#milk in pregnancy
ladywellcare111 · 11 months
Which is the Best Milk During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy, it is generally recommended to consume pasteurized Milk. Pasteurization is a process that involves heating milk to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens, making it safe for consumption. One of the best Milk during Pregnancy is cow’s Milk, plant-based Milk like almond or soy milk. It is important to choose milk options that suit your dietary preferences and any specific nutritional…
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gravid-transluna · 2 months
Bread, Milk, and Eggs
words: 1390
content: rapid pregnancy and birth, lactation, birth denial, fpreg
Nadia grabbed a basket on the way into the supermarket. She wouldn’t need a cart. Her list only consisted of three simple things. The basket swung as she combed the aisles, leisurely.
She picked out a loaf, pausing to read the expiration date before dropping it in the basket.
As it plopped in, she immediately felt a strange sensation. It was almost like a tugging in her navel, a buttery innie. She pressed her lean, dark tummy, firm with athleticism. Not concerned. Just a little curious.
Then the tugging became a pressure, consistent with the bloated sensation she would experience on her period. Nadia frowned. She pressed down on her belly, and, to her surprise, it pressed back.
“The hell—?” She was really frowning now. She realized how she must look to passerby, a college-age girl in a crop top and jean shorts, staring at her stomach.
Probably just gas or something, she thought. She continued down the aisle. When she reached the end, she looked down again, this time gasping audibly. Her belly had a curve to it, bending a little past the waistline of her jean shorts now. Nadia pressed down again, hard. She stopped when she felt nausea well up inside her. Her belly was still mostly muscle, but had a slight softness to it, a give like a firm peach. As she watched, it swelled even more, pushing out slowly to stretch her shorts.
“Holy fuck,” Nadia muttered, suddenly feeling the flesh of her belly contained in the seams of her waistline like it had never been before. She felt extremely uncomfortable, and reached around it to undo the button, fingers fumbling. She gasped, breathing, and her belly expanded even more without the restriction.
Nadia could now spread her fingertips around its underside. She looked almost, she looked—
No. Nah. No fuckin’ way.
Nadia grabbed the bread from the basket and lifted it to her eyes. The expiration date had been nine months from now when she’d picked it out.
Now, it was four.
“I gotta be tripping,” Nadia mumbled.
She laced her fingers over her navel and held firm as the skin filled her hands and pushed against them. She refused to let it grow any more and ruin her trim tummy and athletic figure. Then a pain and pressure shot through her belly, as though something had rose, shoving, up into her sternum. She let go, and her belly rapidly dropped, the skin stretching tightly, itching around her belly, her taut belly muscles being pulled and loosened and smoothed into a round, curving shape. She watched in mounting horror, cupping her mouth as her innie rose and popped outward. Then, a sharp inner jab, distending its tight surface. Nadia gasped. Movements wriggled her belly viscerally. She clutched at her lively swell, unable to deny it any longer.
“Shit, I’m pregnant,” she said.
Dark stretch marks patterned the sheening brown skin. Nadia regretted her crop top, exposing her to the entire supermarket. She glanced around. She only needed a few more things, then she could get to a doctor. She began to speed-walk, realizing that her strut had been hindered to a waddle, heavy belly forcing her to walk with her back curved to support the gravid weight.
Without realizing it, Nadia rested her hand atop the high shelf of her belly as she walked, a natural maternal gesture.
She came to the dairy aisle and opened the door, suppressing a sharp breath as her belly rippled and twitched with a flurry of kicks. As soon as she placed a carton of milk in her basket, she was subjected to another set of sensations.
She recoiled.
“Noooo,” Nadia moaned, heedless to glances from passerby. “No, no, not again!”
Sharp points of pressure stabbed through her nipples, and she watched as they stiffened under her crop top, then began to thicken and elongate, inching outward. Her small breasts, she realized, were swelling as well. They sank, full, still not particularly large but swollen now, tender. High before, their undersides now rested on her belly, humiliatingly completely her very pregnant appearance. Nadia cupped them, then gasped; her fat nipples were sensitive, raw. The simple contact had leeched milk from the tips, forming twin wet spots on her tip. She crossed her arms over her chest, feeling them continue to dribble achingly.
My top, Nadia thought. My favorite fucking top.
She had to get out of here, now. Before anyone saw her, leaking milk in the dairy aisle. Before anything… worse could happen.
As if on cue, her belly shook and swayed with powerful, urgent kicks.
One more item. Fortunately, it was on the same aisle, near the milk. Nadia scanned quickly, chose a carton at random, not even bothering to check the eggs for cracks as she usually did. Breast milk ran freely down her front now, her top soaked with two spreading wet patches. She threw the carton into her basket and heard a crack.
Nadia cursed. She opened the cartoon and saw that it only contained a single broken egg.
“What the—”
Then her belly surged, a sudden pressure rushing through her, downward. Her knees trembled, weak. She clasped the aisle fridge handle to remain upright as fluid flushed from her vagina, drenching her legs and puddling the floor. Immediately she felt something large, heavy, and round drop between her pelvis. Her belly hung lower. The bones of her hips craned with forceful pressure; they were still narrow and girlish, unable to reach the significant width of expecting mothers in time for her own birth.
“No, I—” Nadia stuttered, clutching her belly. “I can’t be—nnnngh.”
