#metadede headcanons
snazzyladreal · 1 year
Metadede headcanons
Ft. Transfem Meta and Bisexual Himbo Dedede
She sit on his shoulder/arm like a bird and uses this to cuss people out
Meta still can’t cook for shit
Dedede can barely cook but makes the sickest chocolate chip cookies this side of the galaxy
Meta can carry Dedede around and this results in the ‘mah wweifie iss sooo stroong’ cringe affect
Once Dedede got a ball of yarn out of curiosity and Meta immediately just acted like an excited kitten
Meta has (kinda reluctantly)let Kirby and Sailor do her makeup before
The statues from the ‘Sworn Partners’ fight are now in a garden under their bedroom window
Meta tried baking a cake for her hubby’s birthday once
Bandana had to drag her away from the fire that started
If anyone misgenders Meta, be prepared to be threatened by a penguin while his wife flips you off
‘Meta Knight’s Revenge’ happened before they started dating
After the Halberd crashed, the entire crew showed up on Dedede’s doorstep, drenched in water and looking slightly like sad cats
“hey, sooooooo, we need a place to stay for a bit….”
”meta what the fuck did you do”
Meta would just leave flowers on Dedede’s window sill cause she suck ass at flirting
Imagine - lil borb meta flying and carrying big ass penguin husband with one hand
she stronk
Mets just sinks into the fluff of Dedede’s robe
literally looks like the top of a grape with wings in the fluff
she can and will sleep like this
Meta’s (semi-jokingly) pissed that her husband has better boobs then her
”HIS are all natural, and I had to pay to get these motherfuvkers!”
Dedede makes sure to kiss all of Meta’s face scars whenever she takes her mask off around him
You ever seen a penguin king pet his sleeping bat wife like she was a cat?
well now you have the cute mental image
Everything is okay once you cuddle in the world’s comfiest bed with piles of blanket around
They spar as date nights sometimes
Meta’s got some jealousy issues based off insecurities
but then her husband kisses her and she feels much better
Once meta put fake lashes on her mask to try to get people to gender her correctly
she was so pissed off when it actually worked
Dedede couldn’t stop laughing
They both adopted the dee twins separately before they were married
Meta is the scariest of the entire family
you put pickles on someone’s burger when they asked for none?
prepare to have your head added to the wall above a fireplace somewhere
They also have the biggest table in the castle filled with food for eating contest dates sometimes
Dedede loves listening to his wife infodump about the stars and constellations
everyone in the kingdom thought they were oblivious idiots in love until they announced their wedding
Meta can see UV light so sometimes she actually thinks her husband is glowing when her eyes are just being like ‘ooooo pretty light’
Meta is moronsexual
they do each other’s make up
ddd is a fucking master at doing eyeliner
the queerest straights you’ll ever meet
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veinsfullofstars · 4 months
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🏳️‍🌈 Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
(ID: Kirby series fanart sketches of various Kirby characters, each with scribbled backsplashes of pride flag colors based off of my headcanons**. Clockwise from the top - Meta Knight (Bi, Demi) & Dedede (Bi), the former wrapped in his cape and perched on the latter’s arm, smiling at each other contentedly, little pink hearts over their heads. Gryll (NB) & Keke (Lesbian), holding hands and cozily sitting side-by-side on Gryll’s broomstick, along with the former’s familiars Salt, Pepper, and Sugar. Daroach (Pan, Aro) & Dark Meta Knight (Gay), the latter looming over the former and wrapping him in his tattered wings, the rat gazing up with a sharp grin and reaching up to run his claws down the side of the knight’s mask, a burning heart over their heads. Magolor (Aro, Trans) & Marx (Ace), the latter running in to wrap the former in a one-armed… one-hatted? hug, nuzzling against his cheek as the giddy wizard hugs him back, a yellow heart set against queerplatonic colors over their heads. Susie (Lesbian) & Zan Partizanne (Lesbian), the two holding hands and carrying many shopping bags, the latter looking about in curiosity as the former smiles fondly at her. In the center of them all, Kirby (Agender) leaps up with a big, joyful smile, holding up a heart filled with all the colors of the Pride flag. END ID.)
