#haikyuu fanficiton
hneypot · 2 years
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despite being a pretty well known figure in the gaming community —and being a CEO but meh— Kenma Kozume liked to have a very clear and obvious device between the life he shared with his fans and the live he shared with only his partner.
saying this, the cheeky motherfucker still liked to tease his audience.
c’mon, he’s not stupid. he knows how they hang on his every word, the people who take clips and analyse everything that comes out of his mouth, his every movement in order to come to some bizarre conclusion. so he thought he’d give them a little help.
posting pictures on his social media, just a picture taken towards the ground. he’s on a walk, you can see his sneakers and the hand he’s using to pull a peace sign, but there is also another pair walking close next to him. close enough that the two would have to be shoulder to shoulder, and maybe, just maybe, holding hands?
a picture of his hand holding a gorgeous cocktail at a bar, and in the near background, slightly blurred, you can see someone sitting across from him. you can’t see anyone else at the table in the picture, they could be out of frame, they could have left the table before the picture was taken, the possibilities were endless, but the open ended-ness and the implications. he never confirmed or denied anything, and it drove people wild.
the more comfortable he got with sharing different parts of his life with the public, the more overt the teasing became.
kenma was set up in his office, taking a break from playing to read the chat that buzzed in front of him. he didn’t respond to many of them, mostly just read and muttered to himself. always purposefully ignoring the questions about his relationship status, but his lips did quirk every time he saw the excessive exclamation and question marks.
suddenly, there was a knock on the door. “come in.” he answered. slowly, he leaned over and muted his mic before looking up to the person who had just walked into the room— you.
the chat sped up ten fold,
through their screens, kenma was looking up, presumably at someone’s face. he had a lazy smile on his face as he took your hands in his and kissed your knuckles. one of your hands left his and lifted it on top of his head, stroking his bicolored hair slowly. kenma visibly relaxed and his face fell forward onto your stomach. the entire time, your face was just out of frame and the viewers didn’t get any kind of peak.
you laughed, before pushing away from him and he watched as you left the room. he looked back at his camera and unmuted his mic, a smug look on his face, and this motherfucker just said ‘what?’
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burningfairytales · 2 months
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Pour Me Your Heart
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Premise: TsukkiYama Word Count: 3.5k Content Warning(s): None A/N: This was written for the Haikyuu!! Cafe Big Bang! Check out my twt (username: mokuhchi) to see the art done by my amazing artist and special thanks to my beta as well!
Find this on my AO3 as Well
 The smell of coffee beans filled the small coffee shop Tadashi Yamaguchi worked at. It was underground, led to by a flight of stairs that opened into a large room with plants growing in every nook and cranny and tables scattered about. In the corner was another room closed off by large red double doors that housed the cafe: The UnderGrounds. Artwork hung on every vertical surface ranging from children’s doodles to painting masterpieces. Practically every medium of art was represented: charcoal, chalk, pastels, watercolor…it was one of the things Yamaguchi adored about his job. Looking at the artwork and being able to display new ones was a joy Yamaguchi would never be rid of. That, and the free chai tea he was guaranteed during his shifts never hurt either. But he also loved speaking to the regular patrons, mostly college students and professors, and would converse with them as he made their drinks and drew pictures in the latte foam. 
“What’s that book you’re reading about?”
“Oh! How is that art project going?”
“An extra shot of espresso? Well, it is finals week.”
No matter the topic, Yamaguchi’s personality just seemed to effortlessly draw conversation out of everyone. Something about him just felt like home.
 Yamaguchi prided himself in his memory of customers, so when a newcomer arrived in the coffee shop one Thursday afternoon, he was surprised to say the least. It was the middle of the semester, so the chances of it being a new student was slim. Possibly a new professor? But that didn’t seem too quite fit either. Yamaguchi couldn’t help but wonder.
As soon as the stranger had walked through the open door, Yamaguchi asked, “So what brings you here?” The stranger stiffened slightly at his question yet continued to walk towards the counter. Most probably wouldn’t have noticed the slight change in his demeanor, but Yamaguchi noted it right away. 
“I wanted coffee.” The man bluntly said. Once he had reached the counter, Yamaguchi couldn’t help but scan his features. He was pretty, with high cheekbones, golden brown eyes, and curly blond hair. He wore black glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose, and the man seemed to subconsciously push them up as he waited for Yamaguchi’s response.
“Oh, yes, of course! But I meant, what brings you here. As in, this is a small town and I’ve never seen you before. I’m just curious is all!” Yamaguchi smiled brightly. 
The man sighed, as if exasperated by Yamaguchi’s questions. Yamaguchi anxiously shifted from foot to foot, not expecting this kind of response. “Well,” the man paused, “I’m a new hire at a local bookstore.” 
“Ah! Well, what would you like to order?” Yamaguchi asked.
“Just black coffee.”
“Alrighty! Your total is two dollars and sixty-five cents.” The man tapped his credit card against the console and waited as Yamaguchi began to pour him a cup.
“What brought you to this town?” Yamaguchi asked. Once more, the man sighed, obviously not one for small talk. Or possibly, not one for any kind of “talk”. He ultimately just shrugged, not even dignifying Yamaguchi’s question with a worded response. Yamaguchi let the question hang between them in the air, stifling any further conversation he had been hoping for. 
“What’s the name for the drink, by the way?” Yamaguchi asked on instinct. 
“There’s no one else here.” The man responded. 
Yamaguchi shifted in place awkwardly before saying, “Sorry, force of habit.”
 “My name. It’s Tsukishima.”
“I’m Yamaguchi!” Tsukishima just stared. “Anyways, here’s your coffee!” Yamaguchi handed the drink to Tsukishima, who promptly took it and walked out of the cafe. Yamaguchi took in a deep breath, before roughly exhaling through clenched teeth. He placed his head on the counter before groaning to himself; he wasn’t sure what Tsukishima’s problem was, but he didn’t like it. 
The next day at work, Yamaguchi’s shift started like any other. College students poured in during the lunch hours, requesting over complicated drinks despite the rush. Luckily, Yamaguchi wasn’t by himself. His boss, Sugawara, was there making drinks as Yamaguchi took orders. But with little to no time to converse with any of the students, Yamaguchi couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. He wanted nothing more than to ask how everyone was doing, but with the line leading out the door and up the stairs, he just didn’t have the luxury to. Thankfully, the lunch rush eventually ended, leaving Sugawara and Yamaguchi to catch their breath.
“That felt busier than usual,” Yamaguchi said at one point, but all Sugawara did in response was nod. 
“Well, that marks the end of my shift. We won’t be getting any more rushes today since it’s Friday. You good to lock up on your own?” Sugawara said, throwing the cafe keys at Yamaguchi who fumbled them, almost dropping them in the process. Sugawara let out a small chuckle at the sight. 
“And you used to play volleyball.” Sugawara laughed. Yamaguchi smiled sheepishly. 
“Well, are you good to close by yourself?” Sugawara shifted the topic.
“Yeah!” Yamaguchi responded.
“Okay, well, if you need anything I only live, like, a street down.” Sugawara let out another small laugh before ruffling Yamaguchi’s hair and leaving. It was just as Sugawara walked up the stairs and out the door, did Tsukishima make his way into the cafe.
“Oh, hello again!” Yamaguchi said brightly, trying his best to not show how much his appearance irked him. Yamaguchi thought it painful how beautiful Tsukishima was; how could such a sour personality be housed in such a gorgeous person anyways?
“I’d like a latte, please.” Tsukishima said.
“Okay, would you like any latte foam art?” Yamaguchi asked. While not amazing at it, latte foam art was a hobby of Yamaguchi’s he thoroughly enjoyed. Over the past year of practicing, he’d gotten past wobbly shapes and could now draw small pictures, but it was nowhere near the talent of others. 
“Surprise me.” Tsukishima smirked. Yamaguchi thought for a moment, before settling on drawing a simple cat outline. He set to work, and as soon as he finished with the drink, he handed it to Tsukishima. 
“Here you go!” Yamaguchi responded.
“A cat. Cute. I have two, actually.” Tsukishima said as he looked down at the art. 
“Really? What are their names?”
Tsukishima smiled to himself for a moment, most likely thinking of his two cats, before his face retreated back into its regular stony disposition. He just shrugged in response before leaving, not even dignifying Yamaguchi’s question with a response. 
Yamaguchi didn’t see Tsukishima for a couple days after that, and he couldn’t help but wonder if he somehow offended Tsukishima by asking him about his pets. It wasn’t until Tsukishima came in about a week later with a “Sorry, I’ve been busy lately,” as he walked through the doorway. Yamaguchi smiled, knowing the implication that was ladened in his words; Tsukishima wanted to see him. 
Tsukishima reached into his pocket, pulling out a phone in a simple black case. Yamaguchi could see him looking for something, and once Tsukishima presented his phone to Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi’s face split into a wide smile. There on the screen was a picture of two cats curled into each other, one white and the other black. 
“Artemis and Luna.” Tsukishima said.
“Hm?” Yamaguchi made a questioning noise.
“Their names. Artemis and Luna.”
“Like in Sailor Moon?” Yamaguchi asked. Tsukishima didn’t seem like the kind of person to be into magical girl anime, but Sailor Moon had enthralled Yamaguchi growing up as well, so he tried to make his words sound as far away from judgmental as possible.
