#min yoongi romance
alexlwrites · 4 months
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𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬
✿𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: OT7 x Plus Size! Reader
✿ 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: "What was so outrageous about someone like you, you asked yourself and the universe. You had tried your best to compensate for any shortcomings with everything else that was expected of you: femininity, understanding, a sense of humor. Never enough, those were never even the first thing that came to mind when people thought of you.
Why bother then? If nothing you did made any difference at all, why try? If people hated your body just for existing, why not give them a reason to hate your personality as well?"
The one where seven campus princes who are used to getting everything they wanted get enchanted by your distrust and brattiness, climbing over each other to get a smile from you who could not be bothered to give them a single second of your day.
✿ 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔:  Romance, Humor, Fluff, Angst, College AU
✿ 𝑨/𝑵: I wanna leave this here as sort of a trigger warning: this work features a plus size main character and throughout the story there will be mean comments from characters about her body and her journey dealing with said comments. A lot of it comes from my own experience as a (now ex-ish) plus size girl myself and my path to living peacefully within my body. And although this work is about Y/N's relationship with the boys, I like to think that she still would've continued to grow and blossom happily on her own. Let this be something you learn from this fic, as I say right on the first chapter: You don't have to love the way you look right away, you just can't let it stop you from doing the things you want and, in a greater scale, from being happy and treated with respect.
Thank you for reading <3
P.S: Red daisies, like many red flowers, represent love and romance. Florists often use them to communicate affection to someone who doesn’t know how beautiful they are—a.k.a. beauty unknown to the possessor. 
(Fanfic masterlist)
(support me on my ko-fi)
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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞: 𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭
The pattern in your relationships - if you could call them that - was tiring, to say the least. Once, they might have been soul crushing, but time and repetition took away the novelty of your pain and now the endgame was a mild, resented disappointment.
It started with kindness and a gentle smile, mainly from your part. You treated anyone who gave you any smidgen of attention with the utmost sweetness, hoping your energy would be matched. And sometimes it was, for a while. Sometimes you got to be on the receiving end of a blinding smile or a casual touch and you allowed yourself to hope - no, pray -that that could be it. That someone, some modern day knight in shiny armor , saw through your looks and decided that you were deserving of love, despite societal norms,
But men had a way of setting you up for disappointment. A talent, truly.
You were tired, you decided that night. No, beyond that, you were exhausted, scarred, bitter, hopeless, resentful… You could keep going. You could list every bad feeling you had been carrying in your chest by alphabetical order or by how badly they hurt and honestly you just wanted it to stop.
Would you have to change everything about your body to be happy, you wondered watching the boy you had been seeing for a few weeks make fun of you in front of his circle of friends at the party you were both at. Would you never be allowed to be happy just the way you were?
Would you have to change everything about your body to be happy?
“Yeah, she’s nice” Junsuu said, winking suggestively at his giggling friends “if you know what I mean.” you felt your face heat up in humiliation at the renewed round of laughter “But we just don’t match, like, physically. You know, looks-wise.”
“Right” someone agreed way too enthusiastically, sending a spear through your heart “I really just can’t see you with someone like her.”
What was so outrageous about someone like you, you asked yourself and the universe. You had tried your best to compensate for any shortcomings with everything else that was expected of you: femininity, understanding, a sense of humor. Never enough, those were never even the first thing that came to mind when people thought of you.
Why bother then? If nothing you did made any difference at all, why try? If people hated your body just for existing, why not give them a reason to hate your personality as well?
“You’re right” you said out loud, drawing attention to yourself. Filled with hatred (for him, the world, the circumstances), your heart had no room to be mortified when all eyes turned to you “we don’t match.”
You watched as Junsuu’s eyes widened, clearly not expecting you to hear, much less reply “I am a big girl” you continued, words dripping with rage “And I know for a fact that there’s nothing big about you.”
You turned around to leave the room, cringing at the petty comeback, ignoring the murmurs and Junsuu’s panicked calls of your name. Walking fast, you fled the scene of the last heartbreak you would allow yourself to go through, deciding that a change was needed, but not the change everyone wanted from  you.
Despite the rumors, you didn’t turn into a huge bitch overnight, didn’t start kicking puppies or spitting on the poor. Truly, the only thing you did was establish boundaries and reevaluate the amount of respect some people deserved, but very quickly people started seeing you as some sort of villain, especially when they realized how little you cared for how they saw you. How disrespectful of you to not allow yourself to be disrespected, right?
At first, there was still an air of uncertainty about you - years and years of non-reciprocal niceties drilled into your brain, habits hard to quit. But the more you let go of those things, these tiny acts of self-aggression disguised as pleasantries and altruism, the lighter you felt; Your days became easier to get through, existing within your body felt less and less like a punishment. You had yet to reach an Instagram-worthy level of body positivity, but you had become accustomed to body neutrality. You didn’t have to love the way you looked right away, you just couldn’t let it stop you from doing the things you wanted and, in a greater scale, from being happy and treated with respect.
And respect you started to demand and much happier you became, living in relative peace and solitude - safe by a few close friends - up until your days started being pestered by seven headaches you could not seem to shake away.
Jungkook was the one that saw you first.
It was 3 weeks into the semester and he finally decided it was the perfect time to start going to classes, sitting in the back and only listening to about 25% of what was being said, mind floating towards more important subjects such as the package of ramen waiting for him at home. Only mildly interested in what the professor had to teach, he couldn’t help but to be startled when everyone started getting up from their seats to shuffle around the room. “What’s going on?” he asked the guy sitting next to him.
“Professor gave us a duo assignment.” the other man said, standing up “You're with Y/N.”
The guy just pointed towards you with his chin, redirecting Jungkook’s attention before leaving. You were sitting a couple rows further down, hunched over your little green IPad as you wrote something with impressive velocity. Jungkook walked over to you, already mentally going over what he would have to do to charm you into doing everything on your own “Y/N?” he called and you raised your head.
You were pretty, he noticed with satisfaction, all bright eyes and lovely features, curves everywhere he looked “Yes?”
“I’m Jungkook.” he extended his hand with a casual smirk “The professor put us together for this project.”
There had been a small, but pleasant and polite smile on your face up until he said those words, replaced by pursed lips and an arched brow. “Yes, I know. We’ve had classes together for over a year now and been partnered together before.”
Uh oh. “Right” he coughed awkwardly, fumbling under your hardened stare “so, about this project…”
“We will meet once a week,” you said, straightforward as you turned your eyes back to your sticker-filled IPad “I will go over the theme and split the work evenly, so give me your number and I can text you with what you’re supposed to do.”
“Woah, woah, asking for my number already?” he said in a flirting manner, sitting on top of your table so he could be directly in front of you.
“Would you prefer it if I emailed it to you?” you asked without looking up.
“Actually, I was thinking you could help me out a bit,” he placed his finger under your chin, raising your face towards him “you know I have soccer practice and…”
You pushed his hand away “Unless you’re playing at the World Cup, I can’t see how that would be more important than your studies, so you either do your part of the assignment or get an F in it, I don’t care. I won’t do all the work for you, Jeon. Not again.”
Again? Jungkook winced, trying to remember when you had met before. Surely he would remember getting his head bitten off by a snappy, pretty thing like you, wouldn’t he? Surely your attitude would stand out to him amongst all the sweetness and compliance he received just for existing and smiling.
“Here’s my number.” you gave him a piece of paper with your digits written in gel sparkly ink “Text me when you decide if you want to pass this class. Good day.” 
You looked down again, going back to your notes, signing that the conversation was over before he even had the chance to add anything more. He jumped off the desk and stepped away, looking back to see if you were looking at him, but there wasn’t a single glance from your part.
Shit. Shit. He actually did have to pass this class, otherwise his overbearing soccer coach would kick him off the team. He stared down at your number, wondering what he would have to do to get you to cut him a little slack and forgive him for absolutely forgetting about your existence. 
“Hey, this is Jungkook” the text from an unknown number said “looking forward to us working together. We should get dinner sometime, get to know each other better.”
You read over the text once more, willing your heart to slow down its beating. Sure, Jungkook was charming and handsome, but you had seen this dance before. He would talk his way into your good graces, making you laugh and giggle until you had a four thousand word essay done with both your names in it and your texts to him would go unanswered and unseen. 
This was not your first hurtful rodeo. You put your phone away, facing down, ignoring as the poor device vibrated itself off the table with the upcoming texts.
Meanwhile, across campus, Jungkook was fuming.
“Or breakfast. We should get breakfast. I know a great place.” he tried once again, but his message was left unread. Still, he persisted.
“I have a lot of great ideas for this assignment. Don’t you want to know them?” he texted, even though he didn’t have the faintest idea on what the assignment was even about.
“You know, it’s rude to leave a guy hanging.”
“How can we do this if you won’t even text me back?”
“I thought we were in this together.”
“You know, like High School Musical.”
He kept typing out absurdity after absurdity, hoping you would dignify one with an answer. He just needed one opportunity, one opening…
His text stopped going through.
“She blocked me!” he gasped out loud.
“Who?” his roommate, Taehyung asked from where he laid on their couch, feet up on the coffee table.
“This girl in my class. We have this project together and she blocked me!”
Taehyung sent a disbelieving look his way “Were you actually planning to do the work?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Obviously not.”
His friend rolled his eyes “Obviously not. So what’s your plan here?”
Jungkook didn’t answer, too busy looking for alternative ways to contact you. After a few minutes of research, he found your Instagram. You were cute, he noticed again, scrolling through your few posts, all relatively recent. You had a very specific style, a tasteful mix or dark and edgy with splashes of pink and bows, tight corsets under leather jackets that he couldn’t help but stare appreciatively, the flattering material clinging to your waist line and pushing your breasts up, exposing the soft freckled top of cleavage to his always hungry eyes. In your pictures, your eyes shone brightly, crinkling at the sides from your ever present smile and he could not understand why you hadn’t directed one of those to him. 
It was unsettling, to say the least, but he could not allow his annoyance to take over. He needed your help if he wanted to pass that class and if he had to use unconventional ways to get your attention, he would. 
And so, much like a little boy pulling at a girl’s braids, he started liking and spamming the comments of every single post you had.
There were whispers all around you, your worst nightmare.
You were at the school library, getting work done while drinking from your fourth cup of coffee, hands shaking due to caffeine and anxiety, your ever present friends. You tried to focus on your books and carefully written notes, but every word you could barely hear and every look you felt over your shoulder seemed to dig claws into your skin. You knew what they were saying. You heard it all the way from your dorm to your classes and couldn’t seem to escape them. 
“Did you see Jungkook’s comments on her pictures? What’s that about?”
“It’s not like there’s a lot to comment, is there?” 
“Maybe he thought it was someone else?”
“It’s probably a prank.”
“I bet he was hacked.”
Of course, why else would someone like Jungkook - a campus prince, popular soccer player, heartthrob - show interest in you? 
It hurt, but a small part of you still agreed with those mean spirited whispers. You closed your eyes, trying to even your breathing and will those thoughts away. You knew better, had learned better than to measure your value by how interested some boy was in you.
When you opened your eyes again, Jungkook was in front of you.
You barely had time to process his presence when the voices picked up volume, your skin prickling and eyes aching to remain dry. 
“What’s Jungkook doing with Fat Y/N?”
That word shouldn’t be as hurtful as it was - after all, it was just an adjective, just the current state of your body that served only to carry your thinking mind, your feeling heart. But people always said it like a curse, wielding it like a sword.
You closed your eyes again and when you opened once more, Jungkook was still there. Looking furious.
“What are they saying?”
“What they always said” you shrugged, avoiding his eyes by looking down at your papers.
Jungkook didn’t move for a while, hearing people pretend to whisper around you but it was clear that the motherfuckers wanted you to hear. Was it always like this for you, he wondered, watching as you focused on whatever book you had in front of you, hunched over with tense shoulders, your face a far cry from the luminescent one he saw on your Instagram, not a hint of that smile he wanted directed at him so unreasonably.
He couldn’t just stand there and watch you struggle to keep your posture. 
You felt him standing up and leaving more than you saw him. Good, you thought. He should leave, like everyone did, scared away by that one word that followed you around like a brand. He was probably embarrassed to be seen with you, you assumed bitterly, and there was no place in your life for people who didn’t want you proudly by your side…
Jungkook sat back in the chair in front of you and you couldn’t help but gape at the impressive bouquet of red daisies he extended towards you.
“Take it” he said, but you couldn’t move, could barely hear the furious voices around you over the roaring beat of your heart.
You… You had never gotten flowers. 
“Take it” he repeated “I almost got run over because of this, the least you can do is accept it.”
“Jungkook” you whispered, dumbfoundedly accepting the bouquet “what’s this?”
“People keep doubting I could be interested in you” he said and there was an edge to his tone you did not expect “maybe this could help clear up some rumors.”
“This is not your battle to fight” you held the flowers close to your chest carefully, looking up at him with distrust, unable to understand his motives “I’m used to this sort of thing and I don’t care about those stupid rumors.”
You were used to it? That just made Jungkook angrier. How could you be used to that sort of treatment? 
Jungkook was a lot of things - spoiled, a little lazy, sometimes a dick. But he wasn’t a bigot and he wasn’t about to stand around and let you become used to being disrespected if there was something - anything! - he could do about it “I like picking up fights”.
“Is this just pity?” you asked and he could see walls around you that stood thousands of feet tall “Is this because of that stupid assignment? Because I’m not going to do all the work just because you got me some flowers…” 
He raised his hands and smiled at you “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll do my work” he said, a new goal in mind as he saw you recoil from him with eyes filled with wariness like a suspicious kitten “You said once a week, right? How’s friday for you?” 
You still clung to your bouquet like a lifeline “That works, I guess.”
“Great!” he clapped loudly, standing up and catching the eye of those around him “I’ll see you around, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me sweetheart” you mumbled, but he pretended not to hear as he crossed the table around to your side, quickly leaving a kiss to your heated cheek before you had the chance to react.
“Alright, sweetheart, I’ll see you around” he said, making sure everyone in the library could hear him “do me a favor and unblock me, ok?”
You flipped him off, both for stealing a kiss and that stupid nickname, but he just laughed it off.
“That’s my girl” he said and the library erupted in renewed whispers.
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𝐌𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧! 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝
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[Red Daisies taglist: @purplelady85 ]
[Permanent taglist: @imknewattis ; @dreamamubarak ; @onlythebest-106 ; @betysotelo18 ; @havetaeminforbreakfast ; @uno7 ; @chimchimmarie ; @anaya123world ; @junecat18 ; @kayleefriedchicken ; @jkselcouth ; @ivrose21 ; @svnbangtansworld ]
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luciathcv · 5 months
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muscles and tattoos - jjk
summary: you love your boyfriends muscles and tattoos || warnings: none || genre: fluff, established relationship || word count: approximately 400
you loved your boyfriend's arms
and i mean... could anyone blame you?
the answer is no
i mean, first of all, they were so muscular
and not only were they muscular but they were just so big
andddd on top of all that, one of them was all tatted up
you loved it
and dw, jungkook knew that
when you guys first started dating, you tried to be more subtle about it
when he would walk around in his wife beaters, his arms on full display, you had to act chill and act like you totally weren't freaking out
when he hugged you from behind, you had to act like you weren't staring at his hands and arms
you had to act like you weren't melting into his hold
until jungkook realized how much you liked it one day and you didn't have to anymore..
it was so different now
a big habit of yours would be to trace his tattoos
you'd do it mindlessly while watching a movie together
or while you're in some waiting room somewhere
especially when you're cuddled up in bed together
you'd wake up earlier than him a lot of the time (unsurprisingly since he stayed up really late most of the time)
you didn't exactly want to leave the bed yet but at the same time, you didn't have anything better to do so....
your eyes would go over to his arm which was always draped over your torso
you'd bring your hand to it and would just trace all the little designs and letters
it didn't only calm you but him as well
for example...
whenever jungkook is really stressed with work
and just needing some comforting
you'd lay with him and just trace his tattoos
the feeling of your fingers softly grazing his skin was so relaxing for him
he'd end up calming down
anyways, enough with his tattoos
sorry i just love them so much
i feel like his arms would be such a comforting thing for you
unconsciously too
like whenever you guys were in a crowded place, your first instinct would be to hold onto his arm
or whenever you were scared after watching a horror movie, you'd hold onto his arm as you walked back to your bedroom (yes i was thinking back to my other post lol)
jungkook would love it so much too because it really showed that you felt safe around him
and you really did
-- link to my masterlist
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serenecypher · 3 months
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Bangtan Host Club Chapter Three
Genre: BTS Ot7xf!Reader, Poly!AU, Fluff, Romance, Crack-ish, Eventual Smut.
W/C: 2592
Summary: Tired of your boring mundane life? Become an exclusive member of The Bangtan Host Club™ today and let 7 charming men help you out.
Warnings: This chapter is rated PG13, but future chapters may include Mature Themes. The reader goes through the five stages of grief. 😔
Disclaimer: Please do not copy/translate or cross-post my work. The tag list is open. Just DM or send an ask to be included.
A/N: Hi! Sorry for the long wait. Thank you guys so much for being patient. 💕 This chapter isn't edited very much, so I am sorry for any dumb mistakes. Please do send my any feedback! 👉🏻👈🏻
Also, now that we have met everyone, here is the cast:
Kim Namjoon as “Takashi Morinozuka”
Kim Seokjin as “Tamaki Suoh”
Min Yoongi as "Umehito Nekozawa"
Jung Hoseok as "Mitsukuni Haninozuka”
Park Jimin as “Kyoya Ootori”
Kim Taehyung as “Kaoru Hitachiin”
Jung Jungkook as "Hikaru Hitachiin”
Congrats to everyone who guessed the right picks lmaooo! I had so much fun writing Chapter 3, I hope you enjoy it. See you sooooon! <3
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Chapter 2 << Chapter 3 >>
You can count the number of times you have felt such unbridled mortification on one hand. One was when you were playing the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz showcase during your elementary school talent show and, just as you got on the stage, could not for the life of you stop the unrelenting hiccups out of performance anxiety. Or, that one time in middle school, when you spilled all of your half-digested breakfast on the shoes of that one senior guy you had a crush on because you had a bad stomach flu.
This, you internally scream at yourself, is probably the most dread you have felt in all your adult years.
The receipt you can not avert your eyes from shakes between the tips of your index finger and thumb. Is it your hand that is shaking? You really can’t tell. Something bitter twists in your chest that makes you repeat as you squint your eyes at Hoseok. “What the fuck?!”
He looks at you stunned, but definitely not unprepared. He sighs deeply as he tries to console you, “I am here to help you with any concerns you might have.” 
You snap your head to look at the rest of the people in the Cafe- Club- whatever this place is. There are various degrees of horrified looks on the faces of the other- are they supposed to be patrons or customers or-? God this is so confusing. You let out the longest sigh and your other hand, the one without that malignant piece of paper, rubs across your face. 
“There is no way in hell I am paying this.” you declare, looking right back at Hoseok. Just minutes ago you would have never thought of him as someone you’d have talked to in this agitated manner but also minutes ago, he wasn’t a person who claimed you owed his establishment all your family assets and then some. 
There is a loud scraping of a chair behind you and before you can turn to see who it is, Seokjin’s gentle voice is carrying through the room. “I am deeply apologetic to our guests tonight but due to unforeseen circumstances, the club will reschedule your time with the hosts at a later date. Kindly grant us an excuse this once.”
There are murmurs and hushed whispers behind you. The obnoxious sound of various people shuffling footsteps toward the exit amidst the awkward silence that had followed your outburst is acting as the fuel to the simmering rage in your chest. You feel more than see the icy glares people direct at you for ruining what was probably supposed to be a night of entertainment and good company for them. The thought makes you shudder as embarrassment crawls up your spine. You fix your gaze on your tapping shoe against the plush carpet and cross your arms in front of your chest. 
“Now,” Seokjin continues once it is only you and the other hosts remaining, “What might be the issue, beautiful?”
You inhale deeply before you turn to him, expecting him to look irritated by you. Instead, his eyes are full of mirth as he lifts an amused eyebrow at you. His hands rest on the table in front of him, palms down as he leans his tall frame forward. It irks you. 
“I said I am not paying that ridiculous amount for a coffee I did not even finish. You can not make me.” 
Seokjin’s lips form a small o shape as he pretends to sincerely consider your words. “It is not the coffee you are paying for though, darling. That is complimentary.” He says it like it is obvious. You feel a familiar twitch in your temple. “You are paying for the additional services you have utilized this evening.”
You can feel yourself seething but for the sake of not becoming liable to any property damage, you reign your fury. “I will do no such thing. I had no idea what kind of an establishment this is.”
“We keep that in mind.” Taehyung intervenes, his dark brown eyes sparkling at you intently. “Besides the several, and might I remind you, very prominently displayed boards with our club trademark, the first visits to the guests are usually not chargeable, a free trial if you will.”
“You, however, took four of us with you, to your apartment no less, and Namjoon Hyung even did locksmithing for you.” Jungkook adds from where he is standing next to Taehyung. He smirks at you, and it takes everything in you from banging your fist on the nearest table. 
“He offered!” You argue, wincing at the sound of your voice. 
“He is supposed to. Accepting is completely beholden to you.” Seokjin adds with a tilt of his head to the left that you can only assume to be satirizing. “The club hosts offer services to the guests and if they choose to accept them, they are liable to the charges.” he says, shrugging those ridiculously broad shoulders of his nonchalantly. 
You scoff at this, your glare now directed at Namjoon, who to his credit looks like a big puppy that has been reprimanded by his owner for bringing the newspaper in the mornings, only slightly covered in drool.  
Your shoulders slump in defeat. They are not wrong, you think. When you enter a place that offers you any kind of service, and you make use of said service, you are, as a consumer obliged to pay the fee for that service. “I can not pay that amount. I do not have that kind of money.” At this, the room falls into silence. God, these hosts must earn so much that the concept of living paycheque to paycheque must be alienating to them. 
After what seemed like an eternity, when it was probably only six minutes tops, Jimin who had been sitting on his chair quite comfortably so far takes an exaggerated inhale before intoning, “Well, we might be able to offer you something to help with that.” 
You look at him sheepishly and he continues, “If you can not pay us in terms of funds, pay us in service.” 
What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Is this like some sort of hidden camera prank? Are Pauly and Vinny about to come burst down the doors as a cameraman pushes his gigantic camcorder in your face yelling “You just got MTV pranked!” 
Your bewildered expression must have been too obvious because Jimin adds “I am serious. Work for us.”
Now you are even more confused. Work for them? As an employee? You can not be a host. You have a day job. A job that feels like going through the depths of hell every day, but a job nonetheless. Your tongue twists in your mouth as you try to swallow saliva down your dry throat. “What does that mean?”
“You said you worked at LinkSol, right? By Hwan Sana?” Jimin asks and it's as if he just talked about Voldemort judging by the dramatic gasp from Seokjin’s lips and his hand on his chest, clutching pearls. “You should come work for us, as our manager. Trust me, you’d be doing yourself a favor too.” 
“That’s your solution? Servitude compulsory labor?” you resign. “Do you think we are in the 17th century?” Change is not a friend to you. Yes, your job is torture but you’ve grown accustomed to the routine. This is asking a lot of you. 
“Why, you got something better?” he counters. “We can not waive off your fee, you can not pay it to us. We have an open position and you are at a shitty job. The way I see it, there are no losing parties.”
“You will get to work stable hours that are open to negotiation. We will pay you a salary, also negotiable, from which we will deduct a monthly interest that will serve as your payment.” Jimin pulls out his phone and taps away for a few seconds before humming to himself and adding, “It will take you about 18 months to pay off everything and then you are free to discuss the position as you wish.”
18 months? That does not seem like enough time to pay off everything, does it? Exactly how much are they planning to give you as a salary? Before you can ask, you bite your tongue, wise words from your mother at your college graduation dinner resounding in your head, “Never let an employer know you were expecting less payment for your hard work than what they offered you. They must recognize some worth in you that you may be oblivious to.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, trying to paint the most corporate expression on your face as you return a single nod toward Jimin. “That seems reasonable, but I would like to discuss everything from the profile and my responsibilities openly before deciding.” Jimin presses his thick lips in a flat line, nodding his agreement. 
“Of course, take your time. We can set up a formal meeting anytime you want this week,” he informs.
“And,” you interrupt, suddenly remembering how you got yourself in this position in the first place, “I want it all in writing. No more errors in intentions.”
There is a cough from behind you by Yoongi which sounds suspiciously like a chocked back chuckle. Jimin too bites the inside of his cheek, eyelashes fluttering as he nods again. “We will make sure.”
“Now that all that is over can we please just have something to eat Hobi Hyung? I am starving here.” Jungkook sighs dramatically. “And you, come sit with us, we are not working anymore and I know you are exhausted so you might as well eat now.”
You eye him suspiciously. The other boys all walk up to his table as Namjoon and Hoseok go back toward the kitchen. Even though you trudge over to his table, you can’t help but snark at him, “Would this not be added to my debt to you?”
“Fiesty.” he grins and pulls out a chair for you. “And no. Like I said, we are off work so consider this just a dinner with your future colleagues.” 
You hum dejectedly as you sit at the table with your arms still crossed over your chest. This evening has been a year’s worth of events for you and you seriously can not keep your head up anymore. So you lay your head on the soft white satin tablecloth and groan mutely to yourself. 
“It won’t be that bad working here, pretty girl. You’ll see.” Taehyung says softly from where he sits beside you. You raise your head at him, without straightening your back completely, and are surprised to find him looking at you with no more amusement, just what seems like empathy. Your heart betrays you by fluttering. Why do all of them have to be so attractive? It would be so easy to hate them right now if that wasn’t going on. Life is so unfair.
Seokjin’s hand rests on your shoulder giving it a slight squeeze. “You are so knackered. What were they making you do at LinkSol?” 
It is a rhetorical question, you know that, but you’d just love to dump all of your exhausting work stories on someone if only you had the energy to do that. So you just whine noncommittally and put a pin on telling those stories some other day. After all, they are going to be your “colleagues” as they said. Seokjin takes your palm in his and gently starts to massage your hand. His large hand engulfs yours as his thumbs press into the center of your palm. You give him a confused stare.
“What?” he questions softly.
“What are you doing?” you ask, pointing your nose down to where he is still caressing your hand.
“What does it look like I am doing? I am helping you.” he says it like it is the most obvious thing you could have asked him. 
“Don’t think so deeply about it, sweetheart,” Jungkook says as he grins softly at you, “Hyung has a habit of doing things like that. Just let it be, he means no harm.”
“Yeah, but he is annoying as hell.” Taehyung chips in.
This makes a scowl appear on Seokjin’s face. “I taught you better than that, you shameless brat.” 
“You didn’t teach me shit.” Taehyung gruffs, although he does seem to quiet down after that. 
Jimins rolls his eyes at the both of them and diverts his attention back on you. “I have a better question. I get it about Jin Hyung, he gives off that vibe,” which you think is a slight hidden in the guise of a statement towards Seokjin, “but you didn’t think that we were acting… unusually, around you?”
To be honest, yes. It was definitely strange how these incredibly attractive men were the embodiment of cats with a ball of yarn with you, but that is the point. You were so distracted by the way they looked and how they were very obviously flirting with you that you never even questioned why. You weren’t going to tell them that though. How flustering that idea is, makes a sheen of sweat break out on your hairline. “N-no. I didn’t think of it as anything out of the ordinary.”
It seems like you picked the wrong choice because an impish grin curves along Jimin’s lips as his eyes linger on yours. “So it is a normal occurrence for you. People just flirt with you wherever you go?”
When he puts it like that, it makes your cheeks burn. It is further compounded by Taehyung who admonishes Jimin, “C’mon, Hyung! Stop teasing the poor girl.” He gives you a smirk and a dramatic once-over, before adding “I mean look at her. I wouldn’t dream otherwise”
The way his gaze is suddenly heated makes you choke on your own spit a little. Your heart stutters in your ribcage. Even Yoongi who has been decidedly quiet this entire time leans forward on the table from across you. “Cute.” he mutters, his sharp eyes boring straight into you.
Jimin sighs a deep breath. He plays with the button on the cuff of his shirt as he looks down at the table, “I am not questioning it. I just don’t think I like the idea too much.”
What was that about being “off work”? Aren’t they supposed to not be this charming anymore? Then why are they so intent on making you feel so bashful?! Before you can put too much thought into the matter, the doors to the kitchen open, and Namjoon and Hoseok carry with them two large trays full of food and coffee. As soon as the trays are placed on the table, Hoseok wraps his arms around you, pressing his chest to the back of your chair.
“I am sorry that this is how things turned out, angel.” he whines and Namjoon gives you a small smile as he takes a seat beside Seokjin, “Look on the bright side though. Now we can share all the sweets we want and play together.” he giggles. You smile gratefully at his optimism.
Maybe it won’t be that bad, you think as Jungkook passes you a plate of sandwiches. They seem like nice people, they are allegedly paying you a much better salary than you get at your job, and if nothing else, at least they are a nicer view instead of the drab walls of your office.  
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Taglist: @im-sinking-in-mud @comingupwithacoolnameishard @loumin908 @btsizlyfe @talyaaas-blog @ldysmfrst @socksfirst1 @aliceoracleollormusic
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jae-bummer · 8 months
Crimes Against Punctuality
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Request: Hi! I'm in loooooove with your writing and I saw that you have your request open soooooo can I ask for “Going out to dinner with your bias group and it is growing increasingly obvious that someone at the table has a crush. “ with Suga 😍💕 pls😭🫶
16) Going out to dinner with your bias group and it is growing increasingly obvious that someone at the table has a crush.
