#mingyu soulmate scenario
nevernonline · 1 year
✧.* grow as we go; smau masterlist
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synopsis: over the past ten years you've fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it's clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt, (g)-idle minnie&soyeon, oc's
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex's, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
𐦍 start date: october 2nd 2023
𐦍 updates: mainly mondays or thursdays.
𐦍 tag list - open
𐦍 note/s: a lot of what will be written is mainly as journal entries from the readers perspective!! in the beginning every other chapter or so will have a written entry. I'm mainly using ulzzang pictures for our main character. I'll be posting the profiles and introduction sometime tomorrow probably. the girlies love indie musicians & harry styles,srry.. I hope u enjoy, hehe. ily!
𐦍 chapters under the cut.
𐦍 profiles:
001 | 002 | 003
𐦍 journal entries:
part one;
00. introduction.
#1. super sleuths.
#2. the case of the cyberbullies.
#3. two robots fell in love.
#4 the fall of the empire.
#4.5 plan b?
#5. chronic memory keeper.
#6. quit!
#7 snake in the grass.
#8 not the bath mat.
#9 seeing red
#10 nerd heard?
#11 devil in disguise.
#12 stolen heart.
#13 gut feelings and emotional dealings.
#14 dressing for revenge.
#15 leave it to the cullens. (part 1)
#15 leave it to the cullens. (part 2)
#16 the part we play.
#17 happy trails
#18 damage control.
#19 anywhere you go.
#20 lost and found.
#21 we're so back.
#22 end it all.
#23 signing off for now.
#24 epilogue.
part 2; (coming soon)
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thepixelelf · 2 years
Please Linger
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set in the Silk Touches and Mended Hearts universe
genres: soulmate au, romance, angst, journalist/photographer mingyu, pediatric nurse wonwoo pairings: reader x mingyu focus, + reader x wonwoo words: 2.0k warnings: blood & minor injury (scraped hands, elbow, and cheek)
In a world where a soulmate’s touch can heal any wound, Mingyu knows his own soulmate can only heal so much.
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Mingyu used to wish for little.
He had an okay apartment -- not luxurious by any means, but comfortable and in a relatively safe neighbourhood. He had a steady job -- journalism isn't exactly revered, especially in these times, but he likes what he does. He didn't mind not having met his soulmate yet -- most people never meet their soulmate, if they have one, and even then, it's not like everyone meets The One when they're teenagers like in the movies.
He felt so young, then, like he had all the time in the world before he met you.
Shifting awkwardly from foot to foot, Mingyu hovers his hand over the number pad next to the apartment building's gate. He can't just stand here for much longer when it's already dark out; he'll look like a creep. The numbers past his fingers look so intimidating, though. He remembers which ones he needs to press, (he has since the first time,) he just can't bring himself to... press them.
But he does, because he can't bring himself to not, either.
Mingyu presses his pinky knuckle into the number pad so he doesn't smear his own blood on it. Your voice comes crackly and broken through the speaker indented in the pylon next to the gate.
"Did you forget your key again?" you ask teasingly -- not for him.
Mingyu simply says, "It's me."
"Oh." Something rustles through the speaker, and your voice grows concerned. "Are you okay? Hold on, I'm buzzing you in."
The lock on the gate clicks open, and a low beep sounds when the connection up to your apartment cuts off. Mingyu sighs, uses his shoulder to push the gate open, and heads towards the staircase. Even though his sore muscles protest the extra exercise, his mind automatically chooses the stairs over the elevator. That would bring him to you faster. He doesn't want that.
Or, he doesn't want to want that.
He's tired, though, when he reaches your floor, too exhausted to remember what he wants and doesn't want when he raps his knuckles on your door. You open up immediately, a concerned frown marring your face as your eyes look Mingyu up and down.
"Cripes, Mingyu, what'd you do?"
His right cheek is all scraped up, still caked with a thin layer of blood and gravel from when he tumbled to the ground just an hour ago. His hands suffered a similar fate along with his right elbow, which he sacrificed to save his precious camera.
He shows you a weak smile. "I almost got them this time."
The tension in your shoulders deflates at his albeit misplaced nonchalance, and you roll your eyes, your signature smile returning to your lips. "Seriously? You're still trying to catch Red?"
"Not catch." Mingyu lifts his camera in one hand, snapping a candid picture of you. "Capture."
"Mingyu!" you whine, putting a hand up in front of your face much too late for it to matter. "Just get in here, you nerd." Putting your hand on his arm, you pull Mingyu into your apartment and shut the door behind him. He feels the connection wash over him immediately. It flows to his hands, then his elbow, then his cheek, an indescribable warmth that begins to make him feel dizzy. Or maybe that's just the effect you have on him. "Take a seat, take a seat. You look seriously banged up."
A groan slips out of him as he sits down on a chair you pulled out from where it was tucked under the kitchen table. "This is nothing. I'm pretty sure Red got shot tonight."
"Whoa." You sit across from him, your brows furrowing, which Mingyu doesn't pay as much attention to as the way you keep holding his hand on top of the table. You must feel the connection too, right? "You weren't all up in that action, were you?"
"Don't worry." Please keep worrying. "This all happened when I was trying to catch up to them after it all went down." Mingyu puts his camera down on the table and removes the lanyard from around his neck, gesturing at himself with his newly freed hand. "Stumbled over my own feet like usual."
You snort. "You couldn't catch up to Red even though they were shot? You never cease to amaze me, Mingyu."
"In a good way, right?"
"Believe what you want to believe," you tease, shrugging cartoonishly. The way your thumb rubs the back of Mingyu's hand has to be subconscious. He knows you would stop if you were aware. "I don't know if I've ever met someone as clumsy--"
The door to your apartment opens, and he calls your name.
"You'll never believe what Soonyoung--" Wonwoo's voice cuts off as soon as his eyes land on Mingyu, his hand still on the doorknob. He immediately takes in the sight; the dirt and dust on Mingyu's shins, the scratches all over Mingyu's face, the way his hand is held lightly in yours. He sighs. Closing the door, he slips his bag off his shoulder and toes off his shoes. He walks over to the table without a word, puts one hand lightly on your wrist and the other on Mingyu's, then pulls you two apart. Mingyu feels the loss of the soulmate connection like a splash of cold water, like all the oxygen has been sucked out of him in a millisecond, but he doesn't react -- tries not to, at least. You look up at Wonwoo, about to say something when he sighs again. "What'd we say about healing before cleaning?"
Eyes widening, you look at Mingyu's cheek, where his skin had started healing with bits of dirt and gravel still digging into the open wound. "Oh shit." You put both your hands up in the air even though you'd already stopped healing Mingyu with your touch, then turn back to Wonwoo with a sad pout. "How do I always manage to forget?"
With a little chuckle, Wonwoo smiles endearingly down at you and lightly flicks your forehead. "It's empty up here sometimes."
You scowl and shoo away his hand, pouting further at the way Wonwoo laughs louder. It's so effortless for him.
Mingyu already knew this.
Wonwoo flicks your forehead again, not nearly hard enough to warrant the way you rub where he hit and the glare you shoot into the back of his head as he turns to address Mingyu. "Let's get you cleaned up, bud," he says casually with a nod towards the kitchen sink.
Mingyu follows him without saying anything. Pulling out the well-used first aid kit from under the sink, Wonwoo goes through the motions with practised efficiency. As a pediatric nurse, and the partner to a very clumsy you, Wonwoo hasn't flinched at the sight of blood in many years. He picks out the gravel from Mingyu's cheek and hands, cleans his wounds with a damp cloth, and leaves the bandages in the kit. They aren't necessary for Mingyu with you around.
As Wonwoo starts putting everything left unused back into the kit, he smiles at Mingyu and gestures back to you at the table. Mingyu doesn't let himself resent the way he knows that smile is genuine. He returns to you at the table, sitting down in the same chair and watching you purse your lips out and pick at the skin around your fingernails.
"Sorry for being dumb..." you mutter.
"It's okay." Please reach out first. "I forgot too."
Huffing out a sigh, you meet his eyes and show off a cute, close-lipped smile. "Yeah, well... still sorry. Can I...?"
You reach both your hands across the table, palms up, and Mingyu feels the soulmate connection even before he places his hands on yours. It washes over him like ripples of flowing, sinking sand.
Mingyu lets himself get lost in the feeling only until Wonwoo returns from the kitchen counter and sits next to you, scooting his chair closer to yours and slinging an arm over your shoulders. You turn your head his way and smile, muttering quietly, "Thanks for making up for my dumbness." Just as you finish speaking, you press a small, sweet kiss against Wonwoo's lips.
Mingyu's hands stay still in yours.
Wonwoo smiles as soon as you pull away from each other, his eyes filled with something Mingyu has only ever observed. "Always," he whispers.
Mingyu swallows the feelings that threaten to rise up his throat like bile. He simply looks down at your joined hands, feeling guilty for being here during this moment between you and Wonwoo -- two people so... comfortable together. And when even just looking at your hands becomes too much, Mingyu focuses his eyes on the table between his elbows, counting the striations in the wood.
The connection works quickly on such superficial wounds.
It's a testament to the...
Mingyu shuts his eyes and opens them again.
...love shared between you and Wonwoo that even with Mingyu, your irrefutably proven soulmate, in your apartment, Wonwoo doesn't act the slightest bit jealous, the slightest bit threatened. He doesn't question you letting Mingyu in while he wasn't home; he doesn't ask why Mingyu felt the need to come to you for something as small as a few cuts and scrapes and bruises. Why he keeps coming back. He holds you close as you heal Mingyu with your touch, letting you lean your head in the crook between his shoulder and neck, and smiles over at Mingyu.
