#mii getting fan stuff
My experience with Lumii/HoneyStarlightz/Lumiidere/Lumii after dark/KiramekiCookie
I have to get this out of my system because I'm deadass tired of watching this person wander around as if they're innocent when they aren't, and I'm also annoyed because of people not noticing what this person does behind the scenes because it now takes one quick Google Search using the prompt "Luca Wii Sports" to go down the rabbit hole. This is about HoneyStarlightz/Lumii.
Lemme begin with the minor stuff. So you know how Lumii has a massive grudge against me because of most of, if not all the stuff I drew in my DeviantArt account? Almost everything there was drawn when I was a FUCKING MINOR. I am 20 years old as we speak, and most of the drawings Lumii mentions happened BEFORE MY 18TH BIRTHDAY on the 1st of December, 2021, and I'll admit, during most of that time, I was a dumbass, immature, and an edgelord. I then stopped posting anything bloody and/or revealing but continued to post harmless drawings before my 18th birthday happened. October 11th of last year was when I stopped posting on that account all together because I found out that DeviantArt was blaming Hamas and Hamas only for the Palestinian deaths and making it as if the Israel military didn't do a thing to innocent lives in Palestine after Hamas attacked.
Next, we have them making me look like an asshole for shipping Luca with Abby (The one shipart I made of the two apparently traumatized them). Back when I was 17, I decided to draw Abby and Luca, two Miis I'm not a fan of, nor close to, as a couple because I thought shipping the two was a good idea. I then posted the finished product on the 23rd of January, 2021. The drawing was not meant to traumatize anyone. It was JUST. SHIP. ART. OF. ABBY. &. LUCA. The only bad thing about that drawing was that I shoved my opinion of the two Miis down people's throats in the description by asking how the hell do people like them because to me, they're just not fun to play against at all, and even then, it was drawn three to four years ago, and I don't even ship the two anymore. I ship Abby with Wii U Barbara now. Mate, I didn't even know Lumii EXISTED back then, let alone know they had a massive love for Luca.
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Next, there's the clear as day hipocrisy that people have yet to notice somehow. So you know how Lumii has "Opinion Bashers" on their DNI list, right? On that same list, they also have people that hate, despise, even dislike Luca, instantly making them a hypocrite because they said they don't want to interact with people who just cannot tolerate others having a different opinion while also saying that if you think Luca is not a good Mii, you're instantly on their shit list. Also, they said no exceptions, meaning you can be the nicest person in the world, but if you dislike Luca, go fuck yourself.
I have several friends that like Luca a lot, some of which are here on Tumblr. I do not like Luca. We get along perfectly fine. I don't understand why they feel like Luca haters and Luca lovers can't co-exist when they clearly can. Just don't be an ass to others when it comes to what you think of the character, mate.
Lastly, we have the fact that they cannot take criticism. They said criticism is prohibited on their DeviantArt profile, which means that you can say anything positive about their art, but if you say anything negative, then nope. Get out. Oh, I'm so sorry I gave you a harmless critique that was just saying what I didn't like and how you can improve. I apologize.
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Seriously tho, how sensitive can you be to the point where you prohibit people from critiquing your work? Or is it that they can't criticize you? Or is it both?
Now we go to the bigger stuff, starting with the TRANSPHOBIA ACCUSATIONS and obvious delusion. They said, and I quote "please shut the fuck up for calling him "Lucapoopa", "Boring", "Annoying", "Scum" and "Tedious" for the love of fucking god, he's fucking overhated and y'all are too harsh and transphobic at him, fucking hell".
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Luca is not canonically trans. Don't even say he is because of unused data because I did my research, and the only unused data he has is facial hair related. Don't get me wrong, Luca being trans is a HC that I'm completely fine with. If you want to headcanon him as trans, fine by me. Trans rights all the way, mate. Don't fucking call people transphobic just for disliking Luca tho! Luca is not canonically trans, and even if he was, bold of Lumii to assume that someone that hates Luca hates him because he's trans. He appears as an opponent in three games and there's a chance that he might piss you off in all three.
How delusional do you have to be to see someone hate a character that isn't trans outside of your HC and go "Oh, they're transphobic"?
Next, there's fullblown insensitivity. I decided to check on DeviantArt for something, and I get a DM from someone. We had a chat about Lumii, and in that chat, they showed this...
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Can you spot the insensitive part? Here, I'll make it easier for ya.
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I'm completely fine with people giving dark backstories to Miis in their HC, but there's a line, and you crossed it. Can we not do rape related headcanons, please? I feel like that should go without saying because, oh, I dunno, that shit is OBVIOUSLY IN BAD TASTE!
Lastly, there's something I cannot show here because if I do, I'm going to get in trouble... It has to do with porn...
Lumii has a total of three accounts that I bumped into while looking at Luca images on Google that have porn of Miis on them. They have a Newgrounds account (KiramekiCookie), which has two drawings of Luca porn, a Bluesky account (Lumii after dark), which has twelve, and a Twitter/X account with the same name, which not only has porn of Luca, but of other Miis too... AND THERE'S AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF IT, MOST OF IT BEING LUCA PORN! TELL ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED WITH OUT TELLING ME YOU'RE OBSSESSED!
I make YOU uncomfortable, Lumii? I make YOU uncomfortable?! You drew Luca laying eggs, you drew a worrying amount of Luca porn, and yet you have the AUDACITY to say I make YOU uncomfortable when you're obviously worse, you fucking hypocrite?! You drew art that is bound to make several people uncomfortable the moment they see it on the THREE ACCOUNTS you have, you falsely accuse people of transphobia, you obssess over Luca an unhealthy and uncomfortable amount, and yet I'M the one in the wrong because I drew ship art of Luca and Abby and art that has blood on it years ago?! I don't get your logic!
BTW, for those who say that this could've been resolved privately, it couldn't because Lumii has blocked me on DeviantArt, and they also blocked me on an old Tumblr account of theirs too, meaning that talking to them was out of the fucking question. They CLEARLY did not want to talk it out. They just wanted to avoid me entirely while also antagonize me for shit I did years ago that wasn't even that bad compared to the crap they did.
