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some tododekk drowing i snailmailed for @lilcattail!! i had some mini art papers lying around here and had this crazy idea about a red string fate thing tied between two of these~ so here we are! 🎉
wonder if i can come up with some weird shit like this again 😗
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gayanddeadinsidious · 3 years
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Todo really out here making the same expression as the boy who canonically has romantic feelings for Deku, huh 😂
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shippingcrumbs · 3 years
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starya-knight · 3 years
I'm a little late but
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They're t ou c h i ng
That's so rare!
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adptus · 4 years
midoriya: kill me now plz
todoroki: tempting but no
midoriya: die then
todoroki: also tempting, still no.
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strwbrry-art · 4 years
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the tired, tired boy finally taking a nap
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summershouto · 4 years
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I made this in 30 seconds yes its dumb idc
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wrongbnhasituations · 4 years
Deku: I’ve never had a friend before
Uraraka: I’ll be your friend
Iida: I’ll be your friend
Todoroki: *hmm I’ll give this try*
Todoroki: Deku I’ll fight you and win in the sports festival!
Todoroki: *boom that was perfectly done*
1A: errrrrr wtf
Deku: Yeahh I’ll be your friend Todoroki!!
1A: WTF?!?!
Todoroki: *perfect, now...* I’ve never had a boyfriend either
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lolas-writings · 3 years
I wrote a college TodoDeku meet-cute because I felt like it and I had an idea. Enjoy!! 
You can also find it on AO3 here if you want to leave a kudos and/or comment on it <3 
Midoriya sighs as he exits the building, feeling the warm breeze on his clammy skin. The sun is warm on his face, a welcome presence after being cooped up in a freezing room with nothing more to warm him than his own nerves. At least he’s free now; free of the cold classroom as well as his exams. 
He takes a deep breath to steady his racing heart, still anxious from his exam, and smells a mixture of fresh-baked bagels and chicken sandwiches lingering in the air. Now that he’s finished with the last of his exams he should get something to eat before heading home. Four and a half hours straight of testing has certainly been draining. His stomach immediately growls at the thought, agreeing with his decision, and he can’t help but laugh. Right, food then home for some well-deserved rest. 
After one last deep breath, Midoriya begins ascending the stairs that will lead him from the basement’s outside landing to the normal ground above. Halfway up the stairs he hears his phone vibrate with a barrage of texts — probably from Ochako asking how he thinks his exam went — so he shrugs off the right strap of his backpack and uses his left shoulder to swing his bag in front of him. He rummages through the top pocket as he makes it up the last of the steps, stopping on the top of the stairs as he searches for his phone. It vibrates one last time before he finds it, grabbing it with his right hand before closing the zipper and rearranging his backpack to rest properly on his shoulders. 
Phone in hand and bag situated, Midoriya begins walking again, on his way to the campus food court as he unlocks his phone and reads his friend’s messages. 
Raka [3:24 pm]: Dekuuuuuu 
Raka [3:24 pm]: how did it go?? 
Raka [3:25 pm]: your class is over now right 
Raka [3:25 pm]: please tell me the test was easy because I’m terrified 
Raka [3:25 pm]: Tenya’s no help 
Raka [3:26 pm]: he just keeps saying “oh stop worrying you’ll be fine I believe in you” blah blah blah 
Raka [3:26 pm]: which is sweet and all and I love him for it but 
Raka [3:26 pm]: telling me to not worry doesn’t stop me from worrying!! 
Raka [3:26 pm]: so Deku 
Raka [3:27 pm]: please 
Raka [3:27 pm]: tell me the test isn’t baddd :( 
A quiet laugh escapes his lips as he reads over the texts, his thumbs flying across his keyboard to soothe Ochako’s nerves. 
Me [3:29 pm]: we studied all the right material 
Me [3:30 pm]: and the professor has a bonus question 
Me [3:30 pm]: a whole five extra points and I know you’ll know what the answer is 
Me [3:31 pm]: you’ll do fine :3 
A bubble with three dots appears at the bottom of their text thread, indicating that Ochako is typing her response, but before it comes in Midoriya feels a hand on his shoulder and he barely manages to suppress a startled shriek. He still jumps in his skin, however, and quickly turns around to face whoever it is. 
“I apologize.” Another student — at least, he assumes it’s another student — says, voice carefully monotone and soft spoken. “I tried calling out to you but you didn’t respond.” 
Even now, Midoriya can’t find himself to respond. Not only is he trying to steady his racing heart, pounding violently in his chest from being startled, but he can’t help looking the other student over. With mismatched eyes and split-dyed hair, he certainly has a unique look. Not the strangest he’s seen on campus, for sure, but definitely the most handsome. Even with the subtle scar that surrounds his left eye. 