Tsukishima sighed. “Yeah, I used to watch it with my older brother growing up and when I got an all black cat, I knew I had to name her Luna. I got Artemis second and when I saw him, I just knew I had to name him Artemis to go along with Luna.”
“That’s cute. I also used to watch it growing up.” Yamaguchi admitted. “So, what are you ordering today?”
“A latte. Do whatever you want for the foam art.” Yamaguchi punched Tsukishima’s order into the register and began making the latte. He did a crescent moon for the foam art, feeling it fit the conversation at hand. 
“Thanks.” Tsukishima said as he took the cup from Yamaguchi, as he began to head off. Yamaguchi began to clean up between customers, wondering why Tsukishima had become so chatty. It seemed out of character for the aloof man that preceded him. Especially after Tsukishima had ignored the question of his cat’s name. Yamaguchi tried not to think about it too much, but nevertheless he did. 
Tsukishima began coming in more frequently after that, always ordering the same thing, ‘a latte, do whatever you want for the foam art’. Through simple conversations Yamaguchi had been able to piece together that Tsukishima had an older brother named Akiteru and no other siblings, that he worked at the local bookstore, that he was from the town over, and that he had a telescope. Yamaguchi always looked forward to their simple conversations, even if Tsukishima was still standoffish. 
Then there was the day Tsukishima came in on Yamaguchi’s break. Yamaguchi had been sitting at a table, sipping on a chai tea latte as Sugawara took the orders and prepared the drinks of the customers. Yamaguchi just happened to look up as Tsukishima walked through the doorway. Yamaguchi gave a little wave and a smile, as Tsukishima walked towards him.
“Off today?” Tsukishima asked.
Yamaguchi shook his head. “No, just on break.” Tsukishima just nodded in acknowledgement. “You can join me, if you want.” Yamaguchi said. Tsukishima nodded again, before going to order. Yamaguchi shrugged to himself, hoping that he wasn’t somehow being too forward by asking Tsukishima to sit with him. 
A couple minutes later, Yamaguchi heard the close sound of a chair scraping on hardwood. He picked up his head and found Tsukishima sitting across from him. They had never spoken without a counter between them, and Yamaguchi could feel the difference, the proximity. Their knees almost touched under the small table.
“You work at a bookstore, right?” Yamaguchi asked. 
 “Yeah,” was all Tsukishima replied.
 “How come?”
 “Well, it was a job that was available. And I like to read so it felt fitting. Why do you work at a coffee shop?”
 “I went to high school with Sugawara, we actually played volleyball together, so when he wanted to open up a coffee shop, I said I’d help him. I’m not a co-owner or anything, all the behind-the-scenes stuff is Sugawara, I just work here.” Yamaguchi smiled. “You moved here from a neighboring town, right?”
 “How come?”
 Tsukishima shrugged. “Wanted to get out of the house, get my own place, I guess.”
 “I live in the apartment complex down the street, it’s a pretty short walk which is nice.”
“I’m in the one across from yours, if we’re thinking of the same place.”
 “We’re practically neighbors, then!” Yamaguchi let out a small laugh. 
 “Yeah,” a small smile crossed Tsukishima’s face. They continued to talk before Tsukishima looked at the time on his phone. 
 “I should head back to work,” he inevitably said.
 “Yeah, I probably should too.” Yamaguchi let out a small laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, knowing for sure he went over his break time. “See you later,” he said as he stood up. “It was nice talking to you.”
 Tsukishima offered a small smirk, “It was nice talking to you too.” Yamaguchi gave a parting wave as he headed into the back to grab his apron. 
 “You enjoy talking to that tall blond?” Sugawara said with a teasing lilt to his voice. Yamaguchi walked over as he tied his apron behind him. It was black and covered his entire front, his name tag pinned at the top. 
 “His name is Tsukishima. But yes, I did.”
 “Do you like him?” Sugawara bumped his hip against Yamaguchi.
 “As a friend, yes.” Yamaguchi rolled his eyes.
 “Hm, I saw how you smiled at him. You’re definitely developing a crush.”
Yamaguchi rolled his eyes again. “Whatever you say.”
Yamaguchi quickly found out Sugawara was not wrong. Tsukishima continued to come at the same time every day, admitting once that he was trying to catch Yamaguchi on his breaks. Yamaguchi began walking to the bookstore as well, bringing coffee and snacks and hoping that Tsukishima would be able to chat. 
“If you want, you could come over to my apartment and meet my cats sometime,” Tsukishima said unexpectedly one day. Yamaguchi had just arrived at the bookstore, armed with lattes and muffins. Yamaguchi stood stunned for a moment, before grinning and saying, “I’d love that! When are you off?”
“Is tomorrow too soon?” Tsukishima said.
“Not at all, I’m off tomorrow too.”
“Great. Here, give me your phone number so I can text you my apartment number.” Yamaguchi gave it to him, soon after he received a simple text message that read only ‘214’. 
The next day as Yamaguchi was getting ready, he realized he was shaking. Nervousness surged through his veins like electricity, unsure of what to expect when he arrived. Yamaguchi liked familiarity; he liked knowing what would happen before it happened. Going over to Tsukishima’s apartment was uncharted territory, and it terrified him. 
As the agreed upon time of 1pm rolled around, Yamaguchi was walking down the hall from the elevator to apartment 214. He softly knocked on the door, not wanting to startle Tsukishima. Tsukishima must have been waiting for him, as the door opened almost immediately after. He was dressed in casual wear, very different from his usual button down and slacks attire he wore to work. Yamaguchi had never seen Tsukishima in jeans, and something felt almost personal about it. Yamaguchi looked no different than he usually did. 
“Hey, come in.” Tsukishima said, stepping aside out of the doorway to allow Yamaguchi to walk into the apartment. Immediately, he was greeted by a small fluffy white cat rubbing against his leg. 
 “Artemis is very friendly,” Yamaguchi said.
 “Yeah, he loves people.” Tsukishima closed the door. “Luna is a bit shyer, but she’s in the living room last time I checked. Here, it’s down this hall.” Yamaguchi followed Tsukishima down a short walkway to a room with a TV, couch, and cat tree. On the highest part of the cat tree lay Luna, seemingly sleeping. Tsukishima walked over and began petting her. Luna perked up, rubbing the side of her face against his hand. 
 “Can I pet her?” Yamaguchi asked, pointing to Luna.
 “Sure, go ahead.” Tsukishima said. 
 Yamaguchi walked over and began stroking her soft fur. “I’ve never had a pet cat; I’ve only ever had a dog.”
 “What kind of dog?”
 “Big dog. Growing up we had a Tosa Inu.”
 “Oh, that’s a big dog.”
 “Yeah! His name was Yoshi.”
 “After the Mario character?”
 Yamaguchi sighed. “Yeah, after the Mario character.” He paused. “Have you had cats before?”
 Tsukishima shook his head. “No, my mom’s allergic so I never had one growing up.”
 “What made you decide to get one?”
 Tsukishima shrugged. “I don’t know, I've always wanted one. And after getting the first, I wanted another.” His voice was nonchalant, almost as if he didn’t care, but Yamaguchi could see a sparkle in Tsukishima’s eyes that was seldom there. They continued to talk into the evening, chatting about everything and nothing all at once. They ate together in Tsukishima’s small kitchen, their legs bumping under the table. Eventually, Yamaguchi bid Tsukishima farewell, citing his fatigue as a reason to depart. He gave Luna and Artemis final head pats before he left, Tsukishima closing the door behind him. 
 As soon as he exited the elevator, he called Sugawara.
 “You were right, you were so right.” Yamaguchi said as soon as Sugawara answered.
 “Oh whatever do you mean?” Sugawara asked, a teasing lilt to his voice. 
 “About Tsukishima. I like him. I was just over at his apartment and he has two cats and he likes dinosaurs and space and he’s just so…” Yamaguchi trailed off, struggling to find words to convey what he wanted. 
 Sugawara laughed. “I get it, you like him.”
 “I wish I didn’t.”
 Yamaguchi sighed. “I don’t even know if he likes guys, let alone me.”
 “Try hinting to him that you like him. Or just be straightforward.” Sugawara offered.
 “Okay. Okay, alright. Thanks, Suga.”
 “No problem.” Yamaguchi breathed a sigh as he hung up, unlocking his apartment as he did so.
 Yamaguchi decided to be subtle. He was terrified to admit his feelings explicitly, not wanting to scare off Tsukishima. Through small cues and soft conversations, Yamaguchi was able to piece together that Tsukishima had had a boyfriend before, that he was most likely gay, that he was currently single, and that maybe he had the slightest inkling of feelings for Yamaguchi, if the flirting Sugawara pointed out was anything to go by. Yamaguchi tried leaving subtle hints that he liked Tsukishima, but Tsukishima was either too dense or too oblivious to understand them. After a month of this dance, Yamaguchi was practically pulling his hair out in frustration. Yamaguchi thought back to Sugawara’s advice, and decided it was time to be as direct as he could be. 
 The next day when Tsukishima came in to order a latte, Yamaguchi decided to confess then and there. He poured the foam in the shape of a heart, with ‘Y+T’ written inside of it. Outside of the heart, to the right, was a question mark. Yamaguchi hoped Tsukishima would understand what he was trying to convey, and when he passed over the drink, Yamaguchi couldn’t help but notice how badly his own hand was shaking. 
 Yamaguchi watched as Tsukishima walked to a table, taking off the lid and looking down at the foam art. A blush graced Tsukishima’s features, covering his cheekbones and traveling down his neck. Tsukishima stared for a moment, before standing up and walking back towards Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi could feel his heart thumping in his chest and his blood thrumming through his veins.
