#bc i have a feeling it might be and id feel bad. like. it goes against the spirit of the event or smth?
possiblytracker · 1 year
rolling on the floor and weeping bc i do not have the time in the day to sit down and work on art that takes concerted effort and thought (especially not now i have very recently learned i have until friday to get most of my stuff out of this house) i am playing a neverending game of "am i going to be able to pull this off or am i going to have to weigh up whether it'd be ruder to make commissions as artfight attacks or wait til august"
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hella1975 · 9 months
i got a bonus + raise and ive only been working like 3 months im soso excited sorry i just wanted to tell someone
AH THAT'S SO EXCITING! im so happy for you bestie <3
#WHEN IS IT MY TURN!#did i tell you guys that there's a waitress at work who not only is younger than me BUT has only been there like 2 months#and me and one of the OG waitresses (she's been there even longer than i have and there's a real solidarity amongst the OG crowd now)#were talking to this waitress and she goes 'oh yeah i get paid £10.18 an hour lol. DONT tell anyone'#and to contextualise this england has minimum wages that differ based on age brackets#where it's like £5 for under 18s. £7.49 for 18-20 (my bracket) and then it jumps to £10.18 when you turn 21#so this 19 YEAR OLD NEW WAITRESS was getting paid the wrong minimum wage bracket that baso saw her earning £3 extra an HOUR#than us. which is an insane amount to build up over a long time like ik it doesn't sound like much but TRUST ME it is#and i felt a bit bad for her bc she's new to waitressing and generally quite naive and it SHOWS#like if they put ME on the wrong pay bracket id take that shit to my grave i would NOT risk that being taken from me#but she was just joking with us clearly expecting a PLATONIC social interaction and not a WORKPLACE interaction#like at the end of the day im friends with the people i work with and i not only like this girl but hold nothing against her#BUT NOT ENOUGH FOR IT TO AFFECT MY LITERAL WAGES!!!! I NEED THAT MONEY!!!!!#so yeah me and the other waitress fully snitched and i kinda hoped management might give us some sort of hush bonus#but all they did was lower the girl to the appropriate wage which. fair and again i feel bad for her but WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT#so yeah thats MY luck with wages anonstie lmao ur thriving in comparison <3#ask
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mxdotpng · 2 years
ive been playing tales of arise lately and hmmm im not sure how i feel about the game. i think i could summarize my thoughts as "just okay" but i dont think thatd be right either
#.text#tales#its like ummm. the first few hours of the game are rlly boring to me ❤️#i got out of calaglia and the game felt a lot better to play. i tended to play abt 90 minutes at a time while still in calaglia and#it took forever to get out of there bc it was just ummm. boring.#and i cant say cyslodia is much better tbh i feel like its generally the same but also no its not? it feels more fluid and#i think the characters feel better in this part. its weird. im not sure how to describe it#when i looked up the game to see how people thought of it it was more or less just a lot of 'has anyone even played this game' and 'no'#which isnt bad u know but i think its RLLY fuckin funny. ive seen some people say it gets rlly good but also i just dont see it yet#i mean i bought it so ofc im GONNA finish it. like the idea they have seems rlly cool... a guy who's memories are seemingly#sealed away inside the indestructable mask hes forced to wear and who can feel no pain. & a girl who inflicts pain upon everyone#she touches. i think shionne suffers a bit from her character writing but she has moments that make her really shine so#im not gonna judge her too hard for it yet. emotions also might be tied to her curse so u know. like i said. not judging yet.#and tbh i think id say the exact same for alphen. sometimes hes really interesting and fun and other times he feels really#stagnant and emotionless. ray chase is doomed to play the exact same character for every role hes in#he was at his best when he played brother nier in replicant and i can see pieces of that in alphens character as the game goes on so#im willing to wait for him as well. rinwell is really cute even if her and shionne's relationship is annoying. i see where its coming#from but i also just hate it when women in media Hate Eachother. what i have against those 2 is literally JUST me so u know#like i said 'just okay' isnt. Accurate but it also ISNT accurate. i dont know how to describe it.#i feel like what they wanted to go for in terms of story and themes was missed for the first part of the story by like a lot#not sure what my feelings are for that one but they arent positive. but like i just think calaglia overall sucked#its weird. like the writing REALLY feels like they just started Actually Caring once we got to cyslodia. its strange#but like whatever. ill See. ill see. eventually. probably.#summary: noctis lucis caelum is in this game.
