#metal Mama
silverkittenx9 · 1 year
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Baby Otto Osworth loves his adoptive parents! He doesn’t care if they’re a finicky robot or a dimwitted middle-aged man, he sees them as mom and dad. 
Even at his current age of 8, he will still occasionally call Larry and Tuddrussel his mom and dad, though not nearly as much as he did as a baby or a toddler. It warms Larry’s non-existent heart when Otto tells him, “Good Night, Mom!” after reading Abraham Lincoln’s biography as a bedtime story for the millionth time. Tuddrussel melts into a puddle whenever Otto tells him that he’s the best dad ever. 
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mother-ghoul · 1 year
Back to Business!
Von Montag bis Mittwoch war ich zum ersten Mal nach 2,5 Jahren getrennt von meiner Tochter und das über mehrere Kilometer.
Den Berlin hat gerufen!
Mein erstes Ghost Konzert!
Eine Band die ich seit ewigkeiten liebe und liebe drückt es noch nichtmal ansatzweise aus!
Doch jetzt im Nachgang betrachter macht mir an der ganzen Nummer etwas Bauchweh und zwar wie das miteinander war.
Schon sehr früh haben meine Freundin und ich gemerkt das man von der Seite herablassend angeguckt wurde und das es einige grosse Gruppen gab die sich für DIE Ghost Fans halten.
Es ging hier gefühlt einigen nicht darum eine gute Zeit zu haben und Freunde zu machen sondern ums GESEHEN zu werden.
Ich habe mitbekommen wie sich Leute wie Arschlöcher aufgeführt haben mit der Begründung "ich komme von TikTok ich darf das". Ich habe mitbekommen wie Mädels von oben herab Storys gefilmt haben in denen sie ihre Gruppe als die OG Fans betitelt haben und den Rest als "Berlin techno möchtegern Fans".
Als jemand der mit 14 in die Metal Szene kam und heute mit 28 wohl schon zum alten Eisen gehört war das in gewisser Weise ein Kultur Schock. Ich kenn das so nicht, absolut nicht.
Ich kenne diese Szene als offen herzig, warm und als eine grosse Familie.
Arschlöcher gibt es in jeder Szene ich will es nicht schön reden aber was ich am Dienstag zum Teil erlebt habe lässt mich sprachlos und enttäuscht zurück.
Es gab auch viele Ultra süsse Menschen die Armbänder oder Sticker gebastelt hatten und diese verteilt haben.
Leider überwiegen für mich persönlich die negativ Erfahrungen.
Das schlimmste? Ich habe mit Leuten in meinem Alter und älter darüber geredet und die waren genauso wie ich darüber entsetzt wie es dort abging.
Mein Resümee ist also: ich bin zu alt für den scheiß und habe extrem gemischte Gefühle über das miterlebte
Für mich ist die Erkenntnis das ich mein Baby Ghoul für 3 Tage daheim mit ihrem Papa allein gelassen habe nur um im Endeffekt mit überwiegend negativen Gefühlen zurück zu kommen einfach ernüchternd.
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bundeadly · 2 months
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drew sunny in one of those baby starfish things
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mirokogoth · 1 month
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Happy mothers day!
I repost this old drawing of EVA with her babies🩷
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silkythewriter · 11 months
*jumps through wall* Hello Metal Family Dee and any others with a S/O who basically is the queen of crows cause I’m gonna tame the crows around my house and I must know. Thanks you and I must tend to these unrelated wounds. *jumps through the wall to leave another hole*
//Author note ( ̄▽ ̄): AHHHH it feels so good to write again this request was a nice starter thank you for the ask I absolutely loved this one! And I love crows too their just adorable❤️❤️❤️\(^ヮ^)/ enjoy!! ;3//
Queen of the Crow’s
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You jumped down the stairs of school while humming a small tune. The sun shined bright whilst it set, you shielded you’re eyes with hand and squinted a bit. You heard Dee’s heavy shoes thump on the stairs behind you as he placed a hand on your shoulder. “You alright?” He asked while watching you nod as you chuckled while continuing to walk. “Say where’s your brother? Doesn’t he stand out here for you?” You asked looking around for the redheaded boy in question. “Yea.” Dee scoffed while pinching the bridge of his nose and shutting his eyes while shaking his head “god knows what he’s probably up to, i should go find him before my parents drag me about losing him” he said with a heavy sigh. You laughed at his stress while he glared at you, “oh cmon it’s at least a BIT funny” you said while smiling. “Yea sure” he said as he punched your shoulder softly, a soft smile appeared on his face which he tried to hide but failed terribly as you already witnessed the adorable action. But you decided, for his sake to hide that fact. And instead focus on walking to your destination, “mind if i crash at your place for night?” You asked as you turned your head back to him. “At this point you live at my house so might as well not even ask” he said grunting in fake annoyance one which you saw right through.
