#mickey's revue
adventurelandia · 8 months
Mickey's Revue (1932)
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pretty-little-fools · 9 months
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disneyremnants · 1 year
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This Fantasyland theater has quite a bit of history behind it! Originally opening as The Mickey Mouse Revue, it became Magic Journeys in 1987, then Legend of the Lion King in 1994, and finally Mickey's PhilharMagic in 2003! The new tagline even references the original attraction!
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I decided to draw Mickey animatronics and some other things
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My refs
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Side poll series while we wait for submissions to be closed Aug 28th! 
Which attraction that replaced the other is better? WDW Magic Kingdom edition
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(this will have no impact on the main bracket or anything!)
Videos of rides under cut!
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ethancshawsblog · 1 year
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https://g.co/kgs/jLc6zw https://archive.org/details/mickey-mouse-season-2-1930-1932/Mickey+Mouse+-+Mickey's+Revue+_+B98.TV.mp4
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Goofy, then known as Dippy Dawg, made his debut in MICKEY’S REVUE, released on May 25, 1932.
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Hi!! So I have a question about a disney animatronic!
So I was rewatching defuntlands video about cinderella castle mystery tour with my mom and I wondered.. What happened to the horned king animatronic?
It'd be a shame if he was just abandoned, it was pretty bad ass. As resident number one horned king fan, it hands down has to be one of my favorite animatronics ever made for the parks.
With many Disney rides and attractions, it's hard to know what exactly has happened to the animatronics and other elements once the attraction has closed its doors for good. A great example of that is the recent retheming of Splash Mountain into Tiana's Bayou Adventure. No one truly knows what became of the cast of characters from Splash Mountain. We can only hope and pray that they (at the very least the ones that were former residents of America Sings) were saved in the Archives... and, well, I guess we'll have to hope the same for the Horned King.
Things get complicated with Tokyo Disneyland because they aren't just owned by Disney, but also by the Oriental Land Company. I don't know exactly how things work when an attraction closes in that park. However, we do have evidence that at least some of the relics are put in the archives, that evidence being the Mickey Mouse Revue animatronics that we've seen resurface. Mickey is known to be in the Archives, has been on display at times, and Donald, Panchito, and José were retrieved from the Archives in 2015 to be featured in the finale of Gran Fiesta Tour.
So TL;DR, I would say that there's a fair chance he might be in the Archives, but I have no idea if that's truly the case or not.
-Mod Possum
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twistedtummies2 · 11 months
Top 10 Maleficent Appearances
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Earlier this week, I decided to celebrate Founding Day for Disney by discussing my favorite appearances of their flagship character, Mickey Mouse. However, as anybody who knows me well will likely be aware, Mickey isn’t my primary draw for Disney. None of the Disney heroes are, really. For me, the biggest group of characters that fascinate me most with Disney are its Villains. And while there are many great Disney Villains that I love - Scar, the Evil Queen, Jafar, Cruella De Vil, and more - my favorite has always been, and likely always will be, the Mistress of All Evil herself: Maleficent. Originally debuting in 1959’s “Sleeping Beauty,” this dark fairy is arguably for the Disney Villains lineup what Mickey is to Disney as a whole. While not unanimously EVERYONE’S favorite Disney Villain, she is in the top ten for many, many people. More importantly, she is arguably the single villainess with the most clout Disney has created: in virtually anything that promotes the lineup, Maleficent is used, and usually has some sort of starring or majorly featured role. She’s often depicted as the leader of the villains, and it’s no surprise why: with her stone-cold demeanor, grandiose style, and absolutely REMARKABLE feats of power and menace, she is easily one of the most dangerous and despicable villains the company has forked out through their animated productions. Maleficent is not only my favorite Disney Villain, but quite possibly one of my top three favorite villains of all time, alongside Count Dracula and Batman’s Joker. And, seeing as Halloweentime is usually Disney’s “Season of the Villain,” and this IS still the 100th Anniversary of Disney itself…yeah. Now seems a perfect time to cover my favorite appearances this Dark Queen has had since her debut. On that note, no, the original Sleeping Beauty will NOT be counted here, simply because I think that’s cheating. This will be for all of Maleficent’s greatest roles since her cinematic premiere. With that said…here are My Top 10 Maleficent Appearances (besides Sleeping Beauty)!
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10. Villains Mix & Mingle/Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular.
Our first entry on the countdown is a Halloweentime special stage show at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. This show has changed several times over the years, and with each revolution, Maleficent has been present in some form or another. The original version of the show, called “Villains Mix & Mingle,” featured Maleficent and Captain Hook as the hosts of the Event; it was basically a story-less mini-revue, dedicated to Disney Villains. The “plot” had Maleficent throwing a Halloween Party (I guess she was tired of not being invited to any herself), and summoning various Disney Villains to dance the night away. In the late 2000s, the show changed to have Dr. Facilier as the sole host of the event. Maleficent still appeared, but was now simply one of the basically mute villains attending the festivities. More recently, the show has not exactly vanished so much as evolved into a whole new production, known as “Hocus Pocus Villain Spelltacular.” This much longer, slightly more story-based version has the Sanderson Sisters throwing the ball. Facilier, Maleficent, and Oogie Boogie are all featured in major supporting roles, while other villains once again show up as mute guests to the party. Halloween is the “Season of the Villain” at the Disney Parks, as I said before, and few villains match the spirit of the season as much as Maleficent does; if this stage show and its many iterations proves one thing, it’s that the Mistress of All Evil is as synonymous with Halloween for Disney as ghosts and goblins are. You simply can’t have a gathering of baddies in the autumn and not feature her at all.
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9. Once Upon a Time.
