#methuselah answers
hey! psst! you sure you still wanna work in that coffee shop for free?
Hmm...perhaps I don't. Do you know of any other coffee shops in London that are hiring?
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the-metatron · 1 year
Please may I have a coffee for science
Yes, Jay, you may have a coffee. In fact, I insist.
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bittersweetblasphemy · 6 months
the problem with writing a fantasy loosely based on a historical culture is you need to decide how "loose" you're willing to go. like yeah i know they didn't have silk but fuck you there's a literal god sitting right the fuck there and of course he would want that shit. but also would the protagonist know what the fuck a book is?
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antedilfuvian · 2 years
edelweiss of course but also bamboo and aloe vera
edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?
it was bestowed upon me by divine judgment. and hot ancients.
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
its less so that i change into a different outfit and more that i progressively take off layers throughout the day until half/fully naked like the world's saddest game of one-man strip poker
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i live in extremes so this is a toughie. probably mundane to most ppl who dont gaf about history but id like to tour the locations of a couple battlesites in northern greece. just kinda marinate in that existential fugue of something once monumental taking place in a now empty field for a bit. yfm.
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thegeminisage · 16 days
janeway/seven: spirk if it were messy dyke drama. thoughts
HAPPY SEVEN OF NINE DAY! i didn't wait so long to answer this just for seven of nine day on purpose, but i love the happy little accident.
i've given this a lot of thought and as though i agreed with you initially because janeway reminds me SO MUCH of a female kirk it's uncanny sometimes i actually detect notes of spones in this vintage.
consider that seven accuses janeway of wanting her to become an individual, but balking when she decides she doesn't like the kind of individual seven is becoming. this REEKS of spones because bones often goads spock into admitting he is having a feeling...or giving him shit because he is not having a feeling, or not having the correct one. kirk basically NEVER does this - he accepts spock's feelings or lack thereof at face value. he sometimes tugs spock's pigtails (happy 10k to this post!) and alludes to the fact that he knows that deep down, spock is having a feeling, but he never tries to catch spock in a lie or force him to admit to said feelings.
the tholian web, the menagerie, the empath, requiem for methuselah, journey to babel, all our yesterdays, and the paradise syndrome (even though i hate this one, it's racist af) all arguably contain examples of spock doing things bones disagrees with with the primary factor behind him doing those things BEING his emotions. consider also their iconic scene in bread and circuses in which bones yells at him while they're stuck in a cell together and compare it to the scene where janeway is basically spooning seven in the brig while she goes through the painful transition from borg to an individual and they're both shouting their way through it. (i think this was during the gift? but memory is hazy.)
now i have a plot twist for you. even though tuvok is the vulcan on this ship, i think his relationship with seven is closer to what kirk and spock have, even though tuvok and seven care about each other platonically and kirk and spock are a romantic couple. (nobody come to this post and try and dispute me. they are.)
seven is the spock in both situations: standoffish, unable or unwilling to show emotions like affection or concern, trapped between being human and being Other and unsure of where they fit. but much like bones, janeway wants seven to be more like her ideal idea of a person: a human being and an individual. she tries to teach her to socialize, to exercise her agency (even though it backfires at times), and even suggests seven go back to using her birthname, annika. seven reacts to this with predictable confusion and frustration, the sparks fly, and the romance just writes itself.
tuvok, on the other hand, behaves more like kirk: he meets seven exactly where she's at. he accepts whatever emotions she has, but he also isn't troubled when she doesn't have them. he's just as satisfied to speak to the human part of her or the Other part of her. he steadily helps her through the emotional crises she does have in the raven without judgment (vaguely similar to kirk prying that vulcan biology speech out of spock by being absolutely 100% nonjudgmental about it), as a result seven feels very comfortable with him and trusts him a great deal - even going so far to ask him if janeway still doesn't trust her, which is a pretty vulnerable thing to do, since it lets him know she's very concerned about it, and even seems to believe his answer! and even though she's bad at feelings, she also supports HIM when he's vulnerable - offering to help him shave and walking him around the ship during year of hell.
anyway, i don't have an eloquent conclusion, but these are my thoughts ✌
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 6 months
Monsterverse Titan Phylogeny & Taxonomy
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So, I was bored, and instead of studying for an upcoming test, I procrastinated and made a phylogenetic tree (a Tree of Life) and some proper scientific names for the Titans we have seen in the Monsterverse! The names in the official canon make no taxonomic sense. Titanus mosura and Titanus behemoth sound cool and all, but that implies that all the Titans are the same Genus, which.... no. Just, no.
I hope you guys enjoy it! I am always happy to answer any questions you have about it in the comments.
