#might make like. a second wip intro??? when I finish book 2??? idk
serenanymph · 1 year
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wip intro - beast
A single feather drifts from within the boy's bloodied cloak to the ground, floating, dancing on the wind. Pitch black, stained red, exactly like the ones Crys had seen earlier on the trail. Silence. The world holds its breath, both of them staring at that feather on the ground, a single second stretching out into eternity. “Oh,” the boy says weakly. “Shit.”
GENRE: YA high fantasy
POV: third person, multiple, present tense
STATUS: book 1 on hold (final draft), book 2 ongoing (first draft)
found family and large casts
queer characters of various flavors + background romance
sarcastic one + ray of sunshine one
chill lesbian + disaster lesbian
undead creatures!!! cool magic!!! shapeshifting!!!
a Journey
discrimination, eventual rebellion, lots of blowing stuff up
telling each other to practice self-care while not practicing self-care
and a protagonist who doesn't really fit the 'hero' or 'chosen one' role
There are monsters in the woods.
Beasts have been at war with humans for centuries. The children of Katas himself, they are shapeshifters, magic wielders, and the source of the Witchrisen that has been plaguing Kosei since time immemorial.
For Crys Averwell, a human boy from a backwater village, there has never been any reason to doubt the old legends. However, when he stumbles across a wounded crow-boy in the woods whose wings have been brutally hacked off, everything he knows is thrown into question.
On the flip side, Icarus Kal-Nira is wingless, weaponless, and stranded miles and miles away from home, with no way to get back. If he wants to survive, he's going to have to trust Crys.
Quite unfortunately, that's the easy part - because when the entire world hates Beasts, a single ally won't be enough to grant an edge. And as time goes on and threats increase, it's only going to get harder for Crys to hide Icarus's existence from his village...
Crys Averwell - 16, human, archer. sharp tongue and even sharper wit. walking personification of "I'm fine", needs sleep and therapy but is getting neither because I keep putting him in Situations
Icarus "Ink" Kal-Nira - 17, Beast (Crow), dual-wielder. ray of sunshine and genuinely the nicest person to ever exist. giant golden retriever energy. Trying His Best
Dahlia Reistveil - 17, human, daughter of a tavern-owner. Crys's childhood friend. often seen as the Mature One, but underneath all that she has a boatload of her own Issues
Beatriz Das-Reille - 16, Beast (Crow), Icarus's sort-of-but-not-really-little-sister. fast flier, wields a rapier, and is made up of only anxiety and more anxiety.
taglist (lmk if you want to be +/-): @sapphos-scientist
feel free to browse through the gen tag in which I reblog everything from inspiration to resources, and occasionally actually post something! I'll probably make a proper long page later on and sort out the tagging system, but until then you just get this.
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laufire · 4 years
In depth fandom ask: the last fandom you joined bc I can't remember it now
Well, I guess the last fandom I’ve properly joined --making a few edits, starting yet-another-WIP etc.-- is Black Sails, so. Plus I want to talk about it a little, spoiler-free, in case you decide to watch it ^-^ (I’ll leave that to the s3 post I need to finish...).
Top 5 favourite characters: Max is my number one, without a doubt, and of the rest of my faves Silver has an edge... but the remaining positions are a tough fight between Flint, Jack, Madi and Miranda, and I honestly can’t choose DD:
Other characters you like: Mr. Scott, Anne, Idelle, the Maroon Queen, Billy, Eme, Abigail... This show has a lot of great characters tbh.
Least favourite characters: I still loathe Peter Ashe with every fiber of my being. Alfred Hamilton is obviously The Worst(TM). And though it hasn’t grown into hate (yet), I don’t like Woodes Rogers one bit ¬¬
Otps: Flint/Miranda, and the combos in Flint/Madi/Silver and Anne/Jack/Max (in no particular order at the moment because I just HAVE TONS OF FEELS ABOUT THEM ALL).
Notps: I don’t have strong NOPE feelings towards anything, but I’m not into Eleanor/Max (which is a dynamic I actually really like BUT that I’m glad it doesn’t return to shippiness LOL); Eleanor/Rogers (I might be indifferent towards Eleanor most of the time but I haaaaaate Rogers for her. RUN GIRL), Flint/Vane (booooooooring).