I’ve always had sort of mixed feelings about the version of Maleficent from the TV series “Once Upon a Time.” This interpretation tried to make the character a much more sympathetic antagonist than arguably ever before. Her origins are shrouded in tragedy, and a major part of her motivations in the show comes from her seeking her long-lost daughter. (It seems to be a recurring thing to make Maleficent a mother or mother-like figure…I’m not entirely sure why.) Actress Kristin Bauer von Stratten brought her all to the role, and while I never liked her first costume design, the one that appeared in the “Queens of Darkness” story arc (pictured here) was a VAST improvement. My problem with this Maleficent is that they couldn’t seem to decide what kind of character she should be; I had no issue with the more sympathetic portrayal, on the whole, but it bugged me how they were always building her up as this figure of ultimate evil in many bits of dialogue, only to then whip around and show her as more tragic or more reasonable than other, very obviously worse villains. If you want to make her the Mistress of All Evil, go with that; if you want to make her a sympathetic villainess, that’s fine, too. But trying to do both at the same time? That’s a hard job to try and pull off, to say the least. I did come to like her more and more as the show went on, but I still don’t feel justified putting her up in the higher spots of this list.
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8. Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom.
This is an interactive attraction at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, and perhaps the element most admirable about it is that it has...a plot. A real, true, honest-to-goodness plot! That’s something other entries on this list related to the parks tend to lack. The game has guests/players traveling throughout the park to find a variety of magic portals, through which they can interact. The story has the player(s) as apprentices of Merlin, trying to stop Hades from taking over the Magic Kingdom. The God of the Dead goes about finding various villains who, having been defeated and presumably killed in life, now take residence in the Underworld. He offers each one a chance to take back power, if they will help him in finding a bunch of special crystals needed for his plan. Maleficent is one of the villains Hades summons, but if you think the Mistress of All Evil has any intention of playing second fiddle to the Lord of the Underworld, think again. During Maleficent’s section of the story, she accepts Hades’ offer, but secretly plans to use the crystals for herself to take over the entire world, and then put Hades out of business, allowing her to become the most powerful villain in the universe. (Gotta give her credit for ambition.) It’s up to the guests to get past Maleficent’s many traps and minions in order to stop her, before either she or Hades can put their fiendish schemes into motion.
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7. Dream Along With Mickey.
Yet another stage show from the Magic Kingdom! This production ran for ten years, between 2006 and 2016, before being eventually replaced by “Mickey’s Royal Friendship Faire.” The plot revolves around Mickey Mouse, Minnie, and Goofy trying to teach Donald Duck the importance of dreams and belief. About halfway through the show, the gang playfully pretend to be pirates…which results in the sudden appearance of Captain Hook and Mr. Smee. The two are naturally beaten by the intervention of Peter Pan…but just as it seems victory has been achieved and all is well, it’s revealed that the pirates are actually working for - you guessed it - Maleficent. The evil fairy arrives to terrorize the party, declaring her intentions to change the Magic Kingdom “into a Place Where NIGHTMARES Come True!” (I should probably mention that Maleficent’s appearance is highlighted by an instrumental version of “Hellfire.” EPICNESS.) Though ultimately defeated - because villains never prosper - Maleficent vows to return, warning the mouse, duck, and all “One day the Kingdom will stop believing, and all will be lost!” This is one of Maleficent’s biggest appearances at the Parks, in SEVERAL ways, and it’s a pity the show no longer runs at Cinderella’s Castle. Que sera sera.
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6. Once Upon a Dream.
This book is part of a series called "Twisted Tales," published by Hyperion and written by Liz Braswell. Each one of these books starts off with some sort of eye-catching question and premise related to a famous Disney feature. In this case, "What if Sleeping Beauty never woke up?" The plot has it set that, after slaying Maleficent as the Dragon, Prince Philip goes to awaken Aurora, just like in the film...but then something goes horribly wrong. For some reason, instead of waking the princess with true love's kiss, the prince falls asleep, too! The plot then shifts, as we find ourselves in what seems to be a parallel universe, where Aurora is Maleficent's daughter, and the Mistress of All Evil is controlling the entire kingdom. It's quickly made clear that - as you may or may not have guessed - this is a dreamworld going on inside of the head of Aurora and all the other denizens of the kingdom. The Princess has to figure out a way to beat Maleficent - with Philip's help - and wake up from the nightmare. What's great about this story is that Maleficent is kept in-character. She remains cold, crafty, and above all, VILLAINOUS: she's still the bad guy in this story, and she feels, generally speaking, like the character we all know and love to hate. My only problem with this story is that it feels like it borrows a lot from another Disney movie, "Tangled," with Maleficent essentially in the Mother Gothel role, Aurora as Rapunzel, and Philip as Flynn Rider. (All of their names even sound vaguely similar, now that I think about it.) But there's enough different about it to make it interesting, and I appreciate the novel using the “Maleficent as a Mother” trope (which has, again, become unusually popular) while still deciding to make Maleficent the dastardly adversary we all worship and abhor by the end of the tale.
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5. Fantasmic!
