand and giving it a squeeze, eyes shining as you leaned close to whisper “See you in a bit.”.
“You really love her?” Touya asked as soon as the two women left the room to go prepare dessert, leaving Izuku alone with the male Todoroki’s. Izuku assumed this would be when he gets the shake-down, the usual “Hurt her and we’ll kill you” talk.
“So much. Sometimes I feel like I love her so much that I don’t know what to do with myself.” Izuku confessed.
“She talks about you a lot. I think she feels the same way that you do.” Natsuo supplied from across the table, and Izuku felt his cheeks flush, his heart flutter. It was one thing to know you loved someone - to feel the warmth and peace it brought to your soul. It was another to know that they loved you back; it made him feel whole.
“I've seen how you treat her, I think the two of you are a good match.” Shouto said, and Izuku smiled at his friend. Shouto had been his buddy since high school, truthfully was the reason that Izuku and you had met. You’d come along with Shouto one day when he’d come to hang out with Izuku, and the two of you had become fast friends.
Natsuo was rising from the table, walking back to the little shelf along one wall where various drinks sat (and Izuku’s bourbon gift). Izuku watched the man begin to pour out a red liquid, before his attention was caught by Shouto leaving the table as well, taking his plate and exiting the room.
Then Natsuo was placing a glass of the red liquid down in front of Izuku. “Don’t worry, this is nothing more than homemade punch.” He said as Izuku eyed it.
“It’s tradition.”  Touya growled and Izuku found himself taken aback at the heat in the other man’s voice. Was the redhead angry at him for some reason? 
“Touya, calm down.” The eldest Todoroki said, and Izuku almost wanted to cower himself at the sheer dominance exuding from the powerful man. “Izuku is becoming family. You will be happy for your sister, not jealous.”
Touya huffed, grumbling under his breath before shoving his seat away from the table. “Just don’t fuckin’ hurt her, got it? She’s my baby sister.” 
“I would never-” But Touya is already storming out of the room, uncaring of Izuku’s assurances.
Natsuo sighs. “Don’t mind him, he just.... doesn’t like change.”
“What is this again?” Picking up the red drink, Izuku swirled it around the glass, trying to change the subject and hopefully smooth over the tension. Most of the tension had dissipated when Touya left, but it never hurt to be proactive. 
“It’s a tea we brew and sweeten ourselves. We grow the plants in the backyard, you’ll see them soon.” Natsuo explained.
“It’s tradition?” Izuku parroted Touya’s earlier words, before taking a quick sip. It was delicious tea.
“Yes, we like to welcome those who are approved to join the family.” Natsuo laughed a little. “Fuyumi’s husband thought we were trying to drug him. It’s really just tea.”
Izuku snorted. It tasted like tea, why would someone think the Todoroki’s were trying to drug them? Sure, the family might be a little odd, but they weren’t malicious... right?
Before he knew it, his cup was empty and Natsuo had slipped out of the room, leaving Izuku alone with the head of the household, Enji.
Where were you? And why had everyone else left the room?
“I’m very particular about who I allow in my house, boy.” Enji started, and Izuku suddenly felt.... uneasy.
“Not everyone thinks the same way as the Todoroki’s. But you seem to be a bright young man. Educated. You aren’t going to be any trouble, are you?”
The last question wasn’t posed as such. It was a statement. 
Still, Izuku shook his head. “No sir, I have no intentions of causing trouble.” Why did this casual dinner feel so serious? there was so much emphasis on being accepted into the family, on being welcomed. Izuku recognized how big of a deal that was but still... it’s not like you were about to marry him. He was planning on that a few years down the road.
“Come with me.” Enji instructed, wiping his mouth with his napkin before his impressive bulk hefted itself out of his chair. Izuku felt tiny next to the patriarch, following the man through the dark, empty house.
He wanted to ask where Enji was taking him. Where you had disappeared to, where the rest of the family had gone. But that would be rude, so Izuku kept his mouth shut.
Outside it was dark, moon shining dimly through the sky, the residual warmth of the summer day still held in the air. Izuku followed Enji through the back door, down along a path, into the plentiful, green backyard.
To a grove of trees, torches flickering from within the grove, small bushes and beautiful flowering plants dotted among the trees. A garden, Izuku realized. Those must be the plants and bushes that produce the tea Natsuo had given him.
Then there you were, in a little clearing among the trees.
Sitting on a dark blanket, knees drawn to your chest and ankles crossed in front of you as you hid your body.
Izuku started - you were naked.
Touya was kneeling beside you, a hand on your shoulder as he talked to you gently, barely sparing Izuku and his father a glance as they strode into the torch-lit clearing, Touya’s attention truly focused on you.
Shouto and Natsuo stood in the light, watching you, watching Izuku.
“What is this?” Izuku sputtered, and upon hearing his voice you looked away from Touya, a smile lighting up your face as you saw your Izuku.
“This is tradition boy.” Enji laid a heavy hand on Izuku’s shoulder. “Now strip down, my little girl’s been waiting.”
Izuku’s head swirled.
Touya stood up, shooting the green-haired man a lazy glare before moving to stand by his brothers, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Izuku...” Your sweet little voice called for him, and green eyes snapped to your form on the ground, watched as, with a nod from Enji, you slowly unfurled your body to expose yourself to your lover.
A stab of arousal hit Izuku in his gut, watching your soft-looking skin be revealed. 
Pert breasts, a squishy tummy, glistening folds ready and twitching between your legs. 
You were drenched.
There was so much shiny slick, all over your thighs and dripped onto the blanket, Izuku couldn’t catch his breath, couldn’t think straight. It was impossible for you to be that wet on your own, you must have used lube or something to prepa-
It hit him; You and Fuyumi hadn’t gone to prepare dessert.
“You just gonna stand there all night like an idiot? Take your clothes off and fuck her you dwee-”
“Touya.” Enji growled, silencing his son immediately. Then the man turned to  Izuku, easily pushing him forwards towards you. “You’ve been accepted into the family; that’s an invitation you don’t want to refuse.”
With a sigh, you easily laid down onto your back, legs still spread for Izuku to look at you, hands coming up to rest shyly over your breasts.
“Don’t do that, let him see.” Shouto murmured, and immediately your hands dropped in obedience. Shouto hummed in approval, before bi-colored eyes swept up to look at Izuku, urging his friend forward with a tilt of his head down to your form.
With trembling hands, Izuku fumbled with his pants, unzipping them with a bit of difficulty, undoing his belt, working on the buttons of his nice shirt the he had worn to make a good impression when he met your family for the first time.
It took him a moment to undress, a red blush creeping up over his cheeks and down to his chest as he bared his body to the Todoroki’s.
He didn’t think he was small, but he wasn’t big either; average. Izuku was confident in his size, didn’t really know or are how he stacked up against other guys, and the girls he’d been with before hadn’t complained.
Still, he felt embarrassed to be naked in front of other people, to be on display. But there wasn’t another option, was there? (Izuku didn’t know if that was such a bad thing)
Two short strides before dropping to his knees in front of you on the blanket, his throat dry and his palms sweaty. 
“Are you-” His voice was barely above a whisper. “Are you okay with this?” 
Your head nodded yes, a pleased, yet shy grin on your face. “Of course. I want you.”
The softness of your voice, of your body, Izuku felt dizzy as he shuffled forward, close enough to touch. Still hesitant, worried about the male Todoroki members watching from the sidelines, brain racing to work through the strangeness of the situation, the utter oddity of this... ritual that was currently taking place.
But then you were sitting up, hands circling around his neck, pressing your lips to his with crushing finality.
He was a part of the family now.
It felt good to kiss you, soft lips pressed together, little huffs of breath from your nose as you kept going. Izuku took the freedom of circling his hands around your waist, almost gasping at the plushness of your flesh, melting against you with a groan as your lips kept pressing to his.
“I’m all ready, just-just put it in.” Your breathless little confession tumbled out as soon as you pulled away from your first real kiss with Izuku, a blush high on your cheeks.
But it was Izuku’s turn to blush, sitting between your legs like a fumbling virgin. “I’m not hard yet, but I can, uhm, finger you. Or we can kiss for a little bit mo-”
“You aren’t even hard? Touya’s sneering voice cut through Izuku’s babbling. “Look at my sister. She’s fucking soaking the ground. That’s not hot to you?”
Izuku stuttered, eyes flickering down to where your legs were opened, pretty little cunt twitching. It’s like you were begging to be touched, and Izuku was a sucker for begging.
“No, that’s so hot, oh my god.” He breathed, fingers instinctively reaching to swipe through your wetness, relishing the way you gasped and shuddered as his hand made contact with your body.
“She’s so soft too, got tits like little pillows. You should lick ‘em, she likes that.” Touya continues, and Izuku wants to point out that the reason he’s not completely hard yet isn’t because he’s not insanely turned on by the beautiful creature in front of him, but because he’s feeling weirded out by all her brothers and her dad watching intently from the sidelines.
Yet he does what Touya suggests, leaning forward to put his mouth on your chest, tongue darting out to drag against your skin. 
The eldest Todoroki was right about you being soft.
Izuku can’t stop his other hand from rubbing at your cunt more firmly, feeling your little hips twitch towards him, pressing your chest more firmly into his mouth.
“She’s so pretty.” Natsuo comments, but Izuku is hardly listening when he’s flicking at your clit, nursing at your tits. “She’s gonna feel real good around you Izuku, like a new fleshlight.”
“You better breed her good, boy.” Enji booms, and suddenly you’re scrabbling at Izuku’s arms, pulling his hair, whining “Please, Izuku please.”.
“Okay, shit, let me-”
“He must be really worked up, Izuku hardly ever curses.” Shouto announces, and fuck, he’s right -  but how could he not be worked up?
Izuku is hard, blood rushing so quickly to his cock that he feels lightheaded, taking himself in hand and giving his length a few dry pumps. He’s envisioning how sopping wet you’ll feel against him, staring, drooling over your cunt.
And then he’s lining himself up, kissing you hard, and pushing inside.
“Big, ‘s too big!” You panic, tears popping to your eyes but Izuku is quick to wipe them away, cooing at you and stilling his hips.
“Oh, don’t cry! Shh, I’ll go slow, ‘m sorry, I thought you were ready-”
“Natsu-” You cried, hand scrabbling into the ground above your head, reaching, searching for your brother.
“Hey, hey, I’m here.” The man was immediately on his knees by your face, clasping your hand fervently, leaning down to put a sweet kiss on your nose. “Breathe honey, in and out. It’s okay.”
“Noo I-I.... ‘M scared, he’s-he’s-ah!” A stuttered cry broke from your chest as Izuku shifted slightly, inadvertently pushing deeper.
“No, it's gonna be okay. It's just like when we do it, yeah? He's gonna be nice.” And Natsuo is looking at Izuku, fixing him with such a pointed gaze and Izuku gets the message. He’s going to be nice.
It’s not like he wasn’t planning on it - the green haired man loves you.
But then the breath is sucked out of his chest as he comprehends what Natsuo had just comforted you with, that-that.
That you’ve fucked your brother.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Izuku chants, unable to stop his hips from inching back and forth, humnping into you in infinitesimal movements as arousal punches through his gut. “Sorry, I can’t stop-’h my god that’s-”
He can hear Touya cackle. “Damn, something really got him going.”
You were squeezing your eyes shut, clenching Natsuo’s hand so tight that the skin was whitening. Your brother didn’t seem to mind, more occupied with stroking your hair, eyes fixated on the soft jiggle of your breasts as Izuku humped you like a senseless virgin.
His breathing turned into wheezing, hitching when a presence was felt at his back.
“You can do better than that.” Enji’s hands were pressing against Izuku’s naked rear, making the green haired man flinch forward and away from the touch. But Enji merely pushed, propelling Izuku’s thrusts so that he would really fuck the warm, willing body beneath him.
“Izuk-Izu-Izuku-” You moaned, rocking your body to further spear yourself onto his cock, apparently finding the fast glide pleasurable as opposed to your hesitance earlier.
He leaned down to kiss you, both of you moaning into the kiss, hands wandering as you pushed to meet each other, Izuku’s stomach clenching tighter and tighter as he neared his release.
“She’s never had someone fuck her raw before...” Shouto mused, eyes glued to the scene in front of him, watching his best friend fuck his sister with the help of his family. “I wonder if it feels different.”
But his words were lost in the quick slap of skin meeting skin, Izuku’s grunts, your sweet little noises as you writhed and clutched at Natsuo’s hand, your other hand holding onto Izuku.
And then Izuku was gone, balls clenching and cock twitching inside you, pulsing as he shot his seed.
Your eyes fluttered shut, pulling your hand away from Natsuo to place it against your tummy, pressing right over where Izuku was still grinding against you. “Feels... feels so warm.”
Izuku was panting, sweat sticking his curls to his forehead, desire slowly swirling out of his body as he came. 
What the fuck had he just done?
Enji clapped him once on the back, before rising to his feet. “Welcome to the family, son.”
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twstgabrielle · 3 years
It had started off simple enough.
Just a few sniffles here and there, nothing to be too concerned about. Then you had started to sneeze which you didn't pay much attention to. After all the seasons were changing so it wasn't unusual that your nose would act up somewhat. Then you started to cough. Like the kind of coughing that made you sound like you were dying. Added with a sore throat and a massive headache it became quite clear that maybe this was more than what you originally thought. That perhaps you may have gotten a nasty cold.
But you would never admit it.
Oh hell no. You were a strong, independent person with a ton of responsibilities to do like taking care of your friends and Grimm or keeping an eye on the other dorms in case something like God forbid an Overblot occurred. You couldn't afford getting sick. So like the stubborn person you were, you continued your everyday life, getting sicker and sicker. And of course your friends began to grow concerned, especially your roommate Grimm.
"Hey minion! You sound awful! You're not dying are you???"
The feline yowled into your ear, making your headache worse. You reached within yourself for patience to deal with Grimm. While you loved him to death sometimes you really just wanted to shake him. Just a little.
"I'm fine. Now quit shouting please you're too loud-"
You'd begun to say only to start coughing and wheezing, your hand covering your mouth. Grimm flinched at the noise. You sounded horrible, what with the froggy sounding voice, sneezing and hacking. It was obvious that you weren't okay but given that Grimm had never dealt with something like this it was difficult for him to figure out how to help you other than being his usual self.
"Maybe you should stay in the dorm today."
Grimm suggested trying not to let his concerns show through. The look he received from you was not a nice one. Filled with irritation that only someone who was sick and stubborn would show.
"Grimm. I'm fine. I don't have the time to stay in Ramshackle and miss school. So let's just get our things and go."
