#minhyuk fanfics
breezybangtanbebe · 5 months
💭❤️‍🔥Boyfriend Hoseok❤️‍🔥💭
The Gentle Giant Boyfriend
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Hoseok is no stranger to attention. Everything about him, from his handsome face and healthy physique to his fashion sense and warm personality, he attracts just about anyone with eyes and a pulse. But everything was different with you.
You werent one of the typical cases fan girling over his persona or obsessing over his body parts. (something I honestly think is a big ick for him but he just tolerates it because of how much of a people pleaser he tends to be.) 
On your first date, you barely even looked at anything below his chin and held him in your eyes for most of the conversation..
"You have really pretty eyes.." you remarked, stirring your drink mindlessly with your cheek resting in the palm of your other hand.
Hoseok's mouth twitched in a tiny reluctant smile of confusion. He too toyed with the straw of his drink, mashing the ice cubes about before taking a sip.
"Um..thank you." he swallows, blinking as if he were on the brink of choking. It wasn't hard to fluster him, you picked up on that early on when you met him at that pottery class you took up as soon as the pandemic was over. Any reason to get out of that apartment that felt even smaller when you had no where else to go.
It was his eyes that caught your attention first, mainly because it was all you could see of his face since the mask mandate was still enforced. Apart from his hulking frame under his oversized hoodie and the way his massive legs made the stool he was perched on look like it was designed for a child, there was a soft innocence there when he focused his fingers on the sepia ball of clay.
When he wasn't focused, those eyes had a way of finding you on the other side of the room, looking away bashfully when you felt his stare..
Crinkling cutely when the teacher made a joke.
Widening comically when the perfectly shaped bowl he was working on collapsed into a squishy warped ball of disaster.
This went on for a few weeks before he finally worked up the nerve to sit beside you at the beginning of the next class, introducing himself. Up close, you got an even better gauge of his size.
"Good lord he must work out every day.." you thought, but its only on your mind for a second after resuming eye contact when he asked you a question.
The most gorgeous combination of browns melded in the ridges of his irises. From afar you couldn't notice but this close, you couldn't see anything but those eyes. Eyes that told so much about a man you hardly knew.
It was you who asked him for his number despite him being the one to ask if he could see you again outside of class. So you did, grabbing tea and coffee at the bakery near the pottery studio.
"Youre blushing again." you smirk triumphantly and Hoseok immediately resents himself for being such an easy read. Without his mask to hide behind, you were given a full view of his face that was as equally charming as his eyes.
The colored apples of Hoseok's cheeks lift slightly as he shook his head in pure denial.
"No Im not." 
"Im looking right at you. What do you mean?" You tease and Hoseok tucks his lips against each other to fight his bodies natural response to flattery.
"Its the steam from the tea or something, I don't know.." he shakes his head again, turning his head at the bakery's door chime as a few customers walked in and you couldn't help but think it was to hide the way his blush worsened. There was no steam. He wasn’t even drinking tea so the excuse was as ridiculous as it was adorable.
It made you smile knowing he was this affected and you vaguely wondered what else your attention to detail could do.
"If you say so.."
You were different to him because you saw him in ways others didn’t. No one compliments a man’s eyes when all attention is on his body. The amount of times he caught women and men alike struggling to keep eye contact when he wore a fitted shirt that accentuated his upper body. And while he did work diligently to achieve such a body, it felt good to be seen and not just something to look at. Which in his profession,was often a feeling he faced.
Water signs tend to be very emotionally connected and Hoseok will know what youre feeling before you say anything because he's just that observant. That's just him. He can walk into a room and get a gauge of everyone's energy and while he may not show it, he's affected by it.
He appreciates a person thats similar. Someone who can tell when he's bothered or uncomfortable but too polite to express it. He appreciates someone who can anticipate his needs the way he will anticipate yours. And he absolutely would. If you like coffee in the morning and he's up before you, he puts on a pot because he knows you hate waiting for it. He'll put things within your reach without thinking about it. He’ll cover sharp corners with his hand if you bend down suddenly too near them. Just a quiet caretaker.
He's very emotionally intelligent (it took him going through ALOT to get this way) , and he too has very little patience for games or things that don't make sense. So talk to him about your feelings vs acting impulsively. Don't push him away when you're upset. He may chase you for a little while but if you're not reciprocating his energy , he'll lose interest.
Very reserved in front of others because he's just polite but will hold your hand and kiss you proudly in public. He keeps it cute though, nothing outlandish.
He is the jealous type so if someone is looking at you a bit too hard, expect him to mark his territory with one of those little kisses. Or a few.
In private, He's big and warm and soft and hard all at the same damn time. Hoseok loves cuddling,prefers to be the big spoon most of the time because he feels like he's protecting you but occasionally enjoys curling his big ass into you while your massage his scalp until he falls asleep.
He's much more touchy feely. Lots of stolen kisses and booty grabs. Although I predict that you'd be most inclined to want to touch him all day because...well. Look at him🌚
It was a day worth shutting the world out for. Raining and relentless. Plans were cancelled ,alarms were snoozed and clothes were optional at Hoseok's apartment.
Its been several months since that day in the bakery and those routine meet ups next door to the pottery class evolved into evenings spent at his place. He'd been to yours plenty but you preferred being with him at his because his felt more comfortable. 
Plus he had all the snacks.
The morning light creeped its way despite the sun being hidden and the bed felt much too big when he wasn't in it. So after pulling on one of his t-shirts and slipping into his bathroom to freshen up, you were relieved to find the object of your desire in the kitchen.
He's shirtless with his magnificent back on display for you as you watched him busy with something on the counter. His hair was wild, sticking up in all directions and his pajama pants hung just low enough on his hips for those two delicious dimples to be visible.
You stepped silently over the warm wood floors, one bare foot after the other until you were creeping up behind him.
Hoseok flinched a little when you snaked your arms around his waist but he soon relaxes at the feel of your lips pressing against the middle of his back.
"Hi.." you grumble against his warmth, skimming the tip of your nose over his skin. Hoseok chuckles softly as one of his hands covers your two that clasp below his naval.
"Morning. Did I wake you?" He looks over his shoulder and you shake your head, pressing your cheek against his shoulder blade.
"Just missed you." You respond sleepily and the sound of it has him chuckling softly.
"Ive been up for less than ten minutes.." he chides and you shrug.
"10 minutes too long. I got cold. What are you doing anyway? I thought you had nothing to do today." You mumble, peaking around his body to spot him organizing several different types of capsules into little baggies.
"Im putting my supplements together for when I go out of town next week."
"Oh yeah.." you say. You return to nuzzling his muscular back, settling in the dip of his spine between his shoulder blades with a solemn sigh.
Detecting you sulking, Hoseok takes one of your hands and pries it from his tummy to lift towards his face.
"Its just a few days. Don't pout, big baby.."
A gentle kiss to your knuckles was all it took to send a tingle through your body, making you tighten the back hug you had him in . Your affection evolves due to an intrusive thought and you accentuate the embrace with an unexpected bite of his flesh. Your teeth pinch a healthy bit of skin between them and you pull back on the release.
His yelp makes you snicker evilly and you soothed the faint toothmarks with a few kisses before pulling away from him.
"Look who's talking.." you tease.
He didn't appreciate the way the temperature changed the moment you weren't touching him and he turns around, spotting you leaning against the kitchen island. This had to have been the moment he realized you were wearing nothing but his t-shirt, noting the stiffness of your nipples poking through the fabric.
His gaze drops from your breasts to your shapely thighs that were unsubtly pressing against each other.
With a sultry look in your eye, you smirked up at him as you hopped up on the marble countertop and spread your legs just enough to hint at your lack of panties. Not that any hint was needed.
If you had any on, it wouldn't be for long.
Hoseok seems like a massive giver. So he's not at all a selfish lover. Whatever your satisfaction requires, he's pretty open to it if its not uncomfortable. If any kinks, I could see some bondage or food play. Maybe some sensory deprivation. Hes not afraid of toys at all. I actually imagine him owning some of his own for his solo sessions.🌚
Not super dommy. If anything, he's a switch (both dom and sub depending on the mood). When he's the dom, he teases your body alot with whatever he has at his disposal.
He praises you heavily and rewards you. Would much rather do that than punish you, but if he has to, he confirms that all of those muscles aren't just for show. He'll never hurt you though, thats actually one of his worst fears so don't expect him to get TOO TOO rough. Some hard slaps on the ass and a hand around the throat might be aa far as he'll go with you. Even then, hes very careful.
As a sub, he's very bratty and mischievous. He wants the punishment 100%. He wants you to talk shit, scold him, pull his hair a little. He wants you to make him feel small even though hes literally a hulk. Some orgasm denial would drive him crazy. But once you finally let him cum, put as much into the aftercare as he would for you. Talk to him nice and touch him alot. Slow Kisses with lots of tongue.
He's an ass man. Touching your booty actually brings him some sort of comfort, like a human stress ball. In the morning, its customary for him to rub yours for at least a minute when he greets you. He probably enjoys eating you out from the back so he doesn't have to waste time bending you over after. I also think he's most attracted to thick women🌚. He just gives me that vibe.
Large hands grip your ass underneath the tshirt,holding you up with your legs wrapped around him as he walked you back to the bedroom.
Your lips suckle his bottom lip, making him groan and squeeze you when you lips finally part to invite him in. Hoseok wasn't a sloppy kisser by far, always intentional with each stroke of his tongue and little nibble of your lips. He's passionate and most dominant when his tongue needled its way in and massaged yours.
You let him in gladly, earning a grateful sigh from him as you sucked his tongue greedily.
That always turned him on and you simulated the way you planned to suck him off by bobbing your head slowly, slurping his tongue loudly and shamelessly until it's too much for him.
You giggled when he tossed you on the bed, bouncing against the fluffy white comforter as he climbed on top of you. He cages you under the canopy of his huge body and doesn't hesitate to snatch his t-shirt from your body.
Now that he had you naked again, his lips found every place begging to be kissed.
Your neck.
Your nipples.
That spot just below your breast.
With both of your hands trapped under his above your head, Hoseok teased your body with his tongue until your back was arching from the bed.
He was kissing a trail down from your naval to the mound of stubbly skin of your pelvis. You felt you needed to shave but Hoseok didn't give a damn about some hair. In some ways he preferred it because he could smell you so much better that way.
His chin grazes your clit and making you twitch, making him smile against your skin.
"That sensitive huh? What am I gonna do with you?" He teases, moving down to hold you at your hips. You lift up just in time to watch his tongue extend and flick a few times over the throbbing nub before sucking on it obscenely hard.
You called his name again but he ignores you, simply combining flicking and sucking on your clit in favor of paying you any mind.
Seems as though he had his mouth set on your pussy for breakfast from how he alternated between sucking your clit and tonguing at your hole.
He knew what he was doing and you could keep your composure anymore. Damn his neighbors, they would just have to hear you.
Your hand found its way to his messy bed head, tugging at the strands from the scalp. He moans with his lips wrapped around you, the vibration of his tone making your legs shake.
Without warning, Hoseok pulls away from your heat and pulls you up by your arm. He grabs you by the neck gently to kiss you as he was before. But instead of him tasting like mouth wash and strawberry yogurt, he tasted like you.
With your legs spread wide enough to fit his huge frame, you hooked them over his hips to lock him in place. He chuckles at the desperation he felt on your lips, guiding you down to lay on your back one more.
"What baby...what it is it?" He asks, eyes black as night on yours. Long gone were those innocent eyes you'd fallen for at first.
Hoseok reached between your bodies to pick up where he left off, strumming over you back and forth.
Back and forth.
Your mouth gaped in a gasp when he upped the pace, rubbing you so good that you were sure you'd cum any second.
"Baby..please yess yess yess.." you cry and Hoseok kissed your trembling lips casually.
"Feels good?" He asks and you hum in response.
"More?" He lifts his brow.
"More..more.."you pant, now gripping the hair at his nape. With that, his fingers slipped inside of you, fucking you slowly as his tongue found yours. You moaned senselessly amidst kissing and Hoseok only took that as you begging for his fingers to go deeper.
"Is this what you want, baby? Hmm? Want me to suck on this pretty pussy some more? Wanna cum on my tongue like you did last night?" He mumbles, planting another wet pussy flavored kiss on your lips as he awaited your response.
"Please.." you shudder, too lost in the way his fingers went back to toying with your clit to kiss him back properly.
But this was how he wanted you anyway and he was only getting started.
Love Language:
I believe our big boy is a Gift giver/receiver and Physical touch. The gifts don't have to be expensive (even though he will for sure spend his monies on his gifts he gives you), it just matters to him that you know what he likes and that you're thinking of him. And touch on that man. Big boys need love too.
Quality time is big for him as well. He just wants you around. It doesn't have to be for any specific reason. Just be there and exist with him.
Pet names/Terms of endearment:
Calls you his baby or his world. Not much in between. He's very playful and light hearted so you might be his brat or headache from time to time, but takes his relationships very seriously. You don't have worry about any fear of commitment with him. Once he's locked in, you've got him.
So dont hurt him please🥹 He's very soft hearted.
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<The other Boyfriends >
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marzmeltdown · 1 year
Bad Decisions
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⌦ Pairing: Prof!Changkyun (I.M) x Fem!Reader ⌦ Genre(s): Smut ⌦ Warning(s): swearing,, age gaps (changkyun's in his 30's readers in their 20's),, power dynamics,, exhibitionism (kinda),, nicknames (changkyun: sir,, professor,, reader: doll,, princess,, idk if slut constitutes itself as a nickname but its used,, ),, cream pies(pls be practice safe sex besties),, deep throating,, face fucking,, desk sex,, choking,, oral (m receiving),, Dacryphilia,, dirty talk,, spit eating (idk if thats what its called),, fingering,, humiliation,, ⌦ Word count: 2.66k ⌦ Summary: You're struggling in your history class, so naturally, you go to your professor for help. You weren't expecting to receive that type of help as well. ⌦ A/N: Listening to Hollywood Undead and Monsta X while writing this was an experience to say the least. I may or may not have written this for myself as well. Have y'all seen that tiktok of Changkyun pulling out of a parking spot w one hand? Twas truly beautiful. If there's anything you feel I should improve on in the future, don't hesitate to let me know! You can find progress updates on everything I write in my pinned post every Wednesday.:)
⌦ marz’s tag list ⌦ marz’s req form
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You cried as you looked at the exam grade displayed on your computer screen. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. D+, you had studied so hard; how could you have gotten such a bad grade? You sat at your desk with your knees to your chest, crying into them.
Your head flew up as you heard the door to your dorm room swing open, followed by your roommate's keys jingling as she walked in. She sat her bag on the floor beside her bed, oblivious to your crying until she took her headphones out of her ears.
"Oh my god, y/n, are you okay? What happened??" She asked, tossing her headphones onto her bed as she rushed over to you. You sniffled a bit, turning the laptop towards her with one hand while the other wiped away the tears that had taken residence on the tip of your chin.
"I got a D on my history exam," you said. It took everything in you not to scream with how upset you were; history was the only class you were struggling in. Which didn't make any sense to you, as you really liked history.
"What the hell? You studied so hard! You study more than I do!" Your roommate gasped, her brows furrowed in confusion and irritation as she too tried to wrap her head around how you could have done so poorly on an exam you worked so hard to prepare for. You sniffled once more, turning the laptop back to you and beginning to write your professor an email asking if he were free tomorrow during his office hours.
"I'm going to go talk to him tomorrow and see if there's anything I can do to get my grade up," you said, your voice slowly going back to normal rather than the shakey, upset voice you had when your roommate walked in on your crying session.
"That's a good idea. Mr. Im is a nice professor; I'm sure he would be more than willing to help you out." Your roommate said she hugged your side reassuringly before walking back to her side of the room.
Mr. Im replied to your email sooner than you had expected; he has always told students that as soon as 5 p.m. rolled around, any emails he had would be answered the following business day.
⌦ Mr Im:
ㅤThank you for reaching out regarding your performance in class, my office hours are open all ㅤday.
ㅤThank you, Mr. Im.
You smiled as you read the email, looking back at your roommate, who had gotten comfortable on her bed. "He's free all day tomorrow; hopefully we can get something figured out."
"That's great; I'm sure he will work with you about your grade," she reassured once more.
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You sighed shakily as you stood outside your professor's office. Rarely did you ask for help, so knowing that you were about to knock on Mr. Im's door to do exactly that made you nervous. After a couple deep breaths, you knocked on the door. You were worried that you'd knocked too softly until the door swung open, revealing your professor.
"Y/N, come in; it's good to see you." Mr. Im smiled, and you stood there in awe for a moment as you soaked in his smile. He was ethereal, and you felt as though you could stare at him all day if you could.
"Nice to see you too, Mr. Im," you stuttered, stepping into the room. It was neater than you had expected; every book on the shelf was in order from biggest to smallest, and the couch that sat against the wall looked untouched. His desk looked unused aside from the stack of papers on the left corner and a water bottle that sat next to his computer; the floor was spotless as well.
"What was it you wanted to talk about, y/n?" Changkyun asked, following you to his desk once he shut the door. You both took seats in the chairs opposite each other.
"I wanted to talk about my grade; it's not great," you said, rubbing the back of your neck nervously.
"I'm well aware that your grade isn't anything to brag about," he replied, leaning back in his chair.
"Right.." You said that, blushing a bit as you looked down.
"I suppose you're hoping I can help you fix that?" He asked, and his tone came off more condescending than he had meant it.
"Yeah, if you'd be so kind,"
"Well, if you paid better attention in my class, you might do better," he suggested. Your head snapped up at him as you looked at him with widened eyes. He smirked softly, beginning to speak as he stood up from his chair. "Don't act so surprised, y/n; I see how you stare at me during class; it's pretty obvious." He said, you hadn't noticed that he was standing right next to you until he gently took hold of your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"It makes me wonder what's going on in that pretty little head of yours," he said, running his thumb against your bottom lip as he spoke. His voice had gotten deeper—sexier even, if that were possible. Instinctively, you parted your lips as you kept your eyes trained on him. "You and I both know that you're capable of studying for my exams, so I'll cut you a deal; I'll fix your grade if you do something for me."
Your professor seemed more talkative than normal, but you assumed anyone would be if they were discussing "deals" with another person. It was your turn to speak now. Before you could, however, his thumb found itself inside your mouth, pressing itself down on your tongue. Changkyun stood still as he waited for an answer, looking down at you with lidded eyes. You nodded in response to his offer.
Changkyun only smiled at this as his free hand worked at his belt. You moved your eyes to his hand as your hands reached up to aid him in taking his belt off. He jerked your head up gently, forcing you to look back up at him. "Eyes on me, doll."
Undoing the clasp of his belt and the buttons of his pants without being able to look at them seemed to be somewhat of a struggle. But the reward behind the zipper was worth the struggle. Changkyun moved his hand from your chin to your head once you pulled his pants down just enough for his cock to spring out.
You broke eye contact with your professor long enough to glance at his cock, your mouth watering at the sight. You brought a hand to pump at the base, looking back up at him as you began pumping his cock with a steady pace. His breath hitched slightly when you let your tongue run against the pink tip of his cock.
