#miles and klavier are fucking sticks
frost-faerie · 10 months
I'm sorry, but I will NEVER believe that any ace attorney character is buff enough to have a six pack. It's just not happening
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
High tension, in a car of all places
Summary: Trucy accidentally surprises Taka, luckily for her, Simon is there to help! Unluckily they forgot to wear their extremely bulky overcoat and Miles ends up finding the aftermath.
Warnings: Light gore descriptions, swearing, check tags for further warnings.
Authors Note: Unable to do anything until I get this on paper, I just think Simon would be the worst when indoctrinated with a drug cocktail and needed to put it into words, its not much more than the car ride, but I still had fun writing it, once again, I take reblogs as a form of currency over likes.
Turns out spooking a hawk is not a wise idea.
Turns out Simon likes throwing themself into dangers path for fun or otherwise.
Turns out hawks can partially disembowel humans if scared enough.
Turns out that Miles does not like the agency looking like a murder scene.
Turns out Simon is getting a surgery.
And they are making their delirious state everyones problem and nothing can stop them, not even the organs threatening to spill.
They ferried them to the hospital in the back of a 2005 Subaru outback, they were talking absolute nonsense as they bled out in the trunk, innards sloshing with turns. Trucy sat in the passenger seat, silently, and the grip Miles had on the steering wheel threatened to tear the fabric used, even with the faint 'wee' heard from the back on the occasional turn, followed by high pitched giggles.
The shit that Simon was spouting had everyone in a state of shock, Klavier sat in the back beside Apollo as they had to help carry Simon down multiple flights of stairs, stomach torn open. They both ended up sticking around despite the fact they could've simply left at any time before they dumped Simon onto a bed of towels in the trunk. It was impossibly awkward in the tense silence of the car, Simon had stopped talking, Miles took initiative to fill the silence; lovely, someone forgot to take out the ripped Doom Eternal soundtrack, he's going to throttle someone.
The screaming, the grinding, the constant noise, it grated on the ears of Klavier who had a fine tuned mind for the stuff; he could appreciate the instrumental side to an extent, but otherwise it hurt his ears. Miles on the other hand, to him it sounds fine, somewhat like classical, just with different instruments, still carefully calibrated, still elaborate, still classy as fuck. Apollo had gotten used to this sort of music, Trucy not so much, but she still adapted and was fine with it while Klavier groaned silently.
Then came a somewhat drunken tone, followed by shuffling.
"What are we listening to?" Was the question asked, shockingly coherent given Simons state, but when Apollo glanced back to find Simon somehow propped up for eye contact he nearly screamed.
"Lie the fuck down right now!" Apollo shrieked and the sudden sound caused a harsh swerve, near collision, and Miles whipped his head back to see the problem.
"Simon! I'm killing you if we don't die on the road first!" Miles shouted at Simon who slumped back to the damp towels below them, another swerve followed by a delirious 'wee' from Simon, "fucking children, I hate you all."
"What did I do?" Klavier asked, his tone was a demand as he started the question, but it slowly shrunk to nothing at the glare Miles served him, silencing, murder, death, destruction, he had been killed by one look, now he gets why people don't screw with Edgeworths.
"Wanna say that again, Klavier motherfucking Gavin?" Miles dared, his tone was a tease and Klavier knew that if he dared he would never see the light of day again.
"No," Klaviers response was quiet, almost to quiet to hear over the music.
"Good, Trucy, be a dear and change the song," Miles said, at first his tone was stern, but it softened undeniably so for a somewhat frightened Trucy who did as asked.
"How long is it until we reach the hospital?" Apollo asked, his tone was submissive and afraid and worried all at once, how he managed was beyond everyone, even his boyfriend.
"Anywhere between ten minutes and hours, depends how many traffic laws we bypass," Miles said, shrugging his extremely tense shoulders as he did so.
"We should bypass, all the laws!" Simon exclaimed from the trunk, they were still in shock, head propped on a full bottle of wind shield wiper fluid, they weren't seeing things right for sure.
"Simon, we aren't bypassing any laws-!" The statement was torn from Apollos form at the sharp turn Miles had taken, they were air born, and a thud, a small splash of Simons organs rearranging themselves.
"What the fuck dad!?" Klavier shouted, quick to cover his mouth upon realizing his choice of words.
"We jumped a ramp, Klavier," Miles said, offering a hand to Trucy who was visibly shaking, "now care to explain why you called me dad?"
"Well, its just, you're kind of like a father, you know, been years since I saw mine," Klavier explained, very, very ashamed of having made such a mistake in front of his boyfriend and someone drugged up on blood loss and red wine because Miles said it eases pain whilst pouring himself a small shot and Simon a large shot, "and it gets kind of pointless to wander without any past s-"
"Are we really doing this conversation now?!" Trucy barked at Klavier, twisting in her seat to try and grasp the collar of his shirt, stress in her body visible as her heart raced and body shook, it took her a long time to speak up.
"Klaviers getting bee-eet when we get home," Simon giggled, gently banging their fist on the back of Klaviers seat and his embarrassment rose.
"Trucy, I know I am yet to be your legal father on paper, but I'm imposing my fatherly powers and telling you to shut the fuck up before I drive us off a cliff by accident!" Miles snapped, tearing his eyes from the road to glare at Trucy, who did exactly as told, no one in the car knew a simple car ride could evoke such rage and stress and emotional tension.
The rest of the ride was nearly silent, Simon still talked, but once they were carried into the front room of the hospital they got separated from each other.
And thus the curious site of a lawyer, a rock star, a prosecutor and a magician sitting in the waiting room of a hospital, all of which bloodied, was brought to life.