**Note that these are just my personal interpretations of these characters’ orientations/identities and may not reflect yours or even those implied in canon (they may also be subject to change given my own ever-evolving perspective). If these do not perfectly match your own takes on the characters, then that’s totally fine. I hope they bring you just as much joy and creativity as mine do for me. Part of the fun of this series it how open it is to interpretation, how so many people can see different things in the same piece of art and inspire each other thanks to those differing perspectives. Additionally, all ships shown are of consenting, non-related adult characters.
Sketch start 06/01/24, sketch finished 06/02/24.
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sweetandglovelyart · 10 months
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quinn-pop · 10 months
the return of my dedede wedding headcanon
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he likes to keep it lighthearted and sweet; most of why people like having him officiate is because of his charisma. he’s great at handling whatever situation and usually good at ad libbing. and he genuinely loves doing it because well. it’s a party and it’s about people caring for each other, what’s not to love?
(tbh he probably tries to hide how much he cries at weddings but he just really likes love lol)
also! dreamland culture is kinda complicated, being made up of so many species from all over and who knows where, so there are a lot of different wedding traditions and no one way to do it
anyway, silly art
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i just really felt like drawing something soft
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gferamos · 1 year
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"Do you remember when we first met..? I believe it's about time I help you back up like how you helped me all those years ago.."
Metadede Day 2: First Meeting
Other side:
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aliencatwafers · 2 months
Mario and Kirby Headcanons
MARIO Letting Fawful teach you how to cook is like letting Gordan Ramsey free to insult your cooking. That is, it’s not going to go well. Fawful will tell you that you’re going to make the food bland since you’re not adding enough salt, but he flies off the handle when you add a pinch more. He also doesn’t follow a recipe unless it’s baking. Fawful has recipes downloaded into his brain
On the other hand, Cackletta CANNOT cook. If she so much as lays one piece of bread on top of another, it will combust into flames. Before she was exiled, this wasn’t much of an issue thanks to her meals being made by the castle cooks. When she was exiled, she had to order takeout and eventually use a potion to brainwash someone into cooking for her. She would switch between the methods until Fawful got into cooking. She relied on his skills for food.
The Shroob Princesses always had chefs to cook for them and the chefs were treated really well. But Elder Princess Shroob loves to cook and wanted to learn. She loves the garden and prefers to play rough in sports. Her sister on the other hand thinks it’s a peasant’s job. She’s also never gardened. She prefers more intellectually stimulating things like betting, chess, poker, gossip, painting, making strategies for battle and social webs, weaving tapestries, reading about economies/flowers/war, and shaping the education system for the Shroobs. While she’s been dismissed for not being physically strong, her mind has been her best weapon. She loves to think, plan, and predict everyone’s moves. So when her sister got trapped in the Cobalt Star, she took the opportunity to become the new leader and act as if her sister was long gone. Truth be told, she was never going to reunite the pieces. She wanted to rule by herself so her sister knows what it’s like to be in the shadows and to prove she can do it. Princess Shroob is also more blood thirsty than her sister and used to resort to physical strength to prove she’s better than her sister. Now she relies more on her mind and plays to her strengths. She regrets leaving her sister out to dry when the Mario Bros defeat her. She knew her sister always loved her but wanted to be equal. Sometimes she needs her big sister.
Elder Princess Shroob, being older, loves her sister and Shroobs. She loves them all and would do anything for them while her sister is selfish. But she’s no benevolent leader. She runs the society with an iron claw, is more than willing to sacrifice her Shroobs for her safety (as seen in the battle with her), and reinforces the strict and inhumane hierarchy and belief that Shroobs are superior. But she tells the Shroobs that this is all for their own good and to prioritize the Shroobs as a collective rather than the individual. She doesn’t like to play favorites and sometimes had to shove aside her sister’s needs for the good of the nation. She loves her sister and knows she has issues but hopes her sister will mature and understand why she isn’t going to be the center of attention, not all the time. She would do anything for her sister even if her sister betrays her. It’ll still hurt her to the core but she’ll still try.
Princess Shroob runs the society as a cult of personality where she’s the top priority and she often plays favorites while watching everyone fight each other. She’s strategic and plays smarter rather than harder like her sister does (in not only battle but also politics). She gets a thrill of the attention and harms anyone who talks about Elder Princess Shroob. She’s in care now!
Elder Princess Shroob’s full name is Elder Princess Shroobella while the younger’s full name is Princess Shroovannah.
