#midori fashion hate
aeoki · 2 years
Grand Slam - The Old-Fashioned Sports Festival: Chapter 4
Location: Yumenosaki Grounds (Sports Festival) Characters: Tetora, Midori, Touri, Shinobu, Subaru, Hokuto, Makoto, Mao & Yuzuru
< At that time. At the waiting place for “Team StarPro”. >
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Hokuto: We “Team StarPro” shall emerge victorious.
I’m sure you’re all already aware but for the Sports Festival this year – the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” – ES has split each agency into a team.
Everyone will be assigned a team according to their agency.
For example, “Trickstar” is affiliated with “StarPro” so we are in "Team StarPro".
Makoto: There are other smaller agencies other than the four big ones, but it seems they’ll still be placed into those four teams to make things fair.
Mao: Well, most of the well-known ones are from the four big agencies so we can probably ignore them in terms of fighting power.
Hokuto: Yeah. At the same time, those who are allowed to participate in the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” events are Yumenosaki Academy students only.
Subaru: Hmm~ That means for us, Eichi-senpai from “fine” and Chii~chan-senpai from “RYUUSEITAI” won’t be able to join because they’ve already graduated.
Mao: Looks like they’re planning on supporting us from behind the scenes, though. Graduated students can’t take part in the events, so they can’t gain points.
That means, in order to win, the current students, A.K.A us, have to do our best.
Subaru: Honestly, I don’t really care about winning… It’s the Sports Festival – a school event. Let’s have fun.
Mao: I feel the same way but things don’t work that way in the real world.
Hokuto: Indeed. The “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” is a competition between the four big agencies. I suppose you could also call it a proxy war.
Makoto: That’s a very strong choice of words there, Hidaka-kun… A proxy war, huh.
Hokuto: I can’t think of any other way to call it.
Mao: It describes it perfectly, though.
For now, at ES, the four big agencies are trying to show that we’re all getting along well by having stuff like “shuffle units”.
At Yumenosaki, you don’t really hear what’s really going on but it looks like, in reality, they’re just having a dirty power struggle in an attempt to outsmart each other.
Subaru: Ugh, I hate that. That’s all they ever do.
Mao: Well, it did cross my mind that there’s no way our graduated upperclassmen would be able to sit still and get along with each other forever, though.
Subaru: Yeah. If anything, I’m relieved to see they aren’t like that at the moment. Ahh, Eichi-senpai is still Eichi-senpai even if he’s all grown up, huh.
Mao: Don’t just decide that Tenshouin-senpai’s the one who’s starting the power struggle. Well, in reality, he probably is, though.
Hokuto: Anyway, the four big agencies might appear to be working well together on the surface, but deep below, they’re just fighting with each other.
That conflict… cold war… I can’t think of a softer way to say it.
But you could say the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” is a leaping flame from their battle over territory.
Mao: You’re right about that. We don’t really know the details since we’re out in the field, but it looks like the higher-ups – the "Summit” – are going ahead with some sort of plan.
It seems the team, in other words, the agency that wins first place in the “Old-Fashioned Sports Festival” will be given a bigger voice in ES’ future plans.
That’s why Tenshouin-senpai said, “So do your best and win, okay? ♪”, with a smile and poured all that pressure onto me.
As for him, he’s probably making preparations in either case – where we win or lose – so that it looks like he’s not that affected by the result on the outside.
Now that I know that, I kinda want to win… I’ve– I mean, we’ve always been betraying his expectations.
Makoto: “Betray” is also a strong word, Isara-kun. You meant, “We didn’t move according to his wishes”, right?
The agency wanted us to be ES’ publicists as we brandished our title as the winner of “SS”fes, but they just shoved a big “NO” in our faces during “BIG BANG”.
Mao: It’s not like they’ve completely rejected us, though? We’re just trying to do “that” in a way that feels good for us.
Well, I can’t say the situation’s in our favour at the moment.
Subaru: But, that’s what “Trickstar” is all about!
Hokuto: That’s right. We’re not going to stand by and do nothing while the arrogant adults order us around.
Subaru: We’ll brightly shine the way we want to!
Hokuto: Yeah. That’s “Trickstar”.
Subaru: ………☆ *Holds his hand out*
Hokuto: ………☆ *Grabs hold of it*
Makoto: I’m currently live on-scene, but what are your thoughts on this from the studio, Mr Isara?
Mao: Thanks for reporting. I’d love to respect their feelings but I’m kinda hoping they’ll grow up a little, Mr Yuuki.
Touri: Hey! You guys are so noisy! Be quiet, will you!?
Midori: Yeah… I’m already not feeling great because it’s the Sports Festival, but I’m starting to get a headache from all the loud sounds nearby… Ugh, I wanna go home…
Shinobu: A-Are you okay, Midori-kun? Do you want to take some medicine?
Midori: Meds don’t really work on me… I caught a cold when I was little and took a whole bunch of cold medicine then, so I think I’ve now developed a tolerance to them…
Tetora: If you’re really having a hard time, you should go to the medical tent, Midori-kun~
Yuzuru: That’s right. It appears there are many who have fallen ill this year, so it makes it all the more worrying. Perhaps a cold is making its way around.
Midori: Master Artist Fushimi is worried about me…☆
Shinobu: Midori-kun is back to normal all of a sudden!?
Touri: Takamine, you’ve gotten weirdly close to my butler recently. What? Are you trying to take him from me?
Midori: What good would a butler do for a greengrocer…?
Yuzuru: Rest assured, Young Master! There is no need for you to be envious! Yuzuru is a butler who will serve the Himemiya family for the rest of his life!
Touri: I-It’s not like I’m envious or anything! Annoying, much!
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Character Bio:
Dana Brooke
Age: 18 / 22 Race: Human Gender: Female Eyes: Black Hair: Dark Brown / Pink changes on and off sporadically and without reason. Blood Type: O+ Powers: None, in fact they are at a disadvantage because of their anemia. Weapon: sword (unnamed) Fursona: Squirrel
Azure Brooke (father / deceased )
Midori Brooke (mother / deceased)
Tokio Brooke (brother / deceased)
Reece (Reece’s Pieces / Recey / Scottish terrier / dog / dead)
Reiko Mashima (adoptive mother / aunt)
Taichi Mashima (cousin)
Teru Minamoto (ex-boyfriend)
Dana is a very average looking girl. She mostly took after her father Azure and has rather plain features but unfortunately got blessed with her mother Midori’s huge rack. However she does have very large and piercing black eyes that have no colour in them. She prefers to dress comfortably rather than fashionably and actively refuses to wear dresses (she claims she’s not a pick me). When she lived at the Mashima residence after her parents died, she was not permitted to wear dresses so now she just has grown not to like them.
Dana is strong willed and will fight to the death for what she thinks is right. She can be quite stubborn and narrow minded for this reason, often refusing to listen to reason. She also has pretty low self esteem. However, she is a good listener and will instantly light up every room she walks in. Dana introverted than extroverted except when you catch her in conversation then she will talk endlessly about her interests (namely anime merchandise). Her hobbies are browsing Mercari Japan because she likes collecting anime merch but is too poor to do so. She is also a very bad student, that’s why she’s failed her grade 7 times at Cross Academy. Dana is not particularly graceful nor good with a sword but she is a hard worker when she wants to be. She also has a temper so do not anger her or else she will cuss you out with her sharp tongue. She loathes vampires because of what happened to her family and can be very standoffish towards them.
Please note this part contains story spoilers.
Childhood Dana was born to Midori and Azure Brooke who were both vampire hunters however she was anemic so she did not carry down the vampire hunter gene and was born as a human. When she was six years old, her family was murdered by an unknown group of vampires and her house burnt down. She narrowly escaped with her life. She also had a vague crush on her older brother Tokio and thought that one day they would run away together. After that she lived with Reiko Mashima who was Midori’s adoptive sister and a human. Reiko always resented Midori so she treated Dana very poorly in their household and did not give her any money for anime merch. However, her and Taichi her cousin were childhood friends and she also had a crush on him (it was one sided completely).
Teenager Years She was admitted to Cross Academy through her own persistence and Reiko allowed it as long as Dana eventually paid them back for her uniform. Dana also vaguely knows the future from her past life where she actually read Vampire Knight and shipped ZeKi that’s the actual reason why she is so driven to see her ship sail because she loathes the character Kaname and the shitty ending of Vampire Knight. So she makes it her entire goal to keep Kaname the hell away from Yuki through any means necessary. This could also be why she failed 7 years so she could finally be in a class with them (it definitely wasn’t because she is “dumb”.) Because her parents were vampire hunters, Kaien makes Dana apart of the disciplinary squad.