Favourite friendships: Max & Silver (THE duo I swear), Jack & Max, Flint & Silver, Idelle & Max (I might not have said so before but I guess I like a little conflict LMFAO), Billy & Flint (NOT a friendship, but their relationship absolutely cracks me up I swear. “Who’s Billy?” XDDD).
Favourite family: Madi’s family, which is all I can say without getting spoilery. I just. *lies down on the floor overcome with emotions* xDD
Favourite episodes: the problem with binge-watching (okay, I’ve taken s3 more slowly but) is that they all kinda blur together LOL. Hmm. The season finales are all *chefs kiss* so far (sometimes in a very painful way... I’m looking at you s2. Though the ominous Flint/Silver moments in the s3 were A LOT too); any in which I get to see Max & Silver scheming together ofc. And the first handful of eps in s3 were particularly enjoyable to me because I was drowning in PURE ANGST and Flint & Silver feels xDD (I can’t NOT believe the fandom seems to call one of those “the shark date” asñldfjasdfñl).
Favourite season/book/movie: oof. I honestly can’t pick; s1 is probably the “least” because the others include better moments for some of my secondary faves, and because there’s a plot that’s really hard to watch... BUT it has things on it I adore to pieces too. s1-2 doesn’t have Madi (major drawback xD), and s3 is after one of my faves’ death... but frankly they’re all neck and neck so far.
Favourite quotes: “I am ruined over you” always comes to mind DD: “Liked is just as good as feared”; Max combo with Eleanor about sand (typing that down made me think of Anidala LMFAO. The scene itself is very different though! xD) in the s1 finale; “in another time, in another place, they would call me a queen”; “this ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around”, Mr. Scott’s “No. Only YOU.”... honestly, this show’s dialogue is just too good(TM), I could just quote it all back xD. And of course, I HAVE to mention “WHO’S BILLY”. It’s the law.
Best musical moment: the score is perfection all around, but given that I never skip the intro just to listen and watch it... yeah, the intro xD
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: well, I *might* have lost it the moment CAPTAIN FLINT COMES OUT TO LONG JOHN SILVER OVER A BONFIRE, IDK XDD
When it really disappointed you: the fact that I won’t get to see a fully fleshed out Mr. Scott-Silver dynamic is MAJORLY disappointing, let me tell you. That Flint’s actor didn’t somehow get his mother (aka Maggie Smith aka Professor McGonagall aka Lady Violet) on the show too ¬¬. LOL.
Saddest moment: character’s deaths of two of the characters listed on “top 5”/“others you like” xD.
Most well done character death: the hanging in 3x09 was well done and served its purpose.
Favourite guest star: for a value of “guest star”... I’m going with Idelle.
Favourite cast member: Jessica Parker Kennedy is the one that I know and love for other projects she’s done.
Character you wish was still alive: THE ONE WE TRAGICALLY LOST IN 2x09.
One thing you hope really happens: I’m cheating because I know there’s some of that in s4, but I want to watch more Flint/Madi interactions pls.
Most shocking twist: well, I wasn’t spoiled for Mr. Scott’s plot in s3 so I was (pleasantly) surprised by that xD
When did you start watching/reading?: a little over two weeks ago; I watched (devoured) s1-s2 and 3x01-3x04 in a few days because I wanted to meet Madi, and then I tragically had to slow down :(((
Best animal/creature: I will always love Treasure Islands’  parrot that Silver named after Flint LMFAO.
Favourite location: Nassau aka Max’s ~domain xD. And Miranda’s house.
Trope you wish they would stop using: noooooone. I love the tropes this show reuses LMFAO. Romantic Betrayals(TM), triumvirates, “good things happen in the dark/away from civilization”, the power of narratives, social climbing and revolt... bring them oooooon.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: quite a few xD. But one that really stands out to me is the dialogue; both the ~deep and sorrowful type (there were so many quotes where I had to take a break to freak out properly lol), and the humorous ones.
Funniest moments: I know I’m repeating myself, but I recently rewatched the pilot to edit some scenes and I keep remember the WHO’S BILLY one xDD (which I maintain it was Flint trolling him. He could give Abigail a rundown of Billy’s whole life story AND he shamelessly checked him out that one time. Flint knows who Billy is, he’s just an asshole xD). Really, all the scenes between Billy and Flint in that episode are comedic gold lmfao. Billy’s “oh dear I fucked up” expression when he tells Flint the crew has started to think him weak and Flint looks half a second away from murdering him right there, his WTF face at Flint’s antics with the stolen page... Gold, seriously.
