k-mart-art · 11 months
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hello tma fandom (again) I am STILL cooking up shit so obscure im not sure it can still be considered fandom content no pressure of course but reblogs help if you do wanna share it :]
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eldritchtickles · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Gold
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Word Count: 2492
Another fic!! After a long fucking time too lmao. And my first fic for The Magnus Archives too!! This one is mostly due to @nintickleswitch constantly pumping ler!Michael thoughts my way, and also my love for Tim Stoker being an annoying little shit like myself and meeting consequences lmao. Thanks too to @spacetickles for helping!!
It had been a prank. A stupid one, sure, Tim was willing to admit that. But still, Sasha was usually good fun. She’d usually appreciate this. But today was apparently a bad day for-
“TIM, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!”, Sasha yelled from somewhere far in the archives behind him, far enough away that the man could spare a grin of satisfaction that he’d get away with this. “A GLITTER BOMB, IN THE ARCHIVES, ON MY DESK?!”
In his defence, Martin had thought the idea funny. And further in his defence, he didn’t think the explosion would be that big. And even further in his defence, how was Tim to know she’d have important files out- alright no, that was on him, it was an archive after all. Oh but still, the look of surprise on his long time co-worker’s face was absolutely delightful to witness. Tim would be living off the high of this for weeks, no matter the revenge that she’d inevitably get on him.
Taking a sharp right, Tim ducked into one of the less used archival rooms. In between the high filing cabinets, the yellowed light bulb flickering and fizzing, he eventually bent over and clutched his knees as he caught his breath. Sasha would have no reason to check in here, expecting him to run further than this. That cocky grin quickly returned to his face as he quietly celebrated this small victory, light titters of joy slipping out as he punched the air in triumph.
“When I find you, Timothy Stoker”, Sasha’s voice said, echoing down the halls and past the door to this room. “I will wring your neck and make you do my filing for a WEEK, and that’s the least of your troubles!! When Jon hears about this he’s going to flip his lid, I worked on that case for…”
Slowly the ranting faded in volume as Sasha passed by the room in search of the offending prankster, as Tim held in his laughter at her anger. Oh, it was too easy to rile her up. Stretching high from his cramped up position, Tim blew out a long held breath and let the tension run from his muscles.
“Right then, suppose I might as well have a gander around you old files, hm?”, he said to no one but the cabinets, cracking a handsome smile at his own half joke. “Must be some interesting ghoul or ghostie rattling around these things to pass the time reading, maybe nearer the back, that’s where they keep the good-“
The smile quickly fell from the archival assistant’s face as he looked upon the door at the end of the row of shelves. Not just a door, The Door. The one which had a colour, definitely, but if asked to name it Tim wouldn’t know where to start. The one he wasn’t sure was square or rounded, if it had windows or not, or even if it was there to begin with. The door that belonged to it. The thing that called itself Michael, that Sasha seemed so friendly with recently. The thing that, suddenly, Tim knew was towering behind him with that sadistic grin bearing down on him.
“I am afraid, Mr. Stoker”, it began, voice long and languid as the limbs that now contorted and shifted around him, its grin dizzying. “That our dear friend Sasha was not enjoying your little prank…?”
This far back in the archives, Tim knew no one would hear whatever happened between him and the thing that called itself Michael. But Tim knew ever since it had taken an interest in Sasha, it had been more… Agreeable. So another trip to the halls probably wasn’t on the table. He turned to take in the tall…. Man, he supposed. Tall, unnaturally so, with curly (was it curly or just moving?) blonde hair falling past it’s shoulders. It’s clothes shifted as it’s door would, an olive green cardigan covered by a brown jacket and paired with brown suit trousers. But the colours caught the refracting light in the air and burst like fireworks behind Tim’s eyes in such an entrancing way that he wasn’t sure how long it took him to shake his head and reply to it.
“Look, Michael, this hasn’t anything to do with you!”, Tim half hissed, half whispered. “If Sasha catches me after I pulled that stunt, she will absolutely-“
“Decimate you, I’m quite sure.”
The Distortion’s grin still continued to twist on its face, seeming so long it floated off its face. Tim found it hard to look at, but harder to look away from. Though rather than the sinister grin Tim had once watched stalk him and Martin through its twisting corridors, this one seemed… Playful, almost?
“I will help you escape my… Partner’s grasp, Tim Stoker.”, Michael drawled, seeming to take a second to decide the right word, before stepping closer to the giddily frightened Tim. The adrenaline hadn’t worn off from his chase just yet. Or did Michael step away? Or was he there at all? No, his face was nose to nose with the researcher’s now, definitely closer. “If, however, you can indulge me in a game~.”
“A game- Mike, buddy, pal, she is going to kill me, what don’t you underst-“
“I understand perfectly well, Tim. But if you seek solace in my doorway, I’m afraid I must insist.”
Fuck, Tim hated how eager the monster looked at the prospect of toying with him. Fine, a game it was. Better than Sasha getting her hands on him.