"Fuck, you look so pretty like this, princess," he breathed out as you took the head of his cock into your mouth. He gripped your hair roughly, forcing himself the rest of the way into your mouth. You did your best not to gag, though your efforts proved futile when the tip of his cock brushed against your throat.
The sound of your gag seemed to spark something within him as his hips began thrusting themselves into you and shoving his cock further down your throat. Tears began to form in the corners of your eyes from how harshly he was thrusting into you. The lewd sounds of your gags mixed with his groans of pleasure and the saliva being churned in your mouth filled the room. You were surprised no one had heard you two yet.
Just when you were certain your professor was only going to abuse your throat, he pulled out of you, pulling you to stand. Immediately, you leaned in to kiss him, the both of you hungrily attacking each other's mouths. Your hands found their way to Changkyun's collar, tugging him closer as you sat on his desk. Your fingers worked to undo the buttons on his shirt while his worked at the buttons on your pants. You mentally cursed at yourself for not taking your roommate's advice on the skirt she suggested you wear.
You pushed Changkyun's shirt off his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor, before aiding him in taking your pants off. His hand found itself resting against your heat as his thumb rubbed itself against your clothed clit. You whimpered at his soft teasing, bucking your hips against his hand.
"Patience, princess, I'll fill you up soon," he said against your lips, his fingers still teasing you through your panties.
"Yes, sir," you replied, whining when he pulled your panties aside to continue teasing your hole. "Just take them off," you begged, moving a hand down to push your panties off.
Changkyun chuckled at your impatience but obliged, pulling your panties off the rest of the way, his hand finding itself attached to your heat once more. "You're so wet already, doll," he commented, emphasizing his words by slipping his middle finger into your hole. A soft moan escaped your lips, and you pulled away from the kiss to let your head fall back.
You let your eyes close as your professor began to pump his finger in and out of your hole. You pulled your shirt off as Changkyun inserted another finger, the surprise causing you to drop your shirt onto his desk, letting yourself lean against your hand as his thumb rubbed itself against your clit once more.
"F-fuck, professor, please," you begged as your head fell back. His fingers felt like magic against the nerves between your thighs.
"Please what, princess? Use your words," he said, his free hand reaching behind your back to unclasp your bra. You were surprised at how well your professor did tasks with one hand that would have required a normal person to use two.
"Fuck me, please," you whined, your free hand gripping at his toned biceps. He smirked at your request, pulling his fingers out of you and leaving your hole empty momentarily as he reached into his wallet to grab a condom. Your head snapped up to look at him, and your hand flew up to stop him, looking at him pleadingly.
He looked at you with a confused expression, his confusion disappearing once you opened your mouth to say, "I know you want to fuck your cum into me just as much as I want you to."
You weren't sure where this new bout of confidence came from, but the look on your professor's face when you spoke went straight to your core. You could feel the slick beginning to run down your thighs as you bit your lip. He tossed the partially opened condom onto the floor along with his wallet before pulling you closer by your thighs.
"If you keep talking like that, kitten, I might have to take you home with me," he said as he took his cock in one hand, his other pushing your thigh up even more, causing you to lie on your back. You whimpered as Changkyun rubbed his cock against your folds, propping yourself up on your elbows to watch him.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you, princess?" Changkyun began as he slowly thrust himself into you. It took all the strength you had not to let your head fall back so you could watch as your professor's cock disappeared into your hole before reappearing again once you'd had time to adjust to his size.
You bit your lip as Changkyun began speaking again, painting a more detailed picture in your head of what he was talking about. "You'd like it if I took you home and fucked you like the little slut you are," he said, letting his hand rest against your throat, squeezing just enough to feel good but not enough to cause any serious harm.
You nodded in response, letting your body fall back against the desk so you could use your hands to hold your thighs open. "Yes, sir, I'd like that very much." You whined.
Changkyun wasted no time as he snapped his hips into you at a rapid pace, leaning his body against yours so you were eye to eye. The way his body pinned you in place prevented you from arching your back while simultaneously forcing your legs to rest themselves against his shoulders, allowing him to pound deeper into your walls.
You couldn't help the loud moans that came out of your mouth as his tip brutally hit your sweet spot. His hand moved from your throat to slip his fingers into your mouth, muffling any noises that escaped your lips.
"Be quiet, princess; you don't want anyone to catch us now, do you?" He asked, and his question, along with the taste of your slick still on his fingers, caused a whimper to fall from your lips. You shook your head, and the sight of you tasting yourself on Changkyun's fingers caused his dick to twitch inside you.
Only when he thought you were capable of controlling your sounds did he remove his fingers from your mouth, this time gripping at your jaw just as he had done earlier.
"I bet you let all your professors slut you out like this, don't you?" He taunted, angling his hips so every thrust would push the head of his cock against the bundle of nerves that had you seeing stars each time it was hit. His hand keeping a firm grasp on your chin prevented you from shaking your head in protest; he took this opportunity to spit into your mouth to further humiliate you.
His words and the act of him spitting into your mouth went right to your core, and your walls began to contract around his cock.
"N-No sir! J-Just you—fuck, I'm so close," you moaned, digging your heels into his shoulder blades in attempts to pull him closer. You reached back to grip the edge of the desk, effectively pushing the ungraded papers onto the floor.
"Go ahead, princess, cum on my cock," he panted, feeling the knot in his stomach begin to tighten as well. He propped himself up on his hands to give himself more leverage, his thrusts going deeper and harder than they had been previously.
It took a few more harsh thrusts on his end before the coil in your stomach snapped and you were sent over the edge. Your hand clamped itself over your mouth to muffle the wanton moan that escaped your throat as you felt your hole flutter against his cock and your arousal slowly ran down Changkyun's cock. You were positive he would have a stain there afterwards.
The tight grip your walls used to hold Changkyun in was enough for him to fall over the edge, a soft whimper escaping his mouth as he finished. He thrust his cum back into you a few times as he rode out his orgasm, his thrusts coming to a full stop, and he caught his breath before pulling out. He watched as his cum dripped out of your hole and down the side of his desk.
"Here," Changkyun said, handing you a water bottle as he helped you sit up. You weren't sure when he'd walked away, but he had already cleaned himself and adjusted his pants. You winced as you sat up, taking the water bottle from him.
"Thank you," you said as you opened the bottle, taking a sip. You watched as Changkyun gently wiped you clean with a few tissues he had taken from the box that surprisingly didn't fall.
He tossed the soiled tissues into the trash can beside his desk before he leaned in to whisper into your ear.
"I expect you to pick those papers up, and I was serious about taking you back to my place."
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kookieminsuga · 6 months
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The Wolf and his Coyote - Part 3
Part 3 for you! This one is a little longer! Enjoy :)
Summary; Jungkook is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Korea. He is never interested in people unless they can benefit him in some way. That is until he runs into a girl who is the only person who appears to not be afraid of him. New to Korea, Amalia is an artist who spends most of her days working on her comics at her friend Minhyuks diner who also happens to be Jungkooks favourite hang out spot. What will happen when Jungkooks, a man who's heart seems to be frozen in ice, interest is peeked for the first time since he can remember?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Gang leader jk x Tsundere, artist Amalia
Rating: 18+ do not interact if you are a minor!
Word count: 2.5k
Genre: Biker gang bts, action, romance, there will be smut down the line, angst, violence, humour.
Warnings: Flirting, Mentions of past, Mentions of smut (if you squint), sex dream, biting, marking, bruising, poverty, immigration.
Amalias pov:
Big hands run over my body, starting from around my neck, down the side of my chest. I gasp as I feel the sensation of lips and cold metal on my navel, making it’s way down, lower and lower, ever so slowly.
I feel myself losing control as I beg for more, running my hands through fluffy raven black hair. All I can think of is the feeling of those plush lips on my skin. Not even the fact that I don’t know who’s lips they belong to. 
Then I feel it on my inner thigh, teeth sinking into my skin and bruising it. I yelp at the sensation, still confused about the situation but not caring one bit due to the overwhelming pleasure. 
Just as they start approaching where I want them the most, I suddenly jerk up, blinking the blur out of my eyes. A dream. That’s all it was. 
I sigh as I sit there, in my bed, covered in sweat. 
“It’s been too long Lia.” I say out loud to myself. 
After shaking myself awake, I finally get out of bed. My deadline is coming up and I didn’t get much work done yesterday because of that thug at the diner. Today is going to be different. I still feel bad for Minhyuk tho, getting attacked in his own place. Maybe I should bring him some breakfast to cheer him up. 
Finishing up my morning routine, I start cooking my breakfast, making sure to make extra for Min. I know how much he dislikes the food at his own diner, tends to find it too greasy for his liking. Home cooked meals are what he lives for.
I pack up the food once it’s done and start making my way out. It smells delicious, I hope this cheers him up at least a little. 
As I step out into the alleyway, I turn the corner and head down the street. I notice the owner of my favourite ramen shop outside setting up his signs for the day.
“Hi Mr. Park! How’s your morning so far?” I say stopping next to him.
“Oh Lia! Good morning! It’s going great so far, how about you?” He responds.
“Good! Same as usual.” I say with a laugh. 
Mr. Park has been kind to me since I arrived here. When I first got here, I didn’t have much money to my name so all I could eat for meals was food from the convenience store. I always stopped by the shop tho, the smell of the delicious ramen pulling me in. I would watch from the outside with my stomach grumbling, wishing for just one bowl. 
One day, I had been looking as usual when Mr. Park had been outside. I had no idea he was the owner at the time, he was just sitting at one of the tables. 
“It looks delicious, doesn’t it?” I had said as I noticed his eyes on me.
“Why don’t you go inside and try it for yourself? I heard it’s the best ramen in town!” He had said with a small laugh.
“I wish. Unfortunately, I just moved to the country and can’t really afford meals like this. One day I will tho!” I replied, while smiling back.
“Well, If you’d like, you can go inside and pick something you like. It’s on me.” He replied.
I stared at him in shock, wondering why some random man was suddenly offering me food. It had made me a little uncomfortable and I guess it had shown on my face because he immediately followed up by telling me he was the owner and had noticed me looking into the shop several times before. Although I tried to refuse, he said I didn’t have a choice so I graciously accepted. It was the most delicious bowl of ramen I had ever tasted. 
After that, Mr. Park had fed me a couple times a week. At first I thought there would be some kind of catch as I was not used to being treated with such kindness but turns out it was all out of the kindness of an old mans heart.
I spoke to him for a little bit before heading out again to the diner. 
“Minhyukshiiiii!”, I call out as I arrived. 
He turns to look at me, from the door as he switches the sign from “Closed” to “Open”.
“Good morning nuna.” He responds with a soft smile. 
“Good morning to you.” I say as we both walk past the door. 
I go to my usual booth and set down my bag. I unzip it and pull out the meal I prepared. 
“I have a surprise for you!” I say, with the packed up food in hand, spinning on my heel and presenting it to him with a wide smile. 
He looks down at it, then back up, and a smile spreads across his lips.
“You cooked for me?” He asks.
“I did! I hope you like it!” I say, pushing it towards him.
“Thank you, I will if it’s your cooking.” He says as he takes it. 
“You’re welcome! I thought you might need a little pick me up after what happened yesterday.” I say as I roll my eyes with the thoughts of that thug. 
As I'm thinking of that, for some reason, his face pops into my mind. Not the thug, but the other one. Jet black hair and two lip rings. 
“Nuna, are you ok? You look like a tomato, are you sick?” Minhyuk reaches out to touch my forehead. 
A tomato? Why am I blushing? Why did his face appear in my mind and make me think of…
No. I must be crazy. I can’t think of some stranger like that. Especially not some cocky gangster. If there’s one thing I despise, It’s cocky people. I mean, I have to admit, he’s very good looking but the cocky attitude is such a turn off. It really has been too long.
“No.. no I’m fine, it’s nothing.” I say as I take a step back towards my booth. 
He looks at me seeming unsure but then just shrugs his shoulders and sits in front of me. 
We enjoy our meal together, talking about everything and nothing. until the customers start showing up, he stands and attends to them. The rest of the staff arriving an hour later as per usual. 
Minhyuk likes working alone to open the restaurant. He wants things set a certain way and doesn't trust anybody to do it the way he likes so he always comes in an hour early to prepare on his own. I call him my rock or rocky sometimes because of his personality. I’m all over the place while he’s set and steady. I love our friendship. I couldn’t ask for a better best friend.
The hours flew by as I sat there drawing on my tablet. Working on this series is demanding but very fun. The fans love it so even if it’s exhausting, I work hard for them. There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing.
Jungkooks pov:
“Yeah, I’m headed there now.” I say to Yoongi on the phone.
“Ok, we’ll meet you in a couple hours. We have some things to take care of first.” He replies, knowing I know what “things” he means.
I hang up and get on my motorcycle. I start to head towards the diner for lunch. The fact that a member of the hummingbirds was on our turf is bad news. They all know we don’t step on each others land. Is he a rogue? Just doing it because he wants to? Is he a spy? Planted by Mr. Kim to keep an eye on me? Either way, I can’t just let this slide. My boys will take care of it. I haven’t eaten all day and I’m starving. 
I pull up to the diner and park my bike. Pulling off my helmet, I shake my hair to get rid of the helmet head. I sit there for a minute thinking of yesterday. Stop it Jungkook. You’re here for food. That’s it.
I step off my bike and head for the door, opening it and walking inside. Minhyuk greets me, as usual and my eyes just scan the place. They then fall on the girl, sitting in the same booth, seemingly lost in her thoughts, staring at the tablet on the table.
I smile and walk towards her booth. I stand next to her, her eyes not moving from the tablet. I take a peak and see beautiful artwork. What looks like a webtoon in the making. A guy with black hair and a lip ring being drawn. A speech bubble saying “And what if I said I love you?” Coming from this character that was half drawn. 
I laughed at the small resemblance and her eyes then shot up at me as she hurried to cover the screen.
“Well, hello again.” I said looking her in the eyes.
She just stared at me.
“I have to say, you draw very beautifully.” I say, meaning every word. 
She continues to just stare. 
“Is there something on my face?” I ask, bringing a hand up to touch my cheek.
“No, I’m just wondering why you’re talking to me.” She replies in a cold tone.
I pause, a little taken aback by her response. Should I really be surprised at this point?
“Is there a reason why I can’t?” I respond, feeling my lips pull up in a smirk.
“Apart from the fact that you don’t know me?” She questions.
“I mean, we can change that.” I say as I step forward and sit in the booth across from her.
“Hmm, I’m ok thanks. As you can see, I’m a little busy.” She says looking down at her tablet then back up at me.
This is the first time I’ve been rejected. 
“Well, how about when you’re not busy?” I say.
“I’m always busy.” She replies firmly.
Wow, gotta accept rejection Jungkook.
This girl is definitely interesting. I put my hands up in mock surrender.
“If you say so-‘ I stand and look down at her. ‘Have a nice day, pretty girl.” I say as I walk away to sit at another booth.
No means no. Even for me. However, this girl makes me want to keep trying.
Minhyuks pov:
I look from Jungkook, to Lia as they speak. I have no doubt that she won’t be interested based on how cocky Jungkook is. Knowing him and how competitive he is tho, he won’t just stop. However I also know he respects women, so it’s not like I have to step in. I watch her deny him just as I thought she would, and him walking away. From here I can’t hear what’s being said, however I do notice her blush as he walks away. I don’t like it one bit but it’s none of my business. She can do what she wants. 
My eyes follow him, my old friend, to the booth he chooses on the other side of the restaurant. I notice a smile on his face that looks different from his usual cocky grins. He looks deep in thought. Lia nunas attitude is not something he’s used to. 
As I look at him, I notice his eyes on me. He waves me over to his table. 
“What will it be Mr. Jeon?” I say taking out my pen and pad of paper to take his order.
“The usual, but also, sit I want to talk to you. Also, stop with the Mr. Jeon. We’re friends.” He says.
“We were friends.” I reply, emphasizing the past tense.
Jungkook and I grew up together. Our parents were close friends and so we also were friends growing up. Not just friends but brothers. Until that day. I can never look at him the same way.
“Common Minhyuk, I still don’t understand why you hate me so much. Anyways, just take a seat please.” He asks.
I sigh feeling resigned and take a seat across from him. I look back at Lia and notice her lost in her world of drawing as usual. I smile then look back at the man in front of me.
“What is it?” I ask.
“That girl over there, you said she’s your friend right?” He says.
“I did.” I respond.
“Is she always that cold?” He replies. 
This irritates me for some reason. Lia? Cold? Never. She is the warmest person I have ever met. Only to people she deems worthy however.
“That depends on who you are to her.” I simply say.
“So, no?” He catches onto my words quickly.
I stare at him unmoving. 
“Why doesn’t she like me? Am I not her type?” He asks me, sneaking a peak at her from across the restaurant. 
Actually speaking physically, he very much was her type. However Lia was always more focused on personality than looks. She might have liked the guy he used to be but she definitely would not like this version of him.
“Why should I help you?” I respond feeling annoyed.
“Oh common Minhyuk, I’m just asking as an old friend. You said she’s new to the area right? She must not have many friends. You know I’m not a bad person.” He said looking down at his hands on the table.
He’s right. Although I can’t forgive him for that day, I know that he’s not a bad person. He just does what he has to do. I can hate him all I want but Jungkook has been through hell and back. There is a reason he’s changed. Deep inside, that guy I grew up with is probably still in there.
“For the sake of our old friendship I’ll just tell you one thing Jeon. She hates your type.” I say honestly. 
“Oh now it’s just Jeon? How about Hyung like the old days?” He says smiling.
I stare at him unresponsive and he laughs.
“What exactly is my type?” He says a cocky grin on his face.
“The cocky type. The type that thinks they’re a gift to this world. She despises those type of people. Also, she’s not easy. She has high standards and doesn’t let just anyone into her inner circle.” I rise from my seat as I finish my statement and start to walk away.
“Minhyuk.” He calls my name.
I turn and look at him.
“You really think I’m like that?” He says looking at me. I see an emotion I haven’t seen in him in a long time.
“Look in the mirror and ask yourself that question.” I say with a cold tone.
He looks down, a sad smile on his face. 
“One last thing. What’s her name?” He questions, looking up.
“You can ask her that yourself hyung.” I say as I turn and walk away.
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imaginidol · 2 years
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POV: he keeps purple on him in one way or another because it’s your favorite color…
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lushta1es0nm3 · 23 days
You Make Me Sick
Pairing: Im Changkyun x reader
Summary: “I’m not joking,” he told you, “in all seriousness, I want to give it to you.”
Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Fluffy smut 💋
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request are always open. Thank you. Please enjoy. 😊
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Walking passed the couch, a familiar hand connected with you ass causing a loud smack to echo across the room. You huffed turned around with unimpressed look.
“I’m not in the mood to fucking play.” You stated with a small roll of your eyes.
“I’m in the mood to fuck though.” Changkyun smirked at you and bit his lip.
“Boy,” you started, “stop playing.”
“TMI,” Kihyun frowned, cutting you off as he walked passed you, towards the kitchen with a cup in his hand, “nobody needs to know that, and damn where are the rest of your pants?”
