#might be done and uploaded this weekend
celientjeee · 1 year
Hello besties! It's been a while since I shared a snippet and since my Lando/Max/Charles fic is very close to reaching 9k (and probably almost finished), I thought I'd share another lil snippet with you guys. Enjoy :)
-- ‘So, what now?’ Lando asked when the two of them just stared at Lando, as if they were waiting for him to do something next. He licked his lips nervously and tried to ignore the shaking feeling in his legs as they both stepped closer to him, caging him in like they had this afternoon. ‘First we get rid of that ridiculous orange shirt,’ Max chuckled, grasping the hem of Lando’s Mclaren t-shirt and pulling it up. 
‘Isn’t orange a very big color for your country?’ Lando asked weakly as he lifted his arms so Max could remove his shirt. Max rolled his eyes at him and pulled him closer by the waistband of his jeans. ‘I think I’d still prefer you with no clothes,’ he said, popping open the button when Lando gasped. Charles moved around to Lando’s back and pulled his pants down, leaving Lando in just his boxers. He was about to complain about it being unfair since they still wore their sweatpants, when Max and Charles both put their mouths on his neck at the same time. A loud whimper escaped Lando’s throat at the sensation of hot and wet on just the right places. His boxers got very tight and he could already feel his dick throbbing. They didn’t even do much yet, god this was going to be embarrassing wasn’t it?
Charles let go of his skin to rest his chin on Lando’s shoulder while Max was now sucking a bruise on about the same place where Charles’ hickey was. Possessive bastard. 
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campbyler · 3 months
if i had kept chapter 9 in one part, it would currently be 36k. and counting. so you're welcome, everybody
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the-kr8tor · 6 months
Hi, lovelies 💕 can u guys do me a teensy little favour? Once I upload part three of the fall please give me a minute or two so I could link the choices at the end, it's so you guys could have a smoother experience in reading the entire thing ❤️
Ly muah! 🫶
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bri-does-art · 26 days
i know this probably won’t do much, let alone anything at all, but i’m sorry for the stress this site has caused you and so many other creators here. i’m not asking for you to stick around on here, but i hope you know just how meaningful you and your art have been on here. you’re amazing. /pos
Hey, this ask has done a lot more than you would think. Thank you, you are very sweet. <3
I've kind of made up my mind about what I'm gonna do for a while now, but I've simply been... too busy and overwhelmed to take the time to let you guys know. I'm not going to delete my tumblr, there's just. Too much here that I don't want to lose.
So far the game plan is: keep my tumblr. But do not upload anymore art or writing on it - not because it's gonna get scraped, because it was already getting scraped anyway, AI company deal or not. It's pretty much unavoidable at this point, unfortunately. I simply do not trust Tumblr with my data, if they're going to sell EVERYTHING, including private messages and such, so I'm not going to give it anything worthwhile to profit off of. Instead, I'm going to start uploading my art exclusively on Ao3, for now. I'll answer any asks I receive here on there too, as well. I'll figure some kind of system out. 🤔
The cool thing about uploading to Ao3 is that anyone subscribed to my profile or to the containment series I will make will get a notification anytime I upload something new. Having my art and writing in one place is likely going to be more convenient for you guys too, since you won't have to move across platforms to get the full experience. 😄It'll be different... but a platform getting too greedy for its own good won't stop me from finding ways to share my stories with y'all. I'll just find another solution.
(I've also been entertaining the idea of joining or making my own Discord server but. That one is a little more delicate. The idea of joining a server that has hundreds of members like a lot of this fandom's servers have, just. Makes me break into hives, lmao. (I am in the Ghost in the Machine fic server. I muted it an hour into joining, it was way too intense for me. |'D) That is way too many people, I simply cannot handle it. I'd be way more comfortable in a smaller group with a less rapid-fire rate of posting and conversation. I am also. Very picky about which servers I join, which makes asking for recommendations doubly awkward when I shoot them all down, haha... And making my own... Err, I can hardly keep up with a server I helped create for another fandom and mod for, I don't think I could handle two of them - I would need other people to handle the moderation for me, and I wouldn't trust just anyone to be a mod. I'd need to know them well enough to know I could trust them, and I... do not really know anyone in this fandom well enough to do that, sadly. I take server moderation very seriously, as someone who has had experience modding for forums back before social media was a thing. I do not know if that would make for a fun experience for everyone, and anyone who hasn't known that kind of supervised experience. It is comforting to me. It may be intimidating for others. So that's still a very hand-wavy, 'eehhhh' kind of thing still.)