 “I need you to explain this.” Tsukishima said. Yamaguchi’s face burned. Tsukishima didn’t sound angry, more confused than anything, but Yamaguchi regretted trying to convey his feelings.
 “I like you.” Yamaguchi took a deep breath. “As more than a friend. I wanted to confess but was scared to tell you, so I tried doing it this way.”
 Tsukishima nodded, biting his lip for a moment, thinking. “Okay.” Yamaguchi’s heart dropped into the pit of his stomach. 
 “Would you like to go on a date some time?” Tsukishima asked. Yamaguchi stood stunned. 
 “Well you like me, and I like you, so would you like to go on a date?”
 “Yeah!” Yamaguchi said a little too excitedly. 
 “Great, when would you like to and what would you like to do?”
 Yamaguchi sat on the couch in his apartment, waiting for Tsukishima to arrive for their first date. He chewed at his nails as he watched TV, already having set up everything he could for their date. 
 As soon as there was a knock at the door, Yamaguchi was turning off the TV and running towards the front of his apartment. He quickly unlocked it and found Tsukishima on the other side with a faint blush covering his features. 
 “Welcome to my apartment,” Yamaguchi said, stepping aside and ushering him in. 
 “So you’re going to teach me how to make latte foam art?”
 “That’s the plan!” Yamaguchi smiled as he closed the door behind Tsukishima. Yamaguchi did his best to instruct Tsukishima on pouring latte foam art, but Tsukishima’s shaky hands created squiggly lines. Tsukishima chuckled at his own failed attempts, and Yamaguchi tried to help as much as he could. By the end of the day, they had pictures from Yamaguchi’s practiced hands and mish mashed shapes from Tsukishima’s. Yamaguchi decided to cook dinner for them, Tsukishima helping prepare the food. Yamaguchi couldn’t help but think just how domestic it all felt. He smiled to himself as he served the rice at the thought. As they washed the dishes together, Yamaguchi leaned into Tsukishima’s side. Tsukishima froze for a second, before relaxing after a moment. 
“Thanks for helping me.” Yamaguchi said.
“What kind of date would I be if I didn’t?” Tsukishima smirked. Yamaguchi paused, turning towards Tsukishima. 
“Can I kiss you?” Yamaguchi said, a joking tone in his voice.
Tsukishima raised an eyebrow, before leaning down slightly, only a few centimeters away from Yamaguchi’s face. Yamaguchi’s breath caught in his throat at the proximity. 
“Of course you can.” Tsukishima smirked before closing the gap between them. It was a soft kiss, just a press of each other’s lips, but Yamaguchi’s heart could barely handle it. He could feel it beating so hard in his chest that he was almost positive Tsukishima could hear it. After Tsukishima pulled away, Yamaguchi returned to the dishes, a blush covering both of their faces. 
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t-horn-n · 3 years
— the little things
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PAIRING: various x reader (gender-neutral)
GENRE: fluff 
SUMMARY: the little things they do for you.  ft. kei tsukishima, keiji akaashi, koshi sugawara, tobio kageyama, yu nishinoya 
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— kei tsukishima
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Tsukishima would take time out of his day to write down all of your favourite orders from various take-out restaurants in a little notebook because you could never remember where you put the menus and he was tired of asking for them when ordering.  
He wouldn’t tell you he did this though.  Instead, one day, when you asked him if he wanted to order in he would just say “sure,” get up, rummage through one of the kitchen cabinets, and throw it at you. 
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— keiji akaashi 
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If you read then he would reorganise your bookshelf when it was getting messy and overcrowded.  He pays close enough attention to you that he knows whether to organise it by height, colour, author’s name, favourite to least favourite, genre.  
If you don’t read then he would impromptu organise your pantry.  We all know how chaotic flour, spices, and snacks can get.  So if he sees you spending more than forty-five seconds looking for your fruit snacks, your pantry will look like a grocery store aisle in two hours.  
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— koshi sugawara
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Sugawara will make the bed in the morning for you.  He knows how nice it is to see a made bed when you come home in the evening and usually, you are still too asleep to even do the simple task of pulling up the sheets and throwing the pillows on top.  
Some weekends, you want to return the favour and go to make the bed only to find that he has already done it.  At some point, it becomes a competition to see who can get to it first. 
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— tobio kageyama
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Kageyama will do your nails for you if you’re too busy or just because.  He has that really nice hand lotion that keeps your hands soft for like two days without making them oily and making it impossible for you to open doors.  He also has citrus smelling cuticle cream and a nail file with little blue milk boxes on it.  
The best part is that every time he finishes a nail, he hisses your second knuckle gently.  The first time, he wasn’t totally thinking and did it by accident.  Since then it had become some sort of ritual.  
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— yu nishinoya
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Nishinoya will do your hair for you.  On rainy afternoons or in the middle of the night Nishinoya will craft the most elaborate braids or buns in your hair while watching the Great British Baking Show.  And surprisingly, most of the time it does not turn out to be a huge knot in the middle of your head.  
Although growing up with three older sisters, he has picked up some tricks.  And have you seen his own hair?  That’s a work of art.  
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— m. list
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nissakii · 3 years
Scent. A Haikyu!! Fanfiction pt.01
[want to read all chapters right now? Our fanfictions get updated every monday on our blog, click here to continue reading!]
I struggled against an Alpha who was not only stronger and obviously bigger than me, but one that was in his utmost determination to go through the door behind me.
Oikawa’s eyes were almost glazed over, his face flushed to an almost obscene amount.
My heart dropped, and I shifted my gaze behind him to see if anyone was approaching.
Panic only sullied my scent even more, giving it an almost sour touch.
This is not going to work at all, I really need to calm down.
At this point I was sure to be crushed or pushed away soon, the only thing that calmed me down was that the door was made sturdy for situations like these.
A fist slammed onto the door and landed right to my face which made me scream and slide down the door.
Tears pricked my eyes while the door kept rattling due to the Alpha.
This is pathetic. As a beta I should at least be able to get him a bit calmed down, but my own fear was clogging whatever scent should be calming normally.
Before I could hear the steps I found myself drowning in the smell of jasmine and faint vanilla.
My eyelids fluttered and a sigh escaped my lips.
The scent clouded around us thickly and every anxiety fell from me in an instant, my mind was full of calm and relaxing thought almost as if a close person to me held me close.
I hadn’t realised that I closed my eyes and slacked against the door until the scent of Jasmine came closer and made my head snap up.
Akaashi stood in front of me and rubbed his wrists together close to my neck without being too close. The smell engulfed me and I quickly realised he tried to calm me down in his own way.
Normally if it was a betas job to scent mark somebody to calm them down, be it a colleague or a friend they would connect their scent glands on their wrist with the other person's hand or even neck. It was a normalized gesture and typical for a beta to do.
Still, Akaashi seemed to shy away from the thought of touching me, which I was very grateful for.
“Are you okay? Can you stand?”, he asked calmly.
I nodded, afraid my voice would pull something weird and hoisted myself up with the help of the door behind me. Swallowing, I held my hand out as a thanks and motioned that I was really okay.
I rubbed my temples and looked next to me to find Akaashi holding Oikawa's shoulders who slowly staggered away with Kenma who trailed behind them with his vanilla scent focused on the Alpha.
“We’re getting him to the nursery and sending a beta nurse for Mikoto okay?”, Akaashi looked at me in reassurance and I smiled lightly.
I was just happy that the situation was over.
Turning to the door I slowly knocked and waited for an answer.
Mikoto knocked back, probably too strained to say anything.
As there was no impending situation now, I rubbed my wrist on the door to hopefully at least leave a trace of my supposedly calming scent. My nose twitched to check and the door in fact smelled like rosewater.
“Mikoto? I scent marked the door okay? Just focus on that”, I felt something pressing slowly against the door and hoped she leaned against it,” they’re bringing a nurse and Oikawa is doing fine okay?”.
“Okay”, her voice was shrill and high pitched and I felt a sting in my chest.
I should’ve been faster.
At least everything was resolved now I guess. Scratching my head and making my way towards the hall I spotted someone behind the glassdoor to the left at the far end of the hallway.
Starting to jog towards the figure I instinctively started sprinting as I picked up the familiar scent of Agarwood.
Normally the scent was rich and strong, wafting around with an earthy touch, but right now an rotten undertone was overshadowing it.
My scent reacted immediately and I caught Iwaizumi’s hand straining against the door framing, his veins popping out and holding onto for dear life.
With a rush I stood in front of him, checking for any indication of injury.
His back was pressed against the doorframe and his gaze was tilted upwards and away from me.
What is he doing?
“What are you doing here? I told you not to come back”, I stole Akaashi’s technique and rubbed my wrists together in an attempt to strengthen my scent. As a result, a long sigh came from him and his head dropped down to the floor. He let the door frame go and the flush in his face receded a little bit.
This couldn’t just come from me scenting the air. His self-restraint was unreal. Something that was designed to lure him in and capture his arousal and he still stood here straining against it.
Something broke a string in my heart. Alpha’s would always have a strong reaction to omegas. Always.
Iwaizumi gritting his teeth brought me back to this plane of reality. This wouldn’t help a lot.
This was always the case in the end.
Alphas need to be calmed down, Omegas need to be consoled. As a beta, it was merely my job to oblige.
