#michael can be transmasc and still like wearing dresses!!
akalikai · 7 months
michael deserves pretty dresses!! (and gerry deserves to panic over his pretty boyfriend in aforementioned pretty dresses)
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there WILL be a part 2 to this. eventually. soon.
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talkbycolor · 10 months
me and my husband
A/N; wholesome old fashioned marriage in 1950, ITS 5AM I DIDNT SEELP ALL NITH
Pairing; "Mychael" x AFAB!Reader
CW; fluff / this is a what if MC stayed willingly on the forest, forgetting about the cat, his job and everything / reader is called wife and wears dresses but that doesnt mean its a woman (to my transmasc fellas (probably only me)) / this made me feel like inside a disney old movie / mawar, sansuyu and primrose are kinda like their babies / cute implied sex
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The morning was as beautiful and warm as your heart, the sun's rays came through the windows while you combed your hair in front of the mirror, you could hear the morning song of the birds echoing from outside, the aroma of the forest was fresh, like a delicious mint tea in the morning, ready to brighten your day.
"Honey, Mychael, are you awake?" You asked as you looked at the green-tinted body next to you, the non-human boy only letting out a few muffled sounds, trying to sweep the dream away from himself.
"Good morning, firefly" Mychael said in a lazy tone, he opened two of his four eyes before leaning down to kiss your lips, morning breath was not a problem when it came to showing how much he loved you.
"I'm going to make breakfast, can you feed the girls?" Even though it was a question you were already standing up to put on a coat and head to the kitchen.
Mychael imitated you by standing up and putting on a coat, it would soon be winter and the weather was already starting to change, but that was okay! It meant you could be the little spoon when giving yourself nightly cuddles with your husband.
Ah, husband, that word sounded so nice.
Not long ago you told Mychael about what marriage was and the emotional meaning it carried, how that made you "officially" a family, so to speak.
Your wedding was in the garden, Marmar, Sunny and Rosie were present of course, Mychael walked you back to the city to get a beautiful white suit and veil, you looked so beautiful that day, Mychael made sure to repeat it every second and make you feel like the most esteemed jewel in the world.
You could still remember how your mother told you things about maturity, how sweet life would be once you found your loved one and shared a life together until death do you part.
Mychael was that, your loved one, a boy with a heart of gold who only loved you.
And to his three girls, of course, Mawar, Sansuyu and Primrose, since that day, every moment has felt so fresh and pure, like tasting paradise, swimming in clouds, sobbing stars.
And Michael? Oh, it was so adorable to see how he did anything for your comfort, you were his beloved pearl, his old-fashioned lover who loved naps by the fireplace and telling stories about his life.
If chickens could talk, they would say that you look at Mychael with radiant love in your eyes and he does the same.
While you were washing the vegetables for breakfast you heard Mychael entering back into the cabin after feeding the chickens and checking the crops. He approached humming a song, the same one he played for you for the first time on his kalimba, his hands wandering. over his hips and moved playfully from side to side, inviting you to dance with him.
"Come on sweetie, don't you want to dance with your husband for a moment?" He whispered in your ear, his hands took yours to force you to stop working and turn to look at him.
Yes, he didn't look human but that doesn't mean he wasn't attractive.
Your hand went up to caress the strange mushroom-patterned horn on his head, causing your husband to purr, it was so cute to see him so comfortable next to you, with you, with the life they had.
You left your job behind, his old home, but you wouldn't change anything you have now, a quiet and domestic life was all you needed.
Both bodies moved through the kitchen, spinning to the rhythm of Mychael's humming, the home was so cozy that the cold seemed nonexistent.
Despite still being a little numb from just waking up, you interrupted his humming to sing, it's not like you had the best voice and it was actually kind of embarrassing, but when you're in love, who doesn't do the cheesiest things? You laughed a little at how happy it made you to dance alongside your husband.
"Hey, hey, hey, lover… you don't have to be a star, hey, hey, hey, lover… I love you just the way you are" Your cheeks burned with grief but that didn't stop you from smiling, Mychael leaned in to gather his forehead with yours as he enjoyed the moment with you.
Being with you made him the happiest man in the world.
"My wife is so sweet, you make me so happy, firefly" he whispered as one pair of eyes watched you, the other pair was closed as he savored the dance with you, he pulled your hips to cling to his body even more. "My beautiful wife, my beloved is so alluring, so charming, so wonderful, stunning, breathtaking" Receiving compliments from your man was always so pleasant, if you could purr like him you surely would.