All of this to say, that this isn't the last you'll see from me, far from it. I'll restrict my creative output to Ao3 for the foreseeable future, and I'll let you guys on here know when I make a new upload, so those of you who do not have an Ao3 account know when something new has happened.
So there you have it. 😊
#also just so y'all know#i AM working on the next CotA chapter#i am. about 40% done.#i needed to take a breather after that massive last upload and then life just. fucking tackled me lmao.#in order: my folks put up the house for sale. i have spent half of my weekends having to evacuate the house at a moment's notice.#so prospective buyers could visit. not very good conditions to write in. too stressful.#then i caught fucking covid for the very first time and had a BAD TIME. it took me weeks to recover. couldn't climb stairs for a while.#i think i still have episodes of brain fog 5 months later because of it. my body was really weird for a while after.#(writing is still a little hard after that. but i think i am slowly overcoming it. hopefully it doesn't show too much in the new chapter.)#random unexplained symptoms and more i will not share. then the holiday season came and went.#then we finally got serious buyers after months of having no-shows yank our chains and expulse us from our home for nothing.#the house is sold. then came the cleaning out and packing. we are nearly done and i am finally coming up to the surface to breathe a little#we are moving in a month's time so i might be a while before i feel stable enough to start posting a little more regularly once more.#so this year i may have to give mermay a pass. to my ENORMOUS chagrin. it's just not in the cards for me this year. ;___;)#but we are getting there. we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. and i am confident enough to say it's not a train.
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malevolententity · 2 months
march 22nd did you mean. perfect day to start editing the april video ive been saying i need to edit for a Month? because youd be right!
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possiblytracker · 11 months
rolling on the floor and weeping bc i do not have the time in the day to sit down and work on art that takes concerted effort and thought (especially not now i have very recently learned i have until friday to get most of my stuff out of this house) i am playing a neverending game of "am i going to be able to pull this off or am i going to have to weigh up whether it'd be ruder to make commissions as artfight attacks or wait til august"
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genericpuff · 1 year
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We're back! And with an episode that nearly broke the 30 image limit! This is part of the issue with the whole "some panels are blurry" problem, while I try to upload each panel individually to make each one as clear as possible for y'all, I can't feasibly do that when the panel count goes above 30 😅 So often times that means having to group panels together into image uploads :' 0
I'm sure y'all can see why this episode ended up being as long as it did, I wanted to give our guy ✨ CHARON ✨ his much needed spotlight! (congrats to those who won in the poll, RIP to y'all Despoina lovers but hang in there, we might get around to her at some point 🙏💖)
All that aside, thank you all so much for your patience and support! This past month has been wild, both with IEX and the apartment move. We're still not done unpacking in the new place as I'm typing this (it's Thursday afternoon rn, hello from the past!) but should HOPEFULLY be done by the time this episode goes up :3 Streaming is resuming this weekend as well so if you're reading this as soon as it goes up, peek in and say hi while we work on the next episode! <3
We also have a Discord!
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jamsandsuch · 9 months
advice for first year uni students from a uni senior
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the roommate(s) will always be more important than the room
+ for roommates, SET. CLEANING. EXPECTATIONS. EARLY. don't wait until you're uncomfortable with how much mess is in the kitchen for you to start thinking if you should bring it up or not. set standards and make them clear.
put your key on a lanyard and hang it from your doorknob when you’re at home so you don’t forget it on the way out
if your dorm has a shared laundry room, set your timer for when your laundry finishes ~5 mins early to give you time to walk from your room to the laundry - especially during weekends/evenings/finals people wont have the patience to wait for you - even if your load just finished
If you have noodle arms like me, buy yourself one of those collapsible grocery carts you drag behind you like a luggage - best purchase i've ever made
Or if you're lazy, order online - but order on a free day because even if you schedule a time they're always gonna come stupid early and you dont want any frozen items to get spoiled or have your groceries stolen
DONT BUY ANY TEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS UNTIL THE FIRST WEEK/CLASSES ARE OVER. sometimes you’ll have early access to the booklist or syllabus and go ahead and start buying textbooks, but increasingly often you’ll buy the materials and show up to class just to find your prof has uploaded scanned copies of everything. *save your money*, wait!
BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS - look at your class schedule and walk around campus to find each classroom. you will probably get lost on day 1 and so will many other students so this will save you a lot of walking around bumping into other lost first years
trust me after a few weeks you won’t be waking up for that 8am class. i know you did it 5 days a week in high school, but there’s a reason uni students are allergic to morning classes. know your natural energy/attention levels and take advantage of the freedom to build your schedule around your energy fluctuations
compress/stack your class schedule as much as possible. if you absolutely do need breaks, make them at least 1.5-2 hours long or you probably wont get anything productive done and minimize these long breaks as much as you can so you can just get your day over with sooner
work smarter, not harder - when school starts note each course’s assessment type by quizzes/finals/essays. if i ever have a course thats just essays, i only do lecture notes + write my own annotations about readings rather than taking notes on them which saves time i can dedicate to textbook notetaking for courses with frequent quizzes + finals
if your school has benefits/discounts/insurance - know what it is and USE IT.
most clubs wont be like high school where there are regular meetings you attend. unless youre in the exec team the membership fee you pay/when you sign up for membership it’s just for access to their events when they happen. if you want to be involved in a club in a way thats as involved as high school, look at their social media pages for hiring.
+ as someone who has had to hire before - if you’re nervous, literally just do it. i was in an exec position for our student union services and once only had like 3 applicants to pick from
if you want to be noticed by a professor, sit in the front row. and always answer/ask questions - it doesn’t matter if you said anything of substance or not, they will remember that you contributed
that and also always make the point to say hello and goodbye! eventually (in my experience) if you come early enough and are just waiting for class to start, a conversation will happen - make these regular enough and you could have an important connection!
disclaimer: of course, not all of this might be something that resonates with you/possible for your course or school, so in the words of my cousin - take what resonates
+ anyone else is free to add on!!
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WIBTA for telling a guilt-tripper to knock it off?
I'm part of a Discord server for authors, both aspiring and published. We chat about life, discuss story ideas, share snippets, look for beta readers, give each other feedback on our query packages—the usual. We're from all over the world, so sometimes time zones don't match up, and inevitably there are members who are more active and, thus, get a bit more attention
There's this one user—let's call them Kat—who used to be fairly active and had decent interaction from other users. Around December, Kat shared a bit of their writing to a critique swap—basically a Google Drive where we could look over each other's stuff and provide feedback. They uploaded a bit late due to their schedule (GMT) and didn't get as much critique as they'd hoped, which made them a bit disheartened and they commented as much in the server. I can't blame them, since feeling ignored sucks, but I feel like complaining about it in the general channel (we have a dedicated vent channel) was a bit gauche.
Regardless, Kat continued to be active, albeit posting less frequently. Notably, most of their posting seems to be either responding to group prompts or talking about their own writing. Rarely do they respond to someone else's comments—or, hell, even replies to their own! I've seen people inquire more about stuff they've brought up, and then they just never respond. People do interact with them; they just don't interact back.
About a month ago, they messaged the server talking about recovering from illness and coming up with a story idea, asking for people to look over their first few pages. Two people responded with sympathy and interest; as far as I'm aware, Kat never got back to those people. Usually in interactions like this, someone asks for feedback, another person replies to tell them they're interested, the OP asks to DM, and the conversation goes there; Kat straight up left them hanging. After that, they only sent a few messages—a couple of replies to group prompts (those rarely have interaction from other users, though I've made an effort to react or reply to interesting responses, and I've seen a few others do the same), and another passive-aggressive comment about being ignored.
