#micheal scott
pumpkinspiie · 10 months
❛ nope, puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work this time! ❜ with jim halpert PLEASEEEE
puppy dog eyes won’t work this time…
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(warnings. none. purely fluff!)
“No, Y/N we’re not going to that stupid Marvel comic convention! We do it every year.” Jim spoke to his wife as they walked into their job this morning.
Y/N and Jim met at their job eight years ago when she started out as a sales rep. It was her first big girl corporate job and she was nervous but thanks to Jim, she felt comfortable working there.
“But baby, I thought you loved the comic convention!” She whined quietly as she sat her purse down on her chair. Jim shook his head smirking a bit but still trying to stay firm.
“No, that’s you that loves those comic cons.” He rebutted. Y/N pouted as she shrugged sadly taking a seat deciding to leave the subject for right now.
All throughout the day, Y/N kept begging Jim to take her to the comic con. From the emails to the hint dropping, she couldn’t stop. She was determined to win this battle one way or another.
Speaking of the Halpert wife, she sat at her desk that was placed next to her husband’s. She glanced over to her husband who was looking at something on his computer, most likely writing an email, she smiled to herself as she softly kicked him trying to get his attention.
Once he looked up, she smirked at him then gave him the best puppy dog eyes she could. Jim looked at her with a face, an all knowing one.
“Nope, nu-uh. Puppy dog eyes aren’t gonna work this time.”
jim halpert x reader
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dorumoru · 2 months
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newm8n · 2 months
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finer things ,, ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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astro-vogue · 4 months
Accurate representations of me, my mother, uncles and grandma [they're all astrologers] reading all the absurd, toxic, astrologically inaccurate and totally terrifying observations y'all are sending me:
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sanctuaryofcinema · 2 years
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unsavory-melon · 2 months
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daily-lego-sets · 6 months
LEGO Ideas:
The Office
Set: 21336
Pieces: 1164
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pernillecfcw · 6 months
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How I feel after watching that💀
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atr3id3s-b3rzatt0 · 6 months
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john krasinski as jim halpert in the office
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pumpkinspiie · 6 months
prompt: ❛ i just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ❜
with Jim Halpert <3.
i need some hurt/comfort with good ol’ jimbo
❛ i just wanted to make sure you’re okay. ❜
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(warnings. mentions of suicide and depression.)
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” “She was a great woman.” “I couldn’t imagine what your going through.” Those sentences were repeating over and over again in Y/N’s head. All day during her late mom’s, M/N, funeral. Y/N loved her mom. Her mom was a single mother but she did everything that she could for her daughter to give her the life that she never did.
When Y/N got the life changing call, she was at her best friend Jim’s house, they were watching a horror film on Netflix. Jim could tell by the S/C woman that whatever it is the other person on the other side of the phone was saying wasn’t anything good.
That night when Y/N got home, she cried. She cried herself to sleep that night. She stayed home for the next few days. Not going out for anything unless it was absolutely necessary. The 27-year old spent her day looking through old memories of her and her mom throughout the years.
The rest of the week Y/N stayed home cooped up in her bed. She was depressed, she loved her mom and now that she was gone, Y/N had no one. Jim however noticed Y/N’s absence.
“Dwight, have you seen Y/N?” Jim asked quietly. Dwight looked over a Jim with a shrug. “She’s at home.” Jim looked at Dwight silently telling him to continue. “Doing what Dwight?”
The male co-worker looked at Jim with a ‘bitch’ look. “How am I supposed to know Jim? Last thing i heard from her was that her mom passed and she’s taking some time off.” at those words, Jim finally realized why she was absent. Jim knew the relationship between Y/N and her mom. he knew how much she meant to her.
Y/N laid in her bed crying for what felt like the 100th time today. She hadn’t move for hours , at this point her thighs were starting to hurt from not moving.
Jim walked in to Y/N’s apartment. She had given him a spare key when she went out of town to watch her fish and never took it back. Not that Jim would’ve given it back anyway. The apartment was dark, all the blinds were drawn and there was stench. Like death. Jim walked towards Y/N’s room opening the door slightly.
Y/N didn’t hear Jim come in. She couldn’t hear anything, she was too out of it.
“Oh, Y/N..” Jim whispered once he caught sight of the distraught woman curled up in bed. Speaking of, she turned towards Jim teary eyed. “Jim.” She whispered out getting up wrapping her arms around his neck crying. Jim reciprocated the hug.
“I heard what happened from Dwight, I’m so sorry Y/N.” He tightly wrapped his arms around her.
“What are you doing here Jim?” Y/N asked burying her face into his shoulder. “I just wanted to make sure you’re ok.”
jim halpert x reader
(A/N: sorry this took so long ml’s! i’ve been genuinely very out of it lately but i had to push through it to get this out, i hope you guys enjoy it. i know it’s not best but once i get back into my grove i’ll edit it but for now i love you💗!)