"You look so alluring wearing that flowery apron" He commented with a mischievous smile, Mychael was a bit cocky by nature and loved to tease you.
He knew you liked that.
You both cooed at each other for a long time until your stomach growled, demanding food, you couldn't ignore the routine anymore so you both got to work on breakfast.
It was such a complete love, such a full life, such a happy heart.
After having breakfast you made sure to take good care of Marmar, Sunny and Rosie, that the field was in perfect condition, and clean the cabin. Mychael had gone out to bring a few things that were missing from the home, such as more firewood, meat for dinner and some pipes to install the drainage system in the bathroom, it was almost ready.
Not every day was the same, sometimes they had time to spare and they would settle down together in front of the fireplace, go for a walk through the most relaxing areas of the forest, or cuddle the chickens.
"Honey, wifey" Your husband's voice rang, he was knitting new wool sweaters since it would soon be winter. You walked over to your husband to snuggle up next to him, the atmosphere making your eyes feel heavy.
"Tired, firefly?" Mychael asked, just watching you pout and bat your eyelashes was enough to have the green-skinned boy carrying you bridal style to the bedroom, it always worked so you didn't help but let out a malicious giggle.
Things in bed were also fun, you were both passionate and loved each other intensely.
"I love you so much, Mychael, I want you to lull me, drown me, crush me…" You asked him in a whisper despite being the only ones in the cabin, the warm atmosphere of the home protected them, You were in the dark, the sounds of the forest setting their act of love. "My husband is so good, he knows how to make me feel so good, so desired" You confessed to him with a blush on your cheeks, saying what you felt so openly (maybe even a little bold) was still something that made you nervous.
"Thank you for coming into my life, dear" The seriousness with which he said those words carried so much feeling, he gave you a sad smile, you knew that Mychael was alone before he met you… very, very alone. "You always fill my heart with so much joy, knowing that you are mine... I feel so loved and… I want to make you feel loved, I am completely devoted to you, firefly, your wishes are my commands"
You were both sighing under the sheets, exhausted by their recent act, bodies so close together that they seemed to melt into each other as they enjoyed the other's heat.
"I love you"
"I love you"
You both laughed, sharing a loving kiss before falling asleep.
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mono-socke · 3 months
soo uh, I was asked about transfem jeremy hcs by @swagcoolcat
heere ya go
-when she first realized she's trans, she hadn't settled on a name, so she asked people to refer to her as 'jere' for a while, since it was more of a nickname than an actual name
-eventually though, during a sleepover w/ michael they were watching tv when the name 'jennifer' fell and she was like '...holy shit that sounds cool' so she turned to michael and asked 'can you call me that...?' which michael ofc did
-so that's how she found her name ('jenny' or 'jen' are nickames that her friends call her)
-her wardrobe changed to unisex at first, due to her hesitance of actually trying girl clothes instantly, and when most people reacted positively (or neutrally) to it, she got the courage to put on girl clothes
-brooke was the one to give her fashion advice, and go shopping (not that michael or christine wouldn't want to go shopping with her, brooke just objectively has more knowledge about fashion)
-she tried out skirts first, though only in the presence of close friends before she eventually got the courage to wear them in public. dresses came a bit after that
-her hair had never been particularly short, but it still took a while to grow it out the way she wanted it. christine loves to style her hair, and despite it turning out a bit messy/chaotic afterwards, jennifer adores it a lot as it looks cuter than if it were perfectly smooth and 'controlled'
-christine also gifted her one of the hair pins she always wears, so they could match
-rich reacted super positive about it too. he's transmasc and now has a transfem friend to talk about trans stuff with!! epic!!
-he helped her with voice training and overall confidence too, and rich supported her fully during her coming out as he knows how hard it can be
-jenna isn't too close to her, but still accepts and supports her, and even offers to help her w/ makeup and all that
(sorry, that's it for now. take a few doodles as bonus)
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cardentist · 1 year
apparently there's discourse (not in the bad way, just the discussion way) surrounding lich and trans headcanons because of how he talks about michaela in the books
so here's my opinion as a trans person (other trans people are allowed to have different opinions but this one is mine):
I believe that mothy himself is well meaning about his trans and gay representation, but is unfamiliar with what We'd consider problematic. I'm not familiar enough with either mothy or the general culture of japan to say if this is the result of mothy himself being out of touch, or japanese queer culture just being different from the US's. but either way this is my read on the situation.