Antasma can make a PBJ without the bread exploding. He prefers to eat nightmares but can cook the bare minimal for others if he must.
Peach is better at cakes while Fawful is better at sandwiches
Mario doesn’t know how to always express his emotions but Luigi is there to teach him how and tells him it’s okay to feel sad and cry.
King Dedede stole the food of Dreamland to not only feed himself but promise support for the Waddledees and encourage the residents to treat him as King so they won’t starve
After Kirby smacked him, Dedede made starvation illegal in Dreamland and ordered all governments to ensure each citizen had access to food (at least like 2,000 calories a day). It actually brought him more favor with the people than stealing their food and only giving food back in exchange for support.
Star Warriors are a diverse group of people with different nations and cultures and languages but they all share a need to fight. They once shared a planet but got scattered across the galaxies into separate groups by Nightmare and the Ancients. They now go across galaxies fighting as many foes as possible.
When Meta Knight landed in the Dream Fountain and met King Dedede, Meta’s English skills were weak. So when it met, it was chaos! Dedede kept talking in English while Meta Knight spoke in Spanish. But seeing that Meta was separated from everything, Dedede offered to pay Meta as a mercenary. Meta agreed, met like minded people across Popstar, and saved up a lot of money for the Halberd. When Meta’s English improved, he convinced Dedede to fund the Halberd to protect Dreamland and maintain Dedede’s rule. Dedede agreed!
Seeing the lazy lifestyle of Dreamland was a culture shock. Meta had grown up in a culture where it was do or die, and relaxing for a moment meant you would be attacked. He feared for the residents and tried to take over Dreamland and didn’t even consider Dedede the true king. Kirby smacked him.
When Dedede was learning Spanish to talk to Meta, he made a lot of mistakes like “you embarazada” which made Meta laugh and explain that Dedede just asked if Meta was pregnant and he wasn’t pregnant. Dedede also said “puta” rather than “bota” which made Meta explain, panicked, that you must emphasize the “o” in bota.
Eventually Dedede’s Spanish got better and he’s rusty in speaking it but can understand most of Spanish if he hears or reads it
If Susie, Marx, Tarnaza, or Magolor make one wrong move, Meta keeps an eye out and plans to dispose of their bodies if they hurt Kirby, Bandana, or Dedede.
Kirby loves edgy heavy metal with lots of screaming and wails of agony. This terrified everyone in Dreamland. Dedede likes rock/jazz/penguin pop, Bandana likes classical music, and Meta likes Spanish/Mexican music (also loves house music)
Meta has killed many people by his blade
Kirby doesn’t realize all the lore happening around him, all he knows is that his friends are in trouble and he needs to stop who causes the trouble
Kirby had a big grudge against Dedede for a while until the two settled their differences
Susie feels stupid for not realizing that her boss was her father, but her friends tell her she didn’t know and she did her best
Most humans had been rendered extinct as they are subject to terrors beyond their comprehension. Many had to flee in spaceships. Adeline is one of the lucky ones - her great great great great great grandparents were poor and had snuck onto a ship with a small colony. Most of the colony died out as they planet hopped and baby Adeline was the only survivor. She was taken in and raised in Cappy Town
Meta keeps a fatherly bond to Kirby and wants to protect him but also prepare him for the life of a Star Warrior as they are the same species
Dedede and Meta are filing paperwork to be married and are super gay for each other. They’ve adopted Kirby and Bandana.
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deefighter2739 · 2 years
pretend it's february 29 i finished this in the night
One last valentine thing and headcanons before starting march. Take this as the sequel!
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MetaDede Valentine's day headcanons:
Both get very lovey-dovey on this day, giving the other as many gifts as possible. They'll even compete on who's a best partner and brought more gifts.
Meta Knight brings tons of gifts because he's never sure if it will be “enough for a king”. He'll buy an entire stand and receive Dedede with a mountain of presents, chocolates, plushies, flowers, balloons and anything Valentine's day related. Just to be sure.
At Dedede's side, he's happy to have an excuse to spoil his beloved knight with presents, which Meta gladly accepts thanks to the mood of the day. He focuses on giving chocolates and candies, knowing too well his partner's sweet tooth.
Valentine's date! Candles, rose petals, a nice dinner... It doesn't need to be an overly fancy place, it can even be at the castle's balcony. The gentle moonlight covering them while eating chocolates together.