Lumii, if you manage to see this, which I know you will because I know you have a Discord and I know someone's gonna send a screenshot to you on there... All of this could've been avoided had you just been a better person.
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zorrpu · 5 months
(blog update)
Hey guys, a few months ago, I had an epiphany. Social media makes me utterly miserable. Of course, there are good things about social media, but I believe the bad often outweighs the good. The stress, the drama, the negativity, the dishonesty, the addictive nature of these platforms, things that no one should ever have to put up with. I believe most of the happiness people gain from social media isn't really genuine, it feels more like quick dopamine hits rather than long lasting and fulfilling joy.
If anyone here is also having doubts about social media like me, I would highly recommend taking a break for at least a week, try to engage in a hobby you really enjoy, learn a new skill, talk to people in your real life. Then, see how that made you feel. Did you feel better? If so, then maybe social media isn't for you.
I don't see myself being a Tumblr user ever again, as I found this platform to be especially toxic. However I cannot, and will never be angry at, or hold any negative feelings towards anyone who has been unkind in the past. You cannot control the actions of others, you can only control the way you react.
I value all of you and hope you all succeed in life, no matter how challenging that is.
All that being said, I am not leaving the internet as a whole, and I'm still just as invested in Mii/Nintendo stuff as always. I am still active on platforms like YouTube and discord. And I have my own website, so if any of you would like to keep in touch or reach out, I’d be happy to hear from you :)
Discord: Zorrpu
If you want to leave social media, but still want a platform, you can always make your own website, here's a free HTML course to get you started, if interested:
If you want to read more on the effects of social media, I’ll link some interesting material below:
TLDR: please go look at my website it's so cool, also the web is rotting and I'm never using Tumblr again
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simplyofthestars · 1 month
I'm yapping about some sonic shit i came up with (maybe a fangame if i actually knew how to game develop but im learning)
Okay so everybody knows and loves shadow right? and then there's Shadows shadow who every one knows is Mephiles and Mephiles doesn't get shit from Sega.
Yeah he might be in some games but that's just as playable skins and makes cameos every now and then (correct me if im wrong). His main role as an antagonist went to one of the worst Sonic games in history and I personally believe that he deserves something better than that.
He was a big bad who was a sun god split in half like how cool is that? And his design was fucking awesome, like look at this:
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Even just by looking at him you're like "This guy is up to no good" cause he's so evil and icy looking which is the opposite of Iblis (still evil looking but fire related instead)
Now I don't give a flying FUCK that this guy is canonically dead, it's Sonic 06 so nothing is canon (aside from the managing to actually kill sonic part, i wanna keep that in)
You rn: "Okay pump the brakes yapfest, the tags promised me sonadow and rouge the bat. What do they have to with Mii-files."
Me: "SsssshHHshHSHsHHHHHHHhhhh. I getting to that."
Now imagine this with me Rouge stans,
✨Evil counterpart that is like the Rouge version of Mephiles✨
"Oh but that can't happen cause Mephiles wasn't originally a copy of shadow he just took that form"
"Mephiles didn't even meet Rouge"
"Mephiles is dead"
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Rouge is a boss bitch who's such an under-used concept in Sonic games and she deserves a game when she's the STAR and not on the sidelines.
Like you can't be serving this much cunt and just be a side character
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So Mephiles was named after Mephistopheles who's a german demon guy (either that or Mephitis which is poison gas from swamps and volcanos and stuff) So why not give evil Rouge a name that'll make half the christian population angry? (And to the chill christians who're fine with that, you guys are cool i like you guys)
So I was thinkin: "Hmmmmmmmmmm. Rouge wants the chaos emeralds for her own gain and cause they look pretty. I mean that would sit her somewhere under Envy (cause she WANTS that shit, also im not calling her mammon(greed) or belphegor (sloth)) so that's Leviathan. I would have to re-name her into something that still lets you know 'yeah that's rouge' but also lets you know 'that's not our rouge' so I guess I'll make it Levia (Leh-vee-ah) or Levia (Leh-v-eye-ah)" (ya'll choose which pronounciation ya'll like)
So Levia and Mephiles are like "Okay, brother we ain't having that shit, time to kill everyone" for no reason (my excuse is cause I haven't figured it out yet)
Sonadow fans: "LIAR"
Everybody knows how fruity they were in Prime and the fact that Sonic (sort of) HUGGED Shadow and he was just like "yep this is happening" and didn't force Sonic to take his hand away like in the past was a dead giveaway
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Now obviously they're still arch enemies (what's he arching? his back? okay I'm done I'll get back to explaining) but they would obviously be closer after the past 23 YEARS that they've been fighting. And everyone knows that when it comes to fighting each other they don't hesitate (I mean maybe Sonic does) but then an even bigger evil shows up (Mephiles for example) and they work together.
Nines in Prime (Working together to get their univese back)
Black Doom (Stopping Shadows evil dad from killing all of humanity)
Mephiles and Iblis (Trying to stop them from forming Solaris)
Eggman in fucking everything
Okay I'm out of examples since I know Sonic stuff but im not THAT much of a nerd
So yap yap yap, yada yada yada, they gay
Levia and Mephiles build a giant evil omega (no i'm not calling him Alpha or Beta, im tired of those jokes) who is basically as big as eggmans death egg in the 2nd movie (but like half the size since he still needs to go everywhere with Levia and Mephiles)
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He doesn't actually fight or that would be unfair so he just puts his arms around the battlefield, smacks them down every now and then to shake the ground and keep you on your toes and just sits there.