"Feeling better?" he asks without a drip of malice in his voice.
Mingyu nods. Physically, it's the truth. In his heart, though, he knows he feels much, much worse than when he arrived.
You manoeuvre your hands to flip his over, a satisfied smile spreading over your lips when you see them perfectly healed, as if he never fell in the first place. "Would you look at that!" You lean forward off Wonwoo's shoulder and lift Mingyu's hands to show them off. "Looks like you're not the only doctor in this house."
Wonwoo scoffs playfully and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, if only you could heal yourself every time you get scraped up, you klutz."
Mingyu could heal you. Every time.
He says nothing.
You bump Wonwoo's shoulder with yours, laughing along with him.
Unable to bear you letting go first, Mingyu stands and slips his hands out of yours. The soulmate connection fades like the trill of a faraway train. He thanks you both with a small bow and an awkward smile, distracting his hands by hanging his camera back around his neck, then walks towards the door even though his heart screams at him to stay.
You follow him to the door like the good host you always strive to be, and as he steps out and pulls on his shoes, you stand in the open doorway, Wonwoo directly behind you with his arms wrapped around your middle and his chin propped on your shoulder. It's too cute to look at.
"Try not to get hurt out there again, Mingyu," you say with a smile. Wonwoo nods beside you. "I know you've gotta do what you gotta do to get pictures of Red, but you're no vigilante."
"I know." Mingyu puts both his hands in his pockets. They can't reach for you from in there. He turns his feet to point down the hallway to the elevator. "Goodnight." Please linger. "Wonwoo." He nods at the man clinging onto you like a koala.
"G'night, Mingyu." You stay where you are in the doorway, one hand holding Wonwoo's over your stomach, the other waving at Mingyu.
Is it better that you linger or does it only hurt him more?
He presses the 'down' button on the wall, and only seconds pass before the elevator arrives and opens. He enters, takes a breath, and turns around to face the hallway.
Before you, Mingyu didn't used to wish for much.
He had a nice place. He had a nice job. He didn't know if or when he'd ever meet his soulmate.
You linger in the doorway. In Wonwoo's arms.
You wave again as the elevator door closes.
Mingyu makes many requests of the universe now. Please keep worrying. Please reach out first. Please don't let go.
He doesn't wish he'd never met his soulmate. He can't bring himself to wish that.
But it's impossible not to wonder.
What would his life be like if he met you when you weren't already in love with someone else?
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set in the Silk Touches and Mended Hearts universe
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acopenhagenarmy · 1 year
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Pairing: Y/N x Any idol you love
Fluff and angst - non idol au
Wordcount: 1400 ish
Warnings: None
Summary: You had once broken his heart, you promised that you wouldn't do that ever again. Can you keep it this time around?
Note: This is based off a dream I had last night. It's heartbreaking, and I'm therefore using it as my free therapy session. - You can insert whoever in the place of our leading man, personally I feel like Jungkook is fitting the overall description. But if you want it to be San, Jay, Minguy or maybe even Yoongi, feel free to do so.
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You stood there in a kitchen surrounded by people laughing, talking and having fun. It felt like being surrounded by family, even though you couldn’t quite place why that was, because none of these people's faces seemed like those of people you knew. 
Or that was at least until you spotted him, you knew exactly who he was but he looked right through you. His eyes never met yours and it broke your heart. 
You knew you deserved it. You had not treated him well. You had broken his heart and never thought of him again. But being so close to him was torture, and you suddenly couldn’t remember why you'd ever let him go. 
He walked towards you, and said a small: “excuse me” as he passed. It was like he was deliberately trying not to touch you, as if he would burst into flames if he did. 
Your body had reacted before your mind had a chance to stop it, and you reached out and grabbed his hand. 
The mere skin to skin contact was enough for both of your breaths to hitch. He towered over you, his dark hair looked like he had just rolled out of bed. But it had always been your favorite look on him. After all, the two of you had spent most of your time together there. 
You could see how he desperately tried to blink away the tears that his eyes threatened to spill. 
“Y/N…” he said. But it was nothing more than a whisper, and you were confident that no one else had heard him. 
You took his other hand in yours, and saw how he shut his eyes closed, with a pained expression on his face. How did I ever let him go? You thought to yourself. 
You guided his arms around your waist, and forced him to hold you in his arms. 
“Oh god, please don’t…” He said, this time a little louder, but still not loud enough for people to notice what was going on between the two of you. 
“I’m so sorry” You whispered, and the pained expression were quickly traded in for one of surprice. “I’m so so sorry, I should’ve never left you” 
You were close to him now, and could basically feel the frantic beating of his heart. 
“Do-don’t say things you might regret” he answered as his eyes searched yours for the slightest hint of deception. 
You just shook your head. “It has always been you, I’ve just been too stupid to notice it before now” 
“Are you sure?” His arms were now holding you on their own. You had forgotten how safe he had always felt. He felt like home. 
“I’m sure” you said and raised your hand to his cheek. He instantly leaned into you as he released a breath. 
You couldn’t help yourself, and before you knew it your lips were crashed into his, and your hands were in his hair as he himself pulled you closer to him. 
As you finally came up for air, the two of you could do nothing else but stare at one another and laugh at this whole situation. 
God you had missed that sound. You had missed that familiar spark in his eyes whenever he looked at you. 
“Promise me you wont leave me like that ever again” 
“I promise” 
He gave you a peck and sent a smirk your way. “Good” 
Before you knew it, you were sitting next to him on a couch in the living room, one of his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close. 
“God I can't believe you’re the one” A girl said as she looked at the two of you. “My brother and my best friend… You could’ve told me, you know?” 
“Honestly? I had no idea he was your brother, we just met and hit it off I guess” You looked up at him, and he couldn’t help but smile before he placed a rather long kiss on your forehead. 
She shook her head. “He told me about you, you know. The gorgeous woman who worked in STEM that broke his heart… It’s not something that really happens to him” 
It was more a statement than anything else. She wanted you to know that you had hurt him. 
You could do nothing but nod. 
“I know… Would you believe me if I said I didn’t mean too?” 
She shrugged. 
“Calm down sis, everything is okay now. I got her back and that makes me happy, so just, let me enjoy this. Okay?” 
The conversation continued, and as the day became night, the two of you got more and more entangled in each other. 
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You spent most of your days together. You met his parents and were introduced as his girlfriend. At no point did you regret taking his hand that day, in fact you’d fallen more and more in love with him for every day that passed. 
He spoiled you with food, flowers and gifts. You spend the days waking up to him and his ruffled hair that you loved so much. 
And as time went on he opened more and more up to you. He was an influencer, and you’d never expect to be with someone in that profession and enjoying it. 
He kept you somewhat secret from the world, the two of you had decided that it would be best to stay in your bubble for a little while longer. But you helped him with his content, and as time went on he shared more and more of your lives together. 
He shared datenights, and how he was typically seated between your legs as he played playstation and you read a book. 
You were one soul, separated into two people, who had finally found each other. And those around you thought you were a little too smitten with one another, and they kept warning you that people usually had to burst that ‘new romance bubble’ at one point. 
But somehow it just never happened for the two of you. You could talk about your day to day life, lay in silence and just study each other's faces, you could cry as you opened up about past traumas, and you made love whenever you felt like it. It was perfect, the two of you together were perfect. 
At one point you were filming out on the terrace of his parents house. Sun going down behind him, and him wearing nothing but shorts and sneakers. He looked beautiful in that golden light. 
He waved at you, and you waved back. Revealing nothing but your manicured hand to his viewers. 
“You look beautiful darling” He said and sent a smile your way and your only response was to laugh. 
And then you felt it. You weren’t one to pass out, and it didn’t feel like you were about to. But something changed in that exact moment, and you couldn’t quite figure out why. And when you would, it would already be too late. 
He saw how your smile dropped in an instant, how your eyes panicked and instantly found his. 
“Y/N…?” You could hear the desperation in his voice. 
“Promise me you’ll find me out there” It was all you could muster to get out, it was all you said before you saw him running towards you. And then everything went black. 
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When you woke up, the darkness were still surrounding you. You were just laying there eyes closed for a few minutes as you tried your best to recall his features. But all you remembered were the hair, the hands and the feeling of him. The rest of him were a blur. You couldn’t even remember his name. 
You found your phone in the bed. 06:45 it read.
It felt like you had lost someone precious, it felt like you had lost your heart, and in its stead were now a black hole filled with nothing but emptiness and pain. 
You had no idea how to get started with this day, it felt like you should stay home and mourn the loss of him. 
Maybe he remembers, maybe he will find me out here… you thought. 
But how could he? He was after all only a figment of your imagination, he was after all only a character in your dream. But he felt real, and you could do nothing but hope that someone would ever love you as much and as unconditionally as he had. 