You crocked putting an end to it. Grimm looked at you, ears flickering nervously before letting it go. The small monster knew he couldn't argue with you on this, so he decided to keep an eye on you. After all if you went down then he couldn't become the greatest mage to ever live. That and he may or may not care about you. But he wouldn't tell you that. Gathering your things the two of you headed out to get to class, the chilly autumn air hitting you full force and making you shiver. Tugging your coat tighter around you and making sure Grimm was secured within said coat, you locked up Ramshackle and went to class.
Ace Trappola was not the most observant person in the world. He preferred to stay in his own business and not get into things that would make his life harder then it needed to be. Which was ironic given that he was friends with you and the others who just like him were magnets for trouble. However today while he was waiting for you and Grimm to show up with the others he quickly took notice that something was off about you when you had finally gotten to them. Your eyes were somewhat glassy and unfocused, your cheeks red and your breathing seemed whistley. Your hair was a mess somewhat almost as if you were too tired to bother with it and you kinda moved like a zombie. The red head was instantly alert, and it seemed like he wasn't the only one who noticed the changes in you as the rest of the group went quiet.
"(Y/N).....! Are you alright??? You look awful!"
Deuce said instantly concerned about you. Jack stared at you in an imitating mother like manner while Epel and Sebek just looked at you baffled and concerned.
"(Y/N) you're face is all red, are you alright?"
Epel asked already reaching out to touch your face to make sure you were alright.
"Human you look horrid!"
Sebek said in a shout, making you flinch at his tone. Jack moved closer and just like Epel touched your face.
"You're burning up."
He stated his amber eyes sharp. Epel let out a small gasp when he felt your cheeks as well.
"He's right! You're burning up! Why are you out here???"
Epel asked sounding like a scolding mother. It reminded Ace of Vil scarily enough. Reddish brown eyes met your (E/C) ones.
"You're sick. You should be laying down, not wandering around in the cold. Grimm why didn't you stop them?"
Ace asked annoyed somewhat. Grimm seemed to huff and was about to snap at Ace when you'd finally seemed to snap out of your sickly stupor and glare at the group annoyed.
"I'm here because I'm fine and Grimm is not my parent so he can't tell me what to do. Now if y'all are done crowding me and making so much noise then we should be heading to class. You know Professor Trein hates it when we're late."
You snapped somewhat. Your friends quickly backed off slightly startled by your irritation and your voice. You sounded like a choking frog due to coughing so much and your runny nose. Before any of them could stop you, you were already pushing your way through them to head to class. But as you went to move faster than you were, you quickly grew dizzy and began to stumble forward. You would have hit the ground if Deuce didn't step in and grab you.
Your friends called your name in surprise and concern. You felt like the world was spinning and your head was pounding harshly. You were so out of it that you didn't even notice that you were being picked up by Jack to had taken you from Deuce.
"That's enough you're going to the infirmary. Ace, Deuce go to Professor Trein and let him know that (Y/N) and Grimm won't be in class today due to being sick. Epel, Sebek go on ahead and let the nurse know that (Y/N) is coming to the infirmary. I'll be right behind you as soon as I got their things and them situated."
Jack said. He got various acknowledgements from each of them before they went off to go do what was asked of them. You weakly tried to push Jack away from you but obviously it didn't work. The wolf picked you up bridal style, your bag with your school on his shoulder. Grimm was slightly panicking, not used to things like this.
"Are they going to be okay??? They're......they're not dying right.....?"
Grimm asked, the question he'd asked you this morning becoming an actual concern. What if you were dying? Humans, especially magic less ones were quite fragile he'd come to learn while living with you. And the last thing he wanted was to lose you. You were his family if he was being completely honest. Jack gave Grimm a look, his ears flickering slightly.
"They'll be okay. They just have a cold. We just need to get them to the nurse so they can rest and get better."
He said in what he hoped was a reassuring tone. Grimm seemed to take it and he sagged a bit in relief however he still glanced at you nervously. Jack began to make his way towards the infirmary, keeping a tight grip on you. You on the other hand just laid your head on his chest, coughing harshly and snuggling into him for warmth.
"You really are an idiot sometimes...."
Jack mumbled as he jogged towards the infirmary where you could hopefully get better.
The infirmary was filled with a few students when Epel and Sebek burst through the doors startling them. The nurse turned towards the disturbance, ready to chew someone out when she saw the two boys.
"Our friend....! They're really sick and we need help....!"
Epel wheezed trying to catch his breath. Sebek just nodded, ready to fight for a bed space should he have to. He wasn't above it, not when his friend was in need. The nurse was quick to respond.
"Alright I'll get a bed ready for them. You two go sit down and I'll bring you some water."
The nurse responded before hurrying off to do her tasks. It was only a few minutes later when Jack came in with you and Grimm. Epel and Sebek looked up to see if you were okay when the nurse came back in and quickly ushered the trio to one of the open beds.
"Lay them down here, and then go wait by the desk. I'll take a look at your friend."
She said shooing them out once you were placed on the bed. The three boys sat down slightly on edge by everything. While they maybe overeating somewhat they couldn't help it. You'd been sick for a good while and seeing you trip over your own feet due to a dizzy spell and hearing you literally hack up your lungs had not helped the situation at all. Shortly after they'd sat down to wait Ace and Deuce came into the infirmary, looking breathless like they'd ran all the way.
"Professor Trein says that (Y/N) and Grimm are excused. How are they?"
Deuce asked as he sat down next to Epel. Ace plopped down next to Sebek, running a hand through his messy reddish brown hair.
"We were just told to sit here and wait. The nurse is checking them over now."
Epel replied quietly as to not disturb the other students in the infirmary. Deuce nodded leaning back into his chair. The group of five sat there silently, catching their breath and waiting for the nurse. After what had felt like forever when in reality it was only a few minutes the nurse finally came back out.
"Well your friend has caught a nasty, nasty cold. I'm guessing that due to the autumn air, possibly stress from working so much and a few other things made them get sick. The best thing to do is to let them rest and take some cold medicine. Otherwise your friend is fine."
The nurse said with a smile. The boys sagged with relief glad it was nothing serious.
"We'll make sure they do."
Deuce said determined. The nurse smiled again before going to check on the other students in the infirmary. The group made a silent agreement then. They'd make sure that you got better and did as you were told until you finally became well again. You were their companion after all and you'd helped them out more times than they could count. The lest they could do was help you out as well.
When the boys had finally gotten you back to your dorm with the medicine the nurse gave to them, it was no surprise that the news of you being sick made its way around the school. You were pretty famous after all what with the Overblots and whatnot.
"Ahhh (Y/N) really is a reckless thing aren't they?"
Cater said, somewhat concerned. Trey gave a nod of agreement while Riddle silently fumed at your reckless behavior.
"It doesn't surprise me. (Y/N) is always working hard and never really took breaks. It's a miracle it took them this long to catch a cold."
Trey responded looking through his cookbook.
"Honestly, you'd think that the Prefect would know better. Great Seven they gave Ace and Deuce quite a scare."
Riddle said remembering how the duo had bursted into Professor Trein's classroom that morning and told him what had happened.
"Yeah they really did. But at least it's nice to know that they care about the Prefect under all their attitude."
Cater said with a smile. Trey smiled as well somewhat proud of the freshmen. Riddle just nodded in agreement.
"When they come back we should have them bring them some soup. Once I find the recipe we'll send a bowl of it with Ace and Deuce."
Trey said flipping through his cookbook some more. Riddle looked over his vice dorm leader's shoulder, looking slightly interested while Cater smiled a sudden beaming smile.
"I can take pictures of the soup and post them to my page. Plus I think (Y/N) will get a kick out of Riddle in the kitchen helping us out."
Cater teased. Riddle sputtered going slightly red in embarrassment while Trey silently laughed.
Rook watched as Vil looked at a few pieces of clothing, his amethyst hues staring at the clothing critically. The dorm leader was looking for a warm sweater that was about your size. After hearing that you'd gotten sick Vil had been rather quick in going into his famous mom mode as you'd dubbed it. The hunter made his way towards his companion, green eyes amused at how dedicated Vil was to finding you the perfect sweater.
"Any luck Roi du Poison?"
Rook asked curiously.
"Not really. I'm trying to figure out if this one will work best for (Y/N). The sweater they own is rather worn out, and it's getting colder. They really are mindless about these things, it's no wonder they'd gotten ill."
Vil said in a somewhat irritated manner. However Rook knew that under Vil's irritation was legitimate concern for you. You were always trying to help out everyone yet you always seemed to neglect yourself. So hearing that you'd gotten sick had made many of those who knew you personally grow concerned.
"Ah-ha. Found it."
Vil said grabbing a thick, fluffy sweater from the pile. It was a light lavender color and was somewhat big, with a soft kind of fluffy material. However Vil knew you'd like it given that you'd told him once that you liked oversized sweaters that were soft. Rook gave a nod of approval, a smile on his face.
"They'll love it Roi du Poison! We can send it with Monsieur Cherry Apple."
Rook said as he grabbed a nearby basket to put it in. Vil folded the sweater up with care and placed a jug of Epel's family's apple juice along with it.
"There. Hopefully this will help them feel better."
Vil said satisfied. Rook gave a small smile at the dorm leader and with that the two grabbed the basket and made their way to find Epel.
Ruggie had known Leona for a long time. So seeing the usually lazy lion putting so much effort into something. Especially for someone else. The dorm leader was putting together a fur blanket, that he was going to give to you to keep yourself warm during the night. After all Ramshackle wasn't the best place in the world and what with the chilly autumn nights it wouldn't help you with your cold. So here Leona was with Ruggie watching him in stunned amusement as he tried to make it look somewhat decent.
"Shishishi, who would have thought that you actually cared Leona."
Ruggie said chuckling in amusement. Leona shot him a nasty glare, his green eyes narrowed.
"I just don't want to hear the herbivores complain. It disturbs my naps."
He said stiffly, refusing to say anything more about the subject. Ruggie just snickered knowing that despite Leona's grouchy attitude, it was obvious that he cared about you......even if begrudgingly.
"Whatever you say Leona."
Ruggie said with a mischievous smile, his blue eyes twinkling with mirth. Leona's tail flicked in irritation before he went back to work, grumbling lowly under his breath.
'Stupid Prefect. This had better bring me some peace and quiet.'
Scarabia was a usually hectic place given that Kalim was the dorm leader but today......today the usually chipper teen was even more chaotic than usual. Rushing around the dorm kitchen, Kalim searched among the vast amounts of teas he'd required from people unable to find one specific one. As Kalim searched he didn't take notice of Jamil coming into the kitchen, the vice dorm leader's grey eyes going wide at the sight he saw.
"Kalim what the hell are you doing?"
Jamil asked startling the poor boy. Kalim about jumped out of his skin, ruby red eyes wide as he whirled around towards Jamil. The young man couldn't help but compare Kalim to a deer caught in headlights with his startled expression before the young heir grew sheepish.
"Ah Jamil I was looking for tea...."
Kalim said sounding a bit awkward. Jamil quirked an eyebrow, waiting for Kalim to finish.
"But it's this specific kind of tea. It's the kind you make me when I get sick, the one that helps soothe sore throats. But I can't find it anywhere!"
Kalim finished looking now frustrated by the end of his explanation. Jamil instantly knew what Kalim was asking for and quickly connected the dots when he realized that Kalim probably wanted to give you this tea. It had spread fast the news of you getting a nasty cold, so it wasn't a huge surprise that Kalim the sweet boy, wanted to help you.
"I know where it is. Clean up this mess and I'll be right back."
Jamil said before disappearing from the kitchen to get the tea. Kalim beamed happily and quickly started to clean up his mess, making sure that it was the way it was. By the time Jamil came back with one of the familiar containers full of the tea leaves Kalim about sprung himself onto the young teen.
"Thank you Jamil! You really are a life saver! Hopefully this will help (Y/N) get better!"
Kalim said happily hugging the flustered man.
"O-oi okay I get it-! Get off of me-! Kalim-!"
Jamil said flustered as his face grew red. Kalim just hugged him more, unaware that he was making Jamil go red. The dark haired man realized that Kalim wasn't going to let go so with a somewhat embarrassed look he accepted his fate.
'(Y/N) had better be grateful for this. The things I do....'
Jamil thought. And if his heart raced a tiny bit at Kalim's hug and happiness then that'd be his little secret.
"Eh Azul~ Whatcha doing?"
Floyd asked curious. Jade turned to look at the duo, also curious as to what Azul was doing. The octopus merman was making something, a bright colored liquid of sorts.
"Well if you must know I'm making something known as popsicles."
Azul answered not bothering to look up from his task. The twins exchanged a look, curiosity growing.
"Oh? And why are you making popsicles? Is it a new food item for the lounge?"
Jade asked, a sharp smile on his face.
"More like an experiment of sorts. I'm going to send them to random people to have them taste test."
Azul responded. Floyd suddenly smiled widely looking much like a predator.
"Oh~? So you're making them for Shrimp-Chan?"
Floyd said in a sing song tone. Azul froze and shot Floyd an annoyed look while Jade laughed silently at Azul's expression.
"Oh my, this is a surprise. Making a treat for (Y/N) because they're sick? That's awfully kind of you."
Jade said teasingly. Floyd let out a laugh while Azul huffed.
"Well I am a kind soul.....besides.....if these turn out right......"
Azul said a gleam in his eyes as his glasses flashed.
"Then I can make a profit off of them."
Azul said smiling a little smile. The twins smiled widely, amused by Azul's mindset.
"Ah Azul only you~"
Floyd said as Jade nodded in agreement. The trio continued to talk to one another as Azul made the popsicles, the unsaid affection that they shared for you unsaid. Besides there was nothing wrong with making a possible business move while helping someone else.
Idia stared at his manga collection, eyeing each one closely. He wanted to make sure he picked out a good series for you to read while you were recovering. Something simple that didn't require too much energy to pay attention to. Yet old enough that Idia wouldn't mind if something happened to the book, not that he couldn't replace it plus you much like him cared deeply for manga. So he had no problems letting you borrow them, knowing that you'd take good care of them. Ortho sat on his older brother's bed, holding a stuffed toy that he was planning to give to you to help you feel better.
"Ah w-what about this one?"
Idia asked softly showing Ortho the book. The young boy looked at it critically, golden hues focused on it.
"Hhhh I think they'd like it! It's got good reviews online and it's a simple story, I'm sure that (Y/N) would appreciate it!"
Ortho said in a chipper tone. Idia smiled a crooked smile and gathered the first few volumes of the series to send to you. Ortho placed the stuffed toy, a three headed dog plushie next to the books looking proud of himself.
"H-hopefully this will help them...."
Lilia Vanrouge had lived a long time. And because he lived a long time he had learned quite a bit of knowledge on humans and human illnesses. Especially since he had two sons who were human, (granted one of them was half human but still) and got sick quite often as children. Which is why he was now currently giving advice to Malleus to help him out with trying to help you in your recovery from your illness. The dragon fae was absorbing as much as he could about human illnesses, thinking about what he could do to help you. Silver was laying on the dormitory couch, already having figured out what he would send to you. A comfy pillow for you to sleep on so you could rest. Lilia watched as Malleus got lost in thought, thinking carefully.