Now for obvious reasons, Mephiles changes his form a little since he can't look like Shadow forever and learns how to sustain himself without Iblis and fights like a champ but Levia is like "Dude, we can't do nothing without the chaos emeralds if we want to destroy this world and it's meaningless purpose" and Mephiles is like "Ight" and that's as far as I've gotten
I'm going to draw them maybe and ya'll sit tight 🫡
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three-dee-ess · 5 months
i been following for a while, I love your blog! I wanted to share my collectionn :3
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my n2ds is my main console for games, which is funny because its my least favorite 3ds console because I heard its hard to repair (☹️). not a fan of the colors and not to mention the bumpy surface on the top. And there is no hole for charms like the others! what gives !!! hehe it has the pokémon super mystery dungeon theme that was exclusive to preorder bonuses of the game in Japan applied though, so all it well. i always carry it around with me in sleep mode during my daily walks. i originally hacked it for play coins for streetpass mii plaza
The one on the right is my n3ds. Definitely my favorite console i wish the usa version wasnt so hard to get 💔. it also has the psmd face plates <3
okay okay i got this i got this
from Left to Right: midnight purple o3DS black + turquoise n2DSXL white DS lite white n3DS (with pokemon mystery dungeon shell) black DS lite (broken) blue DSi
I have to agree with the 2DS stuff, I really hate the texture of it!! It's so bumpy augh. the n3DS has a similar look but thankfully the texture isn't as bad. It's still there, but less prominent.
I love the variety in your collection!! It's really nice. I'm curious as to your thoughts about getting both the n2DSXL and the n3DS, since they are pretty similar in specs.
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angelmalocaris · 5 months
Hello NEN Tumblr! Tumblr NEN fans! NENblr! Whatever you are!
There are like 5 of you at most, even when rounded up, but I have a confession to post.
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This shrine, you see this “shrine” right here? From the NEN website? (CONT. under cut)
That is MY shrine. I made that. Those objects are in my possession.
This image is sort of old. I haven’t cleaned my bedroom in awhile so I will hold off on taking new ones for the time being, but here are my Emery related trinkets I have and projects I have worked on. This is not a complete list by any means, mostly just my biggest or most well known ones.
Lets get the big stuffy fluff-filled elephant out of the room, the pillow. Yes that is an Emery body pillow! (Or dakimakura I suppose.)
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YES it is hand made! YES I do sleep with it every night! and YES my mom did help me make it! While it has become SIGNIFICANTLY more faded over time, it is well loved. That is my wifey! Of course I take care of her!
It's almost completely homemade, my mom prints t-shirt so we just printed on some fabric. There is a heart-shaped button and a few feathers in the stuffing, think like a BaB plushie.
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Enough of that, time for a walk. Here’s the Emery engraved collar!
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Real metal! After saving a bit of money and walking and hour or so, I purchased this at a store to be made by an engraving machine. Why? Because I can! And have you seen Emery? That’s definitely a critter.
I'm hungry... so hungry I could eat... an Emery!!!
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Here are three separate Emery cakes I made! Left to right in order. They're all box mix but I baked them and frosted them on my own.
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My grandma made this one. Goo Goo Gah Gah...
By now, all the cakes are long gone.
First Cake Death
Second Cake Death (My favorite!)*
Third Cake Death
*(also a remake of the first.)
Quick time event!!! Here's some Emeries I made in video games.
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Note, while I did not make the Emery Mii (Hal did) I am including it here because I think it's notable that I got to marry Emery in the game.
I have lost my membership in this time so the full outfit is not possible for me anymore, but feel free to recreate it. Its simple and the items shouldn't be too hard to acquire.
It's just 1, the Square Glasses (members only) from Jam Mart Clothing in green for 350 gems 2, the tie from Jam Mart Clothing in red for 100 gems, and the Rare Crimson Topcoat (members only). While the topcoat is marked "Rare" its quite common for a rare item and IIRC I may(?) even have more than one.
I want to update the Petz 4 Emery. I could probably make it better now and I want him to be a dog when I decide to remake it.
I have lost my old save for tomodachi life but someday I will get married to him again... just you wait!!!
You know what games are made of? Code. So are webbed sites... Usually not the same code, but you get the idea.
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This is my Emery web shrine! I will not link to it because its very old and not very good by my current standards. You can see its age by Emery being called "Telly" and some of the older artwork ( being by Hal of course.) Someday it will be made better and strong...
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and yes. I did help with some (a lot) of the code on the NEN site. I'm blaming any of the messy stuff in there on Hal though because she's the one doing most updates. Sorry Hal! Maybe learn more than some HTML and I won't throw you under the bus. I need to log on and fix up some of that in a bit. I am sure it looks like a tornado hit it from the inside.
I have been at this for months, even years now. Longer than the NEN official site even existed. A lot of this is hand made and if not that, completely out of my own pockets. I plan to continue being crazy even if my pockets are reduced to nothing but lint and moths (they have, more than once.) I love Emery Phone.
Peace and Love (except for the french, that being Emery. I will get you Emery.)
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Tschüss! Buh-Bye! Until next time! Au revoir! (Eww... French...)
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asordinaryppl · 5 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 3: One Step Up
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Kumon: We’re back~!
Juza: We’re back.
Taichi: I’m so hungry~
Tenma: Seems like it’s Omi-san’s turn today.
Tsuzuru: Kinda smells like demi-glace sauce…
Omi: The beef stew will be done soon.
Kumon: Yay~! I wanted to eat meat~!
Kazunari: Seems like the fairy boys have suddenly increased in energy~
Muku: Even though it’s actually just Kyu-chan that joined them.
Yuki: He counts enough for two or three more people.
Tsumugi: How’s uni life, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: Super fun! Unlike the classes in high school, I don't feel like I gotta cram like crazy.
Kumon: Also, I’m with Nii-chan!
Banri: I thought you’d decide immediately based on that, but you took your time pickin’.
Kumon: I had a lot to think about, y’know.
Kumon: I had to carefully think about which university to attend, not only based on where Nii-chan is.
Azami: The growth of the Bro-con.
Yuki: Though in the end, they ended up in the same university.
Kumon: I mean, Nii-chan and Tenma-san make it seem like it’s lots of fun!
Tenma: I can guarantee that much.
Juza: I’m glad you got accepted.
Taichi: He worked hard on the essay and when preparing for the interview~
Kumon: Hehe, it’s thanks to everything Nii-chan and Tenma-san and Taichi-san taught me!
Chikage: Seeing Tenma take on the tutor’s role was deeply moving.
Tenma: Thanks for that.
Kazunari: *Yawn*~...
Tsuzuru: You seem sleepy, Miyoshi-san.
Kazunari: I had some urgent job due yesterday, so I didn’t get much sleep~
Tsuzuru: Good work.