Pairing: BTS Suga x Reader
Genre: Fluff
If there was one constant in your world, it was this: when it came to dinner with your friends, you were never late.
Had you often arrived after nearly everyone else? Yes. Did that include technically running at least thirty minutes late on more than one occasion? Also, yes.
But out of the eight of you, there was always someone who was later, therefore absolving you of your offenses.
Sprinting toward the restaurant, you quietly cursed to yourself. Even though they got more than enough crap for it normally, you hoped that tonight, Jimin or Jungkook were running late. If they were already there when you walked through the door, you wouldn't hear the end of it. You needed one of them (or both, you weren't picky) to be the martyr just this once.
Taking the steps two at a time toward the front door of the establishment, you groaned as you flopped against the glass. Pushing at what was an evident pull, you took a step backwards before advancing again.
"It'll be fine," you muttered to yourself. "They get so wrapped up in each other, they won't even notice I'm missing."
Coming to a halt in front of the hostess stand, you opened your mouth, only to be silenced by screams coming from the back of the room.
"I'm guessing you're with them?" the hostess asked, lifting a brow.
Looking over her shoulder, you could clearly see where all seven men had already been seated, and were now zeroing in on you.
"I guess," you agreed, slumping your posture as you walked slowly toward them.
"Y/N!" "You're late." "Did you know you're late?!" "Jimin got here fifteen minutes ago and you couldn't even-" "I took two showers today and still-"
"I ordered you a lemonade."
Looking up as you slid onto the bench seat next to Yoongi, you let out a short chuckle. "Wouldn't have been my first choice."
"I know," he smirked. " It's punishment for your crimes against punctuality."
"How mildly inconvenient," you sighed, picking up your menu. "How is everyone?"
"Starving." "Withering away to nothing." "I have this suspicious mole on my elbow, can anyone-"
"Not all at once," you laughed. Side eying the man next to you, you elbowed him in the side. "What about you?"
"What about me?" he asked calmly, looking to his menu as well.
"How are you?" you repeated.
"Peachy," he grumbled, now glancing your way. "How are you?"
"Tired," you nodded. "Things are just a lot, but you know that all too well."
"What had you late this time?" he questioned, looking away quickly again.
You narrowed your eyes. Sure, Yoongi was odd in a generic way, but something else was going on with him tonight. His vibe was heavier somehow, more guarded.
"Work was a disaster," you explained. "Have you had the bibimbap here before?"
"Namjoon said you had a date."
Choking on what could only be air, you whipped your attention back toward him. "What?"
"With that new guy at your office." He refused to look at you now, but you noticed the tips of his ears were burning a bright crimson.
"Min Yoongi," you gasped. "I never took you for a gossip."
"It's hardly gossip if you told Namjoon," he muttered, flipping the menu over.
Setting your glare on Namjoon, you cleared your throat. Like prey that had been spotted by its predator, he slowly turned toward you with wide eyes. "Can I help you?"
"Who told you I had a date with my coworker?" you asked innocently. "Because I surely did not."
Swallowing loudly, a timid smile crossed his face. "Hobi?"
"Hoseok?" you hummed, swiveling your head to the newest rumor mill.
"I just, when I-" he began to stutter, looking at the members around him for help. "We got lunch the other day and you took a really long time "finishing up" with him!"
Your draw dropped. "What did you think finishing up meant, Hobi?!"
"I mean...I know what it means to Tae-"
"Hey," Taehyung's deep voice hissed. "Leave me out of this."
"Why does it matter anyway!" Hoseok shouted in his Hoseok way. "It's not like you have to answer to any of us!"
Lifting a brow, you turned back to Yoongi. He blinked back at you, his expression remaining blank. "Is the sun in your eyes? I feel like the sun is in my eyes."
You tilted your head, completely at a loss. Out of the seven men sitting around you, Yoongi had always been a bit of enigma. You liked him just as well as you liked your other friends, but it seemed like he was always just slightly withdrawn with you. He was brilliant, sarcastic, and easily one of your favorite people to talk to, but just when you thought you had overcome a barrier with him, he retreated again.
Tonight was even worse than normal.
"Jin, switch seats with me," Yoongi croaked, backing out of the bench seating. Trapped between you and Tae, there was no other way to escape.
Jin looked up with lifted brows, his cheeks packed with what appeared to be kimchi. "Me?"
"Yes, you," Yoongi confirmed, lingering awkwardly behind you now. "The sun is in my eyes over here. You're taller so it won't bother you."
Furrowing your brows, you realized that Jin was in the furthest seat away from you. A sour feeling swept through your stomach as you looked toward the window across from your table instead. "I'm sure they'll close the blinds if we ask-"
"I'll switch with you," Jungkook said cheerfully, sliding off of the bench and circling the table. He had been seated directly across from you.
"No, no, no," Yoongi said quickly. "The sun will bother you just as much."
"Jin isn't that much taller-"
"Listen to your hyung!" Yoongi groaned. "Jin-"
"I'm not moving," the other boy said stiffly, crunching on his food.
Yoongi inhaled deeply before looking up to Jungkook. "Fine," he said quietly, trying to save face. "I hope you like not being able to see."
"It's really no problem," Jungkook giggled, making his way toward you again. Shouldering himself in, he plopped down onto the bench with a content sigh. "So tell me about this date, Y/N."
"There was no date!" you huffed. "Hobi is just dramatic."
"Shocker," you could hear Jimin chuckle from the opposite side of Taehyung.
Directing your attention back to Yoongi as he settled in across from you, you couldn't help but lean forward. "Are you feeling okay?"
"Why?" Yoongi countered, not bothering to give you a real answer.
"You're acting really weird," you said quietly, trying to keep the exchange to yourselves as the other members fell back into a normal cadence of conversation.
"Surely I don't know what you mean," he sniffed, still refusing to look directly at you. It was hard not to notice that the blush that had previously painted his ears was now clouding across his face.
"Are you mad at me?" you tried again. "For making a big deal about the date comment?"
"I don't care who you date, Y/N."
"I didn't say you did, I just-"
Springing up from his chair, the table grew quiet as Yoongi hovered in place. "I, uh, I need to use the restroom."
Turning on his heel, instead of heading to where the actual bathrooms were, he exited onto the back patio of the restaurant.
"Did anyone ask?" Hobi marveled, glancing around the table.
"Joon," you sighed, setting your elbows on the table so you could drop your chin into your palm. "What is going on?"
"What do you mean?" Oh, so now it was his turn to be evasive.
"Don't act like you don't know everything," you muttered. "Now why is Yoongi acting like I have a disease?"
Glancing from one end of the table to the other to confirm that Yoongi was indeed not there, Namjoon whispered. "Have you considered that maybe, he brought up the "date" for a reason?"
"Yes," you nodded. "Because you all are worse than a group of middle aged women when it comes to circulating rumors."
"Well...yes," he said slowly. "But are there any other reasons you can think of?"
You hadn't really wanted to examine his question too closely because you knew what result it would yield. "You don't mean..."
Shrugging, he took a sip of his drink. "Just a thought."
Yoongi could not be jealous. You had assumed that he was just a peace with dying alone because there was never a partner to be seen. Of course, he could have been careful about his privacy, but you knew one of the guys would have found out and spilled the beans. He had no interest in dating, so why would that change for you? Could you have been that wrong?
You supposed it was time to find out.
"I guess I have to use the "bathroom" too," you grumbled, pulling yourself to your feet.
"Are we in an airport?" Jin complained. "We do not need to know about these departures."
Rolling your eyes, you slinked off to the door leading to the seating area in the back of the establishment. Peering out of the glass paned door, you saw Yoongi leaning on the edge of a picnic table, his back facing you and face tilted toward the sky.
Making sure you pulled instead of pushing the door this time, you shuffled out of the building. Uncertain of what to do, you decided to take a seat on the picnic tabletop next to him. After a few minutes of silence, he cleared his throat.
"I'm an idiot."
"Sure," you nodded. "But is there a specific reason?"
"Nope," he sighed. "Just a self-assessment."
"Yoongi," you said, exasperated. Simply saying his name was enough to have him finally look toward you.
"You figured it out, right?" he asked, lifting his brows.
"After talking to Namjoon, yeah," you admitted. "I think I may have known before that though."
The two of you lapsed into silence again. This was all new territory with Yoongi. You knew him better than a lot of people but were still missing out on so much. He kept impenetrable walls around himself, but did this mean that he was finally giving you a key?
Holding your breath, you looked down to find Yoongi's hand leaned on the table between the two of you. You began to move your own fingers slowly toward his, not stopping until they had become intertwined.
There was another moment of silence as you allowed yourself to decompress. You had done it, and he hadn't pulled away. Baby steps were still steps.
Yoongi let out a deep sigh. Closing his eyes, the corner of his lips hitched up ever so slightly. "It feels like a relief."
"What does?"
"You finding me," he said quietly.
The moment was so fragile, you were scared that breathing wrong would cause it to break. "You didn't get very far."
"No," he chuckled. "Not out here."
"Oh," you chirped, suddenly getting his meaning. "I - I don't know if I've found you yet, Yoongi. I need you to help me...if you want to."
"I want to," he said without missing a beat. "I'm not the most open person, Y/N. I can't be like Hobi or Tae. I can't just broadcast my emotions and every thought that crosses my mind."
"You can't?" you asked sarcastically. "And here I thought it was your heart stitched on your sleeve!"
This caused him to smile again. "I know I can be cold and closed off, but I don't want to be that way with you. Not anymore."
"What changed?"
Maybe it was the wrong thing to say. You fell into silence yet again but after a moment, realized that it just meant Yoongi was carefully choosing his words. "Me, I think."
"How so?"
"I never wanted to be with anyone," Yoongi said quietly, confirming your earlier thoughts. "It's just easier being alone...but then, you showed up with Jimin one night. I was hesitant to even make friends because it's a lot of upkeep, you know? Being social and caring about another person is such an investment and it can be so painful...but then I got to know you. It was almost as if I felt my heart change in real time."
"Because of our friendship?"
"Because of you," he corrected. "And against my better judgement, I dared to hope that we could be something if you decided to take a chance on me."
"Well, it sounds like you took one on me," you hummed. "It seems only fair that I do the same."
This time when Yoongi turned to look at you, he really looked at you. "Do you mean that?"
"Very much so," you grinned. "Be careful about letting me in, Yoongi. I may never want to leave."
"What if I don't want you to?"
His words were a whisper, and his eyes were looking so intently into yours. You felt like you would melt on the spot.
"Then I won't."
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human-psyche · 10 months
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characters: yoongi x reader
genre: romance, comfort, reaction
about: esentially, what min yoongi would be like as boyfriend.
一 Yoongi would be a very good balance of inspiration, sensitivity and expression;
一 for starters, he would be a great listener who's capable of delving into complicated conversations if necessary.
一 he would understand complex emotions, provide a lot of encouragement, and have an infectious ability to make his girlfriend laugh.
一 in other words, his presence would fill Y/n's life with lightheartedness and insight.
一 warmth and comfort because he has a calm and chill demeanor, yet still maintaining a steady, mean, and levelheaded attitude when dealing with difficult situations.
一 he’d be the type of person that would give his girlfriend the security she needs in order to be herself completely.
一 when protecting his girlfriend, Yoongi would be steadfast and reliable, while also understanding of her independence.
一 he would be willing to put himself between Y/n and harm, he has her back, it would allow his girlfriend to feel safe.
一 most importantly, he would bring a wealth of great music to life. as a lyric writer, he would always have something in the works that Y/n just can't get enough of, with singing rap to create a smooth blend of sound.
一 he would respect her boundaries as well;
一 his girlfriend can trust him with anything she has to share and feel that he isn’t going to take advantage of her vulnerability.
一 dating him would never be dull;
一 he would be creative enough to surprise Y/n with unexpected dates: whether it be romantic trips or simply taking the time to listen to her and have meaningful conversations, he would put in effort to make sure the time spent together is special.
一 shortly, having Yoongi as boyfriend would be like having the ideal boyfriend: he’d be someone Y/n would be happy to be around, and can learn from and have fun with.
一 plus, he’d bring a whole new level of cool into his girlfriend's life.
. . .
a/n: share / reblog if you like and do follow me for more bts content!
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kook-core · 9 months
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welcome to the black parade
⌞bangtan 'mcr inspired' posters
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haeggi · 1 year
the gift and the gifted | myg ✓
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➔ pairing: top student!yoongi × top student!reader
➔ genres/warnings: highschool!au, christmas!au, holiday!au, romcom!au, rivals to lovers, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, suggestive themes (but there's no smut, woops), also yoongi wears glasses bc my babie is so cute and hot when he wears one, lots of cussing prolly, some jokes may be offensive, reader and yoongi basically wants to strangle each other's necks bc yes.
➔ word count: 12.9k
➔ synopsis: you were always at the top; girls envied you and they aspired to be like you, and you got guys swooning at your feet. but there was always a particular individual who followed your footsteps. min yoongi. everywhere you were, he always shadowed you. he always came in second to you, and just like you, he also had become the primary cause of ladies getting diagnosed with erotomanias (metaphorically, of course). but everything crashes downhill when your roles are suddenly switched; he ends up at the top, and you below him. how messed up could that be?
or alternatively, christmas was just around the corner, and all it takes are the midterms (which will be a piece of cake to you) before the semester ends. however, the christmas news you receive that year was one of the worst gifts yet. let's say, it went catastrophic because the gift came in the form of min yoongi, your biggest rival.
notes: this is my first ever tumblr ff ajshssk. it's raw and unedited, so expect a lot of grammar mistakes.
According to statistics of an unknown source, a lot of experts believe that the global population is composed of between 2% to 6% of gifted children. Such child prodigies are blessed with naturally high inborn intelligence. They perform significantly at complex levels compared to peers.
You belonged in the 2 to 6% of that category. At the fresh age of two, you were able to read novels that are typically for adolescents. You also already knew how to write children stories, your imaginations constantly spreading as if you were using a hex in your mind, expanding your thoughts into a whole new wide level.
Yes, that was indeed a Marvel reference.
Oh, you started watching the series by the time you were three, by the way. Whenever your parents kissed you goodbye to report to their jobs, you would bake pancakes while standing on a stool because you were still too tiny to reach the top of the kitchen counter. Afterwards, you would waddle into the living room, turn on the TV, and bask into a three-hour Marvel movie.
You would also laugh at the adult jokes that were made that even most adolescents wouldn't get, yet there you were, being a couch potato, sipping on maple syrups while giggling at the scenes.
And by the time you were four, you knew all your basic math. You could also spell complicated words already such as pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (man, I literally had to copy-paste that from Google, smh). You also have memorized all the countries of Asia and Europe, and the parts of the human's and plants' cells—not just the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell basic and overused shit.
But most importantly, you definitely had attitude problems. You had a blunt tongue and a sharp wit.
"I don't want to go to school," your five-year-old-self whined burying your small head further into the pillow. "I don't need to," you add, muffled.
"Honey," your mother sighed, inviting herself in your bedroom. She knew how much you despised it whenever someone crossed your personal space, yet you were too whine-y to even fight your mother. "I know that, but you still need to. The world is too big for everything to fit in your brain—"
"Are you calling me small?" you grimaced, exhuming your head from the pillow and whipping it at your mom's direction. "Mom, you know how much I'm sensitive when it comes to my height!"
"Yes, dear, I apologize—"
"I don't wanna hear it, mom! My decision is final, I don't wanna go to kindergarten!" you yelled, albeit your voice was muffled because you stuffed your face into your pillow again.
"Kindergarten?" your mother repeated. "Y/N, I never said anything about enrolling you to kindergarten. I was planning to apply for your acceleration for elementary—"
"Mmmooommmm!" you groaned, almost sounding like a wolf, but to your beloved mother, you just sounded like a pup. "Leave me alone, please! I know my geometry, I can solve the area of a rectangle, a square, a decagon. Even a gazillion-gon or whatever! And I know how to use similes, metaphors, hyperboles, and ironies!"
"Clearly," your mother muttered under her breath. "With how sharp your tongue is, I'm not even surprised."
The woman flinched when a soft piece of fluff landed before her feet. It was one of your stuff toys, Mr. Bear-able.
She resisted the urge to massage her temples, catching what her daughter was implying. "Alright, fine. I'll leave you alone. But if you ever change your mind, tell me."
"I don't do do overs, mom," you retorted, suddenly having the appetite to get out of bed. You waddle towards your desk, plopping on the seat with your back turned to your mother. "Now, if you excuse me, I have a lot to do."
"Of course," your mother responded. "Come down for dinner at seven. Don't. Be. Late," she warned.
"Yes, mother," you stressed the last word.
Hearing the door shut close, you released a sigh of relief, finally grateful for the time of peace.
But, unfortunately, for gifted children, peace was a state they rarely achieved.
Ten years later, you are now enduring the third year of high school. And ten years ago, you swore to yourself that you wouldn't step foot into a school. Ever. Yet here you were, standing in the middle of the hallway, flooded with lots of people your age. Jocks and cheerleaders mostly flocked the lockers, some of which are busy slamming each other against each one, their faces all over each other.
It was a disgusting sight to you, but you are used to it now. You know not to pry into their business and scream at them to stop the eff out. One, because you were simply lazy—or rather, conserving energy is the right term. Second, they weren't worth your precious time.
Yes, it was your third year in high school, but also it was only your third time attending school because for the last seven years, you had been cooped up within the four walls of your bedroom. You never stepped foot out the door, except when you ate. You were either sleeping, writing, or just aimlessly scrolling on Twitter and Tiktok.
It had gotten to the point where your mother barged into the room with your father following her like a lost puppy, because he didn't want to deal with you because he was either 1) really, really afraid of you or 2) he just didn't really want to deal with an untamed animal that was in the form of you. Yet, he followed your mother to your room because 1) he was definitely still more afraid of his wife more than of his daughter and 2) he probably wants to witness your demise.
And you did get your demise. You got an earful from your mother. She had confiscated your phone, pulled you out of your room and locked the door. She was getting sick of you acting around as if you were the boss. As if you were the adult.
Yeah, you definitely had (still have, by the way) attitude problems.
And the only condition that your mother had so that you could gain access back to your room and phone is if you enrolled at school, got a degree, and a decent job.
So here you were, in the very hellhole you didn't want to end up in.
On the bright side, you are still a gifted child, and hell did you demolished everyone in your path. Academically, of course. Consistently, you were the overall top one of your batch from first year to second year. You were always the top scorer in examinations. You were also literally destroying your teachers' careers, which basically made almost everyone love you. Almost.
You got guys begging for your attention, wanting to take you out on dates. You also got girls envying you, wanting to be you. And also, of course, you had haters.
And most significantly, you had competition.
He was always there, wherever you were. You were on the list of top scorers, and underneath your name, just right next to it, was his name printed. You were the overall top one, and below you, just beside you, was his name written.
You were the first, and he always came in second.
Your eyes were literally burning in crimson when you saw him entering your line of sight. His jet black hair was neatly styled as usual, his pale skin was glowing underneath the fluorescent lights, his eyes were adorned with round-rimmed glasses, accentuating his clever ambience further.
It made your blood boil; the way he was just calmly walking through the crowd of students. He didn't even make an effort passing through the bodies because people made way for him. Of course, they would. He is the fucking student council president, for hell's sake!
Your arms are crossed, still staring him down as he greeted and bowed to those who smiled at him. Oh, how badly you wanted to rip his mouth off of his face and smack it to the first girl you see because she would definitely pay you at least ten years worth of your life, then you can finally ditch school, maybe disappear off the surface of the map and enjoy a life of solitude in probably an abandoned island, sipping on mojito, or maybe the mountains to enjoy the fresh air of nature because the air down there smelled like pieces of shit—
"Y/N," he singsongs, his gravelly voice reaching your ears.
You didn't notice that you had been standing at the middle of the hallway for quite a long time now because he, along with a few of the other student council members trailing behind him, was now in front of you. You notice everyone's eyes are on you two. Everyone knew of the rivalry you two have. And you also knew that they are totally anticipating a war to happen.
"Yoongi," you say, your tone honeyed with a hint of passive-aggressiveness.
"How was your weekend?" he asks, tilting his head slightly.
Oh, he is definitely enjoying the attention. Just so you wait, I will rip your fakeass smile—
"It was okay!" you chirp, faking a laugh. "I hope yours was too."
Yoongi hums, fixing his glasses that had slightly slid down, exposing his feline eyes for a fleeting moment. "Fortunately, it went more than okay to me," he says with a pompous smile.
Your verbose response is a forced smile, hoping that he will take the hint that he will leave you alone now, because you knew what he was referencing to. The recent weekend, both of your families had dinner together. Unfortunately for you, your parents and his parents are very well-acquainted with each other. Mr. and Mrs. L/N, and Mr. and Mrs. Min's relationship was founded through a business partnership. Despite that, the relationship between the four adults ensued into a deeper level.
Alas, the same couldn't be said with the two offsprings. While their parents considered each other close friends, you and Yoongi acknowledged the other as each other's nemesis.
Everything between you and him always ended up to become a competition. A competition to see who gets on the other's nerves the quicker.
That was why on that particular Saturday night, in a fancy restaurant booked by Yoongi's parents, underneath the rectangular marbled table, you used the advantage of wearing heels that time to sink one of your stilettos on one of his leather shoes when he taunted you. Afterwards, he made a scene, instantly pointing a finger at you when his mother worriedly asked what happened. You promptly defended yourself, saying that it was an accident and that you didn't notice his foot immediately. Then, your beloved mother scolded you in front of them to be more careful because it was bad manners; and that you should act like a proper lady in a five-star Michelin restaurant.
Luckily, he starts to leave you, but only after making up an excuse. "Well, I'm a bit late with my duties, I can't waste time any longer. So, I'll see you later."
He attempts to walk past you, but you had enough time to recover from his pettish outro. As he takes the first steps, you mislead him by moving aside. Then, you slide your foot forwards, miniscule. You watch as his own bumps into yours and in a span of a second, he trips, albeit he regains his balance quickly to your dismay. You almost pouted since he didn't meet the floor with his face.
His calm composure cracks a tiny bit, his eye twitching as he looks at you, his expression now displaying irk. He expected everyone else to look at you as if you were the culprit, but unfortunately, for his part, no one noticed because it is too crowded in the hallway for anyone to catch what you did. Instead, they all had their gazes at him. Some of them awkwardly smiled, while others began to whisper.
Nevertheless, Yoongi ignores them. He stands up straight, fixing the collar of his shirt before waltzing away with his group trailing behind. Unlike earlier, he was tramping, eager to flee the scene and rendering you into a fit of hushed and inconspicuous giggles.
Not today, Snow White. Not today.
You are stuck in another hour of a boring lesson. You lazily spin a pencil around your fingers, with one hand supporting the weight of your chin as you stare outside the window of your classroom, observing the varsity soccer players attempting to score goals.
You unconsciously snicker when one of the players falls on the grass, catching the attention of your math teacher. It took two calls of your name before you faced her, scowling when she says, "Since you seem so confident, not listening to my discussion, will you please be so kind to solve this on the board?"
You raise an eyebrow, looking at her as if saying 'Are you serious?' The teacher doesn't falter, however, and you sigh vexatiously, standing up from your seat and idly ambling across the aisle. You feel the stares of your classmates piercing at your back but you don't waver. Upon reaching the front, you take the marker from your teacher, whose face was still etched into a frown at the behavior you are showing.
You solve the polynomial equation with ease, not even pausing to think. And when you encircled your final answer and turned to return your teacher's marker, she was gaping at you. Smirking in victory, she tells you to return to your seat. And for the rest of the lecture, she doesn't bother you anymore.
After school, you went straight out of the campus, as if the air inside the building had been suffocating you that you even release a long sigh of relief. Frankly, you thought that you had wasted another day because you didn't learn anything new from any of your subjects. All that was discussed, you already know those concepts since you were ten years old.
And now, you wanted to throw a tantrum at your mother when you get home.
You head for the gates of the campus, and as if you didn't have enough on your plate, a car comes revving near you, and before you knew it, it blocks your path, making you abruptly halt your steps. You instantly recognize the model of the vehicle. The driver's door opens and a familiar black bob of hair is revealed. You don't even try to hide your irritation when Yoongi approaches you.
"Get in the car," he demands, opening the passenger door right in front of you.
You don't listen. Instead, you comment, "Nice calculations there. Which theorem did you apply that made the passenger's door end up in front of my face? Show me your scratch papers."
He rolls his eyes, clearly not having your shit. "My mom called me and told me that your mom told her to tell me that I'm dropping you off at your house because your mom is worried that you'll be off somewhere else again and cause trouble, so she wants to make sure that you're not going to do anything stupid again—"
"Hold your horses, Eminem." You flail your hands in front of him. "First of all, drop the your mom tongue twister. Second, I'm not coming with you. Who knows? You might be plotting my death. And third, stop talking to me because people might think that we're friends."
Without waiting for Yoongi's response, you swaggered around his Hyundai Sonata, heading for the campus gates. Relief washes over you when you don't hear the annoying honking of his car. He had left you alone for now.
Besides, how worse could your day get any further?
Your bag drops to the floor once you have registered the sight of your mother guffawing at a joke he said. They were both too occupied in their conversation that they only sensed your presence when you make a beeline for the stairs.
"Y/N," your mother calls, and you stop in your tracks, one foot mid-air. You curse lowly, not being able to even make it for the first tread.
You put on the fakest smile you could muster, making sure that it was discernible that you didn't want to have to do anything with the two most exasperating persons in the room.
"Aren't you gonna join Yoongi and I for snacks?" she says, rendering you to fist your hand. It took a lot of strength from you not to swing a punch at the said male. He was clearly enjoying this. He absolutely knew that you were getting reprimanded again once he leaves the premise.
Your smile twitches, almost cracking but you stay firm. "Sure, I will. Mother." You deliberately stressed the last word. A warning gaze is given to you by your mother.
Smirking lightly, you don't tiptoe anymore, seeing that it was useless. You pull the chair across where Yoongi sat, purposely making the wood screech against the floor. Your mother winces slightly that made you smile triumphantly.
As if nothing had transpired, your mother began to speak. "So, Yoongi here told me that you refused to get a lift from him. You do know that that's basic manners."
"Yes, and you told me not to accept anything from strangers," you deadpan. Your mother's eyes widen in horror, instantly sending Yoongi an apologetic gaze.
"Oh, Yoongi, I'm so sorry about my daughter. I think she meant that she didn't want to a burden to you."
Yoongi waves his hand, a cheeky smile painted on his lips. "It's alright, Mrs. L/N. I get what you mean. I absolutely understand where Y/N is coming from."
Your head was beginning to ache from the exchange that was occurring between the two people you weren't entirely fond of. Before your mother could respond to your nemesis, you cut in.
"Why is he even here, mom?" you demand. Your mother chuckles awkwardly, looking back and forth between you and your enemy.
"Well," she starts. "Your midterms are nearing alongside the weather that is starting to cool off. I invited Yoongi so that you two could study together and maybe consider this as a bonding moment for the two of you—"
You don't let her finish, abruptly standing up from your seat, already shooting daggers at the woman who birthed you.
"Mom, I don't need a study buddy. I can clearly study fine on my own. In fact, I don't need to because I know everything and I assure you that I will ace my midterms just like I've had for the past two years."
Mrs. L/N frowns at your response. "Y/N, if you please, will you stop with the bratty attitude? We have a guest and the least you can do is act accordingly!"
You are certain that your blood had reached its boiling point. "No!" you raise your tone, unbothered by the fact that your rival is literally witnessing the argument that is transpiring right now. What irked you more was that he is probably enjoying the scene unfolding before him. "You're just doing all of these because you know how much I despite it! I hate it, mom. And I absolutely harbor all of the ill feelings you can name towards him!" You point at Yoongi, who is calmly watching you with an unreadable expression on his face.
As far as you know, only your parents knew that you loathed Yoongi. That was why you were always comfortable expressing it even in their presence. But whenever his parents were at the scene, that was when you could control your temper, and suppress your irritations, which is why now, you were exploding once again.
"I'm not hearing it," you proclaim, already making way towards the stairs. "Chit-chat with him for all I care. Just leave me be."
You stomp upstairs, making sure you slam your bedroom door shut. Smoke was literally smothering out of yours ears and nostrils as you grabbed the nearest book you had from your shelf and throw it with all your might at the other end of your room. Then, you march towards your bed, falling on it face-first and releasing your screams, muffled by your pillows.
You are so angry and infuriated, mentally wrecking Yoongi with all the curses you could think of. After what seemed like hours of disparaging him in the form of talking to your long-time best friend, Mr. Bear-able, you feel your throat become dry. It is parched and you feel the need to gulp down a gallon of water with how much saliva you used.
Annoyed that you had to leave the comfort of your room to get a glass of water downstairs, you wonder if Yoongi had already left. You check outside, raising the blinds of your window. Then, you grimace, seeing the familiar vehicle parked in front of your house.
Why was that son of a half-troll still here?
You really didn't want to go down and see him, but your throat was literally begging for your thirst to be quenched. You try to weigh the pros and cons, with the cons definitely outweighing the former, but you were still too thirsty. It was sending you to the brim of annoyance so you had no choice but to step out of your room.