An urge to bear down pounded in her head. Nadia fought it, sleek muscled body tensing with resistance. She tried to put her legs together, feeling like the baby would fall between them with her widened stance, and found that she couldn’t anymore. They were permanently spread, hips opened in preparation. She turned and began to waddle as fast as she could to the front of the store, hand pressed over the sodden crotch of her shorts. Running had become a ridiculous notion, nearly impossible. Her knees wavered, threatening collapse. She couldn’t bring her legs together as she pumped them forward, and her belly swung, gravid and obtrusive, as she moved.
Another contraction. Every muscle in her belly clamped down, transforming it into a tight, rigid ball, driving the breath from her.
Don’t push, she thought. Don’t push. Pushing makes it real. Don’t—
She dropped into a deep squat in the middle of the aisle. Gripping the belly between her thighs hard enough to indent the surface, she bore down with a long, uninterrupted groan. Internal muscles thrust her baby through her canal, opening her. Her hips creaked. Her voice cracked, shrill now as she pushed again. The head slid between them, almost dislocating them with its width. She forced her legs even wider instinctually, desperate to make room for the descending head.
“Holy shit, she’s in labor!”
“Someone call 9-1-1!”
The people around her had stopped, unsure. They watched her, some phone cameras now winking down at Nadia in her birthing squat.
Her eyes widened as the contraction abated with the baby’s head resting in her vagina, filling her entire canal with tremendous weight. She could feel herself bulging into her jean shorts. On quivering spread legs she raised herself and hobbled out of the aisle.
“Excuse me, ma’am! You have to pay first!” an employee demanded as she passed the checkout, basket swinging from her arm.
The store alarms rang, and then Nadia was gripped by another contraction.
She buckled, bowing into another squat and pushing long, shoving her baby further into her tented jean shorts. The crown burned and dilated her vagina into a hot, red teardrop, then a drawn circle. Amniotic fluid spilled, spurting into the fabric around the head. Then her progress was suddenly, excruciatingly halted by her shorts. She’d pushed half a head into them and the stretched fabric wouldn’t yield any more space. Nadia bore down, her clenching efforts fruitless now. Her pussy slipped, tense and bloodless around the head. She threw her head back and moaned with the screaming sirens.
It had been three simple things. The fourth? Well, the fourth she’d never expected to be so complicated.
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crisiscutie · 4 months
Wait for me...
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I'm coming.
The yandere version of this fic/scenario.
Pairing: "Fluffy" Sephiroth/Pregnant Darling
Content Warning: NSFW. Noncon. Milk Kink.
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You gazed at the well-stocked cabinet, the moonlight beaming on your face. You didn't know why you were doing this, considering that everything had already been put away for the night and the triplet boys were in bed. Maybe you weren't used to so many of the chores being done so quickly ever since your husband, Sephiroth, came back into your lives. You wanted to be glad about this "reunion". You really did. You couldn't, though. The horrific atrocities he committed in your family's name, his insistence on his right to rule the planet, his indoctrination of your sweet, innocent boys... It made you sick.
That fateful day he left your old home to find a cure for your degradation ended up changing him for the worst. He never told you the exact details of what happened, only mentioning an "epiphany" he had that day when he injected you with some sort of cells. Maybe, if you had gone with him, you could have stopped him from transforming into the monster he became now. It's all your fault.
You shook your head and closed the cabinet door, passing Sephiroth on your way upstairs. While you didn't dare to look at him, you saw him in your peripheral vision. He was sitting at his desk with his legs crossed, absorbed in a maternity book under the dim glow of the desk lamp. But as you closed the bedroom door, you practically felt his slit eyes piercing into you.
You laid sideways on the bed, careful enough to not cause discomfort to you or your unborn child, JENOVA. Her movements had become increasingly scarce and feeble in your womb lately. It's worrisome and odd, as you're forty-one weeks into this pregnancy. And to think a few months ago, you were worried about her coming out too early, as she was hyperactive, especially after Sephiroth reentered your lives. But now, it's almost nothing. Your hand gently cradled your swollen belly. Did those cells cause this? You received them not long after she was conceived. But alas, help was out of reach. Your husband had already gone to each and every neighbor of yours for his "visits". And even then, you and the boys are only allowed out of the house on occasion, always under his watchful eye.
Sephiroth entered the bedroom, his eyes scanning you from head to toe. You're not surprised. Wherever you go, you knew the serpent in your mind will follow. Like an invisible tsunami, his anger seeped through the room as he quietly closed the door and placed his maternity book on the dresser. He then gathered the scattered pillows around the bed, positioning one underneath your head, two for your belly, and one for your knees. He carefully adjusted your position before lying down behind you, spooning your body.
"You're overdue," he whispered, his lips now dangerously close to yours. Your breathing hitched and your heart rate increased as those words resonated in your mind. Of course, you are! You knew that. With one hand, he massaged your back while sliding his other hand beneath your maternity lingerie, toying with one of your nipples. He rolled the engorged nipple between his fingertips while studying your reaction; your lips parted, yet you struggled to suppress your moan. This obviously wasn't the greatest time for lovemaking, so why is he doing this? He forced that sweet moan out of you when he gave the nipple a gentle tug.
"Shh… We wouldn't want to wake the boys, would we?" He cooed at you, though his sweet, smooth voice didn't match his expression. His slit eyes shone at you with fury and the slightest hint of despair. It's clear that he's worried about her, just as you are. His luscious lips curved into his trademark devilish grin as his gentle tug on your nipple became rough, finally secreting that sweet milk that was contained for so long. He hadn't been suckling your tits for a while since he was too busy researching (and killing).