"The children of men are so fragile......it makes it rather difficult to figure out what to get them especially when they're sick."
Malleus said softly, expression somewhat troubled. Lilia gave Malleus a small fatherly look and patted his arm.
"You'll figure something out Malleus. (Y/N) will love whatever you give them, that much I'm sure of."
Lilia said with a smile. Malleus just nodded his head before getting up to think about this more. Silver watched as his companion left before turning his amethyst eyes towards his father.
"Do you think he'll really be able to find something old man?"
Silver asked curious. Lilia gave a small knowing smile.
"I'm sure of it. Now let's get our things together to send to the wee beastie. I've got a CD to help them sleep."
Lilia said cheerfully, holding up a copy of the music him and the music club made. Silver shook his head looking unsure.
"I don't think heavy metal will help them sleep."
Ramshackle dorm was dark and quiet when you'd finally woken up from your sick induced sleep. Blinking in a sick way you looked around the room and you were startled to see your friends fast asleep around you. Ace, Sebek and Jack were sleeping on the ground, snoring softly. Epel and Deuce were sleeping up against the couch, snuggled rather closely. Grimm was sleeping on your pillow, snuggled close to you. Even though you were in a sick haze you couldn't help but smile at the scene.
'Good for you Deuce.'
You thought hazy like before you took notice of all the things in your room. Different types of objects and other knickknacks that weren't there before now sat in your room. Confused by all of it you shakily got out of bed to take a look and sucked in a wheezy breath.
Gifts. They were get well gifts.
From all of your friends.
You felt your eyes sting as you were overwhelmed with the sudden affection you felt for your friends from different dorms. They had put in all this effort to help make you feel better and it lowkey made you wanna hunt them all down and smother them with hugs. But unfortunately it would have to wait until you were better. Deciding to save the deep looking through for the morning you looked towards your band of boys and smiled affectionately at their sleeping forms. It warmed your heart to know that your friends cared for you. You made a mental note to figure out a way to make it up to them with all the trouble you may have caused. You were about to go to bed when the familiar sight of fireflies in the Ramshackle graveyard caught your attention.
You crocked not really thinking about it as you shakily made your way towards the outside. Later you'd probably regret it but you wanted to see your friend. Wrapping your blanket tightly around your shoulders you made your way outside shivering from the cold. Shivering you made your way to the graveyard and finally caught sight of him.
"Tsunotarou.....what's up....?"
You said voice cracking slightly from your sore throat. Malleus turned towards the sound of your sickly voice, green eyes filled with concern.
"Child of man.....you should be asleep and resting....."
Malleus said his tone soft and worried. You gave him a small smile and sat down next to him, curling close to him to keep warm. The fae prince wrapped his cape around you as soon as you sat down to try and keep you warm.
"I wanted to see you......"
You mumbled shyly, your mouth filter off due to being sick. Malleus went slightly red, looking away from your honesty. You couldn't help but smile at how he was acting before you noticed him reaching for something.
"I'd gotten you a get well gift.....it's not much but I hope it helps."
Malleus said softly before handing you a wrapped package. Curious you opened it and stared at it in shock. Inside was a somewhat awkward looking scarf and hat. It was obvious that it was handmade by the way it was switched together, some of the lines awkward and messy.
"I heard that humans get cold easily so I had decided that perhaps these would help keep you warm. I apologize for the presentation. I am not well versed in making things the human way."
Malleus said looking somewhat embarrassed by his gift. You on the other hand were touched. Feeling your eyes sting again you wiped at them, sniffling due to them and your stuffy nose. Malleus instantly grew concerned thinking he'd done something to upset you when he was met with a smile.
"I love it.....thank you so much Malleus, I can't wait to wear them back to school."
You said in your stuffy voice. Malleus gave you a warm look before helping you up.
"I'm glad you like it (Y/N)......let's get you back to bed. You need to rest and recover."
The tall man said softly. You gave a sleepy nod leaning into him as he transported the two of you back to your room. Helping you into bed, you felt yourself relax and start to drift. Malleus threw the blanket on you making sure you were covered.
"Goodnight beastie. Get well soon."
Malleus's soft voice whispered before a gentle sensation touched your forehead.
'If I didn't know any better......I'd say he just kissed my forehead......'
You thought in a giddy sick daze before finally drifting off to sleep surrounded by your loved ones.
*Ah I didn't mean for this to be so long I just wanted to write some self indulgence. I've caught a nasty cold a few days ago and I've been feeling like shit so I decided to write something to make me feel better I honestly didn't mean to make it so long shdhdhdhfh. Also I may have added some ships. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!*
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lavishedinjimin · 4 years
Crybaby - 3 (m)
— synopsis: he calls you crybaby, crybaby. but you don’t fucking care.
alt: Jungkook doesn’t want to leave you.
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↳ pairing: jungkook x reader
↳ genre: smut, fluff
↳ rating: r-18/18+
↳ word count: 12k
↳ warnings: the usual dom!jk x sub! reader, ddlg themes, reader is small in height, degrading terms, he’s aggressive this chapter YIKES, jungkook gets turned on seeing you cry, manhandling, uses of rope and a vibrator, kinky sex, size kink, multiple orgasms, rough intercourse, jk’s a sadist, throat fucking, dirty talk, teasing, very possessive jk, and aftercare!!! there’s also some tooth melting fluff to (hopefully) balance everything out ;)
A/n: Before anything else, I want to repeat saying that everything written here is purely fictional, consensual, and doesn’t mirror the mentioned artists’ personality in real life.
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Jungkook thinks you’re the most adorable person in the entire world.
“How did you even fall in love with me?” you ask innocently, resting your head on his lap as you both let Edward Scissorhands play in the background. You didn’t even want to watch it in the first place but of course, a little bit of his desperate ‘please’ and puppy eyes always wins your meek heart.
He wraps his hand around your jaw, leaning down to kiss your lips tenderly. Giggling from the sudden impromptu kiss, you feel his soft, supple lips fondle with your own so gingerly. His grip on you tightens before he pulls away with a smirk, noticing the blush on your cheeks.
“So suddenly, baby?” Jungkook mutters as he feeds you a spoonful of Reese’s ice cream he holds in one hand. Looking down at your endearing face, he replies, “Don’t you remember our arcade date? That’s when I confessed my love to you.”
“Yeah, but…” you ponder, “Did you plan it all along?”
Jungkook shuts his eyes before giggling, his dimples peeking through his cheeks. Watching black strands of hair fall down right in front of his eyes as you gaze at him in confusion. Jungkook just sits there. “Well, there’s this exact moment when I knew that I just had to make you mine.”
With your eyes slowly expanding, you try to hide the smile that was slowly creeping up your face. He places the spoon inside the tub, letting his hand stroke your delicate cheek. “Wanna know what it was, baby girl?”
The way how fast you nodded your head was a little bit embarrassing. He grins nonetheless, “So…”
“Y/n,” Jungkook’s arm snakes around your waist before he tugs you closer to him. He gazes down at you with a smile before he points to the shelf full of toys and stuffed animals. “Which one do you like?”
Gulping, you stare at him with furrowed eyebrows, “Why?”
He doesn’t hesitate to answer, “Because I’m gonna win as many tickets as I possibly can to get it for you.”
You didn’t know how to respond for your shyness takes over you once again. On the other hand, Jungkook finds this so charming about you.
“The pink penguin…perhaps?” you mumble.
Jungkook immediately walks closer to approach the male employee behind the counter and inquires, “Excuse me, but how many tickets to get that penguin over there?”
You giggle as you watch how serious he looked as if talking about a huge business deal with his arms crossed together.
The man replies with a bright smile, “1500 tickets, that is!”
“That’s a lot—” you exhale.
“Let’s go, Y/n!” he abruptly pulls you by the arm and tugs you along with him, “I’m gonna get that lil’ penguin for you, baby.”
Your heart swells at the petname. It wasn’t his first time saying it, you just can’t get used to it.
Even though this was the fifth date, the post-nervousness was still there. Before he picked you up from work, your hands were sweating bizarrely. It wasn’t like you weren’t comfortable with him, no, you were always at ease when you’re with him. The reason for the nervousness was you haven’t been in a relationship with someone for so long, and Jungkook has his bars set up high. 
Plus, it was overwhelming in a good way; Jungkook was the confident type and he likes to display how much he adores you – either in private or public places, he didn’t care. As long as he can properly show how much he likes you.  
The arcade has a very 80s feel to it, with a color scheme of mostly red, yellow, and blue. It was lively and has a fun atmosphere going around. Children were running around with their parents, eager to search for another machine to take over, teenage boys were competing against each other in a game of Tekken, and a lot of girls were having a blast inside the Karaoke rooms. 
While time goes on in the arcade, you never realized that he was super competitive. “Y/n, I’m gonna beat this record, watch me.” He says in a deep tone as though wanting to sound serious, stretching his arms to prepare for the punching machine.
“Are you sure?” you chuckle as you hold all of you two’s well-earned tickets from the past hours, “The record is 877. Are you even strong enough?”
You could’ve sworn to yourself that it was an innocent, genuine question. But Jungkook, on the other hand, turns behind to look at you with those dark yet sensual eyes. He precipitously cracks his knuckles, succeeding to intimidate you.
“What a weird question, Y/n,” he says sarcastically with a smirk daubed on his face, “I don’t think you know how powerful I am, babe.”
As soon as those words left his lips, he turns back around in a flash, swinging his right arm with all his might until his fist crashes against the punching bag. You let out a loud gasp, mouth forming into a beaming wide grin as the machine slightly thuds from the harsh impact.
Still, he doesn’t look at the score and he looks at you with a cocky grin, boldly spreading his arms out.
“Kook—” you snort.
“What did I tell you, Y/n? I’m the strongest man you know.”
“Sure but,” you cover your mouth to prevent yourself from laughing too loud, “You s-scored 878!”
Jungkook whips around instantly. Surely, surely he didn’t win by only 1 single point! He groans and stomps his foot like a little child. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
You couldn’t control your laughter anymore as you reach out to him, hugging his body from behind. Jungkook throws his head back in despair while he places his hands on top of yours. Your hug felt warm and soft, feeling your cheek pressed up against him. Jungkook turns you around until he was face to face with you.
“You’re so small,” he practically whispers underneath his breath. He places his long, slender index finger below your chin and tilts your head up. Then with his other hand, he uses it to remove the lost strands of hair away from your face. “So fucking cute.”
You can’t help but look away as your body freezes in place. And once again, you feel yourself wanting to crawl into a little ball and hide from everyone from how tough he was staring at you. There was a fuzzy, fiery feeling going on inside your system that you can’t seem to handle.
“Nuh-uh, keep those pretty eyes on me.” He applies just the right amount of force on your chin and angles your head to look up.
Your breathing almost stops at that single sentence.
Jungkook looked like as if numerous of thoughts were running through his brain. His eyes were not only fixated on yours but were darting all over. He memorizes the pattern on your face; the distance between your nose to your mouth, the little creases near your eyes, your moles, and even the little pimples you had on your temples, he thinks you’re so beautiful. Too beautiful to handle.
‘How can a person look so perfect?’ He asks himself.
Oh, how soft your voice is. His mouth curves into a gentle smile for he can’t help himself but pull you closer.
“People are staring.”
Jungkook scoffs quietly, “Let them stare, Y/n. This is our world and they’re just living in it.”
You had a tough, long day at work and this date really made your day better. You were laughing and having fun with Jungkook the whole time, experiencing one of the most enjoyable days you’ve ever had. It was as if all of your problems went away whenever you’re with him. You and he played almost every game in the arcade, except for the Dance Dance machine which was sadly under maintenance. You were really looking forward to beating him in Dance Revolution because he insists that he’s a good dancer. He has yet to prove that to you! 
“Yes! I won!” You yelled, turning your hands into a fist after successfully beating Jungkook at the Hockey table. He chuckles when you stuck your tongue out at him like a child.
“I obviously allowed you to win that one, babe,” he playfully rolls his eyes. “I mean, you have to win at least something, right?”
“Hey!” you pout, treading heavily to his side. Jungkook gawks down at you with his brows raised. “I won because I’m good at it, okay?”
“Aww,” he teases, “Alright then little one. Say whatever you want.”
“You’re so,” you gulp, “so m-mean.”
Jungkook looks around the arcade, zooming his eyes all over the place until he spots an ice-cream seller just outside the building.
An idea pops up inside his mind.
“I’ll treat you some ice cream, how’s that?”
He notices how your eyes glimmer as if little shining stars replaced your pupils. You nod frantically.
“Yeah? Alright, wait for me here, okay? And in the meantime, how about you turn in all of our tickets, and let’s see if we can get the penguin stuffie.”
“Okay,” you jitter excitedly, holding the stack of tickets tighter. You watch him walk out of the area, catching the way he pulls out his black leather wallet from the back pocket of his jeans.
Making your way down the hallway to the main entrance where the ticket eaters are, you smile at a couple of strangers who had their eyes on you. When you arrived, you can’t take your eyes off of the shelves full of plushies. Especially the pink penguin that you were after. You had an instinct to squint your eyes at the toy as if having a little staring contest with it while the machine consumes and counts all of the tickets.
After a little while, you hear Jungkook’s voice calling your name.
“Y/n!” he shouts, holding up two cookies and cream ice cream cones, “come, come!”
You sprinted. You didn’t know why you were so excited to get the ice cream, leaving the tickets counting all alone behind you.
“Yaaay! Ice cr—oomph!” 
There was a step slightly higher towards the exit and your feet immediately collides against it. Like a quick wisp of air, your body smashes upon the hard, cold cemented floor. A loud, painful cry escapes your lips as you close your eyes, trying to endure the building pain on your forearms and knees.
‘This is so embarrassing!’ you say in your mind, struggling to regain your composure. 
People around you looked, some tried to hide their obvious laughter by covering their mouths, but none helped.
Jungkook saw everything. Quickly handing the ice cream back to the vendor, saying that ‘he’ll come back for it’, he dashes to where you are and handles your fallen body with utmost care.
“Hey, hey baby,” he whispers, placing his hands on your underarms to lift you up with ease, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
His heart drops to his stomach right when you looked up at him with your big, teary eyes.
“Oh god,” Jungkook’s voice weakens, “No, no, don’t cry baby girl, don’t cry…”
You were so humiliated. You shouldn’t have run so fast like that, you should’ve watched your step! Now everyone will look at you weirdly!
Whimpering when Jungkook makes you walk, you shake your head to show that it hurts as you try to hold back your tears. “Ohh, Y/n,” he sighs before he lifts you up, and carries you to a nearby brown bench just outside the arcade. He crouches before you, “Does your knees hurt, hmm?” his hands caress your exposed legs up and down, trying his best to soothe you.