Midoriya lets out an awkward cough at the thought, minutely shaking his head to dispel that specific train of thought before it develops further. 
“I’m sorry.” Midoriya says as he offers a smile, pocketing his phone so he can turn and fully face the other student. “Did you need something?” He tries his best to sound polite, but the question comes out sounding more confused than he anticipates. Granted, he’s never seen this mismatched student before so his confusion is rightfully earned. 
“Actually, I wanted to return this.” Midoriya’s eyes are drawn to the stranger’s hand as he reaches out and offers something… familiar? As he looks over the enamel pin in the stranger’s hand he realizes it’s the same exact design as the one Ochako gave him two years ago: A simple, traditional tri-colored dango treat, except with pink, yellow, and blue coloring as opposed to the normal pink, white, and green. Her and Iida both have their own to match, Ochako with a pink, purple, and blue pin and Iida with another pink, yellow, and blue pin. 
Perplexed, Midoriya looks over his shoulder at his backpack, realizing the spot where his pin is usually displayed is now empty. He removes his backpack in a rush and sets it on the ground to inspect it and, sure enough, his prized pride pin has gone missing. 
The stranger softly clears his throat, presumably to get Midoriya’s attention, and speaks again once he has it. 
“I watched it fall off your bag a moment ago. Well, more like fly off, if I’m being honest.” The stranger presses his lips together and looks down at the pin for a brief second before he turns his gaze back to Midoriya. “You practically launched it down the stairs when you put your bag on. It almost hit me in the face, in fact.” 
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” Midoriya sputters as he quickly stands up and takes a step closer to the stranger. “I didn’t accidentally hit you with it, did I? I’m so sorry, I didn’t even realize it came off. I was just distracted and-” 
The sound of quiet laughter interrupts his spiel, and Midoriya falls quiet as he watches the stranger’s shoulders shake minutely with the action. His two-toned hair falls in front of his face as he tilts his head down, as if he’s trying to obstruct the display of his amusement. 
Once the laughter quiets down the stranger lifts his head back up, tilting it to the side just so, allowing the hair to fall from his face and make his scar more visible. It looks a bit worse now that Midoriya has a better view of it. 
“I don’t think a small pin could do much damage, considering.” Considering the scar, remains unspoken, but Midoriya gets the hint. A small cut or bruise compared to that seems obsolete, and he feels slightly embarrassed, but that doesn’t erase the fact that Midoriya would have felt bad for causing injury regardless. 
“Thank you,” Midoriya says instead, letting their conversation progress past injuries. With gentle fingers, he takes his pin from the stranger’s hand gingerly, offering one of his signature Sunshine Smiles, as Ochako likes to call them. “This pin means a lot to me, so thank you for returning it.” 
“Of course.” The stranger returns the smile, albeit more reserved and formally polite, like it’s been carefully crafted for occasions as such. Once his hands are empty he takes to adopting a more relaxed posture, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his coat and readjusting his feet. “It’s a lovely pin, it’d be a shame to lose it.” 
“My friend would kill me if I lost it.” Midoriya chuckles nervously at the thought, his fingers curling around the pin protectively. Ochako may be tiny, but she’s terrifying when she gets mad, and Midoriya has seen her wrath pointed at others enough times to know he never wants to be on the receiving end. 
“It was a gift, then? From a friend?” The stranger tilts his head inquisitively, his eyes trained on Midoriya for his response. 
“Oh, yeah! She gave it to me two years ago, it was a—” pride month gift, he wants to say, but the words die on his tongue when he remembers a few less than pleasant interactions he’s had regarding this topic. Better play it safe, then. “—an early birthday gift.” He secretly amends, which isn’t too far from the truth, anyhow. The pin was technically a dual present, but he doesn’t have to clarify that if he doesn’t want to. “Why?” The question slips from his mouth without warning, but he can’t be bothered to care. It’s an innocent question, no harm done… right? 
“I was debating on asking where you acquired it from.” The stranger shrugs, adding an extra layer of casual curiosity that makes Midoriya start to relax again. “I know someone who would enjoy such a design.” 
“I’m sorry, she never told me.” 
“That’s all right, I was just curious.” The stranger clears his throat and straightens his stance, moving his shoulders to readjust the straps of his own backpack. “Anyway, I’m happy to have returned that to you. Wouldn’t want to lose such a precious token, now would we?” 
A laugh rumbles from Midoriya’s chest, hearty and good-natured. “No, definitely not. Thank you again, seriously. It really means a lot.” 
“Of course.” With one last polite smile and a parting nod of his head, the stranger turns around to make his departure. He only makes it a few steps before Midoriya’s eyes zero in on something shiny pinned to his backpack. 
