#mf 100 jumping jacks....
suiana · 1 year
look I know you said you hate working out but have you tried the lesserafim workout
I actually have!!
and I regretted it the next day💀
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splathousefiction · 5 months
I have been in the creative field since I was 18. While I am most popularly known for my work here at Splathouse, "Jack The Warlock" isn't the only face I've worn in the 16 years I've been making things in a professional space.
In no particular order, a (in)complete list of projects I either created myself or have been a part of is below the jump. Details at this time will be kept vague. You are welcome to make your guesses and DM/Comment down below. If you get it right, I'll tell you.
An actual hard-copy account with my complete involvement along with website addresses, email accounts and passwords is currently within my safe in my own hand writing. It's to be scanned and made public upon my death, serving as (if nothing else) a testament to "try everything".
I started an absurdist magician sect. I was originally inspired by chaos magic theory, but sought to refine their ideals. As such, it takes the element of the concept of belief itself as a malleable thing that can shape the world without ever being spoken or made physical via ritual work. "If you think it, it can happen"-be that in the ego or the id. The sect is still operating internationally today and has over 100 members. We're small, but we're there. None of the members have ever met me or have any idea who I am.
I've published two short-horror collections as a female author in her forties. They were released for free and are pretty openly available almost everywhere you can pirate books. The books are incredibly popular with queers, with booktok most notably covering them pretty hotly for a month. None of my readers have absolutely any idea I am behind both collections and still send emails (without hope of ever getting a response) today. Many assume I'm dead.
I released an experimental dark fantasy hip-hop EP that was inspired by this album by Earl Sweatshirt and MF DOOM. It's a five track album that totals in at 21 minutes. Much like the horror anthology collection above, each track can be enjoyed by itself, but when played in sequential order tells a Berserk-like story. The album took six months of my life and features encoded secret messages in the audio, with the "lore" being that it's a form of sigil magic. To date, it is the most popular audio project I have ever recorded and vastly surpasses anything I have ever made for Splathouse. Absolutely no one knows that the vocals, the producer and the song writer are one guy, nor do they know it's me. They've been waiting for a follow up EP for years. I will never release another one.
I have been a writer and creative director for several ARGs. One of which was a darling of the early days of Youtube Explainer videos. The project "concluded" because I was intensely disgusted by the growing cottage industry of "curators" destroying the mystery of such things. As they still do this and have careers directly profiting off the creative works of others, I see no need to join such a project ever again. Absolutely no one involved in the projects had any idea who I am, and the projects I started myself have never once been connected back to me.
I've co-wrote several webcomics. One or two of which gained middling popularity. No one working on these projects has absolutely any idea as to who I am or my larger sphere of work. I left the field because of audience treatment of webcomic creators.
I've had original artwork I created featured in multiple gallery showings that highlighted "abstract" and "outsider" art, back when I still enjoyed doing artwork. Anything you find by me on deviant art in the "Splathouse" era was me attempting to wrap my head around digital art; my neuro divergency prefers physical mediums. Every single one of these submissions was under a different name chosen at random.
I've acted in precisely two indy movies under a popular name used by directors who don't want their names attached to projects. Film buffs know the one. I was the lead character in one and the side character in another. The films are connected, but aren't sequels, a series, nor is there a prequel involved. The films were highly experimental and shot in the "guerilla"/"Gonzo" tradition. They went through the indy circuit and won [insert number of awards here]. I wasn't compensated nor were the films profitable. We didn't care and I haven't spoken with anyone from the cast since, who simply asked for a name and nothing more. Some of them are still in the industry. One of them is a reasonably successful B-movie director now.
I've created several text adventure games. Most people are familiar with the Splathouse ones, which released in the early 2010s. What they aren't familiar with are the ones I released on itchio under an different name with a disposable email address. The games were reasonably popular with that niche sector of the gaming community, and still get regularly recommended.
There's more I could add to this, but I feel I'm done for now. It's late, I've work in the morning.
If you've made it this far in the list and you're still curious-no, you aren't going to get me to tell you any details about any of these projects. Even my best friends couldn't get that out of me. If you're curious as to why I did literally any of this, the reason is two fold:
Because I could.
why not?