Couple you would like to see: I meannnnnn. I would’ve been very happy if the show had decided to go with Flint/Madi/Silver, for one. Bonus if Miranda could’ve been included. Or just explicit Flint/Silver in poly arrangements (THEY ARE IN LOVE, IT’S JUST ~COMPLICATED XD).
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: MAGGIE SMITH DAMMIT.
Favourite outfit: literally everything Max wears in s3. Eleanor’s s1-s2 outfits were things I’d love to wear too. Flint’s ~dramatic coat. Miranda’s collection of supposedly-puritan-but-showing-the-goods dresses xDD (and ofc her London clothes), Jack’s clothes (he’s Nassau’s fashion icon lbr).
Favourite item: the books!! Especially when Flint gave Miranda “La Galatea” as a gift (given that sometimes he reminds me of my OC Latoya, you might understand the freakout I had when he gave the other member of my OTP a book titled like that xDD).
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: no, but I kinda want to. I did have a Treasure Planet computer game I tragically can’t find... it was about collecting money in increasingly difficult scenarios LOL. And I probably have more pirate-y/Treasure Island theme stuff. I had a long pirate phase xD
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Max’s because I like being on the winning team, thanks xD (though I do ~align more with Flint and Madi’s lbr...).
Most boring plotline: Eleanor and Vane’s ~romance is not at all badly written... but the fact that I find both of them boring kinda ruins the whole thing because I always wish that time went to someone else xD. Also, Blackbeard. Meh.
Most laughably bad moment: n/a.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: the London flashback where Miranda goes to Flint’s house unannounced to take him to an art gallery, she finds him half-naked and he gets all awkward about it lmao. And then they hook up in the carriage :DDD
Most layered character: we get to explore Flint and Silver the most. Silver’s development in particular is something that never ceases to impress me ngl.
Most one dimensional character: except the one-note characters I wouldn’t really call anyone completely one-dimensional, tbh. Though I do think the fandom attributes more complexity to Thomas than it’s seen in canon? Like, I like what I see; I think he’s functional, he works well, and he adds wonderfully to Flint’s (and Miranda’s) story, but I don’t see him as a full character in his own right. Which is perfectly fine for the narrative so far, but I fear it might fall apart for me at the very end.
Scariest moment: I never know what to say in this... I mean, I guess Flint killing a man with his bare hands in the pilot Like That was scary xD. I understand why Silver freaked out LOL.
Grossest moment: any of Max’s interactions with Vane tbh. Stay away from her ¬¬
Best looking male: Flint has that ruggedly handsome thing going on for him, if you’re into that (and sometimes I do appreciate his ~aesthetics... very sad he shaved his head in s3 though. Like, I get you did it for the Angst, honey, and trust me, I Feel U, but still). I feel like I might be forgetting someone, but seriously, none of the dudes in this show so far do anything for me LOL. I can honestly say I love them for their personalities xDD
Best looking female: I have a weakness for Max, but Miranda, Madi, Anne, the Maroon Queen, Idelle, Eme... all of them are gorgeous in their own way. This show is good for sapphic women’s enjoyment in that sense xDD.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): I could crush on any of the women mentioned above tbh.
Favourite cast moment: I have literally only seen this post about an interview where Flint’s actor says he’s too old to party with The Youth of the cast and just wants to chill on the weekend... with bonus Max and Eleanor’s actress talking about how Vane’s once climbed the side of a building up AND back down. I’m with you, Toby Stephens, you don’t need those shenanigans xDD
Favourite transportation: the Walrus, for sentimental reasons LOL. I liked stolen Spanish warship too.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): lots of good ones, though I think my fave might be the one of Miranda sitting by the window in London. Or the one of Charles Town burning down, I liked that :))) (I remember thinking “Flint better go full Daenerys on them”. And he did! It was nice xD).
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a, so far.
Best promo: n/a.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I liked it from the word go, but the moment that TRULY cemented it for me was in 1x03, with Max making a decision that I... frankly didn’t expect. It made things worse for her in the short-term, the storyline itself was difficult and disturbing to watch and I still have some mixed feelings about it. But what it said about her as a character and how her journey goes after that... I was in awe of her, and of the show.