This is one of the most lauded, spectacular, and looked-forward-to shows at the Disney Parks. It’s currently still put on at Disneyland and Walt Disney World, and there used to be versions done for Tokyo Disneyland. Maleficent’s role in the proceedings is nominally very small, but the impact her appearance makes cannot be understated. While every production over the years has made some changes, the premise of the show remains the same: Mickey Mouse guides us on a trip through his own little dreamworld, where his imagination reigns supreme, and every story ends happily ever after. Everything is fun and fancy free (ha ha), until the Evil Queen gets wind of what’s going on. Incensed, she summons various Disney Villains to help her “turn that little mouse’s dream into a Nightmare Fantasmic!” This culminates in the arrival of Maleficent: “Now you will deal with me, and all the Powers of MY IMAGINATION!” In every version, the grand climax of the show has Maleficent transforming into her dragon form, and SETTING THE ENTIRE DREAM WORLD ON FIRE. (Yikes!) In the midst of this fiery chaos, Mickey must step forward and remind the villains just whose dream this is, defeating the mighty dragon in the process. It’s by fair one of the “biggest” shows in Disney history, and certainly one of Maleficent’s “biggest” appearances (in more ways than one). I was very sad and distressed when I heard that, recently, the Disneyland version of the dragon experienced some...technical difficulties, so to speak. You can look up what I mean, if you don't know already. What this means for Maleficent's future in the production is presently hard to say for sure, but I think it's unlikely she'll be leaving Mickey alone for good anytime soon.
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4. Mistress of All Evil: A Tale of the Dark Fairy.
Take notes, “Maleficent” movies and “Once Upon a Time.” If you want to try and provide a backstory to Maleficent, and make her more sympathetic, THIS is how you do it. While this book - part of a series by Serena Valentino, showing the backstories of various Disney antagonists (and the Beast...for some reason) - is not exactly perfect, it certainly achieves that aforementioned goal MUCH more successfully. In this book, Maleficent is still the elegant, dangerous, graceful enchantress we all remember, but we learn the reason why she’s so very wicked, and we also learn that her reasons for what she did in the film were much deeper than one might have expected. It also makes us see that the heroes of the story were not always so squeaky clean, and while it doesn’t totally vilify them - Maleficent is still decidedly evil in her actions, and they are decidedly good - it makes it clear that the line between the two extremes isn’t always as clean cut as we would expect. In short, this book is what I think those other versions, especially the Jolie-starring movies, tried to be: essentially Disney’s version of “Wicked,” taking a lot of the same themes and even some slightly similar story elements from those earlier films, but using them in a much better way than before. Again, it’s by no means perfect, as a book OR as a backstory, but it ultimately does much more and manages to work much better than other similar attempts. And since Maleficent is the focus, it once again stands as something quite unique in her catalogue of appearances.
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3. Twisted Wonderland.
Okay, so, this is KIND OF cheating, but I'm sorry, I HAVE to talk about this game. "Twisted Wonderland" is a mobile video game, in which your character gets "zapped" into an alternate universe. In this universe, they find themselves at a School of Black Magic which was inspired by seven of the great Disney Villains. (I have no idea how THAT happened, but whatever.) Among them is Maleficent, but although she is referenced several times, the Dark Queen HERSELF is relatively peripheral: she's long dead by the time the story begins. No, the focus of the game is on the students and staff of the school - Night Raven College - who are all based on (and sometimes descended from) the classic villains in question. One of the most prominent characters in the game is a descendant of Maleficent: the half-dragon Prince of the Dark Fae, Malleus Draconia. What's great about Malleus is what's great about all the characters in the game, really: unlike the "Descendants" franchise, which has a slightly similar premise, these characters are not merely stock figures who ride the coattails of the classic baddies of yore. Instead, they keep elements of the original villains close, but enough is changed about them to make them unique and interesting figures in their own right. Malleus has Maleficent's sense of style and aesthetics, and like her, his fury is a dangerous thing to provoke. He’s one of the most powerful beings in the entire WORLD, in the universe of the game, able to control the elements through his sheer will…yet despite all that power, and his dark aura, he’s got a lot of soft spots and some noted vulnerabilities. He CAN be dangerous and intimidating, make no mistake: he's more than aware of his power and who and what he is. Underneath it all, however, he’s a very lonely soul who longs for a sense of real companionship and belonging. I really can't do this guy justice with just a short written description; you really need to look into this title and this character for yourself. Ever since I met him, he was a shoe-in for my Top Three.
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2. Kingdom Keepers.
This novel series by Ridley Pearson is essentially a darker, Disney-fied version of “Night at the Museum.” In the books, it’s revealed that, late at night, when everything closes down, all the attractions and rides and so forth at Disney Parks come to life, and many of Disney’s characters come to life, too...both good and evil. Enter The Overtakers - a band of nasties (most of them Disney Villains) who want to, as their group title suggests, take over the world. (OF COURSE!) Maleficent is one of the key antagonists of the series: she is the second-in-command of the Overtakers, the only character outshining her being the devilish Chernabog. You could almost say she is the Darth Vader of the franchise, in comparison to Chernabog’s Palpatine. This version of Maleficent has one interesting differentiation from her original film counterpart: while the original Maleficent was a being of fire - able to transform into a dragon, vanishing in flashes of flame, etc. - this Maleficent is as frosty as her heart. Everywhere she treads, she emanates an aura of coldness; where she steps, ice forms, and she prefers to hide out in chilly places. She still has power over flame, of course, among all sorts of other magic, but it’s this constant, frigid aura that makes her stand out. Anytime our heroes - a group of teens tasked with stopping the Overtakers - venture someplace with even the faintest chill, they get worried, and anytime things get dark and cold in the atmosphere, the reader immediately gets nervous or excited, wondering when the Mistress of Evil is going to make her grand entrance. I really love these books, and I’d love to see Disney do some sort of movie or TV series based on them sometime. Personally, I’d pick Cate Blanchett or Eva Green for Maleficent, if they ever do…but I digress.
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1. Kingdom Hearts.