Tonight, Kat sent a message to the chat in the general channel (again, not #vent) that started with, "Whatever I've done or not done that's made me a social pariah in this group to people I thought were friends who now ignore my questions or posts, at least have a modicum of compassion and heart this message..." They then continued, talking about losing someone close to them. I do sincerely feel for them, but I can't bring myself to interact with that message in any way. Not even the heart they want. Worse, I'm entertaining the notion of telling them that while I am genuinely sorry for their loss, guilt-tripping people isn't an effective way to garner compression.
Why I WBTA: Literally they're grieving, that's such a shitty thing to do right now. Besides, they are right in that people haven't interacted with them as much ever since they asked for feedback on their work that one time. I doubt this will help anyone, let alone them.
Why I might be a JAH (I know for a fact there's no world where I'm NTA): Responses have dipped because they aren't posting as much, and moreover, since they rarely respond to people at all, it's likely that we've all learned that it's not worth it interacting with them. Besides, if I ignore them, they'll just keep guilt-tripping even more, which also isn't helpful to anyone. And again—we have a vent channel. Why they came into the place where we chitchat about our weekend plans vexes me somewhat.
I dunno. It's a very damned if I do, damned if I don't situation. WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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tonicandjins · 1 year
find your way back home | lee donghyuck — teaser
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pairing: lee donghyuck | haechan x reader
word count: approximately 25-28k
genre: fluff, some smut, ANGST and nostalgia lots of it, basically a hannah montana the movie AU
warnings: smut, drinking, will talk about insomnia and depression
synopsis: nct’s haechan gets into a scandal after a night of drinking his ass off in hongdae, which prompts the management to put him in an indefinite hiatus. and it’s not like it’s the first time, because over the past months, haechan’s drinking problem had gone worse. hence, his parents send him back to jeju island for some healing time because his therapist thinks that maybe some time home would help. haechan laughs at the thought. if medication can’t, what can jeju island do? besides, he hasn’t been there in literal years.
“Please tell me this isn’t real.”
Mark Lee is only twenty-three, but with how his forehead’s skin is wrinkling, he might as well invest in several sessions of botox shots. He’s holding his phone up to Haechan’s face, as if bringing the device closer to the younger’s eyes would deny the article that Dispatch uploaded at five in the fucking morning.
“I didn’t sleep with her,” Haechan denies, voice bored, tired. A shot of vodka would help now. Mark is making his head hurt, worse than the stupid hangover from drinking his ass off in Hongdae last night. “We might have done other things, but I didn’t sleep with her.”
Mark lets out a groan of frustration, throwing his phone towards Haechan, the device barely missing his face and landing on the carpeted floor. Haechan doesn’t even flinch even though it almost hit him.
“Haechan, what the fuck is going on, man?” Mark asks, demands to know what really is going on with his best friend, or whoever he’s speaking with now. “You know SM is going to kill you, right?”
Haechan shrugs. “What are they gonna do? Fire me?”
“You know they can!” Mark shouts, walking back and forth while Haechan remains seated on the couch, unbothered. “You’ve seen it happen! To many groups and many idols in the agency. You think you’re big time, huh? That just because you’re essential in both units, they wouldn’t send you to some dungeon?”
Haechan laughs bitterly. He reckons being placed in a dungeon would be much better than the hell he’s living in now. “Now that,” he mocks. “Would be the ultimate dream.”
“You’re a fucking nightmare,” Mark says, pointing a finger to Haechan, enunciating each syllable so it goes through his skull.
But nothing can really make Lee Haechan budge anymore—not an expensive, hard device laterally thrown to his face, and not even his best friend (if he could still call him that) blatantly showing how disgusted he is with him—and he can’t really blame anyone. It used to be frightening to see Mark angry at something he did. Used to.
Haechan doesn’t really know what to say, so he chuckles bitterly and leans his head back so that it’s against the backrest, pondering whether it’s a good time to drink the bottle of vodka kept he’s been keeping under his bed.
“It’s funny because I don’t even know what having a nightmare feels like.”
author’s note: as usual, please let me know if you want to be on the taglist! :) this will be posted this coming weekend as long as i complete it. thank you!
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astrialuvs · 4 months
I’d love to hear ur personal headcanons for karma!!!