Fuck, he made it so hard for you to be quiet. His rough but pleasurable treatment of your tits is already pushing you to the breaking point; You didn't even notice him briefly freeing his long, hard cock from his pants. As he positioned himself at your entrance, his other hand began toying with your other nipple in tandem. You let out a gasp as he forcefully entered you, gripping your waist tightly to keep you in position.
"Don't," his breath hitched, his cock twitched from your walls massaging it. "...worry. I will guide you, as I always-" He couldn't finish his words as his vast wing sprouted from his back, enveloping you in its dark embrace. He let out a primal growl, flipping you on your back to start rutting you like the madman he is.
"T-too rough! The baby!" You huffed out just as his lips captured yours in a searing kiss. His tongue swirled yours forcefully, his hands opening your legs. It was as if something had taken over him. You only see him become vicious a few other times. He's being just cautious enough to not put any pressure on your baby bump. The urge to pull away from this kiss grew within you, but your resistance and muffled pleas only encouraged him to ravish you further. With each passing second, your supply of air dwindled, and his hand roamed your curves, finally coming to rest at your clit, teasing it relentlessly.
Just as you both came, you couldn't ignore his slit eyes dilating as he groaned. He withdrew his cock, his warm seed splattering across your legs and lower belly. Finally, he allowed you a moment to catch your breath. Resting his head on your belly, he softly traced the stretch marks with his fingertips.
"The reunion...is nothing to fear."
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I think "Serpents" is a perfect theme for the alternate Domestic AU. It capture's Darling feelings about Sephy very well. I recommend giving it a listen sometime.
Yandere Domestic AU chronology: Christmas Kids | The Reunion is Nothing to Fear | Wait for me | Homecoming | The Crowning Moment
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vibrantthingxox · 2 months
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makethemmilky · 2 months
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bellyloverland · 6 months
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You’ve turned me into a milk machine. My body has transformed into a milk-producing machine, and it's amazing how much milk my breasts are capable of producing. I have to constantly pump to keep up with their flowing supply!
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petitelepus · 2 months
You're pregnant but your mate and Alpha Kyojuro is on a month-long mission until he suddenly returns home and wants to spend some quality time with you. He gets a taste of motherhood and a little more.
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NOTE: Okay, you guys asked many times so I wrote you a second chapter! I hope you all enjoy this one also!
WARNINGS: Omegaverse, Female Reader, Omega Reader, Yandere Kyojuro, Alpha Kyojuro, Pregnancy Kink, Lactation, Milk Drinking, Threatening
The night was over and the morning sun rose. You woke up a little earlier than usual and were yawning as you woke up properly and looked to your side to see an empty spot on the futon. Kyojuro still hadn't returned from his month-long mission and it made you both anxious and worried.
You knew he was strong, the strongest there was, but he was still a man and not a Demon… Though, you were absolutely sure he would come back home soon.
You actually started to think of ways to surprise him and you came up with an old cake recipe you knew back then when you weren't a Slayer yet. No doubt, your mate would be happy if you made him cake! You would need some ingredients from the city, but it would be a very short trip and you would be back before anyone could notice.
So with some trouble, you got up and dressed in a simple kimono, and carefully slid the door open, looking around and trying to be sneaky so that the servants wouldn't spot you.
Kyojuro had given the staff two orders, one was to serve you anything you might have needed or wanted and the second and most important was that you were to be supervised around the clock.
You knew you weren't allowed to leave the Rengoku manor, but you hadn't been outside for months! You only got to step into the inner yard, but otherwise, you were almost locked inside the manor 24/7.
You knew it was for your own good because Kyojuro said so, but you wanted to regain some of your freedom. So you tiptoed through the manor and you made it to the entrance, but just as you were about to open the door, it snapped open from the other side and you came face to face with your mate Kyojuro.
Kyojuro blinked, stunned. He had been away on a mission for a little over a month and the first thing he wanted to do was to get back home to Rengoku Manor and see you, his beloved Omega mate. He didn't expect to see you standing there by the door when he got home.
"My beloved!" The man smiled, but then he noticed that you were wearing sandals and had a small shopping bag with you and frowned, "What are you doing?"
"K- Kyojuro!" You smiled as you looked at your mate, but his smile tightened as he looked at your bag.
"Where do you think you are going?" He asked and you flinched before smiling a little, "I- I wanted to surprise you!"
"Then count me surprised! My beloved Omega came to greet me, her mate first thing in the morning!" The Alpha laughed but you smiled a little, "I actually wanted to visit the marketplace if that is okay with you?"
"Why?" He asked and you could almost feel the atmosphere turning from lighthearted to serious. You swallowed a little, "I wanted to make you something delicious."
"We have servants to do shopping and cooking."
"I know, but I feel like I should do something."
"You don't need to do anything. You're already carrying the heir or heiress of the Rengoku household in your tummy."
Kyojuro looked down at your round stomach with his child growing and developing inside you. The man smiled, but you fidgeted nervously, "I know, but I would love to go outside."
"You can use the manor's inner yard as much as you please!"
"But I would like to see other people also. Not just servants, Senjuro your father."
"My beloved I know you earn to go out, but as long as Muzan is out there, you are not safe!"
"But darling, surely I could maybe visit the town during the day-?"
"Absolutely not!" Kyojuro snapped and you flinched and he quickly realized that he had raised his voice against you. The man took a deep breath to calm himself down and then smiled at you like nothing was wrong.