“Hey, I’m not the one wearing booty shorts,” Changkyun started in his defense.
“Okay,” Minhyuk cut in appearing out of nowhere and sitting on the other end of the couch, “we get it, she has a nice ass, the shorts are doing there job,” he sighed scrolling through his phone, “but the furthest you’ll ever get is just touching it.”
“I should throw something at the both of you.” You scoffed, “you both know it’s not like that-,”
“Well than what’s it like,” Kihyun asked standing in the doorway, “you guys wrestle all the time, it’s like you’re in a none relationship relationship.”
“We wouldn’t fight if he’d keep his hands to himself,” You stated.
The two men both let out a loud sigh, “Denial is a river in Egypt.” Minhyuk stated.
Just as you were about to say something back, Changkyun grabbed a handful of your ass. You swing at him, he dodged and took off running.
“Comeback here!” You hollered out chasing behind him. Ignoring the remarks the other two men were making.
They had a point though, every since you guys moved in together, you and Changkyun always fought. It started with little comments, then to full on randomly feeling you up. It always ended with you both wrestling, with Changkyun doing his best to dodge your hits and you having a your legs somehow wrapped around him so he wouldn’t get away.
An every other day occurrence, because he liked teasing you because you were somewhat insecure about your appearance sometimes. He started to like you, so this was his main method to get your attention. Sure he had chicks falling head over heels for him, but not you, you lived with him and saw him everyday. So his looks meant nothing to you.
After finally catching him, you held him down and pulled his ears, a string of swears lift your lips in the process. He retaliated by breaking free and gently squeezing on your belly fat. So you tried to bite him, failing miserably. He laughed at you making you more annoyed, now aiming to give him a purple nurple. He yelped and grabbed your hands, you went to swear. Just as he bit a mouthful of one of your boobs.
Hot and now angry, you let out an unexpected sound and snatched away from him. He smirked at you, licking his lips. Both of you were out of breathe now “I’m going to kill you!” You yelled on outrage diving back on to him now going full force.
Why, because he’d bit down on your tender zone, something he’s never did before, what made it worse was the fact that the bra you were wearing was thin. So bitch, you felt every last bit.
A set of strong arms pulled you off of him, “Alright, that’s enough.” Hyunwoo stated holding you back with one arm. Watching as Changkyun got off the floor and began dusting himself off with a giant smile.
“Y/N,” Hyunwoo called your name stopping you from swearing, “it’s over, stop it.” you huffed in anger and looked away folding your arms, “please,” he continued, “stop fighting.”
“He started it.” You grumbled like a grown ass child.
“Those shorts are illegal!” Jooheon remarked from a distance.
“Hey,” you replied in defense, “I thought everyone was gone, I just wanted some water.”
“Here, put these on before they faint” Hyungwon handed you pair of sweats, “guys, chill.”
You did as instructed, putting them on over your shorts, still glaring a whole at Changkyun, who was eyeing you like candy. You really wanted to body slam him regardless of height and weight difference. Peeved off and slightly turned on, how dare he?
“Y/N,” Hyunwoo sighed looking at you sternly, “it was agreed that you wouldn’t wear such a thing around the house. In the privacy of your room of course it’s fine but not outside.”
“I know,” you frowned, “I seriously thought everyone was gone,” you pouted a little because you felt it was unfair, “I won’t do it again, I’m sorry guys.” You apologized to the others.
“Changkyun,” Hyunwoo looked at him with the same expression, “stop pecking on her, if she smacked your ass for no reason you wouldn’t like it,” he sighed, “apologize and please leave her alone.”
He did as instructed after hearing the seriousness in Hyunwoo’s voice. Hyunwoo had everybody apologizing for being rude to each other. After which you dismissed yourself to your room to figure out how to knock Changkyun out for playing too damn much.
The a few days later, you made it home just before dark, you changed quickly and went into the kitchen to figure out what to make for dinner. It was quiet so you assumed everyone was out handling their schedules. You’d been out for the past few days, because of the location you decided to stay out until you were done.
You sighed and closed the refrigerator door and turned to head to your bedroom. Your heart left your chest at the sight of Changkyun standing in the doorway, looking half asleep with his hair in disarray.
“Dude what the fuck!” You managed to let out holding your chest.
He just yawned at you and rubbed his eyes, “what time is it?” He asked you sounding stopped up.
“I don’t know, it just got dark.” You answered, deciding to go to your room to for your charger before you started cooking. You walked passed him, texting Kihyun as you did so, just to see if you need to cook enough for everyone. You were not paying attention to the fact that Changkyun was following you.
You reached for your door handle but he stopped you by grabbing your hand and quickly dragging you to his room. You managed to pull your hand out of his grip just as he entered his room.
“Man, I’m not in the mood for you games.” You started as he went around you and closed the door.
“Me either.” He agreed as he again grabbed you and pulled you into bed with him.
“Let me go.” You demanded, putting up a fight.
He coughed before be shushed you, wrapping up with you “let’s just sleep.”
“Dude are you sick?” You asked now taking a closer look at him.
He shushed you again while holding you tight and let out another cough. You frowned and used your free hand to check his temperature.
“Bruh,” you sighed, “your burning up, I don’t want to get sick-,”
“Y/N,” Changkyun mumbled his grip loosening a little, “please, I won’t do anything, just cuddle with me,” he coughed again but kept talking, despite his sore throat, “your soft and comfy. Just this once, don’t fight me.”
You sighed, dropping your arm and thinking for a second, “if you so much as.” You’d topped talking the moment he grabbed a helping handful of your ass, “I’m out, let me go before I break-,”
“This is as far as I’m going,” he acknowledged, cutting you off, “any further and you can kick my ass.”
He coughed again and by the sound of it, you could tell that his throat was burning. He sniffled, his eyes were closed but he still held you close. With one of your legs around his waist, you lay on your side facing him, while he held a handful of one of your soft ass cheeks.
“Fine,” you sighed out feeling bad for the sick man, “but if you do anything else I’m kicking you in the nuts.”
“Thank you,” He whispered his voice now vibrating through you as his hold tightened up around you a little.
You couldn’t be too mad, because no lie, you were comfortable. So comfortable you didn’t complain about how every now and again he’d squeeze your ass and caress it. Bitch, you were so comfortable you dozed off and when he moved to take off his shirt and sweatpants before assuming the position again, you said not a word of protest, that is until you felt his hand go further.
With it you felt him twitching between your legs, you groaned softly the moment you felt Changkyuns hand make contact with your clothed folds.
“Bruh, stop it.” You sighed barley opening your eyes, “let’s just sleep.”
He hummed out a response as he rubbed you twice and opened his eyes to look down at you. He himself was asleep and unaware of what he was doing, “Shit,” he mumbled in response with a small cough, “I’m sorry, I thought I was dreaming.”
He went to close his eyes, but as if on autopilot he’d began rubbing gentle circles on your folds. Don’t lie, you were wet, he was doing it right, just like you liked it, making you grow needy instantly.
“Changkyun,” you sighed out, “chill before I bit your titty.” you warned.
He finally looked down at you, his voice vibrating through again, “You say that but I can feel how wet you are through your clothes.” He smirked at you as he kept going.
“So what,” you huffed, not in the mood to play, “we’re not dating, I’m not letting you fu-,” your words caught in your throat as you sucked in a breath and bit your lips. He’d begun to steadily apply pressure, making you want to moan.
He kept going as you locked eyes with him, you went to pull away but your hand landed on his arms. Your chest began to rise and fall rapidly and your grip on his bicep tightened. He stopped and moved his hand away, still looking at you.
“You make me sick,” you breathe out letting go of his arm.
“But, you some me to finish.” Changkyun stated the obvious, watching your facial expression, enjoying the now needy look in your eyes.
“You ass,” you huffed because you wanted to feel the relief after chasing a high, “I should’ve known better.”
“I’m not joking,” he told you, “in all seriousness, I want to give it to you.”
Girl, you thought it over a for a second, but the sudden feeling of how hard he was, was now pressing between your legs made you throw caution to the wind. You nodded your head and he kissed you, gently and firmly, gently grabbing the waistband of your pants, leaving you in your underwear as he began pulling them down, allowing you a moment to kick the off.
Changkyun pulled away and kissed at your neck, his hand going back to your wet folds. He pushed your underwear to the side and began to he rub firm circles on your clit. Never changing from the position you were in, laying on your side facing each other.
Changkun made his way down, to the point where your breast were in his face, he left your wetness for a brief moment to left your shirt and take a breast out to suck on generously. Returning to the neediest part of you he fingered you steadily with added pressure.
Your head were in his hair, you bit your lip to keep from making a sound. Your body was tingling and trembling, you wanted to feel more as the heat of your walls screamed for mare pleasure. Unbeknownst to you, as you thought Changkyun began to do it. Making his way back up. He kissed your lips, eating at them as he began rubbing his length against your clit teasingly.
You whimpered, now realize how big he was, thinking that you may not be able to take it. You felt Changkyun pressing at your entrance, just the tip was in, you were right around him. You sucked in a breath and let out a low whispered moan as he began thrusting into you gently, feeding more of cock with each thrust.
Until he was deep inside filling you to the brim with his length, your walls were so tight around him, he allowed you both a moment to get used to the tight fit. Going back to eating at your breast, swirling his tongue around your nipples as he sucked each of them.
You let out a low whine as Changkyun started back thrusting deep into you, with one hand on your hip, holding you close as he kissed you. Knowing that you wanted to be vocal about how good it felt. Squeezing your ass, he picked up the pace, pulling closer wanting to go deeper into the heat that squeezed his length tight.
Your were gripping onto his arms as he fucked you slowly in the dark room. Until you felt your stomach clench and your body shiver. You creamed as he held you in place, waiting until you were done to continue, a little harder and faster. You felt him twitch inside you, right before he let out a low groan from the back of his throat. Changkyun came and kissed your lips, despite how dizzy he felt.
Pulling out, slowly he let out a sigh followed by a cough bringing you back to realization that he was sick, “I knew you were right, but not that tight.” He commented lowly holding as close as possible.
“And now I want to smack you, I can’t breath.” You huffed.
No remark came from him, so you looked at him, his hold on you had loosened up a little. He’d fallen asleep, you sighed to yourself and touched his forehead. He was still burning up, you huffed, too tired to complain about the fact that he fell asleep right after or the fact that he was sick. You just sighed and laid back down, it didn’t take long for sleep to come. So again, you both were comfortably sleeping, facing each other. With one of your legs wrapped around his waist and a very generous hand on your ass.
Morning came, or better yet midday, you a woke thinking you heard a camera shudder. To your surprise, Changkyun was laying on your stomach out cold with a hand full off one your boobs. You sighed and shook his arm a little walking him up, he groaned but opened his eyes anyway. Looking up at you like you’d committed a serious crime, with a tissue shoved up one of his nostrils.
“Get up,” you yawned sitting up, “your head is big and heavy.”
He frowned and checked the time, “Your stomach is pudgy but I like it cause it’s soft.” He remarked sitting up.
You grabbed a pillow and hit him with it, causing him to fall over dramatically, “Wounding a sick man won’t change a thing.”
“You are so annoying.” You went to stand up but he’d wrapped a arm around you and pulled you into his lap.
“It’s too early for this,” he sighed burrowing his face in your back.
“It’s literally the middle of the day.” You sighed unknowingly leaning into him.
“It’s early for us,” he kissed your neck, “no one else can touch you.” He added.
“Excuse you, but this isn’t a relationship.” You sighed softly.
“Maybe not, but that belongs to me.” Changkyun warned calmly with a sniffle.
“And if I rejected that idea and start dating someone?” You challenged, allowing him to continue to kiss and nuzzle your neck. Low key lulling you into comfort.
“I’ll loose my shit so bad, Kihyun will nag you to death.”
“I admit defeat!” You folded not wanting to hear to sort of nagging, “are you going to date someone?” You asked curiously.
“Why would I do that when I have you?” He asked he stopped and you slowly stood up, turning to look at him, “you just let me know when you’re ready.” He added with a small cough.
You pursed your lips and reached out a hand to check his temp, still hot but not as bad. You dropped your hand “I’m going to get your some medicine.” You stated as you left his bedroom and closed the door.
In the living, you spoke to Minhyuk and Hyungwon who sat on the couch, both switching between their phones and the tv. Jooheon walked passed you with a bowl of food, he looked at you and smirked making you pause in confusion.
“Look who’s finally awake,” Kihyun stated coming out of the bathroom, “did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, I guess I did,” you answered with a sigh, “why’d you guys leave the sick man here alone, did anybody give him any medicine?”
“Yes, we did,” Minhyuk answered as you let out a yawn and began to stretch, “but apparently you have a special remedy.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked puzzled, just as Changkyun appeared, “what are you doing?” you turned attention to the disarray Changkyun.
He smirked and as he walked passed you, he smacked your ass, the sound echoed as he walked into the kitchen.
“We saw you this morning,” Hyungwon told you, “Changkyun ran us off, so are you guys an official couple now?”
You looked at Changkyun and he looked at you, “they were going to find out eventually baby.”
You blinked and took a deep breath, “I should punch you in the throat.” You threatened.
“You guy’s just started dating and you’re fighting already?” Shownu asked coming from his bedroom.
“When did they ever stop fighting, it’s just out in the open now.” Kihyun sighed.
You pointed a finger at Changkyun, “I told guys she’d be mine.” He said with confidence.
You launched a couch cushion towards him, he dodged it and took off running with you behind him. He started coughing and worried little old you began patting his back and asking if he was okay. He snickered at you and pulled you into a hug, kissing the top of your forehead, he earned an “awe” from the others.
“You play too much.” You huffed trying to deny the fact that you were melting and hugging him back. You hit him hard and he let out a yelp and let you go.
“Ouch,” he complained, “why are you continuously wounding a sick man?”
“Sorry,” you gave a false apology, “go back to bed,” you demanded, “I’ll bring you medicine.”
He pursed his lips staring at you for a second, and as he walked past you, he smacked your ass again, earning a loud complaint from you. The others clowned both of you really quickly.
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lubbuub · 1 year
hiii so happy you're back <3 can I request something with changkyun and masturbation ♡
inspiration: belong to the city - partynextdoor
the music playing softly in the background, his hand wrapped tightly around his dick, stroking up and down slowly. thinking of you. thinking about the last time he had you begging for him, you hands behind your back as he fucked you hard against the counter. edging you from time to time, not letting you cum until he said so, never forgetting the feeling of you moans traveling through his body whenever he kissed you, never forgetting how you screamed his name when he hit your spot over and over again.
the moans falling free from his pretty lips at the thought of body and how you obeyed him so well. his hand moving faster and faster until he shot his load all over his stomach, with nothing but your name escaping his mouth.
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tinytinyblogs · 11 months
Hyungwon As Your Boyfriend
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(n.) A person who 90% of the time annoy you, and 10% of the time makes you forget the 90%
Monsta x masterlist here
Hyungwon loves to cuddle on his lazy days. He would spend the whole day laying in bed, refusing to let me go. "We should stay like this all day," he would say, his voice muffled by your chest. He would wrap his arms tightly around you, and you could feel his breath on your neck. You didn't mind, you loved cuddling with Hyungwon too. It was so nice to just relax and not have to do anything. Sometimes, you would have to get up to go to the bathroom or get something to eat. But every time you did, Hyungwon would whine and complain.
You've been a fan of Hyungwon for years, so you're thrilled when you have the opportunity to take his photo. He's one of those models who always looks good in every photo, no matter what the pose or the lighting. You know that you have to do your best to capture his natural beauty and charisma. You want to take photos that will make him look even more amazing than he already does. You take hundreds of photos that day. But when you're finished, you know that you've captured something special. The photos are beautiful, and they really capture Hyungwon's personality.
Hyungwon can be a handful sometimes. He'll run around with a huge grin on his face, telling you dad jokes and laughing at his own punchlines. It can be hard to keep up with him, and sometimes you just need to calm him down. But don't worry, he'll usually stop once his battery gets low. He's just a high-energy person, and he needs to burn off some steam.
You didn't know that his lockscreen was your pictures until one day you randomly grabbed his phone to see what time it was. You were surprised to see a slideshow of your photos, all of you smiling and laughing together. You couldn't help but smile yourself. It was so sweet of him to make your pictures his lockscreen. You felt so loved and appreciated. You decided to tease him about it all day. You would randomly grab his phone and look at the lockscreen, then you would wink at him and say, "I see you've been thinking about me." He would blush and try to hide his phone from you, but you were relentless. You teased him until he finally gave in and gave you a kiss.
And he ended up showing you all your photos on his phone, you didn't even know when he took them. You were surprised to see so many photos of you. There were photos of you laughing, of you sleeping, of you just being yourself. He told you that he took the photos because he loved looking at you. He said that you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen, and he wanted to capture your beauty in every way he could. You were flattered and touched. You had never thought of yourself as beautiful, but seeing all these photos of you made you realize that you were. You spent the rest of the day looking at the photos. You laughed at the silly ones, and you smiled at the sweet ones. You were so happy that he had taken these photos of you. It was a reminder of how much he loved you, and how much he cherished your relationship.
Hyungwon loved helping you with your clothes. He always had a keen eye for fashion, and he loved seeing you look your best. He would often help you pick out outfits, and he would always give you his honest opinion. He was never afraid to tell you if something didn't look good on you, but he always did it in a way that was respectful and helpful. Thanks to Hyungwon, you always looked your best when you went out. He knew how to flatter your figure, and he always made sure that you felt confident and beautiful. One day, you were getting ready to go out, and you were feeling a little self-conscious about your outfit. You asked Hyungwon if he thought it looked okay, and he smiled and said, "Honestly, you always look beautiful, so don't worry about anything." He told you that he loved the way you looked in whatever you wore, and that he thought you were the most beautiful human in the world.
Boyfriend Hyungwon is always there to remind you that he loves you. He tells you every day how much you mean to him, and how lucky he is to have you in his life. He always makes sure that you know that you deserve to be loved and cherished. He tells you that you are the most beautiful, intelligent, and kind-hearted person he knows. He also takes care of you in every way. He makes sure that you are always happy and comfortable. He does things like cook you dinner, give you massages, and run errands for you. He is also very romantic. He loves to surprise you with flowers, gifts, and thoughtful gestures. He always knows how to make you feel special.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
A Little Jealousy
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Request: I HAVE SO MANY REQUESTSSSSSS T_T But I don't wanna be greedy or anything so . . . Please pick one of the following for MX! 4, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20. I literally could not pick one! I am okay with ANY of these, but I'm really curious to see them. I asked for Kihyun last time, so any other member this time please! <3 Maybe Minhyuk, because my heart misses him so T-T
7) "I'm not jealous!"
16) You and your bias kiss to prove you don't have feelings for each other.
Pairing: Monsta X Minhyuk x Reader
Genre: Fluff
A low whistle greeted you as you walked into the living area.
"You look hot," Changkyun growled from his spot by the window. He was laying on the floor, shirtless, sunning himself like a lizard.
"You look hot," you laughed in return. "Like temperature wise. Why are you laying in the sun?"