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jeonride · 1 year
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joshua reading list / fic recs !
don't forget to like + reblog the fics that you like to support the authors <3
FICS ! ✧*
Hoax (smut, angst, mafia!shua, strangers to lovers) by @lovelyhan
Isohel (modern royalty au, prince!shua, smut, angst) by @toruro
Eyes Meeting, Hearts Apart (mild angst, prince!shua, smut) by @lovelyhan
Mr. Nice Guy (smut, neighbor!shua) by @toruro
Under The Rose (fluff, smut, frenemies childhood to lovers, kinda historical au) by @just-come-baek
Honeyduke Lovers (hogwarts au, unrequited love, hufflepuff!shua x slytherin!reader. yep this is the story of how slytherin becomes undyingly soft for hufflepuff) by @http-mianhae
Steamy (smut, next door neighbor!shua) by @duhnova
written by @onlyhuis :
Cranberry Concoctions (smut, a little angst & fluff, 1920s, prohibition au)
Leaning on The Everlasting Arms (angst, smut, some fluff, bible college au)
Fine Line (fluff, smut, angst, figure skater!shua) by @heartkyeom
Prove it, You Won't (fluff, angst, humor, tattoo artist au) by @leejungchans
Oceans and Engines (fluff, exes to lovers, a lil' angst) by @renjunphile
Lover Boy (regency era romance, commoner!shua x aristocrat fem!reader, historical drama) by @starlightxsvt
Gentleman (angst, fluff, sugar daddy au) by @starlightxsvt
Wildest Dreams (bestfriends to lovers, fluff, humor) by @viastro
The Type (smut, fluff, college boyfriend!shua) by @bitchlessdino
Your Gentleman (smut, camboy!shua) by @wonwussy
Fighting for Your Love (smut, threesome ft. jeonghan) by @rubyreduji
Half Past Five High The Series (ft. mingyu, smut, angst, minor fluff, rich people au, love triangle, cheating. supermodel!gyu, photographer!shua x influencer fem!reader) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Paint Me Numbers (fluff, shallow angst, guitarist/bandmate!shua) by @chocosvt
Domino (fluff, crack, smut) by @universecorp
Nasty (smut, fluff) by @soonigiri
Menace (smut) by @jeonghantis
You're All That Matters (fluff, bf!shua) by @heartsfromia
Be My Date (fluff, minor angst) by @heartsfromia
Mine (smut) by @luxekook
Meant for Each Other (fluff, soulmate au) by @slytherinshua
Golden Hour (best friends to lovers, fluff, slice of life, summer vacation au) by @dkfile
An Interview with An Angel (meet cute, fluff, reporter!shua) by @hannyoontify
Our Fairytale (smut, fluff) by @zuhacore
at every table, i'll save you a seat (fluff) by @suhnshinehaos
bad habits (exes with benefits, smut, mild angst) by @lovelyhan
pretty when you cry (smut) by @cheolhub
quiet time (smut) by @number1mingyustan
acouasm (smut) by @angelwoozi
when you can't sleep but shua is right next to you (fluff, comfort) by @wonwoonlight
one-up (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
golden boy's mercy (smut) by @bitchlessdino
17. 12 (smut) by @lovelyhan
14. 13 (smut) by @toruro
after a long day (smut) by @sevngmin148
title (fluff, established relationship, ceo) by @leejungchans
relax (fluff, smut, established relationship) by @playmetheclassics
shower (fluff) @husbandhannie
stay up (fluff) by @bitterie-sweetie
about you : valentine's special (fluff, angst, friends to lovers) by @shuawonie
fruit (smut) by @onlyseokmins
i love you, always (fluff, comfort) by @monnn
10.32 (fluff, bf!shua) by @elysianeclipxe
clingy (fluff) and smitten (fluff) by @slytherinshua
we won't change because we're engraved in each other's heart (fluff) by @wooahaes
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miabebe · 4 months
| Seventeen | Monsta X |
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Reverse Tropes - One Shot Series of popular tropes turned upside down (rated m)
Seungcheol - Too many beds
Jeonghan - Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Joshua - Really nice guy who hates only you
Jun - Fake amnesia
Hoshi - Bet to make someone fall out of love
Wonwoo - Academic rivals who are fighting to rank last in class
Woozi - Soulmates fated to kill each other
Seokmin - Everyone thinks you're fake dating when you really are dating
Mingyu - Too much communication
Minghao - Divorce of convenience
Seungkwan - True hate's kiss
Vernon - Your mom bought a seventeen member
Dino - Dating your enemies sibling
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Camp Seventeen - Series with Seventeen as Greek Demigods (rated m)
| Prologue | Character Profiles |
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Tales of Time - Series of age old tales with a twist (rated m)
Choi Seungcheol - The Legend of the Sea | Epilogue |
"You're crying? You must be turning Human, the Merfolk don't cry" "Of course we do. Why do you think the Sea is nothing but salt?"
| Yoon Jeonghan | Hong Jisoo | Wen Junhui | Kwon Soonyoung | Jeon Wonwoo | Lee Jihoon | Xu Minghao | Lee Seokmin | Kim Mingyu | Boo Seungkwan | Chwe Hansol | Lee Chan |
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Where you belong (3k) One who showed everyone who you belonged to, one who showed you that you couldn't possibly belong to anyone else. Fiancé! Seungcheol × reader, Fiancé! Jeonghan x reader
Where you return (7k) One who you fell in love with, one who fell in love with you. Fuckbuddy! Mingyu x reader, Fuckbuddy! Wonwoo x reader
Where you're convenient One who you married because of a mutual deal, one who you married because of an accident and one who you married because of a promise. Husband! Jisoo × reader pt 1 (6.5k) Husband! Seokmin × reader pt 2 (11k) Husband! Jihoon x reader pt 3 (coming soon)
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Christmas with Seventeen Seventeen and their little ways of celebrating Christmas with you!
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confuchan · 2 years
Seventeen Recs Pt. 1
{91 links}
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Warnings usually left by authors at beginning of each
My warnings just in case (I hope these make sense): ⤵
♨ - contains nsfw in story         🔞 - just nsfw
💖 - my faves   (Some fave writers tagged at bottom also)
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Series (Multi-part fics) / OT13 Masterlists
My Heart By Your Side Forever - Masterlist💖 ~ soulmate au, OT13
And The Universe Said, - Masterlist ~ soulmate au, OT13
Under The Sun - Masterlist ~ darl+ing inspired au, OT13(?)
Spookteen Halloween Collab Masterlist
SVT Hub Camboys Collab Masterlists: Hyung Line, Maknae Line ~ (Some are also linked separately below) 💖
A Thousand Starlights - Masterlist
S. Coups
Boundaries of Fate: Ch.1♨, BOF: Ch.2 (feat. Dino) ~ historical au
Push It Down (sooner or later it all comes out)♨, Part 2🔞, Part 3♨, Part 4 (♨?), Part 5💖 ~ camboy au (Part of SVT Hub Collab)
Terrifyingly Innocent - Masterlist💖 ~ brother’s best friend au, college au
Love Hard - Masterlist ~ text au, college au
A Tiger’s Dominion [1]🔞, Part [2] ~ camboy au, college au, bestfriends/idiots au (Part of SVT Hub Collab)
My Daisy - Masterlist💖 ~ single dad!mingyu
Sweet Night - Masterlist ~ business au
Two Minus One - Masterlist💖 ~ sm au (has spin-off: You May Not Kiss The Bride)
Retracing Steps🔞, RS: Alt ending+bonus♨ 💖
And They Were Roommates🔞, Part 2♨, Part 3♨ 💖 ~ camboy au (Part of SVT Hub Collab)
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Fics (5k+ words)
Plus One♨ ~ 10.3k
Love Me Out Loud ~ 14.6k
It’s All Fun And Games♨💖 ~ 8.6k
Pansy💖 ~ 7.4k, childhood friends au, brother’s best friend au
Scored!💖 ~ 12.4k, college au
Ten Dates: Unmatched♨💖 ~ 17.9k
Bitchless♨💖 ~ 7.2k, roommate au
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Oneshots (1k-5k words)
S. Coups
Remind Me💖 ~ 2.7k
Fatherly Instincts♨ ~ 2.7k
Your Games Suck🔞 ~ 2.7k+
Apple Cider🔞 ~ 2.2k
-ˋˏliveˎˊ-💖 ~ 1.24k
The Perils of Apartment Living🔞 ~ 2.8k
Do I Want to Hit You or Do I Just Want You?🔞💖 ~ 3.9k, e2L au
sugar and you ~ 4.5k, one-sided e2L au(?)
Strawberry Shortcake💖 ~ 3.4k
Worth A Shot ~ 1k+
You May (Not) Kiss the Bride💖 ~ 1.1k (spin-off of Two Minus One sm au)
Ride🔞💖 ~ 1.2k
Alien Remnants in Society: Lee Jung Chan Findings💖 ~ 2.7k (Part of Spookteen Collab)
That Shirt🔞 ~ 1.9k
Down in the Valley🔞 ~ 1.2k
Act of Service🔞💖 ~ 1.1k
i love you the mostie🔞💖 ~ 2.5k
now that i’ve got a taste🔞 ~ 1.3k
Concealed Zippers🔞💖 ~ 3.4k
Blue (feat. DK)🔞 ~ 1k+
bad enough🔞 ~ 3.7k
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Drabbles (under 1k words)
S. Coups
(reaction to jealousy drabble) ~ 355
(stranger S. Coups hookup drabble)💖 ~ 495
My Things and Yours💖 ~ 850
Corn-y ~ 765
Still Tired?🔞 ~ 500
[16:37]💖 ~ 330
(app controlled vibrator Mingyu makeout)🔞💖 ~ 365
Paris in the Rain ~ 380
Dino Day💖 ~ 432
6:16💖 ~ 150
(camboy blurb)🔞 ~ 420
Texture🔞 ~ 800
Gym w/ Hoshi🔞 ~ ??? words
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Reactions / Scenarios / Misc.
