#midoriya: i'm. pretty sure i'm not. for so very many reasons
evilkitten3 · 2 years
i just. had a very silly bnha au idea
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super-paper · 1 year
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"Thank you for such wonderful comedy."
I've been wanting to talk about how MHA plays with the concepts of "fiction vs reality, the characters vs the actor, the world vs the stage" for awhile now, bc I believe understanding how MHA utilizes these concepts is pretty crucial to understanding our Big Bad (and Tomura!) (...and Izuku!) (.. etc!) (y-yeah...!!!) (wooo.....!!!!!)
If this post is more incoherent than usual, I apologize-- I'm just really enthusiastic about stories that play with the fact that they're stories and characters who throw themselves into a fictionalized role as a means of coping. I love the way MHA handles these concepts in particular, so I lost all sense of restraint as usual.
Hori: "I'm Like Dropping Hints That Hero/Villain Personas Are Actually Coping Mechanisms Lol"
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"As Tomura Shigaraki and Tenko Shimura, I've got just one wish: the total destruction of everything that created that house." "If my origin as Touya and Dabi was such a simple thing, then... No, there are still things I want to say. Arguments I want to have."
I've seen a few ppl saying that it sounds awkward/strange to have the characters repeatedly asserting themselves in the third person, but imo, the emphasis on real names versus hero/villain names during these particular scenes plays into the idea of the villain/hero identities being "alter egos" that might not actually have the same core desires as the """"actors"""" that are behind these personas.
Tomura and Touya invoke both their real and villain names while asserting their respective wishes. Himiko also invokes her villain name, though it's less obvious to english speakers because she uses her real name as her villain name (in the raws, "HIMIKO TOGA" as a villain name is written using katakana-- and this is what she uses when asserting her wish). MHA plays with the idea of "fiction"/"Alter Egos" as a form of escapism and as a coping method, and at this point in time, the Dabi/Tomura/"Himiko" identities are still being utilized as a crutch/mask by these three very hurt individuals.
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*loud, terrifying chanting* PEAK FICTION PEAK FICTION PE--
Ochako's fight being like the second most thematically important fight in the whole series still makes me unreasonably giddy btw.
To contrast, Ochako uses her civilian name alone when asserting her wish-- and imo we're meant to read this as Ochako wanting to save Himiko as herself, not as Uravity. Saving Himiko is not something she can accomplish as her alter-ego-- Ochako is able to save Himiko by stepping off the stage and becoming a "real" person, while also acknowledging the person behind "Toga Himiko (villain name)".
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Izuku hasn't had his "I'm Izuku Midoriya"/"I'm-saving-you-as-Izuku-not-as-Deku" moment yet-- instead, we see Tomura intentionally making that distinction between the-hero-and-the-true-self by constantly referring to Izuku by his real, full name. And I'm pr sure Izuku is also the only one he does this to-- we see him referring to all the other heroes he encounters by their hero names alone, or by insulting nicknames (l-lol). Correct me if I'm wrong, tho!
(side note: Tomura switching to calling Izuku just "Hero" in the aftermath of Bakugate is actually a big step backwards imo-- it reads as Tomura trying to push Izuku away by shoving them both back in the hero/villain box and doubling down on enforcing their respective "roles." Not that I ever expected mister doomdere to make things easy, but, woof. Good Fuckin' Luck, Izuku ( ´・ω・) )
TL;DR The final arc has mostly been about tearing off the hero/villain masks to reveal who is hiding underneath— MHA's careful use of names and monikers plays heavily into that and its distinction between "alter-ego"/"true self" a lot. Which is... probably one of the many reasons why All For One still doesn't have a given name, as someone who has all but completely lost himself in his character.
Anyway! That brings us to the meat of this post: how does MHA take the concepts of "reality vs fiction" and "the character vs. the actor" and apply it to All For One (...and Tomura) (and Izuku--)?
"Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain!"
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"If you refuse to submit, then I'll just rewrite the story." - it's amazing how all of this coulda been avoided if someone had just introduced AFO to Demon Lord x Reader fanfiction. (/j)
AFO fancies himself as the author of MHA's greatest tragedy (the desecration of Shimura Nana's legacy via the sacrifice of Shimura Tenko), while simultaneously inserting himself into its overarching narrative and treating himself as the leading villain of the story-- it's self-indulgent and intentionally invasive in the way that most self-insert fanfiction tends to be invasive, with him going to extremes to make it seem as though the whole story revolves around him. AFO wants to be both the author and the leading character and the leading antagonist. This greed is typical of him, but it also establishes him as a character who's more caught up in (read: trapped by) his relationship to "fiction" than anyone else. Again, MHA explores the use of fiction and alter-egos as an escape from a painful reality-- so, it's entirely reasonable to assume that this applies to AFO as well.
To me, so much about AFO reads as an escapist fantasy of someone who is utterly terrified of being put in a position where he is truly seen. The idea of being vulnerable, of being naked, of being "human," is intolerable to him. But by not allowing himself to feel and "be a human," he has effectively cut himself off from what he wants most. The character of “Shigaraki Tomura” is as much an escapist fantasy for AFO as it is Tenko-- It's just another (younger, prettier) layer of skin he can hide his true self in.
"so basically you're saying that AFO is a never nude" yes, actually :)
AFO dehumanizes Tomura through his attempts to turn the boy into his personal comic book character, but he also dehumanizes himself by desperately trying to insert himself into that “character." It's only fitting that Tomura’s innate humanity and capacity for feeling ends up rendering AFO himself painfully, painfully human-- and ultimately causes AFO's carefully constructed character to start crumbling.
If All the World’s a Stage, Then Let’s Destroy the Stage
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"That stage is gone now. The theater's knocked down. How much longer can we afford to be spectators on the sideline?" "Once upon a time, a man named All Might showed all of us how to be a hero. But somewhere along the way, people forgot about the heart and soul that made the man." -MHA, Chapter 325
Tomura is attempting to destroy the stage, because without the stage there can be no "Shigaraki Tomura" (Or "All Might," or "All For One," or "Endeavor," etc etc etc). Without the stage, there are no more "characters" and no more tragedies. But-- without the stage, there are no more stories period. There are no more tragedies, but there are no more happy endings either. The world never recognizes the actor behind "Shigaraki Tomura" without the stage. The stage is not inherently a bad thing, so long as people can remember that the actors on the stage still exist outside of it.
But Tomura himself cannot imagine what happens after the curtains fall, and all that's left is Shimura Tenko. He is stuck in a role that was written entirely for someone else, but remains convinced that the role was always his and that the role defines him.
Tomura rebels against the story the only way he knows how--against an "author" who *LITERALLY* views him as a spicier self insert, and against a "setting" that treats his death as a happy ending-- but even so, Tomura still can't picture an ending that doesn't end in tragedy. His rebellion is not about him trying to wring a happy ending out of a miserable, mean-spirited book-- it's about burning the whole damn library down so he never feels let down or hurt by a story again.
Basically: Tomura cannot act outside the confines of his "character" in a way that will truly save him. Even as he rebels, he's rebelling in a way that is painfully consistent with the way his "character" is written-- and that's why AFO (the author) still poses such an enormous threat to him. Destruction cannot save him from this story when he was explicitly penned to destroy.
The only way to break this narrative is to act in a way "the author" doesn't expect, and to tap into all the traits that AFO desperately attempted to "write out" of him-- Shimura Tenko is someone who has always rebelled against his writing, his author, and the unfairness of this story with his kindness and his willingness to accept those that no one else will.
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AFO cuts off Tenko's own power at the root by reinforcing Tomura's belief that the world will always inherently reject him, without fail, always and forever-- so he should just reject the world, too (and I've talked at length about this before, but this is why a story that ends with Tomura dying or locked away from society is an ending that fails in its goal to save Tomura). The more Shigaraki Tomura rejects everything and the more Shigaraki Tomura is rejected by everything, the more he distances himself from his root and the source of his power-- and the more Shimura Tenko gets lost in this character.
While AFO is terrified of someone seeing behind his mask, Tomura longs for it. Tenko has been there since the beginning and has been begging for someone to finally see and acknowledge him (both in-universe and out of universe).
"I’ll Be There, Changing Fate by Your Side."
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AFO: "Blah Blah Blah Do you still believe myths can save you? Foolish creature. Let me be clear: every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered yadda yadda yadda :) :) :)" ENTER, MIDORIYA IZUKU WITH A STEEL CHAIR.
Izuku's role is that of a completely average boy who gets pulled into a narrative ''that wasn't for him"-- he has no heroic lineage, no hidden powers, and no connection to the centuries old conflict that drives the plot. He's just a boy who did the right thing at the right time and was rewarded for it. Izuku is someone who was "never supposed to be a hero" the same way Tenko was "never supposed to be a villain" per the "rules" of their world-- and Izuku, like Tomura, is someone who exists to destroy those rules and the expectations of their narrative, completely changing the ending.
But rather than burning the book and ending the story forever (like Tomura wants to do), Izuku believes that the story and characters can still be salvaged. There's always something worth saving. It doesn't have to be a tragedy, they can still change the ending. They can talk specifics after Tomura's crazy ass puts the lighter down.
Izuku, like Tomura and so many other characters, throws himself into an alter-ego in an attempt to redefine himself and escape from pain ("Nobody's been saved yet. Don't be the worthless old Deku who can't save anyone" 😬). He almost loses himself in the role of "OFA's torch bearer" the way All Might did-- but just as Izuku managed to find Toshinori Yagi and helped in convincing him that his life as Toshinori has meaning, Izuku ends up getting saved by his friends who couldn't care less about OFA's ~protagonist power~ and know that Izuku is just a goofy, awkward, human boy who needs help.
Like.... If we explore quirklessness as like... a narrative stand-in for characters that the story typically views or dismisses as irrelevant extras/npcs, then AFO's barely restrained anger at Izuku and Toshi (and possibly Yoichi if we're being honest) for daring to ''act beyond their roles'' becomes even funnier. AFO can't stand the idea of his power/the protagonist role being passed on to someone who seems so utterly unworthy, unremarkable, and plain. He can't stand the idea of someone without a quirk/"role" standing up to him, the leading character. Dude really is a toxic comic book fan to the core.
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afo really said "I didn't like how things were going so I stopped reading and just wrote a better ending to the story :^)" like...... @mhareddit that's u buddy...........................;
Anyway...........!!!!! AFO is someone who cherry picks what he likes about a story while ignoring the actual intent/message of the work (#theabsolutestateofthemhafandom), but he has no intention of breaking down the dichotomy between heroes/villains and instead actively enforces it (.............#theabsolutestateofthemhafan--). He just wants to flip what side wins in the end.
Tomura wants to break the narrative because he sees that as the only way to escape from his pain (but in doing so, he permanently cuts himself off from being a part of a story with a happy ending). He wants to destroy the dichotomy between heroes and villains because heroes and villains "will never understand each other and never stop creating each other" (lol. lmao, even).
Izuku wants to break the narrative because he's realized that there's something more to this story than your standard "Hero versus Villain," "good vs evil" affair and that he cannot explore what lies behind those masks and labels without tearing them down, first.
These three work together well as a narrative set of Fucking Nerds, and AFO works well as both Tomura and Izuku's villain for all of the above reasons (& also bc he's the only one who is actually benefitting from their current society) ((which basically offers him an endless buffet of hurt and angry children he can exploit on a silver platter)).
Anyway! Kick his ass, Izuku.
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elfbingo · 1 year
booboo, how are you?
fav MHA character(s) and why? least favorite? who do you ship?
I gotta know
Working hard on all my projects! That's why it took me a few days to get to this. Apologies!
Now, on to your questions! If you were looking for short answers you asked the wrong person. Abandon all hope ye who enter here!
I’ll get to the shorter answers first:
“Who do you ship?”- Let me preface this by stating that I don't really care about ships, canon or otherwise. Like… at all. It takes a LOT to make me care about a romance in any story. Luckily, MHA is an action-shonen anime, so not a lot of that going on. However, I will try to put some more thought into this topic than I usually do. 
If we’re talking confirmed canon ships (discounting married couples), the only two I can even think of are Midoriya/Ochako and Denki/Jiro. I’m sure there are others, but MHA is (thankfully) very light on romance, so those two seem to be the only ones that have actually been confirmed as canon. (Forgive me if I’m wrong; I literally had to Google “canon MHA ships”.) Midoriya/Ochako is cute, and I love their dynamic. I think they'd be a good/healthy couple, but they're perfectly fine just as friends. Denki/Jiro is also sort of cute, a little more on the “belligerent sexual tension” side, but there’s not nearly as much to work with. That may be because these two don’t get as much focus as characters, I don’t know. Overall, the students in this show are more mature than their peers, so they’ve had to be more thoughtful about their futures and life decisions. They’re also still just kids. Adolescent relationships almost never last irl, and in fiction they seem to be portrayed in a similarly shallow vein, so I see no point getting invested.