and so I engage with evillious with that in mind. it's a series that means well but has problematic elements. and that doesn't have to be a Bad thing, it's just something that needs some awareness while taking it in.
so when mothy writes lich openly acknowledging and accepting that michaela is his sister but then Also has him refer to her with her dead name I don't see that as mothy intentionally portraying lich as transphobic or unaccepting of her. it is, after all, how mothy chose to reveal that she was a trans woman in the first place (introducing us to "lich's brother michael" and having it revealed that she was michaela all along, and having lich acknowledge her as his sister now).
and I think there are two ways to go about this with this understanding.
we could simply gloss over the issue, because at the end of the day we're not going to be able to sit mothy down and explain why it can be hurtful to trans people. we don't have that direct communication with him. and it's not being written with the intent of being read as malicious on lich's part, so it's simply easier to smooth it over.
Or we could translate mothy being well intentioned but misinformed onto lich as a character trait. this works best within the context of him having to learn what he's doing wrong and grow, but obviously it's up to personal interpretation.
as for trans headcanons, there's nothing wrong with that in the first place. trans people are misinformed sometimes, nobody comes out of the womb socially conscious and fully aware of modern sensibilities.
having lich realize that they aren't a man could be tied into lich gaining a better understanding of transness. having lich be transmasc already and just not knowing any better because He doesn't mind these things and hasn't stopped to think that other people may feel differently. having lich be whatever flavor of trans you want in whatever way you want just because it's fun and you'd like to. it's all fine and doesn't hurt anybody
I would Also like to point out that levia has been making fun of behemo for wearing dresses and make up since she was introduced as a character, and people tend not to call her transphobic or highlight this as transphobia.
yes, there is more ambiguity in behemo's case as mothy has never stated outright what behemo's identity is, but calling someone you interpret as a man disgusting or weird for wearing dresses Is Transphobia (and was specifically highlighted As transphobia/bigotry that behemo has faced during barisol's child) regardless of what that person's gender actually is.
I personally like levia a lot, just like I like lich and behemo and michaela, and Personally I think they're all trans Because I like them. and I'm not saying that we should Start defining levia's character by this trait.
but I Am saying that it's an obvious double standard to hold lich as a character accountable while Not doing the same for levia when arguably levia is intentionally written as being harmful while lich isn't.
anyways, I think it's funny if levia realizes he's a trans man that still likes to wear dresses and make up, and I think lich is seth's boyfriend and banica's girlfriend and eater's -̴̱͔̫̭̎̆͆-̴̠͚͘͜-̶̺̰̙̦͗-̸̡̻̽̅-̴̢̹̰̠͐͑̃̈̑friend, and equally trans no matter what
(also potential lich and carlos dynamic intrigues me but I think it's much funnier if they aren't dating each other. banica's husband and banica's girlfriend silently and awkwardly eating brunch together because they figure they're supposed to hang out but between the two of them there isn't one drop of social intelligence)
(they do this every day, it never gets any better)
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
Hi Lavender ❤️ I have a peculiar writing request for you. You don't have to do this if it's not your thing.
I know you've written transmasc reader, but I'd like to ask you to write a transmasc! Michael x David.
Like, maybe David goes to Michael's house one evening to spy on him or visit or something, only to find Michael getting ready for a bath or bed and Michael gets embarrassed and shy amd afraid since he didn't tell anybody.
David can be all fluffy and tell him it's alright and he has nothing to be ashamed for and he likes amd loves him just for who he is.
Just something really fluffy since I've been feeling awefully dysphoric and depressed lately.
I know this is a lot like my last request, so feel free to take some artistic liberty ~
Love youuu ❤️
- @legal-lost-boy
Take It Like a Man 💪
Summary: David goes by the Emerson house to see his boyfriend, but gets quite a surprise when he walks in on Michael getting ready for a shower. Michael is worried about David's reaction to his body, but perhaps it's the perfect chance to bring the lovers closer~
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Thank you @legal-lost-boy for the request! We also talked more over messages, and I got the go-ahead to add smut. So this is both sweet and spicy~
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, TransMasc!Character, No top or bottom surgery, Sneaking in, Spying, Use of a binder, Fear of coming out, Body Insecurity, Dysphoria, Acceptance, Body Positivity, Making out, Nippleplay, Neck kissing, Cunnilingus, Mention of birth control, Shower Sex, Vaginal Sex, Praise kink, Love making, Masculine and Feminine genitalia terms, Creampie, Aftercare
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Being insecure had become a foreign concept to David as a vampire. There was no need to be fearful of anything when you were the most powerful creature to walk the Earth. Anyone who didn't like you or judged you for something could simply be crushed like a bug.  