Overheated drabble🔞 ~ Dino
Top 3 members to lose your virginity to & why ~ Joshua, Hoshi, Dino
Love is in the little things ~ perf. unit💖
Sweaty Makeout Seshes ~ perf. unit💖
Making Out ~ hip hop unit
Kisses With Seventeen ~ perf. unit
Pickup Lines ~ maknae line
Incorrect Quote (DN & SK)
Incorrect Quote (MG & MH)
Incorrect Quote (VN & SC)💖
Reaction - S/O Performs Their Part in Their Song ~ perf. unit
Headcanon - Bubble Bath With S/O ~ perf. unit
Tinder Bios ~ hyung line
Mingyu as First Time Dad💖
Seventeen First Dates💖
What would drunk sex w/ SVT be like (♨?)
SVT - How members tease to rile their S/O up
SVT Reaction - His Innocent S/O Reading Smut of Him
SVT Reaction - S/O Having Thick Thighs
SVT Reaction - Dirty Minded S/O
SVT - MTL to get so emotionally overwhelmed during sex that they accidentally say "I love you"
SVT - MTL to leave hickies all over your thighs
SVT - Who has game & Who is bitchless💖
SVT - nicknames for S/O
SVT as Dads💖
SVT Dumb Shower Habits💖
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I also wanted to tag some of my favorite writers that have written some of the things in this list or that I’ll add things from later. Definitely check them all out, as well as all the other writes behind these works.
@bitchlessdino @huiranghaes @dontflailmenow @twogyuu @milfgyuu @onlymingyus @sluttywonwoo​ @sluttyminghao @venerex @fallinwoozi @rubyreduji @thepixelelf @februaryflowers​ @wooahaes​ @multi-kpop-fanfics
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teen6ge · 2 years
a nonsense christmas; kmg.
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pairing: female!reader x bf!gyu
plot: mingyu has had it with his christmas costume... until he sees yours.
genre: fluff!!!!! a bit comedy too.
word count: 800
warnings: mentions of sexy word play(?) idk how to describe it, but anyway.
a/n: english is not my first english, so forgive me for the errors (also maybe try to disregard it idk sksmdm); i wrote this down while listening to sabrina carpenter's song that is also the title (*^‧^*) it's been quite a while since i posted something here and i do have a scenario to actually write down but i couldn't come up with anything good... anyway, if y'all want a part two or something like this with any other member, lmk! also, i do accept requests and such, so feel free! anyway, here we go. hope you enjoy it <3
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"remind me why did i let you convince me into this again?" you laughed slightly at mingyu's whining while fixing his santa's clothes. you can't deny he did look good.
"i told you not to bet on soccer games with my dad, didn't i? i'm his lucky charm and he's always right." once you finished, you take a few steps back so you can look at him better.
crossing his arms and frowning, he asks "so... you're telling me my own girlfriend was the reason i lost the bet?!" as you smile and nod in agreement, he lets out a grunt in betrayal "i can't believe this!" you get closer to him again, hugging his waist while peppering kisses on his face, still not covered with the fake white beard.
"c'mon, baby... you're santa, not the grinch... let's go, my little cousins are going to freak out! oh and don't forget the beard."
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the christmas party at your parents house was always a huge event. ever since you were little, your house would be filled with your family and your parents' friends. that was actually how you met mingyu and his parents. you were 6 and he was 8 at the time and you both would go play with other kids around the house. you always had a crush on him, but he only found out when you were graduating high school.
actually, his graduation gift for you was a kiss when he finally got you alone. and, without realising it, he was also your first kiss. ever since then, you started going out and, soon enough, you were dating. you are together for 5 years now and you've never been happier.
thinking about all those years, all those memories makes your heart flutter, and you can't believe how lucky you are to have met your soulmate ever since you were little. looking at him now, watching as he attentively listens to your little cousin asks for her christmas gift. she's sitting on his lap, his eyes focusing on her while he forces a different voice to talk to her so she doesn't know he is mingyu.
you excuse yourself while you run to the pool house, where you and mingyu are going to sleep tonight, and you close the curtains so nobody could look at what you are going to do. mingyu doesn't have to suffer alone with a christmas costume.
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the second mingyu closes the door to the pool house, he lets his body rest against it while closing his eyes and removing the stupid hot fake beard and beanie, throwing it to the side. he sighs heavily, voice tired as he speaks. "baby, i swear to god i'll never ever bet with your dad again. you're absolutely right. fuck, this costume is horrible."
with no answer to his complaint, mingyu opens his eyes, frowning when he notices the room is completely dark and silent. he had seen you enter the pool house an hour ago, just assuming you were already too tired to continue partying. it's not like the party went on for too long, but he missed you a lot. but then... it's unusual for him to think that you'd sleep in the dark, he knows you too well that you can only rest properly if there's at least a lamp on.
taking a few steps towards the light switch, mingyu calls out your name, obviously not receiving an answer. the second his finger turn the lights on, the whole place lits up with fairy lights hanging from the ceiling. when mingyu looks at you, his jaw drops with how stunning and stupidly hot you look, which makes you smile satisfied.
you're wearing a mini red skirt with white fluffy edges that matches with your tank top and your santa beanie, along with thigh high black boots and gloves adorning your hands. there's also a string of the fairy lights around your body and a candy cane in your mouth while you're on your knees on the bed.
"surprise!" you say with little difficulty due to the candy. mingyu hasn't moved since he layed his eyes on you, afraid he will wake up at any moment now. you tilt your head a little to the side, candy falling from your lips so you could talk to him better. "gyu?"
it takes a few seconds for mingyu to recompose himself and finally close his mouth, now rubbing his face with both of his hands. oh, this is real he thinks to himself.
"baby, what... how... when did you...?" yep, you broke him. you laugh at his reaction, finally untangling yourself and standing up to walk towards him.
"well... isn't santa going to take care of his misses claus?" your hands pull him closer by his belt, smiling while biting your lip. now it's his turn to laugh.
"yeah... i've got a huge north pole and big snow balls for her as a christmas gift."
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sketchguk · 2 years
hey! It's soulmate anon! Junshua are in the fic yes teitutiuti . I think theyll be suited more as vampires right????? i think that would fit them . maybe joshua is a werewolf?? ehee Mc knowing soonyoung loves her and still denying it hurts so much :( soonyoung mustve felt soooo terrible that his confession did'nt even mean anything ..... i read your other answers about them fighting ! are you really thinking of writing a headcanon? I liked everything about soonyoung snapping at mc because of quidditch. Thats like irl soonyoung! And i like that he needs verbal assurances too :((((( I think mc would get mad at him for always being jealous of mingyu, even after mc is in a relationship with him! he would be insecure and mc might think it's a trust issue :((((( Also, I do want to develop the other fic but i like brainstorming and discussing about stuff sooo much. If its just me doing it i'd never finish ahah .
hehe i definitely see junhui as a vampy <3 it's the way his old cdrama lives rent free in my head. 😵 and joshua as a werewolf?? i would simply 🐕🧎🏻‍♀️🚶🏻‍♀️ woof woof bark bark awoooooo
And yeah I posted a little scenario earlier !! Hope you check it out and enjoy <3 I haven't published my writing in so long >.< Fights between Soonyoung and mc can get intense and super angsty !! They both carry so much emotion and history between the two of them. It's definitely tough when he's pined after her for so long and has insecurities 💔 as I'm sure we all do !! Soonyoung is just extra sensitive because that's the love of his life !! 😤
Gahh I feel you about having someone to talk to about fics. I only had a few author friends here, but they've moved on and I'm very happy for them <3 They definitely kept me more motivated back in the days though !! Manifesting a spark of inspiration and motivation for the both of us !! Remember that bss once said 파이팅 해야지
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chvrrycola · 2 years
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ᵕ̈ domestic bliss with mingyu
ᵕ̈ soulmates! au w seungcheol
ᵕ̈ hoshi as the owner of a speakeasy
ᵕ̈ wonwoo as your husband (but make it 1920s)
ᵕ̈ hunger games! au w minghao
ᵕ̈ soulmates! au w seungkwan
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jeonstellate · 4 years
all roads lead to you: diversion
you don’t think you deserve kim mingyu as your soulmate.
๑༄ kim mingyu x gender neutral!reader
๑༄ soulmate!au, idol!au — mostly angst
๑༄ bulleted list format — 1.4K words
masterlist | all roads lead to you: collision
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
๑༄ this is the first part of the two-shot all roads lead to you. you can find the link to the next part above :]
following the multiverse theory, this specific universe lives in red strings
based on the original rendition of the chinese legend
soulmates are connected via invisible red string that can stretch or tangle, but never break
for this universe, there‘s a little twist
because nothing is that easy
where’s the fun in that?
the daemon-in-command has decided that only one of the destined pair gets to see the red string
thus, whoever is blessed with the ability to see the thread, has the choice
when, where, and how they will let their other half know
. . . if they decide to let them know, that is
because even if this universe is more ideal, it’s not perfect
no reality is not flawed in some way
majority does, though, because not everyone is strong enough to resist the pull™
the pull™ that leads soulmates and just attracts them to one another
even those that can’t see the string can feel it too
they just don’t know why they feel that way — until the other tells them about the daemon-in-command’s choice
once both of the destined parties know that they are soulmates
and they accept the daemon-in-command’s choice
emphasize on accept
the red string will then be visible to the both of them for the rest of their lives
in this universe, soulmates are . . . not as a huge deal as they are in other realities
people believe in them — and their anticipation is definitely there, but they just
don’t dwell on it as much
when it happens, it happens
you consider yourself to be just like everyone else around your age
especially when it comes to the soulmate agenda
not a priority, but often fantasized
you, [full name], are the blessed one who can see who your red string will lead you to, but
you aren’t exactly sure if it’s a blessing or a curse
you can already see the end of your thread before you can actually fathom the precise moment you met your one
it was like, you barely comprehended that you’re the one responsible of finding your soulmate
so you barely started thinking about how you’ll try to find them in the future
ngl you were getting excited with the thought of potentially meeting your soulmate in a foreign country
but then— bam!
you see that the end of your string is apparently connected to the boy that has been sitting in front of you in class
lowkey a letdown tbh since you didn’t even get to the thrill of looking for him
initially, you just refuse to acknowledge it and just daydream with your friend group
(which happens to be selected 97-liner idols because i may or not be a 97-line enthusiast)
your favorite conversation topic?
the infamous “what if”
“what if our soulmates hate us?”