Muku: Kazu-kun seems like he became an adult in a blink.
Kazunari: What I’m doing is pretty much an extension of what I did as a student, but I guess my mindset’s changed a little since graduating.
Omi: I get it. The work increases as the responsibilities do, but it’s also quite fun.
Tsuzuru: Is that so…
Kazunari: You might understand come next year, Tsuzurun~
Izumi: Omi-kun was like that, too, but your image changed after you graduated.
Azuma: I look forward to these changes every spring.
Homare: Well, there are groups of people that have not changed much at all.
Azuma: Thanks to everyone, I can properly feel spring’s arrival.
Tasuku: I mean, the changes might not be big, but haven’t you guys also gotten busier?
Guy: You also seem to be getting more requests to appear as a guest.
Sakuya: Ah, actually, I think I might also get an offer to appear on a rather big stage—
Tsumugi: Really? I’m so happy for you.
Tasuku: This is the result of the experience you’ve gained so far. It’s proof of how far you’ve come as an actor
Sakuya: Thank you very much!
Citron: I have also had to do arts and culture-related jobs here and there~
Itaru: I’ve also started being treated like I can carry the company on my shoulders, it’s a pain…
Chikage: It’s your fifth year, of course you are.
Guy: That reminds me, the work I can leave to Mikage has also increased.
Hisoka: I can make some snacks now…
Tasuku: Like roasted marshmallows and marshmallow pizza?
Hisoka: Those too, but other stuff too.
Homare: To think you can make dishes unrelated to marshmallows… What remarkable progress!
Misumi: Speaking of new things, my friend Mii-chan gave birth to a kitten~
Muku: Congratulations to her!
Yuki: Doesn’t that have nothing to do with you, though?
Izumi: Just as everyone is moving forward and changing, the theater company is also changing.
Izumi: Speaking of which, the kid we met today also said he started high school this spring.
Kumon: Heeh~, what kinda kid was he?
Tsuzuru: He was a pretty interesting kid.
Masumi: Rather than interesting, he was just a pain.
Itaru: He was a passionate Masumi fan.
Izumi: He used to live in the countryside, and supported us through streaming.
Sakyo: So that’s MIZUNO Ent’s power…
Sakyo: As we expected, we’ll require continued efforts to reach as many people as possible.
Izumi: He also said he can’t wait to see a live performance.
Tasuku: Watching plays live has its benefits, after all.
Sakuya: That’s true. Since he said he’s looking forward to it, I thought we’ll have to do our best not to disappoint.
Izumi: Ah, that’s right! I had this idea after talking to the kid–
Izumi: What do you think about holding a workshop for beginners as our next event?
Izumi: Learning that there are people who became interested in theater because of MANKAI Company made me realize, we should do more activities that are about spreading theater to others.
Izumi: I think sharing the joy of acting together will be a beneficial experience for us as well. 
Sakuya: That does sound good!
Citron: That sounds fun!
Chikage: But if it’s about teaching, rather than the Spring Troupe, wouldn’t members with more experience, like Tenma, or Tasuku and Tsumugi, be more suited for it?
Tsuzuru: True, we’re all novice actors, and a few years ago we were amateurs, will it really be okay for us to do it?
Masumi: I can do it.
Itaru: Not the guy least qualified to teach.
Izumi: That’s exactly why. You all remember what it felt like when you first stood on the stage a few years ago.
Izumi: You’re the most suited to convey theater from a beginner’s point of view.
Izumi: It won’t be a workshop for actors, or a workshop like Yuzo-san’s focused solely on teaching…
Izumi: I think just enjoying acting together and looking back on your old selves would be good.
Izumi: It can also be an opportunity to expand our fanbase…
Izumi: I think trying to get people to learn more about theater is something all of you can do at your current state.
Sakuya: I see… You’re right. Up till now, we’ve only focused on improving ourselves, but now…
Itaru: That’s true. We can probably have fun together.
Chikage: And it can also be a source of inspiration.
Tsuzuru: We might get a hint for our next performance.
Citron: Everything’s a challenge!
Izumi: Alright, it’s decided!
Izumi: Once we settle on a date, can I leave the design to you, Kazunari-kun?
Kazunari: Ofc!
Izumi: I’ll do the printing and distribution.
Masumi: I’ll help.
Itaru: We also need to announce it on social media. I can do that.
Chikage: Wouldn’t it also be good to announce it on the theater bulletin board?
Izumi: Then, I’ll leave the announcements to you two… Sakuya-kun, Citron-kun, can I ask you two to come up with the outline for the workshop?
Sakuya: Yes!
Citron: Let’s think of a chilling workshop for everyone~!
Manager: Ah, everyone, it’s almost time~!
Kumon: I’ll turn on the TV!
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lunawings · 6 months
Okay, I watched AiPri episode 1
First of all, the way they refer to AiPri is super different and it's jarring. Before, like, PriPara/PriChan/PriMagi was something you could do. AiPri is something you become. You don't do AiPri, you become an AiPri (Idol Princess)?
This will take some getting used to.
As I predicted from the day it was announced, Mitsuki is already an AiPri and Himari is already a fan not knowing it's her. Her AiPri name is Mii or Miichan and she broadcasts to her Miichannel (......).
Himari's sister Hiiro calls to make sure Himari isn't late and her mother reminds her to keep up with her skin and hair care......
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Himari's room is ginormous, but it does seem like she has a roommate. (Mitsuki? It's implied that Mitsuki snuck out early to go do AiPri stuff.)
Himari is nervous about starting their first day of junior high and not knowing anyone, but Mitsuki nudges her forehead (their secret good luck sign) and takes her hand and they are off.
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These guys are all the student council, apparently.
Himari and Mitsuki's brothers go to the school too. It's implied that Himari's brother is very protective of Himari, but Himari kinda has a crush on Mitsuki's brother.......
AiPri isn't outright banned I think(?), but the principal Victoria seems to be against it? I wasn't quite sure she said in her speech. (She's shown later in the episode watching AiPri though.)
After establishing that Himari is shy and could never see herself doing becoming AiPri, she spectacularly falls and flips over onto her bracelet, attaching it to her hand. (You know that viral clip of like a Bollywood actress fainting into a suitcase? It was basically that.......)