"It's not safe and as my, Hashira's, pregnant mate, you are in greater danger. Can't you see this?" He said as he reached for you and gently pressed his palm against your round stomach, "I'm just worried about you and our unborn pup. You understand why I worry, don't you?"
"I…" You frowned as you looked down and nodded, "I believe you. I'm sorry… I just wanted to do something nice for you…"
Kyojuro knew you had a good heart, but sometimes that heart of yours overpowered your common sense. No matter, your intentions were kind and pure, but Kyojuro was filled with more carnal and darker wants and needs.
"You know, I just got back home after a long and tedious mission…" He leaned down and gently bit the shell of your ear, making you gasp.
"I could use some of my sweet mate's company. What do you say Omega? Will you make your Alpha happy?" He chuckled, his husky voice making you shiver and you nodded, "Y- yes Alpha…"
Kyojuro didn't waste any time as he quickly kicked off his shoes and picked you up in bridal style before carrying you back into your own room. He made sure to shut the door behind you and once he was certain that the two of you wouldn't be disturbed, he gently laid you on your futon.
The Alpha undressed you and his gorgeous eyes widened as they locked with your stomach. It had certainly grown while he had been away and he silently cursed how he missed a month of precious time with you, his sweet little Omega, but he felt his cock harden in his pants at the sight of your round stomach.
"Hello there little one…" Kyojuro whispered as he leaned down and gently rubbed your stomach, "It's me, your sire. I can barely wait to hold you in my arms…"
"Y- you will make a great father..!" You whimpered and the man smiled, "I know and you will be a wonderful mother."
You whined pitifully and that sweet sound of yours went immediately to his cock. Kyojuro threw his Haori aside and almost ripped his Demon Slayer uniform off his body. He was naked in a matter of seconds and you grew wet at the sight of your strong mate.
"Alpha…" You whined, and Kyojuro was on top of you in the blink of an eye, carefully avoiding putting any extra weight on your stomach as he kissed you.
Your arms wrapped around his neck to keep him there and he loved it.
Kyojuro was kissing you and moved to squeeze your nicely swollen breast but to his surprise, you moaned against his lips and his palm got wet. He pulled away from your lips and looked at his hand, seeing drops of milk running down his palm.
"Ah- I- I'm sorry Alpha!" You cried out, absolutely horrified and embarrassed, but Kyojuro couldn't hear you. His eyes were locked on the small trail of milk and he could feel his cock harden to the point he was almost in pain.
You were already producing breast milk? Oh, how the time passed quickly. Curiosity got the best of him and he licked his palm clean and he immediately shouted, "SWEET!"
He was suddenly so thirsty. Surely the baby wouldn't mind if its sire would enjoy some of its milk, right? It wasn't like it needed the milk just yet.
"Ah, Alpha, please!" You weren't sure what you were begging for, for him to quit or for him to give you more.
"You poor thing! They must hurt!" Kyojuro laughed as he squeezed your breast and you moaned as milk leaked from your nipple.
"They do…" You nodded furiously, "Please… Help me…!"
"Anything for my sweet little Omega!" Kyojuro laughed as he leaned down and wrapped his lips around your nipple and sucked-!
"AH!" You cried out as milk streamed straight from your nipple and into Kyojuro's mouth. The man moaned around you as the sweet milk hit his tongue and he eagerly swallowed and sucked for more.
Just a couple more months and he would have to learn to share you with your pup… But until then, you would be his and his only.
As he suckled on your left breast, his left hand started to fondle your right breast, but never squeezing hard enough to make the precious milk come out. He was going to get some more when he was done with the current one in his mouth. With his free hand, he gently massaged your round tummy.
You were moaning and whining as you felt the pressure in your full breast ease with each suck of your darling Alpha's lips. Not only did it bring you relief, it brought you pleasure and you were rubbing your thighs together to get even a little bit of friction to your sex.
Finally, Kyojuro let your breast go and you whined in the loss. It was pure music to your Alpha's ears.
"I can't play favorites now, can I now?" He chuckled as he licked his wet lips before switching the breasts. You threw your head back in pleasure as he sucked and played with your breasts, but your sex was feeling awfully neglected.
"Al- Alpha…!" You whimpered, "My- my-!"
The Hashira pulled away enough to look at you, "What is it?"
"My- my-!" You could mutter another word as you pointed down but Kyojuro got the idea what you wanted.
"Shh, just hold on my little Omega, just hold on. I'll take care of everything."
You nodded, choosing to believe him and the man grinned as he started to suckle again but this time his free hand slid from your tummy to between your legs.
Kyojuro's fingers brushed over your sex's lips and he was almost shocked by how wet you actually were already. You moaned as you felt him touch you down there and your hips bucked, begging for more and the Hashira lived to please you. There was literally no resistance as he slid one finger inside you, second and third quickly following the first one's example.
You were a moaning mess as Kyojuro played with your breasts and twisted his fingers inside you, preparing you for taking his cock. With his lips sucking on your breast and hands playing and preparing you, you were quickly spiraling towards your first orgasm.
"I'm gonna-!" You choked, "Gonna come!"
"Then come…!" He growled and Alpha's order was absolute and you come with a loud cry of Kyojuro's name. The man could feel you coming with his fingers, your sex squeezing, and wetting his digits. He kept sucking your breast and fucking you through your orgasm with his fingers and he would have kept going if you wouldn't have started to pat the top of his head.
"Alpha, no more…!" You whimpered, "I need you in me…!"
"As you wish," Kyojuro smirked as he gave your breast one last suck and pulled away. There was a trickle of milk running down his chin so he wiped it off with the back of his hand and licked that clean also. You moaned weakly at the sight and spread your legs for him.