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i-am-grell · 6 years
Here’s My Top 100 For 2018 From Spotify
And me trying to justify them! (Look, some are WIP-related, others are jams, some I really can’t explain I just got back into Glee for like a month at one point this year...) Here’s the playlist
1. From a Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins - Panic! At The Disco
Look, I just love the bouncy piano and the tuba. You can never have a bad tuba.
2. The End. - My Chemical Romance
Goes along with Chapter 8 of my WIP, Interlude, because I’m mean
3. Blank Space - I Prevail
This also goes along with Interlude from Chapter 1 - 5
4. If It Means A Lot To You - A Day To Remember
This one goes with my WIP Blood Bound (This one isn’t posted anywhere) (specifically, book 5)
5. Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy
Another Blood Bound one (Book 7)
6. This Could Be Anywhere In The World - Alexisonfire
7. The Curse of Curves - Cute is What We Aim For
This was going to be Interlude-related but got replaced. Still a banger
8. Disturbia - The Cab
The theme song of Dreavyn from my WIP Aaron Being Normal and if anyone has any tips on how to control a chaotic bisexual OC please let me know
9. Jumpsuit - Twenty One Pilots
Funky bass
10. MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday
A theme for Trace from Aaron Being Normal (Won’t be extremely relevant until book 3 (also this was supposed to be a standalone...))
11. Miss Murder - AFI
Funky bass part 2
12. Fences - Paramore
Interlude again - A Selena Walton Theme Song.
13. The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
Interlude - A Morgan/Selena/Mostly Selena Theme. (Also, a banger)
14. Camisado - Panic! At The Disco
Interlude - How many hospital scenes can I fit into 1 WIP about depressed teens? (Turns out three; maybe four, technically)
15. My Heart I Surrender - I Prevail
Cole’s character song (Interlude) (Also romantic AF)
16. I Don’t Care - Fall Out Boy
Interlude. Also a Mood
17. Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Partially Interlude, partially because Holiday fucking slaps and BoBD is a classic
18. Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard
1/2 Interlude, 1/2 a Mood
19. I Don’t Wanna Be In Love (Dance Floor Anthem) - Good Charlotte
Dare I say, an aro-ace mood?
20. Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
I feel like half this playlist is just gonna be songs from the Interlude playlist...
21. Problematique - Hot Chelle Rae
Some funky bass, call and response, and fast rhyming - an ultimate jam
22. Postcards - Amber Pacific
Interlude playlist
23. Nico and The Niners - Twenty One Pilots
Look, I just really like Trench; it’s a good album
24. Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
This is on the Interlude playlist but there’s such a Bonnie and Clyde feel to it, man...
25. Do You Know What I’m Seeing? - Panic! At The Disco
No. I don’t. Good song to dissociate to, though. I’m not good at instruments but good guitar/ukulele/whatever it is. Pleasant mood.
26. Rough Hands - Alexisonfire
Look, I’m trying to learn how to properly sing unclean parts (screamo parts) which will be absolutely shocking coming from a 5′2″ blonde girl; I need songs to practice to...
27. The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver - All Time Low
Theme song to the Netflix adaptation of Interlude that plays in my head on repeat. Now if only I could actually finish writing the goddamn book...
28. Fat Lip - Sum 41
Interlude playlist, also listen to it and tell me you don’t hate everybody and this town
29. Say Anything (Else) - Cartel
I like singing the intro/chorus as sort of a vocal warm up...
30. Oh Well, Oh Well - Mayday Parade
Just a fucking MOOD my dudes
31. Whatever Happened To Saturday Night? - Glee Cast Version
No offense to Meat Loaf....but John Stamos... (Also Interlude (Travis) inspo) (Also I was really into Glee again earlier this year... Still haven’t actually watched past season 3...)
32. The Anthem - Good Charlotte
What I listen to when I consider dropping out and becoming a bog witch, but, like, a punk bog witch
33. Thunder - Boys Like Girls
Aaron Being Normal Inspo. The band’s name is ironic considering how Gay I make it...
34. Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? - Fall Out Boy
I like singing this one when I’m drunk
35. I Don’t Love You - My Chemical Romance
Blood Bound (Book 2)
36. This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco
Blood Bound (Book 3)
37. Silver Bullet - Hawthorne Heights
Interlude Playlist
38. Weightless - All Time Low
MAYBE IT’S NOT MY WEEKEND BUT IT’S GONNA BE MY YEAR I scream to myself on a Tuesday
39. Who Do You Love - Marianas Trench
Have you ever looked up an a capella version of this one? Cuz yeah
40. Let The Flames Begin - Paramore
Anti-Depression, yet still Depressed Mood
41. Red Sam - Flyleaf
Depression Mood - also Interlude playlist
42. Jamie All Over - Mayday Parade
Interlude Playlist, and I think the Dreavyn playlist too... Look, it’s just a jam
43. Savior - Rise Against
Interlude Theme
44. Kiss Me, Kill Me - Mest
Another Interlude thing also a really good Selena x Morgan song
45. Hot To The Touch, Cold On The Inside - Fall Out Boy
Aaron Being Normal song also it’s about a hot pocket
46. Newport Living - Cute is What We Aim For
Interlude song that causes drama
47. Meant To Live - Switchfoot
Selena song - Interlude
48. Kill All Your Friends - My Chemical Romance
This is on the Interlude playlist purely because I’m Evil
49. You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
On the Interlude playlist, also highly recommend blaring this through the hallways of your Catholic High School during lunch
50. Lights And Sounds - Yellowcard
Interlude Playlist also a banger
51. Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab
If this ain’t romantic as shit... Also it will make you wanna declare war on God Himself what a Mood
52. Somebody Told Me - The Killers
I’m not justifying why The Killer’s is on here I’m just shocked and appalled that Mr. Brightside has yet to make an appearance Spotify
53. Alright - Hot Chelle Rae
The English major inside of me wants to correct it to “all right” also Interlude epilogue Mood.
54. Changing - Saosin
Interlude Playlist
55. Bring Me To Life (Synthesis) - Evanescence
The Synthesis version is far superior and allows me to Properly showcase my Amy Lee impression
56. Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bed - Fall Out Boy
Along with J. Michael Tatum, Patrick Stump’s voice is My Religion - the first 23 seconds > The Beatles
57. Pas De Cheval - Panic! At The Disco
Sounds gallop-y
58. Be My Escape - Relient K
Interlude Mood/Theme
59. Science Fiction Double Feature - Glee Cast
Look, all Rocky Horror versions are great, even the Glee one...
60. Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
I like to sing this one when drunk
61. Stand - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Final Book. End. Roll credits.)
62. I’d Do Anything - Simple Plan
A jam
63. Sweetness - Jimmy Eat World
The call-response, the spastic drums, damn boi, they’ve got it all
64. Say You Like Me - We The Kings
Catchy song, little fuckboi-ish if you really listen to the lyrics, but it’s not Baby It’s Cold Outside-bad???
65. AMBULANCE - My Chemical Romance
*Choir Ah-ing*, also an Interlude mood considering there are like 2 separate confirmed ambulance parts anyway...
66. crushcrushcrush - Paramore
Look me dead in the eye and tell me Hayley Williams didn’t put everything into her lyrics/singing here
67. Stay - Mayday Parade
Songs for when you’re heartbroken but to the point of dissociating while it rains outside, starting to storm, it starts out with just the grey pattering of a sheet of raindrops and soon the thunder starts to rumble with growing intensity and lightning splits the sky
68. There’s A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought Of It Yet - Panic! At The Disco
I am the victim of Dreavyn Hawthorne from my WIP Aaron Being Normal seriously if anyone can help me control a chaotic theatre bisexual...
69. Lyrical Lies - Cute is What We Aim For
This band’s lyrics are so fucking poetic it is Shakespeare to a guitar, y’all
70. Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) - Fall Out Boy
I always get like a falling slowly down one of those psychedelic tubes greenscreened into the background feeling at the intro but just like totally at peace falling, like kinda like listening to Ride by 21P type mood but then the chorus comes and it’s a jam
71. Backseat Serenade - All Time Low
Just a banger
72. My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
Look I don’t party too hard but when I do we go hard I was at a party on a Thursday night that didn’t end until the next morning no shit one guy I know did a kegstand before going to his English class
73. Come As You Are - Nirvana
Damn Kurt we miss you but you turned out some jams that no one can match
74. Traitor - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Book 3)
75. Sadie Hawkins Dance - Relient K
The lyrics are so stupid but damn I love it
76. Poetically Pathetic - Amber Pacific
Did you mean literally 90% of my male OCs?