If we’re talking non-canon, it’s still not my thing. I kind of low-key ship All Might/Inko Midoriya, but ONLY if Hisaishi Midoriya was out of the picture (I HATE cheating, even in fiction). That’s probably about it. I steer clear of shipping wars, so I’m not going to get into any of the other non-canon ships. I don’t care enough to paint a target on myself. 
The ships I really care about are the friendships. I'm way more into those, and found family! MHA is full of both, which is one of the many reasons I love it! (If you want to know who I “ship” in terms of “friendships” I’ll post a follow-up answer for that.) 
“Least favorite characters?”- I’m going to qualify my answer by setting aside characters you’re meant to dislike/hate (i.e. the villains/the Hero Safety Commission). Of those left, Mineta might be the only character I actively dislike. I think his design is fun, and his quirk is offbeat, but his personality is mostly awful. If he was a villain, or just some random background person, he wouldn’t grate as much. But Mineta is supposed to be funny and sympathetic. I don't hate him, I just... That character type (95% pervert) has never appealed to me, no matter the series. I'm glad he's gotten a bit better in the last few arcs, but it's been too little, too late for me to really like him. 
I also found Monoma irritating, but he’s gotten better.
Now onto my “long” answer. You have been warned! 
“Fav MHA character(s)?”- I have to say, a big part of the reason I love most of the characters in this show is the translation/VA work, as well as the animation. This may be the best English VA cast for a show I’ve ever heard, and the translation is exceptional. 
Aside from that, I love (or love to hate) pretty much all the main and side characters in the whole series. I think they all have something interesting to contribute to the story, even if they’re only in one scene. On the “villain” side, Twice is arguably my favorite, but I find all the main baddies compelling, and even some of the minor ones. On the “hero” side, the class 1-A kids have a special place in my heart, along with Mirio, Tamaki, All Might and Aizawa. 
However, if I have to pick favorites, my top 3 are Midoriya, Todoroki and Kirishima; not necessarily in that order. And that’s only if I have to really whittle it down, because the top tier would be even larger otherwise. (I do love a good ensemble!) Since you asked my reasons for picking my favorite(s), and I’m trying hard not to write an essay, I shall break it down thusly:
Cool quirk!
Fun to draw
Half-and-half hair
Has scar; I want to hug him
Hidden sweet side
Also sassy
Overall bishonen looks without being aware of it (or not caring)
Dual personality like his quirk: cool-headed warrior/socially awkward teen 
Takes some things literally (with amusing results)
Curb-stomps multiple thugs at USJ like it's nothing
Snarks at said thugs about how they should be embarrassed
Loves his mum
Screw the rules, I’m doing what’s right!
Will throw hands if you hurt his friends
Terrible upbringing, still wants to be a hero like All Might
 Every reason to be villain but is Good Boi
Tells it like it is
Also worries about others
Stoic boy becomes soft boy with friends
Will do what it takes to be his best, even if it means working with abusive dad
Willing to forgive those who have hurt him
Admits and overcomes his weaknesses
Never gives up!
Cinnamon roll
Sunshine boi 
Fun to draw
Shark teeth
2 hairstyles, both cute!
Sees the good in others (even Bakugo)
Worries about his friends
Not afraid to cry/be emotional
Positive manliness!
Devotion to chivalrous outlook is PRECIOUS
Works hard to improve
Protective quirk, protective heart
Super helpful
Overcoming insecurities to become a true hero!
Risks death to save lives
Always ready to help
Dad/son vibes with Fat Gum
Empathizes with others, even villains!
Consistently rises to the occasion
Knows others may have “flashier” quirks but still does his best
Looks terrifying in battle/is soft boi irl
Anyone that can put up with Bakugo as equals…
Keeps Lord Explosion Murder (somewhat) in line
Just overall seems like he gives excellent hugs
Cinnamon roll
Nerdy nerd nerd
Socially awkward
Expressive eyes
Floof child
Mumbles to himself 24/7
Loves his mum
Fun to draw
Emotional without being annoying
Forgiving nature
Wants to be a hero to help others
Risked death as quirkless kid to save his bully
Always tries to do what’s right
Gains most powerful quirk and uses it for good
Seriously- every reason to be villain but is Good Boi
Willing to work harder than anyone to get where he is now
Lifelong outsider who helps others reevaluate their quirks’ potential
Bullied relentlessly and still didn’t give up hope for a better world
Dad/son relationship with All Might is GOLD
Big Brother vibes with Eri are made of diabetes
All his friendships… ALL OF THEM
Goes feral if you hurt his friends
Will go feral if you hurt total strangers
Smol boi, BIG PUNCH
Broken every bone in his body? Uses “Blackwhip Froppy Style” 
Seriously, nothing stops this kid. I love him so much!
I hope this answers all your questions. I did try not to go overboard, but… eh. 
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seiwas · 1 year
sel baby <3 !! if you don’t mind me asking, do you have any selfships you haven’t talked about? :0 and if not, who would be your top 3 favorite boys (or girls!) ever :3c hehe
sweet dilly, of course i don't mind at all!!! 🤍 thank you for asking me this!! (i have a lot to say abt it...)
to be honest, i don't actually ship myself with (most of) my faves! i think it's because i just really don't think i'd work out with them 😭 when i read/write stuff on them, i often envision a reader that i think would complement them a lot more/fulfill their needs at that moment (and that couldn't be me 😭 tho i wish it could be!)
that being said, i will try to answer your question as best as i can under this cut bc i'm pretty sure it'll be a lot 😭 i love too many of them!!
possible self-ships i haven't talked about:
iwaizumi hajime (hq): iwa is my fave hq char and is one of my top 3 fave boys :') probs the only one out of my faves that i can somewhat see myself with!! i like how dependable and no-fuss he is + just seems like an overall good guy!! (he and my bf also share so many similar features and they both love fitness and sports 😭)
kirishima eijirou (bnha): i have the biggest soft spot for kiri bc he's such a sweetheart!! he's my ideal boyfriend for real 😭 i think i need someone affectionate bc i'm not and he seems like he would be!! in every way possible 🥺
itadori yuuji (jjk): i feel like yuuji is just the jjk ver of kiri HJAFBha but also i'm very much into a best friends -> lovers typa beat and i feel like he fits it perfectly!! his personality seems like one i'd perfectly jive with (as a friend and eventually something more!) 😳
i'll be real here and say that i think i see myself w these boys bc my bf is literally a combination of all of them 😭 he has the personality of kiri and yuuji inside an iwa body 😭
some special mentions:
fushiguro megumi (jjk)
akaashi keiji (hq)
nanami kento (jjk)
i can see myself working out with the quiet boys too! i think they'd bring out parts of me that are a bit louder, friendlier, and brighter just to balance out our dynamic!! (also they're so pretty 😭) (there are also certain things only nanami can do that i won't find attractive with anyone else but him 😭)
my top 3 favourite boys are (in no order 😭)
gojo satoru (jjk): i'd never work out with gojo bc i just don't think it'd be healthy 😭 (we’d be an enemies to lovers for real i think 😭 i don’t think i’d be able to stand his ass 70% of the time) there are also certain parts of him that i don't have the patience for, but i love him for all his complexity! and his heart! :(
bakugo katsuki (bnha): i’d never ever get used to his tone 😭 like if he spoke to me the same way he spoke to everyone i think i'd fight him shdfasdf (another enemies to lovers 😭 maybe even exes to lovers too but he rlly has to change smth for it to work 😭) but!! i love him for, also, all his complexity! and where his heart is at too! it's really the ones with the conviction to do good and be good but do them in questionable ways...
iwaizumi hajime (hq): sometimes i think abt him and get sad bc he isn't real HAHAHAHAH
others that i love almost just as much:
todoroki shouto | midoriya izuku | aizawa shouta | oikawa tooru | kuroo tetsurou | miya atsumu | kageyama tobio
there's a whole bunch of reasons why i love them but don't think they'd work with me but this'll get too long alr 😭
i hope this answered your question, sweet dilly! i'm sorry this is probably WAAAY longer than what you expected omg but i love talking abt this bc i've thought abt it way too much... AHSBFah
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knowlessman · 3 months
It is Thursday, my dudes. (bnha s6e11-15)
oh shit, jeanist ain't dead? they dint show his face/collar, but who else could that be in this jet
I thought yall needed to keep tomura off the ground cuz he can just dust everybody for miles around. ig tbf he is pretty beat up
"jin meant a lot to me" waaaaait… does toga have some of twice's blood. shit, she's yet another Ditto, she could just have the quirk of anybody else on her team at-will. she could have several bodies' worth of the quirk of anybody else on her team, at-will, if twice gave her any of his blood -- "I was hoping to talk to her about relationships" gonna level with you, the closest thing to a remotely qualified therapist in this entire show might, of all people, be todoroki, and if you wanna talk to him, well, you should prolly get back on bigfoot ig
… is too wrapped up in The Scene to make the hall and oates ref
lolwtf since when did jeanist have those bigass cable thingies??? 'XD he's got levitating mechanical pulley thingies now???
…okay ngl. if only I hadn't been spoiled on all that. I mean… idk, would I have guessed it anyway? I forget how much I knew; I knew he did a dance. maybe the clips I saw had subtitles? eh, he has a fire quirk and spiky hair and injuries n stuff, maybe I would've guessed it anyway. tbh I thought endeavor thought he'd killed him directly, but ig toya was just like trying to power up his quirk or something when the fire happened
"gigantomachia's strength has its limits, too. after he got here, he started gasping for air" ah, did those tranquilizers have an effect after all? -- (shigaraki says one thing to him and he's back struggling again) come onnnn, they worked so hard for that
ey, mirio's back too
(bakugo picked hisself a "new" hero name) AHAHAHAHA finally a bakugo bit that's at least funny
blackwhip. …froppy. style. sigh
deku. deku what did I say about talking about other people's backstories. you're talking to dabi about endeavor.
okay finally, so we know the sedative did work. dang, took long enough
compress: "I still haven't gotten to do my bit! I'll show you the best form of entertainment!" think maybe you should've joined up with gentle thief, my dude. you'd be a way better match for his vibe
(league of villains flashback) "you are the creature rejection clan" hey wait a minute… clan? …nah, nah, surely the writer wouldn't be as subtle as this if he was trying to reference that -- "sinners, sacred ground," etc. eh. prolly then ig. nobody seems to do a faction that tries to stand up for non-powered people, only ones that pick fights with the powered folks for what's narratively treated as no reason. maybe The Boys did that more intelligently, but hell if I'm up for trying that, thinking about how many people didn't get the satirical bits would prolly be too distracting -- "what is our goal, shigaraki? WHAT IS OUR GOAL?" some very good questions
"I can pokeball bits off my own body to free myself from the restraints!" well. damn. …when are you gonna start doing stuff, spinner?
compress's dad/ancestor (?) was robin hood, huh. well how do you like that, I don't think I even dislike this guy any more. pity he's stuck with the cosplayer without a cause, a few serial killers, and the successor to mojo jojo/satan/makuta/that red spirit from korra I'm never gonna remember the name of -- "the blood of the Burglar King flows in my veins" oh why did you have to go and say that? 'XDDD have it your way, ig
(midoriya's got another quirk coming in) Danger Sense? …not one I would've expected. would be kinda fun if it wasn't really any more powerful than Spider-Man's. something that's new, but that doesn't completely change deku's range of options like Blackwhip does
"Dabi and Long-Hair (?) are still in Spinner's scarf!" that is a cool extension to the trick, but does Spinner know that?
"we are retreating. I am paying the price of defeat." ig he's hoping that tomura ends up in the same prison as mojo jojo's body so the former can spring the latter? hell if I know. or maybe he's hoping that for the people he's leaving behind, anyway
(ig shigaraki got away?) they keep showing midnight's mask. still can't tell if she's dead tho
new OP time, huh
huh. mosquito fell for a trap. -- except he didn't really, aaand it backfired hugely
"the heroes' struggle was futile as shigaraki was awakened" it WOULDN'T have been, if dollar-store cyclops had been 0.01% less trigger-happy and been capable of following orders worth a damn
(recap gets to where jeanist shows up) dabi said "the body was real." …??? who did hawks kill. a stolen body from a morgue wouldn't have fooled them, would it?
"just under SEVENTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE who were at the fight at the villa were arrested" jesus -- …sidetrack, I know, but: in 2022, Japan had about 41k inmates in prisons, and that number was down from previous years; in '13, they had about 60k. oh, don't worry, the US has over a million in any given year, obviously. just wondered. trying to conceive of huge numbers of people in any context is always, like… yeah
so midnight is dead, huh. and whoevertf majestic was
buh. recap episode dunt count. one more. for sake of mentioning tho, I did notice in the intro and outro that deku seems to have added… dammit, what's he called. the old guy. he added the old guy's yellow scarf. …this show has too goddamn many characters. twenty kids in class 1-A alone. TWENTY JUST TO START
new OP's kinda mumbly but wever, I don't hate it for that
prison guards bein prison guards, yup
oh dang, it's bakuswole
oh great, and moonfish 'XD that fuckin weirdo
ohai jeff, I keep thinking you're dead. guess not?
huh. chisaki. it's a daggone boss rush rushin' its way outta the slammer
(hopsidal) GRAN TORINO. okay fuck, he's named after a fucking car and a clint eastwood movie but there's no way in hell I was gonna remember his name, I was stuck on trying to remember the name of his quirk
…so wait. gran torino's yellow scarf is from shimura. deku's gonna start wearing the scarf bc of gran torino. and facing down shimura's grandson wearing it. …greaaat, well ig maybe that gives tomura something to latch onto and claw back control from all for one? but like. idk, still kinda fucked up
stopping here
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lumilasi · 1 year
27 & 28 for the writer asks!
ohh these are pretty interesting ones as you can kind of understand/approach them from many different angles I feel like!