“what kind of question is that? of course they won’t”
“it’s a what if, yoon, we never know”
“well, we don’t need that kind of negativity, so shush”
“what if there’s been a mistake?”
“fate don’t make mistakes, gyeom”
“yea, but what if—“
“don’t question fate—“
“well, i want to—“
suffice to say, you decided to withhold your discovery to your other half
for the sake of letting him anticipate the unknown longer than you had
unlike the daemon-in-command, you want your soulmate to enjoy the thrill of waiting because you sure as hell didn’t get the chance to
as much as you refuse to acknowledge the other end of your red thread, you can’t resist the pull™
and since the daemon-in-command has an eternity of experience under her belt
alternatively: the daemon-in-command is the law
you accidentally develop a little crush on your soulmate
woa, it almost seems like it’s destined or smth
with the pull™ working its magic, you and your soulmate gradually become close
almost like best friends
almost like . . . soulmates
you, naturally, should feel at ease because you already found your ever after, but
you’re conflicted between the in-between
“what if our soulmates never tell us?”
“we’ll still have them in our lives, though, will we?”
“yea, but don’t you think we deserve to know?”
“what if we never see the end of our strings?”
“we will, hao, no matter long it takes”
“what if it takes too long?”
“don’t even think about that, kook, we’re all meant to find them”
you aren’t sure if you like the feel of being the daemon-in-command’s favorite
another unidentified blessing or curse, honestly
because, out of the billions of people in the world, she gave you him
him who is already within your reach
him who is chasing the same dream as most of your inner circle
him who is kim mingyu
and kim mingyu doesn’t deserves someone like you [full name]
you, who dreams of capturing the stars in people’s eyes
while kim mingyu dreams of putting those stars in people’s eyes
(okay, remember how this is originally an x oc fic? that oc dreams to be a photographer . . . i just don’t have the heart to delete the part that alludes to that because there’s just something poetic about how i phrased it, sorry)
your dreams are literally on the polar opposites of a venn diagram
what is the daemon-in-command thinking?
“what if i reject my soulmate?”
“why will you, [nickname]? you haven’t even—”
“i can already see the end of my string, chan”
*cue the overflowing interview questions from your friends*
“who are they?”
what kind of coincidence is that: mingyu, aka your soulmate, asks that particular question
you don’t want to tell him, but you don’t want to lie to him, either
so you quickly decide to keep your answer vague
“just a schoolmate. i’m not gonna say who exactly, tho”
thankfully, your friends seem satisfied with your answer and don’t press for any specifics
partly because they’re more curious about how having your other half near feels
to which you are more than happy to let them know
you aren’t strong enough to fight the pull™, but
you think your love for him just might be enough
considering that its intensity is already enough to compel you to consult a sorceress
pei, as she insists for you to address her as, seems to defy the sorceress stereotype
with her white clothing and light aura mixed with a mysterious glint in her eyes
she honestly looks like she can be a goddess, but
the look in her eyes says she can also be a goddess of the dark side . . .
you already know she’s trouble, but you have no other choice
actually, you do have the choice of not going through this, but you’re too adamant that you have to smh
you’re positive that mingyu deserves a better soulmate than you, so
if there’s a way you can give him that
you’ll do it in a heartbeat
“do you not agree with the fate’s choice?”
you choose not to reply, frightened by the sudden fire behind pei’s eyes
“do you not love him?”
“i do . . . perhaps too much”
the fire disappears, replaced by a ghost that seems to strip you bare
alternatively: pei looks at you like she’s looking within you
like she’s looking at your past, your present, and your future
after a moment of silence, she seems to come back to reality
thank heavens she did, because it’s honestly starting to creep you out
“if the fate wills it, then your string can be transferred to someone else”
“what do i have to do?”
*cue ominous music*
“drink this”
pei hands you a shot of concoction
the mix looks like it’s poison, looking at it almost made you back out
keyword: almost
“how much do i have to pay?”
“you’ll know the cost after you drink”
you know that you can’t trust her, but you—
hear a glass shatter before your world fades to nothingness
*cue sad music*
you didn’t think you’d miss the red string that has been tied around your pinky for as long as you could remember
but no one really knows the value of what they lost until after they did
you feel empty — as if you lost the most important thing in your life
and you’re entirely at fault
which you definitely are
it didn’t take you long to realize that that’s the cost of the sorceress’ work
a life full of regrets you must own, soulmate-less
you don’t think you’ll be able to face mingyu, even if he has no idea what you had done
so you put an ocean between the two of you to let yourself heal
. . . if there’s such thing, that is
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thepixelelf · 2 years
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I posted 4,880 times in 2022
1,280 posts created (26%)
3,600 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ only-aroha-would-know
I tagged 4,119 of my posts in 2022
Only 16% of my posts had no tags
#stickynotes.tpe - 756 posts
#seventeen - 678 posts
#golden child - 377 posts
#asks - 291 posts
#astro - 272 posts
#major ursa moment - 169 posts
#woozi - 168 posts
#anonymous - 158 posts
#kpop scenarios - 148 posts
#kpop imagines - 148 posts
rise of the major ursa moment tag 😎 I switched to being ursa halfway through the year so it's fun to see that up there. also omg uji being the only individual person on the top 10... truly I am weak for him
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#and the way seokmins death was explained in 1251 so efficiently and yet made the audience 'figure it out' in the simplest sense— wonderful
@97-liners jackie got my longest tag and it was worth every letter 💕
My Top Posts in 2022:
and the universe said,
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When soulmates are suddenly thrust upon the world, you are one in a million who wishes they weren't -- and that's before you meet the person (people?!) making your life much harder than it needs to be. And before someone asks you to sign an NDA.
genres: comedy disguised as romance and romance disguised as comedy, soulmate au, technically an alternate universe but they're still idols, fluff, angst?, short chapters
relationship(s): SVT ot13 x reader
warnings: 18+ (there will be no smut but perhaps suggestive parts and multiple references to/jokes about sex and I honestly just don't feel comfy with minors reading my writing of that stuff sorry). coarse language. everybody's a little bit very stupid. individual chapters will have their own warnings
See the full post
593 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
First to Fall - SVT 95 line (Completed!)
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What happens when two friends who are ‘bad at love’ want to prove each other wrong?
Genres: romance, comedy, idiots-to-lovers, university au
Pairing: Reader & S.Coups (feat. Jeonghan & Joshua)
Warnings: language, absolute dumbassery
Note: this is a recast of an smau I have posted before
1. Taemin from SHINee
2. Scout’s Honour
3. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
4. Boom
5. First Date Types
6. As if
7. Wait What Happened
8. Awkward Silence
9. You Have No Idea
10. Emergency
11. No, Maybe
12. I Need To Tell You Something
13. Should’ve Gone First
14. I Don’t Know
15. Priorities
16. Missed
17. Standby for Backup
18. Starstruck
19. I’m Gonna Do Something
20. Because
21. A to B
22. Let’s Talk
See the full post
651 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
powerpoints I think seventeen would bring to a ppt sleepover
scoups: Exactly How Many Minutes After Midnight Each of You Texted Me on My Birthday
jeonghan: Cheating at Everything: Is it Really a Crime?
joshua: When To Quit a Bit (I Wish I Knew)
jun: Good Soup :]
hoshi: I *AM* a Tiger (NOT CLICKBAIT)
wonwoo: Why Cats Are Better Than People
woozi: Top 300 Best Animes Of All Time
dk: My Friends as Pizza Toppings and Combinations
mingyu: Receipts of Every Time You Guys Have Cyberbullied Me (Mostly Instagram)
the8: The Art of Shutting the Fuck Up Sometimes
seungkwan: 12 Slides of Secrets Y'all Have Confided to Me And I Will Only Skip Over Yours if You Admit I'm Your Favourite
vernon: cat videos 🐈‍⬛🐈
dino: I Am Underappreciated in This Household
832 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
Or, Would You Rather it be Me?
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Genres: romance, soulmate au, university au, (no angst isn’t that crazy?!) Pairing: Reader & Vernon (Seventeen) Words: 7.9k (00:31) Warnings: language. (spoiler: the characters make out and shirts are taken off but it doesn’t get described past that) Notes: well well well well well… what’s this? a soulmate fic by casey thepixelelf with no angst in sight? it must be christmas! oh wait, it is (was)! happy (EXTREMELY LATE I’M SO SORRY) holidays mia @ memesolvernonchwe​ !! hope you like it :)
set in the Words that Bind Us universe
A detested soulmark, a friendship over a decade in the making, and an unexpected proposal from one friend to another... what could possibly go wrong?