Your ears try to hear for movements and conversations, but when you don't, you thought that maybe they were in the backyard. You sigh in relief, albeit too early because when your feet touched the floor of the first floor of your house, you almost lost your balance upon seeing the devil himself standing by the stairs' handrails. The balusters did the job of concealing him because his face is already adorned with a smirk.
"Why the fuck are you here?" you demand. "Where's mom?"
"Out," Yoongi simply answers, sipping on his iced Americano.
"Why?" You cross your arms, raising an incredulous eyebrow at him.
"She felt bad about your tantrum—" he explains nonchalantly. "—so, she insisted to take-out dinner."
"Why didn't you just come with her? That would save us both the case of fighting—"
"I offered to stay and look after you in case something happens, although your mom was still really worried for me in case you might pull something against me. But I assured her that I would be fine." He blinks as if his response was a normal one.
However, you don't buy it, narrowing your eyes and taking a defiant step closer to him. "What are you scheming this time? Wasn't it enough for you that you got to witness me getting reprimanded?"
Yoongi doesn't seem affected because he stands his ground, his eyes reciprocating the determined gaze you were giving him.
He doesn't answer you, and he breaks your eye-contact, looking at something behind you.
"Hey, I asked you a question—"
"It's snowing," he cuts you off.
Mildly confused and musing a what, you turn around to check what he was looking at. And then you see the first fall of snow of the year. Immediately, you feel the chilly breeze of winter prick your skin.
Eyebrows still furrowed, you only move when Yoongi scurries off towards the heater, turning it on. After a few seconds, the cold that you instantly felt is replaced by warmth. Still, you were on edge, because Yoongi was acting really... weird.
You watch him with judgment in your eyes as he makes his way towards the dining room. That's when you see study materials sprawled on the table; Stabilo highlighters with their caps off, arrow sticky notes pasted on top of pages of the textbooks, reviewers spread all throughout the space of the table. He had been clearly studying for midterms. You were disturbed that he had shamelessly claimed territory on your dining room.
You feel the bile crawling up your throat, you are cognizantly displeased at the way Yoongi was acting. You march towards the room, where he was busy organizing his notes.
"Hey!" you squawked. "Will you stop walking around as if this is your house?! And... can you stop that? You're acting weird..." you trail off when Yoongi doesn't even snap at you. He only looks at you as if you were the strange one in the room.
You roll your eyes, opting to get your glass of water from the kitchen instead. If the damn bitch won't respond to you properly then you won't bother to waste your time.
Closing the refrigerator, with one hand holding the pitcher, you jump the second time that day, caught off-guard by your rival standing behind the door of the refrigerator.
"Jesus Christ, Yoongi!" you yell. "I will literally smack you in the face with this pitcher!"
"Huh," he muses. "That's really weird."
"What?" you say in disbelief. "Don't call me weird when between us, you're the one that's acting weird. Fucking leave me alone, for fuck's sake."
"Yeah, exactly." He remains unfazed by your threats. "Strangely, I don't feel anything towards you right now."
"Of course you don't," you scoff. "You hate me. Hello? Have you suddenly become stupid or something?"
Seemingly lost in thought, Yoongi replies, "No, I mean like I literally don't feel anything right now towards you. I don't feel like I hate you right now—"
"Yes, I hear you. Now can you shut the fuck— wait what?" You pause and do a double take on what he just said.
What did he say? That he doesn't hate me right now?
"Look, I don't know what the fuck it is your scheming right now, but I just want to tell you to drop your crap, because I don't believe a single word you're uttering right now," you say, pouring water on a glass. You take a sip before resuming. "Stop saying bullshit, because I won't fall for it."
"I'm not telling you bull right now." He raises both of his hands in surrender. "Ugh, whatever. You probably have the mental capacity of a lizard for you to understand even if I explain—"
"Take that back right now," you threaten him. "Have you forgotten that you always come second to me? Don't get too cocky, you still don't know who you're messing with. It's been three years, you should know now that you can't beat me."
"Whatever you say so, Megamind." He fixes his glasses before returning to the dining room. You warily watch him go back to studying before you climb up back into your room.
Even though you were already inside, you still felt uneasy because of how peculiar Yoongi acted just a few minutes ago.
The gray cement road is replaced with the ivory snow, concealing everything underneath it. It's now the month of November, which meant that your parents are busy preparing for the holidays. That also meant that you had to help them too to your dismay.
You are sitting on your house's porch, a stick in your hand while doodling on the snow. Meanwhile, your father is occupied in attaching the Christmas lights on the gutters of your roof.
He calls your name, and you oblige. You step foot out into the snow weather, bits of frost coating your hair. You crane your neck up the ladder.
"Can you pass me the other string of lights?" he requests, pointing at the said lights sprawled on the snow. You grab it off the floor, taking the end of it. You spin it like a lasso before unleashing it towards your father, who catches it with ease. He laughs, "Nice one!"
You roll your eyes before returning to your earlier position. You begin to scribble again as your mind wanders off somewhere else.
For the past few weeks, you had noticed that something became different. And it was all because of a particular person who was supposed to be the hell of your life. Instead, it seems like he had now become pacified, and he decided that you weren't worth his time anymore.
A part of you feels extremely offended and infuriated because you feel that Yoongi doesn't see you as a menace anymore; that he was now confident that he can easily defeat you; that he doesn't see you as a competition anymore. Another of your part feels concerned and peculiar—as if something is missing. You don't feel the adrenaline pulsating through your veins anymore whenever you saw Yoongi.
When you crossed paths, he would only give you a smile of acknowledgement and then leave before you could even tell him a snarky comment.
Oddly, it was affecting you more than it should be. You were starting to think that maybe this was one of his tactics for you to get distracted. If it was, it was unfortunately working, and you were getting vexed as each day passed by.
You wanted Yoongi to lash out on you. You wanted to feel his anger radiating towards you. You wanted him to feel threatened. You wanted to be the one with the upper hand.
But instead, you were feeling none of those from him. It was rendering you to madness because even though you wanted to deny it so bad, you couldn't get him out of your mind.
And maybe, just maybe, you thought that something different was also brewing inside you.
November flew by in a blur and before you even knew it, you only had two weeks before midterms. You and your mother were busy setting up the Christmas tree. She was busy handing you the ornaments and garlands, and directing you where to place them.
"There," your mother says. "A little bit up. Nope, down. Nevermind, put it up again."
You groan in annoyance. "Mom, can you please make up your mind? My arms are starting to sore."
She gives you a sheepish smile from below. You feel goosebumps pricking your skin, disturbed by your mother's expression. It was the first time you saw that kind of smile from her.
"You're creeping me out," you say.
"Oh, it's nothing," your mother tells you. "It's just... recently I've noticed how you seem at peace now unlike before. It's nice..." she hesitates a bit but when she sees you only looking at her and listening intently, she finds the courage to express to you, "It's nice that we're finally having a mother-and-daughter bonding experience since... I don't know, maybe since you were one?"
You laugh. You actually laugh genuinely at what she says. You climb down the ladder, dusting your hands on your sweater. Peace. A word that its meaning which you know, but don't know what it feels. It is a foreign feeling and peculiar. Only then when your mother notices it you realize that maybe that was the right word you were looking for to describe your interiority right now.
But as soon as you take cognizance of it, your mother crashes it when she lets you know the news.
"Yoongi's family is having dinner with us on the Eve," she informs you, and your smile stiffens. "I expect that you'll be on your best behavior."
She looks at you expectantly, and it was enough to let her know that you aren't fond of the idea because you say,
"I'd rather be a Christmas feast to a cat, honestly."
"To be honest, I'd rather feast on a mouse, mom," Yoongi says when his mother informs him their plan for the evening of Christmas Eve.
She laughs heartily. "Why would you say that, dear? Is it because of Y/N? Are you still uptight around her because of her gift?"
Yoongi shudders at the mere mention of your name for some unknown reason that he couldn't decipher. He denies it, shaking his head.
Then, her mother's eyes sparkled. She leans forward and whispers, "Then... have you gotten fond of her? You seem to be more nervous than before, Yoongi. Whenever we spend time with the L/Ns, you always seem so determined, and you look forward to spend time with their family. Why do you seem so uneasy now?"
"Err, it's not that, mom." Yoongi tries to distract himself by sipping on his iced Americano, but that doesn't ease his nerves. He regrets ordering his usual drink on the cold season because his shivering is amplified. "It's just... midterms' soon, and I'm just stressed, I guess."
"Stressed?" His mother repeats. "That's the first time I've heard that word from you, dear."
"Is it?" Yoongi chuckles awkwardly.
Mrs. Min emits another lighthearted laugh. "Yoongi, I know you more than anyone else. Don't even deny it, you have taken quite a liking for the L/Ns' daughter, haven't you?"
Yoongi gapes at his mother's proclamation. He immediately shakes his head vehemently. "Mom, that's ridiculous. Of course, I haven't. She hates me." At the last sentence, he resisted the urge to roll his eyes. But his bitter tone doesn't come unnoticed to his mother.
"Does she?" she innocently asks.
"Yeah." Yoongi sighs, pressing his lips into a thin line that resembled a bracket. It was a habit of his whenever he feels displeased. "She hates the mere sight of me, mom. And we compete for the first place, every time. She hates the fact that I'm always second to her because she's threatened that I might overthrow her anytime! It's annoying to be honest. But now, I'll just let her have her way. I'm just going to focus on studying for midterms. She's not worth my time, anyway."
Of course he was half-lying. He wanted nothing more but to continue this rivalry you two had. But these days, he had been in conflict with his inner self. He didn't want you having your way, he wanted to conquer you. But also, another side of him is troubling him. He didn't want to continue fighting you any longer for some reason. Yoongi doesn't know if he simply got tired of it or if it was because of something else that he couldn't pinpoint.
Either way, he didn't want to interact with you for the mean time. He had to figure whatever the shit was happening to his brain. Had he finally lost it?
You were serene as usual when midterms ended. You can't help but feel pride swelling on your chest as you listened to your classmates' complaints and sighs of regrets because they had a lot harder time getting through each question of the exams than you did.
But somehow, there was something missing; the thrill. Your mind wanders to your nemesis, wondering how he did in his exams.
When you were all dismissed, the hallways are instantaneously filled with students, celebrating their triumphs and the fact that they were now free from school. Instinctively, you try the look for a familiar midget with black bob hair and round-rimmed glasses.
And when you do see him, a smirk makes its way to your lips. You march confidently to his way. He doesn't notice your presence until you blocked his way, causing him to look up from his phone to acknowledge you.
"Hey, Potter," you drawl, playing with the ends of your hair. He rolls his eyes at the nickname you call him.
"What do you want?" he straightly gets to the point. You raise an eyebrow, a bit caught off-guard by his question.
That was a good one because yeah, what the hell did you want? Why did you approach him in the first place?
Yoongi unintentionally saves you from the embarrassment. His feline eyes narrow and he smugly smiles. "Oh, are you concerned about how I did well in my exams? Are you perhaps... threatened?"
You scowl, pointing a finger at him. "Don't get so brazen. I'm just here to tell you not to feel too self-assured. I know what you've been up to lately. You've been trying to distract me by not acknowledging my presence for the past few weeks. You think that that's all it takes for me to back down? Nah-uh. Nice try, Yoongi, but try harder."
"Oh?" He raises an eyebrow, fascinated at your assumptions. "So, that's what you've been presuming." Then, he shrugs, "Look, doll, I don't know where such thoughts of yours suddenly came from, but I'm just saying that that sounds like a you problem. I'm not doing anything, but it seems like you're turning into one of them, having delusions about me."
You cringe and sneer. "You can't be serious, Yoongi. Now, you're the delusional one!" The way he was smirking victoriously made you want to slap the mocking smile off of his face.
You decide to end the interaction, curtly pivoting on your heels and strutting away from Yoongi, whose piercing eyes never left your figure until you disappeared from his line of sight.
In the back of his mind, he is contemplating. He ponders if you were right. For the first time in his lifetime, he was considering what you said.
Meanwhile, you were stomping on piles of snows. You were furious at the lack of energy Yoongi was showing you. He really seemed like he didn't give a damn anymore about you. He was so laid-back and relaxed and that made your confidence dwindle a bit, wondering what had he pulled from his sleeves.
Your mood remains sour the whole time you walked home. People who passed by you probably thought that you were releasing dragon breaths if not for the freezing weather.
You were basically tramping on the floor of your living room, immediately catching the attention of your mother, who scampers out of the kitchen to check out the commotion. She sees you muttering incoherent words to yourself and you only stop when she gets your attention.
"Did something happen, Y/N?" she questions. "Why are you in a sour mood? Did something happen with your exams?"
"No, mom!" you immediately answer. "In fact, I aced the exams, I'm certain! You don't need to worry about anything. It's just that—" you abruptly stop. Your mother looks at you, waiting for you to continue but you don't.
Frankly, you're confused yourself, suddenly wondering why were you so worked up. You didn't have to worry about anything, you were a hundred percent confident that you did outstandingly in your exams.
"Y/N?" Your mother's voice pulls you out of your trance.
"It's nothing!" you exclaim. "Just tired. I'm going to my room, if you don't mind." You start going up the stairs. "Call me if you need help." Your voice echoes in the first floor.
Mrs. L/N blinks, finding your behavior strange lately. Yet, she shrugs it off and goes back to working in the kitchen.
"Y/N, please stop harassing the carrots," your mother says. "They did nothing to you."
You stop cutting the vegetable, noticing that indeed, the whole carrot was now mashed. You sigh, not realizing that you've been cutting angrily.
"If you're not in the mood, I can cook myself. You can go on and set the table instead."
You don't argue, abandoning the knife and mashed carrots before making way towards the cabinets where your mother kept the utensils for special occasions.
It was finally the day of your impending doom. Christmas Eve. Dinner with the Min family, and honestly, you didn't know what to feel. The last time Yoongi visited was when you and your mother had an argument right in front of him. It was also the day everything changed. You wonder if the argument that transpired traumatized him, rendering him to madness. Or maybe he was diagnosed with a disorder.
There I go again. Why the hell am I even thinking about him? Focus at the task at hand, Y/N—
You reach out for the stack of plates but one of them slips from your grasp, clattering and breaking on the floor. Your mother jumps, and she starts to scold you as you bent down and picked up the broken pieces.
"Y/N, seriously, what is going on with you?" she exclaims. "You've been so out of it!"
You sigh, fluttering your eyes close for a moment. When you open them, you wince, suddenly feeling blood rushing towards your index finger. You look down and see rivulets of ruby spilling out of your skin.
Mrs. L/N notices your trance and she follows your gaze. Her eyes widen and she gasps, instantly ushering you to rinse your wound and put a band aid on it.
You obey, grabbing the opportunity of ephemeral peace. In the bathroom, you dab the small laceration with Betadine, before wrapping it up with a band aid. Then, your ears register the sound of muffled voices coming from the other side of the door.
It didn't take you long to realize that the Min family has entered your residence. And that meant, Yoongi was also here. Your last interaction with him was at the school hallway, where you two had a small argument about which one of you was the delusional one. It was an awkward one, to be honest. It didn't feel like your previous fights.
You slap your forehead with your wounded hand, wincing and mentally cursing yourself because of your stupidity. It was ironic, to be frank. You were gifted with an incredible high IQ, but your EQ was equivalently low.
After a few minutes of attempts to calm yourself down, you finally step out of the bathroom, sauntering towards the living room to make your presence known. Mrs. Min acknowledges you, giving you a peck in the cheek. You awkwardly stand before her as she compliments your crown braid hairstyle and the baby blue turtleneck dress that you wore, matched with a pair of flats because you didn't do well in heels in cold weathers.
Her attention pans towards your father, greeting him with the same enthusiasm and you finally felt like you could breathe. But that's when you see him too.
Yoongi is standing in the sidelines, observing the interaction between the four adults. He is obviously avoiding your eyes but you don't notice it, of course. He could literally feel your burning stare on him that he was starting to feel his legs buckle.
However, all those went over your head. You pay heed on his outfit. He didn't seem... too bad. You acknowledge that he has a sense of fashion. He is wearing a pair of beige slacks, complimenting his skin tone. The black leather belt that hugged his waist is a contrast to his white button up long sleeve, a cream-colored knitted vest resting on top of it.
When you look at his eyes, you find him already staring at you. Clearly, he had completely failed avoiding at looking at you. You two continued to have a staredown when Mrs. Min calls the attention of the two of you.
"Y/N, Yoongi! Take your seats. Let's bless the food and eat!"
After dinner, the four adults in the room began to chat with the company of champagne and whiskey. Meanwhile, you and Yoongi were tasked to do the dishes. So, as much as to your disappointment, you were stuck with him. He soaps the dishes while you rinsed them. The situation was awkward because you two were enveloped in a uncomfortable silence. The only sources of sound between you were the voices and laughters coming from the living room.
Earlier, your mother had warned you to be in your best behavior for the umpteenth time, and you don't even fight her on it because 1) you didn't have the energy to engage in a war anyways and 2) Min Yoongi had been passive so you actually had no reason to go into a fit of rage. But still, there is a slight disappointment in you because of the lack of interaction you were having with the said boy.
It was like he had gone mute. To you, it's irksome but also, you were starting to feel concerned. However, your pride was more essential to you, so you don't ask Yoongi what has been bothering him lately because 1) he's your nemesis, you aren't supposed to care for his well-being and 2) it might be a part of his grandmaster plan of plotting your demise.
After drying your hands, you don't bother to wait for Yoongi. Passing by the adults in the living room, you silently exit through the front door to get some fresh air.
As if finally freeing yourself from constriction, you inhale the scent of snowflakes and exhale through your nose, an icy breath leaving your lips. You don't notice the front door opening once again. You don't notice the pair of footsteps padding against the soft snow. You only notice it when the footsteps stop beside you.
You turn your head slightly and see Yoongi, who's looking straight ahead. Cautiously, you take a step to your right to increase the distance between you two.
He notices instantly because he scoffs, "I'm not going to bite you."
"I was just making sure," you reason out. "Why are you here, anyway? Did your mom tell you to? You can drop the act now."
He looks at you in disbelief. "I didn't come out here because I was told to. I came here on my own accord."
You frown. "You're legit scaring me now. Will you stop it already?"
This time, Yoongi doesn't let his gaze leave your face. He is intently looking at you, as if scrutinizing every movement you made. Instinctively, you tuck your chin inside the collar of your turtleneck, hoping that it would shield you from his piercing eyes. It doesn't work out.
"I'm not doing anything, Y/N," he says calmly. "It's you who's overthinking—"
"Oh, stop!" You wave your hands at him. "I'm not stupid, Yoongi. You thought I wouldn't notice the way you're acting differently around me now? You don't seem to have that fiery eyes on me every time we talked. It's sickening, almost like you're mocking me."
A silence envelops the two of you, and you feel your cheeks reddening, partly because of the cold but mostly because of the boy who stood beside you.
"You know," he finally speaks. "It's not that difficult to admit to yourself that you missed me."
This time, you have the strength and courage to actually look at him dead in the eyes. "Are you planning to major in slapstick comedy? Because if yes, then I say go for it. Undoubtedly, you'll be the valedictorian just like you always dream of."
He snickers, tilting his head lightly as he reciprocates your incandescent gaze. "You're funny," he tells you.
"See?!" you exclaim. "This is what I mean! Why aren't you arguing back?" You stomp your foot.
He blinks, finding your question dumb. "Because I simply don't want to?" he answers albeit unsure of it himself.
You cross your arms and emit a scoff. "Sure, you do."
"Look," Yoongi starts. "If you're expecting me to argue with you, I won't. I already told you before, a few months ago, I don't abhor you as much as I do before."
"Why?" you ask and this time, he scoffs.
"Why?" he repeats. "For a person like you with immensely high IQ, you suck at reading the room."
Before you could protest, he interrupts you, making sure that your attention was only on him. He takes two steps towards you, decreasing the distance between your bodies.
"Y/N, I may be the bad guy but I'm not a bad guy," he says. "To be honest with you, I, myself, am confused too. I don't strongly loathe you these past few months and I've been questioning myself why either. But—"
He stops and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
"What happened to your finger?"
His question catches you off-guard, rendering you to caress the covered part of your skin. You flinch slightly when he holds your hand, raising it to get a proper look on it. His face scrunches and for the first time, you feel something somersaulting in your stomach. You didn't know if you liked it or not, but it was certainly making you feel discomfort.
When you start to feel overwhelmed, you pulled away from his touch, placing your hand to your chest. "I-I'm fine," you stammer.
"Are you sure?" he worriedly asks.
"Yes, I am!" You didn't mean to yell at him but you couldn't help it. He has been making you feel lots emotion. He was confusing you, and the more and more time you were out here with him, the more you were driving to madness.
"You know," he smirks. "If you could stop yelling at me for a second, I could show you much more fun and productive uses for that mouth of yours."
You gape at him, and you start walking backwards when he begins to take defiant steps closer to you. Every time you stepped back, he takes one towards you too. As your back hits the cold exterior walls of your house, you gasp lightly when Yoongi encages you between the walls and his arms, his hands falling on either side of you.
Light snow pelted on both of you but that isn't the reason why you flinch. The reason is because he leans close, increasing the proximity of your faces.
"Yoongi—" you begin to protest but he doesn't let you.
His forehead touches yours and you yelped slightly at the way he is treating you right now. His eyes flutter shut and he speaks in low manner that had you trembling in your position.
"Y/N, you're absolutely driving me crazy," he murmurs. "Like I said, I'm so confused too. My heart and mind are clouded because lately, you've been occupying my thoughts. I loathe the way you bewitch me whenever you use your sharp tongue against me. I despise how you can easily get under my nerves but also it satisfies me whenever you attempt to put me in my place, when you give me a taste of my own medicine."
He pauses, fluttering his eyes open. He leans away slightly, the warmth emanated from his forehead leaving you instantly.
"There is no other plausible explanation for this except for the possibility that... I have been harboring feelings for you for quite awhile now, Y/N." He exhales softly, as if a huge weight has been finally lifted off of his shoulders. "And it's not what you're thinking of. It's the opposite of it."
The world stops for a moment, the snowflakes stop falling, and the time stops ticking. You only hear his soft breaths that had never sounded so calm up until this moment.
"I like you, Y/N." He shows you a coy smile. "And right now, I'm surrendering to you. You can continue to hate me if you want, but it won't change my feelings for you."
Your heart is hammering against your chest wildly, and you only hope that Yoongi isn't hearing how loudly it was beating against your ribcage. As the silence between you two continues to prolong, the harder it was for you to formulate a coherent response.
A buzzing sound slices the still atmosphere and you usher Yoongi to check his phone. He does, sighing in dismay. You warily watch him as he opens his messaging app. You awkwardly stand before him as he scrolls through his chats.
His expression morphs into perturbation. The lump that had formed in his throat getting harder to swallow. You notice his adam's apple bob up and down and you start to wonder what happened.
Then, his eyes leave the screen, searching for yours. When your gazes collide, the confidence that he had a few minutes ago was now gone, replaced by anxiousness.
"I think..." He says reluctantly. "You need to see this."
He hands you his device and you impassively check out what he saw. Then, the blood drains from your skin, your own expression alters to skepticism first, then turns to perplexity once you double take on the image viewed on the screen.
At first, you didn't know what to feel. Your mind going haywire for a fleeting moment. You felt even worse when you look up at Yoongi because his emotion was anything but jubilance. In fact, he rather looks like he was in agony.
But you don't care about that. Your anger only rises, traveling through your veins. At that very moment, standing before your own rival, you were beyond humiliated and enraged that he witnessed your downfall, the scarlet ink being the proof of it.
Top Performers for This Year's Midterms
1. Min Yoongi
2. L/N Y/N
The Christmas jingles resonating all throughout the suburbs was unnecessarily aggravating you more than it should be for the reasons that you are making it sound like Christmas is mocking your once exuberant mood a few days ago, and because you didn't like the gift and news you received that night.
Despite the freezing weather's attempts to cool you down, it was heightening your fury instead. Four days after Christmas Eve, you kicked the sheets off yourself and impulsively decided that a walk in the suburbs will be a great idea so that you can finally turn your sour mood into a sweet one.
Alas, it fails miserably. You are still trampling on snow piles as your fervent eyes scan the shops in the sidewalks, desperately trying to look for something that can finally extinguish the fires within you.
But when you reach the end of the street, the tall buildings of stores turning into festive bungalows, and decorated apartments. The worst of all is the duplexes, because the decorations of both similar-structured houses have conjoined Christmas embellishments, letting everyone who passes by know that the two families living inside are more than acquaintances.
It stupidly reminds you of your family's current situation with them. More specifically, your situation with him.
When you finally reach the comfort of your bedroom, contradictory, it doesn't feel comforting at all. Everywhere your gaze lands, they remind you of him; of the fact that he had finally conquered you; that all your hardwork that year were for nothing.
Shutting your eyes close, you begin to recite the numbers of pi, pacing around your room. It was something that you always do when you're stressed.
"...190914564856692346034861045432664821339!" When the door of your bedroom creaks open, you couldn't help but yell nine, as if threatening the one who dares to interrupt your attempts to keep yourself level-headed.
You were about to glare but instead, you were surprised to see your father, peeking through the crevice of your door. You notice that he's slightly anxious because, well, you were screaming numbers.
A sigh escapes your lips and you shuffle towards the door, opening it wider. Your father takes this as a sign that he was invited in your room.
Your relationship with your father is very much uptight and timid which is why between him and your mother, you're less angry at him. At times though, you didn't know how to act around him because you feel like you don't know him. You never bonded with him. Except for that time you were helping him out with connecting the Christmas lights on your roof's gutters.
After that fleeting moment, the bond was gone, as if a scissor magically appeared to cut the strings between you two. You don't hate him for it, but sometimes, you wonder and daydream possible moments where you could actually bond without that suffocating rope forcedly tying you two together.
You wonder if in the past, in the years when you were still full of innocence, purity, oblivious of the histories of the ancient world; when you still didn't know how to count one to three; when you barely knew how to lift a muscle and take the first steps towards your father.
Had he ever squat down before you, his face full of sunshine, and encourage you to come to him with open arms? Tell you that you could do it! That you could make it to the heartwarming embrace of your father's arms?
But the more you try to dig any sort of memory from your lobes, nothing resurfaces. And you were back with the reality that, maybe, he didn't need and have to do all of those.
Because as far as your memory traveled back, you had been completely fine on your own. Maybe, you taught yourself how to walk, think, say your first word.
Because, you were gifted.
And now, as the years go by, you realize that the gift you have, may be also your curse.
It's a tightrope with both ends holding you up, urging you to keep on walking. A gift and a curse on either end, shouting at you—
Stop standing around!
The rope's about to break if you don't start moving another step!
What has gotten into you?!
You used to do this so effortlessly!
The call of your father's soft voice pulls you out of your trance. You suddenly realize that you had been standing by the door stupidly and your father is looking at you with worry creasing his mature features.
"Oh," you say. "My bad."
You shut the door then turn your back towards your father. You amble towards your desk, attempting to fix the sprawled mess on it by carelessly shoving the scratch papers in your bin, keeping your ballpens and pencils in your pencil case, the zipper loudly being the only source of sound slicing through the deafening silence.
"Sorry about the mess," you say. "I've been busy."
"On your holiday break?" your father asks, chuckling lightly. The sound faintly makes your lips form into a small smile. But as soon as it came, it disappears.
"Yeah, well, I'm growing older. And that means the more I age, the more my ability to suck in information rusts."
Your father doesn't reply after that, so you continue to clean up your desk wordlessly. Once you had nothing to pick up and throw and keep anymore, you finally turn back around to face your father.
He's sitting quiety on the foot of your bed, and you take heed of the small box he's fiddling with his hands. The box is covered with red wrapper, with flurries of snowflakes as pattern.
He notices that your attention is on him, so he stands up from your bed and approaches you in a relaxing manner yet you can catch on the slight cautiousness along it. You decide not to mention anything about it.
He hands you the little parcel, and you accept it wordlessly, opting to wait for him to speak first.
He does. "I wasn't able to get you any gift on Christmas, and I hope I'm not too late. I had a bit of a hard time picking one, but I made sure I thought about it. Hopefully, you'll like this small present."
"Thanks, dad," is your only verbose reply.
He nods and after contemplating a bit, he decides to leave you to it. In your own solitude once again, you scrutinize the small box, tossing it lightly every now and then to guess what it was. You feel movement from inside, like a flow of something liquid.
Your curiosity makes you rip the wrapper apart and it didn't take long for the gift to make its apparition.
The gift is simple like its size, but to you, it holds a lot of meaning. It's a snowglobe, but the inside is what makes it unique. No, Santa Claus isn't there inside nor were the nine reindeers that pulled his sleigh—even the sleigh itself is absent. Rudolph isn't there which makes you slightly pout but it doesn't last long because staring back at you from the other side of the glass is a small girl with Iron Man's arm around her. He is almost hugging her but his other arm remains at his side.
You shake the globe in your hands, chuckling at the bits of snow encompassing the small figures inside.
Indeed, it reminds you of something. You and your father.
But for the first time in forever, you aren't longing. Rather, you are contented.
It is still snowing a week after New Year. Nothing much happened. You only had a family dinner, watched fireworks, and jumped around because of your belief that you would grow taller if you do so.
But after the first day of the year, things went back to normal. The only difference is the relentless snow pouring everywhere.
Oh, and classes are resumed.