Kaname Kuran Her enemy the reason for all of her suffering. She hates him with her entire being and wishes he would die in the fiery pits of hell. Kaname on the other hand claims to hate her too but does he…?
Zero Kiryu She admires him so much and thinks he’s so pretty. She often gawks at him and has a very obvious crush on him even though she obviously wants her ship to sail first and foremost. Zero almost never thinks of her except in relation to Yuki.
Yuki Cross Attend the same classes, are roommates and are friends.
Ray Was friends in childhood and has continued being friends today. Possibly the only vampire Dana actually likes. Ray sees potential in a relationship between Kaname and Dana and enjoys messing around in Dana’s life.
Hanabusa Aido Dana thinks that maybe they could be in a relationship one day. He cannot stand her because she is mean to his king Kaname.
Kaien Cross Dana likes Cross a lot and respects him. He, however, loathes her because he was slighted by her mother Midori and never got over it. Dana is completely ignorant of this fact.
Midori Cross Dana had a good relationship with her mom and liked her a lot.
Azure Cross Her father was largely absent in her childhood because of his duties as a vampire hunter.
Teru Minamoto Dana’s ex-boyfriend at her old school. Had a very toxic and bad relationship with him. It did not end well. She hates him.
“Die you sad pathetic rat man with a sister complex.”
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myname-isnia · 2 years
Some fun facts about my favourite OC Suiren because I am trying to get myself tired enough to fall asleep:
A big part of the reason she's so fucking stressed all the time isn't even that she's an assassin or worries 24/7 about her sister or the repressed trauma, she's just in extreme sensory overload 90% of the time. She needs a light airy dress to change into and for someone to gently pin all her hair up and out of her face and maybe then she'll actually relax for at least a second
Is very scared of thunderstorms. Like, to a paranoid degree. It began very innocently when she was a child easily startled by loud noises and sudden lights. Unfortunately, her aunt believes in exposure therapy, which as you can imagine, served to make her fear much more intense
Sleeping cuddled up with your pet stopped being endearing when said pet grew to be 10 feet tall, but that does not stop her. If the room gets too stuffy for her at night she'll sneak to the backyard and sleep on the grass with her moose lion. It gets her yelled at but she's beyond giving a fuck.
Has never shaved her legs once in her life, god bless
It takes a lot for her to be severely affected by hunger pains. Usually only remembers she needs to eat when she suddenly has no energy for anything
Looks almost exactly like her mother and both loves and hates it at the same time
Very very touch starved but also rejects any and all affection that isn't by her sister, which seems counterproductive but it's trauma and trauma doesn't follow the laws of logic
You ever see those pictures of baby bats wrapped up in blankets to mimic their mother's wings? Yep, that's her.
Call her Renny and you die (Midori being the exception obviously). Bolin most likely tried it once and now gives her a six feet berth.
Wraps Water-Tribe-style bandages around her arms under the pretence of a fashion statement. In reality she's been throwing herself headfirst into life-or-death situations for six years and has a bajillion scars and marks from it. The wrappings are A) To stop people from staring, B) To stop Midori from worrying, and C) To keep her chosen profession more securely under wraps (I'll escort myself out)
Is a distinguished lesbian but extremely picky. Her ideal partner is someone who sees "I'm gonna sink my teeth into your fucking throat" as flirting and considers knives and threats to be extremely hot (unfortunately the one person who does is the one she has to kill rip)
The cause behind like a dozen female air acolytes suddenly questioning their sexuality. Between her and Midori the rate of rogue members of the air nation probably skyrockets lmao
Her bending is very dependent on her emotions. If the air around her is humid the temperature of it will alter according to wether she's angry or startled or whatever. Her bending's mostly fueled by anger so when she actually start on her healing from trauma journey she'll probs have very Zuko-esque problems. Except you can't exactly have the moon teach you bending forms like dragons do so...
Very rarely can manage to fall asleep when the moon is full. If she doesn't follow the pull at her body and bend through the night she gets very grumpy and agitated until the moon starts waning
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vanillacometdreamer · 2 years
I'm gonna just infodump about my Jet Set Radio OC, Spice!
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Full Name: Setsuna Okamura
Age: 19 as of the events of JSRF
Birthday: Dec 20
Headcanon voices: JP - Mocha Hoto (CV. Ai Kayano), EN - Rina Tennoji (CV. Hayden Daviau)
She's described as a sweet young woman with a passion for singing, a sharp sense of style, and the perpetual scent of snickerdoodle cookies; always decked out in Harajuku fashion and spreading smiles with her tags.
She enjoys fashion, singing, dancing, skating, playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, cosplaying, and cake decorating. She has a slight fear of thunderstorms, hates vegetables, and is very insecure and feels guilty about crying in front of others (especially the other GGs and REALLY especially Beat and Gum) and dislikes feeling out of place.
She also has low self-esteem and is harsh on herself when she falls short, but she's kind, graceful, and reliable to her friends.
Family: Midori (mother), Kenji (father), Eiji (little brother), Riku (little brother), Daisuke (older brother)
Pets: She had 4 cats before being kicked out - Sakuraba, Misaki, Bito, and Kiryu.
She's in college, having completed her associates degree and pursuing her bachelor's, and works at Shiroyuki Ice Cream.
Backstory (TW for mentions of abuse under the cut):
A resident of Shibuya-cho from birth, Spice had a pretty ordinary childhood until the first time she saw an idol performance on TV and decided she wanted to be one someday. This was something her parents, Midori and Kenji Okamura, were NOT happy about (they wanted Spice to be their caretaker once they retired. They would strike her, treat her like a second-class citizen, and always found fault with her, and her classmates would often make fun of her for her unstable home life.
Eventually, Spice's parents kicked her out, but they were nice enough to let her keep some of her stuff (namely, her idol stuff, her clothes, her skates, and a music box that played a song she found comforting). She was already good friends with Beat at the time, and, he, being an ever-supportive friend, let her stay with him and the rest of the GGs (he even welcomed her into the group with open arms), and helped her get a job at the local ice cream place.
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Other Characters
related to vincent:
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juliette ramirez
vincent’s older sister
lives on the east coast and works at militech as an engineer
masters in engineering, with a focus in cyberware invention
ivy league graduate (militech-sponsored scholarship)
hates having to wear heels to board room meetings to pitch inventions
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waitress at lizzy’s
formerly worked as a dancer at empathy
hangs out with mateo a lot to dish on gossip
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miranda irving
serves as an enforcer at some off-site mox locations, otherwise is a bouncer at lizzy’s
from australia, moved to nc as a teen
in a situationship with cheri nowlin
related to valentine:
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sébastien clément-la rosa
valentine’s older brother
works at netwatch’s london office overseeing corpo deals
straight-laced and analytically minded, in contrast to his artistic family
laura and fontaine clément-la rosa
valentine and sébastien’s parents
laura is a fashion designer from italy that specializes in high-end clothing
fontaine is a fashion photographer from france
they met at milan fashion week
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former tyger claw and coworker/friend of valentine
did netrunning jobs for arasaka on tyger claws behalf, eventually leaving with koji to work at arasaka in counter-intelligence
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midori’s former boss in the tyger claws, he took her with him to work at arasaka
after arthur jenkin’s death, he takes over as lead of counter-intelligence
has no real passion for working in crime, seeing it only as a means to make money
related to vega:
robert laurent sr
vega’s father, a first generation american born to haitan immigrants, he owns a farm in new mexico and dabbles in inventing when time allows. hard-working and intense, but affectionate with his family and always eager to partake in their interests
he is incredibly proud of his children for striking out on their own and following their own passions
was a “hick merc” in his youth that mostly did convoy runs and bootlegging
janet laurent
vega’s mother and eternal well of wisdom and common sense for her family. she regularly has to rein in her husband from pursuing wild ideas that could cause more trouble then they fix
although initially worried when her two eldest children left home, she busies herself with her remaining children and maintaining a homestead, as well as running maintenance on all the farming equipment
worked as a mechanic in a desert auto shop where she frequently repaired the vehicles of robert and the rest of his bootlegging crew, eventually entering a relationship with him
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naomi laurent
vega’s older sister that left home at 17 to pursue a career in street racing. she travels the globe to partake in underground races in destination cities
related to reina:
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born in norway but immigrated to night city in her early twenties
afterlife mercenary and bodyguard of reina after she becomes a fixer
a woman of few words, she prefers her work do the talking
uses a techtronika spt32 grad sniper rifle and a militech lexington automatic pistol
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a techie that usually works duo jobs with valkyrie, but when valkyrie was laid up with an injury, rogue put her in contact with reina to be her temporary partner
arrogant and mouthy, valkyrie’s even personality is usually needed to counteract sunday’s and keep her out of trouble
prone to big boasts and entering competitions with other techies
lives in an apartment in kabuki
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maelstrom ripper
highly paranoid and lives in a secure bunker hideout in northside
found reina in an alleyway in northside after her chip malfunctioned and it rendered her unconscious. he took her to his bunker until she woke up and unscrambled the corrupted data from the chip, also doing some ripper work for her until she left arasaka
generally doesn’t care about malestrom politics and just wants to mess around with new tech, only leaving his bunker when required or to scrounge for new tech
nolan reynolds
reina’s handler in arasaka while she was on contract from the syndicate, and was one of the very few that knew her actual purpose in the company
he let reina’s chip go unmaintained, which led to it being hacked by a ‘runner and her regaining control. her now going rogue was seen as his failing and he was killed by the syndicate
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worked with nolan in internal security at arasaka and helped create the dossiers of reina’s contracted targets. he found out that the ‘runner that had disabled her chip had attempted to contact nolan shortly before his death
he ends up meeting reina later after he leaves arasaka and gives her the information he has on this mysterious ‘runner, hoping she can learn more about herself
evan has an ex-husband and adoptive daughter
the syndicate
global league of assassins with cells on every inhabited continent
an assassin with the syndicate that is based in central europe. highly knowledgeable in low-tech, 21st century methods of assassination and is proficient in sniper and marksmen rifles
was poached by the syndicate as a young adult from a government spy position
the master
leader of the syndicate cell that operates in northern and central japan, based in a secluded, abandoned monastery in the countryside
utilizes custom military-grade behavior chips in all his assassins, as well as custom-made cybernetics and bespoke armaments. all of his agents are unwaveringly loyal
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midoris-scarf · 4 years
Midori probably died in that suit and scarf, the reason he died is because he was wearing it. Alice knew what was up and it was on sight.