See the full post
840 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bouquets for a Friend (From a Friend)
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Genres: romance, ceo au, secretary/personal assistant au Pairing: Reader & S.Coups (Seventeen) Words: 1.6k Warnings: cheol gets drunk off-screen Notes: another recasted fic because ceo cheol has me in a metaphoric literal chokehold sorry
Your boss gets flowers quite often. This time, when he does, he wants to get rid of them, and who are you to turn down free flowers?
See the full post
wow that svt powerpoint post really climbed up last minute 😭 really happy to see or would you rather it be me here, though, because I feel like that's the post I worked the hardest on in this list. not surprised about #1.... it was a repost but I should've expected carats' weakness to ceo cheol lmao
852 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shra-vasti · 4 years
Mingyu : All it takes is two glass of wine for me to start replying to people's story as if they were personally sent to me.
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jeonride · 1 year
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kim mingyu reading list / fic recs !
don't forget to like + reblog fics that you like to support the authors <3
FICS ! ✧*。
King of My Heart (smut, established relationship) by @gyuhanniescarat
Vices and Virtues (enemies to lovers, bodyguard!gyu) by @lovelyhan
The Only Exception (fluff, smut, college au) by @wonusite
Spoiled (smut) by @wonusite
The Perils of Apartement Living (smut, friends to lovers) by @dontflailmenow
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (smut) by @rubyreduji
The Secrets Kept from Roommates (smut) by @cheolism
Stay At Home The Series (smut, fluff, husband!mingyu) by @celestiababie
Oh No, He's Hot (smut, dilf!mingyu) by@ncteez
Honey Boy (fluff, mentions of nsfw & smut, light angst, college au) by @chocosvt
First Date (smut) by @cheolhub
This is How We Fall (fluff, light angst) by @bitterie-sweetie
Drift Away (smut, fluff, angst) by @playmetheclassics
Love and Warmth (fluff, humor, assistant!mingyu) by @viastro
Again and Again (mild angst, fluff, smut) by @lovelyhan
Snuggly (smutty fluff, frenemies to lovers) by @playmetheclassics
To The Brim (smut, husband!mingyu) by @toruro
Birthday Love (smut) by @sluttyminghao
Pup Code (fluff, angst, smut, crack, college au) by @beefboyandbabygirl
I Love Looking at You (fluff) by @taetaespeaches
Hold On (To Me) (fluff) by @taexual
Make Yourself at Home (fluff, smut, established relationship) by @celestiababie
Where Do Broken Hearts Go (friends to lover, song inspired) by @cheolism
Do I Want To Hit You or Do I Just Want You (smut, enemies to lovers) by @dontflailmenow
Light a Flame (smut, fluff) by @euphor1a
the one with mingyu and the twin bed (smut, fluff) by @eoieopda
what a view (smut, husband!mingyu) by @toruro
dry humping (smut) by @undermoonlightst
you + me = three (fluff, husband!mingyu x pregnant!reader) by @sunnylovespickles
his size part of cuffing season (smut, boyfriend!mingyu) by @number1mingyustan
making out with gyu (nsfw, fluff, established relationship) by @gyuldaengi
abandoned mall piano (romance, meet-cute, awkward mingyu) by @cheolism
uncannily perfect (fluff, soulmate au) by @slytherinshua
lick the bowl clean (fluff, college au) by @rubyreduji
home (way too much fluff) by @papercupids
heavy on your love (fluff, husband!mingyu) by @celestiababie
happy first father's day (fluff, husband!mingyu) by @icyminghao
2K notes · View notes
thedramaticcorpse · 4 years
watched a series almost 2 years ago, thought the teen-ish young adult main was handsome, watched again, yet now i feel the 30-something-ish character is much better looking... have i perhaps gained... daddy issues?
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sunlightwoo · 6 years
The Race Against Time
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plot: in which you and your soulmate have your bond through talking in your minds.
** mentions of self-harm and suicide is pretty angsty until it gets to the fluffy ending.
Ten Years until Present Time
You were only ten when you had found out about the concept of soulmates, after you had heard the soft hums of someone else’s voice inside your head. When you had told you parents about the news, they explained to you what it meant and it had made you the happiest child alive. It wasn’t until the person on the other side was scared as well when they had heard your excited voice from their side.
“Hi, I’m Y/N and my mommy and daddy told me that you’re my soulmate!”
The boy on the other side sighed in relief after his mom, since she was home at the time, had explained to him about what soulmates were. He began to be excited over the idea that one day you two were bound to meet and spend the rest of your lives together because of your special bond. It had taken you both weeks to figure out how your bond worked however, because of the different time zones you both were in.
He was living in the United States where you were currently living in Japan with your family.
However, you both had never failed to send little voice messages to one another whether it was one to brighten up their start of the day or to end it on a positive notes. The both of you had made a pact that you were to never stray away from one another.
That pact made its way years later even into your teenage years.
Five Years until Present Time
By the time you were around fifteen, you were in the middle of finishing your homework when you heard the voice of your soulmate calling out to you.
“Y/N, guess what?”
“Joshua, I swear if it’s another video that you had found on YouTube about guitar hero-”
“No, no it’s not that. I finally got into the company that I told you about! I’m moving to a country that’s closer to you this time!”
The both of you were ecstatic at the moment that he had told you the news. Joyous tears were already streaming down from your face as you were proud of him since it was the only good thing that you had found that made you happier around your threshold.
As Joshua continued to ramble on in your mind about how excited he was about moving to Korea and meeting the other trainees he could possibly debut with, you thought about how much you wanted to leave your home in order to stay with Joshua for comfort. Every time you walked out of those doors, you wished to not come back in fear of what you would be greeted with whenever you did come home.
Your parents had been divorced about two years ago and you haven’t been in a stable mindset since then because of the constant pressure and pain that your mother had always pushed you through in hopes that you wouldn't end up catching your father’s habits of some sorts. It wasn’t until Joshua had said something that made you break out of your sense of mind.
“I’m sorry, what did you say Shua?”
“Promise to not forget me, if I do make it out there?”
“Of course I won’t. I’ll be sitting right there, front row… with your forgotten toothbrush.”
One Year until The Present
It was just a year ago when you found out that your father had passed away due to the fact that he had gotten into a drunken accident and your mother wasn’t handling it well. Even if you had thought that she had forgotten about him, he was still her first love.
Along with all of that, there were also times where you and Joshua had started to become distant because of the fact that he was getting busier and busier with the team you had grown to be fond of, Seventeen.
As much as you had loved your bond of speaking to only him through your mind, you also video-called him whenever you both had the opportunity to which was your new found communication. You would always confide into him knowing that he’d be there to listen to your endless rants about how mentally and physically exhausted you were because of how much you were struggling to juggling your university life with your work life, however Joshua was here to save you from drowning in your thoughts.
“Princess, it’ll all be okay. You just gotta keep your head above the water and just swim, because one day I’ll be swimming next to you. It’s taking me a while, but I will make it to you soon and show you how much you mean to me.”
When he said those words, tears welled up into your eyes as you gave him a small smile through the camera. You knew that he was saying those things because deep down, the both of you were scared of what was yet to come. He was scared that you were going to harm yourself of some sort after all you had gone through as well as you were scared of him wanting to break your soulmate bond because of your thoughts.
But those thoughts never came back to you once he gave you a small look of hope and you knew that he was your anchor. Your lifesaver.
“Promise me, Y/N.”
“I promise, Joshua. I’ll be waiting for you.”
Present Time
You looked at the view in front of you as you shakily held onto the bars of the gate in front of you. Just looking downwards as to what was beneath you had already created some sort of sinking pit into your stomach, but you knew that you were going to get to this point one time or another.
It had been a year or so since you had last been able to properly talk to your soulmate and since you were able to find one last bit of hope. Everything had suddenly come crashing down on you as you were fired and almost expelled all in one day, and the breaking point of it all was watching a video online of Joshua announcing that he was your soulmate when they came to perform in Japan.
Already there were endless comments about you and Joshua that spectated around the internet and you wanted them to stop, yet you knew they weren’t going to as long as you were around. You knew that soulmate bonds were only broken and regenerated if one of the soulmates had passed away or had done something to their bond, in which you had resorted to your present case scenario.
Looking at the fast paced river that was running beneath you and the bridge, you felt your vision blur to the tears that clouded it and you sniffled a bit before wiping them away.
“Joshua, I’m so sorry but I have to do this.”
As soon as you had said those words, you hear his voice yelling for you to stop whatever you were doing and talk to him except you blocked his voice away in hopes to stopped him. Looking around one last time, you remembered the late night walks to the area since you had always talked about it to him. However, it was also the last place you wanted to be in because of what it’s worth had meant to you.
The last place you and your father had your final conversation before the divorce.
Climbing over the metal gates and holding onto it from behind you, you felt the harsh breeze of September wind blow into your face and you were about to let go when you felt a strong grip on your arm.
“Y/N, wait!”
You immediately turned around to see the face that you wanted to last see and tears already flooded down your face as you were trying to find words to say.
“Just please, let me help you before you hurt yourself. Not just as your soulmate, but as someone who cares about you.”
Joshua’s voice immediately captivates you as he looks at you with a deep worry in his eyes to the point where he too was also about to cry at your state. He blamed himself many nights for not being able to talk to you due to comebacks and promotions, but when he heard your voice for the last time, he knew that he would’ve been too late if he didn’t remember the spot that you had always mentioned when you were both younger.
