#mini taza
adriennebarnes · 1 year
Teach Me Tonight
Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Hispanic!Reader
Summary: Y/N and Xavier are friends, Xavier asks Y/N to tutor him in Spanish
A/N: Inspired by a Gilmore Girls episode, I saw a TikTok that Xavier girls are Conrad girls (the summer I turned pretty), JJ girls (outer banks), Jess and Tristan girls (Gilmore girls), Nathan girls (One Tree Hill), and Damon girls (vampire diaries) and I am definitely a Jess girl because Xavier gives me Jess Mariano vibes
Y/N was with Wednesday and Enid talking about what movie they were going to see.
“I just don’t know why we can’t watch a horror movie.” Wednesday said.
“I will not be able to sleep of we watch a horror movie, do you want me to keep you up with my rambling? Because I ramble when I can’t sleep, I don’t think you want me rambling at 2 in the morning when you’re trying to sleep.” Enid said
“Can’t we watch that Knives Out movie? The one with Chris Evans, it’s an interesting movie, it has Ana de Armas whom I love, it’s a murder mystery, fun for you Wednesday, and it’s Chris Evans, Enid.” Y/N suggested.
“Sounds good” Enid and Wednesday agreed. They were about to talk snacks when Xavier sat right next to Y/N.
“Hey flaquito, we were planning a movie night, you wanna come?” Y/N asked.
“I wanted to talk to you, actually. I was wondering if you can tutor me in Spanish.” Xavier said. Y/N excused herself and walked away from the table with Xavier until they reach a place far away from Enid and Wednesday.
“Flaquito, why do you want to learn Spanish? You never had any interest in learning before. Do you like someone? Did you meet a mamita cubanita and now you wanna impress her?” Y/N asked.
“You are correct, I do want to impress a mamita, so like can you help me, please?” Xavier asked, more like begged.
“Yeah sure, I can help. You wanna study at the library?” Y/N asked.
“No, we can study at the Weathervane if we leave right now. Unless you’re busy.” Xavier said.
“Just give me a minute and then we can go, okay?” Y/N said. She walked back to her table. “Hey, so I gotta help Xavi learn Spanish so we can do the movie night tomorrow. I was thinking we can eat chips, popcorn, and mini cupcakes. Have a little batch of dark chocolate cupcakes for Wednesday.”
“Yeah sure, it’s no problem.” Enid said.
“I can practice my archery. Enid, you’re going to hold the target.” Wednesday said, getting off the table. Enid whimpers as she follows Wednesday to the archery range.
“Flaquito, let me change and then we can go to the Weathervane, okay?” Y/N said and kissed Xavier’s cheek before changing into a casual outfit, grabbed her backpack, her phone, and went back to the quad to meet Xavier. “Okay, let’s go.” They called for an Uber and they got dropped off to the Weathervane.
“Do you want to order something before we get started? I know I can’t concentrate if I’m hungry.” Xavier said.
“Sure, I’ll get a booth and you can order for us, I want a..” Y/N started but Xavier interrupted
“Caramel frappe with a double shot of espresso, extra caramel syrup, and a double chocolate chip brownie heated up.” Xavier said.
“Thanks, how did you know?” Y/N asked.
“I pay attention, I’ll be right back.” Xavier said. A few minutes after ordering, Xavier brought their orders to their booth. “Here’s your frappe and brownie, where do we start with the Spanish thing?”
“Umm…we can just practice Spanish words. Um…how do you say this?” Y/N says, holding up Xavier’s mug of coffee.
“Cup-ito.” Xavier said.
“It’s actually called a taza, if you want to add ‘ito’ it would be tacita But it’s fine, how do you say this?” Y/N asks, pointing to her plate.
“Plate-ito” Xavier said.
“Plato, it’s Plato, or platito, but please stop adding ‘ito’ to everything, it’s like you’re not even trying.” Y/N said.
“Okay, I’m sorry, lo siento.” Xavier said.
“So you got ‘I’m sorry’ right in Spanish, that’s good. How do you say this in Spanish?” Y/N asks holding up her phone.
“Aren’t there like a million ways to say it?” Xavier asked.
“Not a million ways but there are a few ways to say it.” Y/N stated.
“I think it’s teléfono, celular, móvil, and that’s it, right?” Xavier asked.
“Yeah, that’s all.” Y/N said, two more hours of practicing Spanish…
“Ugh, I’m bored, we should get ice cream.” Xavier said.
“Then ask Tyler for some ice cream.” Y/N said stating the obvious.
“Not this ice cream, I want ice cream shop ice cream” Xavier said.
“Flaquito, ice cream is ice cream. We’re in the Weathervane, just ask for ice cream.” Y/N said,
“But they don’t have any cones.” Xavier said.
“Cones?” Y/N asked,
“I need cones.” Xavier stated.
“Okay, so if we go get ice cream..”
“In cones,” Xavier said, elongating the O
“Then you’ll be a perfect student for the rest of the night?” Y/N asked.
“That’s right.” Xavier said.
“I cannot believe you less. Okay, we’ll walk to the ice cream shop and I’ll keep testing you, won’t that be fun?” Y/N asked.
“You have no idea how much.” Xavier said, they packed their things and started walking.
“Okay, how do you say ice cream?” Y/N asked.
“In Mexico its nieve, in general it’s helado, right?” Xavier asked.
“Así es, flaquito. You’re learning pretty fast.” Y/N said.
“Now I have a question for you, how do you ask someone out in Spanish?” Xavier asked. The question kinda hurt a little but whatever.
“Um, you’d say ‘quieres salir conmigo’ for the general ‘you wanna go out’, if you wanna specify that’s it’s date, it’s ‘quieres salir conmigo a una cita’ but i Don’t like how that sounds personally.” Y/N says.
“Okay, um, are there any pet names you can say on Spanish? Besides flaquito because i know that means skinny.” Xavier.
“Yeah sure, flaquito, there’s mi amor, mi vida, mi cielo, corazón, querida. You could use that on her. Preciosa, linda, bonita, mi niña bonita, mi niña linda, mi niña preciosa, but that’s what my dad calls me so replace niña with chica and you should be fine on that front too.” Y/N said.
“Okay, that sounds good, thanks.” Xavier said, they made it to the ice cream shop and Xavier order for them and paid.
“You didn’t have to pay, flaquito.” Y/N said,
“Of course I did, you’re paying for the Uber.” Xavier said, Y/N then called for an Uber and they got to Nevermore. “Thank you for tonight, I’m gonna ask the girl out tomorrow.
“Yeah, im glad I could help.” Y/N said, they both went to their dorms and when Y/N went to her dorm to see Enid and Wednesday doing face masks. Enid is wearing a green clay mask, Wednesday is wearing a charcoal mask obviously.
“I would love to ask questions about you and Xavier but we gotta rinse these off.” Enid said stiffly, Enid rinsed her mask first and then Wednesday. “So what happened?”
“Nothing much, Xavier is going to ask someone out so I taught him Spanish, we got coffee and ice cream and her ordered for me and paid.” Y/N said.
“At least he paid.” Wednesday said.
“True. Let’s just watch a movie.” Y/N said,
“Can we Watch 10 things I hate about you?” Enid asked.
“Yeah sure, put it on the TV.” Y/N says laying down on her bed.
“I Don’t want to watch a Romantic comedy.” Wednesday said.
“Then watch a horror movie on my computer, it’s right there.” Y/N said pointing at her laptop.
The next day, Y/N woke up to knocking and she opened the door.
“Flaquito, It’s early, what do you want?” Y/N asked.
“To ask you something.” Xavier said,
“Make it quick, flaquito, Wednesday would probably chop my head clean off with a guillotine if I wake her up.” Y/N said walking into the hallway, closing the door behind her.
“Mi vida, quieres salir conmigo? Podemos ir a una cena romántica, ir por otro helado, lo que quiere la princesa.” Xavier said. Y/N was shocked.
“Wait, wait, did you learn Spanish so you could ask me out?” Y/N asked.
“Technically yes, I also learned Spanish so it would be easier to talk to your parents when I meet them. But yes, I learned for you,” Xavier said.
“You’re so sweet. And yes, I would love to go out with you,” Y/N said,
“Okay, great, I was practicing on Ajax for half an hour.” Xavier said, hugging Y/N.
“You were that nervous?” Y/N asked.
“Yes, yes I was. Wanna go get breakfast with me? We’re already up.” Xavier said.
“I’ll change and we can go eat breakfast.” Y/N said, she went to her dorm, changed, and met with Xavier in the hallway.
“You wanna go to the diner? I don’t feel like having Nevermore breakfast.” Xavier said.
“Yeah, we can go to the diner. Would this be our first official date or..?” Y/N asked.
“Our first official date is going to be much better than a diner. But let’s go, im hungry.” Xavier said.
“Yeah, Let’s go.” Y/N said.