As the secondary antagonist of this highly popular video game series, “Kingdom Hearts” has probably done more for Maleficent’s popularity than anything else she’s been in. Almost anytime I bring up this Evil Fairy, her role in Kingdom Hearts is not far behind. In the first game, Maleficent was really the main antagonist, until Xehanort’s Heartless (a.k.a. Ansem the Seeker of Darkness) essentially hijacked the climax from her. In that game, Maleficent assembled a gang of Disney Villains to help her take over Kingdom Hearts, and thereby gain power over all worlds. However, she overestimated her power to control the Heartless and the darkness inside her own wretched heart, and was ultimately destroyed by the aforementioned surprise main villain. This, however, was not the end for Maleficent: she was brought back to life sometime later, and since then she has continued to try all sorts of tricks and schemes to conquer the universe. Ironically, despite her grandiose nature, Maleficent’s desire for and knowledge about Kingdom Hearts is largely due to the machinations of the main antagonist of the franchise, Xehanort himself; however, the more she learns about the universe around her, the more dangerous she becomes. Even though she hasn’t had quite the prominency in later games that she had in the first, she’s always there, sort of creeping through the sidelines, plotting and planning her next big break to get the power she so desperately craves, and seems to feel she deserves. In many games of the series, she’s assisted by Mickey Mouse’s arch-nemesis Pete, and the contrast between the refined, intelligent, proud, and powerful Maleficent against the much more bungling and coarse Pete is actually quite a potent cocktail for humorous chemistry. All things told, it’s no surprise that the Kingdom Hearts games are My Favorite Appearance from Maleficent...outside of her original film, of course.
The Angelina Jolie Movies. (I don’t like these films, to be honest, BUT the fact Maleficent GOT solo movies is worth mentioning, which is why I place them here.)
House of Mouse. (She didn’t have a lot to do, but the appearances she had were memorable.)
"Disney Villains: Maleficent" Comic Series. (A joint publication between Dynamite Entertainment and Disney...now I want to see Maleficent meet The Shadow. XD )
Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough. (Had to at least mention the one major ride/attraction she appears in at the parks, didn’t I?)
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sweettjrose · 8 months
Does anyone else think about how for many people born before the 1990's, they didn't grow up with Goofy being a single father raising Max.
Like Goof Troop was when Max was first introduced and that came out in 1992, and that was 32 years ago.
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That may still seem like a long time but Goofy made his first appearance in "Mickey's Revue" in 1932 which is 92 years ago.
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That means that for 60 years Goofy was seen more as a single bachelor, than a single dad.
I mean there was that time around the 1950's where Goofy did have a family sometimes when they made those Goofy cartoons.
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But these were usually treated as one off cases, and the kid (called Goofy Junior) was never really established as a character. Some shorts even gave Goofy an actual wife, which he doesn't have now. Heck one could even argue that this version of Goofy wasn't really our Goofy since they acted pretty differently.
Either way it seems like the version of Goofy being the single father of Max is probably going to stay as the "canon" for Goofy in most cases (he gets actual references in the parks) and it is still baffling to realize that for many people they didn't grow up with him as that. Heck a lot of people who grew up on Goofy cartoons probably doesn't even know Max exist. It is amazing how a fairly recent change, ended up adding so much lore and depth to a nearly 100 year old character.
Does anyone else think about this?
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dynamoe · 1 year
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still dicking around with my Triple Threat design
Bruce Timm-ish/Batman: The Animated Series-style character rendering. Some Tuxedo Mask inspiration snuck in with all the roses... maybe she throws them to initiate battling evil doers?
I actually really don't like superhero shit (tough considering the direction VBros took in later seasons), but even with my distaste I wanted to do justice to the references.
🌹 more 🌹 →
🌹 Triple Threat in the 1980s
🌹 Rose Whalen (old)
🌹 Billy's prom date
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Triple Threat's costume is meant to represent a Broadway chorine, but also it's a bit like a majorette... antiquated military uniform but pantsless. Very gendered. The old-fashioned/family friendly version of sexy... but not TOO sexy.
Visual reference to both the pants-less white tie tails of Zatanna the magician of DC Comics and the stage costumes from the "burlesque" Broadway musical revue Sugar Babies
The revue starred Mickey Rooney in his Broadway debut, Ann Miller... The revue subsequently had a short-lived National tour which starred Carol Channing and Robert Morse, from August through November 1980. (Carol Channing is the model for Rose's speaking voice, obvs.)
Billy's mom as a character sucks— she's introduced as [out-of-touch old person] who becomes [smothering mother] archetype— but in just a few appearances implies potential depths not explored. She's the only canon character I've written aside from Billy & White, in a series of flashbacks to Billy's childhood with her in Boy Genius (← read it on AO3)
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Based on the hair, this flashback is mid-1960s. Maybe a bit later. OG Team Venture have been painted as Jonny Quest, Doc Savage and the Fabulous Five and James Bond, but this scene has a real TV Batman '66 feel to it. Best arena for a campy Broadway-musical-themed crime-fighter.
Triple Threat would be interesting to explore in the trajectory of comic book superheroes going from Golden Age goofy to the '80s X-treme en-darkening/en-seriousning (imagine Triple Threat reimagined as a Punisher type). At the same time, her Pollyanna American Exceptionalism/Moral Purity message (that Action Man wants to soil with his filth) would get dragged through the mud as she makes "hard choices" aka being a hypocrite in service of her all-American values.
She buys into moral panics. She warns against rock and roll and drugs, despite being a Baby Boomer. She is defiantly "a square" (as well as gullible to propaganda).
Female Conservatives are fascinating as they are gross. The Anti-Feminist Feminist. She's never shown to be motivated by religious fundamentalism (she seems fine with the possibility of her son being gay), it's more insidious than that. Is she machiavellian like a super-powered Phyllis Schlafly or, like the moral panic stuff, she's really gullible to conservative messaging? I see her more as a Kissinger Neo-Con than a MAGA conspiracy rube. She's not angry or hateful in her conservativeness, just reactionary and myopic.