Biting your lip, you nod slowly.
“Aw, goodness,” he leans closer to you and kisses your forehead, “What did you do, huh? You should’ve been more careful and watched your step.” He clicks his tongue, making a ‘tsk’ sound, “Good thing there’s no scratches.”
The stern, strict tone of his voice caused you to look away and hang your head low. “S-Sorry…” you sniffed.
A single tear flows out of your right eye and it slowly treads down your cheek. Jungkook was quick to notice, wiping your tear away with his thumb. “Hey, it’s okay baby.” He reaches your hand and gives it a little kiss, “Don’t cry now, hmm? Look at me,” he tilts your head up with a single finger underneath your chin, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You’re okay, you’re with me.”
You only stared at him with glossy eyes, not giving a reply. However, Jungkook’s mind comes up with a plan. “Wait here Y/n, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“No!” you whine, shaking your head. Your hands grab onto his muscular biceps as you try to pull him closer.
He chuckles quietly and holds your face in his big, warm hands, his eyes staring deep into yours. “I won’t be going far, baby girl, I’m not leaving you alone, yeah? Stay here for me, I’ll be back in a quick second.” With a final kiss on top of your head, he shuffles back inside the arcade, leaving you alone on the bench while the soft, supple air kisses your skin. The wind whooshes your hair to one side, causing a few strands to get caught in your mouth. You hiked your knees up to your stomach, hugging yourself in search of comfort.
You never want to go inside that arcade ever again.
A few moments have passed and you see Jungkook walking back to you with a huge grin on his face, hands behind his back as if hiding something.
Your mood instantly picks up again when he surprises you with the soft, pink penguin stuffie, handing it over to you with a big smile. You eagerly reached your arms out to grab for the toy, but he doesn’t give it to you just yet. 
“Uh-uh, promise me you won’t be sad anymore?”
“I promise!” you giggle, eyes laid still on the penguin. “Gimme!”
“Right,” he sighs amusingly, “Here you go, babe.” Jungkook laughs from how fast you snatched the stuffie away from him. He looks at you with love as you cuddled the toy in your arms, pressing your cheeks against it.
In the meantime, he leaves you to get the ice creams that the vendor was still keeping an eye on the entire time. Jungkook pays him and apologizes for the wait, before coming back to you with two cones in each hand.
“Ice cream,” he gives you your cone, “for my crybaby.”
Jungkook, somehow – as crazy as it may sound – feels his chest warming up from the sight of you. How come he likes seeing you this way? Something about taking care of you drives his heart pounding. Was it because you look so cute, yet so vulnerable? Or was it his caretaking, nurturing personality that was beginning to emerge? Whatever it was, Jungkook was fond of it.
Jungkook walks you back home, his hand intertwined with yours, while you carry your penguin toy that you named Perry. 
“Perry?” Jungkook chuckles amusingly, “Like Perry the Platypus?” 
“Nope!” you shake your head with a serious glint in your face, “Perry the Pink Penguin!” 
“Well that’s just horrific.” 
The air around the two of you was great – it wasn’t hot nor cold either. You two had little sweet talks and short conversations here and there as your shoes brush along the paved sidewalks.
When you both end up in your doorstep, you bid Jungkook goodbye. “Thank you for today, Kook,” you speak shyly, “And um, for this—” you refer to the penguin stuffie. He chuckles but not a word has been spoken. So you continue, “I-I also want to say sorry… for uh… because you had to see me cry…”
“No, no, it’s alright with me,” Jungkook quickly reassures you, enveloping your small figure into a hug, leaning down so that his chin rests on top of your head. “It doesn’t bother me. In fact, uh, Y/n?”
You raise your brows, pulling out of the hug to stare at him, “Yeah?”
Jungkook gulps the ball that has been formed in his throat, looking away from your beautiful face for a moment before recollecting his thoughts, “I’ve…I’ve thought about this for a while now. Like a really long time.”
You listen with your mouth slightly agape, watching him get a little flustered.
“I really really fucking like you, Y/n. I know you know that already.”
Your heart beats a little faster.
“And I want to spend more time with you. There’s not a day where I don’t think about you. Almost every second of my mind is filled with you and your pretty smile. I w-want to treat you and take care of you everyday without having to think twice. So, uh, if you want can you…can you be my girl—”
Jungkook was taken aback from your quick reply. His eyes slightly expand as the corner of his lips curve up, “Yes?”
“Yes! I-I’ll be your girlfriend.”
Jungkook’s heart was filled with joy and ecstasy for he was so glad that you felt the same way. He lifts your body up and spins you around, causing you to squeal and hold onto his shoulders.
“You’re mine now, Y/n. Fucking finally.”
*end of flashback*
“What do you mean?! So the entire time we were playing games at that arcade… the moment you fell in love with me was when I cried because I tripped?!” You bellowed, sitting up straight on the couch as Jungkook laughs his ass off from your reaction.
“Well, obviously it’s not only that! That moment just sticks to my mind a lot. You’re too adorable when you cry.” Jungkook smirks on the last sentence, having two meanings behind it. 
You huff, standing up to head to the bedroom. “Hey, where are you going baby?” With him still giggling, he tries to catch your arm.
“Bedroom! I’m scared of Edward Scissorhands. You’re weird, Jungkook.”
“I’ll be with you after I finish my ice cream!”
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Being a graphic designer can be challenging yet enjoyable at the same time. You get to do what you love which was drawing and editing digital photos, yet the only downfall was that you had to work in an office building. Being an introvert, having a lot of people around your workplace was a lot to get used to.
But thankfully, you have Jimin.
Not only is he one of your best friends, but he was also a senior designer who is assigned to you – his inferior.
Sometimes you two can’t even get a single thing done because all you both did was fool around your office, instead of him guiding you and teaching you the ropes.
“Hey, Y/n!” Jimin gleams as he walks inside the office room, hands in his pockets. He was wearing black fitted pants and a white long-sleeved shirt tucked inside. “Have you ate yet?”
You stretch your arms out, twisting your body side to side to crack your bones. “Uh, yeah! I ate two cups of ramen before you got here.”
He smiles at you, “That’s good. Anyway, are we still working on the designs for our Christmas calendar?” Jimin sits across from you, eyeing all of the scattered papers filled with colorful drawings.
“Mhm! This is my fourth edit. Director didn’t like my designs,” you pout.
“That’s why you need my help, Y/n.” He speaks slowly with his eyes squinting, enunciating his words, “Me and no one else.”
“Sure.” You roll your eyes.
“That’s no way to talk to your superior!”
Meanwhile, Jungkook tilts his head to the side in dismay when he gets stuck in the long traffic. He was on the way to your office building to pick you up from work, but of course, it just had to be a busy Monday today. No cars were moving even a single inch, the whole highway motionless that causes Jungkook to zone out a little bit.
Zoning out isn’t a good move for Jungkook for he tends to think about the most ridiculous, absurd things ever.
But suddenly, as if his thoughts were infatuated by a demon, the image of your sobbing, fucked-out face flashes in his mind. He unconsciously bites on his lower lip, remembering how much your little body shuddered, and how you keep withering around the bed from even the slightest of touch.
“Shit,” Jungkook breathes out, feeling uncomfortable in his seat. He shuffles around until he finds a good position, sensing a tightness in his pants. He recalls how he got so turned on just from your sensitivity, the way you were whimpering and trying your best to hold back your tears.
Knowing that he’s the only person that can make you cry from having sex really strokes his ego. Before he had you, he didn’t know that he had a kink for making his significant other cry during intercourse. 
It may be just the sadistic side of him getting fueled up whenever he sees your tears, he can’t explain how much it drives him wild.
Jungkook smirks while he rests his elbow on the car door as his fingers play with his lip. He’s cocky about the fact that he can make you sob and quiver like that. Make you turn so fucking submissive and obedient for him, letting him take over and control your frail, poor body.
He remembers the first time he discovers your filthy kinks and fantasies, how baffled he was to know that an innocent, shy girl like you can be so wild. It was always the ones you don’t expect to have a freaky side.
Jungkook grunts as his hand grip the steering wheel a little tighter, knuckles turning white. He chuckles to himself as the raging boner hardens beneath his black ripped jeans, almost being a little too painful to bear. He hears your cries of pleasure ringing in his ears, the way you whimpered so cutely every time, your sobs growing louder and louder, he loves those noises. Thankfully, the traffic eases up and cars finally move.
“Oh, Y/n,” Jungkook mutters whilst shaking his head, “What an angel you are.”
If it weren’t for the traffic lights that always reminded him to slow down, Jungkook would’ve driven in light-speed just to see you again. His dirty thoughts that won’t go away was making him impatient and hornier. 
When he successfully arrives at the building, he speed-walks to the elevator, heading to the second floor. Jungkook taps his foot impatiently, crossing his arms together. “Fucking hell,” he grunts as his mind keeps repeating images of your cute body trying to take his dick, how your legs shake, or the way your eyes couldn’t keep themselves open from the pleasure he was giving you. He sighs with a little grin on his face, “Why am I like this?”
The door opens and he makes his way to your area, knowing which hallways and turns he has to make thanks from his previous visits. He makes long, quick strides until he finally reaches your office.
But the excited smile that was once planted in his face fades away when he spots you from outside the window, with Jimin behind you. Jungkook feels his body tense when Jimin leans his body from behind, his arms trapping your upper body with his cheek pressed against your face.
“What the fuck?”
Jungkook’s blood boils and he feels himself getting enraged. Why were you letting him touch you like that? He knows that Jimin’s only a friend, but he was not supposed to act all touchy like that with a girl who’s already taken. It made Jungkook furious to see some other man holding his girl like that – for he was supposed to be the only one. The only arms that are supposed to wrap around your body are his.
He tries to calm down. Jungkook really does attempt to calm down but his nerves don’t stop heating up. With a shaky exhale, he grabs his phone from his back pocket and calls your number to test if you’ll pick up.
“Oh, wait, is that your phone?” Jimin asks, “Someone’s calling you.”
You giggle while you make your way to the desk while dragging Jimin behind you. Your phone displayed Jungkook’s name – although it made your heart skip a beat – you declined the call.
“Huh,” Jungkook scoffs, smirking wrathfully. He doesn’t even try to wonder why you didn’t pick up. He feels irritated and all the flirty, playful mood he once had was gone in a single moment.
You jump in surprise when the door swings open, revealing a very angry Jungkook making his way to your desk. Jimin instantly distances himself away from you.
“B-Babe!” you laugh nervously, palms getting sweaty. You quickly glance at Jimin, sending him a worried look before turning your attention back to Jungkook. Your boyfriend stands tall across the desk with his arms crossed, glaring at you with a lifted eyebrow. “You’re here e-early!”
He doesn’t reply.
Unwillingly, you clasp your hands behind your back and your head hangs low from Jungkook’s intimidating, hard glare, falling right into submission. You gulp from the immense tension that builds up in the room.
“Uh…I’ll be heading off—” Jimin says, making his way to the exit but Jungkook doesn’t speak a single word to him, nor to you. 
You take this chance to gather all of your belongings, packing your laptop, tablet, and shoving all of your papers inside your tote bag in a rush. 
“So we’re allowed to let other people touch us, hmm, Y/n?” He runs a hand through his hair, frustrated. His head was tilted up although his gaze looks down on you. 
“I-It doesn’t mean anything!” you feel your knees getting wobbly, wanting to just disappear from the harsh look he was giving you. 
He rolls his eyes, “Of fucking course it doesn’t. But tell me, Y/n, if it were the other way around. If you saw some other girl’s face pressed against fucking mine while she had her arms around me, would you like it?” With your feet shuffling against the floor in fear, you look away from him. “Huh? Would you like seeing some other girl in your place?” 
“No. That’s correct. So I have the right to be fucking angry.” 
Jungkook rushes forward, “Why didn’t you answer your phone, hmm?” he slams his hand on the desk, causing you to gasp. “Y/n?”
While your eyes look down on the ground, you can hear the heel of his boots clicking against the floor, walking closer to you. The air that surrounds the two of you immediately thickens, and you weren’t a fan of the tense atmosphere at all.
“I was w-working—”
“Bullshit.” He grips your jaw tightly in one hand, forcing you to angle your head up and look at him. “Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Your heart clenches and drops down to the floor from the stringent attitude of his voice. You mewl when he tightens his grip and feverishly rattles your head side to side. “Use your fucking words.”
“I…w-was…” you stammer, “talking with Jimin.” Instant regret fills your mind and body for even being so close with Jimin when you should’ve answered his call. “I’m sorry—!”
“Save your sorry’s for later. I won’t be accepting your apologies soon enough, brat.”
He releases his grip on you and walks away without sparing you another glance. “We’ve been together for so long, Y/n. Haven’t you learned that I don’t like it when other men oggle you up?” Jungkook turns back around, lifting the hems of his long-sleeves so that it exposes his forearms. “If I wasn’t here, you would’ve allowed him to keep touching you like that, right? Yes or no?” 
You immediately shake your head, “N-No!” 
“No? Really...” he laughs darkly, “Please, Y/n, I wasn’t born yesterday. Since he’s ‘just a friend’ I still think you would’ve let him touch you. I know you, I see right past your fucking lies.” 
He wasn’t wrong, and you feel so guilty. So guilty that all you wanted to do was to hug him and apologize, but you know that it isn’t easy. 
“Head down to the car. Don’t make me wait for you because if not, I’m gonna fucking leave you here.” He brushes his long hair back and with that, he was gone.
A chill came running down your spine and you immediately follow right behind his footsteps.
The car ride back home was quiet and you didn’t like the silence at all. You were trying to force yourself to talk, say sorry so that everything will hopefully go back to normal. But there was as if a thick wall separating the two of you.
“Babe?” you whisper meekly, your hand nervously playing with the hem of your thigh-high stockings. Jungkook clenches his jaw yet he doesn’t respond.
A pout creeps up your lips instinctively, “I’m really really sorry…”
No response.
You feel a heavy burden in your heart, upsetting you even more because he was giving you the silent treatment. Jungkook has never ignored you like this before, not even in your most heated argument. Looking at his face in hopes that he’ll at least give you a single glance, you depict how his eyebrows were furrowed and eyes straight ahead on the road. “Kook, please talk to me—”
Your words got cut off when the engine suddenly roars loudly and the car accelerates, your body going in a state of shock as Jungkook shifts the gear. He steps on the pedal and the car goes from a steady 60 to 80 miles per hour.
“Jungkook! S-Slow down!” your left hand reaches out to grab a hold of his own hand, but he was quick to shove it away, leaving you sad and whining in your seat.
Jungkook clicks his tongue, “The faster we get back home, the quicker I can punish you.” He says without looking at you.