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swansstuff · 4 years
So uh, I've been thinking about a hypothetical Trucy Wright: Act Attorney and here is the very poorly written outline for it because yeah. No spoilers except the Apollo Trucy thing. Tw death, murder, blood and grieving so yeah.
Trucy's first case is literally her first ever case. This is a flashback case. We follow her as she wakes up, slightly stressed about today, Phoenix gives her cereal and a pep talk and a cryptic message. Trucy asks where Papa is, it is Miles, they are married. Phoenix is cryptic about that too. He stays behind as he "has to buy groceries" so Trucy heads into the office. Apollo greets her, it's clear they know they're siblings, and he hands her a case. Miles is prosecuting. She is fucking terrified. She goes to the crime scene, Gumshoe is the detective and he's educating his teenage sons, constant confusion of who's who, because they are twins and they look very like Gumshoe, it'll be kinda funny. Its a simple investigation. During the investigation, the player can check Trucy's profile and the profile system shows character's middle names now. We get some gems such as Klavier Hyacintha Gavin later on, the reasoning behind this is coz Trucy is nosy. The important one here is Trucy Mia Wright. She says something about how she chose her own middle name when Phoenix adopted her and she chose Mia after learning about her. Yada yada. Trucy wins the case. Edgeworth is very proud, Phoenix is in the gallery and there's a flash of him crying proud tears, Apollo hugs her afterwards, Athena congrats her.
Next case, flash forward three years later, we do not see Phoenix and nobody really mentions him. Thats because he's fucking dead but we don't know that yet. This case is a Fey case, we meet Maya who is married to Franziska and they're technically on honeymoon in Kurain and Pearl becomes the Maya to Trucy's Phoenix. Its another fey murder case. There are a few mentions of Trucy's admiration of Mia, mainly just a mirror of a few lines she's said and a conversation where her and Maya talk about her, Trucy says she would have loved to meet her and Maya explains how her spirit has been dormant for ages now and how she assumes she's moved on.
"If you want I can try and channel-"
"No no no no NO. Its ok!"
This is our first hint that Phoenix is no longer with us, but we don't know until later thats what she means. Sebastian is the prosecutor, the player finds out that Miles is taking a break from prosecuting work, Trucy already knew of course, and Sebastian is dubbed Chief until he comes back, Fran says
"It would've been me were I not on my literal honeymoon right now." We are not told why yet, but it is because of Phoenix. Kay Faraday is the detective, somebody murders someone and frames Maya, no-one is shocked by this. We also get an update on Iris, she's thriving. She wins yada yada.
Next case, a couple of months later, Trucy gets a call from a friend that the player can't identify at first. Its Katrielle Layton. She needs Trucy's legal knowledge because someone is sueing her detective agency because have you seen how they practice. This, of course, turns to murder and we get another surprise when we meet the prosecutor. Who probably has a licence to practise law in England? Simon Blackquill, he is British ok. Yeah, Trucy wins with Kat's help, we meet Ernest and Sherl and Alfendi and Flora if we have time. I miss them. Trucy and Kat have a conversation that cryptically addresses their fathers and their "whereabouts" and living up to their legacy. We see Trucy cry, but only a similar flash to AJ:AA and we do not know why. Yet.
Next case, flashback case. Trucy is the assistant on this case but we still play as her, even in the court sections since Phoenix is prepping her for the bar and getting her to give him the answers. The bar exam is only in three days. Klavier is prosecuting. The case somehow relates to Kristoph and there's the whole mirror dynamic thing of when Phoenix lost his badge. Kristoph is dead by now, but the whole thing is there was a plot inside prison to make Phoenix pay for putting a bunch of them in, Kristoph was the assumed ring leader until he died and the cops now dont know who's running it. Somebody (Godot? That would hurt big time) was their inside man, sent to figure that out, so when whoever it was turned up dead, the whole thing got exposed. We get a bit of a Mia moment in the trial where Trucy tells Phoenix to flip over the receipt (thats evidence for some reason). Phoenix says "I feel like that shouldn't be the second time someone has said that to me". The killer is found, by Phoenix, and put into isolation, as have most of the other participants. We then see Trucy get her badge. They have a conversation and Trucy says Phoenix basically forgot about it for a couple of months. The case closes with a foreboding "and I forgot about it too, until..."
Next case. Phoenix is fucking murdered. Trucy gets a phone call late at night, she hears laboured breathing on the other end and a "don't forget I love you" from Phoenix. Trucy pulls a simba and goes "dad? Dad?!!" And the line goes dead. The player is presented with a choice of who to call. They have two phone calls. Who they choose first makes no difference, but the second time they are forced to choose Ema who will trace Phoenix's phone call. They could call Apollo and he would comfort her, Miles would panic, Maya would say he was just messing around, Athena would sense her distress and say she's coming over etc. You could attempt to call Phoenix back but he would not answer and you would be allowed to call someone else. Ema then traces the phone call and we follow Trucy to the crime scene. We get a truly haunting cutscene where everything kinda goes blurry except Phoenix's face and the blood. Trucy doesn't cry. She stands there in shock. The WAA is there in various states of shock and upset. Return of grieving Apollo I guess. Miles turns up and the look on his face is haunting. Trucy and him make eye contact and they share the thought of something has to be done. And then. "The bar association took me off the case and Papa too, they said we were too close to it. As a result, we never found out who did it... Until now." And we see a determined Trucy face. We jump forward to where we last saw Trucy, she and Pearl are coming back from England and its a bit more cheery. Trucy sends Pearl on a train back to Kurain and heads on home. She enters the house and we see Miles pouring over Phoenix's case. He jumps up and runs towards her.
"Trucy! I think I have a lead, I-"
"Papa, you're tired, go to bed." (Or better dialogue along those lines)
Its clear he's been doing this sort of thing a lot.