Screaming was heard a few miles away, which made you and Dee simultaneously turn your heads to face what could be causing such screeching. After finding out what the source was Dee panicked in embarrassment as his brother came racing over to him, which caused you to chuckle at the brothers. “Heavy quite down! You causing a scene” Dee said in a hushed but angry voice which made heavy nod quickly before quieting down. Once he glanced over to you making his eyes light up “Hi Y/n!!” He said with a grin as he rushed over to you and wrapping his small arms around your waist little over your hips as he buried his head in your stomach. “Hey my strong guy!” You said as you laughed and ruffled his hair making him laugh in response as he let go of you and grasped your arm stoping you from ruffling his hair any longer “Stop!” He said laughing as he playfully pushed your hand back towards you. “Alright, alright!” You chuckled holding your hands up slightly, Dee only looked at his brother with glaring eyes before he began to move again, causing heavy to sprint towards him and you to walk behind him. “Y/n!” Heavy yelled put to you causing you to hum in acknowledgment, “can you do that thing with crows? You know the one you showed me last time!” He said causing Dee to turn his head to his little brother taking interest before looking at you in confusion. “What crow thing? Y/n CANT do a crow thing?” Dee huffed, hating the fact he was the only one left out of such detail. You only chuckled awkwardly “Nah, Dee probably just wants to go home, he’ll probably think it’s stupid” you said as you looked a Dee with a soft smile “wha- no- I mean, I wouldn’t mind.. I have time to spare anyway” he said stuttering as he looked away from you while kicking an old can of soda. “Oh alright then!” You said with a grin as you speed walked over to both of them before taking the lead infront of them and leading them to the old grave yard, “what are you doing?” Asked Dee as he watched you carefully, “climbing over the fence, what does it look like I’m doing?” You laughed as you hopped down onto the dead grass, heavy landed closely to you leaving Dee the only one to jump. He only shook his head as he pushed open the unlocked gate and walking through it with ease, making you and heavy stand there as you both let out an “ohhhh” heavy only shrugged “our way was cooler” he said as he walked over to the nearest tree housing hundreds of crows.
“Watch” was all heavy whispered to his brother as you neared the tree making the crows call out as they all flow towards you, many landed on your your out stretched arms as other landed near your feet, one even landed on your head making heavy chuckle “what the..” Dee said as he looked in wonderment at you and your body basically covered with crows, Dee out stretched a finder as you let one on your shoulder step onto it, Dee brought it close as if to inspect it. “How did you..” he said as his words trailed off being left speechless “they really like me I guess” you said with a laugh causing the crowd around you to squawk as almost in a mimic type way. “Your like their crow queen” stated heavy as he walked over with cupped hands making another crown hop off your head and land into his hands “yea!” You chuckled making Dee shake his head “you like my lil trick?” You asked dee as you let your eyes wonder to him making him nod in amazement
“it’s true you are just like their crow queen..”
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shawnthewonder · 2 months
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A few photos from the Bby Mutha Sleep Paralysis tour
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
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Some toddler au drawings because I couldn't stop myself
Featuring :
Kyle "the outside world is scary don't you dare put me down or worse, give me to the weird moustache man" Garrick,
Nik- "ahah I'm now both our children's favourite dad" -olai (do we even know his last name?)
Jonathan "😭😭😭" Price
Simon "side foot walking autism representation instead of toe-walking bc I very very rarely see it and it's what I do, also he's just a baby and he breaks my heart and I want to hug him really badly" Riley
John "nice frog, anyway, I think I'm about to jump into this puddle, and I'm not gonna do anything to stop it, even while knowing perfectly well that I am gonna cry about my socks being wet right after" MacTavish
and finally, Gary "do I show the weird moustache man my frog or do I put it in my mouth?" Sanderson.
And none of them have shoes because they all hate them and get rid of them as soon as the adults try to put them on. (Simon didn't, but he started crying silently as soon as they were on so they took them off immediately)
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iloveolderman0 · 7 months
NSFW sweet tooth headcanons
* If you are a virgin don’t worry sweet tooth is too!