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 year
So my one pet peeve is we saw how hurt and upset everyone was at the rally and race and davey push Jack. As soft as Manhattan has the rap for being I'm not convinced things can go back to normal without Jack explaining at least some of things to his boys and for that matter how is anyone ever gonna trust him as leader unless he gives spot and the other leaders some sort of run down of what had happened. They'd probably say "you're a stupid mf for going alone what dod you think hed do? No more solo negotiations without someone knowing where you'll be"
this this this this 100%
we were robbed of a scene (imo particularly between him and davey) with jack apologising and explaining his actions. because we as an audience know why he did what he did and so hold nothing against him, but the newsies don’t. they didn’t see pulitzer use crutchie against him, use them against him and they didn’t see snyder jeer at him in that room. they don’t know that in that meeting jack had his whole past, all of his fears and traumas, dug up and pressed on until he gave in to protect them. not himself, but them
all they know is that their leader had sold them out. seemingly for money. for santa fe, which they all know about and they’re left feeling like not only does he not care about the strike, but also about them. that everything he’d advocated for, all his protectiveness and ferocity about the strike had been a lie. because the jump from stbi to oafa isn’t good enough to show that divide being fixed, because it was so severe. and it’s something that could be fixed but not off stage. not with how much it would have hurt. its a definite gap in the narrative I don’t like
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twistedtavern · 3 years
Part 2 of my reverse personality au :D!! This time it's
Reverse!Leona: Pissbaby. This boy will jump into somebody's arms like he's mf Scoobert Doo at the slightest spook and bawl his eyes out afterwards. Tell me you're the most spoiled and pampered person in the room without telling me you're the most spoiled and pampered person in the room. Instead of being ignored because he's the second-born, the attendants all saw an excuse to fawn over a little baby and have not treated him differently since and it shows. He will actually do work himself, but it's just for approval and often ends up crashing and burning 5 seconds later. Also, hyperactivity go brr, he does not sleep ever. You know what? He speaks owo now. Not all the time, but when he's trying to get something from someone. OwO Leona. You're welcome.
Reverse!Ruggie: Ew, the POOR. He is bastard. If you hate bitchass rich characters in media, you will hate him. He is one of them. He has a VERY skewed perception of generosity. He thinks it's his obligation to just hand over anything a person less wealthy than him asks, and he makes it everybody else's problem because you can clearly tell he hates it. He is absolutely entitled as all hell and will yell at you if you have something he wants and won't accept cash for it. Rich people also have zero taste in anything and he is rich people, do not go into his bedroom if you value your retinas. He is the embodiment of the "I'll pay you $100 to fuck off" meme. Fuck Reverse!Ruggie, all my homies hate Reverse!Ruggie.
Reverse!Jack: Awww he's just a soft little puppy boy!! Give him pats and cuddl- No he absolutely hates your guts. Two faced ass bitch. He acts all soft and lovey and puppy when really he would rather just sit back and watch you get grilled alive. He'll do it with the little :3 face too like a REAL "cute but evil" twist villain. He gladly takes any advantage he has over anybody, and will even potentially lead them to it. Reverse!Jack hates fair fights, and would rather claw your eyes out than take a loss or put real effort into winning.
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qvnthesia · 3 years
You know what’s kind of funny in a messed up way? In the season 4 finale, Kol was acting like Elena just up and murdered him just because she wanted to kill someone that night, but he had compelled Damon to kill her brother and also tried to literally kill Bonnie the very episode Elena helped kill Kol. Elena has proven time and time again that she is 100% down for murder when it comes to keeping a loved one safe and Kol was an active threat to at least 2 of her loved ones. Obviously she was going to kill him, so like, why was he so surprised that she went through with the killing. Kol conveniently ignores that he had just tried to kill one of her best friends and had compelled Damon to kill Jeremy, her baby brother that she loves more than anyone else. Literally every other Original could’ve informed Kol that Elena takes no prisoners when it comes to her family, as she went along with Esther’s plan to kill all of them simply to remove Klaus from the playing field and ensure Klaus wouldn’t be a threat to her family anymore, Rebekah got quite literally stabbed in the back so she wouldn’t jeopardize one of the first kill-Klaus plans, and Elijah ended up with a dagger in him in season 2. Did none of Kol’s siblings tell him jack about their current adversaries/sort of allies or something?
This is one of the most confusing things on the show. TO characters haven't had any proper planning with the exception of Klaus and Elijah. Mostly Klaus, because Klaus always looks at the long term. He always wants to think about the big picture. A legacy and success that lasts for centuries until some other adversary crawls out from the shadows to try and thwart him again. Elijah, on the other hand, mostly plans to solve the present situation.