I would rub my wrists and touch necks and even let others slump down on me. It was normal in this society and no one ever bat an eye at the beta touching the alpha, even if they were strangers.
"Oh no we're not involved, that beta just calmed me down."
It's always the same.
I was glad I could help my friends if they were in trouble, but I was tired of coming to the rescue and to get used like a last resort to save others .
I hated to touch people I don't know, but I didn't have a choice.
Awkwardly I stepped a bit forwards, my chest almost touching his torso. He gulped and I tilted my head to the side, my neck wafting in a wave, a smell that was made to soothe everyone else but me.
How could he resist? It's his nature to follow my scent. For a moment at least.
It was always just a moment.
I shuddered as he plopped his head on my shoulder and our scent glands touched.
He relaxed against me and I almost took too much pride in that. Despite not alluring anyone around me, in the end they always needed to calm down from their high.
But it's always just for a moment.
He inhaled deeply and somehow tears jumped into my eyes.
His scent resorted into the normal earthy smell I was used to and the stress dissipated completely when he retracted his head and looked at me.
Face no longer flushed and pupils a normal size his gaze snapped to the side in embarrassment.
Don’t apologize.
“I’m sorry”, he let out and I sighed.
“It’s okay, but I told you not to come back. Akaashi and Kenma took care of it”, I explained as slowly as possible. Everything in me screamed to run and escape.
“Is Mikoto okay?”
I hope so.
“Probably, yeah. I think the nurse is there already. Oikawa is fine as well”.
“Y-Yeah I know”.
Something gnawed at me and I was about to burst out and say it but I couldn’t. He would probably feel ridiculed or even worse, push me away.
“Are you okay?”, he asked and the sincerity in his voice caught me off guard.
My heart swelled but I immediately buried the feeling again.
“I’m okay”, I smiled a little but he wasn’t done.
“I can’t help it you know?”
I nodded, but I didn't quite get what he meant.
“I hate the effect it has on me. I try to go away from situations like these, but Oikawa and Mikoto were there and I-” , he didn't finish his sentence. His face scrunched and he turned away from me again.
I couldn’t help but smile more.
“Why are you apologizing? You wanted to get Oikawa away but you didn’t want to get too close right?”, I took a small step back.
He nodded.
“And you also brought Kenma and Akaashi? What are you apologizing for? You protected everyone and even came back, no need to apologize", my gaze trailed over the floor, "it's the betas job to calm you down. That's all we do".
His scoff made my head snap up.
He looked annoyed, and I knew I had said too much. The moment was over.
"That's all you do? You're basically tearing every beta down with you when you say that".
He turned around and slowly walked away.
What the hell was that?
I'm tearing every beta down?
His words followed me into the opposite direction, as I walked the hall to my down.
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
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Genre: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humor, NSFW Content
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Alcohol, Crude Language, Consensual Touching
Y/N sighed, as she attempted to make her way through the crowd. The music was loud and there were so many people. She’d been trying to find her friends for what felt like hours, when she felt someone grab her arm. Turning toward the offender, her eyes rolled as she recognized Hanamaki Takahiro, her ex’s best friend. “It’s been a little bit doll!” Makki cooed, tightening his grip on Y/N’s arm. “How about we have a little chat?” he grinned, moving to tug her along with him. Y/N tried to yank her arm back, but Makki’s hold only tightened. Y/N looked around, hoping to find anyone that she recognized, but sadly the only face she saw, was a grinning Issei as he made his way toward the two. 
Makki and Issei pulled Y/N out of the crowd and toward the kitchen. Both men were going to say their piece and she was going to get back together with their friend. He was impossible to deal with lately, and it was driving them crazy. Releasing Y/N’s arm, she managed to make enough distance that she could eye the two of them warily. “Whatever it is you’re going to say, save it.” Y/N huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “I don’t give a shit and I don’t want to fucking know.” Issei scoffed, waving his hand in Y/N’s general direction. “I don’t even get what he sees in you. You’re a total bitch.” Makki snickered, as he poured himself another drink. “Just take him back already. It’s kind of silly to be playing these games at your age.” Y/N snarled, as she moved to leave the kitchen. “Go fuck yourself. The both of you. This isn’t some kind of fucking game. He fucking cheated on me.” Issei reached out to grab Y/N’s arm, and bring her back mumbling all the while. “You act like that’s the first time he’s done it. I can assure you, he’s been doing it the whole t-” Before Issei could finish his sentence, he was laid out on the floor. Osamu Miya stood behind where Issei was standing a sneer on his face. “Can’t leave an unwilling woman alone huh?” He hissed, eyes narrowing at Makki. “Come near her again and you’ll end up in the hospital.” A voice behind Makki cackled, and wrapped his arms around the smaller man. “Who’s to say it’s not going to happen anyway Samu.” Bokuto grinned, as he tightened his hold around Makki’s neck. 
Kuroo crouched down, and gripped Issei by the hair. “If you go anywhere near her again, I’ll fucking end you.” he hissed, slamming the mans face into the floor and making his way toward Y/N. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her through the crowd and over by the rest of their friends. Settling himself in an empty seat, Kuroo pulled Y/N over and settled her into his lap nicely. “You need anything kitten, you ask one of us.” He mumbled leaving a few kisses against her skin. “We don’t need anything like that happening again hm?” Y/N merely nodded, enjoying the steady warmth Kuroo provided. Bokuto sauntered up, shot glasses in each hand and a smile on his face. “Now that our babygirl is here,” He started, passing them around. “Let’s get this fucking party started!” and everyone around him cheered, downing their drinks. 
An hour later found Y/N on the dance floor buzzed and thriving as she danced between Kuroo and Bokuto. Before the party, the boys drew straws on who would get to take care of Y/N tonight. Bokuto and Kuroo lucked out, and they were enjoying every second of it. As the song changed, Bokuto couldn’t help the sudden urge he had to feel her lips on his own. Pulling Y/N close, Bokuto’s eyes dropped down to her lips. Y/N nodded, a bit hesitant and closed her eyes. Leaning in, Bokuto sighed as his lips met her own. His tongue peeked out, slowly prying Y/N’s pretty lips open. Eagerly, Y/N wrapped her arms around Bokuto’s neck, and pulled him closer. Kuroo took this chance to pull Y/N into him, so he could glide his fingers up her sides. Trailing kisses down her neck, he groaned as Y/N unconsciously grinded her ass against the front of his jeans. Watching the three of them was the hottest thing Kiyoomi had ever seen, and he just knew he couldn’t wait to see where they would go with Y/N.
Across the room, Makki and Mattsun watched the entire interaction jaws slack. They had hoped Iwaizumi’s chances were still there, but the sight in front of them proved otherwise. It looked like Hajime Iwaizumi really was fucked.
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multifandhoem · 4 years
Okay hear me out: being a yankee or something and fighting kyotani but like the sexual tension is hella high and you moan when he chokes you and he goes fucking feral. Female or g/n reader (If you are taking requests, if not ignore my thirst)
heyy 🙆🏻‍♀️ yeah i take requests (kind of) but at the moment only those where i know what to write in an instant bc exams got me stressed af (don‘t be like me - go to your lectures or start revising earlier than 2 weeks before)
I never wrote for Kyotani before so I’m just gonna do headcanons :) I hope you like it!!
Genre: smut
Warnings: exhibitionism, cursing, mentions of smoking, public sex, unprotected sex, humiliation, slight violence
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You and kyotani didn’t get along
That was not really a secret
It’s been that way since your freshman year when he commented on your smoking habits
You lashed out on him
And since that boy is easily aggravated, too, he shot back
And you hated that
And made it your personal mission to make his life harder
Because who did he think he was?
You were the one in command here, there was no wannabe tough guy who could just come and tell you to change your life since it annoyed him
Like what the fuck
Kyotani wasn’t one afraid to hit a girl
Not when that girl was annoying him to no end
And hit back
So more than once you found yourself shoved against a wall or the floor, if you tried something stupid like tripping him
And that made you hate him even more
It was humiliating lying on the floor, with him staring down at you with furrowed eyebrows
“Sexual tension” your friends called it and you wanted to sock them in the mouth the moment they mentioned it
Sure, Kyotani was hot
 But there was no way in hell that a single molecule in your body was attracted to him
“Fucking stop that shit already!”
He, once again, had you pressed against the wall, after you shoved him definitely unintentionally with your shoulder
“Then stop being in my way!” You spat back
He just shoved you against the wall again, making you hit your head
And then he had the audacity to walk away!
Stupid fuck
Little did you know that Kyotani didn’t hate you
On the contrary
He liked you
And he liked your attitude
That you didn’t take any shit from somebody
So back then he wanted to talk to you he just didn’t know what to say
And poor socially awkward boy said that smoking was bad for you
He didn’t expect the slap that followed right afterwards
He really seemed to have fucked it up
The way you would glare at him the second you spotted him somewhere
Going out of your way to make his life harder
He honestly just wanted you to stop doing that so he could try and get over you after obviously ruining his chances
But you never stopped
And his attraction to you never faded
You were kinda hot tbh
Especially when you would stare at him full of those emotions
He would lie if he would say he never thought of your glare late at night when he was pleasuring himself
He wanted to stay out of your way
But he became addicted
All those emotions in your eyes when you were beneath him on the floor
It did something to him
So it was a blessing and a curse that you didn’t stop
You just kept getting on his every last nerve
And one day
He was already in a bad mood
His professor talked to him that he had to quit volleyball if his marks weren’t up to par
So he was angry
At himself and the world
And then you came along
And fucking tripped him
Usually he would catch himself after a couple of steps
But today he fell face first onto the floor
You couldn’t believe your luck
For once in your lifetime it was not you on the floor, but him
You felt kind of accomplished, seeing him with his scuffed cheek
But he was quickly back on his feet
His hand closed itself around your throat, dragging you behind a corner where no people were
And you found yourself pressed on the wall again, with his face incredibly close to yours
You tried fighting against his hold, but quickly came to the conclusion that he was too strong for you
 “You fucking bitch. You need someone to teach you a lesson?”