Scientific Names:
Shinomura - Parasitas collonium (parasitic colony)
Na Kika - Polypusoccult iridescentia (secret iridescent octopus)
Scylla - Lolligan testa (giant squid with legs)
Mothra - Vespulinea luxideu mosura (wasp light-god Mothra)
MUTO - Magnenator phagos (magnetic eater eater)
Amhuluk - Daemopampinus deceoculi (demon tendril with ten eyes)
Methuselah - Montivitae cornutum (living mountain with horns)
Skull Crawler - Reptant cranium (basic reptile skull)
Ion Dragon - Dracdum pisicut (fish-like ion dragon)
Tiamat - Serpensbellum tempestas (war serpent of storms)
Rodan - Pyranodon ventus (toothless winds of fire)
Doug - Deumigale optimum (best god gecko)
Shimo - Deureptilus glaciei (god reptile of the ice)
Godzilla - Deureptilia solis gojira (god reptile of the sun)
Behemoth - Dentesimia mehemot (tusked ape behemoth)
Frost Vark - Nasasidus fodiens (star nose digger)
Camazotz - Solhostis vespermortem (sun enemy death bat)
Skar King / Suko - Deupithepongo sapiens (wise god orangutan)
Kong - Deupithecus sapiens (wise god ape)
ALSO: Because Ghidorah is not of Earth, he wouldn't be ANYWHERE on a phylogenetic tree of Earth animals. Nowhere close at all. But his scientific name could be Interfectorum inanis (void killer).
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... so, an Anon talked about a what-if Rodan was controlled by Ghidorah.
And now I'm curious, what would be Godzilla's reaction after the Battle of Boston? Just... angst and hurt-comfort for our favourite fire bird
referencing this ask/ficlet!
Rodan is not surprised, per se, when the summons reaches him. He's only surprised it took so long, and that it doesn't carry the air of an order.
He would have mistaken it as a call for a friend by a friend, but he knows his crimes. He knows it cannot be a request. This will be his trial, and very likely, his punishment.
He goes willingly.
The mountainous region where he finds his King is shrouded in mist, leaving the jagged, finally healed spines of Godzilla poking above the fog not unlike when he swims along just beneath the ocean's surface. Rodan would have laughed if his throat hadn't been closed up tight.
He lands lightly as his King raises his head. His body follows the gentle curve of the valley he is all but wedged in, and Rodan only has a moment to wonder why he chose this place before he spots the egg Godzilla is shielding. It is still small, young. Mothra has a ways to go yet.
He bows his head, half expecting to rise and receive a faceful of star-fire.
Instead, his King rumbles and asks, "Are you well, Rodan?"
He stares blankly for a heartbeat or two. "I... am well, yes."
"Your wounds healed?"
"Yes, my King."
"Your mind is your own? No side effects or lingering aches? I know well what Ghidorah was capable of."
"His control was severed during the battle," Rodan answers, quiet. Severed when Mothra stabbed him straight through, but only after the damage had been done.
Godzilla sighs, relaxes, and drops his head back into the imprint he has formed in the trees. "Good. I worried; Scylla and Methuselah both have said you have not seemed yourself these past weeks."
"I nearly killed her," he blurts his guilt out. "I am—she might have survived if I had not hurt her so badly."
His King narrows his eyes. "You were unwilling." It is not a question.
"But I still—"
"Do you know what she would say if she were here?"
Rodan swallows heavily and shakes his head.
Godzilla twists until he can nudge his snout against his Queen's egg, the most gentle a creature like him will ever be. "She would say better her, who can come back, than one for whom death is permanent. I do not blame you, my friend. As I said, I know well the tortures Ghidorah was capable of."
Rodan trembles. He shakes his head, denial and self-loathing caught in his lungs like a disease. He forces himself to meet his King's discerning eyes. He feels more exposed than when Ghidorah was in his head.
The difference between his King and the false king: only one abused such a thing.
"Come here," Godzilla finally says. He settles back in, closing his eyes. "It's chilly in these mountains, and you are warm."
When his body moves in obedience, it is not because he is being controlled against his will. He tucks himself where he fits best, one wing stretched over Godzilla's back. He is careful not to touch Mothra's egg.
His King rumbles, the deep, quiet sort that is not quite a vocalization so much as it something inside him. It, as it always has, makes Rodan relax.
"I am sorry regardless," he says after a while.
"I know," his King replies. "I am sorry too. I was not fast enough to save you."
It is this, this wild notion that Rodan had been in danger and in need of rescue, that silences the cruel voice in his head that speaks ceaselessly of his guilt. It freezes him in place, trembles through his heart, and finally, finally, some dark shadow within him begins to fade.