The End
Hope you liked it, give me some more ideas for fanfics, I’m running out
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luna3435 · 5 months
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...que sigan teniendo una linda tarde, para poder disfrutar de un mini taza de té 😉 jajaja
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senig-art · 4 days
Después de 4 meses trabajando con esto, puedo publicar las imágenes de esto en HD
Un trabajo muy complicado, ya que como mencione antes no soy animadora y no hacia tantas animaciones con las que mantenerme o tomar como referencias, pero puedo decir que hice lo que pude y se que puedo mejorar.
El trabajo trataba de realizar gif animados para cada canción, muchos de ellos fueron complicados, pues no sabia como hacer que se viera como había echo en mi storyboard, buscaba muchas referencias, y algunas no me salían así que optaba por cambiar en causando que tuviera que volverlos a hacer de cero.
Los mas complicados fueron para mi:
Eternity: Por los grafitis y el cambio de las luces y movimiento de fondo.
Magic: En cuanto llegue a el, mi inspiración murió y dibujar la idea se me complico, hubo muchas ideas a la hora de realizarlo y hubo muchos cambios, pero como se me complico, solo se hiso una mini gif con el robot.
Akira: Era muy complejo, quería animar muchas cosas, pero se me hacían eternos, por sus detalles y el robot mesero y su mano moviéndolo para que pareciera limpiar la taza ( tambien intente animar a Crazypop, como si se moviera un poco, pero no lo logre hacer bien, así fue que termino como algo sin vida.)
Travel: Aquí fue el reto, hacerlo caminar y mover el fondo, tuve varias ideas, hacer diferentes restaurantes para que solo se moviera el piso junto a los edificios, pero quería hilarlo con la primera canción Inside así que hice este fondo con edificios grandes moviéndose al estilo de Digimon del ending de la primera serie, claro no es igual, pero fue la idea que me dio. Así que ante todo, estuvo fácil hacerlo lo complicado fue que no pude hacerlo en el programa usualmente y tuve que usar otro y pasar todo a eso al otro programa.
Con esto dicho, pueden ver los videos por separados allí los pondré junto a las imágenes para que se queden con la música que prefieran.
A mi me gustaron Eternity, Akira y Travel. Si quieren decirme cuales les gusta los invito a escucharla y luego me dicen cual les gusto mas.
Bueno aquí vamos:
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Espero y les guste 💜💜💜
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pedripepinillo · 1 year
pedri está enfermito y vos cuidándolo:
le habías dicho que no era buena idea ir al entrenamiento cuando estaba lloviendo terrible afuera, ademas que hacía un frío tremendo. también lo habías enviado al entrenamiento con doble buzo y la térmica, pero por alguna razón u otra pedro logró coger un resfriado.
“te lo dije.” murmuraste pasándole la taza de té de menta caliente. sabias que odiaba ese té pero en esos momentos no había otra cosa para darle.
“¿puedes dejar de decirme eso? mejor ven que te abrazo” abrió los brazos para acunarte entre ellos pero no querías contagiarte así que lo hiciste a un lado.
no querías caer en lo grosero, pero te enojaba que tu novio se enfermara porque solo querías verlo bien y sano.
“déjame cuidar de ti, coopera.” dijiste mientras ponías el termómetro debajo de su brazo. estaba hirviendo y eso te preocupaba mucho.
pedri hizo una mueca, se veía extrañamente adorable con las mejillas rojitas y el cabello pegado a su frente. tenías tantas ganas de solo abrazarlo y dormir así, pero debías cuidar de él o de lo contrario no podría jugar en los próximos partidos.
“no quiero tomarme la pastilla” dijo haciendo un puchero.
“pero es por tu bien, pepi.” insististe mientras le pasabas el vaso con agua y la pastilla para el dolor de cuerpo y cabeza.
“no me digas pepi si me vas a obligar a tomarme la pastilla, eso es como traición.” rodaste los ojos ante su capricho, te inclinaste para dejar un beso en su frente y él lo aceptó gustoso.
“listo, tómatela”
“bésame bien…”
“pepi, la pastilla primero y después el beso”
“¡bésame bien, t/n!” hizo su mini rabieta y accediste a besar sus labios, a este punto te daba totalmente igual contagiarte.
luego de que lograras darle la pastilla, ambos se acostaron en el sofá mientras veían una película vieja en la televisión.
pedri estaba por quedarse dormido, las caricias en su espalda y en su cabello lo relajaban demasiado, y vos solo querías hacerlo sentir bien.
él se tomaba el tiempo de enlazar todos los lunares visibles en tus brazos, besando tu cuello cuando alzaba la cabeza.
“t/n…” susurró y vos bajaste la vista para mirarlo por sobre el oscuro ambiente de la sala.
“¿me amas?” preguntó, y tú rodaste los ojos como por octava vez en el día.
esa pregunta te ofendía.
“si, pepi, te amo”
“¿me haces unos sanguchitos?”
“… si”
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newyorkrican922 · 11 months
My thoughts on the series finale of Mayans…
I think we all agree this last season was rushed af. Most of the storylines were a discombobulated mess. Was it there greatest series ending? No. Was it the worst? Also no. There are some things I liked and A LOT I didn’t. Here’s my list of what I liked and how I wish some storylines went.
I agreed…
1.) With the way EZ died. Since he took over he was very much given dictator vibes. I enjoyed the way the club going all Julius Caesar to kill him. I also think we all knew that Angel was going to have a hand in EZ’s death since day one. (At least I did). There was always a Cain and Abel factor in there, even if Angel was reluctant to do so.
2.) Speaking of Angel, I did appreciate the fact he lived and got away with Maverick. The beach scene was honestly the best thing in the whole finale.
3.) Marcus/El Padrino getting out of the life and living the rest of his days with his family. He came a long way.
4.) Bottles and Nestor getting patched in. Though Nestor should’ve been patched awhile ago. I would have loved to see him as a full fledged member.
5.) Isaac dying. He was a great fucking villain, but he had to go. I wish Hope was the one who did it though, but I was okay with EZ being the one to do it.
… yeah that’s about it.
I disagreed…
1.) As much as I love Taza, he should’ve died and not be able to live his life as a nomad. Killing Riz was the start of all of this! Literally lead to the civil war between the Mayans, the war with the Sons, and the cartel. It should’ve been done back when the Mayans showed up in Santo Padre. I don’t understand how he got off scot free.
2.) Miguel, Ez, and Angel not knowing that they’re brothers! What was the point of all that if they were never going to find out? It should’ve been addressed a lot time ago in Season 3 or 4.
3.) Killing Sofia. I’m sorry, but this was bullshit to me. She didn’t know EZ worked with the Feds. If they’re going with the whole “she’s a liability” route, the same applies to Angel. I would have loved to see Angel take her and Sally. They could’ve both gone out, start a new life, and raise their kids together.
4.) NOT KILLING POTTER!! Omg this man is like a cockroach! Potter should’ve definitely been a goner and Miguel be the one to take him down with Devlin. Katie/Kody could have taken his place or Devlin a la Agent Stahl and haven them focus on the Mayans.
5.) Speaking of Devlin, if they were going to get Miguel out of the way, I would have loved to see Emily work out some sort of deal with her to ensure Miguel spends the rest of his life in prison and pull a double cross rather than kill him.
6.) Angel not knowing Luisa/Adelita is dead. I would’ve have loved a scene with Mini showing up somewhere and telling Angel everything. Well maybe minus the part where she was the one who killed her.
7.) If Isaac was going to die this whole time, why did Hope have to? We should’ve seen Hope and Letty halfway to Ohio or the Broken Saints take them in.
8.) ATF busting in and killing the whole charter!!! This would’ve been a great ending if it was just a season finale, not a series finale! We should’ve at least seen a few members (Gilly, Hank, Bottles, Nestor, and Guero being cuffed) .
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nekoannie-chan · 9 days
Tomándose de las manos
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Título: Tomándose de las manos.
Fandom: Marvel, Capitán América.
Pareja: Brock Rumlow X Sinthea Schmidt.
Palabras: 225 palabras.
Cuadro: 5 “Tomarse de las manos.”
Clasificación: B.
Sinopsis: Un momento especial entre Brock y Sin.
Advertencias: Fluff.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Marvel Rare Pair Mini Event Spring Fling 2024. SFW Spring Fling Bingo Card #3.
Links: Wattpad, Ao3, versión en inglés.
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Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @azulatodoryuga
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Brock no era alguien que solía prestar atención a los detalles pequeños. Sin embargo, cuando conoció a Sinthea las cosas comenzaron a cambiar de maneras que nunca hubiera anticipado.
—Necesitamos un descanso —Sin murmuró, frotándose los ojos con cansancio.
Brock asintió en silencio y se levantó, dirigiéndose hacia la pequeña cocina de la base para preparar algo de café. Sinthea lo siguió, sus pasos resonando en el suelo.