"But I do! At least...I think I do..."
He trails off and rests his head in his hands.
"Do I? Or am I just a mess?"
Trucy gives him a sad smile.
"C'mon let's go to bed."
Miles returns the sad smile and fades out like all ace attorney characters do. The player is given the option to look around. There's probably some emotional dialogue and bits that give clues to how she and Miles have been fairing the past 3 years. Answer is, not very well. Examine the pile of papers on the table. Trucy will take a look and then realise her papa may have actually been onto something. Its a diagram of which prisoners knew each other, with an arrow from each leading to a defense attorney we have never met. Trucy is confused, but she calls for Miles anyway. He comes back downstairs and Trucy asks him about this lead he found.
"Well I realised all those prisoners would know this defense attorney (insert name?)"
"Why? And why would they be suspicious?'
"They (pronouns?) Were always the defense attorney who would take on the cases of those Wright had already accused. They gained a reputation of being the doomed defense attorney."
"So... They knew all the prisoners in the plot and they had a grudge against daddy... Papa I think you're onto something!"
And the case continues, since we already know who's been accused, it plays out more like an investigations game, Trucy has to prove it, with Miles' help of course, literally every other character we know and love plays a part in making sure this guy gets a guilty verdict. There is still a courtroom bit and a moment when all is looking dark, Trucy literally has a full on breakdown as the Judge threatens to remove her from the case again. Miles is by her side, they're both technically prosecution here i guess. Miles, however, is too deep in his own mental breakdown to help. Everyone else is in the gallery besides Pearl. Pearl channels Phoenix as a last hope sort of thing. Phoenix comforts her and tells her to keep fighting, he touches her badge and probably says some sort of bullshit about it. The Judge is about to bang the gavel when Trucy and Phoenix object at the same time. Miles looks up and realises whats going on and he objects too, a little later. The battle goes on until it finishes and the other attorney has a breakdown that steals little bits from every other murderer Phoenix has put behind bars.This is the one time seeing the word guilty on your screen feels good. There's a whole heartwarming celebration at the end, Phoenix sticks around for a little bit and everyone gets a bit of closure. Its assumed he's gone since Pearl passes out and Trucy dips out for a sec. She's away from the festivities, staring at the badge in her hand and we see someone coming up behind her. Maya is channelling Phoenix now. He gives Trucy a hug and utters the words "the only time a lawyer can cry is when its all over and, Trucy darling, my light, its over." Echoing both Diego and Mia.
And the screen fades to black with a final hug between father and daughter.
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bindingties · 5 years
(( Obv I’ve been thinking abt a p.ersona 5 AU bc that’s who i am so im just gonna dump all the ideas i got in here & futz and add later or something idk i make aus via the ‘throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks’ method
also just bc this has been a problem lately & i lack the energy to deal w things after the fact rn: pls personals do NOT reblog my posts ^^ ))
Manfred absolutely has a Palace.  Look at him.
The detention center / prison, courthouse, and prosecutor’s office all appear distorted, but I’m gonna go with the courthouse being the kinda ‘center’ and being where his Treasure actually is.
The detention center / prison looks like an extensive trophy room commemorating all of his won cases.  The trophies tend to have design elements that hint at the damning evidence and crime in question while also having the name of the defendant in question somewhere.  All of them are gold, except for the one representing the IS-7 case.  That one is a bronze and notably smaller in size.
Both the courthouse and the prosecutor’s office appear as temples that worship him as a god.  The office is a bit more like a bustling hub of priests that are incredibly incompetent.  The courthouse is grand and opulent with perfectly sculpted marble statues and busts of him.
There’s a slight infestation of insects which all have a pattern similar to the defense attorney badge.  They mostly scurry and run away from just about everything.  The Shadows take the form of judges, prosecutors, bailiffs, and detectives.
Safe Rooms correspond to defense lobbies.
There is a depiction of the DL-6 Incident actively showing Manfred shooting Gregory, but the style frames it more as a heretic being righteously smote than the reality of an unconscious man being shot by a petty fossilized man child.
There are cognitive versions of both Miles and Franziska and neither of them are great.  Cognitive Franziska actually still appears as child and would fight any intruders but, due to Manfred’s low opinion of her and her capabilities, she actually cannot win.  Cognitive Miles is dressed in that horrid Manfred-style red suit but like resembles Gregory to a much higher degree than Miles actually does.
The Treasure is held in a large, central courtroom.  In the Metaverse, it is a golden, weighed scale and, once brought out, is a prosecutor’s badge.
Also you bet him as a boss utilizes a lot of Electricity skills.  Also some Gun skills.  What can I say, I’m not that subtle. 
Kay vc: i can steal shit AND have superpowers?????? hell yeah!!!!
100% agree with @flairer Kay would be Sun Arcana with Yatagarasu P.ersona absolutely no doubt let’s go
Have nothing firm on how they actually.... get there???? Maybe during the Quercus Alba nonsense.
tfw an ambassador keeps flaunting diplomatic immunity so u just gotta come into incredible power to force the bastard to admit to murder himself
also just Akechi: my codename is Crow Kay: absolutely not u Mask☆DeMasque lookin motherfucker
not that im really trying to super integrate w the existing team, but kay was extremely offended by akechi’s codename choice & i have to share that
Tragically started thinking that after Turnabout Succession, Klavier would develop a Palace due to worsening paranoia and lack of healthy coping. 
The distortion does cover the entire city... kinda? The thing is that Klav is very ‘the whole world’s a stage’ in an absolutely unhealthy way.  The layout and buildings are retained but it has the vibe of a music festival or other celebration?
Everything leads toward the courthouse though, which is 100% a very large and elaborate stage.  It’s hard to notice from the ground, but a tightrope is suspended way, way above it.  There is no safety net below it.  Just the cold, hard stage.