So, he held his head high and didn't let others get to him. David would dress how he wanted, wear whatever makeup and jewelry he liked, and have fun however he pleased. Nobody was powerful enough to stop him from doing what he wanted. He and the Lost Boys were confident and proud of who they were.    
Though he had to admit, he had been thrown a curveball when Michael came into his life.   
It was a bit strange, being in love with a human. Even if David himself had once been human, he had long forgotten what it was like to be such a weak and vulnerable being. Sometimes it felt like he was interacting with an alien. Michael got worked up over the silliest things. If people were looking at him weirdly, if his hair didn't look right, even if he was doing nothing at all, he wanted to see if it was natural-looking.  
Still, David didn't mind any quirks. Michael was his dream guy. He was more than happy to let the human boy be himself. So long as they were together, everything was perfect.    
One night in particular, David was thinking about Michael quite a bit. His mind was plagued with risqué thoughts of the human boy. Even after being with him for a while, Michael was still incredibly shy about getting intimate. Whenever they were making out, he tensed up when David’s hands lingered too low. It was kind of cute seeing him get so flustered.   
Wanting to test his luck and try to get some sugar, David decided to let the others in the pack go off and do their own thing while he paid his boyfriend a visit. He took off into the night for a flight to the Emerson house.   
It was rather late and judging by the lack of lights on, that meant everyone in the family had turned in for the night. That didn’t concern David, as Michael had become quite a night owl since they got together. It was the only time David could see him after all.   
Only a single light was on in the house. After coming over so many times, he immediately recognized it as belonging to Michael’s room. There was no time to waste.   
The vampire slipped in and out of the shadows, stealthily making his way to the side of the house. Though a tree stretched out near the window, David found that it was much easier to just fly up to the upper level of the house. The first time he came by when they started dating, he made the excuse of climbing up the branches. His boyfriend was none the wiser.  
Michael typically didn’t mind whenever David came to visit in such a way. He said it was kind of romantic having his boyfriend come up to his window and sneak in for some alone time. So, David did as he normally would and slipped into Michael’s room, ready to greet the human.  
To his surprise, Michael was nowhere in sight. It wasn’t until he heard a noise in the bathroom attached on the other side that David got a bit curious. The door was open, and the light flipped on, indicating that Michael was inside. If David had been a human, he would have been more considerate of things like privacy.   
But of course, that did not apply to vampires.   
David quietly stepped in front of the door of the bathroom. Sure enough, Michael was standing in the middle of the room, his back to David. The blond didn’t really know what he expected to see, but it wasn’t Michael taking off his shirt. That itself wasn’t the odd part. What threw David off guard was seeing a black binder underneath.   
Michael’s body was toned and muscular, as he was incredibly dedicated to his hobby of weightlifting. But while he was fine letting David admire his strong arms and impressive abs, he had never shown off his chest. It wasn’t until this exact moment that David started to realize why that was.   
He continued to watch in silence while Michael strategically lifted up the material bit by bit until he could properly slip the rest of it off over his head. David was so focused on what was happening that he didn’t even think to look away or step out of the room when Michael began to turn around. The human boy tossed the binder onto the sink counter, and when he did so, David got a full view of just what Michael had been so shy about for so long.   
Michael didn’t have a chest like David and his boys did. It was bigger and both sides went down in a tear-drop shape. Being around as long as he had, David was no dummy to what he was finding out.   
Michael was transgender.   
He didn’t even get the chance to think further about what he was seeing when Michael looked up, eyes locking on him. All hell broke loose at that moment.  
Michael went into full panic mode. He immediately shielded his chest with his arms and threw himself behind the door so that his body wasn’t visible anymore.   
“Wh-when did you get h-here? Why the hell were you spying on me?” he asked, demanding an explanation from his peeping tom of a boyfriend.   
“I’m sorry, Michael! I came up like I usually do a few minutes ago, and went to say hi,” David explained. He knew Michael’s heart had to be absolutely racing at that moment. “I didn’t mean to stare. Honest!”   