Even before they started dating, there were rumors about the king having a secret admirer... No one knew who was this anonymous writer, but this passionate secret lover had a fancy cursive letter...
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gobstoppr · 11 months
hey guys am i allowed to say on main that i dont like metadad . am i gonna get beaten up for saying this.
guys i think we all took the term found family too literally and now everythings flattened into a boring nuclear family. guys can we stop. hello . is anybody there
#text#it was kinda charming at first but it feels like everytime i try to look at the mk tag its always the same shit . guys. guys.#we can do so much more w/ their dynamics than just dad and son ugh its so . ughhh.#every since i realized i was like . really really aroace. ive started to grow a bit of a distaste for shipping culture#this is relavant i swear. iwanna talk about metadede#like ok in fandoms right. theres often#the enforcement of specific roles onto characters for a simplified understanding of them for memes and drawing ideas#we want gay rep but we dont quite have it canonically so we make our queer headcanons seem more legit#by giving a char a same sex partner. ok easy we did it. gay people are real now#and we get awesome art and its wonderful bc people are wonderful#but its like . the relationships themselves feel flat a lot of the times.#metadede never seems to be about dedede. its about mk having a boyfriend. bc we need him to date someone.#and im not like . mad at anyone about this. i participated in it back in the day. but like.#ok so. gay hcs are the most popular in most fandom things bc its easy; hot; and sweet#but things like aro or ace hcs? its just. they. how can you depict that in a single framed drawing of a char?so theres none at all.#its not even that i actively hc chars aroace its jsut this is my world view; how i default to reading chars#maybe this rant in the tags is unrelated after all.#but idk. ive got lots of thoughts about things.#anyways as ceo of meta knigth im right about everything#i can talk more about metadad stuff specifically if people want
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idothingsandstuffs · 5 months
What a strange couple, they seem familiar but I can't put my finger on why.
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I have this headcanon that dedede and meta sometimes go on dates with disguises because they don't wanna be recognized.
(And also dedede sometimes does this alone to have fun)
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moondust-artz · 1 year
My Kirby headcanons part.1
Dropping a load of 26🤫
1- Marx has a wardrobe of shirts with questionable jokes and bad words
2- Taranza has a very developed vocabulary 
3- Taranza, Sectonia and the people of the sky all have a british accent 
4- Marx always gets wasted at parties ( if there’s alcohol, he chugs it)
5- Meta knight has a strictly structured routine morning and night 
6- When Meta knight listens to people or make eye contact with them he stares at them in an intimidated way unintentionally and has bad social skills
7- Meta knight has autism and DDD has ADHD
8- King DDD has an obsession with chips and Bandana Dee has to hide them with Meta knight in a locked up safe
9- Francisca does that posh laugh
10- Shadow Kirby has social anxiety, their usually nervous but sometimes they can get really aggressive and start swearing at everyone rambling and throwing a tantrum 
11- Meta knight wear glasses when he’s home
12- Bandana Dee hates bananas
13- Magolor is a scammer
14- Adeleine works at the Dreamland local pizzeria 
15- Meta knight is passionned by astronomy and ancient artifacts and is always reading books about it
16- Bandana Dee, Sailor Dee and Parasol Dee are related but they don’t know it
17- Adeleine and Ribbon love playing explorers and treasure hunters
18- Dedede, Kirby and Bandana will wake up exactly at 3AM every Monday to come upon Meta knight eating cookies of ice cream from the fridge
19- Marx is a mixed species of Noddy and Scarfy (a lot of people headcanon this)
20- Meta knight usual sleeps like a bat
21- Taranza has depression and is recovering from it
22- Elline has a crush on Bandana Waddle Dee and constantly flirts with him
23- Shiver Star is Adeleine’s home planet but after Galactic Nova granted her wish and she found herself on PopStar she forgot about her past life. In the events of crystal shards, when they went to Shiver Star, she couldn’t help but get deja vu.
24- Flamberge plays the electric guitar (so does Galacta and S.Adeleine)
25- Prince Fluff is a great singer
26- Queen Ripple and DDD used to be in a relationship but things got complicated and they broke up (their still pan buddies tho)
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imelht · 11 hours
Day three: Gifts.
“A secret rendezvous between a king and his knight to exchange gifts under the sole surveillance of the moon. The king looks longingly at the warrior, to which the warrior looks abashedly away. The knight offers up his tears, and the king, pebbles and a box of chocolate.”
