fiddlepickdouglas · 3 years
OMG Madison I need to know!
The two firemen/policemen/dangermen from that one series you keep reposting, are they dating????
I see them everywhere but I don't watch the show and I don't even know what show it is I just want to know if they are gay!!!
Oh, you mean these firemen?
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Darker hair is Eddie, lighter hair is Buck. They're from 9-1-1 on Fox and...
No, they are not canon 😭😭😭
I really thought they were when I started seeing posts and such on here (which is what got me interested in the show), and I was really excited to see that, but so far it hasn't happened. We hope (because dammit the writers are really giving us no other choice. Like, I'm not into SPN but if Destiel was as obvious as this or worse I can understand the way their fans froth at the mouth over it because that is how I am about Buddie), but so far they aren't there. However, we do have black lesbians who deserve the world -Hen and Karen, the wives everyone strives to be. And there is a related show with crossover episodes that I haven't seen yet with a canon gay couple.
I highly recommend this show because it has some really wonderful writing, amazing found family, awesome POC characters - I am absolutely in love with Chimney Han. He is a delight and the heart of everything. If you can look at the copaganda and say "nice try, but I'm here for other things," then please consider watching!
Tl;dr not they aren't, but there is a chance and we are betting on it
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sunsetcurbed · 3 years
Hello! 💭 🌝 and 👨‍👧‍👧 for the fanfic ask game pls
- @michelangelindraws
hi!! thank you!!
What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
UHHHH I have so many. You can find a lot of them in the notes of my fics, typically!! I guess one that I haven't shared and, while I've thought about writing this as a oneshot, I don't know if I'll ever get around to it. But the reason Alex finally pulled the trigger in breaking up with Willie in gimis thot. I think there were a lot of things that built up to that, but I think there was one moment in particular that made Alex go "this can't go on like this, we can't go on like this, I can't go on like this." And that's when they're on the phone one night when Alex has effectively moved back in with the band and Willie sounds so happy about the paper that he's writing. He realizes in that moment that Willie isn't going to choose Alex (and down the road Alex is happy about that, is proud of Willie for that, no matter how much it hurts). He feels it out by bringing up grad school again and Willie goes quiet, because he thinks it's a trap, and in a way it is. Alex needs confirmation. And Willie tells him that he's been working on the application, and about the letters of recommendation his professors are writing, and about the assistantships he's applying for, and Alex doesn't feel angry like he has whenever they've talked about this for the past six months, he just feels resigned. And as Willie speaks, he accepts that this is what Willie wants. Willie sounds happier and more excited than Alex has heard him sound in weeks, months. And Alex is bitter. He's so, so fucking bitter. But he also wants this for Willie, so he just—his strings get cut. He's not going to fight this anymore. It's done. He's lost. Willie has an idea of this—we even see this in chapter 9 during his research spiral in March 2021. But ultimately—and please excuse the wording—there's nothing to hold on to. That doesn't come until much later down the road.
Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I think Carlos, honestly. My zine piece was about Julie and Carlos, but it was only 1k and I didn't get to explore his character much. He's a bit unhinged and I appreciate that wholly. I'd love to mess around in his head. I just don't know if I'll ever get the opportunity.
Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
Some people, yes!! My best friend from high school knows that I write fic—she's actually read my Fremione fic. I was dating someone for a while and told them I wrote fic—I'm still not sure why I did, but I hope I feel comfortable enough with any future partners to do the same. My family knows I write fic. My parents don't know anything about it, but my brother knows some details, like what shows I write for, certain plots, AUs, etc.
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kennysbirthday · 3 years
I am begging you to tell me about "The one where Caleb is basically Faustus" *cries in German high school*
(Please imagine this is coming from @/michelangelindraws)
I gotchu @michelangelindraws :D Thank you for asking!! Okay this one is my long-winded Caleb backstory multichapter that I have planned (and have written 0 words of)! It's basically me taking the line "He said, 'Covington, I've got an offer that you can't refuse'" from nothing to lose and running wild kdjhslkgj (also one of my very first assessments in uni yeeeaaars ago was to design a production of Dr. Faustus and I did it all set in the 20's and ngl it's stuck with me ever since.) The whole idea is that Caleb was a famous stage magician in the 1920's (which we know from the show) but, being the greedy attnetion whore we all know he is, he sold his soul in order to become the most successful and famous magician out there. However, when someone he loves get's a little too close to the danger and Caleb refuses to keep his side of the bargain, he has that 'accident' on stage during one of his magic tricks that famously killed him.
