#might add hidden extra expressions behind the head hmm
crystalcat321 · 1 month
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Experimental 2D-puppet styled 3D blender model! It only works at one angle as it's made up of flat 3D layers! Hoping to see it work in Roblox studio maybe....
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Of Monsters And Men
(Season 2)
Chapter 10 - Voleth Meir
Summery: Desperately wanting to know why Yennefer has gone rouge and ran off into the unknown with Ciri, have you and Geralt traveled to Redania in search of Jaskier who might know more then Yennefer was leading on to in Melitele. Once he's saved and you're all back in the safety of the woods do you meet an old acquaintance that helps you make it to Cintra in time.
Warning: fighting, blood, angsty-ish
Word count: 7775
Masterlist - Of Monsters And Men masterlist here
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Stepping over a couple fallen melons in the street do you follow the charming woman you've come to know as Enna, the whore you've swindled with your ever wondrous charm. However she doesn't know this yet, you just need her to get to Jaskier who's temporarily being held in a Redanian jail cell somewhere up ahead.
Atleast you're hoping she's taking you to the correct place and the fox hasn't been outfoxed quit yet, you being the fox of course. Though luckily by her scent can you tell she's all about the pleasure aspect more then the business of this small endeavor you're on. She wants you, you can tell, it's flattering really. But you're a faithful woman, and your true lover can pleasure you unlike anyone in existence.
You're inquiring thoughts are quickly pushed aside when Enna walks in line with you, a bright smile upon her lips, "So, Syvira." She purrs, "Where you from?"
You shrug, "Does it matter?"
She gasps, "It always matters!"
"Not to me." You chuckle at her dramatics.
"Hmph, well it does to me. And I wanna know."
You roll your eyes, "Very well. I'm from Rivia."
She smirks, "Ohhh, Rivia." Saying Rivia with a little extra flair, "Where's that?"
"Just some place by a river, not too interesting or anything really. Has a reputation for killing children though, been a real problem too. Almost didn't make it to ten." Enna stares at you mouth agape as you nod, expression appearing dead serious while you look at her. "Lost my cousin when she was five."
Enna's perplexed and rightly weirded out expression turns to questioning puzzlement, "Are you serious?"
Biting your lip to keep the smile at bay do you shrug, "Do you believe me?"
"Hmm. I sort of just did." Enna then breaks out into a beaming grin as she laughs, "Ha! You're joking! I knew it!"
"Did you. Seems I had you fooled just now."
She shakes her head, "Nope."
"Uh huh."
Walking past more tall wooden buildings do the two of you fall into a comfortable silence while your mind lingers back to Yennefer and Ciri. Where the hell are they? You don't get much more time to dwell on the matter when Enna taps you on the shoulder.
She stops and holds your arm in place, "There's where he is."
Your gaze settles on a stone and wooden building with bars for windows and a hanging sign out front reading Redanian Jail in big bold letters. The royal Redania crest at the bottom for all of her citizens to see, as well as the two guards out front. Fucking guards, of course this day just refuses to run smoothly.
"Huh. Alright, uh, there a back entrance?"
She points to an alleyway on the left between the jail and some shop, a decently dark and inconspicuous place to keep hidden and slip inside unannounced. You look at Enna, "Appreciated."
She smiles, a small blush dusting her cheeks, "No problem at all. But you better come find me when you're done, I'm counting on it."
You give Enna a wink before revealing a Redanian crown between your thumb and index finger, "For you, my dear." She beams like an excited child before taking the valuable coin from you.
"Oh, you sly thing." She adds, pocketing the coin before moving in to kiss you on the cheek, "I'll be at the Prancing Dragon tonight, right after sun fall, waiting for you." Enna then takes a step back before turning and walking back the way you came. You watch until her long flowy skirts that could use a washing disappear behind a building; and strangely enough the scent of discarded apple core is strong here for some reason.
"Seems you've got a date."
"Oh shut up." You mutter with a small roll of your eyes, not entirely amused about having to do all that.
You turn around to face Geralt as he raises a brow at you, "You going?" He teases, highly enjoying this.
"I'm going to get Jaskier. Or as she likes to call him, the 'Sandpiper'."
Geralt snorts, "The Sandpiper?"
"Yeah, creative, riveting, extraordinary, I know."
"You got a plan on how we're going to get inside?"
You give his arm a gentle punch, "I'd like to hear yours first."
Holding back his grin does he glance over at the jail, "I say we take the side entrance and see where that takes us. Can't be that difficult to get inside, right?" You shake your head at him, biting your lip to keep the smile away as he gives you a questioning look, "What?"
"Exactly what I was thinking."
Geralt gives your shoulder a little nudge, "We've been around each other too long."
"No, we just think alike." You then pat him on the arm, "To find our bard?"
"To find our bard."
"And apologize for being an ass who left him on top of a mountain?"
"Yeah......For that too." Mutters Geralt as he starts walking towards the alleyway, you following close behind as you side eye the oblivious guards not paying an ounce of attention. Making this sneaking in the shadows not too damn hard at all.
Soon you're both at a closed wooden door that he's able to open quietly enough, the two of you easily slipping inside like thieves in the night.  The place is spacey, mostly wooden, and relatively vacant with the exception of the one guard currently yelling at someone just over the corner down at the far end. Geralt turns his gaze to you, "I'll deal with it." He whispers.
You nod, "Good. It's your turn anyways."
He shakes his head at you, smiling anyways as he turns his focus back to the yelling guard who's got up from his desk to harass the person in a cell, presumably Jaskier. Though this other voice, most certainly Jaskier, begins to sing over the man's frustration. Oh he truly is an idiot, you think, honestly glad to hear his voice again.
"That's it! I'm taking a shit." Grumbles the guard as he stomps past the cell and right into Geralt who's swift to punch him in the face, disorienting him. You watch from the doorway a few feet away as the guard swings to hit but is caught and reprimanded, he's held with his back to Geralt's chest, struggling like a caged bird the whole time. Strong Witcher arms soon find themselves around the defenseless mans throat as the guard has now found himself in a chokehold.
"Fucking hell! You know what? We're trying to rehearse in here!" Yells the familiar voice of Jaskier as the guard squirms in Geralt's heavy grasp. Though soon enough does he successfully choke out the Redanian guard to the point of losing consciousness. Geralt slowly lowers him to the floor before sending you a wink and snatching up the guards keys and turning the corner. Show off.
"Good sir, you would not know talent if I shoved it up your.." The sound of the door opening reaches your ears as Jaskier pauses, "....Geralt." You simmer with curiosity and can't help but pear through the side barred windows to watch.
Jaskier's expression is rightfully taken aback as he sees Geralt standing there by the opened doors now, a short yet intensive moment passes when he shrugs, "Fuck it." Before stepping a few feet forward to pull Geralt into a tight hug.
Pulling away after a couple seconds does Geralt speak to Jaskier for the first time in a long while, "I missed you too." He says softly, you know he means it.
"What are you doing here?" Asks Jaskier, still clearly bewildered by how his day is going so far, Yennefer, prison, now Geralt of all people.
"We don't have time. We need to go."
"Are you sure?" Questions Jaskier with a raised brow, wanting an actual solid explanation for this random appearance and not to be slighted this time.
"Last time we saw each other, you basically told me to fuck off. Remember? And you left me on a mountain." Emphasizes Jaskier, "Have you seen these boots? I mean, I pretty much just slid all the way down that hill back to Caingorn."
Geralt swallows, "Jaskier."
"Don't fucking Jaskier me." Asserts your frustrated bard in a raised tone as he steps forward, "I'm talking to you. This is how this works." Geralt sets a gentle hand upon his shoulder, face appearing incredibly remorseful for what he did.
"I need your help." Speaks Geralt in probably one of the gentlest voices he's ever used. Well, at least with someone other then you and Ciri.
Jaskier pauses a moment, thinking this over until he shakes his head a little, "Fine. But first..." He turns to face the two mice in his cell, "Gentlemen, it's been an honor." Turning back around to see Geralt, "What? I made new friends. Get over it." Geralt snorts as Jaskier begins to walk past him, "Jealous." He whispers while sauntering out of the cell and into the opened area of the jail.
When Jaskier is in clear sight of you do you casually rest an arm against the wall to his immediate right, "Hello there beautiful." You muse slyly, causing him to jump and turn to see you looking all calm and collected. Just your usual cunning little self, piercingly ruby red eyes and all.
With a hand over his heart does Jaskier's lips turn into a relieved grin as he gives you a little bow, "Princess." He says playfully, "An honor to meet you again."
Pushing yourself off of the wall can you not help but give him a fangy grin while walking over to meet him, "Sandpiper." You tease before wrapping him into your strong arms, he quickly hugs you back, a soft smile upon his lips knowing his two best friends in the entire Continent have come at last to save him.
When you both pull away does Jaskier give you a respectful nod, "Now you, I did miss." He turns to Geralt, "And you, sort of." ——
"Oh, blessed nectar. I have not washed in quite some time, and I'm beginning to smell like a Nilfgaardian's ballsack." Says Jaskier as he begins to remove his reddish-purple long coat a she heads into the shallow part of the water, "So if you'll excuse me, hold this." He throws this coat into Geralt's hand while walking across some rocks over the quiet river, "I have been looking forward to this!"
Jaskier steps off the natural rock path before walking right into the murky water, "God, it's cold!" He gasps while you stand casually on a jutted out rock nearby, watching as he takes off his dirty white blouse. "Whew, you could hang portraits off my nipples right now." Exclaims Jaskier as he glances from his dirt and blood smeared top bunched up in his hands to you, "You're the expert. How do you get blood out?"
"You get a new shirt."
"Well I don't happen to have that option readily available, Y/N." Sasses Jaskier with a flamboant shake of his head to further emphasize his point.
"Alright hotstuff. What was Yennefer doing in Oxenfurt?" You question, getting straight down to business. Gods he does smell like shit.
His brows furrow at this, "Well, oh and thank you love, she was saving my life."
You give him a baffled expression, "What?" Yennefer saving Jaskier's life?
"Yeah, I know. I'm surprised as you are, seeing as I trust her about as far as I could wring her stringy, weird neck, but it's true." He says while squeezing water from out of his clothing, the dirty white top that's got a little blood on it, "She risked her life for me. I always knew there was some deeper feeling for me beneath all that rage and....hair. She's got a lot of hair, that woman."
"What was her angle?"
"Not an attractive one." Adds Jaskier as he gets out of the river, "She was on the run. She's lost her magic. She was almost tolerable."
You hum, "She lost her magic, yes, weird."
"Yeah, I know!" Smiles Jaskier happily, "It was great." He chuckles with a beaming grin upon his face that soon turns into an uncertain one, "Unless she was lying. Only just realizing now she might have been lying. Fuck!" He dramatically shouts, "Oh, Jaskier, you moron! Because if she wasn't lying, then how did she magically disappear into thin air when she was imprisoned in the whorehouse?"
Your brows furrow, that doesn't make any sense, she doesn't have her magic at all. You're sure of this, could even sense and smell she didn't have it. You set your sights back to Jaskier, "Tell us exactly what happened in Oxenfurt?"
"Well uh, let's see....right. When the Redanian guards grabbed her, she muttered something about forests, and mothers, and huts," Jaskier walks over to take back the coat from Geralt, "..and then she just sort of disappeared, so.."
"Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut?" Says Geralt as your mind reals with this strange new information you're not liking one damn bit, you haven't heard that in a long time. A long long fucking time, this is not good at all.
Jaskier nods, "Turn your front to me, hut, hut." Yeah, that's what she said."
You sigh, locking eyes with Geralt, "She's in league with the Deathless Mother."
Jaskier turns to you with brows raised, "Well, she sounds like a hoot. Who is the Deathless Mother, Geralt, Y/N?" Says Jaskier while glancing between the two of you.
"Voleth Meir." You mutter before turning away from them, expression rather frustrated as you rest your hands upon your hips. What does it all mean, this just gets worse and worse, why the hell would Yennefer have anything to do with that insane demon from the ancient world?
Jaskier's befuddled features returns to Geralt, "Uh."
Geralt purses his lips together, "The first Witchers were hired to imprison her. They entombed her in a hut."
"But someone's gone and opened up the door." Adds Jaskier, starting to understand, "That someone being..."
You shake your head, "She wouldn't."
"She would." Counters Jaskier softly as he turns to look at you who's giving him a small glare, "What? Sacrifice your Child Surprise to get her magic back? You bet your lovers bloated biceps she would." Would she?
"Voleth Meir is a demon that feeds on pain." You mutter as Jaskier nods to that thought before turning around to kneel down and pick up his wet shirt. You lock eyes with Geralt, "You're thinking it too."
He hums, already in sync with your thoughts, "We need to go to Cintra."
"Why? What's in Cintra?" Asks Jaskier just as a twig snaps from the cliffs edge above when suddenly a small axe lands right in front of Jaskier, pinning his shirt to a tuff of moss, "Oh!" He looks from the axe to you two, "Someone really didn't like my shirt!" He chuckles as you catch the scent of dwarf on the breeze.....and horse, more then one. What the fuck are they all doing out here too?
Geralt gives you a questioning look, you simply nods towards the cliff, "Think of the dragon hunt. Then think smaller."
He snorts, realizing exactly who you're referring to just as Jaskier stands, "Uh, Y/N."
He points to the axe pinning his shirt to the moss, "I can't get it out."
You give him a look, "All those muscles and you can't pull out a damn axe?"
Jaskier juts out his hip, resting both hands upon them, "These are playing my lute and pleasuring women muscles."
"My god."
"What?" He protests at your stoic unamused face, "It's not like I use a sword everyday, or am naturally freakishly strong like you are, you beautiful weirdo."
Rolling your eyes do you walk over to swiftly pull out the axe, "There. Now come on we have an insane mage to find." You add, turning to walk away with axe still in hand. ——
"Yarpen Zigrin." Says Geralt as you and Jaskier follow him down a mossy hill to the dwarves camp, "Your aim's gone to shit."
His fellow companions hold up their weapons as the short, bald headed red bearded dwarf smirks as he spots Geralt and the two of you walking down the hill amongst the woodland, "And if it isn't the White fuckin' Wolf, red eyes, and the big fuckin' mouth." The two of them shake their hands before Yarpen turns to his wary band of fellow dwarves behind him, "Put your weapons down, numpty arseholes. This is an old friend."
"Uh, friends. Plural." Adds Jaskier as he reaches over with the intention of shaking his hand, "Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount..."
"Yeah, I know." States Yarpen dismissively as you step in front of Jaskier, pushing him aside to hold out the axe for the little man you haven't seen in months.