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
Explaining/rationalizing Bones’ speech in Requiem of Methuselah
A lot of people call what Bones said about Spock never knowing love because it isn’t in his book, uncalled for and straight up inaccurate to the show. And to that I say it’s intentional. Bones in that scene is pissed at Spock for being insensitive when Rayna died and wanted Spock to help Kirk cope.
My evidence is two fold.
1. There’s a scene earlier in the episode where Bones uses reverse psychology to get Spock to drink some brandy with him and Kirk.
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The scene itself is innocuous on its own. Just banter between the triumvirate. But when you compare it to the big scene stealer, it shows McCoy’s abilities and intentions. It also shows how much Bones has gotten to know Spock over the show. Whereas in conscience of the king Bones would just straight forwardly ask Spock if he wanted a drink and Spock would shoot him down, here in Requiem, Bones has to almost goad Spock into partaking in this human vice. And at the end of the episode he does the same thing when he says Spock will never know the lengths men will go when they love someone.
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It’s just with the Brandy scene Bones is playful. Whereas when Bones says Spock will never know what love is, he’s laying it on thick so Spock will do the opposite. To get it into that thick Vulcan skull that yes he does love Jim enough to help here. As evidenced by the love theme from empath literally playing in the background as Spock erases Kirk’s memories.
2. When Rayna dies Spock is cold AF
Listen, I understand that Spock is Vulcan, and literal, and logical. But no amount of that is ever gonna excuse the first 6 seconds of this exchange.
Kirk whispers: What happened?
Spock, normal volume: She loved you captain.
Like good lord look at Kirk’s face Spock just ripped his heart in half.
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Especially when earlier in the episode Spock was trying to hide Rayna’s true nature because he’d hoped he was wrong. (He wanted to protect Jim’s feelings) Also before she dies, Spock tries to warn Jim not to overwhelm her with his love but Spock stops short of saying that explicitly. And the reason this matters is Spock sees himself in Rayna. He sees what will happen if he allows himself human emotions.
It kills her.
So Spock, explains plainly to a clearly emotionally devastated Kirk why she died to answer Kirk’s question and to justify to himself why he will never let himself have these emotions. And Bones, Mr. “Emotions are good even when they’re bad,” stands there in silence because in this instance, what Spock is saying is literally correct.
“The joys of love made her human, and the agonies of love, destroyed her.”
Notice how the first half of that statement doesn’t have a positive connotation at all. It’s just “made her human.” Meanwhile the second half is clearly negative.
Yeah Bones was not gonna let Spock get away with saying that in the long term.
"You see, I feel sorrier for you than I do for him because you'll never know the things that love can drive a man to. The ecstasies, the miseries, the broken rules, the desperate chances, the glorious failures, the glorious victories. All of these things you'll never know simply because the word love isn't written into your book."
Is what Bones said fair? No. Could Bones have gone about it less harsh? Of course. But after what Spock said there was no freaking way Bones was gonna let him off the hook that easily.
In closing, Bones’ speech at the end makes sense when you take into account he’s shown to know how to manipulate Spock earlier in the episode and there was no way he was gonna let Spock get away with shit talking emotions to the degree that he did. Regardless of the accuracy Spock could have been kinder to Kirk and the old man. Instead, how Spock explained what happened left Kirk in such a state that he admits how lonely he is.
And he’s not even drunk.
Why Bones said what he said comes down to character motives not “was Bones right?”
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
People Just Lie About History moment i experienced today that i thought you might appreciate: i'm a teaching assistant (as of this week!) one of the religious studies teachers told a whole class of 12 year olds that life expectancy in roman times was about 30, so 90 years in biblical times is 300 years in modern times. (as in life expectancy = life span)
it's absolutely astounding how much teachers just seem to make up.
That's a popular theory I've heard, but it ignores the apparently not-so-well-known fact that "life expectancy in the 30s"usually doesn't mean everyone keeled over at 35.
It means that infant, child, and childbirth mortality was high enough to massively skew the average.
If you lived to adulthood (and past childbearing years, for most AFAB folks), guess what? You had a fair chance of making it to old age! 90 years in Biblical times was just like 90 years in modern times! Whether you believe lifespans like that of Methuselah were literal, poetic hyperbole, or a secret third thing, "most people died at age 30" is not the answer!
I feel like teachers' history training must be very light on social history and heavy on names and dates- someone else once told me they got into an argument with a teacher claiming that the term "straitlaced" came from the fact that Victorian ladies laced their corsets "straight" so they'd be harder to get off and thus demonstrate the wearer's propriety. Yes, really.
Obviously nobody can know EVERYTHING about history, and teachers have enough pressure on them already to get through massive chunks of the info necessary to understand how our world came to be. But I feel like there should be emphasis placed on critical thinking, too- about whether unsourced (or unreliably sourced) information makes any sense given the facts they know. And just like...basic typical human behavior.