(Also wait... did she accidentally steal her bracelet from the student council!!?)
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"SO CUTE!!!!"
(....i....is it...?)
Himari is being forced to debut immediately even though she doesn't want to. Despite Himari not recognizing Mitsuki as Miichan, Mitsuki recognizes Himari immediately after seeing her on a screen for five seconds and runs to her. Mitsuki/Miichan asks why she's there, and Himari insists she was forced, but Michiru asks her, isn't it because you wanted to be an AiPri? Himari realizes this is true.
Mitsuki gives Himari their good luck headbonk and Himari finally realizes it's her. The secret's out already. (But, considering they were shown performing together in the OP I figured...)
I kinda like the CG. I like the soft shading.
The Buzzilume change kinda hurts my eyes though. Why do they need to have so many.... lasers...........
I've been wondering if Buzzilume comes from like... someone told them that "buzz" as in like "what's the buzz" means like rumor, i.e. secret or something haha.
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Student council gets the VIP death star.
One of them has a thick Kansai accent but I'm not sure which because she wasn't on screen while she was talking.
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Is this really supposed to be the audience?
Ugh, I dunno. It's just the beginning, but I thought this episode was super cringy. I got a lot of secondhand embarrassment from it. Specifically from the scenes below:
-There's this scene where Himari is forced to address the entire school despite neither knowing nor having any chance to prepare for it. They didn't make it seem like she knew and forgot, it just seemed like she was picked randomly. It was supposed to be like an analog for her debut and show how Himari actually can overcome anything (with a little help from Mitsuki) but like... that would never happen in real life. So cruel.
-Chi is determined to break all the rules and make AiPri as little a secret as possible. The joke is she's putting her secret out there but nobody will listen to her, but... in order to make that work, they've made her super annoying haha.... ha...
-Seeing Himari's mascot/manager felt like in PriChan when Rinka was showing off Silk except we are actually supposed to think it's cute........
-Realizing Himari overcame her fears and put everything into performing to.... a bunch of.... floating c...cards.........?
Welp. Neither Himari nor Mitsuki left a big impression on me and Chi was kind of annoying. Looking forward to getting to know the student council at least, I'm pretty sure I'll find my favorite there.
Also the yellow girl does seem to be the Rinne character, as her voice was inviting Himari to the AiPri Verse and she has like, triangle pupils. It's also heavily implied in the OP that she is indeed Mitsuki and Himari's teammate. We'll see, we'll see.
Oh, and Himari didn't choose a name for her AiPri persona in this episode. Mitsuki is Mii so... (Hii? lol)
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leafytaffy · 1 year
can anyone recommend some affordable games with really good character customization, so much so I can make my blorbos, but also good gameplay too?
stuff I liked in the past for reference, and reasons I stopped playing as well:
Miitopia: ngl I wanna do another playthrough with an Everhood cast, but my main problem with this game is it loses replay value IMMEDIATELY after you beat it. The gameplay is pretty shallow aside from the customization aspect, and the story you already know so it won’t hit differently when you restart of course. Now onto the good: The customization in the switch version is god tier, the story with everyone being miis you cast in each role (excluding our best boy Dominic <3) is amazing, I love playing a fanfic basically!! The personality quirks and relationship aspects are also really fun!!
Cult of the Lamb: more focus on gameplay than customization, but in every damn save I GOTTA make my Everhood blorbos!! For now the little animal followers do well, but I wish modding becomes easier in the future for custom follower forms </3
Flight Rising: I REALLY REALLY want to play this again, but I can’t because the only legal way for me to play it is to use my shitty account I made when I was 16 which used up all username changes and has a TON of shitty cringeworthy forum posts attached to it because it was the pandemic and my social media was extremely restricted with parental controls……. I don’t feel comfortable enough with the moderators and their extremely strict attitudes and rules to just make a new account and not touch my old one.
Sims 3: I wanna play this again so baddddd… I stopped playing sims 2 tonight after a few minutes because tbh? Modern game customization (mainly sims 3 and miis) have absolutely spoiled me to death and I can’t stand having to download a mod for every. Single. Customization I want. It’s so painful.
Rain World: I wish I could play this, I have tons of skin mods including an Everhood one, but it’s too damn hard for me to play (yeah okay Leaf sucks at video games and just needs to git gud and stop whining). The hardest games I play admittedly are Monster Hunter and Everhood’s battle replay, and I absolutely cannot STAND video game time limits. They stress me the fuck out every time and I can’t deal with them at all (shoutout to Mix quitting the call with me fighting the splatoon 3 final boss because I was screaming my guts out and I ended up having to hand the controller to them for me to beat Grizz), and on top of it I have to use a map in order to beat the game, pre-planning my routes every time and not making a single mistake lest the rain get me. I hate it. I hate that I can’t be good at games for fucks sake ughhhhhhhhhhhHHH
Lobotomy Corporation: I like the customization and modding is rather easy but. Come on. It’s lobcorp no fan has beaten the game its even a fandom in joke LOL (though I’ve definitely gotten farther in it that Rain World. CURSE YOU, TIME LIMITS!!! The thing also keeping me from beating Wandersong….)
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adrielcheaz2005 · 2 months
Welcome to Six Miles of The Shovel!
This Project is based on the concept of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon (and yes can’t forget @ryunumber )
Just like Ryu from Street Fighter Shovel Knight is well known for appearing many different games. Ever since Shovel Knight was included in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as an Assist Trophy it became very easy to do these connections. Where does the miles part come from? In this case, every number is a mile
Here’s a list of the games Shovel Knight has appeared in:
- Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (as an Assist Trophy)
- Blaster Master Zero
- Rivals of Aether
- Blade Strangers
- Brawhalla (as a skin)
- Cook, Serve, Delicious!
- Creepy Castle (as an NPC)
- C-Wars
- Fall Guys (as a costume)
- Dino Run DX
- Indie Pogo
- Move or Die
- Mutant Mudds Super Challenge
- Riverbond
- Road Redemption
- Runbow
- Runner 3
- Aegis Defenders (NPC)
- Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
- Blasphemous (as a painting)
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Just Shapes & Beats
- Pixel Noir
- The Reward: Tales of Alethrion
- Yooka-Laylee.