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
There's couple of ways I can interpret this question; either who's a stressful one in nature, or which character was stressful to write in some way. I'm suspecting the first one is the more accurate take, so I'll go with that:
The character I tend to struggle a lot with when it comes to BNHA (current main writing fandom), is Deku/Izuku Midoriya. It's got a lot to do with the whole "protagonist syndrome" thing where he still somewhat suffers from it IMO, and it makes him kind of an uninteresting character to me personally. Sure he's a good kid and generally likable, but...that's kinda it. he lacks that something that'd personally make him truly intriguing to me. Which is common with protagonists to be fair, hence "Protagonist syndrome" rather than a problem specific to Izuku. His main interest point and reason I use him in fics a lot at all, is because of the dynamics he can have with Tomura thanks to their parallels alone. (In fact a looot of characters in the series only become interesting to me once connected to Tomura somehow lmao) As a result, often times I really struggle with scenes/parts where story focuses on him primarily, and can get a little bored/ frustrated. I still do/did it though because his connection with Tomura can be very fun to explore (Note, I specifically mean friendship/siblings type of thing)
In case of Bleach (my secondary fandom I do still write couple things for), writing anything with the Quincy is a struggle, because they suffer from similar "not that interesting" issue to Izuku, but honestly far worse case for me. Not only did I never really get into their characters and found them uninteresting as individuals, I honestly felt like they were just a bit of a repeat of the Espada/Arrancar, just less interesting versions. Literally the only quincy that stuck to my brain as somewhat memorable was the imagination guy that Kenpachi fought. Everyone else, can't remember at all. (I still remember all/majority of the Arrancar despite it being years since I last read the manga.) By the end of the story I also found their leader/main baddie just....confusing, and didn't really get why he was doing anything he did. Other than the story needed a villain I guess? (Side note; Guess this is Spoilers territory as the anime only recently came back to finish the manga's story, though I'm not really giving anything in particular away) (Also to be fair, Aizen had the same issue by the end imho, but he had more charisma than the Quincy head, and I don't even LIKE Aizen's character to begin with; I still find him better written lmao) So, anytime I choose to use them as the main villains (like with a current, still ongoing story) writing ANYTHING focused on them is a struggle.
28. Who is the most Delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
FS Hisashi and Stringmaster AFO. They're both very fun sort of character building practices; neither is even close to being like canonical AFO, though latter is slightly closer. For Hisashi, he especially was sort of built from the ground up almost, just taking some key aspects of the canonical character and then taking them to a different direction for a "What if" version. It was a good exercise in trying to keep things consistent, and feel like things made sense for the character to do and say based on their persona. (Side note: Canon AFO works fine for his role in the story, I wouldn't want to change him in canon like this lol) Based on the feedback I've gotten on his character in FS, I managed to do a fairly good job there!
Stringmaster AFO, I feel like, is closer to what people seemed to assume AFO was like with Tomura in the beginning? Before it became obvious to the vast majority he's an abusive piece of shit. (The signs were there from the start, but not everyone will pick up on these things, that's just how it is, I don't fault people for that; there were even things I didn't really connect the dots with, until seeing people's metas about it) Although, he's still less villainous/monstrous than canon AFO, given the very different story and setting/role I gave the characters in this story.
(For Bleach as a honorable mention, of course, Grimmjow. I love that bastard cat very much, he's such a fun character to write/watch on screen. Also, perhaps ironically, given what I said about protagonists in the previous section, Ichigo. Ichigo is one of those cases where the actual protagonist of the series manages to be more interesting than usual to me. I'd assume its because he doesn't feel too "perfect person" to me, or too "generally likable." He has some edges like you'd expect an average person have.)
Either way, I gotta enjoy OP dads terrorizing assholes who hurt his kid or are just generally kind of shitty people. In fact I like this character type so much I have a few of my own lmao
Weird Questions for Writers
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rizubaby · 3 years
— summary; what their regular jobs would be and how they'd find the time to fuck you while at work.
— a/n; posted a bit later than planned, whoops. guys i love this concept so much you don't understand. most of these sounded so right in my head that i can't imagine them doing anything else other than this lmao.
— includes; i. midoriya, k. bakugou, s. todoroki, e. kirishima, t. iida, h. sero, d. kaminari, m. ojiro, r. sato, m. shoji.
— cw; 18+ MINORS DNI, aged up characters (21+), various positions, mentions of hickeys/marking, oral (f -> m + m -> f), slight exhibitionism, (semi-)public sex, slight size difference, mentions of breeding, a smidge of cum eating, lots of dirty talk lol, in like half of these they're all sweaty??? sweat kink?? don't @ me
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i. midoriya — flower shop worker
i can totally picture this. izuku is such a sweet baby boy, he'd be perfect for taking care of all kinds of flora and knows how to make the most beautiful bouquets. knows a lot about the specific meanings of different kinds of flowers, too. just imagine him humming to himself while taking care of his flowers, sometimes even talking to them, with that gentle smile plastered on his face. my heart.
definitely makes a special bouquet for you every week 'n brings a few loose flowers home almost every single day, just to put them in your hair or place them around the house because he knows it brightens your day. the type of guy to leave rose petals leading up to the bedroom, just because he can (and he's sappy like that).
it's not a very well paid job by any means, but he keeps doing it because he loves to make people happy with his flowers. baby boy just wants to make people smile.
it's not very hard work either, so he often has some free time on his hands. so when you drop by the shop every now and then, he'll always find a reason to take you out back bend you over the flower arranging table to manhandle you to his heart's content. doesn't care if you walk out the shop with hickeys scattered all over your pretty skin, he just wants to make sure you know how much he loves you — and that others can see it too.
“fuck, bunny, you're so soft... you don't mind if i leave some marks, right? please let me, i'll make it up to you later, i promise. i'll make you an extra large bouquet, okay?”
k. bakugou — chef
sorry but this just sounded so right in my head i had to make it a thing lmao. gordon ramsay headass.
ok but, seriously. since he's very skilled when it comes to cooking, it just made sense that he'd be a professional chef at some point. probably has his own restaurant, too.
this man is busy in the kitchen 24/7, and the pros for you is that he lets you taste his food when you drop by before opening hours, or sometimes he'll bring some delicious leftovers. being a head chef can be stressful, so when you drop by the restaurant just before opening time, katsuki won't hesitate to bend you over the nearest counter and fuck your brains out — even if he has to order his staff out for a few minutes to be able to.
and on rare occasions, you pay him a visit when business is booming and the restaurant is packed full. you know how stressful and hectic work is for him on days like that, so you know just what he needs. texting him that you came through the back door and that you're waiting for him, he'll order his staff to take over for a few minutes and slips out to meet you in the back. this man will make you drop to your knees and facefuck you until your mascara runs down your cheeks, then forcefully push you against the door to the freezer and pound you until you're seeing stars. katsuki loves it when you let him ruin you to blow off some steam and clear his head. it's one of the many reasons he's so fucking in love with you.
“oh yeah, you like that, huh? you like choking on this big fat cock? let me hear those pretty moans when you choke on me baby, fuck– i'm gonna ruin you.”
s. todoroki — CEO
businessman shoto??? yes please.
instead of owning a succesful hero agency, enji todoroki used to be the head of a large business corporation for years, until shoto inevitably had to take over the position. he doesn't like his job — hell, he probably hates it — but considering how much he earns, he can't really complain. the only positive thing about it is that he can spoil the hell out of you, something he (surprisingly) loves doing.
it's become a regular thing for you to swing by the firm, usually bringing some of his favourite food for lunch. his personal secretary knows you very well by now, so you don't have to ask twice before you can enter his office.
more often than not, shoto's busy making phonecalls to clients and other high and mighty businessmen, a necessary task he clearly dislikes. so what better way to make it more worthwhile for him than to get down on your knees and give him some good ol' head? he secretly loves it when you do that, even if it's anything but convenient for him.
shoto's a pro when it comes to keeping his voice down or staying quiet, but that doesn't make it any less fun. just seeing him struggle to keep his attention on the phone call instead of on how deliciously you're sucking him off is enough to keep going.
the way he bites his lip as he slowly rakes his fingers through your hair, gently guiding your head up and down his pretty cock is truly a sight to behold. and when he finally gets off that phone call, you know damn well you're in for some punishment for trying to distract him. he loves it though, and so do you.
e. kirishima — firefighter
firefighter kirishima!!! i may or may not have read a fic about this some time ago and it stuck with me. can't imagine him doing anything else.
eiji is a big guy. he's hella strong, so he'd have no problem carrying multiple people out of a burning building and things like that. he's a great asset to have on the team, and his boss and coworkers are very happy to have him. and he's so cute too — just imagine his adorable face covered in soot and his hair messily tucked back in a ponytail after coming back from having casually saves like a dozen people. yeah.
eijirou loves it when you visit him from time to time at the department. if he isn't busy, he'll sneak out with you to the changing rooms for a quickie. you always have so much fun, giggling and kissing your way to a spot where you won't be bothered for a while. his kisses are always salty from the sweat, his hands are rough and calloused, he looks like a mess, but who cares.
DEMANDS to eat you out first before anything else. so eager to please, but he also does it for his own enjoyment. he gets so fucking hard from eating you out, he can't control himself after. it doesn't matter what position, he just wants to feel you clench around him as soon as possible. always always always finished inside, because he likes to eat you out some more after. literal king of pussy-eating.
“damn baby, you taste so fuckin' good... i wanna cum inside you, can i? please baby, i wan' it so bad, wanna feel you cream all over my cock when i fill you up, fuck–”
t. iida — librarian
tenya likes to read, so naturally he'd feel at home surrouded by books.
he absolutely adores it when his beautiful girlfriend comes to visit him during his shift, it just melts his heart right away. it shows him that you care a lot about him and his interests. luckily for him, he could turn his hobby into his job — and he takes his job very seriously.
tenya loves talking (or rather, whispering) to you about the most recent releases of books they just got in, or the books he's been reading himself lately. gives you lots of reccomendations for books he'd want you to read, and he knows just what genres you like.
that being said, the thrill of being caught fooling around really turns him on — and the fact that you have to be quiet only adds to that excitement. he'll take you to the far back of the library, hook his arms under your legs and lift you up, pushing your cute panties to the side to slip his cock inside your needy cunt. his soft groans in your ear makes your body feel like its on fire, and the way he's thrusting into you harder and harder makes you cover your mouth with your hand and desperately try to keep your voice down.
to try and keep his own groaning to a minimum, he'll bite down on your neck and shoulders, leaving bite marks and hickeys all over you in the process. not like he could care less though. he likes to hear how much you're struggling to take him, wanting to see how far he can take it until you start losing your mind.
“ssh, keep your voice down, princess. we don't want people to hear us now, do we? although it would be really hot if someone were to find us like this. you'd like that, don't you? you naughty girl.”
h. sero — bartender
mixing drinks, chatting with customers, listening to soothing jazz music — it all fits perfectly for a guy like hanta. with standing behind the bar, he's able to pick up on a lot of local gossip too, which he certainly doesn't mind. he's surprisingly skilled in the art of mixology, too. it's no surprise that you visit him so often at the bar. this guy can make the best cocktails, hands down.
that aside, he really enjoys it when you come to the bar and order a drink or two, just to watch him work. that way, he can keep stealing glances from you and admire you while he does his job.
whenever he's on break, he signals it to you so you can meet in the bathroom. he goes in first, so you can follow a few minutes later.
because there's usually some amount of alcohol involved, he likes to take it slow and take his time to feel you up. lazily rubbing your clit through your panties and nibbling at your ear while he whispers the filthiest things to you. the sex is slow, messy, sensual. desperate.
he's got you pushed up against the bathroom stall door, panties hurriedly pushed to the side so he can slip inside with ease. your kisses taste just like his cocktails, with a hint of sweetness from your cherry lipbalm. his heavy breathing against your skin gives you goosebumps, and his pace is agonisingly slow; so much so that you're quickly to the point of begging him to fuck you harder.
the closer he gets, the faster and more irregular his pace gets. he'll speed up quickly, the sudden change in pace making your head fall back. when he cums inside, he's got his face buried in your chest, leaving hickeys everywhere. luckily you always bring some makeup in your handbag to try and conceal those hickeys afterwards, so they're not too obvious.