(Eg. "if everyone died at 30 in Roman times, why are there so many statues and paintings of visibly elderly people? why are there a lot of children's graves, and then many for people aged 50, 60, or even 70?" or "why would Victorian woman bother showing their virtue through garments nobody else ever saw?")
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monarch-afterdark · 21 days
Monarch: After Dark - Site Navigation Portal
Welcome once again to Monarch: After Dark, the digital gateway between you and the organisation dedicated to understanding and navigating this troubled new world we live in.
It's been a while, and we greatly appreciate the time you all are putting in to interact with our account manager with your questions and fun little jokes! That said, however, we have also noticed that the platform has become a bit overrun with questions and answers, and as a result, a lot of our actual work here has been buried.
Worry not, for we on the After Dark team are here to the rescue! This entry will serve as a committed navigation portal, of sorts, containing direct links to all our major entries for easier access! This entry will be pinned, and continually updated when new entries are created!
Without further ado, look below for all of our significant entries, sorted by category.
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Category One: "Titan History" Series
All posts linked under this category are informational posts dedicated to specific Titans
Titanus Gojira (outdated)
Titanus Kong (outdated)
Titanus Jinshin-Mushi (M.U.T.Os)
Titanus Amhuluk
Titanus Scylla
Titanus Tiamat
Titanus Behemoth
Titanus Na Kika & "Skull Island Kraken" (outdated)
Titanus Methuselah
Titanus Camazotz
"The Awakened Gods" (2019 Titan Roundup)
Titanus Rodan
Titanus Gojira & Titanus Kong (updated)
Titanus Mosura
Titanus Abbadon (upcoming)
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Category Two: "Superspecies History" Series
All posts linked under this category are informational posts dedicated to general superspecies from Skull Island and the Hollow Earth
Category 2A: Skull Island Fauna
Skullcrawler (Cranium reptant)
Mother Longlegs (Arachnida malum)
Leafwing (Icarus folium)
Psychovulture (Vultura insanus)
Sker Buffalo (Skerry bubalis)
Mire Squid (Gigantus leviapus)
Spore Mantis (Phasmid sylas)
Sirenjaw (Gigantus crocodiliad)
Death Jackal (Spinae mortem)
Swamp Locust (Stagnum acrididae)
Magma Turtle (Tortoisa vulkana)
Vinestrangler (Vitis strangulari)
Snarehunter (Cantus formica)
Spirit Tiger (Tigris spiritus)
"The Maritime's Bestiary" (Skull Island Fauna Roundup)
Category 2B: Hollow Earth Fauna
Warbat (Vellum vespertilio)
Hellhawk (Accipiter infernum)
Rockclaw (Saxum brachyura)
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Category Three: Special Reports
All posts linked under this category are special news features the After Dark team put together, be they about how Monarch operates or other aspects of our shared world with the Titans.
The Titan Hunter
Defining a Superspecies
The Skull Island Survival Guide
The Lost Dinosaurs of Skull Island
Interview with Bernie Hayes
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Category Four: Adventure Reports
All posts linked under this category are a particular variety of Special Report, where the After Dark team themselves are a direct participant in the action.
Janos Biotech Emergency Inquiry
The Dragons of Masca Bay
We hope that this navigation portal will be of great use to all those who choose to engage with the After Dark platform in future! Keep an eye out for future entries to be added to the portal.
Until next time,
Monarch: After Dark
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your dad said you're not the favorite
I can't say I'm all that surprised.
For years, I tried my best to be the son that he wanted.
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But in the end, I couldn't fake it anymore and came out to my father as straight and monogamous.
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He was extremely disappointed and has never quite forgiven me.
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the-metatron · 9 months
Fascinating story about the Nephilim. By the by, how's your son Methuselah doing?
We don't talk about Methuselah.
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hrodvitnon · 9 months
What language do each titan speak in your headcanob?
I'm going with a gijinka Monarch Shenanigans-based answer on this; all of them can speak English on top of the language of whatever location they were monitored in or are associated with. Namely, Godzilla speaks Japanese (and a bit of Sumerian), Mothra speaks Mandarin as well as multiple other Chinese dialects, Kong prefers communicating via ASL, and Rodan Spanish. Behemoth speaks Portuguese, Methuselah German, and Scylla also speaks Spanish. The odd one out is Barb, who is fluent in... Finnish.
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bar-guest · 8 months
Not to be a low-key hater but the extended gameplay trailer to Bloodlines 2 dropped so I am once again thinking about this game against my will I guess.
Have a theory about where they are going with this Phyre & Fabien thing and I hope it's wrong, but it's also the only thing that makes sense lore-wise as I see it.