“Ugh, fiiiiine,what sort of game did you have in mind- H-Hey!! Get your bloody hands off me, Michael!!”
As soon as Tim had agreed to the game, the thing that was not and forever will be Michael swept him deeper between the stacks of shelves. Tim tried to tear from his grasp and run from the room, but a second of being lost in the soft curls of the creature’s hair left him lost. Next thing he knew, his back was against a wall and Michael’s tall form had its sharp fingers resting on his sides as those spiralling, hypnotising blue eyes looked down at him in undulating shades.
“The game is simple, Tim. Don’t make so much noise that Sasha might hear you.”
“No, Michael, you’re simple, that’s what I’ve been doing this entire-“
The sentence stopped short as Tim’s breath hitched. Michael had dragged two nails across his lowest ribs, not hard enough to cut like those fingers usually would. It… Tingled. A lot. Michael’s grin grew once more, a short roundabout giggle filling Tim’s head and making him chuckle nervously back.
“I did not finish explaining the rules, Timothy Stoker”
Its hands had a lot more of a deliberate grip on his sides now. Tim gulped, then nodded for it to continue. Michael seemed happy with that.
“Thank you. As for the remaining rules, you must stay quiet while I investigate a certain… Phenomena, we shall call it”, the monster mused, a pout of curiosity coming to it’s features. Like a confused puppy, Tim thought stupidly. “I have… Memories of this thing, if they can be called such things. And Sasha has recently brought them to light.”
“Look, Michael, whatever memories Sasha’s reminded you of have nothing to do with-“
“They have everything to do with you Tim, as I wish to see if acting on it will surface more of these past images. You see, Sasha has told me an interesting fact about you. That you are, if her word is to be believed…”
Tim’s look of absolute confusion changed to one of surprise as his breath hitched in his throat. Michael’s sharp fingers were now, deliberately, scratching slow methodical circles over his ribs. Holding down the initial flood of laughter, Tim’s face flushed as he squirmed side to side. Did Sasha really tell Michael this?! No, she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t let slip he was-
“Ticklish, are we Tim?”
It’s grin of satisfaction was maddening.
“You… Y-You fuckihing wish, Michael!!”, Tim yelled as quietly as he could, a single giggle slipping into his words. Fuck, it was like Michael’s fingers were madeto tickle. The sharp tips dragged just firmly enough to set his ribs alight with the maddening itch that just piled laughter into the growing dam in Tim’s throat. And his ribs weren’t even that bad.
“If you can survive just five minutes of me administering this test”, Michael drawled, watching the way Tim slid down the wall and held his laughter even as his cheeks puffed up. “Then yes, I will save you from Sasha’s wrath.”
That’s what it wanted?! To fucking tickle him?! Oh just for this, the glitter bomb was well deserved, Tim decides. Though his thoughts begin to shake from the rails of rationality as Michael’s big hands wrap around the entirety of his ribs and scratch at the backs of them, thumbs wiggling deep between the bones at the front, and Tim wants to scream bloody murder.
Not that he was… Against this. He was man enough to admit he enjoyed the little tussles with Sasha over the last scone, where her small deft fingers slipped under his arms so her smaller form could reach for the treat. Or when he’d tease Martin about his little workplace crush, poking at his soft tummy until he was red and giggly and swatting at Tim’s hands in embarrassment. But not now, not when he needed to be quiet, not when it was killing him to hold it in.
“This does not seem a worthy challenge, Mr. Stoker”, Michael said with a soft, teasing laugh of his own. The playful twinkle in his eyes still held a hint of the sadistic malice Tim had seen in their first meeting, but it was subdued. Not harmful, but nonetheless enjoying this odd torture. “Let us up the ante, yes?”
“Nohoho, Michael, don’t you dahaHA-“
The word was cut off by a strangled scream as the things fingers suddenly shot down to burrow into the dips of his hips. They moved like wiggling worms (something the Archive staff unfortunately had adequate knowledge of), only these ones didn’t hurt in their burrowing. Instead it was titillating in the worst of ways, digging deep at the sensitive skin, and making Tim’s stomach flutter in the most embarrassing of way’s. Between the fingers over his thin shirt, and Michael’s stupid otherworldly pretty face grinning at him between a curtain of soft curls, Tim wasn’t sure if his blush was more from the embarrassment, the exertion of holding in laughter, or the attention of the Distortion directed at him.
Though he was earned a respite from taking in the unknowable grin as his eyes squeezed shut and a muffled squeal joined the muffled giggles behind his lips. Michael tutted, like on would in disappointment, as his fingers slid under the little bit of protection the shirt provided, to scritch at the bare hipbones with one hand as the other began to unbutton the last few buttons of the hapless archivist’s shirt.
“I do feel as if this flimsy thing is cheating slightly…”, Michael mumbled, maybe more to itself than to Tim, even if the slight tease made all his nerves jolt. “I hope you don’t mind, I won’t be undoing it the whole way.”