“heh, sorry princess, i think i went a lil' overboard this time. i just couldn't resist you. make sure to leave a few minutes after me so people won't suspect us, m'kay? i'll pour ya 'nother drink on the house to make it up to ya.”
d. kaminari — club owner
at first i was thinking of something super cliché, but then i thought of this and (to me) it fits him perfectly.
denki's a fun and outgoing guy, and he seems to me like the type that loves to go out for a night on the town, so eventually he'd start his own club — the perfect place he'd want to go to every night. and it's quickly become one of the most popular clubs in the area.
he can always be found at his club, be it mingling with the customers, having a smoke, or having drinks at the bar. he even hires sero to be his bartender and jirou to play there with her band from time to time, since they're such good friends.
whenever you visit, you always know exactly where to find him. he likes it when you act like just a regular customer, as if you're meeting for the very first time. fantasies like that really turn him on. he always looks forward to when you visit him next.
some flirtatious chatting, maybe a little dancing and a few drinks later, he'll take your hand and lead you up the stairs to his private office. it has a large one-way mirrored glass window, so you're able to oversee the entire club from up there. once inside, he'll lift you up onto his desk, lustfully making out with you as his hands sneak their way up your thighs. loves to tease you until you're all flustered 'n needy for him.
he fucking loves it when you give him a strip tease, too. he'll sit down onto his chair and watch you undress yourself for him, admiring every inch of your body like the masterpiece that you are.
fucks you slow and hard against his window, pressing your body against the cold glass and making you look down at all the unknowing customers enjoying themselves down below as he bites at your neck.
“that's it baby, moan f'me, fuck... look at all those people, so oblivious to how hard i'm fucking you up here in my office. it's a shame they can't enjoy it with us. how about we give them a little show next time, hm?”
m. ojiro — martial arts teacher
i mean, of course. who better to teach martial arts than mr. tailman himself?
he primarily teaches younger age groups, because he's actually very good with kids. he has his own dojo where he teaches, and sometimes you drop by near the end of his classes just to watch him do his thing. he acts like he doesn't notice when you come in, but you both know he always does. (the tips of his ears turn bright red whenever he knows you're staring at him). some of the kids know you very well by now, and always greet you when they get ready to leave.
seeing how good he is with children — and how sexy he looks afterwards, all sweaty, hair messed up, his karetegi a bit loose — is enough to make you want him. and he knows this.
mashi makes sure to double check if everyone has left before he throws you onto the mat, kissing you passionately as his hands roam every inch of your body, helping you lift one leg up to spread your legs apart. you make it a game too, wrestling each other playfully, trying to get the other on their back. you both know he'll overpower you with ease, but he often holds back and lets you win, just to see you straddle him. before long, clothes are scattered all over the floor and all that's audible is your heavy breathing and the sounds of skin slapping against skin.
mashirao loves looking at your ass, so he makes you bend down and gently but firmly presses your face against the floor while he fucks you, arms tied behind your back with his black belt. he loves using it to tie you up, making you surrender to him and have his way with you all he wants.
“damn baby, look at you. so pretty, all for me to use. want me to breed that pretty pussy? yeah? ass up then.”
r. sato — baker
this one just makes sense. if two plus two equals four, then rikido sato is a baker lmao. or maybe more accurately, a pastry chef. this man can probably do it all so it doesn't even matter.
i just love the idea of rikido having his own lil' bakery, baking delicious goods all day so his shop (and by extention, he himself) smells like freshly baked bread all the time. it's no surprise you gained a few pounds by dating him, this guy will show his affection and love for you by feeding you his homemade pastries and other delicious confectionaries. you know where i'm going with this.
he finds it adorable that you're willing to help out with the bakery from time to time, and to show you his appreciation, he'll reward you in the best way possible; with some good dick. rikido is PACKED y'all, holy shit. absolutely huge. and because of that, he loves seeing you practically being split open on his massive cock. you'd be lying on the kitchen floor covered in flour 'n he's got your legs hooked over his broad shoulders, folding you in half 'n pounding into you like there's no tomorrow.
rikido is such a sweet lover too, it's insane. he's so caring and loving while he can also be rough with you. it's the best of both worlds. goes absolutely feral when he sees your eyes roll back and breathless moans fall from your lips as your body starts contorting from how deep he's going.
loves to cum all over you, but loves it most of all when you swallow his seed. he cums so much too, it's insane. it's messy, filthy, but he goes absolutely crazy over it. Can you blame him for wanting to decorate his favourite lil' cupcake though?
m. shoji — construction worker
let's be honest; with those arms and the strength he posesses, shoji would be perfect to work in construction. being able to lift up a lot of heavy stuff, while also being able to watch out so accidents don't happen. gosh, just imagine him in some heavy working boots 'n his bright yellow vest that's a little too small for a big guy like him, covered in sweat and dirt from all the hard work.
he doesn't really approve of you visiting him while he's working, since he wouldn't want anything to happen to you on accident (working at construction sites can be dangerous!). but even so, his heart beats a little faster every time you do. you just look so cute, strutting towards him with a lunchbox you made just for him.
it gets him pretty riled up, not gonna lie. he gets flustered pretty easily, and even just acts of kindness and love like these is enough for him to get hard. he'll be a little embarrassed to ask you outright, but you see right through him instantly, as if he's made out of glass. You know how he gets when he wants you.
it's up to you to take initiative — take his hand and lead him to a safe spot where you can't be seen so you can do your thing in peace. he'll be reluctant at first, but the second you two are alone, he pushes you up against the nearest piece of concrete and hungrily manhandles you, the loud noises of machines drowned out by the sound of your passionate kissing and deep breathing.
shoji is always careful with you, because he's aware of his strength and how big he is compared to you — but that doesn't stop you from trying to conquer him though. he's a service dom, so he'll do anything to please you. lays down on the ground and makes you sit on his face so he can eat you out first, then lets you ride him while he thrusts up into you. he's so big, making you whine as soon as he enters you, but he shushes you and gives you non-verbal affirmations for taking him so well.
doesn't mind it if you make a mess of him or his clothes, because he's already looking pretty rough from all the hard work anyway. he'll have plenty of time to shower with you once he gets home. after a round two, of course.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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izuku midoriya | friends older brother!izuku + college student!reader + f!reader + squirting + size kink + more! minors dni! does this count? as dark content?
— 2.4k words
"It's simple: I'll stuff you full with two fingers, but they only do what simon says. Understand?"
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“Uh, hey Izuku!” You smile, grip tightening around the strap to your bag. Izuku fills the doorway, broad shoulders kissing both sides of the frame, and you can’t help but feel minuscule in comparison. “Kota around?”
Izuku shakes his head, peering over his shoulder for a second before returning his attention to you with a click of his tongue. "Uh, no I think he's out with Eri. They should be back soon though...it's been a few hours."
"Shit," you curse under your breath. Your friend's older brother smiles in apology, biceps straining under his white tee.
"You need something?"
"Yeah," you nod, forcing your eyes back onto his, instead of the broad chest presented at eye-level. "Just my precalc book."
Izuku waits a second, thinking, before his palm claps against the doorframe and he's walking deeper into the house. "Come on in, then! I'm sure he won't mind."
You step into the house after him, and it's...weird. Weird being with your Kota's older brother without Kota there, because despite the thousands of times you've been in your best friend's house and as well as you know the greenette, you and Izuku have never been alone.
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"Find it?"
You've been rummaging through Kota's room for a solid ten minutes and somehow still empty-handed, moving slowly in fear you'll see something you can't unsee. And hey, with Kota and Eri dating, anything's possible.
"No," you sigh, ready to give up rather than find a strap-on. "It's fine. I can just come to get it tomorrow or something."
"How soon do you need it?" The greenette asks, his forearms leaning against his younger brother's dresser. You take a seat on Kota's comforter instead, silently hoping you'll find your book by accidentally breaking your tailbone against the damn thing; you're a little disappointed when all your ass comes in contact with is a plush mattress.
"Like, tonight," you grieve, knowing that tomorrow morning, your math grade will suffer severely. "'S fine though. There's always another test."
Izuku snorts at that, crossing the room to take a seat next to you. The bed whines under his weight but doesn't collapse, and you feel a little bad to say you're surprised. Voice full of reminiscence, he sighs, "Ah, the college days."
You giggle, "You act like they're lightyears behind you."
"They might as well be," the greenette shrugs, before reaching behind your waist to steal a pillow. "Couldn't tell you a thing I learned."
You shrug trying to remember the last time you’ve felt prepared for a test, “Neither can I.”
Izuku chuckles and nods, though you’re convinced it’s because he has nothing to say. An awkward silence takes possession of the room by the neck, and you shift awkwardly, unsure of what to say that could give you an excuse to leave, or at least redirect his strange yet heavy gaze. As Izuku licks his lips, you notice how close you two actually are, as he's big to the point where your shoulders almost brush, but not quite.
"How um, hows your boyfriend?"
You scoff at that, but you suppose it's been a while since you and the greenette have talked one on one—and the last time you had, you weren't single.
"Oh uh, he's fine, I guess," you brush it off with a shrug and a wave, cringing at the thought of how that ended. "I don't know. We broke up a while ago, so."
"Oh sorry!" Izuku flushes and throws a hand over his mouth, and you giggle.
"You're fine. He was an asshole anyway," you chuck a laugh, but it's not really that funny. Frankly, he's left too many emotional scars to count, along with the ones healing from past exes. "I...don't have a good reputation when it comes to picking boyfriends."
“So, I’ve heard—no offense,” he says sheepishly, though you don't blame him. You've definitely had a few surprise visits caused by a nasty break-up or two, knowing this is the place you'll probably find both of your best friends hiding out. When Izuku speaks again, it’s borderline awkward as his eyes dart around the room, cheeks puffed and lips pursed in apprehension. “Found...anyone new?”
You frown, “Anyone new.”
“Yeah!” Izuku exclaims, and it’s almost encouraging. “Like a new boyfriend.”
“Oh,” you laugh, shaking your head. “Um, no. Like I said, I don’t have much luck with that type of stuff.”
Izuku snorts, rolling his eyes before he’s adjusting himself to lay on the pillow, half of his body upright. “I bet you do. You might not realize it, but you do.”
Now it’s your turn to snort and roll your eyes, leaning back on your hands with a huff. "You're just being nice, Izuku."
"No, seriously!" He props himself higher so you can see he really is serious, evergreen eyes locked and deadset, "Like—okay, and this might be a TMI or something, but how do they, y'know, and then be dicks, y'know?"
"They don't."
"They don't...what?"
"They don't...make me cum," you heave with great depression, despite the seemingly surface-level complaint. With wrists tightening around your ankles, you hate uncomfortably in the silence, and watch Izuku's mouth open and close, before it opens and closes again.
"No." You give him a weird look.
"But what about your last boyfriend? I thought he—"
"I don't know what you're looking for, Izuku," you chuckle, shaking your head. The greenette seems more pained than he is shocked, eyes wide with a big fat pout in place of a neutral face. "It's not like I haven't had an orgasm before. Just...not with someone else."
"That's not the same!" Izuku defends, slowly becoming more animated than you've ever seen him. "It's like...more passionate with another person, you know? And that makes everything a whole lot hotter."
"Thanks," you huff, mood souring more than it already has. Izuku's mouth stills once he realizes what he's essentially bragging, guilt clouding his face. As you exhale out of your nose, you can't escape feeling bad for snapping. "Look. I'm perfectly fine with being the only person to be able to make myself cum. It's not that deep."
"You sound like you expect no one to be able to," Izuku snorts with a raised eyebrow, shoulders bumping against yours. "You've just...had bad boyfriend luck. That doesn't mean no one's capable of doing it."
"Well," you click your tongue bitterly, because you've heard all of this before, and you're utterly tired of hearing it. "They've been able to make all their exes orgasm. And it's not like it even matters, relationships aren't abou—"
"I could do it."
"I—" you blink, shaking your head at the pure audacity of his request? Suggestion? Comment? Whatever the fuck. "Excuse me?"
"I—wait, listen," Izuku rushes like you're getting ready to book it the fuck out of there, sitting upright so his body is turned to yours. "You're...it's...I've been told I'm good with my fingers, right?"
And what a way to start a story.
"Izuku, in the nicest way, every guy is like this," you scoff, "He thinks he's all that just because a chick or two said you made her feel really good. I don't need to fake another orgasm."
"You won't have to," Izuku purrs cockily, leaning forwards on his hands and making you wonder where all of this is coming from. "Let's play a game of simon says, yeah?"
"Simon—" your chest collapses with a giggle of pure disbelief, "I'm not that much younger than you, you know."
"I wouldn't be offering if you were," the greenette reasons, eyes growing dark slowly, if any. "Yes or no?"
"What's the catch?" You bargain and Izuku huffs a laugh. You can feel it on your face.
"No catch, Pretty," he hums, and you can feel the vibrations in your fingers. "It's simple: I'll stuff you full with two fingers, but they only do what simon says. Understand?"