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Headcanons for Akabane Karma as Himself | as a Friend | as a Lover
➻ PAIRING : akabane karma x reader
➻ CONTENT WARNING : my headcanons to these red-haired boy 😗🫶
➻ WORD COUNT : 845 words
a/n: it's actually my first time doing a request, so i'm sorry for taking a long time doing it. tell me what'chu think about it?
another a/n: also, i actually made three sets of headcanons (hcs for his character alone, hcs for his character as a friend, hcs for his character as a lover). though the other two are not yet done. so please bear with me 🙏 🙏 🙏 . (i might upload them tomorrow, though.)
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I feel like he's a good chef but has a weird taste in food. I imagine him matching unbelievable types of food:
During a lazy weekend, Karma set out on his solo culinary adventure to indulge in his wickedness and hidden abilities. After catching sight of a fanciful idea, he resolved to prepare dishes involving the most unlikely pairings of ingredients.
In his kitchen, Karma created an exotic twist: a Chocolate-Soy Sauce Glazed Chicken Mélange that surprised even her own palate. He was surprised and delighted by the sweet chocolate dancing with the savory soy, which convinced him that there must be greater powers.
Karma then bravely went to doing a Strawberry-Wasabi Surprise dish. Sweet strawberries and fiery wasabi produced a unique taste—at least to his taste buds—that resulted in something delectably different from what is normally expected.
Continuing his culinary excitement, Karma made garlic-flavored pasta with marshmallows. Marshmallows, with their soft sweetness, worked unexpectedly well with the sharp garlic. The combination resulted in a dish that defied all traditional ideas about taste.
"Who says you can't play with food? It's all about bending the rules, adding a dash of mischief," he said to himself.
And, as Karma stood in front of his experimental creations with pride, he rejoiced at the prospect of pushing the boundaries of experimentation. During his one-man journey, he discovered that the most memorable meals are often accompanied by something unusual. For him, the kitchen became a zone of his imagination and creativity, leaving behind an appreciation for cooking.
I believe he has a soft spot for animals, particularly strays.
One sunny afternoon, Karma walked through the park, his steps light and focused. While he was enjoying the peace and quiet, he noticed a movement near a cluster of bushes. Nestled among the foliage was a stray cat—a small, scruffy ball of fur with curious eyes that met Karma's gaze.
His mischievous smile softened into a grin as he bent toward the timid cat, his hand slowly reaching out. He slowly handed out a piece of bread. The stray, at first hesitant, approached with caution. Karma's fingers touched the soft fur as he stroked the cat's back gently.
"There, there," he says, somehow sharing the feeling of loneliness to the cat.
In that one moment, Karma's tough exterior melted away, revealing a different side of him that was rarely visible. His eyes shone with genuine affection, and he didn't stop talking to the stray, quietly offering him words of tenderness. Karma had a deep affection for animals, particularly those in need, regardless of how daring or competitive he was. Afterall, he knows how it feels.
Karma's unexpected conversation with a stray cat evolved into an unspoken thrice of trust and understanding. However, the cat that had been nervous was now meowing contentedly beneath Karma's caress. In that serene moment, Karma's sympathy for stray animals demonstrated the depth of his character, reminding us that even the most unexpected people can have a soft spot for those in need.
Karma eventually stood up, giving the stray one last gentle pat before continuing his walk. The stray cat, now with a new companion, looked at Karma gratefully. In that peaceful park moment, Karma's compassion for stray animals demonstrated the depth of his character, serving as a reminder that even the most unexpected people can have a soft spot for those in need.
He who values the lessons he learned from Koro-sensei and applies it to his life.
Following Koro-sensei's death, the students in Class 3-E were enveloped in an atmosphere of grief. The once lively classroom echoed with a sense of loss and contemplation, leaving Karma and his classmates to deal with the void left by their beloved teacher.
For instance, each of them reminisced about stories that made them laugh, as well as memories of times when they grew and realized their fondness for each other through sharing experiences. Their teacher's presence stayed with them as a memory, inspiring them to pay tribute to the man by applying the skills and values he taught them.
As the days passed, Karma became aware of a slight change within himself. Koro-sensei's teachings rang true in his mind, altering how he saw and responded to life. The flickering wickedness in his eyes remained, but he had gained a better understanding of the importance of accountability and sensitivity.