"Hot water's out," he muttered. "I became a Changkyun-sicle trying to wash up."
You shook your head before plopping on the couch. "Where's Min?"
"Likely incurring the wrath of winter," he grumbled. As you continued to stare at him, he motioned toward the hallway. "It was his turn to shower."
That explained the high-pitched scream you heard while you were getting dressed.
As if being summoned by his name alone, you heard a door down the hall creak open, and footsteps pad out. Stumbling into the room with you, Minhyuk scrubbed a towel over his still damp hair. You tried to keep your eyes focused on his face, but it was difficult when all he was wearing was a pair of pajama pants slung low across his hips.
"Y/N," he hiccupped in surprise, immediately dropping his towel to cover his torso. The tips of his ears were turning redder by the minute. "I thought you had left."
"Nope," you croaked, trying to clear the sight of Minhyuk's body from your mind. "My Lyft driver is stuck in traffic."
"Right," he nodded, sidestepping toward the other side of the room. Reaching into the coat closet, he pulled out a hoodie and yanked it over his head. "I was too busy being naked to mention it, but you look gorgeous."
"Thank you," you said, unable to maintain eye contact. Minhyuk was always the first to dish out a compliment (or his opinion in general). His words had an easy way of causing you to blush, whether he was poking fun or genuinely gassing you up.
"Where are you going looking like that?" he asked, dropping onto the couch beside you.
"I have a date," you said quietly, still refusing to look up. It had been a long time since you had actually been out with someone, let alone someone you were hopeful about. "Changkyun introduced me to-"
"Who?" Minhyuk cut in before you could finish.
"Hyungwon," Changkyun hummed dismissively. "Boy has no game."
"Hyungwon!" Minhyuk gasped.
You turned to look at him, furrowing your brow. Changkyun and Minhyuk circulated the same circles and had mostly the same friends. You had assumed that if Changkyun offered to set you up with someone, Minhyuk would approve as well. Not that you needed his approval...it just...would have been nice.
Your relationship with Minhyuk was something you could brag about. He was such a passionately good friend that even his quirks didn't ruffle your dynamic. He was loud, energetic, and a shock to the system for many, but those were the people that didn't get to see him in his quiet moments. He was so soft and sweet. It was hard to grapple with the intrinsic need to cuddle him and simply take care of him.
"That was the name I said, yes," Changkyun sighed, glancing up at his friend as well. "What's the problem?"
"W-well," Minhyuk struggled. His brain was working overtime. "He's not dateable! Like at all!"
"Name one reason."
"Okay," he hummed, thinking. Launching up from the couch, he exclaimed, "He smells bad!"
"Oh, come on," Changkyun laughed. "He does not smell bad."
"He does!" Minhyuk insisted, beginning his pacing.
You were shocked that he was acting this way. Normally, both Changkyun and Minhyuk were supportive of almost all of your endeavors. Amazingly, that seemed to not include dating.
"Min," you laughed, shaking your head. Your eyes followed him as he walked back and forth. "Why are you acting like this?"
Changkyun sat up instantly, grinning mischievously. "I can tell you why."
Minhyuk paused his steps and shot a glare in the younger man's direction. "I just want what's best for you, Y/N!"
"Oooor," Changkyun purred. "He's jealous."
Changkyun's words landed like a slap. You were stunned by the possibility he presented. There was no way that Minhyuk could be jealous of you seeing someone else. That just wasn't like him.
Or you assumed it wasn't. Thinking back, you hadn't been in a serious relationship since your friendship had started. He was very protective of your time together and... well, protective of your attention in general.
"I'm not jealous!" Minhyuk groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What reason would I have to be jealous?"
"Maybe, and try to follow me here," Changkyun smiled. "You like Y/N."
Your mouth popped open in surprise as Minhyuk looked around the room, panicked.
"I love Y/N," Minhyuk nodded, avoiding eye contact. "We all do."
"Noooo," Changkyun chimed. "We do love Y/N, but you loooove Y/N."
"For fuck's sake," Minhyuk muttered, covering his eyes. "Stop trying to stir the pot! There is nothing to be stirred!"
"Oh contraire," Changkyun chuckled, living for this moment. "I think your reaction is proving that there is plenty to be stirred."
You looked from Minhyuk to Changkyun and back again. Mouth suddenly dry, you tried to find words to add to the conversation. "Is...is that true, Min?"
Minhyuk didn't bother uncovering his eyes as he groaned. "Of course not, don't be ridiculous."
Part of you wilted at his statement. You had never really thought of Minhyuk in that way, but now that it was presented, you couldn't say it wasn't appealing.
Changkyun watched you carefully before turning back to the older man. "Prove it."
"I'm sorry," Minhyuk sighed, dropping his hands. "Prove what?"
"Prove that you don't have feelings for Y/N," Changkyun insisted.
"And how exactly do you expect me to do that?" Minhyuk grumbled, eying you with a pout.
"Kiss," Changkyun prodded. "Kiss Y/N and prove that you two don't have feelings for each other."
"That's stupid," Minhyuk scoffed. "Y/N doesn't want to-"
"I'll do it," you chirped, heat immediately radiating across your neck.
"See, they don't want to-" Minhyuk halted, having realized what you said. "You'll do it?"
"Sure," you continued, uncertain of what had gotten into you. "We'll just kiss and that'll be that."
"Right," Minhyuk said carefully. "That will be that."
"What's a kiss between friends?" Changkyun mocked. Waving his hands through the air, he motioned for you to stand.
Moving unsteadily to your feet, you crossed the room to stand in front of Minhyuk. Bared before him, you suddenly felt ripped open. The realization that you hoped he had feelings for you was dizzying. You were willing to let him in. He could have you if he wanted.
But did he?
Rolling his eyes, Minhyuk finally directed his attention to you. "This is silly."
"So silly," you said dumbly, glancing up at him through your lashes. You couldn't help but notice that his breathing had turned shallow.
"We don't have to do this," he whispered, his brows drawn together. "If you don't feel comfortable-"
"I want to," you interrupted. "Gotta prove your innocence, right?"
"I have nothing to prove to him," Minhyuk grumbled, glaring above your shoulder at what you could only suspect was Changkyun and his shit-eating grin.
"Then prove it to me," you said quietly.
Minhyuk's gaze latched onto you again. Sucking on his bottom lip, his eyes tunneled deep into yours, trying to reconcile his next move. You lifted your brows, waiting in silence.
After a few more seconds, Minhyuk's hands crept slowly up your arms. Sliding over your shoulders, they came to rest on either side of your neck, his pointer and thumb splayed across your jaw. Giving him a short nod of reassurance, you watched as he drew closer, and placed his mouth lightly on yours.
There weren't fireworks, but this kiss wasn't meant for that. It was meant to be questioning. It was meant to be soft and shy.
Taking a deep inhale through his nose, he pulled away again to exhale. Keeping his eyes closed, he set his forehead against yours. "Every butterfly that has ever existed are now all in my stomach."
You let out a breathy chuckle before pulling away from him. Opening his eyes, he looked at you questioningly. His fingers remained wrapped around your neck, not eager to let go.
"Min," you whispered. "Kiss me."
It took him a few moments to register your words before he began nodding to himself. Leaning in again, he pressed his lips more firmly against yours. Reaching up, you gripped his hoodie in your fists and pulled him even closer. You opened your mouth to the kiss, realizing you were both smiling as Minhyuk staggered against you.
There were the fireworks. For as bright of a person as Minhyuk was, it was unsurprising that his kiss made you see stars. Everything that had been unsaid over the duration of your friendship was being poured into his zealous affections.
Dropping one of his hands from your jaw, he wrapped an arm around your waist. You tilted your head back, attempting to get a better vantage for the kiss. Your lips seemed to melt together, tongues working in sync, with small giggles erupting from either of you at any moment.
Changkyun loudly cleared his throat, causing both of you to jump. Minhyuk dropped his face into your shoulder and let out a chuckle. "I completely forgot we weren't alone."
"You're about to be," Changkyun laughed, pulling himself to his feet. "I have to text Hyungwon so he's not ghosted."
You winced, turning to look at Changkyun. "I'm so sorry. I-"
"He'll live," Changkyun grinned. "This is much better. I love being right."
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june-pop · 11 months
The Penthouse Headcanons
Hey!! This is my first post I’ve ever done. I never thought I would actually make one here but here I am😭 anyway I’m making this because I really love this k-drama but I don’t see a lot of stuff about it in here so I’m doing some headcanons….because I can
- Most of the Hera palace kids don’t know how to cook except Rona, Jenny & Eunbyeol
I just get that vibe from them. Minhyuk and his dad rely on their mom for cooking and cleaning. The twins have their own maid who does that. Seokhoon might know basic stuff but not enough. I definitely think Jenny cooks with her mom sometimes. Ha Eunbyeol learned to try and impress Seokhoon. Rona definitely helps her mom around the kitchen
- Seokkyung can’t sleep when there’s thunder and lighting at nighttime.
This ain’t exactly a headcanon, Seokhoon confirmed that in season 1? I believe. I remember he said that to his father. I just felt like this needed to be brought to light
- Shin Suryeon’s love language is definitely quality time. You can’t tell me otherwise
- Seokkyung and Seokhoon definitely find comfort and security in each other.
I feel they both suffer from nightmares due to multiple reasons so I can imagine one of them waking up to the other texting or calling in the middle of the night about how they can’t sleep, and the other person shows up at their room a few minutes later and they just end up talking or cuddling to sleep
- Mari definitely saw Rona as her own daughter when Yoon Hee died.
She took her in and even left her husband because he didn’t want to have anything to do with Rona. That’s some motherly love right there.
- Shim Suryeon took many self defense and fighting classes
Have you SEEN the way this girl handles Joo Dantae sometimes😭the lord knows getting into a fight with her will leave on the ground with a broken nose.
- Ha Yoon Chul takes Eunbyeol to go eat out secretly behind Seojins back
Seojin only has her daughter eat certain and extremely healthy foods that are “fit for singer”. Yoon Chul just wants to make sure his daughter can enjoy all types of food and take her out so she doesn’t stay cooped up inside the penthouse.
- Kang Mari definitely likes women👌🏾
I rest my case….
- Jenny had a crush on Rona at one point, but it eventually went away
- Yoon Hee and Rona have karaoke nights
- Min Hyuk had a biiiiiigggg crush on Seokhoon
That was actually revealed by min Hyuks actor that it was originally written for min hyuk to be in love with seokhoon
That’s all I could think of😅 what are some of your headcanons?
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breezybangtanbebe · 5 months
💭❤️‍🔥Boyfriend Hyunwoo❤️‍🔥💭
The aloof boyfriend
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He is a smart man but lawd he's oblivious sometimes when it comes to relationships and feelings. At least when it comes to the less mature aspects of them.
Like communicating. He's an amazing communicator if you don't nag. You have to talk to this man and tell him exactly what's bothering you or what you want or else he's just not gonna get it. He's straight forward guy so he's not one to play those mind games of cat & mouse, silent treatments, or cold shoulders. That annoys him like hell.
He WILL NOT try to read your mind. If he asks you 'What's the matter?' And you say 'nothing', mans is just going to roll over and go to sleep and you're gonna be in your feelings. It's not that he doesn't care. He does, or else he wouldn't ask.
He's just not that perceptive of unsaid things. 
Hyunwoo frowned as he chewed slowly when you stepped past him. Normally you'd speak or request a chaste kiss on the lips in greeting if you two hadn't seen each other all day, but tonight you hadn't said more than a few words to him since you got home.
The space between the couch and table was sparse, giving your boyfriend a millisecond of interrupted mealtime before clearing him.
Your body plops against the leather cushions with an exaggerated sigh that makes Hyunwoo's brow twitch. He looks over at you, noting your crossed arms, pouted lips, and scowl trained on the FIFA highlights reel on the screen.
"You alright?" He lifts his brow and you don't even spare him a look when you nod.
"Yep. Just fine." You moped, pretending to care about what he was watching. Hyunwoo knew you didn't. You hated sports and usually only tolerated them if it gave you an excuse to cuddle on him while he watched. But you didn't seem to be in the cuddling mood either.
After watching you squirm lower against the corner of the couch for a few more seconds, he stoops his head over his bowl with his chopsticks in hand, blowing the noodles and pushing them around in a mini whirlpool before bringing a nest of them to his lips.
"Hmm. Doesn't seem like it.." he mutters before he blows the bundle of noodles again, slurping them into his mouth shortly after. Your jaw tenses and you shoot him a side eye to watch him continue to eat his food and watch TV, not showing you any signs of concern.
It didn't help that he looked so good, half-naked, sitting shirtless in his baggy sweat pants that stretched widely from how his legs were spread.
Hyunwoo says nothing else to you for several minutes and it finally gets to you. A frustrated huff from the opposite end of the couch has Hyunwoo turning his head to look at you again, this time with his brow creased deeply in annoyance.
"Is there something you want to talk about or are you just angry to be angry?" He asks you and the lack of a clue in his voice has your chest churning.
Of course, there was but you didn't want to sound childish for being upset over Hyunwoo seemingly forgetting that today was your anniversary. It has been a year and while he might not be counting, you were.
You didn't expect anything grand from him but at least him letting you know he remembered. But he didn't mention it at all today. And to add insult to injury, you'd bought his gift two months ago and it was hidden in your apartment, ready and waiting to be given.
Not that you were a tit-for-tat type of person, but the gift represented the thought of him being in your life this long, and the fact that he hadn't even acknowledged it hurt your feelings a little bit.
"I don't know...Is there?" you bounce your knee over the other as you glare at him piercingly.
Hyunwoo just blinks as he stares back at you, visibly perplexed to the point where you just stand up from the couch abruptly and stomp out of the living room. His eyes follow you until you disappear down the hallway and he lets out a heavy sigh before dropping the chopsticks in the bowl.
Hyunwoo isn't outwardly affectionate. Not really big on PDA but will stake his claim on you in public by keeping his hand on your thigh while seated, holding your hand while walking, or holding your waist while waiting in line somewhere. He's the jealous type but he'll never tell you. So he just makes sure to keep his hands on you in some way to make it clear you're with him.
In private, he's similar. Not overly affectionate in daily life but he never leaves you without a heartfelt kiss on the lips, accompanied by a pleasantly suffocating bear hug. Or, when he suspects that you are upset with him and are having some difficulties with expressing yourself, he likes to walk up behind you and place the softest kiss on your neck, then your shoulder, as he pulls you into an intimate embrace with your back against his chest.
"Tell me what's wrong." He says against the curve of your neck. His lips always felt good when they were on your skin and his arms, firm and smooth to the touch, always made your body melt against him when he held you like this.
He'd caught you in the bedroom shortly after you stormed out, standing in front of your mirror that was mounted on the wall across from the bed. You were about to remove your jewelry and get ready to call it a night when he approached you.
"Nothing. I'm just tired." You lie, shrugging him off of you as begin taking off your earrings. This doesn't deter Hyunwoo one bit and he merely moves to take up the other side of your neck to pepper with kisses. His hands resting at your hips rise to the curve of your waist, pulling your ass back against him suggestively.
"Tired? Already...the sun's barely down."
He kissed your neck some more, pausing between lingering pecks to look up at you in the mirror with the tiniest mischievous smirk.
Now he was really messing with you.
Forgets your anniversary, has the whole day to redeem himself but opts to do nothing but literally kiss up to at the end of the night as if you were in the mood for anything other than sleep.
"I'm not in the mood." you reiterate, pressing the diamond stud into the earring back. Hyunwoo still isn't phased by the attitude.
You are about to leave him standing at the mirror alone when the hand holding your waist reaches back to pull something from his back pocket.
With his chin still resting on your shoulder, Hyunwoo presents you with a white envelope signed with only a little heart and smiley face.
You glance up at him curiously in the mirror and he smiles, his eyes dropping to the proffered envelope expectedly.
"Open it," he instructs and you slowly take it from him. As you open it, Hyunwoo steps back to give you some space to do just that. You tear into the envelope carefully to find a pretty Hallmark card that you were sure he picked up on his way home from work.
But it was what was inside that made your heart melt.
It was a brochure for a spa resort in Busan you'd been wanting to go to but could never find the time. But now it looks like you wouldn't have to since Hyunwoo found the time for you.
No wonder he'd been asking about your schedule lately. He wasn't very subtle about it but you figured he was planning to take you to dinner or something. Not a weekend getaway.
His eyes were reduced to slits from smiling when you turned around to look at him but they soften the moment he sees the tears welling in your eyes.
"We're gonna go here? Foreal?" you ask
"I mean it's not Paris. Figured I'd save that for next yearOOF!"
Your arms wrapped around his neck so suddenly that he stumbled back a step, immediately reciprocating the hug as you nuzzled his neck.
"I hate you so much.." you hiccup and Hyunwoo chuckles against your hair.
"Why? You thought I forgot?" His smirk prevails, his eyes committing your shocked expression to memory.
"I did! You didn't say anything!! Why would you wait all day to give me this you dummy?!"
A frequent term of endearment that never bothered him. He smiles at the shake in your voice before kissing your temple.
He pulls away just enough to see your face again and you gaze up at him.
"Because... you're sexy when you're mad." he concedes, leaning down to calm your trembling pout with his lips.
Similarly to how he prefers to communicate versus reading your mind, Hyunwoo is the same way with sex. While he's very skilled at what he does, you can't always expect him to know how you like it if you don't tell him. And despite him being oblivious any other time, he knows when you're holding something back sexually.
In most scenarios, he is a pretty vanilla guy. (We love vanilla BTW) But he's also a tad competitive and wants to be the best you've ever had. So for him to be, he's going to make sure you tell him every freaky little thing you want.
And he'll do it🥴
Not long after receiving your anniversary gift, Hyunwoo took his time helping you undress as you adorned his chiseled body with selfish touches. All he had to do was lose his pants and underwear and with not an ounce of gentleness, Hyunwoo tossed you on the bed.
He'd done his due diligence in licking you from head to toe, making sliding into you a smooth ride. It had only been a few minutes of him actually fucking you that you felt yourself coming undone.
"Baby..Choke me..choke me hard.." you pant with tearful eyes rolling into your head. Hyunwoo hurriedly trapped your throat under his hand, never skipping a beat as he rolled his hips into you.
"Like this?" He rasps sexily, spearing you deeply. You gasp when he hits you deepest, scrambling to grasp his wrist that rested over your chest.
"Yes! Harder baby. Harder!" You beg, not specifying whether you meant the choking or the fucking. But from the way your walls tightened around his dick when he did both, Hyunwoo figured there was no wrong answer.
He grunts stiffly at the squeeze and bites his lip to keep from making any other noise. You felt as amazing always and there wasn't anything could think to compare it to. There wasn't a part of your body he didn't love.
But since we're on the topic...
Hyunwoo gives me breast man vibes all the way. While he still appreciates a nice booty, he'll spend a lot of time fondling and toying with your nipples while in the heat of kissing. His hands always go there first. Partly because he knows what it does to you and how quickly it turns you on.
Him as well.
Hyunwoo watched the way your nails dug into his forearm, leaving scratches in their wake. The sting has his dick thumping with excitement as he upped his pace, choking you a little harder.