Michael’s anger began to shift into fear. David had seen him. ALL of him. That meant no more secrets. No more hiding the truth. He had been terrified of how his boyfriend would react to such news. Every time he had thought about sharing who he was, he feared the worst would happen. It was a nightmare trying to hide, but it was better than losing the love of his life.    
A thick lump was stuck in his throat as he held the door with shaking hands. This was all happening so fast. But it wasn’t like he could stay hidden forever.   
“So...I guess...now you know....” he muttered. Michael was fighting with all his strength not to start tearing up. He had taken his father’s ideas of men always being tough to heart and tried his best to act strong and brave to blend in better. It terrified him to be vulnerable like this.   
“That you’re trans?” David asked, cocking his head to the side. Despite the surprise, he still had a smile on his face. He wasn’t being smug like usual; he was just being sweet to show Michael that it wasn’t a big deal to him. “Michael, my love, you didn’t think I was going to react poorly to this, did you?”   
Michael didn’t really have an answer for that. However, the silence he gave was all that David needed to hear. He looked at his human lover from behind the door with softness in his blue eyes.   
“May I come in? I’d really love to see my boyfriend”   
It always made Michael happy to be called that. Being David’s boyfriend felt so right. He didn’t want to lose that. So, he nodded, opening the door for the blond to enter. Though they both stood in the bathroom, Michael kept his arms crossed in front of his chest.    
“Why are you scared, Michael?”   
“Because...you fell in love with a man....and I didn’t want you to see me differently if you knew about....this,” Michael explained. Reluctantly, he stopped covering himself so that David could see what was underneath. He loathed the type of puberty he went through and didn’t always like what he saw in the mirror.   
“Every day I push myself to look as manly as possible. If I fuck up even slightly, I start freaking out. I just...I want to feel like myself. It gets so hard sometimes....”   
Even if David was a bit of a stranger to human fears and desires, he still had enough of a heart to recognize how much this meant to Michael. He didn’t like seeing the boy he loved feel so insecure about his body.   
It made him want to show Michael just how much he adored every part of him.  
“Michael,” he drawled, moving closer to the human boy. His gloved fingers traced over Michael’s bare ones before taking them to hold as he had done many times before. Michael chewed on his lip in fear when his chest was exposed again, yet David still smiled lovingly.  
“You’re always going to be my dream guy. I could never stop loving you. After all, you're perfect inside and out.”    
Whenever David sang sweet praises his way, Michael couldn't stop blushing. Seeing him react in such a way only made David want to do it more.   
"C'mere. Let me kiss you, handsome," David purred. He tugged Michael closer to him, allowing a sweet embrace before pressing their lips together.  
Even with his insecurities and his fears, Michael always let go of any negative feelings when David kissed him. It was so soothing getting held in the blond’s arms and kissed like it would be the last time they ever got the chance. His body practically melted into David’s touch while his fingers slipped into the platinum locks of hair.   
David felt himself smirk into their kiss, feeling proud of himself for getting Michael to relax. He pushed the brunet up against the wall of the bathroom, moaning with delight as he ravished him more. After feeling a flat chest against his own for so long, it was a pleasurable surprise to feel the softness of Michael’s naturals pressed into him. They were quite big and perky, and he’d be lying if he said it didn’t turn him on.  
He released Michael’s lips to kiss down his stubbled jaw and over his throat, nibbling on the sensitive skin. While Michael moaned in pure pleasure, David started to get handsy, grabbing at his chest like he wanted to do for so long. Michael trembled, a flash of fright rushing through his head. Nobody had ever touched him like this before.   
“Don’t you worry, baby,” David cooed, pinching and toying with Michael’s nipples. “I’m gonna worship your body and let you know just how much I love you. Make you feel like a real man~”   
Saying that was all David needed to do to have the cute human wrapped around his finger. Michael whimpered with lust, pushing himself more against David’s body. It felt like his skin was burning up. He had an immense need to quench the thirst that was building inside.   
“P-Please, David...”   
“Please, what? Tell me what you want, Michael~”   
“Make me....feel good....I don’t care how, just...PLEASE”   
David was more than happy to give what was asked of him. With his own desire burning inside, he hurriedly stripped off his clothes. Jackets, shirt, pants, shoes, all of it got tossed aside onto the bathroom floor. His cock was already aching hard from just the smallest touches. Michael was such a hunk; it was impossible not to get turned on looking at him.  
The two of them got back to their kiss as soon as David was fully naked. Michael sighed when he felt David’s cock press into his thigh. He had touched it over the leather pants David often wore but feeling it like this was even better.   