Your core jumps and twists at his demeaning words, feeling confused yet excited at the same time. Unintentionally, you clench your thighs together as his hot, sultry voice resonates throughout the car.
“You can smile all you want right now baby,” he mutters, “Gonna wipe that cheeky little grin on your face later when I force your orgasms out of you.”
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“Put your hands against the wall,” Jungkook immediately commands after he drags you to his bedroom. He stands tall behind you, watching your poor figure slowly obeying his words. His lips curve up when he studies your body, already trembling in fear. This feeds unto his primal, dominant desires to take over you and ruin you. Your little hands touch the cold walls with your back slightly arched, already knowing what’s about to come.
Jungkook’s dick throbs in just the sight of the combination of your skirt and thigh-highs. He doesn’t hesitate to firmly grasp your ass cheek below the flimsy material with his big hand, causing a whimper to fall off your lips. “Look at this fucking outfit you have,” he muses, “If it weren’t for that sweater you have on, I would’ve said that you look so much like a fucking slut.”
He suddenly blows a hard slap, “That’s not my name. Huh, you really wanna disobey daddy?”
You whimper, “N-No.”
He hikes your skirt up to expose more of your plump ass, landing another harsh spank that caused your body to jolt, eyes fluttering shut from the sting. “No? Isn’t it disrespectful to ignore daddy’s phone-calls?” he hits your ass again, harder, his muscles flexing. “Tell me, what was Jimin doing that he just need to fucking put his hands all over you with his head so fucking close to yours, huh?”
Your eyes instantly start to become glossy from the solid, rough slaps on your tender ass cheeks. Chewing on your bottom lip, you try your best to cover your little sniffs.
Within a quick second, Jungkook flips you around until your back was pressed firmly against the wall, his hand wrapped around your throat. You hitch your breath up from the aggressive behavior, how his eyes were quick to scan your body up and down like a predator. “You’re not gonna answer me?” he scoffs, “Fucking god – you love to make daddy mad, don’t you? Acting like such a bitch.”
Furiously shaking your head side to side, you disagree with his statement. Jungkook is scary when he’s angry – even though it can be seen as hot sometimes – you never want to make him mad on purpose!
“T-That’s not true, daddy!” your bottom lip faintly quivers as your eyes can’t seem to focus on him.
Jungkook’s eyebrows raise up, giving you a mocking expression, “Ohh really, baby?” the grip on your throat tightens, making you gasp for air, “You don’t like making me angry? When in fact that I know you like being punished like this. You like daddy manhandling your frail, little body, and letting him ruin it in every possible way. Are you gonna lie and tell me that that isn’t true, hm? ”
You didn’t know what to answer. Your chest heaves up and down in panic while you release a quiet, little mewl in desperation. Jungkook – somehow – finds that adorable; how your big, teary eyes look up at him in utter fear of what’s about to come.
He smirks as he leans down to your height, your faces so close to each other as his lips barely graze against yours. You can feel his hot breath upon you, the warmness of his body resonating. 
With a low, almost gravelly voice, he asks you; “Do you not talk?”
Those words seem awfully familiar…
Gulping nervously, you tremble, “I-I can…”
“You can? Sorry darling, I just needed to make sure because you seem to be silent every time I ask a goddamn question. Now, get on the fucking bed.”
Jungkook watches you scramble and obey his command, the cold mattress rubs against your skin from the air conditioning. He stands at the edge of the bed, watching you with primal eyes. “Undress.”
“I said what I said. Strip,” he crosses his arms, revealing his toned biceps, “Leave your skirt and stockings on. Remove everything except those.”
You can’t seem to look at his eyes because you were afraid that you were going to melt when you do so. You tug your sweater up, your skin exposing to the air that surrounds the two of you, followed by your bra. Your boyfriend sees your cute hardened nipples, making him smirk a little bit.
“Now your panties, go on.”
Before you can even yank your undergarment down, Jungkook speaks, “Look at me while you do so. You’ve been avoiding my eyes all this time.”
Jungkook barely hears the quiet whimper that emits your mouth while your eyes finally lock onto his. Wanting to tease you furthermore, he sends you a cocky smirk with a quick raise of his brow as you pulled your panties down.
His breath almost hitches up from the sight of you, all naked except those kinky pairs of stockings and skirt. He wonders if you specifically wore them just to tease him, heck, was it even appropriate for your work? Even so, he’s glad that he’s the only person to see you like this, so beautiful and ready to be ruined.
You wonder if he’s going to crawl on the bed with you and touch you, waiting for him to make a move but nothing happens. You look up at him expectantly with wide eyes as your hands timidly fumble with your skirt.
“Touch yourself.”
Your heart sinks to your stomach. Did you hear him correctly? Like... does he really want you to play with yourself right in front of him? You can feel your tummy do backflips from his words while you instantly turn shy once again.
“Fucking hell, is one instruction not enough for that brain of yours to comprehend? I said—,” he leans down to grab your thighs, forcing your legs apart with vigor, exposing your cunt all to his eyes. “—touch yourself.”
You whine when he suddenly crawls on top of you, arms on either side of your figure to support himself up, his face hovering above yours. He leans down and whispers in your ear, “Bring your hand down, little girl, and play with your pussy the way daddy does.”
Without angering him further, you obey and brought your hand down to touch your clit. Jungkook never removes his eye-contact as he watches your face slowly contort in pleasure. With two fingers, you gently circled your clit, making your mouth part open from the meek pleasure. “O-Ohh,” you can feel your wet lips when you dragged your fingers along them.
You feel so embarrassed masturbating in front of him like this. Jungkook chuckles and kneels in front of you, placing his knees in between your spread legs to watch how you play with your cunt. You moan when he finally grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it up, revealing his toned body for your eyes to see. This encouraged you to rub your clit faster, but it just wasn’t enough.
“Daddy…” you whine, “please...”
Jungkook notices the frown that was beginning to form your lips, but instead of feeling bad, he takes the opportunity to degrade you. “What is it, baby? Hm? Do you even know how to touch your pussy?” he teases, “Do you still fuckin’ need daddy’s help?”
You don’t even care if you look pitiful, shaking your head up and down. “Y-Yes, please touch m-me…” you say with a quiet voice. As you continue to masturbate, Jungkook sees how your body trembles, knowing that it wants more.
But sadly, you look too good in this position that you’re in. Your skirt hiked up to your abdomen while your toes curl in desperation. Jungkook lightly scoffs as he doesn’t hesitate to palm his rock-hard cock through his jeans. “Mmm, I would if you had been a good girl. But daddy wants you to cum with your own fingers, prove to me that you’re a big girl who can fucking cum without my help.”
You release an exasperated groan, arching your back in utter need. Jungkook was cruel to do this to you, as he definitely knows how much you prefer his own fingers on your juicy little pussy.
The sight was boosting his ego, whether he likes it or not. He observes how your cute, middle finger tries to insert itself inside your tight little hole, earning a loud moan from you. Jungkook sees your arousal dripping down from your entrance, the glistering liquid running down to your ass. You were so wet, and he was dying to taste you. Jungkook feels his dominance taking over as his patience was wearing thin, wanting to shove your hands away and just take over. It frustrates him how desperate you make him feel without even trying.
You finger yourself with one hand, as the other continues to rub your clit. You try to remember how Jungkook does it, your mind trying to reminisce his techniques, making you distracted from your own pleasure. It doesn’t even feel half as good as his! You let out a loud, frustrated whine, feeling your eyes well up with tears once again.
“I-I can’t,” you sniff, a tear rolling down your cheek as you try your best to make yourself feel good, “Please, daddy I need y-you!”
Jungkook leans forward as he wipes your tears with his thumb, licking his lips slowly while he watches you with a sensual look. “What do you need from daddy, hm?”
You groan, hating how much he can torture you like this. Your breathing was already unstable and your mind was thinking of ways on how you can make him touch you. “I need your fingers, daddy – please? I can’t cum like this,” you shake your head desperately, “I can’t.”
“Holy fucking shit, I think I need to get a new baby girl. One who knows how to pleasure herself without my help.”
“No!” you yell, closing your eyes as more tears wells up, “N-No! I-I’m sorry I just can’t…”
Jungkook almost feels bad. Almost.
“That’s sad, baby girl. If you can’t cum then don’t try anymore.” He abruptly spanks your inner thigh, leaving you crying for more, “You’ve been a bad girl today and you’ve got to endure your punishment.”
Jungkook tugs your hands away and your pussy clenches from the sour loss. “Keep crying, slut, this is what you deserve.” He stands up from the bed and makes his way to the closet to get something. You obediently lay there with a frown as you wiped your eyes, ogling his broad, muscular back in the meantime.
When he was taking up more time than you wanted, you kicked your legs impatiently while whining.
He smirks, rolling his eyes, “Impatient, I see?” After that, he swiftly turns around to reveal a red-colored rope, dangling it side to side for a little tease.
“What are you g-gonna do with that?” you ask with wide, glossy eyes.
Jungkook walks back to you with that signature sultry yet teasing look, making you anticipate what’s about to come even more.
“Daddy’s gonna tie your hands behind your back until your wrists bruise, little one.”
Your core throbs from the image he paints in your mind, how the rope would probably scratch against your skin, and how turned on he would be from the sight of you struggling. Jungkook motions you to turn around with a little spin of his finger. You kneel, looking away from him while he grabs your wrists together in one hand. The arrogant smirk doesn’t wipe off of his face as he ties the rope around your hands, whimpering when he pulls it tight. 
“Is that too tight baby girl?” he asks, stopping himself from laughing, “Does it hurt?”
You sniff, “A l-little bit.”
“Good. I was actually planning to bind your legs together as well, but I don’t think you can handle that anymore.” He says behind you, “I don’t think your precious body can handle being daddy’s little ropebunny.”
With his words, you turn your head to look at him with a confused expression, “Rope…ropebunny?”
Jungkook chuckles and nods his head once.
“What does that mean, daddy?”
Jungkook’s heart swell, “Means that you’re letting me tie you up, restraint your body with rope – and letting daddy do whatever he fucking wants to you. Bruise your skin until it hurts too much. If maybe you weren’t such a crybaby and a sensitive little bitch then I would’ve done that to you by now.”
He doesn’t let you reply as he gives your ass a loud, stinging spank using the palm of his right hand. You whimper in pain, closing your eyes for a mere second as your mouth parts.
“Head down, ass up. Now.”
You do as you’re told, and not going to lie, your heart was doing backflips from the nervousness and intimidation of the position that you’re in. Your ass and cunt were so exposed, allowing him to see how wet you are. Your cheeks pressed against the sheets, tilted to the side so that you can at least see a portion of his figure behind you. Although you release a loud cry when he suddenly lands a slap directly on your throbbing clit. Your hands instinctively moved to grab onto something, but the rope was preventing them from doing so.
“Daddy—!” He slaps your pussy again, this time harder. He slides his index finger down your wet slick, teasingly prodding against your entrance that causes your arousal to gush.
“God, you’re so fucking noisy. I’d put a gag in that loud mouth of yours to shut you up, but daddy loves your cute whimpers too much.”
You dig your nails onto your palm when Jungkook finally plays with your pussy, using two fingers to gently – barely rub your clit. The tip of his index and middle finger brushes against your throbbing clit, using the slightest bit of pressure. He bites his lip from the way you wiggle your ass, desperate for more. “You can’t even masturbate without my assistance, fucking hell,” he muses, “did it embarrass you, huh?”
“Mhmm,” you hum meekly, grinding your teeth together because you needed more friction, and you were too afraid to tell him.
“Yeah?” Jungkook smirks, “You had to cry like a pathetic little bitch, too.” Without a warning, he easily shoves his middle finger in, making you arch your back painfully, drawing a loud squeal. He starts pumping it in and out at a fast pace. The wet squelching noise that your cunt makes, paired with your moans was music to his ears. “I guess it feels better when daddy plays with your pussy, right slut?”
When you don’t answer immediately, too focused on the pleasure, he inserts two more fingers in – stretching your pussy. You gasp loudly, his long, slender fingers reaching the most intimate places inside of you. Jungkook bites his lip harshly, getting so turned on from your sweet moans and whines. 
“Y-Yeah… yes daddy – oww fuck – it feels much better,” even though your mind was filled in lust and can’t think of anything else but the way he was furiously pumping three fingers in and out of you, you answer him in fear that his punishment will turn way worse. His three fingers were almost too much for your hole to handle, making your hips tremble as it tries to accommodate the girth. 
“Who owns your pussy, hm?” he uses his other unoccupied hand to rub and pinch your clit, providing you with overstimulation of pleasure. His fingers reach deeper until it hits your g-spot, making your toes curl while you once again tear up. He growls, “Who fucking owns you?”
“You!” you moan, vision getting blurry, “You own me d-daddy…” you can already feel yourself coming close to an orgasm – one thing you can’t do with your own fingers. Your stomach tightens and tightens, waiting for your oh-so needed release. You sob onto the sheets, eyes closed in desperation.
“Good thing you know—” but he suddenly pulls his hands away, leaving you shaking and breathless. “This is my cunt and I get to do whatever I want with it.”
“No!” you groan in frustration from the denied orgasm, eyebrows furrowing as your legs shake, “Fuck y-you.”
Jungkook’s ears pick up the words you muttered.
“What was that?” He roughly wraps his hand around your neck and forces your upper body to lift up. You start to panic as Jungkook chokes you, “What the fuck did you say, hm? Getting fucking bold today, aren’t we?”
“S-Sorry,” you stutter, not having the courage to speak. You didn’t mean to say that at all! You were just frustrated and the words slipped out without realizing it! He sees a droplet of tear dripping down your cheek and he rolls his eyes.
“What a bratty, disobedient little fucktoy.” Jungkook quickly stands up to unbutton his jeans and pulls it down, leaving himself in his underwear. “You’re not the good girl that I know.” He hops back on the bed with you and moves so that he kneels in front of you. He holds your face up with one hand on your jaw as the other pulls his boxers down. Your mouth waters from the sight of his cock springing out, the angry red tip hitting your cheek.
“If I stuff my cock down your throat then maybe you’d shut the fuck up, learn your lesson, and think before you speak. Huh, slut?” He strokes his length a few times, letting his precum lube his cock.
He nudges the tip against your lips, signaling you to open your mouth. He releases a long, guttural moan when you wrap your lips around him as he pushes his length further and further, your mouth feeling so warm and wet. Jungkook initiates the pace as he starts to rock his hips steadily. A sudden gush of tears escapes your eyes when he shoves past your gag reflex, whining as your throat struggles to take in his big cock. 
Jungkook doesn’t wipe the tears off of your face like he used to, this time letting them flow and drip down your jaw. Your pussy clenches every time he thrusts forwards, feeling yourself get wetter and more aroused from the noises he makes. He twitches whenever your throat contracts, feeling it tighten and squeezes his cock so good.