Another ill-defined aspect... does Triple Threat have superpowers? She can still do flying leap kicks at age 60ish which suggests she's more than just "really good at fighting." What if she had been part of some Captain America super-serum ultimate-soldier program that screws her up medically, later causing Billy's genetic birth defects? Is she filled with guilt? Angry at the government for not telling her about the side effects?
→ → More on Rose Whalen's history
all my Billy & White stuff at → FAILURES of SCIENCE index
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jules-has-notes · 4 months
The Disney Showman (Unexpected Musical) — PattyCake Productions music video
Nostalgia can be a powerful force. The Greatest Showman portrays P.T. Barnum as a dreamer who wanted to entertain people above all else. There is a very similar air to the general perception of Walt Disney. Both men were, of course, much more complicated than their public personas, but the parallels were too strong for the PattyCake guys to resist. Especially since both Tony and Layne had worked at Disney World, performed on Disney cruises, and collaborated on projects with the company at large. So combining the Showman music with a visual retrospective of Walt's life was a perfect fit.
title: Unexpected Musicals — The Disney Showman
performers: D.J. Muto, Paul Kaleka, & James Keaton (Walt Disney); Eli Jacobson (Roy Disney / featured vocals); Jonathan Timpanelli & Joey D'Angelo-LaJoie (Robert & Richard Sherman); Olivia Adkins (Snow White model); Amy Garton (Julie Andrews); Isabella Muto (Shirley Temple); Jacob McAlister, David Kotary, James Berkley, Domenic Servidio, Chadd Winston, & Eduardo Marques de Oliveria (animators); Alexander Browne (animator / Mouseketeer); Rachel Copeland Evans, Gizelle Pagan, & Darlene Chudinski Henry (Mouseketeers); Brad Pettit (Mouseketeer / chimney sweep); Jason Tibbs, Michael Rundy, Matt Hudson (chimney sweeps); Lauriel Marques de Oliveria, Grace Flaherty, & Sonia Roman (inkers & painters); Hannah Laird, Tony Wakim, Layne Stein, & Lilly Kolb (featured vocals)
original songs / performers: "Rewrite the Stars", "A Million Dreams", & "Come Alive" by the cast of The Greatest Showman (2017); "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" by James Baskett in Song of the South (1946); "I Got No Strings" by Dickie Jones in Pinocchio (1940); "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" by Bobby Driscoll, the cast of Peter Pan (1953), & The Jud Conlon Chorus; "Mickey Mouse Club March" by the cast of The Mickey Mouse Club (1955)
written by: "Rewrite the Stars", "A Million Dreams", & "Come Alive" by Benj Pasek & Justin Paul; "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" by Allie Wrubel & Ray Gilbert; "I Got No Strings" by Leigh Harline & Ned Washington; "You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!" by Sammy Cahn & Sammy Fain; "Mickey Mouse Club March" by Jimmie Dodd
arranged by: Layne Stein & Tony Wakim
release date: 2 March 2018
My favorite bits:
combining the Disney fanfare with instrumentation from "Rewrite the Stars"
young Walt sketching Oswald the rabbit, followed by adult Walt creating Mortimer Mickey Mouse
the newspaper headline noting that Disney's first studio failed at the start of "Come Alive"
those extremely perky Mouseketeers
Tony and Layne doing their best faux-Cockney accents for the chimney sweeps' vocals
showing footage from the actual parks
elder Walt coughing as he walks away, a somber sign of the lung cancer that took his life
returning to young Walt still dreaming of ♫ "the world I'm gonna make" ♫ that we've just seen
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The actors playing young Walt Disney and Shirley Temple are siblings.
James is yet another of Tony's fellow alumni from the "Beetlejuice Graveyard Revue" show at Universal Studios, having played BJ himself for many years.
The subtle special effects makeup that transformed James into Walt was created by Andy Wright at Makeup and Creative Arts, and was applied by Rick Underwood.
This video was filmed on location at the MBS Equipment Company warehouse space in Orlando, using some of their lighting equipment. There is also additional footage from both Disneyland and Disney World.
PattyCake garnered some praise from several of their fellow former theme park cast members in the YouTube comments for both the accuracy of the behind-the-scenes imagery and the celebration of the Disney legacy.
As they did with their "La La Land" video, PattyCake highlighted their attention to detail with a series of "Double Take" posts on social media, comparing shots from the video with the iconic moments they had recreated.
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As a bonus, the thumbnail for the video itself is a recreation of a photo of Disney that was also used as the cover art for PBS's episode of American Experience about him.
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Disney Dreamland - Part 5: Create-It-Land
Quite possibly the most visually eclectic of all the lands. This land embodies creativity and the arts, and quite frankly there is no one way to be creative or artistic, so I think the motley visuals are perfectly on theme. That said, I decided to tie the land together by having giant objects themed to each area. For this reason, I specifically wanted Wonderland and 100 Acre Wood next to the border of Fantasyland/Create-It-Land, so that the giant plants and cards of Wonderland and the giant book facade of Pooh would help transition to the giant toys of Toy Box Land and/or the giant art supplies of Toontown. The parade route exits down here.
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Showtime Boulevard
The entrance street of the land from the hub. Dedicated to the performing arts. Would resemble a city street, like a small town version of Broadway, but then transition to include giant objects. Giant instruments of the music playground. Giant sheet music. The ballet house could look like a giant music box. Even the normal buildings could have giant props on them, like giant comedy and tragedy masks, or giant film reels and clapperboards. There would also be a decent amount of performers to bring energy to the area, so that it doesn’t feel like a regular city street. Living statues and street musicians. 
