fallout-lou-begas · 1 year
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i'm breaking my offline promise because i think you all will enjoy this game from the 1990s that i played last night called Mindtrap that was completely comprised of questions like this that are designed to make you scream and yell. very fun game IMO
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oscarangelreysoto · 1 year
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"Waiting Room/Looking to Improve II" Marker pens on origami paper. Rotuladores sobre papel de origami. #origamipaper#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#markers#fineart#contemporaryart#artonpaper#contemporary#artistonInstagram#hope#head#heart#bird#sketchbook#sun#redsun#mindtrap (hier: Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn31G8yI0-s/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bardockarts · 2 years
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Mind trap doodles during play ( I lost)
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raghav26 · 2 months
10+ quotes about overthinking
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Overthinking is the act of excessively dwelling on the mind, troubles, or situations, regularly to create needless strain, anxiety, or confusion. It involves analyzing situations from multiple angles, frequently without reaching any resolution or end. Overthinkers tend to be cognizant of hypothetical results, replay past events, and worry excessively about the future. This dependence may be unfavorable to intellectual well-being and may restrict choice-making and trouble-fixing capabilities. In this article, we will explore overthinking quotes. 
Overthinking Quotes
“maximum misunderstandings inside the world can be prevented if human beings would make an effort to invite, "What else may want this mean?”
― Shannon L. Alder
“we're demise from overthinking. we're slowly killing ourselves by considering everything. think. think. suppose. you could in no way believe the human thoughts anyway. it is a demise trap.”
― Anthony Hopkins
“To suppose an excessive amount of is a sickness.”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground & The Double
“Thinking has, many a time, made me sad, darling; however doing in no way did in all my lifestyles... My principle is, "Do something, my sister, do properly if you may; however, at any charge, do something".”
― Elizabeth Gaskell, North and South
“don't get too deep, it ends in overthinking, and overthinking leads to issues that don't even exist within the first vicinity.”
― Jayson Engay
“The sharpest minds often wreck their lives by using overthinking the next step, while the dull win the race with eyes closed.”
― Bethany Brookbank, Write like no one is studying
“true disappointment is while someone still thinks you are the identical man or woman in any case those years. They emblem you due to their ego, worry, and shortage of spirituality. what's sadder is whilst they're Christian.”
― Shannon L. Alder
“those most effective are satisfied (I concept) who've their minds constant on some item apart from their happiness; at the happiness of others, at the development of mankind, even on a few artwork or pursuit, accompanied no longer as a means, but as itself an excellent stop. Aiming hence at something else, they find happiness by using the manner. The enjoyments of life (such was now my concept) are sufficient to make it a nice component, while they're taken en passant, without being made an essential object. as soon as lead them to so, and they may be without delay felt to be inadequate. they may now not bear a scrutinizing exam. Ask yourself whether you're happy, and also you end up being so. The simplest danger is to deal with, now not happiness, however, some are quite external to it, as the reason for lifestyles. let your self-cognizance, your scrutiny, your self-interrogation, exhaust themselves on that; and if otherwise fortunately circumstanced you'll inhale happiness with the air you breathe, without living on it or considering it, without both forestalling it in imagination or putting it to flight with the aid of fatal wondering.”
― John Stuart Mill, Autobiography
“The extra you overthink the less you may apprehend.”
― Habeeb Akande
“This is probably the advantage of being silly. stupid human beings simply do. We tend to overthink. If we could cast off the “over” and simply assume, then we should do, too. only we’d be smarter doers due to the fact we’d be thinkers.”
― Sarah Strohmeyer, Smart Ladies Get What They Need
“if you spend some time hoping a person will suffer the effects of what they did to your coronary heart, then you letting them hurt you a second time for your thoughts.”
― Shannon L. Alder
“Whilst specializing in the prevailing second, we soothe our minds and construe our intuition and internal expertise. Our mindfulness allows us to get entry to lower ranges of awareness and gain insight into our reflections and emotions. at the same time, it lessens overthinking and anxiety. (“The countless know-how of Meditation“)”
― Erik Pevernagie
“even as you were overthinking, you neglected the entirety well worth feeling.”
― Nitya Prakash
“if you need to triumph over overthinking, deliver your thoughts to the existing moment and reconnect it with the immediately global.”
― Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations 
“She'd read somewhere that in case you gave your mind responsibilities to do it stopped overthinking. She'd given herself a whole lot of tasks. on occasion, she felt like a robotic. It regarded like a lifetime because she'd felt human.”