You gulp as Izuku lifts a hand—and a very large one, at that—and it's jagged and rough with scars and bulky knuckles. His free hand makes you grab his wrist and you're fingertips barely touch, but you’re pulling his hand south by your own volition.
“Gotta take your pants off first,” he chuckles, and you flush red. That would be helpful, yes.
It doesn't take long before they're off though, flung towards a corner somewhere—and this is when you realize that maybe, you shouldn't do this on Kota's bed.
"Izuku maybe we shoul—"
But before you can say anything else, he's pushing your panties to the side and shoving both fingers into you at once, eyebrows folding as he groans under his breath from the sensation.
"So wet already? Clearly, someone likes this more than they let on."
"I—what the fuck happened to simon says!" You yelp, but his fingers don't move. Izuku just beams like the deceptive asshole he is.
"Game starts now," is all he says, and you're huffing, propping yourself up on your elbows. Izuku's fingers might as well have knocked the wind out of you, lungs struggling to find room to breathe as he curls his fingers to tap directly onto your g-spot with worrying precision.
"Simon says um, move please," you grunt out. Izuku's fingers stay still, and you frown, kicking him in the thigh. "Hey, I sai—"
"You gotta be more specific than that, Pretty,” he says with a grin. You snarl. "Tell me what you want me to do to you."
"I..." you start, but it's fucking embarrassing, and you know Izuku feels you twitch around him when you say: "Can you um, fuck me with your fingers."
He doesn't move.
"Simon says fuck me with your fingers, asshole," you grunt with narrowed eyes, though they widen when he starts to pump his fingers in and out, chuckling when you shiver from the dexterity.
Except, his fingers move painfully slow, and you find yourself gritting your teeth at the speed when he doesn't make an effort to go any faster. You click your tongue—he's really going to make you request everything, isn't he?
"Simon says faster," you growl with a challenge burning in your eyes, and Izuku meets them with equal fire, fingers finally forgetting their torturous pace for a much quicker one. Finally.
"Fuck! Simo—simon says right t-there," your legs spread wider and Izuku makes more room for himself in between. He hums with dark eyes as you whimper and whine his name, writhing in his younger brother's sheets like they belong to him—like you belong to him.
"I wanna touch you all the time, you know," Izuku grunts before cursing at the sight of your wetness around his fingers. "Make you feel good, make you mine. I don't think Kota would approve, though."
"We don—" you wheeze and he places a hand next to your head, towering over you. The angle only gets better, your hands digging into the sheets as Izuku's fingers curl just right. "We don't have to tell him."
Izuku chuckles at that, chest rumbling as he leans in closer to the point where your noses nearly touch. "You dirty fucking girl."
You moan at that, hips bucking into his hand. You're so close and yet you need more, something else to push you over the edge for good. With a whimper behind a bitten lip, you say, "S-Simon says rub my clit."
Izuku's thumb falls upon your clit and you squeal from the amount of initial pressure, thighs jolting from the white-hot waves that pump through your bloodstream as his thumb moves in small, ever-quickening circles that have you gripping for Kota's comforter for dear life.
"Iz—Izuku I'm gonna—g-gonna cum," you pant, and he's ripping his hands away before you can even reach a hint of the edge. You glare at him out of pure and utter betrayal, and he beams.
"Simon didn't say, did he?"
Your mouth flies open before your brain has time to process it all, "Simon says make me cum, p-please, I need to—fuck!"
Izuku's stuffing you full with his fingers in an instant and his thumb returns to its rightful place.
"Yeah? You gonna cum for me, Pretty?" His hands somehow find the energy to speed up to the point where the clap of his palm against your pussy fills the room, slowly being replaced by a lewd squelch as you tighten around him. He chuckles when all you can do is whimper, grappling for his big shoulders as he says, "Oh, yes she is. So fucking close I can feel it."
You let out a broken moan and in a blink you're squirting, body buzzing as you make a big wet mess of Kota's sheets. It doesn't even register how screwed you two are because you're too busy wading waist-deep in the sea of Izuku's eyes, chest heaving in time with his as he gives you a look of pure awe. Not at what you've done, per se, but at you, and that's when you understand it—the passion.
"We should uh, probably clean up," Izuku flushes as he chuckles, cheeks pressing into the crescents of his face, and you find yourself smiling along with him. With a final click, he pulls his fingers out, gesturing to a circular wet spot on his now see-through shirt. "You made quite a mess."
Fuck the passion.
You shove your fists into his chest and Izuku laughs, pushing your hands away with his one dry free hand, wiping the wet one on Kota's sheets.
"Izuku!" You gasp, looking at the new and improved addition to your mess. The greenette shrugs.
"What? We're going to have to clean it anyway," he shrugs before assuming the dry spot to your right and nestling his forearms in the pillow to peck you on the forehead. Then he freezes.
"I uh...am I allowed to do that?"
You roll your eyes, grabbing him by his squirt-soaked shirt to pull him into a kiss. Izuku hums at that, suppressing the urge to smile as his big hands find their way to your waist. He's an annoyingly good kisser
"No, you're not," you say with swollen lips once you pull away. Izuku grins, teeth digging into his bottom lip as his eyes flutter to yours for a moment, before they're staring into your soul again.
"I like you," he boldly states, albeit quietly, like he's talking to your eyes and nothing else. "Like, a lot."
"I—" You start, but you're interrupted by a click of a lock and the sound of the front door opening. Shit.
"Oi! We're home, Izuku!"
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nuppu-nuppu · 2 years
What helped me be less distressed about the whole manga situation is like... How many themes are left if Bakugou doesn't make it? Save to Win/Win to Save is literally one of the biggest major themes in the series, and that's only possible with Bakugou.
From the very beginning, Bakugou and Midoriya have been used to show the neligence of Hero Society and Hero culture, which really sucks for him, sob because he's always in danger and always getting shit. Which like, I know I got pretty upset the past two weeks at everyone cheering for Midoriya to come and help Bakugou, just because he's been helped so many times. He deserves to stand on his own and fight this battle-
Especially given the fact that Shigaraki was the one who kidnapped him.
Another reason why he's not going to die, because that would just be so severely underwhelming on so many parts; in addition to just... genuinely not adding anything to the plot. What? Midoriya sees him dead and rages against ShigaAfO? Ignoring the 'control your heart' thing he's got going on (also related to Bakugou, as it came up during Black Whip's reveal) AND the "Don't go playing Hero on your own" line (also said by Bakugou and brought up again during his apology).
Horikoshi has been so careful interweaving Bakugou into things from the beginning- and like... I won't say they've been good to our boy, because seriously the dude can't catch a break (which is so astounding when antis say he hasn't suffered enough, because he is like?? Literally always suffering sob), again, another reason why it doesn't make sense to kill him off.
What? Is the message supposed to be that if you try your hardest and do your best, that you will still fail always?
One of the other main themes in the series is redemption and atonement- it's about not judging people by their past actions, and killing Bakugou off before he finally gets that atonement recognized... Again, it kills one of the major themes.
None of the villains can hope to be redeemed if Bakugou doesn't make it out of this (also Shigaraki can kiss his redemption goodbye because there's literally no way that Midoriya would forgive him after that, possesssed or not). Bakugou is the foreground, the basis of all redemption. If they don't redeem the dude who was kind of an asshole in middle school, how are they going to redeem literal murderers?
Not to mention the sheer work put into his character- what author would willingly throw all of that away? For no reason, even, like??? What would Bakugou's death add... to anything?
The Heroes failed to protect an innocent person yet again, Midoriya loses his inspiration and closest person, Bakugou's narrative is forever incomplete and staring lamely into the void.
There are things to worry about. I worry that Bakugou's moment will get overshadowed, yet again, because he's written as and displayed to be strong; but most of the time he fights it's with someone "out of his League" or his strengths are immediately washed out by some other character.
I'm honestly tired of him always needing 'saving', because it's been ages since he came to terms with his own weakness. The War Arc seemed to be a turning point in his relationship with Midoriya where Bakugou took the lead. Bakugou saved Midoriya. Bakugou hunted down Midoriya to take him home.
I'm worried about this comparision being stuck in canon (Bakugou's only worth being Midoriya, the fact that he's compared himself to Midoriya from the beginning, and I'm not sure of the connotation behind 'Can I reach you' (whether it's a call to their childhood and his regrets over not taking Midoriya's hand or him comparing himself to Midoriya again), but, even as excited as I am for these BakuDeku crumbs, I don't want all of Bakugou's hard work and dedication to just be attributed to Midoriya. HE'S the one that put in the hard work to and to be better. Even if Midoriya inspired it, the only one guiding Bakugou's redemption and his journey was himself.
A lot of the fandom seems to have forgotten just how double sided BakuDeku's relationship is now that we're finally getting Bakugou's side of things (over Midoriya's, even), but Bakugou has been such a huge inspiration for Midoriya- yes, he is Midoriya's closest person, but we tend to forget why, how much Midoriya cares about Bakugou even in non life threatening situations.
Bakugou and Midoriya both believed in each other when no one else did...
It's reasonable to feel distressed or upset, but Horikoshi has put so much time and effort, love and care into these characters... Why do all that work to rip them away?
At least, these are the things that I remind myself as I try to avoid the echo chamber that is the fandom right now. Seriously, it's either get rid of all Bakugou/BakuDeku conent from my dash or see leaks and 'he's dead' posts everywhere. There's no winning.
It really is up to you on what you want or need in the future, but it's important to step back and realize where this distress is coming from. If you need to step back from the fandom do it. Try to dig up some old conetent you used to enjoy.
Only you can tell if thinking about him More or Less would help (if you can break away from this distress, do so, but only if it won't make things worse)..
Woah I’m speechless please everyone read this!!!!!!
First of all your analysis makes so much sense and you’re like a god with all this writing you’re so smart
I also feel like it would be a disservice to Bakugou’s character if they killed him off now and so many things would be left hanging
He is occupying 90% of my mind right now I can’t stop thinking about him
I think after all he’s been through it would be cruel to just kill him. He deserves kindness and gentleness ;;;; my babyyy
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bloustorm · 3 years
i wish you'd write a fic where izuku and aizawa fight for custody over eri
@achairwithapandaonit i'm pretty sure this was your ask so here
In the middle of a hospital two figures had been arguing for quite a while, the nurses would have told them to leave if it was not so entertaining. Many of the currently working nurses tried to get done with their jobs fast so they could walk back into the corridor to listen in before they had to go again.
“Midoriya,” Shouta sighed, this had been going on for way too long now he had to put a stop to it “you can’t adopt Eri because you are a child yourself. Please see the reason and stop trying to sabotage me. I only want to help her after all.”
“Actually,” Midoriya started, looking way too smug and with a mean sparkle in his eyes. Shouta eyed him warely “with my Hero License and agreement from my guardian or parent, which i have,” he threw a smile to Midoriya-san who was standing to the side and looking onto the scene with badly hidden amusement “I am allowed to adopt and, or temporarily take children under my care. Thus your argument is invalid, just stop fighting and admit defeat"
Shouta would be proud in any other... well mostly any other he can't forget about the villain attacks, in any other situation that Midoriya was standing up for something that he wanted, especially to one of his very own teachers. But right here right now this only brought a headache.
"Midoriya you are living in the dorms right now, you can't just take Eri with you there and-" Midoiyas smile turned downright devilish and Shouta paused.
“Actually Aizawa-san I can and I will take Eri with me. Mom and I already talked with Nedzu about everything and he agreed. So don’t worry Sensei we got this”
“That bastard rat,” Shouta thought “of course the sadist would take every opportunity he got to create more headaches for me”
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lovinkiri · 4 years
Caught trying to escape yandere love interests
Eijirou Kirishima x Reader
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Description: Yandere bnha boys catch you trying to escape. Let me know if you want this for any other characters and I'll make another!
Warning: Manipulation, abusive, controlling and toxic behavior, etc.
Eijirou Kirishima
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It was like a ray of sunshine.
No, it was a ray of sunshine.
It was purely an accident. You were just cleaning the basement. Trying to get a certain corner with the duster, you stood on your tiptoes and knocked the small, black curtain off the hook. That's when you found it.
A window. It wasn't big but it wasn't small. Actually, it was just the size needed. Just big enough for you to crawl out.
Moving away, you looked around the basement and grabbed the small workout bench Eijirou usually sat on when he was lifting weights.
You quickly moved it to the window and stood on it.
The sunlight looked so warm..
Sliding open the window, you grinned at the light breeze. It felt amazing.
You knew you didn't have long though, so you lifted yourself and started to squirm out of the small space.
Wait.. Was the sun? God, it was. It looked so bright, so beautiful. It'd been so long.
You had your waist out and you were sure you'd escape. You could run. Going to the police would be useless, they wouldn't believe you. But you could still hide. You could still be free.
Sadly, your fantasy would remain just that. A fantasy.
You didn't have time to register the scraping sound of the bench getting kicked away. Before you knew it, Eijirou's hands were gripping at your thighs and dragging you back down, back into his arms. You let a short shriek and immediately froze in fear.