There could more guest appearances for Shovel Knight but right now 25 is a solid number so yeah, there’s the that Shovel Knight has appeared in these games.
What are the rules?
- Video games or other miscellaneous stuff included (movies, tv shows and books can be included if they have a connection to the video game)
- Social media will be our savior
- Parodies excluded
- Fan made projects excluded (unless is bought by a licensed company)
- Costumes excluded (however if a costume is considered a character it will be included as the character itself or I can make an exception)
- Skins included (only if it’s a model swap or texture change like in Minecraft and Fortnite)
How can I make a request?
Just ask me the name of the character with their home series so that way I can identify which character in particular you’re talking about (for example: Black Knight from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance) because of course there are characters that can have the same name.
What is a Shovel Number?
Each character will have a Shovel Number which is a number of connections directed to Shovel Knight (For example: Mario has a Shovel Number of 1 via smash ultimate).
What about limited time events?
Yes, limited time characters can be included however it will be known as a “Limited Shovel Number”.
What is the limit of Shovel Numbers?
It has a limit of 6 (for example: if a character has a Shovel Number of 7 then that won’t count).
What is it with parodies?
Parodies are simply a copycat of an existing character (for example: Symbiote Cat is a parody of Super Mario).
Is there something about fanmade projects?
If a project is fanmade that won’t count unless a licensed company has bought it (for example: DBX aka Screwattack from Rooster Teeth Games made a death battle animation between Studio MDHR’s Cuphead vs Joey Drew Studios Mascot Bendy. Joey Drew Studios bought the animation after they made a deal with Rooster Teeth Games by importing BATIM to home consoles, thanks to this the animation is now official to the Bendy Franchise)
What about Minecraft and Fortnite Skins?
If a skin is a model swap or texture change it won’t matter it will still be the character itself (although there are a few negative things about it).
What about SSBU spirits?
They’re the souls of the character itself.
What about Mii Fighter Costumes from SSBU?
We’ll get to that point later.
As of now this is part 1 of my project so get ready for part 2
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crystalitecloudie · 6 months
welcome to my blog :]
i'm CrystaliteCloudie, although nowadays I usually go by lullapop. i'm 18, and I don't really post anything in particular, just whatever I feel like!
below the cut is a list of things that I like and may or may not post about, as well as some other notes!
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video games
kazutaka kodaka works (danganronpa, tribe nine, akudama drive, rain code, etc.)
wii series/classic wii/ds era games (i may also talk about homebrew, since my wii is homebrewed; my 3DS is not)
i'll also include mii games here ig (which are different from wii games, I'm talking like miitopia and stuff)
persona (3-5, I tried 1 and 2 but couldn't get into them. haven't tried smt)
genshin impact + honkai star rail (and ZZZ when that comes out)
twisted wonderland
love and deepspace
the arcana
pjsekai(?) (see notes)
roblox (royale high, zaibatsu, wcue, vibe cafe)
animal crossing
a date with death
ikemen series
cookie run?? (see notes)
kodaka works also go here bc they have animes
cardcaptor sakura
mermaid melody pichi pitch
bungo stray dogs
mahou shoujo site
black butler
vivinos works (not really anime, but alien stage, pink bitch club, etc.)
studio ghibli (ponyo, my neighbor totoro, howls moving castle, secret world of arietty, spirited away)
bubble (the netflix anime movie, got mixed reviews but I literally sobbed at the end so)
sanrio (specifically my melo, cinnamoroll, and wish me mell, also fragaria memories)
sylvanian families/calico critters
care bears
build a bear
other minor toys that I have some of, but I don't actively hoard (monster high, lol omg, rainbow high, bellzi, pillow pets, etc.). not giving them their own bullet points but PLEASE I NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO ABOUT THESE THINGS
I'm a therian and otherkin, guess I'll put that here
warrior cats :3
vtubers (was a nijisanji fan, but after all the drama I'm just kind of a straggler)
enhypen (don't really know much about them, just fw their music)
melanie martinez
my asks are open, but please know I reserve the right to not answer it for whatever reason! it may be too inappropriate or invasive, and I will not answer troll asks.
I honestly haven't played pjsekai in forever, mostly bc I have a younger sibling who WILL NOT shut up about it, and it's kind of ruined the game for me?? she gets WAY too passionate about it 😭
Cookie run I also play on and off, haven't played kingdom in forever but have been playing tower of adventures lately I guess
The gif before the cut is NOT mine, honestly don't remember where I got it from but thought it fit so
probably forgetting some things on here, so it'll be updated as I go (hopefully)
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lonk-of-hope · 1 year
The lands of Hyrule is struck with a terrible plague of nightmares. No one able to sleep or rest without absolute terror filling their minds. Without the energy, the people find no will to work or play. But yet, one boy seems unaffected by these night terrors. Growing wary everyday for his siblings, the boy takes it upon himself to figure what has been happening to the world.
Equipped with a poorly made rapier and dusty old tunic, a boy named Lonk sets off for Hyrule Castle. As he uncovers the truth to what’s really happening, will he be able to stop it?
He wants to protect the world that he loves, the people he loves, but what can he do when he’s not the chosen hero?
Hello Hello! My name is Shizi and i’ve had this AU idea just living rent free in my head for a while now! And i wanted to share it somewhere.
As you might know, Lonk is an old mii and meme from that originated years ago thanks to Street Pass. He’s just a funny version of our beloved Hero of Hyrule, Link!
I use the Lonk mii a lot for a couple games, like Miitopia. And while reading the comic @linkeduniverse by Jojo sent me down a spiral of character ideas for Lonk. Ranging from his adventure, world, and even some weapons.
So if you’re interested, ask some questions about the world and stuff, i’d be more then happy to talk about this world and get my brain juice running.
Up to this point, only a few vague concepts have been set in stone and have been described above the cut. Even then these ideas can and will be improved upon in the future.