Shadow Klavier is always in the middle of a concert on that stage and the crowd oddly alternates between vicious heckling and overwhelming praise.  It turns on a dime and seems to have nothing to do with the actual performance.
Various cognitive versions of familiar faces exist in the Palace and perfectly match the mannerisms / personalities of the real counterparts... when talking to any Thieves.  If the subject of Klavier comes up, though, they tend to grow more harsh and disparaging toward him.
Cognitive Miles has the role of a manager and at first attempts to discourage any interaction with Shadow Klav because it might distract him and ruin the show.  He immediately relents, however, with the thought that he’s always wanted to fire Klavier and so any mishaps with the show would be the perfect excuse.
Shadow Klav isn’t that overly aggressive, but there are still traps and Shadows swarming the area.  While he is certainly civil, he does not hide his mistrust at all and can be surprisingly gloomy, though is somewhat like Shadow Futaba in that he’ll drop cryptic hints or express support for the Thieves’ actions.  
I love the idea of Klavier getting pulled into his own Palace due to Shenanigans™ and Cognitive Nick sees him and tells him he’s almost late for walking the tightrope and forces him toward it
Meanwhile Klav is just ‘wow idk what the hap is fuckening but my overwhelming sense of guilt compels me to do whatever Wright(?) says so i guess im abt to do a very dangerous stunt that will most certainly end in my death’
Shadow Klav does a very aggressive intervention because he does contain Klavier’s wish to help people.  He insists that Klavier cannot survive living solely like he’s a product to be consumed and destroyed.  A ticking time bomb of contradictory desires based on unknowable perceptions.
Meanwhile, Cognitive Nick grows more twisted and manipulative and begins to viciously antagonize and guilt-trip the hesitating Klavier.  The crowd likewise grows more and more restless and demanding of a spectacle.  Still, whether the crowd wants Klavier to succeed or fail is hard to determine.
Also like Manfred having a Palace kinda implies Nick as a Thief too and the idea of Nick also being there and seeing that this is how Klavier sees him is... oof ouch.
But yeah Shadow Klav is like “Are you going to continue to let yourself be chained to expectations?  Even when it will kill you?”
Obv Klav’s like “yeah, you know what? I will live for my own damn self.”  And comes into his P.ersona which is like... halfway unnecessary.  Cognitive Nick is just an asshole... not exactly a giant fucking sphinx
Can’t decide whether Klav’s Arcana is Death or Moon, though.  I like Death’s message of metamorphosis and change for him.  But also Moon’s got fun bits about facades and fear.
Nick afterward: hey um... i just wanna say that im so- Klav: i finally have some capacity to be mad at you without feeling like the scum of the earth for doing so so im gonna be 100% unashamedly pissed for a while just... give me some time. also im abt to sleep for 1000 years because holy shit
And yeah it’s not a 100% fix and Klav still has paranoia and the unhealthy perspective of being a product for consumption but like... he’s got somewhat better footing to seek and accept help.  And, likewise, does not have the subconscious desire to be hated so that he may self-destruct without guilt.  So, like, that’s a plus.
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I remembered a really goofy AU I dreamed up over the summer and I’m probably not gonna get around to doing all the art I wanted to do for it so let’s just talk about it instead. Let’s just chat about my Ace Attorney/Breath of the Wild AU.
(You all know me. You can’t be surprised by now.)
I have never actually played a Zelda game besides BotW, and I’ve cobbled this all together from only a few vague glances at the wiki. Just like, just work with me, okay.
Phoenix: a young Rito bard-in-training who leaves his training and the village in a quest to become a warrior and save his childhood friend, who he’s only now discovered did not so much “move away” as he was instead “kidnapped”. (Birdnapped? Hatchling-napped?)
Dahlia: a beautiful young Gerudo con artist who claims to be out traveling Hyrule searching for a husband, but has a tendency to rob men blind and leave them for dead - if she doesn’t leave them actually dead.
Mia: a Gerudo warrior who rescues Phoenix from Dahlia and takes him under her (metaphorical) wing to train him to fight. She’s out traversing the land searching not for a husband, but for her long-lost mother.
Maya: Mia’s sister, a young Gerudo magic-user training to become chief of all the Gerudo - all the ones in her tiny far-from-the-desert village, anyway. She is, how do you say, really fucking bored with it, and craving a life of adventure, she tags along with Phoenix.
Pearl: a very young and powerful Gerudo magic-user, and Maya and Mia’s little cousin. Maya rescues her from her cruel mother and takes her along with her and Phoenix on their world-traveling adventures.
Miles: a Rito warrior and Phoenix’s childhood friend, taken in and trained in the arts of war by his father’s murderer. That truth, when he finds out, shakes him to his core and sends him on a journey of self-discovery.
Franziska: a Hylian soldier, and Miles’ sister. The fact that her father is a cold-blooded murderer upended her life as well, but she loves her “little” bird brother more than her father and she herself has run off trying to track Miles down.
Gumshoe: a Goron traveler sworn to help Miles after Miles saved his life. He’s very friendly to Phoenix, Maya, and Pearl, and Franziska, but wishes they would all get along.
Godot: a Rito warrior forcibly retired and grounded after losing his sight in a fight with Dahlia. He loved Mia and resents Phoenix, thinking she wouldn’t have been killed if she hadn’t taken on dead weight.
Also I drew Phoenix
Tumblr media
Anyway, so the main plot of this, as you may be able to gather, is that Phoenix, kind gentle and naive, finds out one day that his best friend from childhood actually wasn’t just adopted by a Hylian warrior who found Miles after his father was killed by monsters on the road. No, said Hylian warrior killed Miles’ father, stole Miles - thinking that having a warrior who is loyal to him and able to fly is a good deal - and just fucked off and got away with it all these years. Knowing this, Phoenix bids his home village adieu and sets out to learn to fight and find Miles and kick Manfred’s ass.