You weren’t sure what did it for you
Being choked, his words or the fire in his eyes
But when he tightened his hold against your throat you couldn’t hold that moan in
Kyotani couldn’t believe his ears
Did you just moan
such a desperate sinful sound
all self-control went out of the window
“Slut.” He spat out, before he pressed his lips against yours, his other hand already shoving itself into your pants
It was embarrassing how wet you were already
But you still couldn’t stop bucking your hips into his hand
 His grip around your throat got harder again
And your knees literally gave out, eyes rolling into the back of your head at the wave of pleasure
“Want your cock”
The words almost didn’t come out of your lips
Pride was holding you back
“I should make you beg.”
You didn’t know if your ego could take it, begging practically in public to be fucked
But he just stopped choking you, making a whine escape from your lips
But then he pulled your pants down to your knees, turning you around, to shove his cock into your cunt
“Wait, wait, stop! People will see!”
You literally were only around the corner
But here you were
Completely bare from the waist down
Moans only suppressed by the three fingers he had shoved down your throat, as he fucked mercilessly in your cunt
He pulled you back against his chest, not minding the saliva that dropped from your spluttering lips down his arms
Then his other hand moved down to rub your clit
And you were done for
He came as well, shooting his seed deep inside you
He held you up for a bit, slowly pulling out and tucking your panties back up
You felt his cum seep out of you, dirtying your underwear
But you couldn’t bring yourself to care
He let you down on the floor, your pants still pulled down
It was the hottest sight he had ever seen
Especially with the knowledge that you had his cum in you
Sitting on the floor so exposed
Staring up at him with big eyes
He almost was ready to go again
But this time he would take his time with you
Make you succumb to his wishes until you were chanting his name
“Come with me.”
He didn’t say more
He didn’t need to say more
He turned around, not caring about the classes he still had this afternoon
He needed to get home now
Kyotani heard you scrambling to your feet behind him, grinning as quick steps followed him soon
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audisamu · 4 years
notes; i previously did an MSBY version of this, again, just for laughs, and since i’m bored and have a few minutes, i’m making a totally unrequested second part!
characters; ushijima wakatoshi, hoshiumi kourai, kageyama tobio 
USHIJIMA WAKATOSHI - would TOTALLY have a big dog. I have no doubt that you would see him on his morning run with this massive dog that reaches his hips, unknowingly scaring all children (and, to be honest, some adults,) with his monster of a dog. That being said, he pegs me as a guy who owns a Mastiff! Not only is it a large dog breed, but it’s pretty buffed and built as well, perfectly matching Ushijima. He honestly lives up to the rumor that people resemble their dogs at least a bit. 
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HOSHIUMI KOURAI - would own a golden retriever. I wanted to give him so small yappy dog but I may be a bit...biased with that. He’s always eager to impress (so his dog should be too!) and he loves to show off all the tricks he’s taught the dog. He likes having a dog that’s energetic, and the golden retriever is perfect for that! 
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KAGEYAMA TOBIO - would have a Siberian Husky. I honestly don’t have any reason for it...like...it’s just my gut feeling?? They just give off the same vibes idk- maybe it’s the blue eyes in all the photos I find? It’s a match made in heaven and you can’t tell me other wise. He would also love showing his dog off to other people! 
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princekaashi · 4 years
I’ll Be There
Bokuto x reader-- reader is really stressed over exams and Bokuto helps. Pre-relationship. 
Bokuto had the complete and utter ability to walk in at the worst moments of your life. He was there seconds after your ex broke up with you, the time that you crashed your car into the neighbor’s mailbox, and the time that your bag got stolen. It wasn’t that you necessarily minded. You and Bokuto were friends, good friends even. He’d offered to kick your ex’s ass, and he was the one that smoothed over the accident with your neighbor. When your bag got stolen Bokuto had wasted only seconds to make sure you were okay before racing after the guy. 
Bokuto had always been there for you, it’s just that you hated that he’d seen you so vulnerable so many times. It wasn’t any different today. You’d been hurtling toward a mental breakdown for a while. School was so difficult this year and you were concerned about getting into a good college. Just this week you had four exams. Akaashi was helping you study, which is why Bokuto walked in at the exact moment that you burst into frustrated tears with your calculus homework. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” He yelled as he and Akaashi entered. Akaashi had his bag slung over one shoulder and Bokuto was carrying a few bags from the convenience store, no doubt filled to the brim with snacks. You felt helpless as they waked toward you and you shut your eyes, feeling the tears begin to roll down your cheeks. 
“Y/n? Are you listening to music again?” Bokuto asked, confused as to why you weren’t responding. You didn’t reply but pulled your knees closer to your body, burying your face into the fabric. Your shoulders began to shake as you started to silently sob. It was just so stupid, you were so stupid. You needed to get an A on this test or you had no chance of keeping up your grade until college applications were due. But you’d been working on the same ten problems for three hours and you just couldn’t get any of them right. 
You heard Bokuto stop in his tracks, the plastic bags crinkling against each other as they swung against the sudden halt. He murmured something to Akaashi that you didn’t catch but Akaashi moved into the kitchen and Bokuto put the bags down on the table. “Y/n?”
You lifted your head, meeting Bokuto’s gold gaze. His brows were furrowed in concern and he kneeled by you, wordlessly pulling you into a hug. You sniffled and he rubbed a hand down your back. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I’m so stupid,” you said but it was muffled by his chest. 
“I’m so stupid,” you said louder and Bokuto sucked in a gasp.
“No you’re not! Why would you say that? Did someone say something to you? Are you being bullied?” Bokuto was jostling you now, his anger hyping him up. 
You pulled away sharply and pressed the palms of your hands into your eyes. “No! Nobody said anything to me I just...I can’t get these problems right and I’m going to fail my calculus test and I’m not going to get into college and I’m just--” You cut off with a growl. 
Bokuto looked even more confused than when he first saw you curled up on the ground. “Y/n you’re the smartest person I know. Maybe you just need a break. When I keep messing up a spike Akaashi makes me sit out for a little bit and try again later and I almost always get it on the first try then.”
You shook your head harshly, “I can’t take a break. I have to get this down.”
“Bokuto’s right, for once,” Akaashi said from the entrance to the kitchen. You looked at him, feeling betrayed. “We can work on Biology if you want. There’s a few concept I got wrong on the last quiz that I need you to teach me.”
You looked at the calculus problems, then to Bokuto and back to Akaashi.  “Okay, but I need to go back to Calc in 30 minutes.”
Bokuto was smiling now, sitting next to you and smashing his shoulder into yours. He dragged out a pork bun from the bag and offered you one. Your stomach growled--you’d skipped lunch to study for English--and you flushed in embarrassment, taking the bun from Bokuto. Your fingers brushed against his and you felt a warmth bloom in the pit of your stomach. 
Of course, Akaashi and Bokuto ended up being right. After a quick break, you’d been able to figure out where you’d gone wrong and had finished the 10 problems you’d been stuck on in no time. 
At the end of the night, after Akaashi left, Bokuto hesitated at the doorway. You tilted your head at him, interested in what was running through his mind. “I’ve never seen you stressed like that before, Y/n. I’m not sure I liked it.”
You ducked your head, a little ashamed. “I didn’t mean for you to see it.”
“No! Not like that, I’m happy to be here for you. I just wish you wouldn’t put so much pressure on yourself. You’ll get into whatever college you want, I’m sure of it.”
“Thanks, but I’m not so sure.” Bokuto rolled his eyes, and you laughed, then sobered, taking a step closer to him. “Thank you too, for helping me. I feel like you always catch me when I’m falling apart. It’s actually kind of embarrassing.”
Bokuto made a confused noise. “Embarrassing? Why? I love helping you, it makes me feel close to you.”
“We are close,” You said, automatically. 
He smiled, widely, his gold eyes bright against his face. “Yes, of course we are. But I was hoping that maybe you’d want to be closer?”
“What are you trying to say?” Bokuto looked suddenly nervous and it made you want to comfort him like he’d comforted you all those times. 
“Do you want to go on a date?” 
You weren’t expecting that and your gaze snapped sharply to his. He looked completely serious, and a little tortured by the time you were taking to respond. “Y-yes,” you stammered, “I would love that.”
Maybe Bokuto being there for you wasn’t so bad after all. 
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hneypot · 2 years
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Untitled series | BNHA
summary tba…
Untitled | K. Bakugo | BNHA
summary tba… but smth angsty…hopefully
Untitled | C. Kent | DC
can’t be bothered to style your hair? not to fear, superboy is here!