            ― Sarah Morgan, how to keep a secret
Also, read - Helpful Overthinker Quotes to Stop Thinking Too Much
"word: Overthinking—excessively living on thoughts or conditions, main to pressure, tension, and indecision. warding off overthinking can beautify mental clarity and properly-being."
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dj1981 · 2 months
I wrote this poem recently about rumors and just how destructive they are. I have been the victim of rumors on more than one occasion and it is painful that people take pleasure in destroying other people's character for their own twisted pleasure. This poem expresses how rumors are a trap for people with a foolish mind who have given up their independent thought and rush to believe something about someone without a shred of evidence to back it up. When we take something someone said about others at face value and automatically believe it then we have fallen into the trap of allowing others to think for us instead of thinking for ourselves and given complete control over to the person / people spreading it and this puts us in a very dangerous situation to let our minds be dominated by others who don't have our best interest at heart. When it comes to rumors I have observed that people who start them tend to usually have more of a narcissistic way of thinking who take pleasure in watching others suffer and at the same time try to dominate others for their own selfish gain and the people who believe them tend to be followers who don't think for themselves but have allowed others to take captive their mind and this is a very dangerous situation to be in! Please give this some serious thought as you read this poem and ask yourself, Am I guilty of this and do I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of this? Here is my poem, Enjoy!
Title: "Rumors The Trap Of Fools"
In the land of whispers and deceit, Rumors spread like wildfire, fast and discreet. They can tear down a person's name, Leaving behind nothing but shame. Intelligent minds don't easily sway, They seek the truth, come what may. They delve into the facts with care, Knowing rumors can be unfair. But those who believe without a thought, Fall prey to the lies that they've bought. Narcissists start them for their own gain, Enjoying the chaos, reveling in pain. Fools then carry these tales on, Spreading them like truth at dawn. They've forsaken their minds, now followers blind, Caught in a cycle, toxic, confined. A group of fools, lost in the maze, Believing rumors, their minds in a daze. Unable to break free from the chains, Their thoughts are forever stained with strains. So beware the trap of rumors' snare, For those who believe, it's a road to despair. Seek the truth, be a leader, not a pawn, Break free from the cycle before the dawn.
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radioalpes · 3 months
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mugsi-megatron · 10 months
Mind Trap
There are four types of abuse, physical, sexual, mental, and emotional. The first two are easier to report as generally they leave scars but the last two, especially when coupled with the first two and there are no physical scars, can be the worst determining factor for others to acknowledge. If you have ever been trapped by a narcissist who uses flying monkeys to create a delusional reality to…
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songuserbox · 1 year
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apollothemechanic · 4 months
MT: UPDATED 2024 REFS (now unique enough to be their own thing!) loonnnggg scroll incoming
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pizzatowershow · 6 months
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the MindTrap! AU cast has finally been revealed!!! boy oh boy am i so happy to share them to you all anyways hey, im the funky lil artist guy you may have seen mentioned before by @bellagrimfox and @somecartoonisttalkshere! yah im also the creator of MindTrap! (or MT! as I will refer to it) i haven't made much posts of these guys due to not really feeling it/anxiety to some extent What's MindTrap? MT's a bit of a darker, more lore-heavy AU of PT with some sensitive subjects like TW: gore, body horror, and other types of horror! that's just the basic idea of it, mainly because its lore's just a bit more complex (prolly cuz its been idk 8 months) but enough yapping, i'll post their ref sheets on my own blog (@apollothemechanic)!!! hope you guys enjoy them, and also look forward to possible content relating to them if received well!!! toodleloo, - Apollo, 2nd Artist!
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birb-tangleblog · 11 months
Pardon me if I'm stating the obvious, or if this has been discussed before, but I've been thinking about the S2 finale and Cass taking the moonstone again, and I really like the idea that maybe the moonstone responds to will?
I remember when Destinies Collide aired, there was a lot of speculation about how Cass was able to grab it- she reached for it w/ her withered arm so she wasn't harmed, Rapunzel was nearby so its defenses were down, etc.- but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea that the moonstone simply responds to intention.
The moonstone blew Edmund's arm off b/c he wanted to destroy it, the black rock cage around it dissolved b/c Rapunzel reached for it, and Cass was able to seize it because she wanted to make her own destiny. (Maybe you could get spicy and headcanon that the moonstone's cage wasn't even responding to Rapunzel, if she still had any doubts at that point- perhaps it was reacting to Cass' presence?)