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First Lonk concept drawings
~~The Legend of Zelda franchise is owned by Nintendo and made by Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka.~~
~~I didn’t make Lonk nor do i own him. I credit tainteddangel (username is most likely out of date, the original post was in 2013) for posting the first picture of Lonk.~~
~~Most story ideas are mine however. Aside from obvious inspiration taken from the LOZ universe, the actual story line is mine! I hope you enjoy <3~~
Also, if you want to make fan art or fanfics of this AU, go ahead! I have no right to stop you nor do i want to. Just use the tag #LonkHeroOfHope so i can see it! I’ll love to hear your thoughts and ideas.
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lizadale · 1 year
I'm 👀 pretty hard at your choice of characters and roles.
Not gonna lie Cool ImpMentio is a genius, he is cute enough to pull a good imp And flighty and convinced enough for the cool trait to fit. I choose mage as because my thought process is he likes fire and explosions and power ans stuff. But he said "I CaST LiGhtiNg" instead >:C and when he does cast explosion it's against the goddamn apple slimes.
I had to take it out of my system. sorry.
I've made Mario cool though, because backflips and extra hard hits.
, ahem. here's the...
Tales of the Fae Retreat
Mario was on the way to Luigi's house to bug him, as it is his obligation as Luigi's brother, got called by God right before knocking on the door. When he got there he went to the closest building to maybe learn what the hell is happening. He rang the bell and was immediately answered by the tini cartoon duck.
She got scared on how much he looked like her friend that got captured but still answered all his questions and tried to recruit him to her party. Because he shouldn't walk around without something to defend himself either way, she handled him the only spare "weapon" she had. A frying pan her friend choose to hold onto because he would eventually, when they got time, give it back, even if he thinks it was going to be trashed.
He's septic but accepts. He thinks is not a good idea to go against the being who talks directly to the one who can bring him there out of nowhere.
(Mario Does deserve three paragraphs, fight mii if you think otherwise.) (Chef because him and Luigi has to have the same job)
Peach was working on her usual princess things and Timpani was chilling, having a day to herself, when they got summoned.
Peach had her fan in her dress, Timpani found herself besides a tank and thought "why not?"
Mario, being the gentleman that he is, immediately compliments Peach when we got her in the party. Like she got in, we head out, Lena one shot a twerky and he does it.
He's the only person who escorts her to safety, he heals her every turn (EVERY TURN. When a monster gets a turn she's the target), they keep showing off mostly for eachother I'm kind of scared of them. I think by this point they have the most friendship out everyone. (Besides Luigi and Dimentio, but i grinded with the first party to not get bodied when getting them back. )
When we were at the citrus cave, Peach drank from a puddle. Idk why that's on the notes :v she turned invisible. Lena drank later, turned into a monster.
And this time, after making an friend, Lena the cartoon duck the cat made a effort to be extra nice to her new party. She brought Peach perfume and castanets to Mario. Peach liked her present, Mario? Not so much ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Timpani is a very good glass tank. She only used human cannon ball two times and each with different people. And she didn't hit the party with Wild shot, expect in karkaton, where she hit O'Chunks once but that's another day's tale.
For some reason with her the prep from being cautious trigger in the same turn instead of waiting for her next. it's instant double dmg. Idk why. but I'm not complaining either.
BUT she's using cardboard as armour and it doesn't hold against pretty much anything. If she isn't at the safe space when the enemy attacks she instantly dies, and she hates all the defense food available atm, i backtracked and tested :/
Btw did you know that the voices of the Miis who sing in the title screen in the switch version are from your party?
See ya when you unlock the quests. Good luck.
let me start off by saying that when i started playing this game i knew nothing about the plot or the roles. didn't know about my party getting replaced twice or new jobs cropping up, but MAN i'm so lucky i waited to put Dimentio in the game until Neksdor because the Imp class is BUILT FOR HIM:
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incredible. it's like i wrote this role.
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(Mario knows better than to defy a duck-cat who communes with God)
Peach and Mario also immediately hit it off in my party lmao. by the time I added Luigi into the party they were already like level 7 together. Timpani SHOULD get to be a tank. it's what she deserves.
anyway, i got my party back. Mr L and Luigi are very confused by each other's presence. O'Chunks keeps sticking bananas in everyone's pockets, and I can't keep Timpani away from the damn horse - lucky for Blumiere he's too busy being possessed to know his wife is cheating on him.
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Mr L is generally being the nuisance he's designed to be - he keeps "getting sick" but it's pretty obvious he's faking because eventually someone will check on him and he'll go "ehhh i'm done resting"
because i have 0 restraint, my current party is a dimigi sandwich. somehow, Dimentio is the most emotionally stable of all of us. (i switched Luigi to a cook because the flower class was annoying me. now he's OP)
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notice everyone hates my husband, Mr L. he needs to stop being a lazy dick.
they chose the next castle to start a terrible love triangle, and then the above chart happened. Luigi also keeps finding unidentified bottles on the floor and drinking from them, and Dimentio keeps falling through holes in the floor.
Mr L is still surprisingly reliable, even if also terribly infuriating
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hey there, gorgeous.
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valleyfthdolls · 1 year
Me seeing my mutual reblogging mii stuff knowing that I started the tag used by mii fans because I didn't want people trying to find nintendo mii content to just get recommended eating disorder blogs at the peak of my mii special interest but no one would ever believe me because that's so ridiculously niche and I deleted my old account and took with it the sideblog where I made the post that popularized the tag
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acloudonthehorizon · 9 months
hey miitopia tumblr
here's some shameless advertising because i would very much like this comic to get some attention, also because i want questions to answer because why not
panel sneak peak to grab your attention!!!!!!
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(more info under the cut)
wow you're still reading you must be really interested /j
anyways so uhh. basically a cloud on the horizon (or just acoth) is my currently in development miitopia comic. which will follow the events of my miitopia playthrough.