Yarpen breaks out into a grin as he takes the axe from you, "Why thank you." He says happily before taking a step back to look at you three before turning to walk down the hill, "What are you doin' out here in the middle of east bloody nowhere, you warlock?" He adds while the lot of you follow him.
You step over a tree root and turn to witness as Jaskier holds back a smile, "No." You deadpan as his gaze snaps up to you like he's a child with his hand caught in the cookie jar.
"What?" He says half-defensively.
You nod to to the pretty blonde dwarvish woman sharpening her sword, "Her beard hair is nicer then that wet mop upon your head." You unabashedly jest as he pouts, turning his face away from you as Geralt answers Yarpen's question about why we're all out here in the middle of actually nowhere.
Geralt follows behind the small man, "I could ask you the same question. Aren't you supposed to be the lord of a vassel state in Caingorn?"
Yarpen waves him off, "Ach. Lording's for peacocks and pissants. We run the roads for Henselt now. Protect his convoys. Pays better." He stops under a canopy held up by three individual trees, underneath are four dwarves sitting around a fire with a pot of soup on the hearth. He points to them as Geralt squats down to get eye level with him, "You remember my men."
Jaskier takes a step to stand by your side, giving them all a friendly wave, "Of course. Good to see you all again." He says cheerfully before leaning in to you and whispering, "I have absolutely no recollection of any of these people." Oh you dunce, at least their faces are familiar to your memory.
You turn to him as one of the men mutters "wanker" under their breath which causes you to laugh. Patting Jaskier on the back do you wiggle your brows at him, "Probably due to all the wild sex we were having when Geralt wasn't looking." You whisper back as he gasps, just about choking on his own spit before snorting in amusement like a teenage boy given a dirty joke. Geralt just shakes his head at the two of you, not sure what you both find so funny.
He instead turns his attention back to Yarpen, "Where's Lucas Corto? He owes me money."
"You've got a good memory." Explains Yarpen as Jaskier takes a bowl of soup from the gathering, "Lucas Corto got married, settled down in Mahakam, and dropped out of the company, the stupid oaf."
Jaskier spits out a piece of something red before nudging you with the wooden bowl, "Try some it's pretty good."
"Really? Then why'd you just spit some out?"
He shrugs, "Adds more flavor and I figured I'd be kind and considerate for once and let my dearest lovely friend have a go." You give him a look which causes Jaskier to pull the bowl away from you, "Fine you don't get to try any at all, how about that Y/N. Privileges revoked."
"Dipshit." You whisper as he sticks his tongue out at you.
"You and red eyes ain't looking to join a crew yourselves are you?" Adds Yarpen as he focuses on Geralt, "Be happy to have you both as our sixth and seventh. Even if you do smell like shite." He nods to you, "And though she still makes my men nervous."
"We can't right now, Yarpen." Mutters Geralt as he looks across the fire to a couple horses on leads, "And I need a horse. I'll, uh, pay double with interest once I find some coin."
"Normally, I'd tell you to shit twice and die, but we're on the Trail, and you always help on the Trail." He points to a black mare tied to a tree, "This mount's too big for us lot, anyway." He returns his gaze back to Geralt, "What's this mission, if you don't mind me asking?"
"I do." Says Geralt before standing to his full height and walking over to the black mare, leaving Yarpen to look from him to you, "Secret kind. My favorite. What about yo..."
"Finish that sentence and I'll send you into a tree."
Yarpen quickly shuts his mouth, though a small smile is still noticeable as he gives a respectful nod before turning to walk away. Jaskier is leaning casually against a tree, right next to you as soon as he's gone, "Nicely done Y/N, you're just the epitome of generosity and kindness." He teases, gifting you a smug little grin. "No wonder everyone we meet love you so much."
You turn around to face him, "Well charming is my middle name."
"I thought it was Y/N 'incredibly scary mean angry rude moody vulgar harsh tempered violent' Targovishte?"
You lean in closer to him, "Oh how I've missed you."
Jaskier reveals a small smile at your honest words though spoken half-heartedly they mean truth all the same, "You're leagues better then Yennefer too....and more funny." He admits much to your liking.
"Oh, come on...I bet she could make a corpse laugh."
"Maybe." Shrugs Jaskier as he ponders the thought, "If they died deaf."
"Well." You hold his gaze for a couple seconds before the two of you break out into childish laughter until your mind, from out of nowhere, suddenly sparks with the image of Yennefer following Ciri into the portal to gods know where. Your joy is eluded from you in an instant, laughter dying slowly as your smile fades and with that you're more ready then you've ever been to leave and head to Cintra.
Jaskier, noticing this abrupt change gives her shoulder a little nudge, "Come on then, we'll find them Y/N."
You walk in time with Jaskier in his long reddish purple coat that does not appear to hold much heat in at all, though he does look rather well off in that thing anyhow, stylish fucker. Your boots carry you over the dirt laid path with forest to either side, field grasses near your feet, all trying to stretch their green blades into the trail to no avail. Trampled by horses and people alike.
Birds flap and fly with their little wings from above, heading to new places or back to their nests in some tree hollow. Safe and secure for the time being. You'd sure like to be in a bed of silks right about now, preferably naked with Geralt as he kisses you all over, that'd be quit lovely. Oh so very very lovely. Much better then this continuous walking over hills and fields and meadows and streams.
You could turn into a pack of bats and take off on your own, however you sort of need to stay with the group considering this is a you and Geralt problem. And Geralt cannot fly, nor can anyone else for that matter. Also you have not a clue what or who you'd be running into when you'd finally arrive in Cintra.
Geralt rides the black mare, keeping ahead of the pack as he leads while also keeping watch for anything suspicious or whatever creature of the hour has chosen to make your lives just a little worse. Luckily, so far nothing has bothered the lot of you once, although the stream he just went through might ruin your perfectly dry socks for an hour or so. Wet socks never is a pleasant experience.
But before you can even touch the thinly laid stream with its fresh cold water flowing south have you chosen to jump it with the aid of your supernatural strength that's never let you down, landing like a graceful dancer on the other side. You don't even break a sweat but keep casually trekking forward as the protests of Jaskier can be heard in the background. Thus the sloshing of boots through water sounding right after.
You smile to yourself and keep walking, however in no time at all has the bard found himself at your side. He takes a breath from the swift jog to you, blue eyes no doubt taking you in as you keep your gaze to the back of Geralt's armor. "Look, I understand that what's-her-demon wants to eat your Child Surprise and all, and I'm happy to help save her, but you never wanted this child in the first place, and now..." He gives a little shake of his head, almost not believing it, "..now it's like she has turned your entire world upside down. Who would have thought it?"
You don't say anything as the cart of dwarves sounds in the background, their voices but whispers that you don't care to listen to. Jaskier continues, "I guess, what I'm really asking you is..." He's finally given your full attention as you look at him to listen, "..is this what pleases you?"
Your expression grows hard, you turn your attention back to the road, "I thought if we ignored Ciri's existence, that it would make everything better. We could live our lives as we always had and she wouldn't have to be with strangers." You share a glance with him, "We were wrong."
Jaskier gives a small nod in understanding, eyes set to the path ahead as he thinks things over a second, clearly ready to ask something else as he always tends to do. You await his question that soon relieves the anticipation, "What about Yennefer?"
You don't speak for a few long moments until an almost tired sigh escapes from your lips, "Yes, that one huh." You pause, pursing your lips together, "If she hurts Ciri. I may just have to kill her."
"Oh, no, well, obviously we'll kill her. We'll definitely kill her. I just haven't found a good enough jabbing stick yet." He adds, trying to make light of the situation with a bit of humor, "But what if she's changed too?"
Changed too, how much has she changed? So, so much.
Jaskier takes notice of the clear frustration upon your face, how deeply conflicted you appear and now can he truly sense how much you do care for her, no matter how insane she's been in the past. Now you haven't ever spoken too much into the history of yourself and Yennefer but Jaskier is aware enough you two go way back. Not to mention the magical bond you both had at one point, she is undoubtedly someone you care for. Even now....no matter how much you hate her.
Jaskier gently nudges your arm with his elbow, "People do stupid things when they think they're trapped in a corner, Y/N. They say stupid things. That's what friends do." He pauses a moment, gaze lost on the trail, "They come back." You can feel a bit of hard ice in that snowball he just verbally threw, not only did Geralt leave him on that mountain, so did you.
"This is different." You mutter as he gives a little nod, not completely convinced, you're now the one to nudge him this time, "And I'm sorry, Jaskier. I truly am."
"Well you were only going through emotional turmoil at the time, yelled a bit, looked rather furious I must say and then you turned into a bunch of bats and flew off into the sunset." Adds Jaskier as he throws out a hand, "After that I got yelled at by Geralt, then I had to walk down the mountain by myself. And I have two friends...still I returned alone."
"Right, right." You mumble, "I don't think you would have wanted me as your travel partner after that."
"Probably not, but it beats getting totally abandoned by your best friends." He smoothly counters with a confident little smirk.
"Alright I said my apologies what do you want from me? To carry you to Cintra?"
Jaskier laughs, "Actually that's a wonderful idea Y/N, yes, I think I could completely forgive you then."
"Fuck off." You muse, chuckling to yourself as Jaskier smiles, incredibly grateful to have found both yourself and Geralt once again.
"Though I must say, thank you for finding me, both of you. That cell was rather dreadful and the guard really was not a fan of my songs at all. Total mood killer."
You turn your scarlet eyes to him, "I'm glad you're still alive, life has been quit dull without you around if I must be honest."
"I like when you're honest." Says Jaskier, looking at you fondly. ——
The road to Cintra had been a long and relatively uneventful one, surprisingly enough. It took about two days until your group of the Continent's misfits laid their eyes upon the tallest tower of Cintra, and now, the fallen kingdom is a beacon in the dreary lands around Cintra.
You step past a scraggly bush sticking out of the trail as Jaskier steps in time with you. Geralt still mounted on his dark mare in front and the cart of dwarves tailing from the rear. Geralt turns his head to the side, finding you in his peripheral, "Y/N."
Your crimson eyes lock with his golden ones in a second, "What is it?" You ask quickly, nervous that something terrible may be up ahead where you cannot see from here.
"Do you smell them?"
Your heart steadies once more, "I don't. Not yet at least."
"Take the lead. Our scent may be interfering."
You nod before picking up the pace to walk past him, "Alright. I'll see what I can do." Geralt hums in reply as you turn your sights to the path leading up a hill. Cintra remains to the far left and the woods to the far right as you increase your pace to the nearing top.
When you're over the crest can you see down the small valley leading all the way to the high walls of Cintra, where Nilfgaardian soldiers patrol the tops unaware to your eyes watching them from the wilds. You return your gaze to the path, it leads down a small dip between the hills before ascending a bush covered hill again.
You take a step forward and halt, the familiar scent of Ciri reaches your nostrils right before Yennefer's does just the same, then their two horses. Your head tilts as you breath in, they're undoubtedly close, they have to be within eyesight if it wasn't for all these damn hills. You whip around to face Geralt who's just made it to the top where you stand.
"They're close. I've caught their scent."
His eyes trail from yours to the hills of Cintra, "How close, you think?"
"If not for these fucking hills and maybe I was a little taller could I see whe..." You pause, whole body going still at the sounds of rocks crumpling and cracking upon the crest of the earth alerts your senses to something happening that most certainly should not be happening.
"Y/N what is it?" Urges Geralt as Jaskier reaches the top, highly confused when you won't answer your Witcher but stare at Cintra like a woman turned to stone.
Far across the land, leading right to the high grey walls of Cintra is a deep crack in the earth like that of a broken egg shell upon the side of a bowl. It stretches it's dark tendril from an origins hidden behind hills farther north from where you're standing right now. The dark breakage forces it's way to the strong wall of grey, breaking the stone in two as it reaches up the side.
The guards appear to point at something out of your eyesight, some others move about quickly just as a bell tolls in alert. From human ears so far away could that be a simple strange gust of wind through the possible forest on your right. However your ears are much more perceptive then that, the bell sounds closer then it truly is, and soon the thundering of horse hooves reach your ears as well.
You walk a couple hasty steps forward, attempting to seek a better view when a party of seven soldiers riding on their armored stead's breaks out over the far hill. They run down a long dirt path wide enough for two carts to fit inside, you don't like this shit one bit.
They're gaining fast, heading to their left through the bush covered fields towards someplace you cannot see due to the damn hill in the way and all the tall thick shrubbery atop it. "I can't be certain but I believe Ciri and Yennefer are that way." You point ahead to where the trail leads, "Who else do we know that can make the very earth crack?"
Jaskier's brows raise as he watches them ride, "Well it's either those soldiers are on an evening stroll or you're absolutely correct."
Geralt clicks his tongue, kicking the sides of his mare to get her moving again, "Come on." He urges, leading your group down the hill and to the source of whatever or whoever is cause for those soldiers to ride so wildly into the fields of Cintra. You have a high suspicion into exactly who's responsible, you're just hoping to get there in time.
You hear the shouting of guards and stressed neighing of their horses even before you reach the top, yards past Geralt you swiftly run with speed only a vampire could possess. When you've reached the top of the hill does your gaze take in a chaotic sight before you. The ground is a small field of grass and open with some men on horses encircling Yennefer who's defending herself with a large stick.
Ciri on the other hand is struggling from the ground, fighting off three armed guards who have hold of her arms. The third trying to grab her kicking legs that fight with all she can, her expression is fearful and angry like that of a wildcat caught in a trap. Yet the strength of the guards holding her arms down is enough to keep her captive, you can hear as they bark at her to stop moving and to comply.
You take a step forward, pulling out your elven made dagger that would flash golden in the sunlight if not for such a cloud filled day. You turn your attention to the right where Yennefer is currently being snapped at and encircled by soldiers on horseback. Her desperate gaze locks onto yours for a moment and all seems to go still.
Her expression turns bewildered at your unexpected presence found at such a needed time, then she blinks, swallowing hard as you return your attention to the struggling girl in the grass. Yennefer knows she'll feel your wrath later, now she's on her own unless you happened to not have come alone. That wouldn't be surprising, though when Geralt, sword at the ready, breaks out over the horizon does she fill with a brief relief.
Your scarlet irises zero in on the two  Nilfgaardian soldiers pinning Ciri to the ground, and the one fighting with her boots for control. She struggles with her arms incapacitated and the man grabbing for her legs when without warning does the man holding her left arm loosen his grip.
He falls limp right next to her as his companions yell for him to get up, though he cannot respond due to the sharp point of a dagger protruding out of his helmet from the back of his skull. Ciri's heart quickens at the sight; the man who was trying to rangle her legs is thrown to the side. He screams, going airborne and landing hard a few feet away in a tangle of broken limbs.
