suiana · 1 year
look I know you said you hate working out but have you tried the lesserafim workout
I actually have!!
and I regretted it the next day💀
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hollyhomburg · 4 months
what is your review about the lesserafim workout
ooooh! i will totally give my review!
a bit of a disclaimer- i have an above average stamina and i've walked 3 miles every day for the last year so my opinion is of someone who already worked out everyday/had experience working out. your experience may be different! there is also a brief mention of disordered eating in this, just a disclaimer!!
My review of the lesserafim workout is that it has a high barrier for entry and requires more than just the workout to loose weight or gain muscle. alot of people claim you'll see results in one week and that is utter bullshit, i'd say it took at least 4 weeks for me to see/feel results- which is pretty good for a work out. if you're ever in online spaces and someone claims to have changed their body in one week- please realize that they are likely either 1. starving themselves while doing the work out or 2. taking steroids. Overnight results do not happen. thats just not how bodies work.
the lesseraphim work out is as follows:
100 jumping jacks (4 sets of 25)
100 burpees ( 10 sets of 10)
20 jump squats (2 sets of 10)
plank crawl - 3min (3 sets of one min)
20 plank twist/russian twist (20 each side)
plank up/down- 100 (5 sets of 20)
crunches - 100 (4 sets of 25)
Some exercises in it (like the plank crawls + burpees) have a really high stamina barrier that is really hard to overcome- it took probably a month for me to feel not-daunted by the prospect of doing them and at first i split them into 10 burpee sets. i would not recommend this work out to someone who isn't used to working out/already fairly athletic/used to exerting yourself- because i think it would be a really easy way to burn yourself out.
There are also some of the exercises that an inexperienced person would probably injure themselves doing- like the plank up/downs. if you have wrist issues whatsoever i would skip this step- and i actually ended up abandoning it after the first months because my wrists hurt too bad. Joint health >>>> results the only other exercise i ended up switching out was the plank crawls, now i just do planks, but you do you. i just don't like plank crawls, i need to strike a balance of enjoying working out and it taxing me and plank crawls where just too much of a mental energy sap for me to keep going with them. i did add 50 push ups to this work out- to make up the difference.
i've done the lesseraphim work out for about 3 months now 4-5 times a week and during that time i did gain 5lbs of muscle/chub- jurys up on which it was i'm leaning towards muscle because i have a lot more definition in my shoulders in particular from the plank crawls- like it definitely made me ripped in my upper body in a way that i did not anticipate.
One thing i did notice is that my overall appetite did increase on this work out, and i kinda started a bulk/cut cycle in the middle of it- so of course because i was eating more protein i gained more muscle. i just started my cut cycle last week and i'm down 2lbs already so! its hard to say what my end results will be! it definitely increased my metabolic baseline however- because i was feeling the drive to eat so much more. so if you are looking to increase your maintenance calories this would definitely help. My current cut schedule is at like 1,300 calories a day with 60g protein so- that is a bit extream depending on what you consider.
i will say i can certainly see more definition im my ab area and my shoulders above all else- but what i don't like is that this work out stresses your calfs with all the burpees and tbh- my calf circumference has increased a whole inch in the last year so- that is definitely not a muscle i am trying to grow. be mindful to streach before and after you do this work out!
some of the exercises like the crunches and jumping jacks and jump squats felt a little bit easy compared to the burpees and plan crawls and i either ended up increasing the amount of them or changing them up a bit because i didn't find them challenging. but it's all up to what you want to do.
my lesseraphim inspired work out now:
100 burpees (done in a 10 minute period, no longer in set just with 30 second breaks as needed)
100 crunches (4 sets x 25, sometimes 2 x 50)
40 jump squats (4 sets x 10 usually done alternating with the crunches since they are similar skill level)
planks (3 minutes total, 1 minute sets)
Plank twists (3 sets x 40, 20 each side)
crunches (2 sets of 50)
push ups (5 sets of 10)
finish up with a 3 mile walk at 10 incline for ~ 1hr.