Mientras el café se preparaba, se quedaron en silencio, algo que era raro en ellos. Sinthea se apoyó contra la encimera, observando a Brock mientras él vertía el café en dos tazas.
—Gracias, Brock —dijo suavemente, aceptando la taza que él le ofrecía.
Él simplemente asintió, pero había algo en su mirada, algo que no había estado allí antes. Sinthea lo notó y, por un momento, todo se desvaneció, era como si el mundo se hubiese detenido.
De repente, un ruido provocó que se sobresaltara y la taza de Sin se tambaleó en sus manos.
Brock reaccionó instintivamente y en ese breve momento, sus dedos rozaron los de ella, enviando un escalofrío inesperado por ambos.
—Estás bien —él preguntó.
Sinthea asintió, pero no retiró su mano. En cambio, sus dedos se entrelazaran con los de Brock. Fue un gesto pequeño, pero el inicio de algo más.
—Gracias —repitió ella, pero esta vez, no solo por el café.
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redpoodlern · 11 months
Jenni has thoughts about the finale. About the series as a whole. 🤷🏼‍♀️
**there will be spoilers**
I’m just gonna start by saying it as many of y’all already know it. I’ve been hate watching for awhile now because I had to see how it ended. I did initially love the show. And Creeper 💔
For me, the finale was horribly written & just ridiculous in several ways.
1. The Mayans ended Samdino in just a few minutes. Issac was dead in the first 30 minutes of the finale. Let that sink in. These guys have been at war with Samdino in some way for seasons!!! We have watched this go back and forth FOR SEASONS and they were able to take the whole charter out in mere minutes. Because series finale.
Now, I personally had a love hate relationship with Issac. The actor had to have had fun in that role with all the havoc he created. Hell even Tig seemed to think he was crazy. And he goes out sniveling and trying to escape EZ. That makes no sense and completely anticlimactic.
And really, if it was so easy to annihilate Samdino, why didn’t they for Coco?
2. In a similar situation, Emily & Miguel. He tried but couldn’t kill her SEASONS AGO. She tried to get away and was dragged back and suddenly, she’s able to kill not only Miguel but his bodyguard too. Completely making them think she was compliant. Because series finale. Now, I was not invested in this at all. I liked season 1 Miguel and was glad he got back to that vengeful cartel boss but really. She just kills him. Whatever.
3. I absolutely loathed EZ. He never should have been president as it didn’t make sense. His character has been all over the place. He’s a genius but all of his plans go to crap. And he has that insane memory that never came up in later seasons. Then suddenly, his plan go his way but he’s suddenly very dark where he wasn’t written that way before. But anyway-
I WANTED to SEE Miguel, Angel & EZ find out they are brothers and navigate that and we were not given that opportunity BUT it kept being brought back up leaving us expecting to see it.
4. This was a “BROTHERHOOD”. Quotations and capitalizations all mine as they constantly talked about brothers over everything else but it was ALL talk.
We saw them all abandon Coco in season 3. That was an awful story. Then his daughter & girlfriend after his death. Season 1 and even season 2 Angel, Gilly and Coco were always together. When was the last time we saw any hint of that friendship? When was the last time we saw them riding together? Laughing together? For any members of this brotherhood?
Creeper was in prison and apparently, his only contact was Hank. Except when EZ had to go see how much he knew. Katie/Kody showed up during his funeral and the brotherhood seemed to think she was still Creeper’s girl. Why did they think he was in prison? Did anybody ask?
I wanted to see the brotherhood more. I didn’t want empty clubhouse scenes with 1 brother and whoever. I wanted the brotherhood. I was all for fleshing out Creeper, Hank and Gilly but not at the expense of the brotherhood.
5. Everybody (mostly) just dies in the end. Except thankfully Angel and Maverick got out. I wanted that. It sucks that Angel thinks Luisa left but her death made sense. Luisa herself taught Mini/ Adelita everything. The cartel was the devil to her and killing it was all she knew. And without her death, Angel wouldn’t have left. And if Angel knew she was death, he probably would have wanted revenge.
Thankfully, Marcus survived. I really liked the finale showing his new beginnings with the birth of his son. And so glad he and Bishop were mending their relationship. I needed that scene.
Emily lives. Taza lives. Now, I know he had a ton of love but I really needed him in someway to pay for killing Riz. You know the brotherhood. I guess exile was his punishment but it also saved his life. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Letty. I may be in the minority but I think the Broken Saints killed her. It had to be obvious to them that she had something to do with the fire considering her disappearance. And the way she nodded at them as she got out of the car, I just figured she was okay with death. But also she went to the clubhouse to “kill” but had to expect them to also kill her. On a side note, why that whole “mother” conversation? It never went anywhere. Although I personally feel like Mother was suppose to be Wendy. Why else would she have been around after EZ left their ranch?
EZ needed to die. And honestly, I hate that his death so closely resembled Jax killing Gemma. Did we really need to see him at peace with it and telling Angel to do it? I guess Angel needed it. But really if he hadn’t died then, he would have anyway in the last few minutes as I can’t imagine there were any survivors after that assassination raid.
I didn’t care that Potter survived. He was definitely unhinged in Mayans compared to Sons but honestly, he’s like Cher & cockroaches. He will always survive; whatever it takes.
For a show that talked so much about distancing itself from the OG, why did they keep seeming to mimic it? Why did EZ have the quickest ascent to presidency in any MC ever? Why was there main adversary Sons? It also seemed like they didn’t realize they only kill a charter. A charter that was so off the rails crazy. I feel like it needs to be pointed out that even Charming had written off Samdino.
The writing was just too lazy for me. Too many plot points that went nowhere. Just abruptly ending things. Characters not being consistent from season to season.
I feel like I’ve already gone on forever so yeah. That’s my thoughts.
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blue-hero-shipping · 1 year
Una visita inesperada (1/?)
An unexpected visit (1/?)
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Aquí un mini cómic que hice ayer (o hoy mejor dicho) en la madrugada
No se cuántas partes van a haber pero no quiero que sean más de 5 pero bueno
Y si, ese es el Tom de la película
Porque mi AU es composite así que ni modo
(Solo en la parte de sonic,el universo mania y el de boom nada que ver con este AU,son Aus apartes solo para aclarar)
PD: No tomen dos tazas de café con leche horas antes de dormir
Here is a mini comic that I did yesterday (or rather today) at dawn
I dont know how many parts will be but i dont want it to be more than 5 but it doesnt matter
And yes, that is Tom from the movie
Because my AU is composite so dont mind that
(Only in sonic side,the manía universe and the boom universe have nothing to do with this AU,they are separate aus just to clarify)
PD: Dont drink 2 culpa of coffee with milk hours before bed
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Degrees of Separation (1)
Taza Romero x M!Reader
Summary: You transferred out of Yuma and into Santo Padre in a last-ditch attempt to outrun old ghosts and old problems. The small charter, located in an even smaller border-town, seemed like the perfect place to try and shake off everything that had happened to you so that you could start over. You were ready to live with your old secrets. But the deeper you get into the charter, the more you realize you may have simply traded in your old secrets for new ones, and this time you wouldn’t be going down for them alone.
Chapter Index
Warnings: language, alcohol
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: The way that I have thought about this request every day since I received it. I’m just. Obsessed with this whole idea. This is going to end up being a mini-series (how many parts?? unclear. we’ll find out together). This part is mostly just setting the scene for the rest of it but I’m so excited for this. 😌
Mayans Taglist: @garbinge​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @paintballkid711​ @queenbeered​ @kelpies-shed​ @sesamepancakes​ @yourwonkywriter​ @chibsytelford​ @gemini0410​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​ @plentyoffandoms​​ @amorestevens​​ @twistnet​​ @themoonandthewicked​​ @bucky-iss-bae​​ @encounterthepast​​ @bport76​​ @rosieposie0624​​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​​ @mijop​​ @choochoo284​​ @blessedboo​​ @holl2712​​ @lakamaa12​​ @masterlistforimagines​​ @toni9​​ @shadow-of-wonder​​ @withmyteeth​​ @crowfootwrites​​ @redpoodlern​​ @punkgoddess-98​​ @black-repunzel99​​ @lexondeck​​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​​ @i-love-scott-mccall​​ @mijagif​​ @frattsparty​​ @winchestershiresauce​​ @mveggieburger​​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​​ @thanossexual​​ @xeniarocks​​ @littlekittymeow​​ @beardsanddetectives​​ @bruxasolta​​ @passionatewrites​​ (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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When you made the decision to transfer to Santo Padre, you were nervous. Despite knowing that staying with your current charter was going to cause more problems than it was worth, there was still the lingering feeling that even if you left and went to a different charter, it would just be more of the same. As much as you wanted to blame the issues on the men from Yuma, you couldn’t help the nagging voice in the back of your head that said maybe you were the problem.