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sou-ver-2-0 · 3 years
Musing a bit about my reading of Midori.
I’m pretty good at understanding a story figuratively instead of literally. Midori has literally lost his brain, but figuratively he’s still alive. He’s presented as being alive with both human parts and robotic parts and a great fear of death. The fact that he lost his brain along with other body parts can be understood symbolically as him “giving up his humanity” or “giving up himself” in a much more dramatic fashion than Shin giving up his name to become “Sou.”
It is a plot twist that Alice did not actually kill him, that falling off the wall did not actually kill him, that even falling on a pike did not kill him, and so he is presented as “alive” until the end of B, when he finally “dies.”
I can roll with this narrative on a metaphorical level and it doesn’t bother me.
It’s bothering my friends, it’s too much of a stretch for my friends that he lost his brain.
And I have to wonder about myself, “Am I making sense? Am I not taking things literally enough?”
Because the thing is!! Even though I’m a self-serious nerd and I enjoy reading things on a metaphorical level, I’m also rather self-conscious about the fact that... Well.
The fandom broke my brain when it comes to Midori!
By equating this fictional villainous queer caricature joke of a character to a Real Life Abuser Whose Fans Must Be Punished, the fandom has robbed my ability to take him too seriously. I just... laugh when I see him oh my god he is ridiculous.
I’m stuck with this guy at this point. I got caught in flagrante reading naughty fanfiction about him. In my wild imagination, it feels like Midori and I are handcuffed together in some wacky looney toons scenario now, and he’s here to joke about how fun it is to be hated. And because of that, I don’t know what my limit is with him anymore? I don’t know what plot contrivance or fictional sin Midori could do that would actually turn me off from him.
But oof, I am trying my best!! I have a lot of silly pride as a nerd, after all.
Midori you confounding little weirdo. Please make sense by the end of the story hahaha.
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g0reoz · 3 years
uhhH Beyblade for the fandom ask game
The first character I first fell in love with: ken midori!! i still love pretty much everything about this character (/p ofc), and he (along with daina) was one of the main reasons i stuck with the show early on. he had a really interesting character arc and i’m like 99% sure Middle School Me cried when he left. still can’t believe they pretty much completely got rid of him after season 1 was over, tho, smh my head ://
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: ruwei was Just Some Guy until i got a few more episodes in and realized his facial expressions and mannerisms are super similar to someone i know irl (who also happens to be a shortish violent individual with long braided hair and a bias towards birds n the color blue). now he’s more than just some guy. he’s the SAME flavor of just some guy as one of my oldest and closest friends :)
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: idk? i like a lot of the characters in some way or another. i don’t like lui as much as a lot of other people, though i don’t hate him either. and a lot of the protags (except drum) were Not Really My Faves ig.
The character I love that everyone else hates: bro idek who‘s super hated that i Also Like. who do you people even collectively agree to hate aside from like ashtem
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: i am neither a coward nor a fool. i have a list of faves that i continually add to.
The character I want to be like: listen. i think this happened subconsciously, but my fashion sense nowadays is basically what would happen if you put shuu and xhaka’s wardrobes in the same closet. i have to blame beyburst for every outfit and color scheme i have ever thrown together so i don’t have to live knowing it was a choice made free of outside influence 💔😔🤙
The character I’d slap: yugo nansui (derogatory (affectionate)). i want to fight him in a parking lot but that parking lot has to be in front of a cafe so i can take him there afterward. the duality of mankind.
A pairing that I love: i literally have not shipped anything since like 2016, and even then, i had no concrete pairings. it was more of a “haha what if this happened? let’s give it some thought *moves on immediately after*” so i don’t really think i’m well equipped to answer this lol
A pairing that I despise: shuvalt. i do not care for shuvalt at all and have never really seen that being something that works out. this is coming from my experience as That Guy Everyone Talks To When They Have Relationship Issues And, Later, Need Someone To Talk Them Through Their Breakup.
anyways yeah that‘s about it! thanks for the ask lol
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crystalelemental · 3 years
And now, ranking the Fates characters by how good they are as parents.  I’ll just be ranking the canon parent, since generic supports annihilated cohesive characterization by making all the parent dialogues identical.
Also, I do need to address this.  Every parent in Fates is garbage.  They throw their kids into an interdimensional time portal and essentially don’t raise them at all.  So comparing them like this is basically comparing turds by how rank they are.  It doesn’t matter that some aren’t as awful as others, you’re still not gonna find one that smells good, you know?
Corrin - Honestly, she’s got a strong Camilla-esque vibe to her protectiveness toward Kana.  I like it.  Also Kana knows when Corrin is coming to visit, and seems to imply that this is a routine thing, making Corrin one of the few known parents who actually makes a point to visit her kit.  A-rank.
Azura - Once again, your decision to be cryptic for no reason causes nothing but problems for everyone involved, and your son, who you didn’t raise on your own, had his entire village annihilated by foes that went after him to get to you, but you never warned him or them about anything?  D-rank.
Jakob - While hyper-critical, he’s not entirely off the mark, in terms of what Dwyer needs to be doing.  He’s not a bad kid though, so it does come across as more harsh than he really needs to be to make a point, since Dwyer is ultimately self-sufficient and capable.  C-rank.
Silas - Actually a pretty good dad.  He’s one of the few that just actively admires his child coming out of their deeprealm to help others, is fully supportive of them staying with the group, and is supportive of Sophie in general. It is Silas, so he’s a little generic with his praises, but it’s still a better parenting approach than most of them. A-rank.
Kaze - And here to completely outdo Silas is Kaze.  Again, Midori seems to know when he’s coming, meaning like Corrin, his appearance is a routine thing in her life.  Not perfectly routine though, which creates a bit of conflict between the two, in which Kaze is able to express that he always did his best to be there for her, but kept her here to be safe.  Willing to admit mistakes, accepting of her decisions, clear care for his child despite the poor general decision of leaving your children unattended in deeprealms, but is willing to actually be a parent and reprimand them for their poor decisions, while still being compassionate in his approach.  S-rank.  Kaze’s a good dad.
Ryoma - Honestly, I love that Shiro actually calls him out about not raising him at all.  Also the unnecessary secrecy about who he is and not letting Shiro know his status, and then being irritated when Shiro grows up without any direction in life.  Honestly I’m coming around on Shiro, who has so far been right on the money about how shit a father Ryoma is.  D-rank.