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tinylittlebab · 1 year
#ugh. i was supposed to go to the store an hour ago#my sister was out so i cant get there and im v upset cause i couldve been skipping around the garage while they were gone#im glad the main thing i have been coping with for the past 7 years is daydreaming and that i skip around while doing it#exercise tends to be difficult bc im hypermobile and a lit of excercise tends to make it worse which is really really bad#like. no amount of control and feeling good vc im starving myself is worth making my joints even worse#one of my shoulders already likes to partially dislocate just whenever and like. it hurts and sucks and i dont wanna make that worse#well. ill have lots of time to skip around soon bc the person with the car is gna be gone for a few days so the garage will be empty :D#i can use it at night when they are here but its less fun and i burn less calories so i prefer when its empty#i usually use it while both ppl are at work but they dont work friday and saturday so it tends to be bleh those days#idk. im glad that my favorite thing to do also burn calories bc i enjoy it unrelated to my ed so its less stressful#i was debating not eating till 7pm but i have such a headache ao i think ill eat some fruit. idk. my sister knows im relapsing so she might#suggest we eat something while were out. idk how she does it but she usually convinces me to which is good i guess#im not happy abt it bc i wanna starve myself but that is objectively a bad thing to be doing and even if im not happy abt it its still good#when i eat stuff. id be more fussed abt it if i knew how much i weighed but i dont have a scale#part of me is like. i dont wanna restrict until i have a scale bc then i cant watch the numbers go down#i know for a lot of people qhen they first start dieting they see quick drop and then it goes very slow and i wanna see that#im just. i dont even care much abt being skinny rn im mostly looking for the nice feeling i get when i watch the number drop#idk. maybe my sister will catch on to how bleh im doing today and suggest i buy something yummy but hopefully not although i do appreciate#when she does that. it feels nice to have someone care abt you
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aures-fantasy-nook · 9 months
Hobbit/LOTR characters when their s/o is upset with them
yes i'm reusing this trope and i dont care its easy-- also lmk if u want more characters and which onessss :3
requests are open (seriously please give me ideas)
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his reaction is so dependant on when you're upset with him
if its during the journey he will notice right away
he refuses to go to bed angry at each other
he makes time for you guys to talk every night
if its during his dragon sickness bit
he doesn't give a single shit
telling him that you're upset doesn't even do anything except make him mad
like you're wasting his time
not looking for the stone so like
what the fuck are you doing
if we're talking like after the war
everybody lives au ofc
it probably takes him a little while to notice that you're upset if you don't flat out say anything
he's just slightly busy rebuilding a kingdom
honestly when he does notice or when you tell him
he feels bad
he decides it's time for a break
even if it's just for an hour or two
will take you through the halls just to talk through things
or he'll sit and have tea with you
honestly whatever you wanna do he's down
you are his only priority
if only for an hour
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i would say that he's probably pretty in tune with your emotions
hes a sweet dwarf
will make you tea because he knows your upset
sometimes forgets that hes a little shit
like doesnt realise that things he does can make people upset
let alone you
right over his head
you will have to sit him down and talk with him
he will feel bad immediately
will apologize
offers to make it up to you in any way he can
I feel like if this happens after like the battle and the reclaiming of his future kingdom
he might be a bit busy
but he wants to sit and talk to you every night before bed
even if its just for a few minutes
so when you went to bed without him one night
oh he knows he messed up
theres no way to misinterpret that
will wake you up with kisses and apologies
even if he doesn't know what he is apologizing for
hes just a big sweetie
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sweet boy
another kind of clueless one
id assume that you probably get upset at him sometime during the journey
while yes he is sweet
he can be kind of neglectful without meaning to be
he feels like he has to prove himself to his uncle because he is different from the other dwarves.
has a lot on his mind
i feel like he deffo neglects your relationship at times bc of it
which is why you pulled back
not pushing for affection as much as you did before
letting him get himself into bad situations
reminding him to eat/sharpen his sword
setting up his bedroll while he goes off to help with camp set up
it takes him a couple days to realize something is off
bc he totally doesnt realize how much you're actually looking out for him
it hits him one night after dinner that his bed roll isnt set up? and its not next to you? and you're already asleep?
wait when did he actually sit down and talk to you last?
doesn't sleep that night, just sits and watches you while thinking back on the past like week
as soon as you wake up he's by your side and asking if you guys could take a walk before the journey starts for that day
you agree
he immediately starts apologizing and explaining himself
i think the best way to deal with it is to like
have a nice sit down and talk it out
maybe not right at that moment but
eventually you guys have a long talk where you both talk about how you're feeling with the relationship and just emotionally and i think that solves a lot
like he lets u know just how insecure he is bc of how different he is
and you can talk about feeling neglected
at the end of it all he promises to put more effort but also wants you to know that you dont HAVE to do all those things for him to notice you/love you
very healthy tbh
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schizosupport · 1 year
Psychosis and Schizo Spec Flag Time!
My dear friends of the community! For a community in which so many of us have been called a freak at some point in life, we've had a distinct lack of a coherent freak flag to fly!
Well, no more. There's a new flag in town, and she's a beauty!
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The flag is preceded by a number of other flags. @psychotic-pisces collected a number of them, and proposed yet more, here, and there have been other versions and attempts through the years. There can be many flags, and no flag is more right than another, but we did feel that our community might be in need of a simple yet recognisable flag, that would still be rich with symbolism. This is our proposal!
I shall refrain from waxing poetic about the elements of the flag, but the references are as follows:
The symbol used in this flag was proposed by @actuallyschizophrenic here, and has seen fair use in the psychotic and schizo spec communities around these parts.
The colour stripes in the background match the current flag most commonly used for disability pride.
The background is purple, because 70% of all previous proposed flags were purple, suggesting a cultural connection to the colour in our community.
The symbol sits upon a waxing silver-lavender moon, referencing not only tales of lunacy, but also the dichotomous nature of our illnesses, negative/positive symptoms and more.
Finally, the moon acts as a prism on the stripes, creating a disjointed feeling, that we associate with psychosis and disorganization, among other things.
The flag doesn't have a name, I think anyone in the community can call it what feels right. Schizotypy flag, psychosis flag, lunacy flag - you name it! I call it the lunacy flag, but I have provenly bad taste, so call it what feels right!
This flag was a collaborative effort in a community discord for schizo spec folk and psychotic people. There's no way I could have arrived at this design on my lonesome, and I'm forever grateful to our loving, creative, smart and awesome communities!!
Special thanks to a very cool, kind and talented person who goes by 'Orange' in the server, who created the vector file of the finalized flag, which can be found (on Google drive via tumblr) here!
And a userbox template bc why not..
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Let's go fly our freak flag! 🧠🔥🎉
Other formats, color annotated version and image description under the cut
Long format:
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Version of the flag with names of each colour for accessibility:
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Image ID of flag: A rectangular flag. The background is purple, and in the middle there's a circle. The circle looks like the moon, with one side in darkness. The moon is dark grey and light silver-grey lavender. On the moon is a symbol commonly associated with psychosis and the schizo spectrum in white. A beam of stripes cross behind the moon from each corner. The stripes are light green, light blue, light grey, yellow and light red. They are similar to the stripes on the disability flag. The beam shifts position behind the moon, so it is parallel above and below the moon, but not directly connected. End ID.