The Alpha's gorgeous eyes immediately snapped to look at your soaking wet leaking sex and his cock twitched, eager to be inside you. So without wasting any more time, he settled between your thighs and positioned his cock so the fat tip was kissing your entrance.
"Ready, my Omega?" He asked and you nodded eagerly, "Please, Alpha…!"
Kyojuro growled as he grabbed your hips and thrust his cock into you, making you both cry out in sudden pleasure. You had been without your Alpha for over a month and it had been torture not to touch yourself, but it only made it extra good to have him inside you that moment.
The Alpha was also lonely on his mission without you and now that he was there, back by your side and inside you, he never wanted to leave again. He could feel your tight sex squeezing his cock like a vice and he really had to focus so he wouldn't come before he had fucked you silly.
Kyojuro breathed in and out, collecting his breathing and calming himself so the fire inside him wouldn't take control… But when he looked down at you and saw tears of pleasure running down your face he almost lost all control he had. Just before he was about to succumb to his fire, he heard you whimper.
"Ah, the pup…!" You whined and Kyojuro immediately realized that the baby must have been pressing down on your stomach in your position.
The man groaned as he pulled out and positioned you so you were lying on your side. That way the pup wouldn't press down on you. You sighed, feeling a lot better already but your Alpha wouldn't do anything to you unless he was certain that his child and you were both alright, "Can you continue?"
"Yes… Please…!" You begged and Kyojuro growled as he fixed his hold on you and pushed his cock back inside you. As you both moaned, he decided to continue where he left off and started to eagerly fuck you.
Your sex was pulsing and squeezing him with each thrust, signaling how you were enjoying the sex. Kyojuro could hear the lewd squelching sounds coming from the spot you two were connected as he fucked you and it encouraged him to just fuck you harder.
You whined in embarrassment when you heard the tell-a-tale sounds of you two having sex, but while you were embarrassed, Kyojuro was proud.
Not only that, but were honestly being so cute, his perfect little Omega, whining and whimpering below your Alpha, tempting him like no one else had ever done before.
"Gods, you feel so good…!" Kyojuro growled as he leaned down and nibbled your ear, "I can barely wait until our pup is born…! Once this one is out, I'm putting another one in you!"
Aroused by his own words, he thrust into you extra hard and you yelped, and he groaned, "You'll do it, won't you? You will give me as many pups as I desire, right?"
"Yes…!" You nodded furiously as your body trembled in heat and pleasure, "Anything- anything for you!"
"Good little Omega…!" Kyojuro smirked. He had you exactly as he wanted. You were gasping for air in need and as you moved, your hair slid aside, uncovering the mark your Alpha had left on you when he had claimed you as his own all those months ago.
The sight made the Hashira immediately nuzzle his nose against the mark, smelling your sweet scent that was even sweeter with the pup in your tummy. He was nearly salivating as he smelled you, you were that sweet.
"Alpha, I'm going to-!" You were cut off by a well-aimed thrust, but your loving possessive Alpha understood what you were trying to say. He could feel it, feel how you were close to coming and so was he.
"Come, come my little Omega… Come for your Alpha…!" Kyojuro whispered and you cried out as your whole body convulsed and you came violently after a month of celibacy.
Your beloved man could feel you coming as he fucked you through your orgasm but he didn't let himself come just yet despite feeling the knot on the base of his cock swell. No, he waited and kept fucking and prolonging your pleasure until you were an oversensitive mess, crying and wriggling beneath him in ongoing pleasure.
He kept fucking you until you felt your third orgasm coming and once you succumbed to that third orgasm, Kyojuro let himself come. The man growled more like a beast or Demon as he pushed himself as deep as he could go, his fat knot popping inside you before he came and shot his cum inside, painting your insides white with a generous amount of cum.
You were crying and drooling as you came down from your high, body shivering and twitching. Kyojuro, your strong and loving Alpha panted lightly, sweat glistening on his body as he looked adoringly down at you, his precious Omega who had just been fucked silly.
Carefully, he moved himself so he was spooning you from behind, not going to try and force you two apart. His knot would calm down on its own with time but until that happened, the two of you were locked together.
Kyojuro wrapped his arms around your midsection, just below your breasts, and held onto you, whispering sweet words to your ear as you waited. During that waiting, you managed to fall asleep after all that vigorous sex. It made the Hashira feel proud, to be able to fuck his mate into sleep.
Finally, his knot deflated enough for him to pull himself out of you. Kyojuro smiled as he looked down at your resting form, reaching forward and grabbing a strand of your hair that he played with his fingers.
"My little Omega… Mine and only mine…!" He hummed as he carefully pulled a blanket over your naked body and got up to dress.
Kyojuro pulled a spare yukata on before he stepped out of your bedroom, and just in time when one of the servants popped from around the corner.
"Lord Rengoku, you're back!" The young Beta woman gasped and Kyojuro turned to look and smiled at her, "Yes, I just returned a while ago."
"I'll let young Lord Senjuro and your father know-!" The woman was about to leave, but the Alpha pointed his finger on the floor before him, "Come here."
"P- pardon?"
"Come here. I want to talk to you about something."
The woman was confused but approached her Lord as he requested.
"What is it, my Lord-?" The Beta didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as Kyojuro's hand moved like lightning and snapped around the poor woman's throat.
"Hrk!" The voice got caught in the woman's throat. She looked at Hashira in shock, and that shock turned into fear as she saw the absolutely dark and ferocious look in Kyojuro's eyes.