But the transfer went through without a hitch. They didn’t explicitly say it, but you knew that the men from Yuma weren’t sorry to see you go, the same way you weren’t sorry to leave. Santo Padre wasn’t a charter that people commonly wanted to shift into, so they were more than happy to accept you in. You weren’t sure if they really pried all that much into what your role had been in Yuma, or the reasons behind you leaving. You wondered if Canche and the rest of the officers would tell the truth about the growing rift, or if they would just try to smooth over it in the hopes of getting you out faster. Whether or not they were honest, Bishop and the club gave you the immediate greenlight to transfer.
So, now, here you were. New flash stitched into your kutte and slowly but surely figuring out where you fit in within the ecosystem that Santo Padre had already built for themselves. Part of you understood why transfers weren’t exactly flooding into the charter—it was placed in the middle of fucking nowhere along the border. But change was what you needed, and this certainly was different.
The guys were all nice. You could tell that they were still trying to figure you out a little bit, and you couldn’t blame them for that. But no one was rude to you in the slightest. It was just a little awkward, if anything, but that was better than what it could’ve been. Even if you were still a little on the outskirts of things for the time being, it gave you the opportunity to see the way all of these men interacted with one another, the little sub-groups within the club. The love was there all around, but it was clear that some of them gravitated more toward certain people. You wondered where you would end up, who you would gravitate towards.
One thing that you fell into the flow of right away was shifts at the scrapyard. They wasted no time putting you on that rotation with the rest of the guys. You didn’t mind it, but you still found it a little amusing. You liked being able to keep your hands busy, though—that was a definite plus.
You’d finished your shift a while ago, but you didn’t have any intense desire to head right home. Your new apartment wasn’t bad, but it didn’t quite feel like home yet. You knew that was only going to change by you spending more time there and maybe throwing up some decorations besides the bare minimum furniture that you had, but it just wasn’t at the top of your priority list. All of that being the case, you were busying yourself with some routine maintenance on your bike.
The sound of footsteps getting closer didn’t even register as you zeroed completely in on the task at hand. Taza waited silently behind you for a few moments to see if you would notice, biting back a chuckle when you didn’t. He cleared his throat to get your attention, laughing quietly at the way you flinched at the sound.
“Didn’t mean to interrupt.”
You shook your head, standing up from your crouched position as you started to wipe the grime from your hands. “Not interrupting. Just, um, didn’t hear you.”
He nodded, a relaxed smile on his face. “I noticed,” he nodded towards the bike, “All good?”
You nodded. “Yea, yea. All good.”
He studied your face for a moment. “And you? All good? Handling the change to Santo Padre alright?”
You shrugged, nodding, “I think so. It’s different…new.”
“Think you’re the only new thing about Santo Padre in a long time,” he chuckled.
“That’s right.” You let out a small laugh as you shook your head. “Not even your prospect is new. He grew up here, right?”
Taza raised his eyebrows, and you couldn’t tell if he was impressed or amused, or perhaps both. “Did your homework?”
You shook your head. “Just eavesdropping.”
“Same thing,” he joked. There was a beat of a pause before he said, “If you’re not looking to go home, and I’m guessing you’re not,” he gestured towards you and the bike. “Clubhouse will be busier than usual tonight if you wanna stick around.”
It’d been pretty quiet your first few weeks in Santo Padre. You knew that some clubhouse parties got out of hand no matter what charter was hosting them. Something told you, though that Santo Padre kept things relatively tame most of the time. You weren’t upset about that, happy to put the constant chaos of Yuma behind you.
You nodded. “Sounds good.”
Taza clapped you lightly on the shoulder. “Good.”
You had done what you could to wash up in the semi-functional bathroom of the clubhouse. It wasn’t as good as showering at home, but it did the trick. Changing out of your work clothes was half the battle, anyway. Swapping out your Romero Brothers shirt for a plain black long-sleeve and your kutte, putting your rings and necklace back on, and fixing your hair made you look like an entirely new man.
The party was busy but not chaotic. For the most part, you lingered by the bar and watched everything unfold, trying to see how everyone moved and operated. There was no tension in the air, which was new for you—everyone just seemed like they were genuinely having a good time. You chatted with EZ a bit since he was behind the bar. You could hear the shred of sympathy in his voice, knowing that being new wasn’t particularly easy whether you’re a prospect or a transfer.
“Why SP?” he asked as he popped the cap off a beer bottle and handed it to you.
You let out a dry chuckle. “Because it’s not Yuma?”
EZ laughed, nodding. “Fair.”
You gestured to the clubhouse, “This seems more my speed anyway.”
You’d kept a pretty low profile since you transferred. You wanted to be useful, but you weren’t looking to make waves, especially not before you got a good grip on the dynamics. Laying low was one of the things you considered yourself good at, so you tried to keep doing that until you felt the need to do otherwise.
However, no amount of laying low was going to stop the hang-arounds from spotting what they considered to be fresh meat. As the night continued on, a few of the women approached you, some more persistent than others. You tread carefully, the way you always did, but still made it clear that you weren’t interested. It was a thin line to walk, trying to save your self-respect but also not rock the boat and blow up your own spot. At one point, you decided to just remove yourself from the situation entirely, getting up from the bar and leaving the women to be EZ’s problem, and he certainly didn’t look like he minded that in the slightest.
One of the couches off to the side was empty, so you found your place there. Riz was plucking away at his guitar, perfectly content with the woman who was fawning over him. You didn’t try to hide your amusement over the whole thing.
You were pulled from those thoughts when you felt someone sit down next to you. Looking over, you felt relief wash over you when you saw that it was Taza sitting next to you, not one of the women you had tried dodging before.
He looked at you for a moment before returning his attention to the busyness of the party happening around you. “They stop after a while.”
You knit your brows in confusion. “What?”
He tilted his beer bottle in the direction of the bar, where the girl you’d just up and left was still drooling over EZ. “The hang-arounds. They stop after a while. Takes a bit for them to get the hint.”
Fear shot down your spine and you shook your head. “Oh, I don’t, I just—”
“I get it,” he still wasn’t quite looking at you, “You don’t have to explain.”
It felt like it took about five tries to get out the word, “Okay.”
Taza laughed as he nodded towards the bar, where Angel had now materialized. “The Reyes brothers should keep them more than busy, anyway.”
You chuckled, some of your nerves dissipating, “Right.”
39 notes · View notes
From Blood, Love and Courage - Chapter Fifteen.
A huge thank you to the little following of very lovely people this story has gained! You are such kind people :) As usual, 25 notes are needed to unlock the next chapter! 
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen
Words - 4,231
Tag list - In the comments, please message to be added/removed
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Don’t touch the bird, he’s spicy,” Taza spoke, entering the office to find a man waiting about to reach for Charlie, pulling his hand away quickly. “C’mon, badass. Mama will be back in a minute.” He tapped his shoulder, Charlie hopping on.  
“Don’t you do it!” Taza warned, pointing a finger. Charlie had a habit of chewing the arms, or stealing them from off his face altogether. “Okay, how can I help?”  
“Got these from the weighbridge.” Handing over the slips of paper, Taza took them, entering the weights and metals, adding up what they were prepared to pay for each haul against current market values per tonne. The entire way through the transaction, he had to fend Charlie off from repeatedly making a dive for his sunglasses, taking off one of his rings in the end and giving it to him to play with, the guy on the other side of the counter very entertained by it. 
“Oh man, in light of the news about that poor kid hanging himself off the bridge, that’s made me laugh so much. He's awesome,” he chuckled, Charlie inspecting the silver ring in his grasp, muttering to himself. “Is he yours?”
“No, he belongs to the lovely young lady behind you.” He offered the cash across the counter, the man leaving just as Lily was re-entering, carrying with her coffees in one hand and a box of doughnuts in the other. “Did you go out and get those by yourself?” he asked, his face lighting up with pride.  
“I did, but I panicked so much on the way, I threw up in a trash can.” The local mini mart was only the three block walk away, but still, it was huge for Lily to have even thought about venturing out to it alone, Taza telling her as much. “Little steps, and no rushing, or the watch won’t tick.” she confirmed, opening the box up.  
He winked, taking a coffee and a doughnut, Charlie hopping from his shoulder to hers. “That’s the spirit, kid.” Taking his ring back from the insane bird he was very fond of, he left her to it, Lily entering the sale he’d just made and also putting down a few purchase invoices that had come through on email, enjoying her jelly doughnut while she did, Coco and Hank coming in to grab theirs after a few minutes.  
“Good morning, Feathers McEvil,” Hank said, nodding at Charlie and raising his coffee cup.  
“Fuck you.” It was the exact reaction he was expecting, being on Charlie’s blacklist. As were Gilly, EZ and Riz. Coco, on the other hand, he was good with, the man himself scratching his feathers, Charlie ambling onto his arm, Coco turning back to the door as he heard a bike pulling in. “Yo, I didn’t think your ole’ man was in until later?”
