#gerry agrees with me
akalikai · 7 months
michael deserves pretty dresses!! (and gerry deserves to panic over his pretty boyfriend in aforementioned pretty dresses)
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there WILL be a part 2 to this. eventually. soon.
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melandrops · 11 months
my headcanons for the pet names the magnus archives characters use
jon - dear. you can just hear him saying it to martin can't you. grab me the salt would you dear?
martin - sweetheart. he really only would break out the pet names when jon is being particularly pitiful and he's trying to comfort his boyfriend.
tim - babe, which he uses on everyone all the time. i firmly believe he's accidentally let babe slip out to elias once and still thought about it at night for weeks afterward. if he's being particularly annoying at the time and knows it, scrumpkins.
sasha - not a big pet name user. people have names for a reason. she'll let a darling slip out every now and again with her partner.
melanie - babe, with the occasional love peppered in when she's feeling particularly sappy.
georgie - look me in the eyes and tell me she doesn't radiate hon energy. maybe honey if she's in public.
daisy - pet names? her girlfriend isn't a dog, thank you very much.
basira - same.
elias - dear, in a very sappy and overdramatic way until it becomes his default over time.
peter - no thank you.
gerry - like tim, he really lays the pet names on thick when he's being annoying or goofing off. otherwise a simple babe will do that job
michael - shelley would say the word angel without a shred of irony in his voice because he's that kind of guy. distortion would say darling and rolls the r's just enough to make it uncomfortable
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schmweed · 1 year
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Succession | S01E02
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marklikely · 3 months
is in a violent nature just a boring movie based on a misconceived idea (hard to make a slasher movie where you follow the slasher interesting bc you always know what hes going to do next and spend no time with any of the victims to care about any of them even a little) or is it actually a genius deconstruction of the genre (you could also say most other slasher movies have predictable killers and shallow victims that only exist to justify a kill scene, this movie is just taking that to the extreme).
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shortkingromanroy · 2 years
so weird to me when people debate whether gerri ‘betrayed’ roman or not because like. actually what she did was the exact opposite of betrayal because up until that moment roman was solidly Team Logan and gerri still is. so actually what she did was not betray logan for the kids. siding with the kids would have been the betrayal! i know she and roman were a team but really he betrayed that team first by siding with his siblings - or at the very least he dissolved that team by siding with his siblings and not telling gerri.
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siover · 2 years
i do think that like shiv pretending to be broke in college is very real but she'd probably eat peanut butter straight out of the jar/granola bars etc instead of cooking. i cannot see her ever cracking open a cookbook even for appearances i feel like as part of any artifices she props up she's far likelier to go the low-effort route than otherwise simply bc shes such an intense person in general
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
I don't know if this is a hot take but all of Greg's scenes sucks and I wish they'd had use the screentime to focus on other characters
I don’t actually think it’s that much of a hot take, I’ve seen this opinion a lot, in official reviews as well as on here … I didn’t mind him being in the show that much (except that he made me cringe like crazy basically in all his scenes but that’s. Like as always) but that’s also like the best thing I can say about him rn
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
… Thunderbirds (2004) is not a good movie.
But if they’d just listen to my suggestions it could be a better bad movie.