There, by the uppermost pocket’s zipper, is an enamel pin of a black cat playing with a rainbow-colored ball of yarn. It’s simple. Subtle, even. Just one look may not be enough for most to understand, but Midoriya catches on right away. Even if he hadn’t seen that same pin on an Etsy shop before during his search for more collectables, the colors alone are enough. If you know, then you know. 
“Wait!” Midoriya calls out before he realizes what he’s doing, and he doesn’t even get a chance to evaluate the consequences of his actions before he’s back to staring at the stranger’s mismatched eyes, beautiful and glittering in the afternoon sun. 
“Yes?” The simple response breaks Midoriya out of his stupor, and he can’t help but bite his lip anxiously as he tries to think of what to say. 
“I-I’m sorry, I just… Can I get your name?” His heart is racing again, pounding so hard and fast in his chest that it almost distracts him from catching the other student’s name. Almost, but not quite. 
“Todoroki Shouto.” Midoriya may have almost missed his name, but he certainly doesn’t miss the hint of a smirk that grows on Todoroki’s lips. “You?” 
“Midoriya. Midoriya Izuku.” 
“Midoriya.” Todoroki says quietly, testing the name on his lips. It shouldn’t be enticing, it’s nothing more than someone learning his name, but the way his name sounds in Todoroki’s soothing voice sends shivers down his spine. The smile that comes after makes Midoriya’s heart melt. This is completely unfair. “It’s nice to meet you, Midoriya.” 
“You too, Todoroki-san.” This should be it, their final farewell, their parting goodbyes. Except it’s not. Neither of them take another step. Instead, they allow their eyes to linger. Midoriya’s hand twitches around his pin, nervous yet giddy as he makes a decision. “Todoroki-san, are you busy?” 
“Right now?” Todoroki asks, tilting his head again as he watches Midoriya enthusiastically nod in confirmation. “Not at the moment, no. My last class of the day doesn’t start for another two hours.” 
“Would you want to get some food, then? Together, I mean. A-As a thank you for finding my pin.” Midoriya stumbles over his words, silently chastising himself for getting flustered, but he also gives himself a mental pat on the back for taking a chance. He’s never been all that outgoing, especially in this regard. 
There’s a moment of silence that befalls them, no reply from Todoroki to fill the void. There’s a few birds that fly overhead and one of the many water fountains on campus is close enough to hear the gentle sound of the waterfall, but the longer Todoroki takes to reply the more Midoriya’s heart beats anxiously, slamming against his ribcage in anticipation. 
Mismatched eyes break their gaze and shift down, falling on Midoriya’s enclosed hand still wrapped protectively around his pin, and suddenly all the pieces fall into place. 
Their eyes lock again, green entrapped by enchanting blue and grey. The wind blows the hair from Todoroki’s face, revealing his scar once again as well as his sharp jawline, his faint freckles, and, finally, the uptick in his lips. He’s smiling now, less manufactured and more real, more natural. More genuine. The smile is mirrored on Midoriya’s own lips, and it only grows when Todoroki finally responds. 
“I’d love to.” 
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tododekucrumbs · 5 years
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Todoroki and Midoriya poster up at Tower Records in Shibuya as part of the My Hero Academia exhibition, January 2020!
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catakeleo · 5 years
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I swear I’m workin on something serious ---
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gayanddeadinsidious · 3 years
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Mido really just got back and Todo went "guess it's time to seduce him now."
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starya-knight · 3 years
Excuse my stupid mind again, but I was sitting in the shower for ten minutes before I just went
"Oh my god, The first person Izuku saved was Shoto"
Like, yes, he tried to save Katsuki before, but he didn't succeed.
Why am I like this-
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lolohe12 · 5 years
My Choice (A TodoDeku Fanfic)
“Shoto, please! Be reasonable!” my ever charming father pleads at me. Even when trying to be civil, every sentence is tainted with an air of “because I said so!” just as it always has. “We’ve discussed this!”
“I’m aware, so why are we here?” I sit in front of his desk icilly staring at him, as he aggravatedly sits behind his desk. He’s holding the same folder he’s practically been preparing for me since I got my quirk. The same one that he’s been editing for years now; a collection of profiles of women with powerful quirks, ones I have no desire to even give the time of day.
“You’re of marrying age, Shoto. You know what this means.” He speaks so seriously to me that I can’t help but roll my eyes. “There are 50 beautiful, powerful women listed in this folder! One of them must be suitable in your eyes!” I see his flames rise a bit.
“My lovelife is not a choice you get to make for me.” I try to keep calm, but I can feel the temperature flare on both sides of my body. “Nor should it really be any of your concern.”
“Shoto, I understand you have this “infatuation” with your roommate but you have to think of your future!” He raises his voice along with his flames, singeing his desk. 
“You mean my boyfriend?” I glare daggers at him “The one I’ve been with since second year of high school?” I try to keep my emotions calm and keep from burning my shirt off in anger “That roommate?” I don’t shift my gaze from the exasperated ball of hot air before me. I just clench my fists and try to get through this.