“He isn’t, why?” Lily asked, only half concentrating as she tapped on the computer.
“He just pulled up.”  
“Bro time!” Charlie announced, whistling happily, hissing at Hank when he took a wide berth to leave the office again. He was off Coco’s shoulder and onto Angel’s in a second, nuzzling his head under his chin and beginning to groom his beard, making little noises of delight.  
“You okay, man?” Coco asked, noticing Angel frowning.  
“I dunno. Can you give me and Lily a few minutes?”
He nodded, patting his arm and leaving, Angel closing the door behind him.  
“Hey honey, I didn’t expect you in this early?” Lily spoke as he walked towards the counter, placing Charlie back on his perch on the way and taking a seat beside her.  
“Yeah, I didn’t expect to be either. Look, there’s something I need to talk about you with,” he began, Lily turning to him with concern.
“What is it? You’ve gone a little pale.” She stroked his hair lovingly, leaning forward to kiss his cheek, her hands resting on his thighs.  
He pulled his phone out, unlocking the screen. “I was reading about that kid who offed himself this morning, and ended up reading his suicide note,” he began.
She couldn’t help but interrupt. “That’s a little macabre, isn’t it?”
“True, guilty as charged, I guess. But, in me being curious, I discovered something in that suicide note. A confession he made, one of guilt, about...” He paused for breath, taking her hand and squeezing it. “About being paid to beat and rape an innocent woman.”  
Something cold and spiny licked her insides as his words penetrated, Lily feeling her heart begin to escalate. She nodded, pressing her lips together, closing her eyes and counting her breathing. In for six, out for six. It helped her when she felt like her lungs were closing out of panic. It had assisted earlier, when she’d been bent over the trash can, hurling up her eggs on toast. “Okay, and what, you want me to see if I recognise him? That’ll be tricky, since he was masked.”
“You said the guy who was reluctant spoke, about you choking on the gag. I’m wondering if you’ll recognise his voice, and his Instagram has a lot of videos where he’s speaking. I know it might be a long shot, that I could be putting two and two together and making thirty fucking eight, but it just struck something within me. If he felt bad about you enough to show reluctance, and pull the gag out of your mouth when he thought you were choking, those actions kinda fit with someone who would end up killing himself over that, as well as the rest of his misdeeds.”
Lily closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, nodding as she squeezed his hand. “Okay.” Angel found a video, turning the volume up and pressing play. As soon as she heard his voice, she was on her back in the alleyway again.  
“Hey dude, I think she’s choking.”
Heaving, she launched herself from her seat, running around the counter and into the restroom, throwing up for the second time that morning. She took deep breaths to steady herself, the flashback coupled with the pull from a few of her internal stitches yet to dissolve sending her right back to the moment, the fear. She had no idea how to feel in the light of knowing that one of her attackers had killed himself; she was still too overcome by processing his misdeed, rather than the actions he’d taken in the wake of it.  
Standing, she jumped slightly when she felt Angel’s hand press against her back, calming when she realised that it was of course just him, turning to have him pass her a cup of water from the cooler. “And now I’m closer to finding the remaining two. I’m taking it to Bish as soon as he gets in. We got shit with the Sons to sort today, but once that’s over with, I’m digging into finding these guys.”
She rinsed and spat out half of the water, drinking the other half, taking deep breaths as her heart hammered rapidly, beginning to tremble as Angel pulled her close. “He’s part of the 3OD’s, I dunno if you’ve ever heard of ‘em, little gang kids, small time guys.”
“No, but then again I’m not particularly well versed on that kind of thing.” Taking a breath, she kissed his cheek, walking back out to the office and raiding her bag for a piece of gum. “Are they dangerous?”
“About as much as your average bangers are, yeah, but they don’t have any real clout. If we put enough pressure on ‘em to give up the guy with the gold grills then I’m guessing they will. We can make their life a lot harder for them then they can ours.” He sat back down beside her, hand gently kneading the back of her neck, lost in her silky hair. “There’s something very pressing here though it all, though, and that’s the fact that the piece of shit coward who hung himself said they’d been paid, to do what they did.”
Lily looked blank, shaking her head, her eyes swimming with tears. “Who the hell could hate me that much that they pay three guys to do what they did to me? I don’t know, I don’t have any enemies, at least none that I know of.”
Angel looked thoughtful for a few moments, pressing his thumb against his lip. “What about that girl, the nemesis, Gabriella Martinez? I mean, you beat her down pretty savagely.”
“No, baby. We’re athletes. We settle our scores in competition, not in nefarious sabotage.”
He snorted softly. “Try telling that to Tonya Harding.” She frowned, not immediately familiar with the name. “Figure skating chick from the nineties who had her rival smacked in the knee with a metal baton to take her out of the competition.” He then beamed. “As if there’s something out there that I get to be the one to inform you about! It’s always the other way around! I feel all smart and shit.”
She smiled, stroking his face. “You are smart, honey.”
He grunted. “Not as much as you!” It was a little break of humour that she sorely needed, the weight of the fact that someone had wanted this done to her bearing upon her shoulders only adding to her emotional load, Lily spitting her gum into the waste paper basket and picking up her coffee. “Listen, it don’t matter if you can’t think of who it might be coming from, because I’m gonna find them, I fucking swear to you, I will, alright?”
She nodded softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I know, you will.”  
“Good. I love you, querida mia.”  
She nuzzled him, nails stroking the shaven sides of his hair. “I love you, too.” He left her to her work, checking in with her every so often until he headed out, Coco and EZ remaining behind. She was getting more used to Angel not being there, not falling into a pit of panic and despair now without him, but the thought of being alone anywhere for long periods of time still made her feel like her world was caving in on her.  
Whenever people entered the office, she felt sick with nerves, but she knew the more she faced people, the better it would eventually become. She kept the words she’d read courtesy of fellow rape victim Chelsea Masterton in mind. Just as easily as someone could be a rapist, there stood every chance that they likely weren’t. Still, it didn’t completely quell her worry.  
“Okay, so for that amount of steel, we’re talking three hundred,” Lily spoke to the man on the other side of the counter, swallowing hard when he didn’t reply at once, merely kept chewing on his toothpick.  
“You’re a real treat for the eyes, know that, sugar?”  
She lifted her chin, shoving her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. “Not interested. So, are you happy with three hundred?”
“I’d be happier with your phone number in my pocket,” he grinned lasciviously, licking his lip. She shuddered even more, not just because he was utterly repellent, but because she was alone with him, and he wasn’t taking no for an answer.  
“I told you no.” Her reply was firm, but her voice still shook.  
“Aww, ain’t you cute, getting all coy with me.” As if summoned by her feelings of dread, she breathed a huge sigh of relief when EZ entered the office.
“Hey, is this you holding things up on the weighbridge, bro? We got a load waiting to come in and you’re holding up the line,” he called, Lily attracting his attention with a wide-eyed glance. EZ was at her side in a heartbeat. “We got a problem here?”  
“No, no problem,” the guy spoke, backing off after taking the wedge of cash that had been sitting atop the counter.  
“He’s trying to get my phone number and not listening when I told him no,” Lily spoke, trying to remain calm. EZ locked eyes on him.  
“You got five seconds to move, or believe me, I’ll move you.” He had the sense to leave the office at a run, Lily letting out the breath she’d been holding as she sank into EZ’s embrace. “You okay, Lilypad?”
“Old Lily would have just bantered with him, or given him a mouthful. Or, to be honest, removed him for herself. Why can’t I still be that person? It was just one guy!” she cried, growling with frustration, beginning to calm down a little. “I hate that I’m so terrified of every single man I don’t know, I really do! It isn’t rational!”
“That’s because what happened to you wasn’t rational, babe. It’s only been five weeks, too,” he began, steering her into a seat. “You quite rightly see any guy you don’t know as a threat, but not everyone is. Some are just creepy assed incels, like that guy, thinking he honestly had a shot with you.” She saw he had a point. It reflected what she was trying to constantly remind herself in an effort to retain a modicum of normalcy, of her old life.  
He looked thoughtful during her moments of silence, cocking his head slightly. “How are your ribs now? I ask because I take it that was the main – well, apart from the obvious I don’t want to mention – injury that prevented you from returning to training?”  
“Better, I can breathe now and lie on my right side easily enough. I should probably get Maggie to check them over, though, just to be sure. Am I right in thinking that you’re pondering whether a return to training might help me?”
He smiled, nodding. “Exactly that.”
She shifted a little uncomfortably, grimacing slightly. “I have considered it. Angel took me down to visit Larry last week, and he said the same as all your guys, take it one day at a time and only come back when I feel ready.” She paused there, looking uncomfortable.  
EZ made a gesture with his hand that she should continue. “I sense there’s a but.”
“But,” she confirmed. “I’m scared of being hit. I don’t know how triggering seeing a fist coming at me will be, and Larry doesn’t know the whole truth, so I don’t want to have to explain the kind of meltdown it might bring about.”  