Rebekah always improvises (TVD S4 finale, saved Matt from Alexander the Hunter by taking Matt's place near the trigger) and so does Kol. Freya plans heavily, she doesn't improvise until she's got nothing. Finn remains neutered and yet, he intricately plans the downfall of his siblings (TO S2 Live and Let Die, Finn captured Oliver and Elijah). The only time the Mikaelson siblings are well-planned is when they are all together (TO S4, Operation Rescue Klaus/Nik/Niklaus).
This is what we want to see in more of the Mikaelson siblings — planning, talking about allies and adversaries, who's dangerous enough and who's impulsive, what are their weaknesses and best threatening one-liners.
It's quite funny how they underestimated Elena, considering that almost every sibling has faced Elena in some way or the other. She's more dangerous as the Salvatores, even Katherine herself, given the opportunity and the resources to function.
Stefan is more level-headed than Damon, but Damon is willing to shed blood while Stefan isn't. Caroline's a sidekick, she can't plan war stuff on her own, she needs some backup. Bonnie is powerful, being a witch, and can take on stuff on her (TVD S3-S4, planned with Klaus and put his spirit in Tyler).
Elena, on the other hand, plans. She's unhinged but in a stable way. Her words and her blood are her strengths. She can emotionally manipulate her adversary to cause an unnecessary reaction, giving her an opportunity to establish her cadence and change the key of the fight's rhythm. Her Petrova blood, I'm not going to go into that, you already know. Seeing this, I can conclude that Elena's a complex protagonist with high potential to become both a villain or a hero, provided the writers were smart enough to write her character like that, sadly, they were stupid to let Elena's story depend on two toxic men only, so I'm not going to go there.
Coming back to the point, the Mikaelson siblings should have warned Kol. Klaus could've gathered them all in a room and told them all about the MF Gang. Rebekah could've been perfect for informing Kol about Elena, and then Elijah would've jumped in saying 'Don't underestimate her, brother' with a knowing smile playing on his lips *hehehe*
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thank you for the question <33 au revoir!
*runs into a wall*
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rookiesbookies · 3 years
Nsfw Head-canons -Brothers
-Gentle but will push anyone’s limits
-prefers to hit it from the back over a desk, but understands thats not always possible or wanted
-this mf is smirking the whole time at you
-after care is 10/10 tho bc he’s got the best bathroom in the house (no matter what asmo says😂)
-you will smell like his... essence by the end
-might let you top every once in a while but even if you do something like ride him he has to be sitting up even just a little bit
-hes prideful ass wont let him be a bottom even for a second
-is your Lucifer up to his horns in work?
-literally just fling your underwear at him
-he’d shoot up and give you the ... attention you need faster than you can say “Satan gotta cat”
-I cannot yell “FLOGGER” louder
-BDSM if there ever was such
-sweet baby is so scared of hurting anyone
-likes to hold hands
-doesnt always like to be looked at tho, depending on the mood
-switch leans for bottom tho
-probably usually is the one needing aftercare
-probably apologizing if he did something wrong
-he’s mind can not handle pleasure
-like you’d be blowing him and he’d be squirming and like tearing up
-oh imagine pointing out that the marks point down
-“what do ya mean- they’r’ pointin there...”
-praise kink
-he needs praise tho
-🥺💜💜 bb needs love
-hates to be looked at
-“ st-stop looking at me like that normie!”