“Do you like this, baby girl?” he smiles sadistically, “You like being throat fucked?” Jungkook knows you can’t answer so he continues to torment you, “I like you better when your mouth is stuffed with daddy’s cock. Much more useful than being an undisciplined, rude slut.”
You shut your eyes while you slack your jaw, trying to take all of him the best that you can. He grabs a bunch of your hair, pulling at your scalp, the pain making you kick your legs repeatedly. While he snaps his hips, thrusting in and out, Jungkook watches how your saliva drips down from to your chin that makes a whole mess of your face.
Jungkook finally gains some sort of empathy, pulling his dick out to let you breathe. You emit a harsh, rugged exhale. He lowers himself until his face was directly parallel to yours, “Why was he touching you like that?” His eyes scans your poor, messy self, eyes puffy with your hair all over the place. 
You sniff, “He’s just a f-friend!”
He wipes the saliva on the corner of your mouth using his thumb, “Don’t you have a boyfriend? Hm? Doesn’t he know that you’re mine? Even if he’s your goddamn friend, he doesn’t need to touch you like that.” His voice somehow turned soft, a bit more like his natural talking voice. He shakes his head whilst staring directly at your weary eyes, “And what if I wasn’t there, huh? What if he did something to you that I wouldn’t like?”
“Are…” you tilt your head, trying to lighten up the situation in hopes that he’ll go easy on you. You start to giggle, “Are you jealous, daddy?”
You didn’t know that it was a bad move until his face immediately hardens, raising an eyebrow up. He scoffs, “You think I would be punishing you like this if your actions took a toll on me, Y/n?” he stands up from the bed and walks over to the bedside table, opening the drawer, “Lay on your tummy. I won’t say it again.”
Jungkook grabs the remote control vibrator from the box of toys the two of you had been collecting. You certainly love your toys, he knows that, but it’s a completely different situation if he uses them to torture you. It’s better for him that you can’t see what he’s doing, bringing your anticipations up for what’s about to come. He turns the toy on, your breath immediately hitching when you hear the buzzing sound. The hot pink, egg-like looking toy with a slender tail vibrates against his palm.
“Daddy? Wha…what are you gonna do with tha—” Your words painfully got cut off when he plunges the toy inside your pussy, the vibrations instantly resonating throughout your core and lower abdomen. You sobbed loudly, the rope tightening around your wrists whenever you tried to struggle away. “Oh my god!” your back arches, feeling your eyes rolling to the back of your head, “Daddy!”
He walks to the other side of the room to go sit on the plush loveseat, twiddling with the remote on his right hand. He doesn’t hesitate to crank the setting up, noticing how your ass trembles and wiggles. Your mouth drops open while you feel an immense tingling sensation down there, moaning and shuddering on the bed. 
Jungkook wraps his hand around his cock and starts to pump slowly, observing how your cute little figure trembles and makes a mess of the sheets. He notices the way your pussy clenches around the toy so tightly, and how your cunt never stopped dripping in arousal. 
He teases his swollen tip with his thumb as he turns the toy’s setting up another notch. The smirk grows on his face from the noises you make. He was addicted to the sight of you right now; your hips shuddering as you try to escape all of the vast ecstasy, the stockings you wear making you look as adorable as ever – if he had a camera he would definitely take a picture of you.
“Daddy, p-please – I’m gonna cum!” you sob, chewing on your swollen bottom lip. That was his cue to put the setting to the highest level. Within a flash, your spill your cum down your pussy and onto the bed, ruining the sheets as your body contorts, hands balling into tight fists. Your orgasm feels like you gushed a whole waterfall, cumming so hard while your hips involuntarily lifts up off of the bed. 
He continues to fuck his hand, staring at your sweaty, hot body with hooded eyes while he groans darkly. His cock was rock solid and was also begging for a release, but he knows to control himself. Jungkook hears your sobs get louder and louder, knowing that the overstimulation was too much for you to handle.
He stands up and crawls back with you on the bed, his warm hands starting to caress your inner thighs.
“Da—” you cry, “daddy… t-too much…”
“Yeah?” he smirks before lifting your ass up until he was directly in front of your cunt. he smells your arousal and it caused shivers to run down his back. Without holding back, he wraps his mouth around your throbbing clit and starts to suck harshly on it. 
Jungkook was absolutely nasty to do this to you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel his tongue swirl around your bud, flicking and sucking at the same time. You can’t even comprehend the pain and pleasure that as going through your body right now, for it was all too much. “A-Aawwh shit,” you breathe, “D-Daddy, I can’t... oh m-my god!” 
The combination of the powerful buzzing vibrator inside you, plus his mouth on your clit caused another strong climax to wash throughout your system. You flail your arms behind your back as your body can’t seem to keep still. Jungkook holds your hips in place as he licks your pussy clean of your cum. He grunts from the way your legs were quivering after forcing another orgasm out of you. 
“Taste so fuckin’ delicious,” he says after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, “What a good little pussy.” 
Finally, he pulls on the tail and the toy plops out with a wet sound. Though your chest doesn’t stop heaving up and down, your system is still riled up from the strong orgasms you just had.
“What will you say, baby girl, hm?”
You perk your head up from the sudden question. Your mind quickly wanders for an answer but was quickly distracted when you feel him squeeze your tender ass cheeks. 
Leaning down to your ear, he whispers with an awful smirk, “Say ‘thank you daddy’.” His monotone voice sent shivers all throughout your body, “Say thank you for letting you cum. I would’ve stopped the toy and edged you when you were about to orgasm to further your punishment, but glad I didn’t, right baby?”
“Thank…” your cheeks start to heat up, “Thank you for l-letting me cum, daddy.”
“Mm, good girl. I just had to get a taste of your sweet cunt after seeing you shake and tremble like that. Such a good, pretty little girl.” 
He was actually supposed to reward you after this. That was just his initial plan, until he is distracted by your phone suddenly ringing from the other side of the room. He quirks a brow up and starts heading to where your bag was placed, rummaging through it to get the device that interrupted the moment.
He reads the caller ID.  
Jungkook is dead quiet as he reaches back to you until he takes a seat on your thighs. His silence further builds up your anxiousness, your gut twisting and turning after you hear him groan underneath his breath. “Daddy?” whispering, you tilt your head to the side to figure out what he was doing.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you picked up the phone,” Jimin speaks in a rush, “I was so worried about what happened. Are you and Jungkook okay?” He rolls his eyes and doesn’t hesitate to put the phone on loudspeaker, placing the device in front of you so that you can see who was calling.
Jimin’s voice unsettled you, leaving your body in a state of shock, humiliation, and awkwardness. You furiously shake your head, lips pursed in a straight, pungent line – making it known to Jungkook that you didn’t want to talk to him. Why can’t he just hang up?!
“Hello? Y/n?” As Jimin worries from the other side of the line, you quietly mewl when you feel him poking the tip of his dick right up against your dripping wet entrance, sliding the head up and down your soaked slit slowly to torture you. “Answer him,” Jungkook growls from behind, “Talk to him as I fuck your tight little pussy.”
“Y/n, do you hear me?” Jimin asks once again, and this time you pick up the courage to reply.
“Y-Yeah,” your voice strains, closing your eyes as you try your best not to moan out loud as Jungkook pushes the head in, feeling your walls flutter around his thick girth. “I hear – oohh – I hear you.”
While inching his cock further and further, he grasps your bounded wrists in one hand, as the other firmly holds onto your waist. He struggles to keep quiet, only releasing quick little grunts here and there as he slowly thrusts his hips. Your body squirms from the humiliating situation he has put you through, yet he holds you down.
“Hey, I’m really sorry about what happened earlier,” You notice the sad tone in Jimin’s voice, “I really didn’t mean to touch you like that, and I should’ve known better. You’re taken.”
“M-Mhmm—!” Jungkook shoves his length deeper and deeper, hit tip hitting your g-spot again and again, rougher and harder with each sharp thrust. Your eyes generate more tears, definitely making your nose a little bit stuffy while you struggle to breathe properly. Jungkook groans underneath his breath from how tight your pussy is after being teased and tortured.
Jimin continues with his apology, saying that he wants to personally apologize to Jungkook – but you weren’t listening anymore. You can’t! His words were going in one ear and out of the other because your mind only focuses on how his big, thick cock was tearing your cunt apart. With each outward stroke, your pussy keeps sucking him back in. He smirks from the way your pussy was gushing your arousal endlessly, soaking the sheets and making a mess of yourself.
As if everything can’t be humiliating enough, Jungkook blows a hard, loud spank on your ass, definitely not caring if it can be heard from the other end of the call. Gasping, you mewl from the stinging sensation but also worried if Jimin heard. Jungkook laughs menacingly, spanking your ass again.
“Y-Y/n?” Jimin says slowly, “What’s happening over there?”
“Nothing! I’m o-okay – mmngg shit,” your jaw drops when he fucks you faster and rougher all of the sudden, his balls starting to clap against your poor, throbbing clit. Jungkook feels impatient so he takes the phone back, puts it against his ear, and speaks for you. “Jimin!” he greets happily as if he’s not pounding your pussy until you break, “Don’t worry about Y/n, she’s doing just great.”
How can he talk so steadily like that? Your teeth sink down on your bruised bottom lip again to stop you from moaning too loud. “But I’m trusting you, Jimin, not to touch my girl like that again, okay? I know you two are friends, sure – but there’s a limit. She has a boyfriend now.”
The possessiveness in his voice turns you on so much, not even expecting such a dark tone as he talks to him like that. Your arms start to hurt after being tied for too long, wrists getting sensitive as it keeps scratching against the rope.
“Yeah, okay, goodbye.” He finally hangs up, throws your phone somewhere on the floor. After that, he firmly grips your waist and changes your position with ease. He sits down on the bed, flips you around to make you straddle his cock.
His breath almost gets stuck in his throat from the way you looked. His hands immediately flies to cup your head, thumbs wiping your tears away from your cheeks as you look down at his with lustful eyes. “Baby girl,” he whispers, eyes raking your body up and down while you don’t stop bouncing on his cock, “Keep crying. I wanna see you get ruined on my big cock.”
He pulls you closer by wrapping his right hand around your neck, squeezing tightly, as his other hand guides your hips up and down. Your hard nipples slightly graze against his chest, adding more pleasure than you already can take.
“I’m g-gonna cum,” you grit, eyes drooping, “I’m gonna fucking cum again, daddy.”
He chuckles and nods his head. He can’t stay angry at you for too long. He can’t wait to provide you the aftercare that you deserve after this. He helps you to your orgasm by meeting your thrusts, fucking his cock into you while he brings a hand down to rub your clit with vigor. Your moans were getting louder, higher in pitch, as you can feel the oh-so-familiar tightness in your stomach again. You throw your head back, hands trying to pry themselves out of the rope. Thankfully, he gives you the benefit of the doubt and finally starts undoing the knot, unwrapping your wrists so that they can finally be set free. “Here you go princess,” he groans, “Ah ah, keep your arms still.”
Within a second of your hands being free, you quickly hug his sweaty body so tightly, pressing your cheeks against his shoulder, not only to have something to hold onto but to feel his comfort after a long time of being suppressed and denied from it. Jungkook laughs and kisses your shoulder, “I love you, Y/n.”
“Love y-you— awh god, thatfeelssogood!”
“Yeah?” he bites his lip, feeling the urge to tease you with his words for the hundredth time, “How good?” He attaches his mouth on your damp neck, sucking and biting on all of the sweet and tender spots that he knows you love. Trailing kisses all over, you were certain that he’ll leave marks all over your skin. Your body shivers when he uses his teeth to bite down on you, adding more to the buildup of your climax. “So g-good, daddy,” you whine, bouncing up and down harder, “Your big cock f-feels…feels so good inside my tight fucking pussy, daddy.”
Jungkook’s cock throbs from your unexpected words, gasping a little with a cocky smirk, “Mmm, when did you learn how to talk like that, huh?” a spank lands on your right, tender ass cheek, “Such lewd words coming out of that pretty mouth.”
Your mind starts to feel dizzy, almost to the edge of blacking out as your orgasm overpowers your body. He grunts from the way your walls were clenching around him so firmly, using his dick to your own good. Wrapping his arms around you tighter, he forces you to stay still on his cock while letting you ride out your high. “There we go, baby, there we go. Cum for me,” he insinuates, “Fucking hell, such a good, pretty girl for daddy.” He lifts your chin up with one hand, trying your best to make eye-contact with him but your tearful eyes feel too heavy. “Cumming so hard, oh my fucking god darling.”
Almost seeing black and white spots, your mind goes into a frenzy for you have no thoughts but the overwhelming sensation of your climax taking over your body. Jungkook moans as he lays you back down on the bed, bringing himself to his high. With your body shivering from the high sensitivity, Jungkook doesn’t stop.
His thrusts were sloppy and his pace becomes unsteady, moans getting louder. His body tenses and goes still inside of you, trapping your small body in his as he blows his load. He fills your cunt up with his cum, painting your walls in his seed. You can feel him twitch while you claw your hands on his back, trembling.
Jungkook mutters a series of curse words as your pussy squeezes his cock so hard, milking him properly until the very last drop of cum. After a little while, he pulls his dick out and he sees his cum leaking out of your pulsating little hole and dripping onto the bed. Licking his lips from the hot sight, he caresses your inner thighs as he tries to calm you down.
“Deep breaths, sweetheart. Deep, slow breaths for me.” He hovers back on top of you as he places his right arm underneath your head for support, his other hand gently stroking your side. All the anger, all the controlling and dominating aura that he previously had ten seconds ago immediately fades as he takes the role to comfort you the best that he can. He wipes your cheeks clean with the back of his hand, almost looking down at you with a slight pout. “Baby girl, look at me, hm?” Jungkook whispers gently, “Look at me.”
Once you do so, he feels himself almost collapsing from the poor, worn-out look that was embedded on your little face. “Oh, sweetie,” he sighs, “I’m so sorry.”
“N-No,” you slowly shake your head, still breathless, “Don’t say…”
“I should’ve, fuck—” Jungkook tilts his head to the side in dismay, feeling almost frustrated in himself, “I should’ve fucking stopped, look at you baby.” He holds your hand, gives your bruised wrist a wet, long kiss.
“Kook, I’m okay,” you giggle, a hint of tiredness in your voice, “I l-loved it.”
“Are you sure? Baby girl do you remember what I told you? If you ever feel too uncomfortable, or pain that you couldn’t bear anymore, or if you just want me to stop completely, what will you say?”
Perhaps this was one of the best things you love about Jungkook. His duality. One minute he’s rough and would dominate the fuck out of you, and the next minute he’s treating you like his princess.
“I’ll say my safe word.”
“Good,” he kisses your lips once, smiling down at you, “always remember that.”