“How about if your target didn’t hit back? Take to the punchbag instead?”  
“Hmmm,” she pondered. “I mean, I would, but Larry will want me back against an actual person. He said so himself, that sparring was most definitely what I needed to get my confidence back. Of course, he means well, but he’s only going on the information he knows.”  
“Well, I have a punchbag, and you have focus mitts, right? I don’t mind training with you, and you know I’m not going to punch you back. I’d like to help if I could, if you felt like it could help?”
She leaned forward, hugging him, laying a kiss to his cheek. “No wonder Jodie loves you to death. I mean, I knew before you guys got together that you’re great, but yeah, you know what I mean.”  
He looked a little coy in the wake of this, shaking his head dismissively. “Eh, it’s the least I can do. If it makes you feel better, then it can only be a good thing.” He squeezed her shoulder, getting up and leaving her to it, pausing at the office door for a moment. “They can’t see it in you, you know. Other guys. You know what happened to you, but they don’t.”
His words hit her on a level she wasn’t expecting, Lily feeling a little lighter within for hearing them. She felt so exposed and transparent from her attack that it was something she thought showed up, like she might as well have been wearing a t shirt with the slogan ‘rape victim’ emblazoned across the front. It was something she planned to speak to Angel about when he finally arrived home later that evening, except when he first arrived, his frustration over his pursuits over the course of the night were very clear.  
“Hey, baby.” His call from the door was deflated, the sound of his keys landing on the table loud, a long sigh following before he greeted Charlie, entering the kitchen to find her at the cooker, stirring tortellini soup. The smell had welcomed him from the door and made him feel marginally better, as Lily’s food always did. In the kitchen, she knocked it out of the ball park every time.  
“You don’t sound happy.” Turning away from the stove, she wrapped her arms around his waist, her face questioning.  
His frown deepened, resting his forehead to hers and kissing the tip of her nose. “I’m not. I wanted to come back here and tell you that I’d found them, but those fucking 3OD boys are so scattered, we can’t even find a ring leader. They’re not organised, have no kind of regular patterns in where they hang out, they’re just scattered. I feel fucking useless.”
She turned the hob down before giving him her full focus. “You’re not, though. You’re the absolute best, the way you’ve put your life on hold to care for me, put me first. When you told me a few months ago that you knew you’d have to wait on me trusting you fully again, well, if I hadn’t before, this definitely proves it. I can’t thank you enough for being so supportive.”  
“It isn’t enough, though. Not with them still out there, and the person who paid them to do this. I know that them still being out there is what haunts you, and it needs to be dealt with.”  
She rested against his chest, arm curling around him, slipping beneath his blue plaid shirt to stroke his back. “I won’t lie, knowing they’re no longer out there and free to do this to someone else would put my mind at rest, but I can’t pin my healing solely on them being dealt with accordingly. I have to find that courage within myself to get over what happened to me first and foremost.”
That was a huge step for her, Angel quick to praise such a mindset. “I’m so proud, to hear you say that. I know it’s only been five weeks, and you’re still shaky, but carina, you’ve come so far with everything you’ve done to begin getting over what happened to you.”
She kissed his chest, smiling. “Thank you.” They spent a few silent moments wrapped in one another’s embrace, a sudden growling noise interrupting the moment. “Is that your stomach?”
He laughed softly through his nose. “Yep. I’m fucking starving!”  
She laughed softly, rubbing his abs. “Go sit down, pick a movie out and it’ll be ready in about ten minutes.” They had a nice evening of relative normalcy and relaxation, Lily feeling happy that such moments were growing more in their frequency, being able to do such simple things that yielded simple pleasures, enjoying nice food now she’d regained an appetite, and watching their favourite horror movie, Silent Hill. She also told him about the man who had not been keen to take no for an answer earlier in the day, which had subsequently led to EZ’s offer to get her back into training, Angel smiling, touched that his brother had wanted to help. It was a good moment to acknowledge his own personal growth as well, for he felt nothing but contentment at the idea.  
One set of issues they faced as a couple had been sadly been exchanged for another, though, and after turning in for the night, it was there that what loomed over Lily caught up with her.  
Awaking with a gasp, she sat bolt upright, sweat streaming from her face. Again, the same dream. Not of the rape, but something that she’d begun to see time and time again in her sleep, something that stirred everything that had happened to her once more, without it being the actual event playing itself out in a nightmare. It was relieving that they’d somewhat overtaken the dreams where she relived what happened, even though both dreams lamentably led her to the same reaction.
“Wolf again?” Angel asked, stroking her back as he sat up at her side, soothing her while she gathered herself, taking deep breaths.  
She nodded. In the dream, she walked the desert alone until coming across an injured wolf, lying there on the ground, bleeding heavily. She always tried to help it, but each and every time, it growled and bared its teeth, not allowing her to come near and assist. She interpreted it as what had happened to her, that part within which still bled out, that she couldn’t soothe or make better, that perhaps would always lie there bleeding within her.  
Although she was making tentative progress, she did wonder if it would always be something she couldn’t truly reconcile. She felt nothing over the fact one of them had hung himself, absolutely no emotion at all. As she laid back, resting her head on Angel’s chest, she wondered whether that was because she’d had it taken from her, to see some kind of retribution befall him. Would knowing that the others had received a punishment for their misdeeds serve to make her feel a sense of relief from it?  
She was unsure.
It was, however, something she found herself discussing the following evening, though, Angel, EZ and Bishop out trying to gain more intel on the 3OD’s, just her and Taza sitting outside the clubhouse, watching the sun slowly setting in the pink sky.
“I’m tired, Taza. Really tired of not feeling like me. Like I told Angel this morning, even if I sleep, the memory of what happened weighs on me, makes me exhausted, just carrying it around with me,” she confided, hoping to tap her wonderful friend for some of the wisdom he quite effortlessly always managed to offer forth.  
“Trauma is heavy, darling. Think of it as a large suitcase in which you’re forced to lug around with you. As you become stronger again, the easier it’ll become to carry. You might even be able to unpack it along the way, so there’s less to eventually carry,” he spoke, Lily liking how he explained it. It seemed to resound with her very much, the heavy load that would eventually become more manageable, the stronger she became. “You mention sleep there, and the last time we spoke about it, you were only averaging a few hours a night, because of nightmares. How is that for you now?”
She took a deep breath through her nose, sipping her drink. “The nightmares still happen, less so recently, though. More and more of late, I keep dreaming the same dream, of a wolf lying alone in the middle of the desert, broken and bleeding. I crouch by it and try to give it assistance, with all its bloodied wounds, but it snarls and cries, lunges at me; it won’t let me come near it. And then I wake with a start. I suppose the wolf represents what happened to me. It’s my pain that I don’t know how to make better.”
Taza was quiet for a few moments, leaning forward slowly, resting his chin atop her head as he watched the sun melting into the horizon, his hands softly grasping her upper arms. “The wolf isn’t what happened to you, Lilypad. The wolf in your dreams is you.”  
It flashed through her mind, then, as her eyes found the gate she’d dragged herself through, remembering screaming at Coco, scratching at him as he’d tried to help her, Taza lying upon the ground, making himself small so as not to scare her even further, how by doing that, he’d finally been able to reach through her trauma and bring her back, when she’d been terrified out of her mind.  “In your mind, you’re still on that floor, where I found you, broken and bleeding, too scared to let anyone come near you. The small steps you’ve taken have seen you do well, they have, and I would never try to rush you, but I would like to propose something.”
“What?” she asked, grasping his arm, hugging it to her chest.
“That when they’re found, before Angel hands them the ending they have coming, that you go and rain down utter, unfiltered hellfire upon them. For each day that passes where you don’t try to heal and get back up off the ground in your mind, they win. They hold that power over you. Perhaps in venting your emotions, all of your hurt, fear and pain, you take some of that power back from them. You wonder how you can move on, perhaps the answer is you taking an active part in their punishment.”
His statement was simple, yet so profound, Lily nodding. He was right; she needed to remember who she was, and then show them, too. She wouldn’t be able to solidly say that such would help her heal emotionally from it, not until it was done, but trying, trying to reclaim what they’d taken from her, it was worth it. 
It was finding them that was the current obstacle.  