Untitled | J. Todd | DC (Titans)
summary tba…
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stacysmash · 6 years
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Haikyuu!! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Sawamura Daichi Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Koutarou, Kozume Kenma, Yaku Morisuke, Kai Nobuyuki, Nishinoya Yuu, Yamamoto Taketora, Terushima Yuuji, Matsukawa Issei, Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Jane Austen Fusion, Emma AU, Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Second year of university, Post-Canon, It's going to be as canon compliant as I can make it, Fluff, Humor, One-Sided Attraction, Pining, More ships to be added, possibly more characters - Freeform, Emotional Rollercoaster, BokuAka-one sided and endgame, BokuTeru-one sided, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Slow Burn, oblivious boys, Getting Together, matsuoi, ToraKen, bad language, Sexual Themes, nothing too dirty, YakuNoya - Freeform Summary:
After a successful (though debatable) matchmaking, Kuroo is determined to also set his friend Bokuto up with the man of his dreams, no matter how many of his friends protest. The more Kuroo gets into his role as a clueless Cupid, he may also lose his chance to be with the one he loves before he even realizes his own feelings.
Completed!! Thank you to everyone who encouraged me so much through my updates, lovely comments and hilarious tags on reblogs. I love you all so much, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Like Me, Love Me, Lick Me
Tendou Satori - Haikyuu
Synopsis: Tendou is determined to make a homemade cake for Ushijima's birthday and enlists your help; however, as much as he has an undeniable talent for baking, he is also known for making a mess . . . and today, the kitchen isn't the only thing he is making a mess of
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: food play, male anatomy, female anatomy, female!reader, aged-up characters, oral sex (female receiving), fingering
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Stepping into the kitchen, you stopped dead in your tracks when you spotted the mess before you. Dishes were piling up in the sink, there was somehow flour covering every surface of the kitchen, and the ingredients used for baking were still sitting out, strewn across the counter haphazardly.
"Holy shit." You gawked. "It looks like a tornado came through here."
Tendou, who had just finished putting the cake in the oven, spun around to observe his domain. "Oh, come on, it's not that bad."
"No, you're right." You shook your head as you set the bag of groceries you had bought onto the counter. "It's not that bad . . . it's worse."
Tendou furrowed his brows before wiping his forehead with his forearm, leaving behind a smudge of flour. "Did you get the things I asked for?" He was quick to change the subject while he started putting away the ingredients, hoping he could tidy up a bit before you directed your attention back to the mess.
"Yeah, right here." You began pulling the items out of the bag. "Icing sugar and food colouring, as requested. They only had the big packs of food colouring though, so I had to buy every colour in the damn rainbow."
Tendou's eyes lit up. "Rainbow cake!" he exclaimed before his expression fell. "No, not for Ushi . . . but maybe someday."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his childlike disappointment. "Yeah, maybe someday."
After putting away the ingredients he had used for the cake, Tendou gathered what he needed for the icing and got to work. In a matter of seconds, it was like you weren't even there anymore. While you stepped in to clean away the flour and do the dishes that Tendou had left in his wake, he worked diligently, his hands moving a mile a minute. Back and forth he paced, checking on the cake every few minutes before returning to the task at hand.
Once you had set the last dish aside to dry in the drying rack, you turned and folded your arms across your chest, watching Tendou bake. You couldn't help but be mesmerized by his actions; the way his muscles bulged when he whisked the thick icing—because he, for some reason, refused to use an electric mixer—and the way he dipped his long fingers into the bowl to taste his product because he didn't always trust the recipe he was following was a sight to behold.
When a single icing-coated finger was jabbed in your direction, you startled out of your daze.
"Here, taste it." Tendou's finger inched closer to your mouth. "I can't tell if it's too sweet or not."
Cocking a brow at him, you backed away, your lower back pressed firmly into the edge of the counter. "I'm not putting your finger in my mouth."
Tendou rolled his eyes at you. "Wuss," he huffed before wiping his finger along your cheek, spreading the icing across your skin.
"Tendou!" You let you a slightly startled gasp. "I just finished cleaning up your mess! Stop being so chaotic."
"Oh, right, sorry." Tendou turned to you and placed his hands on either side of your head, a smirk toying at the corners of his lips. "I'll clean that up for you."
Without warning, Tendou leaned down over you, his hot breath on your face sending shivers up your spine. Then, in one fluid motion, his tongue darted past his lips and he licked the icing off of your cheek.
"Hmmm . . . on second thought, not too sweet at all," he whispered into your ear, making your knees weak and causing you to grip the counter for stability. "You taste delicious."
You swallowed hard, the task of trying to figure out where this was coming from and what you were going to do about it at the same time throwing your mind into overdrive. "Tendou, what are you doing?" The question slipped out before you had a chance to realize how naive and stupid it sounded.
Tendou laughed, rightly so, as he backed away from you. "I'm cleaning up, silly! What else did you think?" He then narrowed his eyes at you and smirked once more. "What a dirty mind you have," he tsked.
"Hey! That's not fair!" you told him defensively. "You're the one who licked me. You're the one with the dirty mind, not me."
Tendou just shrugged as he sauntered back over to the oven to check on the cake again. "I wasn't licking you, I was licking the icing. Food is precious, you know . . . it would be a shame to waste any of it."
Finally regaining your composure, you wiped away the left-over icing and his saliva from your cheek with the back of your hand. "I hate you," you huffed.
"You say that, but you don't mean it," he said, eyes trained on you as he straightened up from checking on the cake through the tiny, illuminated window on the front of the oven. "How could you possibly hate me when I make you feel so good?"
You crossed your arms tighter across your chest, if that was even possible, and grumbled. Reluctantly, flashes of memories from the numerous nights the two of you had spent together flashed through your mind. You always said the next time would be the last time . . . but it never was. Unfortunately, Tendou was right; as much as he drove you crazy sometimes, you couldn't stay away from him—not when he was leaps and bounds better in bed than any other man you had ever met.
"That's beside the point." You turned your nose up at him as he stepped toward you slowly. "I can hate you and still appreciate your talents at the same time. I'm good at multitasking like that. Now, we have a cake to make, so stop fooling around."
Tendou chuckled lowly. "Well, the icing is done and the cake still needs another twenty minutes or so . . . so I'd say we have plenty of time to 'fool around'."
"Ah, ah, ah." You planted your hand firmly in the center of his chest, stopping him from getting any closer. "You still have to put the food colouring in the icing. Don't tell me I went out of my way to buy you that stuff for nothing." You batted your eyelashes dramatically.
"No, of course not." Tendou knew what game you were playing at and immediately devised his own plan to counter yours. "But I'll need your help."
You smiled sweetly, hoping he was being earnest but retaining some judgement until you saw it with your own eyes. "Absolutely. What do you need me to do?"
Tendou clapped his hands together happily, but instead of answering right away, he instead got to work on mixing the red and blue colours into the icing, soon creating a purple. "There is a certain shade I'm going for." He finally decided to enlighten you on your role in all of this. "I need your help to colour match."
"Colour match?" you questioned. "But how am I-"
Before you could finish your inquiry, Tendou had attacked you, lips on your neck and teeth nipping at the sensitive flesh there. You opened your mouth to protest, but as soon as your lips parted, he sucked on the spot that he knew drove you wild and you let out a pathetic whimper instead.
"My favourite shade of purple is the bright, bruised purple of a hickey," he explained, mumbling into your skin as he continued to bite, kiss, lick, and suck at your neck. "So, we need a hickey to compare to, of course."
Brain fogged over with pleasure as Tendou's hand trailed down your back, cupping your ass and giving it a squeeze, you blurted out the first thing that popped into your mind. "Why didn't you just create a hickey on yourself?"
Tendou laughed—whether at you or your question, you didn't know. "Because it's more fun this way," he answered honestly.
After what felt like hours of Tendou running the tip of his tongue up and down your neck, making your legs shake and eyes flutter shut in between harsh sessions of biting and sucking, he pulled back, a string of saliva connecting his mouth to your throat.
"I think that's a good start." He ran the pad of his thumb over the mark he had created on your flesh. "Let's see how close I was."
Dipping his finger into the icing bowl, Tendou spread some of the sweet substance onto your neck, right beside the hickey he had left. "Hmmm," he eyed it, comparing the two colours. "Not too bad . . . but it needs more red. Not dark enough."
With a quick swipe of his tongue, Tendou once again licked the icing off of your body before he turned back to the bowl and added more red food colouring to the concoction. While he mixed, ignoring you completely in the meantime, you drew in deep breaths in an attempt to collect yourself and regain your bearings.
"There!" he announced once the new colour had been created. "Let's see if this matches."
You expected Tendou to once again spread some of the icing onto your neck to compare, but instead, he caught you completely off guard by digging his fingertips into your ass, lifting you up, and setting you down on the counter.
"W-what are you doing?" You stared at him, wide-eyed and beyond confused.
He looked up at you like you had asked the stupidest question in the world. "I'm giving you another hickey, duh," he responded as he worked at the zipper of your jeans before tugging them down your legs and discarding them on the kitchen floor.
"But you already left one on my neck," you reminded him.
"I need a fresh one," he said nonchalantly. "The bright purple of a fresh hickey is what I'm going for here."
Then, once again without warning, he pushed your legs apart for himself and latched onto your inner thigh with his mouth. Instinctively, your hand went to his head and at that moment, you desperately wished he hadn't shaved his head after graduating high school so you had something to grab on to.
"Tendou!" You threw your head back into the cabinet behind yourself as he repeated the same actions as before, just this time on the soft, supple flesh of your inner thigh. Soon, your body was thinking for itself and your legs were spreading wider, granting him more access.