The first person that Phoenix meets is Dahlia, and they travel together for some time before she tries to pull her usual “rob him and murder him” modus operandi when dealing with a man, but Mia steps in and saves Phoenix. Phoenix thus ends up tagging along with Mia for a while, learning to fight from her, but she is unfortunately killed on the way back to her home village. Phoenix continues the rest of the way there to bring the news to her sister, and then he gets embroiled in some local Gerudo politics. (Like, local-local, like tiny village in the mountains on the other side of the continent from the desert politics.) 
After this detour, he sets off again with Maya and Pearl in tow, all three of them with a renewed vow to find Miles or die trying. They end up meeting Franziska, who really doesn’t like them, but they learn from her that she’s Miles’ adoptive sister, she and Miles both know the truth of Miles’ father’s death, and Miles ran away first and she’s also looking for him. They don’t stick together, but because they’re both on Miles’ trail, they keep running into each other and butting heads. Gumshoe is also in and out of the picture. 
Anyway eventually they find Miles and form the weirdest mercenary band anyone has ever known: two Rito, two Gerudo, a Hylian, and a Goron. Godot’s just dicking around somewhere in the background this whole time I don’t know when they meet him or where he ends up going.
Also, characters whose places in the story I haven’t thought out yet but I don’t want to not mention them at all, so. 
Kay: Rito
Sebastian: Goron
Lang: Zora
Ray: Rito
Courtney: Hylian
Stay tuned (or not) for the next-gen cast.
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myrainydayloves · 5 years
Dear Justice,
I got your apartment all taken care of. Your landlord was more than happy to let you out of your lease after I let his arm out of it’s socket. (Hyperbole, Miles If you’re reading over my letters for crimes again). Hope you’re having fun revamping a whole country’s justice system. Let Rayfa that I love her and then tell Noel I love them and then tell Nahyuta that I bought a stick just to beat him with.
I can’t believe you didn’t mention any of this. I’m bringing up Section 2.1 - B of the relationship contact, I think you’ll find that LYING about your possibly murderous father’s sister in law being the ruler of a country and trying to KILL US counts as a breach of that section. As you very well know, due to me being on the receiving end of this rule several times, Section 2.1 - B reparations include several Tier Three Favors(as outlined in Section 3). I’ll be spending my first favor on you getting air conditioning installed in that fucking office before I get there.
And the rest of them on...you promising to stay my lover a bit longer. I…
Ugh...ew,...okay I’m just gonna say it.
I love you, Apollo. I think about you everyday you’re not in LA. And everyday you’re gone it rains and I hate it. I hate not being back your side to listen to your sassy remarks. Not sure where you got the balls you had in Kurain but…
I dug it.
You’re kinda cool, Apollo. And I love you. When I get there, I expect that AC on full blast and a blanket with you under it waiting for me to lay on your chest while you read papers. I miss that...I’m gonna miss that about this apartment.
All those nights of Chinese takeout and you explaining the case over and over to me before sending me out for more info. Me, tracing circles in the fabric of your college hoodie as you complained about Phoenix or Klavier.
I love you, Sunshine.
You’re my boyfriend Apollo Justice and you’re fine.
-Annaka Justice
PS: Don’t install that AC and see what fucking happening, A.
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crackmadhi · 6 years
Loss. Loss. Loss. It was the one thing that followed me everywhere. The only constant I had ever known.
When I was three, my dad left for the Iraq War. A year later he was reported dead. It was the only time I did not cry after losing someone.
In the following five years my mother started dying. She coughed and coughed and two weeks before Aura turned eighteen she stopped forever. I was nine and I did not sleep for longer than five hours in one go since then.
I got older and when I turned sixteen Aura took me to her work place, the Space Center, where I met her colleague and my future mentor Metis Cykes and her lovely daughter Athena.
As I became a prosecutor at the age of twenty, I met the young police officer Robert “Bobby” Fullbright. He was ecstatic to work with me and made me feel welcome in a work space, where everybody was questioning my worth and usefulness. A place where the law and justice were about to break after the disbarment of a defence legend.
I thought I could help. I could catch the Phantom on my own, restore the reputation of the prosecutor office.
The Phantom did not let me.
At the age of twenty-one I lost my mentor, my freedom and innocence, my credibility, my profession and passion and the love of my sister and Athena.
At least that was what I believed back then. Yet I was given a chance to at least unite one last time with my work as a prosecutor. I was twenty-eight and I was a dead man walking. I had no hope left for salvation. Secretly, I might have longed for it, but I had no strength left to wish for it any longer.
I did not count on the grieving hater of my sister, the desperate rage of Justice and the loving courage of Athena. And I did not take to account that Phoenix Wright’s bottomless faith in his clients and the unshakable will to peruse to truth of Miles Edgeworth would work in my favour.
Neither did I think that Fulbright, the man who had continued to come and talk with me, had been dead for more than two years. I did not understand how I had not noticed it, how I had been tricked, how he could had been dragged into this.
Three years, even a bit more, had passed since they freed me. I got used to the freedom and the separation from my sister. I got better. People knew more about me, I opened up…
But still… Fulbright was not leaving me. I reached the point, where I could see that Metis death was not my fault, but why, why had I not noticed sooner that I was no longer talking with the real Fulbright? What had I missed?
It hurt. It hurt so much. So much I still have not talked about the man with anyone. Anybody else, but him.
Wednesday, 8 May 2030
It was a Wednesday evening and I was about to finish my paperwork for the day. A weird feeling, as if something was poking my lungs, had haunted me for the last half hour and I felt somewhat nauseous.