#Firebird Randomness#did I ever tell y'all I LOVE cheesy 200s and 2010s movies??#bc I do#while I don't care about the source material at all#in fact Gerry sounds like a dick#I do agree that this film leaned too hard on the 'kid hero' aspect when the family angle would have worked better#give the brothers and the father something to do in the space station#maybe hurt John more so he has to direct them around#cut back and forth more let them participate in their own rescue#give more communication#it will never be a work of cinema genius but I think it'd be a better bad film#a fun kinda bad#unlike some people I don't mind kid heroes I think it's fine to have them#and by gods those kids were young back when kids played kids#but I think there was a strong family aspect that got ignored#also I have a crush on Lex Shrapnel as John Tracy FIGHT ME GERRY YOU COWARD#I wish there was more about them#esp learning that Bill Paxton practically adopted them all XD#but yeah like focus on the emotional#like that bit where they try to give them control back and fail the kid playing Alan really tugged at my heart there#I wished we could've had more of thatm#focus on his individual relationships w/ his brothers and father#I absolutely think it would have benefitted from a longer pause to address the gravity of 5 being damaged#imagine if they tried to call John but couldn't get through and feared he might be dead#if John was unconscious#literally like my notes are: more family and MORE ANGST#Things You Didn't Know Fire Was Into
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catlezboyfriends · 8 months
had a moment the other day where i was like "wow its wild that dicks just look so much better on women, idk how anyone could be attracted to them on a guy" & then gerry went "that's because you're a fucking lesbian."
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shizucheese · 7 months
Hey guys, we need to talk. Because a certain little something in TMAGP 8 is causing what is genuinely the most toxic part of the Magpod fandom at large to once again rear its ugly head. So let's talk about podcast character appearance head canons, shall we?
I'm tagging this with the Magnus Archives, TMA and Magpod tags because I am absolutely calling all of you out, but if you don't want spoilers for The Magnus Protocol episode 8 then stop reading right now.
. Okay, so, Gerry exists in the TMAGP universe. He's happy (or at least acts cheerful). And some people have headcanoned this to mean that he is no longer goth, or at the very least isn't dying his hair black with bad box color. And other people have decided to get seriously agro over this. I have literally seen with my very own eyeballs someone call "un-gothing" Gerry a "hate crime" and calling the person they were talking to "gothphobic."
Let me make this absolutely clear for all of you: podcasts are a purely audio medium and unless a physical trait of theirs is explicitely stated, everyone's headcanon for how a character appears is valid. Goth TMAGP Gerry is valid. But also
Rainbow Goth TMAGP Gerry is valid. Pastel Goth TMAGP Gerry is valid.
Not Goth At All TMAGP Gerry is valid.
Bald Gerry who has actually gotten his brain cancer diagnosed in time and is getting treated for it is valid. Somebody's headcanon of a character that has no canonical description to them, or whose headcanon matches the few crumbs of canonical description we have but otherwise doesn't look the way you imagine them to, is not going to take away from your own headcanon of what a character looks like. If someone imagining or drawing a character looking a different way from how you imagine them looking somehow takes away from your enjoyment of the fandom or otherwise makes you feel like you need to barge in and tell them that they're Wrong and need to conform to your headcanon or else, that is a reflection on you, not them.
And this problem way predates TMAGP, let alone TMAGP 8. The only description we have of John is that he is in his early 30's and has prematurely greying hair.
If someone thinks he looks like the pastiest motherfucker to ever dwell in a basement, an extra-in-the-Adam's Family or Tim Burtan protagonist of a man, let them.
What's that? You want to tell them that John is BROWN and if they don't headcanon him looking that way they're WRONG and RACIST? Back away from the keyboard and go outside.
(Ironically, as someone who started getting grey hairs in my hair in my 20's myself, I'm pretty sure everyone's headcanon of John, with tiny little whisps of grey in his hair, is wrong, because if he was so grey that people were surprised to learn he was "a child of the 90's," he was probably full on salt-and-pepper when he was in his 20's.)
The only description we have for Martin is that he (man who canonically has the self esteem of a used doormat) describes himself as "not the smallest guy", Not-Sasha called him "roomy", Melanie is skinner than him, and Jonny said he imagined him as a "bigger guy" who would beat Alex in a physical fight. If someone decides to take this information and conclude that it means he's tall, broad and has muscle, rather than that he's overweight, fucking let them. If your first instinct to this is to run to your keyboard and call them "fatphobic" or otherwise bash them for it, I once again urge you to back away from your keyboard and go outside.