Miraculously, you don't feel as much anger as you did a few weeks ago. You don't know if it's because it's a new year so you just suddenly feel like oh, fuck it, it's been a long ass while, I should chill the eff out.
Weirdly enough, you expected to be really infuriated when your feet leads you to the bulletin board and scan it. You see your name, beside the number two. It sinks in to you of the reality that you're now second but oddly, you don't feel the particular element surging through your veins.
You thought everything's going well so far. And you must have a curse because every time you thought that all is well, that's when the real torrential typhoon arrives.
Tornados hit everywhere, and instead of rainshowers, you see hails vehemently falling on yourself. It hurts so much more than rain, but you had to get through it anyways. Or else, you would die getting shot by mere ice. It was gonna be embarrassing if your soul sees your grave with the words 'Cause of death: ice' engraved on your tombstone.
So, you make sure that you are under control when Min Yoongi does his usual entrance, greeting the student body with nods and smiles. It's slightly different now though, because some of them greeted him back with congratulations.
You resist your eye wanting to twitch when Yoongi's gaze finally lands on you.
A year ago and a year before that, you would always see his eyes fiery and intense, trying to get under your nerves with a mere eye contact. Now, however, his eyes hold on anything but anger. The sight of him doesn't infuriate you for the first time, but it does provoke you for another reason that you were afraid to unravel.
You desperately want to bury what you're feeling six feet below, because as much as you loathe it, you can't help but trail your mind back to that particular night when he had declared his feelings for you.
"I like you, Y/N."
Was that even possible? Was it possible, at all, to grow feelings for the person who constantly tormented you for the years you've known them? You couldn't wrap your mind around it, no matter how smart you are, it seems like you couldn't find any plausible explanation for such circumstances.
Not even when the devil himself is only three inches away from you, did you successfully come up with a conceivable reason.
Yoongi greets you but you don't respond. The crowd was anticipating what would your response be, and you refuse to give them the satisfaction. Instead, you walk past him, not even sparing a glance to any of the spectators. You also drown out their whispers, making you want to yell at them 'Why whisper when I would still hear it anyway, dumbos?'
You don't utter a single world, opting to force to smother the flames instead, maybe bury them deep within your ribcage, lock it with a key and throw it in the Altantic Ocean, hoping that it will land on the Titanic where no one could ever take it. Not even you.
You spent the whole day in school cocooned in your hoodie, attempting to take naps despite of the loud voices of your teachers and classmates. But you only end up being wide awake, your eyes open, your face on the desk, seeing nothing but black. You succumb in yourself in the trenches of your own thoughts, and you finally drift off.
You don't know how long you've fallen asleep, but your consciousness slowly enters your systems, causing you to become suddenly aware of your surroundings. Unlike a few minutes—or hours—ago, the ambience is silent. Too silent.
When you open your eyes and move your arms slightly, your brows furrow in confusion when the darkness remains. You have no idea if your sense of hearing had heightened in the span of your sleep or if the sound is just extremely loud because you can hear someone breathing, as if they were just beside you.
Squinting your eyes, you brace for the brightness of the world to blind you, but you still see nothing.
You rub your eyes to adjust your sight in the dark. And you finally realize that it is night time. The stars are awake, looking down on you as they twinkle. The moon is round, as if it is luring you to spill your secrets.
Most importantly, you finally process the presence beside you. The main sound source of breathing.
Min Yoongi.
When you look at him, he's already staring at you. It reminds you of that certain night once again. Come to think of it, the situation you both are in is similar. It's night time again.
"What are you doing here?" It's you who breaks the silence. Your voice is slightly hoarse so you clear your throat.
"I could ask you the same." Yoongi shrugs. He leans on his desk, propping his elbow and resting his chin on his palm.
"I fell asleep," you merely say.
"I figured," he replies. "But you slept through your classes? Even after it ended?Huh, I never took you for a deep sleeper."
"It's because of the weather." You grit your teeth, starting to feel annoyed at the exchange you're having with your nemesis.
Your bitter tone, however, doesn't come unnoticed to Yoongi.
"Why are you grumpy? Shouldn't you feel better after a nap?"
"You could say that I woke up on the wrong side of my desk."
He lets out a laugh at your response, and you furrow your eyebrows and frown because your intention wasn't to make a joke.
"Is that your awkward way of flirting with me?" He gives you a coquettish smile.
Your face distorts into disgust. "You're ridiculous."
"What?" Yoongi tilts his head. "You said you woke up on the wrong side of your desk, which is the opposite of where I am. Do you think you would've been in a less sour mood if it was my face you saw first?"
You mentally kick yourself for being slow. Moreoever, you also curse lowly because your heart stopped beating for a fleeting moment.
You also can't contain your irritation any longer. You grimace, making your vexation perceivable to the boy who sat beside you.
"You're really getting on my nerves," you say. "This was your goal all along, right? To deter me away from focus. This was your grandmaster plan all along. To get ahead of me. Well, guess what?" You abruptly stand up from your chair, the furniture screeching against the floor. The eerie sound reverberates through the whole room yet Yoongi doesn't flinch.
"Congratulations, Yoongi," you seethe. "Congratulations for beating me! Did you have fun distracting me? Also, cut the crap, will you? You weren't here because you wanted to set a romantic mood, and maybe try again in making me fall for you, yes? No, you don't have to go through all that bullshit. Not at all. Because right now. Right here, I am giving you the full permission of mocking me! Tada! Isn't this fun? It's all going well for you, isn't it, hm?"
You were now leaning forward, your face right in front of him. You gathered that much of your confidence because you already knew it would be your last. Because the following days, you would probably be drooping in humilation.
However, Yoongi stays put in his seat, his eyes void of any emotion you could decipher. He only looks at you. The silence envelopes the both of you again, and you were losing every bit of patience you had left within you.
But the silence breaks as soon as you acknowledge it.
"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"
Yoongi's question-declaration cuts you deep. Your breath hitches and you feel like someone had taken your lifeline.
"You know," he speaks again. "For all the years I've known you, I always thought that even if we were in an apocalypse; if we were the last humans on earth, I would rather date a zombie that have myself associated with you. It was always easier that way, right?" He pauses, looking briefly at you before shifting his gaze at the silvery scenery outside. "It was easy... but now, it's difficult to think that way. Because in all my life, I have never even considered, thought about falling for you."
At the last word, his eyes meet yours and a thousand galaxies can be seen in his irises. You can see your own reflection in his eyes, unsaid words starting to spill out the more stars his eyes consumed.
"Your brutal words used to be my melodies, because whenever I hear you utter words of hatred at me, they become my symphonies. I was always satisfied having successfully gotten into your nerves. But now, they're like bullets to me. Your wicked words are curses to me. Whenever you express your loathe, they come across as daggers now. But they also bewitch me in some way, because I know that you don't vehemently hate anyone else as much as you hate me."
A soft wind kisses both of your skin, serving as the temporary rest between the overwhelming tension between you.
"But I can't help but think..." He moves from his seat, standing up from it and you are forced to stand properly as well.
He takes a step closer to you. "That maybe, just maybe, we are on the same boat."
"That maybe, the reason you're getting so worked up on me right now is because you feel the same way." Another step closer.
"That maybe, I'm not going insane. That this is all totally normal for me to feel." Another step closer.
The back of your knees hit the teacher's desk, and you yelp slightly at the familiar proximity of your bodies. The night of Christmas Eve haunts you back, but oddly, it doesn't asphyxiate you. Rather it dawns on you in a soothing manner, but also in a way that the weight of the world on your shoulders becomes a bit bearable.
The eventual arrives upon you and it hits you like a meteor plunging on the earth's surface, burying itself deep within the soil so that it becomes a part of the planet. Everything started to make sense to you at this very moment; why you cared so much about how well Yoongi did in every exam you took; why it seems that everything he does gets under your skin; why everything he says stuck to you the most, etching on your mind and it becomes a mantra in your head.
It had always been him. You had always loved that fucker, even more this moment of realization. And it terrifies you now more than anything. You wanted to incessantly succumb yourself under denial, but you knew you would only feel worse than you already are.
You can't push him away any longer, because the more you do, the more your world collapses, and sooner or later you will find yourself underneath the heap of rubble you created yourself. That no matter how vehement you scream for help, nobody will come to you.
But in the depths of your abyssal thoughts, you finally conjure the image of your worst enemy; the one who pulls you out of the demolished building; the one who embraces you and whisper you sweet nothings.
You unconsciously sought Yoongi in all seasons because he have always been the one who saw you; he's the cold wind that caresses your cheeks, the storm that torments you, the sunlight that blinds you, the water that pours on you so that you'll bloom.
And now, the autumn leaves that delicately descend on your palms, and you nuzzle your nose against his, the warmth emanating from him instilling in yours.
His lips ghost over yours, and he whispers, "Tell me to stop. And if you don't... I will take that as your indication that you're returning my feelings."
Yoongi's lips are soft when he brushes it against yours a few times before he presses deeper. His lips are sweet when you taste him the first time in your tongue. His kiss is deliberately and painfully slow but he fills you to the brim, taking in all of your cold breaths. His touch is gentle and tender, stroking the soft skin of your nape as he searches for an angle that can fully quench his desire for you.
It was nothing like you ever imagined, because you never did. Only in this moment, did you let your mind wander to dangerous territory. Your fantasies getting vivid as each second passed by as he drinks in your breathless exhales, strokes your hip lovingly.
Your eyes are still fluttered shut when the warmth of his mouth leaves yours, and you suddenly feel empty. When you open them, his beauty greets you and your eyes that once held fervid flames are extinguished into something much more gentle and fond.
That's all that it takes for Yoongi to know what you truly feel about him.
The blanket of snow dissipates, replaced by the freshly-bloomed flowers, coating the once melancholic pavement. Flocks of birds fills the void, the leaves rustle, and the world seems a whole lot livelier than before.
Furthermore, you are much more in a state of tranquility.
Spring break arrives sooner than you expected, and you are once again free from the bars of school. Lately, however, you don't deem that place like a prison anymore. It had become much more bearable and breathable for you to step foot on it.
One, because being at the top doesn't matter to you anymore (partly because you had a recent discovery that you pretty much enjoyed being at the bottom, if you know what I mean). Two, because you decided that you're going to use your gift in a much more calmer way, where you won't have to stress too much about your grades, as long as you continue to do well in every aspect of your academic performance.
And three, because you look forward for the rendezvouses your boyfriend plans every single week day.
Stolen kisses in empty classrooms and janitors' closets, discreet hand-holdings in crowded public spaces such as the cafeteria, playful banters in the hallways to put on a show for everyone to see, the thrill of getting caught whenever things got a little bit too heated between the two of you in the darkness of storage rooms.
Yeah, while everyone else still thinks you're each other's rivals, you two have a secret relationship taking place in the premises, right under their noses.
Yoongi and you had no problem about it at all. You two came into a mutual agreement that you were going to keep this rivalry thing going on only for the sake of the adrenaline rush pumping through both of your veins at the thought of your schoolmates possibly finding out what has been transpiring between the two of you.
You've never understood the meaning of love and hate until now. They are two emotions, not entirely the opposite of each other, but they belong to both sides of a coin. The coin wouldn't exist without the other. That's why you worry less about the future that awaits you, because it's Yoongi.
Yoongi had seen you in your worst and so did you had seen his. There's that fine line that exists between the both of you of love and hate, which is why you think that indifference is the opposite of love instead. Because with indifference, you don't give a damn about that person. That isn't the case for you at all on what you feel towards Yoongi.
He is the psychedelic drug you never want to stop drinking. It feels overwhelming at times, but you feel good. And you make sure to return the favor when the coin lands on your side.
Once again, he pulls you out of your reverie, intertwining his fingers with yours. He keeps your hands in the pocket of his coat, while you blush underneath his stare. He walks ahead slightly, pulling you along with him. You don't know where he'll take you on your umpteenth date, but you let him do as he pleases to you.
Yeah, this feels all right.
Maybe, you don't mind him being at the top at all. As long as it was always you who follows behind him.
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ahundredtimesover · 1 year
Belong (2.5: Rewind) | MYG
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Pairing: Yoongi x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: exes-to-lovers-to-exes-to-lovers; actress!OC x basketball coach!Yoongi; summer romance; “long” distance relationship; parallel timelines; angst, fluff, smut
Chapter (Series) Warnings: foul/explicit language; alcohol consumption & passing out, family drama, sport injury; dreams & moving away; implied depression; basketball and acting talk; 2014 and 2022 Yoongi; shy and nonchalant cocky whipped Yoongi; almost drowning, explicit sexual content (kissing, straddling, fingering, oral, penetrative sex) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 8k
Series Masterlist
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Status: Complete
Series summary: Being an actor has always been your dream. Pursuing it meant many things - leaving the town where you grew up, distancing yourself from your family that had fallen apart, and saying goodbye to the man who made you feel what home was like. When you decide to finally return after being away for so long, you meet Min Yoongi again, and you’re reminded of the summer romance from 8 years ago with the college basketball superstar whose broken dream pushed you away. As you find yourself spending time with him, you’re left to wonder if love changes, if it gives second chances, or if it’s just another illusion that will hurt the both of you the second time around.
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Listen to: Marigolds by Boundary Run; Younger by Nightly || Playlist 🎶
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8 years ago
It’s been a full week since you’ve met Min Yoongi. It’s also been a week since the last time you kissed. You won’t deny that you’ve been meaning to do it again; every time he drags his tongue through his teeth, it’s incredibly tempting. But you also won’t deny how much you’ve been enjoying the past few days with him.
You learn something about him everyday. Like how his dream for basketball started, that he took piano lessons as a kid, and that his dad runs the famous antique shop in town and Yoongi spent a lot of time there growing up. You learn about his closeness with the old man and his love-hate relationship with his older brother. You find out about his mother leaving when he was a teenager, a story that mirrors yours, although he said that they don’t speak as much as they used to. 
He also likes reading books and watching documentaries, but that a perfect day for him is one that's spent at home with his americano, lounging around and taking naps, and shooting hoops in the evening. It’s the type of day that’s unlike any of the ones you’ve been having. 
Since that late night cafe run where you spoke for hours, you and Yoongi have gone to a few more, found a hole-in-the-wall with the best dumplings, explored parks, drove to the outskirts of town and gazed at empty fields, and have been pretty much walking around, peeping in shops and entering the ones that pique your interest. 
Yoongi doesn’t complain. He’s patient when you take a long time to decide where to go and what to do, and he watches you in amusement whenever you skip down the street or insist on laying on the grass. You know this last bit because you’ve seen it - that glimmer in his eyes and the softness of his smile. 
Taehyung doesn’t believe you when you describe it; he’s rarely ever seen his senior make eye contact nor show much interest in anyone in all the years that your best friend has known him. But you insist that you see it, that Yoongi’s smile is usually brief and shy, but you catch it during the instances that you look his way, which is many times, given just how alluring and good-looking he is. 
Sure, the supposed nonchalance is attractive; you know lots of girls who’d fall for his mysterious aura. But that’s just a part of it for you. You know that underneath the seeming disinterest, he’s actually very attentive. He remembers things you’ve said, points out something at a store that you mentioned you’ve been looking for, and buys you bottled water once you feel dehydrated from the heat before you even say anything. After that one time you said you like your coffee with ¾ milk, he makes sure to get you extra every time. 
So while you wish he’d kiss you again, you don’t really mind the ways you’ve been getting to know each other. He wouldn’t be messaging you what your plans for the day are and then showing up outside your house if he wasn’t interested. 
Today’s afternoon breeze is cooler than usual. It’s why before heading for dinner and noraebang with your newfound friends, you decide to walk around another part of town with Yoongi. He’s in his usual knee-ripped jeans and plain shirt, his baseball cap worn backwards, and his hands inside his pockets. 
You’re walking next to him, excitedly talking about your classes for the upcoming school year and the studio visits you’ll make, before you skip towards a flower shop and head inside. 
It’s the biggest one you’ve seen so far and there are so many different types that you gasp in awe. The owner, an elderly woman, smiles brightly at you as you look around. The daisies catch your eyes as they always do, but you can’t help but beam at the bouquet of marigolds she’s arranging. You converse with her - you say you’re visiting for the summer and she says it’s harvesting time for these bright flowers. Your energy and sunny disposition remind her of them, so she plucks a small piece and tucks it behind your ear. 
“There you go, darling,” she coos. “The flower’s even prettier now.” She turns to Yoongi who’s just been standing quietly next to you. “Isn’t it?”
“So much prettier now,” he mumbles. 
You nibble your lips out of giddiness while Yoongi looks away. You bow at the woman and thank her for the flower before walking out. It falls off your ear before you make it to the end of the street, and so he picks it up and calls out for you, as you walk mindlessly to the vintage store that you see. 
He tucks it gently behind your ear, trying to avoid your eyes, while you try to catch his gaze. 
“How does it look?” You ask.
“She looks beautiful,” he says, looking at you now. 
It’s what he does, you think to yourself. Yoongi may be shy and may not always look you in the eyes but when he wants to be honest or make a point, he will. You learn now it’s one of the things that causes your heart to stop, as you stand in front of him unable to do or say anything. 
You eventually burst into a smile and so does he. It’s one of those moments you share where there’s all this tension and unsaid words but you both prefer to just let it flow, to savor it without addressing whatever it is that’s going on between you.
Yoongi’s phone ringing catches your attention, especially as he groans and picks up the call. He turns away for a bit before looking at you once more. 
“The delayed delivery just arrived at the shop,” he informs you. “My dad wants me to help out a bit. Are you, uh, are you okay with passing by?”
He looks shy and a bit worried. Maybe it’s the thought of meeting his family but you don’t mind; you’re quite excited, in fact, since you’re still trying to get to know him. You’re obviously attracted to this man and at this point, you just want to know more about the different aspects of his life. 
“Of course,” you smile. “I’d love to meet your dad.”
“And my brother,” he groans. “If he says shit about me, don’t believe it.”
“I’ll try,” you tease, following his lead as he starts walking. 
The shop is just 3 blocks away and you get there in no time. He seems to be in a hurry and you want to just hold his hand, tell him he doesn’t have to be anxious, even if you’re unsure of what reason he has to be.
There’s a large truck parked outside and you suppose it’s some furniture pieces. That’s confirmed when you enter and see movers placing dressers and cabinets and benches inside. A man, who seems to be Mr. Min, instructs them to just lay the pieces where there’s space, as his sons will be the ones to arrange them. The movers follow and it’s shortly after when they finally unload everything. 
Amidst all the chaos, you get to look around. You’re in awe of what you see; Yoongi didn’t do justice in describing the place because it feels like a museum. You want to just look around and trace your fingers along the surfaces and make up stories in your mind about who owned them. 
“Thanks for coming so quickly, Son,” Mr. Min says. “I thought you’d be at the park playing with the guys.”
“Not today,” Yoongi hums. “We were just walking around the area.”
“We?” Mr. Min asks, looking around until his gaze falls on you, questioning eyes perhaps wondering if you’re who his son is referring to.
“Hi, Mr. Min,” you bow. “I’m ___.”
“Hello, my dear,” he answers, returning your smile. 
“Dad, where do I—” says another man, pausing when he looks at you. He immediately smiles and fixes his hair. Walking up to you, he reaches out for his hand. “Hi, I’m—”
“He’s Geumjae,” Yoongi finishes, taking the hand that’s reached out for him to shake instead. “My brother. You know, the one I said who’d take my clothes and then lose them? Yeah, that’s him.”
Geumjae smacks his brother’s head in response, glaring at him for interrupting his introduction. “Is she your girlfriend?”
“N-no,” Yoongi stammers, glancing at you warily. 
“Then why’d you interrupt?”
“No reason,” the younger man shrugs, looking away from you. 
Just as you think that Geumjae would provoke Yoongi, he instead walks over to him, whispers something in his ear, and then wiggles his eyebrows. Yoongi scowls then smacks his brother’s arm, earning him a long chuckle. They continue on doing what brothers do as you watch in amusement, giggling when Yoongi embarrassingly looks your way.
“Okay, that’s enough children,” Mr. Min playfully shakes his head. “Now, can you be civil and work together to arrange the deliveries? I’ll work on inventory.” He turns towards you to say, “don’t worry, it won’t take too long.”
You nod and say you don’t mind, even when he asks if it’s okay for you to just wait. You’re free to look around, he says, and you do, but you stay close by. 
“So, you and Yoongi are just… friends?” He asks.
“Yes. We met just last week,” you smile, explaining that you’re just visiting for the summer but that you grew up in Daegu. 
“Ah, that’s interesting,” Mr. Min nods. “He’s lived here his whole life, too, but he’s never brought a girl to the shop, nor has he ever mentioned one. I’d say you’re the first. I always wondered if he even befriended girls but now I know he does.”
“Oh, I’m sure he has friends who are girls,” you giggle. “He’s popular at school, as I’ve heard.”
“Well then one would think he would’ve brought someone to introduce to his old man, right?”
“I guess he’s just been so focused on basketball that he hasn’t had time. He talks about the sport with so much passion, Mr. Min. I assume that’s what he prioritizes over, uh… girls,” you answer, finding amusement in Yoongi’s anxious face as he glances at you conversing with his dad without him. 
“Well, as I keep telling him - if he drowns himself in the court, then that’s all he’s gonna learn to love,” Mr. Min shakes his head. “There’s always time to meet and be with people.”
“Well, we’ve been spending every day together, so, maybe he’s spending the summer doing that,” you giddily say. 
“Well, I hope he does. If you’re the only one who can get him out of the house and off the court, then you should come home often,” the old man chuckles.
I’d like to, you say to yourself, thinking that if this thing with Yoongi goes anywhere, you definitely want to travel here as often as you can to be with him. 
The hour flies quickly. The two boys move furniture while Mr. Min records each piece. You converse with him the whole time - you talk about your film class and your favorite movies, indulging him because he likes watching them, too. He talks about his great-grandparents who built the shop and how his family has managed to maintain it all these years. You laugh in between, especially when he’d tell stories of Yoongi growing up here, breaking a few shelves because he always tried to climb on them.
The brothers finally finish the task, and they both tiredly walk up to the counter where you and Mr. Min are.
“All good, dad. We’ll go now. Bye!” Yoongi hurriedly says, pulling you by the wrist.
Mr. Min and Geumjae say their goodbyes, and you don’t miss the playful tone of their voices. You turn back to wave at them and they call out that they’ll see you again soon.
Yoongi lets go of your hand once you exit the shop. 
“Sorry,” he says. “For pulling you and, uh, for making you wait that long.”
“I could've stayed there longer, honestly,” you smile, liking the feel of his rough hand on you. “I loved talking with your dad. He’s so endearing. You really do have a good relationship with him.”
“My brother and I do,” he answers. “We were all he had after our mother left. It affected our dad so much even if he didn’t want to show it because he wanted to be the strong one for us. So we made sure he knew he wasn’t alone. And he always reminded us that her departure wasn’t our fault.”
“Hmm, what courage,” you remark. “It’s something I can’t say my father has.”
“He could,” he counters. “Parents don’t know how to love sometimes. In some instances, they just don’t know how to show it.”
“That’s what I don’t get though, with people who struggle to show it,” you muse. “Just… why? What’s so hard about it?”
“Maybe if it’s flawed and imperfect, people become ashamed.”
“It’s still love though, isn’t it? Isn’t not feeling it worse than receiving flawed and imperfect love?” 
You’d take any kind of love over nothing at all, you think.
“But if the love is shattered glass, then that’s just gonna hurt both people,” Yoongi hums, prompting you to think. 
Your father’s heart did break. Maybe you would’ve accepted his inability to handle you shortly after your mom left. But once he’d healed, once he’d found someone new - which he did, about 4 years after - he still didn’t show it, he still couldn’t figure it out. You’re home for the summer after 2 years since you left and you still don’t feel whatever love he’s supposed to show you. 
“Yeah, I guess so,” you sigh, not enjoying the somber tone of your conversation. 
Yoongi picks this up and immediately asks you if his dad told you any embarrassing stories. Your face lights up right away and you relay what Mr. Min narrated, causing Yoongi to groan and shake his head. 
“He said he’ll show me your baby pictures where they put you in costumes,” you laugh. “I can’t wait for that.”
“Why is he embarrassing me like this,” he mutters. “Anything else he said?”
“That you’ve never brought any girl to the shop nor have you mentioned anyone,” you reply. “Is that true? Has sweet assassin captain Min Yoongi not been using his superstardom with the ladies?”
“Well if I did, then it’d be superficial, right?” He answers, earning you a curious look. “There was a girl I liked in freshman year who only went out with me to get close to the basketball team. After I became MVP, a bunch of people started trying to get my attention. It didn’t feel that sincere. And no one really caught my eye and the others sounded quite shallow and those weren’t the type of people I’d introduce to my dad and brother, you know?”
“But I caught your attention,” you remind him. “And you took me to the shop to meet them.”
“Because I had no choice,” he defends. “And well, I just had a feeling they’d like you. And they seem to.”
“That’s nice to know,” you smile. “So what about me catching your attention, huh?”
“Oh I don’t deny that. I’ll always be the guy who got hit by a ball because he was gazing at this pretty girl on the stands.”
“Yes, you’ll always be that guy,” you giggle. “I still haven’t told a soul, by the way.”
“Good,” he hums. 
You and Yoongi hang at a park until it’s time for dinner. He drives to the chicken and beer place you’re meeting everyone at, and you don’t miss the smug faces of the guys as you both enter. 
“Hanging out again today, I see,” Namjoon teases. “Tae’s been complaining that he hasn’t seen his best friend all week.”
“Yeah, she’s been so busy that I can’t even squeeze myself in her schedule,” Taehyung frowns at you, but you know he’s just teasing, given that you call him every night and talk about Yoongi.
“I’m with you everyday in Seoul,” you playfully roll your eyes. “I’m just seeing what’s out here, you know? I’ve been away a while.”
“And do you like what you’re seeing?” Namjoon baits.
“Oh, I do. Very much.”
The group hoots and you laugh along. You glance at Yoongi who sits across from you and sneak him a smile. He returns it briefly before looking away and giving Jungkook a blank look after the younger man nudges his shoulder to tease.
Dinner goes by noisily. Not long after, you all walk to the nearby noraebang for some more fun. You sit next to Yoongi and you both watch and laugh at the guys fight over the mic and cheer and tease each person who sings.
It’s Namjoon who asks for your song choice and you surprise everyone when you say you’ll only sing if Yoongi joins you. Everyone hoots again, claiming that they’ve never heard the captain sing. 
“Is it okay?” You move closer to ask him.
“It depends,” he hums. “Do you have a thing for singers?”
“Hmm, I don’t really mind.”
“Okay. I’m terrible at it and I don’t want you to stop liking what you see.”
You giggle at his statement. He really knows what to say to make a girl flustered and giddy. 
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” you reply. “I might even like it more.”
Yoongi feels the embarrassment creep in once he takes the mic and you hold your own. His deep voice blends with yours. He won’t say it’s the best harmony, but you’re definitely carrying the song more than he is. You giggle in between lines but he can’t help but notice how your eyes don’t look away from him, whereas he can’t look at you for more than 3 seconds. The crowd loves you and you know how to charm them. You know how to get his heart beating fast, too.
The song finally ends and he breathes a sigh of relief to your amusement. 
Sitting next to him, you whisper, “hmm, I still like it.”
Yoongi can only chuckle as he watches you hold in a smile. 
You both talk in whispers for the rest of the night, as your friends get carried away with singing. They leave you to your little corner of the couch though, with you leaning closer to Yoongi to say something and him doing the same. His warmth breath against your skin sends shivers down your spine, and you have to control yourself from kissing him, which you so badly wish he’d just do. 
You can take the initiative, of course, but you like the thrill of this flirtation you’re both doing. You also really want him to be the one to do it first. The only problem is you’re not much of a patient person, so every time he leaves you wanting whenever his face inches close to yours only to move away, your frustration levels increase and you start to rethink if you should just go ahead and take control. 
Your group is promptly kicked out at 2AM, and you’re about to ride with Taehyung when Yoongi pulls on your wrist and asks if he could take you home. You agree, riding on the passenger seat that’s now become familiar, and you look out the window for most of the ride, not wanting to show him that you’re maybe already getting impatient. He doesn’t say much either, but you do miss the several times he glances at you and the pout on his face because of your unusual quietness. 
He pulls over some meters away from your house, turns off the engine, and then quickly walks towards your side. Your movements are slow; you do want the time to stop, even if you’re still a little frustrated.
“Hey,” he says, as he pulls open the door you’ve unlocked. He stands in front of you while you remain seated with your legs dangling outside. “Is everything okay? You’ve been… quiet.”
You turn to him who looks a little worried, and you don’t really plan on keeping your desires unknown that much longer.
“I’ve just been wondering,” you reply. “Why haven’t you kissed me again? Did you not like it? I mean, well, we did go out for coffee after and then didn’t do it again.”
You turn away as you start to ramble. You just hope you don’t sound pathetic, especially given how confident you were in teasing him earlier.
It’s quiet for a while before you feel his fingers under your chin. He shifts you to face him, and all that worry has now turned into softness.
“I’ve been thinking about that kiss since it happened,” he says, his voice so deep you start to lose yourself in the sound. “And may I remind you that you’re the one who asked to go for coffee, so I thought maybe you wanted to take things slow. And I don’t mind that either. But uh, I��ve also just been waiting for you to initiate.”