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doodlingtheoffice · 4 months
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Micheal forced Pam to come with him to Chuck E Cheese
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itsrainningjwight · 1 year
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promethelice · 4 days
They should have done the office like breaking bad where after the show ends we get a more slow paced emotional prequel about micheal's days on the sales team where they reveal his name is actually jimmy and he has an over bearing brother called chuck
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rabbitkeeper · 3 months
I am convinced Michael Scott would love Chappelle Roan and sing along to her songs in his office at the top of his lungs out of key annoying everyone else in the office.
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punkclowngod · 1 year
Micheal Scott has HPD
Here is my irrefutable proof
Before you read, I do have to say: I have HPD and I’m also autistic and this is 100% an infodump. Everything I’m saying about the show is from memory, so sorry if I got quotes or details wrong. Hope this makes sense and honestly if you read through this completely you have my utmost respect bcuz this is going to be long.
What is HPD?
Histrionic Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking.
Symptoms and Signs of HPD:
Demands to be the center of attention and often becomes depressed when they are not. They are often lively, dramatic, enthusiastic, and flirtatious and sometimes charm new acquaintances.
So already from that, you can see Micheal in those traits if you’ve watched The Office. But lets dive in deeper.
Here are the diagnosis criteria and how Micheal fits in every single one of them:
For a diagnosis, a patient must have: a persistent pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking. Micheal’s entire goal in every episode is to receive attention, love and affirmation from his coworkers. Everything he does, he does for approval and attention. He’s very emotional and explosive, very outgoing and social. It’s what makes him such a good salesman. He’s comfortable with people and he’s charismatic.
Here are the patterns of excessive emotionality and attention seeking. For a diagnosis, a patient will need five or more of those:
Discomfort when they are not the center of attention. There’s many proofs of Micheal being like this but I only need one episode to prove my point: the one where Kevin is waiting to see if he has cancer and it falls on the same day of Micheal’s birthday. The entire time, Micheal is uncomfortable, jealous, aggressive and distressed by not being pampered and showered with attention.
Interaction with others that is inappropriately sexually seductive or provocative. Do I really need to put a specific example here? Micheal struggles a lot with lines, when he crosses them he doesn’t realize, he’s very provocative in what he says and struggles with staying “family friendly”. Take any episode and there’s always going to be Micheal saying something inappropriate (like his famous “that’s what she said”)
Rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions. Using the Kevin may have cancer episode again as an example, you can see Micheal exaggerates his reaction when he learns Kevin’s situation. He plays more hurt than he is to gain the approval of others, realizing that if he plays more compassionate than he is, more people will be on his side. It happens a few times where he exaggerates his emotions to gain sympathy, like when Ed Truck died and Kelly asks him if he’s okay and at first he didn’t really care but now he sees the opportunity for attention and spirals from there. While he is very genuinely emotional, some of his emotions remain shallow for the simple sake of performing for attention.
Consistent use of physical appearance to call attention to themselves. This one is less blatant. He does work out (or at least tries to, wanting to stay toned), but it’s the only trait that he does not fit in as intensely as the others. Though he does have his jeans, the ones he gets dry cleaned that make him feel super confident. He loves the way he looks in them and makes a show of it whenever he wears them; he started Casual Day solely so he could wear them at work.
Speech that is extremely impressionistic and vague. There are many examples of this. One of my favourites is when he announces that Meredith has been hit by a car and is at the hospital. He’s so vague and uses weird wording, making everyone think for a second or two that she died. There’s also every time he misuses sayings so he sounds more serious, laying heavy on with the exaggeration and lacking details so whenever he speaks it sounds more intense than it really is. He says what he thinks, with no nuance and no reflexion. He believes what he sees and says it as he lived it. Everything he says is controlled by his emotions, he struggles with being objective a lot.
Self-dramatization, theatricality, and extravagant expression of emotion. Once again, do I really need to give a specific example? So much of who he is is described in this. Describing Micheal in three words would literally be: theatrical, dramatic and emotional. Everything is a big deal, everything is bigger than it really is. There are many times where a simple plot will be escalated to something completely off the rails just because Micheal’s imagination and emotions blew everything out of proportion. Herpes that was actually just an ingrown hair? Mob boss was actually just a rude Italian guy? New guy trying to dethrone him and steal all the love and attention was actually just an ex-con that simply wanted to earn a living? So many episodes have been carried by Micheal’s explosiveness and habit to “run out of amok” as he says.