Remembering Koro-sensei's teachings on resilience and compassion, Karma chose a different path. Instead of retaliating, he handled the situation without resorting to violence. He demonstrated a newfound maturity.
In the face of Karma's changed attitude, the group of students who were initially motivated by vengeance found themselves disarmed. Karma's resilience, strategic thinking, and compassionate demeanor helped to defuse the tension. Slowly, understanding replaced resentment, and the students exited the scene, leaving both parties safe.
While the pain of Koro-sensei's absence persisted, the students, led by Karma and others, turned difficulties into opportunities for positive change. Their journey continued, and Koro-sensei's indomitable spirit persisted within each student, ensuring that his legacy would always be a guiding light in their lives.
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gregorovitch-adler · 18 days
John and Mariana had come to the supermarket. The market was surprisingly empty, given it was ten in the morning when they arrived.
John and Mariana took their time to examine the products closely in that enormous shop before filling up the trolley.
Mariana walked into the aisle of cereals with her head tipped up a little, evidently relaxed. She always preferred to be in open spaces instead of crowded.
John walked up to her so he could help her pick out some stuff they might need.
It was the weekend, and John had no recordings to make.
The last case they had uploaded was two days ago. Sherlock, John, and Mariana had some time to themselves.
Sherlock had obviously not accompanied them for shopping. John now knew better than to insist on it.
So, here he was, with Mariana, wondering what Sherlock might be up to at home. But John didn't mind spending time with Mariana either.
After heading out of the cereal aisle, they decided they were done. Mariana walked over to the checkout queue.
John was about to follow her, but a pile of yoghurts in the dairy aisle caught his eye. He went there to examine the pile.
He picked out a plain and a honey yoghurt in each of his hands and looked at them closely.
John knew Sherlock had a thing for yoghurts, even though he'd never admit it.
John would just have to buy one of them and keep it in the fridge. The pack would disappear in no time.
Which one was he supposed to buy, though? Difficult choice.
"John! Are you coming?"
John looked up, and noticed that only one person was left in the queue. It would be Mariana's turn for checkout in no time.
"I- er, I'm coming! Just wait." He needed to be quick.
"What are you doing?" she asked loudly from the queue and walked up to John, pulling the trolley with her. "You're confused about which yoghurt to buy? Now? Couldn't you have selected one sooner?" She sounded a bit irritated.
"Yeah, erm, sorry. Which - which one d'you think he'd like?" John cleared his throat.
Mariana knitted her brow for a second, and then she nodded. "Oh, so it's for Sherlock. He loves the honey flavour," she said and dropped the honey yoghurt in the trolley, and placed the plain yoghurt back on the pile.
"Come, now." She grabbed John's arm to take him to the counter.
They were ready to go home once they were done paying for everything.
John smiled to himself. He couldn't wait for the yoghurt pack to magically disappear.
Prompt: Choice by @calaisreno
Tags: @helloliriels , @topsyturvy-turtely , @lisbeth-kk , @keirgreeneyes , @jamielovesjam , @gaylilsherlock , @peanitbear , @topsyturvy-turtely .
(Sorry for the delay in participation.)
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humansbgone · 7 months
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The sixth and final scene is DONE!!! 
Not only that, but sound effects have all been gathered and synced to the video! At this point, the episode itself is *COMPLETE*--only Gregorsa's segments and the credits remain!
Here, we see Sophodra less than impressed with what she's been called to take care of.
Now, I just have to animate Gregorsa, get together all the images and citations, and we'll be done! In theory I could get this done by the 11th--however, that's going to be a very busy weekend, so uploading the video then just won't be possible. Unless I decide to upload it on Friday the 10th, but I might be too wiped from the plane ride to wake up in time.
So, let's aim for a premiere of November the 18th! This will offset it at only one day off from the November 19th upload of episode 4 last year. Not intentional, but some nice symmetry.
And don't forget, if you're in the Portland area--Humans-B-Gone! will be showing at Clinton Street Theater on November 12th!
Excited for all that's to come, and hope you are too! Until next time!!!
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gossipgirlgasoline · 2 months
gossip girl here, your one and only source into the ultra-rich, scandalous lives of race car drivers of formula 1.