You were awfully thankful that he’s the type to always shower you in kisses after a whole round of sex. Always caring about your well-being, that’s what he loves to do. Jungkook has cleaned himself in the bathroom first before he can handle and take care of you. He comes out of the bathroom dressed only with a pair of gray sweatpants with a damp towel and one of his t-shirt in his hand.
Kneeling before you on the bed, he starts to gently wipe your inner thighs and genitalia with the cloth. It was ticklish on the spot of your inner thighs, releasing a giggle as you try to move away from him. He smirks, grasping your leg down. “Tickles?” he grins at you.
“Turn around, little one. Let me massage your back.”
Your heart beats happily at that. But once you followed his command, his eyes immediately fly down to your ass. He hikes up the skirt that you still had on a bit higher, and he sees his handprints imprinted on your precious, delicate skin. “Holy shit,” he breathes out. Your body twitches when he carefully lays a hand down. “Sorry for this, little one. Guess you aren’t sitting for a couple of days, huh?”
Hiding your face in your arms, you quietly squeal, his words having an effect on you. “I g-guess so.”
Jungkook proceeds with his mission to massage your back, using his big hands to his advantage to knead your skin with just the right amount of pressure, massaging your arms and shoulders, pressing down on your lower back. Little groans emit from your mouth, enjoying the warmth of his hands. Your eyes eventually close, feeling that you were eventually going to fall asleep from how relaxing it is.
“Want some tea, darling?” he asks.
“Mm, no thank you. I’m a little sleepy…”
Your mouth curves up into a grin when he starts peppering kisses all over your back as well, moving your hair to one side. Jungkook, too, was smiling. He can’t even figure out how he got so lucky with you.
“You wanna nap, Y/n?”
“Mhm,” you nod.
“Okay, let’s get you in this shirt first. C’mon sweetie, flip back around for me.”
He holds onto the hem of your skirt and tugs it down, throwing it somewhere on the floor. His shirt reaches almost on your knee after slipping it on. Soon, he lays down beside you and starts spooning your body. It was easy for him to enclose yourself in his warmth, for his limbs were obviously bigger than yours. “Let’s take a rest and clean everything up later, okay?”
Although you didn’t reply.
“Baby?” he tilts your head to make you look at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Kook, I-uh…I wanna say sorry for what happened earlier—”
“Shh, shh, settle down now, sweetheart. I’m not angry about that anymore,” he gives you a beaming smile, his dimples peeking through. Oh, to swim in someone’s dimples…
“Don’t worry about it. I love you, Y/n. More than this fucking world.”
“Impossible!” giggling, you eventually squirm around him because you know for a fact that he’ll hug you tighter.
He did.
“Nothing’s impossible when you’re mine – my girl.”
God, you can never take a break with him and his impeccable word choices. You feel your cheeks heat up, shying away from him that caused him to laugh in amusement a little.
“I love you too, Kook,” your heart says genuinely. Jungkook pulls you closer and makes you rest your head on his arm. “Cozy? Let’s take a rest, baby. You’ve had a long day today, you did well. You might be sore afterwards but I’ll be right here when you wake up.”  The only thing you can remember after that was the gentle kiss he placed on your cheek, and the feeling of love and comfort in the air that encloses both of you. 
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“You know, Jungkook,” Taehyung speaks while munching on his Cap’n Crunch cereal, watching Jungkook come back to their apartment after driving you back to your own building. “You’re fucking lucky I was out partying. If not I would’ve…” Jungkook rolls his eyes when Taehyung fakes a gagging sound, “I w-would’ve thrown up hearing the two of you.”
“Funny,” he says blandly while heading towards the cupboards to make himself his own bowl of cereal.
Taehyung walks to his side, “Aren’t you and Y/n together for almost a year now? I don’t know much about relationships, but don’t you think it’s time for you guys to have a place of your own?”
Jungkook chuckles, heading towards the living room as he sits on the old green couch with his cereal on one hand. “So you’re kicking me out, Tae?”
“Well yeah, maybe I am, asshole.”
The youngest abruptly turns his head to him with a look of confusion, “Wait, really?”
Taehyung smirks, “Yup! I’m sick of you bringing Y/n here just to fuck, and not even let her hang out with me!”
Hang out with him? Since when was Taehyung interested in her? After a little moment of silence, Jungkook finally thinks of a reply, “What do you even wanna do with her? Also most of the time you’re either out getting drunk or locking yourself up in your room playing video games.”
Jungkook almost spits out the mouthful of milk and cereal.
“What the fuck—”
“Let’s have a threesome together.”
“No fucking way, bro.” Jungkook scoffs, pointing a finger at him, “We are not doing that.”
Taehyung was having the time of his life teasing Jungkook. He stands up in front of him, blocking his view of the TV. “I’m not having a threesome just to see you naked, cunt,” slowly, his mouth forms a smirk, “I wanna see Y/n nak—”
“Don’t even think about finishing that, Taehyung. I’m not fucking joking around.”
“Okay, shit, chill man,” he laughs, watching how Jungkook rolls his eyes. “And here I am thinking that you’re kinky and open-minded.”
Taehyung just loves to get into his nerves.
“I am,” Jungkook says in all seriousness, looking directly at his eyes. “But you know how I am with her. How selfish I can be. Other people will be fine with this, sure, but her body is for my eyes only, Tae. You can fuck anyone you like but not my girl.”
Taehyung sighs, walking away as he throws his hand in the air, “Fine, fine, whatever.”
Jungkook crosses his legs together, leaning back into the couch as he closes his eyes. The fact that he just had to put that image into his mind – someone else fucking his girl – he just can’t do it. He can be too possessive of your body and he wants it only for him.
“But if your girl ever wants two cocks to play with one day, hit me up.”
“If she wants two cocks then we’ll use a fucking dildo. Shut your ass up or else I’m gonna beat the fuck outta you,” Jungkook warns with a menacing chuckle.
Although Taehyung isn’t bothered by it, he fakes being frightened, “Oooohh, scary! Don’t hit me daddy!”
“Yep, that’s it.” Jungkook places the bowl down on the couch before abruptly standing up. Taehyung runs away while laughing like a madman with Jungkook following behind him. His roommate ends up locking himself inside his room where Jungkook can’t come in. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” He says in the middle of laughter.
“You’re fucking hideous, you know that?” Jungkook crosses his arms.
“Tell me something I don’t know, Jeon.”
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When Jungkook turned nineteen, he remembered asking his mother when a man should introduce his girlfriend to his parents.
His mother, heart filled with genuine compassion, replied with; “When you are fully committed, and when you know for a fact that you will be spending the rest of your life with her – that’s when you let her eat at our table. So be very mindful of your feelings, Jungkookie. Remember this when you grow up, alright? I know you didn’t believe in long-lasting love when you were younger, but trust me when I say that it truly depends on the person.”
It was clear that Jungkook’s romantic side definitely came from his parents.
And fast-forward to the present, here you are sitting at their dining table, meeting his parents for the very first time. 
“So, Y/n,” Jungkook’s mother beams from the other side of the table while passing her husband more rice for his bibimbap, “How did you and Jungkook meet?”
“Mom,” Jungkook chuckles, “Haven’t I told you that a hundred times already?”
You blush from his words, trying your best not to look down in shyness. Though you feel your boyfriend’s right hand rests on your knee to ease you up.
“I know! But I just want to hear it from Y/n’s point of view! Who knows, you might be hiding some details!”
Before you can speak, his dad talks before you, “I was actually there at the time,” he smiles at you, “I think you should thank me for making Jungkook talk to you!”
“Hun, please let Y/n talk—”
Jungkook grins, “I think I would’ve talked to Y/n whether or not you told me so, dad.”
“Let the girl talk!” his mom balls her hand into a fist and pounds on the table.       
You busted out a laugh, quickly covering your mouth as you shook your head in disbelief. You’ve never encountered such a fun, happy family like this. This was your first time being introduced to someone’s parents, and truthfully, you wanted them to be your last.
“So, um,” you take a glance at Jungkook before continuing as if asking for permission first. He smiles down at you and nods his head, feeling his hand squeeze your knee. “Jeon’s Kitchen was actually a favorite place of mine! And of course, it’s still is—” you beam at his father, “It was raining very hard so I decided to stop by to eat some food before work.”
“Brown coffee and banana bread, yep, I remember that!” His dad proudly says.
“That’s correct, Mr. Jeon,” you giggle, “I sat alone and waited for the order until Jungkook here suddenly bursts into the café, all drenched from the rain!” You turn your gaze at him with creased eyes from the way you were smiling as you talk, “If I remember correctly, his car broke down and he had nothing to do, so he decided to help Mr. Jeon with work, is that right?”
Jungkook responds with a hum, staring amusingly into your glimmering eyes that were full of love.
“Until Mr. Jeon told Jungkook to keep me company! So yeah, that’s where we started talking.”
Of course, you had to leave out the fact that you had such an intimidating first impression of their son. You recall how hard his stare was as he talked to you, and how he literally made you blush so easily just by his handsome smirk (that until now you couldn’t get used to!). He carried such a strong aura, even up to this day.
“After that, well, we exchanged numbers and everything went from there!”
Before Jungkook drove you to his parent’s house so that they can finally meet you, you were an absolute nervous wreck. Overthinking that what if you say something embarrassing? What if you humiliate yourself in front of them? You were driven to have a good impression on them, which Jungkook founded adorable. Of course, he reassured you, saying, “They already love you from all of the stories I’ve told, baby.”  
And he was right. His parents never would’ve thought that a girl like you would walk into his life. You’re a blessing for their son.
Jungkook doesn’t sway his eyes off of you as you continue to chat with his parents, telling them your goals and dreams for the future. He watches the way your mouth tilts into the prettiest smile he’s ever seen, lips tinted with lipstick that was just begging to be kissed. He also catches the way your head slightly tilts as you talk, oh – he can’t forget how your knees were nervously jumping! With his hand slowly caressing your knee up to your thigh, he reminds you to calm down.
His breath hitches up a slight bit when you unexpectedly hold his hand under the table. He feels how cold your hand was so it was good for you to take his own warmth. Using his thumb, he strokes your skin delicately, and you instantly feel much better.
When the time is right and when he garners enough money, he will buy a house for the two of you. It doesn’t have to be fancy or anything elegant, but enough to keep you happy and contented – he knows you’ll understand that. Needless to say, he’s excited about the future he’s going to have with you. His mind wanders to the point of your first anniversary, the second anniversary, even up until marriage and having kids. It’s a huge stretch, yes, but he’d rather spend his life alone than without you. 
If his past self can read his mind right now, he’d definitely laugh.
He can’t wait to live his whole life with you by his side. You already have all the qualities he’s been looking in a person, and there’s no way in hell he’s going to leave you anytime soon. 
His mother’s voice cracks him from his thoughts, “Y/n’s such a pretty girl. So amusing to look at, too!” She gawks at you with excited, wide eyes. Her eyes reminded you of Jungkook, the same big and round ones, “Next time when you come to visit us, let me teach you my signature shrimp fried rice recipe, okay? Are you allergic to shrimp, Y/n?”
“Nope! I love shrimp!”
“That’s great!” his mom claps, “Jungkook, thanks for bringing Y/n here with us. She’s so wonderful.”
Shaking your head, you try to take her compliments as much as you can but of course, your bashfulness takes over.
Your boyfriend removes his hand from yours, only lifts it up so that his arm can rest at the backrest of the chair while he starts to stroke your head lovingly. The corners of his lips tilts up to form a smile, he feels as if fireworks were going off of his whole body, for he was so in love with you. How can a person love someone this much? 
He mutters the next sentence underneath his breath, thus only he and his pounding heart can hear; “That’s my girl.”
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The End.
Thank you so much for all of the amazing support for Crybaby! I never expected so much love and anticipation in the first place. I wrote Crybaby without any serious plot with a ‘tragedy/problem’ in mind, for it was only supposed to be a oneshot haha! Crybaby was mainly about the fact that Jungkook has dacryphilia and that’s it. But thanks to the support I’ve gotten, I made a part two and three! It’s sorta sad to end this series because I know a lot of people (including me) love this couple soo much! But they’ll make an appearance in short drabbles or even kinky hours. I’m sorry for the sudden ending, but this will not be the end for them!
Please tell me what you think by commenting or sending an ask, I really love to read your reactions!
Please stay safe, especially in these times. Remember that you are loved, and please be happy. I love you!
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Love Delivered To Your Doorstep
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Evan Buckley x Reader
Warnings: fem!reader, mentions of cheating, break ups and killing/serial killers. (<in a joking context) 
Category: fluff for the most part. 
Word Count: 3.9k
Author’s Note: Doesn’t follow canon, it has a little of buck begins in there but it doesn't follow a strict timeline. It also is written like Buck moves to LA and has his apartment from the moment he moves there while trying to figure out what he wants to do. 
Texting and calling was never your choice method of communication. 
Letters had always been more of your thing. 
Truthfully, they hadn't been your thing until your boyfriend moved halfway across the country for university. The two of you met in high school, freshman year and became inseparable since. Growing together and promising to always love each other no matter what -you always knew that couldn't be true but it never stopped you from telling him. 
When he told you that he was going to be applying to UCLA during your senior year of high school, it came as a bit of a shock to you. The plan was always going to college together, get engaged when you were done school and then married with a house by 30. 
You held out the hope of that being possible until the day he showed you his acceptance letter. 
You were incredibly proud of him but it was real now, he was leaving. 
You watched him pack up his entire life and uproot himself from New York and moved across the country. You sent the first letter to him at what was supposed to be his apartment. 
September 30th.
‘Hi baby! 
Just writing to see how you're settling in. How’s UCLA ? Have you gotten a chance to go around and get to see the place ? I know you’re there for school but you've got to live a little too. Hope your neighbours are sweet, your mom told me it’s a pretty nice place and it’s got a good view, sounds like your type of place. Hopefully I can come visit you soon. 
I started my classes last week. My chem professor is a pain in my ass already, he expects us to read an entire textbook in a week - well not exactly an entire textbook but you get the point. My biology professor is a sweetheart, she showed us pictures of her kids and talked about them for an hour, I didn't realize being a mother was so interesting but she was cool. Also showed us a video of an appendectomy that one of her colleagues performed last week. How are your classes and professors ? 
Did I mention I bumped into Sam at the grocery store ? Yeah, he’s back and he’s not fine to tell you the truth. He seemed like he was ready to snap but that might just be my judgment. He said to tell you hello if I spoke to you so- hello :) 
I’m going to sign off here, I know this one is short but I don’t have much to update you on. Life’s been pretty dull without you. Hope you’re having fun out there, soaking up the sun for me.
Write me back soon, I love you. 
Yours always, y/n’
You mailed the letter the next day, a few weeks had passed before you received a letter back. Except this letter had a different sender name but the same address.