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truly-a-snitch · 8 months
May i request headcanons with ranpo and dazai with a s/o who has heterochromia and is insecure about it? Could be hurt/comfort or just straight up fluff :)
ofc ofc !!! ty for the request ^_^
WARNINGS: none :3 this is straight up fluff ! i do hc these two as nd (dazai is autistic, ranpo is audhd) !!
dazai and ranpo with an s/o who has heterochromia and is insecure about it
dazai to me has always seemed like the type to not really care about appearances if he's looking for an actual relationship
like i know he's always like "i want to die with a beautiful woman" but if he's planning to LIVE with/for someone, the thing that gets him is their brain, so having heterochromia doesn't matter to him
(however comma he actually thinks its really pretty and makes sure to tell you at EVERY possible moment even if ur not feeling too bad abt it at the moment)
he definitely does some sappy ass bullshit like staring into your eyes whenever he can
i hc him as autistic but like the type that makes way too much eye contact so he sees your eyes a LOT
once he finds out that youre insecure about it he amps up how often he compliments your eyes like. tenfold
like to the point you would think he's making fun of you if he wasn't so genuinely sincere about it
"the way the light catches your eyes is simply gorgeous, darling" or some bullshit like that. homeboy is so silly
if you two live together, he makes so many passing comments about how happy he is that your eyes are the first thing he sees when he wakes up
(look at you, seducing him into healthier sleeping patterns with your eyes)
at the end of the day, dazai doesnt care about your appearance (though the fact that he thinks you are the most graceful creature to ever walk this earth certainly helped when he asked you out)
he makes sure to remind you at every opportunity that the things you perceive as 'flaws'- your eyes, notably- are beautiful to him ^_^
a pretty solid experience all in all ! this man is such a hopeless romantic emphasis on hopeless he will bust out the sappy poetry to make u laugh and cheer u up
again, a man who i don't think cares about appearance all that much if only because he can read everybody so easily that appearances sort of become obsolete
i hc him as the kind of audhd that hates eye contact with a burning passion so he isnt into the whole 'staring into your eyes' thing the way dazai is
however comma he likes to hold stuff up to your face and compare it to your eyes if its the same color
(if you have blue in your eyes he holds up his ramune marbles but he makes do regardless of color)
i also hc him as having heterochromia (one eye green one eye brown) so if u have complete heterochromia hes like omg we match !!
he isnt insecure about his appearance because he isnt big about appearances i mean he walks around with that tie that clashes with his ENTIRE outfit he truly does not care. no fucks given. we love u king. anyway the point is hanging out with him and dating him is going to lead to a confidence spike on ur part bc hes so casual abt his own heterochromia
if he notices youre having a bad day- which he will lets be honest- he makes a passing comment about how pretty your eyes look to cheer you up and then goes back to his psp. might let u beat him at whatever hes playing to make u feel better too
since appearances arent super important to him he doesnt really comment on it that much unless he knows ur feeling particularly upset about it
when u feel down abt it tho he is lowk ur BIGGEST hype man like "look how cool my s/o is u guys"
bro even shares his snacks with you if youre feeling insecure (about anything tbh but especially abt ur appearance bc ur literally so cool ??)
if you have sectoral heterochromia he says u and atsushi r twinning frfr (forget armed detective agency this is the fucking. heterochromia detective agency) and if u have central heterochromia hes like oh hell yea we collected the whole set
all in all id say since i hc him as having heterochromia its a solid experience !! vvv supportive
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
lmao guess whos activated ✨blathering oaf mode✨ again (clue: its me)
(cut because length and spoilers, read at your own peril)
so this post got me spiralling into detective mode again and yes i know douglas suggesting it might have been war/pollution but i have certified trust issues™ and i dont believe that for one darn second
i also don't think it's a kiss. lemme explain horrifically
so i took another look at the two frames we have of The Leaked Smooch™ and the background has a lot to be desired (if you take into account that the boys are taking up most of the frame (duh), plus already fairly average quality video PLUS compression from when i captured it)
but i think we can safely rule out that The Leaked Smooch™ doesn't happen in the theatre here, mainly because even though the quality is bad, the glasses in the Smooch™ are crowley's modern ones, not the ones we saw him wear in the 1941 flashback in s1, plus his hair is differently styled... so yes can pretty confidently say this is not the kiss we are looking for
so i wanted to pinpoint what era the theatre bit is actually set in, and therefore i set about identifying the theatre in question. turns out kids that im not a good researcher (despite it literally being my job) so it took FUCKING AGES but i eventually found set photos of the boys entering a theatre, specifically the hippodrome in bo'ness:
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now this was a turn-up for the books, because that's crowley's 1941 costume right??? id recognise that iconic fit anywhere. az's costume is trickier to pinpoint bc he wears the same damn thing but pretty sure this is a match to the church scene:
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so we know from s1 that we have the church scene yada yada, and crowley offers aziraphale a lift home... which we know he accepts given that the s2 trailer gives us the ✨Dinner of '41✨ scene:
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the other bit however to this puzzle is that there ALSO a set pic of aziraphale at the hippodrome in his magician's outfit. given the frame from the trailer where he looks like he's about to brick it going on stage, surrounded by lovely burlesque girlies and dame siân phillips in period dress, AND there were extras on the set dressed in ww2-type army uniforms, so i think it can be fairly surmised that this bit also occurs in the 40s
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so my thought process is that we're getting two separate scenes (kinda) from the 40s, we have the church bit from s1 plus the Dinner of '41 scene as its own entity, but then, like
aziraphale is doing his magic act as a side hustle to this burlesque show? and crowley turns up to watch him, hiding out up in the box?