A reminder of the stakes he's playing with. But death still doesn't get him out of the deal. And well, now he's got a whole club of souls to pass on, and he still is wildly successful worldwide. Isn't that convenient? :)
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caswellseyes · 3 years
For the writers ask game: 12) and 37)? I need to know!
hi linda thank you for these!!
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
hmm probably alex! he’s the one i relate to the most and i loved writing him in for whatever it’s worth. he’s a little more challenging in the voltron au but i’ve been basing his anxiety in that fic on my own, which has been interesting. i’m also loving carrie though!
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
for jatp, the voltron au for sure. there’s a couple of lines in chapters 4-5 that i think capture that better than the first three do, but since the only competition in this fandom is my oneshot series… it would’ve won even if i’d only had the prologue up lmao. in general though, i’d say my hsmtmts series (based on hsm) is funnier! i’d probably say make things right, the hsm2 fic, is the funniest of that series.
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wr0temyway0ut · 2 years
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Now the Lights Go Down
Thank you all so much for reading!! I love this au so much and it's made me so happy to see all the love you guys have for it! I'm going to keep writing companion fics for this au, but I'm pretty sure this is the last smau in this verse.
The Spotlight's Your Hiding Place
Taglist 1 below the cut, ask to be added or removed!
@itsthebooks @kybee1497 @angelofarts @michelangelindraws @a-tomb-with-a-view @causewealwayshaveeachother @on-irratia @andwhenwepart @gayhistorynerd @williexmercer @bright-patterson @trashpandagamer @jaskiers-sweetkiss @sunset-bobby @valiantlyweepingdreamer @a-literal-supernova @thatsmyverb @sunrise-curve-dd @jatp-flynn @gluedonheadphones0325 @readyrogueone @allhailthesanders @deelizcious @k9kid @reginald-peters-my-beloved @julieandthequeers @chickwiththepurpleguitar @k-padfoot39 @till-our-stars-collided @moony221b @shadows-writing @fandomsfeminismandme @miss-atrophy @queer-fandom-frog @bclaros6 @whitetigerlover17 @corporeal-terrestrial @weneedglitter @prizmpaws @lupinblacktheone @watchwhathappensonbroadway @bowtiesareavenged @caswellseyes @bisexualreginaldpeters @phanhowell @actual-sleeping-beauty @wide-eyed-wonderer @it-tastes-like-lizard @wide-eyed-wanderer @actual-sleeping-beauty @iridescentkippen @whattfisausername @radio-silences 
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Hello, I would like one "your shirt was laying there and i couldn’t help but steal it" for Willex please 👀
- @michelangelindraws
Hey babe! Aight, I did end up changing the wording on the line a bit to make it fit better, but... here ya go! <3
Look, a sleepover hadn’t been the plan. Willie had come over to Alex’s apartment for dinner and to watch a movie, not to spend the night. Alex probably would have prepared better if he’d known this would happen. But he didn’t because it was an accident. Sort of.
Okay, Alex refused to be truly embarrassed by this situation, because honestly, who in their right mind would want to wake their partner when said partner was asleep on their chest? Especially when said partner was Willie, who just looked so soft when he was asleep. So when Willie had dozed off halfway through their rewatch of High School Musical, Alex just… let them sleep.
But now, he was awake, and Willie was still curled up against his side and starting to stir, and Alex had no idea what to do. Or if he should do anything. It wasn’t like he regretted letting Willie stay the night, it was the best he’d slept in a while and the little bits of sunlight filtering in through his blinds made Willie’s hair look golden, all splayed out over the light blue of Alex’s pillows. He was so beautiful. But…
“Hmmm?” Willie muttered, shifting and opening his eyes a crack. 
Well, that answered that question, Alex thought. “Good morning,” he offered a little sheepishly.
Willie seemed to wake up at the sound of Alex’s voice, their eyes flying open in surprise. “Did I…” they started before trailing off, apparently not sure how to finish the sentence.
“You fell asleep during the movie,” Alex explained. “I didn’t want to wake you, since I know you haven’t been sleeping that well lately, and you were kinda on top of me so… Yeah.”
“Oh,” Willie responded, still sounding sleepy but pushing himself up into a sitting position. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t,” Alex assured them quickly, sitting up as well. “Really, I don’t mind, it was just sort of unexpected.”