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hi loves! our first post!!!! ahhh!!!!! foremost, happy race week in australia! oscar piastri, daniel riccardo, and notably valtteri bottas’ home race, of course. its been such a hard week without racing hasn’t it?? i know it has been for me. thankfully, racing is back in melbourne for the weekend<3
before i start, if ur not into truly gossipy stuff— THIS IS NOT FOR YOU!! this will go into territory of wag gossip, silly rumours, and other cheesy stuff like that. you have been warned.
onto this weeks gossip !!!
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everybody knows 18-year-old prodigy ollie bearman, who made his f1 debut with scuderia ferrari just two weeks ago in the scrupulous circuit that is the jeddah corniche circuit filling in for carlos sainz jr, sick from appendicitis. (hopefully this doesnt cause another chain of events like a certain driver whos number is 23, knock on wood) the academy driver started 11th on the grid and finished in the points, all the way to 7th, despite being such a hard circuit and also having very little experience with real formula 1 cars.
what not everybody knows about is his girlfriend, estelle— formerly silly_lettuce on all social media. truly, she is gorgeous. a picturesque couple, no?
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estelle ogilvy langinier manning, (allegedly) is 21 years old law student out of london. the couple ‘hard launched’ from ollie’s instagram story a couple months ago. (picture is from his instagram) from the crumbs ive picked up from my dear friends on insta and tiktok, ollie is not the only racing driver she’s ever dated. ive been hearing through the grapevine that she dated f2 drivers zak o’sullivan since they were neighbours in the past and has also been with franco colapinto, confirmed(? texts could be fake) by herself through a message thread on instagram.
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aside from racing drivers, there has been more rumors of her being with a guy from boy band, as well as a finance man.
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with a simple instagram search of ‘sillylettuce,’ you will get a video credited to her old account with her alleged ‘finance boyfriend.’ this search will also get you this picture on the left, uploaded by downtown.chix in december of 2020.
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left picture heaves largely compared to the right, taken from an archived picture from her now deactivated instagram account. 🫡
if we bring out search back around tiktok and do another search of silly lettuce, you’ll be met with a video from user sunnymonday on tiktok, going by the name india rawsthorn. the video is a trend from 2021 ‘rating my friends dance moves’
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estelle earned herself a spot in the video, sporting a very different look than. 🤨🤨🤨🤨
this is estelle— India has many videos of estelle on her account
some people think its plastic surgery, maybe a drastic weight loss journey. whatever it might be, this isn’t the only thing that raises a couple eyebrows since thanks to the very intrigued people of the internet, we have since found out she started studying at durham uni in 2018. unless she is a young sheldon type prodigy who started college at 11, this would mean she is 24/25 now.
shortly after people started finding out, she ‘coincidentally’ got hacked. yikes!
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*i can confirm this one is real— i saw it in real time😭
if you try to look her account on tiktok and instagram up now, nothing will pop up. mm.. following the discovery of her age, she immediately (allegedly) changed her information on linkedin. 🤔🤔🤔 how do you guys feel about this? i have a theory right here from one of my mutuals from twitter.
“Wooooww Estelle is really going down the road of saying that "we're obsessed"
her obsession is finding someone famous, and potentially rich to climb the social ladder of fame
I'm not trying to shame her about her plastic surgery, but it's obvious that some type of touchup was done and there's nothing wrong with that but I get the sense that she's trying to hide that she isn't all natural when in reality there has been something drastically done”
what’s your guy’s opinions? leave them below😘 my inbox is always open as well as my dms, so if u ever need to talk or want to chat about my posts, hmu! (tips are always accepted too)
until next time race-watchers, xoxo, gossipgirlgasoline
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vs120shound · 4 months
The debut of Isra Hurmanli of Turkey on our network was on January 12. Not a great smoker, but her beauty is essentially unsurpassed. Some may be as attractive as she; few would be even marginally more gorgeous! The 24 y.o. model is addicted to cigarettes!
