#michel bernard
already-14 · 2 years
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Michel Bernard
Les Forêts de Ravel
Prix littéraire du festival Livres et Musique de la ville de Deauville
«Quand Ravel leva la tête, il aperçut, à distance, debout dans l’entrée et sur les marches de l’escalier, une assistance muette. Elle ne bougeait ni n'applaudissait, dans l’espoir peut-être que le concert impromptu se prolongeât. Ils étaient ainsi quelques médecins, infirmiers et convalescents, que la musique, traversant portes et cloisons, avait un à un silencieusement rassemblés. Le pianiste joua encore la
Mazurka en ré majeur
, puis une pièce délicate et lente que personne n’identifia. Son doigt pressant la touche de la note ultime la fit longtemps résonner.»
En mars 1916, peu après avoir achevé son
Trio en la mineur
, Maurice Ravel rejoint Bar-le-Duc, puis Verdun. Il a quarante et un ans. Engagé volontaire, conducteur d’ambulance, il est chargé de transporter jusqu'aux hôpitaux de campagne des hommes broyés par l’offensive allemande. Michel Bernard le saisit à ce tournant de sa vie, l'accompagne dans son difficile retour à la vie civile et montre comment, jusqu'à son dernier soupir, «l’énorme concerto du front» n’a cessé de résonner dans l'âme de Ravel.
(via Les Forêts de Ravel de Michel Bernard - Editions Table Ronde)
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ydotome · 5 months
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 "Hakuchuumu (白昼夢)" by Raon - High Card S2
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tonsillessscum · 2 months
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sakumafangs · 3 months
High Card pngs
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I made some High Card pngs using some of the new Showdown!! ver merch from tms shop post because I wanted the tiny cute art for stickers but figured I would share them. I used photopea to remove the backgrounds & cut them out. They aren't perfect but enjoy!
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year
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Bilitis (David Hamilton, 1977).
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annabolinas · 1 year
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Dorothy Tutin as Anne Boleyn in The Six Wives of Henry VIII (1970)
edited by me; apologies for any remaining artifacts! I’ve tried to get rid of them all but it’s still somewhat visible in the first picture
First two pics are from episode 1 (”Catherine of Aragon”, written by Rosemary Anne Sisson); the rest are from episode 2 (”Anne Boleyn”, written by Nick Mccarty). Henry VIII was played by Keith Michell, Eustace Chapuys (in the second picture) by Edward Atienza, and Thomas Cranmer (in the last picture) by Bernard Hepton. 
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when the mountain goats said love in unlovable hand and when tad said its my curse to try and make it right but by trying make it worse and when lincoln said theres really just one thing that we have in common neither of us will be missed and when edgar allen poe said all i loved i loved alone and when catherine siehl said oh, when you love it and when gang of youths said im terrified of loving cause im terrified of pain and when penelope scott said somebody fucking loved me all my filthy life i loved someone i barely knew and when will wood said say my name like a slur ive been called worse and when sir chloe wrote michelle and when johnny sims wrote tma and when the amazing devil or gang of youths wrote anything and when v e schwab wrote vicious and when con o'niell played izzy hands and when tnt duo interacted and when anything happened in arcane and when
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sotogalmo · 3 days
Guillaume: go in this alleyway (points to an alleyway)
Claude: What did I do?????
Guillaume: have white hair and pronouns
( @camzverse funny thing I came up with a few minutes ago)
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nofatclips · 1 year
Accordéon, a short film by Michèle Cournoyer
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year
Humour du jour 😁 🤣
Ah, les dialogues cultes de Michel Audiard ! 👍
Extrait du film 🎬 "Il ne faut pas prendre les enfants du Bon Dieu pour des canards sauvages" avec Bernard Blier
Bel après-midi 👋
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Panique (Julien Duvivier, 1946)  
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mariocki · 2 years
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La vampire nue (The Nude Vampire, 1970)
"I've seen this sign before. The woman who saved my life at the townhouse by killing one of the animal men wore the same sign."
"You too will carry the sign one day, like us, like her."
"The girl?"
"She is one of us. You too are one of us. Don't you know that yet?"
#la vampire nue#the nude vampire#jean rollin#french cinema#1970#serge moati#caroline cartier#olivier rollin#maurice lemaître#bernard musson#jean aron#ursule pauly#catherine castel#marie pierre castel#michele delahaye#pascal fardoulis#paul bisciglia#natalie perrey#rené jean chauffard#only Rollin's second feature‚ and his first in colour‚ but already he's establishing themes and images he would continue to play#with and tinker at for the rest of his life. a tale of vampirism but also an inversion of the genre‚ mixed with a little spy film stuff and#mystical realism. belongs to the same phantasmagorical world as later films like Lips of Blood or Dracula's Fiancee‚ but the overall effect#is perhaps not quite as satisfying? that‚ or Rollin is still working out the rough edges. visually tho this is beautifully avant garde#rich in colour and impressively decorated‚ beautiful costuming and set design; the director at perhaps his most overtly 'weird' in terms of#design. Rollin Jnr is a decent lead but i missed having a really strong woman character; a Marie Georges Pascal or a Brigitte Lahaie#less a comment on the actresses in this film and more on Rollin's script here‚ which makes most of the women subjects of male agency#the windswept beach ending (oh how Jean loved a windswept beach ending) is as beautiful and as affecting as it ever was#as always with JR i find myself requiring more time to think about this film. sometimes I only know a Rollin film was great after I'm still#thinking about it weeks or months later; other times i know immediately. this is the former and not the latter‚ but i do appreciate just#how sumptuous it all looks‚ that I'm sure of
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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Mais Ne Nous Délivrez Pas Du Mal (Don’t Deliver Us From Evil) | Joël Séria | 1971
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artistaforever · 5 months
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streamondemand · 7 months
'Panique' – darkness in post-war France on Criterion Channel
Julien Duvivier, one of the godfathers of French poetic realism, announced his return home from his World War II Hollywood sojourn with the dark, savage French noir Panique (France, 1947). Based on the novel “Monsieur Hire’s Engagement” by the prolific George Simenon, Panique stars Michel Simon as the eccentric Hire, an aloof misanthrope eyed with suspicion by his gossipy neighbors. As he stalks…
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mnetn · 10 months
will et couturier ⚓
i n t é r e s s a n t 🤔
ok le duo auclair - bernard c'est d'la bombe (j'aurais trop aimé qu'ils aient plus de scènes en commun ohlala)
j'aurais voulu qu'il dure 3h au moins (sa durée est suffisante hein)
par contre monsieur bernard c'est bien gentil de vivre pas très longtemps mais jfais comment pour choisir un film bien classe où il est un des premiers rôles pour les edits ohlala !
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