Tendou hummed into your thigh, amused. "Spreading your legs for me?" he teased, running a single, thin finger along your clothed pussy. "So wet for me too. But I thought you hated me?"
"Oh, shut up!" You palmed the back of his head and forced his face back between your legs. "How about you be a good boy and use that mouth for some good for once?"
"Naughty girl." Tendou nipped at the new hickey he had slowly been bringing to light on your flesh, the sudden sharp sensation on such a sensitive spot causing you to jolt. "You're gonna pay for that."
Hooking his arms under your legs, he gave a harsh pull and before you knew it, your ass was barely hanging off the counter and you were flat on your back. Then, after pressing one hand flat against your stomach to keep you still, he dove back between your legs, but this time his mouth was attacking your clothed core.
Feeling Tendou's tongue flick over your clit had your back arching in no time. True to your own words, as much as you hated him, he had certain undeniable talents . . . and using his fingers and mouth were some of the many.
Too caught up in the waves of pleasure that Tendou's mouth was sending to your core, you didn't even notice he had reached over with his free hand to collect some more of the icing until he was spreading it on your stomach, inner thighs, and—after removing your shirt and bra—your breasts.
You were about to comment on how he was wasting all of the icing, but before you had the chance to, he had moved up your body and was now flicking his tongue over your nipple, licking the icing off in the process.
"So sweet," he commented, pupils blown out from lust as he worked at tasting every inch of your body. "You taste so good . . . I could taste you all day long."
When he sucked your nipple into his mouth, his teeth grazing against the sensitive nub, you moaned wantonly. "Tendou," his name dripped from your tongue like thick honey—or more accurately, thick icing.
"I told you I can make you feel good," he nearly growled, his voice low and rough as he looked up at you and captured your mouth with his own. "No one can make you feel as good as I do."
You shook your head as his tongue licked at your bottom lip, requesting entry. As soon as you parted your lips for him, his long tongue dipped into your mouth, truly tasting every inch of you.
"Say it." He slipped his tongue from your mouth and worked his way lower down your body. "Say that no one can make you feel as good as I do."
When you lifted your head to look at him, he was looking up at you expectantly, his tongue hovering just above your stomach, waiting to hear you utter the words he so desperately wanted to hear.
"No one," you breathed out, eyes locked onto his own. "No one can make me feel as good as you do . . . Tendou."
As soon as that confirmation with the addition of his name left your mouth, Tendou was sent into overdrive and he was on you without mercy. He sucked and licked and devoured the icing from your stomach and thighs, his mouth cleaning you off while his hands left sticky, purple handprints wherever he grabbed you.
The teasing and anticipation had been building up for so long that once he finally returned his attention to your pussy, you nearly came right then and there. "Fuck!" you cried out, back arching again as you grabbed onto his bicep and dug your nails into his flesh.
"Suck these clean for me, baby." Tendou once again brandished his digits before you, but this time you had zero qualms about putting them into your mouth. Without a second of hesitation, you wrapped your lips around his fingers, sucking and licking the sticky residue of icing away.
Once you had cleaned his fingers, he pulled them from your mouth with a loud pop and promptly shoved them into your pussy. With his mouth on your clit and fingers inside of you, you were sure you weren't going to last long.
"Shit, so tight for me . . . always so tight for me." Tendou made a point of making sure you could feel how difficult it was for him to curl his fingers inside of you. As soon as he did, however, and managed to press against that magic spot, it was all over.
"Right there!" You shuddered, thighs clamping around his head and eyes forced shut as you chased your release. "Don't stop, please don't stop."
You were sure Tendou would have shot back some snarky quip if he could, but the way you were pressing his mouth into your pussy with your thighs effectively silenced him—something you should have thought to do earlier, probably.
Sucking your clit between his teeth, Tendou had a few more pumps of his fingers and just like that, you were gone. Crying out in ecstasy, your entire body tensed as your walls pulsated around Tendou's slender fingers—fingers that refused to stop curling and working you until you had completely come down from you high.
When your breathing began to even out and your thighs relaxed, Tendou detached his mouth and removed his fingers from you—a mouth and fingers that were wet from your juices while everywhere else was covered in purple icing.
Using the fingers that had been inside of you to collect some remaining icing from your thigh, he stuck the digits into his mouth and smiled. "Absolutely exquisite," he exhaled softly, clearly spent from pushing you over the edge.
You let out an exhausted laugh. "You're so gross."
"Well, look at that," he mused as he helped you sit up. "I've made yet another mess."
"I'm so sticky and I feel . . . wrong." You ran your fingers over your body, noting how covered in saliva and icing you were. "Speaking of wrong, you absolutely cannot use that icing on Ushijima's cake."
Tendou snorted as he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bowl of pre-made purple icing. "Yeah, that's why I made this earlier." He grinned. "I may be gross, but I'm not that gross."
"Then why did I buy you more icing sugar?" You glared at him.
After slipping the pre-made icing back into the fridge, Tendou wandered back over to you. "Because I wanted to taste you," he answered, helping you down from the counter before grabbing a handful of your ass and smiling sweetly. "And everyone knows you can't eat cake without icing."
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rachhkelll · 7 years
'He Needs Him'
Hey guys. So I've been writing a Haikyuu fanficition, which I stated last summer. I had four chapter written and published, and I haven't gone back to it in over a year. BUT, last night I finally, finally wrote and published chapter 5. So those who read it and were left hanging I give my deepest apologies.
Here's a recap of basically what's happened and what it's about if any one else are interested:
Hinata is an art student who finally opens his very own studio. He begins to make new friends who become his family on his journey to success and exploration. When he meets someone in the middle of nightby the name of Kageyama, who has this similar interests in art, he wants him to join his studio and become apart of the family he has so lovingly made. But why is he refusing? Why won't he join?
Here's the link of 'He Needs Him':
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hoperenae · 2 years
Turning Heads (a Haikyuu fanfic by hoperenae)
PART 6- A Taste of Victory
We actually managed to stay neck-and-neck with them the entire game. Oikawa’s serve was insanely powerful, I was shocked that we even managed to pick it up, although it took several attempts. Daichi seemed extra on edge whenever I was in a position to receive the serve, but Nishinoya made sure to intercept it for me whenever he could.
Hinata was anxiously waiting to use his weirdo-quick with Kageyama, but Kageyama was refusing to do it this set. It was too unpredictable, and we needed to be consistent. In the meantime, I got a few good spikes in, which definitely shocked Oikawa. No one ever suspects the wee little girl to have so much power. The first time I spiked a quick cross-shot just past his face, he shook his head in bewilderment and then winked at me. My heart tumbled around in my chest.
It was finally our set point. If we got this, we would win against a powerhouse school. Granted, it was just a practice match, but still, it would feel pretty good. When Kageyama went to set the ball, I saw something shift in his eyes, and I had a feeling I knew what he was going to do. 
Sure enough, the weirdo-duo used their weirdo-quick. The ball shot past Oikawa’s face before he even had a second to react. His eyes were wide, and his mouth was open slightly in shock. Our entire team erupted into cheers and tackled Hinata and Kageyama. 
I turned away from the hyped-up huddle to glance over at Seijoh. They were huddled in a circle, probably discussing what the hell they just witnessed. Oikawa turned and locked eyes with me. He didn’t smile, but he shook his head and rolled his eyes at me, which made me laugh. Then, I got pulled back into the celebration by Nishinoya.
After shaking hands with everyone and saying our thank yous, we packed up our things and headed for the bus. 
“Oi, you!” a smooth voice I recognized called from behind us. I turned around to face Oikawa as he strode toward us. The rest of the guys watched in anticipation.
“We’re gonna work on that serve of yours,” he commanded. 
“You would lend help to your rival?” I teased, a smile sneaking its way onto my face.
“You aren’t my rival,” he declared, and then he glanced over my shoulder at my team behind me. “It’s the rest of them I have a problem with.” He wasn’t smiling, so I furrowed my brow in confusion. He was serious about helping me and serious about disliking my team. One of those things I was not okay with.
“Fortunately for you, I happen to know a setter with a wicked serve who I’m sure would be more than happy to teach me his ways.” I nodded toward Kageyama, who jumped in surprise and blushed a bit at my acknowledgment of his skill.
Oikawa tsked and waved dramatically as he turned to walk away. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll crush you next time,” he chirped.
“We look forward to the challenge!” I called back.
I turned around to face my team. No matter how cute Oikawa was, he was still unknown to me. What I knew for a fact was that these boys, my teammates, had my back. They always would.
Taglist: @celcero
Message me or comment if you want to be added to the taglist!
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nissakii · 3 years
Scent. - a Haikyuu!! fanfiction pt. 12
Scent. – a Haikyuu!! fanfiction pt. 12
Art by @pottetto on Instagram “No, I haven’t tried it out yet. I’m thinking of doing a blind playthrough”, I muttered into the mic after catching the question about an upcoming game in the chat.My eyes flickered over the messages that were incoming quickly, but most of them were just reactions or weird requests, so I took a sip from the energy drink on my table and kept my eyes on the…
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Scrapbook Memories
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Premise: Old Age TsukkiYama Word Count: 1.8k Content Warning(s): None A/N: This was my zine piece for the Memory Lane zine! Everyone did an amazing job on their pieces, and I'm honored that I was accepted into a zine with so many amazing contributors *(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* You can actually find this work, along with all of the other creators' works, in the zine which is still available for download for free! Find the twitter with the download link here ! Downloads will be closed July 11.
