#might as well post the backlog of brainrot
egretful · 5 months
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maryse127 · 5 months
Got tagged by @dying-suffering-french-stalkers to post five (5) songs I like :)
Melodies of Life from Final Fantasy IX - surprisingly not because I finally finished the game (FFIX is in backlog hell) but because the lyrics fit beautifully into my Final Fantasy XV headcanon/one day to be written fic maybe hopefully?
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me by Taylor Swift - my big obsession from the new album at least partially because uhm, this too fit way too good into the FFXV story in my head, oops
Valse di Fantastica by God Yoko Shimomura - speaking of FFXV :) I love this song and I am very excited that yesterday Distant Worlds announced they are premiering a new score of it at the Berlin concert I am going to in May!! (Last time I went to Distant Worlds they did a kinda shitty and very short performance of my beloved Apocalypsis Noctis as the FFXV rep which was incredibly disappointing so I am very glad about this redemption arc)
No Promises to Keep from Final Fantasy VII Rebirth by Nobuo Uematsu the other God and Loren Allred - This post is apparently brought to you by my Final Fantasy brainrot but at least this one isn't about XV I guess :) This song is so pretty omg. And from this one I actually do have the full emotional damage from having finished the game!
Away (Phoenix theme from Final Fantasy XVI) by Masayoshi Soken - I was gonna put some not Final Fantasy song here but this post is already derailed, might as well stick with the theme. I am once again asking Square Enix to release this ost on Spotify. Also yes, this has English lyrics which literally nobody realised until the offical lyrics were released. This song is so good I actually spend money on the FFXVI dlc for Theatrhytm.
Honorable mentions: Toward Mt. Nibel (FF7 Rebirth) like the entire fucking soundtrack for this game is insane (put it on streaming Square) but this is the opening credits while running through a very beutiful valley towards the mountain and it is such a beautiful epic start to the game! Also I am once again asking y'all to listen to Songs from Final Fantasy XV by Florence and the Machine.
Tagging: @mister-e-muss @randomlygeneratedusername2 @elfje-8 @humongousfurybeard and who-ever else thinks this is fun just say I tagged you :)
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shadowsong26fic · 11 months
Coming Attractions!
It is still technically the first Monday of the month in my timezone, so I'm not late XD
As always, this also means an Open Question Night--my askbox is always open, but tonight I'll be keeping an eye on it. Questions about anything I've posted about here or on AO3 are fair game; my current primary fandoms/heaviest brainrots are BSG, Les Mis, and Star Wars. I do take prompts, but no promises on how quickly I'll fill them.
So not a whole lot to say this month. Work got super busy last month so I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped, alas. This month is NaNo, and while I'm not doing an Official Project, I am shooting for 50k words in total on any projects.
Priorities are:
Catching up on the Year of the OTP backlog. I still have to do July for SW and BSG, and every month since for all five. ...also I don't think I crossposted the origfic stuff for July yet, whoops...I should do that.
Getting a head start on SWBB
Keeping up with RF anniversary challenges (though that might overlap with the OTP meme fills for the original stuff, to be fair)
...so, yeah, that's the plan for this month. Although writing other things will also count, of course, it's any fiction (original or fanfic) I get down.
I do still have various other projects floating around (Precipice; miscellaneous crossovers; maybe some of the AtLA things I keep meaning to actually write down...) but those six are the Priorities for this month. And hopefully putting out a cumulative 50k words. I am. Already behind on that goal, lol, but. Maybe I'll get into a groove? That's the goal anyway.
I'm also doing some podfic/recording for GBB over this month! As well as some betaing and some mod stuff. Like assigning pinch-hitters if needed, setting up the collection for people to post (which is not a thing I've ever done before, lol, but it shouldn't be too hard?) And also starting to put together a post-event poll/survey/whatever to see if people are interested in playing again next year, and maybe ways I can improve the event. Because I'd like to keep this going, I love big bangs and I want more in this fandom (and...like I am Excited for All of the things coming out of this event; the bits I've seen look Excellent and it's my event and so of course I'm proud...but I'd also like to see a more diverse collection of focuses/ships in future years, maybe XD)
SWBB modding is going to start up, but I have told the rest of that team that I'll be able to pitch in more after GBB wraps up. But yeah, I always enjoy that event and the mod team there is a good group of people, so, should be fun! And hopefully I will get my act together to participate as a writer this year since that didn't pan out last year.
...yep, I think that's what I've got in store for this month! Work should be calming down, so I can get busy on these other things.
What about you guys, what have you been working on lately? Any NaNo plans?
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esther-on-fire · 1 year
Blog Update! New locked tomb URL and more~
Due to my main blog becoming a bit cluttered, I've gone ahead and created a new url (@midnightbaguette) to dedicate solely to my ever encroaching locked tomb brainrot (which is honesty something I should've done months ago, before it infested this one like a plague).
This doesn't mean I'll be abandoning this blog, far from it. I plan on posting much more frequently from now on as I finally start to edit my way though my photography backlog. Here's a little summary of what to expect from each of my blogs, as well as some of my upcoming projects:
@esther-on-fire : Main blog. Photography, paintings, art, music, sapphic vibes. This is where I'll be posting my own photography (tagged #esther's photography), as well as any non-fandom related projects. Recently I've been editing together a bootleg album of all of Big Thief's unreleased material, so expect that soon (EDIT - You may now find that here). Additionally there's a rather ambitious Riot Grrrl related project which I'll be starting to work on in the next few months, and posting about as I go. So overall lots to come.
@midnightbaguette : Fandom blog. 95% Locked Tomb focused, with the other 5% consisting of she-ra and dragon age and other fandoms. Some of my WIP fics are also nearing the point where they might someday see the light of day, so this is where I will be posting updates about those as well.