You cum hard and Hyunwoo releases your throat, opting to wedge his hand between your hair and the pillows to cradle your head intimately. His lips find yours with a strained groan of his own as he fucked you faster, obviously chasing his release now that you'd reached your climax.
His tongue is deep in your mouth when he cums just as deep inside of you, and you wrap your legs around his waist to keep him nestled there. You could feel his dick pulsing in your heat, a matching rhythm to his racing heartbeat pounding against your chest.
After coming down, Hyunwoo's languid and sloppy licks into your mouth slow into soft lingering pecks. Your hand searched his amongst the crumbled sheets and your fingers interlock sweetly as Hyunwoo's hips begin to stroke you slowly. He'd just cum but that didn't mean this was over.
Not by a long shot.
And with a whispered 'Happy Anniversary' painted on your lips in a kiss, Hyunwoo set out to make you cum for him again and again until you forgot about being upset with him.
Even though he high-key likes it when you're mad at him.
Overall he's very dominant and possessive but not in an overbearing way. You'll probably never know if he has a lot of stamina because he wears you out pretty fast. (We love that too🌚)
Love Language:
He gives me an 'Acts of Service' with a touch of 'Quality Time'. Since he's a Gemini, I say a touch of quality time because gem's tend to enjoy their alone time but when they're in love, they want to be under you consistently. Hyunwoo will take his space quietly though so you don't feel abandoned and he'll communicate it well.
A quick text to let you know what he's doing or where he's going and when he'll be back is usually how he mitigates any issues.
His main way to show you love is by being reliable.
You need a ride to and from work?
You need help moving apartments?
You caught a flat tire at 3 am?
He'll pull up ❤️
Pet names/Terms of endearment🥰
You're saved in his phone under your name with a heart and ring emoji. He's not extra cheesy enough for anything extra. Doesn't call you by a specific pet name. The common ones like babe,baby,love, etc. But loves saying 'my girl' when mentioning you to others. Fills him with a sense of pride being able to call you his.
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<The other Boyfriends >
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jnginlov · 2 years
happy birthday texts
monsta x wishes you happy birthday
warnings mentions of kissing/making out (minhyuk, hyungwon), lots of pet names, mention of food (wonho, minhyuk, hyungwon, joohoney)
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↼ monsta x masterlist
note this is super self indulgent, i mean it is a birthday gift to myself so whatever
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kookieminsuga · 5 months
The Wolf and his Coyote - Part 4
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Part 4! Things are starting to look up!
Summary; Jungkook is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Korea. He is never interested in people unless they can benefit him in some way. That is until he runs into a girl who is the only person who appears to not be afraid of him. New to Korea, Amalia is an artist who spends most of her days working on her comics at her friend Minhyuks diner who also happens to be Jungkooks favourite hang out spot. What will happen when Jungkooks, a man who's heart seems to be frozen in ice, interest is peeked for the first time since he can remember?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Gang leader jk x Tsundere, artist Amalia
Rating: 18+ do not interact if you are a minor!
Word count: 2.3k
Genre: Biker gang bts, action, romance, there will be smut down the line, angst, violence, humour.
Warnings: potential triggers, signs of trauma, Jungkook is SMITTEN, mentions of past, motorcycle ride, voice raising, arguing.
Amalias pov:
The roaring sound of engines cut through my thoughts, effectively snapping me out of my hyper fixated state. I look out the window to my right and notice 6 guys on motorcycles pull up. As they take off their helmets one by one, I notice it’s the guys from yesterday. Jungkooks gang. I guess this is the end of my peaceful day. 
Well, it had been very peaceful apart from the moment he decided to come talk to me. I still don’t know what he wants with me. I wish he would just stay away. At least he’s not too pushy. Like him.
I shake my head, not letting those thoughts creep up on me. You’re safe Amalia. It’s all in the past now.
The doors to the diner fly open as one by one those guys start piling in. Starting with one handsome man, black, long hair, cat like eyes, resting bitch face. He looks around the restaurant for his “owner” I assume. His eyes land on me as I look at him and he snickers before walking towards the other side of the restaurant as he spots Jungkook. 
What was that? Anyways, it’s time for me to go. I start packing my tablet and research materials back into my bag. I finish my cup of tea that Min had brought me earlier and get up to let him know I’m leaving. 
The restaurant is pretty busy for dinner time so I just manage a wave as I step out and head towards my bus stop. The bus arrives not too long after that and I start my commute home. 
The route is pretty long. I start with one bus, then a train and another bus. It’s better than sitting at home by myself all day tho, so it’s worth it. I read a book with my headphones on as per usual. About 20 minutes later, I arrive at the train station. As I wait for my train, I hear an announcement being made so I move my headphones to the side to listen.
“Train towards blue lines are all cancelled for the day due to technical issues, sorry for the inconvenience.”
Oh, well hell. I start to think of other ways to get home. A taxi would cost way too much from here for my broke butt. It’s too far to walk as well. I wonder if there’s other buses that lead close enough. 
I start to walk towards the street, where all the buses are and scan the signs to see where they went. Ah, there is a bus that leads close to the other bus I have to take, however it only comes every hour. I look at the time and, of course, the last one left 6 minutes ago. I guess I’ll be waiting here for a while. 
I sit at the stop by the street and take my book out again, getting ready for this long hour. 
Jungkooks pov:
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave at my group before heading off on my bike. 
The breeze hits my body as I zigzag through the streets of Seoul. As I drive, there only one thing going through my mind. “She hates your type”. My type. What is my type? According to Minhyuk I have become self absorbed. It shows that he doesn’t know me like he used to. Although the boy he knew is now dead and gone, I still don’t really know the man I have become. All I know is the hatred I feel towards him.
I shake my head, attempting to shake off these negative thoughts and feelings, heading towards my usual patrol. 
As I pass by the train station, I notice something that makes me instantly turn my bike around. Is that..?
I make my way back to the bus stop where a girl is resting her head on the side of the bus stop, sat on the bench with a book in her lap. As I approach her, I notice that it is indeed her. The girl from the diner. Minhyuks friend.
I park my bike in front of the stop, there being barely any cars that pass at this time, and walk up to her sleeping form. I look at her for a minute and she doesn’t even flinch. I kneel down in front of her and look over her features. Long lashes, small but plump lips and a beauty mark right below her left eye. 
She really is nothing special.
Then, her eyes suddenly shoot open, dropping the book in her hand and letting out a scream. 
“Hey hey, it’s just me.” I say, still on one knee before her. 
I take my helmet off so she can see me more clearly.
She looks down at me and then at her surroundings as if analyzing the situation. 
“Wha- what time is it? Why is it dark? Why are you here?” She says as she pulls out her phone and checks the time.
“Oh no! I missed the last bus!” She gets up frantically looking around.
I take my time standing and take a guess as to what had happened.
“Well considering you left the diner quite a while ago, I’m guessing you fell asleep here waiting for your bus until now, did you not? As for why I’m here, I was just driving by when I noticed you and just had to come say hello.” I say with a smile.
“Way to state the obvious.” She says as she rolls her eyes and sits back down.
She appears to be thinking, and as she said she missed her last bus, I guess she doesn’t have a way home.
I roll my eyes right back at her before heading to my bike. I feel her eyes on the back of my head. I lift the seat, pull out my spare helmet and turn back to give it to her.
“Here, I’ll take you home.” I say.
“Why would I trust a stranger with my address?” She says crossing her arms and legs and looking down.
“Oh so you don’t trust me with your address but you trust everyone else enough to fall asleep at a public bus stop?” I say, raising my voice.
I could see her visibly flinch as I did. 
“Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do? You don’t even know me!” She says, visibly upset.
I sigh and take a deep breath. Arguing with her will get us nowhere.
“Look, I’m sorry I raised my voice. I know you’re new to town, but this area is very unsafe. Especially for woman. So when I saw you sleeping here without a care in the world for your safety I..” I cut myself off.
“You what?” She asks, turning to look at me in the eyes for the first time. 
“I know you probably won’t believe me considering what Minhyuk has probably said about me, but I’m not a bad guy. I care about him a lot and you’re his friend. So no harm will come to you around me, ok?” I say truthfully, avoiding what I was going to say before.
She continues to sit there and stares at me. I see the gears shifting behind her scared eyes that she tried to pass off as anger.
“Fine then, you can stay here.” I say as I turn to place the helmet back in my bike. 
Then I feel a tug at my back. It takes me a moment, but I turn to see her looking at the floor with her hand grasping the hem of my leather jacket.
“I’m sorry. I just.. I..” She stuttered. I could tell she was trying to say something very difficult for her.
“Its ok, you don’t have to tell me.” I said gently.
She nods and I turn to hand her the helmet. She takes it and puts it on like she already knows how.
“Have you ever been on a bike before?” I ask.
“I have. I can drive one too.” She says matter of factly.
My eyes grow wide as I stare at her in shock.
“What? Is it that shocking? Is it because I’m a woman?” She says crossing her arms and staring me down.
“No, I just… I didn’t expect it.” I say while sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. I quickly put on my helmet. Why does my face feel warm?
I get on my bike and look towards her. She still seems unsure, looking down and fidgeting with her hands.
“Common, I don’t bite.” I say, reaching my hand out towards her.
She looks at my hand for a few seconds before reaching out and taking it in hers. 
My heart skips when our skin touches. What was that? Get a hold of yourself Jungkook.
She then comes closer and throws her leg over, taking a seat behind me. I feel her trying to push back and turn my head to see her grab a hold of the bars on the back.
I sigh in frustration.
“Just hold onto me please? It’s much safer that way.” I say revving my engine.
“Are you sure?” She says shyly.
This girl goes from shy to attitude to shy in an instant huh?
I smile, “Yes I’m sure.” I reach back and wrap her hands around my waist.
With her front pressed against my back, I head off in the direction of her home.
As we drive through the streets, I feel her looking around as if my hometown is all new to her. I hear her little gasps as we come into view of beautiful sceneries. I could feel her loosen and tighten her grip on me as we turn and speed up and slow down. It’s funny, I usually don’t like people riding behind me but I don’t mind it with her. She’s not purposely trying to grab a feel as she holds onto me, like the other girls I’ve taken for rides passing it off as just holding on for safety, no she’s different. She keeps her hands tied together across my stomach and doesn’t move them an inch. 
We approach her street and I come to a full stop. Strangely, I feel slightly upset at having arrived already. She gets off first and then I do the same, kicking the stand up to park. I turn to see she has already taken off her helmet and has the widest smile on her face.
Woah. What a beautiful smile.. 
What was I just thinking? Snap out of it! Luckily, my helmet was still on.
Her hair blows in the breeze as she looks at me.
“Thank you for the ride home. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a motorcycle, I forgot how great it feels. Oh and I’m sorry I was so rude.” She says while fiddling with her fingers.
I take my helmet off and give her a smile. 
“Don’t worry about it. It’s good that you don’t easily trust people. That intuition will keep you safe around these parts.” I say genuinely.
All of a sudden her eyebrows furrow as if she just thought of something.
“Wait.. I never gave you my address. How did you know where I live?” She says while taking a step back.
Oh right. She still doesn’t know I was there that night.
“Yeah about that, I mean, I didn’t want to just say I know where you live. Probably would have sounded creepy at the time.” 
“Well it’s sure creepy now, so can you answer my question?” She says with her hands on her hips. 
I guess the attitude is back.
I laugh at her ever changing personality, which for some reason, I find adorable.
“The truth is, these are the streets I usually patrol at this time a night. I don’t know what Minhyuk has told you, but my gang is not like the usual gang. We like to watch over our city and keep the innocents safe.” She just stands there looking at me as if urging me to continue. So I do.
“One night, I was patrolling as I usually do, when I crossed by this alley and saw a man following a girl. I was about to step in when suddenly, this girl turned and smacked the guy in the balls with her bag.” I laugh at that last part, still finding it funny.
I see her eyes light up in recognition. 
“Oh! You were there that night? I did find it odd that he didn’t try to follow me.” She pondered with her hand on her chin.
“Yeah, don’t worry, he won’t be following you again.” I smirk.
She stares me down. 
“What?” I ask.
“You didn’t kill him, did you?” She says.
I look at her, my eyes then turning serious.
“I don’t kill people. Not unless I have to. It’s not my place to take lives.” I say stuffing my hands in my pockets. 
Although the question stings, I do understand why she would ask. I am the head of a gang after all. It’s true that I don’t like to kill people, but it would be a lie to say I never have. 
“Ok well, thanks again for the ride.’ She pauses,’ and for protecting me that night I guess.” She says, looking up at me.
She hands over the helmet.
“You’re welcome.” I look down at her smiling softly. 
“Have a good night.” She simply says as she starts walking down the alley towards her home.
“Hey!” I say before she reaches her door.
She turns and looks at me with a questioning raised eyebrow.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
She looks at me for a moment before answering.
“It’s Amalia, but you can call me Lia. Consider that an honour.” With that, she turns and heads inside.
I can't help but laugh at her last comment.
Amalia.. that’s a different name. I like the sound of it.
I start walking down the street, beginning my patrol. Unable to wipe this stupid smile off my face.
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imaginidol · 2 years
POV: flustered because the lyrics he keeps writing are still about you…
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410 notes · View notes
lushta1es0nm3 · 2 months
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x fem reader
Summary: “So,” he sighed, cutting you off again, “am I just a good fuck for you then?”
Warning: Mature! 18+ you have been warned
Genre: Fluffy smut
A/N: Read at your own risk and if you choose to read please feel free to give feedback and request. Also, I did not proofread any of this, I wrote a while back and was reading through my drafts and found this and decided to post it cause, why the fuck not. I miss MONSTA X. I also post with phone wallpapers I made for each storyline, feel free to use them if you like. Please, do enjoy 😊
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“What the hell are you doing here?” You asked the man sitting on your couch as you clutched your chest in surprise. You’d just walked in the door, thinking you be able to think about your future.
He sighed and stood up “what do you think,” he started, “I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“For what, we’re not a couple, remember?” You cut him off with a scoff.
“All that changed when I found out.” He stated angrily.
“Found out what, Kihyun, we broke it off, a week ago-” You started
“But your pregnant, right.” He stated matter of factly cutting you off.
You froze and stared at him, “How’d I find out?” Kihyun asked the question you were thinking, “this,” he pulled out a positive pregnancy test and tossed it on the table, “I found it in the master bedroom at the condo. I went back to clean things up before selling it. Why didn’t you tell me? I had to search high and low to find you, is this why you wanted to stop? Is this why you broke it off.”
You sighed and dropped your head, “We’re not a couple, this was supposed to be a no strings attached thing. It was an accident, it wasn’t-”
“Accidentally or not,” he cut you off, “I had to find out this way. Why didn’t you tell me-,”
“Tell you for what,” you yelled, “so you can tell me to get rid of it!”
“You know me better than that,” he yelled back, you watched as tears formed in his eyes, “yes, we’ve been fucking for over a year,” a tears slipped from his eyes as he blinked and lowered his voice, “regardless of that, why didn’t you tell me, when you know I’d be glad to have a family.”
“We don’t love each other,” you stated, “we get our fill and go our separate ways.”
“That’s a lie,” he countered, “how many nights did we spend together talking without the sex? Did we not tell secrets?” He was laying down facts.
“It doesn’t matter now,” you replied, “it’s gone.”
“It’s gone?” Kihyun asked, hoping it wasn’t what he thought it was.
“I got rid of it.” You said, “I’m not ready for a kid.”
Kihyun dropped his head and fell silent, he was hurt, but deep down he knew he had to respect your decision because it was your body. He took a deep breath and decided it would be best to just leave. He took a step and almost tripped, you instinctively reached out a hand to catch him, but he snatched away from you and left without saying another word.
This, this thing that you both had was good and bad. You both stumbled upon each other by chance at a very small bar you had begun to frequent, he was alone and you. Both of you shared a drink or two and exchanged stories, which led to sleeping together. Hoping it was a one time thing, you let it go at that. But you ran into each other a few more times and then decided to just use each other as a way to find some relief in this world of madness.
Relief with no string attached, he bought the place and you both paid the extra expenses to keep this good thing going. It was so good it last well over a year. So good that after one night of drinking and talking you both went at each other with no protection. But really, the only thing you lacked, that couples shared was, the dates and introducing each other to your friends and family. Let’s or forget to mention the fact that you only meet up in the late evenings and night. But this was something hidden in plan sight.
You sighed and sat down on your couch and rested your hands in your hair for a brief moment and then reaching out and grabbing the pregnancy test off the table and placing a hand on your stomach. You lied to him, it was still with you, meaning you hadn’t made up your mind on rather or not to keep it or to get rid of it.
Another sigh passed your lips as you put the test down and stood up. This was just too much at one time for you, you were thinking, how’d he find out where you live? Neither of you had ever been to the others house, so how in the fuck did he find you? You abruptly threw the test against the wall in aggravation, shattering it into pieces. With that being enough for the night, you decided to just sleep, sleep would be the best stress relief. But sadly for you it didn’t come so easily.
To be honest, you couldn’t fall asleep properly for a week. And that was because by then you’d started the early symptoms of pregnancy. So that being said you kept it, it became her, your baby had grown to be a year old. But it wasn’t easy, the sleepless nights and constantly feeling like you weren’t a fit mother plagued you some days. But still you toughed it out and held your head up all while working to keep a steady flow of income.
That being said, today was one of those tough days, you had meetings back to back and you’d kept getting calls from your sitter, who kept saying she had to leave. But you had to complete this one last meeting before running off, for the day. It had gotten dark out, one more and your out. You took a deep breath before walking into the conference room, telling yourself it wouldn’t take long. There were only three people, plus you and your two team members and your boss. Easy right?
The moment you turned away from the board to introduce yourself, you froze at the sight of Kihyun sitting at the table glaring at you. Ah fuck, be cool sis. You cleared your throat and started the meeting as if he wasn’t there. It went smoothly because you didn’t look at him because you knew that if you did, you stumble over your words and that wouldn’t be good for anybody.
Once the meeting came to and everyone exited the conference room, spilling out into the hallway. They were conversing while you were trying to get away. The moment you began walking away from the crowd, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You turned around, it was your sitter, she was frowning.
“Ms. Y/L/N,” she started handing you your little girl who smiled at you, “I’ve called your phone many times and you didn’t answer.”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, “I’ll pay you extra,” you promised, “I’ve had meetings all day and I left my phone at my desk.” You apologized again after she complained about being late to hang out with her friends. She still agreed to come back the next day to babysit.
You sighed after she left and looked at child with a smile, “Let’s go Ki, mommy misses you.” You tossed her in the air a little making her giggle as if it’s the funny thing in the word. You kissed her cheek and started walking back to your desk to gather your things.
On your way out of the building, you froze at the sight of Kihyun sitting waiting on you. He approached you glancing between you and the child, you knew he wanted an explanation so, you spoke first.
“Let’s go somewhere and talk.” You suggested looking at your baby and then back at him, “it’s a little chilly out here, I don’t want her to get sick.”