if we follow this completely made up narrative ive just come up with, aziraphale, im assuming, finishes up and gets changed into his normal clothes, and then goes up to this box to meet crowley?
to this end, i captured and slowed down the bit in the opening sequence where aziraphale and crowley (sorry douglas, not buying it) are in the box... and-
now to my eye, the motion of them in the clip looks like they are dancing? i don't have the source to hand but we've had it confirmed that a choreographer was brought into s2, not impossible az would go up to meet crowley after his magic act, whilst there's still something going on on the stage, and the two end up dancing or something? and az bless his heart gets spooked from that?
im reasonably convinced that this might be the origin of the 'you go too fast for me' line - something happens and ultimately aziraphale gets spooked given that he's only just realised he has Feelings for crowley, and so my boy fucking legs it (a lil post i made a while ago about this exact scenario if you'd care to peruse)
other thing to note:
there is a figure that is lurking behind aziraphale and crowley in the box, which looks like it moves specifically in sync with crowley, so it could be a shadow, or someone/thing is in the box that they aren't aware of 👀 so maybe this thing (?) witnesses it all? whatever went down in the box?
so in my addled feral mind, ive come up with a speculation that even as im breathing life into it sounds unhinged and so implausible it's hilarious -
i put to you, members of the jury, that something was meant to happen in that box, and it didn't... that something being that crowley makes a move of some kind - kiss, dance, hug, declaration, WHATEVER - and aziraphale was meant to accept it/reciprocate/idk, but didn't.
and that fucks with the plan, and for lack of better terminology creates a nexus event (lmao thanks loki) which in turns starts screwing with other events, somewhat like i theorised in this post here tehe
are aziraphale and crowley, essentially, the earth's endgame? idk about u but ive read enough angst fics to know that it's not inconceivable that crowley and aziraphale's mere existence may have been part of god's plan to represent free will on earth, defend humankind, and give balance and meaning to it
so what would happen if aziraphale essentially rejected that? did the most human thing possible and resisted the plan? idk i feel at this point i am just writing a fic and this will all be ludicrously incorrect bUT half the fun is torturing yourself over your own theories right 🙃
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fabaceous · 1 year
Is there ever a hypothetical world where Jackie and Shauna’s situation is reversed (as in Shauna dies and Jackie makes it home)? And if so, how do you think Jackie would react and deal with it?
this is ANOTHER of my favorite cans of worms to open lately so THANK YOU for giving me an opportunity to talk about it!!
i was thinking about this mostly because i was thinking about how shauna's hallucinations of jackie provide us with such valuable information about shauna's thoughts/feelings/desires, how she thinks of jackie, how she thinks of herself (via jackie). hallucighost jackie i think sort of has two sides that are intertwined but serve different purposes - there's one side that's more straightforward and even sweet: it shows how shauna, in her grief and pain, wants to remember jackie (the fun, lighthearted moments; braiding her hair, joking about randy). the other side is more dark but gives us just as much if not more insight into shauna: she uses jackie as a mouthpiece for her own bad thoughts about herself. hallucighost jackie is the whip that shauna self-flagellates with. and she punishes herself, but she's also sort of repressing the fact that she even feels guilty (which maybe is why she needs jackie's "ghost" to guilt her, because she can't admit to herself that she feels guilty). and it all must hurt even more coming out of jackie's mouth - which, if you think about it, is probably why she does it (better fuel for her guilt complex).
ANYWAY, i digress (sort of). my point is, i've always wondered what we could learn from jackie hallucinating shauna. how would jackie want to remember shauna, but at the same time, how might the memory of shauna torture jackie?
if we do a simple swap and have shauna leave the cabin when jackie tells her to during their fight and then shauna freezes, that's one option. we get jackie feeling both immensely hurt by shauna's nearly inconceivable betrayal but, at the same time, feeling guilty for sending her out there. this could lead to some interesting hallucinated convos and, personally, i 100% think it could also lead to jackie doing shauna's makeup in the meat shed lmao. (and thats how you know they're made for each other!)
BUT ALSO. shauna's betrayal (i mean, combined with jackie losing her social status in the wilderness and having the other girls turn on her ofc) made jackie so depressed that she was unable to eat, and shauna dying on top of that would have the potential to completely destroy jackie's will to survive. it would be a big ask, at that point, to get jackie through to rescue. id say its pretty likely she dies of a broken heart, so to speak. like, just loses all her remaining will to live (because her will to live was literally hanging on by a thread and that thread was shauna). the only way i can imagine her surviving long enough to go home is if she has a complete and total break from reality and like, just sort of dissociates from the entire year-plus that follows. i think (? let me know if you agree bc this actually just came to me while writing this and im not sure if it holds up) that if the writers really sold it right, they could convince me that jackie basically goes catatonic and retreats into some fantasy world (one where shauna is around, of course!) for the rest of their time in the wilderness. not exactly the way shauna talked to jackie in the meat shed, because shauna knew she was hallucinating and was more or less able to walk away when she had other obligations. i think jackie would actually legitimately just lose her grip on reality, and succumbing to this would be the only way for her to survive. kind of like the bacchanal but about, like, everything.