Sorry to go on a tangent but here you go! i do this work out 5-6 times a week (i walk everyday but i don't always have time to do this work out) the longest it's ever taken me is an hour and 20 minutes, the shortest is just over 30!
if you have experience with this work out i'd love to hear your thoughts on it too!
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Good morning from the climbing gym!
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1) 5.8 (5°), up-down-up (3min) 3min rest
2) 5.7 (5°), up-down-up (3min) 4min rest
3) 5.8 (5°), up-down-up (3min) 5min rest
4) 5.7 (5°), up-down-up (4min), failed last hold, 4min rest
5) 5.8 (5°), up-down-1/2up (3min)
Finished with side planks and sit ups.
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managed a 3min plank!!! During the ballet days 2-3min was the norm, my longest was like 6min so that’s what I’m trying to aim at, but tbh that 3min is the very max rn (at least if I wanna keep thr good form, which yeah obv I do), the last 30seconds was shakyyy
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featherlightsprite · 4 months
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Day 8
I walk 10mins to my bus for work.
At work all day, hoping I'm on the arbour press cause that's one hell of a workout for upper body.
I take the long way home which is a 20min uphill walk.
Then 3min plank
25 sit ups
15 Russian twists
50 jumping jacks
I'm digging out my jump rope soon.
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universal1997 · 4 months
1-Month Challenge; Daily!!! (Cutting Routine)
15-Side Lunges (EA Side)
15-Scissor Kicks
15-Sit Ups
3Min Plank
15 Side Kicks
Repeat 3x & Eat 2,500 calories a day. (Make sure you have 1 fist of red meat a day)
4/250ml of water a day.
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slabofrawmeat · 4 months
ddude i think i got that muscle memory thing cos already u can see my stomach is toned again n stuff like i used to do 3min planks every day so its probs just like 'ong no not again'
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avicdsgn1 · 1 year
Kidolgoztuk az új edzéstervet Csak saját testsúly Arms+Back 3x 10 mellkas alá high chin-up 3x 10 mellkas alá high pull-up 10 Muscle up 2min dead hang Chest+Shoulder 70 strict normal push-up 25 diamond push-up 10 tuck plache 3x10 dips Core 80 strict sit ups 3min plank 50 strict leg raise 10 dragon flag 2x10 toe to bar leg raise 5x5sec front lever 3x5 human flag negative Legs 50 squats 30 jumping squats 3x10 psitol squat bicózás Elég hardcore....de ha ez megvan. 
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megagrind · 5 years
My college coach sent the ab routine out to all the prospective XC/track kids and it is...adorable
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orthoressick · 3 years
If you're bored of your usual exercising pattern, here are my ideas ♡
*NOTE: measure for calories is for 39kg*
➳ Plank Workout:
(5 min, 115kcal)
All one minute unless stated otherwise
Side plank
Inverted V plank
Plank rotation
Bicycle crunch
Mountain climbers
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➳ Full Body Workout
2 min Running
50s Jumping jacks
30s Plank
20s Side plank
30s Bicycle crunch
25s Side crunch
25s Hip raise
(174.3, all together 284.3 for now!)
** One min all! **
Leg raise (30s each)
Hip raise (30s each)
Wall sit
(100.2, all together 384.3kcal, amazing!)
1.6min Jumping jacks
2 min running
Amazing! You burned 493.8kcal and used 13.56min to exercise!
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➳ A Kinda Quick Workout
1 min running
5min Arm circles
5min Crunches
1min Mountain climbers
3min Donkey kicks
Congrats, you burned 117kcal in 18 mins!
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0x1kcals · 3 years
My definition of workout is kpop dances and skate boarding + 2-3min plank, and then i wonder why i dont have biceps
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Rainy again, so I tried something new today!
10 flights of stairs
Air punches
3min wall sits
50 flutter kicks
100 high knees
Some icky shuffle
Leg raises
40 Russian Twists
It was fun!! Sunrise is getting too late to comfortably run in the city. I just got used to running in daylight!! Not sure I want to get a gym membership though. Any urban running suggestions?? My neighborhood is a pretty good one, but we do have shootings and other crime every few months that come off the interstate. I know they do not bother the running path, but it does hit ny paranoia. Heck, it is probably just as safe as ural running... but I get nervous in the dark. What do y'all do to run safe in the dark?