Takumi - Honestly Takumi’s pretty solid?  The support has him being a bit of a dick because he’s jealous of his own kid’s ability, but in the paralogue proper he’s honestly a pretty solid dad?  Like he shows up unannounced so we know he’s taking time to actually meet with his kid, and is fairly protective of him.  He does give in to letting Kiragi come along for dumber reasons, but on the whole he’s solid.  A-rank.
Saizo - He’s kind of a dick?  This is very much how Saizo is, but his entire thing is like...the honor of the family name to the point he doesn’t seem to have any connection to his kid, just his bloodline.  He does eventually let his kid be himself, but only in that, when he demonstrates “his own brand of honor,” Saizo gives him that freedom, but by basically disowning him as next in the Saizo line.  Which is I guess what the kid wanted, but still, it’s kind that “Grant your freedom, but you’re not my son” type feel.  D-rank.
Kaden - He’s alright?  He doesn’t do much, but he at least makes plenty of time to go visit his daughter just for the sake of visiting.  Still, he’s so bad at raising his child that she doesn’t know what dead means, and thinks poachers are there to play.  So present, but perhaps too permissive and uninvolved in actually raising her.  C-rank.
Hinata - Apparently just fucking forgot to make time for his kid.  He’s loving in his own way, but clearly not putting his child as a top priority in a lot of cases.  Not the worst, but certainly not good.  C-rank.
Azama - F-rank.  I don’t really need to explain this, do I?  Fuck Azama.  Even Saizo realizes how much of a callous fuckhead he is toward his own kid.  SAIZO!  Also you somehow gave your daughter a separate world from yours, in the attempt to give her a life of peace, which she achieves and is happier without you, so you storm in only when she’s in active danger, then insist on dragging her out of this peaceful realm into the world of constant war...just because?  Fuck Azama.  F-rank forever.
Subaki - He’s a decent dad.  It does kind of imply that he’s been away for a while, so questionable how much time he’s actually spending with her.  And while he’s generally doting and kind toward his daughter, there is that weird ending bit where he gets nervous about her outperforming him.  I’ll give it a B-rank overall.
Hayato - Honestly, he’s wishy-washy.  Either you fully support your daughter’s mad science or you don’t.  You can’t half-ass this, acknowledging she loves the dark arts and permitting her to mess around with it, and then step in and insist it’s off limits when it turns out the dark arts also have some potentially evil consequences.  Stepping in when he does to take things away feels more like backpedaling on a decision he already made to let her do as she pleases, which was probably too permissive as it stands.  C-rank, which is honestly pretty good for a teen parent compared to some of these other shitheads.
Xander - Finally on the Nohrians.  Xander actually like...talks to his kid.  Siegbert knows what his role is, and even if Xander can’t visit as often as he’d like in person, he keeps in contact through missives.  Now, there is the issue of his stance being “You have to learn to shoulder some burdens alone,” and thinking his son refusing to contact him about these fucking swamp demons was commendable.  So he’s definitely not perfect on this front.  But he does acknowledge that this is the burden of a leader having to make such choices, is accepting and understanding of his son’s autonomy and decisions while still being firm about keeping him safe from war and sending him back should he prove himself unready.  A-rank overall, I think.
Leo - Okay listen.  While I do recognize that Leo comes around and starts trying to be a better father, and I recognize the importance of growth and improvement. But the fact that Leo has spent most of his son’s life avoiding him because he disapproves of his interest in feminine fashion is just inexcusable.  The time to step up as a parent and learn this shit was a long-ass time ago, man.  You’ve basically been out of your child’s life this entire time, shown up only to angrily disapprove of how he lives his life, and now want to walk back in and expect that trying to change means he should give you that chance?  Why?  There’s no reason for Forrest to be the one who has to acknowledge you’re changing and growing as a person.  If nothing else, at least Forrest completely tells him off, and when Leo makes his attempt at reconciliation, his first thought is that he’s excited to get to know Elise.  Get fucked, Leo.  At least you go to save your kid, and don’t seem to express that you’re willing to let him die.  But you did stall on going, so like...fuck you.  F-tier.
Benny - And now for the exact opposite.  Benny’s an absolute sweetheart, and it’s no surprise he’s the same with his son.  He seems to care greatly for his son, is proud of his actions, and while protective, is willing to support his son’s decision to become stronger and learn to defend others with courage, while also teaching him that he’s not as fearless as he seems.  Honestly, maybe it’s just the feeling coming off of Leo, but S-rank.  We don’t really know how often he visits Ignatius, but I’d like to believe it’s often.
Keaton - Nothing too exciting, nothing too bad.  An easy, uninteresting B-rank.
Arthur - Apparently he’s never visited.  And openly stated that because he thought his son was safe here, his job was done.  This is the most intense version of just literally not being there for your child at all.  Still, at least he gives a shit, so D-rank, but a low D.
Odin - I think he’s solid.  Honestly there’s nothing outstanding here, but I really like Odin as a person, so A-rank.
Laslow - Okay, so in the intro to her chapter, Laslow mentions that Soleil has a band for town watch, and that she should be in her Deeprealm but goes where she pleases.  Which implies he knows she’s in his world already.  So he’s already letting her do as she pleases.  He’s openly aware she’s bi (let’s be real, here) and is fully supportive (LEO).  He taught her some great mechanisms for coping with difficulties in her life, and helps her realize it’s okay to not be positive when it feels forced.  And when confronted with the reality that Soleil is way better than him at flirting with the ladies, instead of being an insecure prick about it, he’s like “Hell yeah, that’s my girl!”  S-rank, easy.
Niles - I hate Niles, but as far as parenting goes, he’s not the worst.  It’s not clear if he’s been to visit her much (sounds like a no), but he at least has clear care for her.  He does try to emphasize to her what kind of life he’s had and that he doesn’t want her to have to live like that too, so I do appreciate that angle for him.  B-rank.
And that’s everyone.  There are some decent parents in all this.   The only real failures are Leo and Azama.  I think Azama’s a bit worse based on not showing any inclination to change or any particular care about his child, while Leo at least learns something and grows from it.  Though Leo’s issues are such a problem for me.  I think Laslow’s the best, though Kaze and Benny were also really great.
Shame about the Baby Realm thing, though.  That whole idea was just so stupid...
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another-dra-anew · 4 years
may i rq some yamaguchi hcs? feels. p fitting for the current arc going on here
•used to get cavities really often when he was little. his parents still don't know how
•vv passionate when it comes to apple vs orange juice (apple is the right answer if u ask him)
•actually has a decent sense of fashion! nothing revolutionary, but he can throw stuff together
•easily the beta who would cope the worst with quarantine/covid. someone pls help him
•wishes he were a bit shorter semi-often. he just feels disproportionate to things and it kinda sucks
•however then he realizes he can still pick midori up and does not care anymore
•will not shut up abt the time class 79-B played soccer and he blocked a kick from higa. he was so distracted from the pure joy of it that he shortly after was hit in the face with a soccer ball gone stray, but whatever
•!! oh his nose is crooked, from a bad break that didn't heal right. he thinks it adds character
•he doesn't really.. keep up with a lot of memes? he can identify subcultures online, meme characters and their source, all in an instant but then.
•"based? based on what" headass
•hates getting shots, and always has, but he does his best to not cause a fuss about it. just quietly sits down and tries to distract himself
•hes got pretty big hands, just proportionate to his body, but! he's actually the person in class to go to if you need something untied, etc etc
•everyone can vouch - he's good at untangling knots in the finest necklace chain, and kurokawa says he once bent this tiny little clasp on her bracelet back into place
•hes always vv happy when he can give it back to whoever it belongs to, because sometimes it does take him a second? but just seeing how excited they are when he hands it over and they see how their stuff has been fixed, it makes him excited!