Someone headcanons Basira not wearing a headscarf? We have exactly 0 canonical physical description of her and the people who headcanon her as having one are basing that purely off of her name alone. Fucking let them. Someone headcanons Melanie and/ or Georgie as a skin color you don't agree with or a hairstyle you don't like? Fucking let them. As long as someone's headcanon of a character's description doesn't contradict the few canonical descriptions we have of a character, why do you care? Them having a different headcanon from you doesn't take away your right to imagine the characters looking however you like, anymore than it should take away their right to do the same. Someone headcanoning John as white (or Black, or Asian, or Mixed, or whatever) isn't going to make all of the fanart of John as brown with long hair suddenly disappear, nor the fanfiction describing him as such (although I do often wonder if the opposite is not true; is the fact that John looks the same in so much of the fanart I see on here really because of fandom "consensus", or is it because people are absolutely awful to anyone who draws him Different?). Someone headcanoning Martin as not fat isn't going to make the mountains of fanart of him as a fluffy little marshmallow vanish into the void (although I do remember hearing about someone getting bullied off the internet for daring to draw Martin as not fat). And someone headcanoning Gerry in TMAGP as not being goth isn't going to take away your preciouse goth TMAGP Gerry headcanon. That should be part of the fun of it, shouldn't it? Seeing what different images people have conjured in their heads of these characters we only get to experience with our ears, and celebrating the differences as well as the similarities? Why are we bullying people into conforming to one appearance of a character when no actual canonical appearance of them exists?
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spiralling-spires · 6 months
The tma fandom seems to have unlocked our psychic capabilities. Let me explain.
If you’re on the tma tag, or just have a lot of tma art on your dash, you see art of characters you have only heard the voices of. And you go “Oh, that’s Jon!” “Oh, that’s Melanie!” “Oh, that’s Tim!” And only a handful of these characters have distinctly described traits (like Gerry’s eye tattoos), and fewer still have recurring appearances, or that we hear the voices of. And yet we all agree, roughly, on what they look like. Even if someone has a different design, instead of going “who the hell is that”, you go “well, that’s not what I think Georgie looks like, but I know it’s Georgie without having to check the tags”.
This gets even more interesting when you look at Sasha. Because she gets *replaced*. And so many drawings of not!Sasha label her as Sasha for the bit/for spookiness, but we all somehow *know* when we’re looking at not!Sasha, even when the drawing has no other spookiness.
Ive seen this extend too far sometimes, with a lot of Malevolent art being inadvertently assigned to tma characters, but rarely have I looked at a piece of tma art and gone “who the hell is that??”
Some of this comes down to a collective agreement on designs that happened before I got to the fandom - by the time I got here, pretty much everyone’s designs were largely nailed down. Even so, art where the designs deviate from The Socially Agreed Design are still readily recognizable as the characters. I’m getting to see this with Alice, too - I can look at almost any Alice drawing and go “yep, that’s Alice” and she’s only existed in our collective consciousness for like three months and her design isn’t solidified yet.
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dirtyslag96 · 5 months
Idiots in love-James Maguire
Pairing: James Maguire/fem!reader
Rating: PG-16
Words: 1,331 words
Warnings: Fluff, Lying, Curse words, use of Y/N, love interests being idiots in love and oblivious to eachothers love for the other, not proof read
Synopsis: You notice James subtly trying to get your attention and you're not sure why, so you try to find out as you perhaps started developing feelings for the Brit. you're sure of one thing, and that no matter how hard you had tried to lie, he will find out.
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a/n: based on prompt #1018 from this list (“Shut up, I’m trying to confess my love to you.”) ". requested by @themallonbisexualmess , also I would appreciate some tips since I'm still new to writing fics, also dialogue between the five will be characterised by the colour, Y/N, Orla, Erin, James, Michelle, Clare
The first day you met James you considered him quite odd, not only because he was English but also he was attending an all girls school and was somehow Michelle Mallon's cousin.
All six of you were sat at Erin and Orla's house after school playing board games when suddenly the home telephone rings.