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thepuppetligthbulb · 5 months
1: Eddiank es el hijo mayor de Frank y Eddie
2:Eddiank originalmente se iba a llamar Felix o joke
3:el nombre de eddiank tiene una explicación, en el nacimiento de eddiank Eddie trajo consigo una carta, ya que el creyó que no podía expresar con palabras su felicidad ante el nacimiento de su hijo, la loquera es que como ustedes saben que Eddie Aveces se le olvida asta su propio nombre y lo mezcla con varios cuando escribe cartas, pues en esa ocasión ligo el nombre de Frank con el suyo, y de esa mezcla salió el nombre de eddiank, y por alguna razón a Frank le gustó el nombre, y así quedó XD
4: Eddiank al igual que Frank, tiene la habilidad de poder girar su cabeza completamente, solo que a diferencia de Frank, el lo hace cuando está extremadamente feliz o emocionado
5: Tiene 12 años
6: El tipo de café Favorito de eddiank es el café con leche, y se pone MUY imperactivo cuando lo toma (Una vez lo probó porque había una taza en la repisa, y le encantó, pero sus padres no le dejan tomarlo, en primera por qué dicen que aún está muy chikito para eso)
7: Eddiank odia el brócoli, en sus palabras dice que sabe muy raro
8: la fruta favorita de Eddiank es la fresa
9: Eddiank acostumbra a dirigirse a los demás vecinos como 'tio' o 'tia', esto ya que en sus palabras, todos son y pueden ser parte de la familia
10: Una vez Eddiank le regaló una fresa a Wally, y este la confundió diciendo que era una manzana pero más pequeña
11: los colores favoritos de eddiank son el rojo y el azul, esto ya que su convinacion hace morado que es el color favorito de eddie
12: a pesar de que Frank y Eddian comparten cierto gusto por los insectos Eddiank le tiene miedo a los insectos de gran tamaño, en especial los Cienpiés y a las cucarachas
13: Eddiank prefiere los insectos de un tamaño pequeño y que parezcan inofensivos como los gusanos y las orugas
14: Eddiank se sonfunde fácilmente con las cosas, lo que le hace difícil organizarse, pero esto no quita de que sea muy bueno en ello
15: Es alguien MUY inocente
16: Eddiank solía salir en secreto al jardín de Frank para comerse algunos de sus vegetales, una vez se comió a joe por accidente, (esto sucedió cuando tenía unos 5 años) y para compensarlo Eddiank renombro a otro de los tomates como Jony
17: A eddiank le parecía increíble que Julie hablara con las plantas, tanto que el también Aveces tiende a hablar conmlas plantas, aunque el no pueda escucharlas, le parece agradable y divertido imaginarse que le hablaban y imaginarse en que le estaban diciendo
18: Frank le insistía a sus hijos en leer, Algo que eddiank no hacia mucho, ya que suele confundirse y agobiarse mucho con todas las palabras que se ven en los libros, por esta razón Frank le da a eddiank libros con imagenes
19: tanto a eddiank como a Fradie a diferencia de su padre Frank les gustaban los suéteres con cuello de tortuga o cuello largo, Eddiank dice que eran cómodos en días fríos, pero solo los usaba en esos días ya que, o les daba calor, o le picaba el cuello
20: De pequeño (estamos hablando como de 2-4 años) a eddiank le gustaba comerse el pegamento que tenía Eddie en la oficina de correos, en especial el de brillitos
21: es muy protector con su familia, en especial con su hermana
22: Tiene una relación fuerte con Eddie, lo considera su padre favorito, aunque no lo dice con Frank cerca para no hacerlo sentir mal
23: El se reía de los chistes de cualquiera, menos los de Wallaby, ya que decía que estos eran muy pesados y ofensivos
24: Poppy solía hacer actividades de cocina para todos los mini vecinos, Eddiank era el que traía los ingredientes, mayormente trayendo e insistiendo en hacer comidas con fresas
(aunque este tipo de datos no se mostrará mucho en la historia, una razón de ello es que eddiank y los demás mini vecinos aún están chikitos 😔)
Eddiank es pansexual
es posible(o almenos tengo planeado) que en el futuro, Eddiank tenga una pequeña relación con Barny(el hijo mayor de Wally y barnaby)
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ameinu · 6 months
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Ilustración del mini-relato "Un té para un Halloween elegante" protagonizado por el maleficanis Corgicus. Dale a seguir leyendo para disfrutarlo 😊
—¡Pedes galli, calcei pilosi et stercus felis! Ladró Corgicus, el gran maleficanis, aguantando el comedero con sus garras —meñiques estirados con elegancia—, a lo que la magia respondió haciendo explotar su lodoso contenido con un grotesco sonido. La mística flatulencia resultó en una nube verdosa. Y apestosa. —No funciona, no funciona —gimoteó— ¿Qué es lo que hago mal? —¿No era su intención apestarlo todo, mi señor? Es excelente en tal aptitud. Tales graznidos cargados de servilismo eran de Candel, su cuervo criado, que aleteaba para ventilar. La llama de la vela atada a su cabeza bailoteó con las alargadas sombras de la guarida: la caseta de madera de su distinguido, y maléfico, señor. —¡NO! Quería hacer un té para celebrar esta noche de muertos con refinamiento. —¿Un té?, ¿refinamiento? —El pájaro suspiró, si es que tal cosa se puede hacer con un pico—. Quizás es que su latín es demasiado excelso o que los ingredientes no son adecuados. —¿Cómo no van a ser adecuadas las patas de pollo, las babuchas peludas y las heces de gato? Son los mayores manjares —balbuceó el maleficanis dando vueltas sobre si mismo. Seguro que era culpa de aquel maldito rabo que no se dejaba atrapar nunca. —Quizás lo sean para un tentempié, pero no para un té. —Pamplinas, seguramente sea mi latín, ¡est sublimis! —ladró aun en su persecución— Demasiado incluso para la magia. —Quizás una infusión con orígenes orientales requiera un hechizo en una lengua, digamos, ¿oriental?. —¡Más pamplinas! El té es tan británico como yo. —La chispa de una idea lo detuvo en seco—. ¡Ajá! Soy un genio. ¿Verdad que sí? Los grillos amortiguaron el silencio. —¿Verdad que sí, mi emplumado siervo? Tras una pausa y sin mediar contra su exasperación, aquel respondió: —Por supuesto, mi señor. ¿Cuál es su grandiosa idea? —Usar el british. —Claro, mi señor, seguro que eso funciona. Aunque usted es gaélico, una lengua de verdad mágica. —No dejas de plamplinear esta noche, Candel. ¿Yo? ¿Un bárbaro? Mis raíces son british, pájaro pamplinoso. Usaré el ilustre inglés medio, lengua de mis antepasados maleficanis y de un poder… elegante. Bajo la vibrante iluminación de la llama, Corgicus extrajo sus preciados ingredientes del escondrijo bajo tierra para preparar un nuevo mejunje. Demasiado extasiado para recoger su colgante lengua o sacudirse la tierra húmeda del hocico, pronunció el cambiado hechizo: —Hoofes of chyken, hairy shoon, and cat's dung! Esta vez, el contenido no explotó, sino que más bien se desinfló con una suave pedorreta sublimándose en una neblina rojiza. Mucho más british y elegante, por supuesto. Y también más apestosa. Corgicus, aulló desesperado. —Mi señor, le traeré de las cocinas del amo humano un té. —¿Amo? ¿Humano? —sollozó lastimero el maleficanis. —No, magnánimo, el único amo que hay es usted. —Excelente, Candel —se recompuso rápidamente Corgicus—. Trae ese té y sirvamos una taza de manera… Otro momento para la sinfónica de grillos. —De manera… De verdad, ¿puede un pico suspirar? —¿Mágica? —¡Elegante!
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teatro00 · 8 months
Hola chicos aquí hay otra receta para enamorar sus vidas 🌲 .
Pueden ver Crepúsculos mientras comen estas delicias .
mini tartas de calabaza🍂
- 1 1/4 taza de harina común
- 1/4 cucharadita de sal
- 1/2 taza de mantequilla fría (cortada en daditos)
- 2-6 cucharadas de agua fría
- 1 lata de mezcla orgánica para pastel de calabaza (o use calabaza enlatada y añada condimento de especias de calabaza)
- 2 huevos
- 3/4 de taza de leche evaporada (yo herví la leche entera en la estufa)
*Mezclar la harina y la sal en un bol grande. Cortar la mantequilla fría con un cortapastas hasta que la mezcla de harina parezca finamente molida. Añadir el agua cucharada a cucharada y mezclar hasta que se forme una masa. Estirar la masa con un rodillo de 1/4 de pulgada de grosor y cortar círculos para introducirlos en el molde de magdalenas y formar la base de la tarta. En un bol aparte, mezclar la calabaza, los huevos y la leche y batir hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea. Vierta el relleno de calabaza en los moldes. Hornee durante 10 minutos a 400F, luego baje el horno a 325F y hornee durante otros 15-20 minutos o hasta que la corteza esté ligeramente dorada.
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lovcscene · 1 year
[ RAINY DAY ] ― muse a & muse b bake cookies during a rainy day / ✨ @sowhatt​
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“bueno... creo que sí nos pasamos.” las galletas quedaron enormes, casi son del tamaño del plato para una taza. casi se asemejan a una mini pizza... una mini pizza de m&ms en vez de pepperoni. “te dije que mejor las hiciéramos a la mitad.”  con un guante de cocina puesto toma una de las galletas aún caliente y la observa con detenimiento. “tengo miedo de que las mordamos y nos saquemos un diente. ¿qué tal si aparte de gigantes quedaron duras?”