So, as there can't be any Cobweb shenanigans, the whole "being stuck with another vamp in your head" thing has to be because of diablerie right? After all, sometimes even if the diablerist succeeds, the victim's will is strong enough to prevail past the amaranth and become a permanent companion inside their attacker's head, tormenting and manipulating them on the daily. Most recognizable case of this happening is the Mithras & Monty Coven situationship. The difference (?...) between those is that Mithras isn't a fucking Thin Blood, he's a Vent methuselah.
Your consciousness surviving past diablerie isn't that much of a widespread occurrence that, worst-case scenario, every lick can count on happening though. Probably the most prolific diablerists these nights, Helena and Agata Starek, aren't known to be tortured by dozens upon dozens of voices, even though they ate countless neonates. So, why is Fabien still here?
I think the only sensible answer is that Fabien is the Elder and Phyre a former Thin Blood who assumed his clan after diablerizing him (as that's how diablerie works for Duskborn). It is then consistent with the nonexistent character creation with the simultaneous ability to choose from one of the 4 clans - you can't change how you look, but you can decide who to eat. Since this is an RPG, some mechanical character progression will need to exist, and this is as good of an explanation as any on why an Elder doesn't have their in-clan disciplines on level 4-5. This mark garbage may be their brilliant idea on how to externalize (idk why, I'm just rambling) the black veins that cling onto a diablerist's soul. It also finally explains a supposed Elder having a modern haircut lol.
And again, I hope I'm wrong. Because if it turns out we're playing a former TB, people will be mad. A subset of players will absolutely be not normal over playing as an usurper "failed abortion". And then there would be the issue of further pissing on what we could have had with Hardsuit's vision. Also, it's simply an annoying gotcha twist, but I seriously don't see a different way about it.
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obsolescent · 1 year
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All Are of The Dust - Part One
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Pairing: Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: A decision to be made. What will your answer be? Two endings.
Content Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse, gender neutral reader/no gender specified in this part, protective Leon.
Author’s Note: Who knew all I needed to get out of my block was to listen to Ethel Cain while writing. This has a lot of angst, my apologies. I hope you enjoy.
Words: 2,384
Read on Ao3
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“All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.” —Ecclesiastes 3:20
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He finds you under the magnolia tree. The scent of the flowers lazily sweeping through the humid air. You’re staring up through the branches into the muted sky. Arms crossed over your chest, you would think he was attending your funeral with the blank expression paired with said pose. A thought he hastily dismisses, he sits at your side, not willing to break the silence, waiting for your words. “He said somethin’ ‘bout you today,” you start, not moving or breaking your gaze with the heavens. “Let me guess, low-down bastard? Not worth two cents?” Leon replies, taking his Stetson off and laying down, turning onto his side to face you. “...Accusin’ me of sleeping with you. Said I was a whore. I’m ‘fraternizin’ with you’.”
His eyes widen, a scoff leaving his mouth. “The hell’s he on about now? Always pointing a damn finger at one of us, we’ve been friends for ages now, since we were kids! God, I wish he would keel over already. Honestly, shouldn’t be too long now, he’s got one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel,” he bites, anger flaring. That gets movement from you, a rush of air leaves your body. “If only. Man’s probably going to surpass Methuselah in age,” you jest, finally glancing in his direction. Leon guffawed at the remark, freeing a smile from the restraints of your mouth. 
He understands the need of equanimity, due to the wretch that is your uncle. But, oh how he loves your smiles, with their rarity. Your laughter when it escapes you, also not something he hears much of anymore. He wished the accusations were true, but also so much more. To take you away from this God forsaken place to something you could both find solace in. A place the two of you forge together, a refuge from your short, yet dismal lives. From his time in the orphanage to yours under the weight of a miscreant relative. It’s time you two find lives worth living, serenity you've always longed for, to be free of the scrutiny from this abysmal town.
And he has their opportunity.
Leon gathered his breath and courage. “Hey. Got some excitin’ news…I got a real nice job offer, about a couple hours away from here. Was wanting to see if, y’know, you’d possibly…Come with me? You ain’t gotta give me an answer now, just…Pretty soon, alright?” Leon asked, his voice wavering. The small smile disappeared from your features, replaced by the widening of your eyes, mouth slightly agape. “You’re goin’?” You ask, turning onto your side to face him. “Well, I don’t wanna go without you…This would be yours–our–chance to get away from here. Doesn’t that sound good? Me and you, away from this hellhole,” He starts, reaching out but falling short of grabbing your hand. “Leon…” You whisper, voice faltering. “Hey, it’s alright! I know it’ll be a lot…But that’s why we’ll have each other for! I’ll be there with you every step of the way.” He says, trying to ease your nerves. “There’s also people like you there…People who feel like you. They’ve got lots of stuff they do there for people like yourself. Celebrations and whatnot. I’m sure you would make lots of friends…” He trails off, watching your face for a reaction, any reaction. “Please…Just think about it,” He whispers, heart stuttering in his chest.