The last guard grips her arm tight, sword out in more of a protective angle for himself rather then her. There, at long last, you stand before them like a guardian sentinel prepared to finish your job. Ciri breaks out into a joyous smile as you eye up the fearful soldier.
"Release her now you cocksucker." You speak harshly, practically spitting venom.
The Nilfgaardian man points his sword at you threateningly, "Stay back!" He shouts, "Don't move!"
You move in a flash of darkish red, a blur to the natural human eye as Ciri takes a breath to realize you're not standing in front of her anymore and the grip on her arm is gone. She looks right and left, quickly pulling herself into a standing position as battle cries sound from around her as Geralt, a bunch of rowdy dwarves, and a man in a strangely colored coat begin fighting the soldiers.
"Arghhh ahhhh!" Screams a man who's voice turns to gurgled croaky shouts from behind her. Ciri whips around to witness as you crouch down by the fallen shoulder, back turned to her though it looks as though the man fidgets and squirms underneath whatever you're doing to him that's just out of sight. "Arghh ahhh ahhh..."
He goes silent. Writhing limbs falling limp as a sack of potatoes, your arm moves away from him as you stand to your full height now. Fingers colored strangely, dripping with some sort of sticky dark substance as you turn around to face her. The side of your face is spattered with drops of ruby red blood that proficiently contrasts with your crimson irises.
Though Ciri's nerves prick as you walk closer now, you look almost like that of Vereena whom she hasn't thought about in ages. Face darkened, eyes bold and practically glowing like rubies in sunlight, a beautifully beastly thing. Ciri takes a step back as you look at her with those vampiric eyes of yours, "Are you hurt?" You ask, a soft smooth voice that has never let her down.
Ciri fills with a bit of embarrassment for letting herself feel so scared when she looked at you like you were.....like you were some monster. She sniffs, giving a small weak nod, "I'm fine."
You nod back, "Good. Now keep close to me, we're getting you the fuck out of here." She follows closely as you saunter past, walking over to the first fallen Nilfgaardian to shove him onto his back. Pulling out the elven dagger you threw to end his life minutes ago, the one that found itself into the flesh it his cheek.
All around you has the hillside erupted in the sounds of steel clashing with steel, pained and excited screams. Horses kicking and neighing, men yelling and grunting, and Jaskier yelping in surprise at a dead soldiers head that had just fallen straight into his hands. You pause as a horse races past you without his rider.
"Fuck." You seethe. Dropping to your knees to quickly wipe off the remaining blood from your hands in the grass. Ciri close to your back as you do this; hands cleaner now do you stand and take her arm, "Hurry now." You urge while walking across the field, dodging past soldiers and dwarves alike.
Soon you hear a horses hooves pounding against the earth from behind, you immediately twist around just as a Nilfgaardian man swings his sword for Ciri. You shove her out of the way just as the sharp blade of his sword cuts a thin line across your cheek when he trots past. The pain is instantaneous causing you to let out an anguished shout.
Ciri gasps as you fall to the earth right at her side, she watches as blood pours out of your sliced open flesh and onto the grass where it stains red. Though in between your heavy breaths does the skin fuse back together until all that remains is a line of wetness. Red dripping down from the mark that has healed itself within seconds.
"Y/N." Calls the breathless voice of Yennefer as she runs to you, but as she gets closer have you forced yourself to stand. Ciri's eyes widen again when you've placed your elven dagger to the throat of Yennefer which stops her in her place.
Your old dear friend goes rigid, she swallows as the blood tipped blade threatens inches from her vulnerable throat. She feels the disappointment and hostility radiating off of you from this uncomfortably close proximity. You can feel her own disappointment within herself; she avoids letting herself into your harsh gaze, she can't even look at you.
Now the battle is done. But this one between the two of you isn't even close, she's done something unforgettable and possibly unforgivable depending on her reasoning for all of this shit she's put you through. However you're in no state of mind to reason with her for this wild goose chase across half the Continent.
"How could you do this?" You seethe with a heated fury in your voice so fiery that Yennefer still cannot bring herself to dare look at you quit yet.
She blinks, violet irises slowly trailing over to finally meet yours at last, "I'm so sorry." She whispers, voice full of remorse.
You grimace as Geralt, Jaskier, and the party of dwarves surround you two along with Ciri who stands at your side a few feet away. They all watch as you stare daggers into Yennefer, all waiting for you to do something you might regret when Geralt takes a step forward.
Golden eyes set to Ciri as he knows you're too angry with Yennefer to focus on anything else, "Yarpen and his men will get you out of here." He looks to Jaskier, "Jaskier, take her to Kaer Morhen. Ciri knows the way."
Her dark brows furrow at this, "No. No, I'm staying with you. Both of you." Protests Ciri as her enchanted gaze looks desperately between you and Geralt.
Geralt's eyes lower, "You can't." This is a problem only yourself, Geralt, and Yennefer can deal with now....that damn witch in her woodland prison. Ciri doesn't understand.
"Why? Where are you going?"
Geralt's gaze travels from you still holding your dagger to Yennefer's neck to a puzzled Ciri, "To slay a monster." The young princess' expression grows fearful for the fates of you both, he gives her a gentle smile, "We will be with you soon, I promise."
Ciri doesn't say a word but look from Geralt to you, she then gives a small nod, "Fine." Her eyes linger a moment more before she turns to head for the dwarves cart close by.
Jaskier perks up when she walks near him, "The Child Surprise, I've heard so much abo.." She ignores his hand, trudging past, clearly frustrated about all of this. Jaskier shares a look with Geralt, "Like father, like daughter." He then turns to follow, leaving only Yarpen left.
He returns his attention between yours and Geralt's as he points his sword from you to him for emphasis, "The girl. Yours?"
You move from the side of Yennefer to her front, dagger still hovering mere centimeters from her throat, she lowers her eyes to the ground as you lean closer, "Yes. Mine and Geralt and no one else's." You shift your crimson irises from Yennefer to Yarpen who stands a couple feet behind her, "No one else's."
The dwarven man gives a mutual nod of understanding, clearly when Geralt proposed this quest he had not a single clue that you two had a child together. He didn't even believe that was naturally possible, however he's still unaware that Ciri, is in fact, just a Child Surprise. But at the moment that slip of valuable information isn't the top priority, doing as Geralt says is.
You watch from your peripheral as he leaves to return to his party of travelers old and new. Your scarlet gaze burning bright as you glare at Yennefer who looks at you with nothing but a stoic expression as her only true defense. You could have slit her throat and ripped out her heart whenever you wanted, but still, you haven't. Maybe your past history is enough to save her life, she's not so sure. But she knows what must be done to keep whatever respect you have left.
"Seems we need to kill a monster, hmm?" You add, voice lingering with bitter sarcasm as you trail your eyes over her with great distaste, "Come my love, touch my shoulder." Geralt knows what is to come next, he walks over and places a hand on your shoulder as you eye up Yennefer.
"Say it." You growl. It's time to meet Voleth Meir.
Her eyes never leave yours, "Behold the mother of forests...the Deathless Mother, nesting in dreams. Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut. Turn your front to me. Hut. Hut." The breeze, the sky, the earth, and all around you blurs like dark swirling mist at the spell of summons.
When you blink again is your world shadowed and dark, the three of you standing in a deep forest of pines somewhere unfamiliar. It feels wicked and wrong here, like something terrible has happened recently that shouldn't have. You know this is the place where the Deathless Mother has been imprisoned, but there's a slight problem. Her physical essence is no more.
"She's gone." You mutter while watching as sparks of ascending ashes still burning hot dance up into the night. Your dagger finds itself at your side, still in your hand.
"It's always worked." Says Yennefer in quite astonishment.
"The first Witchers imprisoned her in this hut for eternity." Explains Geralt as Yennefer turns her attention to him, his brows furrow the longer he studies the disturbed earth, "She shouldn't be able to escape."
Your eyes narrow at the burning ashes floating high into the air, "Unless..."
Yennefer's violet irises are on you in a second, "What?"
You look to her, "Unless she's had her fill of pain and desperation. It would have given her new life. "
"To do what?"
And oh were you about to find out.
Taglist: @littlewhiterose​​​ @galaxypox​​​ @maan24​​ @lilacs-lavender​ @letseatnow​​​ @certainwonderlandperfection​​​ @rafecameronswhore​​​ @diegos-butt​​​ @ashleyforeverareject​​​ @seninjakitey​​ @beck07990​ @kmuir1​ @a-girl-who-loves-disney​​​ @greengrassdiaries​​​ @canpillowscry​​​   @23victoria  @shawnssalsaa​​​​   @emily-roberts
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jokertrap-ran · 4 years
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(未定事件簿) 陆景和 SSR [绘恋春风] [Tears of Themis] Lu Jinghe SSR [Love upon a Spring’s Breeze] Card Story Translations (Part 2)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Lu Jinghe’s Masterlist is under construction. *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *In which, Ran attempts Chinese…I’m certainly getting faster at this hmm...
Part 1 / Part 2 / Video Call
Lu Jinghe hadn’t been lying; the skill he had shown while drawing his own tattoo had been stunningly impressive.
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Lu Jinghe: Think you can trust me now?
MC: Yup, I’m all yours!
Lu Jinghe: Sit over here then. We’ll start immediately.
MC: Okay.
I sat down in front of him, copying his earlier actions by rolling up my sleeve before sticking my arm out.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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He gently took my hand. He observed my hand with a keen eye before taking in a deep breath, lowering his head once more as he started drawing. But this concentration of his was different from before; I could tell that he was handling my arm with utmost care.
Lu Jinghe: The pigment used in this Tattoo is quite special so you might be allergic to it.
Lu Jinghe: Tell me if you feel unwell at any moment in time.
MC: Okay…
Lu Jinghe: ……
Not another peep came from him following that. He was completely focused on drawing my Tattoo.
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He skillfully maneuvered the brush, each stroke gentle and weighted. The way he was acting was almost as if he was holding a rare treasure in his hands. Looking at the expression on his face as he furrowed his brow in concentration, I couldn’t help but to relate it to the artists who had painted the Church murals during the Renaissance Period.
Was this how they looked whilst they painted the gods? Not just sincere, but more…affectionately so…?
MC: Lu Jinghe…
Lu Jinghe: …Don’t move, or I might miss a stroke.
MC: …Okay.
I shuddered as some of the stiffer bristles of the brush’s nib brushed against my skin. I couldn’t tell if what I felt was from the nervousness of getting my first Tattoo, or if it was from him, who was clearly acting extra serious and extra gentle in front of me.
All I could feel was scorching heat, burning forth from my heart to my skin, just like a Prairie Fire.
Lu Jinghe: Don’t be so flighty, it’ll be done soon.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
MC: Can I say something?
I decided to find a topic to talk about, in an attempt to alleviate the inexplicable warmness in here.
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Lu Jinghe: Go ahead.
MC: You haven’t yet told me just what this Semi-permanent Tattoo is.
Lu Jinghe: This is derived from a Traditional Handicraft; you can think of it as a type of Body Painting.
He lifted his head to glance at me, dragging out the syllabus as he spoke.
Lu Jinghe: But what makes Tattoos different from Body Paint is that it has the essence of emotion within.
MC: …You mean, like how couples tattoo each other’s names on the other as a form of expression of their love?
Lu Jinghe: That’s only one of the many.
Lu Jinghe: The meaning behind a Tattoo doesn’t always have to be how it’s drawn. It is it’s own expressive medium.
Lu Jinghe: The needle that pierces into your skin brings pain, also leaving the imprint of unspeakable feelings in its wake.
Lu Jinghe: All these other feelings that lie behind the Tattoo with accompany you for life, until the fateful end.
MC: How romantic…
Lu Jinghe: But those are all Permanent Tattoos. I’m afraid this one you have here will be completely gone by the time you go back up to Court.
Lu Jinghe: It may have a short life-span, but I hope you’ll always remember it.
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MC: Don’t worry, I will.
Lu Jinghe: Good then…
He released his hold on my hand.
Lu Jinghe: It’s done. Take a look for yourself.
MC: This…looks similar to the one on your arm, but not quite?
Lu Jinghe: Yup. Take a closer look at the Lisianthus Flowers you have; what do they look like to you?
MC: …What do they look like?
I was full of questions as I bent down to take a closer look at the artwork on my arm.
Lu Jinghe: Yes, now try turning your wrist.
MC: ……
MC: Oh! I know, it’s “α”!
I turned my wrist just like he directed, the huge Lisianthus Flower following. I found something resembling a “α” between the leaves below the Flower when I turned my wrist side-to-side.
Lu Jinghe: That’s right, and the one on my hand…
He flashed his own Tattoos, pointing to a certain part of the design.
Lu Jinghe: An “ω”!
MC: This is way too magical!
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Lu Jinghe: That’s not all there is to it too. There’s another symbol hidden between these two drawings.
MC: There’s a 3rd!?
I was taken by surprise at his revelation. He was able to hide 3 different ones in such a normal looking Flower?
Lu Jinghe: Well, it’s pretty normal for you to be unable to spot it, because the third one…
He suddenly lined his arm up with mine.
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Lu Jinghe: Looks like this.
The two flowers became one when he joined them together, forming an odd symbol of sorts. I carefully observed the lines and gradually, a bold, but pretty good idea of what it could be came to mind.
MC: …It can’t be a…”∞”, now…can it?
Lu Jinghe: As expected of the Lawyer big sister, you saw though my design at a glance!
MC: But why put the Flowers together with those Symbols? They don’t seem to have any co-relation with each other.
I took the opportunity to ask him the question that had been festering in my heart. But Lu Jinghe only looked at me silently for a while before rolling his eyes. I had absolutely no idea what he was thinking about.
Lu Jinghe: “α” and “ω” are the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet, respectively.
After that, he opened his mouth to speak once more.
Lu Jinghe: And when both images are placed together, it shows an steady, but endless path.
Lu Jinghe: And if we add on the Flower Language behind this particular flower…
He paused for a while.
Lu Jinghe: “The love I have for you is true and endless; Everlasting, from the beginning till the end of time itself”
MC: ……!
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Lu Jinghe: …That’s how it’s explained in Literature.
MC: ……
Lu Jinghe: This is something that was originally engraved on the rings of a couple. I only used 2 of the symbols and re-designed it.
Lu Jinghe: I never had the chance to try it but I’m glad I could whip it out for a test today.
MC: So…I ended up being your Guinea Pig?
Lu Jinghe: But aren’t you pretty fond of this image too? …It doesn’t matter if you were my Guinea Pig or anything like that…
He turned his head, feeling slightly guilty.
MC: …It’s fine, I won’t roast you for it this time.
MC: But this picture’s really beautiful! Thank you, Lu Jinghe!
Lu Jinghe: So long as you like it.