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5 Recuerdos de boda para la fecha soñada
Plantitas que significan vida
En primer lugar tenemos a las mini plantas, que son la opción más ecológica y una de las más económicas. Tienen como característica principal la de proyectar vida para quien lo da y quien lo recibe. Definitivamente son muy originales.
2. Tazas Personalizadas llenas de amor
Una de las opciones más populares de los últimos tiempos, son las tacitas personalizadas; ya que, son una bonita opción para colocar diseños hechos por los mismos novios como sus nombres, la fecha de su boda y una frase de amor que los caracteriza.
3. Piscos Personalizados para celebrar la pasión
Otra de las opciones más importantes en este 2022, han sido los Piscos Personalizados, y en especial las botellas de 50ml, que pueden ser llevados fácilmente y serán parte de la decoración en la sala de tus invitados.
4. Más que solo bolsas ecológicas
Las nuevas tendencias, apuntan a opciones muchó más ecológicas, este es el tema de las bolsas de tela o yute que son muy prácticas y útiles. Como recuerdos de bodas, los invitados podrán volver a reutilizarlas como ellos quieran.
5. Cervezas Personalizadas, la estrella del momento
Sabemos que la cerveza es la opción preferida de muchos comensales, por eso , las cervezas personalizadas son una buena opción para engreir a tus invitados, porque además lo podrán guardar como recuerdo o decoración.
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thangmaytaza · 6 days
Phương án thiết kế thang máy gia đình cho nhà nhỏ?
Cuộc sống ngày càng hiện đại, việc sử dụng thang máy gia đình giá tốt vẫn không còn là điều mới mẻ lạ nữa. Đặc biệt với những gia đình có diện tích hạn chế, xây nhà rộng rãi tầng sẽ là giải pháp mở mang không gian sinh hoạt. Và tất nhiên, một thiết kế cầu thang máy cho nhà nhỏ đã là vật dụng không thể thiếu khiến cho các thành viên đơn thuần di chuyển lên các tầng cao 1 phương pháp nhanh chóng.
Hãy cùng thang máy Taza Việt Nam tìm hiểu thông tin về dòng thang máy homelift – cầu thang máy cho nhà nhỏ trong bài viết dưới đây.
>>> Xem thêm:  Thang máy gia đình đẹp
thang máy home lift – thang máy cho nhà nhỏ
Hiện nay, do tình trạng đất chật người đông đề nghị những hộ gia đình thường xuyên có diện tích nhỏ, gặp rất càng nhiều khó khăn trong giai đoạn cải tạo. Với sự phát triển ko ngừng của ngành cầu thang máy, các nhà sản xuất xem sét và cho ra thị trường dòng thang máy mini, có kích thước siêu nhỏ nhưng vẫn xác thực được sự thuận tiện và an toàn khi tiêu thụ. thang homelift là giải pháp sáng dạ cho bài toán diện tích và sự luôn tiện nghi.
thang homelift là dòng cầu thang máy có kích thước và trọng tải nhỏ nhất trong tất cả các dòng thang máy gia dinh hiện nay. Dòng cầu thang máy siêu nhỏ này đạt được được nhu cầu dùng cầu thang máy trong những hộ gia đình có diện tích nhỏ hẹp hoặc nhà cải tạo muốn thi công phổ thông thang máy. Với mức tải trọng từ 250kg đến 450kg; dòng cầu thang máy cho nhà nhỏ phục vụ được 2-6 người trong một lần di chuyển.
quanh đó ra, thang máy cho nhà nhỏ còn góp phần tạo một điều đặc biệt đặc biệt, tôn lên kiến trúc, nội thất cũng như miêu tả được sự thứ hạng của gia chủ.
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cầu thang máy kính gia đình kích thước nhỏ
>>> Xem thêm: Thang máy kính gia đình
Đặc tính kỹ thuật thang máy cho nhà nhỏ
Dòng thang máy home lift cho nhà nhỏ có các đặc tính kỹ thuật cơ bản như sau:
Tải trọng: Từ 250kg đến 450Kg
Tốc độ : 45m/phút
Số tầng phục vụ : một, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Số người: Từ 2 người đến 6 người/lượt
Chiều cao OH: tối thiểu 2700mm
Kích thước hố Pit: tối thiểu 250mm
Kích thước hố thang tối thiểu: 850mm x 1050mm (rộng x sâu)
Hệ khung thang máy: Khung thép – kính cường lực
Kích thước cầu thang máy cho nhà nhỏ
Hiện nay, cầu thang máy home lift – thang máy cho nhà nhỏ có 3 mức tải trọng cơ bản: thang máy 250kg – 320kg – 450kg; tải được từ 2-6 người tùy mức tải trọng. Tất nhiên, với mỗi mức tải trọng khác nhau thì kích thước thang máy cũng đang khác nhau. Hãy tham khảo thông tin trong bảng dưới đây:
thang máy đối trọng sau, cửa mở tay:
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thang máy đối trọng sau, cửa mở lùa (SO):
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cầu thang máy đối trọng sau, cửa mở tim (CO):
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Những điểm ưu việt của cầu thang máy cho nhà nhỏ
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thang may homelift – cầu thang máy cho nhà nhỏ sở hữu những điểm cộng nổi trội, đạt được nhu cầu quý khách một cách làm hiệu quả. không tính công dụng cơ bản của một dòng thang máy gia đình giá rẻ đó là khiến di chuyển giản dị và nhanh chóng hơn; người già và trẻ em hoặc người bệnh di chuyển những tầng cao hơn 1 phương pháp an toàn. Đồng thời, có thang máy thì gia đình vẫn tận dụng được những không gian ở các tầng cao để sinh hoạt mà không bắt buộc lo âu việc đi lên mất diện tích lớn thời gian – công sức.
>>> Xem thêm: Thang Homelift
không tính ra, các dòng cầu thang máy homelift cho nhà nhỏ còn có những điểm cộng nổi trội tạo cho khách hàng yên tâm lựa chọn:
design hố PIT nông, chỉ từ 20cm – đây là lợi thế thực hiện dòng thang may homelift phù hợp cho mọi công trình bị giới hạn diện tích, không bắt buộc cải tạo hay đào sâu nền móng; chính cho nên hạn chế ảnh hưởng đến cấu trúc xây dựng.
Đối với những công trình bị hạn chế chiều cao thì dòng thang máy homelift cho nhà nhỏ đang là lựa chọn sáng ý, bởi vì nên chiều cao không phải quá cao từ 2700 mm, kích thước hố thang chỉ từ 850mm x 1050mm (rộng x sâu); đồng thời tiết kiệm được chi phí xây dựng.
thang máy siêu nhỏ đã được các kỹ sư tính toán 1 bí quyết kỹ lưỡng từng thông số kỹ thuật để đảm bảo chất lượng tốt cũng như độ an toàn cho khách hàng.
Vận hành êm ái, xác thực không gian yên tĩnh.
Tốc độ di chuyển của cầu thang máy siêu nhỏ đã dần được lý tưởng, khoảng 45m/phút – tốc độ tiêu chuẩn, khiến cho di chuyển nhanh chóng nhưng nhẹ nhàng, êm ái, phù hợp với mọi đối tượng.
Giá thang máy cho nhà nhỏ có đắt không?
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Với những ưu một điều đặc biệt của dòng thang homelift cho nhà nhỏ thì đây vững chắc là giải pháp thông minh cho rất phổ quát căn nhà hiện nay. Tuy nhiên một vấn đề rất diện tích lớn người quan tâm đó là thang máy gia đình đẹp siêu nhỏ này có đắt không?
Nếu các dòng thang máy gia đình giá rẻ thông thường có kích thước vừa và lớn; giá thành hay dao động từ khoảng 350-600 triệu đồng. Thì với các dòng thang may homelift – thang máy nhỏ sẽ rẻ hơn rất nhiều; chỉ từ 250 triệu đồng tùy thuộc vào tải trọng, loại động cơ…và yêu cầu của người mua. Đây là một con số vô cùng logic, phù hợp với khả năng tài chính của hầu hết các gia đình người Việt.
bạn đã muốn cải tạo nhà để lắp thang máy hoặc thi công thang máy cho căn hộ xây mới mẻ nhưng không gian bị hạn chế thì thang máy homelift – cầu thang máy cho nhà nhỏ kiên cố là giải pháp thông minh không thể bỏ qua. Liên hệ ngay với cầu thang máy Taza Việt Nam – tổ chức cung cấp giải pháp cầu thang máy khái quát để được hỗ trợ nhanh nhất.
Hotline: 0969 514 888
>>> Xem thêm: Kích thước thang máy 350kg
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