“Well in that case,” Willie murmured, voice still low from sleep, “can I kiss you good morning?”
Alex nodded, shifting closer and cupping Willie’s cheek as they leaned in and pressed their lips against his.
“Good morning,” Willie whispered as he pulled back.
Alex smirked and quickly stole one more peck, then forced himself out of bed. “I guess I’ll go sort out breakfast, do you need to take a shower or anything?” he asked, holding out a hand to help Willie up.
“Actually, a shower sounds great,” Willie admitted, stumbling a bit as they found their footing. “Wasn’t up to taking one yesterday morning, and then I was here last night…”
Alex nodded in understanding and led Willie to his bathroom. He quickly ducked inside to brush his teeth, then outlined the basics of how his shower worked to Willie. It was pretty simple, but showers were one of those weird things where every single one was a bit different and could be overwhelming. His bathroom was a bit of a mess, but there wasn’t really anything he could do about that now, and Willie had just been in his bedroom, which was even more of a disaster, so he wasn’t too worried about it.
Leaving Willie with one more kiss, Alex headed to the kitchen to figure out food and process. He usually just had cereal for breakfast when he had time and a protein bar if he was on his way out the door, but he’d rather have something nicer for Willie. Even though neither of them had planned it, it was still the first time they’d actually spent the night together, and that seemed like something to be celebrated.
After taking a quick stock of his kitchen, Alex pulled out the milk and eggs to make french toast. Not terribly fancy, but he already had everything and it would be better than protein bars. As he heated the pan and started making the food, he considered the situation. 
Okay. So Willie had slept over last night. It had been unplanned, but Alex hadn’t woken him up to make him leave so… did it count as ‘unintentional’? He pushed that question aside to consider later. He certainly wasn’t upset it had happened, just a bit surprised and confused. And Willie seemed pretty okay with this turn of events as well once they knew Alex was fine. So the odds of Willie breaking up with him seemed pretty low. But would this change things in their relationship? Would this become a thing they did? Alex thought about Willie’s hair spread over his pillows, imagined opening his eyes to the light green walls of Willie’s room instead of the off-white of his own.
Yeah, Alex thought he would like it if this became a thing they did. He lifted the first piece of french toast out of the pan and set it on a plate as he dipped the next in the batter. He continued making breakfast, humming under his breath as he worked.
“Something smells good.”
Alex jumped, not expecting Willie’s comment. He turned to see them standing in the hallway, hair damp and loose, black sweatpants they’d been wearing since yesterday, and…
“Is that my shirt?” Alex asked, confused by the light grey Disneyland cutoff Willie was wearing.
“Oh, um, yeah,” Willie stuttered, blushing. “I mean, it was just sitting there, and I accidentally got mine all wet with the spray from the shower so… I stole it?”
Alex couldn’t function. Not only did the shirt show off Willie’s very nice arms and shoulders, but… it was his. His partner was wearing a shirt Alex had owned for years, had a ton of memories tied to, and… now Willie was wearing it and Alex was pretty sure his face was turning pink but he really didn’t care.
“Sorry, I should have asked first or something…” Willie rambled. 
Alex realized he’d taken his silence as rejection and quickly cut him off. “I’m not upset, just…” Alex glanced down at the piece of french toast that was about done frying. “Hold for like… ten seconds.”
Willie nodded nervously and Alex quickly slid the finished piece of bread onto the plate with the others, then turned off the stove and set the pan on another burner. Once he was sure nothing was going to catch on fire, he left the stove and crossed the room to Willie. He carefully placed his hands on their waist and pushed them back against the wall. 
“Is this okay?” he asked softly. Willie nodded, so Alex leaned in. “You look really good in my clothes,” he whispered just before pressing his lips against Willie’s.
Willie responded immediately, kissing Alex back and wrapping his arms around his neck to pull him closer. Alex pushed them back more firmly against the wall and brushed the tip of his tongue against Willie’s lower lip. Willie laughed as he let him in, meeting him in a dance that was both familiar and just as exciting and new as the first time they’d done it.
“I’m glad you like it,” Willie whispered when they broke apart to catch their breath.
“I really do,” Alex responded, darting forward to leave one last, quick kiss against his lips before forcing himself to step back. “Okay, before it gets cold because you’re too distracting, I made breakfast.”