"would someone go get that its making me deaf for Christ's sake", said Erin.
"Gerry make yourself useful would ya", announced Joe, clearly annoyed by Erin's father.
Gerry looked confused but nevertheless walked over to answer, "Hello?, Yeah she's right here", a couple of seconds later, "I'll let her know"
"Y/N, your parents want you back home in 10 minutes"
"Oh, isn't it a bit early? did they tell you why?", you were confused since it was still 9 o'clock and your parents usually have you curfew by 12.
"No, would you like a ride home?", you never understood why Joe hated Erin's dad so much considering he was the most thoughtful and caring one of all your parents.
"For fuck's sake Y/N did you do something?", Michelle alway commented on everything happening.
"Yeah its a bit weird"
"James, how many times have I told you we do not care"
Seeing James' dissapointed face made you even sadder you were leaving early, though you never understood why your mood also often depended on his. Perhaps you had feelings for him? no, you wouldn't believe it even if you did.
"I'll be on my way then, see you tomorrow", involuntarily you felt yourself looking at James. "Thank you Gerry I would appreciate it if you got me a ride home"
"Bye Y/N!", all of them shouted.
"Finally being useful for once", you heard Joe snicker as you left out the door.
The next day, you had told Clare about it, she said that you definitely have some feelings for him, since you trusted Clare's judgement you've started noticing that James mostly starts conversations directly to you. Clare also had pointed out that when the Ukrainian girl showed up hitting on James, that you had been more closed off and easily exasperated than usual.
The six of you were suspended since Michelle and James had broken the statue "The Child of Prague", while arguing so you all had agreed to meet up at Erin's place for the week. Your mix of emotions towards James had led you to unintentionally start avoiding him, surprisingly Michelle and Clare had been subtly trying push you two together. You speculated that Clare must've told Michelle or that they had also felt a drift between you and James.
Orla pulled out a board game that had the six of you pair up into three teams of two, to decide who would be paired together you all wrote your names at placed it in a random jar that Erin found in the kitchen.
"Orla and...", Clare!", Erin said as she was the one who pulled out the names.
"Interesting..", muttered Orla as Clare took in a loud sigh.
"Y/N and..", "James!", was the universe really fucking with you? you look at him, seeing his happy face made you feel things you never expected to feel for James, then you attempted to avert his gaze but soon enough you looked up to his disappointed and baffled face to why you were trying to avoid him.
Michelle noticed the tension between you two so she broke the deafening silence, "So that leaves me n' you Erin, this is rank".
"Start without me I don't feel well I feel like throwing up, I'll be up in the bathroom", in truth you wanted to be as far away from James as you can so you practically dash upstairs to Erin's toilet. The rest of the five looked quite baffled since nothing seemed wrong with you but you have been acting rather weird these past few days.
You heard a pair of footsteps coming up the stairs and you assumed someone had come up looking for you, you heard a knock on the door, you were praying it wasn't him. But then again you heard knocking again and a voice, James' voice "Y/N are you okay in there?".
You had two options either lie and say you were sick or...
"Y/N!", his voice yet again heard, interrupts your train of thoughts, so you slowly walk over to the bathroom door and open it.
"oh.. hey you said you weren't feeling well so I came up here to check on you but you seem fine right now", right now you couldn't have felt any better since he came up here concerned, the way his hair was ruffled yet tidy, the way his accent affected his words, and his voice.
You remained quiet for a long time, "uh-i guess I didnt need to throw up after all", you said as you tried to push past him to get out of the small bathroom that could have suffocated both of you with the amount of tension in the air.
To your surprise he shifted quickly, blocking you and closing the door acting like a shield. "what-"
"no, I don't get it you've been avoiding me! why? did I do something wrong for fuck's sake Michelle even noticed! she asked if I annoyed you but I would never do it on purpose just please tell what is going on!", his outburst surprised since usually he was quiet and self preserved.