the other scenario that occurred to me (and it's a pretty awful way for shauna to die and makes me really unhappy btw, so, sorry in advance) is what if shauna's abortion attempt had gone really, really wrong and she had gotten an infection and died from that? obviously jackie has no clue at this point about jeff/pregnancy/rutgers/etc so its pure unadulterated heartbreak. taissa could play a really interesting role in this situation as the only other person who knows this huge, earthshattering secret. would she keep it from jackie? i think that would be the prudent thing to do. losing shauna would already be almost too much for jackie to take, but she could maybe survive that by designating herself as the keeper of shauna's memory and she could probably convince herself she owes it to shauna to stay alive because if jackie dies then shauna is gone for good. but, as we've seen in canon, finding out that shauna betrayed her sends jackie into a really dark place where she doesnt have much will to live. i think she could plausibly survive with her sanity intact if one or the other happens (shauna betrays her OR shauna dies) but, as i discussed above, experiencing both would either break her sanity or effectively kill her.
and i suspect taissa is smart enough to realize this too, so if she wants to keep jackie alive she'll withhold this information (hide/burn the journals?) and let jackie cling to whatever romanticized image of shauna she comes up with. once they get back to the real world, who knows? taissa might tell her because she feels like jackie deserves the truth, jackie might read shauna's journals from before the crash in an attempt to feel close to her again and find out that way, or even jeff might tell her (worst case scenario IMO)... and im honestly not sure what jackie would do at that point, like, murder jeff maybe? (im joking but i actually am not sure how that whole situation would play out. maybe depression 2.0 but in the real world, but that's not as fun as murder.)
i haven't even said what i think jackie would hallucinate, so lets end with that. for shauna, it's primarily about self-flagellation and self-punishment, although it has some ability to soothe her as well, like when she imagines having fun with jackie.
for jackie i think its actually fairly simple: its obvious to all of us that what jackie wants most is shauna's authentic and full love, and my personal theory is that the main (and maybe even sole!) function of jackie's hallucinations would be escapism and wish-fulfillment, and imagining that shauna really did love her.
jackie doesn't have a self-destruction/guilt complex like shauna does. jackie, i think, would be able to just feel guilt in a more straightforward way. as well as anger! so in the scenario where shauna freezes after their fight, jackie would certainly be feeling a lot of guilt, but she doesn't need or want shauna to remind her, she could just apologize. and she's feeling a lot of anger, but she'd be able to say it to shauna's (hallucinated) face instead of putting it through some twisted alchemical process that turns it into something else. like, i think she actually does have a chance of getting closure in a way that shauna doesn't because shauna would never let herself get closure because then she'd have nothing left to fuel her guilt/self-destruction complex.
i think jackie would want closure for her immediate anger and guilt about shauna's death, and because she wants it, she'd be capable of getting it. but after that's dealt with (assuming she survives long enough to deal with it), or in a scenario where jackie doesn't know about shauna's betrayal/isn't responsible for her death, i really think (and i just made myself sooo miserable realizing this btw so you're welcome. or i'm sorry) that the thing that would cause jackie eternal and relentless pain for the rest of her life would be the immense regret and the feeling that she didn't love shauna enough, or didn't love her right. and her hallucinations of shauna would, by and large, simply be an outpouring of all the love she didn't get to show her in life (and imagining the reciprocation of that love that she always wished shauna would give her).
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fonulyn · 8 months
I've been thinking about Infinite Darkness again, as one does lol, and especially why I'm not super fond of Claire in it. it's been hard to come to terms with that because I started out loving Claire, she's always been one of my favorites, she's fierce and loyal and does anything she has to for what she considers to be the right thing, the fair thing. I love her fierce attitude in re2 remake, and I despite Degeneration's shortcomings as a movie I loved how Claire was portrayed in it, that she'd chosen her own path and she was working tirelessly to make the world a safer place her own way.
which is also why I don't agree with the take that she was sidelined in ID because she didn't get to go in guns blazing, because to me it felt very natural to her almost anti-gun stance in Degeneration, AND because holy shit people a female character does not need to go around waving weapons to be badass?? she does the brainy thing, she figures out the entire conspiracy on her own, but she gets no credit for that feat?? bc she doesn't shoot enough guns?? yeah no. she did great. but I digress.
so, I went into ID loving Claire and came out of it annoyed as hell, feeling like she'd been betrayed and done dirty, but it's so hard to put a finger on why exactly. there's something about how she acts, something about how she specifically interacts with other people, that feels so awkward and so unlike her. she's so needlessly antagonistic, for one.
(and the ramble continues under a cut bc this got long)
and honestly, I think the main issue I have with her is that they dumbed her down. she's not an idiot. and somehow she still apparently assumes that a government agent can just answer all her questions and spill all secrets, and then she gets huffy when he doesn't? I get it that it sucks being dismissed by a friend, but at the same time they're not interacting as friends there, but as representatives of their respective organizations. I can't assume my doctor friend would spill all the info on her patients just because we're friends, exactly like I wouldn't tell her private info about my students. sometimes a person's job does come in the way. and Claire should be clever enough to know that and not just get pissy when she doesn't get what she wants.
and even bigger issue is the ending scene. it starts off so nice, all joking, and then when Leon says that he thought he told Claire not to do anything stupid while clearly in on the joke, Claire suddenly goes all "HEY I'M JOKING"?? yeah Claire, we know, everyone knows, but suddenly she decides to flip a switch and go from joking to angry.
and the "when are you going to stop treating me like a kid" line? it's just blatantly wrong. in re2? they don't even spend that much time together but when they do, they clearly treat each other as equals. in Degeneration? another character dismisses Claire and Leon immediately jumps in to defend her and let them know how capable she is. he and Claire talk about different paths, but in no way is it ever even hinted at that one of the paths would be better or worse than the other. there's never ever been anything but mutual respect between them. and I think it's a huge disservice to both to just dimiss that.
AND the infamous Chip of Destiny™. again, Claire is not stupid. she should know that the conspiracy goes deeper than just Wilson, and just exposing him will drive all the rest of the bad guys deeper underground where they'll be impossible to find. and even more importantly, exposing that information would paint the most ginormous target on her back, she'd be hunted down. and while that might be a risk she's willing to take, she also should respect that it's not something Leon is willing to do to her.