BUT WAIT. its not like your average miitopia fanwork. this is a nuzlocke.
you read that right!!!!!!! i'm stealing the silly death challenge from them pokemon fans and throwing all of the characters' plot armor out the window!
so if you wanna see some miis die. you should follow. only the cover is out so far but i'll be posting progress updates. and you can ask me questions and i'll probably answer them. you'll also be able to ask the cast eventually. to make you more attached to them before they die
its not that dark i swear its really lighthearted actually!! well obviously major character death isn't very lighthearted but think of the funny silly adventure part as like the main part of the meal and the death part as uh seasoning or something. except there’s probably going to be a little too much seasoning.
also its gonna have a bunch of added lore and stuff!!!!
anyways thats all. please consider checking the blog out and maybe sending me an ask or just bullying me into working on pages. i could use the motivation.
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silver-heller · 1 year
Miscellaneous questions then to get to know ya better bud :3
What is your favorite movie, and if you don’t have one what’s the most recent one you’ve seen?
Do you play video games? (I know you’ve talked about Toon Town a couple of times but do you play anything else?)
Favorite Pokémon or Pokémon Type?
If you could be any animal what would you be and why?
And just a random fact you wanna share :3
Ooo, thank you so much!
Probably Fight Club. I just adore the unique way it's shot/presented and all the commentary it has about toxic masculinity/commercialism. It also has so many quotable lines I absolutely adore, and I love the voice they gave the narrator/MC. The most recent one I watched was the Mario movie!
Yep! Although, to be honest, I have times where I play a lot of games and times where I'm like "nah" lol. Tbh, I don't play Toon Town anymore. It's too frustrating without being able to erase quests and no self healing items. Ironically, I'm both a huge fan of casual games and horror games lol.
I adore things like Tomodachi Life and think everyone is sleeping on Go Vacation (a wii game, also on the Switch now, where you can literally make Miis to travel with and follow you). I think the F/O community would love that one. I am a huge fan of Yai Gameworks horror stuff and RPG Maker games!
My favorite Pokemon has always been Espeon, though Umbreon takes a close second. Either that or Oshawott. I have a soft spots for psychic, dark, and water types. I almost always picked the water type starters when I was little, so.
A wolf, because I've just always loved them and found them so cool!
I'm a bit of a review fanatic and love watching bad movies for the sake of reviewing them (and seeing how bad or bizarre it gets). I have a particular fascination with doll horror, a genre that is oddly over saturated thanks to the popularity of Child's Play and rarely with anything good.
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protokirby · 9 months
Long post talking about some stuff in miitopia and also some stuff I dreamed of
Ok so I was playing Miitopia some recently and like- on one of my switch user account things, the miitopia save has Adaman as the hero and Volo was with him. But I was kinda- super bored with Adaman and there were multiple reasons I wanted a switch online membership on my main account which has my other miis so I did stuff with that.
The save with Adaman and Volo is one that I started a long time back and had intentionally stayed at the first area because of not having the rest of my miis and not really wanting to make others but I replayed the first stage a lot because I think there's something fun about being comically overpowered. Also I didn't want to progress further into the story as to add more party members when I don't have any prepared.
So back when I first started that save, the original idea was always to wait until the next time I had a good enough reason to get the online membership on my main and then get the 7day free trial on the save in question. So I could get the Volo and Adaman I made on this save (plus the au Burgh I had made in that save for some reason) and bring them to my main and also get a bunch of miis from my main and bring them to this save. I really hate that I need an online membership just to grab miis from the same switch but here we are :[
So anyhoo as I said before I was bored with Adaman. I got the idea to play as Drayton instead but I wasn't about to delete the save and start over. I would lose 3 miis I worked pretty hard on and a bunch of leveling up progress.
Around this time, the switch online membership store thingy has a Drayton icon thing that I could get so I decided to quickly finish up a bunch of unfinished miis on my main save + make several new miis that I wanted and then get the online membership on my main to get the Drayton icon and the 7 day free trial membership on the other save. After that, bring the 3 miis on that save to my main and then edit the mii Adaman I was playing as and make it Drayton instead.
So after that, the duo of adventurers was Drayton with Volo. That's super random and I'm a big fan of random. And with grabbing a bunch of miis from my main, I got the other bb league elite four members. It would be funny for the rest of the 3 to become the cerberus boss in late game and Volo isn't an obstacle for that plan where he is so that turns out great.
The reason I wanted to bring that up is to have a better explanation for why a specific pair of characters were friends in a dream.
Drayton and Volo were the main characters of this dream. I was Drayton in the dream and Volo was with me.
It got pretty wild. I don't remember all of this dream because I was sleeping for 12 hours and I had woken up and gone back to sleep a few times after having this dream.
Volo had a capture styler like a pokemon ranger and had to calm down a blastoise that was way too close to a group of baby chickens. There were two other pokemon but they were not revealed as anything other than unidentifiable silhouettes.
After the pokemon were captured, Drayton asked Volo "what happens if a capture styler is used on a human?"
Volo said "I don't know but it's against the rules in the pokemon ranger handbook."
Drayton says back "I want to know. Just use it on me without telling anyone."
So Volo did and the line of the capture styler just turned red and vanished.
Drayton said "It tickled. So that's what happens."
The blastoise got upset again and the baby chickens ran into a school room where they turned into human children and were learning about how to use swords.
Volo re-captured the blastoise and it left. Then Drayton and Volo decided to order a pizza. When the pizza man got there, it was discovered that it was a villainous monster in disguise of a pizza man.
Drayton tossed Volo the omnitrix from Ben 10 while shouting "Volo! The omnitrix!" and Volo used it to become Stinkfly and fight the monster.
Also the baby chickens who turned into human children (and an anthropomorphic goose lady) came out of the classroom to help fight the monster with their newfound sword skills.
I don't remember much else or even if I woke up before they defeated the monster but this dream was super fun anyway.
Side note, I remember seeing Volo in a pokemon masters image. I also remember hearing three different versions of Entei's battle theme/or the first capture theme both from the pokemon ranger game (those themes sound fairly similar). And one of my au Hops, specifically the one known as Reaper, was singing the most beautiful calming song I had ever heard while weird stuff was happening in the background (which is totally in character for the au Hop, as a musician and a chaos enjoyer - though often he favors rock music but he can do many kinds of melodies, with calming music also being common for him). These things happened in separate dreams.
And I had just one nightmare and it wasn't too bad. The chronic nightmares must be dying finally :D - Adding that to the list of things I'm thanking God for 🙏
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