"there's nothing wrong James I don't know where you're getting that idea from"
slowly he stepped forward before he spoke, "you are lying, I can tell-"
"I-, what? this is ridiculous James let me out of here!"
Unbeknownst to the both of you, the rest of the group followed James upstairs and are now listening to your conversation through the door.
"No! not until you tell me what's wrong, have I upset you, , I notice everything about you don't you get it Y/N- ?", his face nearly made you crumble, you felt bad for irritating him as much as you are right know but you are not confessing why you have been avoiding him.
"for crying out loud, no James you haven't upset me in any way shape or form, this is stupid-", you were both cutting each other off, he was not letting you lie, while you were trying not to let him catch on to your feelings.
"Would you shut up, I have been trying to confess my emotions of love to you all week, and you have been simply ignoring that do you know how hurt I felt thinking I had upset you or something!”
You were in genuine shock and you were sure you heard a few gasps from outside the door.
"Do you actually feel that way James? because if so then so do I.."
Like magnets, you both came forward pressing your lips together, you felt him smile. Next thing you know the rest of the girls opened the door and saw both of you, they yelled and talked over eachother at the same time
"OH FINALLY!", exclaimed Clare,
"The form of human art always so interesting", Orla muttered as always,
"Congrats?!", Erin was quite unsure of what to say since she found two of her best friends kissing in her bathroom.
"FINALLY! you two took a long time figuring each other's feelings I was tortured by James talking about you all the time, and Clare the poor girl had to endure you talking about James!", you assumed Michelle would hate the idea of one other bestfriends and her cousin being together.
"What the fuck!", you both yelled while slamming the bathroom door closed and hearing giggles not the other end, you and James looked at each other and started laughing.
"You two get back out here I'm still not a hundred percent on the pair of you, but just because I approve doesn't mean you can start fucking"
"Yeah please not inside of my bathroom either!"
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driedlillies · 25 days
What do we think about Gerry instead of going for the beholding aligning himself with the spiral to hide/get away from Mary?? Traditionally it would probably be easier with the lonely, because of the invisibility, but the thing is, if he’s running away from Mary, abandoning her, he loses the closest thing he has to an anchor, and he doesn’t trust himself to pull himself out in time, so spiral it is.
The tattoos are spirals of course, he draws them on with sharpie the first time and they just don’t go away after that😭 also they change placements all the time.
He runs away successfully before she kills herself with the catalogue and still hunts leitners. Spiral likes him more than beholding does in canon but he still doesn’t give himself to it fully, it’s very much balancing on a fine line
He never gets accused of murdering Mary, so he doesn’t have any reason to start working with Gertrude, he’s very much a solo act. He focuses on burning the books and helping people, as much as he can. It’s harder without the eye, but he’s been doing this for a long time. I’m sure Mary is aware he’s somewhere out there — he’s certainly a popular gossip topic amongst avatars, but she can never get a trail on him, and neither can anyone she sends
He’s not a fully realized avatar, but his powers aren’t half bad — he’s confusing to look at, it’s basically impossible to pin down his eye color, and his flat is full of abstract paintings that make you dizzy when you look at them.
Eventually someone catches wind of his skills, so he sometimes gets commissions from avatars. It pays for the food, at least.
He meets michael in a library — for once, he’s not hunting anything down, and he likes to read fiction; if for nothing else but the reminder that books aren’t inherently evil. A door appears in the fantasy isle, between the bookcases, and out steps the distortion. They’ve never been introduced, but Gerry would have to be stupid or ignorant not to know about them. Nobody can ever agree is the Distortion is an avatar or something else, but the fact remains it’s one for the entities you don’t want to get on the bad side of.
They play for the same field, but Gerry has been known to play by his own rules, so he immediately gets ready to run — would that do anything to a being that can open doors anywhere they want? — but Michael doesn’t attack or even seem displeased with him.