Kihyun nodded and followed after you, to a small cafe. He didn’t say anything, he just stared at the little girl with eyes like his. He couldn’t fix his lips to say anything, he felt that he’d cry if he did.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, “I lied. I was lost and scared. I hurt you and I didn’t even think about your feelings at all. I was being selfish.”
“Why…….why didn’t you call me,” he started slowly, “you-,” he paused and looked away as he took at deep breath to control his emotions, “she looks just like me.” He stated the obvious. His eyes held longing.
You stood up abruptly and placed her in his lap, she immediately smiled at him and started baby babbling to him. A tear escaped his eyes as he finally smiled at his child, he apologized to her for not being there but that wasn’t his fault.
“Hi, I’m your dad.” He spoke softly as a small grin finally graced his face.
She giggled and stood up in his lap, before randomly giving giving him what was meant to be a kiss but ended up being a cheek full of baby drool. Kihyun let out a small yell as shock took over his face.
“You’re feisty.” He said looking at her with wide eyes, holding her a little distance from his face, to keep from her from doing it again, “where do we go from here?” He asked you.
“We can start slow,” you answered, “come and see her whenever you want, just let me know ahead of time.”
He agreed, you both slowly caught up that night, talking mainly about your child. At some point it felt like nothing happened as you two conversed back and forth like old times. Eventually you both parted ways, but he came by every chance he got. He wanted to see her as much as he could. And you, my dear, was fine with that.
A month turned into two and with it, you might as well say you were living together. Because somehow, Kihyun had begun to spend nights and days at your place, going so far as to leave some of his things there. Well ma’am, this was going on the third month, you woke up in a hurry. Both of you did.
Scrabbling to get dressed and ready for work, the sitter would arrive at any minute. You tossed your earrings in your purse as Kihyun fought with his necktie. He swore as you made your way over and helped him quickly. He kissed your cheek and said thanks. You paused after a second to realize what had just transpired. While Kihyun was oblivious to what he’d just done.
You opened your mouth to say something but the front door opened and your sitter walked in. You spoke to her hurriedly, trying to explain to her what was where and why, when Kihyun spoke cutting you off briefly.
“Good morning,” he greeted the sitter as he kissed the top of the babies head, “I’m leaving now honey, I’ll see you later tonight,” he spoke to you, “I’m going to be late, their so much going on. Bye.”
He full on pecked you lips before leaving, you stood there in a little shocked, the sitter grinned thinking it was cute.
“Stop that,” you told her, “we’re not together,” you explained, “what the hell is wrong with him?”
“Nothings wrong with him,” your sitter smirked, “what’s wrong with you?” She pointed and picked up your kid before walking away leaving you a little shook.
The day progressed slowly and as dinner time rolled around, you realized you’d be seeing Kihyun earlier than anticipated because your companies agreed to have a dinner gathering. I mean there was a joint project going on.
But all things were good and dandy as you sat at the large table alone scrolling on your phone looking at cute clothes to order for your baby. The chair beside you slid out and you looked up into Kihyun’s face.
“Oh that adorable.” He pointed out, taking a seat, he himself pulled his phone out to show you something he’d found, “take a look at this one,” he showed you as you leaned over to get a better look, “yellow would be so cute on her right?”
“Yes,” you answered, “adding a little bow would be to die for.” He swiped away from the item and you caught a glimpse of matching family wear. You sighed before speaking, it was just the two of sitting at the table anyway, “Kihyun,” you called his name and he looked at you curiously, “why’d you kiss me this morning?”
He thought for a second, “I don’t remember kissing you.” He honestly replied with a small shake of his head.
You were about to speak but was cut off by the sudden chatter of the others coming to join. You smiled and so did he but he didn’t miss the look of pure annoyance when a guy you work with made an appearance. He wasn’t working on the project so why was he there? To make matters worse, he sat next to you and Kihyun didn’t miss you rolling your eyes and letting out a low huff.
Halfway through dinner, when everyone was talking about dating, for some fucking reason. Your coworkers brought up the fact that you and said annoying coworker were both single. It was as if they were trying to hook you up with him. But as if on cue, Kihyuns coworkers also pointed out him and another guy being single and asked you which of the men you’d pick.
“I have a whole cute little baby girl,” you smartly answered, “I don’t think any one can top that.”
The table erupted with laughter, but the question was reiterated, almost as if they were pressing for an answer. But none came, so everyone went back to chatting about whatever. It was almost over when you let out a small sigh. As you did, Kihyun put his cup down after drinking from it, he got a little food on his sleeve.
Now bitch, as if on instinct, you reached over and started cleaning his sleeve with a paper towel. He smirked as you two started exchanging whispers. You made a remark about your child being clumsy and he giggled before saying that she got it from you. After a small bit of playful back and forth, you felt a tap on your shoulder, with that, your smile dropped as you turned to see what your coworker wanted.
“What’s so funny?” He asked looking between the two of you, “do you two know each other?” He added when he saw the look on both your faces.
“None of your business.” You answered coldly.
He smirked “Don’t be like that Y/N, you know how I feel about you.” He added.
You rolled your eyes, “I’ve told you no multiple times.” You flat out rejected him.
He sighed and went to speak, but you stood up and excused yourself to the restroom. Or more like to get some air, outside you stood taking a deep breath. The sudden presence beside was only one person.
“Are you alright?” Kihyun asked taking in your tired demeanor.
“I’m fine,” You replied, “I just wanna go home to our little cutie.” You looked at him and smiled a little.
“Honey,” he called you sweetly and unknowingly as pulled you into a hug, “the day will be done in no time, it’s almost over.”
“You just did it again.” You remarked pulling away from him.
He looked at you and for a second as shock took over his face, he apologized. Just as he did, your coworker appeared, he completely ignored Kihyun as he spoke directly to you.
“Are you okay,” he asked, “I don’t want anyone bothering the things I like.”
“Funny,” you huffed, “bye.”
You walked away and went back inside, after sometime of drinking a little bit, you could finally go home. But good old Kihyun offered you a ride in his car because, I mean of course you weren’t driving in that state. Him being caring and looking good while he was doing so brought back memories and with memories came feelings….the feelings brought up a flame, that you thought was put out and away. But no, this flame had begun to burn.
So imagine Kihyun’s expression when he tried to get you into his to take you home. You stopped him and pulled him closer by his tie and took a deep breath. Damn he smelled good.
“Y/N,” he bargained, “stop, this isn’t fair.”
“Why not,” you urged as one of your legs slowly moved up and around his waist, “you want it, just as much as I do,” your hand wrapped around his neck, pulling him even closer as you whispered in his ear, “I’ve missed you, I still remember everything about you. Especially your touch, please, burn me up, like only you know how.”
By now, he’d pulled away enough to lock eyes with you. So close to his lips and wanting so bad to taste them, you kissed him gently, but quickly.
“Y/N, you always like to tease,” he stated, by his tone, you knew he had folded, but he was holding back, “now isn’t the place for this.”
You scoffed and pulled away from him, opening the door to the back seat, you pulled him inside like some kind of alluring sagacious succubus. Once the door closed, you climbed on top of him and embraced him in a kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
It didn’t take but a moment for Kihyuns hands to find your bra and undo it. He took off easily as he felt you up and down leaving no parts of you untouched. His hands cup your face he kissed you gently, damn you both were in a trance.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Kihyun muttered pulling away to get some air.
But you didn’t want to breathe, so you instead kissed his neck while his hands played in your hair. You began began to grind on him, feeling how hard he was through his pants, that had long since become uncomfortably tight. You wanted it, you wanted to feel him and experience his sinfulness.
You took it upon yourself to pull his member out and push your panties to the side. You slipped down onto him and let out a soft moan and a whimper. Fuck you missed him you thought as you buried your face into his neck again as his hands found your waist. He let out low grunts as you rode him steady and slow.
Damn you hadn’t been this needy in a long ass time. You let out a shaky “fuck,” you were so tight around him as he filled up. Your legs trembled the moment you felt his grip on your waist tighten as he started fucking up into you.
You wanted to let out a loud moan but stopped yourself by covering your mouth, luckily Kihyun pulled you into a kiss and slowed down his pace just in time. Outside, a group of people were walking and stopped at a car nearby.
Kihyun’s hand found the back of neck, he pulled away as he kept bouncing you up and down on his cock slowly as to not draw attention. All the while he’d locked eyes with you. Your face was scrunched up in pure bliss as you bit your bottom lip.
“Don’t make one fucking sound.” Kihyun lowly gritted out, making you take all of him. He kissed you and slapped you cheek before gripping your chin with his free hand, “fuck me,” he demanded, kissing you again, you did but couldn’t take how hard he was, “take all it,” he ordered thrusting into hard making you let out a soft muffled whimper.
You did the best you could, taking all of his stiff cock, he let go of your neck and your head fell backwards. You were about to come, so you put your hand over your mouth to stop the sound from coming out. You couldn’t see where the group of people were standing and they couldn’t see you but by the sound of their voice, they were close.
You legs began to shake and your body began to tremble, you wanted to stop. But Kihyun had other ideas, he again gripped your waist. Holding you in place, he kept thrusting into you hard, deep and slow. Until you creamed on him and your body began to convulse. Tears streamed down your cheeks, you wanted to moan, Kihyun knew that. So he kissed hard and let you go just as the group of people outside began walking away.
As the did, his slow thrust turned into a quick rough fuck that made you moan and grip his shirt for dear life “Take it,” he stated, “look what you made me do,” he gritted fucking you harder.
Kihyun’s grip remained tight as he used one had to rub your clit. He fucked you into another orgasm as he came finally, you panted as you shivered. Kihyun shoved you off of him, out of breath himself. You both fixed yourselves quickly, regardless of how fucked out you were. You stayed in the backseat as Kihyun got into the drivers seat. By his demeanor, you knew this wasn’t over………..
When you woke the next morning, you were baffled as you recounted the events of last night. Finally you sat upright in bed and looked around, why was it so quiet? You hurriedly jumped out of bed and rushed into the living room.
You were meet with the sight of your sitter watching tv on low volume as your baby slept quietly. She looked at you puzzled and confused as to why you woke up distraught and running through your apartment like that. When you asked where Kihyun was, she informed you that he’d left very early as he was the one to call her in so early.
You checked the time, damn it was a little passed nine. Letting out a sigh, you knew you needed to talk to him. So you pulled out your phone and was met with his voicemail. You shot him a text and quickly got dressed for work. You kissed your kid on the way out and made it to work.
You were instantly asked a million questions as to where you disappeared off too and with whom. You managed to lie your way out of the conversations and went right to preparing for the meeting you had later that day.
The time rolled around and you checked your phone for what felt like the millionth time, Kihyun still hadn’t answered or text back. You huffed and cursed at him in your head as you walked into the conference room to girlish giggles and flirting.
You looked up, Kihyun, the culprit of why you had an attitude, was chatting it up with a girl from your department. The stack of files you were holding, somehow managed to slam down on the table loud enough to startle the two.
“What the hell are you doing?” You asked without thinking.
“He was just showing me a cute picture,” she answered, not realizing you were talking to Kihyun, “you want to see?” She offered.
“No thank you.” You declined and plopped down in a seat. She shrugged and went back to gushing and giggling over whatever it was on his phone. With frustration you huffed and went about flipping through files and slamming down paperwork………Bitch don’t be jealous.
“Ms. Y/L/N are you okay?” She asked you full of concern. You went to speak, but someone called her out into the hallway, leaving you and Kihyun alone.
You stared at him as he started flipped through paperwork of his own, almost ignoring your existence. You frowned and huffed and just as you went to start swearing, the annoying guy coworker came into the room. Now it was Kihyun’s turn to get jealous, his was instantly though.
“Y/N,” the guy started sitting on the edge of the table looking down at you, ignoring the fact that Kihyun was in the room, “I was worried last night after you walked away,” you looked at him and it took everything in you not to roll your eyes, “I really like you, please, just go out with me just once.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw the quick look of anger on Kihyun’s face. But you weren’t one to play games. You sighed and stood up finally and took a step back.
“No thank you,” you answered calmly , “I’ve told you, I’m not interested,” you sighed and turned to walk away.
“Y/N,” he called your name as he grabbed your arm. He pulled you closer and began speaking lowly, so Kihyun wouldn’t hear, “I don’t think you understand. Go out with me and I’ll make sure you get a promotion and a raise. Why work hard when you can do it easily.”
This prick, all while speaking had begun snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you even closer, “I mean your really pretty, even with a bastard kid.”
That part, Kihyun heard, the book he was writing in somehow flew across the room and hit the guy in the back of the head. You shoved away from him and slapped him as hard as you could. All of these actions occurred simultaneously and quickly. You wanted to claw his eyes out, but Kihyun wanted him to bleed.
Thankfully what kept him from getting his ass whooped at that very moment was the others coming in, all them being very loud and chatty. Someone asked what was going on, but the guy dismissed himself and returned shortly. You rolled your eyes and sat down, you were pissed and annoyed beyond belief.
Alas the meeting went smoothly, despite the icy look that Kihyun was giving the asshole. It was during this meeting that you learned that he’d be joining the project and that he was paired up to work with you. It was already decided by the higher ups, leaving you no room for any say in the matter.
Two week later with more of Kihyun ignoring you, the only time you saw him was at work and briefly at home. He’d stop by to see y’all’s kid when you were out and then leave, claiming he was too busy to talk.
Adding to the fact that you had to work with the asshole. Whom you kept at arms length at all times, if it wasn’t at work around people or even about work for that matter. You kept interaction with him at bare minimum.
Well bitch, again, another company dinner was planned at you had no choice but to attend. You walked into the restaurant venue and instantly spotted Kihyun sitting at a table with the same woman from the other day, giggling it up.
You walked over and sat down on the other side of him and the moment you did, she got up and left, mumbling something about your attitude being bad lately. Kihyun scrolled through his phone, again ignoring you.
You huffed and tapped his shoulder, “What’s your problem?” You asked when he finally sat his phone down and looked at you.
“Be honest with me Y/N.” He started cutting straight to the point, “what do you see me as.”
“It’s hard to place,” you answered honestly “I couldn’t place my feelings about you into any specific category before.”
“So,” he sighed, cutting you off again, “am I just a good fuck for you then?”
“No, it’s not like that-,” you tried.
“So, you have no emotional attachment to me at all.” He cut you off.
“Kihyun,” you fumed “what do you want me to say? If I don’t see you, I get mad. If you don’t say anything I get worried. I hate seeing you sad and upset! Most importantly, damn it, why are always laughing and talking to her?”
“Why are you upset about it?”
“Because you’re making me feel complicated and fucking confused.” You huffed.
He went to speak but a certain person’s presence stopped him. The prick sat on the other side of you and throughout the entire dinner, you were doing a solid job of ignoring him and not dragging Kihyun out the door to yell at him.
You thought you were completely safe until…..
“Y/N,” a coworker called your name as you sat down your cup after taking a sip of water, you hummed at her in response, “why are you two not dating yet?”
You choked on invisibility because excuse me what the fuck, “I’m fine,” you choked out, “we’ve talked about this already guys.”
Instinctively Kihyun handed you your water and patted your back. He followed up by giving you a paper towel and asking if you were okay. Your coworker pricks hand somehow, someway thought that it would a good idea to put his hand on your leg.
Kihyun had turned his full attention towards the man, while everyone else was conversing oblivious to what was happening. Before you could reach over and shove his hand off, Kihyun did it for you. When your coworker looked in your direction, he was met with a glare Yoo Kihyun.
“Let’s get out of here,” you whispered to Kihyun noting how visibly pissed he was becoming.
It take but a moment to get him outside, the moment you thought you were in the clear, Kihyun went on a full rant.
“Who,” he started passing back and forth in front of you, “who the fuck is he? Huh? What right does he have to touch those legs…..my legs,” he pointed at your legs, and made an up and down motion with his hand “I should’ve punched him in the face instead of throwing a book across the room. Ugh! Also,” he redirected his thoughts towards you, “what are you wearing that skirt anyway, I thought I hid it.”
“You’re the one that hid it,” you cut him off, pointing a finger, “this is one of my favorite skirts.”
“Mines too, that’s why I hid it, you look too damn good in it!” He huffed.
“So, that’s the purpose!” You countered
“To look good for other guys or is it for yourself?” He asked.
“It’s your favorite color, you do the math.” You folded your arms and took a step towards him.
“It’s f-for me,” he stuttered out, lowering his voice the moment you got in his face, “well when you put it that way,” he cleared his throat, “I’m sorry for hiding it.”
You went to speak but was cut off by the sound of your name being called. You took a step back from Kihyun to see who it was. Low and behold it was the prick from work. You both sighed and swore. You told Kihyun not to say a word. But, he can only hold back so much aggression.
“Is he bothering you?” He asked gesturing toward Kihyun, who’s hands were on his hip.
“It’s none of your business, take a hint and leave me alone.”
You took a step and he stopped you, “why are you being difficult?” He asked.
You went to speak, but Kihyun cut in, he looked at your coworker and scoffed “Are you deaf, she said get lost.”
“I think you’re the one who should get lost.” He demanded.
This side of Kihyun, you’d only seen once and you didn’t want to see him like that again. You noted how his ears had begun to turn red. So you grabbed his hand “Nope,” you started, “not today.”
“Baby,” Kihyun started raising his voice a little, “this man, is bothering you and me, at this point-,”
“So what,” you went back at him, “that doesn’t mean start a riot.”
“Says who,” he yelled finally pulling his hand away as he expressed himself, “you can’t stop me.”
“Ummm, Yes I can!” You frowned.
“Ha,” he laughed at you, “how, you can’t even tell Y/baby’s/N to stop throwing her food.”
“Hey,” you yelled back, “she’s stubborn because of you!”
“I’m not stubborn!” He huffed.
“Than what are you being right now?” You asked.
“Being protective over my wife!” He yelled with his whole chest.
“I’m not your wife!” You stated.
“Then marry me already!”
“We’re already married!” You replied
It fell silent as you both registered the entire conversation or argument….
“Y/N, Kihyun…” you heard your names being called and looked up. Both of groups of coworkers all stood there stunned at what they had just heard.
“This is your fault!” You yelled at Kihyun, for no reason.
“How,” he countered, “it’s his fault to sticking his nose in our business.” He pointed.
“That’s bullshit,” you countered, “you’re the one that hid my fucking skirt and gave me the silent treatment for two damn week!”
“Honey,” Kihyun started after sighing again, ignoring everything else you said, “stop swearing, pretty lips shouldn’t curse.”
“These are my lips!”
“But they’re shaped like our little angels.” He stated matter of factly
“What you going to do about it,” you tested his patience like a dumbass, “ass, bitch fuck shit motherfucker!”
He just started at you with a unreadable expression for all of two seconds before you took off running. He called after you, apologized to everyone and then chased you down the street, leaving everyone shocked, speechless and confused…….
No shit, when he finally caught you, you begged for forgiveness as he picked you up and carried you to your apartment and took you to your bedroom. Where, let’s just say, he fixed your potty mouth.
Sometime later you both were sitting in the bathtub. Kihyun was sitting behind playing with you hands, while you rested you head in his chest. It was quiet for a while, then he sighed and you looked up at him.
“This is going to be fun to explain in the morning,” He started.