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terror-of-life · 2 years
heres a post where i don't have to shut up about these fics and get the brainrot out of my system.
( @kadomoni if you ever feel like looking at some point, don't take me seriously, just with a grain of salt jfskdhj lmk if youd rather i chill out a bit lmaoooo )
the outside reader in me is like: ryou and masato would do well to trade hobbies with each other. karaoke. learn piano or guitar. live reactions to reading a book. watch favorite movies or new movies. learn new hobbies. there are youtube vids for everything! or take care of someone's pets while they're gone. some wholesome fun to distract from their huge backlog of internal struggles.
if i knew anything about omori i'd make a ryou for the "depressed" and "miserable" ones. poor dude.
... actually they'd both have those, huh.
AH YES this one part toward the end (ryou asking if masato was a dothacker) felt vaguely like a hyouka gif.
(skeith vc) Buy my silence for $10,000 a month.
(ryou, trying to find his debit card for irony)
(skeith vc) Nice try, but we share a bank account.
He took in a deep breath, trying to keep his emotions in check. When he was able to form words again, they came out a little smaller than he intended. “If you weren’t there, I might still be in that coma. And, since The World is over now, I might not even be alive right now. You helped save me.” They stood there, eyes locked, the soft breeze blowing between them. 
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“I suppose I did.” It was then that it finally dawned on the both of them that there was really no choice in the matter. Their fates really had been inextricably intertwined since they involved themselves with The World. They hadn’t met until two years ago, but somehow, they had been connected by a thread of fate that weaved between years and circumstance, joy and sorrow, growth and pain. It felt especially surreal that they stood in front of one another, both alive and well.  Without the other, they both would most certainly be dead.
(i actually know nothing about hyouka either, just the mental image.)
there's probably more to shitpost but ive already forgotten it RIP i'll have to remember to comment on the other one too
WAIT before i forget.
i saw youd mentioned on 2nd one that youd started it as a oneshot collection? if you ever feel up to those, i'm sure a separate collection would work too? i know i'd rly RLY love to read more but i don't like pressuring people so like. ;o;
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angst-in-space · 3 years
october ‘21 writing progress
words written: 30.8k
most words written in a day: 1588
least words written in a day: 376
current yearly total: 248.5k
projects worked on:
- ya sci-fi novel  - narumitsu commission - sylvix dreamscape fic - wenzhou modern au - matchablossom fic - wenzhou post-canon fic - klapollo zine piece
works published in october:
“wherever i end up (i end up with you)” - chapter 2 (wenzhou)
“you’re a dream (i’m never waking up)” - chapter 5 (sylvix)
october goals:
- reach somewhere around ~70k in novel draft - finish narumitsu commission (possibly edit/post?) - publish chapter 5 of sylvix dreamscape fic - work on ch 6 of the dreamscape fic - edit like…maybe the first chapter of the renga fic at least?? - publish ch 2 of wenzhou modern au - finish editing ch 3 of wenzhou modern au (maybe post?? we shall see) - perhaps finish draft of ch 4 of the wenzhou modern au?? - start writing fic for unfolding melody zine!
november goals:
- write 50k for nanowrimo! - hit somewhere around 120k in my novel draft - finish draft of sylvix dreamscape fic ch 6 and send to betas (maybe post by end of month?) - post ch 3 of wenzhou modern au - edit the rest of the narumitsu fic and send to betas (maybe post?) - continue renga fic edits - maybe finish ch 4 of wenzhou modern au?? - finish draft of piece for unfolding melody zine - work on matchablossom fic?? - work on wenzhou post-canon fic??
wow, i actually knocked out a bunch of goals in october so i feel really good about that! reached 70k in my novel draft, plus finished a draft of the narumitsu commission that i’d been writing for ages haha. i also updated both the sylvix dreamscape fic AND the wenzhou modern au so *pats myself on the back*. also, started writing my piece for unfolding melody zine aaaand started a wenzhou post-canon fic (the one i planned like a few months ago) because i have terrible word of honor brainrot. 
november is going to be...fun...because it’s nanowrimo! i am primarily going to be aiming to hit 120k in my novel draft which i’m hoping and praying will be the end of it (or at least, close to the end). that’s roughly 1.5k per day, and then i hope to write like at least ~200 words of fic per day as well to round out my daily nano goal.
although i’m going to be prioritizing my original writing during november, there are a bunch of fics that i hope to get some work done on, plus i have a whole backlog of things i have to edit/post: 
chapter 3 of the wenzhou modern au has been mostly beta’d already, so i just gotta wait for some more notes and then hope to do my final edits on it and post very soon! i am also almost done writing a draft of ch 6 of the sylvix dreamscape fic, so i hope that can also be handed off to betas fairly soon and i miiight be able to post it by the end of the month. 
i am also in the midst of doing my first round of edits on the narumitsu fic, so hope to send that to betas soon as well (and again, maybe post by end of the month if i have time). aaaand also have been slowly working my way through editing the renga fic, but i’m less optimistic about getting that to betas before the end of november just cuz i gotta prioritize some other things *cries*
but yeah i also have a draft of my unfolding melody zine piece (klapollo) due by the end of the month so i will definitely be working on that!! having a lot of fun with it so far and the whole zine is shaping up to be really amazing! plus i have a few lil side projects i’m working on, i.e. the matchablossom fic and the wenzhou post-canon fic, both of which i might be working on over the course of the month just to get my mind off my novel if it’s driving me bonkers lol.
so yeah i sure have a lot to do this month but i am gonna do my best 😤
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