-this mf totally would call you a “normie” then
-**snake dicks**
-probably talks about a random hentai with a stupid long name when in the middle of it
-he’s LOUD
-might use his tail, idk
-when Asmo brings it up Beel goes
-“Not in front of the Salad”
-if you make eye contact with him, while doing anything, he’d squirm so much
-probably needs so much praise to be reminded he’s not just a “yucky otaku”
-forked tongue
-really sensitive horns
-“I dont- fine Ill do the tongue thing from that stupid Disney Movie”
-would cover Henry 2.0 with a cloth
-bed sheets are EVERYWHERE
-hide him in his gaming chair
-probably has curtains to cover the other fish in his room so they dont see
-idk why he just is like that
-this boi probably jumps you on the couch in the library
~~-only bc Lucifer was in his study~~
-never does it angy, the smexy times are for love
-gets **bite-y**
-pet kink tho
-will wear the collar but prefers you to
-switch, leaning to dom
-pet name for you is Kitty
-would totally call you “my precious kitten” too
-probably reads too much about everything having to do with this subject (also talks to Asmo too much)
-“I want to try (random position)”
-usually it doesnt work out bc for the most part he’s vanilla
-probably talks to Asmo too much about this
-probably read 50 Shades trying to understand
-probably regretted both of those
-on second thought he totally does
-he’s a sadist
-owns 100% of the adult section in Akuzon
-you cant convince me otherwise
-probably balls deep at least once a week
-switchy **AF**
-breath on him and his horny
-doesnt mean he’ll be easy tho
-would make you beg
-edging bitch
-may snap sadist on you in a second
-the most fabulous aftercare
-he’s like painting your nails and shit
-too think this all started bc he caught you staring at him
-right after he asks some bullshit
-“how do bees fly- science says they shouldnt be able to”
-“these are thing you dont say after having sex”
-forgive me father, Ive been a bad girl
-scared of crushing you
-could fling you like a rag doll tho
-probably biggest jewels in the family
-would accidentally over simulate someone
-probably would tell you to taste good
-needs constant reassurance
-bb boi would cry if you degraded him
-no cap
-doesnt leave hickies but you wake up with bite marks everywhere
-some of them drew blood bc in some of the animations he has shark teeth
-you cant walk
-and not bc he went hard
-just bc he’s THAT BIG
-I just feel like he is
-hehehe his cowboy boots in his demon form tho
-if you touched his horns he’d be so surprised
-every confused on the idea of what “Horny” is
-“ b-but im hungry... just not for food???”
-probably asked Asmo
-that was a mistake
-giving him face rubs reminding him that it doesnt hurt and your just adjusting
-tracing his tattoo is probably the cutest thing youve done after
-Asmo heard it all.
-food kink
-will eat off your body
-just out food on your body and he go nom nom
-he’s a dom bottom
-if thats possible
-cuz he’s lazy af
-but refuses to be dominated
-always in the bed, cuz HE DOESNT LEAVE IT
-cuddles after
-“you wanted to do it in the attic for a reason didnt you.”
-just fuckin smirks at you
-bc the attic is probs above Luci’s room
-probably really kinky but just too lazy to do jack
-even tho he lazy dont mean you wont be head to toe marked up
-would rock his hip while you adjust just to see your surprised face
-lots of sucking
-idk why
-i feel like he just do
-has been the sub before
-he did not like it
-he just likes being a lazy dom
-if he tops, sheeeet is going down
-if he tops, you will never EVER walk the same again
-temple kisses reminding you you did good
-his pet name for you is Bear, bc your his Teddy Bear
-he fucking Koala’s you in his sleep
-and there is no escaping his grip
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darlingnisi · 6 years
Celebration Day 3 : VIP Edition
Part 2 Here!
Funk Soldiers Panel
Shelby J
Kat Dyson
Xavier Taplin
Joey Rayfield
Kip Blackshire
About Last Night... (The Prince on the Big Screen event)
A lot of reherasal
Kirk organized everyone, got the materials out
Biggest challenge was that there were a lot of performers who worked with P at different times so the arrangements of the songs were often different. Hard to sync up with the show or pick the right one to use at first
Shelby said it was hard not to turn and look at him on the screen
The fludidity of the performance came with experience because they knew what P expected of them musically
Kat said “having him in my ear floated me back to my time with him” The instructions he gave inside of the performance still applied
Joey noted that he better understood the difference between just playing and performance from his time with Prince
“I almost forgot he wasn’t there”
Kat Dyson Origin Story (Guitar)
Recommended by Sheila E. Kat and Rhonda Smith met Sheila while demoing gear at an industry show. Sheila asked for their music as she had an idea to do an all girl band at the time. She got sick and gave their info to P. P took them both on.
Their audition was a four hour jam session in 96. P asked Kat “How much of my material do you know...and how much did you buy?”
Her favorite P music are the soundtracks, especially Batman and her favorite songs are Joy of Repetition and Question of You.
She and Rhonda did an arrangement for Question of You for him.
Xavier Taplin Origin Story (Organ)
Played with and was reccomend by Gouche, another NPG member
Audition was P on Bass and Job Blackwell on Drums. They played 777-9311 and P had him solo for 60 bars. He fell back into the groove and P told him to keep going...fell back into the groove again...and P told him to keep going. P put his bass down, walks over to  Xavier, and stands “uncomfortably close for 15 seconds just looking at me” he then says “We’re going to have a lot of fun.”