For so long he hid his own body from his boyfriend, but now things weren’t as scary as they were before. David reached down to tug at Michael’s jeans, clearly eager to see all his body too.  
“Mmmh how about we get you outta these and I get you in that shower for some good lovin’. Sound good, Michael~?”   
Goosebumps were peppering Michael’s skin as nervousness and excitement mixed in his stomach. This was such a big step. It would not only be his first time showing a romantic partner his body, but also his first time going all the way.    
David must have sensed such worries because he doubled down on his affection. He slipped his hands behind Michael’s jeans, squeezing eagerly at his ass as he pressed his lips to the shell of his ear.   
“Don’t be scared, my love. I’ll go as slow as you want me too. Whatever you desire, I’ll give it to you. You’re in good hands, I promise.”   
A newfound burst of desire spread within Michael's body. He trusted David. The guy was an intimidating, punk-looking gang leader, yet Michael didn't feel any less than safe by his side. He wanted David to make him feel good. Make him proud of his body.   
"Let's do it~"   
David wasn't going to waste a single second with this opportunity. He tugged off his gloves so he could properly feel everything. He swiftly pulled Michael's jeans and briefs downward, letting the last of his clothing fall to the ground. Sure enough, Michael had a delicious-looking slit in between his legs. His clit and lips were glistening with wetness for David.  
It made the vampire absolutely ravenous. He chuckled in excitement as he pulled Michael into the glass shower, hurriedly turning on some soothing, warm water to help heat things up. While Michael pressed his back up to the shower wall, David immediately got to work.  
"Gonna suck this fat cock in between your legs, handsome~" he growled in between the kisses he trailed down Michael's chest and stomach.  
Michael's legs were trembling, but David soothed him by rubbing his hands along the bare flesh. He was on his knees with the warm water raining down onto his skin.  
With a wolfish grin, he went in and took a deep taste of Michael's dripping cunt.  
"OH SHIT!" Michael cried out. His body wasn't used to such an intense sensation. Without even thinking, he gripped a fist full of David's hair. Whimpers and sighs poured out of his mouth as David worked his magic.   
The vampire was already intoxicated by the taste. He greedily ran his tongue over the folds and slipped it inside Michael's hole. He growled with delight as he sucked on the tender clit, making a point to be as loud as possible with his slurping. It was important Michael knew how delicious he tasted.  
"Jesus fucking Christ, I….I didn't realize this…ooohh…would feel so good!" Michael barely got out. His body was shivering in delight and his voice trembled as he spoke.  
"If you want, I'll give ya head every night, Michael~" the blond said, winking up at his lover. He added a long, slow lick upward before giving Michael's clit a teasing flick. With how skilled David was, there was a good possibility that he would take him up on that offer.  
Michael let his head fall back against the shower wall. The sound of the running water blended with his moaning and pleas for more. He gripped David's damp locks harder as his climax drew closer.  
"D-David! I…fuck, I'm gonna cum!!"   
That was the vampire's cue to go harder than ever. He kept Michael's legs in a vice grip and growled with desire as he tongue-fucked the guy. Michael’s taste was so delectable on his mouth, and he was determined to get more.  
It was all that the human boy needed to be pushed over the edge. He cried out in pleasure as he came hard, slickness thoroughly coating David's mouth and chin. By the time he was finished it felt like his legs were going to give out.  
"Fuuuck me, you taste incredible, baby!" David said, licking his lips in delight. "Got my whole damn beard soaked. So hot~"  
Michael's face was quite red. He would have blamed it on the heat of the water but they both knew that wasn't it. David had him incredibly hot and bothered. Even after the rush of orgasm, he still wanted more.  
"Awww does my handsome boy need some extra attention~?" David cooed, rising back up to his feet. He loved how Michael whined when he kissed him, both from the teasing and for the taste on his lips. It wasn't bad, just a new experience.  
"Y-Yeah…David, please…God, I need you to fuck me," Michael all but begged. He was kicking himself for not telling David sooner. One taste of pleasure and he was already hooked.  
Not that David minded, of course.  
"Ya got any protection, love?"   
"Actually…I’m on birth control…" Michael admitted sheepishly. "I wanted to be prepared whenever this day would come…if you would want me."  
David had to keep himself from cackling at such an absurd thing. To think that Michael of all people was worried that he wouldn't be desired was absolutely ridiculous. From now on, David was going to step it up with all the affection he gave the guy.  