•pls pls do his ftes- he's genuinely impressed by maeda getting into hpa and was excited to see what happened with him talent wise (before the game started and he realized he would not be attending school any time soon)
•hes just genuinely very bad at complimenting people/words. and he's kinda got some classism issues to deal with oop-
•can still remember every single detail from the very intricate story he and his sister made up with her dolls. he will correct her on details with zero hesitation
•"no, midori. chiyoko was cheating on haruka, that's why she was at akaris party. if she wasn't there, then how would she have learned that akari was a kleptomaniac"
•!!! his beanie was a gift from midori. (it was filled with some assorted parappa stuff- games, the anime, etc /hj)
•rlly not a fan of dress clothes and high key regrets wearing them to orientation given that he's now stuck with them but. yknow
•!!!! good at chess! doesn't know all the strategies and stuff, cause he doesn't see much point to it??? he just kinda goes "hm. if i move this piece, i can get some of ur pieces, and u can't get any of mine :)"
•hes been meaning to cut his hair for a month or so by the time beta starts. he's so close to just doing it himself he just needs someone to enable him
•!!! kakeru has,, probably the deepest voice in the class? + when it comes to singing, his voice is kinda raspy? but in a nice way
•has 100 spotify playlists and is constantly making more just to fit exactly what he wants to listen to
•refuses to so much as try a free trial of premium tho. a complex one he is
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Tamako Market
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How did I get into this anime? Let’s just say that there were several Kyoto Animation animes I’ve neglected to watch and after the horrific incident back in 2019, I wanted to at least see all of the major Kyoto Animation pieces. No matter if this looks like we’re in the same universe as K-ON!
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Tamako Kitashirakawa is a normal, ditzy, moe-looking for a KyoAni anime, teenage girl! She comes from a family that owns a mochi shop inside this tight-knit shopping district. One day, Tamako was at the local flower shop and a bird flew into her face. While stuck to her face, she sneezes him off. And then, the bird spoke.
I think I’ll just cross off the theory that we’re in the same universe as K-ON! Give K-ON some credit as they didn’t have a talking bird.
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So this bird is named Dera Mochimazzi. I will never pronounce anyone’s last name in this anime! Dera claims he’s royalty from some far-off land and says he is looking for a bride for his country’s prince. Although, it just falls to the waist-side (literally and figuratively) when Dera took up residence at Tamako’s home and gets addicted to eating mochi. I guess for the time being, Dera will be this anime’s adorable mascot. Aside from the misadventures of Dera the talking bird, we also follow this leading lady Tamako in her normal life. We get school stories, friend stories, stuff about her sister, stories surrounding the colorful folks in this shopping district, and mochi. Lots and lots of mochi!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Ah yes, another Sentai licensed anime. I actually watched the entire series dubbed and only the movie subbed. Aya Suzuki is perfection as Tamako with all of her bubbliness. As for the dub, is it just me or was Jay Hickman trying to act too much like Excalibur from Soul Eater? Was he trying to unleash his inner Troy Baker for this role? Aside from Hickman, there’s really nothing else extraordinary to say about the dub. I will give them credit for not casting Luci Christian and Monica Rial as any of these characters. Love them dearly, but give a little spotlight to some of the other voice actors they’ve got. This was fine for what it was. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Tamako is played by Aya Suzaki (known for Mako on Kill la Kill, Kaede on Assassination Classroom, Takitsubo on Railgun, and Shouko on Happy Sugar Life)
*Dera is played by Takumi Yamazaki (known for Bansai on Gintama, Kayneth on Fate/Zero, and Jillas on Slayers Try)
*Mochizou is played by Atsuhi Tamaru
ENGLISH CAST: *Tamako is played by Margaret McDonald (known for Rikka on Chunibyo, Haruka on Little Busters, Sakura on Maid-sama, Risa on To Love Ru, Sachi on Maria Holic, and Harumi on Citrus)
*Dera is played by Jay Hickman (known for Jouichiro on Food Wars, Kurama on Elfen Lied, and Ryuuya on Air)
*Mochizou is played by Clint Bickham (known for Renji on ef – a tale of memories, Akihito on Beyond the Boundary, Haru on Tsuritama, Isami on Food Wars, Finland on Hetalia, and Mochizuki on Another)
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SHIPPING: We’ve got a girl-next-door type of romance happening. Mochizou lives next door to Tamako and is infatuated with her. There are however a few little problems with this. The big problem is that Tamako and Mochizou’s fathers are business enemies. They both sell mochi, they live across from each other, and they have kids that are friends. It’s almost Romeo and Juliet except Tamako seems oblivious when it comes to Mochizou’s advances. Or Romeo here has a brain-fart and forgets vital things he wants to do for Tamako. Like episode one, he forgets to give her a present for her birthday. I will let him off the hook for this because dude already buys her a present and has plans and everything. But because Tamako’s birthday is on New Years and both kids work on New Years to help their families, things like this can be forgotten. So again, I can’t hate on our by Mochizou. His heart was in the right place, but his brain couldn’t catch up.
Halfway into this series, I shook my head thinking these two will never hookup. Tamako’s baby sister had more of a chance with her crush and he moved away.
Then again, this was all from the series. The movie got really deep with the Mochizou x Tamako ship that so much in Tamako changes. The movie kinda drops a ball on us so I’ll talk about it down below due to spoilery things.
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ENDING: So it seems like this series moves quite fast calendar wise and the episodes seem to be like a problem of the day kind of thing. Like there will be an episode about Valentine’s Day, an episode where Dera goes on a diet, an episode with a festival, and so on. But along the way we do get a few cute moments like when Shiroi opens up to Tamako and her friends or when Tamako’s father remembers his wife through song. And let’s not forget that halfway into the series, we’re introduced to Choi, someone who serves a prince (like Dera). She really doesn’t do much to move this plot along for a while and is only there to stay with Tamako’s family and keep Dera on a short leash. But then at the end of episode 10, Choi makes a rash decision.
By this point in the series you might be wondering if Mochizou’s mochi balls are going to drop and he asks Tamako out. Well that might not happen just yet as Choi has set sights on Tamako to be the bride for the prince she serves under. But Tamako has no interest in becoming the prince’s bride. In fact, Tamako was more excited about winning a medal than learning she might get engaged to a prince of a far-off land. Add to that, the entire shopping district is excited for Tamako to become a prince’s bride. Everyone except for Tamako’s father! He got mad, stinkin’ drunk. And as for Mochizou, he’s just a sad sack. So no mochi balls dropping for this lad! Tamako did get a chance to meet the prince through Dera’s communication for a second. But once the prince landed in Tokyo, he ends up in the shopping district and meeting Tamako up close. Everyone in the shopping district was happy for Tamako and excited that this is happening. There are just two big things!
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One, Tamako is too attached to her home and the people around it to ever leave them to go marry a prince from a far-off land. And two, there was a misunderstanding on Dera’s part where the prince has said that Tamako is not going to be his bride.
Choi and the prince end up leaving to return home. Dera on the other hand decides to stick around at least until New Years. Dera, being the little hammy-bird he is tries to make a graceful exit without saying goodbye to Tamako. He leaves Tamako without a word, but in same Dera fashion, he falls asleep in a pile of flowers and ends up inside a box. Turns out that box of flowers is going straight back to Tamako. Mochizou actually remembered Tamako’s birthday this year and gave her a box of flowers for the occasion.
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When she opened it, there’s Dera! Don’t worry, Dera eventually goes back home with the prince and Choi. We just don’t actually see it here.
TAMAKO LOVE STORY: Now that Tamako, Mochizou, and the rest are all in their third years of high school, the thought of what they’re going to do with their lives hits. Like is Midori going to take over her grandfather’s toy shop in the district? Is Kanna going to do something carpentry related? Is Tamako going to continue working in her father’s mochi shop? Well, the story focuses on two things. One is a competition that Kanna gets interested in that involves the girls of the baton club. And the second, Mochizou’s decision to go to college in Tokyo to work on films.
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Obviously, that’s the big story in this movie. Mochizou is madly in love with Tamako and they’ve known each other since they were babies. It’s just that he’s never made his feelings to Tamako known to her until he reveals his decision to leave town. After that, the once mochi-loving ditz we’ve grown to love these past 12 episodes changes. This is the first time we see Tamako feeling this way and it’s unknown what she’ll do. Is this the moment where she bails on her family’s mochi shop and go to Tokyo with Mochizou? After being told she’s loved by Mochizou, she goes through a lot of emotions. She’s distant, spacier than normal, avoiding mochi, and avoiding Mochizou. It wasn’t until she gets a nudge from her friend Midori to go to Mochizou before he leaves for Japan.
And right there, along with her handmade cup phones, she tells Mochizou that she loves him.
We end the movie with kind of a video that I assume was made by Mochizou and that’s how Tamako Market ends. I guess these two are a couple. Not sure if Mochizou stays in the district with Tamako and his family or if Tamako ditches her family and moves to Tokyo to be with Mochizou. I guess it’s one of those leave it up to your imaginations.