* When he gets horny and you don’t know & you guys are in public, he would press himself against your body from behind and wrap his arms around you while you talk to people or in a discussion. If you still don’t get the memo he would move his mask and kiss your neck and then you get the memo and excuse yourself from the discussion and go to a room / bathroom ( depending where you are )
* He would never be mean when you guys have the deed, he also doesn’t like teasing since he’s is new to this he just wants to go at it without teasing and degrading
* he would praise you a lot and worship your body, he would only show his face to you.
* speaking of his face, he loves smothering his face into your breast or neck while he’s humping / thrusting into you
* he would never wear his mask around you only when you guys go out and there’s people their
* he’s really passionate when it comes to sex, and when you have sex with him, it feels amazing.
* loves to have you close to him for example chest to chest, stomach to stomach.
* loves to take it from behind and from the front, but he wants you to lay flat though so he can lay on you and thrust into you
* he would mark you a lot by leaving hickeys and sometimes bruises ( when you guys are done having the deed and sees the bruises or bruise he will apologise so many times and you have to reassure him that it’s okay )
* when you guys are done having sex and you’re guys are puffed out, he will lay on you or you guys lay on your side and hug each other. ( he lives for that )
* he will ask if he’s hurting you when you guys do it, even when he enters your hole he will ask if he’s hurting you.
* he loves you a lot to make it this far, He thinks you’re his soulmate ( because u are 😘 )
* he loves to worship your body and smother it in kisses and hickeys
* his sex is so passionate you feel like you’re floating
* please do not break this man’s heart because he will feel like he was used or overthink if he did something wrong.
* he might play some music while you guys do it
* he definitely jerks or sometimes and leaves the room once he’s done and he sees you and gets a boner.
* speaking of a boner, he thinks of something very sexual while you’re doing something cute or just talking to people he will get a boner and he uses your body to cover it, sometimes he makes you feel his boner.
* he loves shower sex, pool sex, bed sex and quickies.
* he gets jealous very easily and will have jealous sex with you but makes the person watch, and brags how good you make him feel and taunts the person .
* btw he’s really good at giving, and when you give him head he’s very vocal and he wouldn’t even be able to look at you, your name rolls off his tongue loudly and long with swear words due to the pleasure.
* he’s also very loud when you guys have sex and he wants the slashers / friends or whoever to know that you guys belong to each other
* loves dry humping you when you are just laying on the bed
* when you’re sleep and he wakes you up, it probably because he’s asking a question on something you might want to take to work ( food ) or him asking you if he could fuck you.
* if you say yes while all sleepy and have your face on the pillow with arms around it, he will wrap his arms from underneath and pull down your underwear ( he likes it when you wear nothing but a underwear) and starts humping you slowly while you moan all sleepy and whimper underneath him.
* if you say no and want him to go to bed and hug you, he will beg you and if you still say no. He will whine and get into the bed and wrap his arms around waist while he makes you feel how hard he is, he slowly humps you dry and if you get annoyed he will start kissing your neck while slowly humping you dry from behind while you still have your underwear on and so does he
* loves it when you allow him to leave his cock inside you and make it warm
* breeding kink and praising kink.
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I love sweet tooth 🦷 ❤️
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shiftwux · 7 months
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if you want my gravy pepper my ragu
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Ozzy Osbourne - Mama, I'm Coming Home
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shadow-moses · 1 year
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takeing the baby boy out to mcdonalds 😋
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armed-saphire · 11 months
Obsessed with the drawing of Big Mama that's just Liquid with more wrinkles
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A list of the different personifications of aspects of oneself in Persona.
Shadow Self
Representation of the public cognition, person's desire, person's insecurities, and person's fear of public perception (everyone say: "thank you, Hiding in Private").
Distinguishable for their unnatural eyes.
Everyone develops one at some point in life (possibly during early teenage years).
Love to dunk on themselves, unless they're a Palace Ruler, then they dunk on everyone else... before dunking on themselves.
Must be battled and/or accepted by the individual they represent to disappear or become a Persona.
Can be found anywhere in the Expanse. If the issues the Shadow represents are too strong, they form a Dungeon to live in. If their desires become distorted, they form a Palace. Both structures attract regular shadows.
So tied to the individual that any harm done to the Shadow Self will be reflected on the real one. If the Shadow Self is killed, the real individual dies as well.
With the magic of science, can be forced into unstable artificial Personas.
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Shadows can be naturally split into more aspects of oneself if an inner conflict is too big for said Shadow to represent all of it.
Split into more specific aspects, Shadows gain more autonomy.
Some of the Shadows may want to obliterate the other Shadows if they have opposing aspects. This way the specific aspect gains more power inside the real person's psyche.