Suggestibility (easily influenced by others or situations). When Dwight says he’s going to the dentist but he’s actually going behind Micheal’s back to go see Jan and steal his job; Jan calls Micheal to say she saw Dwight and Micheal’s first thought was “you were at the dentist too?”. Of course after that it escalates but it still took him a bit to realize he has been lied to. His ignorance is also born of suggestibility, he’s gullible and doesn’t second guess new information so when Todd Packer says misogynistic and racist shit, Micheal won’t question it because he immediately takes it as the truth. He struggles making up his own stance on things and will follow what is more popular. He doesn’t have the instinct to question and second guess the information he’s been fed. He believes people when they lie to him, struggle understanding when people are making fun of him, takes everything first degree because he just believes everything. He trusts people and trusts what they say or what he sees. The new chairs vs new copier plot is also a good example of this, he’s incapable of making a choice because he’s being sweet talked by both sides and can’t make the choice himself. He’s easily swayed and his mind is easily changed - which is why Jan abused him so easily, why he did everything she wanted without fighting. He simply trusted her, he didn’t question her and he was easy to gaslight and lie to.
Interpretation of relationships as more intimate than they are. The whole plot of the [herpes is actually just an ingrown hair] episode is this. Every woman he’s been with he immediately thought was the love of his life. He proposed to Carol on what, their third date? The entire beginning of his relationship with Jan was a train wreck because he thought they were a couple while she considered it to be a one time thing. The girl that washes dogs at the bar, they talked for a few minutes and suddenly he wants her to meet his mom. The entire office he sees as his family which is a plot that drives the episode where Meredith sleeps with a client for discount on supplies. Everyone is his friend, everyone is his family, he gets infatuated with people so easily he loses sense of who he is.
So those are the criteria. The only one I wouldn’t count is the use of physical appearance to call attention to themselves one. So he has 7/8. And even then, I’m not done.
Here are some additional notes:
HPD is born from trauma (like any personality disorders). It’s shown that Micheal has had a rough childhood, notably with his step father Jeff. He felt abandoned and neglected by his mother once she found a new lover, he felt left behind and still needs to compensate for that.
Let’s all remember Micheal’s childhood dog that ran away and since then he refused to go to the park in fear he would find his dog with another kid it liked better. Big HPD moment.
Also, Micheal “the machine knows!” Scott, who “drove [his] car into a fucking lake” just because he trusted the machine and took the right turn literally instead of bearing right. That’s suggestibility right there my guy.
He resents people who actually try to be his friend and struggles with love and attention (Dwight most notably but also Andy when he first arrives in the Scranton branch), because to him it feels overwhelming since he’s not used to it. He chases attention and love and struggles with accepting it because he doesn’t know how to. Of course he also seeks attention from people he sees as “cooler” (aka Jim because in his eyes Jim is the coolest guy in the office), so Dwight’s affection doesn’t feel as fulfilling. It’s hard to explain correctly but it is very relatable, to really do everything for acceptance and then hate it once you get it because it wasn’t from the specific person you had in mind or just because it ends up feeling forced.
To elaborate on the Jan abusing him: the whole sleeping on a bench thing, filming during sex to then improve his form thing, making him wear a schoolgirl uniform thing, and all the other atrocious things she’s done to him, all she had to do to get him to do it was with a smile or simply by staying. She knew Micheal was starved for love and so she used it to her own advantage. She didn’t have to do anything difficult, she knew Micheal would stay no matter what. People with HPD are “easy victims” for abusers because we need love and attention even if it kills us.
How could I forget!!! Micheal’s reckless spending habits!! He buys so many things he doesn’t need, he struggles with saving money and thinking about how his spending affects his life long-term. The condo, the three magic sets, the muppet show (I think that was it), the Burlington coat! He buys things - very expensive things - when he doesn’t have the money for it. He’s irresponsible with his money and that’s something very common amongst people with HPD.
Micheal clearly has a binge eating disorder. He stuffs himself with food he doesn’t even like, forces himself to eat disgusting things, eats tiramisu he found in the trash, mayo and olives because they’re out of ice cream, lemon cake where he’s even asked by Ryan if he likes it and Micheal replies with “it’s not about the enjoyment” or something like this. Taking two brownies and saying he’ll save the second one for later only to end up eating both at once, eating an entire family sized chicken pot pie, bingeing on ice cream cakes, there’s so many examples of Micheal displaying clear signs of having a BED and EDs are also often comorbid with HPD.
This is all I have at the top of my head right now but I know there’s a lot more. Every episode I could quote something he says or describe something he does and link it back to HPD. He’s an accidental perfect representation of the disorder - though that is NO EXCUSE for some things he had said (like slurs, misogynistic comments, racist comments, etc). Of course his HPD is worsened by his privilege, a cishet white man isn’t taught to second guess and question things, he’s encouraged to take what he feels as the truth and to see his emotions as facts. The HPD isn’t what keeps him ignorant, it’s what made it easy for him to stay ignorant. But anyone can grow and learn and no disorders is the cause of bigotry.
So here is where I rest my case. I sincerely doubt anyone read through this godawful infodump but I’m posting it anyways because The Office is my comfort show and Micheal is just a character I really enjoy as someone with HPD.
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my-trash-dumpster · 2 months
If I ever get the motivation to, I would want to write about Micheal Scott coming to terms with his own parents divorce through slowly befriending Toby after the bring your daughter to work episode
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