#military court
booomerangarrow · 1 year
"The Truth, Parts 1 & 2" (2002) is CAMP
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churchofsatannews · 1 year
Infernal Legion Podcast #039
On this #SinisterScuttlebutt episode of the official Infernal Legion podcast, Warlock Rick Colemire and Satanist Raul Atondo join the show! We discuss the Marine Corps’ missing fighter jet, recent developments in the Bowe Bergdahl desertion case, and the sometimes tedious reality of war. On The Tower, Magister Adam Campbell talks about a new program by veteran gun store owners to combat veteran…
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cairamelcoffee · 10 months
a Palestinian hostage was held in solitary confinement for 11 years and couldn't even recognize his own family
remember this and compare how hamas hostages were treated fairly because you know western media will not
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Been rereading sunshine court and I want to know what the fuck is going on with Jeremy and his family. how did he destroy the family. What does "end the way you started" mean. Why does he argue with his older brother and what the actual fuck is up between him and the stepfather and him and the step grandfather. WHAT HAPPENED AT THAT FALL BANQUET. also was there a fifth knox sibling that died somehow? really hoping we learn more about Jeremy's family and his whole thing in the second book because I'm dying to know. I'm very intrigued. Given how much he seems to hate his stepfather and his stepgrandfather I think maybe the fall banquet has something to do with either the end of his parent's marriage or maybe it's something specifically that Jeremy did? With how his sister said "end the same way you began" it seems like she means his freshman year banquet, and I wonder what could've happened with him just starting out at USC unless it had something to do with his family? Idk but I also suspect that his family (maybe just certain family members) has an issue with Jeremy being gay mostly based on a whisper of subtext and lots of conjecture. anyways lots to think about until tsc2 and boy will I be thinking about it
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allforthegayphase · 1 month
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Sunday 2:51 PM
Kevin’s phone
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clove-pinks · 3 months
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July 2nd, 1812: the start of U.S. General William Hull's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!
Unaware that war had been declared, Hull sent the American-flagged schooner Cuyahoga Packet up the Detroit River past the British fort at Amherstburg carrying musicians with instruments, invalid soldiers, and his personal baggage of journals, top-secret military plans, and correspondence with Secretary of War William Eustis.
Cuyahoga Packet was promptly captured by armed men in a British longboat who informed the surprised Americans of their situation, and forced the musicians to play "God Save the King." (Then they sent the war plans to General Brock).
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saggernooseai · 4 months
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it is done
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kaeyx · 8 months
Ok this is completely out of left field but hear me out. A royal!au with Diluc where he's a little known lord in the capital, and you're a bachelor/ette being taken to every ball of the season and getting paraded around to secure a good match. Diluc is incredibly rich and known in his lands for his kindness, revered by his soldiers, but he never really cared for the theatrics of high society nearer the capital. He was too young before his dad died, and he ran off during what should have been his debutant year, so nobody really knows of him besides trading partners. He always supplies the nobles with fine wine and meat from his herds but declines every invitation to actually come and attend an event in the big cities.
Until one time his wait staff and close trading partners manage to convince him, and he agrees to go to just one ball because he's in the area for business and the networking is always useful. He's not up to date with the current trends but gets a suit tailored for him ahead of time. He hasn't read any of the famous writers of the moment but he's still a learned man who can talk philosophy with all the men twice his age, who are charmed and all too eager to throw their kids at him, hoping for a chance to bring their families together.