You give him a shy smile. “Hey, I just really wanted to talk to you after and know if that mouth is as good at talking as it is at kissing,” you giggle. 
“And it is, obviously!” You pout. “I wouldn’t be spending everyday with you if I didn’t think so. I’ve been openly flirting and so have you but you haven’t tried kissing me again. And I wanted you to be the one to do it but you haven’t, so I brought it up. I mean, you looked so confident doing it last week.”
Yoongi thinks you’re the most adorable person in this world. How you could want him like this yet also want him to show he wants you just as much is making him want to just smother you in kisses. 
“Because I’d just played a game and basketball makes me confident,” he replies. 
“So what, you’re only gonna kiss me after you play?” You cross your arms now. 
“No,” he chuckles, cupping your face in his hands. “I’m gonna kiss you now.”
He leans down and captures your lips in a kiss, which goes slow for only a few seconds before it turns deep and heady. He doesn’t dominate, letting you bite his lips and swirl your tongue around his mouth. He holds you steady with his hands though, just so he could be at the right angle that would allow him to kiss you hard as he likes. 
Yoongi finally pulls away, feeling like he won't be able to stop if he keeps going. You’re in front of your house, after all, and late it may be, your hushed moans could still be heard by anyone who happens to pass by.
You have a cheeky, satisfied smile on. You tease by pecking his lips again and again until he gives you one last kiss. He hugs you tightly and you immediately melt into it.
“It’s been a long day, I’m gonna have to let you go now,” he hums against your ear. 
“Okay,” you respond, stepping out of the car. “Can’t wait to do this again tomorrow.”
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You only get to see Yoongi the next day in the afternoon, as their coach wanted them to get a good workout before the game. You got over the disappointment quickly, as you spent all the time before then with Taehyung, who not surprisingly freaked out and wouldn’t stop asking if you two were officially a couple. You haven’t talked about it, you said, but you knew you eventually would. 
You do like the thrill; you can’t wait for things to escalate physically, but more than anything, you just like spending time with Yoongi. There’s something so comfortable about being in his presence. For someone who likes the buzz of the big city, his calm and quiet aura is a breath of fresh air for you. 
Yoongi’s focus during the game was such a sexy sight to see, even more when he’d sneak in a glance or a smirk during timeouts, and when he’d look unbothered after making a 3-point shot, and when he’d drag his tongue through his teeth during dead balls. It’s the fact that you know he’s doing them on purpose because you’re watching, and that’s what makes you pull him into Jungkook’s lone bathroom in the apartment later that evening, just so you could make out with him again.
The rest of the week is mostly spent with him again, save for the days your father asks you to be home to be with your grandparents. You both walk around the town, visit the basketball court where he first played, and then kiss in between. 
That Friday, he takes you out on a proper dinner date where he picks you up at Taehyung’s house with a bouquet of marigolds, and you ruin your lipstick after kissing him intensely before you even get to the restaurant. 
It’s Monday when he takes you to the outskirts of town to swim at a lake. It’s the area that’s less populated and you’re both lucky that you’re the only ones here on a nice summer day. You enjoy your picnic as you talk about the most random things, and then you strip down to your bathing suit and swim in the water.
Yoongi stays on the mat; the outdoors isn’t really his thing. But you’ve been talking about doing new and fun activities and he thought about this one, knowing you’ll enjoy it. You clearly are, as evidenced by your squeals and soft laughter as you float around and moan at the feel of the water on your skin.
His mind tries not to imagine things, given your sounds and the way you look absolutely stunning in your swimwear. Kissing you has been so good. Sure, his hands travel down your waist every time as he gets lost in how you taste, but he’s never tried to do more, and you’ve never really hinted on wanting to do more. He’ll continue to wait patiently though, but it’s not even all that he wants from you.
It may be a little naive to think but he finds himself being something more with you. Yoongi isn’t even the type to fall at first sight; he’s a patient man who knows that love and relationships take a while to build. But you’re unlike anything he’s ever really thought he wanted. 
It’s your unabashed joy, your bluntness, your curiosity and general love for things. It’s your energy and how you talk about your dreams and the confidence you have in yourself that inspires him to dream better. You’re different and alike in many ways, and as the unaffectionate person that he is, he finds himself just wanting to be near you with fingers just grazing so he’d know you’re just next to him. 
He’s thinking about how sweet your smile is when he realizes that he no longer hears your voice. Scanning the lake, he finds your head popping in and out of the water. You look a little winded and definitely not alright. His mind goes into panic mode and he rushes to the water with his clothes still on and finds his way to you.
He wraps his one hand around your waist and feels for your leg to make sure it’s touching the ground. You cough a bit before you turn towards him.
“Are you okay?” He asks worriedly.
“You don’t like the water,” you say, disregarding his question.
“I don’t. Are you okay?”
“And you hate it when your clothes are wet.”
“I do. ___, are you okay?” 
You hum your yes, a cheeky smile painting your face as your one arm wraps around his shoulder for support while you stretch your limbs.
Yoongi eyes you curiously. “___, did you pretend to be drowning just so I’d get in the water with you?”
“Nope, I’m too good at swimming to know how to pretend-drown,” you laugh, feeling only a little bad for scaring him. “I got cramps, though.”
“Shit,” he groans, knowing as an athlete that cramps are the worst, especially while swimming. “Let’s get back on shore.”
You push yourself through the water, not wanting to let go of him just yet. You’d panicked only slightly earlier when you felt that sensation on your leg, and you tried to keep your head above water for oxygen. Once you’d felt Yoongi wrap his arm around you and look worried, especially since you know that he hates the water, your heart started to stabilize. 
He helps you sit on the mat as he stretches out your legs. You tell him where it hurts as he instructs, and he massages where you point, starting from your calf. 
His hands are a mix of rough and smooth against you. This is the most he’s touched your skin and it’s enough to make your mind short-circuit, especially as your eyes focus on his slender fingers, gently pressing against you. You can think of so many other ways he can use those fingers on you, and you don’t really mind the dirty thoughts now because it’s definitely helping you to forget the pain. 
He’s focused on you while you’re focused on him, and it’s when he does this circular motion that you make a guttural sound. 
“Is this okay?” He glances at you.
“Higher,” you instruct, and he stops behind your knee before he massages again. 
“Higher,” you say once more, and he proceeds to work on your hamstring area. 
The tips of his fingers graze the skin close to your thigh. He seems to not have noticed because he still looks quite serious; he probably feels the tightness because you can feel it, in areas that aren’t just on your leg. 
But he’s teasing you unknowingly, and you just want him to touch you. You have a feeling he’s waiting for his cue again so you think to give it to him.
“Just a bit higher,” you whisper, the sultry tone of your voice perhaps giving you away, as his eyes lock with yours and it dawns on him that he’s reaching uncharted territory. “It’s not my leg anymore that hurts.”
“Fuck,” he chuckles, knowing exactly what you mean. 
He’d been so fixated on managing your cramps because he’s experienced it so many times and it sucks, and he just wanted to make sure you were okay right away. It doesn’t matter if he hates the water and being wet with his clothes on but he realized he’d swim the depths of the ocean to save you any day.
But your words shake him off his focused state and he also realizes that his fingers are way higher than he remembers them being. He tries to steady the beating of his excited but nervous heart, yet it’s your cheeky, almost desperate eyes and the way you’re squeezing your thighs that prompts him to make a move.
“You’re dangerous, you know that?” He mumbles in your ear, surprising you with a deep press of his palm against your clothed cunt. 
You moan at the act, unsurprisingly wanting more.
“No. You are the dangerous one, Min Yoongi,” you pant, as his fingers slide up and down your slit. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
Yoongi helps you to go to the back of his car, wet clothes and all. He makes you come twice - the first time with his fingers, the second with his mouth.
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The place is buzzing as you look around, with new and familiar faces clearly enjoying the vibe of tonight’s party. It’s one of the rich kids’ birthdays so she threw an all-you-can-drink event at the college bar that everyone frequents. As honorary members of Yoongi and crew’s group, you and Taehyung attend and end up enjoying too much. 
Especially you, as you cling onto Yoongi’s arm while his hand caresses the inside of your thigh under the table, something that you guided him to do. You lean on his shoulder as you laugh at your drunk best friend’s banter with your not-boyfriend, and you feel the alcohol slowly hitting your system. This is how you know you’ve had a lot more than you intended and you hate it. You wanted to be able to kiss Yoongi one more time tonight and remember it. 
His warm breath against your face makes you smile, and Yoongi chuckles before asking you if you want to go home already. You vigorously shake your head no, your drunk babbling making him smile, but it’s when you almost slide off the chair that he decides you should probably rest now. 
You’re sleeping over at Taehyung’s place, who’s almost as drunk as you are, both of you going on about partying similarly back in Seoul. 
Yoongi tries his best to manage both of you, including a barely-awake Jungkook whom he drops off first. Arriving at Taehyung’s place, Yoongi is surprised to find it empty. 
“My parents are away,” Taehyung mumbles.
“Ooh, you can stay with us first,” you giggle. “More time with you, baby.”
It’s the first time you’ve called him that, and much as he wants to hear it some more and cuddle with you, he knows he shouldn’t. So with all his strength, he helps you and Taehyung up the stairs and takes you to the guest room. You sit on the edge of the bed, mind in a haze as you drink the water that Yoongi gives you, and somehow that just causes you to run to the toilet and puke. 
He takes the hair tie from your wrist to pull your hair into a bun and then rubs your back to aid you. You do feel much better after, and he even helps you wash your face and brush your teeth, given that you insist on kissing him one last time before he leaves.
You make it to the bed while Taehyung sleepily walks to his room, and it’s Yoongi’s soft kiss on your forehead that you remember before falling asleep.
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Waking up early after a night of drinking isn’t new to you. After staring at the ceiling for a good 10 minutes and trying to remember how you and your best friend got home, you get off the bed then go to the living room. You’ve just gone back down after leaving Taehyung with some aspirin when the doorbell rings, wondering who it could be. 
You’re surprised to see Yoongi standing at the door, and he holds up a bag of what he says is breakfast that he bought on the way here. 
“Good morning,” he hums against your lips, as you basically jump on him at the sight of his smile. “Did you sleep well?”
“I guess,” you say, walking to the kitchen. “I just remember lying in bed and then waking up. Did you drive us home?”
“And dragged our drunk asses to bed?”
“What a sweet guy,” you tease, standing in front of him to kiss him again. 
“I knew you needed your beauty sleep.”
You giggle before helping him with the food, and you say that you could both go ahead because Taehyung won’t be up in a few hours. 
So you enjoy your breakfast and the hangover soup, which your best friend devours once he wakes up at lunch time. His parents will arrive in the evening so the 3 of you stay at home, get some food delivered, and play video games at Taehyung's insistence.
It's 6PM but he already wants to sleep, he says, wanting to save his energy for online games until early morning with Jungkook, so you and Yoongi decide to leave.
“Should I take you home now?” He asks as he starts the car.
“Hmm, it’s too early,” you say. “Do you think we can hang out at your place?”
It’s been a month since you both met; 3 weeks since admitting that you’ve been wanting to kiss each other again badly. You’ve both pretty much gone everywhere around town, except for his college dorm. He’d have wanted you there earlier but he wasn’t sure of what it would imply or what you’d think of it, and so hearing you suggest it is making him more excited than he should be.
“Sure,” he says casually. 
There’s a sea of butterflies in your stomach and you can’t really hide your smile. The thought of being in a private place alone with him is giving you all these ideas, and all of them involve having your skin against his. 
You pause the thoughts in your head and focus on something else. You realize that the radio is turned way down, so you turn the volume up a bit, saying that you would’ve expected him to have the music up.
“You talk a lot,” he says, earning him a gasp until he clarifies. “I don’t mean it in a bad way. You just have a lot of thoughts and you express them. I like listening.”
“I’d hold your hand, too, but you use it to talk so I don’t.”
“You can always hold onto my thigh,” you suggest, causing him to chuckle. 
He removes his hand from the brake and lays it on your inner thigh, and you hum in response at his warm touch. 
“Is this Taehyung’s shirt?” He asks.
“Yeah. I forgot to bring clothes to his place.”
Yoongi merely hums and goes back to driving quietly, and you can’t help but watch him from your side, one hand on the wheel and the other on you. It feels so comfortable and domestic but something about it is so sexy; it almost feels like foreplay for you.
You make it to his place, a small studio that has all the necessities. 
“It’s tight but it works,” he hums, clearing his 2-seater couch for you to sit. 
You make yourself snug on it, imagining how days would be like just being with him here. Days of cuddling and maybe more. You know he’s thinking it; he’s been looking a little nervous since you suggested going to his apartment and just like the second kiss, maybe you should be the one to initiate this, too.
“Do you have a shirt I can borrow?” You ask. “This smells too much like Tae.”
Yoongi hums his yes and walks towards his closet. You take the opportunity to remove the one you’re wearing, leaving you with nothing but your underwear on. 
He turns around and freezes at the sight of you, his eyes unmoving from your body while you remain standing there, the heat creating up your neck at the feeling of being ogled at like this.
“Guess you don’t need this anymore,” he says, tossing the shirt on his bed. 
He walks there without turning away from you, then he sits on the edge and his look suddenly turns soft. He reaches out his hand, which you take, and he motions you to sit on his lap. Straddling him on his bed, you wrap your arms around his neck then kiss him deeply. He steadies you with a hold of your hips, and you can’t help but grind against him as the tension starts to build up.
Yoongi doesn’t say anything. When he pulls away from the kiss, he unhooks your bra, cups your swell breasts, and then sucks them. You let out a restrained cry; it’s so stimulating as he skillfully licks and nips your nipples while you grind against his clothed body. 
“Yoongi,” you moan, just completely lost in the feel of his mouth on your chest, with his warm tongue gliding around your sensitive areas.
He doesn’t rush, he doesn’t go too hard; he just follows a pace that lets him savor the perfect way your body was created for him to taste and touch and feel. He thinks he’s in heaven. 
Your back arches and this isn’t how he wants you to go; he wants you comfortable and able to feel pleasure all over your body. So he stops momentarily and lays you on your back. His eyes still on you, he pulls your underwear off, humming in satisfaction at the string of your essence that attaches from the clothing he removes.
He spreads you open to see what he’s up against, and you tell him that there’s no need to prepare you anymore; your entire body is ready for him.
Removing his clothes, he remarks, “so this is why you wanted to come here, huh?”
“If you weren’t gonna suggest it, then I would,” you bite back. “I just wanted to be with you. And feel you inside me.”
He smirks then takes a condom from his shelf, looking at you the whole time he puts it on. He wants you so badly. He’s imagined this so many times, yet seeing you naked on his bed, ready and yearning for him, is still so much more than what his mind could conjure. His body’s screaming for you, but you look at him with so much desire that his heart melts at the thought of him being so lucky that you could want him as much as he wants you.
Hovering over you, you see that softness in his eyes again. He cups your cheek and caresses it and you melt into his touch immediately.
“I’m not always good at saying things,” he admits, wanting to say more - that he’s never felt so content, so satisfied, so happy. 
“I know, and that’s okay,” you smile. “You do them, and that’s what matters.”
He nods in understanding. He’s generally good with words, but expressing what he feels to someone through them, especially if it’s someone he’s come to care so much about, isn’t his strongest suit. Sure, he’s much more perceptive and introspective than most would think; they usually just chalk it up to his disinterest and detachment. 
But Yoongi is very observant, and he’s known from that first day that you were into him. He knew he was in trouble because he was so, so into you. He’s thankful you don’t mind his shyness, with the bursts of confidence only coming in every once a while. If anything, you seem to like how he normally is. But tonight, he’ll at least try.
Pushing into you, he feels the sensation all over his body. You’re warm and every perfect thing out there. You take him so well and he just wants to live in this. 
“You feel so good,” he whispers in your ear, thrusting in and out and hitting you deeper every time. “Fuck, you’re made for me.”
His voice is low and deep. You feel like you just had an orgasm. 
“Oh god,” you mewl, meeting his thrusts and no longer caring how loud you are. 
He fits inside you so perfectly; you don’t think your pussy is made for anyone else. He knows just the right pace to build up the tension so satisfyingly, that when he sucks on your nipple, you crash so suddenly, and it’s a damn good fall that has you wanting more.
Yoongi comes, with his head slotted in the crook of your need as he breathes against your skin, sending shivers down your spine wanting even more of him. After coming down from both your highs, you do it again, much rougher this time, with you on all-fours, feeling him at the edge of your being as he pushes hard, leaving half-moon crescents on your hips. 
Tired and hungry from what felt like a marathon, you whip up some instant noodles for your second dinner - you ate each other, after all - and then cuddle with him in bed as you still try to process just how good he’d fucked you.
“Your father’s not looking for you?” He asks, as he plays with your hair while you lay on his chest. 
“Nope, he just lets me do and go wherever as long as I tell him where I am “ you say. “And right now, I’m at Taehyung’s.”
“Hope he won’t wonder why you’ll always be there, then.”
“If this is your way of asking me over again tomorrow, then it’s a yes.”
Yoongi chuckles and kisses your forehead. 
He can make you come multiple times and look at you like he’ll devour you but at the end of the day, Yoongi will always, always kiss your forehead. It’s the one thing he does that says everything, you think, and perhaps that’s why you feel as much as you do.
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It’s the buzz of your phone indicating multiple messages that wakes you up this time, and if it wasn’t for you seeing the time that it’s already lunchtime, you wouldn’t have known the sun was even out. Yoongi’s blinds are so good, they block out an entire day. 
You shift out of his hold to get a little bit of light in, then you nuzzle his neck to try to wake him up.
“Wake up, sleepyhead,” you whisper. “You have a pickup game with the guys in the afternoon.”
Yoongi lets out the lowest of grunts but he doesn’t budge. 
You pepper his cheek with kisses, and though his groans get louder, there’s no indication he wants to actually wake up. You wrap your legs around him and give him a tight hug. You try to tickle him this time and it gets him to move only a little bit.
“Jagi-ya,” he groans, the tone pretty much asking you to stop. 
But you stare at him though, unbelieving of the term of endearment he just used on you. You want to climb on top of him and kiss him awake so you do just that.
“Hey, wake up. You told me to make sure you’re ready by 2.”
“Jagi,” he says louder now. “5 minutes.”
“Only if you call me that again.”
Ironically, it’s what gets him to wake up.
“You like that?” He asks, his eyes now half open. 
“Yes,” you smile giddily. “It’s sweet and cute.”
“Okay, then I’ll say it again. Let’s go back to sleep, jagi,” he says, hugging you tight against his chest.
You give in but you don’t really sleep. You just lay on him comfortably, feeling like on cloud 9 as you enjoy these moments with him.
He does wake up 15 minutes later, but by that time, you’d brushed your teeth, watched him lie comfortably on the bed, and got to the glaringly obvious truth about what you feel.
Laying down next to him again, you finally tell him. 
“I like you, Yoongi. I like you a lot.”
You smile at his flustered smile, and you want more of it so you continue. 
“And I know things happened pretty fast. We kissed first before anything else but this isn’t just all lust or some summer whirlwind romance chick flick,” you try to explain. “You’re so caring and protective and kind and so fucking sexy. Like, it’s possible to be attracted-at-first-look but I might’ve already liked you when you caressed my cheek when you first kissed me.”
He chuckles at your statement.
“I’m serious. That hand is deadly,” you argue.
He cups your cheek again to tease, but you know he’s just distracting himself.
“You know I like you, too,” he finally says, and you’re unable to stop yourself from giggling right on his chest, clearly flustered and giddy. 
“At this rate, you’re gonna be in love with me by the time summer ends,” he adds.
“I have a feeling that’s exactly what’s gonna happen,” you smile, kissing his lips softly. 
But you lie. You might already do.
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat @fan-ati--c  @cravingforhotchocolate @adoraminie @helenazbmrskai @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @gukssunshine @nch327 @kookxin @petuliii @yoursthv @libra04 @fancycollectormoon @twixxxpie @ignoretheskies @ohmydarlin-g @bids97 @minyoongiboongi @bangtansmauyeondan @bora-bae7 @investedreader @petalsofink @moonchild1 @jvngkooker @starbtslove​ @jungoomoles 
Series Taglist: @wobblewobble822​​​ @shydestinyyouth​ @nk01119888-blog
188 notes · View notes
vvvvalesss · 6 months
amen 🥵🥵🥵
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30 notes · View notes
vynmin · 1 year
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╰┈➤ Don't Fall in Love
CH2 - Blades and Band-aids
ˏˋ°•\*⁀➷ Summary: A bright young girl witnesses her lover being killed by her very own brother. Nothing out of the ordinary for a family with too many connections with the wrong people. Now she locks herself away in her room refusing to talk to anyone in the family. Or she walks out to visit the corner store owned by the same old man to buy the only things she’ll eat nowadays when one day she has a fateful encounter with the old man’s grandson.
ꕥ Pairing - jungkook x fem.reader
ꕥ Genre - allegedly unrequited love, sloowww burn, lowkey enemies to lovers?,
ꕥ Warnings CH2! - bloody murder! (flashbacks/nightmares), blood, profanity, fighting, brief mention of drugs, graphic nightmares, panic attacks, self-harm, scars, (some interesting decision making I do not recommend) 
ꕥ Word Count - 6.5k
The bright lights illuminated the city streets as you made your way back longing to feel the comfort of the sanctuary. As you neared the house you saw how the amount of cars in the driveway were less than usual and how silent the house seemed even from the outside. Hoping no one would be home upon your entry back you hit the code entering the house. As you walked through the dark hall the light of a lamp flickered as a voice began to question, 
“Where have you been all day?” Yoongi said, arching his eyebrow, still surprised you had left even your room let alone the house gates. Barely acknowledging the elder you shoved your hands in your pocket making your way upstairs when you were stopped again. 
“I want to know for your safety you shouldn’t be out all day and coming back at this hour. You know it’s not safe for people like us.” He tried to reason as you scoffed, chuckling a bit at the claims he had just made. 
“Yes I’m so scared for my safety when my brother killed my boyfriend. Or the fact that anyone close to me receives bribes to stay away from me. Yes, I am shaking in my boots at the thought of leaving this shit hole.” you taunted as he watched, taking the time to find his words wisely this time. 
“That has nothing to do with this and you know it doesn't,” he said sternly clearing his throat to begin again, 
“You won’t be leaving this house without guards whenever you feel like it because if you get your ass scoped I’ll be the one getting all the shit cause you wanted to take a trip to hell and not come back.” He said in a louder tone staring at you with those dark eyes you hated seeing paint his face. Knowing he was serious about his words you were just as determined to make sure his rules weren’t obeyed. Hoping you’d get under his skin just as much, you looked back at him just as sternly and gave your response, 
“I’d love to see what could possibly stop me from leaving this shitshow you and him love calling a home.” you said turning to leave before stopping in your tracks once more, 
“Oh and believe me I know the big guy won’t let me go down there till he decides to drag you down to hell too.” you said scrunching your face up in disgust while Yoongi only scoffed as you finally made your way up the stairs. 
Watching a maid scurry out of one of the rooms on the second floor adjusting her apron and wiping her smudged lipstick you simply nodded before opening the sanctuary door leaving her frozen on the other side of the corridor.
 As you closed the door behind you the nostalgic scent filled your nose as your mind drifted to all the memories the same room held. All the times he’d sneak through the now patched window and greet you with a passionate kiss all to stop you from scolding him over him sneaking in again as well as show his love for you. Or the times he’d bring something new for you two to “try” together knowing very well he was quite the expert and just wanted to teach you which was his way of showing his love. Helping you through things even if they were as silly as making crocheted bunnies.
What you loved most was the chemistry you two shared, the togetherness between you two even when not together, how you would always have him in mind and he would you too. When together whether in silence or in chaos there was always comfort and a loving aura that beamed when you two were together and the satisfaction that always came when everyone else around you both would notice it. Blinking out of your trance the blooming peace lily that you kept next to the shiny necklace with a blade that was the center of the design caught your eye and had you remembering you needed to water the plant. Although your drowsiness threatened to take over you reluctantly found a spray bottle and spritzed the plant as mist fell onto it. You couldn’t afford to let this plant die or any of them for that matter knowing that the guilt of letting him die already weighed down on your everyday life. The least you could do was keep him in your thoughts even though you couldn’t help but think even that was shameless and selfish of you. Knowing you didn’t deserve him after everything that had happened but the fact that you knew you’d always be too selfish to let him go always fed into your guilt. 
Flopping onto the cold bed you let out a sigh rolling over to watch the moonlight that seeped through the sanctuary from the patched window. Drifting off to sleep you curled up becoming slightly overwhelmed at the thought of him being right next to you. Imagining the way you’d lay your head on his chest listening to the calming beat of his heart and how his soft hand that laid on your lower back would slowly pull you closer and closer to his warm body. 
Laughter erupting from the 1st level caused you to groan as you suddenly woke up sprawled out lazily on your bed. Rubbing your eyes, your mood had already turned slightly sour knowing that everyone you despised was downstairs going on with their daily “business”. Feeling around the nightstand for your phone you ultimately gave up almost falling out of the bed. 
“Look at you waking up at a decent time in the morning.” Yoongi teased once again leaning on the door of the sanctuary. Eyes still more shut than open, you stood up to rush over to the door almost falling down as the room started to spin and seeing too many colors of the rainbow. Yoongi, watching you almost fall knitted his eyebrows seeing you barely catch yourself. 
“You're not taking your pills again are you? They can’t be that hard to swallow.” Yoongi said, watching you sharply. Grabbing a hold of your head you tried pacing yourself as you walked slowly over to the elder. 
“I’m not taking those shit filled pills.” You barked low still trying to take in your surroundings. 
“Those shit filled pills are what keep you from walking like a drunkard. You barely eat either which just makes things worse.” He said mostly to himself, straightening his stance at the door. Finally facing the elder you watched the concern plastered on his face that made your blood boil. 
“Does taking a pill really affect anything going on down there?”
“You could probably sell those pills if you're looking for consumers so much.” You taunted turning on your heel. Clearing his throat the boy begin to speak again, 
“Anyways I came here to revisit what we talked about yesterday. If you wanna leave the house, fine by me but with guards.” He spoke in that soft but stern voice most common with you nowadays. To that you chuckled, shaking your head as his eyebrows furrowed again. 
“Y/N I’m serious it's not saf-” 
“And I seriously don’t care.” You said roughly cutting off the elder who huffed loudly showing his frustration.
“God what would you do anyways lock me up in this chicken coop?” You continued laughing at your own scenarios. Walking up to the boy he stepped back now outside of the sanctuary as you gripped the door. 
“Oh and don't forget the windows wouldn’t want me to get out now would we?” Letting your laughter settle as you let the door shut in Yoongi’s face. Leaving the boy in shock he crossed his arms now lost in deep thought until he was interrupted by calls from the 1st level. 
You had never regretted bullshitting the way you did this morning more than ever. In your defense you didn’t think he’d actually follow through with your jokes, you were just teasing. But here you were now staring at the wooden planks that were nailed to the windows on the 1st level and the door that was locked from the outside with a different pin. 
“Damn windows.” You murmured as one of the two guards sitting on the couches walked up to you. 
“Ms. Y/N is there anywhere you would like to go, we would be glad to accompany you.” He offered a little too enthusiastic for your liking yet you felt slight guilt for insulting him the day prior. 
“No that would be quite all right thank you, Yoongi does have some interesting ways of showing lessons. I'll just have to find some interesting solutions.” You said smiling widely up at the guard who laughed nervously scratching his nape as he looked back to the other guard. Letting his nervousness be your queue to leave you turned, letting that fake smile of yours drop as you headed up to the sanctuary. 
Finding a way to leave the house wouldn’t be easy knowing how stubborn and calculated the elder was but it wasn’t something you couldn’t handle. Walking back down you begged for the two guards to buy you some made up feminine product from the stores and as they left you cursed in frustration not seeing the pin. Huffing you now walked back and forth amongst the windows that were nailed shut. Knowing there wouldn’t be anything you could do, you again walked up to the sanctuary slamming the door. Your eyes landed on the patched window as your thoughts began to run. Examining the window and looking down at the low and freshly cut grass you smiled, 
“You fucking lunatic.” You said to yourself as you opened the rusty window resting your foot on the bottom. Wanting to chicken out judging by the fact you’d be jumping from the second floor you heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway.
 You were now right outside the sanctuary standing on the ledge as you stared in closing the patched window. Staring at the green grass knowing those two idiots would come up any second you closed your eyes and jumped. Your body hitting the grass with a thud you rolled straight into the green bushes as you repeatedly cursed. Spitting the grass out of your mouth you groaned getting up and out of the bushes. Walking against the house you watched the two men bicker as they walked towards the house. 
“How was I supposed to know what a coochie controller was? I even asked around and just got weird looks that one lady slapped me with her bag!” The guard whined as you stifled your laughter nearing the front of the house. 
Waiting for them to enter the house you jumped the black gates and rested your head against the gates breathing heavily. Looking around you just to be safe seeing the road seemed pretty empty you shoved your hands in your loose pockets and skipped along the streets disappearing into the busy city. 
The old man hummed an old korean trot as he dusted down the tables and benches outside the corner store. Not many customers on the sunny sunday as school students were the most popular but some would still come and go. Walking around the streets in a haze you almost flinched when you saw the old man as you walked with your head down not wanting to converse yet again. 
Of course he just had to use his old instincts because once you tried walking away he called from behind. 