“Wanna just say we kept it a secret to keep our work separated from our personal lives?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he agreed as you stood up to get out of the tub, “sounds like a good idea.” he added getting out of the tub as well.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Truth or Dare/ 2
Pairing- Minhyuk x Named Reader
Word count- 2.8k
Includes- morning sex, blow job, cum eating, cock rubbing?, riding, missionary, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa @itsshaydeekaydee @seokwoosmole @wisejudgedragonhairdo @seonghwasstar @kpop-bambi @meowmeowminnie
Masterlists- check out for more fics 📝Masterlists 📝MONSTA X Masterlist
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Waking up, I keep my eyes closed, feeling the neck of someone against my face
Still, I'm not ready to get up yet
Instead, I cuddle into whoever I'm sleeping with more, feeling their arm around me and their soft skin under my body
They feel good and I'm lulled back to sleep
I wake up again, still in the arms of some one
But this time I feel something poking my thigh
Opening my eyes, I move my head back, Minhyuk's sleeping face coming into my vision
What the fuck?
Moving my eyes down, I realize I'm naked from the waist down
And he's naked from the waist down
If he's naked then that means what's poking me is...his hard dick
Oh my fuck
What the hell is going on?
Last night comes back to me and I remember that I fucked my best friend
And it was amazing
He ate me out so fucking skillfully, his dick felt so good and he made me squirt
I've never squirted before
And I did this in front of the guys and their friends
I never had one singular thought of Minhyuk in a sexual way
But god, he was literally the best fuck I ever had
It's fucking with me right now
Because as I feel his cock poking me, remembering last night, I'm getting horny
And I want to fuck my best friend again
"Hyukie", I murmur, softly shaking his arm, "Hyukie"
"Mmmm", he whines, his arm tightening around me, holding me closer to him
His skin feels amazing against me, so soft and so pretty
"Hyuk", I say a little louder
"Yeah?", he mutters, his eyes slowly opening
His eyes focus on me and they widen so big
"Jo? What the...", he gapes, letting me go, moving back from me
"It's ok Hyuk"
"Where are your pants? Why are you in my bed....oh shit", he says as realization forms on his face
His eyes move down to his hard dick, his face turning red
"Shit", he gasps, putting his hand over himself
Like that's gonna hide his monster cock
"I'm sorry", he says, his eyes anywhere but on me
I slowly move my hand to his, pushing his hand off him, then wrap my hand around his dick
His eyes meet mine in confusion
"Want you again", I whisper, hoping he doesn't reject me
Last night everything he did was a dare
I think he just got into it, saw free sex and took it
Me on the other hand, after the first orgasm he gave me, I wanted everything we did
I wanted him
And I want him right now too
"Really?", he asks, surprised
I nod, moving my hand up and down his length, slowly
"Do you-", I start but stop when he nods
"Want you too"
I give him a small smile as I nod
I slowly push him onto his back, moving down his body until I'm face to face with his dick
Christ, it really is huge
And so hard
And honestly...pretty
"Jo..you don't-", he starts
"I want to", I tell him, looking up at him, "You did it for me last time and it's your turn now"
"I didn't do it to get anything back", he tells me
"I know Hyuk, but I want to. I want to make you feel good"
I really do
I don't know why I feel this way but I want to make him feel amazing
I want to hear him moan from what I'm doing to him
Before he can say anything, I stick my tongue out, slowly running my tongue up the underside of his cock
"Fuck", I hear him moan as I lick all the way up to his head, then swirl my tongue around his head, "Oh god fuck"
Pressing the flat of my tongue against his slit, I lick up his leaking cum, the taste of him so good
"Fuck Hyukie, you taste yummy"
"Fuck Jo", he whimpers
Wrapping my mouth around his head, I suck softly, lifting my eyes to the sight of him in pleasure
He's so beautiful it's stupid
Sucking on him, I wrap my hand around the rest of him, stroking his cock up and down in time with my sucking
He's so fucking hard in my hand but his skin is so soft
I take him in my mouth more, sucking on him desperately, loving how he feels in my mouth, how he stretches my mouth like he does to my cunt
I can't help but moan as I pleasure him, liking giving him a blow job so much more than I should
His fingers run in my hair, holding on lightly for now
Every few sucks, I move down his cock, taking him in more and more
When his head pokes in my throat, I choke as my gag reflex kicks in
Still, I shove down, forcing him in my throat
I've deep throated before
It'll a bitch to get him in but once I do, I'll be ok
"Joanne oh fuck", he pants, as I get him all in, tears running down my face, "Suck on me. Please jagi, suck my cock"
I suck once, then breath through my nose, calming my throat
Starting off slow, I gradually increase my speed with each suck until I'm going at a good pace, enjoying the feeling of his heavy cock down my throat
His fingers tighten in my hair as his breathing gets harder, gorgeous sounds pouring from his mouth
Changing up the movements, I bob my head on him, bottoming his out every time, spit all over this cock and dripping from my mouth
"Oh shit, don't stop", he yells, "I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum"
Hearing that, I move faster, wanting to swallow all his cum
"Joanne fuck! Oh god!"
His body shakes, cum shooting down my throat
I swallow over and over, a mix of my spit and his cum leaking from my mouth
"Oh god, swallow again", he whines and I do it for him
His thick cum falls down my throat, tasting so good
I suck him through his orgasm, keeping him as hard as he can be after coming
He softly tugs on my hair, pulling me off him, leaving him half hard
"Come here", he murmurs, pulling me up to him as I climb on him, straddling him
I reach between us, laying his cock on his stomach then sitting on the underside of his dick
"Fuck", he murmurs, his hands move up my hips, slowly moving up and taking my shirt with it
"Off baby", he whispers
I nod, helping him by taking the shirt off
He pulls my arms, crashing my body on top of his, undoing my bra
"Up baby"
I sit up again as he takes off my bra, tossing it to the floor
"Holy shit", he gapes, his eyes starting from my pussy, stopping on my boobs where they widen, then to my face
As his eyes move back down, I blush hard, my hands moving to cover my boobs
"No", he says softly, pulling my arms down, "Don't hide jagi. You're so fucking beautiful"
His big hands move from my hips, slowly trailing up, his touch lighting every nerve on fire, my skin trembling
"My god you're perfect", he murmurs and I'm shocked to hell hearing him
Never thought I'd ever hear that from Minhyuk
His hands squeeze my boobs, fingers running over my nipples
Pleasure run up my spine as I moan softly
"Fuck, you just soaked my dick", he groans, "Feels good?"
I nod
It feels better than good
He pinches my nipple, rolling them between his fingers and my hips move involuntarily, sliding on his dick
"Yeah baby, do it again", he murmurs
I move along his length again, his cock harder than before
"Keep going. Until you cum", he urges
I nod, moving my hands to his chest to lean on him, moving my hips fast
Pleasure blasts in my body, my fingers twisting in his shirt
"Good girl", he praises, "Faster"
My speed increase, my clit rubbing against the under side of his head
"Fuck", I shout, intense pleasure making my legs shake
Shortening my sliding, I press my clit down on his head, rubbing right against that spot
"Oh my god, Hyukie", I cry, my eyes closing in bliss
"Fuck, such a good girl", he moans, "So fucking wet for me"
"I can't", I babble, "Too good, I can't"
My head is cloudy with pleasure and I can't make sense when I speak
"Cum for me", he asks, "You can cum on my dick baby. It's ok"
Sliding again, my clit hits that spot on his head and I yell his name, my body shaking in pleasure when I cum
My god it's incredible
"Yes yes yes", he cries, "Put me in your pussy. Fuck please jagi. I need you wrapped around me"
My legs shaking, I slip up to his tip, getting his head in my hole and shoving myself down his fat cock
"Oh fuck yes", I yell when I bottom him out, immediately circling my hips to rub my spot on his tip
"Oh fuck! Tight", he gasps, "Tiny tight pussy. Fucking takes me so well"
I nod, bunching his shirt up, desperate to get it off him
With some maneuvering, I pull it over his head, tossing it somewhere in the room
Looking down at him, my brain temporarily shuts off as I take in the sight of him
Broad shoulders, muscular chest and fuck me he has abs
Why didn't I know he had abs?
"Fuck Hyuk, you're fucking hot", I gape, running my fingers over his hard ab muscles, "So beautiful"
I realize what I'm saying and I feel my cheeks heat up
One of his hands takes mine, holding tightly, "Not as beautiful as you jagi"
I smile softly at him, him smiling back and making my heart flutter
Why haven't I noticed how gorgeous his smile is?
And why the fuck is it affecting me like this?
"Ride me?", he asks softly, snapping me out of my thoughts
I nod, immediately starting to bounce on him
The feel of his cock sliding in, pushing me open sends pleasure washing over me
Wanting to keep feeling the bliss he's giving me, I move faster, loving how his cock splits me open, how hard he is, how I spasm around him
"Fuck baby, so good", he praises, " Faster. Ride me hard"
I lean on his abs, fingers digging in his skin as I move my hips in a circle as I wiggle down his cock each time I bottom him out
His head hits my spot and I can't stop the shaking my body is doing
It just feels so amazing like no one else has ever made me feel
Just him
I'm so wet, his cock just making me wetter with each bounce, his lap soaked
"Fuck jagi, you're so fucking stunning on my cock", he murmurs, his hands gripping my hips hard, "And you're pussy looks perfect wrapped around me. Opening just for me"
I nod, repeating, "Just for you"
The pleasure is turning my brain off and all I want is to feel his cock inside me
I yell in bliss as his fingers play with my clit as I slam down on him
"Cum for my cock", he urges, "You're so pretty when you cum, I need to see it again"
He will, I'm so close, desperately clenching his cock as hard as I can
"Cream my cock jagi and I promise I'll fuck you so hard right after. Do it for me"
His head hits my spot so hard stars blast in my vision just as his finger flicks my clit and I tumble head first into amazing pleasure
"Minhyuk!", I scream, wave after wave of bliss slamming my body as I explode on him
"Yes fuck. Keep going. Fuck feels amazing baby", he cries
I don't think I could stop coming nor do I want to
I vaguely feel my body moving and when I come back from the mind altering orgasm, I register that Minhyuk is on top of me, fucking into me hard
"Gonna split this pussy open", he growls, his hands on either side of my head, "Keep you impaled on my cock until you cum again and again"
I can't form words as I ride the ecstacy he's giving me
I had no clue my best friend was this wild in bed
"Fuck do you hear how loud your pussy is?"
My brain registers the loud squelching sound his cock is making every time he enters me mixing with the sound of our skin hitting each others
"Do you hear it?"
I nod, moaning softly
"This pussy loves my cock so much, loves creaming on me, doesn't it?"
"Yes", I whimper, his slams so hard, I'm moving up the bed with each thrust, his tip moving right into my spot each time
I don't think I've even been in this much pleasure before
It's like my body doesn't know what to do with it all besides take the pounding he's giving me
"Do you hear me?", he asks, grabbing my chin, moving my face to his
I realize just now he's talking to me
"I...I...", I babble, my body arching into his, my orgasm right there
"I said squirt on my cock now!", he demands, sweat plastering his hair to his forehead, "Soak my cock. Soak my bed. Now!"
He thrust so hard, sending me right into an orgasm so intense, I can't make any sounds
At least I think I'm not
My fingers hurt and I don't know why, all I know is that his cock feels so incredible as he fucks me through the bliss
When I come out of it, I ask, "Ddd..did...did...I.."
"You squirted", he smirks, pushing my sweaty hair from my face, "Good girl"
I smile weakly
"One more then I'm gonna cum inside you"
"Hyukie", I whine, not sure I can handle another orgasm of this intensity
"One more. Then you can take a nap ok?"
A nap sounds nice even though I just woke up
I feel him caressing my cheek softly, as he asks "Baby?"
"Yeah baby", I answer, "One more"
He nods, hooking his arms under my knees and pushing them to my chest
I move my hands from his sheets and I realize that my fingers were hurting because I was clenching the sheets so tightly
Shiver run up my spine when his mouth wraps around my nipple, sucking as he thrusts in my cunt
Shaking under him, I take his cock, take the pleasure, wanting to feel him cum inside me
God I want that so much
He buries in me over and over and it doesn't take long before I'm there again
How I don't know
I shouldn't have gotten so close so fast but fuck he's talented with his dick
"Make a mess on my cock", he whispers around my nipple and I lose it
Clenching down hard, I climax and immediately feel his dick throb inside me, releasing his cum
"Joanne", he moans, his hands gripping my skin hard, his warm sticky cum filling me perfectly
My god I love that feeling
"Yeah baby, milk my cock", he pleads as I do just that
I don't think I could stop throbbing on him if I tried
I watch the beauty that is him orgasming and weird feelings flutter in my chest
Feelings of wanting to be his, wanting to kiss him floating through me
It's just because we had sex, I assure myself, pushing the thoughts out of my head
He pulls out when he finishes, collapsing next to me as I close my eyes, feeling his cum leaking out of me
And surprisingly loving it
I'm so weird
I suck in breath after breath, so fucking hot and sweaty
And exhausted
When I feel his fingers running through my hair, I open my eyes to his beautiful face
He smiles softly, "Wanna nap?"
I nod, "Only if you stay with me"
His eyebrow raises, "You want that?"
I nod
I can't think of anything better that cuddling with him again
"Alright", he answers, laying next to me
It's not enough
"Hold me", I murmur, my heavy eyes closing
I feel him take me in his arms and I turn my body to him, burying my face in his neck and smelling the comforting scent that is only Minhyuk
I'm very aware that we fit together perfectly and that I feel so safe in his arms
I don't know what that's about and I don't want to think about it right now
I just want to sleep
His fingers move in my hair, playing gently and I let the good feeling lull me to sleep
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iibonniee · 7 months
Sweetest Devil Chapter One
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Pairing: MafiaBoss!Minhyuk x Fem!Reader
Genre: Mafia AU
Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: threatening, mentions of violence
Word Count: 4.9k
Masterlist | Tags: @scuzmunkie
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the partially closed bedroom curtains and creating a serene and contemplative atmosphere. A cool breeze whispered through the city’s narrow streets, carrying with it the faint scent of smoke and anticipation that managed to make its way between the barely shut window and into the spacious bedroom. In this darkness, the clandestine world of organized crime thrived, hidden beneath the surface of law and order.
Closely intertwined with the planned economy, there existed a vast underground economy comprising a spectrum of semi-legal and simply illegal activities involving state enterprises and households.
At the heart of this underworld stood Lee Minhyuk, a man shrouded in mystery and power. His iron grip stretched far and wide, his influence penetrating every facet of the city’s affairs. His reach knew no bounds, from the black market to the political arena. With caution in the enforcement of the criminal code slackening and the severity of punishment meted out softening, members of the nomenclature became, in association with organized crime, more and more involved in the underground economy, tapping a source of extra income and wealth. Misuse of privileges and power for personal enrichment, bribery, corruption, and economic criminality became commonplace among the ruling elite. 
Everything was always easy for Minhyuk. Everything was handed to him on a golden plate, feeding well into the world of privilege from a young age due to the stature and status of his father. His father, a prominent businessman, was the owner of a massive corporation, which served as a successful front for his actual operations within the mafia. The front of a well-known and highly respected company shadowed the illegal activities under its name.
Minhyuk grew up in a castle of denials. The days revolved around high-society engagements, elite schooling, and a future tied to a flourishing corporate legacy. Still, the flashes of raw power, the late-night secretive meetings, and the silenced whispers hinted at the reality hidden beneath their opulent lifestyle.
As Minhyuk matured and began to grasp the dual aspects of his father’s world, a sense of ambition and thirst for power started growing within him. However, it was not simply a handed-down legacy he desired but a footprint he yearned to create, his own legacy built on the foundation of power, fear, and respect.
And fear he created.
It was all too easy for Minhyuk. Everything was all planned and calculated the moment his father spoke to him while he was on his deathbed. Each plan was written in fine ink, ready to be put into play when given the proper chance. 
His manipulation of the power dynamics within the city was masterful, and instilling fear within his enemies became an integral part of his strategy. With the resources of the massive corporation at his disposal and a network of loyal individuals bred in the dog-eat-dog ethos of the mafia, he devised viably sinister ways of marking his territory. Word soon spread about the consequences of crossing paths with the young corporation leader, chilling tales that were sure to make even the most seasoned criminals think twice.
He mastered the art of psychological warfare by using calculated and detailed plans. He would watch and study his enemies, understanding their habits, weaknesses, and fears. He was the proverbial hunter, lurking in the shadows, observing his prey before making a move.
His preferred methodology was not necessarily immediate physical harm. Instead, he found joy in the slow dance of fear, letting his enemies sleep with the constant dread of an impending strike. He would leave his signature marks on their daily lives in places they wouldn’t expect, indicating that he was close, watching, and waiting. This induced paranoia turned their lives into a continuous nightmare, always fearful of when and where Minhyuk would strike next.
However, he was confident when the right time came to take action. It was a combination of cruelty and precision. Strikes would occur when they were least expected, ensuring the maximum psychological impact. He chose methods that would not just physically impair but that were designed to break the spirit.
His rule was a chess game, with every piece moving according to his plan and every opponent dancing to his tune. The dominion of fear was his kingdom, and he commanded it with awe-inspiring ease. He would only accept a deal if he knew everything about the company involved—its ins and outs, strengths and weaknesses. His knowledge of the workings of other companies was extensive. Beyond their financial statements and market position, he found a way to learn their most guarded secrets and their most critical vulnerabilities. 
He could easily take a company out if he cut off its lifelines, manipulated its networks, and turned its strengths into weaknesses. He could orchestrate the downfall of any entity he set in his sights. Whether it was a hostile takeover in the boardroom or a quietly executed maneuver in the market, he could crumble an empire with just a word or a pen stroke.
So he was ready when the call came from his rival, Taehyung. Taehyung might have been the head of a formidable empire. Still, Minhyuk saw only z chessboard, with his pieces primed for the checkmate. To Taehyung, it was a call for negotiation. Still, to Minhyuk, who had long since been studying Taehyung’s empire inside and out, it was an open invitation to initiate his detailed plan of destruction.
The phrase “making a deal with the devil” has a chilling resonance in the world that Minhyuk commanded. His peers were all too aware that entering a pact with him was a dangerous game. Minhyuk’s endgame was never in doubt: total dominance and the scent of fear lingering in the air. Whether it was in gleaming corporate boardrooms or murky underworld meetings, the name Minhyuk spelled a silent, impending doom.
He fostered relationships only to exploit them; he formed alliances only to break them when the odds turned in his favor. His uncanny talent to predict market trends, control financial ebbs, and anticipate his competitor’s moves underlined the fear he commanded. His rival firms understood the cost of crossing paths with him, for his punishments were legendary, as severe as they were swift, inducing a sense of living peril in those who dared to defy him.
No one dared to retaliate, for the rising tide of fear was overwhelming. This was Minhyuk’s world, his rules, and his game. When the word ‘deal’ was mentioned in association with Minhyuk, it signified not negotiation but surrender, not partnership but submission. Such was his reputation that even the audacious and resilient were wary, for they knew that those who danced with the devil eventually got burned. Every deal was a masterstroke in his favor, and each chess move brought him closer to absolute domination, upholding his reign of fear and power.