You're one of the debutants and have had to sit through a dozen introductions while your parents try to secure a good match. You're not rich or important enough to have your pick of husband, but you're not poor enough to be completely irrelevant. Of all the bachelors running around and trying to charm you with their knowledge of the latest plays and wars, only one catches your eye. It's hard to not notice him, honestly. Diluc is tall and broad but doesn't hold himself like a man of war, fiery hair tied back from a handsome, brooding face while he stands on the sidelines and talks to some older nobleman. You've never seen him before, and none of your friends seem to know him either. He's the lord of a smallish county near the border, and you recognise the name from their generous sponsorships and rich wines.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 1 year
Had a conversation with a very warm and earnest liberal explaining that well cluster munitions aren’t good but at least ukraine is mostly going to be using them on Ukrainian soil so it’s the country’s own civilians that are going to be getting exploded a few years down the line so its them making a self-sacrifice rather than using them on another country and I had to suppress the urge to chidiyouunderstandhow.jpg
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americankimchi · 6 months
tcw is so good at introducing us to characters and bite-sized stories that capture our attention and so, SO bad at following even a modicum of logic when it comes to the consequences of actions under military law
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
Iroh's "I looked away"
“The Storm” [s01e12] provided us a great insight into Zuko’s character, one that undoubtedly helps to understand his motives and anger but also how Ozai’s physical and psychological abuse influenced the banished prince. There are plenty of things to talk about, many little details that build layers of a complicated relationship between Zuko and his father, uncle, or even his crew and how perception of Zuko changes once we learn the truth behind the scar. But the episode also shows us a great deal of insight into Iroh’s character and though I do love how “The Storm” challenged our perception of those characters, rewatching ALTA makes Iroh’s “I looked away” much more devastating to me. 
Because it is not just about his guilt over abuse Zuko was forced to endure. A guilt that won’t disappear no matter if he could or couldn’t do anything to prevent it, but… Iroh truly looked away from Fire Nation as a whole, didn’t he? Understandably, he was grief-struck after Lu Ten’s death and he did not fight back Ozai for the throne, as I suspect he either did not care anymore for it or did not want a civil war to destroy Fire Nation from inside. But he still was The Dragon of West, a very respected general and powerful political figure that others weren’t willing to openly challenge, including Ozai himself.
And no, I’m not wondering why Iroh did not interference with Agni Kai before Zuko’s face was burned to “teach him respect” but about the fact that he did not say anything at all against using the division of new recruits as a bait - and from the episode alone, we know he agreed with Zuko on that matter. It wasn't the right strategy - even if it has merit from a military standpoint, it definitely wasn’t moral or good for Fire Nation’s wellbeing. Beside Zuko, who openly challenged the strategy and called it betrayal, the only person that questioned it at all was an old unnamed general (“But the 41st is entirely new recruits. How do you expect them to defeat a powerful Earth Kingdom battalion?) while Iroh simply kept quiet and this detail makes me think the “I looked away” is as much about Iroh looking away from Ozai’s cruel abuse toward Zuko as about Iroh’s passivity during the war meeting, and in greater scheme, Fire Nation’s politics. I doubt Iroh could change Ozai’s mind and sure, I do not have an idea how the relationship between Fire Lord and ex-Crown Prince looked like, but the point is, Iroh did not even try to question the strategy and choose to sit quietly and dunno, it makes me wonder, did Iroh give up at this point of his life? Was he so afraid of the consequences for speaking his mind that he allowed Ozai and Fire Lord’s court to subdue him so much? Because if he did, his words to Zuko “[...] But you must promise not to speak. Those old folks are a bit sensitive, you know?” is as much warning to Zuko as to himself. 
Iroh said to the crew that Zuko was right but it wasn’t his place to criticize the strategy, but who else was supposed to speak against this plan, if Iroh himself chose to stay quiet on the matter? If all generals - then and three years later - didn’t have any respect for life, whatever for their own subjects or civilians of other nations? And I think this is what truly kills me about this situation, that 13 years old boy had courage to speak against this dehumanization of Fire Nation’s citizens when Iroh, our good uncle Iroh, kept quiet and looked away again and again from what was happening until he couldn’t do that anymore because too great damage was already done.
(And isn’t it ironic that Iroh gave little Zuko a knife with the description never give up without a fight - words Zuko adapted as his life motto - but Iroh himself gave up? First at Ba Sing Sai, after Lu Ten’s death, now here during a war meeting and maybe, just maybe it is Zuko that unexpectedly pushed him back on the right track to actually do something, to make a choice and fight for what he believed was right instead of passively watching all the abuse done to an innocent child and young soldiers serving loyalty to their country. Was Iroh already a White Lotus then or did the travel with Zuko give him an opportunity to join it because he couldn’t anymore look away from how messed up Fire Nation became?)