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jayfitblr · 3 years
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Managed to hit a 2min plank!! Next target is 3min!!
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flowerslightning · 4 years
Wanna be a Game Character?
And now, who's up for a physical torture??
Inspired from Saitama's 100 days challenge, since this will only be for ' 7 ' weeks only, Im gonna name this workout challenge as "TIFA LOCKHART WORKOUT".
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I like Lightning Farron more, but she has a God-like power. While Tifa is an ordinary girl who train her body to be in the same level as the hero. So I use her name for this workout. Besides, I want to have what she has - the agility, power and speed.
I.. Have.. No.. Idea.. My weight .. Has .. Increased.. A lot 😂😂😂 no wonder why I feel my body is heavier than usual. I didnt train a muscle during the quarantine and the last time I trained seriously with my coach was in January and then my intern shift interrupted most of my training seasons.
I got scolded by my coach for being weak and unmotivated today 😂😂 and today was be the last time I saw him bfore moving 500km away from my hometown bcause of this intern for 7 weeks. I need to get back to my usual figure before meeting him again.
Disclaimer : I'm not a coach nor someone who has knowledge in nutrition. I once used this method to reduce 8 kg in a very short amount of time for my sparring tournament and it worked (but previously the workout was a lot more intense than this). And my weight maintained for several years, not until my sleeping schedule got crazy from the past 6 months and I have to stay indoors 24hrs and eat midnight snacks almost everyday and 0 hrs of exercise for 3 months straight.
★Tifa Lockhart Workout★
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Tifa has light build, superb strength, slim but fit figure, high agility and speed. She has abs but not the 6 pack type and her female appeal still maintained. A body where lots of women admire. While genetic does play a huge role in a person's body, but I believe Tifa does not have restricted diet but still train herself intensely. This workout should be light and easy to follow (well at least for me it is easy).
So, overall, the main objective is to regain power and speed. Which I assume I can achieve this by loosing weight and increase muscle endurance through out the 7 weeks self train. I will focus more on full body workout which involves cardio and strength exercises. [Pls note that I hate dumbbells and dislike gym. I like cardio and love pushups and plank]. So, this workout is really simple but effective (for me) and may torture ur mental a bit. It doesnt need equipment (but u need a jump rope)
★ Ready to go? Lets check the schedule first
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F - Fasting | INT F - Intermittent Fasting
I will give myself 2 days rest to allow my body to heal. I have extra time doing the weekends, so I will push myself to do more workout. Doing the selected days, I will try to spend at least 2 hrs for weekdays and weekends at least 3 hrs.
★ Move on to the diet
I'm not a foodie person. So I can survive a day without eating heavy meal while still being active. I choose Mon and Thu to fast, and Tue, Wed, Sat for intermittent fasting. Fri and Sun are my super 👻 cheat days. And dont forget to drink ur water 3L/day. I like to add a few slices of lemon in to my plain water for no proper reason. I just like to watch the lemon floating inside my bottle 😂
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Rice is our main dish and we often have it during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rice is a form of high carbs, so Im gonna cut it completely from my diet, along with bar chocolates, sweet drinks, candies while still eating breads and cookies, less intake of salty snack and more in protein and fruits. And the rest, Im gonna eat it like usual but in smaller portion- noodle, kuey teow, oden, mee, oatmeal, etc.. Will be away from home for 7 weeks though, I'm a cheapstake to myself so I dont really spend money on food 😂
And i dont take any extra supplement. I hate drugs..
★ And here's what the activity will look like
Dont forget to do warm up! We usually rope jump for half an hour before stretching.
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Since my only problem is my weight increased and I feel my muscle endurance reduced, I will immediately start at Level 3, then jump to Level 5 and then to Level 10. Im not an expert though, I just like to push myself to my limit and see how far I can still proceed.
If ure new to any type of exercise, pls try to do this activity level by level. Increase ur level every 2 weeks. Eg - Level 1 rpt 10x push up, 10 mins rope jumping, 1km jogging for the first 2 weeks | Level 2 rpt 20x push up, 20 mins rope jumping, 2km joggin for the next 2 weeks | Level 3 - and so on. Make sure to have 5-3mins rest before doing the next activity.