"You almost let my wife go out in her state…!" The Alpha growled quietly so he wouldn't disturb your rest, "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is for a pregnant Omega out there…!?"
The woman started crying as she furiously nodded her head, slowly running out of breath. She brought her hands up, desperately clinging to her Lord's wrist and trying to ease the pressure around her throat.
"You're lucky I came back when I did. If anything would have happened to my little Omega, you would be dead where you stand…!"
The Beta woman was about to pass out, but before she could, Kyojuro dropped her on the floor. The woman coughed and gasped for air as she cried and pathetically looked up at her Lord but the Alpha offered her no sympathy.
"Tell the rest of the servants that my mate is not to lift a finger until that pup is out of her…! And if you tell anyone about this, I'll make sure you don't work in this city or in any other place ever again. " He growled, "Have I made myself clear?"
The poor woman nodded, understanding the silent threat. She rushed to get on her feet and ran away to let the rest of the servants know that their Lord had come back and had given them new orders about how to treat and serve you, the young bride and mate of the Flame Hashira.
Kyojuro huffed. He was sure that his mother wouldn't have approved of him threatening the servants, but he was also sure that his mother would have forgiven him, taken that he was only looking out for his precious Omega's safety.
Speaking of his Omega. Kyojuro peeked back into the bedroom and saw you looking at him from your bed. The man smiled as he walked to you and kneeled by your resting form. You blinked tiredly as you looked at him, "Where did you go…?"
"I had a small talk with a servant." He replied honestly, "Can I get you anything? Something to eat or water perhaps?"
"Some water would be nice." You nodded with a small smile, "I doubt you are that thirsty."
The man chuckled, still remembering the taste of your sweet milk on his tongue. Good thing for him, baby wasn't due for a couple more months so he could feast on your breasts before he would have to learn to start sharing you.
"I love you," Kyojuro said as he leaned down and kissed your temple, "I love you so much."
He looked down and gently placed his hand over your body where your stomach was and where your pup was growing, "I love both of you."
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Sephiroth/Pregnant!Darling NSFW headcanons
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Here's the NSFW and last component of the pregnant/domestic headcanons trilogy. First part here. Second here. Companion fic here.
Content Warnings: NSFW, Pregnancy kink, Milk/lactation kink, Body worship, Body change, Mentions of (but no actual) rough sex. Hints of Dark Sephiroth here and there.
Your first pregnancy happened because Sephiroth didn’t pull out like he normally does. His dark instincts overtook him. What began as a light, romantic melody soon morphed into a passionate, fast-paced rhythm.
Your body was incredibly sore afterwards, but it was the best sex you two ever had.
Sephiroth was fascinated by the changes your body went through during the pregnancies. He took mental note of even the slightest changes during them as well. He is marveled at how the seeds he planted has made your body blossom.
Your breasts became fuller and heavier, your hips were gently curved and inviting, and your belly became rounded and smooth like a dome. He takes joy in knowing that every part of you belongs to him.
When you began lactating, you could sense the intense, almost animalistic hunger whenever he gazed at your large, sensitive breasts.
You've asked him to milk you one time, and he readily obliged.
He gently tugged your large, sensitive nipples, invigorated by the milk coming out of them, while you stroke his thick cock.
Nursing handjobs occur occasionally. You absolutely love it when his glossy, pouty lips suckled the sweet milk out of your tits. It's a heavenly sensation when relief and pleasure sets in.
It's already hard enough for him to hold back during normal sex (barring the first time he impregnated you), but it takes ALL of his willpower to not go ballistic and fuck you into the bed during your pregnancies. His fear of hurting you and the little ones inside you is something that haunts him deep inside.
You remind him of his inner strength and reassure him he won't ever hurt you, given how far he has come. What happened with Genesis and your first time with him is behind you both; You tell him to focus on the present and create a future he's proud of.
Sephiroth has you lead the sex sessions as you know what is best for yourself and your unborn child. He is always making sure you feel secure and relaxed.
He is weak for cowgirl-style sex. He'd rest his hand on your belly and the other on your hip as he watches you descend on his cock. He still needs some dosage of pampering during your pregnancy!
There was one time he was dangerously close to fucking you silly, though. He came home, sweat dripping from his body after his usual training routine. The sight of you stepping out of the shower was the perfect ending to his day.
Maybe it was observing the water dripping off your nipples or the light that illuminated your pregnant belly that stirred something in him. Then, his predatory senses were aroused as you swiftly grabbed a small towel to (futilely) cover your curvaceous figure as you innocently greeted him.
With every ounce of strength he had, Sephiroth resisted the dark urges to pin you to the floor and make you his in that moment.
He was hands off during your second pregnancy, initially. While your beauty was still mesmerizing to him, the risk of hurting you is far too high. Pregnancy with triplets made you far too vulnerable to any whims.
His growing anxiety will cause him to slip into his distant and unapproachable moods more frequently. He needs his space, but you'll be ready to support when he reaches out. You’d affirm to him it's ok to be physically intimate.
While penetrative sex was off the table, tittyfucking and thighjobs are pretty common until you are too far along.
Sephiroth most definitely steals some bottles of your breast milk for himself.
With four wild kids in the house, you and Sephiroth struggled to find the desire and opportunity for physical intimacy in the next year and two. The few moments of alone time for you two are rare as well.
When the moods strike, however, you and Sephiroth typically wait until it's dead of night or the kids are out of the house before getting intimate.