The brainless routine while filling in papers did not distract me from it. In fact, it made it even worse, as my thoughts started to wander, and I heard his voice chanting his fucking maxim.
In justice we trust! In justice we trust! In justice we trust! In justice-
“Fuck! Stop it!”, I shouted and interrupted the voice in my head.
Tiredly a threw my pencil on the desk and stood up. Aimlessly I stood up and wandered over to the tall bookshelf, filled with books Klav had given me in order to make the place look homelier.
I felt like he failed but took one out and opened it at a random page. State law. Great. The words did not stick. My eyes flew over the pages and left me clueless.
… could be interpreted as …
What? When did I say that? It must have been over a decade ago. It was to him. But why? What reason could I possibly have had to –
The book was lying on the floor now. I moved away from the shelf, felt my hand gripping the skin on my skull. Did I start hyperventilating?
… Don’t worry! I’m not …
I almost fell down. I gripped helplessly something to hold on. Probably it was one of the shelves. How could my voice only sound so young? Why did I remember this conversation only now? I had forgotten about it. It had no importance, I wanted myself to believe.
… Justice.
Yeah. Funny isn’t it? …
It hit me straight in the face. My stomach ached horribly. I dropped down on my knees hitting my right hand on something.
My limbs suddenly became heavy, so heavy. Everything was numb. I – I felt like I watched myself cowered on the floor from the other side of my office.
That should have made me panic. At least I thought I should panic. Yet I did nothing like that. I saw myself crying, no weeping loudly. Unable to move, to stand up or to do anything other than that.
Was I disassociating? Great. That would be a first. Maybe it was a reaction due to the shock? The realization that there actually had been a way for me, and exclusively me, to figure out so much sooner that the Phantom and not Fulbright was standing in front of me?
Terran could be alive. My sister would be free, and Athena would not be traumatized. Dear god, why was I so oblivious?
I felt so devoid from emotion and started to drift away even further. Taka was in the room and screeched at me. My poor girl tried to pull me out of my turmoil, but it was an impossible task.
My crying continued, and I tried to remember if I had ever cried this loudly. No memory from such a thing crossed my mind.
A knock. Apparently, it did not startle me. I kept on sobbing, no reaction whatsoever.
The door was opened. Nahyuta came in. They had wanted to ask something but stopped as soon as they saw the scene in front of them.
“Simon?”, they said panicking and kneeled before me. With one hand they tried to keep Taka away from them and with the other they carefully touched my knee.
No reaction whatsoever. I did not even feel it.
“Simon? What happened? What is going on?”, they went on asking.
It had no use. They kept saying my name. After some time, I did not know how much later, steps followed. Someone entered. They were probably alarmed by Nahyuta’s cries and wanted to check onto the situation.
Von Karma and Klavier.
“What-? Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, what am I looking at right now?”, von Karma said furiously, while gripping her stuffy cravat thingy.
“I don’t know!”, Nahyuta answered teary. “I already found him like this! He- he doesn’t respond at all! He is like this for several minutes now!”
“Why didn’t you get someone in that case?! What fool-”
“Bright”, I completed breathlessly.
All three stared at me. I even I stared at me. I was surprised that I was even able to say a thing.
“Holy mother! Simon! Please, tell us what is going on! Or at least try to do so!”, Nahyuta now said.
They had let go of my knee and were crying now. I lifted my head a bit. Their eyes were so strikingly green, unique in their colour. Not like Fool Bright’s.
Thank god not like Fool Bright’s.
I had slipped back into my body, but everything was still so heavy and numb. I tried to lift my hand a bit, to reach for Yuta, to tell them they should not worry.
My body failed me. They saw it. It made Nahyuta stop crying, because now they must have realized that I was trying. That I was actually responding to their pleas.
They and Franziska started talking about moving me over to the couch, Nahyuta breaking of then and when to tell me I was doing good, as I slowly stopped sobbing. Until Klavier shrieked and pointed at my right hand.
“He’s bleeding! Oh god, his hand is full of blood!”, he exclaimed and jumped over to me. Decidedly he grabbed my hand and looked at it highly concentrated.
I did not even realize that I had been hurt. Must have happened when I fell down.
“Okay it’s not too deep, some of the blood has already dried and we still need to clean it. Please, Frau von Karma, do us the favour and get the first aid kit. We’ll try to seat him on the couch, while you’re at it.”
Von Karma did not contradict and was gone. Immediately Klav and Nahyuta tried to help me stand up. I tried to help them support my weight, but it was not much help. They were struggling to carry me but finally managed to get me on the couch in my office.
I now sat there and saw Taka hopping towards me. I had regained some control over my senses and knew I was the only one in the room, who would care for the poor, helpless animal. So, I cleared my throat and murmured, as it was the only thing I managed to do: “Window. Taka… wants… out…”
It took a moment before either of them understood what I wanted from them, so I had to repeat myself several times. Finally, Nahyuta got it and went to the window to let my beautiful bird out. At least on of us should be able to enjoy their freedom, I mused.
Von Karma came back and handed Klavier the kit. He opened it and laid it next to me on the couch. Nahyuta volunteered to fix my hand up and was assisted by the rock star.
They started with cleaning the wound and warned me carefully that it would probably hurt. I nodded absently but I felt no sting, as the cloth with the disinfectant on it touched my skin.
My lack of reaction might have bothered Nahyuta, but they did not let it show as they went on nursing me. Silence lurked in the air. It let me slide back to my thoughts on Fulbright. To the talk we had about eleven years ago. It had only been a stupid chat, not more than the exchange of unimportant stories. To think that this once so playful and light conversation would bring me such great turmoil. It was ironic.