I returned my gaze back to the Tattoo’s design, observing it with renewed interest. And that’s why I failed to notice Lu Jinghe’s small intake of breath as he silently whipped out his cellphone.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Inside the Experience Hall
MC: But this picture’s really beautiful! Thank you, Lu Jinghe!
Lu Jinghe: So long as you like it.
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Xiao Jin: You guys done?
Xiao Jin, who had been waiting for us knocked on the door before opening it a peep, poking his head inside.
MC: We’re done. I’ll be leaving the Stamps to you then.
Xiao Jin: Not at all. Just stay around and chat a little, I’ll just be a jiffy.
He took the booklet and closed the door to the Experience Hall back up again after he said that.
MC: He’s really enthusiastic.
Lu Jinghe: He’s always been like this ever since he was in school.
Lu Jinghe: I really did trouble him today.
MC: How long have you know each other?
Lu Jinghe: He was a Graduate Student under my teacher back when I was still studying in Florence.
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Lu Jinghe: But, there was a period of time where I didn’t see hide nor hair of him.
He gave a half-hearted sigh.
Lu Jinghe: He was busy with his own workplace after graduation and after I went back home…I didn’t really have much time to contact him either.
MC: But you two look like you get along really well.
Lu Jinghe: At that time, we were the only two people who came from the same country among the few students our teacher had.
Lu Jinghe: So we had more common topics to talk about, and we gradually became friends.
He looked at the far-end of the place, his dark orbs flickering with emotions.
Lu Jinghe: Back then, Xiao Jin and I would often group along with a couple of other friends.
Lu Jinghe: We’d create masterpieces together, share thoughts, insights and even have little competitions with each other when we felt like it.
Lu Jinghe: Those times were really the height of freedom, where we were free to roam and soar to new heights as we pleased…
Reminiscing such memories made a fond but peaceful expression appear on his features. Although he didn’t out-right say it, I could still feel his inner longing to return back to those times.
MC: That must have been some wonderful, memorable, memories.
Lu Jinghe: Yup. They are very special, and very happy memories.
Lu Jinghe: I don’t think I’ll ever get such a simple and carefree time in my life ever again…
He laughed bitterly at that. He seemed to think that it was all just a small and trivial matter, seemingly unbothered by it, but it left an odd feeling in my heart.
My gut urged me to say something to him.
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MC: Lu Jinghe, you…
Not waiting for me to finish speaking, his cellphone suddenly vibrated to life.
Lu Jinghe: ……
MC: What’s wrong? Is it urgent matters relating to PAX?
Lu Jinghe: Wait here for a while, I’m going to go pick this up.
MC: No worries, your work comes first.
He nodded, answering the call on his way out. I watched his figure disappear through the door, swallowing the words that had been on the tip of my tongue.
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
Waiting in boredom all by my lonesome, it wasn’t long before Xiao Jin, who went off to get our Stamps made an appearance again as he returned.
I took a photo of the Stamp and sent it to Cheng Cheng, confirming that I had completed the thing that was of top priority today. While waiting for Lu Jinghe to return, Xiao Jin and I started talking about the Tattoo I had on my arm.
Xiao Jin: As expected of  “The Amazing Lu Jinghe”!
He was also excited after having understood the mystery behind the Lisianthus Flowers.
Xiao Jin: Only he can think up of something so mysterious.
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MC: The Amazing Lu Jinghe?
Xiao Jin: It’s the nickname all of us from Florence dubbed him. There weren’t many people who were as talented as that guy.
MC: Honestly, he’s even able to draw a Tattoo this well? His artistic talents really surpasses my expectations.
Xiao Jin: Talent plays a part as well, of course; but Lu Jinghe’s willingness to work hard is the top 1 or 2 in our school.
Xiao Jin: But it’s truly a pity…
He breathed a light sigh.
MC: A pity? You mean, him?
Xiao Jin: Yeah. I’m pretty sure he must have an immeasurable amount of stress and responsibilities on his shoulders now.
Xiao Jin: I’ve never once seen that cheery smile on his face ever since then; the joyful kind that comes with finding your inner-self and enjoying it…
He never opened his mouth again after that. I recalled what Lu Jinghe had said earlier and the feeling I felt then re-emerged from the depths of my heart once more.
What exactly was he feeling, to have let shown such an indifferent smile earlier?
Xiao Jin: But I’ll have to thank you today, for I don’t think I’d ever have gotten the chance to let him let loose if it wasn’t for you.
MC: Let loose? Thank me?
I was utterly confused as to why he was even trying to thank me.
MC: …Wait a minute, do you mean that everything that happened today…
I was told to re-queue and it had somehow turned out to be a DIY Tattoo experience…
MC: You mean, you were pulling the strings all along ever since we went to queue again!?
Xiao Jin: There are some things in this world you’re better off not knowing.
MC: ……
Lu Jinghe: What are you guys talking so happily about?
Lu Jinghe had already ended his call while we were both conversing with each other and returned.
I scrutinized his current expression and found nothing unusual.
Xiao Jin: Nothing. We were just making casual talk.
He blinked at me meaningfully.
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Lu Jinghe: Right. Do you have any other arrangements after this, (Y/n)? Do you want me to send you to the Exchange Counter?
MC: Speaking off, Cheng Cheng just sent me a message saying that the Exchange Period’s already over.
Lu Jinghe: Is that so…pity, really.
MC: But…
I recalled the silly words Xiao Jin had told me earlier. Looking at Lu Jinghe in front of me, looking a little distressed, I secretly made a decision.
MC: How about we go round the other Experience Halls and try them out? I’ve not gone to a whole lot of them yet.
Lu Jinghe: ……
Lu Jinghe: Okay!
☆⋅⋆…⋅─────────── ⋆⋅✾⋅⋆ ───────────⋅…⋆⋅☆
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Location: Home
After bathing, I sat on the sofa, listening to the news as I folded the laundry. My eyes fell to the Lisianthus Flower on my arm as it moved into my field of vision, making me halt in my movements.
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MC: This Tattoo…it feels like something incredible no matter how you look at it…
MC: It’s a pity that it doesn’t last long…
I sighed regretfully as I remembered what Lu Jinghe had told be regarding it’s life-span. And then, I suddenly remembered something that I had forgotten for a long time.
MC: …So why didn’t I take a photo of it as a memory…?
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MC: If I don’t take it today, I fear the Tattoo might already be gone by the next time I see him again.
I couldn’t help but to feel that it was all such a pity that those two images would never see the light of the day again once they were gone for good.
MC: Forget it, it’s gone if it’s gone. Maybe I’ll have another chance to do thing again in the future…
I was still in the midst of mentally preparing myself when Lu Jinghe called.
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Lu Jinghe: You okay to be calling now?
MC: What’s up?
Lu Jinghe: Xiao Jin’s planning on riding the coat tails of his recent popularity boom from today to open up a shop in Stellis City.
Lu Jinghe: It’s slated to open near in the next half of next month and he has invited us both to go check the place out.
Lu Jinghe: How about it? You free?
MC: I do have the time to spare, but I’m not touching any Tattoos…
Lu Jinghe: Don’t worry, don’t you have me with you?
MC: That works too…
Lu Jinghe: It’s decided then. I’ll contact you again once the details are fixed.
MC: …Okay.
Lu Jinghe: ……
Lu Jinghe: What’s wrong? Not in a good mood?
MC: …I actually just remembered that I forgot to get a good photo of our completed Tattoos today.
I heaved a long suffering sigh.
MC: This kind of Tattoo doesn’t last long so it’ll probably be completely erased by the time we see each other again.
MC: It’s really a pity.
Lu Jinghe: Actually…I’ve already taken a photo.
MC: Really!?
His reply made me perk back up in joy.
MC: Could you send me a copy? I want to keep one to remember it by.
Lu Jinghe: Hmm…Then, beg for it. Beg, and I’ll send it your way.
MC: ……
MC: Farewell.
Lu Jinghe: Wait, wait! Don’t cut the line!
Lu Jinghe: I’m just joking; I’ll send it to you later.
MC: Thank you, I’ll make sure to save it.
Lu Jinghe: Actually, you don’t have to be so worried about a mere photo.
Lu Jinghe: I could always draw it again even if it’s gone.
Lu Jinghe: Whenever you require me, Tattoo Artist Lu Jinghe will always be at your service!
MC: Cut it out, please don’t.
He already has to manage his company all day long and complete his University Courses while he’s at it; how could I trouble him over such a small thing like this?
MC: You’re really busy so you should take the time to rest whenever you’re free.
Lu Jinghe: Being with you is the best form of rest to me.
Lu Jinghe: I’m really relaxed and happy when I’m with you.
Lu Jinghe: So don’t refuse me, big sis.
MC: ……
I could vaguely hear him breathing on the other end of the line, but none of us said anything.
MC: I…
Lu Jinghe: I’ll send the image to you in a moment so make sure you check if you get it.
Lu Jinghe: I’ve got a conference call incoming so I’m hanging up first.
He sounded a little rushed and flustered, unwittingly calming down as I felt the small urge to laugh.
MC: Go do your work then, see you again someday.
Lu Jinghe: Yeah, see you again.
Not long after we ended the call, I received the photograph of our completed set of Tattoos. Maybe he had been a little nervous while snapping it, for it was a little blurred. But the wonderful visual effect it provided blended in really well with the design it depicted. Looking at it, I felt a little lost.
The purple Lisianthus Flowers bloomed silently in the center of the screen, it’s vibrant colors standing out starkly from the rest of the room.
MC: “The love I have for you is true and endless; Everlasting, from the beginning till the end of time itself”
I recalled what he had previously told me.
MC: That’s so romantic; I really hope I…
MC: Wait a second, something’s not quite right here…?
MC: If that’s true, then doesn’t that make this a Couple Tattoo?
Tumblr media
MC: Lu Jinghe! You baited me again!
Realizing that I had been baited into another one of his “ploys” hook, line and sinker, I felt ashamed and angry at having fallen for it; but I subconsciously stroked the tattoo on my inner forearm with my hand.
I don’t know why, but I wish it’ll disappear a little slower.
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I finished Nyakuza Metro and thought of this request! In the middle of Empress stealing all of Hat Kids time pieces, she goes to Subcon to unwind because she's upset about the whole thing and Snatcher sees upset Hat Kid and is just: Excuse me Kid, I'm the only one around here who's allowed to make you upset what's going on? So she tells him and now Snatcher has to go meet this Empress and let her know that bullying Hat Kid is His job. (It's not that He CARES About her! Nooo!! That's Ridiculous!)
First off, isn’t the ending of Naykuza Metro the single most disappointing ending since Mass Effect 3? I am so salty about it, I wanted to fight the Empress, it looked like we were going but nope we get a stupid cop out instead (and if that pun was intentional on Gears For Breakfast’s side then it’s not funny >:( ). Second, thank you for the request!
Good Kitty
Something was up. Hat Kid was in Subcon Forest but she wasn’t bothering Snatcher or seemingly even looking for him so she could. Instead she was just meandering down the path, her head hung low, hands in her pockets and idly kicking a stick along. She looked upset about something. What though? Well only one way to find out.
Snatcher teleported to pop up in front of her. “Boo!” he shouted loud enough to make her jump a little.
She gave him a disapproving look as he laughed at her fright as mild as it was. “Hello to you too Snatcher,” she said, her tone borderline annoyed. That wasn’t like her. Whatever was bothering had to be pretty serious.
“Hey kiddo,” he said grinning down at her. “What brings you to my forest?” He’d long since given up trying to tell her that their business was concluded, it only ever seemed to make her want to stick around more often and longer.
Hat Kid shrugged, kicking at the stick on the ground again. “It’s just a nice place to walk around and stuff.”
“Uh… ‘nice’? It’s a haunted forest full of dead things. What part of that is nice?”
“The haunted part.” Now she did smile up at him, only a little though. “It’s also the only place I can walk around aimlessly where there aren’t a lot people.” Implying she probably wanted to be alone, giving Snatcher a perfect opportunity to just leave her to it but…
“And why would you want that?” He was curious. What could’ve possibly brought her down. “Don’t you normally make a habit of annoying as many people as you possibly can?”
“Yeah but uh… I’m just really frustrated right now. And I hate it.” She stomped a stick, breaking it in half with a snap. “The stupid pecking Empress is sending her stupid pecking peck-neck goons to take my Time Pieces every time I find one in the Metro. And I can’t do anything about it because she’s got like I don’t even know how many goons, certainly more than I can take on by myself. If it was just her, I would beat the living shit out of her and make her regret ever crossing me. But I can’t and it’s not fair.” Her eyes were filling with tears of frustration now.
Snatcher grimaced. “Whoa kid, calm down there. No need to start crying or any of that.”
“Sorry.” She sniffled. “I just… really hate it and don’t know what to do. But I have to do something because I need my Time Pieces.”
“Well… good luck with that.”
“You’re not even going to offer to help me?”
“Nope, the fact that you thought I might is honestly offensive. I don’t care about your stupid problems and I certainly didn’t ask you to spill them to me. So yeah, good luck with that kiddo.” With that he teleported away.
 The Metro was bustling and busy with life. What little plant life there was, was all heavily manicured to match an aesthetic. Obnoxious neon lights were everywhere. And the place smelled horrible; a mix of trash, unwashed bodies, cats, trains, and the various food carts scattered about the place. Snatcher hated it.
He was half tempted to pop out his Hat Kid disguise – complete with dweller mask to hide his ghostly features – and raze the whole place to the ground. But that would take too much time and effort to be worth it. Besides he wasn’t into expanding his territory, he just wanted to keep and protect what he had. Taking over more would both make that harder and be pointless. So, grateful the mask would also hide his sour expression so he didn’t have to control it, he started wondering around to listen to conversations.
The more he walked the more he hated both the Metro and the very sensation of walking, especially on concrete. How did people stand this? It made him want to pull his hair out. He was never coming back here once he’d finished his business. Mercifully, the Empress was a pretty popular talking point amongst the cats wondering about the place and they all had a tendency to gossip just a bit too loud - possibly due to hearing loss from being around and in the trains making all that horrible noise all the time – so it wasn’t too terribly long before Snatcher knew where and how to find the Empress. Which was all he needed.
Once back in the central area, finding the jewelry shop didn’t take long. Hanging around outside were what was obviously members of the Empress’ gang. Most likely there were more hidden around the place too. Not even Hat Kid could take on that many opponents. Snatcher could, he could take down everyone in this Metro if he really wanted to – as long as no one had a way to make him vulnerable anyway. But if things went according to plan though all he’d have to deal with was the Empress herself.
Inside, the Empress was standing at the counter. She looked up as Snatcher strode in. “I didn’t expect to see you back so soon,” she said, fooled by the disguise and mask. “But that’s fine. I just got word of another one of those hourglasses in Pink Paw Station. Go find it for me.”