Willie grinned and followed him to the table. “Oh sure, blame it all on me,” he teased as Alex brought the food over.
“Your fault for stealing my shirt,” Alex shot back with a grin. “What did you think was going to happen?”
“I don’t know,” Willie chuckled. “I didn’t really think about it, my shirt was just wet and yours was right there so…”
“I love you,” Alex laughed, kissing him one more time as he dropped into a chair beside him.
“Love you too,” Willie giggled.
Yeah, even if it wasn’t on purpose, Alex was definitely okay with this.
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willexxmercer · 3 years
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i’ve got my love to keep me warm
A Willex Fluff Fic for @michelangelindraws​ as part of @jatp-secretsanta​
He gave his boyfriend the reins after Willie practically begged him to let them plan a surprise date and now, Alex is convinced he’ll never let Willie do this again.  The only information he got was to dress warm, and to show up at Willie’s apartment with his car at a certain time.  That’s it.  Now he’s driving through town, following his boyfriend’s directions and trying not to wonder and speculate too much about where they’re leading him.
or: Alex lets Willie plan a winter date and Willie chooses ice skating
Check for the link in the notes
Taglist in the notes
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kybee1497 · 3 years
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Trapped in this Godforsaken Snow Globe
Students at Lawrence University are preparing to shelter in place for the incoming blizzard. They may share a residence hall but many have yet to meet. That all changes once the blizzard hits, forcing everyone to get comfortable with each other quick. While the blizzard rages outside, relationships are formed and tested within the four walls of Alto Hall.
Each has their own struggles with the blizzard. California Girl Julie worries she might never be warm again. While Willie’s insomnia begins to act up and they feel like they’re going crazy, trapped inside. Meanwhile, Luke’s ongoing battle with sleeves meets a new enemy, the plunging temperatures outside. Through it all, Bobby and Reggie remain rock solid, watching it all and placing their bets as time goes on.
By the time the blizzard passes, the lives of those in Alto Hall will never be the same again.
Update: according to the calendar I just referenced Tuesday, November 15, 2021 is in fact a Monday. So Pretend that reads Monday the 15th, ty
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): Sorry to tag everyone twice, tumblr glitched and ate half the images and wouldn’t let me fix it. I had to reupload. Hopefully this time it works properly 
@a-tomb-with-a-view @on-irratia @itsthebooks @angelofarts @michelangelindraws @curvesomesunsets @smol-evil-gremlin @toomanyfandomshelpplz​
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angelofarts · 3 years
What’s Done is Done (and It’s Pretty Clear We Both Know That)
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“Are you sure about this?”
Julie raised an eyebrow at Reggie. “Reg, he’s your best friend.”
“But you’re like a sister to me. And I hate seeing you upset.”
Julie smiled sadly and patted his shoulder. “Thanks for dropping me off, Reg. I’ll see you in a bit, okay?”
He gave her a pointed sigh that said he wasn’t happy, but he would trust her. Julie got out of the car and took a deep breath, staring up at the Eats n Beats sign.
Read it here
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@kybee1497 @futurearchaeologyprof @flynn-taylor @valiantlyweepingdreamer @fairylightsandrainydays @willexmagic​ @leafygween​ @hey-there-juliet​ @fireflyingaway​​ @sunsetphantom​​ @kennysbirthday​​ @cucumbers-and-olives​​​ @williexmercer​​​​​ @michelangelindraws​​​ @sunsetcurbed​  @waiting-for-my-hogwarts-letter​​ @sapphossidechick​
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fiddlepickdouglas · 2 years
I love scrolling through my feed and just watching an entire movie in gif form reblogged by you /g. It's like a tour of your brain, "take a look at our blorbo of the day," incredible /aff
- @michelangelindraws
What is love if not spamposting the hell out of something?
Also I Love You Phillip Morris isn't about blorbos 😏 that's based on a true story!
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sunsetcurbed · 3 years
Your writing specialty are em dashes /j
No, I think you're really good at writing novel-like realistic stories. It's never just how people get together, but there's always a realistic, interesting, relevant side plot, like struggles with going to college, or family love, or anxiety. It's something I feel like I struggle with, so for me that's really cool and impressive and really shows how great of a writer you are.
Also you write really good kisses but I think you already know that
- @michelangelindraws
... oh. ;-;
i mean my specialty can also be em dashes.
but i—you—it—they— ;-;
i try so hard to write stories that are real and true and stand out because they're relatable, so this means so much. ;-;
thank you sm ;-;
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queenmolina · 3 years
ATWAS - part seven!!