77. Saviour - LIGHTS
The first LIGHTS song I ever heard and I will defend my favourite singer until the day I die she’s Canadian like me, her family is ADORABLE, SHE is ADORABLE and I love her the end
78. Jersey - Mayday Parade
This goes with every WIP I’ve ever conceived and literally none of them are set in Jersey
79. The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
I feel like this song is just a universal mood but no one can explain exactly why
80. C’mon - Panic! At The Disco
81. Sunshine Riptide - Fall Out Boy
Interlude Playlist - I imagine Morgan singing it and that might end up happening in canon but idk yet...
82. Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Easily in the top 3 Neil Diamond songs if not the top, fight me.
83. First Date - blink-182
Literally just such an adorable song, blink-182 is the best
84. Last Hope - Paramore
Mostly a Selena song (Interlude) but idk I’ve destroyed many OCs wills to live so
85. Black Sheep - Metric
@spotify please put the Brie Larson version from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World on your streaming service I’m begging you - a very gay
86. When You Were Young - The Killers
Good song, real jam, where’s Mr. Brightside, spotify, where is it????
87. Broken Hearts Parade - Good Charlotte
A certified bop
88. All I Want - A Day To Remember
A song for my greedier OCs who just want to stop being tortured but yknow what children life aint fair
89. The Kids From Yesterday - My Chemical Romance
Put this in any of my WIPs really...
90. Threshold - Sex Bob-Omb
Try to tell me the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World soundtrack isn’t lit
91. Sorrow - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Book 3)
92. Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea - Fall Out Boy
You know when you’re writing intense battles or going to get a tattoo and need a playlist of War Songs? This is like the first one on my War Songs playlist
93. Jesus Of Suburbia - Green Day
A staple in the punk rock genre
94. Neon Gravestones - Twenty One Pilots
Ngl I sobbed when I first heard this one so
95. Pressure - Paramore
Very vocal on the Interlude playlist
96. Starlight - Muse
I first got into Muse because it fueled Twilight but yknow what they’re still a damn good group and Supermassive Black Hole carried the baseball scene which was an astounding piece of cinema so
97. Sleepless in Phoenix - blessthefall
It’s literally just my favourite blessthefall song, fight me
98. Kids In The Dark - All Time Low
My mood for when my dad tells me “you’re 20 you should be able to figure it out” like excuse me for not learning how the entire world works the second I turned 18...
99. Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At The Disco
Refer to My Own Worst Enemy. Add drugs. I’ve never done drugs but..
100. Feeling This - blink-182
*screams I’m Feeling This at regular intervals* (I have no explanation it’s just a BOP)
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elliot-orion · 4 years
Writeblr Re-Intro
I’ve seen quite a few people do this in the past couple weeks so i figure i probably should too considering how stinking long its been. so. hi there! I’m Elliot, and I use they/them pronouns! I’m a college kid majoring in creative writing and anthropology and regret doing both. I have a 9 year old emotional support cat, Van Gogh, who enjoys snoring, getting fur in my mouth, and chewing on my headphones. In addition to writing, I crochet amigurumis, play flight rising, bake like mad, obsess over dragons and stuffed animals, and spend way too much time thinking about superheroes. 
I mostly write LGBT+ Young Adult/New Adult fiction, and recently published my first novel, “Sparks Fly.” You can see a tumblr summary of it here. “Sparks Fly” and the majority of my stories take place in the expansive Dark Heart Universe full of not so heroic Super Heroes and Super Villains with questionable but not necessarily bad morals. But I like to dabble all over and have WIPs including a horror duology, a scifi roadtrip story, and about 800 other WIPs that are going nowhere because I’m a pantser and that’s how i roll. Expect to see me name drop some characters or a story, tag it in one ask game, and then never mention it again rather frequently. I apologize in advance. The main stories you will actually see me mentioning a bunch are below the cut. 
I technically have a website, and I technically have a twitter, but the former is a mess because I can’t program or remember to regularly blog and the latter i never use because social media scares me. Think there’s like 10 tweets on it and all of them are niche shitposts about my stories so... yea. I do have a Pinterest though, where you can find boards for most of my stories as well as a few of the name dropped once stories. so that’s fun. This intro is a mess.... Anyways, below the cut are some quick summaries of my main WIPs. If you want to learn more about the world that half of these are a part of (the DHU), look through this tag because my only summary series of it is way out of date. 