One night, the sounds of your soft cries somehow awakened the triplet boys. They were so worried about you; they tore your door down, ready to throw down with whoever harmed their cherished mother...
...Thank goodness you and Sephiroth were covered by his vast, dark wing in that moment.
You could hear the faint chirping of crickets as you sat with your boys later that night, explaining the birds and the bees to them. Sephiroth was far too irked to assist, so you had to take one for the team.
At least your firstborn was still asleep. Even the loudest noises never seemed to wake her when she slept.
You and Sephiroth wrapped up the night by the fireplace, discussing the strongest materials for door construction.
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vibrantthingxox · 4 months
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Oh these?
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s-shi0n · 7 months
I want him pregnant. NOW!!!
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lilwifeynextdoor · 5 months
It's week 35, baby!
And uuhgghh, I can tell my milk production is ramping up in anticipation of the birth. My tits feel so tight and bloated. They're leaking more, just walking has them dripping. So I'm in nursing pads all the time now. I'm going to have to change up my pumping schedule to accommodate it. I'm not sure yet what schedule is gonna work for me, and surely once the baby gets here his little demands will change up the schedule AGAIN 😅 ain't that just the way. The surge in milk production has me worried he'll be a preemie.
Other than that everything is going smoothly. The baby is in there getting bigger and heavier every day. I hope my little bun stays in the oven til he's nice and fully cooked hahaha
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jack-xoxo · 2 months
Im being careful, I know what I’m doing…
Cw: 18+ !!
You feel groggy when you first wake up in the morning. Your arm moves lazily to feel the big hairy mammoth that would usually be lying with you, but your senses wake you up in realization and you sit up straight, your eyes move with your head, and you wake up to an empty bed "fuuhhcckk" you groan to yourself, you put on a shirt and walk out the room. The building you stayed in was vast, big enough to fit the number of people in Washington into one building, but you didn't need to look around the whole structure to find Miguel, you knew the one location he would be in, and you would frequently joke as the 'doom cave'.
The bright screens above you caused a slight blindness, and suddenly, a web shot from your arm, launching you onto the floor. Layla, who always brightened up your life, figuratively and literally, glitched on your shoulder. She kept you updated on the job Miguel couldn't do for seven months. "How long has he been up?" you asked her.
“Mmm” the bright yellow fairy tapped on her cheek before snapping her finger “For at least 5 hours, he sneaked out of the room for this”
You nodded slightly and Layla zips out of your view, now wanting to give you two the stage.
Miguel is in a shrimp stance that we can work with, holding a massive red flag and eyes the size of a bloodhound. He acknowledges your presence but chooses to ignore it as his fingers tap dance on the bright dance floors that fade after a minute; he was wearing a baby strap to support his hefty belly bump and couldn't perform work with just one hand. You knew your fetishes were strange, but you never imagined you'd be attracted by your husband in his robe, boxers with his soft package jutting out, pecs growing larger and strangely loaded with milk.
Stress was going to be the death of both him and the baby. He knew better, but the timeline needed to be followed and everyone required a check-up; you saw no reason for him to watch folks he didn't (or barely) know. Your hands glide up to his shoulders and squeeze him; his arms relax but his fingers remain frozen in the holograms; you see the chair you gave him at the beginning of Miguel's pregnancy from your peripheral view and shoot a rope to drag it closer; then you pat his back and whisper to his ear, "You should sit down."
Miguel's gaze never left the screen "Maybe" He kicked the chair out of the way, but you grabbed it swiftly. "Now, Miguel," you said.
"Later…" he said, his tone slightly angry.
You both weren't going to back down; you fired a web at his back and kicked the chair to him before pulling, just in time for him to sit down; he swore under his breath.
"Will you join me in bed and not sneak away again?" You ask, your hands back to firmly squeeze his shoulders, then you proceed to touch and milk his pecs, wetting the robe, "I have work to do" He repeats it, allowing it to stick with you because it is his only reason. Your mind wonders how a man can be so stubborn and independent yet, so loving and so un-independent. "You always have something to do," you remind him. "Take the day or even the week off." He slicks his hair back, brushing the strands away from his face.
Miguel hummed in response, returning to his grim work environment.
If you can't talk out of it with him, you might as well force him.
You keep squeezing his milky pecs; he usually keeps it quiet, but not when his hands slow down and tremble as he tries to do his job, keeping it hard while the warm liquid pours down your hands. Miguel's stern visage quickly softened, and you kept testing the waters, your lips haunting his neck with taunting teases.
Your hands move in a circular manner, and more golden milk flows like a fountain as you continue to squeeze his pecs. Miguel leans and squirms in his seat, while his cock expands and throbs uncomfortably in his underwear. He murmured under his breath, "Shockin' hell my love…" as the pre leaked through the fabric that grew thinner to hold his cock down. Miguel pulled down his boxers and his cock flung free, weeping precum and twitching under the belly.
Gasping for air, he called out her name “Lyla…” His body was drenched in sweat, and his heart was pounding out of his chest, as he collapsed into the chair. With every passing moment, his body temperature kept rising, and he could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, making him feel hornier than ever before “…Silent mode for 45 minutes”
The room dims to a greater light; you continue to grope his chest and lean in, but he leans forward. His hands grip the desk as you place your hands on his chest, then move them to hold his waist. The head of your cock nudges against Miguel's entrance, teasing him as you pull down your sweatpants and thrust the tip into his entrance, resulting in gentle and low grunts. "Keep holding my waist honey…" he told you, as you kept thrusting slightly "don't stop… shock… shock…" he whispered as you shoved the entire length in "shock!!, Órale güey!!" He moans aloud.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
Fluffy Sephiroth BUT the darling actually decide to offer her milk to him (kinda suspecting about his milk kink bit not sure yet)
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Oh, the darling is gonna make Sephiroth use his words, finally? Enjoy a semi-silly, fluffy entry in the Crisis Cutie Collection.