"W-What the hell were you doin', Pebble?" He attempted to keep the reassuring smile on his face, but it seemed more unstable than anything. His voice shook with hidden anger that only showed through his fingers that were now digging into your hips.
You whimpered softly. "I-I'm sorry, Eiji.. I-I just saw the sunlight a-and got excited.." You mumbled, everything you said technically being true.
He took slow deep breathes, pressing his head against yours. As soon as he was calm and his grip was no longer so tight, he simply sighed. "I told you baby, we can go outside for your birthday. Or somewhere around that time.. I want you to myself that day." He grinned. God, that smile used to be so innocent.
You simply faked a small smile. "R-Right.. I-I'm sorry, Eiji.."
The next day though, Eijirou had the window replaced with a glass, bullet proof screen. You could still see the sunlight. At certain times of the day, you could see the sun..
You just wanted to be freed.
Katsuki Bakugou
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You weren't even sure what made you try it. You'd already tried so many times, so what made you try today?
Perhaps it was because Katsuki was in such a rush this morning.
Perhaps you simply didn't think it could hurt to try.
Perhaps it was both.
You aren't sure what made you try the door knob this morning.
Every lock in the house was Y/n proofed. All doors could only lock and unlock from Katsuki's phone, some new app that was developed for safety reasons.
Katsuki says it's for safety reasons, but you know that's not it. It was to keep you in and to keep others out.
He always paid such attention to every detail. Nothing could usually slip Katsuki Bakugou's mind. Especially if it had something to do with you.
So it surprised you when the knob fully turned.
It wasn't locked.. He actually forgot to lock it today.
Looking around, you contemplated grabbing some things.
No. Katsuki had all possible weapons locked up in drawers and cases with a key on he had. A key that was currently around his neck.
You shook your head. It would take too long anyway. Katsuki always popped in on you at random times during his work. Your best option was to just run.
You slowly opened the door and slipped out, closing it behind yourself. You traveled down the walkway and looked around.
Katsuki's place was pretty secluded. He never wanted anyone around you. The only person he allowed near you was Kirishima, that was all.
That's when you saw it. After hearing the sound of gravel crunching under some weight, you turned your head.
Katsuki's car. And sadly for you, Katsuki made direct eye contact with you among rolling up.
You quickly turned and ran, unable to to stop yourself from crying as the sound of his door opening came.
Being locked at home, you weren't nearly as fast as Katsuki. Your stamina wasn't as great either.
You were grabbed by the arm and roughly yanked into Katsuki's chest.
"Y/n.." He growled out. Usually, Katsuki called you by a pet name. If he used your real name, he was pissed. Pissed enough to punish you.
As he dragged you back into the house, you sobbed heavily. "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Katsuki!" You pleaded.
Once he got you through the door, he once more yanked you against him with a harsh glare. "Misbehaving fuckin brat. Chased you down for 15 minutes and now you're sorry?"
You whined and didn't bother struggling as he slammed the door close, knowing it would piss him off further.
"Take your clothes off. 15 minutes of uninterrupted spanking. Then get on your knees in the corner and think about what you did."
As he let you go, he pulled out his phone. After putting in the password, he locked the door and turned his phone off completely.
You slowly started to undress and afterwards took your punishment.
He didn't keep you in the corner for too long. Soon, he was holding you in his lap, mumbling about how he needed to protect you.
"The world is dangerous out there, Teddybear. But I got you. You're safe with me."
Izuku Midoriya
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It was late and Izuku was asleep next to you. Usually, he cuddled you during the night but he rolled over this time.
You'd been lying there, staring through the darkness at the ceiling all night. You couldn't sleep, but that was common. How could you sleep when your captor laid right next to you at night?
When you did sleep, it was was when he wasn't home. That used to be often actually, and you never minded. But when he lost his mind, he took more time for you, much to your displeasure.
Haha. Most people would love that, wouldn't they? Just reminds you of how different your situation is.
Then a thought came. What was stopping you from leaving? You could get up, find the house keys needed to unlock the door.
Where would you go? There's a trail that Izuku always drives up to get here. That must be it. It'd have to take you to the city, or at least in the general direction. If you could reach Musutafu, you'd know where to go.
Besides, if you escaped, it'd be way harder to catch you in the dark. Izuku's always been fast, but he couldn't chase someone he couldn't see, right?
Everything seemed like it was coming together and you made a decision.
You were gonna do it. Tonight.
Where did he usually leave his keys? Ah.
In his hero costume. Hanging on the bedroom door.
Giving Izuku a glance, you slowly and very carefully got out of bed. Izuku didn't even budge.
You started taking slow, light steps towards the door.
You were gonna do it. You were doing it.
"What are you doing up, Doll?"
The sound of Izuku's voice made you freeze. You simply stood in front of the door.
"Doll?" He questioned again. You heard him get out of bed.
Clearing your throat, you looked at him. "I-I was just going to the bathroom, Zuku.." You quickly lied. "Did I wake you?"
He smiled and chuckled. "I kinda sensed you weren't next to me. Crazy huh?"
You felt your hopes for any future attempts at this crumble. "I think it's sweet.."
Izuku seemed to answer, as his smile widened and he gently took your hand. "C'mon." He pulled you from the room and into the bathroom, closing the door behind the both of you.
You looked down. "I don't need to be watched.." You mumbled. He kissed the top of your head lovingly and sighed.
"I know you don't like it, Doll, but I need to know you won't do anything to escape or anything harmful." He said, his voice laced with gentle care.
"You can trust me, I-I won't." You crossed your arms, knowing it was a lie. But it was always best to tell him what he wanted to hear.
Lifting your head by the chin, you noticed his smile was replaced with frown.
"So you wouldn't lie to me?" He asked softly. You quickly shook your head. "Fine. Then go to the bathroom, Doll."
Your stood there, frozen. You could tell from the disappointed look on his face that he knew. He caught you. He wouldn't ever trust you.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
So I saw that All Might is heading after AFO Shigaraki and people think Shigaraki will kill him. I really hope that doesn't happen cause I fear this will change Deku's determination to try and help Shigaraki.
What I think will happen is Afo using Shigaraki's body may kill All Might but not before All Might tries to talk to real Shigaraki and thereby revealing some things to Shig (I'm guessing he knows what's going on even though he's inside his own mind) This will stir something in Shig making him question things even more. Also will make Deku even more determined to defeat AFO and save Shig.
I also saw that Aizawa is planning to take revenge on Shigaraki. I hope he doesn't get in the way of things. But I only see random pieces of the Manga cause I'm not keeping up with it. It just stresses me too much. But I was curious your thoughts on this. After you finish Naruto do you plan on Boruto ? Have a lovely day. 🌸🌹🤗
SOOOOO I think everything surrounding All Might's death is actually super a mystery right now. I think it's too early to really tell but I get the feeling that he's gonna go out and try to shoulder the burden alone (big mistake) as a sort of atonement for putting it on Midoriya (but it's the opposite of what he should do but--you know, plot). I think whatever choice he makes during his next appearance is going to be the choice that leads him to the path of his death. Right now I think he's gonna go look for Shigaraki himself, but it's too soon to tell.
I'm still skeptical that Shigaraki himself will kill AM because we literally know nothing about what Shigaraki is doing right now. I'm seriously betting that he's marinating in AFO juice again and out of commission. If I'm right, then I'm not sure how he'd be the one to kill AM. However it's always possible that something else is going on. Regardless of that though, even if Shigaraki does kill AM--that will not change his fate. Midoriya is still gonna save him. All that will change is that it adds stakes to Midoriya's decision to save Shigaraki, like it'll add something for him to lose. Right now he hasn't told anyone about his plan so nobody has tried to counter him or talk him out of it yet, there's no conflict surrounding his choice right now. Especially because right now it's just a choice he's said, not an action he's taken. No real stakes right now. But Shigaraki killing AM is something that has pretty much been set up from the beginning and predicted by many people, while still predicting his salvation by Midoriya.
Another thing I think is possible is Shigaraki kills AM while under possession of AFO. The reason I think this is likely is because it would be the "easy" way out of challenging Midoriya. Like that challenge is there, but not really since AFO is truly to blame. What I'm waiting to see from Horikoshi is if he makes it harder to redeem Shigaraki in the narrative (by harder I mean actually challenge the main character) or if he plans to have Midoriya just go straight in to save him, without any reserves about it. Typically, there'd be stakes involved like losing something dear to you, or putting very personal grudges aside. Midoriya has grudges against Shigaraki, but nothing personal enough to consider it a real challenge to Midoriya.
I personally expect Hori to kinda take it easy and not really challenge the MC because *looks at story so far* and make it to where Midoriya's choice is unwavering and he never lets up. But I could be wrong and he could throw some speed bumps into the story line and I would totally be okay with that. Regardless though, Shigaraki WILL be saved. The Shounen manga protagonist proclaimed it to be his next goal, so by god it's gonna happen no matter what.
On Aizawa-- I'll keep it brief because I talked about it here, but I think he's gonna be convinced by Kurogiri to help save Shigaraki. I don't think he'll get in the way, I think it'll be opposite. He'll help.
AND I FINISHED NARUTO AHHH I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Aaaaand Idk about Boruto. I need to read reviews on it and see, because I'm always skeptical of sequels. I see that the OG cast DOES play a role in it and that is kind of what makes me want to read it, but I'm gonna need to wait and see what people say about it first before I dive in. Right now I'm on cloud 9 from finishing a 700 chapter manga lol. I truly loved Naruto so much and it's officially one of my top 5 favorites of all time. Let the Funko Pop figure purchasing BEGIN
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dreamersleeps · 3 years
thanks for your answer! I read the meta you quote, but I was curious about your thoughts on Hawks' desires to help todoroki family with Dabi and to help the hero society and if they will lead him to sacrifice himself, as a redemption of his actions toward Twice. I've a feeling he will die in the end... (sorry if I wasn't clear about it in the previous ask, I'm not very good with English)
Again no need to apologize, your English is quite good! I’d actually like to apologize about the delay in answering your ask. During that time, the official translation for Chapter 306 came out as well. 
I’m not sure if I will have anything insightful or analytical to say because I feel like a lot of other blogs have done a good job explaining their opinions, but I will do my best.
On Dabi 
Hawks has been on opposing sides with Dabi ever since they first began interacting. Not to mention, he had exposed private information he had wanted hidden, to the public. It had also been revealed that Dabi is Todoroki Touya who is related to Endeavor. Hawks had expressed that he wanted to “help” Endeavor in Chapter 299 probably due to the relationship they have as pro heroes. 
Currently, Dabi is one of the prominent faces of those seen as the “villains” who are trying to tear down the fabric of hero society which Hawks had been trained to uphold and defend. 
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And looking at Chapter 306, it seems like he may be up to something again. 
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Anyways, Shigaraki, Dabi and the others are trying to get their voice heard through violence, they do have a point in that hero society is flawed. I know I’ve probably talked about the same subject multiple times now but I think if we want to speculate about Hawks’ future, we have to look back at Jin’s death, and the aftermath. 
Press Conference 
In the most recent chapter, the top three heroes hold a press conference. While are many people who are furious, disappointed or have lost hope in the heroes, however we see that there are still many others who still want to believe that they can still trust and rely on the heroes.  
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During the press conference we see Endeavor and Hawks addressing the points that came up in Dabi’s broadcast. So far in previous chapters we have not been explicitly shown or told whether or not Hawks feels any type of regret or remorse for his actions. In Chapter 306, we get to see Hawks’ response to the public about the death of Twice. 
“As for the matter of Bubaigawara... I felt I was left with no choice at the time.”
“If he had been allowed to wield his quirk freely... we would be looking at more widespread death and destruction.”
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I think while it is important to note that this is his official response to the public, we have yet to think otherwise based on what his inner thoughts may be. So far he seems to believe that his actions were justified. 
“I couldn’t find a proper way to help him atone for his crimes...” 
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I find it ironic that Hawks states that he could not “help” Jin atone for his crimes, while he himself has committed a crime and that one of the questions that we are exploring is if he will realize what he has done and will attempt to atone for his actions.
This is off topic but Horikoshi focuses in on Endeavor, with the side of the scar he received during the High End fight closest to us, while Hawks is talking about atoning. 
“...and that is truly a shame. It speaks to my lack of character.”
What I personally think is a shame is that Hawks states that he believes his failure to help Jin atone for his crimes is what he points out as a testament to his lack of character. The fact that he took someone’s life does not come first. It is very, very dismissive towards his actions and demeaning to the entirety of Jin’s life and who he was. 
Hawks and Midoriya
As you know, from the post I had linked in my first response, I think that we are supposed to be comparing Hawks to our main protagonist. I hope you don’t mind but I will be bringing up some of my points and arguments from that post again. 
The major similarity which was the main cause of both conflicts was that they were up against individuals who had a quirk that was capable of widespread death and destruction. However the key difference between the two was their heart for empathy and understanding for the other, or in the case of Hawks, his lack of either. 
