#milla's nano adventures
montocalypse · 3 years
NaNo day 2: 1,310/50k
Remember to stay hydrated while you write, my fellow wrimos!
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montocalypse · 3 years
NaNo day 1: 430/50k
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montocalypse · 4 years
“Why can’t you just focus on your stupid game when I’m going out of my way to be considerate here?”
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montocalypse · 4 years
The best part about writing memes/challenges is that they often force you to think outside the box and push you into creating something unique.
Case in point: @hendos sent me an AU prompt more than two years ago and I wrote three sentences based on that. It was a genre I had never considered before and a character dynamic I had only briefly entertained, but somehow the idea stuck with me.
That prompt? Is now a first draft of a full novel manuscript.
Moral of the story is that Kellin is a genius and NaNo creates monsters. I'm just an innocent bystander.
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montocalypse · 4 years
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NaNo Day 27
words written: 1,942
total words: 50,048
So this happened. 
I’m still missing seven scenes by my last count, but the challenge is officially done and I’m absolutely confident I’ll be able to finish the rest of the story now that I’ve come this far. And then come the edits and rewrites, so yay, the work never ends.
Thanks for sticking with me until the end, my dears! Tomorrow I’ll be watching a ton of football and writing some porn with peerlo and just relaxing and cooking something nice now that I finally don’t have to put all my free time into writing.
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montocalypse · 4 years
NaNo Day 17
words written: 2,203
words total: 33,946
My friend asked me today how long I think the story will be once it’s finished and I honestly had no clue. It’s probably about time I reorganized the stuff I’ve already written in chronological order, because that might be the only way to figure out which parts are still missing. I might take a day sometime this week to do that instead of writing more, as I’m ahead of schedule anyways.
Obviously I’m still missing an ending, and a couple other key scenes are sitting at the back of my head, plus a bunch of additional stuff for context. But on top of all that, there’s bound to be lots more buildup and connecting scenes that I don’t even realize need to be written, because I never stopped to think about the continuity between the scenes... Not to mention I’ll probably rework and expand most of the scenes I’ve already written, so in total we’re probably looking at some 60k+ once all is said and done.
Anyways, today I wrote some more ghost story stuff, plus some heart-to-heart with the ‘secondary’ (or maybe it’s the primary, it’s damn hard to tell sometimes) relationship. Thought I’d be stuck with just above 1k so imagine my surprise when I realized I’d written double that!
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montocalypse · 4 years
“I’d have done anything to spare him the pain. That’s why I tried to push him away. Because I’ve never had someone good in my life I didn’t end up breaking.”
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montocalypse · 4 years
How odd it was, how quickly he had grown used to calling Marius by his name.
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montocalypse · 4 years
NaNo Day 3
words written: 916
words total: 5,518 / 50,000
A lighter one today, after I pulled a nearly 10-hour shift at work and wrote like 2k of non-fiction material. I’m honestly proud of myself for adding any words, because my brain’s literal toast.
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montocalypse · 4 years
NaNo Day 1
2,447 / 50,000 words
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montocalypse · 4 years
Last Sentence WIP game
I was tagged by @ibarbourou to post the last sentence I wrote in my WIP. Thanks a lot, dear!
Believe it or not, my most recent WIP is the NaNo manuscript, because in the past month I’ve been mostly rewriting old stuff + rushed through that one oneshot. You get two sentences because the last one is short and boring.
The only thing that mattered was that Arthur would get the help he needed – help Theo was not confident he could give – and if it meant Theo could take a step back and allow someone else to take care of things… Well, that was just an additional weight off his shoulders, wasn’t it?
I feel like all my writer mutuals have already been tagged in the past few days. @capitanogiorgio, maybe? Also if you’re a writer and see this, consider yourself tagged and feel free to blame me.
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montocalypse · 4 years
to add to my previous post, with this sequel the au will be batting for 50k total, and considering i already have another sequel planned, this is starting to feel like a story i'd like to turn into an original novel. you know, with less p*rn and more comprehensive world building and all that shit. maybe my nano project for this year, who knows?
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montocalypse · 4 years
NaNo Day 26
words written: 1,913
total words:  48,106
Finished the scene from last night and then wrote another small but important interaction between the ‘secondary’ relationship -- though let’s face it, there aren’t really primary or secondary relationships here, because it’s all so closely tangled together. Just because I focus more on the other one doesn’t change the fact that this one is probably much more emotionally satisfying both for me and for many others when they finally get to read it.
Now Milan time. I have a bad feeling about this.
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montocalypse · 4 years
NaNo Day 23
“He really deserves so much better than either of us, you know. Someone not hell bent on breaking his heart.”
words written: 1,894
total words: 44,873
I just wrote my ending! Or, well, technically it’s not the end, since there’s gonna be like two scenes after it, but for all intents and purposes this was the big thing that I’ve been building up towards this whole month. I feel giddy and absolutely drained at the same time, and not only because I slept like 5h last night and should have already been in bed an hour ago.
Tomorrow I’m taking a break from writing, because (a) I need it and (b) I’m gonna visit a friend after weeks of going stir crazy on my own.
Once I’m back to writing, it’ll be time to tackle those gaps earlier in the story. We’re far from done, my dears.
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montocalypse · 4 years
NaNo Day 16
words written: 1,432
words total: 31,743
This scene will probably end up on the cutting board once I’m done with the whole story, because even as I was writing it I was struggling to figure out where it fits in the bigger picture. It’s kinda fun and it does have some nice character moments, but really, it was more of a self-indulgent piece of cute banter to compensate for the fact I didn’t feel like writing anything heavy today after getting so much done over the weekend.
Also what does it tell about me that my ‘cute banter’ includes putting my character in the hospital, high on opiates? Asking for me.
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montocalypse · 4 years
NaNo Day 14
words written: 2,967
total words: 27,007
Do you guys ever get an irresistible urge to do housework when you’re on your period? Today I have washed the bed linens, aired the carpets and my mattress, vacuumed and washed the floors, done a week’s worth of dishes, baked a bread... I’m also like halfway through Queen’s Gambit, which is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone, but it’s also very distracting when one’s supposed to be writing. Oh, and I’m feeling like shit because, you know, periods.
All those words were written after 6 pm btw. You might remember me saying a couple days back that I should try to start writing earlier in the day. Yeah, fat chance. I’m predicting a few more midnight writing sessions before the month is over, because apparently that’s how I roll these days.
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