He can practically hear the gears turning in your head. “Even if I did end up saying yes and coming with you, how would we–” “Night time would be best. No one in town’s prowlin’ around beyond 9 o’clock anyways. We could wait for sure, until we know everyone’s in, say, until midnight?” He cuts you off, seeming to already have this all worked out. You pause and stare at his face, glancing over his features, until fixating onto his cerulean eyes. Prettiest you’ve ever seen. “There’s something else, ain’t there?” He asked, furrowing his brows as he looked back into your own eyes. You snap back, starting, “I just…You’re doing real good for yourself, Leon, I don’t wanna trouble you.” You admit, laying back in your original position, returning your gaze to the evergreen again. “You won’t be a burden on me!” He rushes out, sitting up and leaning closer to you, making you jump at his sudden movement. “Sorry, sorry…” He mutters, moving back to his original spot, sighing. “I’m not asking for anything in return…Just your company,” he says, looking down at you. “That’s all…Honest. If there was something you wanted to do for me, well, that’s up to you to figure out, but I ain’t making you do anything.” He adds, hunching over to pick up and fiddle with a fallen leaf.
You’re quiet for a while, taking it all in. Weighing the options. Though, of course, Leon’s choice has the most appeal, regardless of the terrifying concept of having to settle into a new place, with new people, new…Everything. When you haven’t stepped foot out of your podunk town your whole life, it’s quite an unnerving thought. But it would be a whole lot better with Leon at your side. He makes you feel brave, even courageous enough to start standing up to your uncle. Though you won’t tell him that, lest you tell him about the retaliation that’s resulted in cleaning up the beer that’s run down the walls and broken glass shattered around your feet. It shouldn’t have to be this way. You wish, yearn, for things to be better. For this town to improve. No more alcoholic kin or hardened lives. To not have to flee in the night and hope it’s something better. It’s something else to pray about, you reckon. Pray to God that it’ll be what you both hope it is. Hoping His plan for you two is something that has a happy ending. Your stomach turns at the thoughts of the worst of the outcomes.
“Can hear the gears grinding in that head o’ yours, whaddya thinkin’?” Leon asks, glancing at you through his shaggy blond locks, hoping his phrasing makes the situation lighter. “A lot.” You answer, causing him to snort. He smirks, turning his head completely to watch you now, a faint smile on your face again. It seems to be working, thankfully. Now there’s no use in letting a good joke go to waste. “Well, don’t hold back now, you know I’m like a cornfield.” He replies, grin getting wider. “Huh?” You ask, furrowing your brows. “I’m all ears.” “God above,” you groan, throwing your arm over your face to hide your grin. He guffaws, slapping his knee. “That one was good and you know it!” He says, still chuckling. “It was…But it’s always good to hear your jokes, Leon, or anything you say, really.” You respond genuinely, giving him a sincere look. His laughter turns bashful, red slowly rising up his neck to his ears and cheeks. “Wow, uh, you sure do know how to flatter someone,” he says your name while grabbing his hat, paying special attention to the stitching. Glad to have gotten him off the subject of your thoughts, you sit up.
“It’s getting late. Gotta start heading back before the old man gets too suspicious,” you stand, brushing yourself off. Leon grunts, standing up himself, adjusting his hat unto his head. “I’ll be back in a few days, ‘m going to get stuff settled at the new place. That enough time for you to have an answer for me?” He watches you fix your clothing and hair back into place, his fingers twitching. “That should be enough,” You answer, nodding your head. “Alright, I’ll see you then. Take care of yourself, you hear?” Leon asks, walking closer. “Of course, Leon. You do the same, don’t get into any trouble while you’re gone,” you say, patting his arm. He hesitates, clenching his jaw. He’s grabbing your wrist before you step away. Pulling you into an embrace, his nose burying itself into your hair. “I meant it. Whatever you need, whatever I can do to make you the most comfortable, feel the most safe, I’ll do it. I care for you…I only want what’s best for you. Now that I’m old enough to, I want to make that promise. I promise to be there for you, always. To never let harm come to you, even if you say no to coming with me. I’ll be back each week to check in. I won’t…Forget you–” starting to choke up, he takes a deep inhale before continuing, “You’ll always be on my mind, you always have been. Since the day we met, from the school’s playground to us sitting under these trees. You never leave my thoughts. I just want you to know how much you mean to me.” 