“Hello, bookburner,” they say, smiling. “Would you like to come in?” they gesture towards the yellow door that wasn’t there when Gerry came in.
Gerry would have to be a fool to agree. Sure, the infamous hallways would most likely be harmless to him, perhaps even make him a bit stronger, but it doesn’t mean he would be able to come out on his own.
“At least take me to dinner first.”
“Would coffee be satisfactory?”
So, they go for coffee.
(Months later, Gerry would ask if that was meant to be a date, and Michael would just laugh.)
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
@itisonlyeyes your henna design has made me think about jmart south Asian wedding and I'm Not Ok
Jon in a beautifully gorgeous deep green, bedazzled kurta/lehenga hybrid so like slightly more masculine kurta with some small, neat embroidery on the edges with a flowy huge lehenga skirt
He didn't go for the dupatta/orna/scarf cause hes still not great with potential restrictions of movement
He's all decked out in the bridal jewellery - my man is wearing the Biggest silver earrings, he's got the massive fake nose piercing that connects to his hair and hes SLAYING. (Maybe his grandma passed them down??)
You bet he's got that brooding bridal look down!! Although he sees Martin and he cannot keep it up for the life of him he's just a smiling mess
There's no loud music. (I know I'm sorry but it's them, the music is simple and meaningful and the guest list is small so its not quite the usual south Asian wedding but they enjoy themselves)
Martin is dressed very smartly in a light blue kurta, with billowing embroidery etching it's down up the kurta's sleeves and following in henna down his hands
He'd wearing light blue nail polish to match and his hair is dyed the same colour at the edges
I like the idea of Jon and martin sitting down and talking about what they wanted and coming up with the rituals not cause of the religious or cultural significance but because of what it meant to them specifically.
Like they do vows cause Martin has always loved that part of weddings and let's be honest, he just wants a chance to say nice things about Jon without him protesting and Jon agrees cause of literally the same reason (they're not good at compliments)
They do the turns around the fire but they hold hands instead of being tied to each other cause they feel like it represents how they chose each other and they do 15 turns cause it's Martin's lucky number (they first met on the 15th October 2015)
They skip the haldi cause sensory issues
They instead get everyone to make their own flower garlands and give them to each other and obviously Jon and Martin make each others flower garlands and Jon mostly agrees to it cause Martin seemed enthusiastic about it and he did want to keep the giving each other flower garland ritual but he gets the Most Excited about it in the end cause hes super detail oriented about his, making sure each flower is specifically positioned how he wants it to and Martin's going off just vibes. They must be the correct vibes but vibes nonetheless.
I love the idea of doing the bride's side has to steal the grooms shoes and the grooms side has to stop this from happening so we can get Shenanigans (Tim is the most intense about this. Gerry comes a close second. Sasha wins though.)
There aren't so much sides, cause everyone's friends with both, which makes the shoe game even more intense cause you never know when people will swap sides.
Gerry does their henna. He just gives off good at drawing vibes I dunno.
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I'm sorry anon, I deleted your ask on accident. Whoever asked for Jongerry and "did you just hiss at me?" this may not be what you expected, but this needs to happen.
"Did you just hiss at me?"
"No, I didn't," Gerry answered automatically, and blinked when he registered what he just said. "Wait, what?" He stood up from his desk, making his way over to Jon's office, intent on getting an answer. "Did you just ask me if I hissed at you?"
"Oh, not you, sorry," Jon answered back, glancing over his shoulder at him. He was sitting with his office chair turned away from the door, hunched over something on the floor. "They're being a bit tempestuous."
"Who is?" Gerry brushed past Jon's desk to see what had his attention, and stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh, Jon."
It was a kitten. Not a very young one, it's eyes were open and legs were long and stick-thin, squinting up at them ruefully. Its rusty orange coat was covered in grime, sides nearly concave from poor diet. It was standing in a box Jon had obviously set up to contain them, with one of his old shirts in the bottom, paws on the edge of the box in a clear attempt to escape. Turning its face towards Gerry, it meowed, high-pitched and clearly adamant about getting out of the box. It was absolutely adorable.