(I'm not saying Leon is blameless in that scene either, he could've spelled it out for her, like he did to Shen May earlier on. he could've at least tried to explain his side. instead he just clams down and makes things worse. I understand his motivations, he thinks he can dismantle the corruption from the inside (erroneously as we know but he's operating with way more limited info than we are) and he doesn't want to put Claire in danger. but damnit boy, open your mouth and say it, if not in that many words then at least some vague version of it!)
so yeah, I think that sums up my biggest issues with Claire in ID. she clearly is bright and can use her brain but then she has a couple of moments where she just. doesn't. for some reason. and how she's so needlessly antagonistic. she's always been ready to throw down if necessary, which I've always loved, but she's never snapped at people like she does at Leon in ID. it's like she's intentionally trying to be mean and I just can't fit that into my perception of Claire, I can't.
with all that said, ID is still one of my favorites of the animated RE movies (yes it's a movie lol), it just bothers me that they did this to her. she deserved better!
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DP x DC Fanfic Idea?
im not interested in writing my own dpxdc fic, i just dont think id write it so well and i wont be able to type for a bit soon, probably, BUT i do have an AU that might b fun? so like different universes, danny's from a universe that doesnt have soulmate marks, batfam member (or whoever else, i just like batfam best!) is from a universe w soul marks. this much ive seen before, ofc, and its not new!! but like, for some reason, the arm that has danny's soul mark (bc im imagining the soulmark as like, either the persons name or they can write on it or smth), doesnt work, like hes never been able to use it, and always has it up in a sling. but anyway, he also notices the soulmark markings like name or writing or w/e, all the time, but doesnt know what to make of it. his parents (A+) assume its haunted but cant do anything to fix it despite putting danny through multiple, traumatizing, ghost procedures to try n draw it out. As he gets older it becomes less frequent, and he wears long sleeves to hide it anyway, to avoid the attention of the bullies who still go after him. bc of all the procedures from his parents, dannys super used to being in the lab, and when he goes in the portal, it was almost out of spite. like, wow look, yet another thing my parents couldnt make work! and during that, he bumps the switch and goes through the accident. and then yknow, smth happens and he leaves his own dimension, either by accident, force, or smth else (maybe dan succeeds, maybe pariah shoves him through a portal to get him outta the way, etc) and he ends up floating around gotham either injured or just grieving or dazed, trying to figure out where he is. and he eventually realizes his arm works here too for some reason, but in human form its still extremely weak bc ofc, hes never used it as a human, so he still doesnt use it much. the muscles are all but atrophied, bc it likely only moves passively, when someone else manipulates it, or danny uses his other arm to do exercises on the limb.
on the other hand, the batfam member doesnt understand y their soulmate never responds and when they do write on their arm, it feels somewhat distant. When they pick up the mantle, they decide its for the best and only occassionally put something down just to check in, after hard battles or big events n stuff until on day, something happens and they feel as though their connection is not so distant. in fact, suddenly, marking on their skin feels almost like static. they find danny and recognize a mark on his arm EXACTLY like what theyd drawn, or their own name or w/e, on this weirdly disoriented kid
and maybe, maybe the reason danny can use his arm in ghost form, is because when he accidentally activated the portal, he bumped his bad arm into the switch. and when he got his scars, the batfam member got a matching set of ecto plasmic green lichtenburg marks all over their matching arm.
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sexycornenthusiast · 4 months
hey! what’s your thoughts on gretchen x karen, like as a ship? i see it more in the 2004 version than the musical, but id love to know your opinions!
I'm gonna preface this by saying that I am NOT the person you wanna be asking this question to and I have absolutely no problems with the ship or anyone who likes it (if you saw who I ship gretchen with you would throw up /j).
That being said, I think this ship is a conspiracy against me specifically. Everyone ships Karen and Gretchen and I cannot figure out why other than "they're the other two". I can see it the most in the 2024 movie but it goes back way farther than that. I mean, the Halloween costumes were cute and all but there is a platonic explanation for that and bc of plot constraints they aren't allowed to do much.
Honestly, I'm irritated on behalf of Karen/Gretchen shippers because they're always relegated to the background. I feel like people don't ship this ship because they like it, they ship it because it "makes sense" and you can tell. And I mean, some of my favorite ships kinda don't make sense (I still stand by when I said Kevin/Karen is the funniest crackship in this franchise). That's not the end-all of shipping imo.
I have no concept of who's popular in this fandom so this might be a stupid suggestion but if you're a Karen/Gretchen shipper you should go read withpeopleinperson on AO3, they're the only writer who's made me feel anything other than apathy reading about them because you can tell there was real care and emotion put into it. Though, to be fair to everyone else, I haven't exactly gone very far out of my way to consume content for a ship I don't ship.
So uh. That's my opinion. I'm slightly scared of this accidentally coming across as mean but I wanted to be as honest as possible.
(Also, if this is about the previous ask where I said Karen is a bad friend, I swear I'm not singling her out on this. I think all of the plastics are bad friends! It's complicated.)