While Hawks and Midoriya both are quite analytical and collect a lot of information, Hawks seems to be lost in the numbers if you get what I mean. Cold-hearted. He states that he believes that Jin is a good person as we see in Chapter 264 but I believe this is only because he and Jin had become close during his undercover mission. 
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Anyways, it quickly turns in to this: 
“When neither side will give up... somebody has to die.” 
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While the heroes were attempting to take down Shigaraki and the other villains (which may have also ended in death), Midoriya displays compassion towards Shigaraki despite all the destruction, hurt and pain he had caused before he loses consciousness. 
In Hawks’ own words, Jin was not beyond being helped or saved because he was “a good person.” But he does not receive the response that would have satisfied him. However, as many argue, death was avoidable. It was because of his calculations that Hawks went after Jin, and it was also because of calculations that he believed the murder was justified. Hundreds of thousands of lives over one: he could apologize about it later. 
But Midoriya was and is also put in the same position. Hundreds of thousands of lives over one. Why am I bringing up the same arguments I talked about in that post? It’s because Chapters 305 and 306 is comparing the two yet again. 
In Chapter 205, Midoriya is asked: “If a person who looks like they need saving... actually turns out to be someone beyond saving... will you have the resolve... to kill him, if that’s what it takes?” 
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To which, at the end of his answer Midoriya states, “One for all is a power meant for saving, not killing.” 
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The fact that the chapter with Midoriya’s meeting with the previous OFA holders and the press conference where Hawks addresses Jin’s murder come right after one another gives me further confirmation that we are supposed to compare these two characters. Meaning, I’m wondering if Hawks (vs Jin) actions will be set up as a foil against Midoriya’s (vs Shigaraki). 
A hero is someone who saves and one of the key themes of BNHA/MHA is to explore what it means to be a hero. Hawks’ actions serves as an example of a hero’s failure to uphold his duty and it looks like MIdoriya’s heart is out to do his best to save Shigaraki despite what he’s done and what he may do. 
If Hawks can not see what was wrong with murdering Jin, then I doubt he will do much to address the flaws in hero society. If he continues to fight for what was the status quo, then he will be defending the very system that failed individuals like Jin and the reason why he was killed. At the moment it seems that it is the adults, or the former generation who have fallen with hero society and that the younger generation is supposed to be the ones to right their wrongs and improve on their mistakes. 
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I really like Hawks and am always hoping to see change in him, however I think so far his arc is not setting up for redemption. Even the question of redemption with him is complicated and I’m sure people are divided on that topic. 
I always express this: the story is still set in motion and anything can happen between now and by the time we get to the end of the series. So far, based on what we have been given it seems that Hawks is being set up to fall again. If we bring up the angel reference or metaphor, perhaps it’s implying that he believes that he can not do wrong. It is like a sacred job he undertook to protect humanity. He believes he is merely fulfilling his duty, when in reality maybe he is has become like a fallen angel. 
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“If getting my hands dirty can somehow bring everyone peace of mind.... I’ll gladly take on this task.” 
But then again in this panel from Chapter 192, it is also possible that what Hawks is actually thinking about does not not line up with what he is saying. He’ll take the fall if someone needs to. With the current state of things, society is looking for someone to stand up for them and despite all that has happened, Endeavor, Hawks and Best Jeanist have chosen to stand up. 
I’m not sure about whether I think that Hawks may die, but if he does I’m pretty sure that his death will mean something: as in maybe it will serve as some sort of commentary for who Hawks was and what he fought for. 
Thank you for sending in your ask, and I hope that I properly answered your question :) 
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kaito-is-baby · 4 years
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
A little bit of help part 2
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Part 1 (you can actually read it without the first part and I'm pretty sure you will understand it anyways, it's just a fluffy scenario )
I wrote this late at night so it's probably... really bad lmao
You were dizzy... extremely dizzy
Your sight started to become filled with little black points until there was nothing but darkness
And you felt how your body was trembling
But you could still hear Todoroki's voice
"Come on Y/N! You can do this! We both know it!" His tone was still as relaxed and monotonous as always but his voice was louder than you have ever heard
He was cheering for you
And not only cheering for you, he was doing it in front of his father
If he allowed himself to call his atention even knowing he would no longer be able to avoid his father just to cheer for you you had to win
So you pushed yourself a bit more
"I don't want you to push yourself or feel pressure on this training" You remembered Todoroki's only rule during your training
You did not understand his words that day but as you grew closer you started to get it
You used to train after lunch and after your classes so you ended up eating together and walking home together too
Well, to be fair, he would walk you home
"Hey, todoroki, I got a question" you asked while the boy slurped his beloved soba once "you entered UA by recommendation, right?"
He nodded
"Who recommended you?" It was a genuine question, no gossip or meanness on it
What was a little crush because of his incredible fighting skills soon stepped to a bigger crush for his personality
That kind of polite but absolutely nonexisting socials skills
The way he was always so straight forward and funny without trying to, actually being the most serious guy to walk on earth
You had grown attached to all those little details details about him and you really wanted to know some more
"My stupid old father"
"Wow, he must be really important" It clicked you then, his fire powers and his left side was just like endeavour's "oh... I hadn't realized, the hero number 2 is your father?"
He did not answer, nothing at all, silent
"That must give you a lot of pressure" he grumbled this time "but at least he must have taught you a lot"
He stood up, angry "lets go training, I dont like this conversation"
This training session wasn't like anything before, he was taking it specially seriously and you barely managed to avoid his attacks, let alone attack or train yourself
The classes finally ended and you wiated for Todoroki on your usual training spot but he did not show up
So you decided to go and find him
Not many streets far away from your high school you found him, walking alone
He was probably heading towards his house
"Todoroki!" You called him from behind but his feet did not stop and he did not even turn to see you "What about our training?"
Finally the boy stopped and looked at you
"Sorry, I forgot about it" you knew very well he didn't "Can we leave it until tomorrow?"
"Yeah... yeah of course" He was angry, wasn't he? "Can I walk you home? You always do that for me!"
He nodded reluctantly and you joined his walk, silently
"I... I'm sorry" you finally broke the awkward silent that had remained between you for the past five minutes of your shared walk "I don't know what it is but I know I have done something to bother you, can you please tell me what it is so I can apologise properly?"
"You did nothing, it's fine" It clearly wasn't
"Is it because I asked about your father? I wasn't trying to be mean or nosy I just... I want to know you better, to be friends"
"I'm not really trying to make friends but okay, I have no trouble explaining it to you" your hands started to sweat and you were honestly awkward
"I just want to become the number 1 hero without using my left side, the one with fire" you nodded, encouraging him to continue
"My father... you know what a quirk arranged marriage is?" You did but you thought no one would really do it
"Well, my mother had an ice quirk and my father thought that having both their quirks I would be the strongest hero ever but..." you tried to smile to him, searching to give him some reassurance but you noticed then he hadn't been looking at you this whole time, he wasn't really looking at anything "he was abusive and neglected me and my sibling for his thirst of power, he forced me to train and drove my mother absolutely insane. I want to show him that I can be equally strong without using his quirk and that way show him that I am no longer his son, I reject him"
"I... understand, I'm so sorry for bringing up your father, I shouldn't have, if you had never spoke about him you sure had a reason too, I'm so sorry"
"It's okay, you didn't know it anyways"
"If it cheers you up I'm sure you will be able to proof to him that you are better than him, because... you are, you know?"
No answer was given to that
And you two shared anothers 5 minutes in absolute silent
"Oh I get it, you did not want to train me so you couldn't be like your father" You broke it, again.
He nodded, his eyes glued to his feet and clearly avoiding your look
"Its okay, you are not him, I'm the one who wants this, remember?"
You could swear you saw a very very tiny smile show in his face after that
And now, on the sports festival he was cheering for you, you wantes to see that tiny smile again so you, against his very own words, pushed yourself further than your body allowed you too
You did not see any longer and your body was not able to keep on its feets
But you managed to grab the plants your opponent had created
And from there, even without knowing where she was, you found her
You crawled your way to her, following the plants to where you believed they started
And there you found her, your opponent
She did not expect you to follow her own weapon to find her and with that surprise as your advantage you finally touched her
Then, it was decided, you won
Once your hand touched her skin she fell on a tight dream
With that, she was out of combat and you got your victory
But you found yourself falling to the ground with your opponent
Before touching the ground you heard "Ibara Shiozaki is out of combat! Y/N wins!"
The moment you heard those words you finally gave in
And your body collapsed, you were no longer conscious
When your eyes shot open you saw the nursery around you and you understood it, you had pass out fighting and now you were resting as you should
"Midoriya is using everything he has!" The TV was loud, so loud it bothered you. You would have switched it off if it wasn't for who was Midoriya's opponent
You followed his steps and attacks, your eyes could not get out of the boy even when some of your friends came to see you
Eventually, you saw him use his left side
And something inside you broke
He was so sure of his goal and now he would nit be able to accomplish it right?
You turned off the TV finally and wrapped yourself in the nursery blanket
But no more than 10 minutes after the fight Todoroki was at your door
"Can I... come in?" You nodded at his question
When the boy was besides your nursery bed you two stood in front of each other in absolute silent
Until you raised you hand and reached to his left cheek, the perfect spot to touch his healthy skin while caressing his scar with your thumb
"Why did you use your left hand?" It was your genuine concern who asked him and not you really
"I don't know" again, Todoroki was looking at the ground, you hated how someone so strong and admired by everyone could be so unsure around his father topic
You truly hated Endeavor, altought you didn't knew the details about what he had done you knew how much it has hurted todoroki, it was more than enough to hate him
"Midoriya said it was my power and I felt... confident about it for a second but I dont know what to do with it now... I'm not sure if I want to use it or not"
"Midoriya is right, it's your power afterall, if you decide to use it it has nothing to do with Endeavor but if you don't feel ready to do so no one can force you to use it either" you took his hand in yours, the free one and todoroki felt unfamiliarly warm at it's touch "If you choose to use it or not won't change the fact that you reject him and you can show him that in soany other ways, and I will help you with it whenever you need me to"
You probably weren't going to be strong enought to win the next combat but at least you saw that tiny smile appear again in his face thanks to your words and later, you cheered for him on his fight against bakugo just like he did with you
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knowlessman · 1 year
am a veggettibble. dint sleep much lately; AC was broke. gonna watch some bnha tho. "Make It! Do Or Die Survival Training." Also: tier lists! but text only bc I don't feel like whole-assing it with pictures and all.
new OP. prolly just for this special, I'd guess? -- is the "delinquent" archetype that they seem to be pulling with bakugo usually half as, y'know, blatantly abusive and generally hazardous as he is, or is he just a huge outlier? I don't think I've watched that many highschool anime.
"we're gonna do two teams of ten." oh, awesome, so we're gonna see some of Class B - …there really are twenty entire characters in Class A alone, huh. I keep forgetting that. excuse me for referencing something that… may have aged very dubiously, but I swear this show is taking over a large chunk of my monkeysphere. : \ -- if you flipped a coin between deku and bakugo and they were both able to see it, it would land on its edge. (…he says, as if it isn't just the UA teachers going "hey, this kid REALLY wants to kill this other kid. we'd better always group them together no matter the context until that stops being the case.")
deku I'm pretty sure your team is waiting for you while you laboriously recreate momo's logic in making the teams and recycled footage of eveyone's quirks plays over it
"that's yaoyorozu's voice!" mimic. …I mean, it could be.
inb4 bakugo starts up some more quakes
not a mimic. fair enough. 'XD wait, why isn't iida's helmet strapped on? what's the point of it if it just flies right off and lets him bonk his head?
they keep making bakugo smarter than I'd like him to be. : / he's an evil sledgehammer on legs, it doesn't feel right when he's the solutions guy.
…this special or whatnot is a little boring so far tbh, but come to think of it, at least mineta's not in it.
beats me how deku's saying his kick is more accurate for this than bakugo's blasts, but wever
"hey, you. you're finally awake. you were trying to rescue that training dummy, right?" -- hm. apparently the thing's not padded enough, or something. he whacked his head on the wall and then the helmet came off.
"if deku said he was gonna save them, it was because he knew he could!" …yeah. because deku is absolutely the kind of guy who has a solid grasp on his own limits. (well okay, he has gotten a bit better about it.)
maybe bakugo's writing is actually galaxy-brained and he's a parody of libertarianism. he sure as hell talks like it. "let me help you walk!" "no!" "you helped us by getting pichu to turn on the emergency power, let us help you!" "no! I had only selfish reasons for doing that!" … "be my cane! it's okay if you help me walk because I bullied you into it, but only then!"
TIER LIST TIME (I was gonna use tiermaker but then I realized I could literally just write it down normal-like; also I didn't feel like either making lists on it or browsing it for ones with identifiable pictures). As a reminder, I just finished s3, so, yeah. My memory of stuff up to that point (and a wiki page I'm trying not to read the spoily subtitles on) is what I'm working with.