“Yes... Him…” he subdues his flames just a bit. “And I’ve been fairly supportive regarding your experimenting, but it’s time to move on and grow up. You should get married, start a family!” My fists start to burn and freeze simultaneously. “Life is about making tough choices!” He looks me in the eyes.
“He is my choice!” I yell as my right side burst into flames. My anger hits me too hard for me to even mourn the loss of my shirt. “Man, woman, neither, or in between; Izuku Midoriya is my choice!”
“Shoto!” he tries to calm me, but it’s too late. I am beyond angry right now.
“The same Izuku Midoriya who is the only damn reason I’ve tried to maintain a relationship with you! Because he taught me that people can change if they want to, which you said you did!” The bitterness overflows inside me. I can’t even be bothered to care about the expression on his face. “But you’re doing the same life controlling bullshit you did to me when I was a child!” In this moment I feel like I could burn this whole godforsaken house down.
“I’m thinking about your future, your legacy!” he shouts back as if he could say anything worthwhile right now.
“No, you’re thinking of yours! How awful it must be for you that your perfect project is in a relationship with a guy!” My flames burn out, but the anger is still scorching up my insides. “It doesn’t matter that that guy is in line to get the best new hero award this year! That amount of power isn’t good enough for your precious legacy, because he’s not a random woman I can get pregnant!” I look at him with a hurt and angry expression.
“Shoto, you’re being irrational! What about your possibility of a family? Have you thought about that? Do you want to throw that all away because of a schoolboy crush?”
“We’ll adopt, or get a surrogate, or maybe we’ll find someone with a pregnancy quirk to help us! I don’t know and I don’t care”  I sigh, feeling so worn out. “I’m done with this bullshit; I’ll see you at New Years. With Izuku!” I turn to leave; leaving my father alone to think about everything, knowing that we’ll probably be having this argument again.
I was hoping he’d come around but it doesn’t seem he’ll ever budge on his plans for me... I guess I might as well tell him. 
“By the way, Dad...” I turn back ever so slightly to look at him, his cold face watching my every move.
“What, Sho--” I cut him off, refusing to let him speak another syllable.
“Izuku is the love of my life. I'm going to marry him, and you can’t do anything to change my mind.”  I walk out the door, leaving him in awe as I brush bits of ash off my shoulder. I walk downstairs to see Izuku having tea with Fuyumi.
“Shoto!” he calls out to me. He gets up off the couch and comes over to hug me, his eyes closing in on my destroyed shirt  “I guess it didn’t go well?” he says nervously, with one of his trademark sheepish grins.
“It went about as well as expected.” I put an arm around him and kiss him on the cheek.
“Well he’s not screaming. And it doesn’t sound like he’s tearing up the office, so it’s better than last visit!” Fuyumi chuckles.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Izuku says, a little unsure. I look at the time.
“Come on Izuku, we need to get me another shirt before our reservation comes around.” I look at him, concealing any hint of nerves I’m dealing with.
“Right! It was nice catching up, Fuyumi!” He hugs my sister softly, and we head to the door.
“See you two around! I hope we can get dinner next time Dad’s out of town!” Fuyumi waves at us. 
“Sounds great!” Izuku calls back, waving enthusiastically with a smile as beautiful as the night sky. As we head out the door I gaze at him, and fumble with the ring I’ve been concealing in my pants pocket. The one that I will use tonight to show Izuku Midoriya and the rest of the world that he will always be my choice.
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strwbrry-art · 4 years
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soft bois bc Shoto deserves some love
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ikeysaurus · 5 years
a child in anime: *exists*
grown adults on this site: h̵͇̮͂͂͌͐̏̎̕͜o̸̠̟̺̔́ẃ̸̡̘͍͚̼ͅ ̶̹̩̩̬̘̣̻́̈̑͂͆c̶̼͂͌ä̷̗̤̰͎͔̗͕́͋͂ṇ̷̱͒ ̴̖͈̣̰͗́̍̇Î̵͔̠̳̠̘̰̚ ̷̣̼̇ͅs̶̟̘̥̀̓͌̽̚͝e̶͇̫͎̠̦͚͐̂̀x̴̦̪̑̒u̶̬̩̘̦̍̆̈́̕á̷̛̛͕̗͚͕̘͋͛͗͜l̶̛̪̼̙̗̤͚̏͒̉͘̕ỉ̶̧̼̤̥͊̽̐͊z̷̙̟̰̏̅͂̈ͅe̵̎̽͑̀̊̕͝ͅ ̶̹͖͑͜y̷̰͈̼̺̺̫̠͆o̵̰̒u̷̻̭̖͉̳̇͌̃
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