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Under the Rumor Curse
Nyarly takes advantage of his domain to take control over Shadows and make them do his bidding.
Shadows basically thrive under the Rumor Curse, leaning more on their "public cognition" aspect.
Can lean on said public's perception to continue existing after the individual they represent dies.
Have a stronger desire to not only kill their real selves, but replace them as well.
The combination of greater autonomy and desire to replace the real versions grants them the ability to fight with Reverse Personas instead of transforming into bigger monsters.
May be formed regardless if the individual already has a Persona. Rumors about anyone exist regardless if they've figured themselves out, after all.
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The opposite of a Shadow Self. Ideals are what an individual wishes they were and how they want to be perceived.
(EDIT: Shiori's Shadow wasn't born from the Rumor Curse. It was truly born from her subconscious and manipulated by Nyarly. Sorry about the mistake 🐧).
Ideal Self
SPECULATION ALERT: Might form as naturally as a Shadow, maybe even earlier than the teenage years. The moment a kid is asked what they want to be when they grow up, it's game.
SPECULATION ALERT: Unknown where they naturally reside, though it might be the Expanse as well.
Benevolent by nature, will always help their real self.
Can fight by summoning their own version of Personas.
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(I don't have pics of P2's Ideal Selves, but they exist 😔)
Cognitive Self
Representation of how the individual is seen by a specific person.
Created from the perception of someone else, with no input from the individual.
Mostly found in Palaces.
Can be fought, but their power depends on what the Palace Ruler thinks of them and their death doesn't affect the real self.
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Under the Rumor Curse
Lean more on rumors for their creation, rather than a single person's perception.
Can coexist in the physical world with the real selves.
Mostly come into being when the rumor is too contradictory to the real thing (like death rumors), unlike normal rumors that become part of a person.
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Alternate Self
Come into being whenever there is an alternate timeline.
I suppose characters from P5X would count as this.
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So far, has only been shown as a genderbent version of an individual.
They're not even called this, but I felt they needed a special distinction for lore-implication-reasons, and if Atlus can play loosely with Jungian terms, so can I.
Not even I know what's up with Theo.
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Beings with the power to change their appearance to look like someone else.
Somehow both more AND less common than it should be.
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rhapsodynew · 18 days
Metallica releases the album “Load” on June 4
#On this day📌
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The sixth studio album by American metal band Metallica was released on June 4, 1996 on Elektra Records. The album marked the band's comeback after a five-year hiatus since the release of their most successful record, The Black Album, in 1991. By the time of release Load has greatly changed both the style of the band — from thrash metal to hard rock and heavy metal, as well as the appearance of the musicians themselves.
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Michelangelo Philips, the teacher of the Mamas & the Papas, was born on June 4, 1944
#I recommend📌
"The Mamas & the Papas" is a legendary vocal group from Los Angeles, which was incredibly popular in the 1960s. In those years, the band was a defining force on the counterculture music scene. It consisted of outstanding performers: John and Michelle Phillips, Cass Elliott and Danny Doherty. Today, the worldwide circulation of the project is more than 40 million copies, but eventually "The Mamas & the Papas" became the epitome of hippies, free love and forbidden pleasures. Their musical chemistry made the band iconic, spawning the smash hit "California Dreamin'". But the difficult relationship between the participants put an end to their union after just three years.🎶🎸🕉️🌺🌈
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Another Perfect Day is the sixth studio album by the British rock band Motörhead, released on June 4, 1983 on the Bronze Records label.
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Jimmy McCulloch, wings guitarist, was born on June 4, 1953
An Irish musician and songwriter, best known for playing guitar and bass guitar as part of Paul Macartney's Wings band from 1974 to 1977. McCall was an arthropod of the psychological and pedagogical group of "One in a Million", "Newman's Thunderbolt" and "Stoning Crows".
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Wings group, from left to right: Jimmy McCulloch, Danny Lane, Paul, Linda, Joe English.
McCulloch also appeared on many albums, including John Entwistle's Whistle Rhymes in 1972, and played lead guitar with Peter Frampton on "Apron Strings" and "I Feel Better". McCulloch also played guitar on Roger Daltrey's album "One of the Boys", which was released in 1977. McCulloch was a friend of the Who and a member of the Thunderclap Newman band, which was created and produced by his mentor Pete Townshend. At the age of 11, he was also a student of Hank Marvin from The Shadows. He died on September 27, 1979 at the age of 26 from heart failure caused by alcohol abuse and other harmful substances.