October 22nd. 
‘Hi y/n,
This isn't your boyfriend. (I'm assuming that’s who you're writing too based on the context of the letter) I’m Evan, I live in the apartment you thought belonged to your boyfriend or maybe you got the address wrong, I’m not sure.  I know you were waiting for an update on all these exciting things that are happening at UCLA. I do not go to UCLA nor can I update you in anything exciting that’s happening there, sorry.
Anyways, the reason I'm writing you back is because I figured you’d want to know that this isn't the correct address and the person you were looking for isn't here before you send another letter and get no response. I was debating if I should have even written you back, but here I am, writing you back. 
Your professor for chem seems like an ass to be honest (hope that’s not rude) and your biology professor sounds great, is she hot by the way ? because bonus points for that. Anyways, are you studying medicine ? I'm guessing yes because of the classes you're taking. I'm thinking of signing up to become a first responder but I haven’t decided yet on what yet or if I'm actually going to do it. Anyways, good luck on your classes and the shitty chem professor. 
Hope you find your boyfriend (again, assuming) 
Peace out, 
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. How could the letter you sent to your boyfriend’s apartment belong to someone else ? Why was there someone else living in his apartment ? You dug through your apartment, searching for the paper he left you with the address, you finally found it buried in a drawer.
The address on the paper was identical to the one that Evan sent to you and to the one you sent prior to that. Either your boyfriend was lying or you were losing your mind. 
November 4th. 
‘Dear Evan, 
I'm sorry that I sent the first letter to you and as you guessed, I was looking for my boyfriend who seems to be a bit MIA right now. His mother says that’s the right address and the place that she helped him move into. So I'm not really sure what’s happening there. Anyways, sorry for unloading all of that on you. 
To answer your question, yes, I am studying medicine and no, she isn't hot. My bio professor is a 65 year old woman who loves her college aged kids very much. If that’s your definition of hot, then yes - she's got milf status
Have you decided yet if you’re going to sign up to be a first responder ? That’d be pretty cool. Imagine all the girls swoon over you and how many girls you’d pick up just for being a paramedic or a firefighter. 
Wait, are you into girls ? Or guys ? You know, whoever you're into, just imagine how many of them you’d pick up. 
Also, you’re not a murderer or anything right ? because I rather not answer questions when the police come asking about why I've been sending letters to a serial killer. 
Anyways, signing off for now. 
Yours always, y/n. 
ps. if you do end up bumping into or meeting a guy that looks like my boyfriend, (tall, brown hair, brown eyes. he’s got a pierced ear and a little butterfly tattoo by his collarbone- though not sure why or how you'd see his collarbone) let me know or tell him that his girlfriend is looking for him.
Double ps, what size shirt do you wear ?’
Buck laughed at your absurd question. A person he didn’t even know was asking what size shirt he wore. The letter was set on the coffee table with the rest of the mail, getting buried under all of the stuff he had on there. It was almost the end of December when he realized that he hadn't written you back yet. 
December 21st. 
‘Hey y/n, 
Sorry I've taken so long to get back to you. Things have been hectic over here. I’ve been doing some ‘soul-searching’ - I guess you could call it that and honestly, I don’t think if this whole first responders thing is for me. 
I tried out bartending or well, the technical term is mixologist and I’m liking it so far, I think i’m going to stick with it for now. 
How have you been ? How’s school ? Surely, you’re on break for the holidays right about now or at least when you get this letter. I hope that you're spending the break doing something fun. 
I’m not going to make this very long, I’m sure you’ve been busy with whatever you’re doing right now. 
Also, I’ve been meaning to ask. Have you located the mysteriously disappearing boyfriend yet ? I haven't seen anyone that fit your description. 
well, that’s not true- I did and just to be sure I asked to see his collarbone, he looked at me like I was a mad man so I guess it wasn't him ? 
Anyways, I hope you have a good holiday and you're probably gonna get this sometime between holidays, so merry belated (?) Christmas and happy New Years y/n. 
Peace out, 
ps. medium or large, depending on what it is. Hopefully that answers your question weirdo.’
January 13th. 
The morning of the 13th, he went down to check his mail. A box was there with his name on it, the return address was one he had only seen on an envelope. The box returned upstairs with him, setting it on the counter before opening it. 
Upon opening it, there was a letter and some colourful tissue paper with what seemed like a sweater under it. He opened the letter first.
‘Dear Evan, 
Happy New Years! How was your holiday going ? Did you do anything fun ? 
I’ve been good and school is good too, I'm almost done my first year, isn't that crazy ? Just a few more months to go. 
How’s your job as mr. mixologist going ? I'm sure you’ve met some wild people and heard some interesting stories. 
As for the boyfriend situation, that's over. I’m not surprised to tell you the truth but it still kinda sucks. Anyways, so what happened was that his older brother had come home from college last year and brought a friend with him. She went to the same school as his brother but transferred to UCLA- anyways long story short, they hooked up while he and I were still together and he moved in with her after his mom helped him move into the apartment I thought he had. 
But! I’m single and chilling now so it’s all good. (bonus, she cheated on him and left him so yeah) 
I got you a little something for Christmas and as a “sorry for unloading all my boyfriend drama on you” present. I was in the gift shop and it made me think of you. Do you celebrate Christmas? I forgot to check oops. If you don't, count it as a just a “sorry for unloading all my boyfriend drama on you” present? 
I got a large because I wasn't sure if it would fit. I hope you like it. That’s all for now.
Yours always, y/n.’
He unwrapped the tissue paper to see a blue sweater with the letters NYU on it. He smiled, he assumed that’s where you went. It was sweet that you took the time to get him something, even if it was a by the way thing. Not a lot of people would send something to a person they had been talking to via letters and halfway across the country. 
February 12th. 
2 days before Valentine's Day, your least favourite holiday of the year. You weren't looking forward to watching all your friends going on with their boyfriends and girlfriends. The mail had arrived while you were out, you picked it up and headed in. There were two envelopes with your name on it,  a plain white one and a red one. The red envelope was more squared than rectangular, you assumed it was a card- both had the same sender name. 
‘Hey y/n!
Thank you for the sweater, it was nice of you to think of me and get me something. I didn’t know we were doing gifts or I would have sent you something as well and yes, I do celebrate Christmas. 
My job as ‘mr. mixologist’ was going well until I quit. It just didn’t feel like the right fit for me you know ? I'm going to see what else is out there for me. 
Sorry to hear about your boyfriend, he seems like a douche. Who would cheat on you ? You seem great I mean at least you are on paper (did you get my joke, it’s hard to tell) 
Also, remember how I was thinking I might actually give that first responder thing a try? Imagine me as a firefighter, that’s pretty cool right ? 
So I kinda did a thing and signed up and then I got in. I started two weeks ago and it was kicking my ass at first but I've gotten a hang of it and things are going pretty well. There's three other Evans in my class so everyone calls me Buck-I kind of like it. 
The other envelope, hopefully you opened this one first, is a little something for you for valentines. Hope you like it. 
Peace out, 
The red envelope was on your lap, you pulled the edges carefully not wanting to rip it. Inside was a plain white card with bright red letters that made you laugh. The cover read ‘I’m not sick of you yet!” Opening the card, a $20 fell onto your lap. There was a little message inside that went along with the cash. 
‘Since we aren't together and can’t spend valentines together, there’s some cash to get yourself a box of chocolates and a teddy bear. Happy Valentines Day y/n
Love, Buck.’ 
You smile, this was the first time that Buck had signed with ‘love, buck’ it had always been ‘peace out, buck.’ You tucked the card into the drawer, one you didn’t use very often so you knew it’d be safe there. 
*4 years later*
A few weeks had passed since Buck had last heard from y/n. His last letter to her was at the end of June, telling her all about the day he had spent at Hen and Karen’s. He always described every little detail so vividly that it made her feel like she was there with him- but it was now July, end of actually and moving into August. 
4 years had blown like nothing.
It felt like just yesterday he got the first letter in the mail. 4 years and they still had no idea what each other looked like but they knew every intricate and intimate detail about each other, their lives and the people in it. 
Y/n and Buck had grown rather close over the last few months- more than they already were. Y/n just went through a pretty shitty break up and Buck wasn't exactly big on relationships as of right now. 
He had just gotten home from work, his keys set on the counter when he realized that he forgot to check his mail. Stepping back out, there was a woman in the hallway and boxes scattered across her, leading into the apartment down the hall. 
She must be his new neighbour.
He wanted to go over and introduce himself but she was busy telling the movers where to set her couch so he decided that he would check the mail and then introduce himself when he returned so he did just that. 
Except, she was still busy. 
She leaned against the wall, watching the movers move what looked like a coffee table. She glanced up to see Buck walking by, she smiled and he returned the smile. 
Buck reaches his apartment, the mail in hand and steps in. He sorts through the pile, bills, ads, coupons and no letter from y/n. 
Your new apartment was a mess. You decided it was time for a change. You applied to a few hospitals after your break up and the one in LA hired you. So you dropped everything and moved- no family, no ties. 
A fresh start. 
It was a nice neighbourhood and the building was quiet. The neighbours you met were pleasant and welcoming. When you were having the furniture moved in, there was a blonde man who smiled at you and you assumed he lived in the unit down the hall because that’s where he stepped into. 
It was almost 11pm when you finally sat down. You had been on your feet all day and just wanted to eat something. The box with the dishes was beside the couch, you pulled the tape off and opened it. There was an envelope sitting on top of the stack of plates. 
Buck’s last letter to you. 
You must have tossed it into the boxes while packing and you forgot to write him back. Tumbling through the boxes, you find a sheet of paper and a pen from your bag. Sitting on the floor, the paper resting on an unopened box, you begin writing. 
‘Dear Buck, 
I’m sorry I've taken so long to get back to you. I quit my job, and uprooted my entire life. The break up sucked major ass as you know, so I decided it was time for a change. 
Guess where I decided to go ? 
Did you guess yet? 
No, not Canada, why would you guess Canada ? 
Yeah, isn't that crazy that I ended up here of all places? Maybe we could get together one day (if you haven’t turned into a crazy serial killer that is.) 
Anyways, that’s why I've taken so long to write. I was packing when I got your letter and I tossed it in a box and just found it again. Anyways, I hope you’ve been good, how have things been at the station ? 
I promise I'll write again with more details soon, I just have to get settled in first. 
Yours always, y/n.’ 
Folding the paper, you slipped into an envelope. The address being scribbled into the back of the envelope. You were about to seal it when the building number caught your eye. 
It was the same number as the place you moved into. The same address, the building number, the same floor. 
The unit number was the only difference. 
There was no way you moved into the building that Buck lived in. 
You knew the address felt familiar when you saw the listing but you didn’t think anything of it nor did it occur to you that you knew the address. 
Stepping out of your apartment, looking at the number on the room and back down at the envelope in your hand. Buck’s apartment was down the hall. 
Part of you just wanted to mail it and keep things as it was but another part of you wanted to meet him, to see what he was really like in person. So there you were walking down the hallway at a quarter past 11 in the dead of the night to meet a man you had been sending letters to for the last 4 years. 
The end of the hallway, you stared at the black wooden door in front of you. Your brain weighing the options right now: he’s a sweetheart and welcoming and makes you feel comfortable or he’s a weird guy who’s been lying to you this whole time and you told him everything about you and now he’s going to kill you. 
Before you could register what you were doing, you knocked on the door. 
Glancing down at yourself, you were wearing a pair of old shorts and a t-shirt from high school that you found in a drawer while packing. Not an ideal outfit, maybe he’s sleeping and you can go home and change- the door opened, a man wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt stood there. He looked like he had just woken up. 
“Sorry, did I wake you?” 
“It's alright,” he yawned, his hand covering his mouth as he blinked away a few tears. “What can I do for you ?” he leaned against the door. 
“Um, this is an odd question-” you shifted, glancing down at the envelope in your hand. “Are you Buck ?” 
“I am, who are you ?” 
You had never seen a man wake up that fast, he seemed surprised, confused and concerned all in one. “How- uh, are you- What ?” he mumbled. 
“I found your letter in the box after I moved, I moved into the apartment down the hall” you point to your left, Buck sticks his head out of the doorway and looks at the door you were pointing to. You were the woman in the hallway that he saw earlier, he knew you looked familiar. 
“I just wrote your letter and I noticed that the addresses were the same, just a different unit number so I decided to come check. Sorry if I bothered you, we can talk another day- it’s late and you probably have work” “Would you like to come in?” he opens the door a bit more, looking to you for an answer. 
“Um, okay sure.” stepping in, you can’t help but glance around. The apartment was similar to yours, the layout was a bit different though. “Can I get you something to drink ? Coffee, water ? A beer ?” he rounded the kitchen counter, you took a seat on one of the chairs by the counter. 
“Water’s fine, thanks” 
He reached for a bottle from the fridge, sliding it over to you. You gave him a smile, he leaned against the counter and was now looking- studying you. 
“I know we’ve talked to each other for 4 years but this is kinda strange” you chuckled awkwardly, Buck can't help but smile. 
“Yeah, it is, isn't it? but can I ask why you moved to LA?” 
“Well all of that was in the letter” you slide the envelope across the counter and he picks it up, opening it. Giving him a few moments to read, you watch his expression like you were hoping for some insight as to how he was feeling or what he was thinking. He let out a laugh, “how’d you know I'd guess Canada ?” you smiled at him, a small wave of relief washing over you for some reason. “Lucky guess I suppose” 
“Do you-” “What are-” the sentences cutting each other off, the two of you awkwardly smiling at each other. “You first” looking at him, he hums. 
“Do you have work tomorrow or are you busy ?” His eyes meet yours, you found yourself leaning forwards towards the counter- towards him. He made you feel comfortable, you’d go as far as to say safe, in a way you’ve never felt before. 
“No, I don't start until the 21st. Why ?” 
“I was thinking - if you're not busy and if you want to, of course. Maybe I could take you out for breakfast and I could show you around ? Or lunch or dinner ? Whatever works for you actually” he rambles, fiddling with his fingers to avoid eye contact. 
A small laugh slips past your lips causing him to look up, his brows furrowed as he studies your face, looking for an answer. 
“Breakfast sounds good, what time should I be ready for ?” 
“Uh, is 10 okay ?” he asks, you nod. “I’ll be ready for 10 then.” 
“Okay, I'll pick you up” he smiles. 
“Buck, we live in the same building.” 
“Oh right,” he chuckles, “well I'll be by yours at 10 then” the two of you smiling at each other. 
taglist: @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @beth-winchester21 @fernandaweasley2 @yikesyikesyikes95 @hotchsdarling @duhbar1975 @hailsstormthings @averyhotchner  @captainxholmes @venusrosepetal @luke-alvez​ @looney-literature @caitsymichelle13​ @artemishunter18​ @anxiousblanketqueen​
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