Joey Rayfield (Trombone)
Gets a call from Adrian Crutcfield about an audition in Charolette North Carolina. Gets PDF of a chart for Xtraloveable and realizes it’s for Prince
They have a Skype audition.
Time passes and he randomly got an email with a Delta ticket to Minneapolis. He quit his job and left for Paisley.
At first played on Andy Allo’s Supeconductor sessions.
Story : during a rehearsal P slowly walks up to the stage and says “You and Ida go play ping pong and if you win, I’ll play you. Joey wins and plays Prince. Joey’s in his dress shoes though and is slipping and sliding everywhere. P stops the game, moves a rug to be under Joey and says “I ain’t got no insurance.”
Story from Kat : I played basketball with him. Nobody told me not to block his shot. The game was over after that.
Kip : I was playing with him in the Daisy Chain video.
Kip Blackshire Origin Story (Vocals)
Morris Hayes invited him to a Carlos Sananta show and Jam session at Paisley. Kip absently playing basketball. Hears a “clang” (P dropping his guitar). P comes over and squares up with Kip. Kip passes P the ball, and P checks him hard in the stomach with it. Kip says he isn’t dressed to play and P tells him to come back the next day to play for real. The next day they play a 2 on 2 game. Kirk/Prince vs. Morris/Kip.
Was cleaning up in the bathroom and absently singing. P overhears and invites him to sing with them in the studio. P asks him if he knows Little Red Corvette and Kip says “I wasn’t allowed to listen to you growing up.” Instead P played guitar and Kip answered his licks with his voice. He was invited to join the band and the first song he sang on was Undisputed from Rave.
Shelby J Origin Story (Vocals)
Audition for Larry G’s band. Got in and was at 3121 doing a rehearsal. Kept being told to re-sing Higher Ground. It was P asking.
Was singing I Can’t Stand the Rain during a show. Crowd goes wild and she thought she was “DOING IT!” turns out P had come on stage behind her and was plugging up his guitar to join them. He came up to her mic and sang cheek to cheek with her for that song.
Was in Walmart getting supplies at home when she got invited to sing at one of his shows NYE. From there she was asked to join the band and their next gig was the Superbowl.
Arrangement Panel with Michael B Nelson
Had done work with Micheal Bland. There was an idea for a warm up group early 90′s. Dave and Kathy Jenson with Michael B Nelson, Sonny, and Tommy B made up a 5 piece band. They recorded some tracks and sent it to P. P told them to go to a Carmen Electra rehearsal to be filmed. Time passes asked to come to the soundstage at Paisley...saw pedal boards set up P was there! NPG was very tight at this time so P just held up a signal and they started into Madhouse 4. The horns were shocked for a moment then fell in (this was their audition). They jammed for 6 hours then recorded for the first time that same day....Sexy MF? (This may be wrong...he mentioned that they recorded for the first time that day, then a moment later said the first thing they recorded was Sexy MF as part of a different story so...take that how you will)
Told to get their passports together. They joined him on the Diamonds and Pearls tour
There were 11 semi trucks and 110 people in the entourage for the D&P tour. Their first stop with him was Tokyo
Hornheads was formulated as a horns only group since they were on with P and couldn’t play with anyone else, they just made a mini group to keep their chops up during down time. Mike Nelson wrote the tunes and they have 3 albums.
“Even when he was giving you a hard time, he’s just pushing you”
Q: What was it like during the 90′s? Every office was filled. He gave you exactly what you needed to fufill a task. You didn’t ask for additional questions...you had to trust yourself and know that he trusted you to use your creativity wisely.
Prince preferred Duke Ellington’s style of horns
P would send Mike tapes of a lead line and melody and Mike would add horn parts.
Mike did Black Muse, new Xtraloveable, When She Comes, Groovy Potential, Morning Papers and more (He’s been around for about 25 years)
Percentage of things recorded to released of the work Mike did. 50%
He co-wrote Billy Jack Bitch. While they were working on something, Mike played P a song during tape change. P said “Who do I have to pay to use that” The instrumental part of Billy Jack Bitch was written by Mike.
Story : Working on something and Mike B was impressed with how it sounded. Forgot everything he said could be heard in the control room by P. Commented “man that is funky” P responds “yes it is.”
Story : Tenor sax was playing a solo while working on something and it didn’t go well. When it was done, from the control room P says “You guys see Waterworld?” Tenor sax guy “No who’s in it” Prince, “Your mama” Tenor sax guy, “Oh it’s good to know she’s getting work!” “Prince falls off his chair from laughing” (Waterworld has a reputation for being a very bad movie.)