“Hmm… I don’t think I will,” Snatcher said, using Hat Kid’s voice but changing it a little so that it would sound just wrong enough to give most sane people chills. “Instead I think I’ll…” Grinning wide under the mask, he lifted a hand to snap his fingers.
The door slammed shut hard enough to rattle the whole store. Next, he made the lights flare bright before bursting, shattering glass everywhere. He timed their bursting with pulling the Empress into his pocket dimension, surrounding them both in a void of dark purple. And to top it all off, he teleported to float behind her and took off his mask. He kept the Hat Kid form though, he needed it.
When she inevitably turned to face him, already rattled she hissed and back pedaled, her fur puffing up the rest of the way. He’d morphed his face so he had bunch of misshapen eyes, covering the entire top half of his face. Only two of which actually worked, the rest were for show.
Still using Hat Kid’s voice and altering it to sound wrong, he giggled. There were few things creepier than a little girl’s laugh especially when it wasn’t quite right. To add a little bit extra, he made it sound like it was coming from all around the Empress, making her glance around in fear.
“What are you?” she asked with an angry hiss as she turned her eyes back to glare at him. Her claws were out now too, they looked sharp.
“It doesn’t matter what I am, what matters is you.” He pointed at her. “You’ve been awful mean to a friend of mine and I don’t like that.” It grated to call Hat Kid a friend but for this little act of his, he didn’t have much choice. “I’m sure you’re smart enough to know who I’m talking about.”
The Empress hissed and lunged to claw him. It did nothing though so Snatcher just giggled again.
“Oh, silly kitty, that won’t hurt me. There’s nothing you can do that can hurt me. I don’t think there’s even anything on this planet that can.” Hat Kid was an alien so he was going to pretend to be one too. He needed to make sure no one ever connected this whole thing back to him. “So save yourself the effort and don’t try. Just do as I say and maybe you’ll get out of this alive.”
The Empress still looked angry but her fear was evident in the way her fur was still puffed up on its end, her tail curled. “What do you want?” she forced out through clenched teeth.
“I want you to give my friend back her Time Pieces, don’t interfere with her collecting any more, and once you’re done with that don’t ever talk to or have anything to do with her again.” To minimize the chances of her spilling the beans on this conversation. “I of course don’t expect you to do this just because I told you to so how about a little motivation?” He teleported to hover behind her shoulder again.
Before she could fully turn around, he pulled out her soul to hold in the palm of his hand. She froze solid for half a second before clawing at him again, more with desperation than anger this time. He ignored it.
“If you’re a good kitty and do as your told, I’ll consider giving you your soul back. If not, I know a guy who likes to eat souls who I’m sure wouldn’t mind being gifted one.” As he spoke, he bounced her soul up and down in his hand as if playing with a ball. “So is that enough to convince you?” He would’ve preferred a proper contract but other than snatching souls, contracts were what he was most well known for. And Hat Kid would certainly know it was him if he used a contract. This way even if she did find out about this, there should be some doubt about who was responsible. Her even suspecting it was him would be awful because then she’d think it was because he was her ‘BFF’ and that he cared for her or something when it truth it was because if he failed to make Hat Kid miserable no one else was allowed to either. That was his job and he was going to find a way to do it properly one day no matter how much she wanted to insisted they were BFFs and she loved spending time with him.
The silence stretched as the Empress glared at him, defeated but not yet wanting to admit it. But finally… “Fine,” she said. “I’ll give the brat back her hour glasses and then leave her alone.”
“You’ll order your goons to do so as well?” Snatcher wasn’t going to give her any loopholes. “As well as anyone else you might pay to deal with people you don’t like?”
She growled but… “Yes.”
“Very good. Now, after my friend has all her Time Pieces back, including the ones not yet found, I shall give you your soul back. If you break your end of the deal, I will not hesitate to give you soul to a certain soul eating ghost.” Meaning he’d eat it. “If you try to break it after you have your soul back, I will make your end a painful one and feed you soul to the Snatcher just because I can. Deal?”
“Deal.” Oh, no hesitation this time either, the Empress was a brave one as well as smart.
“I will see you later then. Remember to be a good kitty for your own sake. Buh-bye.” Snatcher lifted a hand to wriggle his fingers in a wave before transporting himself elsewhere, leaving her back in her jewelry shop.
For this drabble event.
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winryofresembool · 6 years
Edwin/dad!Ed one-shot: Girl Issues
Summary: Ed’s son Alan has been disappearing a lot from their house, and Ed tries to figure out why.
A/N: finally! This took like a million years. I hope you guys will still enjoy it :) Please let me know what you think!! (bing @automail-freak-and-alchemy-freak)
Edit: I forgot to say there might be a small “easter egg” hidden in the fic, about a movie some Edwin people have been talking about lately :’)
Words: 2450
Warnings: swearing
”Hey, Ed?” Winry addressed her husband who was cleaning the kitchen after the dinner. “Do you think Alan has been acting weirdly lately? He’s been doing… less mechanic work and gone out to town way more often…”
“He has?” Ed stopped putting the plates into the cupboard and turned to look at his wife, raising his eyebrows. “To me he has told that he’s simply taking some extra art lessons with Mr. Dawson because drawing blueprints has never been his strength.”
Winry crossed her arms over her chest and looked just as surprised as he did. “And to me he’s told he’s helping out some friends who have trouble with school… Something doesn’t add up.”
“Hmm. It’s not like him to hide things from us. I think I will call Mr. Dawson tonight and ask him if he’s really been at his house,” Ed decided. The conversation ended at that point because a loud crash could be heard from the living room, and Winry rushed to check what the twins had broken this time.
Only half an hour later, Ed, who was observing Emma’s alkahestry studies upstairs, heard the front door opening and closing. That let him know Alan had just left the building. He waited 10 more minutes, just in case Alan indeed went to the Dawsons, before dialing their phone number.
“Mr. Dawson? Hello! I’m calling you because my son seems to have been spending a lot of time there lately. Is he there right now?”
“No. And he hasn’t been here for the past two or three weeks, so I wouldn’t call that ‘a lot’,” a grumpy voice answered.
Ed narrowed his eyes at that piece of information, but he didn’t want to make Mr. Dawson too suspicious so he didn’t reveal the real reason of his call.
“Oh, OK. Well, thank you, anyway. And if he shows up, could you tell him to come home as soon as possible? Winry has a commission to finish and the twins are currently trying to kill me, so extra hands would certainly be useful.” The part about the twins was obviously a lie, as they were sitting surprisingly quietly in the living room listening to their father’s phone call, but the dramatic wording would probably get Alan home more easily. That is, if he ever got the message.
Winry glanced at Ed curiously when he finished the call.
“So? Did you find out anything?”
Ed shrugged. “Only that Alan hasn’t visited Mr. Dawson for several weeks. I thought he was enjoying his classes!”
“I thought so too,” Winry said, getting more and more confused.
“Did you talk to any of his friends?” Ed asked then.
“I just saw Jack, that boy from his class, down the street, and he said that if Alan had been helping someone, he certainly wasn’t among them. But you know, to me it sounded like he was hiding something from me.”
“Great,” Ed sighed. “So he’s been lying to both of us. What do we do about this?”
“I guess we should get him to talk. But how do we do it? He’s got your blood in him, you know.” Winry threw Ed a sly look that Ed had seen quite many times during their years of marriage.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Ed pretended to be hurt by Winry’s implications.
“Just that you have never been very good at expressing yourself, honey.” Ed snorted, because Winry and he had never been ones for pet names. “But also, since he’s more like you than you probably realize, you should be able to figure out the best way to make him open up. Was there anything that managed to crack your shell open when you were a teenager?”
Ed leaned his jaw against his hand, seeming to consider Winry’s question. His face seemed to have gotten some extra color when he spoke.
“Well, after the Promised Day… There was this girl who had been my friend since forever… She had even built me an automail leg and arm, so I could function… I knew she was upset because I couldn’t tell her what was happening in my life, but after the Promised day, when I felt it was safe to tell her everything… it was easier than I thought. Why? Because she made me feel she cared.”
“Ed… that’s very sweet of you…,” Winry said, completely surprised by her husband’s words and blushing slightly. She let her hand linger on his shoulder for a moment before continuing: “Anyway, I guess that means you should show that you do care about his wellbeing. I mean, deep down he must know that already, but you know, sometimes it’s good to say it aloud. He’s in a difficult age, but I know he really respects you and values your opinions.”
“I hope so,” Ed grunted, not quite believing her.
Until that moment, the twins who had been listening the whole time hadn’t said anything, but suddenly the 4-year-old Henry blurted: “We heard brother talking with big sissy today! He told her to ‘dis… tract you’, whatever that means, while someone comes to get him with a motorbike!”
“Really?” Winry asked, her eyebrows raising probably higher than the twins had ever seen. “Those two are almost as bad as… oh, never mind,” she added quickly when she saw the twins staring at her intensely.
“So that’s why Emma was so eager to show me what she had learned with Mei… She’s usually not that enthusiastic about it,” Ed noted.
“Makes perfect sense. Hey, my little king and queen,*” Winry ruffled her kids’ hair, “you didn’t happen to hear where they were planning to go?”
“No, mum,” the twins said in unison. “But I bet Emma knows!”
“We’ll just have to ask her, then.”
“No, dad, I’m not gonna tell you where Alan is. One, because I don’t know it either since they change their meeting place regularly, and two, because it’s none of your business.”
Emma took a book from her bedside table and pretended to be interested in it instead of looking at her father’s stare. Even though it didn’t work quite as well against her as it once used to, she still felt slightly bad about hiding things from him. Alan was right, though, their parents were too curious for their own good.
“Fine, then. Can you at least tell me with whom he is?”
Emma was positive her father would use what he liked to call “Elric telepathy” on her if she didn’t talk, so she let a little huff from her mouth and said:
“He’s gonna murder me, but… you would find out eventually if they continue doing this. You’re not gonna like this, dad…”
“Emma, just tell me already.” Ed was starting to show signs of losing his patience. Even though he had calmed down after having his children, the old temper still raised its head when he was truly annoyed or frustrated.
“Remember how Mei’s niece from Xing came to visit her and Al a couple of months ago because she wanted to learn more about Amestris and alchemy?” Emma asked, trying to be nonchalant but failing at it.
“Yes, wasn’t she Ling’s daughter?” Ed asked, not understanding why Emma had started talking about her. “Didn’t she have all those guards behind her all the time because she’s the daughter of the Emperor?”
“You are right, she was… Well, what you probably don’t know is that she decided to stay here in Amestris. She’s been trying to keep a low profile because she doesn’t want the media to follow her.”
“OK, but what does this have to do with Alan? I don’t get… OH!” The pieces of the puzzle started finally clicking in Ed’s head, and Emma could see his face taking a more and more dark red shade as he processed the information. “Are you telling me… my son… is seeing… that bastard’s heir?!”
“I told you, you wouldn’t like it.” Emma shrugged. “I thought you and the Emperor were friends, though? Doesn’t he always send you presents on holidays and stuff?”
“Damn right he does,” Ed suddenly stopped caring that he was talking to his daughter, “but that’s only because I once had to pay for a hell of a lot of food for him. He owes me.”
“Whatever you say…” Emma rolled her eyes. “Listen, please don’t be too hard on Alan. From what I’ve seen, they genuinely enjoy each other’s company, and Zhi is a nice person.”
“Fine. But I’m still gonna talk with him.” Under his breath, he mumbled: “what if they decide to get married? What if my son becomes a prince? What if…”
“Um, dad, I don’t know what you had in your mind when you were 15 but I really don’t think they are thinking about marriage yet,” Emma said, amused by her father’s exaggerated reaction.
“When I was 15, I was trying to save our entire country from Homunculi so it was a bit different!”
“Based on your stories, you were only trying to save Uncle Al, dad, and everything else just happened by accident.”
“That… might be true, but you shouldn’t say it aloud, Emma,” Ed gave her a fake hurt look. “I still punched the god on his face!”
“Whatever, dad.” She took her book again and hid her face behind it. “Just… could you go now so I can continue reading in peace? I have a test tomorrow I need to study for.”
“Would you like me to help?”
“Just go, please!”
Ed and Winry had already put the twins into bed when Alan showed up at home again. Winry remained calm on the surface even though Ed knew she must have been sizzling underneath her cool cover. She had always hated it when he and Al had hidden something from her and now, they were talking about their 15-year-old son… Ed guessed that it was normal teenagers acted that way, but that didn’t mean he liked it. He suggested Winry go to check on the rest of the kids while he’d deal with Alan.
“Alan, can we talk?” Ed asked, barely able to contain his annoyance. Alan looked like he sensed his parents had found out something, the guilty expression Winry had seen on Ed so many times giving him away.
“Now? Dad, I’m hungry as fuck, haven’t eaten anything since lunch so can I at least grab a bite first?”
“What’s with that language, young man?” Ed asked disapprovingly.
“Please, like you weren’t the one who taught me that word…” That was the truth, but Ed wasn’t going to let him get away so easily.
“I’ve always told you to not do what I do, not the other way around…”
“Right… Well, since you clearly aren’t allowing me to eat, you might as well get into the topic.” Alan crossed his arms just like his mother had a little bit earlier. That amused Ed a bit.
“We can always talk about it in the kitchen,” Ed noted, a small smile spreading on his face.
“So… what was it you wanted to talk about?” Alan asked when he had a full bowl of stew in front of him.
Ed looked serious again. “I think you know. Don’t think we haven’t noticed your disappearances lately.”
“But I’ve been…”
“We know you haven’t been where you were supposed to be. I talked to Mr. Dawson today and he told me you haven’t visited him for several weeks.”
“Listen, the sooner you admit it, the better. Do you want me to know the real story or the vague one Emma told me?”
“She told you about Zhi? Damnit, I’m never telling her anything again.”
“I think you are missing the point there, son.”
“Fine,” Alan finally admitted, as he was lapping the stew into his mouth. “Yes, I’ve been hanging out with Mei’s niece… who also happens to be the Xingese Emperor’s daughter.”
“And what? What are you expecting me to tell you? That she’s pregnant? That we are about to announce our engagement any day now? That I’ve decided to move to Xing and leave my family behind forever?”
“None of those things are true, right?” Ed raised his eyebrow suspiciously.
“Of course they aren’t! I like her, and we have a lot of fun when we are hanging out… But I do realize that she’s a princess from another country. And she knows the realities too. She’s gonna have to go back eventually. And when she does, she is in the constant focus of her people. That is not something I’ve ever imagined going through, but why does it have to mean I’m not allowed to enjoy this moment? I knew you guys would react badly to this, that’s why I didn’t tell anything.”
