#mike x el
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mikewheeler · 8 months
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@stcreators event 04: music ↳ season 4 mileven + "separate ways (worlds apart)" by journey
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karmaspidr · 7 days
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telekinetic-kitten · 4 months
What are some mileven moments you'd like to see in season 5?
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insertsacoolname · 8 months
"Respect people opini-" NO 💖
If you hate any of these two characters then I'm not gonna "respect" ur opinion and I'm gonna assume that you got no bitches, no life and no purpose of living. Like I'm not even kidding, genuinely get the fuck away from me if you hate them!
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Byler and Mileven shippers I'm genuinely watching your every little move 🤨
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hercynianforest · 1 month
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Guys, I know this is a far reach, but I think he might be in love with her.
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purpleangelsele · 3 months
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f1nn-w0lfhard-l0v3r · 2 months
okay i don’t ship mileven but no one can convince me that when el walked through the door in stranger things 2 and then saw mike wasn’t kinda cute. i cried lol
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 months
"I never gave up on you. I called you every night." - Mike to El in season 2.
Sending positive vibes to the Mileven Tag. I'm not a shipper myself, but I support it. By the way, they WAY he looks at her when she walks in. . .he's not in love with her, my ass.
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zibiscusloon · 4 months
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💜💛I don’t know how to live without you. 💛💜
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leggomyayygo · 11 months
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Shirt swap 🍔👹
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mileven11forever · 7 months
Ok, since you were friendly with bylers, I want to actually know your own interpretation from some scenes that we as bylers sometimes use as bylers proofs, but mileven ones.
*I am just asking this on anon because the last time I tried to be friendly with a mileven off anon and just ask something, I received a wave of hate from a lot of milevens on my asks*
Ok, your thoughts about:
Mike claiming that his relationship with El is love at first sight, when the duffers made clear that they don't believe in it and they made fun of that trope with Argyle and Eden (while Mike is really annoyed by it behind them)
What do you think about the difference between mileven break up scene and byler rain fight, with Will being devastated and El hanging out and being really happy with Max after. Why do you think they decided to joke about it even when all other couples that broke up had been taken serious, like stancy.
About the fact that they made Max assure El that Mike would be at her door crying for forgiveness and at the same episode Mike goes to Will's door instead to scream "I'm sorry" and actually accepting that what he said to Will was wrong instead of blaming other as he did to El ("Max corrupting her" instead of understanding that she is mad because he lied).
Are you satisfied with the fact that the duffers used Will's feelings to save Mike and Els relationship?
The fact that El NEVER once said something that she likes about Mike or complimented him or tried to know what he likes or his interests, what leads to Mike to think that to her, he is just a random nerd and she is going to leave him for whatever reason (his words before Will's speech to him)
The fact that for some reason, Mike hides from Will what's the real problem in their relationship and says to Will that he need to say something but if he said "that thing" he would lose El, even tho he just needs to say "ily" and there is no reason to believe he is going to lose her, since she asked him for it.
Why do you think Mike acted the way he did with Will at the airport if it's confirmed that Mike don't know and don't even suspects that Will is gay nor in love with him?
What do you think about the writers choice to have a focus on Els memories with Max with Max saying "there is more to life than stupid boys" right after the monologue and El and Mike aren't talking after what's suppose to save their their relationship problems.
There are more things I would like to ad but those ones I really want to know what you think. I'm asking you this because you look like you are going to awser seriously without being bitter about it. Also, if you want to know bylers thoughts about all of this, let me know, I would explain to you our interpretation of it.
(I'm sorry you've gotten hate from people, that sucks.)
1) I don't know if it was actually love at first sight, I think Mike just said that because he was trying to say anything to save El. I do think he truly loves her, but he fell in love with her more gradually throughout season 1, not at first sight. And in hindsight, sometimes when you really love someone, it feels like it was immediately when you met them even if it wasn't. So Mike might have just felt like he loved her immediately and said it that way in a high pressure situation, that doesn't mean it's completely accurate to what actually happened, memories can be unreliable too. And the Duffers say lots of things, and sometimes they are inconsistent. That happens, they're human. Also, where's the proof that they said this? I think you're probably talking about that tweet with "wrong answers only", but how do you know the Duffers wrote it and not a different employee who believes differently than them? And I don't think Argyle and Eden were making fun of the trope, they hooked up. Even if it was meant to make fun of the trope, that doesn't make it untrue for Mileven. But like I said before, I do think he was being hyperbolic.
2) I think it was because they were more making fun of Mike specifically than Mileven/their relationship. And S3 was playing on the summer blockbuster sort of thing, so it was kind of different than the other seasons. And the rain fight was probably from Will's perspective, and so it was trying to portray how he was feeling. Mike was caught off guard by El dumping him and probably didn't really believe it at first, but Will believed everything Mike said and took it to heart. So I think that's the difference. Additionally, the Mileven breakup wasn't meant to be serious because they just got back together later that season, and still obviously liked each other while broken up, wanting to get back together. The break up wasn't serious because it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously, they still acted like a couple and loved each other, and they got back together pretty quickly.