You hesitantly nodded as he immediately carried you over to the safe side before bringing you into a tight embrace as your head colliding onto his chest right above his heart. Sobs overtook your body as you felt guilty for the fact that you were selfish about breaking your soulmate bond with him by taking the cowardly way out. He held you close to him as he rocked you from side to side softly as he tried to calm your heart down and ease you back into reality.
“I’m so sorry.” You managed to stutter out in between your sobs as he caressed your hair softly while shaking his head.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N,” He starts off while pulling back to look at you and wipes your stray tears away before continuing on, “Just remember that I’m your home, okay? Whenever or wherever you need me, I’m just one call away and my arms will forever be here for you, love.”
He places a small kiss on your forehead and immediately you felt the sparks of your bond ignite as you knew that with Joshua, you were finally at peace. At home.
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ajuimaginary · 6 years
Soulmate Mingyu
Part of the Seventeen Soulmate Series
Your pen tapped out an absent minded pattern on the paper in front of you, note-taking long forgotten. You were sitting in the middle of your classroom in high school, ignoring your teacher in favour of your own drifting imaginings. 
It wasn’t your fault you were distracted, At least not this time. You were watching artwork sketch itself across your arms.
Your soulmate connection was causing the marks, of course: that familiar link every person shared with a destined future true love. Your skins became canvases tied together by fate, and when one was marked in any way, the other would share an identical imprint. 
Right now, your soulmate was drawing neat patterns of flowers, a basic blue ballpoint pen sketching them line by line so they pooled over his bare skin, and in turn, appeared on your own hands, coming from no where.
You wanted to express for affection for the artwork, so you followed a pattern that had become familiar to the two of you, and you drew the outline of a little heart just under his drawings.
You waited, and like always, you had a quick response. A second, slightly larger heart was etched alongside it from your soulmate’s end. Perfectly, artistically, formed. It was his reply. An assurance that he felt the same way.
You felt a flutter in your real heart. You hoped you would never stop being this moved by even the smallest of moment between you. When the bell rang to end the lesson, you barely noticed. 
No one would blame you though. There was nothing quite so exciting as signs of a link with a soulmate. Especially when you hadn’t met one another yet, and your joined skins were your only communication. 
Although, you and your soulmate knew a few things about each other already.
In most nations, when babies were born, it was common for parents to seek the basic soulmate info their child might want when they were older. A pen with ink safe for newborn skin was owned by most hospitals. It was used to write  soulmate? across the baby’s forehead. If the soulmate was already born, their parents would see the mark appear, and they would send a reply saying yes, then possibly exchange more info. If the soulmate was not born yet, it was a matter of waiting until the word soulmate? appeared, sent from the other end. 
Because of this tradition, in your early years, your parents and your soulmates’ parents had already been in contact. You knew he was Korean. You knew his name was Kim Mingyu. You knew he was a boy. You knew his birthday. 
Those were the only details that hospitals and parents traditionally bothered to exchange. They left the rest to the kids. You knew in some cultures the parents would be taking the info they got to consult astrologists or religious leaders for more insight. But that was the extent of it. 
In the largely globalized world of the modern age, it was taboo in most countries for parents to interfere by continuing communications across their infants’ skin. It was considered more organic to let the children establish ties as they grew up. They could decide for themselves if they wanted to know more before meeting one another. You and your soulmate had long ago come to an agreement that you wanted to do most of your discovering in person, whenever the universe turned its destined pages and bound your paths together. 
You were happy knowing one another’s names, and had spent all your lives working to know each other’s languages too. You could tell he’d become quite good with yours because of the ease he wrote down the occasional thing he wanted to remember- like a song title or a movie. And you knew he’d seen your abilities with Korean as well. 
The other things you’d discovered about him intrigued you beyond belief. He seemed crazily talented. Almost unfairly talented.  
His talents came through in bits and pieces throughout your childhood, when he was bored during what must have been the Korean school day. It was pretty common in your world for people to draw on their own skin. Who didn’t like the idea of a little extra communication with their soulmate? So you would watch doodles paint patterns on your arms, and see how good Mingyu was at art - from little geometric designs to quirky cartoon figures, some of which you recognised, and some which (after a little Googling) introduced you to comic books he must have enjoyed. 
There were also the recipes. They were less common, and he only seemed to make those notes if he had no other means to record his food ideas. They made your heart flutter more than anything else, because your soulmate could apparently cook, and cook well at that. 
He would scrawl notes to himself on the bare skin of his forearm: ideas about ingredients, or spice combos. One time, when you were only about twelve years old, he wrote out a whole recipe in a quick scrawl, like he was trying to get it noted down quickly to try at home later. Interest raised, you also decided to try it as well. Only problem was, his handwriting was hard to read from his rush to get it all written. After squinting at it for a while, you circled a couple of things on your own arm, and wrote little question marks beside it, hoping he would see, and clarify for you. 
Sure enough, the recipe began to rewrite itself out on your other arm. It was in someone elses hand-writing this time, because using his non-dominant right hand would have been even messier. You wondered who was writing it, thinking fondly of your soulmate asking for their help.
Thanks, you wrote under it, adding a little heart.
He drew a returning heart, and, most likely, returned to cooking.
Ever since then, that had been your routine. A small heart when you wanted to express affection, and an answering heart from the other person.
You started to thank each other when you accidentally provided a good recommendation for a song, or a movie, and as time passed, you started to deliberately write things you wanted to share. 
When you stumbled across a cartoon with a character you’d seen him doodle before, you always let him know what you thought. When his friends all watched a movie he knew you’d seen before, he would tell you if he’d enjoyed it. 
It was such a simple way to be connected, but it warmed your heart each time.
When your soulmate reached his late teenage years, he must have started getting into performing, because occasionally some truly dramatic stage make up looks would appear on your face that you were pretty sure he couldn’t be for day to day events. Sometimes, they were embarrassing - appearing at times you did not want to have that intense of a smoky eye. Sometimes, they were really perfectly timed - you were delighted at the seemingly professional level of quality you were given for free through your soulmate. 
As well as the make up, the occasional scrawls your soulmate added to the back of his hand sometimes looked like song lyrics. Usually just a few short bars, in messier than normal handwriting that indicated to you he must have had to jot them down quickly. It added to your theory that he was interested in performing. 
You wondered if he was passionate enough about performing to put song covers online or something. Perhaps you might have even glimpsed his face before around Youtube. The thought made you grin, but you would have no way of knowing for sure until you met him.
One of the nicest surprises came to you one day when you were listening to music on Spotify- a decent mix of English songs and K-pop (which you’d been listening to for a long time since you knew the language anyway.) You were playing random playlists you found, seeking new music, and then suddenly one of the songs played some rap bars you definitely recognized. You checked the song title - 기대 - and the group name - Seventeen. And you added it instantly to your library. 
You were sure your soulmate must have sung the song before, and as always when you discovered a little connection like that, the moment of recognition was thrilling.
You picked up a pen, and then wrote along your arm.
Hi Mingyu, I just listened to 기대  by Seventeen!
There was a pause much longer than usual before you got any response. You went about your day with the letters on your arm, wondering when he would write something back. Usually his replies were quick. But it was when you were getting ready for bed that he finally wrote back.
Sorry it took me so long to reply. 
You frowned in confusion, but more letters began to appear.
Did you like the song? Did you watch a performance? Do you know anything about Seventeen? Did you look them up?
It was an odd series of questions. 
I didn’t watch anything, you responded, and I haven’t looked them up. Should I have?
You waited, feeling very anxious suddenly, like you had done something wrong. Mingyu seemed sharper and more upset than usual. You watched his questions wash off your arm as he removed them to make room to write more, and you quickly went to your bathroom sink to wash your side of the conversation away as well.
On the blank slate, Mingyu wrote:
No! Don’t look them up! Promise me you won’t. 
How strange... 
You stared at the request for a long time.
Okay. You wrote. I promise. 
You waited for more explanation, but he wrote nothing else for a long time. You picked up your pen again, hesitated, and added:
I liked the song though. Can I still listen to it?
Mingyu drew two adorable hearts first, and wrote: Of course you can. I don’t want to order you around, I’m sorry, it’s just important to me that you don’t look up that group. Feel free to listen to the song though.
Another pause.
What did you like about it?
You laughed a little.
It’s really nice! There’s kind of a soothing but cool style to it. Even the way it starts off it amazing. I think the voices have a kind of story telling vibe to them. 
You waited for his response.
I like that too. He wrote. And then he put a few more hearts, and said goodnight. You both washed off your arms and you went to bed.
You had no idea what was going on, but you wanted to respect his wishes and his boundaries, so you didn’t press the issue. You simply let it go. But you listened to 기대 almost every day for a while after, and you especially loved the lines that you remembered Mingyu had written on his arm.
One year after the 기대 incident, your world changes for ever.
You knock on your best friend’s front door, smiling at the pink balloons tied on the letter box and around the doorway. Her little sister yanks the door open, a huge grin on her face.
“Welcome, Y/N!” she yells happily. “It’s my birthday!”
“I know, sweetie,” you smile back at her, handing her the gift in your hands, and watching her squeal with excitement, shaking it violently in her hands. “I can’t believe you’re six years old already! I’m here to help set up the party.”
She guides you through to the back garden, chattering happily about how all her class is coming to join the fun. You respond with the expected enthusiasm, and gasp in amazement when you walk out onto the decorated back lawn. Your best friend waves you over as soon as she sees you.