So…The anime was just okay. The series I mean! Love Story was almost at peak KyoAni perfection. Seriously, look at the animation here. The backgrounds are freakin’ gorgeous. And after watching the series and the movie, it almost felt as though they were two separate animes. Dera, Choi, and the prince were only shown in pictures at the record shop, one second near the end, and that short before the motion picture. Take all of those out and you’ve got something solid. I mean let’s face it, Tamako Market was fluff on the same level as watching K-ON or Lucky Star. You’ve got a variety of random crap happening throughout the span of one year except this series has the great fortune to have an annoying, talking bird. I don’t want to dunk on the series that bad, it was cute. But the winner with me was definitely Tamako Love Story.
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We see Tamako and Mochizou express a vast variety of emotions that we never saw in the series. Especially, Tamako! She was always this ditzy girl with a love for mochi. And Mochizou was seen as that dope that’ll never get his shit together and tell Tamako how he feels. He always forgets her birthday, what makes you think he was going to get his shit together? But then Mochizou grows a pair and tells Tamako he’s leaving town and that he loves her and you see Tamako change. She’s not sure what to think anymore. She even goes through a phase where she can’t be around mochi. But I suppose we needed the silly fluff with the television series. After all, it’s not just Tamako, but all of the people who live in that shopping district. And I suppose Dera was a fun mascot character. If you want that cuteness, watch Tamako Market. But if you want a more romantic-driven story, definitely check out the sequel movie Tamako Love Story.
If you would like to watch Tamako Market, Hidive has all 12 episodes and the movie available for streaming.
Now then, what’s next on my Sentai Filmworks list?
Redo of He…
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Choose your next words wisely.
Well Medea, do you love anime that’s directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara?
Oh dear God. What fresh hell did I miss from that iconic enigma? And is it crazier than kappas eating people’s asses?
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Okay Penguindrum…please do not contain penguins eating people’s asses.
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mr-3rr0r · 4 years
2024 EDIT: THIS IS NOW (slightly) OUTDATED
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Name: Samuel james miller
Nicknames: Sam, bird boi, the bird, "the bean " (according to tumblr)
Age: 32
Height: 5'9
DOB: May 26th -1989
Job: Detective
Nationality: Brittish/ American
Little bit of backstory
His mum and dad met when his mom was visiting a friend and eventually got married and had samuel
He was pretty much the quiet kid up until 6th grade.
When he was 15 he was in science assembly with parents something went wrong and some chemical stuff got into his left eye and his parents kinda threw him into the car and sped off.
they were going too fast and ended up crashing into another car on accident.
He then woke up with his left eye bandaged up and a nurse came in saying his parents were dead.
Thus thinking that it was his fault his parents were dead.
He then had to live with his grandparents on his mum's side.
Ok now with that out of the way.
Really, really likes tea (and by really likes it i mean lavender) with some honey and some biscuits/ cookies on the side.
His left eye can only see things in different shades of green. Aka can only see in game boy colors.
He's on a case trying to capture "006". all he knows is she wields an aqua green and purple scythe and, based on midori laboratories, is extremely dangerous.
The US still confuses him.
He likes jafa cakes and peach rings.
Anything citrus flavored he will consume.
He nicknamed his guns "Mary" and "oliver" which were the names of his parents.
He still likes birds. A lot.
His favorite birds to feed are pigeons while his least favorite are seagulls.
Has insomnia and hates it.
He has nightmares of his parents dieing in the car accident and can't go to sleep so he watches "the joy of painting" to calm himself down.
He has to be doing something with his hands.
Sass meter is at 30%
Will not hesitate to use the words bitch and/ or whore to a woman if they're being rude. (He wouldn't say it out loud tho, because he is a gentleman.)
Neutral good.
If he had a voice actor it would probably be brock baker in his pilot stolas voice just more brittish.
If you steal his food say goodbye to you're hands.
Thinks crows are cool.
If he had a theme song it would be "we'll meet again" by vera lynn
His grandparents were REALLY old fashioned and liked a lot of 1930's - 1960's music.
And thanks to that he now has a lot of love and respect for 30's and 60's music.
Powers and abilities:
Can summon sheilds to protect people or himself.
Is good with guns.
Legs for d a y s aka is a bit flexible and can and will roundhouse kick you.
Makes good ass tea
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methasaurus · 6 years
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Hey this is my Bnha oc,, her name is Midori Nakamaru and her quirk is a bit confusing so we’re gonna just name it “ poisonous frog,” shes really good in combat and incorporates her quirk into it. She’s a short hero and doesn’t take any bullshit. She also likes fashion and cute girly things (on the downlow). She trains a lot to perfect her hand to hand combat to the point where her physique became muscular and stiff.
Her quirk is called “poisonous frog” having inherited both her mothers frog quirk (water frog) and her fathers poisonous quirk ( cobra/ “lethal performance”) she tries to balance out the two. Being able to jump really high, stretching her tongue to great lengths to touching someone and paralyzing their whole nervous system. Midori poisons differes between each touch. One touch can just paralyze which is just called “ deadly touch” and her second one can combust an object or thing which is called “ lethal performance.” Having so much venom in one specific object where the thing suddenly combust is called “ lethal performance,” which she inherited from her father. However in order to accomplish it, she has to make sure she does it in both hands so that she won’t destroy her hands in the process. By doing so she might do some hand gesture ( some naruto type shit lol) to specifically draw it out on the subject.
Though Midori sounds like a bad ass of course she has lots of weaknesses. One weakness that she hates to admit is her fear of the water, despite her mother being a water frog, she is not. She doesn’t prefer it and the deep blue sea scared her beyond belief. But she won’t admit it lmfao. Another thing that she hates talking about is her childhood or anything relating to her parents. Her mother being decease always put her in a spiral of emotions she cannot control, so she always causally decline to talk about it. She sometimes can’t retract her tongue because sometimes her poison mistakenly transfer on her tongue, making it sometime go limp. She’s working on it tho.
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uhhhh sara for the ask game
i’m so sorry this took so long i got halfway through and had to stop but forgot i didn’t actually… finish answering everything </3 thank you so much for the ask!!
favourite thing about them:
god this is a really popular opinion but. her multi-faceted-ness (is that a word). just… she cares about all of her allies and she holds grudges and is capable of sacrificing the others to survive and is capable of sacrificing her own mental stability for the others and, and, and. on a less serious note her dialogue options to say the most absurd stuff is really funny…. like hell yeah it’s usable as a blunt weapon. of course this human sized box is a treasure chest. don’t let anyone try to bring you down girl you’re absolutely right
least favourite thing about them:
damn idk. the fact that she thinks her school uniform is fashionable…. i don’t care about her choosing the school partially for the uniform you do you sara but at least choose a NICE school uniform…. your colour palette isn’t as bad as shin’s but it’s up there </3
favourite line:
“they’re looking at something disgusting, though” in response to midori saying she had pretty eyes. that was such a good comeback like?? actual girlboss behaviour
joe 100% … i care about them so much oh my goddd i can’t even put it into words. i feel like as we get later into the game joe becomes less of a character and more representative of the loss in the death game and sara’s trauma specifically and the bullshit asunaro pulled but they’re so good as friends :( i miss joe… all of the characters who died in ch1 are so good and seeing them alive is the only reason i ever revisit it </3 on that note kai and sara are honestly a close second… i don’t know how much i believe in the kai is alive theory but god if he is him and sara NEED to talk…..
hm. i’m honestly not that into most yttd ships </3 i think i like kugiesara the most though for the inherent comedic value it has in non death game aus and also it would be a dream come true for kanna and she deserves happiness god damnit
aside from like… the obvious? id say honestly joe and sara :’) i don’t hate it or anything!! it just meant SO MUCH to me to see such a strong friendship in media (especially a m/f one!) stay platonic. to get to the fandom and immediately find that joe//sara (censoring slightly so it doesn’t show up in the tag) was one of the most popular ships didnt surprise me but it still felt like. oh. okay. like i kinda figured and there’s literally nothing wrong with shipping it i just… yeah
random headcanon:
sara will only play minecraft on creative mode. she just likes building houses! she doesn’t need the stress of potentially dying or running out of materials…
unpopular opinion:
the joe//sara thing was kind of an unpopular opinion lmao </3 but ummm let’s see. oh i think sara actually kinda pulls off the hair it’s not as bad as some of the other hairstyles
song i associate with them:
little miss perfect. i don’t have an explanation other than following gothi
favourite picture of them:
limiting myself to in-game stuff and 3 pictures bc otherwise id be here forever
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(sorry shin i just like the way she’s drawn here)
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂📂 for every oc you wanna share for ❤
there are 31 emojis here which means 31 useless headcanons yeehaw.