It solves the big question mark of why the Brotherhood would devote themselves to guarding a magical item that needs no protection, and why Edmund feared it could be used for evil in the wrong hands. Maybe past DK kings and queens were even able to use the moonstone to build and protect their kingdom, and that's why the DK grew around it.
I feel like the show had the bones for themes of destiny and free will vs. determinism (see: "Crossing the Line" lyrics). The moonstone allowing anyone w/ the capacity to wield it while Rapunzel is imbued with the sundrop from birth seems fitting. And it's true that anyone who sings the incantation can also use the sundrop flower- but as far as we know, the power itself can't be bonded with in the same way, only passed down and inherited.
It parallels Cass and Raps' circumstances- Rapunzel being born into royalty, with her powers, at the center of a prophecy, while Cass has to makes her own way even before she takes the stone.
And I like that as far as AUs go, any character with strong enough motivation and willpower could take the moonstone instead. It jives with how in moon!AUs, the character who takes it often has something they want to make right or something they desperately want to change about their life.
Again, might be too obvious, but I think it's a more interesting/compelling explanation or theory than Cass stealing the moonstone b/c of a window of opportunity or a fluke/loophole.
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xannerz · 1 year
Mask off for this one. I’m gonna have to freshen my pores with Cass x Hector. The world needs more deranged black haired gnc bob havers just obliterating each other.
YES, TY, TY 😌🙏
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oscarangelreysoto · 1 year
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"Waiting Room/Looking to Improve II" Marker pens on origami paper. Rotuladores sobre papel de origami. #origamipaper#oscarrey#oscarangelreysoto#oscaratelier#markers#fineart#contemporaryart#artonpaper#contemporary#artistonInstagram#hope#head#heart#bird#sketchbook#sun#redsun#mindtrap (hier: Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn300c_I2ME/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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udurghsigil · 1 year
fd signifier's new video is soooo good and i think we're finally beginning to see a culture shift where ppl realize how fucked the Algorithm is and the effect social media/cancel culture/mob mentality has had on all of us. cant describe how excited i am that its becoming a thing people talk about seriously in good faith
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bee-snail · 1 year
I've brought a sneak peek of chapter 12 of Moonrise mwahaha. Maybe I'll change it. Maybe not. I like it, but I am very brain-fried at the moment so hahahe
"So... you were planning to use a super powerful, potentially super dangerous talisman on Hector, to control his mind without even knowing if he'll survive it?"
Edmund glares. "I don't think he'd survive either way. Unless Adira miraculously succeeds in convincing him to drop the Moonstone, the Mindtrap is his best chance of survival. Surely you see my point, son?"
Eugene is visibly taken aback. Really? That was his view on things?
"Listen to me, Edmund." Eugene snarls. "You don't know the risks of that thing and by the sound of it, using it on Hector will kill him. Your inaction on me has made me a thief, not a murderer. I'm not gonna sit here and let you treat a person like they're some puppet—"
"But your inaction will make you a murderer either way, because there is no way Hector will drop the Moonstone until he dies holding it."
Eugene hesitates, but quickly regains his resolve. "Hector really wouldn't let go of the Moonstone. But that wouldn't make me a killer, because I didn't make him grab it, nor did I order him to keep it. Letting you use that talisman on him though? That would be inaction. That would be me enabling you to attempt murder on him—"
"He tried to murder me!" Edmund yells.
"Then don't stoop down to his level!" Eugene yells back. "Stop acting like mind control or murder or war or any of that is going to fix anything! Stop acting like a heartless bastard and use your head! I don't want to lose my family! I don't want to lose my only fucking family when I just found out I had one!"
Edmund freezes at his outburst. Eugene stares at him just long enough for him to see the tears he tried to blink away. He then shakes his head, wipes off his unshed tears, turns on his heel and leaves.
Edmund reaches out for him and almost asks him to wait, but quickly pulls his hand back. Hor—no, no. Eugene needed space.
But as reality slowly downs on top of him… hadn't twenty-five years been enough time for space?
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rastronomicals · 2 years
10:23 AM EST December 6, 2022:
Unexpect - “The Shiver: A Clown’s Mindtrap” From the album In A Flesh Aquarium (August 22, 2006)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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