“Now we finally got to the root of the problem,” Ed said. “I don’t mind you hanging out with this Zhi girl… the princess… whatever… But I am upset that you have been lying to us for a long while now.”
Alan couldn’t help but roll his eyes in annoyance. “Like you’ve never had any secrets yourself…”
“I admit that when I was your age, I hid a lot of things from your mother, because I wanted to keep her safe… But I regretted it a lot. I could see she hated it, and it made me upset too. After the Promised Day, I was so relieved because I could finally share everything. I think it made our relationship stronger too.” Ed sighed before adding: “I’m not good at these things, but what I’m trying to say is that please don’t hide things from us just because you think we might not like what you are wanting to tell us. We are here to support you.”
“Dad, thanks… And sorry… for not telling you.” “No problem, son. I’m just saying what I wish my father had once told me.”
“Oh…” Alan hadn’t heard his father talking about his father a lot. He had just always assumed they had had a bad relationship. And this proved he had been right.
“So, now that we have dealt with that…,” Ed spoke suddenly, “about this Zhi girl… how far have you gone with her? Do I need to have the talk with you?”
“Dad, stop being so embarrassing!” Alan screamed and jumped off his chair. “I’m not gonna talk about that with you! Uncle Al or even the Emperor of Xing would give better advice than you!”
“Hey, take that back!” Ed growled, but Alan had already run away from the kitchen, and he was left to fume with anger on his own.
*Names Erika and Henry both mean rulers and I have a headcanon that the twins indeed are the rulers of the Rockbell-Elric household even though they are all a pretty strong willed bunch. 
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ofviolentdeath · 4 years
Characters:: Rebecca (pre!hell Cord) and Thomas Word count:: 2815
It had become something of a habit. Sneaking out in the dead of night while her family slept and meeting up with Thomas at the edge of the woods. She was always careful of prying eyes, had memorized the watch schedules of everyone as well as the hunting times. If they were caught, they were both dead, she knew that. And, quite frankly, she wasn’t all that interested in checking out earlier than she needed to. 
Of course, the idea of a quick death compared to hellhounds did hold some appeal, it would put her children at risk. That was the one place Rebecca drew a line. In everything she and Thomas did, the children were left out of it.
He had questions about them, naturally, especially her eldest. Robert was a lot like her in many ways and, if any of them would carry her gifts, he was the most likely. But, she put her foot down, told him with no room for argument that her babies were not part of this. If she could protect them from her fate, she would do whatever it took to do so.
She was silent as she followed Thomas deeper into the woods, to the spot they had first crossed paths, the scorched earth easy to find. He had used some sort of cloaking spell, something to keep it hidden from prying eyes, but she didn’t exactly trust that either. Didn’t trust him, not entirely. There was something he wasn’t telling her and she would only bite her tongue for so long. She hated being kept in the dark.
Energy rippled around her when she crossed the edge of the circle, the feel of it sliding across her skin making her breath catch. She doubted she would ever truly get used to that feeling. It wasn’t unpleasant, no, quite the opposite honestly. That pull of power making her want more of it. 
“In time,” Thomas had told her, his tone always calm but amused. He was far more patient than she was, but it didn’t seem he was going to be dying before her. It had to give him an extra bit of that ease, to not feel so rushed. 
A part of him was worried about the power hunger, but he figured it would do well in the beginning of hell. If she was anything like him, and Thomas knew she was, she’d get to a certain level and mellow out. Learn better ways to use it, to utilize what she has, without going down paths even he was too afraid to touch. After all, there was a lot that could be learned in hell and even more in travels. 
“Have you been working on breathing exercises, as I requested?” he started, toeing the line of her circle. It was hers and hers alone, he could not cross it without her permission. He had tried, once, when she wasn’t there and it had thrown him back into a tree. It was a fun lesson to learn, although he doubted fun was the word most would have chosen. 
Rebecca glared at him before taking a deep breath and offering a hand, pulling into into the circle and feeling it close back up around them. It was in that moment she realized she could keep him there, trapped, if she so chose. It was an enticing idea and definitely one she would remember for when she decided he had played his games long enough. 
“Do you really think I have time for that? I have children and numbered days very quickly drawing to a close. Or have you forgotten that you’re spending your nights with a damned woman?”
Of course he had not forgotten, but her tone and hardness drew a laugh from him as he sat across from her. “Now, now, it is imperative that you learn your base levels in all things,” he soothed, never one to take offense to her moods. 
That didn’t do much to lessen the sourness in her expression as she crossed her arms and stared him down, refusing to be the first to blink. “My base level is anger. Can we move along with this lesson, hmm?”
Another chuckle as he shook his head, allowing her the small victory when he broke eye contact. Her patience seemed thinner tonight, her attitude and discomfort growing recently. Thomas went to speak, opened his mouth and started to form words but stopped abruptly, a curious look crossing his face.
“Rebecca, dear one, are you with child?” It would explain a lot, really. The increased irritability and the tired look about her. Her clothing wasn’t as loose as it was a mere month or so ago either. Although he figured the question would be met with hostility and a reminder that her babies were not his concern. 
“Is it that obvious?” The anger had dissipated at the question and she drew her knees to her stomach, a protective gesture. Her husband, if he could be called that, had failed to notice and she spent a great deal more time with the man than she did Thomas. 
“No, I should think not. But I pay attention to things.” And he had watched her from the shadows for years, her entire life really, and had seen how she had been in both of her previous pregnancies. “You do not seem as happy as one would expect a mother to be.”
It was her turn to laugh, the sound broken and bitter, laced with self loathing. “How can I possibly be happy? None of them will ever really know me as their mother. This child likely won’t remember me at all.” It was a lot to cope with and that feeling of loss had been growing stronger as the days passed. What kind of mother was she? Knowing she was going to leave her children behind and never see them grow. It made her wish, not for the first time, that she had never bore Robert or Edmund and that baby in her belly did not exist either. 
He nodded, the answer making sense. He knew the feeling, better than she thought he might. This, well, it was the only relationship he would ever have with either of his children. But there was no way to tell her, not when she had so much going on already. No. After she passed, perhaps, when they crossed paths again down the road. Maybe then he’d tell her.
For now, however, he merely reached out to offer a comforting touch, his fingers giving her hand a slight squeeze before he was pulling back. “Be that as it may, we really ought not venture deeper into things until after the child is brought into this world.” 
Rebecca’s anger flared immediately at the suggestion, the symbols burned into the ground smoldering. “No! I don’t have the time to wait for this child. Three winters, Thomas. That is all the time I have left. I will not squander that time just because I am with child. No harm has come yet.” 
She had a point, but he knew the deeper they got into things, the more it affected her, wore her down. She was pushing herself to the depths of her limits, going so far as to collapse on a few occasions. He was surprised she hadn’t lost the child she was carrying from that alone. 
But, as it were, he had also learned that arguing with her did little good. One way or another, she was going to keep pushing. There was nothing he could do to stop that. At least if he’s there, guiding her and watching over her, he can intervene. He can keep her from hurting herself or the life she was growing. 
“Fine. But we’re starting at basics for the night. Working on your control versus stretching your ability.” It was the best compromise he could think of and he hoped she took it. Hoped it was enough to keep her from pushing too much too fast again. Their last meeting had left her barely breathing and unable to stand and carrying her back to her home had not been smart or easy.
“Fine,” she mirrored, a growl in her tone as she moved into a more comfortable position. He always made her do these smaller bits for, easing into things instead of letting her dive into the heavier magics. She knew there was good reason for it, that she often bit off more than she could chew, but it was hard not to. 
Her eyes closed as she forced herself to exhale slowly, the wind cool against her skin as she focused on that. A deep breath in, feeling that chill, holding it until her chest burned with the need to exhale before letting it go. The next intake she focus on heat, the warmth of her own skin, the burn of slow building energy, and she pulled it into herself. The rush of warmth that licked over her skin like the heat of fire was a comfort, a reminder of what she could do and where she felt the most at ease. 
Thomas was quiet as he watched her, marveling in the way the magic made her glow as if lit from within by fires only they could see. It was simple, pure energy in the most gentle of forms until she buried her hands in the ground and the the circle itself burst into flame.
“That is not what you were meant to be doing at the moment, Rebecca.” Despite the words, Thomas could not hide the astonishment at it. It had seemed so effortless for her to do, a quick touch and then they were engulfed in flame that warmed without burning skin or singing hair. But it was a beacon as well, something that could easily signal what it was they were out there doing.
When her eyes opened, the blue was consumed by the colors of the flames, dancing fiery oranges and reds. That was unexpected. 
She didn’t speak, choosing instead to sweep her hands out, the flames lowering but not dying out. “I am not playing child’s games, Thomas. Either teach me something worth learning or let me see what I can do on my own.”
“And if you choose to push yourself too hard, again, you could lose that baby,” he shot back, refusing to back down on this. “For love of god, Rebecca, is that what you want? One more regret to add to your ever growing list?”
She went to speak, to argue, but he held up a hand, silencing her if only for a moment.
“You may try to argue, but I can see it in your eyes. So much regret and self loathing, my dear one. I know it is not easy to walk away from your children, to know you will leave them, but all parents leave their children. Your own mother passed in the process of trying to bring life into this world. Is that your goal, little one? To go out that way so you don’t have to face your choices head on?”
His words struck a nerve, the flames flaring once more as she stood, hands curled into fists at her sides, fingers twisted in fabric for something to grip. “You know nothing of me,” she snarled, taking a step forward, closing the distance between them. “Do not think you do.”
“But I do. I know you very well, Rebecca. I’ve known many others like you. Children making deals to save others only to regret it as they grow closer to upholding their ends.” There was no blame in his tone, he found what she had done to be something rather admirable. But he knew regret, had felt it himself over so many years.
“I regret nothing of my deal. I would make it again and again and again,” she corrected, glaring up at him with eyes so like his own. It was a wonder she didn’t notice, but he assumed it was because she didn’t want to see what was right in front of her face. “The only thing I regret is bringing babies into this world that I cannot protect. So you are going to teach me everything you know so that I can find some way to keep them safe after I am gone from them.”
That brought everything into a deeper clarity than he had been anticipating. His own defensiveness melting away as he reached out and gripped her shoulders, feeling the way she trembled with something between rage and true fear. 
“There is nothing in this world or the next that I can teach you that would ensure their safety, Rebecca. Not without taking away their ability to choose their own lives for themselves. Is that something you would be willing to trade? Their freedom of choice, of growth and discovery for some preconceived notion of safety?” 
“You’re lying!” There was a desperation as she reached out to shove him, putting as much force in that one gesture as she could muster. The flame hit his back but they didn’t burn him, not yet. It was a warning more than anything, a way to force truth from his lips. “There has to be something, anything to keep them protected! I will not let them end up with my fate, Thomas!”
When she went to shove him again, his fingers circled her wrists and he tugged her to him, wrapping arms around her to keep her from hurting either one of them in her distress. “I wish I was lying, Rebecca. If there was a way, I would have found it for my own children,” he countered, holding her tightly as she screamed and beat against him until that fear and rage gave way to sobs. 
It broke his heart to know he could not protect her but seeing her like this was worse. He hadn’t thought that possible, but watching his child sob her heart out in fear of her own was not something he had ever wanted to bear witness to. 
“I don’t want to leave my children,” she finally whimpered, her voice hoarse from the screaming cries of her breakdown. She had no one else to talk to about this, to confide in. Thomas was all she had, the only port in this storm and the only thing that felt like safety. Even if Rebecca wanted nothing more than to hate him in that moment, she knew he was right, that he had been telling the truth. And the truth was needed more than any comforting lie ever could be. 
“I know, little one, I know. No parent ever does,” he murmured, fingers combing through her hair as he held her still. He knew he should let go, have her close the circle and head for home, but the selfish part of him needed this moment. Needed a chance to actually be her father for once. “But they will remember the love you gave them and the lessons you taught them before that time expired. Your story will unfold as will theirs and, perhaps, some day those threads will cross again. Maybe not with them or their children, but their children’s children or further down the lines.” 
She sniffled, fingers trembling as she sough to wipe her face dry, the tears having run dry while he spoke. “How can you be so sure?” She needed reassurance, to have someone tell her everything would be okay and she gazed up at him with such loss and hopelessness. How could he possibly not give her that comfort?
“Because, all things come clear in time. All things come back to their source. The rain returns to the river, the river returns to the sea. So too will your blood return to you.” He sealed the promise with a gentle press of lips to her forehead before he moved away, giving her a little bit of distance. “I think we are out of time for tonight. Close your circle, Rebecca. We can meet again in three nights time.”
The loss of touch left her feeling cold and shaky despite the still flickering flames, but Rebecca nodded and focused on pulling that energy back in before releasing it into the ground. The loss of it always made her feel dizzy and she sat slowly, focusing on her breathing like Thomas had taught her, grounding herself until the world stopped spinning. 
“Three nights. Do you give your word?”
“I give you my word, little one. Three nights.”
With one last nod, she stood and brushed the dirt and char from her clothing before heading back towards home, one last glance at him over her shoulder and she was gone, fading into the night as he turned and headed in the opposite direction. 
0 notes
Here’s my Secret Santa gift for scarytinyturtlebutt! I submitted it to her yesterday, but for some reason it wouldn’t link to @undertalesecretsanta This is me linking it again, so hopefully it works :)
“What do you guys usually eat for Christmas?” you asked Sans as you grabbed a can off the grocery shelf.
“well,” he chuckled, “this is our first christmas, so technically nothing.”
“Oh, right.” Monsters had only been on the surface for two years. Sans had explained they hadn’t yet tried or integrated many human traditions into their own yet, even though some of theirs were very similar. “Then what do you usually eat for Gyftmas?”
“whatever paps wants,” he shrugged, moving to stand on the bottom rack of the cart, leaning his torso over the handle. “it’s different every time.”
“Like what? I need specifics.” You walked further down the isle, pulling both cart and lazy bones with you.
“one time we had a pancake and hot chocolate bar, another time we had oatmeal with those little dinosaur eggs…”
“I sense a theme here,” you said, raising an amused eyebrow.
“heh, yeah. paps says it’s the only time of the year that breakfast for dinner is okay.”  
“Hmm,” you mused as you scanned the shelves for anything else you might want. You and Sans hadn’t come prepared with a list, planning to figure it out as you went. Not seeing anything in this section, you pulled the cart onward. “Maybe we’ll have to add some kind of breakfast food to our feast then. Any suggestions?”
Sans thought for a moment. “what other foods are ya making?”
You started listing them off on your fingers. “Turkey, stuffing, rolls, mashed potatoes. A few other things I haven’t decided.”
“savory stuff, huh? maybe a quiche, then? papyrus likes those.”