“Y/N-ie is that you?” He said, watching your figure from behind with wide eyes. Thinking that you could keep walking was quite the tempting option but you sighed turning to face the old man with a smile. 
“Yes it’s me Mr. Li, I didn't see you there.” You said politely grinning as you took in the old man’s features. How his old age somehow enhanced the softness that was always on his face even from when you were younger. He smiled back, setting the rag on the bench as you walked closer to the shop. 
“It better have been that, thought you were ignoring me.” He said smirking lightly as the guilt settled in your smile thinned as you questioned, 
“Mr. Li why would you think that?” eyebrows knitted as he chuckled softly. 
“You know I haven’t seen you in awhile Y/N-ie and stop calling me Mr.Li before I call you Bubbles again.” He said pouting as you almost choked hearing that ridiculous nickname that you just couldn’t escape. 
“Yah Lili let’s be mature you know it was a one time thing.” You said biting your cheek refusing to look at the old man as he erupted with laughter. 
“The puddle of soaps you slipped in cause you wanted to perfect your science volcano caused me a lot of money brat. Poor Yoongi got a head full of glittery soap too.” 
Looking back at your youngerself’s desire to be good at everything you shook your head trying not to cringe too much. 
“How is Yoongi? I don't see too much of him these days either, especially after you forced him to stop walking you down here. “ He smiled at the fond memories he had of your loving older brother who was just a little too overprotective. You replied dryly with a simple “He’s good” half lying your way through the question. 
“Ah and Minho how is he you two still together you know that boy was always my favorite he was so modest and kin-” 
“He moved away last year; he wasn't well and had to move to the States.” you cut Mr.Li off not wanting to stay on the topic of him too long before you cried in front of the old man. His gaze softened seeing how your whole demeanor had changed. Meeting his gaze you saw his expression, the pity in his eyes and how silent he was and you immediately regretted even coming here.  
“I'm sorry I hope he’s doing better I know how much you loved that boy-” 
“Halbeoji, the suppliers aren’t here. It's past 12 and we can always reschedule.” The familiar raven haired boy said coming out of the store facing the old man. 
“Jungkook-ah you're not going to that race, if that's your plan you’ll be waiting right here until they come. Yah and what did I tell you about interrupting conversations.” The old man scolded as the boy pouted looking over to find you standing watching him with bored eyes. He huffed, bowing as he muttered an apology to you that the old man slapped the back of his head for.
“Aish whenever you come here your manners always leave now don’t they. Y/N-ie this is my grandson Jungkook.” He said, pushing the boy's head down making him bow lightly while you nodded. 
“Old man Li-” 
“Ah ok sorry Jungkook this is Y/N a friend you could say, better Y/N-ie?” He said facing you with a cheeky smile as you bit your cheek, arms crossed as you burned with embarrassment. 
Jungkook raised his head now facing you observing the contrast from the first time you two had met as he greeted you, 
“Y/N it's nice to meet you even if it is the second time.” He said trying to ease your embarrassment to which he was met with a slight nod from you. The old man watched you both as he spoke now facing his grandson, 
“Yah what are you still doing here go wait for those suppliers before I ship you back to your mother.” He threatened lightly as the boy groaned at his grandfather who shook his head. Before going back inside the boy gave you a small bow that you returned with a nod before walking back inside. 
“That delinquent.” Old man Li muttered and smiled as he looked back at you before breaking into a coughing fit. Your faint smile dropped again as you watched with your eyebrows furrowed offering to get him water. 
“No no ah it's just my age I’d probably choke on the water if I did take it.” He tried to joke as you grew more concerned. 
“Y/N-ie don’t look at me like that I'm fine.” He smiled brightly, his heart melting knowing you were concerned even if you tried not to show it. 
“Go to the doctor I’ll take if you don’t go. I'm warning you, you're old but you're so careless. Who’ll run the corner store if you don't hm?” You let out surprised you talked so informally while the elder walked up embracing you as you stood frozen. 
“Y/N I'm fine, don't stress over an old man like me, I’ll go to the doctor if it’ll make you happy, ok?” he said, still smiling so brightly and you only wondered how he did it all the time. 
Releasing you from the warm hug he walked in the store only to quickly come out with a bag of snacks that made you want to deny but he shoved the bag in your hands. Finally on your way back to the house you felt lighter, a way you hadn’t felt in a while. Not too surprised the old man always had a way with people from his smile to his way with words you were always jealous of.
“How did she even leave the house with you two still here?” Yoongi barked from the first level as the two guards hung their heads down. 
“Sir she wanted a product from the store and so we went ahead to buy the product.” One of the guards explained tripping on his words as he went on. 
“What product?” Yoongi questioned looking over at the other guard who raised his head only to put it back down shaking it. 
“Well- it was a feminine product that Ms. Y/N wanted-” 
“What product was all I asked for?” Yoongi cut off the guard, growing impatient as the man sighed, bracing himself for Yoongi’s response.
“It was a um a well a co-” 
“Coochie controller?” Your voice rang through the 1st level as you skipped downstairs. The man nodded and placed his head back down as Yoongi gritted his teeth. Watching as you grinned widely he dismissed the two guards with a “we’ll figure you two out later.” 
“These are very sturdy aren’t they who put them up.” You questioned playing with one of the planks that covered the windows. 
“So I try to compromise with you for your safety and you go ahead and trick other people and leave the house without telling anyone?!” He roared and you could feel his narrowed eyes burning in the back of your head. You turned slowly looking back at the elder who was running his hand through his black locks. 
“The compromise didn’t fit my interest so why would I abide, and it's not trickery if they don’t have the mental capacity to think on their own.” You said calmly but your nonchalant persona only made Yoongi more angry with you. 
“How did you leave?” Yoongi asked, seeming a little calmer than before. 
“A magician never reveals their secrets but I’ll be willing to negotiate if it sparks my interest.” You pushed watching the elder rubbing his eyebrows in frustration. 
“What exactly would that compromise be Y/N.” 
“Well Yoongi, maybe we could start small like planks on the windows!” You suggested sarcastically as the boy only shook his head. 
“Fine they aren’t so hard to take down anyways so how’d you get out?” He questioned listening carefully waiting for your response. Walking up to the boy and passing him as you made your way up the stairs you replied, 
“A magician never reveals their secrets Yoongi,” you paused as Yoongi called your name in frustration.
“But, you might as well change the pin back to the first one; those guards are quite gullible.” you lied making your way up to the sanctuary. 
You sat on the fresh green grass gazing at the summer sky humming to the tune of the song you and Minho had just learned on guitar. Blushing simply thinking of the silly boy you dusted your white flowery dress making your way back into the house. As you made your way back up to your room you heard a faint crash come from the basement. Puzzled, you walked down, going closer and closer  to the noise. 
“HELP! HELP.” The awfully familiar voice yelled from one of the rooms on the farther side of the basement. You felt a pit grow in your stomach as you slowly made your way towards the door. You sighed, taking a deep breath before opening the door knowing it wouldn’t be anything good on the other side. Tied against a chair in a dull green room you could barely make out who was struggling to get out. Though they suddenly stopped looking up to see who it was that opened the door. In shock yourself all you wanted to do was vomit seeing him in this state. A bloody red nose, busted lip and swollen eyes but you’d recognize him in any state. 
“M-Minho!” You practically screeched running over to him cupping his face in your hands. 
“What happened what’s going on who did this to you how did this happ-” 
“Y/N you need to leave now it’s not safe I’m fine.” Minho said cutting you off from all the frantic questions you were asking. 
“No you need medical attention, we can leave, I can get you out of here.” You suggested as the worry started to overtake you, you worked on untying his hands as he struggled trying to reason the situation out with you. 
“Minho tell me who did this even if I can’t help, I'll have Yoongi take care of it.” You pleaded as Minho rapidly shook his head, not even making eye-contact with you. 
“If you don’t want to tell me then let’s leave your injuries, you need treatment and-“ You decided to grab his arm to lead him out of the dark room. 
“Y/n, stop.” You cut you off once again now looking you directly in the eyes and you just knew something had gone terribly wrong. As he pulled his hand away you held onto him tightly as he struggled to get away from your grip. 
“Y/n get away from him.” Yoongi called from the door leaving you to sigh in relief as Minho frantically pulled his arm away from you.  Looking back at Minho you saw the way he gulped at Yoongi who stared him down with his dark narrowed orbs. 
“Yoon help his injuries are getting worse and worse and I don’t know who locked him up in this room but we need to get out.” You said out of breath letting your thoughts just come out.
“Well this makes getting rid of him ten times easier.” Yoongi muttered getting closer to you and Minho keeping his eyes on Minho. Watching Yoongi pull the firearm out of his pocket you watched in confusion not knowing what your brother’s next move would be and that scared you. 
“Y-Yoon what are you doing?”
“My job Y/n-ie now you need to go upstairs okay it’s much safer up there for you then here.” Yoongi said calmly, nearing you patting your head softly as you shook your head disobeying his request. 
“No, no no Y-Y/n please you need to go upstairs it-“
“No I’m not leaving you unless you come up with me and I’m going to find out what happened.” You said grabbing a hold of Minho’s arm trying to pull him along towards the door when Yoongi stopped your motion shoving Minho to the ground. Near the boy you watched Yoongi pull the firearm aiming it at the boy when you pounced in front of the fire-arm as Yoongi yelled at your recklessness. 
“You're not going to kill him, you can't, he's the only one Yoon stop this he didn’t do anything!” You tried pleading with the elder who only scoffed yelling for you to move out of the way while you only held onto Minho tighter trying to shield him with your whole body. 
“Y/N MOVE AWAY FROM HIM NOW!” Yoongi barked, grabbing the side pistol he had tucked under his shirt leaving you and Minho to gasp as he pointed the gun straight at Minho. 
“YOONGI PUT IT DOWN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” You screeched as he stepped closer to you both keeping his gaze specifically on Minho. 
“Y/n I’m only going to repeat myself one more time, go upstairs you don’t have any business in this.” Yoongi said, still glaring at Minho who laid there as well in complete silence. 
“No I’m no-“ 
Your words were cut off by Yoongi who shoved you off of the boy now standing right above him and in front of you. You watched in complete silence as he cocked the gun back aiming it down at the boy. Hearing the gunshot you sat frozen as you let the first shot ring through your ear ignoring the other two that came after. Letting the third shot free you from the shock you pathetically crawled over to Minho who laid limp in a sea of blood. 
“Mi-Min hey it’s me I - I got you the hospital I-isn’t far we still have time l-let’s go ok?” You babbled on as the shock of it all really started kicking as you saw your hands, his waist, the floor, and your white dress all covered in his blood. 
“Y/n stop-
“N-no it’s fine really I can drive or we can get one of the better drivers as long as we ask nicely we should be fi-“ 
“Y/N stop it.” Minho cut you off going into a sudden coughing fit as you watched him cough up heaps of blood you swallowed still not wanting to accept the situation. 
“What went wrong things were g-going to be so nice today for me and you it was going to be lovely don’t you think?” He said in almost a whisper as you nodded slowly as you were thinking about just the same thing and how guilty you felt now. Your thoughts were interrupted by the boy’s chuckling, your eyebrows knitted as you watched him run his hand down his waist passing his hand up and down the pool of blood. 
“Do you see all of this Y/n?” The boy questioned keeping his gaze on his bloody hand to which you nodded slowly yet confused. 
“Maybe if I hadn’t come today this wouldn’t have happened, don't you wonder about that?” He asked again and you only responded with a nod not quite following his thinking he then grabbed your face running his red hand over your cheek with a look you couldn’t (didn’t want to) described. 
“If I hadn’t come here for you none of this would have happened you understand that too don’t you Y/n?” You gulped hearing the way he called your name with such disgust in it. 
“B-but Min it wasn’t like you knew it was going to happen.” You tried to reason as he shook his head the more you went on. 
“I’m bleeding here in this cold, dull room because of you, I’m on my death bed because of you, I can’t go home to my sister  and the rest of my family because of you.” He spoke fast, getting louder and louder while you only shook your head trying to get your wrist out of his grip. 
“Min it wasn’t me I didn’t know anything about this, I-I would never hurt you I love you.” You let out sounding so small and weak as he only held on tighter dragging you closer to him. 
“You don’t kill the people you love Y/n-“
“No, no I didn’t do this Min I didn’t know I would never!” You screamed, shaking your head violently as he chanted the word murderer repeatedly. 
“NO!” You screamed as you almost jumped out of the bed, hyperventilating you locked eyes with the necklace that laid near the peace lily you had watered earlier. Still breathing hard you got up from the bed, grabbed the necklace and rushed into the bathroom. 
Staring at the necklace your thoughts, those thoughts started to fight and you knew you would lose but it wasn’t that you didn’t try to fight back. You always did but your fighting was never good enough, you were pathetically weak. Scrunching up the necklace so that only the accented part stuck out you rolled up your sleeves running your fingers across the warm flesh. Letting out a deep sigh you lined the small blade up as you thought back to what you just dreamed about, think about Minho gripping your wrist and holding it up. Running your hand up and down you bit down on your lip as you now let the blade run along your wrist. Letting the blood drip it soothed you in a way hoping even maybe that you reprimanding yourself would free you of your guilt and the anger of the past. Except, it never did, it wasn’t like you didn’t know things would end up like this every time but ignorance was so much sweeter than believing the truth. 
Looking at yourself in the mirror those tired and dark eye bags that painted your face or your puffy nose and the pool of tears that accompanied them you saw how pathetic and helpless you looked. How it disgusted you and made you despise yourself even more than you thought to originally be possible. For some reason you laughed watching your face seeing how weak you look but as you looked down at the blood flowing out of your arms the laughter stopped and the pain started to take over. It was always like this. It's only fun for a minute, sometimes that minutes is longer but rarely is that the case and then the minute is over and you're left looking at the blood covering you and your sanctuary. The regret sinking in as you started breathing too fast running out of the room rushing over to your drawers. Throwing the contents on the shelves and in the drawers out frantically you looked for the ointments that were nowhere to be found until you looked over to the garbage can near your desk. Emptied and buried under white sheets of paper. Your breathing only got quicker and heavier as you rushed into the bathroom and just as quickly out being met with the blood in there as well. 
Rushing down the stairs as quietly as possible you hurried over to the front door not even taking the thought of guards being near as you punched in the old pin praying Yoongi had fallen for your lies. A red error sign appeared on the tiny screen as you cursed your luck rushing back up the stairs. 
“Think, think, think.” You said pacing around the sanctuary when you looked out of the patched window. Sighing you opened the window looking down at the same old low grass and the tall bushes you cringed jumping down. Rolling into the bushes you harshly shaked and groaned at the impact that felt a hundred times worse because of your current bleeding. Limping towards the front of the house you scanned for any guards before making your way over to the black gate. 
Today of all days might have been the worst day for you to have that nightmare, for you to let your thoughts swallow you and to be impulsive at 11 o’clock at night. Thinking about all of Yoongi’s ways to scare you and make you stay at home, you thought about the stories he told you about him having business after 12. Jogging as fast as you could, you made your way to the corner store even though you probably shouldn’t have because all of your energy was drained and it made the bleeding worse. Feeling the blood hug your baggy clothes you cringed before limping into the corner store. 
“Sorry were closin-“ The raven haired boy stopped in his tracks looking up to see you limping into the store. Getting up from his chair and throwing the car magazine he was reading to the side he walked around looking at you with knitted eyebrows. 
“Y/n are you okay, is there anything I can get you?” He questioned as you tried to avoid speaking to him as you made your way over to an aisle. Looking around you were getting more agitated as your drowsiness and low energy fought to take over. 
“You look a little out of it, it’s fine I can get you what you need and-“
“Jungkook I don’t need your hel-'' Curse your low iron because once you turned to face the boy the room just had to start spinning causing you to fall backwards. Awaiting your impact with the floor Jungkook had moved swiftly and caught you holding your back and wrist firmly. 
“Easy, you're okay.” He said as he brought you up to stand watching you take in your surroundings again. Looking now at your wrist he frowned as he watched the blood trickle through the fabric and down to your hand. 
“Y/n you're bleeding?” He stated yet confused of course of the how when you pulled your wrist away beginning to limp again down the aisle. 
“It’s in your other arm too I can treat them for you-“
“I already told you, I don’t need your help Jungkook-“
“I don’t care about how or why you're bleeding because it’s none of my business and I can respect your privacy but you are bleeding in my store after hours which is something my grandpa would definitely kill me for. He seems to take a liking to so let’s do each other a solid?” The boy said as he walked up to you staring down at you with a faint smile. You scoffed walking out of the store only to stop and sit at one of the tables leaving Jungkook to only watch. 
“Are you going to stop my bleeding or what?” You asked, growing impatient as the boy nodded, disappearing into one of the aisles to get what he would need. Quickly walking out with the needed materials he sat down across you laying them on the table. Gesturing for you to bring your arm you held on to your sleeve looking down before rolling up your sleeve and extending it to him. HIs gaze softened taking in the different scars that painted your arm in silence as you only looked away, taking away your arm rolling down the sleeve. 
“Hey it’s ok don’t worry about it.” Jungkook said, holding out his hand waiting for your arm as you rolled your sleeve back up, extending your arm to him once again. Dipping the cloth into the ointment you looked at the brands that were foreign to you and wondered if they would hurt as much as the ones you normally used. 
“Grandpa always used this ointment when I was little. He says it’s the best of the best.”  Jungkook smiled, beginning to imitate his grandpa’s raspy voice. As he applied the ointment you winced in pain feeling the cold cloth hit your skin. Jungkook uttered soft “im sorrys” as he continued to dab the ointment over your cuts. With not much to do in the unwanted situation you paid attention to how focused and cautious he was applying the ointments. Thinking back to the first time you met the boy and how strange it is whenever you two run into each other, how you’re somehow always in need of help. 
“Aaand done.” He said after passing the cloth against the last bloody cut which also stopped your thinking. 
“Oh,” Jungkook said, turning over to his left rummaging through the box stifling his laughter before showing a selection of band-aids to you. You rolled your eyes looking at the different kiddy-like designs the boy laid out for you to pick from. 
“I personally would take the Hello kitty one. She's quite popular nowadays.” The boy teased as you glared at him getting ready to leave when he took a hold of the tips of your fingers causing you to stop. 
“They aren’t necessary, it's a waste of time and money.” You muttered pulling your fingers back when he moved to the end of the seat and closer to where you were standing. 
“Just this once they’ll heal twice as fast. Please?” He almost begged looking up into your eyes as his dark orbs twinkled with some sort of innocence or in the way he held onto the tiny packs. Sighing you skimmed at the options and tapped on the spider man covered band-aids taking a seat once again. 
“Quiet the fitting choice for a tough cookie huh?” He teased again, smiling brightly to counter the narrowing of your eyes towards him. 
“Ok champ your all set.” The boy grinned letting go of your arm again now leaving you to roll your sleeves down as he walked back into the store. Nodding and shoving your hands into your pockets you  turned facing the dark road. Before you had the chance to leave you were again stopped by the boy who called out your name while hurrying out of the shop causing you to sigh again as your drowsiness was at its peak. 
Holding a small black bag to you, you looked down and back up letting your eyebrows show your confusion. 
“Uh ointments just in case you need any.” He said scratching his nape with his free hand as you stood there feeling your pockets for any money when you were interrupted by the boy who took your hand softly and placed the black bag in your hand. Looking up at him to meet his dark orbs silence rung through the area leaving you both to just look back at each other. 
“Right it’s pretty late, you should get home soon and safely.” He said letting go of your hand only to find the back of his neck again. Nodding your head slowly you shoved your hand back into your pocket turning to leave when you turned back to the boy giving him a small bow. Shaking his head slowly the boy waved walking back into the store after collecting the contents left on the table. 
After sneaking through the black gates and practically rock climbing the side of the house to land back into the sanctuary you let out a heavy sigh. Changing out of the stained sweater and into a fresh hoodie and shorts you noticed that the spider-man band-aid had peeled off probably when you took the sweater off. Grabbing the black bag you walked into the bathroom looking over to the mirror. Finding much more than ointments in the bag you bit your cheek looking at the hello kitty band-aids Jungkook threw in the bag. Opening the package you peeled the band-aid covering off and laid it where the Spider-Man band-aid previously was. 
Chapter 3
Author's Note➹: Hope chapter 2 is feeling much more lengthy and carries the volume I intended but here she is! I want to thank you guys for all the love and support you guys have been giving the series when it’s just gotten started. There was a slight delay with releasing chapter 2, so I ended up having to move the release day to Friday, but I hope the chapter was worth the wait. As always, any suggestions or ideas you guys have for the series or any future fics you want to read my asks are always open as well as comments! Let me know your hot takes on chapter 2 in the comments and I’ll see you guys in chapter 3!  - ♡ Vynnie
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studio-multi · 1 month
Half Baked #4
Title: Asphodel
Namjoon as Hecate
Hoseok as Helios
Yoongi as Hades
Jimin as Persephone/Kore
Taehyung as Adonis
Jungkook as Hermes
-all gods, goddess or deities are gender neutral because they don’t always reproduce the traditional way, if you have issues with gender neutrality in any way this is not the idea for you-
They cheer when Yoongi lights the ceremonial fire and he laughs shyly.
The colorful flags of the May pole and Yoongi and Jimin meeting eyes through it
Yoongi is sad that Jimin is away, pops up to see them being celebrated at Beltane. Jungkook lets Jimin know, and he takes Yoongi around the festival.
Yoongi getting flower crowned.
Jealous of Taehyung hitting on Jimin.
Joon and Hobi roasting Yoongi as they join the festival once the sun goes down.
Yoongi gets very drunk on the seasonal Meade (look in festive drinks) and Jimin puts him to bed.
They have a cute make out and conversation about having children.
Yoongi: “We could adopt” Jimin: “No I want them to be a part of us” Yoongi: “I don’t know if any child should be curse being a part of me” Yoongi/Hades self-loathing. Jimin: “I want nothing more than a child that is half you, Yoongi”
Yoongi agrees to discuss it when Jimin returns in the fall.
Jimin: “Really?!?” Yoongi with a nod: “Mmm.”
NSFW Notes under the cut:
Jimin attacks Yoongi with kisses and ends up getting Yoongi aroused now that he has sobered up. 
Jimin offers to give Yoongi head. Yoongi agrees and Jimin sucks Yoongi off, swallowing all of the seed.
Jimin didn’t expect anything in return, but Yoongi quickly puts Jimin on his back, Yoongi’s back arching as he sucks Jimin off too.
Jimin’s orgasm magically "calling" in the late spring rain, bursting flowers into bloom around their hideaway as Yoongi swallows down his release. 
Jimin returns in Autumn four months pregnant and finds a glowing pregnant Yoongi as well.
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aamalaaa · 2 years
sunrises & liquor (m) | myg
all that jazz
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pairing: yoongi x reader
series: sunrises & liquor
rating: m(18+); cursing, alcohol consumption, smut, explicit content
genre: bar workers au, barman yoongi au, (kinda) forbidden relationship, angst, fluff, smut
summary: after a failed academic pursuit and a few meaningless and disappointing relationships, you decided to go back to what you never thought you would: the bar industry. There you find a family, friends, heartache, misunderstandings and one particular barman who just won’t get out of your head.
warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption (duh), smut, dom!yoongi, sub/brat!reader, dirty talk, oral sex(m.receiving), unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it folks), car sex, rough sex, angst, reader has issues bro
a/n: welcome folks, to yet another chapter of s&l! it’s been more than lovely having you around, sharing your thoughts and screaming with me. I appreciate you!! anyhow, this is the longest one yet, my bad, and we’re getting into the final arc of this story, I reckon. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this one<3
//: btw, I listened to ‘Lost’ and ‘Thinkin bout you’ by Frank Ocean, and also ‘Meet me in the Hallway’ by Harry Styles while writing this one, I recommend it.
chapter word count: 8.5k (my bad)
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Today was a long day.
It started well enough, you woke up and ate breakfast with two of your best friends, exchanged a few texts with Yoongi and tried to help Jimin with his Hoseok problem. You even managed to convince him to meet up with the latter.
Turns out it ended up unraveling in the worst possible way and you were left to pick up the pieces of your dear friend’s heart all throughout the afternoon, trying to ignore the guilt gnawing at you in favor of focusing on your friend who really needed you.
Because this isn’t about you and how you feel bad about what happened and the role you played in this whole situation. This is about Jimin and how he just got basically rejected by his longtime crush and friend.
So you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling in an attempt to understand what in the actual fuck happened today and how to help, what to do to make both your friends feel a little less miserable.
And Hoseok may have rejected Jimin, but you know him and you’re sure this whole thing is eating at him, will probably keep him up at night. Hoseok never wants to hurt anyone, on the contrary, he always tries to help people feel a little more hopeful, a little less out of control.
You facepalm yourself and sigh loudly. How the fuck do you always end up all up in everybody’s business, your life is enough of a mess as it is. 
Your phone vibrates and you unlock it, smiling like a whole ass fool as soon as you notice Yoongi’s contact name pop up on your screen.
Love [6:37]: badly, spent the whole afternoon consoling Jiminie
Love [6:38]: I’m so tired
You drop your phone on the bed and head towards the bathroom to take a much needed shower. You stand under the stream of hot water for, well, way too long, before you step out of the shower and wrap a towel around your naked form, blow drying your hair as soon as you do.
You leisurely make your way towards your dresser and slip on a simple black t-shirt. Then, you unlock your cell phone again and try to force down the surge of energy you get when you notice two new messages from Yoongi. 
Music Man [6:41]: shit. poor Chim.
Music Man [6:41]: are you ok?
You sigh contentedly as you type in a response and send it.
Love [7:29]: yeah I am, just need to unwind and go to sleep early.
You start scrolling through netflix, almost settling on a title before you feel your phone vibrate on your stomach.
Music Man [7:36]: wanna come over?
You grin and start typing.
Love [7:37]: mmmhm, idk. that’s at least a 15 minutes drive.
The reply is almost instantaneous.
Music Man [7:37]: I made budae jjigae..
Love [7:38]: say no more
Love [7:38]: leaving in 10
You start getting ready, pulling on some jeans and a coat, then you brush your teeth and grab your purse.
You look at your phone before dropping it in your bag.
Music Man [7:40]: bring overnight stuff [:
“Did you get my last text?”
You push past Yoongi and head inside the apartment.
“I did,” You reply in a monotonous tone.
He closes the front door. “Where’s your overnight stuff?”
You grin and lift your purse up,
“You’re sleeping in… jeans?”
You slip your coat off and hang it, wagging your eyebrows playfully. “Or maybe I’m sleeping naked?”
“Are you trying to be the end of me?” Yoongi groans.
You chuckle lightheartedly,
“Don’t act like you’ve never seen a naked woman before, please.”
“Definitely not, but they weren’t you. I don’t think you realize the power you have over me, love.” He draws closer and engulfs you in a tight embrace, laying a gentle press of his lips on top of your head.
You blush profusely, thankful for the fact that your face is hidden from Yoongi’s scrutinizing gaze. This might be the most romantic and simultaneously arousing thing you’ve ever heard. 
“Then you’ll lend me sleeping clothes will you?” You nip at his exposed collarbones.
Yoongi shudders quietly. “So this was your plan the whole time? Make a man weak so you can steal his clothes and why not, his cat too maybe?”
You laugh against the crook of his neck. “Damn, you caught me.”
“That’s cold, angel.”
You lift your head up and your eyes meet an absolutely devastating pout.
“Poor baby,” You coo before cupping his soft cheeks, pressing your lips on his for a few seconds and sighing in absolute bliss, the blond man’s arms tightening around you as you get lost in each other’s taste. You break it off first, parting an inch or two from him and staying there for a short moment, the both of you breathing in each other’s air, eyes closed.
“I just think your clothes smell nice,” You whisper tenderly.
Yoongi hums. “What do they smell like?”
You dip your head down and press your forehead on his shoulder, a light pinkish tint taking over your cheeks, and mumble, “You.”
“So you think I smell nice?” 
You slap his hip and groan in embarrassment. “I hate you.”
“Sure you do.” He chortles, a calloused hand making its way through your freshly washed hair.
You stay unmoving for a few moments, trying to will the heat in your cheeks away and then raise your head, first noticing Cat, laying on the couch and judging the both of you with it’s golden orbs, before catching the spicy scent of budae jjigae for the first time since you came in.
“You actually cooked, like for real.”
Yoongi lets go of his hold on you and rubs the back of his neck. “Well, yeah.”
You approach the stove top, taking  in a deep breath through your nose.
“I thought you were finessing me so I would come over.”
“That’s rich coming from you, clothes stealer.” Yoongi says, a playful indignant tone to his voice.
“Hey! I borrow them, I don’t steal them.”
“Tell that to the hoodie I haven’t seen in the last two months.”
You cross your arms and pout, leaning on the counter. “You gave that to me, meanie.”
“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”
“That’s not fair,” You squint your eyes at him.
Yoongi chuckles and kisses your temple, taking two bowls from the cupboard and filling them with two portions of the still-warm meal before putting them down on the counter along with utensils and two water bottles.
“Eat up before it gets cold.”
You whine but still sit down at the counter, slurping and munching hungrily at the delicious comforting meal. Yoongi watches you with an amused expression, eating quietly and slowly. Once you’ve annihilated your portion you put your utensils down and quirk a brow at the blond man,
“What?” you take a sip of water.
Yoongi shrugs, a crooked smile on his lips. “Nothing, you’re just cute.”