You’re clenching your hands into his flannel. There’s so much you wish you could say. It’s begun to build up over the years. Unspoken words teeming at the surface, your affection almost suffocating you. Listening to his continued spilling of words, you release one hand from the fabric, feeling its way up his chest, his thudding heartbeat briefly felt under your hand before making its way further up to its destination. Finding its mark, his tanned cheek. You feel he’s also began to weep. He stops, shuddering at the feel of your skin on his. His own hand coming away from your back to cup over your own you’ve lain on his face. You two stay like that, for what seems like eons, both wishing it could be that long. Your own eternal peace with one another. You eventually lift your head up to meet his gaze. His eyes slowly open to see your own tearful stare. “Oh,” He whispers, his other hand not holding your own coming up, brushing away the wetness. His thumb drying the tears away, while feeling your features. So soft and warm underneath his calluses from his job out in the fields, tearing up the earth. ‘God, what I would do to wake up to this everyday’ he thinks to himself.
This close to him, you can see the sun kissed skin so distinctly now. The freckles and scars that dust his face. One mark in particular you’re familiar with, above his right brow. The one he got while climbing up that Crepe Myrtle, trying to get a certain bushel of flowers for you, barring you from climbing it yourself. Wise on his part, since he ended up falling out of it, earning that scar. It’s made more prominent from his tan. You brush over it and feel him shiver. He’s so sensitive to your touch…Do you have this much effect on him, like he does on you? It makes yourself shiver at the thought. With a faint touch, your hand travels down over his nose. Broken a few times in some scuffles, some in play, others in your honor. It occurs to you then, seeing that mark, the slightly crooked nose that those were because of you. You altered his body. You know he would gladly do it again and again for you, without question, and that scares you. You snatch yourself away, stumbling back into the tree’s trunk. Leon is staring at your withering form, wide eyed. “D-did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you, touch you somewhere you didn’t like? I’m so sorry–” “NO– God no. You didn’t,” You whisper. “What is it? Are you worried about touching me? Because you can touch me wherever, I don’t mind–""Leon.” You get out, wrapping your arms around yourself. “It ain’t any of that…It’s me. I’m no good for you.”
“What are you talking about?” He asks, walking closer to you. You try to take more steps back, the tree preventing you from doing so. You suck in air, trying to stifle the rising tears. “The scar above your eyebrow…Your nose…Broken a few times, all because of me. You’ve been hurt because of me. I can’t let you do that anymore.” Who knows what else will happen, especially in a new place, how much more harm would come to him. You’re staring at the ground, knowing if you meet his eyes, you’ll crumble. “I did all that because I wanted to, for you. I’d do it all over again too, without question. I promised you that I would protect you, keep you safe, no matter what. I Intend to keep all my promises to you. But don’t go cold on me, don’t push me away, please.” He begs, bracing himself against the tree with one hand, the other laying lightly on your forearm. “You don’t know the depths I’d reach for you,” he whispers, leaning in, brushing his head against yours. “Why?” You ask. He remains silent, his touch wavering on your arm, jaw clenched. “If I told you, it would probably change your answer…So, you think about it for a few days, and let me know what you decide. Then I’ll tell you.” He finally replies, voice wavering as he pulls away. He takes a few steps back, allowing you space.
“...Alright.” You answer, standing upright, lowering your arms back down to your sides. You keep your eyes firmly on the ground. You have quite a few questions for him, but you feel like you won’t be getting much else from him. “Hey, look at me,” he whispers. Finally allowing yourself to wash your gaze over his features once again, seeing his sad eyes, sad smile. “Three days, and I’ll be back. Now you think long and hard about it, and you get back to me with that answer, you hear?” You nod. “Okay,” he confirms, before turning and starting to walk away. “Leon!” You shout, walking forward a few steps. He turns his head, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “You be careful, you hear?” You tell him. He closes his eyes for a second, opens them, and smiles. “Okay.” Turning back around, his form slowly being swallowed by the trees.
You stand there until he’s no longer distinguishable from the foliage.
Straightening your clothing and hair once again, you start in the opposite direction of Leon, making the trudge back home.
Three days.
You hope you have an answer for him by then.
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crownedinmarigolds · 4 months
2, 4, and 5 for the otp ask game, for Harrakty and Pavarti and Khloe and Ralph!
Bonus question: What was the moment they knew they'd fallen for their partner?
Oh thank you!! :0 More questions these are so fun!!
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For Ralph and Khlo!
What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? Ralph would straight up cry if Khloe wakes up freaking out. He would hold her, unsure of what to do, because Khloe's secretly the strong one of the two. If Ralph wakes up freaking out and manic Khloe would also go to hold him down, but she would definitely be a bit more calm and soothing to him, hopefully able to talk him down from his state.