“Ooh, perfect!” Your eyes lit up. “I know a great recipe.”
“goes good with ketchup, too.” He flashed a mischievous grin as he leaned off the moving cart to snag a giant bottle of the stuff.
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. “You’re buying that separate. I refuse to pay for your unholy addiction.”
“i can quit anytime.”
“Yeah right,” you snorted. “Right after I quit my sleeping addiction.”
“hey, papyrus quit his.” He winked. “anything is possible.”
You stopped walking to grab a few spices. Then you looked him straight in the eyelights, deadpan expression. “Monkey-walrus hybrids wearing nothing but potato skins and living on the sun in cotton huts.”
His browbone contorted in deep confusion. “what the hell did you just say to me?”
“Not everything is possible.” You gave him the widest, shit-eating grin you could.
“i think you need to get checked out,” he smirked back.
“Okay. Right after you get your addiction checked out.”
“maybe we should just check out of this store.”
“As soon as I check out this sale over here.”
“in the meantime, i’ll be checking you out.”
“Ooookay. Time to check out of this conversation.”
“does that mean i win? checkmate.”
“I’m legit done with this now,” you laughed. “No more!”
“sue me. i’ll write a check.”
“Noooo! Sans!” You started walking away.
He followed with the cart. “check. chhheck. check. hm. sounds weird now.”
“Why did I ever agree to date you?” you huffed.
“ditto, ms. monkey-walrus hybrid,” he grinned, an amorous sparkle in his eye.
Unable to hide your own smile, you shook your head and replied, “Let’s just go pick out a turkey, bonehead.”
The next day was Christmas Eve. You headed over to the skeleton brothers’ house in the late morning to start working on dinner. Usually your big feast was on Christmas itself, but the monster queen Toriel was hosting a huge party that day and you’d all been invited. Since Sans and Papyrus had never had an authentic human Christmas before, you decided it was your duty this year to make sure they did. This was one of the best times of the year, after all. It would be a crime not to experience it in full.
Papyrus answered the door, as per usual.
“Merry Christmas Eve, Papyrus,” you nodded as you stepped over the threshold.
“I CAN’T WAIT TO START THE FEAST PREPARATIONS!! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO INTERESTING!” he said as he followed you into the kitchen.
“Haha, yes,” you smiled, eyeing him a little nervously as he began to pull out the ingredients you’d bought the day before. “Just remember that I’m the Master Chef today, young Padawan.”
He paused a moment to shoot you a confused glance. “OH, THAT’S THE WARRING STARS REFERENCE… YES!! I WILL DO EXACTLY AS YOU INSTRUCT!”
“Good,” you chuckled. “First we should start on the pies.”
“this looks like a pie-ne time to join,” said Sans, peeking around the corner.
“Oh, hey! You want to help, too?” you asked hopefully.
“nope,” he grinned, taking a seat on one of the counter stools. “by join i meant watch.”
“And nap on all of our counter space,” you said wryly.
The day went by rather quickly with all the cooking and baking. All the previous cooking lessons you’d given Papyrus had paid off, evidenced by the minimal burnt dishes. Sans had been a bit of a butt, hiding things you were using when your back was turned (you suspect he’d been bored). But all in all, everything had turned out just fine.
After the table was set, you all sat down together to eat.
“so, uh,” sans started, “is there something we say before we eat?”
You paused in the middle of lifting a knife. “Like what?”
“i dunno, like ‘merry christmas, let’s eat?’” He shrugged.
“You said it then. Let’s eat!”
“AGREED!!” Papyrus chimed in.
Just as you were about to carve yourself some turkey, a flash of white zipped across the table, grabbing the bird by it’s leg and dragging it just as quickly over the other dishes. Bowls were tipped and flipped, splattering food and juices across the tablecloth.
“STOP THAT DOG!!” Papyrus leapt onto the table in pursuit, only creating a larger mess.
It all happened so quickly that you barely had time to register. You just stared as a glob of mashed potatoes smacking onto the front of your shirt. Turning to Sans, you saw his grin tighten as he leaned to rest his forehead on the table. The sounds of an angry Papyrus started to fade out through the front door.
“What the—why was—who let—the food—friggin’…” Your strained mutterings trailed off in an exasperated whine. You could feel hot tears begin to form as you took in the sight before you. “All of our hard work…”
“i’m sorry y/n,” Sans said, placing a hand on your back.
“What’re we going to do now?” Your voice shook, and you turned to look at him. When you saw his face, your eyes went wide.
“what?” he said, feigning innocence. “my bones felt a little dry. thought they could use some moisturizing.” His cheekbones were coated in a nice layer of gravy that was slowly dripping down his jaw.
The ridiculousness of it, paired with the ridiculousness of this whole ordeal… you really wanted to cry, but you couldn’t help the hysterical laughter that erupted from your mouth. Your doubled over in your chair, mirthful tears replacing sad ones. You heard Sans emitting similar levitous sounds next to you. This totally sucked, but it was going to be alright.
When Papyrus came back empty-handed a few minutes later, you two were still cracking up.
“It’s okay, Papyrus,” you managed to say while catching your breath. “We can figure something else out.”
“’kitchening?’” Sans smirked.
“Hey, I think the quiche is still salvageable,” you said, pointing to a round dish off in the corner of the table. There was a small paw print decorating the center of its golden-brown top.
“well that’s a pawsitive,” Sans snickered.
“Sure, we’ll just cut around it,” you replied, not sounding too confident after his description.
“more protein,” added Sans.
You all ended up eating the quiche, which Papyrus complimented liberally despite his initial aversion, and supplemented your meager meal with the extra rolls that hadn’t made their way out of the kitchen yet. It wasn’t the traditional feast you’d planned, but it was at least memorable.
After the mess was cleaned up, you all changed into cozy pajamas and cuddled on the couch to watch “A Christmas Story.”
“That’s just a mall Santa, Paps,” you said behind a yawn. “The real Santa’s nicer. Right, Sans?”
But Sans was fast asleep against your shoulder. That was too bad. You thought he’d get a kick out of this movie, but now he was going to miss the best parts. With the long day you’d had, it wasn’t long before you, too, were dozing off.
You awoke to the television turned off and blanket stretched over you. A warm skeleton was snoring as he cuddled you from behind. Looking about, Papyrus was nowhere to be found.
“Sans,” you whispered.
No reply.
“Sans, hey! We’ve gotta put out the presents.”
There was stirring, and then, “five more minutes, mom.”
You practically leapt off the couch, facing him with a frown. “What?”
He chuckled at your reaction and proceeded to stretch and yawn. “i’ll go get the stash then.”
The “stash” was hidden in Sans’s closet, probably the one place his brother wouldn’t dare go.
While you waited, you took a moment to admire their Christmas tree. Colorful lights twinkled off glittery ornaments, casting a soft, festive glow into the room. You remembered helping to decorate it a few weeks ago. Papyrus hung most of the ones up high since he could reach, and Sans… had mostly watched. He opted to coordinate which ornaments went where so no two of the same were too close to each other. His opinion wasn’t much called upon. Silly goof. You smiled fondly at the memory.
Sans appeared next to you holding a large, bulky trash bag.
“sansta claus reporting for duty,” he said.
“Pffft, dork,” you snorted, reaching inside the bag to grab a present.
“mmm, you shouldn’t call sansta that.”
“I do what I want,” you giggled, placing the present under the tree.
“that’s naughty, and you know what naughty children get.” He wiggled his browbones.
“Why, Sansta!” You feigned shock. “First you call me ‘mom’ and then you flirt with me? I think you’re the naughty one.”
Caught off guard, he struggled to keep his laughter at a low volume. “ya got me there. but seriously—” he pulled a small package out of his jacket pocket—"this is for you.”
You looked at the carefully wrapped box in front of you. “I can’t open that, silly,” you said. “It’s not Christmas yet.”
“that clock says it is.” He nodded to the timepiece on the wall, which read “3:07.”
You smiled wryly. “Alright, fine.” Taking the little box, you gave it a gentle shake. “It’s the key to a new Lamborghini!”
“ha! nope.”
“Oh, sorry. A yacht.”
“how could i have fit a whole yacht in there?”
“The key to one, geez,” you smiled, giving his shoulder a nudge.
“just open it,” he chuckled.
You carefully peeled back the paper so as not to rip it, and then neatly folded it up. “That’s quality paper. Gotta save it for later.”
He rolled his eyelights at you good-naturedly.
Lifting the lid to the box, you saw a smooth, black heart attached to a silver chain.
“Is this coal?” you asked, eyes widening. “Woah.” You pulled it out and held it up to get a better look.
“kinda. it’s called jet. it’s supposed to have useful properties.”
“Wow, thank you, Sans,” you said, admiring the pendant. He remembered you were into that kind of stuff. “That’s really thoughtful.”
“here, lemme put it on for ya,” he said, turning you around. Taking the necklace, he moved your hair to one side and clasped it around your neck. He turned you back around. “there. beautiful.”
You beamed up at him. “I have a present I want you to open now, too.” You shuffled around in the bag a minute before finding it. “I think Papyrus might be a little… disappointed with me if he saw it.”
Sans raised a browbone and proceeded to unwrap the package. “ha! i thought ya said you didn’t want to support my addiction.” He held up a ketchup dispenser in the shape of a gun, smiling widely.
“Yeah, well, I figured it’d be more amusing to watch you drink it this way,” you said.
“heheh! yeah, i bet it will be!” He examined his gift once more. “and you’re probably right about my bro. you’d never hear the end if he knew you gave it to me.”
“Speaking of,” you said, “we should finish putting out these presents before he wakes up. He’s such an early bird.”
He nodded, then stepped closer to wrap you in an embrace. “merry christmas, y/n.” He pressed his teeth to your hair.
You stood there a moment, enjoying the warm and intimacy of the moment. “Merry Christmas, Sans.”
Here’s a link to the ketchup gun if you were curious: https://laughingsquid.com/condiment-gun-shoots-out-ketchup-and-mustard/
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scarytinyturtlebutt · 6 years
Merry (late) Christmas from your Secret Santa!!! I hope this short story is alright! Let me know whatcha think! :D 
This is for the @undertalesecretsanta event
“What do you guys usually eat for Christmas?” you asked Sans as you grabbed a can off the grocery shelf.
“well,” he chuckled, “this is our first christmas, so technically nothing.”
“Oh, right.” Monsters had only been on the surface for two years. Sans had explained they hadn’t yet tried or integrated many human traditions into their own yet, even though some of theirs were very similar. “Then what do you usually eat for Gyftmas?”
“whatever paps wants,” he shrugged, moving to stand on the bottom rack of the cart, leaning his torso over the handle. “it’s different every time.”
“Like what? I need specifics.” You walked further down the isle, pulling both cart and lazy bones with you.
“one time we had a pancake and hot chocolate bar, another time we had oatmeal with those little dinosaur eggs…”
“I sense a theme here,” you said, raising an amused eyebrow.
“heh, yeah. paps says it’s the only time of the year that breakfast for dinner is okay.”  
“Hmm,” you mused as you scanned the shelves for anything else you might want. You and Sans hadn’t come prepared with a list, planning to figure it out as you went. Not seeing anything in this section, you pulled the cart onward. “Maybe we’ll have to add some kind of breakfast food to our feast then. Any suggestions?”
Sans thought for a moment. “what other foods are ya making?”
You started listing them off on your fingers. “Turkey, stuffing, rolls, mashed potatoes. A few other things I haven’t decided.”
“savory stuff, huh? maybe a quiche, then? papyrus likes those.”
“Ooh, perfect!” Your eyes lit up. “I know a great recipe.”
“goes good with ketchup, too.” He flashed a mischievous grin as he leaned off the moving cart to snag a giant bottle of the stuff.
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. “You’re buying that separate. I refuse to pay for your unholy addiction.”
“i can quit anytime.”
“Yeah right,” you snorted. “Right after I quit my sleeping addiction.”
“hey, papyrus quit his.” He winked. “anything is possible.”
You stopped walking to grab a few spices. Then you looked him straight in the eyelights, deadpan expression. “Monkey-walrus hybrids wearing nothing but potato skins and living on the sun in cotton huts.”
His browbone contorted in deep confusion. “what the hell did you just say to me?”
“Not everything is possible.” You gave him the widest, shit-eating grin you could.
“i think you need to get checked out,” he smirked back.
“Okay. Right after you get your addiction checked out.”
“maybe we should just check out of this store.”
“As soon as I check out this sale over here.”
“in the meantime, i’ll be checking you out.”
“Ooookay. Time to check out of this conversation.”
“does that mean i win? checkmate.”
“I’m legit done with this now,” you laughed. “No more!”
“sue me. i’ll write a check.”
“Noooo! Sans!” You started walking away.
He followed with the cart. “check. chhheck. check. hm. sounds weird now.”
“Why did I ever agree to date you?” you huffed.
“ditto, ms. monkey-walrus hybrid,” he grinned, an amorous sparkle in his eye.
Unable to hide your own smile, you shook your head and replied, “Let’s just go pick out a turkey, bonehead.”
The next day was Christmas Eve. You headed over to the skeleton brothers’ house in the late morning to start working on dinner. Usually your big feast was on Christmas itself, but the monster queen Toriel was hosting a huge party that day and you’d all been invited. Since Sans and Papyrus had never had an authentic human Christmas before, you decided it was your duty this year to make sure they did. This was one of the best times of the year, after all. It would be a crime not to experience it in full.
Papyrus answered the door, as per usual.
“Merry Christmas Eve, Papyrus,” you nodded as you stepped over the threshold. 
“I CAN’T WAIT TO START THE FEAST PREPARATIONS!! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO INTERESTING!” he said as he followed you into the kitchen.
“Haha, yes,” you smiled, eyeing him a little nervously as he began to pull out the ingredients you’d bought the day before. “Just remember that I’m the Master Chef today, young Padawan.”
He paused a moment to shoot you a confused glance. “OH, THAT’S THE WARRING STARS REFERENCE… YES!! I WILL DO EXACTLY AS YOU INSTRUCT!”
“Good,” you chuckled. “First we should start on the pies.”
“this looks like a pie-ne time to join,” said Sans, peeking around the corner.
“Oh, hey! You want to help, too?” you asked hopefully.
“nope,” he grinned, taking a seat on one of the counter stools. “by join i meant watch.”
“And nap on all of our counter space,” you said wryly.
The day went by rather quickly with all the cooking and baking. All the previous cooking lessons you’d given Papyrus had paid off, evidenced by the minimal burnt dishes. Sans had been a bit of a butt, hiding things you were using when your back was turned (you suspect he’d been bored). But all in all, everything had turned out just fine.
After the table was set, you all sat down together to eat.