Sixteen days passed since the introduction of Isra Hurmanli to our friends, fans and followers of our four SF-content blogs/vlogs/webpages. We're glad she's back. Did have nearly an hour-long Zoom meeting with the entire crew ⏤ 10 staff members and the 3 administrators ⏤ within a few days of her discovery on January 10, 2024 and we began the planning process on how to deliver her rare beauty yet mediocre smoking to you all carrying forward. We lost access to three simply marvelous videos of her when their host YouTube webpage, which had been online for longer than a year, disappeared, "like a fart in the wind," as actor Robert Gunton's character in Shawshank Redemption (1994) Warden Samuel Norton said. That termination occurred before the weekend!
This was uploaded to the YouTube "Misra 1 Isra Hurmanli" webpage on January 20, 2024 but was 16:54 in duration, so we edited it down to focus on the minimal smoking ⏤ barely a handful of drags and exhales. Isra is purposely trying to keep it in the background as to not distract from the theme of her video. She is 24 y.o. Earliest photo/video of her on [email protected] is from six years ago, and there's more than the expected age progression. Work might have been done in modifying her face, perhaps her nose.
Previous Post in Our Domain of Isra Hurmanli!
From vs120shound on January 12, 2024 . . .
Videos on YouTube of Isra Hurmanli!
From YT's "Misra 1 Isra Hurmanli" webpage on January 20, 2024 (our Centerpiece feature video!) . . .
From YT's "bigo live türkiye" webpage in 2023 . . .
Photographs of Isra Hurmanli from IG account (N-S)!
From June 17, 2023 . . .
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From December 27, 2022 . . .
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Always a drink in her hand or nearby on a table. She likes to "get my drink on!"
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pepperwebsblog · 17 days
Some reflections of mine.....
Why write the entire fic and wait to post, rather than posting chapter by Chapter?
It’s  a very good question and until Love Letters, the way I worked was to post chapter by chapter as I wrote fics. Sometimes I wrote with one chapter in hand. But I always did a serial format.
I did always plan my entire fics out chapter by chapter so I knew what I was covering and where I wanted the fic to end, so I was following a loose structure. But yeah I would write a chapter and pretty immediately post it.
I did like this way of doing things, it allows for that instant gratification which is great cos you get that instant feedback on your work.
But for Love Letters, it was a complex narrative with actual letters appearing not in chronological order. So whilst I always plan out my fics, this one needed to hang together beginning to end so I was not confident posting chapter by chapter in case I missed some detail I needed to go back and fix in chapter 1.
This meant it was about 10 weeks of work with very little feedback. And I will say having @xuxudio on hand as a brilliant friend to cheer me on was invaluable here, it was a hard slog to complete the fic with only myself having read the whole thing in entirety. But it made for a much higher quality fic in my opinion, I think the story hangs together better. This fic has had WAY more edit read-throughs than my others and so grammatically and spelling-wise it is better at the very least.
Also reflecting on things, it just works so much better for me in my stage of life now. I have reached a stage in my career where I am a senior manager and work demands a lot from me which is tiring but because I really enjoy my job it's very fulfilling.  Also balancing work with the rest of life's demands, seeing family and friends, volunteer work, exercise, and all the general adult stuff as well. I only get free time to write at the weekends and a few evenings in the week and not too late as I need to be well rested for work. So having something that I can pick up and put back down without any worries of sticking to an upload schedule or of letting readers down is helpful for me. I can work on the fic until it's done and then post regularly at a time that suits me because I have the fic written and ready to go.
And yeah, I think ultimately I prefer this way of writing now. And hopefully the audience appreciate it too as they know it's a complete fic and they're going to get something they know is finished which I think is very satisfying.
So yeah, that's why I have shifted this year to writing fics in this way. It might change again in the future but for now it's the right thing for me.
And why post chapter by chapter if the whole fic is written?
Because this gives me breathing space to write the next fic!
And it allows for the story to build, hopefully it's fun for the readers too, to keep coming back each week for the next chapter. It gives the story momentum and allows for more interaction between me and the readers.
And, being completely honest really honest, posting chapter by chapter keeps my fic at the top of the various tag lists on Ao3, as it's default ordering is by most recent. This means more people see my work and have the opportunity to read it. I'm not solely about hits and kudos but those are nice recognitions of my work.
I dont owe anyone an explanation but felt like providing one, thanks for reading!
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