Q: Why did you last? P told him “You and Clare Fischer really understand my music.” Was asked to be full time in 2012. He never had a falling out or harsh words with P and P never rejected any of his additions to his songs.
Got our pictures from our tour back. Framing mine for sure! It’s like my 5th picture in here and the only good one, lol...
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Funk Soldiers Concert
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Honesty we were all kind of weary about this as this seemed to be a remix of the NewPower Soul group to some degree...or at least that concept, but once again VERY happy to be completely checked about the assumption because they were PHENOMENAL and not just because of something that happened...! Set list : 
I’m Yours
I Feel For You
Party Man
Girls and Boys
Lady Cab Driver/Irresistible Bitch mashup (!)
The Work Part 1 (I WAS ABSOLUTELY DELIRIOUS! AGAIN BECAUSE THIS IS MY ERA AND NOBODY DOES THIS! I was so into it singing, foot stomping and dancing, I got tapped by security and they asked if I want to go on stage! I 100% always say I’d never do it, but I thought I’d get to jam out to The Work since that goes on for a bit. I got back stage and they said I was to be part of a dance battle (WHAT?! I LEGIT AM THE MOST RESERVED PERSON USUALLY ABSOLUTELY NOT! (And also I guess for The Professor, lol) So me and Lenny Beason (from Purple Underground who thankfully I mostly know in real life so I was comfortable) were to battle to...
Black Sweat (Kip told me to go first so I tried to do every dance I could think of...The Housequake, The Get Off dance, Tried to remember the Purple Funk SF Funknroll dance but my mind blanked so I did some booty pops and stopped on the accents with a pose. Lenny went during the next chorus...then I had to go again. Shelby said I’m her funk sister now and we got T-shirts! My heart was beating so fast ya’ll! It pays to love The Rainbow Children! LOL!
Chelsea Rodgers
Big City
Welcome 2 the Dawn (SO glad they did this instead of Purple Rain! Amazing choice! A Great song!)
Paisley Park
All the Critics Love You in New York/Housequake Jumps
Alphabet Street (Sheila E came out and crowd surfed for a bit)
Very good job! They were very tight, funky, and kept everyone’s spirits WAY up, especially with the EXCELLENT choice of Welcome 2 the Dawn being the only slow song.
This day was the 21st and honestly it was a BLUR. Even if I hadn’t gotten chosen by Ghost Prince to go up, the experience the band gave us with their energy and love made it hard to be sad this day. For me, interestingly I had a harder time on the 20th seeing him up there at the Big Screen event and with all the news that came out on the previous Thursday...did stay in bed for a bit that day to be honest...but “the day” was so full of just AMAZING like he legit came down like “ya’ll don’t cry for me...look at all this that I left behind for you to enjoy!” This day was was distracting with so much information followed by such an explosive show! Everyone was on their feet dancing, singing, hands in the air, just the whole time!
I’m very glad the days for the arena event got switched because it honestly would have been too much for me if it fell on this day...
Last part here!
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oh dope a response to the question thing n shit thats cool
it waaaaas for my fav band my future piercing n the last time i cried
soooo uh i think the last time i garbled upon the subject i was fuckin spurtin like crazy bout milo who is still fuckin like
legit to the heart n core of my soul not even kiddin hes like my musical spirit animal
buuut since goin juts about him twice is redundant ill just go fuckin crazy over soomeone else for a tick
iiiid say probably aesop rock
i fuckin went bananas over him before when i found out that he skated despite him saying that he could in “lotta years” but like knowing that he can still pull off impossibles is slick so i got hype off that anyways
but hes legit for real his instrumentals are absolutely fuckin excellent on their own but his bars are worth their gold on their own since usually they are just drippin with some kind of meanin
he just has a great way of wording shit man the way that he can be so fantastical with his lyrics is absolutely inspiring
there was even a study that compared rappers and their word diversity and aesop was so above fucking EVERYONE that his result wasnt even properly represented in the graph because youd have to expand the whole thing at the cost of space to the other rappers so hes just stuck at the end like outlier georg
i mean hes outpreforming a high number of major players like drake n mf doom n the ENTIRE WUTANG CLAN PUT TOGETHER its fucking outrageous
you can find the chart here https://pudding.cool/2017/02/vocabulary/ hes just so fucking dope
in terms of piercings id like to say either on my fuckin butt or something or like lobe and industrial bars cuz those are cool n shit
i wanted to get like a tongue stud for a while but then i heard its super easy to idly chew on those things and fuck up your teeth something real good which sounds exactly like something id so nah lmao