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samadhifired · 11 months
While ago, I made a post about the Mayor/Chief of War's Chinese dub title being 大元帅/Dà Yuánshuài (aka Grand Marshal).
And after little more digging (aka throwing the term in Wikipedia's search par), this kind of courtesy title was mostly reserved for two types of people:
Legendary war heroes
The Crown Prince
Based on the little we know about the Mayor's backstory, I think the first one is probably the one the show writers were going with. Which would make the Mayor a nice parallel for Azure.
You know, them both being high ranking soldiers who grew so tired of their boss' bs that they ended up killing them.
But the second possibility... That idea of LBD slowly manipulating the Emperor's very own son into her most loyal servant. That she had lost her faith in humanity so thoroughly that the idea of replacing this selfish ruler with her puppet wasn't a choice she even considered.
(Unless that was indeed what she did, since that scene clearly takes place before she met the Pilgrims)
But most importantly: the idea that the Mayor was so loyal to LBD that he gave up his future as an Emperor, betrayed the people he was supposed to rule one day and murdered his own father.
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neuro-stasis · 9 days
Real talk tho, I really wanna see Trigger's trial in AC7, I need to know what in the Ace Attorney kangaroo court bullshit happened for him to straight-up get convicted of murder - not negligence, not manslaughter, murder
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jmoonjones · 2 years
Velaris is the safest place to live in Prythian, a place where the citizens have very few things to worry about.
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Fyi this isn't a pro or anti post, it's just a sleep deprived post and maybe a NSFW post if you wanna get technical? I’m sorry i can’t sleep and so everyone must suffer with me
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soath · 7 months
LOVE Orym being the one guy convinced the world is ending while his coworkers are every single day “hahahh, what if we just stayed in this tiny haunted town and let the moon explode? what if we just combust and disappear into the night and start a bed and breakfast? lol i’m joking… unless?” He’s read one history of the Calamity by Ja’red Moissanite and he’s plagued by visions of mass destruction every night. Soldier boy who did a worksheet on Times The Gods Felt Threatened through correspondance school starting to get some real Destruction of All We Hold Dear vibes from this movie.
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What exactly are 16 hour days? how did 2 weeks become equal to 3 and all that-? didn't really get that
Ok, I'll try to explain in the most didactic way possible but please let me know if any part of it is still confusing.
So, per canon, the Ravens operate on 16 hours days. This means that every 16 hours, they start another day in their Raven Calendar. In theory, this means they can cramp their daily routine to be more effective.
How does it work? 24 and 16 actually have very small least common multiples: 24x2=48 and 16x3=48. So in practice, every three Raven Days their timekeeping matches up with Regular Days and that's how they can carry life:
Let's say they begin counting their Raven Hours at Regular Time midnight. First Raven Day ends 16 hours later, 4pm of the First Regular Day, Second Raven Day ends 7am of the Second Regular Day, and Third Raven Day ends midnight of the Second Raven Day, and it all starts again.
So for every two Regular Days, the Ravens actually lived an extra, shorter, one; and this is why Neil feels like he spent three weeks there instead of two. (14 24-hours days vs 21 16-hours days)
Years ago someone made a schedule and technically they could spread their classes just so it would make it possible for them to attend while also living the 16-hours mess, and I fully think this was Nora's intention when she wrote it, but personally I think it's more feasible that they only enter this routine during summer and winter practice, when they're only living among themselves.
In case it helps, here's the schedule I made for my fic that's helping me keep track of stuff: the numbers on the left are the Raven Hours, and the ones in the right are the Regular Hours they match up to in each day
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For comparison, in canon the Foxes practiced up to 9 hours a day in the summer, adding 18 hours of practice in two days. Following this schedule, in the same amount of Regular Time the Ravens practiced 21. Now think of this three extra hours every two days for the whole summer. And they don't take weekends off.(spoiler: they practice about 864 hours more in the end)
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