Which is more protective? Who needs to be protected? They're both ravenously protective of the other. Khloe has already squished a person with her telekinesis for harming Ralph, and Ralph has done a lot of "domino-effect" protections of Khloe. Both are sweet babies who need protection: Khloe is slowly becoming a bit of a figurehead of the resistance, and Ralph just got booted from the Nos Warrens for picking his girlfriend and coterie over helping a fellow Nos in need... someone help them plz.
Describe their cozy night in! Answered this one! <3
What was the moment they knew they'd fallen for their partner? Ralph and Khloe got off relatively on the wrong foot - Ralph being a little creepy to the new blood, though Khloe snapped right back at him. Despite this however, the chemistry was very strong between the two and it didn't take long at all to get over that initial cringefail. They liked each other from the start and it was a couple of weeks of teenage tiptoeing around it until Khloe - after figuring out how what she needs to make a telekinesis concoction - asked Ralph to help her hunt for a very specific blood resonance. During the hunt, they talked and cracked jokes, and unfortunately listening to the big guy make her laugh made her want him hook line and sinker. After the hunt (and having to burn their clothes due to trudging through ATL sewers) they consummated their relationship first then immediately followed it up with agreeing to be boyfriend and girlfriend! That was the initial spark, but later when Khloe had to do a lot of technical legwork to connect with her missing sire and Ralph immediately helped her no questions asked was probably when she knew she could always lean on him and trust him. <3 Ralph pretty much followed the same timeline liking and loving Khloe-wise! Though his deeper love moment came when they were fighting a Fullblood Tremere, he went and pulled a chair leg to make a stake, and Khloe immediately hopped on the back of the Fullblood to keep her in place so he had a clear shot to the heart. That's when HE knew Khloe was someone reliable.
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For Parvati and Harri!
What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare? We know exactly what they would do! Parvati is Ravnos, and during the Week of Nightmares Summer 1999, where the Ravnos Methuselah Zapathasura awoke and inflicted madness upon his bloodline - Parvati went on murderous rampage. Being a low generation, she was a force that could've wiped out the entire temple and then some of the surrounding block. Harrakhty sprang into action the moment he was informed, doing everything he could to incapacitate his darling without killing her. He used his own low generation abilities as well as his Sobek form to combat her, and when they finally had her torpored he never left her side until things were calmed and she was free of her temporary madness. Harrakhty realized that his many blessings granted to him - success, a beautiful lover and equal, ecstasy and power - were fleeting if he continued to rest on his laurels... they're finite if he didn't keep building his empire. This is the inciting incident that allowed the bargain to make Kahanni - Harrakhty and Parvati's trueborn daughter.
Which is more protective? Who needs to be protected? They're both incredibly powerful Elders who have built their relationship on seeing the other as an equal - though Harri is certainly the more outwardly and loudly protective. Parvati is always on alert in the presence of others, so Harri may have more actual shows of him protecting his wife, Parvati is the bodyguard who ensures Harri is never a snake in the presence of... other snakes who would harm him.
Describe their cozy night in! A big cozy pile of cushions and blankets and perhaps a few unfortunate(?) blood dolls that are too high to understand the gravity of the situation they're in. A perfect night in indulging and enjoying each other completely... the blood dolls are little toys who MAY survive if the king and queen are distracted enough.
What was the moment they knew they'd fallen for their partner? These two are our enemies to lovers. Parvati is older than Harri, and has wandered the Earth a few more centuries than he has. Born in the jungle as a shovelhead and wandering Bronze Era India and its jungles, Parvati eventually returned to civilization and housed herself in an old temple where the locals in the closeby city immediately understood what she was and began preparing her offerings. Though she knew it was too good to be true, she did indulge herself a bit before she overstayed her welcome and drew the ire of the ACTUAL local vampires who had pull over the peoples - the Followers of Set cult. The cult was annoyed by such a slight, and sent one of their promising Ancillae - Harrakhty Hamdi - to take out the pest. Of course Harri came across Parvati within the temple and was overwhelmed by such a gorgeous creature... though that didn't stop him from initiating battle. However it wasn't until he had her "defeated" was when he realized she had escaped him long ago through powerful Chimerstry. Over a few centuries they play a cat and mouse game, too prideful to give up the hunt but having too much fun fighting an equal they never make the final killing blow. Finally, one night, they take too long and the sun will soon rise and torpor looms if they don't get out of there. Harri and Parvati both know - especially after experiencing a few moments of deep connection through telepathic Auspex through Parvati - that they care for the other. Harri asks if they can trust each other to lie beside the other through torpor, and to wake together the following night. They stay together, wake up and make love instead of fight, and they've been a couple ever since! Thank you that was probably my favorite!!
Questionnaire here!
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