i can see myself swallowing em by accident too and id probably like cut up my insides and then die like a big old idiot
the doctor will look over my corpse and point and laugh and be like hahaha what the fuck this isnt even a thing that fucking happens what a loser
anyways the crying one uhhhh
k so like i normally fuckin hate sharin this shit cuz its a bit too much
since shit doesnt matter to other people and all bein fuckin open bout it does is like
make rando people worried about me n shit?? n i dont wanna do that cuz it feels like im just jumping people with my bullshit n forcing them to feel bad
n then it becomes a fucking assblast festival in my honor and name and people will put down hard pity about it and bother me bout it like they know my shit
some rando fuckin internet strangers actin as my moral compass as if i asked
as if im this idiot puppy dog who needs to be pitied and babied and guided cuz boohoo he feels bad
even talkin bout it openly is essentially a call for attention and i aint no pussy
but my therapist be tellin me i need tbe more open more so ill spill this shit i guess
by the way if you copy paste this shit or put it somewhere or fucking do anything with what im spittin i will fuckin hunt you down and expose you like the piece of shit pussy coward you are
i dont even give a fuck if you pass me on this i will fight to put down your ass n get your ass tossed off your job or some shit
but uh
yeah anyways
last time i cried was like a few weeks ago cuz like i was at work n it was a tuesday and since jack shit happens on tuesdays right
cept the only thing was some new album was coming out that day but thats chill
but some fucker came in with this huge trade in and is making me go through his dead granddads music movie collection of 100+ which is horrible but fuckin FINE whatever
i end up having to juggle this transaction with people trying to buy said album and calling to ask if i have said album which stressed me out like fuck cuz this trade in guy was a bit of a fucking grunch when i had to do other things that werent his thing because “he was there first” but other people would get grunchy when theyd get ignored or put aside for trade in guy because it “they deserve just as much attention as the next customer”
or theyd be forced to wait a good bit because im busy with something else
not like everyone was like that but one person is enough to ruin the mood right
anyways that wasnt the thing that really set me off to cry
well not directly anyways
in foresight i could have just said bad work day and not give an essay bout my horsecrap but i already typed it all out so fuck it you asked
it was just a bad day and there was a lot of moments that made me feel stupid and i just really hate feeling stupid
so anyway i finished my shift n finished up and just rushed off to the employees bathroom since it was the closest secluded place n i just needed a fuckin moment to just
destress i guess
enclosed spaces make me comfortable i guess idk
so im just on the toliet lid down holding my head in my hands holding the weight with my elbows on my knees and im just
getting more and more upset
like ill think about a mistake ive made that day then ill think about a worse mistake ive made in the past and get upset more
then ill get upset at myself at me holding those past grudges and get upset how i cant just let go of shit all together
and then ill get upset about getting upset about this SAME issue AGAIN and it just keeps looping through it over and over again like feedback between a microphone and a speaker
which is so infuriating because i KNOW that its happening all over again but i cant stop being a just
huge pussy and crying about it
so uh yeah i cried all like that and it was pretty awful
fuckin stubbed my toe haha it sucked
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danafrancisrolle · 7 years
Is it just me or am I the only one who has the biggest issue with getting up and 'outta bed in the morning? I would rather set 4 alarms and snooze those alarms 8+ times to get those extra minutes of broken up sleep (guilty) rather than respectfully getting my booty up 'outta bed and READY to take on the world. My eyes never want to open—it's as if they're glued shut and someone is playing a nasty little trick on me. It's horrible.
insomnia is TOO #REAL.
Please tell me I'm not alone here? I know there has to be someone reading this that can relate (or even just kind of relate) to the restlessness chronicles. HA. Although my sleep habits are something I've been facing for quite awhile now, it's definitely not all the way normal. Low energy, fatigue, body aches, exhaustion you name it—I 99.9% probably felt it, feel it, or will feel it tomorrow. I feel like we all (including myself) try to do it all because that's what women do. We juggle multiple jobs at once, wear many different hats, put others first, and sometimes forget to take care of ourself first. We're expected to be invincible and to be honest, it's overwhelming. I need sleep. You need sleep. We all need sleep. Why doesn't sleep come as easy for some?