Journey Into Imagination: If EPCOT isn’t going to put back Dreamfinder, I’ll gladly take him. Heck, I’ll even settle for a pseudo-sequel with an older Figment now taking on the role of Dreamfinder in honor of his friend. Sets and scenery from the original incarnation are mandatory. There could be a path leading off the boulevard to an area between Create-It-Land and Discoveryland where this ride could be placed, since it does reflect the spirit of both lands. 
Fantasia Music Hall: In the spirit of Walt’s original idea for Fantasia, certain classic segments would be permanent fixtures of the show (such as Sorcerer’s Apprentice) and performed by Animatronics on instruments and as dancers in the same vein as the former Mickey Mouse Revue show, while other segments could be animations shown on screen and switched out throughout the year (such as the segments originally planned for Fantasia 2006 that were later released individually). I would love it if the Animation Studio could create new unique animated segments exclusive to the attraction. Permanent animatronic segments would include characters from Pastoral Symphony, Rhapsody in Blue, Dance of the Hours, Night on Bald Mountain (though I could also work with it being a seasonal segment during Halloween), and The Firebird. Playing the full versions of every song would take too long, so the show would feature abridged versions in a medley. 
“Music Playground”: Interactive playground of giant musical instruments. Think of the piano scene from Big, but on a grader scale. Piano slides, trampoline drums, xylophone bridges, brass instruments the size of trees. I’ll admit, I don’t know if the audio results of this attraction would be wacky fun or pure tortuous chaos. I was originally imaging this as an outdoor attraction, but it might be better if this were indoors with each type of instrument given its own room with soundproofing.
“Russian Animal Ballet House”: I just wanted an excuse to see animals in fancy costumes performing ballet. Could be costumed actors or animatronics. Nutcracker performances during Christmas are mandatory. Building would resemble a giant music box. Alternatively, the stage could also be used for any original cultural performances from countries not already featured elsewhere in the park (Greek dramas, Bollywood dances, etc.). 
Muppet Comedy Theatre: Would have the same mixed media techniques as Muppet*Vision 3D (a screen movie, actual puppeteering, and costume characters), but features a new original story. Could also feature a small meet-and-greet area with Kermit and friends.
Hollywood restaurant: American cuisine. Themed to the Golden Age of Hollywood cinema.
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I want this area to have the same energy as Seuss Landing from Universal’s Islands of Adventure, which I personally feel makes for a better Toontown than Disney’s actual Toontown. The buildings would be slightly more distorted and more stylized. I’m wondering if it would also be possible to put some buildings on a moving platform so that they could tilt back and forth for a squash and stretch illusion. Maybe even have a few with giant faces that can emote. This area prominently features giant art supplies that are implied to have brought the land into existence, including giant paintbrushes that are poised in the middle of putting “finishing touches” to the buildings. The entire area would have lots of kinetic sculptures (think of the new Super Nintendo World at Universal) to make the land feel alive. Interactive gags like the Post Office and the Fireworks Factory would of course be included. I would remove the residential area and have the area only themed around Maroon Cartoons Studio, and the downtown area. Characters that don’t fit in any other area of the park could walk around here. 
“Mickey Mouse presents…”: Guests would take on the role of camera crew with Mickey as director. The star of the movie is late and we follow Mickey as he accidentally crashes various movie sets looking for the missing actor, who turns out to be none other than Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. The various movie sets would portray different genres of cinema. Based on the Mickey short cartoon Roll ‘Em (which, by the way, would have been a more appropriate replacement for the Great Movie Ride than Runaway Railway). While I intended for this to be part of Toontown, I am also okay with this being the last building on Showtime Boulevard to help transition into Toontown.  
Backstage Meet-and-Greet: Again, I personally do not care much for meet and greets (With the exception of Goofy. Goofy is the best.), but for the people that do, here you can meet Mickey and Friends including Oswald, Roger and Jessica. 
Maroon Cartoons Studio Tour: Based on Roger Rabbit Cartoon Spin but using the art style of Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway (but with actual sets, not screen projections), as well as an interactive element (partially inspired by Monsters Inc Ride & Go Seek in Tokyo). Guests would interact with the sets by “spraying” paint or thinner from the paintbrushes attached to their vehicles. Based on the video game mechanic from Epic Mickey, where paint brings objects into existence, and thinner erases them. For example, a guest could “paint” an anvil that would drop onto Roger’s head. Even spraying the animatronic characters would elicit funny dialogue, “Hey! Watch where you’re spraying! I just got a new paint job yesterday!” While the sets would be physical, the paint and thinner effects could be projections. The trickiest part is projecting a physical object to look like it’s been erased, and since it would set off chain reactions, the projections would have to hide certain objects’ movements. It would be very difficult, but I insist that this ride does not follow the Toy Story Mania route (I’m looking at you, Web Slingers). Please consult actual engineers.
Art of Animation Academy: History of animation exhibit, with animation from all over the world. Japanese anime, Soviet animation, stop-motion, etc. With acknowledgements that Quirino Cristiani and Lotte Reiniger’s films actually pre-date Snow White as the world’s first animated features. Drawing workshops included.
Happy-Go-Lucky Merry-Go-Round: In the same wacky spirit as the Caro-Seuss-el in Seuss Landing. Like the Caro-Seuss-el, the music could speed up and slow down when it operates. Rather than just having wacky versions of real animals, this carousel would have hybrid animals, like the Wuzzles! Also, what if the carousel could run backwards? 