Pairing: AFAB Darling/C.C Sephiroth (Pre-Nibelheim) Domestic AU
Word Count: 922
Content Warnings: NSFW (no actual sex but heavy themes present), Milk Kink, Pregnancy Kink.
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The sound of your voice sent his gaze towards the doorway. He saw you there, one hand resting on the curve of your large, swollen breasts. You kept your other hand hidden behind your back while you stared at him with a look of innocence and confusion. Sephiroth was able to admire your swollen, heavily pregnant belly, and the lovely stretch marks that came with it, thanks to the see-through maternity top you were wearing. His breath was caught in his throat as he observed more of your pregnant body, amazed that it was his own seed that had caused such an incredible transformation.
As your first pregnancy drew to a close, his heart was a swirl of anticipation and fear, eagerly awaiting the arrival of your baby, yet dreading the possibility of losing you like he had with his mother… He shuddered, shaking the painful thought away before his eyes settled back on the maternity book, his face growing warm. You waddled closer, and sat down beside him, intently studying the maternity book that he was reading and taking note of the new hairstyle he had, a long ponytail with his signature bangs intact.
"I love the new hairstyle... And you're reading that section, again?" You asked Sephiroth, tilting your head at him.
Sephiroth quickly averted his gaze, his ears burning with shame. Of course, you happened to catch him re-reading the breast milk section of his maternity book, at this time... He kept his eyes averted, determined not to let you see the pink flush on his cheeks. You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously.
"…I noticed your surplus milk was causing you discomfort. I was reading this section to find a remedy for your pain..." He said, his eyes now boring into yours with newfound assurance. It was remarkable how he could still channel his cool and professional demeanor, even after having abandoned SOLDIER for almost a year.
You felt your cheeks heat up as a tiny smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. Sephiroth always goes out of his way to make sure you're happy. Despite his sometimes suffocating protectiveness during your pregnancy, you knew that he only had your best interests at heart. You both left your old lives behind, so he was desperate to keep you and your unborn child safe and near him. And even though life on the run has taken a toll on the both of you, his presence always brought light to your day. You had no doubt that your decision to spend the rest of your life with him was the right choice, and you could tell that he felt the same way. With his unwavering will and your shared strength, the two of you discovered a remote village, far beyond Shinra's grasp, and picked out a cozy home to raise your unborn child in.
"Thank you, my love. I have some delicious, fresh milk here... Would you like some?" You whispered, biting your lower lip. An intense, scarlet hue flooded your face. If it turned out your suspicions about him were unfounded, you'd be filled with embarrassment. You lifted a small, delicate glass jar that was adorned with a pretty, purple ribbon. The sight of the creamy white breast milk stored in the jar immediately drew Sephiroth's attention. He then nearly gasped to the sight of the creamy white milk sloshing around the jar as you slightly shook it, and his arousal grew stronger as he witnessed you lay your free hand gently on your pregnant, swollen belly.
"Of course, anything for you." Sephiroth whispered, delicately accepted the elegant glass jar of milk from you, making sure to handle it with the utmost care. Anxiety coursed through your veins as you watched him slowly and cautiously take the lid off the glass jar. Just as the initial drop of the velvety, sweet and creamy breast milk touched Sephiroth's taste buds, it was like he was in a state of bliss; The breast milk had a sweet flavor, but not too overpowering for him. As he tasted more of the milk, he enjoyed the creamy, luxurious texture that rolled across his tongue. To savor something he'd never got a chance to have was a blessing. All thanks to you, his darling. With a satisfied sigh, he savored the last few drops of your sweet milk, and his heart soared with arousal and delight. He tried to drink more of the breast milk but was met with the emptiness of the jar, which prompted him to hang his head in despair.
"Sephiroth? D-did you like it?" You murmured. You didn't know what to make of his previous actions. But when his head came up, he gazed hungrily at your full, swollen breasts, like a predator sizing up its next meal. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as your suspicions that he had an affinity for your milk had been confirmed.
"Yes... Thank you, my beloved wife..."He uttered his words in a tranquil yet almost sultry manner. He still yearns for more of your breast milk to satisfy him. Yes, he already devoured your milk from the glass jar, but could the milk from your breasts now fill the void that he has?
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maternity. Alternative Title: Sephiroth's Darling Is Mastering The Art Of Being A Cock Tease
This fic is a sequel to the first set of the Domestic AU headcanons. Also, Sephy is definitely wearing this ponytail, you can't tell me otherwise.
Prequel fic of Fluffy Sephy proposing to the darling is in the works. 😊
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vibrantthingxox · 5 months
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oatmilk-vampire · 21 days
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This is literally the best ad I've ever seen--- and yet you're telling me a pregnant chef can't promote body positivity and her lactation cookies? But we can look at far more inappropriate lingerie and underwear ads... Thanks, America. Please continue to tell us you hate women who aren't explicitly for your sexual gratification without telling us.
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She's nine months, by the way.
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wifesbiggestoffan · 1 year
Ever heard of a belly bandit? Back in my day, they were just called granny panties.
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