"I found him in the alley," Jon explained, watching Gerry kneel and offer the kitten a hand to sniff. It did before mewing again and and making another valiant effort to hoist itself out of its cardboard prison. Gerry took pity and lifted it up, cradling it gently in his hands and tipping it sideways for a look. Jon was right, it was a boy. "There was no one around, and no mother cat, and I knew...I knew whoever had left him there wasn't coming back."
Jon sounded heartbroken, understandably. Gerry knew his Archivist had such a soft spot for cats, and even he was upset by that treatment of an innocent creature. No one deserved that.
"So, how could you resist?" Gerry teased, adjusting his grip when the kitten squirmed, squeaking at the undignified treatment. "What are we calling him?"
Jon was absolutely silent. When Gerry turned his focus back to him, he found Jon staring up at him with a guarded expression, as if he hadn't expected Gerry to say what he did.
"You said...you said...we." Jon swallowed, eyes flicking away and shoulders hunching up. "I wasn't expecting...I mean, I was hoping you would...but I didn't know for certain..."
He trailed off, and Gerry rolled his eyes and shook his head at him. Holding the kitten to his chest with one hand, he reached out with the other and grabbed Jon by the shoulder, giving him an exasperated shake.
"Why wouldn't I want to adopt a kitten with you, Jon?" he asked, sliding his hand to the back of Jon's neck when his Archivist looked up at him. "Pretty sure the Eye already considers us married, and I happen to feel the same as well." Jon was growing quite red at his words, looking oddly touched in a way that also tugged on Gerry's heartstrings. "So yeah. Adopting a kitten with you, it's not that much of a stretch." Gerry shrugged, feeling warmth on his own cheeks. "Might make the Archives feel a little more homey too, you know? And he's such a cute little bastard, how could I say no?"
Jon blinked at him, eyes looking a bit wet before he scrubbed at them, breathing out shakily. "Right," he said under his breath. "Right. Yes. Good, that's...that's good." He held his hands up, and Gerry deposited their kitten into them, watching Jon cuddle the little guy close to his chest as he blinked furiously. Somehow, this was affecting him more than their weird Entity-encouraged marriage thing.
Then again, their whole situation was already so weird in the first place. And just like with their supernatural nuptials, bound by ink and dreams and trauma, it felt...right, somehow.
"How about Jester?" Gerry suggested when the kitten flailed onto his back and started swatting at Jon's long hair. "Jest for short?"
"Yes, that's perfect," Jon agreed at once, his smile coming back so pure and genuine. "Our Jester of a cat." He turned his grin down to their kitten as Jest tried to swat at his nose, and Gerry slid his arm further across his back, until he could pull Jon closer for a one-armed hug. It was so strange, the feeling of rightness in his chest that didn't come from the Eye but from within, from seeing Jon hold something small and lively that they would both care for despite whatever was to come. Gerry didn't feel quite ready to explore that yet, but raising a kitten with Jon felt like a good place to start.
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koszmarnybudyn · 6 months
Some gothcleats headcanons because they are in my brainnnn:
* they both enjoy running and partake in marathons and such
* didnt date until they were in their 20s, and dated a while before they got married again
* speaking of the wedding Scary wore a black dress and i feel like Link wore a white tux, also their wedding bands are gold and silver and match
* Gerry is adopted (i know many people already said this i am just agreeing)
* they have a lot of boardgames, as well as cds and dvds
* i think they have a rescue dog that was like mistreated previously and is elderly and is just the sweetest
* neither Taylor nor Normal were their best man/bridesmaids (im sorry i dont feel like those friendships are like bestman/bridesmaids levels :/ ), they were both at the wedding and probablly in the wedding party tho
* Link does the laundry at their house (this feels true to me idk why)
* i dont think they sleep cuddled up, they just have those vibes
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