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Agility workout aint fun without a partner, for me, at least. But, yeah, none of my female intern friends like sweat 🙃 so I have to train agility.all.by.my.self. (or probably will skip it and change to strength workout) Hmmm
Friendly reminder : Do it slowly but constantly. If u cant finish the 10x burpees, u can rest 2-3 mins every 5x. No need to push ur self too hard. Unless if ure stubborn like me, then have it ur way. Do this at ur own risk.
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As a summary to this challenge ;
Right now, I am 166cm tall and 56kg. Perfect BMI u may say, but I feel heavy, unlike when I was only 54-52kg. Besides, I'm in class B sparring tournament. Cant let my weight be more than 54kg and less than 50
☆ Mission : Reduce weight - From 56kg to 51kg
☆ Objective : Regain strength, speed and muscle endurance
☆ Workout focuses : Full body workout - Cardio + Strength
☆ Time limitation : 7 Weeks
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Keep in mind that this is not about trying to be like Tifa Lockhart, but instead, u may have abs and lean muscle like her through this workout (depends on ur genetic, routine and diet). If u want to reduce weight and bcome light like how I want it to be, then this simple exercise is for u.
Alright, that's it. Feel free to join my 7 weeks challenge ! If u participate in this challenge, do tell me ur result and ur experience. I'm eager to listen to ur story 😆😆
I will be in hiatus for 7 weeks straight. Was told the internet line at the village clinic is horrible. So, will come back on 23rd August. See ya guy later ! 🤗
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deaded123 · 4 years
Following my outward-facing introspective essay, I’m gonna write up a bit of my recent exercise.
I was recently motivated by the idea of using the stairs as a method of exercising. When my motivation was hampered by the limits of the current pandemic and weather/seasonal difficulties, the sudden realisation that I could keep my fitness up, even if by just going up and down the stairs for a few minutes seemed to kick me out of the rut I’d dug for myself. This, partnered with a couple of dumbbell pairs gifted to me for Christmas, has been my exercise.
I found a website that recommended a workout consisting of a 3 minute up-and-down-the-stairs exercise punctuated with a different exercise between. For example, the 3min stair climb, an inclined push up (using the stairs), a 3 min ‘grapevine’ stair walk, calf raises, a 3 min stair walk, a 30 second plank, a 3 min stair crawl, and then further exercises that I didn’t get to. I found this to be very challenging, as suggested by the 3 min activity going from a climb to a walk to a crawl. Despite that it was gratifiying to just be back on track. 
One thing about the stair exercising is that I am limited by how narrow our steps are, both in terms of the depth and width of the steps. Squat jumps are out of the question, as there is not enough depth for me to firmly plant my feet. The push ups were difficult,as there is limited elbow room (though perhaps this is an opportunity to improve my form!). I am also hampered by the carpet spikes, which are like little booby traps. This, though, will be improved by actually wearing my trainers, which I forgot to do. Ankle support is important, yo.
The second time I added dumbbell exercises into the mix, with lateral raises (1kg), bicep curls (2.5 kg) and chest presses (2.5kg). I like the simplicity of these exercises, and found this great video to help me. I’ve had some trepidation with weight training as I know that if done wrong, it can be very damaging, so as I progress with it I want to make sure I see a wide range of sources to get as much advice as I can. 
~That’s all for now folks (or folk, in all probablility (the one folk being myself xD (though that is who these are aimed at))). Bai.
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outofstepbarbell · 6 years
WOD 09.26.18
Strength -Front Squat - 5-10% Over Last Week/1/5 -Bench Press + DB Clean and Press + Weighted Sit-Up - (Heavy/3 + Heavy/5 + Heavy/10)5 -Pistol + Plank + Side Plank - BW/10+60s+30s/2-3
MetCon 1 2 Rounds… AMRAP in 4min… -Burpees *3min btw Rounds
MetCon 2 2 Rounds… AMRAP in 3min… -Wall Ball (20/14#) *3min btw Rounds
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