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taglist: @cinnamonstickrayofsunlight @mynameisntluke @beaniesflannelandfannypacks @chickwiththepurpleguitar @you-are-constance @lady-ofmagic-andstars @sunnysbright @homeinabookshelf @reggiescrookedteeth @madiisbroadway @jatpavenue @screamin-amuseum @jatp-wolfstar-idk @boggies-froggies @burntchromas @alexspinkhoodie @fanofthepod @jealous-kippen @strawbrrylia @k-padfoot39 @carriewilson-mybeloved @molinashimbos @deelizcious @boggie-brainrot @julieandthephantomsandme @sapphossidechick @enbies-and-felonies @a-mere-chaotic-queer @corporeal-terrestrial @shellydominique @seasofteas @michelangelindraws @malecacidd @theonionsmademedoit @angelwiththeblue-box @iridescentkippen @reggies-bass @transparentparadiseglitterzombie @duuude38 @lavender-and-rainy-days @diznak
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a-chaotic-ananas · 3 years
Can I request a Willex moodboard in your favourite colour??
(- @michelangelindraws but I can't send asks from there)
hi this is such a cute request thanks!!
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i've been really into dark green lately, i hope you like it:)
send moodboard requests any time!
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wr0temyway0ut · 2 years
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Now the Lights Go Down
Part Three: Los Angeles, CA - September 30, 2022
The Spotlight's Your Hiding Place
Taglist 1 below the cut, ask to be added or removed!
@itsthebooks @kybee1497 @angelofarts @michelangelindraws @a-tomb-with-a-view @causewealwayshaveeachother @on-irratia @andwhenwepart @gayhistorynerd @williexmercer @bright-patterson @trashpandagamer @jaskiers-sweetkiss @sunset-bobby @valiantlyweepingdreamer @a-literal-supernova @thatsmyverb @sunrise-curve-dd @jatp-flynn @gluedonheadphones0325 @readyrogueone @allhailthesanders @deelizcious @k9kid @reginald-peters-my-beloved @julieandthequeers @chickwiththepurpleguitar @k-padfoot39 @till-our-stars-collided @moony221b @shadows-writing @fandomsfeminismandme @miss-atrophy @queer-fandom-frog @bclaros6 @whitetigerlover17 @corporeal-terrestrial @weneedglitter @prizmpaws @lupinblacktheone @watchwhathappensonbroadway @bowtiesareavenged @caswellseyes @bisexualreginaldpeters @phanhowell @actual-sleeping-beauty @wide-eyed-wonderer @it-tastes-like-lizard @wide-eyed-wanderer @actual-sleeping-beauty @iridescentkippen @whattfisausername @radio-silences 
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @molinapattersons
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people.
Okay, well, my playlists are very long and I rarely remove things, so I can't say this is the most current iteration of my music, but here goes nothing.
1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back - Olivia Rodrigo
Ghost of You - 5 Seconds of Summer
No Shame - 5 Seconds of Summer
Waste the Night - 5 Seconds of Summer
Tired - Beabadoobee
Complete Mess - 5 Seconds of Summer
Now or Never - Julie and the Phantoms(Charlie Gillespie, Owen Joyner, Jeremy Shada)
Dance With Me - Beabadoobee
Youngblood - 5 Seconds of Summer
Best of 2012: Payphone / Call Me Maybe / Wide Awake / Starships / We Are Young - Anthem Lights
Okay, I listen to all of these at least some of the time... though most of them wouldn't be in my current top 10. This was fun though!
@innytoes @michelangelindraws @wr0temyway0ut @willexmagic, Y'all wanna take a stab at this? No pressure! <3
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Willex and the word "daylight" for the minific thing 👀
- @michelangelindraws
AHHHHH HI HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? I'm going to apologize in advance in case this sucks because it's 1 AM.
Alex couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten.
Because here he was, laying down next to the prettiest boy he'd ever met, fingers tangled in his long hair while they talked about everything and nothing at all.
The past few years, even before he'd died had been an absolute nightmare. The coming out, his family not accepting him, and then not to mention, dying on the most important night of his life.
He may have been stuck in a dark room for 25 years, but here, looking at Willie, he was starting to remember what daylight felt like.
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