sanae's favourite class 1-a bonding activity is karaoke.
kuriko prefers to wear bright colours since she loves to stand out.
yejin prefers to be called by her first name than her last name.
itsumi only started liking tea after momo introduced her to her favourite blends.
twila loves to casually hang upside down.
natsumi is an interior designer after the timeskip.
asteria lives in fairy hills and her room is similar to levy's in that it's covered in books, though she doesn't have as many bookshelves.
alexandre is a fan of mystery novels.
midori rarely ever takes the stairs properly when at home in the palace. she prefers to slide down the banisters instead.
despite being a huge flirt, kaz has never been in a serious relationship.
rosemary hates her namesake, as well as roses themselves, feeling it's cliche.
if julianna lived in our world, she'd be a member of mensa.
carina is terrible with children. a child cries in her presence and she panics.
isadora, on the other hand, is wonderful with children. especially her own.
primrose will sometimes use her gift of sight to win bets against some of the greedier slytherins.
oceane has pink streaks in her hair while zacharie has blue in his. unlike their father's purple, it isn't natural, and they decided on those colours since mixed together they make purple.
vera is talented with making bird calls.
even when they're in the real world, xavi sticks their fingers in power outlets. it doesn't affect them since they were were originally data.
as a child, lucinda would always carry a pocket knife with her. nowadays it's replaced with a dagger.
kai has a younger brother at home and he visits him and his mother periodically.
imogen was a child model.
vidia has an interest in fashion and usually creates her own dress robes for special occasions.
while morgan is usually invested in whatever coding and supercomputer project he's currently into, he has been known to binge-watch tv shows when he's stuck on something and needs a break. the witcher is one of his favourites.
tara loves doing her eyeshadow to reflect her mood.
adelaide's grandmother wanted her to be a child star.
talie likes to sit and lay down in forests and garden beds because it makes her feel close to nature.
as a member of the healing track, lincoln loves to collect and use cute band-aids for minor wounds.
after school, ilaria becomes a musician with both a magical and muggle fanbase.
vesper, hikari, and sorrell love to compete to see who can do the craziest tricks on their broom. it usually doesn't end well.
ella was fascinated with wizard photos as a child and could stare at them move for hours.
torian's family has an incredibly long dining table, but even that isn't big enough when family from overseas comes to visit.
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imitranslates · 6 years
Honjitsu no Kami Oroshi Ch. 1
New series I’ve decided to translate on a whim. I’ll be playing catch-up as the 3rd chapter comes out tomorrow, but this series will be translated on a more relaxed schedule when I do get caught up, prob within 1-2 weeks of the release. This won’t affect my Mononokean translations, so no worries.
Honjitsu no Kami Oroshi (or, “Today’s Divine Revelation,” as I’ve decided to translate it) is a slice of life-y/cooking manga by Yata Midori that just started serialization in Gangan Online last month. In it, established author Takatsuki Ryuunosuke hires his younger brother, Rintarou, to cook menus inspired by literary works in order to spark his ideas!
You can read the first chapter at http://www.ganganonline.com/contents/honzitsu/ by clicking “[1話] 赤毛のアン“  in the chapter listing!
Today's Divine Revelation Chapter 1 – Anne of Green Gables
Page 1
[Raspberry cordial, two types of cookies, fruit and nut pound cake,]
[A layer cake, and cherry pie.]
[This is
The divine revelation menu for entering the world of "Anne of Green Gables."]
Page 4
Ryuunosuke: Haa...
No ideas are coming to me...
Ryuu: How...
Ryuu: Many days ago did I last leave the house, again...?
Page 5
Woman: Eh?
You ended up firing that kid?
Man: No...
When I told him, "You should serve customers with more of a smile," he told me he couldn't...
Man: He said, "If it's going to be an issue, I'll quit."
Woman2: How inflexible!!!
Woman: He always had a sour look on his face, didn't he.
High school students should act more carefree.
Woman2: But, he was such a diligent worker. It's a shame.
What was his name again... Takasugi-kun?
Man: Takatsuki.
Page 6
Man: Takatsuki Rintarou-kun.
[This job wasn't any good either...]
Rintarou: (I thought I'd be able to manage if it was a bookstore...
Rin: (The bookstore worker...
Said it was part of customer service. [But it's impossible])
Ryuu: Wha?
Page 7
Ryuu: What, now?
You ended up fired at another job!?
Rin: That's bad manners, Ryuunosuke.
Don't stand up while we're having a meal.
And don't point your chopsticks at people.
Rin: Lastly, a grain of rice! It's stuck to your face.
Ryuu: Ah, sorry.
Ryuu: ...That said, you shouldn't just call me by my name like that. I'm still your big brother, you know.
Rin: I didn't technically get fired.
Rin: I wasn't able to fulfill my employer's demands, so I quit.
Ryuu: Demands?
Rin: .......
Rin: A smile.
Page 8
Ryuu: (Bahaha!) That...
Ryuu: That was the demand...!?
Rin: ...
Ryuu: You can at least smile, can't you!?
Rin: Impossible.
I can't give one of those fake smiles.
But... Selfishly saying "I can't" at work is also unforgivable.
Rin: Therefore, I quit.
It was totally logical!!
Ryuu: How strict!!!
Ryuu: You're so strict, or should I say stubborn!
Ryuu: Are you really my younger brother...?
Ryuu: In the first place, why did you suddenly start looking for a part-time job?
Page 9
No real reason.
Rin: I just thought I should earn my own spending money since I'm a high school student, now.
Rin: Unlike my older bro, who's a shut-in with no talent for normal work.
Ryuu: !
Ryuu: Hey, hold up.
Ryuu: You know I'm a novelist!
Since my workplace is at home, it's not like I'm shutting myself in!
Rin: How many days has it been since you left the house?
Ryuu: If you're gonna say it like that...
Ryuu: Two weeks...?
Rin: Then you're a real shut-in, aren't you!?
Go outside a little! Don't you know your legs are gonna degenerate!?
Ryuu: No way!!
If there's nothing I have to do, there's no way I'm leaving the house!
Page 10
Ryuu: I hate the cold and stifling feeling of the outside world.
Society is overflowing with facades and fabrications.
Ryuu: Unending desires in transient abundance, false love...
The state of all those things wounds my heart.
Ryuu: That's why I've decided...
"I'll do my best not to leave the house."
Rin: Are you a hermit?
Ryuu: I have no discomfort. For I have the wings called "imagination"!
With these wings, I can go anywhere.
Rin: There's no helping you, huh.
Page 11
Rin: (Sigh...) Hey, bro...
It's a really good thing you found your current work as an author.
Ryuu: It's my calling!
I think... it's my calling, but...
Ryuu: ........
Recently, I've been in a little slump...
Ryuu: "A short story commemorating the 10 years since my debut."
Ryuu: Is the story I'm doing, but...
I'm not getting any good ideas.
Rin: They've dried up, huh? (All of them).
Ryuu: Haa... How nice...
Unlike me, the apple blossoms are in full bloom...
Rin: Don't get jealous of a tree.
Ryuu: Whenever the apple tree blooms, it reminds me of Anne of Green Gables...
Rin: Green Gables? What's that?
Page 12
Ryuu: "Anne of Green Gables" is a Canadian coming-of-age story about an orphan with red hair named Anne Shirley.
Ryuu: The highly imaginative protagonist Anne causes a stir with all sorts of incidents.
Ryuu: Friendship, family, and the old-fashioned daily life are all vibrantly written about in that masterpiece.
Ryuu: In the start of the series, before Anne is adopted, when she heads toward the "Green Gables"...
Ryuu: She passes through the rows of dreamily beautiful apple trees...
Ryuu: I really love that scene...
Ryuu: Ahh...
Ryuu: I want to visit Anne's world.
Page 13
Ryuu: If I could visit that world, if I could meet with Anne and happily chat with her...
Ryuu: I might get a revelation from god...
Rin: Why don't you go?
Ryuu: Eh...?
Rin: You have wings called imagination, don't you?
Then, why not go visit? Canada.
Why not visit that world?
Rin: In your head.
Ryuu: !
Page 14
Ryuu: That's right! You're totally right, Rintarou!
Hey, why don't you do some work here at my place?
Rin: Wha? Work here?!
Ryuu: Yeah! See, your cooking's good, right?
Rin: Cooking...?
I mean, I can do a certain amount, but...