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
i loveee ur art its sooo expressive and it has such a 90s feel to it.. if i may ask, how do u pick ur colours? do u have a specific colour pallete u adhere to? thanks!
thanks so much :DDD im curious what might make it feel 90s 🤔 thats so interesting
anyways stuff abt coloring below
honestly i kinda just fuck around with color, technically i somewhat understand color theory but despite that im bad at choosing the right colors straight from the color wheel so a lot of times i just hsb adjust things until theyre right
ive got two different ways i color things currently:
softish shading with a marker brush in greyscale, applying too many color adjustment layers, and then coloring a little on top of the greyscale to make things not monochrome. usually i color on top of a clipping mask bc its a lot easier, which i did in the ace attorney one but not in the merlin one for ?? no reason i guess i just didnt think abt it lmao
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the other way is i decide what color i wanna cast the whole drawing in and i make that the base clipping mask layer (which ive been making like. neon green a lot lately lmao) and then i block in color on top of that, and shadow color on top of that. the cybersix ones a great representation of what im doing there but its a little chaotic since all of the sketches were meant to be cropped oops. the cowboy danny phantom ones a lot cleaner of an example haha
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i really like doing the second method because it also works great with lineless and also i really like comparative colors? i know theres a better phrase for it but like. when one color looks like a different color when its put in a different colored space. like when im making things green, id color blue things in the scene green and red things in the scene a muddy orangey color. or when i was really into yellow id make the blues purple. idk usually the “blue” in the scene is first color i like to figure out im not sure if its because its my favorite color or if its because i love drawing jeans but thats just how it goes lmao
oh also putting things on a or neutral bg helps to pick colors a lot easier than keeping the default white bg, i always turn it off and leave it transparent until im finished lmao. i use procreate light mode so its still rather light but not too bad
i dont really have any palettes that i intentionally adhere to, no, but i do get kind of stuck using the same colors for a few months before moving to something different. rn im very stuck on green and need to accept that not everything needs to be the grossest greens ever and ive been stuck on it for about six months? in the past i was really stuck on yellow haha
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suffarustuffaru · 10 months
👀 & 🥺 & ❌
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i also answered ❌ in another ask so ill do the other two asks here :O !!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
OOH ok i. i have two more pride if wips other than my current pride if otto multichap. and i really wanna finish all of them. one of them is a pride if reinhard fic and the other is. you know it was just supposed to be unhinged and incredibly cringe pride if ottosuba smut wrapped up in a small oneshot but now its unhinged and incredibly cringe pride if ottosuba smut with Probably A Little Too Much Plot and it probably wont be a small oneshot. oops 😳 every time…. EVERY TIME… i write smut i keep making it cringe on purpose. im so sorry i cant write anything genuinely sexy it just comes out cringe bc i find it entertaining to write sjdndn (for additional context i am ace ☝️i might write fluffy smut someday though akdnsns bc i DO love sweet smut <3)
ANYWAY the pride if reinhard fic. its planned to be a twoshot atm thats just going through the most important events of poor pride if reinhard’s life. and by important events i mean All the loved ones reinhard lost and then the entire country being set on fire 😭😭 idk if any fic has been made yet focusing on how reinhard like. gradually feels hatred and anger for the first time towards pride if subaru for Doing All That but id like to focus on that yes!! like its a Very big deal. and also i wanted to give joshua a cameo bc well. the dude Already despises reinhard regularly. the moment he finds out julius and ana brutally died and reinhard is Likely half of the reason why they died (the other half being to put emilia on the throne)…… anyway joshuas gonna be very upset with reinhard thats for sure!! ..and also this fic Might need a dead dove tag. totally not for reasons.
🥺Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
EVERYTHING. but more specifically writing breaking points and the buildup to them 😭😭 the aftermath too!! like. even more specifically i love when the cards are Really stacked against characters and so they change for the worst. that gets me every time. they change so much that theyre like the trope where someone Comes Back Wrong and then they hit some sort of breaking point where hes Abundantly clear that theyre not the same anymore. if you get what i mean hah. but i love when suddenly everyone close to them has to confront this fact!! that theyre not the same anymore!! how will they all move forward from here?? bc change can be good or bad and its what you make of it…. will the character get worse or get better in the future??? idk i just love the angst of it all T^T the bittersweetness T^T having to confront the person you were and the person you Are and that even while theres differences theres still similarities to your past self…. which is probably why i like gluttony if and subaru a lot hah (on top of. heinkel……. if otto……..). like having to confront that this person you know and love is Different now….. that the love you shared with this person is Now gone and just a faint memory…. that stuff hits fr T^T like the baggage… the history… things wont ever be the same… that kind of feeling, you know?? and also additionally i love that quote from undertale that goes “despite everything youre still you”. yeah. yeah. 🤌 i like how this kind of development is so. its got Despair but if you so choose it there can be hope too….