The world, our world, has transformed so 'dang much in this modern day and age to pure chaos and extreme hectic schedules. There are countless factors that aid in our day to day exhaustion, but the biggest energy draining factor is the lack of self-care and the lack of proper nutrition. What I've learned, studied, and seen first hand is the vicious cycle of trying to live on too few calories, poor food choices, and the urge to just keep going as an individual skimps out on sleep. It's the—I'm too busy, I don't have time, I don't know, I don't care, I don't want to, I'm too tired—mentality that enables individuals to be okay with not taking care of themselves. Not to mention, because of this mentality individuals turn to the wrong enhancers like caffeine, sugar, 5-hour energy shots to "help" them stay awake and attentive. Sugar is addicting. Caffeine is just bad, EW. Energy shots will solely lead to a blood sugar roller coaster to cause hormonal chaos. Caffeine and sugar are toxic for our hormones and will make you more exhausted by overloading your adrenals and burning you TF out. I like to call this mentality self-sabotage. I am so MF guilty of this (although I don't actually drink coffee or take 5-hour energy shots) we ALL are self-sabotaging our overall well-being, hormonal health, and making ourselves much more susceptible to health issues further down the road.
How do we fix this? There's only one way—we have to face this fatigue epidemic head on and cut straight to the root of the problem. We have to stop putting a little baby bandaid over our exhaustion by thinking that quick fixes, supplements, and excuses are only way to get through our days. No. No! It's all about sincerely taking the stance in self-care that will promote proper nutrition, sleep, and natural energy.
With my own crazy sleep patterns, low energy, and sluggish behaviors—I've kind of become like my own personal master of boosting my own energy levels so I can push through everyday without making ANY excuses. Here's how:
EAT REAL FOOD EVERY 3-4 HOURS. There's truly no other way to combat exhaustion than with real food more frequently. We have to stop living with that idea of three meals a day because one of the most common mistakes I see are individuals who are skimping on calories, skipping meals, and waiting until the "right" time to eat. No! By not consuming (real) food every 3-4 hours will make your body more prone to energy lumps—it's not healthy to allow your blood sugar levels to drop below stasis (a period of inactvity. 
START MAKING ENERGY BOOSTING SMOOTHIES. Ditch the coffee (or at least let's start to try) because the constant intake of caffeine with being to deplete your adrenals in the long run. Adrenals are a gland located on top of the kidney that produce hormones that help control the heart rate, blood pressure, the way body utilizes food, regulate levels of minerals in the blood, and other functions involved with stress reactions. Smoothies are the new hot camaraderie—let's start implementing these every day as a breakfast side or snack even to promote sustained + slow releasing energy! *Maca will become your new BFF. 
FLUSH OUT EXCESSIVE CORTISOL. Cortisol is known as the "stress" hormone that can (in high levels) aid in anxiety and depression if not released daily (and properly) from the body. Cortisol is a crucial hormone to protect overall health and well-being, but too much is never good. Exercise. A small amount of high-intensity exercise will 110% aid in increasing your energy levels, fitness, and get that body and instant stress reducing flush of cortisol. Even if it's just 60 seconds of jumping jacks, 60 seconds of running in place, or 50 burps when you're feeling sluggish during the day—it may sound silly, bit it'll work. Try out some of our at home exercises that we share evert #WORKOUTWEDNESDAY if you don't want to leave the office, brave the winter cold, or are caught up on a conference call. Get moving!
B-100 COMPLEX SUPPLEMENT. Low energy is a common cause of B-vitamin deficiency. B-vitamins are *key to our metabolic functions so much so that if you're constantly feeling tired, weak, and sluggish due to a poor diet and an overbooked schedule—I'll bet your B-vitamin intake is pretty dang low. B-complex vitamins help the body convert calories into energy as well as improve mood and reduce stress! A supplement of B-100 complex contains most of the B-vitamins that our bodies need, I repeat most of. I'd suggest taking a B12 supplement too.
GET MORE RESTFUL SLEEP. A good night's sleep if the foundation for enhanced energy. Take the time to unwind, relax, and slow down the body. Be at ease I've noticed when I drink hot water will lemon, ginger, and turmeric before bed my body is at a much more peaceful state. Turmeric and ginger aid in body detoxification and regeneration overnight. Having a warm drink before bed will have you waking up feeling  more relaxed, refreshed, and ready. In addition, try our girl Codie's essential oil sleep potion spray on your pillow before you lay down to help you ease your mind, relax, and destress.
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