3) Again, because the break up wasn't serious, they both knew they would get back together. And Mike did apologize to El and tell her the truth later, he was just scared because Hopper literally threatened him. What was he supposed to do when a grown man threatened him? And of course Mike went after Will because he was visibly upset. El ran off giggling with Max, and Mike was surprised and confused about what was happening, so he needed some time to process it and vent to his friends. The urgency in the scenes are completely different. Mike could tell he really hurt Will, but El was fine, so why would he run after her? They were different circumstances, so I don't think it's really fair to compare them.
4) Yeah, I think it makes sense for the time period. He substituted El's name in place of his to be able to get out his feelings without outing himself. He doesn't know how people might react to finding out about his sexuality, it's the 80s, the height of the AIDS epidemic, he's scared. He just needed to get closure somehow, knowing Mike will never feel the same way about him, in a way that didn't possibly risk his safety. And *Will* didn't fix their relationship, he didn't know what Mike was going to say to El, he just tried to boost his confidence a bit. Everything Mike said to El was his own feelings, and repairing what happened in the Mileven fight earlier that season. Will had no idea what the problem between them was, so he couldn't have directly fixed it, and he didn't, he just helped a tiny bit, like any friend would. So yeah, I think the way it was written makes complete sense.
5) I think when we see them in the show they have a lot going on dealing with all the Upsidedown plot related issues, is there really a good moment for her to start listing everything she likes about him? They're going through literal hell, so of course they aren't just spending time complimenting each other. She said she loves him, he should know that without being given a list of her favourite qualities about him.
6) Mike was scared of losing El, and maybe worried if he said the problem out loud, that would make it feel more real. Will isn't entitled to any information that Mike isn't comfortable sharing with him, and they had drifted apart a lot since S3. Mike is just a 15 year old boy, not all of his decisions necessarily make perfect sense, he wasn't comfortable telling anyone, he struggles to express his feelings.
7) Because they hadn't seen each other in so long, and barely kept in touch. It would be pretty awkward seeing an old friend again after months of trying to call them and not having them reach out. Will could have called Mike, but he didn't, so they drifted apart. Their connection is just a lot weaker than it used to be because of all the things they've been dealing with. Being awkward around a friend you haven't had contact with for a long time is completely normal.
8) That scene was about Max and El specifically, so of course it focused on them. And that line was about how platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones, they don't have to be mutually exclusive, El can have both kinds, and both are important. Romantic relationships aren't better than friendships, they're equally as valuable, both kinds of love matter and can make El's powers stronger. And Mike and El were talking a little after, he was the only person she talked to at all, so clearly she feels safe to open up to him after all the traumatic stuff she just went through.
So those are my thoughts and interpretations, I don't think any of those events in the show proves anything about Byler.
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mikewheeler · 8 months
mileven is what happens when you put together the two most undyingly loyal people on the planet
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karmaspidr · 28 days
Mike can canonically sense Eleven’s presence. Not just in the Void but also in the real world.
Do you guys realise how big this is? Why aren't we doing anything with this?!?!
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🪷 - fav/least fav ship: give me a fandom - Scream, Criminal Minds, stranger things
Congratulations again 👏🥳
thank you so much!!
fav ship: billy and stu
they’re so perfect together. i love their dynamic, and how utterly crazy they are when they’re together. i wholeheartedly believe they were together in the movie. i mean just look at how stu looks at billy. they were in love, case in point.
least fav ship: amber and richie
i feel like this needs no explanation, but i shall talk about it anyways. richie is an adult. amber is in high school. even if she’s eighteen, richie is at least five years older than her, if not more. that’s disgusting and disturbing and i hate richie so fucking much. even if amber was already crazy, he still manipulated and groomed her, which is not okay.
criminal minds:
fav ship: jj and will
i love these two together so much. i love how much will helps to ground jj, and their bond is just so precious. i love them together and i will always love them together, they’re just so perfect for each other.
least fav ship: morgan and garcia
okay, so i love these two together, but strictly platonically. they have the best character dynamic in the show, and i love these two together so much, but only as best friends. i don’t really understand why people would ship them romantically, specifically because the basis of their relationship is platonic. they’re definitely my favorite ship friend wise, but just not romantically like at all.
stranger things:
fav ship: steve and eddie
i love steve and eddie together. they have such a unique dynamic and a shared parenthood over the kids, especially dustin. the way they look at each other, the tension between them is there. they would just be so cute together, and if eddie didn’t die, i wholeheartedly believe they would’ve ended up together, with dustin probably being the one to make them realize their feelings for each other.
least fav ship: mike and eleven
i feel like a lot of people will disagree with me on this, but i hate mike and eleven together. in seasons one and two, they were great. it was cute and heartwarming and they just seemed like they fit. but then we have mileven in seasons three and four. the relationship gets hella toxic, and mike is weirdly controlling and possessive. it just doesn’t work at all anymore. i feel like they should’ve stayed broken up after el dumped him in season three, and i think the only reason they were pushed back together is because of the diehard mileven shippers who would’ve went ballistic if they stayed broken up.
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telekinetic-kitten · 4 months
Hey milevens! I'm a mileven shipper who recently joined tumblr. I feel like I need to introduce myself lol, since the mileven community seems a bit small here, which is sad to see, but hopefully they'll be more of us after s5. 💜💛
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