Ryuu: In Anne's story, all sorts of delicious food shows up.
Please let me have a taste of that moment's joy! While sitting in the comfort of my own home.
Rin: ...?
In your own home?
Ryuu: Yes! The title is!!
Ryuu: Under the Apple Tree!
Rin: !
Ryuu: A wonderful picnic that will take us to the world of Anne of Green Gables!!
Page 15
Rin: ....
Rin: Ehh...?!
Rin: Eh?
(An unforeseen development)
Ryuu: How about it?
Ryuu: One thousand yen an hour!!
Rin: ........
Rin: Are...
Rin: Are you serious...
Girl1: Hey...
Takatsuki-kun is acting weird today, isn't he?
Girl2: Weird?
...He's eating lunch alone while reading, just like always.
Girl1: No, not that.
The book he's reading is what's weird! Look!
Page 16
Girls: A..
Anne of Green Gables...!!!
(Girl1: And with such a scary expression...)
Rin: (It's not like...)
Rin: (I want money so bad I need it from Aniki...)
(But, if I say "I can't" to everything...
I'll become a person that can't do anything.)
Rin: (Above all...)
Page 17
(When he was my age,)
(Aniki had already become an author.)
Rin: (I have to do something, too!!!)
Rin: Uhhh...
Two kinds of cookies, a fruit and nut pound cake, a layer cake...
Raspberry cordial, and a cherry pie. All together, six dishes.
Rin: If it's like that, any idiot should be satisfied.
Rin: The beginning of the tea party is at one o'oclock.
So, in five hours... Okay.
Page 18
Rin: (I'll make this order a success!!)
Rin: Uh, first off...
I'll cut the dough I made and refrigerated last night into cookies and bake them.
Rin: The classic cookies need a little assembly.
Place some jam in the middle of the plain cookies...
Rin: While they're baking, the raspberry cordial.
It seems a lot like raspberry juice...
Rin: The berries are mixed with sugar and put over heat,
And lemon juice and water are added. Once it reaches a boil, the mixture is strained.
(Rin: Incidentally, there's equal parts berries and sugar..)
[Sugar, 500g]
(Rin: The calories must be crazy...)
Rin: I did that part last night, so I just have to add water and soda to taste and it's ready.
Page 19
Rin: Next, the pound cake.
Rin: Beat together room temperature butter and sugar until it turns pale,
Then incorporate beaten eggs a little bit at a time.
(Rin: Looks like it's coming together...)
Rin: Then the flour,
Raisins, walnuts, orange zest, and almonds go in.
Rin: Stir to distribute evenly.
[All right? This cake tastes horrible! Is this the fault of the baking powder?]
[(Oh, Marilla!)]
Rin: (...Is how that scene went in the story, I think.)
Rin: (I guess things would really go wrong if the baking powder was bad back then.)
Rin: (But I'll be fine. I used good baking powder...)
[170C for 40-50 minutes.]
Rin: Oops, onto the next! (The cherry pie!)
Rin: I mean, I should clean up a little.
Uwah! It's already this late!?
Rin: Ow!
Page 20
Rin: !
Rin: Uwah...
It's a success!!
Rin: (It rose nicely,
Has a golden brown color, and it smells great!!)
Rin: (It's going well!!!)
Rin: (Alright, let's keep this mood up!
The last obstacle for today!
The layer cake!!)
[Slice the sponge cake into layers and fill with jam and cream.]
(Basically, a shortcake.)
Page 21
Rin: Beat the eggs and sugar over heat over heat for 5 minutes until frothy.
Keep going until fluffy and airy.
Rin: You can tell when it's finished when the mixture leaves tracks behind... (Or so it says...)
Rin: Huh?
This isn't any good...
Rin: Ehhhh~~?
The egg isn't whipping up at all...
Ryuu: (I thought it'd be any moment now, so I came to check...
But it looks like making sweets is pretty rough...)
Page 22
[20 minutes later.]
Rin: I...
Rin: I did it somehow...?
Rin: Haa... haa....
Rin: Gently mix flour into the whipped eggs using a sifter...
Then add milk to the finished batter and mix again.
Rin: When you put it in the dish, gently hit the bottom of the pan to get out any air bubbles, and put it in the oven.
Rin: Now I'll pour the custard onto the cherry pie I baked earlier,
And line it with cherries.
Page 23
Rin: Once the sponge cake is cooled, decorate it.
Rin: Okay...
Rin: Done!
Ryuu: Rin!!
Rintarou! Over here, in the garden!
Page 24
Ryuu: Let's eat over here!!!
[This is...]
[The picnic menu for traveling to the world of Anne of Green Gables.]
Page 25
[1. Raspberry cordial]
[2. Jam cookie
3. Chocolate cookie]
[4. Dried fruit and nut pound cake]
[5. Layer cake]
[6. Cherry pie]
Ryuu: It...
Ryuu: It's so high quality!! (Amazing!!)
Ryuu: Rintarou...
You really are impressive, huh... (Was this really your first time making these sweets...?)
Rin: Yeah.
Now, what to start with?
Ryuu: Hmm... Anything's fine.
Rin: !
What's that mean, just pick one!
Ryuu: I don't mean it like that.
Page 26
Ryuu: These are the confections you worked hard to make, right?
I'm sure all of them are delicious.
Rin: Then...
The layer cake.
Rin: Here.
Page 27
Rin: Why don't you call it down.
Your revelation or whatever.
Ryuu: Yeah.
Thanks for the food.
Page 29
Ryuu: ......
Ryuu: Rows...
Of apple trees?
[Just when did I get here...]
[Is this exit...
This way?]
Page 30
[An apple tree.]
(That's right.)
(The apple tree in the garden... I planted it when I'd just become an author.)
(A charm)
[To bear fruit]
Page 31
[To all sorts of creative ideas, just like that girl.]
Page 32
Rin: ....?
Rin: (Was it bad...?)
Rin: Ryuunosuke?
Page 33
Ryuu: Mm!
Ryuu: Delicious...!
Rin: Eh?
Ryuu: It's delicious!
All of it's amazingly good!
Rin: R-
Ryuu: Really, really!
Ryuu: I just remembered
How I felt when I was just starting as an author...
Page 34
Ryuu: It's all thanks to you, Rintarou!!
Ryuu: It's really wonderful! Thank you!!
Rin: (Huh?)
Rin: Eh...
Rin: Uh...
Rin: (Huh, what's with that...)
Page 35
Rin: The... job...
Ryuu: ?
Rin: (Just now, he told me "thank you"...
Big bro's gratitude...)
Rin: Well, that job... my work...
Uh, that is...
Rin: (What...
What should I do?!!)
[Man: Takatsuki-kun.
Can't you try serving the customers with more of a smile?]
[Rin: ...
I can't.]
(This is the first time anyone's been pleased with my work, isn't it....)
Rin: Th...
Rin: ......
Page 36
Rin: !!
Rin: Uwa!
Rin: The wind's picked up, huh.
Should we move back inside? Ryuunosuke.
Page 37
It switched on.]
Page 38
Dad: Isn't that amazing, Rintarou?
Ryuunosuke won a big award for his novel.
Dad: Amazing...
[A 16 year old's break-out work!]
Rin: (Ryuunosuke is...)
(A shut-in with way too much imagination, and he can't acclimate to society...)
(Even so, he's made an incredible amount of people happy.)
(I really...
Wanted to know what I could do, and started doing part-time jobs...)
Page 39
Rin: ...Is it good?
Rin: (I'm still no match for him...
Ryuu: Hmm?
Ryuu: Oh, yeah...
Rin: (What an absent-minded reply.)
(Making others happy isn't so bad.)
Rin: ...
Page 40
[The next day]
Rin: Eh...
What's this "Divine Revelation" on the 27th?!
Ryuu: It's an appointment...
I realized it this time. I need your power.
Rin: You liar!
Don't just decide that on your own, it's a huge pain!
Ryuu: For a writer, you know...
You should realize that I need a new revelation one after the other...
[<-A day before the deadline.]
Rin: Wh--
Ryuu: Don't you get it?!
Rin: ......
Rin: I...
Rin: I get it....
Ryuu: (Alright!) I made my appointment. That's one thing off my mind.
Ah, but I'll probably have morning and night switched around by then, so it should be in the evening!
Ryuu: Oh, if I eat too much I'll get tired, so make something light.
Even so, I want something nutritious.
Rin: ......
Ryuu: But if it's hard to digest, my concentration will....
[That was the start of a pain-in-ass event in my regular life.]
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