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waywardsalt · 6 months
ship thoughts bc im trying to untangle what i want to do with this (not limited to tags this time yippee)
ok so like. bellum x linebeck is a weird ship and the only ship i have in my small little collection thats Like That
i mean. the other ones are like…
damibeck is soft oc x canon its my canon linebeck ship theyre boyfriends theyre husbands damien is his childhood friend and they are very close from the get go for various reasons its like. generally normal romance its a comfort thing at times but also something i can make interesting or at the center of a conflict
ganonbeck is a fun crackship sort thing that started as a joke but turns out to have genuinely interesting ideas you can use with it so its probably the most versatile in how i use it
bellum x linebeck is the only one where they canonically meet and good lord idk how to convert my weird abstracts ideas and thoughts (and joke ideas) into coherent ship ideas but ill try here
like. bellum isnt much of a character while linebeck is a great character so off the bat i kinda have to figure out. what bellum is like. but i think he generally finds linebeck interesting and is civil in a post game setting for a handful of reasons, including that curiosity abt linebeck and a vague respect for him. i think linebeck has a shaky understanding of bellum as well as a similarly weird respect, but would need a little more time to really trust him, but they both start off with some weird comfort bc like. they probably know each other p intimately already
like with bellumbeck stuff bellum likely learns a lot abt linebeck through that, and going with the ideas i have abt what goes on during that, linebeck learns a lot abt bellum, too, so they have a baseline understanding of each other. i want to keep empathy out of it generally, esp on bellum’s side of things (i hc linebeck as being low empathy but with bellum specifically its either low emparhy too or no empathy at all, problem being i have a hard time like. recognizing empathy vs no empathy like idk what the difference is if that makes sense. i want bellum to actively choose to be nice or w/e instead of just like. feeling bad or w/e, idk what part empathy might play in recognizing that you have similarities with something)
like i dont want to spill the beans on a lot of linebeck and bellum backstory stuff bc id rather do that through fic stuff, but they have a general understanding of each other through like. vague. situation comparison (with linebeck its like. minor dot connecting and some stretches of imagination but that doesnt do it all for him while for bellum its a kinda oh shit moment), and bellum just finds linebeck interesting in the unconventional (and frustrating) way he had to deal with him and how and why he failed to 1) fully control and convince him of certain things and 2) linebecks survival is something he did not anticipate at all so for bellum theres this fascination in linebeck as hes a guy who broke every rule bellum thought was in place with this thing he’d done before and is just like. hey man what the fuck. in that curiosity. in a strange sense linebeck is untouchable to bellum bc of this (not literally but. yknow)
like i dont think id want to write this as some kind of explicit or conventional romance, just some weird relationship thing that slips into romantic, into sexual, into intimate, and then back out into that weird nebulous area
damien is there. this is in post ph context. damien is very much there and interested in bellum as well but its very different i just wanted to bring it up bc it does slip into polycule territory in post ph
theres probably walls and walls of text i could write abt this while untangling what i might want to do with bellum x linebeck but uuuuugh im tired
like on the physical side of things tho its. really weird like linebeck has strict boundaries and in a sense bellum has broken them before and so they have a bit of a tricky physical relationship bc linebeck has a hard time sorting his feelings towards bellum out and bellum can be kinda touchy feely with him at times, and the strangeness that comes with sorting things out with his lil demon form and with his humanoid form
also the tentacle stuff
im very much thinking abt the tentacle stuff
i dont. im not familiar with that kind of stuff
its been the biggest barrier for me in thinking abt this ship and generally its just bellum using em as arms and to grab and hold stuff and different ways they can apply when he interacts with linebeck like hes got a bunch of different clingy stuff idk. he can do weird hugs. while experimenting with damien linebeck figures out he kinda has a thing for being tied up and then (both he and bellum) have to face the fact that they likely know either when that might have started or that it complicates things a little further
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nekropsii · 1 year
HI ITS ME. GUY WHO HAS A LOT OF THOUGHTS ON MEAT!ROXY. despite how i. admitedly dislike how they HANDLED meat roxy, i cant help but hold a certain... appreciation? fur transmasc roxy. i dont know a lot of canon transmasc characters. most of the time the people i s33 even headcanoned as transmasc-... dont match my experiences. roxy has ALWAYS been my favorite. i love her xomplex relationship with rose and addiction and her friends. i could rel8 to being- idk if hyperfem is the word but? before i transitioned i was deff a very girly-girl. and in my early transition stages i really thought i was faking bc no one ever made content with characters like that./ i love roxy so much, and it was so nice to see my fave character being canonically transmasc, and it reely hurts to see people constantly talking aboat how much they HATE it. i get it! i get how much it sucks to have a popular hc invalidated! but... transmasc roxy has always meant a lot to me- in ways i cant explain w/o delving into some personal stuff. idk, i just. sighs. this came out a lot less coherrent than id like, but even tho i have troubles with how hs2/the epilouges were handled... i reely did like that. i think hs2 is a compilation of good ideas and wasted purrtential, and i wishmore ppl would try and explore that instead of writingmit off and criticizing efurryone who wants to engage in it
Yeah. The handling is definitely one of the biggest factors that ruins it. A lot of Post-Canon is hugely mishandled, and meat!Roxy is no exception to this. The other biggest factor that ruins it is that it was put in official material.
I obviously don't hate the idea of a hyperfeminine person realizing they're transmasculine, or a hypermasculine person realizing they're transfeminine. Those are real experiences that people have, and they deserve to be touched upon. People with those experiences get very, very little representation. I said this before, but I have no ill feelings towards people who like meat!Roxy. It lines up with some people's experiences more than some other portrayals of transition, and therefore some people will gravitate towards it because of its rare factor of relatability to them.
The thing about it is that the writers were never going to get the handling of it right. The Post-Canon writers are not good at their job, they have too much to live up to, and it really seems as though the move was made to spite that widely accepted notion that Roxy is a trans girl- something that has some very real backing within the text of canon. Transmasculine Roxy... Isn't an inherently bad idea! It really isn't. But it is a bad idea to not only confirm a character's previously up-in-the-air birth sex- something that directly goes against one of the most widely accepted transfeminine headcanons of all time- and then proceed to make that character trans in the other direction... While completely sucking the soul out of that character.
Transmasculine Roxy is a fine idea. It's just not one that's able to ever be comfortably explored in a piece of official material. It's perfectly okay for fanworks and personal interpretation, but it doesn't have a sound place in canon just due to the optics of it. It's just too contrarian. And while some people may not care, a lot more people will, and a lot more people do. Too many people care for it to be a good idea to canonize in any regard, no matter what level of eggshells the writers walk on.
And while that may seem like an apocalyptically grim statement to make... That really is just how writing for an audience works. It might suck sometimes, but it's how it is.
TL;DR: Yeah, you liking meat!Roxy is completely valid and I do not blame you whatsoever. More power to you! Major respect! It was just massively fucking mishandled, and handling it at all in official material was just a bad idea. It was a concept that was most likely born out of spite, and destined to fail. Justice for transmasc!Roxy, by the way. Why the fuck did they turn Roxy into an entirely different character? All the charm of Roxy's character was really just lost the moment they made 'em transition. That's one of my least favorite tropes ever. I hate it here.
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