“A-At leheheheast buy me fuhuhuhucking DINNER fihihirst!!”, Tim yelped out, suddenly unable to keep the deep chuckles and laughter at bay any longer now that he felt his last bit of protection slowly slip away. He didn’t even remember sliding into a laying down position on the carpeted floor, only realising it as his back arched upward when Michael’s other hand played at the spot just above his waistband with wispy light strokes. One of his worst spots it seemed, and Michael’s twisting joyous laughter made it clear he knew it too.
“Ohohoho, oh, oh Tim….”, the thing said, its tone dripping with faux sympathy that wrapped around Tim’s mind like a boa constrictor and made him lose his grip on his laughter that one bit more. “This is so much more fun than Sasha made it out to be. I’m afraid this just might become a regular occurrence for you and I~.”
Forgetting the game completely, Tim writhed and kicked and snorted even as Michael sat on his lap to keep him pinned. The thing’s hair had fallen further, and it felt like it was curling deliberately against Tim’s neck and ears resulting in a giggle filled whine to seep out of the man’s mouth, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He had never been tickled this badly, this wholly, it filled him and overwhelmed and he loved it and he pushed that thought away and pushed at Michael’s hands even if he didn’t really and feared and looked forward and was anxious for these further encounters as the Distortion’s laughter wrapped his fragile mind tight in its symphony of discordant twisting staccato notes that were worse than any words it could have uttered until he noticed another figure through bleary eyes and the harmony of laughter began to dissipate.
“Having fun in here, are we?”, Sasha asked, looking down at Tim with a knowing smirk. Unable to speak as he caught his breath in the break, Tim gave her the finger instead.
“Oh, quite. He’s quite the livewire when he wants to be.”, Michael said with a short laugh, dazzling eyes and smile shifting to look at Sasha faster than its head turned. It’s fingers still rested on Tim’s body, shirt rucked up to his lower ribs and stomach sucking in heavy breaths. Sasha gave a laugh herself.
“I told you, he is so bloody ticklish”, she said, giving his side a poke and earning and indignant squeal and scowl from her co-worker. “Though I’m hoping this little encounter was enough to deter you from further pranks, aren’t I right, Tim?”
His breath back to a regular pace, Tim wiped his eyes of residual tears. His cheeks ached from smiling for so long, but even that couldn’t keep the grin off his face seeing that Sasha wasn’t genuinely angry with him. Looking to Michael, it smiled a rare soft smile at him as if to ask if he was alright after that endeavour. Fuck, Tim could see what Sasha saw in it even if he really didn’t want to.
“Hehe… Phew… Yeah, that was enough for this time…”, he giggled out, flopping back to look at the ceiling.
“This time? Now what does that mean?”, Sasha said, a grin of her own on her lips.
“………. There’s a glitter bomb in Jon’s post box.”
“……….. You are such a little troublemaker.”
“And don’t you love me for it~? ……. Wait, no, Michael get off, Sasha no, no!! We agreed raspberries are off the- NAHAHAHAHAAAAAA YOU EHEHEHEVIL WOHOHOMAN!!”
Tim took the bomb out of Jon’s cubby hole later that day.
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blazing-spectre · 4 years
if u dont mind me asking (especially since you seem to have sorta moved on from tma) - thoughts on michaeltim?
Oh I absolutely don’t mind! Tbh this isn’t a ship ive given much thought to, but the more I think about it, the more I really like it! It has a lot of really good fluff potential. Also season 2/3 Tim getting some of the love he needed at the time from his fucked up avatar SO... I can for sure vibe w that. Also the thought of Michael coming and saving him from the Unknowing at the last second, and letting him recover in the hallway.. This is good actually.
And while I’m for sure hyperfixating on some other stuff rn, I have by NO means moved on from TMA! It’s still my favourite piece of media and I continue to think about it every damn day
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gfigusa · 6 years
For the Michael in your life this Christmas #StockingStuffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #stockingstuffers #treegift #treegifts #xmasgift #xmasgifts #michael #michaels #formichael #4michael #michaeltime #michaelrocks #michaelrules #michaelisthecutest #michaelistheking #michaelistheman #meetmichael #herecomesmichael #mymanmichael #mrmichael #unclemichaelisthebest #unclemichaelrocks #unclemichael #grandpamichael #michaelsbirthdaybash #michaelsbirthday #michaelchristmas #michaelschristmas #michaelsparty https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVPPgAhdth/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=arwtucyklmwe
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adobe-outdesign · 8 years
Headcanon that Williams daughter is called Michael too. All the Afton kodd are called Michael. William tried to call the Funtimes the Michaeltimes. The last thing his victims heard was William calling them Michael. They are all suffering
HE’S MICHAEL, HE’S MICHAEL, YOU’RE MICHAEL?! I’M MICHAEL! Are there any other Michaels I should know about?!
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2014ikh-blog · 7 years
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Today is Casual OPEN MIC Day with Kelly and MichaelTime: 5:00PM MST / 7:00PM ESTGo to www.mkvodcast.com & send us your Comments, Questions, Likes and Shares
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