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June 4, 1975
The Rolling Stones became the first rock band to offer their services in Russia. The Rolling Stones became the first rock band to receive royalties for the sale of their records in Russia
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On June 4, 2003, an elderly gentleman named Ricky Rock was detained by the police in English Yorkshire. He installed a transmitter in his garden and played unauthorized recordings of The Beach Boys, The Beatles and Elvis. He called the reason "untalented boy bands and dance music" that flooded the local radio airwaves.
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mirokogoth · 9 months
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Mommy's babies
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silkythewriter · 1 year
Hi there! Can I please have a metal family, dee x fem reader?
Reader is a ditzy but polite girl who has a soft spot for dee and his shenanigans, while also being a safe space for him. Its like a little cute fluff thing between them and dee starts catching huge feelings for reader. Tysm!!!
꧁Dee x fem reader <3꧂
Summary: Dee crushing on a cute reader!!
Small warning!: Sorry for any typos, spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes!! I also apologize if he’s out of character I haven’t watched metal family in a hot minute!
Small note!: Like said in warnings I haven’t re watched metal family in a bit but I hope this is still accurate!!
Fandom!: Metal family!!
Daily song suggestion!:
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He genuinely enjoyed your company! Sometimes he would feel his heart go fast while around you but he would try blaming it on adrenaline from the coffee he had to drink that morning… we all know that’s a lie 💀
Once his brother heavy pointed out the obvious to him Dee was scared and a bit happy at the same time sense he hadn’t had a crush on someone for awhile , he had many mixed emotions to say the least
Once he built up courage he started doing what normal dose and tries planning and making a plan of how to make you like him and how to ask you out, which failed to say the least considering you already liked him but he didn’t know
His way of “flirting” was offering to do your homework and help you cheat/study in exams, you didn’t even notice what he was doing cause you thought he just wanted to be nice
He always over thinks about stuff cause he doesn’t want to accidentally make a fool of himself infront of You
Sometimes when he loosens around you he loves showing you his favorite songs and genres! In these rare moments he trusts you with stuff, sometimes he even vents to you but he quickly stops if you show any signs of discomfort and apologizes in embarrassment, but if you do comfort him he only falls harder for you and your personality
You have to be the one to confess I feel cause whenever he tries too his brain goes into mush and just freezes up so he just looks like a maniac trying to explain why he called you over
When you do finally confess to him after his brother broke it too you (he’s not the best at keeping secrets☠️) that he likes you, Dee will be a blushing mess before quickly straightening himself out and putting his chill mask on while absolutely freaking out with worry and excitement in his head
After you guys finally got together heavy was ecstatic about it when you guys did tell him he just said “finally!” While smiling at you two
Be prepared to get pulled in fights with Dee and heavy mostly about which one right, it’ll usually play out like this: “Y/n!!” Heavy screamed out “Hm?”you answered turning you attention from your phone to him “Who’s right me or Dee?” Heavy said pointing at his brother and himself “Oblivious me dumbass, water is wet cause it a liquid” Dee explained while pitching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head “But how can it be wet I’d it’s not wetting anything?!?!” Heavy said grasping his hair, you only chuckled at their bickering and shenanigans before patting heavy’s head “heavy I don’t think there’s a wrong or right answer too it” you said ruffling his hair “how does that work??” He said “my brain hurts from all this thinking I’m gonna go get lunch” he said running off, you looked back at Dee who only shook his head and walked over to you with a sigh “ sorry for his stupidity”, you only chuckled before kissing his cheek and walking off leaving a flustered Dee trying to keep up with you
Dee usually only comes to you for comfort really your a safe spot for him, he doesn’t trust many people so your really the only person he trusts and makes him really feel comfortable
When you guys first started dating he wasn’t really use to physically affection, but after a while he warms up to it even sometimes asking for it, of course he only drops hints he never says it outloud
Sometimes he lets you play with his hair or message his scalp which he honestly adores 😭 he finds it relaxing at how soft you are with him and how comforting your movements feel to him, when he’s around you he drops his guard a bit and doesn’t really notices it, but he feels much more at home with you
This man melts at any kisses or touch you give him let alone complements he literally sometimes just stands still while he lights up redder then winter decorations while his brain tries to understand what you just said and how to react
Overall this man has fallen head over heels for you and would honestly Do anything for your approval and love, he absolutely adores you and loves being around you ♥(⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)♥
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Thanks anon for the request!! I love metal family and I’m actually planning to rewatch it this weekend!! (-v-)♡ I honestly love this fandom!! Anyway I hope you enjoyed please request again!! (´v`ʃƪ)
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