Find this on my AO3 as Well
Yamaguchi gripped his cane in his right hand, leaning on it slightly as he scanned the bookshelf that stood proudly in his and Tsukishima’s shared living room. His eyes eventually found an old book with brown peeling edges. He couldn’t help but smile as he reached for it.
“Kei, do you remember this?” Yamaguchi called, pulling the book from its place on the shelf, the items next to it toppling slightly, desperate to fill the empty gap he created. 
“What is it, Tadashi?” Tsukishima responded from his place on the couch. Yamaguchi walked over and sat next to him, pushing the book into Tsukishima’s lap. 
“Do you remember this?” Yamaguchi repeated. A small smile quickly spread across Tsukishima’s face.
“How could I ever forget,” he said as his hand gingerly traced the edge of the cover, opening it slowly. There, immediately, the two were met with a handwritten note. 
‘Congratulations on Graduating!’ it read in big bold script at the top, followed by a heartfelt letter to the two of them. The handwriting was unmistakably Yachi’s- neat, put together, and perfectly spaced. At the bottom of the page was a picture of all of them in their third year of high school- Yachi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Hinata, and Kageyama. They had just won a game, if Yamaguchi’s memory was to be trusted, and Suga and Daichi had attended, pressuring the five of them into a picture. ‘For prosperity!’ Suga laughed as his phone camera clicked. 
“I remember how she felt bad that she gave us a joint gift.” Tsukishima smirked. Yamaguchi softly elbowed him. Despite Tsukishima’s sixty or so years of being alive, he never seemed to outgrow that smirk. 
“Well, it worked out, didn’t it? Otherwise we’d have two of these on our shelves. And we both know how much space those old dinosaur and museum books take up, I don’t think we could fit another book up there if we tried!” Yamaguchi remarked, causing Tsukishima to roll his eyes. 
“Says the one who keeps everything for memories sake. Our shelves are filled with your knick-knacks too.” Tsukishima nudged Yamaguchi with his elbow.
“Just turn the page.” Tsukishima smiled, as he did just as Yamaguchi requested. There they were greeted with a photo of only Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. They were standing in front of their middle school as Yamaguchi awkwardly smiled at the camera, just having gotten braces, and Tsukishima gave a particularly nasty look at the person holding the camera (Yamaguchi was almost positive it was Akiteru who took the photo).
“How did Yachi even find this picture of us?” Yamaguchi couldn’t help but laugh at his middle school self.
“I think she reached out to Akiteru.” Tsukishima grumbled, feigning annoyance. 
“You should’ve smiled too, so we could both properly remember the first day of our last year of middle school when we both got braces.” Yamaguchi remarked. Tsukishima rolled his eyes.
“At least we have this picture of you in all of your middle school glory!” Yamaguchi pointed to the picture directly below the previous one. There, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima sat at a restaurant, sharing the same side of the booth as they ate and laughed together. Tsukishima was clutching his sides, mouth open wide in a smile, braces with green rubber bands on clear display, as Yamaguchi looked over at him with a huge grin plastered across his features. Food from their favorite restaurant sat in front of them on the table, clearly ignored for whatever joke had just been told.
“I can’t remember what was so funny, but it was apparently hilarious.” Yamaguchi said.
“Who even took this picture? I had never seen it before we got this scrapbook.” Tsukishima asked.
“I think one of our moms took it, but honestly I’m not that sure.” Yamaguchi glanced over to the next page. “Oh my, what about this one!” He pointed at an image of the two of them sleeping on the bus, nestled into one another. “I think Yachi took this one while we were on our way back from a game. You were so embarrassed when you saw this photo for the first time. You turned redder than a strawberry, Tsukki!” Yamaguchi couldn’t help but laugh at the slight blush that began creeping its way across Tsukishima’s features once again.
“Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
“Sorry, Tsukki.” But Yamaguchi’s smile betrayed the sentiment of his statement. He turned the page, smiling at the first picture he saw. In it, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi were high fiving, wide grins spread across both their faces. He could see Hinata in the background cheering, barely visible but still there. 
“I don’t remember which game this was taken at, in all honesty.” Tsukishima said, tracing the outline of the two figures in the photo with his finger. 
“Neither do I. It was probably taken by one of Karasuno’s photographers.”
“It’s a nice picture. You look happy,” Tsukishima smiled.
“It’s one of my favorites,” Yamaguchi admitted.
“Because you look so happy. Remember how you used to be so indifferent to volleyball? And yet you grew to love it. And now we have photographic evidence of your love for the sport.”
“I think I had the most fun when I was playing with you.” Yamaguchi looked over at Tsukishima, who was staring right back just as intently. 
Yamaguchi smirked, retorting lightheartedly with, “You seemed to have a lot of fun playing for the Sendai Frogs without me.”
“I still think the best times I had were when you were on the court with me.” Tsukishima said, pointing at the next picture to change the subject. “Remember when we went to visit that museum? My mom was adamant on taking a picture of us in front of the dinosaur.”
“I loved going to museums with you, Tsukki. You always seemed so in your element, like you truly belonged there.”
“I really just liked looking at the dinosaurs.” Tsukki joked, a small smirk on his lips once more. 
“I just liked seeing you happy.” Yamaguchi poked Tsukishima’s cheek, causing him to roll his eyes. 
“You are the cheesiest person on the planet. I can practically feel you clogging my arteries.” Yamaguchi laughed at Tsukishima’s words, and Tsukishima just couldn’t help but smile at the melodic sound. No matter how old they grew together, Tsukishima still loved to hear Yamaguchi laugh- loved to make him laugh. 
“What about this one, at the aquarium!” Yamaguchi pointed to an image of himself. His face so close to the glass you could see his breath. His palms were placed flat against the glass, one on each side of his head. And of course, there next to him was Tsukishima, looking at Yamaguchi with a soft smile.
“And what about this one?” Tsukishima pointed to the image next to it. Tsukishima was knelt on the ground looking through a telescope up at the stars, mouth open as if reporting back to Yamaguchi what he saw. Yamaguchi sat next to him in the grass, legs crossed and turned away from the camera, very obviously looking at Tsukishima. 
Yamaguchi turned the page. “But you can’t forget this one.” He placed his hand under the image. It was a photograph of the two of them in Tsukishima’s backyard. Yamaguchi sat in the grass with flowers in his hands and his hair clipped back, staring intently at whatever he was doing. Next to him, Tsukishima looked over his shoulder with his legs stretched out in front of him. Yamaguchi lifted his hand to show the picture below it. It showcased what Yamaguchi had been doing in the form of two flower crowns delicately placed on top of both boy’s heads. Tsukishima had looked up just as Akiteru took the picture, and Yamaguchi was smiling at the camera, his arm slung around his best friend’s shoulder and pressing their arms tight together. 
“Can you still make those?” Tsukishima asked.
“I don’t know. I haven’t in forever.”
“Maybe one day you can try again. We can take a new picture of the two of us with flower crowns. This time, with me knowing the picture is about to be taken.”
Yamaguchi laughed. “We both know the reason Akiteru didn’t warn you was because you’d never in a thousand years have let that picture be taken while in highschool!” He nudged Tsukishima.
“I remember hating that he took the picture at the time , but now, looking back, I’m glad he did. It’s a nice picture of us.” Tsukishima nudged Yamaguchi back. 
As Tsukishima continued to flip through the scrapbook, he soon noticed that Yamaguchi had gone quiet. He turned his head, and saw Yamaguchi asleep on the couch, head leaned back and mouth slightly open as he breathed softly. Tsukishima chuckled to himself. Despite the two being much older now, he couldn’t help but think of all the times when they were younger and Yamaguchi would fall asleep as the two did homework together. Tsukishima grabbed the blanket from off the back of the coach, placing it over Yamaguchi. The memories of him placing the same blanket over Yamaguchi’s shoulders when he fell asleep studying immediately came to mind. Tsukishima couldn’t help but outwardly smile at his thoughts as he grabbed the scrapbook and placed it back on the shelf. 
There, next to their collection of yearbooks, Tsukishima saw their abundance of family photos. Pictures of both Tsukishima and Yamaguchi’s families having picnics together, pictures of their Karasuno volleyball team reunions over the years, and even pictures of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi together when they were young. He couldn’t help but think of how naive he was back then, worried about a small crush he had on his best friend, not wanting him to find out out of fear of not liking him back. And now, Tsukishima had built a life with that old crush of his, falling deeper and deeper in love with each other every passing day. 
Tsukishima picked up one of the framed photos. The image was of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi on their first day of their first year of highschool. Tsukishima was looking at Yamaguchi, obviously trying to hide a faint smile, and Yamaguchi was grinning at Tsukishima. He couldn’t help but notice just how happy Yamaguchi looked standing next to him, and he laughed at his past self for being so nervous when it seemed so obvious now that Yamaguchi was in love with him even back then.
“Everything’s going to work out, kid.” Tsukishima said to the picture, a message he almost hoped would reach his past self.
“Who are you talking to, Tsukki?” He heard Yamaguchi mumble from the couch. Tsukishima turned around, smiling at the sound of the old nickname.
“No one. Just to myself.” Tsukishima walked back towards the couch, sitting next to Yamaguchi and reaching for his hand. Yamaguchi held it and leaned his head on his shoulder, falling back asleep quickly. Tsukishima placed a small kiss on Yamaguchi’s forehead, and thought that the rest of their future together was but only the next page in their scrapbook.  
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