“Do you know what happened, Simon? Can you tell us?”, Klavier asked me and handed me a glass of water.
I took it with my left and took a sip. Only now I started to realize how dry my mouth was and noticed the dried tears on my cheeks. A tissue was given to me and got to clean my nose. I started to feel like myself again, still somewhat off.
I took a deep breath, looked up and said with a weirdly peaceful smile: “I guess, I was disassociating due to shock.”
Von Karma and Nahyuta looked worried, while I saw anger arise in Klavier’s eyes. I did it. I actually used up Klavier’s apparently endless patience. He was done with my shit.
“Himmel, Simon! What the fuck fucked you up so badly? Stop this whole thing and follow your own fucking advice for once in your life! You might not believe it but it’s actually work- “, he started lamenting heatedly but was dragged back by Nahyuta and von Karma.
They pulled him outside of the room. I straightened up and folded my hands in my lap. Deep breath. I would not talk with him. Not here.
My strength had returned to an extend that it was possible for me to stand up and walk on my own again. Softly, I rose and snuck to the door. I heard them talking by the left side of the door. I know where they stood talking, they did not see me exit. I went in the opposite direction and took the stairs to leave the prosecutor's office.
Link to the fanfiction on ao3(there are 8 chapters)
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lesbiankoby · 8 years
do you have any fic recs? I Have A Need To Read
ahhhh ill try and avoid the obvious fics but i dont keep track of what i’ve read very well lmao (also im assuming u mean for ace attorney because that’s my current Thing)
like seriously there’s a bajillion other fics i Really Like but can’t find right now................anyway. 
would you smooch a ghost?
Regular people can't see ghosts. Fortunately, there aren't many regular people here.
(A baby AU of the original trilogy where spirits stick around a lot harder than before, depending on how they died and what's left to be done.)
/// ahhhhhh i love this one. belle played with syntax in really interesting ways and also killed me
A Portrait of the Artist (After He's Sold Out to The Man)
A very annoying day in the life of Phoenix Wright, defense attorney to the (B-list) stars.
/// sometimes. i think about this fic. a lot. written in the first person, but.......written well in the first person, which is rare. 
Backup Vocals
Klavier Gavin is a prodigy prosecutor holding auditions for his band. Apollo Justice is the son of an accomplished guitarist who he can't get out of his head after he tries out. 
/// if you follow me you probably also follow stef so whether or not i need to rec this is debatable but you know what. recin’ it anyway. ALSO please read stef’s other fics!! they’re good!!
Five Counts of Perjury
AU. Phoenix's arguments can be supported by a deceptively simple case: the tale of a jealous boy's actions, of questionable parenting choices, and the price the truth can cost. Proving the significance of the precedent to Edgeworth, is much more difficult in contrast.
/// i scream whenever this updates!!! literally!!!!!! please read it!!!!! its kid fic with the lunchmoney trio.....i love those children. also a general rec for all her other aa fics, especially the sebastian one. there’s never too much sebastian fic. 
The Dark Day of the Law
In which Miles Edgeworth and Phoenix Wright take a day off and unwittingly plunge the Californian legal system into the depths of insanity.
(No birds, guitars, or dignities were harmed in the making of this story.)
// so i also think about this one......a lot. 
The Heart in the Hearth
Although it had so much love to give, Phoenix knew he had to be careful with his heart. 
// this one is soft. 
Thirty-Eight Dollars
In which Phoenix finds out why Miles had thirty-eight dollars in lunch money on that fateful day. The answer is a surprise, but in hindsight he should have seen it coming.
// OKAY SO THIS IS. absurdly short. but i am...terrible at saving fics i’ve read, and it’s on my phone so i can just link it, and i laughed. these guys. 
The invitation says BBQ AND POOL PARTY in big block letters at the top. In slightly smaller block letters underneath, it says TO CELEBRATE PHOENIX WRIGHT GETTING HIS BADGE BACK.
// :)
When it becomes clear that he's going to die, Blaise calls in a hit on Sebastian, trying to punish his son for all his betrayals. Klavier, Kay, and Edgeworth race to save him.
// sebastian centric and, uh, very fucked up??? like holy fuck. this poor kid. anyway uh, mind the warnings in the tag? 
a lily for your salvation
"And thusly so, under the guiding light of the Goddess of Law - - may you be blessed."
Justine Courtney, and a faint recollection of when lawfulness became human.
// justine!!!! 
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bindingties · 5 years
(Edgeworth&Klaiver) Prosecutor, what do you think of Kristoph Gavin/your brother?
(( both miles & klav have answered a lot ic abt their feelings toward kristoph so this is kinda a fic-like thing??? i wanted to try something different rather than having the muses answer like they’re being interviewed shjdfgdhjf ))
The first time Miles meets Kristoph Gavin it is,unsurprisingly, in a courtroom.  Everyargument is an uphill battle; no matter what Miles says, Gavin has a quickcounter.  In a certain way, it isexhilarating to have such a quick and vicious opponent that forces him to stayahead.  On the other hand, he can easilytell that Gavin is not fighting for the same end that he is.  
He doesn’t agree with Gavin’s general philosophy but bears noill-will after the verdict is declared.
Gavin comes up again after Wright has been disbarred.  Miles had called his friend to Europe and isdoing his best to be supportive.
“You don’t have to go it alone, Wright.”
“Oh, well, I’m not, Edgeworth. I’ve got a friend back inCalifornia who’s helpin’ me out fine, so you don’t hafta worry so much aboutme!” He laughs and Miles rolls his eyes.
“Are you sure you want to get advice from Larry?”
Wright’s brow furrows and then he snorts. “Oh!  I didn’t mean Larry, I’m talking aboutKristoph Gavin. Probably should’ve mentioned that. Do you know him?”