After all, everyone knew that their company was practically his once they made a deal with Minhyuk. 
The transfer of power was subtle yet absolute. Their independent operations would gradually be infused with Minhyuk’s influence until his dominion became inevitable. They were, in effect, handing over the keys of their empire to him, subdued by his power dynamics and shaken by his ruthless strategies.
Over the span of a year, Minhyuk’s influence began to grow at a pace few could match. As each month passed, so did the transfer of yet another company under his rule. Companies, once rivals, turned to allies, then gradually turned into chess pieces in his grand game of corporate warfare.
What started as fear turned into an uncontested rule of Minhyuk over most of the business empire in the city. And to those who thought they could weather the storm without repercussions, time soon revealed that none could evade the expanding shadow of Minhyuk’s influence. His strategic and relentless pursuit of dominance rendered him an irresistible force, and he rose quickly with an authority that was impossible to deny or defy. The trail left in his wake was one marked with the remnants of fallen empires and thriving ones that now bore his brand.
Accepting a deal with Minhyuk was a surrender to his rule and a testament to his strategy of control, a silent acknowledgment of the reality that had come to be: the reign of Minhyuk.
That was why when Minhyuk got the call from Taehyung, someone he had been studying for far too long, slowly watching in the darkness how his company slowly crumbled around him, he was far too thrilled to deny the chance at taking what should be his.
He remembered it as a meeting where Taehyung, once a fiery competitor, begged for help. His rival’s empire was teetering on the brink, collapsing under its own weight, and Taehyung was desperate to save it. He didn’t realize that by inviting Minhyuk in, he was unwittingly accelerating his own downfall.
At this meeting, he met Y/N, a sharp-witted, stern-faced individual who avoided hiding her disdain for him. From the first moment, Y/N’s eyes made it clear she was unimpressed and semi-aware of his reputation. But Minhyuk was enticed. For the first time in a long time, someone dared to challenge him and dared to look him in the eye without flinching. Y/N sparked a thrill within him that he hadn’t felt in a long time—an exciting prospect of a chase. 
His fascination with Y/N, however, didn’t distract him. For him, this meeting was a clear indicator of the scope of his victory. It reinforced his belief in an inevitable future where Taehyung’s company wasn’t just allied with him but firmly within his grasp, yet another chess piece in his grand scheme.
He had plans for her. He knew all too well the type of relationship Taehyung had with her. He was there to break that, too.
The moment the large oak doors shut behind him was when Minhyuk’s dark eyes met Taehyungs for the first time. Minhyuk didn’t try to hide the wicked grin slowly inching his face. Taehyung had signed off on the rights to what he and his family had built when he called Minhyuk.
Minhyuk waited a second longer, letting the silence permeate the room, emphasizing his superiority, before he finally leaned back, steeping his fingers in front of him.
“Here’s what I propose,” he began, his tone taking on a deadly serious edge. “Your company has potential, but it is sinking fast. I can provide the necessary resources to keep it afloat. In return, 70% of the profits go into my corporation. You can keep the remaining 20%.”
Taehyung whitened at the figures, but before he could voice his protests, Minhyuk cut him off, his voice icy calm. “I understand it might sound extreme, but let’s be honest. 20% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Besides, it’s your only viable option unless you want to witness the final collapse of your empire.”
The room fell silent again, the hidden threat hanging heavy in the air. Minhyuk continued, “One last thing, Taehyung. You attempt to cross me even once; you try to stab me in the back, and you will soon grasp the reality of regret. This is not an alliance of equals. You came to me. Remember that.”
Faced with the stark reality of his situation, Taehyung nodded his understanding. The look in his eyes had shifted from desperation to resignation; the reality of his impending loss was settling in. His empire was on the brink of becoming another pawn in Minhyuk’s game. The reign of Minhyuk had crept closer, consuming his world.
“Do we have a deal, Taehyung?”
“Well, under the circumstances, it appears I have little choice but to say yes-” he started, trying to inject some confidence into his voice with a snide remark on the tip of his tongue. Taehyung swallowed uncertainly, his bravado fading fast under Minhyuk’s unwavering gaze.
But Minhyuk quickly cut him off, his icy stare boring holes into Taehyung. “This is not the time for your wit, Taehyung. Do we have a deal or not?” His tone was chillingly calm, a stark contrast to the underlying threat his words carried. “Or else I will just walk away and watch you fall with your terrible company. After all, it will make more room for me to grow.”
Humbled, Taehyung took a deep breath and sullenly responded. “Yes, we have a deal.”
The reins of his once-thriving empire were being handed over to his rival, Minhyuk, and the price this alliance would cost was not lost on him. His snarkiness was a luxury he could no longer afford. As the reality of his situation sank in, Taehyung could feel the walls of his world crumbling under the reign of Minhyuk.
But Minhyuk was never stupid. Minhyuk knew the second he walked out of the doors, Taehyung would stab him in the back when given the right time. It didn’t take long for it to happen. Taehyung had thought he was smart with his actions, believing that Minhyuk was unaware of the underhand dealings he was scheming. Taehyung underestimated Minhyuk once again.
Minhyuk’s network was vast and wide, and whispers of Taehyung’s treachery reached him quickly. Hidden sources and embedded spies in strategic positions were all orchestrated to monitor Taehyung’s every move. Such subterfuge was pitiful, child’s play to Minhyuk. Minhyuk was aware of every whispered agreement in shadowy corners, veiled threat, and secret alliance Taehyung attempted to forge.
Unbeknownst to Taehyung, his betrayal was not a surprise but an awaited step in Minhyuk’s grand design. As he continued weaving the illusion of getting away with his actions, Minhyuk watched. But just as Taehyung had a knife aimed at his back, Minhyuk was ready with an entire artillery. With each passing day, as Taehyung sunk deeper into his deception, Minhyuk meticulously laid out his countermeasures. The impending downfall of Taehyung’s empire was merely a matter of time.
The dawn broke through the horizon as the sun began its daily ascent, slowly but determinedly painting the sky with orange, red, and pink hues. The chilly morning breeze danced through the open windows, carrying the sweet, tantalizing scent of blooming flowers from the courtyard. In these quiet, tranquil moments of dawn, the world seemed still, almost at peace.
Minhyuk, already busy since the sun started to rise, took a moment to appreciate the scenic transition from moonlight to sunrise before his concentration was interrupted. Three harsh knocks on his room door echoed in the still morning air, an important sound not lost on him. He knew what those three harsh knocks meant.
Instinctively, he put down his work, knowing that the rhythm of those knocks signaled urgent matters. Changkyun entered, holding a tablet tightly in his hands. His face was tense, lips pressed into a thin line, and eyes filled with a seriousness that immediately erased any notions of tranquility Minhyuk enjoyed a moment ago.
“You need to see this,” Changkyun said gravely, nudging the tablet in front of Minhyuk.
Even before Changkyun uttered another word, Minhyuk could see that it was something serious. His heart pounding in his ears, he took the tablet into his hands and pressed play.
The video started playing—silently, in black and white. It was grainy and shaky but unmistakably Taehyung. He was darting his eyes left and right as though checking for any watchers, and then he slipped into a building with a man Minhyuk recognized as one of his own associates.
“There’s audio, too.” Changkyun hinted, and Minhyuk turned the volume up. The incriminating conversation left no room for misunderstandings or assumptions. Taehyung was plotting against him and trying to sway his loyal personnel.
Bitter fury surged through his veins as he processed the video. The tranquil morning was tainted now, replaced with the harsh reality of the day. Minhyuk looked up at Changkyun, anger in his eyes but determination etched into his features, “It’s time I paid Taehyung a visit.”
Minhyuk’s entrance was as authoritative as his presence. The oak doors echoed a resounding bang as he thrust them open, their magnificence untamed, mirroring his determination. The Study, bathed in a subdued morning light, seemed engulfed in an uncanny silence, a sharp contrast to the storm that was about to unleash.
The absence of Taehyung’s secretary was evident, a small element that didn’t escape Minhyuk’s notice. A smirk played at the edges of his lips. This was confirmation, confirmation that his visit was indeed causing a ripple.
His eyes, blazing with fury, slowly took in the details of the room, eventually resting on Taehyung. Seated at his sprawling desk, Taehyung looked up - the interruption unexpected.
Taehyung’s initial surprise flickered into recognition as he met Minhyuk’s dark gaze. The foreboding look - burning, intense, burdened with accusation - made Taehyung stiffen subtly.
The tension, thick and tangible, enveloped the room. Added to the deafening silence that filled the air, the atmosphere felt palpable and ominous. It was clear - peace wouldn’t be a guest here for long.
“You know, when I make a second visit, it usually leads to the other party with a bullet in their head and the full fall of their company,” Minhyuk began, slowly walking towards Taehyung’s desk. “You can explain yourself to me right now, and I may find it within myself to forgive you, or I can watch you make up some sort of shitty lie to try to excuse this.”
A tablet crashed onto the desk, causing the silence to scatter for a fleeting moment as Minhyuk sat across from him. The playback immediately shows Taehyung in a confidential conversation with one of Minhyuk’s employees. The voices were hushed, but the audio was crystal clear.
The sharp intake of breath from Taehyung gave away his surprise at being confronted with undeniable proof of his deceit. Minhyuk looked at him, his gaze piercing and full of scorn.
“Play your game, Taehyung, and let’s see how far these lies carry you,” he said, his tone loaded with pure contempt. The threat, while implicit, was clear. This was not an idle visit. It was a reckoning. “If you think I wasn’t aware the second you tried going behind my back, you’re wrong. If you think I was stupid not to notice that I was only getting 65%, I can assure you, you’re wrong.”
Taehyung couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, a sound all the more sinister given the tense atmosphere. He met Minhyuk’s gaze squarely, not a sliver of fear in his eyes. “You always were a smart one, Minhyuk,” he mused, his voice steady as he leaned back in his chair.
“But here’s where you’re mistaken,” Taehyung continued, his grin striking a sharp contrast with his chilling words. “I never once thought you pointless. On the contrary, I counted on it.” His gaze held Minhyuk’s, his tone calm as he played with the edge of a silver pen. “Make no mistake, Minhyuk. I didn’t steal from you out of desperation. I did it because I knew I could.”
His defiant laughter echoed through the room, the sound as chilling as his cold, calculated gaze. His words held an audacious certainty, a cocky defiance that suggested he was not scared of his reveal. “So let’s continue this little game of ours, Minhyuk. After all, the grand finale is always the most thrilling part.”
Minhyuk’s expression turned cold, a silent warning to Taehyung. “Do consider this,” he began, every word laced with an ice-cold venom. “That grand finale of yours might not be as thrilling as you think if all you have left is a scorched empire.”
He leaned forward, giving Taehyung a piercing look that could cut through the hardest of stones. “Your bravado seems to have blinded you to the truth of your situation. Would I let something like that be brushed under a rug? My involvement in your company was the best thing that happened to it. And your games? They gave me the perfect reason to back away.”
Minhyuk straightened in his chair, his eyes never leaving Taehyung’s as he slowly smirked, playing his cards perfectly well. “I have enough information to expose every shady detail of your operations to the public. I could watch your empire crumble from up close or from afar. And you know I’m capable of both.”
The room fell ominously silent. The grin on Taehyung’s face vanished as he began to comprehend the gravity of his situation. His playful demeanor began to fade, replaced with a desperate realization. As the meaning of Minhyuk’s words settled, the audacious, fearless man was reduced to silence. A silence that spoke volumes.
“So I’m going to be generous just this once because I find it awfully amusing that you think you can get your way. I’ll continue to help your shitty company, but in return, I now get 95% of your earnings, and your secretary is mine.”
Minhyuk’s words seemed to echo in the room, reverberating off the sleek marble floors and the imposing bookshelves lined with countless achievements of Taehyung’s ill-gained empire. The silence followed was heavy, hanging in the air with a tangible presence, like the calm before a storm.
The sudden shift in the atmosphere was startling. Gone was the cocky playfulness that had so far characterized Taehyung’s demeanor. Instead, what followed was a quiet realization, dread seeping into his eyes that had once held defiant certainty. His proud posture slumped, his gaze dropping to the floor, unable to bear the weight of Minhyuk’s piercing gaze.
Minhyuk went to sit in the high-back leather chair, an arm casually draped over the armrest, his expression calm but his eyes displaying an evident victory. Not a word was uttered, but the message was clear. His proposition was not up for negotiation.
“Consider it as a small price to pay for the grand finale,” Minhyuk added after what felt like an eternity, breaking the silence. His gaze flickered to the grand chandelier hanging above, its crystal droplets reflecting the dim lighting of the room, then back to Taehyung. “Or, if you prefer, enjoying your last day in this office. I can picture-”
“Wait,” Taehyung’s voice hit the air sharply, like an arrow slicing through the tense atmosphere. The casual mention of Y/N had him now on high alert. His demeanor shifted, desperation tinging his voice. “Y/N has nothing to do with this!”
Minhyuk laughed, his low laughter echoing tauntingly in the room. “Oh, but she does,” he said, the glint in his eyes accentuating the chandelier’s dim light. “She’s your right hand, isn’t she? Someone, it seems you go to a lot. Losing her would hurt.”
Taehyung clenched his fists, his earlier cockiness replaced by a determined fierceness. “You can take my earnings, Minhyuk. Take 99% if you want, but keep Y/N out of this!”
But Minhyuk only shook his head, his entire demeanor radiating finality as he looked Taehyung directly in the eye. “Ninety-five percent of your earnings, and Y/N works for me. That’s not up for negotiation, Taehyung.” His words rang out, the final note of a song that signaled the beginning of the end for Taehyung’s reign. The end of his dialogue leaves the room held high in oppressive silence. “Either way, she’ll be working with me. It’s completely up to you where you find yourself in this spot.”
Taehyung sat there, forcibly trying to swallow back his anger as he processed Minhyuk’s final words. His defiance slowly gave way to a cold resignation. He knew he had no cards left to play. Minhyuk had trapped him in a corner, and all paths led to the same outcome.
With a defeated sigh, he managed a nod, the action almost imperceptible. “Fine,” he murmured, the word tasting bitter on his tongue. “Y/N... Y/N works for you.” His voice felt hoarse, threatening to crack. He could barely meet Minhyuk’s gaze as he admitted his defeat. “You win.”
Minhyuk’s face broke into a cruel smirk, a gleam of satisfaction twinkling in his eyes.
“Great!” he chimed, clapping his hands together. “I’m glad we could come to an agreement.” He leaned back in his chair, gazing at Taehyung with unwavering confidence. “Call her in, tell her it’s important. Then, fire her.” His voice was icy as he instructed Taehyung, devoid of any empathy or regret. “If you say anything about our little deal... I’ll fucking kill you.”
This was a game, and Minhyuk was savoring his victory.
Minhyuk’s words rang in the silence that hung heavily for a moment. Minhyuk was precisely where he needed to be. He could read Taehyung’s face so easily.
Straightening his suit, Minhyuk strode confidently out of the office, his neat footsteps echoing softly against the marble floor. He slipped out into the cool embrace of the outdoors, the early evening air crisp and fresh. Retrieving his phone from his pocket, nimble digits typed in a number he knew by heart—a contact he rarely called but one that held significant importance to his plans.
“Everything’s in place,” his voice was assured, filled with the finality their agreement held, as he indulged in a brief conversation. His eyes flicked towards the grand building he had just exited, his lips twisting into a satisfied smirk. This brief respite, secretive in nature, only served to fuel his sense of anticipation. “Make sure you are always a step ahead. I can’t have you slacking on me.”
The call ended briskly, leaving only the faint hum of the city around him. His thumb scanned over the illuminated screen before submerging his device back into the safety of his pocket. The gears had been set in motion—all there was left was to savor the unraveling of his carefully woven plan.
Upon re-entering the building, Minhyuk noticed a fresh presence. Y/N, Taehyung’s secretary, had finally arrived at the office. Taehyung, upon her arrival, had promptly pulled her into his office, closing the door behind them.
With a dismissive shrug, Minhyuk moved to Y/N’s vacated desk, lowering himself into her seat. He glanced around briefly before his gaze landed on her personal phone, left unattended on the polished wooden surface. An unbidden smirk curled on his lips as he reached for it—snooping wasn’t usually his style, but the situation demanded a bit of dirty play from him. As he began to skim through her files and messages, his smirk only grew wider as he read her incoming messages.
Upon the distinct sound of the office door creaking open and resonating shut with an echoing thud, Minhyuk lifted his gaze. His eyes locked onto Y/N, who had just entered the room, her face etched with surprise upon detecting an unexpected presence. A slow, treacherous smirk crept its way onto Minhyuk’s face as he reclined leisurely in Y/N’s usually occupied seat, the creak of the leather chair blending seamlessly with the palpable tension.
Minhyuk gave a low chuckle, his eyes glinting with amusement as he tapped onto her phone. “Your phone has been going off like crazy. Your friend Joohyun wants to know where you went, and Kihyun... he wanted to know where you went too.” He narrated with a teasing grin, his voice carrying a deceptively smooth charm.
Her retort was instantaneous, the sharpness of her delivery slicing through the tension like an icy dagger. “Fuck you,” she spat out, enunciating each word with a venom that only heightened his amusement. Her face was hardened, and her teeth gritted together in a mix of defiance and infuriation.
As she marched over with hurried steps, Minhyuk met her with a smirk. She reached for her phone and kept it in his possession, but much to her surprise, he had other plans. His grip latched onto her wrist, a vice-like hold preventing her from pulling away. His eyes didn’t waver from her surprised expression.
“I think you should be nice to your new boss, Y/N. After all, I could be leaving you to fend for yourself. Business is an ugly thing.” He advised smoothly. His tone was cold, laced with a chilling sincerity.
The more she tugged, the tighter his grasp grew in response. It was a silent but potent display of his seriousness.
“You’re hurting me…” she murmured, her voice reduced to a mere whisper. 
“And you hurt me when you don’t respect me.” he countered, his gaze boring into hers.
Releasing her abruptly, he watched the quick flicker of her eyes. He could see her check for any residue of his harsh grip - any bruise he might have left - with a mixture of fear and relief on her face when she found none.
“I’ll see you Monday at 8,” he spoke nonchalantly, shifting his focus back onto her. “Do not be late.”
Minhyuk’s face transformed into a triumphant smirk as he watched her storm off, her swift strides punctuated with righteous anger. He continued to watch as she disappeared into the elevator, the soft ding of its arrival doing nothing to dissipate the stiff silence left in her wake. The swiftly closing doors served as a temporary barrier, obstructing their shared visual tête-à-tête. Yet the intensity of her piercing glare was etched vividly in his mind.
Once he was left alone in the gently humming silence of the now-empty office, he withdrew his phone from his pocket. His fingers danced swiftly over the keys, composing a succinct message to an anonymous recipient. ‘You better keep an eye on her,’ he typed, his smirk never leaving his lips as he dispatched the message into the digital ether. Minhyuk was content with the knowledge that his plan was smoothly unfolding, step by step, inevitably.
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