"Of course, I want you. I need you. Now let me show you how desirable you truly are~”  
The vampire gave the faucet a slight turn, letting the water get a bit hotter. He loved how Michael looked, all flushed and needy for him. Getting things a little extra steamy would make it that much more enjoyable.  
David pressed himself against Michael, kissing him deeply once again. As their tongues slid together, he gave himself a few quick strokes. The sooner he was inside Michael, the better. Michael was ready to follow along, letting his arms wrap around his neck while David released his cock in order to have both hands free. The blond grabbed onto Michael’s sides, hoisting him upward so his legs could lock around his hips.  
“David~” he sighed out, ready for whatever was about to happen.  
Who was David to keep his beloved waiting any longer? 
While holding on tightly, David pushed his cock slowly into Michael, groaning out as he did so. Michael was absolutely soaked. It made slipping inside feel extra special. Not to mention the way he was clenching around his cock was making him drunk with desire.  
"Ho-Holy fucking hell…~" Michael stuttered. He had toyed with self-pleasure before, but this was far better than anything he had experienced.  
"That's a good boy," David moaned, giving Michael another kiss. "Now hold on tight to me while I make ya feel like a king~" 
The two of them were already making the sweetest noises as David began to pump his cock in and out. His hips.moved skillfully, rocking at just the right pace.  
"Ooooh God, David….yesss~" Michael sighed. His head was thrown back as he lost himself in his haze of pleasure. David was filling him, giving plenty for his cunt to squeeze around. The deeper he fucked, the better he felt.  
The two worked together beautifully. David pushed Michael up against the glass, letting the steam consume them as he claimed his lover. Michael grabbed on as tight as possible, fingernails scraping down the pale skin. It was all absolute bliss.  
As the pleasure grew stronger, the two of them got louder. Determined grunts, needy whimpers and plenty of uses of their names flowed like a song.  
"Michael…oooh my Michael~" the blond growled, thrusting faster. "You feel so fuckin' warm….mmmf…even hotter than the water. Makes me wanna fuck this perfect cunt all night. I'm so…oooh…goddamn lucky to have a man like…y-you~" 
The more sensual things David sang his way, the closer Michael got to his second orgasm. He gripped his arms and legs around the blond as tightly as possible. It was happening so fast, and he wanted to brace himself.  
"David! Fuck me, David…I'm so fucking close…cum inside me!!" he pleaded. Moments after he said that, he was beginning to feel the all too familiar rush hit him once again.  
That was all the vampire needed. With just a few more thrusts, he was catching up to his boyfriend. While Michael came on his cock, David thrust himself as deep in as he could go, marking him with his warm cum.  
"FUUUCK!! Oohh fuck, I love you!!" David growled. He was so close to letting his feral side show. 
It was all so intense for the young lovers. Everything around them was a blur while pure relaxation enveloped them both. Though they were panting and leaning against the wall to support their weakened legs, both boys were completely satisfied with what happened.  
David was always a doting boyfriend to Michael. He proved as such when he used the water and some of Michael's shampoo and soap to lather the boy up and get him cleaned. All the while he was so gentle and adoring. Every inch of Michael's body was washed with the utmost care, especially the parts he'd been scared to show before.  
Michael was in heaven. There was nothing to be scared of anymore.  
Once they were both cleaned off, Michael let out a soft yawn. Clearly the sex and the bathing had relaxed him enough for a good night's sleep. The best part of getting into bed with David for some cuddling meant that now he could do it without hiding under baggy sweatshirts.  
The two of them could be bare and vulnerable. He trusted David with his identity, and after everything, he truly felt better about himself.  
"God, I'm so lucky to have a stunning man like you, Michael," David whispered into his ear. His fingers brushed through dark brown locks of hair to lull Michael into sleep.  
"You are truly a perfect guy. I'm gonna remind you every single day how hunky and strong and incredible you are."   
With each sweet nothing shared, Michael drifted deeper and deeper into sleep. Tonight had been perfect. Everything he had wanted with his love had gone so well. Now he would have the sweetest dreams to remember it by.  
As he finally drifted off and began to softly snore, David took the opportunity to whisper one last thing in his ear. Something Michael wouldn't hear but would mean a lot for him to say.  