“so, uh,” sans started, “is there something we say before we eat?”
You paused in the middle of lifting a knife. “Like what?”
“i dunno, like ‘merry christmas, let’s eat?’” He shrugged.
“You said it then. Let’s eat!”
“AGREED!!” Papyrus chimed in.
Just as you were about to carve yourself some turkey, a flash of white zipped across the table, grabbing the bird by it’s leg and dragging it just as quickly over the other dishes. Bowls were tipped and flipped, splattering food and juices across the tablecloth.
“STOP THAT DOG!!” Papyrus leapt onto the table in pursuit, only creating a larger mess.
It all happened so quickly that you barely had time to register. You just stared as a glob of mashed potatoes smacking onto the front of your shirt. Turning to Sans, you saw his grin tighten as he leaned to rest his forehead on the table. The sounds of an angry Papyrus started to fade out through the front door.
“What the—why was—who let—the food—friggin’…” Your strained mutterings trailed off in an exasperated whine. You could feel hot tears begin to form as you took in the sight before you. “All of our hard work…”
“i’m sorry y/n,” Sans said, placing a hand on your back.
“What’re we going to do now?” Your voice shook, and you turned to look at him. When you saw his face, your eyes went wide.
“what?” he said, feigning innocence. “my bones felt a little dry. thought they could use some moisturizing.” His cheekbones were coated in a nice layer of gravy that was slowly dripping down his jaw.
The ridiculousness of it, paired with the ridiculousness of this whole ordeal… you really wanted to cry, but you couldn’t help the hysterical laughter that erupted from your mouth. Your doubled over in your chair, mirthful tears replacing sad ones. You heard Sans emitting similar levitous sounds next to you. This totally sucked, but it was going to be alright.
When Papyrus came back empty-handed a few minutes later, you two were still cracking up.
“It’s okay, Papyrus,” you managed to say while catching your breath. “We can figure something else out.”
“’kitchening?’” Sans smirked.
“Hey, I think the quiche is still salvageable,” you said, pointing to a round dish off in the corner of the table. There was a small paw print decorating the center of its golden-brown top.
“well that’s a pawsitive,” Sans snickered.
“Sure, we’ll just cut around it,” you replied, not sounding too confident after his description.
“more protein,” added Sans.
You all ended up eating the quiche, which Papyrus complimented liberally despite his initial aversion, and supplemented your meager meal with the extra rolls that hadn’t made their way out of the kitchen yet. It wasn’t the traditional feast you’d planned, but it was at least memorable.
After the mess was cleaned up, you all changed into cozy pajamas and cuddled on the couch to watch “A Christmas Story.”
“That’s just a mall Santa, Paps,” you said behind a yawn. “The real Santa’s nicer. Right, Sans?”
But Sans was fast asleep against your shoulder. That was too bad. You thought he’d get a kick out of this movie, but now he was going to miss the best parts. With the long day you’d had, it wasn’t long before you, too, were dozing off.
You awoke to the television turned off and blanket stretched over you. A warm skeleton was snoring as he cuddled you from behind. Looking about, Papyrus was nowhere to be found.
“Sans,” you whispered.
No reply.
“Sans, hey! We’ve gotta put out the presents.”
There was stirring, and then, “five more minutes, mom.”
You practically leapt off the couch, facing him with a frown. “What?”
He chuckled at your reaction and proceeded to stretch and yawn. “i’ll go get the stash then.”
The “stash” was hidden in Sans’s closet, probably the one place his brother wouldn’t dare go.
While you waited, you took a moment to admire their Christmas tree. Colorful lights twinkled off glittery ornaments, casting a soft, festive glow into the room. You remembered helping to decorate it a few weeks ago. Papyrus hung most of the ones up high since he could reach, and Sans… had mostly watched. He opted to coordinate which ornaments went where so no two of the same were too close to each other. His opinion wasn’t much called upon. Silly goof. You smiled fondly at the memory.
Sans appeared next to you holding a large, bulky trash bag.
“sansta claus reporting for duty,” he said.
“Pffft, dork,” you snorted, reaching inside the bag to grab a present.
“mmm, you shouldn’t call sansta that.”
“I do what I want,” you giggled, placing the present under the tree.
“that’s naughty, and you know what naughty children get.” He wiggled his browbones.
“Why, Sansta!” You feigned shock. “First you call me ‘mom’ and then you flirt with me? I think you’re the naughty one.”
Caught off guard, he struggled to keep his laughter at a low volume. “ya got me there. but seriously—” he pulled a small package out of his jacket pocket—"this is for you.”
You looked at the carefully wrapped box in front of you. “I can’t open that, silly,” you said. “It’s not Christmas yet.”
“that clock says it is.” He nodded to the timepiece on the wall, which read “3:07.”
You smiled wryly. “Alright, fine.” Taking the little box, you gave it a gentle shake. “It’s the key to a new Lamborghini!”
“ha! nope.”
“Oh, sorry. A yacht.”
“how could i have fit a whole yacht in there?”
“The key to one, geez,” you smiled, giving his shoulder a nudge.
“just open it,” he chuckled.
You carefully peeled back the paper so as not to rip it, and then neatly folded it up. “That’s quality paper. Gotta save it for later.”
He rolled his eyelights at you good-naturedly.
Lifting the lid to the box, you saw a smooth, black heart attached to a silver chain.
“Is this coal?” you asked, eyes widening. “Woah.” You pulled it out and held it up to get a better look.
“kinda. it’s called jet. it’s supposed to have useful properties.”
“Wow, thank you, Sans,” you said, admiring the pendant. He remembered you were into that kind of stuff. “That’s really thoughtful.”
“here, lemme put it on for ya,” he said, turning you around. Taking the necklace, he moved your hair to one side and clasped it around your neck. He turned you back around. “there. beautiful.”
You beamed up at him. “I have a present I want you to open now, too.” You shuffled around in the bag a minute before finding it. “I think Papyrus might be a little… disappointed with me if he saw it.”
Sans raised a browbone and proceeded to unwrap the package. “ha! i thought ya said you didn’t want to support my addiction.” He held up a ketchup dispenser in the shape of a gun, smiling widely.
“Yeah, well, I figured it’d be more amusing to watch you drink it this way,” you said.
“heheh! yeah, i bet it will be!” He examined his gift once more. “and you’re probably right about my bro. you’d never hear the end if he knew you gave it to me.”
“Speaking of,” you said, “we should finish putting out these presents before he wakes up. He’s such an early bird.”
He nodded, then stepped closer to wrap you in an embrace. “merry christmas, y/n.” He pressed his teeth to your hair.
You stood there a moment, enjoying the warm and intimacy of the moment. “Merry Christmas, Sans.”
Here’s a link to the ketchup gun if you were curious: https://laughingsquid.com/condiment-gun-shoots-out-ketchup-and-mustard/
Oh my gosh, this is so nice. Thank you so much!!! Sans and Reader seem really sweet and relaxed with each other. That ketchup gun is a total riot. xD I really like how you wrote the playful banter. I’m all about that stuff, and it was so nice. It just has a really soft and warm feeling. <3
I was really D: when that dog nabbed everything, but hopefully since they’re a monster they won’t try eating the turkey’s bones. Bird bones shatter since they’re hollow and can get lodged in dog throats. If they’re smart enough to nab everything at once, they should be smart enough not to do that?
I’m completely on the same page as Papyrus. Breakfast food is the BEST. :D Thanks again! This is such a sweet story!
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puppyeoll · 7 years
Wildest Dreams
AU List
word count: 1729
Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams 
It was a slow trek home. Mostly because of the impending lecture you were sure to get but you were also more than halfway across the city from the manor. There was a secret path to the batcave somewhere nearby, but again, who knows what wrath Batman was going to unleash upon you.
After almost an hour later, you finally drag your tired self into the batcave, tossing your utility belt one way and your cape the other. When you look up, you startle at the sight of Batman sitting in his chair, carefully watching you.
“Do I have to add the importance of being organized to the list of lectures tonight?” he simple said. Without a word, you go over and pick up your things and place them where they belong. Once you fully change back into your civilian clothes, you plop down in your seat across from him.
“Disappointed. I know.” you cut him off.
“Yes.” he sat with his hands folded under his chin, no doubt scrutinizing you underneath his mask. So you stare right back at him. “Are you going to plead your case?”
“There’s nothing to say. He wasn’t doing anything wrong.”
“He attacked you.”
“I kinda provoked him.” you say, trying to recall the events that transpired. Now that you think about it, the two of you were really just talking until you whipped out your staff. And then you let your guard down at the wrong moment.
Batman continued to stare at you, which was more intimidating than the full blown lecture you were hoping to receive. You hated this about him.
“He isn’t who you think he is. We know what happened to the real one.”
“No. We only know half the story.” he quickly turned his chair to face his computer so he can pull up information. You watched as pictures and articles of the devil who hung over you two like a shadow appeared on the big screen that spanned most of the back wall.
“We can’t let our guard down just because this kid is not him.”
“Maybe we can help him.” you blurt out.
Batman turns around in that slow and agonizing way that makes you regret your words instantly.
“Anyone who’s been in contact with the Joker is beyond hope.”
“You don’t know that. It’s not like he contracted a disease.”
“Mental illness isn’t cured so easily. There must be a reason the Joker took him in.”
You did think about this on your way home. The Joker is known for his psychotic nature and you noticed the similarities with the boy you met tonight, but you weren’t about to label him as a lost cause.
“Don’t go looking for him.” Batman suddenly said.
“And if you ever see him while you’re alone, alert me immediately.”
“That’s an order, Robin.” his word was final.
Obediently, you nod your head and excuse yourself, calling in for the night.
The batcave connected to the Manor where Batman had generously allowed you residence. He always did for his fellow companions, and it was nice to think about when he was being particularly strict because it served as a reminder that he just wanted to protect those that mattered to him most. In the Manor you weren’t allowed to wear your Robin gear and he didn’t wear his Batman uniform as a precaution. If anyone found out your true identities, your world would fall into chaos.
Entering your room with a sigh of relief, you collapsed onto your bed, slightly cringing when you felt the pain in your stomach from where you were kicked. It would go away by morning, you told yourself. Taking a peek at the clock next to your bed, you saw it was 1 am. Climbing under the covers, you let sleep take over. The last thing you remember thinking about was the Joker’s smile.
The next day you had no responsibilities. Not until another night watch at least. When you came downstairs to get breakfast there was a note from the Batman on the counter, telling you to rest well and to be ready for another patrol after sunset.
So you took your time getting ready for the day. You scouted the Manor and noticed that some food shopping was in need. Even though you two were accompanied by the butler, Batman’s other most loyal companion other than you and the previous robins, doing this one favor would lighten his load and keep you busy for a few hours.
And kept you busy it did. The weather was lovely for a wintery day, where it wasn’t obscenely cold and the wind didn’t bite at your nose like usual. A lot of people just like you were out and about, taking advantage of such a beautiful day. Despite the bleary winter colors, it was bright with a light coating of snow still covering the ground and everyone was dressed in their colorful winter wear that painted a the city in beautiful hues.
The park was particularly filled, you noticed when you were on the way home from finishing errands. The busyness attracted you like a magnet, pulling you in to go out and join the others in a wintery fun day. Kids were playing in the snow, pets were running around having just as much fun. All three ice rinks in the park were filled with people, but you still came back with your skates hung over your shoulder, hoping you could skate a few rounds.
After you were suited up, you carefully make your way onto the rink. People politely created an opening for you to squeeze through and then you were off, gliding on the ice that was very well worn from all the skating done during the day.
“You do everything with such grace.” a voice said close to your ear, which tripped you up contrary to the compliment. But as quickly as your balance was lost, an arm came out and grabbed hold of you to steady you. When you looked up, the smile that graced your dreams the night before was smiling right at you. “Hello, little bird.” he greeted.
You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips, but before you could cause a commotion, you realized you two were in public now.
“I don’t think it’d be wise to raise panic, don’t you agree?” he said as if he read your mind, his arm still wound tight around your pulling you around the rink like you two were just another pair enjoying their Saturday afternoon.
“How did you know who I am?” was the first thing you managed to say.
“Our meeting may have been brief, but I pay attention very well.”
“You can’t be here.” you tell him next. Though, just by looking at him, you’d never know who he was. He had a beanie on to cover his toxic green hair, a scarf long and fluffy enough to hide half his face, and a jacket and gloves just like every other person here.
The Joker looked at you, his expression completely offended and rightfully so. “You forget that I’m human too.” he answered, breaking his gaze from yours to weave you both through a crowd of people. You didn’t forget he was human, but he was an accomplice to the most fiendish human that ever walked the earth; the very one who was a psychopath, the personification of a natural disaster, and a murderer. It was hard to believe that human was still applicable to such a being.
You remain quiet, not exactly to concede to his statement, but because you really didn’t know what to say. Here you were, ice skating with your archenemy’s prodigy. The very one Batman commanded that you alert him if you spot him while alone. What a situation to be in.
“I wonder how The Batman will react once he knows you’re on a date with me.”
“Date?!” You exclaimed. The tone of your voice put a sparkling smile on the boy’s face, which in return made your legs feel like jelly. It’s quite possible he wasn’t all evil. Just a dumb boy trying to flirt with a silly girl.
“Hmm, I don’t think I left a good impression on him for our first meeting.”
“That’s what worries you?”
“No one wants to look bad in front of Batman.”
“You’re not wrong.” you replied. It was something even you struggled with. Batman’s had others don the robin mantle before you, so you tried to follow in their footsteps and keep up the respectable image of Batman’s one and only partner in crime. Well, the one who helps him fight crime.
And so this was how you spent the next few hours. Skating around the rink, arms linked together; stopping occasionally to break and get some hot chocolate. You two sat on the bench, watching your breaths materialize in front of you as the day turned into evening. Sunset also meant the end of your time together.
“So when must the little bird return to the nest?”
“It’s not as much as return as it is to make a pit stop to change and go out on patrol.” you tell him as you take your skates off. You briefly stop to think about why you were telling him this. The time you spent together today doesn’t change the long standing history that inevitably puts the two of you at opposite ends.
“I’ll be lurking in the shadows, awaiting our next meeting.” he says as he stands. You didn’t notice it before, but he had his cane hidden under the bench. He picks it up and then steps back to give you a bow before leaving. When you were sure he was out of sight, you check under the bench for any dangerous items he might have left behind, but came up empty. Just in case, you stick around the rink for an extra 15 minutes, even though Batman’s wrath was still upon you and he’d let you have it for being late. You wanted to make sure no funny business would occur on your watch here. The coast turned out to be clear, so you throw your skates over your shoulder and make your way home to prepare for your evening watch. And possibly, another meeting with the Joker.
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