A DHU novel. Woodsmoke is a Hero who 100% should not be going to the worst Villain in town, Stardust, for help, but fuck it he doesnt have any other option. In return for helping Woodsmoke save a whole bunch of school kids, Stardust demands Woodsmoke owes him a favor - he has to help Stardust and his gang get rid of the Director of the city’s Supers Association branch. The only probably is, the Director control everything, and Woodsmoke is utterly terrified of him. But, he owes a favor, and he’s even more afraid of what Stardust could do to civilians than he is of what the Director could do to him. When it all goes wrong, maybe its time for him to give up being a Hero and stop being Woodsmoke. Maybe it’s time to just be Vincent again, and finally heal from the damage the SA has done. This is on its fourth draft and still needs about 2 or so more (guessing here), but will hopefully be the next DHU book released (dont quote me on that im winging this)
Nightmare at the Lily Pad Inn 
A DHU novel. Ben, who’s technically a Villain but really just can’t control their powers for shit and their powers are like, really scary so its bad, is on the run from their sociopathic asshole brother. They wind up at the Lily Pad Inn, a safe haven for Villains no matter what they’ve done, run by the cinnamon roll sweetheart Matty and their husband, Blue. While there, Ben meets Oliver, another not-technically-bad Super who can’t control his powers, and meets up with Morty, their best friend. Shit happens i guess idk i’ve not written a real summary for this one yet leave me alone. It’s on the first draft and its not even finished and i have no idea what the ending is because im a pantser go away.
Novella Collection
A DHU collection i guess. I’m not quite sure what else to call this because it’s made of three or so different novellas that I intend to fit together into a collection of novellas. The three novellas includes: the Empath, about Charlie who may just be the worlds most powerful empath and his partners who are very not happy with their area’s Director wanting Charlie to do something that could 100% kill him; Hell in High Heels, a historical DHU story about the Terra (Kitty), the Earth Elemental of the time, and Fer-De-Lance (Hattie), the Poison Elemental, and how they get married sorta unwillingly (thanks SA), break a shit ton of stereotypes, and help win World War 2.; and finally Wildfire, about the current day Fire Elemental and the Villain he really shouldn’t be so attracted to but 100% is and them chilling and being gay and idk this one needs a lot of work. All of these novellas have only had 1 draft and are still needing a lot of work. 
And now for some not dhu stories... 
The Other Beings / The Doll Maker
This is that horror duology I mentioned earlier. The Other Beings follow Nathan. He got sucked into the terrifying world of the Other Beings (well, 5 worlds actually),  when he was 7 years old because of a brother he’s never quite forgiven for making him and his pseudo-sister Hazel hunt minor Beings for his whole childhood and fucking Nate up massively. He managed to leave the horror of the Other Beings for all of seven years before he was sucked back in by the Doll Maker, an Other Being with a penchant for turning pretty children and people into ball-jointed dolls. Turns out a horde of Other Beings is coming after him because of his dad which is a Bad and now he’s having to run as a human macguffin and trust me - he’s not happy about it. Only the Other Beings draft 1 has been written because it’s a dark story and with covid i have not have the mental energy to work on it more, but it’s super fun and i adore it. The Doll Maker, the second book, is solely about Doll Maker and his shit. 
Paper Stars 
Paper Stars is the scifi I mentioned, and just might be one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, even though its only had one draft because it’s hella depressing (literally, the mc River is seriously suicidal) and with all the shit in my life rn i haven’t had the strength to work on it more. but i adore the story. Basically, River’s life has gone to hell since his Grandpa died and the only thing making him hold on is really his alien best friend, Keio. When his depression gets even worse, he finally asks Keio to take him away from Earth and to space to escape his problems. This works, kinda, i mean he falls in love and shit (yes River falls in love with a seal furry alien, please go through the tag its great), but eventually he knows he has to face his problems and get help because this is a realistic story about depression and love doesnt cure all and you cant run from mental illness. It’s great. 
That’s kinda all the main stories i mention a lot, all the others are little things i start and stop or that i write a self indulgent first draft but never intend to take it any further. all of these i fully intend to publish one day tho. So... yea. Welcome to my blog, its chaos but we have a good time. 
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