CLASS 1-A (Plus, I guess, the smaller-than-I-thought handful of other students who we know anything about/who I recognize) TIER LIST: -- Zuko Tier: Shoto Todoroki (He's so cool and has so much going on and he manages to be OP without being a dick or annoying-to-watch about it); Kyoka Jiro (She's so cool); Tenya Iida (He wears glasses and doesn't suck and is a good bean even if he's also a square); Hitoshi Shinso (He looks like a Homestuck and also I wanna see him do cool things in spite of the inherently-villainous power he didn't ask for). -- B Tier: Izuku Midoriya (Gonna be honest, I might mostly be knocking him down a tier to adjust for him being the protagonist; he is a pretty good one as they go tho); Momo Yaoyorozu (The fanservice thing is annoying but she gets to be the most competent character in the show (maybe she's tied with Todoroki for that but he has the advantage of being OP) and that's cool); Fumikage Tokoyami ("What if Crona was a Pepsi Cola instead of a cinnamon roll?"); Tsuyu Asui (Eh, she's cool and is debatably autistic rep, and she has a snake friend); Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu (META. POD. BROS). -- Very Mid Tier: Itsuka Kendo (She might mostly only have screentime in relation to Ditto, but eh, I like her); Ochaco Uraraka (They had her describe her parents' backstory thing in s2 and then, uh, well now she's pretty much just Sakura-if-Sakura-was-allowed-to-do-things); Eijiro Kirishima (He willingly hangs out with Bakugo and is the guy who says the faux-positive toxic masculinity bullshit, but on the other hand, he's one of the Metapod Bros and that bumps him up a bit); Ibara Shiozaki (IIRC, we very briefly saw her make an idiot out of Kaminari; pretty sure I remember being entertained by that); Inasa Yoarashi (His was an interesting subplot I guess); Mirio Togata (Fricking nudists. : | But he has a point to make and I guess that's something); Mei Hatsume (Her pranking Iida for advertisement was fucking hilarious, but her invading Deku's personal space to annoy Sakuraraka was… well, annoying). -- Who? Tier: Mezo Shoji (He has zero discernible personality but his power's sort of interesting); Mina Ashido; Mashirao Ojiro (He does karate I guess); Nagamasa Mora (Mostly in here to acknowledge his existence tbh); Koji Koda; Toru Hagakure (I swear the sub puts two U's in it; anyway, no me gusta "This character's powers only work if they aren't wearing clothes." Also how in fuckery did she beat Deku in the physical); Rikido Sato; Denki Kaminari (He sidekicks for Mineta : / If it wasn't for that, he might be up a tier); Hanta Sero (He's less interesting than Pichu and would probably hang with Mineta if he had the billing); Tamaki Amajiki (Gorillaz-lead-vocalist-looking mfer); Nejire Hado (…I vaguely remember finding her annoying. We don't know much of anything about either her or 2D yet tho); Saiko Intelli (An interesting antagonist; she gave Yaoyorozu and Jiro and company a hard fight); Neito Monoma (I remember liking his thinking, or at least resisting the show's intention for me to dislike his thinking, when he debuted, but then he just became a sad running gag); Yuga Aoyama (Literally forgot about him until I had everyone else in 1-A down; anyway I guess I don't strongly dislike him but I don't really like him either); Seiji Shishikura (Flippin libertarian creep). -- Weewoo Tier (Translation: "This person is never onscreen without me wishing this show had authority figures in it who were actually remotely responsible"): Katsuki Bakugo (Self-explanatory); Worst Character (Same).
PRO HEROES/TEACHERS TIER LIST: -- B Tier: Eraser Head (Okay maybe it's partly because he reminds me of the shopkeeper from Bleach but he's also just kinda cool); All Might (Smol Might's visual design is Zuko Tier; the character himself, eh, he's pretty good. He has flaws, but he's aware of them and wary of them); Kamui Woods (…He looks a little bit like a Bionicle). -- Very Mid Tier: Gran Torino; Thirteen; Nezu; Selkie; Manual; Cementoss; Gang Orca; Ms. Joke. -- Who? Tier: Ectoplasm; Snipe; Power Loader; Mandalay; Ragdoll; Best Jeanist; Recovery Girl; Tiger; Vlad King; Hound Dog; Mt. Lady; Fourth Kind; Uwabami (Literally did not remember her until I was posting this and had to reopen the wiki tab and check her name 'XD). -- Weewoo Tier: Present Mic; Midnight; Pixie-Bob; Endeavor (…Granted, maybe I'd have a different opinion, or less of one, if I'd been spoiled on things a bit less).
VILLAINS TIER LIST: -- B Tier: Kurogiri (Pajama Boy's handler. The dapperest living hole in reality anyone's ever seen); Dabi (Yeah I've been spoiled on a huge part of what his deal is but I guess I still won't have the full picture for awhile). -- Very Mid Tier: All for One (He is very Mojo Jojo but idk he's competent I guess? And he has some kind of body-possession-immortality thing going I think); Himiko Toga (So far, kind of annoyingly typical with the happy-slasher-blood-licker thing; maybe she gets more interesting later, who knows); Tomura Shigaraki (He's silly and I have no idea what he wants but he's also spoopy sometimes and maybe his motives will get easier to comprehend as we learn more about how One for All's users have treated him); Twice (…I think people like him? He felt very Deadpool in an annoying way at first but that backstory spiel was pretty brutal. Also sort of annoying in another way tho bc people are always looking at clones and going "But which one is the real me?" as if that means anything). -- Who? Tier: Spinner (I don't remember if we found out why he has such a stupid-looking weapon); Stain (…The story treats him and his spiel like a big deal but I still have no real idea what his deal is); Muscular (AKA Bakuswole; I do not remember whether we know anything at all about this fucker); Mr. Compress (…Idfk he looks like a Pokemon filler villain); Moonfish (Go back to Hellraiser you weirdo); Mustard (…He had the backup gun, right? Dang, the last main plotline was so effing long ago); Magne (Very vague queerphobic vibes from this one tbph).
Anyhow. On to s4 next time.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
A toast to see that I finally got my motivation back
An Chisaki family au drabble.
The damn pillow
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"Oh my god yOU'RE HAVING A BABY?!" You smiled nervously as Miss Midoriya sended waves of tears at seing you with your blotches on and a cute baby bump.
She grabbed on your hands and stared in awe with teary eyes.
"(Y/n)-chan since you are this sweet person I have no doubts that this child will have one of the best mothers out there!"
"Thank you." You giggled, thanking the man from the fair as well for handing you the fruits you asked for "By the way, how is Midoriya-kun?"
"Oh wonderful! My boy just entered U.A!" Ink teared up again as you smiled.
You only saw Izuku once and he was barely a 9 years old kiddo. Yet Ink you encountered on some fairs or while grocery shopping. Despite knowing of the quirkless boy, you didn't questioned that he had gotten to U.A.
You weren't much a fan of that school, and now with a new Chisaki coming up? Heavens forbided that Kai knew some hero touched you. He was a very possevice and protective man in general, but since he knew of your pregnancy you lost count on how many times he had used the overhaul... unnecessarily...
"Oh, I am sad that I still dont get you nothing though dear." Inko put one of her hands up with a frown as you shaked your hands.
"Please is not necessary, for real. My husband is already spoiling his kid even without born!" You giggle as the woman frowned a bit before she gasped.
"I think I might have the perfect gift for you! Please, I'm sure it will serve just right, my house is near here."
"Uh... well." You looked up and saw Chrono only shrugging from the top of a building and drinking something. "I guess it wouldn't be too bad."
You followed the woman as you snorted at Hari following you by jumping on some buildings and through dark alleys.
Inko let you waiting on ther door before she extended a huge pillow.
"Congrats for the new baby! This is a pregnancy pillow I used when I was about to have Izuku." Her eyes softened at the mention of her son and you soon feel warm and fuzzy when you felt Kaito lightly moving as you carresed your belly. "It will help you sleep better!"
You grabbed with surprise at sieng that she was giving up something so emotional just to gave it to you.
"Thanks Midoriya-san." You whispered in awe and smiled at her. You bowed along with her as she waved from the door step. "Send a hi for Midoriya-kun for me!"
"I will! Please let me see your baby once too!"
You giggled as Kurono dropped by your side.
"You're friends wwith that lady?"
"Sorta." You sighed "We just tall casually in fairs and her son is quirkless like me so..." Chrono shrugged and accompanied you.
You had to wash it as soon as your husband saw that pillow in your arms and even despite that you occasionally saw him glaring at it.
You had to thank Inko later, because this pillow surely helped you sleep a lot better!
... well.
Someone wasn't as comfortable as you though..
Gosh how he wished he could just scretch his bare hand and destroy this thing.
It's been exactly four days since you brought that "pregnancy pillow" with you. He immediately scrunched up his face in horror and disgust at knowing you had accepted someone's else gift.
Although he didn't cared much at the start. The consequences came in night as always.
He wouldn't EVER admit he enjoyed sleeping close. Especially when he insisted to sleep only with occasionally butts touching... although he always woke up with you caged on his arms and chest.
Now, he always saw you with that damn thing on your arms. It made him feel very.... uncomfortable.
He knew he wasn't that much of an affectionate person but lower yourself that much to opting for hugging a pillow instead of him? It made a pretty nasty wound on his ego...
Due to his pride, he wouldn't just voice out loud. So it came to his mind to just hide the cursed thing on the compound.
He was smirking on the bed, hidding it beneath a book as you searched for the pillow with huffs and groans.
"Kai." You whined while crossing your arms with a pout "You seriously didn't saw that pillow? It helps easy the baby and for em to sleep better."
"I already told you." He closed the book with a smug yet collected look as he put it on the night stand. He looked at your distressed self and extended his hand for you "C'mon now angel. I wouldn't want the mother of my child not getting any rest for the night."
Just wheen you were about to get his hand, Rappa just barged on the door and without explanations threw the said pillow on Kai's face as he looked at you.
"My bad (Y/n) that was yours?" You gagged before Rappa yelped and ran away from a VERY infuriated kai with bare hands in aim of his head.
You looked with concern at them before you picked the pillow. You just shrugged and went back to sleep.
He had gotten back after half an hour, sweaty and hives all over his face and forearms. He glared daggers at the object in your arms as you nuzzled on it with a peaceful look.
"I curse you with all the plagues on this fucking sick universe." He whispered while pointing at the pillow before heading for the shower and once again not having a peaceful and slumber sleep.
The precepts always questioned how Overhaul got married with (Y/n) since they are polar opposites. But now it showed way too much.
You always greet them with a smiel and cheery face, even as pregnant, while Overhaul if they even dared to muster one word or whimper they would get overhauled or sended to the worst missions of the yakusa they would ever know.
Pops decided to put an end to it and just talk with the very much grumpy young man who almost broke the cup of tea due to how angry he was.
"Mind explaining me the reason why you've been acting this way?"
"I didn't get to sleep those few nights." He growled before almost hitting the cup of tea down on the coffe table.
"Oh? Why is that?"
"I need to get rid of that pillow." He muttered and the room went silent for a bit and Kai only arched his eyebrow at the burst of laughter Pops had at linking the dots.
"Bot just talk with your wife!" He said between laughter "Ever heard of that?!"
"And hurt my pride even more? No thank you." He growled whiel getting up "Thank you for the tea."
He entered on the bedroom. Checking twice to certificate himself that you weren't there. He got to the room, gloves already discarded as he picked the soft cushions of the pillow as he glared at it.
Just when he was about to overhaul the pillow your voice calling his name made him freeze.
"What are you doing?" You giggled as he only looked over his shoulder to you.
"This thing is infected." He made up a excuse as you snorted and got close to him.
"With what?" You arched your eyebrow as you saw on his gden orbs he was trying to make an excuse for it before he saw you laughing behind your hand "You're jealous of a pillow Kai?"
He glared at you with wrath as he threw the pillow over his shoulder.
"Forgot who you're married and talking to, dearest?"
"Sorry sorry!" You giggled and wrapped your arms on his middle as he lifted his own awkwardly in the air before lowering them, oen in your back while the other mindless carresed your baby bump with a dreamy sigh.
"I didn't want you to get out grouchy and grumpy because I was cuddling with a pillow." You cooed, nuzzling your face on his as he rested his chin on your head with a huff.
"Pardon me if I dont want my wife or child getting infected by an unknow sickness..." he scoffed before sniffing your scent before he sighed and let him have more of you, he just didn't crush you in his body right now because he didn't wanted to hurt his baby.
"I'm sorry~" you cooed while looking up at him as he rolled his eyes. Lowering his mask down to kiss you. Then again... and again.
"Just dont let yourself depend on a materialistic thing.... If you feel the need of hugging, then hug me.. if it's extremely necessary." He averted his eyes from you after breaking one passionate kiss as you widened your eyes in shock before softening them while pecking his cheek.
"You're such a softie when you want to daddy~" you giggled as the pink on his face grew as he tsked before he gently twirled you to lay on the bed as he settled between your thighs. Examinating you just like a doctor before smilling sadistically and propting your chin up by his two fingers.
"Let's see now if I am soft angel of mine... Careful down there brat." He whispered seductively before starting to trail kissed on your neck.
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