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Context is in the tags.
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veinsfullofstars · 7 months
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“I. Am going. To kill that rat.” “What was that, Boss?” “I said, BACK TO YOUR POSTS NOW!” “Y-Y-Yes, sir, right away, sir!”
(ID: Kirby series fanart comic, Kintsugi AU, four borderless panels featuring Dark Meta Knight, Mirror Axe Knight, and Mirror Mace Knight, in which the latter two comment on their leader’s interesting new battle scars, much to his restrained dismay. Transcript below the cut. END ID.)
Good thing his minions aren’t the brightest bulbs in the bunch - otherwise they’d’ve found out about all the friendly hugs he’s been getting in his off-time.
(… this isn’t too much, is it? Stars, I hope not. I tried to keep it vague enough that it doesn’t have to mean anything spicy. Maybe it was just a very competitive game of tag. Or maybe DMK couldn’t quite reach an itch between his wings and Daroach got a bit overenthusiastic trying to help. Basically anything that could ruin his “big scary cool toughguy” reputation. As long as DMK is too embarrassed to admit to it in front of his crew, they’re all viable options, haha.)
Started 12/25/23, finished 12/28/23, updated 01/04/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 01/04/24.
Panel 1
*DMK walking forward towards our left, M!Axe and M!Mace passing by in the opposite direction, M!Axe waves cheerily to DMK, who glances at them over his shoulder*
M!Axe: Oh, Boss, there you are! Hey, how was the fight? Didja win?
DMK: Hm? What’re you talking about?
Panel 2
*reverse shot of DMK, still glancing over his shoulder, several pink scratch lines can be seen on his back and the base of his wings, each in sets of three*
M!Mace: Got some new scratches on your back, Boss. Nasty ones, too, by the look of it.
M!Axe: (laughing, impressed) Ha! Musta been one heck of a scrap to leave marks like that! I’d hate to see what happened to the other guy, haha!
Panel 3
*front shot of DMK, his eyes shrunk to dots in realization, as a thought bubble hovers over his head - a simple headshot of Daroach, grinning roguishly beneath the shadow of his hat, showing off his claws as they glint sharply*
Panel 4
*front shot of DMK, sweating and glaring fixedly off to the side, eyes still shrunk, a vivid blush inside his visor, while M!Axe and M!Mace stand where they were before behind him, heads tilted in innocent confusion*
DMK: (strained) … … … Yes. … … A fight. … That’s what happened.
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sweetandglovelyart · 11 months
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Knightfall in Dream Land - Page 2
Kirby dresses up as Meta Knight and learns that Meta’s old cape was a gift from Dedede.
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quinn-pop · 6 months
yep. metadede 👍👍
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dedede is great at getting people to stop overworking by the process of Shenanigans. even if it’s just taking a little break
meta’s weakness is fighting so egging him on usually works
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snazzyladreal · 1 year
Penguin Husband and Bat Wife thingo
Ft Captain Vul and the dee twins
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She’s called Lady Meta Knight or just Lady Meta by the halberd crew
She can wear whatever fucking lipstick she wants under the mask, just most of the time it’s hot pink
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Inspired by the homie @eliastheownerof0axolotls
and the aftermath-
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heiressofdoodles · 6 months
The Warrior Masks of Waxing and Waning were made after an Astral Warrior, who had never been defeated, wandered to a kingdom that has been long forgotten by history. The King, knowing what he could do, stood his ground and fought the Warrior. Over days and weeks, their fight became less of a battle and more of a dance. The King was ultimately defeated, but the Warrior did not kill him. Instead, he sought to leave behind his old ways to be with the King.
When the Warrior's past caught up with him years later, the two went to the battlefield together, not as enemies, but as sworn partners…
The King had perished in the battle, and the Warrior crafted the finest masks to honour his lost love. Twin crescents, waxing and waning. The Warrior would pass away shortly after he finished the masks. Both the love and the grief that both of them had felt in their final moments flooded the masks, and through an unseen force, the Masks were given life.
They waited for the time they would do battle together again. Not as enemies, but as allies. As Sworn Partners. The Warrior Masks of Waxing and Waning would reject any and all that would use the Masks for a battle without unconditional faith and respect for their ally.
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