Jolly Trolley: The vehicles would run on an elevated track to solve the problem of crowds blocking the way. The track could wind around Toontown, the same way as The High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride! does in Seuss Landing. Originally I was only going to have it stay in Toontown, but then I realized the wind-up key on the roof could make it pass for a toy, so why not have it travel through Toy Box Land too, for an even more scenic route. 
Goofy’s Bakery Studio: Decorate your own cupcakes and cookies with edible paint. 
The Art of Disney: Disney prints, paintings, figurines, and other art. Get your caricature drawn here.
Minnie Mouse Fashions: Disney apparel and headgear. Design and customize your own ears.
Handwich cart: I dunno about you, but I think the Handwich is pretty neat.
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Toy Box Land
Yes, Toy Story Land has been both overused as a land and under-utilized as a proper theme, but I simply love the giant toy aesthetic. It feels like being inside an I Spy book (does anyone remember those books?). I probably could have just made this land fully original with no ties to IP (like I did with choosing not to theme Winter VIllage to Frozen), which I am still open to, but also found it too irresistible to include everyone’s favorite lovable rascals. The movies’ existential themes of jealousy and self-worth, moving on and letting go would be difficult to adapt into attractions, so Toy Story’s inclusion here is to embody reconnecting with your inner child and creativity through play. The name change is just my attempt to make the IP sound less in-your-face. The giant art supplies from Toontown could transition into giant crayons in this area. Also, like Toontown, the entire area would have kinetic sculptures to bring energy to the area, like giant windup keys and pinwheels. To keep with the playful and friendly energy of the land there should be plenty of characters walking around interacting with guests. Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and Bo Peep should preferably be characters that can talk, not just silent costumes, and there would not be any giant static statues of them in the land. Bullseye and the Green Army Men are okay to keep as silent costume characters. Potato Head, Hamm, Rex, Slinky, and Wheezy are talking animatronics, preferably mobile animatronics that can roam the land alongside costume characters. I think the Little Green Aliens and Bo Peep’s sheep are the only characters that are okay to portray as static statues. Sid’s toys could be available characters during the Halloween season.
“Rube Goldberg Machine roller coaster”: Dual track wild mouse roller-coaster, based on a classic, over-convoluted Rube Goldberg design. One track has guests ride in giant toy karts, the other has guests inside giant marbles for a giant marble run track. Vehicles would set off chain reactions, possibly help other vehicles move forward, or create “obstacles” for others. Pulleys and wheels and dominoes galore.  This is another one of those ideas where I only know how I want it to function without knowing how to accomplish it. Please consult actual engineers. 
“Andy’s Playtime Theater”: Basically Mad Libs / Choose Your Own Adventure. This could either be a show or a ride, but I personally prefer the ride idea. If it were a show it would be part improv, involve guest participation, and have lots of giant props and gags. The Toy Story gang would mingle with the audience and be on stage at the same time. If it were a ride, guests can choose the path their vehicle takes. Andy narrates and has his toys act out a story. At several points, Andy offers two options on how the story can proceed. Stories would have wacky scenarios, like that of the opening scene in Toy Story 3. Multiple endings. Would have plenty of animatronics, and NOT just be screen-based. 
“Giant Toy Playground”: Build with LEGO bricks the size of your head, climb actual towers made of alphabet blocks, play on a chessboard with human-sized chess pieces. 
“I Spy Scavenger Hunt”: I absolutely loved looking at Walter Wick’s I Spy and Can You See What I See? illustrations for hours, and this activity is basically that come to life. I really want this land to be super detailed (and I mean absolutely LOADED) with lots of toy props hidden everywhere. The search criteria can change everyday for different routes. Winners can earn exclusive pins.
Pizza Planet restaurant: Customize your own pizza. Mix your own slushie. Gluten-free and vegan options. Also serves the Alien Mochi from Tokyo. Would follow the retro space building design of the movie .
“Build-A-Toy” shop: Inspired by the former Toys R Us Times Square location. Would include things like a Build-A-Bear Workshop, “Build Your Own Potato Head”, a LEGO play area, a nuiMOs plush modeling studio, and a mini indoor Ferris wheel.
Disney Dreamland Railroad Create-It-Land station: “Built” out of blocks and tinkertoys.
World Galleria
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Hey there Cass!! I hope you're willing to indulge my curiosity - it's time to ask about your OC! I know you said K the rabbit is one of many many siblings - is there a favorite brother or sister out of the group? And while she's mostly interacted with the staff, are there any student pals?
Also - favorite dessert? Just out of curiosity. "Anything that goes with champagne"? Hehe.
Hi Nette!! (Kyaahh you called me Cass'....thank you <3)
Oh la la~ I didn't expect ask about that little rabbit, kind of unexpected,...thanks for them!
Hn let me try to "satisfy your curiosity ha ha"!
K: Yaaaaayyyy Nette is shooo niceeee!! *running to hug you* Cass': You seem very happy K, lucky for you *head pat* Nette is very nice indeed! So... be kind and polite, and answer nicely! K: Yessshhh!! It'sh my turn!!!! Here have some Champagne and everything!
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Yes correct K is twisted from the bunny children from Epic Disney. You can find them here -> Disney counterpart She is one of the 420 children Oswald the lucky rabbit and Ortensia the cat have! The fact that she is actually number 101 is not random, canonically the rabbit children don't have specify gender except for the 101: -Ortensia said to Mickey about Oswald Junior number 101: "She is such a scamp!" -So officially 101 is the only known female rabbit, making her a princess like her parents said (lol pat pat the rabbit)! -It's totally unknow if they are more female rabbits among siblings. -Yes... Mickey is her uncle....it's a fact.....
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K: I love ALLLLLL MY SHIBLIIING equally!... I also hate them equally of courshe!! But I am very fond of my younger siblings, also numbers who got 9 are my favorites! BUUUUT.... they are all my partner in crime!