You choke on the liquid, coughing loudly and bring a hand up to your chest, violently slapping it to help clear your obstructed airways. Yoongi laughs and runs a hand up and down your back in a soothing motion. 
“You’re mean,” You croak out once your fit of coughs settles down.
“I’m sorry,” He massages the nape of your neck, dissipating any feeling of annoyance you might’ve had.
You pout. “Better make it up to me then.”
“Anything you want, love.”
"Anything?" You lift a brow and send him a seductive smile, slowly getting up and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Yoongi’s breath hitches in his throat as he lets out a low, rumbly, “Anything.”
You twirl a blond strand of hair between your deft fingers, a wicked grin lifting the corners of your mouth. “Then I want a massage and cuddles.”
Yoongi huffs incredulously and shakes his head, lightly swatting at your ass. “It would be my pleasure.”
He lends you a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt and you quickly brush your teeth before going to the living room and petting the furry animal, cooing and squealing when it starts purring in content.You then make your way back to Yoongi's room and swiftly slide under the bed’s covers. 
Yoongi enters the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later to find you almost passed out, snuggled in his sheets. He slides under the covers next to you and whispers,
“Do you want to go to sleep now, love?”
You shake your head and blink slowly, meeting deep chocolate-like eyes. Even in complete darkness Yoongi looks absolutely stunning, breathtaking, and you feel so fucking fond and grateful to be sharing a bed with him.
“Nuh-uh, you still have to give me a massage.”
“Alright, on your stomach then,” Yoongi chuckles and tucks a strand of hair beneath your ear. 
You leisurely comply, and give him an expectant look.
“It would be better if I took off your shirt, but it’s all up to you.”
You nod and send him a small smile, giving him permission.
And so Yoongi sits up straight and starts tugging your shirt off, you help him by lifting your torso and arms up. 
Once the garment is off, Yoongi slides his palms up your back with increasing pressure, spurring a satisfied moan out of you. 
“Is that enough pressure?” He whispers in a dark, gruff tone, sending shivers up your spine
You barely manage to whisper the next words, 
“It’s perfect.” 
He continues his ministrations, lingering for a long moment on your shoulders and collarbones, then trailing down to the dip of your back and slowly pressing his thumbs there while you can only let out small mewls of appreciation. 
You slowly slip in and out of consciousness, not even noticing that Yoongi has stopped massaging you until he whispers against your ear,   
“Time to sleep, angel.”
You groan and begrudgingly sit up, tugging the white t-shirt on before slumping down on your side, facing the opposite way from Yoongi. The latter inches closer and wraps a lazy arm around your waist, pressing himself flush against your back.
“Sweet dreams,” He presses a delicate kiss on your shoulder.
You wiggle in his embrace before slurring out a small,
“Sweet dreams Yoongi.”
You tug nervously at the off-the-shoulder neckline of the emerald green, floor length dress you put on merely a few minutes ago.
It’s 7:04, which means Yoongi is late, and Yoongi is almost never late. Which might mean something happened, but it could also just be your anxiety riddled mind making up scenarios to taunt you.
Nevertheless you can’t tame down the bubbling anxiety rising in your chest.
You’re checking your phone for the upteenth when you hear a slightly reluctant knock at your front door.
You swing it open in a matter of seconds, letting out a shaky breath of relief as soon as you see Yoongi’s soft features.
Your relief is short lived though, because his appearance knocks the air straight out of you.
You grip the doorknob forcefully as you take in the fitted black suit Yoongi is sporting, the white dress shirt and black bow, but most importantly his luscious locks of hair. Because they’re not the light, bleached blond you’ve been drawn to since you’ve met him. No, oh no. 
His hair is black. 
Jet black, as dark as a raven’s feathers. 
And if you thought blond was the best color for Yoongi before, you were not prepared for this one. Because holy shit, he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever been blessed to lay your eyes upon. 
The night’s announcing itself to be a long one. 
“You look amazing,” Yoongi declares as he tucks his hands in the pockets of his trousers, an awestruck look in his eyes.
“Holy shit,” Is all you manage to say, completely unaware of the compliment he just bestowed upon you.
Yoongi nervously cards a hand through his black hair. “Yeah..”
“Yoongi. Fucking hell. Don’t do that.” Your grip on the door handle strengthens and you take a deep breath, looking anywhere but in his direction. 
“Do what?” He scratches his head in confusion, oblivious to your internal struggle. 
“Your hair, oh my god.” You snap your gaze up, just now noticing how awkward the man looks standing in the doorway. “Umm, sorry, come in.”
You step out of the way and Yoongi slides in through the threshold, closing the door as you make your way to the closet and take out your winter coat. 
“Yeah I was so done with bleaching it, so I just went back to my natural color.”
You hum understandingly and the man leans on the wall, watching you curiously as your shaky hands fumble with the buttons of your black, fake fur coat. 
“Do you like it?” He questions, an amused glint to his tone.
You gulp loudly. “Y-yeah I do.” 
You curse under your breath as you struggle to button your coat, your mind reeling with thousands of filthy images you try to rid yourself of. Crazy how a simple change of hair color can have such an impact on you. 
But you’re only human, and Yoongi clearly is something else, no way a human being is allowed to look like this, like sin incarnated but also a god sent creature. It’s not fucking fair.
Strong, capable hands deftly take a hold of yours and snap the coat’s buttons in place. 
“You like it that much?” He chuckles teasingly.
You send a glare his way, only now noticing how close he’s standing. “How fucking dare you look this good in my house, in front of my fake plants nonetheless!”
Yoongi lifts a brow in amusement before taking a hold of your waist and drawing you flush against his broad chest. “What are you gonna do about it?” 
You gasp and slap his shoulder. “I can’t with you, I swear to god.”
Yoongi laughs loudly, showing off a heart shattering gummy smile that has your heartbeat picking up at an alarming rate.
“Are you actually mad?” He runs a hand up and down your back. You curse yourself for putting on your winter garment, wanting more than anything to feel his fingers on you.
“Yes, I am! How am I supposed to watch the musical when you look like this?” You pout angrily. 
“So dramatic..” 
And just like that he stops you from responding by locking his lips onto yours, tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss before biting lightly at your bottom lip, tearing a soft whimper out of you.
He slowly backs you up against the wall, using the surprised gasp you emit to slide his tongue against your own, licking languidly and relentlessly as you try to take charge, failing time and time again.
You slide your hand all the way up to the back of his head, tugging lightly at the soft locks of hair, something you’ve been desperate to do since he appeared at your doorstep. 
Yoongi emits a deep groan, shivers instantly pricking at your skin despite the warm clothing you’re wearing and you slide your other hand up to the button of his jacket, wanting nothing more than to take it off and feel his warm skin sizzling under your palms.
But he parts from your lips just as your hand reaches the obstructing button and chuckles hoarsely,
“We can’t miss this show, love. Tae would be sad and you’d feel bad.”
“Damn, I hate that you’re right.”
Yoongi rests his forehead against yours and lightly shakes his head. “Believe me, I hate that I am too.” 
You stay there, catching your breaths for a few moments before you speak up again,
“Alright let’s go now, otherwise we won’t be leaving tonight.”
You see his jaw twitch as he steps away and takes your hand in his. 
“I’m in pain,” He solemnly declares.
You chuckle heartily,
“So dramatic.”
You arrive at the theater a mere thirty-something minutes before the musical Taehyung stars in begins, the billboard announcing ‘Chicago’ in bright capital letters.
You notice Seokjin and Hoseok almost as soon as you make your way in after dropping off your things at coat check.
They’re leaning against a high circular table and chatting, flutes of champagne in hand.
Seokjin speaks first,
“We were starting to wonder if you guys decided to bail on us to go have sex at Yoongi’s place or something.”
You give him a mortified look while Hoseok loudly chortles, gripping his stomach as he does so.
Yoongi lets out a drawn out sigh. “I need a drink.”
Seokjin perks up. “Let me accompany you! There’s a bit of a line.” 
He downs his own flute in one gulp as Yoongi sends a pained look your way but follows the older man nonetheless, leaving you and Hoseok alone.
The silence that reigns over the both of you feels awkward and strange. You don’t like it, not one bit.
“How is he?”
You snap your gaze towards the red haired man.
“Who?” You question futilely, already knowing the answer.
Hoseok sighs, a downcast look in his eyes. “Jimin..” 
You pick at your nails nervously, unsure if you should be talking about it or not. You ultimately decide it couldn’t hurt to do so. 
“I mean.. how do you think? You know him, he’s taking it pretty badly but he wouldn’t talk about it or what really happened. He’s resilient though, he’ll manage.”
“I know.. I’m just-“ He pauses. “I’m just kinda confused and lost right now? I didn’t expect this, at all. And I’ve wanted him to tell me that he loves me for so long, even dreamt about it. But I met Lia a few weeks ago and it’s going well you know? She’s kind and I know exactly what she thinks and where she’s at..”
You didn’t know about any of this. “Lia?” 
“Yeah, I met her at a party. You’d like her a lot I think.” He shoots you a half-hearted smile, making your heart sink. 
Hoseok doesn’t do half-hearted smiles.
“If you do, I’m sure I would too.”
Hoseok stares at the floor, eyebrows furrowed, like he’s deep in thoughts.
You sigh and ruffle his hair. “Whatever you do, I’ll be happy for you. As long as you know you’re making the right decision for you. Not anyone else.”
Hoseok eyes you almost pleadingly. “But no matter what I do, someone’s going to end up hurting..”
“Yup. That’s just the way things go most of the time.” You try to swallow the uptick of emotions in your throat.
“You’re such a pessimist,” The corner of his eyes crinkle in amusement.
“I have nothing to say in my defense.”
You notice Yoongi and Seokjin coming back your way, holding three flutes of champagne.
You give Hoseok a meaningful look, “Seriously though, think about it. I don’t want you to regret your decision later on, whatever that decision is.”
He nods harshly, just as the two men come up to you. Yoongi hands you a flute.
“Thanks,” You beam at him, touched that he thought to bring you one too.
He snakes an arm around your waist and takes a small sip of the bubbly drink. “Of course.”
“So, what role is Taehyung playing anyway?” Hoseok asks.
You perk up, excited about your friend’s upcoming performance. “Roxie! It’s a gender swapped reinterpretation of Chicago.”
“Damn, he basically got the lead role.” Yoongi whistles, impressed.
You preen with pride for your friend.
“He did,” Seokjin confirms in an adoring tone.
“Sweet!” Hoseok exclaims, drawing in a few pair of curious eyes.
You all drink your flutes pretty quickly and make a stop at the restroom before heading inside the theater and taking your seats.
You sit at the end of the row, Yoongi directly to your left, then followed by Hoseok and Seokjin. You apply a thin layer of lip gloss before tucking the stick back into your purse, only then noticing Yoongi eyeing you, indecipherable emotions swimming in his dark orbs.
You lean closer and lay a hand on his thigh,
“Something on my face?”
Yoongi snorts. “Anything I could answer to that would be corny as fuck.”
You feel your face heat up and look down bashfully.
“Hey,” He lifts your chin up with his index finger. “I didn’t say I was done looking.”
“Oh my god Yoongi, stop.” You squeeze his thigh in warning, very thankful for the low lighting, otherwise you’re positive he would notice the bright red tint spreading all over your face.
“Cute,” He coos softly, caressing your cheek gently before draping his arm around your shoulders, you lean onto him . 
The musical soon starts, and it’s absolutely mind blowing. You don’t remember ever seeing something quite like it. Taehyung adds a lot of flair to it, and you might’ve seen him in other plays before, but this takes home the cake, in your opinion at least. Because he owns the stage, the role, the songs. 
He is the role.
But as much as you try to stay focused, you can’t help but let yourself peer at Yoongi from time to time, getting caught up in the way the light illuminating the stage creates all sorts of shapes and shadows upon his hypnotizing features.
He’s fucking stunning.
You leave your hand on his thigh all throughout the show, rubbing slow circles on his knee with your dainty thumb.
And you’re acutely aware of the occasional shivers coursing through Yoongi as you sometimes let your hand wander a bit further up his thigh, notice the way his jaw ticks when you lightly squeeze the muscular limb. You also notice how your heartbeat picks up its pace the longer you keep testing the man’s patience, as if maybe your little teasing might have even more of an effect on you than on him.
When the last musical number starts, you let your hand venture even further up, your fingers now almost reaching the place you want them to reach the most.
You feel Yoongi‘s muscle strain, almost missing the low groan that reverberates through him when he forcefully grabs your wrist in warning, which automatically sends a rush of heat through your whole body.
You chance a glance at his tense features, his clenched jaw, his eyes staring intently at the stage, and almost pout when he doesn’t give you any attention, simply keeping his steady and forcefull hold on your wrist, making it impossible for you to move your hand in any way. 
The play soon ends and you all get up, Yoongi lets go of your wrist to applaud and once he’s done, he gets a hold of your hand and interwines your fingers, sending you a dark menacing look as he does so.
The four of you quickly make your way to the front hall and you text your friend.
my queen [10:43]: we’re waiting for you in the front hall! you were fucking incredible tae omg
You feel Yoongi’s hold on your hand strengthen as you wait for a reply.
Taebear [10:45]: be there in 15, gotta wait for ppl to leave 
And so you all wait, eagerly discussing and praising your friend’s performance and the musical as a whole between the four of you.
Time goes by so quickly that you yelp in surprise when you notice your best friend making his way towards your group.
“Tae oh my fucking god!” You let go of Yoongi’s hand and run into Taehyung’s arms. “You were unreal up there.” 
You part from him to let everyone congratulate his performance, Hoseok clapping excitedly and crushing him into a fierce hug while Yoongi simply pats him on the shoulder.
“You were born to be on stage sweetie,” Seokjin approaches him and lays a passionate kiss on the younger man’s lips.
They exchange a few words before Taehyung addresses you, his head laying on Seokjin’s large shoulders,
“I know we planned to go somewhere after this but I’m officially drained. Rain check? Y’all still owe me a celebratory meal.” 
You snort loudly. “All good babe. Go rest, you need it.”
Hoseok ruffles Seokjin’s hair. “Can I catch a ride with you?”
“As long as you never, ever, touch my hair again, yes.” 
Taehyung chuckles airily, an endeared boxy grin etched upon his face as he glances adoringly at the older man. 
And so you all say goodbye and head towards your respective cars. You slump down the passenger side’s seat and tug your coat off, waiting for Yoongi to start the ignition. 
He drives out of the parking lot and onto the highway, glancing at you from time to time, not saying a single word. You feel anxiety bubbling up your chest and decide to break the tense silence,
“Are you dropping me off at home?” 
Yoongi chuckles almost menacingly. “Oh no, we’re sleeping at my place tonight.” 
“Umm.. since when?” You give him a quizzical look.
He clenches his jaw before replying,
“Since you decided to play a game you know you can’t win.”
You slide a hand up his thigh, your fingers brushing over his crotch, and relish in the sharp intake of air that reaches your ears. 
“What game?” You tease.
“Angel,” Yoongi rasps through gritted teeth, his hands gripping the wheel so forcefully that his knuckles turn white.
And you might be liking this a bit too much, but it’s way too fun to stop now. 
So you repeat the motion, sliding your hand up and down his thigh, brushing over his crotch again.
“Yes?” You flutter your eyelashes innocently. 
You barely even notice Yoongi taking the next exit and driving down small deserted streets until the car stops in a small parking lot next to the water.
You don’t recognize the public park in which you now find yourself in. 
“Uh, Yoongi? This isn’t your place as far as I know.”
The man lowers the backrest of the car seat to a more comfortable position, unfastens his seatbelt and grabs your hand, pushing it against the growing tent in his trousers, electrifying arousal growing sharply in your abdomen as he does so.
“Well, it seems like you couldn’t wait to be home to act like a brat. So go ahead, do what you want.”
You swallow thickly. “Here? What if someone walks past us?” 
Yoongi smirks and closes his eyes before bringing his arms up and slipping his hands behind his head. “Didn’t seem to bother you one bit earlier.”
And maybe it shouldn’t, but the thought of maybe getting caught, coupled with the alluring confidence emanating from Yoongi casts a hazy cloud in your mind, making you want to please the man more than anything in the world.
And so you unfasten your seatbelt and lift your skirt up to straddle the man easily. But he stops you before you can climb him,
You stare at him in sheer confusion. 
“That’s not what you were trying to do earlier. Use your hands angel, then we’ll see if you deserve more.” 
You all but shudder and nod weakly. Yoongi might’ve been a bit dominating before, but it was nothing compared to this. The confident, authoritative glint in his voice sends your mind into a frenzy, you want to get to know this side of him better.
He quirks a brow at you and closes his eyes again,
You snake a trembling hand up to the zipper of his trousers, struggling a bit before sliding it all the way down. You can feel how aroused he is, how hard his thick, warm length feels under the thin material of his underwear. It gives you a major boost of confidence, knowing how eager Yoongi actually is to feel you.
“Can you um..lift your hips,” You bashfully ask.
Yoongi blinks and chuckles amusedly before lifting his hips up and tugging his boxers and trousers halfway down, liberating his warm cock from the confines of his clothes. 
He watches carefully as you bring a hand up to your mouth and spit on it, his eyes darkening as soon as the thick saliva trickles down your palm.
His gaze only falters for a few seconds when you wrap your hand around him, and focuses again as soon as you start pumping him in slow, drawn out motions.
He stays silent, though immensely focused when you start going faster, swirling your wrist from time to time and applying a little more pressure when you reach his reddened tip, only to dive down again and again. 
His ragged breathing is the only thing that cues you in on how much he’s actually enjoying this and so, you ask with a tiny, shaky voice,
“Can I umm..”
The words don't come out. It’s not that you’re shy about doing it, It just feels weird to say out loud.
“Can you what?” He asks with a gravely low voice that sends a wave of shivers up your spine.
You look at him with pleading eyes as you continue sliding your hand up and down his length. Yoongi simply quirks a brow at you, refusing you mercy. 
“Can you what, love?”
You take a shallow breath and whisper, 
“Can I suck you off?”
You can almost sense the moment he breaks, it feels like the air inside the small car gets even more suffocating, making you lightheaded.
“Fuck, yeah, go on.”
A pleasurable knot forms itself in your stomach as you eagerly dive down to leave a teasing lick on the tip of Yoongi’s cock, the salty taste of precum coating your tongue deliciously.
You flick your tongue against the slit of his girth, smirking when you feel Yoongi jolt and moan quietly. He pushes away the strands of hair dangling in front of your eyes and grabs the rest of your hair in a messy bun, holding it in a firm but gentle grip.
He groans lowly when you slowly wrap your lips around him and slide down his length, pressing your tongue along his frenulum as you do so, and repeat the motion a few times, hollowing your cheeks to coax as much pleasure as you possibly can out of him. 
You come up for air for a few seconds before spitting on his cock and taking him back in your mouth, feeling every protruding vein on his thick member as you swirl your tongue around it. You rapidly pick up a faster pace, bobbing your head up and down as you hear a myriad of curses escape Yoongi’s lips.
It only makes you grow bolder and bolder and so you dive down lower, only stopping when your nose brushes against soft skin. You gag lightly and repeat the motion a second time, to the man’s greatest pleasure, if his choked guttural groan is anything to go by.
As soon as the tip of his thick length hits the back of your throat, you feel Yoongi bucking his hips forward, making you gag and cough loudly around him, saliva trickling down your mouth filthily. 
“Fuck I’m so sorry,” He tugs on your hair and lifts you up, the sharp sting sending a shock of pleasure through you.
You gasp for air and feel drool sliding along your throat, all the way down to the neckline of your dress, a few teardrops escaping your eyes.
“It’s ok.. I like it,” You rasp out as soon as you can breathe somewhat normally.
Yoongi groans. “Fucking hell, yeah? You like choking on my cock, angel?” 
You mewl in response, feeling a familiar wetness in between your legs slowly spreading to the inside of your thighs. 
“Can I fuck your mouth, mmhm? Can you do that for me?” He tilts your head upwards and brings you closer, his face now a few inches away from yours.
You nod frantically, more than excited by the prospect of Yoongi fucking into your mouth aggressively, using you as he pleases to get himself off. There’s nothing quite as tempting in the whole world. At least at this moment.
“You sure?” He wipes drool off your chin and gently strokes your flushed cheek with the back of his hand.
“Yes, please..”
“Begging to choke on my cock, for fuck’s sake.”
Yoongi bruisingly crashes his lips onto yours and devours your mouth with unbridled passion, instantly and greedily swallowing your whimpers as they reach your throat. 
He disconnects your mouths and breathes out unevenly. “You ready?” 
You nod eagerly and Yoongi guides you back to his painfully hard erection. You instantly wrap your lips around him, sighing in relief as soon as you do.
He growls mutedly. “Squeeze my thigh if you ever feel uncomfortable and want me to stop, ok angel?”
You hum and tantalizingly lick the side of his length, which only makes him tighten his hold on your hair. 
He starts bucking his hips forward, and it’s slow at first, as he drags the tip of his erection against your warm tongue numerous times. But he soon picks up his pace, snapping in and out of your mouth rapidly before engulfing himself far down your tight throat, only stopping when he hears you gagging around him. 
Then he picks up an unhurried pace again and alternates between slow and fast, aggressive and gentle. You feel dizzy and completely fucked out, your underwear completely ruined by sheer arousal. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on in your life.
You squeal in surprise when Yoongi lifts you up swiftly and kisses you feverishly, as if trying to taste each and every corner of your mouth with the help of his skilled tongue.
A thick trail of saliva connects both of your mouths when you part for air. Yoongi cups your cheeks and leaves a soft peck on your swollen lips, it has you seeing stars, your heart growing bigger in size at the care he exudes through his actions.
“Such a good girl for me.” 
You smile shyly at him and nuzzle the tip of his nose, pride blooming in your chest as you realize how good you’ve made him feel.  
“Come here angel.” 
He skirts your dress up to your hip bones and helps you straddle him, holding you in place as you settle somewhat comfortably on his lap. Your legs tremble furiously when you try to hold yourself up and you whine pitifully.
“Yoongi, I don’t think I can move my legs for long.”
He leaves a sweet peck on your lips before murmuring,
“I got you.”
Your heart soars as his words register and you dive down to the crook of his neck, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses as you get rid of the bow around his collar. 
When the accessory is finally off, you leisurely unbutton his dress shirt, your fingers lingering longingly on the small expanse of his chest, now available to your rapacious hands.
You're thrown off guard when Yoongi drags the tip of his fingers against your covered core, spurring light jolts out of you as he teases you mercilessly for a few interminable seconds.
“Yoongi, please, I need you..” You sob out, your legs now shaking uncontrollably. 
“Just-, Give me a minute to make sure I don’t hurt you alright?”
“But I’m ready, please.” You plead brokenly, completely unbothered by how fucking needy you sound.
He takes a deep inhale, holding your waist with one hand before pushing your underwear aside and sliding two digits into you, his fingers meeting no resistance whatsoever.
You moan softly, and you think you could come just like this with how fucking aroused you are. 
“Fuck, you are ready.” 
Yoongi thrusts his fingers in and out of you, dragging them along your walls before slipping them out of you, much to your disappointment.
You whine and pout deeply. “I told you.”
“I know baby,” He soothes as he lightly slaps your cunt, making you shudder in his hold. 
He grips his own veiny girth, pumping it a few times while simultaneously holding your panties to the side before aligning himself with your entrance.
Your pout slowly morphs into a gasp when you feel his throbbing length sliding into you in one smooth motion, stretching you nicely around its circumference. 
“Oh fuck,” You harshly breathe out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head before coming back to focus on Yoongi’s.
The black haired man brings one hand to your hip and the other up to your throat, squeezing lightly as he steadily holds your gaze, burning lava swimming in his dark brown orbs. 
And that’s exactly how your whole body feels as Yoongi picks up a long languorous pace. Like lava, malleable, pliant and hot to the touch, like the only thing capable of laying a hand upon you would have to be something equally fiery. 
You always thought that Yoongi shared a lot of similarities with burning coal. Intoxicating, warm. Like if he wanted to, he could make you burn alongside him.
Though, if you’re being honest, you think you’ve been burning for quite some time.
You snap out of a daze like state when you feel Yoongi’s grip on your throat tightening and mewl loudly as he starts rapidly thrusting into you. He swirls his hips up and down and you can only hold on to his broad shoulders, gripping so harshly you might have left marks if it wasn’t for the jacket that the man hadn’t bothered to shrug off.
Then he slows down again, his shallow breath fanning over your face over and over again as you peer deep in his eyes, the knot in your abdomen tightening exponentially with every sharp thrust of his hips. 
You feel deft fingers crawling down your side, unzipping your dress in one quick motion before they tug the upper part of the garment down, your breast now bouncing up and down as Yoongi keeps fucking into you. 
He tweaks one of your pert nipples and latches his mouth on the other one, flicking and nibbling teasingly at it while you can only shiver in pure ecstasy.
A wanton moan slips past your throat when he suddenly picks up an unrelenting pace and you instinctively arch your back, deepening the angle at which he rams into you at full speed.
“Yoongi..” You whimper, bringing your forehead against his and the man soon cradles the side of your face. 
“Y-yeah?” He chokes out unevenly. 
Your vision focuses onto him as the rest grows blurry, you feel your orgasm at the tip of your fingers, tingling all over the extremities of your limbs, like a dam ready to burst at any moment.
“Don’t stop, fuck-“
Your head falls down on his shoulder and your peak washes over you in overwhelming waves, blinding you for a few moments as you hold onto his strong frame for dear life. You convulse and pulse steadily around him, clenching and unclenching while he continues his ministrations, his cock throbbing around your swollen folds.
“Babe-“ Yoongi starts, out of breath. “You need to get off, I’m gonna cum-” He rasps out, sinking his nails into the supple skin of your thigh.
And so you muster all the strength you can gather and lift your hips up, setting them back down as soon as you feel him slip out, much to your dismay.
He tries to grip himself but you beat him to it, pumping his veiny length fast and hard as Yoongi moans hoarsely and comes undone, spilling all over your hand in thick spurts of unrestrained pleasure.
You look into his eyes and bring your sticky hand up, licking away all traces of his white release while thoroughly maintaining eye contact. Yoongi stares at you with his mouth agape, breathing heavily and swallowing thickly.
“What are you doing to me,” He blinks and cards a trembling hand through his jet black hair, the other one softly caressing your bruised thigh.
“And what are you doing to-“ You abruptly stop, noticing light coming your way through the fogged up window. “Holy shit, someone’s coming!”
Yoongi sends you an alarmed look and lowers the backrest of his seat all the way down, making you lose your balance. You plant your hands on both sides of his body to try not to crush him under your weight and hide your face against his chest. 
“Are they close,” He whispers as he tries to cover your bare ass by laying a coat on top of your frame.
You roll your eyes against closed eyelids,
“I don’t know, I’d have to be able to see to tell you that.”
Yoongi swallows down a chuckle. “Fair enough.”
“Shhhh!” You whisper aggressively.
You both stay silent for a minute or two, your heart rates picking up when the light gets so close you can see it behind closed eyelids. But no one comes knocking on the window, and after a minute or two you lift your head up and tentatively take a peek outside.
“Oh my fucking god it was the cops, they didn’t see us,” You clasp a hand over your mouth and look at Yoongi with a mortified expression. “Can you imagine if they got here a few minutes ago.”
He glances at you with wide eyes before bursting into laughter, a wide grin appearing on his face. And you can’t help but follow suit, throwing yourself back against his chest as you both giggle endlessly.
“Oh shit, that was such a close call,” He wipes at the corner of his eyes.
You slap his chest playfully. “What a bad idea.”
“You weren’t complaining earlier,” He teases as he pulls your dress up and zips it back up, taking the opportunity to draw shapes along the expanse of your collarbone. 
You lay a long, soft kiss upon his pillowy lips, sinking into his hold for a few moments before murmuring against his lips,
“Let’s go home before someone else comes, yeah?” 
And he gives you such a tender look that you can’t help but feel so many things, things you don’t want to feel, things you’re scared of and can’t even mention out loud.
But you feel them still, simmering in your stomach comfortingly despite the terror lurking in your mind like a shadow.
“Yeah, let’s.”
“How are we this late?” 
Yoongi shoots you an unimpressed look.
“We’re late because someone decided to lay on the ground and cuddle Cat for at least a good ten minutes.” 
“Hey!” You yelp indignantly. “Cat looked like it needed cuddles.”
Yoongi slips his hand in yours as you both walk rapidly towards the bar’s main entrance.
“Cat always needs cuddles.”
“Ooo, reminds me of someone.”
The look of disgust on Yoongi’s face sends you into a raucous fit of laughter.
“Says you.”
You click your tongue, “Oh but I’m not afraid to admit it. You, on the other hand, will pretend you don’t want cuddles and affection, but you so do.”
“I’m leaving you on the side of the road tonight,” He deadpans, letting go of your hand and walking faster ahead. 
“That’s mean!” You holler and quicken your pace, grabbing his arm and leaning your head on his shoulder as the man wraps an arm around your waist.
You stop just a few feet away from the door and tug on his arm. “Yoongi.” 
“What is it?” He lifts his hand up to your cheek, carefully cradling it.
“Kiss me?” You give him your best puppy eyes.
Yoongi rolls his eyes but still leans down to lay a chaste (but fatal nonetheless) kiss upon your lips, stroking your cold cheek with the back of his thumb as he does so. 
