#metal mom
Yes, I did die a little that evening.
Post-concert depression is real. 🫠🥺
And Yes, I Will be spamming you with concert video’s the next few days.
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mother-ghoul · 1 year
Back to Business!
Von Montag bis Mittwoch war ich zum ersten Mal nach 2,5 Jahren getrennt von meiner Tochter und das über mehrere Kilometer.
Den Berlin hat gerufen!
Mein erstes Ghost Konzert!
Eine Band die ich seit ewigkeiten liebe und liebe drückt es noch nichtmal ansatzweise aus!
Doch jetzt im Nachgang betrachter macht mir an der ganzen Nummer etwas Bauchweh und zwar wie das miteinander war.
Schon sehr früh haben meine Freundin und ich gemerkt das man von der Seite herablassend angeguckt wurde und das es einige grosse Gruppen gab die sich für DIE Ghost Fans halten.
Es ging hier gefühlt einigen nicht darum eine gute Zeit zu haben und Freunde zu machen sondern ums GESEHEN zu werden.
Ich habe mitbekommen wie sich Leute wie Arschlöcher aufgeführt haben mit der Begründung "ich komme von TikTok ich darf das". Ich habe mitbekommen wie Mädels von oben herab Storys gefilmt haben in denen sie ihre Gruppe als die OG Fans betitelt haben und den Rest als "Berlin techno möchtegern Fans".
Als jemand der mit 14 in die Metal Szene kam und heute mit 28 wohl schon zum alten Eisen gehört war das in gewisser Weise ein Kultur Schock. Ich kenn das so nicht, absolut nicht.
Ich kenne diese Szene als offen herzig, warm und als eine grosse Familie.
Arschlöcher gibt es in jeder Szene ich will es nicht schön reden aber was ich am Dienstag zum Teil erlebt habe lässt mich sprachlos und enttäuscht zurück.
Es gab auch viele Ultra süsse Menschen die Armbänder oder Sticker gebastelt hatten und diese verteilt haben.
Leider überwiegen für mich persönlich die negativ Erfahrungen.
Das schlimmste? Ich habe mit Leuten in meinem Alter und älter darüber geredet und die waren genauso wie ich darüber entsetzt wie es dort abging.
Mein Resümee ist also: ich bin zu alt für den scheiß und habe extrem gemischte Gefühle über das miterlebte
Für mich ist die Erkenntnis das ich mein Baby Ghoul für 3 Tage daheim mit ihrem Papa allein gelassen habe nur um im Endeffekt mit überwiegend negativen Gefühlen zurück zu kommen einfach ernüchternd.
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isatohlee · 19 days
He deserves to sleep comfortably in his mother’s arms after all he’s gone through
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bathylychnops · 6 months
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martinnnn appreciation my favorite birdgirl goth
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raiii-bee · 1 year
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Wanted to mess with charcoals again, so here's a little Hal and Sunny based on a memory I have of my own dad.
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zivazivc · 6 days
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Meta & Flint, the freaks who named their daughter Oblivion.
Don't let their looks fool you, they are actually good parents. (Maybe "okay" parents, they did let Liv run away with her boyfriend they never met and his band at 15. (But she was responsible and called them to explain her decision and that she already talked with the school and will be taking special exams at the end of every semester, so it's all good lmao.))
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In my AU the Techno/Rock Trolls are the largest population of mixed trolls. They live concentrated along the shore between the Rock and Techno Kingdoms and also extending north into the no-man's-land on the map. This whole area is simply referred to as "the Shallows". They have their own communities and villages there which are located partially on land or exposed reefs/rocks and partially in the water.
Liv grew up in one of those villages. Her parents own a small apartment carved into a cliff side above the ocean. Personally they prefer walking over floating/swimming, and they can't stay in the sun for too long either (they all inherited sun sensitive skin from their Techno sides) so this way they're mostly on land and also aren't in direct sunlight after noon.
It's a modest home but I imagine they must have the prettiest sunrises.
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Despite the Shallows having their own communities they still belong under the Rock Kingdom which doesn't really care about them or their different needs much, so a lot of the trolls living there are very anti authority.
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sodaft-potato · 4 months
Metal Sonic: The Grilled Cheese Saga
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Grilled cheese can be cooked via Metal Sonic unit's forehead and jet outtake.
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sporkberries · 1 year
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daddysroyalwhore · 3 months
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Working on my alt-y ‘Pixar Mom’ body rn🖤
Reblogging allowed
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yuripira4e · 14 days
trying to explain to other otasune fans that snake is NOT the one with internalized homophobia in their coupling
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fretbored34 · 2 months
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"It's not a phase, Mario!"
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rapidhighway · 1 year
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art dump timeeee! just stuff i doodled or started and never finished. various stuff under the cut
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5magics · 8 months
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stop why do they pose like parents 😭
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fishymom-art · 6 days
Metal&Ink sonas? O3O
Or literally just us as any ship you like iusdfh I just like it when you draw us, it makes me happy XD
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Literally everything for you, my wife <3
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eggsploded · 8 months
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spicelantern HD remaster
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ineed-to-sleep · 2 months
*me immediately after going through a terrifying and traumatic experience* haha yeah I guess it was rough but I'm fine now like I'm totally chill. It was kinda funny actually if you think about it
#GUESS WHO GOT A PIERCING INFECTION SO BAD OVERNIGHT SHE HAD TO RUSH TO THE HOSPITAL#AND GET SURGERY TO REMOVE IT BC THE METAL WAS BURROWING ITSELF INSIDE HER LIP#yep that was meee :3#man. it sounds so silly now. like that probably shouldn't have made me panic nearly as much as it did#but you have to understand at the time it was terrifying#I noticed my lip was a bit swollen earlier in the night but I was like ok it's probably nothing serious#I put some ice on it hoping it would be back to normal after I got some sleep#then I woke up at like 5:30 AM with my lip super swollen and my lip piercing literally burying itself inside my flesh#I tried pushing it back out a bit and blood and pus started coming out so yk I started panicking#so I went upstairs and I asked my mom to drive me to the hospital#luckily we have free healthcare in brazil and the hospital was basically empty(this was on sunday)#but when I got there they told me the doctor wouldn't arrive until 8AM and it was like 6:45 at that point#so I REALLY started panicking 🫠 bc I could feel like the piercing kept burying itself more deeply like#I felt like the skin inside my lip was going to close around it and I was terrified bc I had no idea what to do#and I was scared it might make things worse#but all I could do was sit there and wait and so I started having a panic attack#luckily my mom was there with me the whole time so at least I didn't feel alone#and then I just. waited for it to end. and then tried to keep myself distracted until the doctor got there#I got treated by military doctors! sjdjcjck the army has been giving additional support for hospitals in my city#bc of the floods some health units are currently closed and demand got higher so they needed extra support there#so an army doctor performed my surgery(inside an army tent no less ajfjjfkf maybe not ideal but. functional)#he was so nice?? like probably the calmest most careful doctor I've ever been treated by#I still had a bit of a nervous breakdown again after the surgery but that was bc I'd never been through something like that before#I got anesthesia obvs but I still felt the tug when he cut into my skin to remove the piercing and did my stitches#so my mind started cooking up all these horrible scenarios of how everything could go wrong and I was gonna die#cried on the doctor's table. 👍🏻 awesome#but he and his assistant were super nice about it she even offered me a hug#but anyway in the end I finally calmed down and got some medication#now I'm all stitched up with my little bloated lip eating soup out of a straw 👍🏻 but I'm ALIVE and I'm just glad it's all over fjjvjkf#sleep.txt
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