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K is actually not truly aware about her gender (you know the meme "I was born as a rabbit, I identify as a rabbit,...but according to my mom...I'm just a baby"), neither was Sam when they both made a contract (it didn't matter to him). It was only when she got a human form, and got to be Crewel's seamstress apprentice that she learns aspect about her. And is now very happy to have some princess treatment sometimes (like a little bunny girl despite being born in 1927). She also suffers from severe "trauma abandon" as she rely A LOT by being surrounded by persons good or bad. Being one among 420 and having her parents busy even disappearing during her childhood, she definitely needs and rely others, and their approbations.
Yes....that dress is from "Labyrinth" the movie....yes....Gobling king aka Sam hello fulfill my fantasy please....
Yay K is mostly seen around the NRC staff as she would be almost considered part of it too. As for students...hn I would say the one coming to Mystery's Shop, like: -Ruggie who she kept all food to not let them going to waste and also provide children clothes to his adopted siblings in his hometown. -Idia and Ortho are they are actually very regular customers at the shop, she kept being hypnotised by their hair and likes to troll/brush Idia's hair (he only let her do so without drama when he learned she's half cat). Idia also proposed to make a contract with him to certify his summoning exam. -And Vil......Trust me if someone can make her serious and all quiet...it's him! When she first saw him during his first year, she said she never saw any human being this beautiful and shining so elegantly. She hides behind thing when he barely goes to the shop. She kept the best fashion revue for him, and they are often seen talking about fashion. -As for the other one (the main cast) she got to interract with them during the Ghost Wedding event! One running gag is that she stated being much more older than them, making everyone pounder about her words! I should try to make a whole relationship statut with them but well! -As for her favorite one.....It's definitely Grimm, with Lucius they have the familiar minion domination meeting each wednesday! -Actually she would be glad to be friends with others, but she is barely seen as she is pretty small and even more if she stays in her bunny form. She is not the one going after people, more like letting them coming...and never let them go after ah ah. -But she would definitelyyyyyy get along with your Carder twins.... Totally, she would listen to them playing music, and having so much fun with Joker. She could also provides a lot of mechanical supply to Punch from her homeworld.
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Also random fact but her type is Lucius... Yes... which actually traumatised Crewel back then, since when she described the whole thing, he got confident she was talking about him (like the daddy/big bro proud being the "prince" type). But "fatality, test your mind" the black and white fur, and mysterious elegant aura with deep eyes was not Mister Crewel but Lucius. Making another blow in his ego as a cat is a better type to bunny "little girl" than him.
OH MY....the favorite dessert question... The answer is yes....lol
K: I loveeeee everythingggggggg!! I love mostly ice cream, I hate vegetable bluuh even if mommy shaid to eat it! But dessert are good!!!! I love (warning french words) macarons, chouquette, forêt noire, paris-brest, mille-feuille, crêpes, religieuse, éclair au chocolat, flan, opéra, charlotte aux fraises, cookie, muffin, cupcake, baba au rhum, cannelet, financier, profiteroles, puit d'amour, clafouti, croissant, pain au chocolat, tarte au citron meringuée, saint-honoré, savarin, les sablés, les roses des sables, la brioche, les beignets, les tartelettes, les gâteaux fait maisons, chausson aux pommes, pain aux raisins, le pain viennois, les palmiers palmito, les chinois, les suisses, les pains au lait, la brioche feuilletée, ...and so many more!!!!!!!!! Cass': ....That's a lot of sugar! K: Awghrrr true Mishtressh doesn't like sugary thing that much! Haa but when it comes to Champagne!!!! You need to eat some "biscuits roses"! It's the only true "Champenois" way to drink and eat Champagne! It's good and pink!!!!
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Cass': Ah ah, indeed very true biscuits roses are the best with Champagne! K: With fruits! Cass': with fruits yes, and sirop you can male "kir" it's super good! K: and icecream! Cass':.....Well we do have some champagne icecream and some speciality to... K: And candy and cottoncandy! Cass":..............hmmmm *side eyes* Cass'/K: Anything goes with CHAMPAGNE!!
Aww again thanks Nette, that was pretty fun ah ah! I truly wonder now how the rabbit and your oc would interract!
Take care!!!
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thinkbolt · 15 days
Mickey's Revue (Disney, 1932) dir. Wilfred Jackson
1st appearance of Goofy, going by the name "Dippy Dawg"
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aurevoirmonty · 1 year
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Il faudra vous y faire : nos congénères sont innocents, comme le mur contre lequel on fusille les communards, ironisait Bertrand Delcour dans Pourquoi nous sommes morts. La nouvelle bourgeoisie inculte – au sens quasi littéral du mot – a trouvé son président. À force de « cranter un truc » (https://www.lepoint.fr/politique/comment-emmanuel-macron-a-prepare-son-face-a-face-avec-vladimir-poutine-13-05-2022-2475529_20.php) (sic), Macron représente le parfait compromis entre cette Civilisation des prénoms chère à Renaud Camus et la masse des retraités accrochés à leur épargne. Le Petit Remplacement qu’ils incarnent ne console pas du grand. Il nous y enfonce la tête la première.   À son maquilleur qui s’étonnait de l’assassinat de Kennedy, De Gaulle aurait répondu : « Qu’attendez-vous d’un peuple d’adultes qui lit Mickey ? » Maintenant que la lecture, fût-ce la plus débilitante, a laissé place aux images, qu’escomptez-vous d’un troupeau d’adultes qui regarde Barbie ?
David Cesena (Site de la revue Éléments, 8 août 2023)
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