Miles doesn’t know why he feels like the floor has opened upbeneath him.  Doesn’t know why thethought of Kristoph Gavin being Wright’s emotional support makes him want todry heave.  Of course Wright would haveother friends.  Of course.  It’s perfectlysensible that he’d go to the people who live near him and not across a fuckingocean.  He’d want someone who couldactually help and not someone woefully incapable.
“I’ve met him in court. I’m glad you have someone there.”
Miles sips a glass of water, watches Gavin and Wright talk,and decides that he hates Kristoph Gavin. What does Kristoph have that he doesn’t?  Why is Wright running to this purple bastardall of a sudden when Miles has been here….
Been here….
He hasn’t been here, has he?
He runs away at the drop of a hat and comes in like a stormand vanishes once more.  Why would Wrightever confide in him?  His grip on hisglass tightens and he feels bile rise in his throat as Wright chuckles atwhatever it is Gavin has just said.
He’s mine, Gavin.
But he’s not.
“Kristoph Gavin has been convicted for the murders of ShadiEnigmar, better known as Zak Gramarye, and Drew Misham as well as conspiring todisbar Phoenix Wright and attempting to murder Vera Misham.”
Hearing the report should not make him giddy – there is asizable body count and trauma – but Miles can’t help but feel vindicated.  He always knew that something was wrong withKristoph Gavin and had always been justified in hating him for it.
Still his sense of triumph is damped by the fact Gavin hadonly been sentenced to life in prison. Such a sentence will not do, in Miles’s opinion.  After all, someone so slimy is a disgrace notworthy of the air that they breathe.  
There is a precedent, and wouldn’t the world be saferwithout Kristoph Gavin in it?
“Kristoph Gavin has been executed this morning.”
Miles smiles into his cup of tea.
One of Klavier’s first memories is tripping on his ownshoelaces and skinning his knee. Kristoph is the one who cleans and puts a band-aid on it.  And for the longest time, Klavier is entirelyunaware how strange it is that his parents are fuzzy ghosts barely at the edgesof his memories.
All he has is his older brother and he loves him with all hisheart.
Klavier slams her bedroom door shut and kicks her trashcanfor good measure.  Who does he think heis?!  Telling her what she’s allowed towear?!  It’s not even that fucking cold.  Would it kill him to stop being such acontrol freak?
She snorts to herself as she slides her window open; itprobably would kill him.  
Carefully, she slips out of the window.
“Is this how you’re choosing to spite me this time, Klavier?”
“I’m not- It’s not- Just because you’re a defenseattorney, doesn’t mean I have to be one too!” And Klavier has done many thingspurely to spite his brother but choosing the prosecutor’s course is not one ofthem.  
He’s just worried that becoming a defense attorney wouldmean his brother also becoming his boss and doesn’t want to be under Kris’sthumb his entire life.  It’s bad enoughwith Kristoph being both an older brother and guardian.
Kristoph just peers at him over his glasses.
“The attorney who’ll be there in my place tomorrow is not tobe trusted. Don’t even give him the benefit of your respect. Listen, I want youto call in a special witness.”
Kristoph holds out a plain business card.  It would have been nice to face her brotherin court and prove that she knew what she was doing, that she didn’t need to bebabied.  Struggling not to scream, Klaviertakes the card and mentally waves her chance goodbye.
She trusts Kristoph’s words, of course she does, but shewishes that he had kept his nose out of this! Does he seriously not even trust her to corner a crooked attorney byherself?!
Why does he always have to try to control her life?!
“Prosecutor Gavin, we see fit to inform you that yourbrother, Kristoph Gavin, has been convicted of the murder of Shadi Smith.”
“Danke, I’ll return to California shortly.”
Klavier hangs up and doubles over a trashcan.  Nothing comes up and she wants to cry.  Why would her brother murder some randomguy?  It doesn’t make any sense!
When she visits him, she doesn’t get any answers. Why wouldshe?  He is allowed to pry into her life,but the reverse has never been true.
“I told you that Daryan boy was trouble, Klavier.”
“Just shut up.”
“You truly can’t trust anyone, can you?”
Klavier tries to keep his voice steady, tries to shine witha confidence he does not feel. “Let’s clean out the family closet, eh,Kristoph?”  He feels his brother’s steelygaze, but that isn’t what is making his stomach turn.
“Klavier… You’re spinning out of control. Calm yourselfbefore you say something you’ll regret.”
Before any performance, it is important to breathe and tokeep one’s eyes on the goal.  Breathe anddon’t get distracted.
“Spinning out ofwhose control? Mine? …Or yours?” Another confident retort said as he feelsadrenaline burn his veins and while he can’t keep his hands from trembling.  Honestly, he does feel like control isslipping away, but he can’t show weakness now.
“Take a moment to consider everything you’ve built. Yourreputation as a prosecutor… your fame with the masses. You could lose it all,Klavier.”
Just breathe.  Thetruth has always been his guiding light and he won’t let go of it now.  The truth will be his anchor.  He can handle what’s about to happen.
He can handle this.
“Infamous defense attorney turned murderer, Kristoph Gavin,has been executed today…”
Klavier is already well into a bottle of whiskey – it isn’tlike he hadn’t been informed earlier – and he just barely manages to grab atrashcan before he vomits.  He sinks ontothe floor, body wracked with sobs.  He’s broken, isn’t he?  What sort of person misses someone likeKristoph?
He looks at his knee and all he can see is Kristoph huffingout a sigh as he sticks a band-aid there. He just remembers meeting Vongole, just remembers Kristoph at hisgraduation, just remembers the trust and love he used to feel.
He wishes he had anyone to talk to.
‘You could lose it all, Klavier.’
You were right. Of course you would be right….
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