You chase after his plush lips once he parts from you, earning you a low chuckle from the object of your affection, “Greedy.”
You pout, “So what.”
The barman shakes his head fondly. “Nothing, you’re just cute.”
“You guys coming in or?” 
You both simultaneously turn towards the disruption, annoyed, just then noticing Namjoon holding the door open from the inside of the establishment.
The doorman shrugs and gives you a dimpled smile. “It’s freezing, I’m not gonna hold it forever.”
“Yeah we’re coming,” Yoongi mumbles as he slips his hand in yours and walks through the threshold.
You follow him as he steps up the stairs, an impish smile on your lips. “You’re holding my hand again.” 
He gives you a questioning look. “So what?” 
“You and Cat share a lot of traits, that’s all.”
“Oh fucking hell.”
Saturday night ends up being a pretty busy night, as usual, and so, time goes by so fast you barely have time to blink before the night is over.
You’re probing through your purse in the employees lounge when Yoongi’s voice reaches your ears, making you still in your movements instantly.
“I mean what do you want me to say Joon? I thought it might’ve been something special, but turns out it was only physical attraction and sex. I realized that not too long ago.” He sighs. “I feel fucking awful, but it is what it is.”
And if you thought you’d known heartbreak before, nothing could prepare you for the painful manner in which your stomach churns as Yoongi’s words sink in, or the way your heart feels like it’s been ripped from your chest, only to be aggressively stepped on again and again.
You don’t understand, can’t comprehend, how Yoongi can act the way he does when he’s with you, only to then say that the connection you share is merely physical, replaceable. 
You fight back tears as you make your way behind the bar, staring intently at the back of Yoongi’s black head of hair. 
“I mean it can be pretty hard to tell the difference between lust and love, I get it. They’re both so intertwined together most of the time.” Namjoon explains matter-of-factly.
“I mean what I did still sucks-“
“Yoongi..” You croak out, trying to the best of your abilities to keep it together, though you feel like you probably won’t succeed in doing so.
Both men turn around and look at you in surprise.
“I thought-“ Your voice cracks under the weight of overwhelming emotions tearing through your chest and up your throat.
You feel like throwing up, actually throwing up.
Yoongi’s surprised expression morphs into one of immense concern, he furrows his brows and steps closer.
“What’s going on?” He asks with urgency.
You shake your head frantically and step backwards as a teardrop rolls down your cheek treacherously. “I thought-“ You stop again. 
“I don’t.. I don’t know what I thought, it clearly doesn’t matter.” You turn on your heels and head back to the employees lounge, taking your purse and coat as Yoongi follows you and grabs your elbow, making you swivel around in a dizzying motion.
“Talk to me angel, what’s happening? What are you talking about? You’re scaring me..”
“Yeah well, maybe if you told me I was only a good fuck from the moment you figured it out, we wouldn’t be here right now.” You sneer angrily, hurt and shame engulfing you in a red fog of anger
Yoongi’s eyes widen. “Woah, what are you talking about? I’m confused as fuck.” 
“So am I! I can’t talk to you right now Yoongi, I’ll take a cab home.”
You shrug his hands off and storm out of the lounge, not even noticing your friends' shocked stares as you almost run to the exit, too ashamed by your emotions to let them see you like this. 
Swinging the door open, you step down the street, only stopping in your tracks once you remember your car isn’t here and you need to order a cab.
And so you open the uber app and book a ride, ignoring a notification from Jimin as the screen informs you that your driver should be here in five minutes. You exhale sharply and close your eyes, reminding yourself to take deep breaths. 
Your heart almost leaps out of your chest when you hear a door being thrown open and footsteps inching closer to you.
“Angel what the fuck is going on, talk to me. I don’t understand, fuck, you know I don’t see you as just a good fuck I-“ Yoongi’s pleading voice tugs viciously at your heartstrings, tears now streaming down your face in an unrestrained manner.
“I heard you talking to Namjoon just now, Yoongi..” You hiccup brokenly.
Yoongi cups your face delicately and you avoid his troubled gaze, opting to look at the ground instead.
There’s a thin layer of snow glistening on the concrete. You hadn’t even noticed it had been snowing until now.
“Look at me please.” 
You shake your head no, knowing you would probably break down and full on sob if you did.
He brings his forehead against yours, his hold on both sides of your face steady and so comforting it only amplifies your confused state. 
“Look at me..” 
And you can’t ignore the way his voice breaks, so you sniffle loudly and slowly lift your gaze up, meeting teary dark pools of gloom as you do. 
“I wasn’t talking about you just now, Namjoon-ah asked about Sam.. You know I think so much more of you, why would you even think I’d treat you like this..”
A sob racks through your whole being as you shakily exhale and squeeze your eyes shut. “I didn’t- I’m sorry I just assumed the worst I-“ 
“Shhh, hey, it’s ok.” 
“But it’s not ok Yoongi.” You blink a few tears away and hold his gaze. “You give me absolutely no reason to doubt you, and yet.”
You inhale deeply before speaking again, your voice tiny and feeble, unfamiliar to your own ears, 
“How is this supposed to work -us- if I can’t bring myself to trust you?”
“Woah, what are you even saying? We’ll figure it out.” Yoongi soothes, a hint of anxiousness in his warm tone.
“No, you’re not listening. You deserve better than this, than me.” 
“That’s not true.”
Yoongi’s eyes glisten with unshed tears and you just know, at that exact moment, that you really do not deserve him. Because anybody responsible for this man’s tears and pain isn’t deserving of him, plain and simple.
A black car enters your field of view and halts in front of the bar’s facade, a few meters away from you and Yoongi. You recognize the little taxi sign on top of it.
“My cab is here,” You whisper, as you peck his cheek one last time and start heading towards the cab, walking away from a dejected Yoongi with a numb mind and shattered heart.
You want to go back to his arms, let yourself be happy and content in his secure hold. But you can’t, because you feel so much for him, too much. Too much love, admiration and affection, and you can’t hold him back.
You won’t.
a/n: im not crying it’s fine, we’re good. ok ok.. I’m sorry, I love you<3 as always your feedback and comments are ALWAYS appreciated, thank you<3
// to be added to the sunrises & liquor tag list click right here and interact with the taglist post, thank you for reading <3
taglist: @knapris @tarahardcore @tea4sykes @bonitaangel @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @princesspiineapple @funkylittlebisexuall @kikaninchen-2 @diorjgguk @purplelo @lil6nmrll @perfect-bae @bxcndd @funsizemarsbar92 @kookoo-kachoo @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @glowunderthemoon @idkjustlovingbts @minijagiya @bwormie @fragmentof-indifference
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luciathcv · 4 months
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positive - jjk
summary: you take a test in which the results will completely change your life || warnings: idk reader is pregnant? || genre: fluff, established relationship, pregnancy au || word count: approximately 1100
I sat on the couch, trying my best to be patient and just wait for Jungkook to get home since he was bound to be any minute now. I was stressing and worried because, there was a chance that I could be pregnant.
I’m startled when I hear the sound of the front door unlocking. I glance over at the electronic intercom system on the wall and see Jungkook on the screen of it, opening the door and walking inside. I then look over and see the hallway light turn on.
I get up from the couch and walk down the hall, wanting to get there before my boyfriend took his shoes off. When I got to the end of the hall, I’d gotten there just in time as he was about to start untying his shoelaces.
“Jungkook.” I say and he looks up at me, giving me a small smile.
“Hey, princess.” He greets me.
“Can we go to the store?” I ask.
“Uh, okay. Come on.” Jungkook says without questioning anything at first. He stands up and we walk out of the apartment, going down the elevator and heading to the parking garage.
We get in the car and Jungkook starts it up, backing out of the parking spot. “So, what do you need, princess? Did you finally get your period? Do you need tampons/pads?” He asks as he starts to drive out of the parking garage.
“Well,” I think for a moment, “it’s kind of the opposite. I still haven’t gotten my period and I just, felt like I should get a pregnancy test just to make sure because usually my periods are never a week late.” I tell him.
He takes in what I said for a moment before nodding, “Okay, then let’s go to CVS and get a pregnancy test.” Jungkook says. I look at him, trying to analyze how he was feeling but I honestly couldn't tell.
Jungkook pulled into a parking spot and shut the car off. He unbuckled his seatbelt and I did the same as we got out of the car. We walked into the store and I made my way to the aisle that had the pregnancy tests, plan b, and all of that stuff.
I look at the pregnancy tests and pick out one, getting two of them just to be sure. Jungkook and I go to the counter to pay and I awkwardly hand the tests to the cashier. I mean, we're grown, there was no reason for me to be embarrassed but I was. Jungkook pulls out his card and pays for them.
"Good luck." The cashier says as she hands Jungkook the small bag with the two tests and the receipt.
He just gives her a small smile as he puts his hand on the small of my back and leads me away and out of the store. He opens my car door for me and I get inside, buckling my seatbelt before he hands me the small bag and shuts the door, going to the drivers seat.
At first, it's silent as Jungkook starts driving us home but eventually, he breaks the silence. "You know that no matter the result, I'll be here for you." He reassures me.
"I know." I say, nodding.
"I just, if you were pregnant, it's not like we couldn't support the baby. Well, if you wanted to keep the baby. That's your choice, I'm just.. I'm just saying." Jungkook tells me.
"I would.. I would want to keep the baby, if I was pregnant." I shyly respond.
"Oh," is Jungkook's only response. "I would like that." He tells me before connecting his hand with mine that rested in my lap, intertwining our fingers together as he handled the wheel with his other hand.
Truth be told, we were both kind of getting ahead of ourselves. I mean, I hadn't even taken the test yet, it's not like it was definite that I was pregnant. I guess we both kind of had a feeling that, that was the case though but neither of us would say that.
When we arrived at home, I walked over to the bathroom, the small bag in my hand. Jungkook stood in front of me, a little nervous but it wasn't obvious, as he leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back for a few moments before we both pulled away and I made my way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.
After I'd peed on the sticks, I'd put them on counter and set a timer on my phone for three minutes. I didn't know this but Jungkook was sat with his back against the door, anxiously waiting for me.
Those three minutes were the longest three minutes of my life but finally, the timer went off and the results were ready. Jungkook had gotten up off of the floor and stood outside, ready to hear the results. I sighed as I stopped the timer and anxiously checked the tests.
Positive. Both tests were positive. I was pregnant. I was actually pregnant.
"You okay, baby?" I heard Jungkook ask from outside the door.
I grabbed the tests and walked over to the door, opening it. Jungkook looked into my eyes and without even having to look down, he could tell what the results were just from the way I looked up at him. He looked down anyway, just to make sure that his answer was right, and well, the tests confirmed his thoughts.
I burst into tears, I didn't know why. It was frankly just overwhelming. All of it. Jungkook immediately took the tests from my hand, putting it on the counter again before he engulfed me into a hug. Moments later, Jungkook was also crying. We stayed like that for a while.
Jungkook ended up calming down before me but once I did, Jungkook pulled away a little, still holding me as he comfortingly patted my head.
"How do you feel?" Jungkook asked, just wanting to be there for me.
"Anxious but excited but just.. scared. I'm scared." I tell him.
"I know, princess. I'm scared too." Jungkook tells me. "But it'll be okay, right? We'll work through this, all of this, together." He says and I can't help but smile.
"You're going to be a dad." I softly say.
He smiles back at me, "And you're going to be a mom." He says before leaning down and giving a long and loving kiss on the lips. Although he was scared, he was ready to go through this journey with you and to be there for you. And, well, your future child.
-- link to my masterlist
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serenecypher · 4 months
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Bangtan Host Club Chapter Two
Genre: BTS Ot7xf!Reader, Poly!AU, Fluff, Romance, Crack-ish, Eventual Smut.
W/C: 3303
Summary: Tired of your boring mundane life? Become an exclusive member of The Bangtan Host Club™ today and let 7 charming men help you out.
Warnings: This chapter is rated PG13, but future chapters may include Mature Themes. The only real warning is Taekook being general menaces lol.
Disclaimer: Please do not copy/translate or cross-post my work. The tag list is open. Just DM or send an ask to be included.
A/N: Thank you for giving so much love to chapter one. I hope you all enjoy Chapter 2 as well! 💜 I am honestly really enjoying writing this too. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated. See you soon with Chapter 3!! 🎀
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Chapter 1 << Chapter 2 >> Chapter 3
Jungkook holds the door to the lobby of your apartment building open for you, smiling down at you impishly as you brush past him, thanking him coyly. Once everyone is indoors, Jimin is the first to speak.
“Wait, there must be a supply closet here. Namjoon Hyung, come with me. We should get the tools we need for this little project.” He shifts his stern gaze onto Taehyung and Jungkook as he directs them to keep you company up the stairwell. “Play nice, you two. We’ll be there in no time.” 
Taehyung makes a face at this before shrugging. “We are always nice, isn’t that so Kookie?” he winks at Jungkook, who looks away from Taehyung… almost bashfully. Taehyung smiles in what seems like adoration before he turns to you. His smile turns a little playful as he nudges your shoulder with his. “Don’t you wanna take us to your place, pretty girl?”
Jimin audibly sighs before he shoots you a gentle smile. “Like I said, be there soon.” He waves at you and walks down the corridor toward the back of the building, Namjoon following behind him wordlessly. You gesture for Taehyung and Jungkook to follow you with a tilt of your head and turn toward the stairs leading up to your floor. 
You trudge up the stairs first, followed closely by the two men. You’ve just about climbed five steps when suddenly you hear snickering behind you. You stop in your tracks and turn around, slightly agitated. Jungkook and Taehyung are close behind you, walking hand in hand. Jungkook stares up at you and blinks his eyes in curiosity. “Why’d you stop?”  
“Nothing.” you mutter as you quickly glance away from them and look ahead at the concrete stairs like they have something important to tell you. Even though there are sounds of muffled giggles and murmurs of protest behind you, you keep your eyes straight ahead as you climb the stairs of the two floors. You walk up to your apartment door and slump your back against the hardwood. 
Just as you turn around, Taehyung finds your eyes to rest his on. He takes one two three steps and he is standing right in front of you. He places his elbow behind you and leans into your space, his eyes trained on yours as he huffs out in amusement. “You are really pretty, you know…” his voice comes out deeper than before and his eyes fall to your lips, catching the way your tongue peeks out to wet them nervously. 
“Thanks” you manage to say meekly under the intensity of his burning gaze which is instantly acknowledged by a deep hum from him. Then, you feel skin brush against your knuckles, and you look down to find Jungkook’s long tattooed fingers slotting against yours. You look up and you feel something in your chest flutter to find Jungkook and Taehyung looking at each other. 
“Have you forgotten about me, Hyung?” Jungkook says, and his voice betrays a sense of hurt that is easy to catch. You have never seen a man resembling a kicked puppy like this before. Taehyung, to his credit, looks affronted by this accusation as he shifts his attention to Jungkook, a rueful smile plastered on his lips. 
“Kookie, I couldn’t forget you if I tried.” he sighs deeply, shaking his head. Just as Jungkook breathes a sigh of relief, Taehyung continues, once again looking at you, “But she is just so beautiful, she is latching on to all my thoughts.”
Your eyebrows reflexively shoot up to your hairline at his declaration. You feel confused and yet somehow flattered  and it only gets harder to articulate your emotions as Jungkook leans into you, resting his head on your shoulder as he solemnly speaks more to himself than anyone else at this point, “I really can’t argue with that.”
Your heart squeezes in your chest but the spell these two seem to place you under twice in the span of a mere hour is broken again by the sound of Jimin clearing his throat. You watch as the sullen expression on Taehyung’s face gives way to a playful pout as he childishly whines to you before pulling away from your space. “Sorry, pretty girl. The party has to be rescheduled.”
You feel more than hear what seems like a breath of a chuckle from Jungkook as he picks his head up from where it had been resting on your shoulder and moves a bit to his left, away from you. He crosses his arms over his chest and smirks at your shocked expression.
“Got the tools.” Jimin says calmly, choosing to completely ignore whatever was going on before he got here. Namjoon gives you a nod too as he approaches the door, holding a yellow toolbox that should be average-sized but looks comically small in his hands. He places it on the floor in front of you and tilts his head at your figure that is still pressed against your door.
It takes you a moment but you manage to compose yourself enough to understand what he means. “Oh yeah, sorry.” you grumble as you feel heat rush the back of your neck, only worsened when you see Jungkook snicker and poke Taehyung’s side, jerking his chin in your direction, definitely noticing your embarrassed state. 
Namjoon gets to work on your Europa lock without another word, carefully twisting the metal with some pliers from the inside. Jimin, meanwhile, is regarding you with curiosity and you know he is trying to figure something out about you. 
“Do you live alone on this floor?” Even though the question is directed at you, his gaze sweeps across the corridor where the door to another apartment is. 
“No, I have a neighbor. An old lady. She is really sweet but she is away for a few days.” you answer easily, pointing in the direction he is looking at already. 
“Hmm.” is all he has to add before looking at you again. You can tell Jimin is not being as pleasant to you as he was earlier. There is a sharpness in his eyes now as he regards you. You can’t help but feel intimidated by him and you don’t particularly enjoy his sudden coldness. You decide not to think about it too much and just chalk it up to him not being a big fan of wasting this much of his time helping a stranger he just met. What else could it possibly be?
“What do you do for work?” Jimin asks again, abruptly. 
“I am a project manager at LinkSol.” 
“LinkSol, as in LinkSol by Hwan Sana?” 
“That’s the one. Have you worked there before?” you ask, trying to make this interaction between the two of you feel more conversational and less like an interrogation. However, Jimin tilts his head at you as if your question doesn’t make any sense to him. Even Jungkook snickers from where he has been observing the two of you.
“No, I have not worked at LinkSol. I have been an acquaintance of Ms. Sana for some time now, though.” Jimin explains with a shrug of his shoulders. You watch as his eyes take the liberty of regarding your entire figure. Then with a sudden jerk, his gaze jumps up to your face as if he has caught whatever it was he had been looking for and an amused smile forms on his lips. He is about to say something when his phone starts buzzing incessantly in his jeans pocket. He gives a sideways jerk of his neck as he pulls his phone out with a grin.
“Done.” Namjoon’s smooth voice announces as he pushes the door handle and opens the front door to your apartment.
Glee washes over you in waves as you rush into your apartment. God, you could just roll up into bed right now and have the deepest sleep of your life. Unfortunately, you are once again reminded of your unexpected guests and their kindness when Jimin’s voice breaks you out of your reverie. 
“Jin Hyung is calling us all back.” he says and you hear someone, probably Taehyung, groan at the information. Then Jimin’s head peeks around the door of your apartment and he gives you a dazzling smile. “You too. He said something about you forgetting your coat. He seems really forlorn from the sounds of it.”
“Let me get my keys this time.” you say as you walk towards your TV console and pocket the keys, coming back out the door and closing it behind you. Namjoon looks at you with a small shy smile, his dimples making an appearance and you are cruelly reminded of how you never even thanked him. 
“Thank you guys so much. I am so grateful to all of you.” You bite your lip shyly as you look at the four beautiful men standing outside your humble apartment. Namjoon looks down at his feet, and Jimin waves a hand in the air to dismiss the whole thing. 
“No need to thank us, yet. Let us take you back and you can finish all those cookies you ordered from Hobi Hyung.” He places his hand on your back to guide you back down the stairs. There is a sense of excitement in his actions that does not go amiss by you. Just moments ago it felt like he was scrutinizing you and yet now it feels like he is overjoyed at the idea of taking you back to the cafe and as you walk down the familiar staircase for the second time that evening, you wonder what it is that he seems to have gathered from you. 
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When you reach the cafe again, it seems livelier. There are other customers inside, ordering drinks and engaging in conversations at various tables in small groups. In fact, as you slowly realize, it seems like the tables are set up in a way that one of the employees are at the center, addressing and chatting with multiple customers at a time. Jimin takes your hand and guides you over to the table where Seokjin is surrounded by about eight people. His eyes meet yours as you take the chair pulled back by Jimin and he gives you a dashing smile. “I thought you’d forgotten all about me, princess.” he coos and you feel the familiar flutter of your heart in your chest.
“Her jacket is what she forgot, I heard.” Jungkook sing-songs as he brushes past you toward the table beside yours, where Taehyung is already seated, surrounded by some people and chatting with them, all smirks and winks. 
Seokjin scowls at Jungkook momentarily before regaining his composure and smiling at the table again. “Either way, it does not matter, for you have found your way back to me again and I couldn’t be happier.” he punctuates the end of his sentence with a flying kiss directed at you. The other people at the table sigh longingly at him.
Okay. This whole thing is starting to feel a bit off to you. That’s an awfully romantic thing to say to someone you just know the name of, right? Someone you just met no longer than an hour ago? And what’s with the swooning? Sure, Seokjin is really handsome and charming, but to hang on to all of his words with such reverence? Maybe you are just too tired to understand all of this. Deciding that you should take yourself back home and sleep the weariness off, you stand up from the table, ready to go. 
“Thank you guys for everything. I would like to go home now, um, where can I find my coat again?” you ask Seokjin who looks brazenly offended like you’d hurt his pride but, nonetheless, points to a door beside the entrance of the cafe. “Right there, angel.”
You nod and hightail it away from the table. Your eyes meet the cute barista from earlier who waves at you enthusiastically. You feel fondness churn your heart and you wave back at him. You twist the door handle to the coat closet and smack your head right against a person, knocking them and yourself off balance. The sudden inertia brings out a yelp from you. You feel strong arms snaking around your waist and holding you against the chest of the person who has acted as a cushion against your fall. They let out a muffled groan from under you when they fall on their ass, their arms still holding you safely. 
“Oh my god, I am so sorry.” You say and try to get up from your place on the floor far too quickly but your arms are entangled with the person below you, making you slump right back on top of them. 
“Patience.” says a deep voice from below you. The arms loosen from their previous position around your waist and instead, hands press against your sides, gently pushing you upward. You press your knees against the hardwood floor as you push your hands against the sides of their shoulders. How dark it is in here is not helping you in any way either. Once sufficiently distanced from the person below you, you look up to find a pair of beautiful, sharp, feline-like eyes staring at you. Even though it is dark you can make out the silhouette of a black mask covering the lower half of their face. 
“Are you okay?” a man’s voice asks you and you pull back further now sitting on your knees as you rub along your left elbow, only out of nerves. 
“I am fine. Are you?!” you ask, your voice pitching with concern. You would be so embarrassed if this person injured themselves while saving you from falling because you were too busy gawking at the barista. You will never show your face at this establishment again.
“Probably nothing too bad.” he says nonchalantly as he sits up as well. “Yoongi.” he extends his hand to you, “And you?”
You take his hand in yours to shake and give him your name. Slowly, the two of you stand up again and try to find your bearings in the dark. As your eyes slowly adjust to the dark further, you notice that Yoongi is wearing some sort of large coat that is shaped more like a cloak. “Wait,” he says and presses the button behind you on the wall, turning the lights on. 
You squint your eyes from the sudden burst of light and catch a flash of pale skin as Yoongi quickly puts his hands inside the pockets of his coat-cloak. You notice he is wearing an entirely black ensemble, with a black mask over his mouth and a black hood pulled over his head. He regards you with the same feline-like eyes that you had been able to catch the intensity of even in the dark. 
“People do not usually come in here.” he says with a questioning furrow of his brows.
Before you can answer him the door is pushed open again and Hoseok is clinging to your back. 
“I heard a loud thud! Are you both okay?! I got so worried!” he spits out the words rapidly, concern evident in his slightly trembling voice.
“We’re fine, Hoba.” Yoongi answers for both of you and you feel Hoseok rubbing his head into your shoulder as he nods. Gently, he lets go of you and steps back.
“That’s good.” he chirps up the next moment and links his pinky with yours. “What are you doing here anyway?” 
“Seokjin told me I can find my coat here, I was just leaving.” you tell him and remind yourself.
This seems to sour Hoseok’s mood. He pouts at you adorably. Seriously, how can a grown man be this precious? 
“We haven’t even played together!” he whines and bats his eyelashes at you. You feel a compelling urge to coo at him but you choose to suppress it. Instead, you put your hand in his soft blonde hair and ruffle them slightly.
“I am sorry. I kinda just wanna go home and sleep. It has been a long day.” You say and spot your coat neatly hung from a coat rack behind Yoongi. You take the coat off the rack and wear it snugly.
“Aw, you didn’t even enjoy the sweets with me. I would have loved to eat them with you.” Hoseok pouts even more and adds a small sniffle that you immediately recognize as an act of dramatic effect.
“Is it only the sweets you want me for?” you playfully chide him. His adorable pout gives way to a mischievous grin as he giggles and hugs himself to you again, hiding his face on your shoulder. 
“You caught me!” he says with a flurry of laughter. Then he pulls away from you as his giggles die down slowly. “I understand you have to go. It makes me sad, though, and not just because of the sweets-related missed opportunity.” he punctuates his words with a gentle nudge of your shoulder. 
You jut out your lower lip at him in adoration, imitating his pout from before. “Maybe we will see each other soon! We can surely hang out then, right?” 
Hoseok’s smile vanishes for a moment as his eyes scan your face in confusion. Slowly then all at once, his eyes soften in realization, and an even bigger grin forms on his lips. “You are adorable!” he giggles but the joke is lost on you. You still find yourself giggling simply because he is giggling. 
Hoseok starts to lead you out of the room with his pinky which is still linked with yours. You hear shuffling of feet behind you and you turn your head slightly to see Yoongi is also following the both of you out, his eyes concentrated on the floor. 
Once you reach the counter, Hoseok lets go of your pinky and goes to his rightful place behind it. “How much do I owe you for today?” you ask him, pulling out your wallet from your coat. 
He is leaning his palms forward on the counter as he types on the computer in front of him. The card machine starts generating a receipt for you. He tears it and hands you one-half of the receipt. You take the receipt and- huh?
This can NOT be right. That’s way too many zeroes. That’s at least three more zeroes than your entire net worth. 
“You made a mistake.” you chuckle nervously as you try to hand the receipt back to Hoseok with wide eyes. He looks at you, presses his lips together, and shakes his head.
“I never make an error. It is absolutely right. You have availed special services of the club today. Multiple hosts left their positions to provide you with a service, even accompanying you to your front door, to be exact. Those are the right charges.” he explains in a cheery yet calm voice that feels anything but reassuring right now.
Hosts? Did he just say hosts? The people who are paid for their company? Then it dawns on you. Bangtan Host Club™. You look around to see how blatantly the name is displayed on the menu cards and the flipbooks on the tables. How several customers are wearing merchandise that reflects the same name. Why had you been so ignorant? Were you so distracted by their charms that you did not even realize what exactly was going on? It is a fucking trademark for God’s sake! How on earth did you miss it?! You feel bile rush up your throat as you look down on the receipt again and the series of zeroes makes you slightly dizzy. 
The next words you screech out come from deep within your bones- “WHAT THE FUCK!” 
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Taglist: @im-sinking-in-mud @comingupwithacoolnameishard @loumin908
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pennyellee · 9 months
Lacrimosa update
I have a question for you. Sometimes when I write or obviously think 24/7 about Lacrimosa scenarios, there are some that I can definitely write down, but they would not fit the overall plot line, they are more like a filler, drabble perhaps -- could prolly fit them to be around 0,5/1K - 2K.
Would you like to read those too? Apart from the main story line:
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PS: preview of chapter V coming this week
Lots of love, pennyelle
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human-psyche · 10 months
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characters: yoongi x reader
genre: cute, comfort, short drabble
about: yoongi and reader fall in love slowly, and bonus him reacting to her jealous ex.
一 the evening darkness looms over the quiet city as Y/n walks on the street;
一 to her surprise, she sees Yoongi standing next to a car as if he was waiting for her though busy on his own.
一 she approaches him where he is, near the park with shaded trees and the roses in full bloom that smell so welcoming
一 Yoongi also sees Y/n right then and there and goes torwards her, the stare in his eyes beckons her to come closer
一 she approaches him and he is filled with an amazing feeling, he feels that Y/n really likes him just by sensing her presence alone: their greeting is limited to a polite interaction but they click immediately;
一 he invites her to get in his car and goes to buy cup icecream, giving it to her. Y/n appreciates his gesture and responds by receiving the cup with a smile. the fruit and vanilla taste of the ice cream makes her even more excited by their meeting. at the same time, she admits that he's very attractive and gentlemany: she enjoys the ice cream and talks to him about the movie she watched the night before.
一 Yoongi tells her about his misunderstanding with a good friend, and Y/n even offers advice on how to proceed in such a delicate situation; she tries to comfort him by taking his hand and smiling reassuringly, showing friendship and support for his saddened morale.
一 after eating the ice cream, they decide to walk holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. then, when Y/n is just getting back into his car, she notices her ex-boyfriend, whom she had broken up with because of himself, passing by on the street
一 he had been very selfish and jealous with her, and sometimes even aggressively so. for this reason Y/n left him, it had not been easy but she has chosen to put her life in order and make herself respected, being sincere and emotionally capable to fully deserve this much awaited comfort that she gave herself.
一 Yoongi perceives the unsettling emotion in Y/n's gaze and intervenes to save her from this would be incident: he gently pulls her towards him in the car with a safe and protective behaviour convinced by her frightened look一 and he kisses Y/n suddenly一 prolonging the kiss untill her ex gets the subtle message that he can no longer get together with her, and that now Yoongi is interested in Y/n, and leaves, before Yoongi starts the car and takes Y/n in the opposite direction of the city.
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