“Thanks again for offering to help with the party!” she says. “Can you run the face painting? You only need to do really basic looks. We even have some examples the kids can pick from, so you won’t have to think of any complicated designs yourself.”
You look at the sheet of card she’s holding, with a tiger, butterfly wings, a pirate, and other classic kids’ designs she must have printed off from the internet, and you agree you can do the job.
There’s a bit of time to kill before the actual event begins, so you decide to practice some face painting on yourself. It will get you used to this set of paints and it will probably get the kids more excited when they arrive to see an example of the work on the person painting them.
You pick the tiger, and start by covering your face with orange, then adding stripes where you can see them on the guide, a pink nose, and long black whiskers, turning your face from side to side in the tiny mirror so you can see what you’re doing. When the look is complete, you’re actually pretty pleased with yourself. 
“Looking good, Y/N!” your friend yells out from across the lawn.
“I’ll paint you next?” you offer.
She comes over, pulls out the second chair at the face painting station, and sits down in front of you.
“Can you give me the butterfly?” she requests. 
But as you lift your hand to begin painting her face, you let out a gasp, and freeze, staring at the frantic letters forming across your skin.
Y/N please don’t keep that on! please wash your face now! 
It’s about a hundred times messier than Mingyu’s usual handwriting. He must be freaking out.
“What’s going on?” your friend asks.
In answer, you flip your hand over. Her eyes scan the letters, and her brows raise. 
“Well, go on then! He’s still writing more ‘please’s! Go wash your face!” she says, all but pushing you out of your seat.
Still confused by Mingyu’s urgency, you turn and race toward the house, stopping at the first sink you see, in the kitchen, and slamming on the tap so fast you spray water down your front. 
You dab haphazardly at your face, the water running orange and black and swirling away down the sink. 
Your skin feels pink from scrubbing when you stop. You stare at the back of your hand again. It’s blank now. He must have washed off his pleading. A single phrase forms, still a little rushed, but you can almost feels his thankfulness in each letter.
Thank you so much. I’ll explain later.
And that’s all. 
Mingyu doesn’t try to communicate again until the party ends. You’re helping to clean up, chucking paper cups empty of coca cola into a rubbish bag. Your best friend’s little sister, the birthday girl, is napping on a couch inside, totally tired after the day’s events.
As you reach down to pick up the next cup, you see new writing appear on your arm. You sit down right there on the grass, watching it appear. 
So I know you listen to KPop, which means you’ll probably hear about this soon enough. So I’ll tell you first... something happened today. And it made me decide I want to meet you. Is that okay?
You stare at the words in confusion. But all the times you’ve talked, Mingyu has been a little long winded when explaining things, so you’re sure you’ll understand eventually. 
You find a pen, and write back... That’s okay. 
Good. Says Mingyu. Did you know KCon LA was this week?
Well I’m at KCon LA right now. And this thing happened. And I know I need to see you now. Send me your address, please. I have enough to pay for all my transport, no matter how far away you are. I’m taking a break from work anyway. I have to find you. Please?
You’re shaking by the time you finish reading his excited words. Something really dramatic must have happened for him to change his mind like this... to want to meet you right away no matter what. 
You could never refuse him. You write out your home address in careful letters on your arm. 
Thank you. Mingyu writes. And while I’m on my way... you can look my name up online. And then
He pauses for a minute or so. 
watch the video from this link www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PrXNl05CWM. He takes his time getting every number of the link right, and then continues. It’s embarrassing, but when you watch it, you’ll understand. I’ll see you as soon as possible. 
Okay, Mingyu. I’ll see you soon. You write back.
You’re almost afraid to do everything he’s asked. It seems so dramatic. But before panic can take over, you see one more tiny shape form. A single inky heart. 
And you smile. 
You explain to your friend, head home, open your laptop, and type Kim Mingyu into Google. The first result is a KPop profile; facts and Profile for MinGyu, member of thirteen member Korean boygroup Seventeen. 
One hand over your mouth in shock, you click through and quickly skip past the picture (you’re not ready for that) to read what the profile says, trying to make the information sink in. You read facts you already knew about your soulmate - name: Kim Mingyu, born: 06 April 1997, hometown: Anyang, South Korea - along with brand new information - position: lead rapper, height: 187cm - and you try to piece it all together with your reality. 
Your mind flashes back to that day when you listened to your first Seventeen song and he asked you not to look up anything more about that group. When you were so charmed by the rapping. The smooth storytelling style to the flow of those lyrics...
And you scroll back up to the photo. You let out a little gasp. He’s beautiful. 
It takes a moment for that to feel real as well. But something about the photo they’ve chosen for the profile helps you. He’s impossibly handsome, of course, but he somehow manages to fit in with the picture of Mingyu you had in your mind, because he has a dorky pose, pointing a finger at the screen. It makes him feel more real. More human. More yours...
And then that comforting feeling fades in and out rapidly when you switch straight to Google images and spend about an hour scrolling through photos of your stunning, gorgeous, sexy soulmate. Your head is spinning by the end of it. In some photos, you can see that personality you’ve been getting to know. The sweetness, the slight foolish charm of him, the talents in art that seems to translate to his fashion sense as well, the shots of him cooking... but at the same time, he looks more beautiful than you dared let yourself imagine. 
Your favourite thing is spotting bits of writing on his arms. Your writing. And a whole ton of little hearts.
Then you type out his Youtube link, that he spent so long writing out properly to make sure you would watch the right video. It’s only hours old. A performance  MNet uploaded of Seventeen at KCon earlier that same day. 
You watch as the boys, all thirteen of them, come out on stage and begin their song. But about halfway through, their expressions start to change when they glance at Mingyu, and when the camera comes in closer, you see your soulmate’s face has turned orange. Then the black stripes begin to form. The boys are faltering in their dance steps now, not sure if they should continue. 
Mingyu looks annoyed, like he can’t understand why their performance is falling apart.
Then he catches sight of himself on the monitors. And his jaw drops. And he freezes.
You must have been just finishing off your face paint at that time, because the tiger is nearly completely there. The pink nose adds a hilarious softness to Mingyu’s horrified expression. The crowd is laughing, obviously quite charmed by the display, and amused by its poor timing so much that they don’t mind it messing up the planned show. But Mingyu seems upset by it... as do some of his friends, who must have worked so hard getting ready for this day.
On go the tiger whiskers, long and slightly curved, forming one by one around that lovely nose. None of the boys are moving now. The close up camera is fixed on Mingyu. 
The member with the round cheeks steps forward suddenly, saying something funny about Soulmates into the microphone. It makes the rest of the members swirl into action. Some of them crowd around Mingyu, and two with concerned expressions usher him from the stage. The round cheeked one keeps speaking, clearly taking charge of the damage control. 
“Thank you, Jeonghan and The8, please take care of Mingyu and return quickly!” 
Two more of the boys seem to shake themselves from their surprise as the round-cheeked one beckons them forward, and they start speaking in fluent English to the crowd. They say they’ll move on to their unit performances now, and leave Hip Hop team for last so Mingyu can come back with his face paint gone... and that’s it.
That’s the end of the video. 
You can see the recommended next clip is for Seventeen’s other performances, so you know they must have finished as they planned. And since you washed off the face paint fast, you know Mingyu must have returned in time for his performance. But you feel bad for him anyway. He must have been upset to have that happened in front of a whole audience...
You scroll the Youtube comments for a bit. People are amused, or feeling sorry for him, or intrigued by any sign of a soulmate, or surprised that MNet even uploaded the interrupted performance (though you’re sure they’re delighted by its entertainment factor... the clip already has a ridiculously high number of views.)
And after that, it all feels too much for you. The truth is too intense. You close your laptop and go to find your family, so you can tell them what’s happened and get ready for your visitor. 
The thought makes you smile again. A little happy tremble goes through you. You get to meet your soulmate soon... You get to meet Mingyu.
He knocks timidly on the door when he arrives, and you fly to answer it, barely noticing each step as your feet swallow up all the space between you until all that remains is your front door.
You take a deep breath, hand on the handle, and fling it open.
“Mingyu,” you gasp.
There he stands, looking shy and awkward, face graced by a slightly giddy smile he can’t seem to keep down. You find that despite running to meet him, you’re now frozen where you stand. His warm honey eyes scan over you though, skating across the features on your face, shifting down your body, and he looks so happy you might just melt where you stand.
“Hi, Y/N,” he whispers. “Did you look it up?”
You nod. And then words begin to pour out of him, in the same rushed way he writes, a long-winded explanation that makes your heart squeeze with pure affection. 
“I realised after that performance that we were being stupid to wait to meet each other- to hope that the world would throw us together some, even though we were bound to be desperately thinking about one another every second until it happened. Or at least, I thought about you...”
He steps forward, lifts his hands and cradles your face.
“I was always worried about making you a part of my life too soon. I though I had all the time in the world to meet you, and what if I did meet you too soon, and I just messed it all up right away? As if it were possible to ever spend too much time together...”
He laughs, and when you join in, his smile becomes blinding.
“After today I know this is what I want. I want to be with you. I want us to know every detail of each others lives. I want a public, open, happy relationship with you before the eyes of the entire world. I don’t want anyone to see that video and think it was embarrassing. I want it to be the story of how we came together. I want it to be the beginning. Is that what you want?”
He’s so gorgeous, and the two of you are destined, so it’s a surprise to see how nervous he looks. As if you would ever turn him down.
“This is want I want,” you assure him.
And, hands still warm on your face, he kisses you for the first time. 
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