"I have a secret too. I'm a vampire, Michael. I know what it's like to be scared of telling people you love the truth. But I hope one day you'll accept me for who I am just as I've done for you. My truly perfect man…" 
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Tag List: @britany1997 @6lostgirl6
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
I just figured out I'm polyam, and I'm moving out of my hometown to a very queer city (one of the queerest in the world). I'm scared that even there I'll have trouble making friends and finding people as a non-binary, bisexual, polyam person (especially one that leans alternative). Do you have any advice for being your authentic self while still grappling with a lot of internalised stuff and moving to a new place?
Hmm. When I moved to a new place I found comfort in being able to dress more as a girl even though I’m afab. I felt like people in my hometown had put me in a box (“I bet you hated wearing a dress!”) and I felt like I was having trouble breaking out of that box. I’m able to dress more femme comfortably now. As for other genders, I don’t really consider myself in or out of the closet. I’m just someone who doesn’t enforce my pronouns or gender because I just don’t care enough about it/to make a fuss about it. I have pronoun pins I don’t really wear. If there was a day I was feeling really adverse to being gendered as my agab then I guess I would wear them but right now I present so femme that there’s no real point to it for me because I just don’t feel masc. And I’m just never out as plural. I just use genderfluid instead, which is more accurate right now anyway. Not that anyone really. Asks.
Working at Michaels Craft Store I’ve found other queer people who are out and have pronouns on their name tags and stuff. They are properly gendered by other staff. I’m not saying make friends with your local craft store employees but like yk it’s a start. Ask them if there’s any cool queer places if they look openly queer or something.
In college I’ve found openly queer people but college acquaintances haven’t lasted for me. There’s no point in really talking to someone once your not in a class with them anymore. The exception has been @princess-pathetic-112898 and I love her so so much and I had the pleasure of dating her for a bit and it was wonderful and she was such a blessing. When I was feeling so alone in the world she was there for me, and I’ve been praying for someone like her ever since but let’s be honest she’s a once-in-a-lifetime friend. I haven’t met anyone like her since.
As for polyam people, and scenes, I would check Facebook! Someone on here (I think it was Key but if I’m misassigning credit I’m sorry) said to check Facebook and that’s where I found the local punk venue in my city last week after finally looking. Honestly as “Punk” I don’t really look like… “myself”, so I’m not going to go until “Punk” feels comfortable going as himself, though we’ve been so solid I haven’t heard from him really in months. But I won’t be going right now until I can comfortably pass as transmasc for myself. I have other plans for the body right now I want to focus on and I don’t mind putting that on the back burner, which it feels like some people don’t really understand.
There’s a wonderful pagan store I go to that I hung out at the other day, and they decorated for pride, but there weren’t any other shoppers in there but I hung out with the cashier for almost an hour. She was cool, in her late 30s early 40s, and she told me about a summer harvest festival they’re hosting and suggested I come to try and meet some people there. I go to a lot of Pride events and I’ve followed some people on Instagram from them in the past but I haven’t made any friends.
Truth is: I’m really lonely. All of my friends are back home. I miss them. My mom has asked if I want to move back but other than being lonely my mental health is SO much better here. But I haven’t been able to make friends since moving here and it sucks. I feel like I’m doing everything I’m supposed to be to make friends (getting a job with other college kids, going to college, becoming a regular at a local store, going to events and concerts, etc.) and nothing is working and it’s extremely disappointing. I feel like I should be doing more but that really pushes my physical limits. People seem surprised I’m not out ever Friday night at the punk scene thrashing around and I feel like I have to explain I live in rural North Carolina 40 minutes away from the city, and if I’m not already working it’s a haul to go there, and if I am already working I’m tired and depending on how many hours I’m working in a week I’m already pushing my physical limits just to make ends meet at home. At this point it’s looking like I’m going to need physical therapy. I’m not sure I want to head to a punk show after work OR drive 40 minutes just to go to one on a Friday night when I have a day off.
I think that moving to a new place can really help you overcome some internal things. I was able to break out of a box I felt like I had put myself in/been put in and start experimenting with my style and fashion. I moved where I know people and while I’m out as bisexual and polyam I just haven’t bothered to broach the gender subject because I’m not ready and it doesn’t bother me enough to push me to say something other than a comment here and there. The idea of being “out” is overrated to me anyway. I’m just me.
Making friends used to be so easy for me but I guess that’s what happens when you’re someone years spending time with people 5/7 days of the week. Now that I only see people a few times a week it’s a lot harder, and even though other people I know have made friends with college companions and coworkers I have not. I wish I had better advice and I’m wishing you better luck than I’ve been having.
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