abcwordsurge · 9 months
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I'm not sure which fact makes me more upset: that Google tried to correct the ship name I literally just made up, or that it was right
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mur-art · 1 month
Hey WTTT fam, vote for your favorite “irl state ship name” mentioned in this Wikipedia article on geographic portmanteaus:
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lesbiancolumbo · 1 year
the funny thing about being from a small town in the minnesconsin area is that instead of being like i’m back, who’s around, is that i just text my high school friend group “btw i’m going to the minnesota state fair on this date when are y’all going” and that’s usually enough
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Why Choose Professional Garage Door Installation In Minnesota?
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When it comes to enhancing the functionality, security, and aesthetic appeal of your home, few upgrades are as impactful as a new garage door. However, the process of installing a garage door is not just about picking the right style and color; it involves complex mechanics and precision that only a professional can deliver. In Minnesota, where weather conditions can be harsh, choosing a professional for your garage door installation is even more crucial. This comprehensive guide explores why you should opt for professional installation services in Minnesota and highlights the benefits you can expect. With the harsh Minnesota weather and the importance of proper installation, choosing professionals ensures your garage door performs optimally, enhances your home’s value, and protects your family. Contact Minnesconsin Garage Door Repair & Service today to schedule your professional garage door installation and experience the benefits firsthand Read More...
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erscogadatabase · 6 months
21 - The Search for Secrets of the Multiverse
Date: 3-17-2024 IDST, 8-20-2018 EST
(It’s another rainy day in the sleepy town of Woodwin, Minnesconsin. It’s 7:45 in the morning, and students are filtering into the town’s high school. Teachers stand in the hall, drinking their coffee with various states of alertness, greeting students as they walk by. A man in gray business-casual clothing sits at his desk, organizing the last of his papers for the morning before his first class comes in, sipping at a tepid mug of black coffee.)
(Nalitie, Dukermin, and Dr. Gaster have lunchbox portalled their way onto the roof of the school—thankfully out of view of the windows this time—after a not-insignificant amount of sifting through Green Circle Labs’s Interdimensional Database.)
Gaster: *savoring the rain*
Nalitie: *squinting, looking around, trying not to get water in her eyes* This… is probably it, right?
Dukermin: Yeah, I’d know this roof from anywhere. Lets rappel into the windows!
Nalitie: We gotta make sure we don’t start another lockdown this time tho… Plus they’ve probably fixed your bomb hole by now, right?
Gaster: *dutifully ignoring them, though concerned about the whole “bomb hole” idea*
Dukermin: We can always make another. Or I guess we could go through the door but where’s the drama in that?
Nalitie: The drama could lie in our… *puts on a pair of sunglasses, even though it’s literally overcast and raining* intense interrogation. 
Dukermin: *puts on a pair of those glasses that have fake eyeballs in them and then strings a piece of her hair across her nose to make a mustache* *draws a smiley face on a paper bag and puts it on gaster’s head*
Nalitie: *sticks googly eyes to the smiley face*
Gaster: *sighs*
(The paper bag is getting soaked because of the rain. He looks like someone’s incredibly soggy lunch.)
Nalitie: That’s perfect, let’s go! *grabs his hand because he’s effectively blind now* *jumps off the roof, using her now freely-accessibly magical powers to Not Die* 
Gaster: !!!
Dukermin: *rappels*
(You join the throng of students entering the building. A teacher greets you at the door. He is wearing a badge with the name “Dwayne Nuitsean.”)
Mr. Nuitsean: Good morning! Interesting hat day today? 
Dukermin: *with lips pursed to keep the hair mustache in place* Everyday is interesting hat day when you’re a cool kid like we are *finger guns*
Mr. Nuitsean: *nods* Just make sure you take it off before going to class. 
Nalitie: We will do that yes. *walking faster, Gaster in tow*
Gaster: *to Nalitie, who literally cannot understand him because Dukermin has the universal translator* What was that about hats? *can’t hear very well because his head is inside of a bag*
Nalitie: Don’t worry, we know where we’re going, this is the school we went to. Sort of. *just guessing at what he said*
Dukermin: *to Gaster* It’s cool hat day. Don’t blow our cover.
Nalitie: Also maybe don’t talk, only Dukermin can understand what you’re saying… To me and everyone else it sounds like garbled electronic sounds and I feel like that might get us in trouble. Teachers are gonna think it’s our phones!
Gaster: *grumbling about it anyway*
Dukermin: *double checks that phone is on silent but its been broken and dead since document 19*
Nalitie: *checking phone* *has like 123 missed calls and her voicemail is full* Oh that’s new… *also putting her phone on silent* *to Gaster* You should silence your phone, too. 
Gaster: I have a bag over my head. How do you expect me to do that? 
Dukermin: *reaches into his pockets* *pulls out a drill* Uh *puts it back* *checks other pocket* *pulls out a square ruler* Why *pulls out a blue flip phone at long last* *turns it off*
Gaster: *trying to swat her hands away, but only has one that’s not being held and also can’t see* That’s very rude, human!
Dukermin: *high fives Gaster*
Nalitie: Do we even want to know why you have a drill in your pocket? 
Gaster: … *wrenches his hand out of Nalitie’s and starts walking away* *runs into a wall*
Students: *pointing and snickering*
Dukermin: *pointing and snickering as well*
Nalitie: *goes and retrieves him* Ok anyway, we need to go to class before the bell rings!!! *trying to find a staircase*
Dukermin: *runs to The Stairwell™*
(You head up a big staircase. At the top landing, a group of students is sitting using their computers and chatting with each other. Closest to the door is someone who looks a lot like Nalitie, sitting next to someone who looks suspiciously like Sam. A Dukermin lookalike is typing away in an interactive fiction making program. A teen in all black wearing a geometric hoodie is tucked into the corner. Next to her is a girl in a bohemian skirt wearing a ripped band t-shirt and duct taped shoes. A tall boy stands in the doorframe next to the Nalitie lookalike.) 
(As you come up to the landing, you are startled by another teen in a short sleeved magenta hoodie. Gaster almost falls back down the stairs, taking Nalitie with him.)
Dukermin: *narrows her eyes because this all seems very familiar for some reason* … Hello fellow teens…
Nalitie: How do you do… *walking quickly, avoiding eye contact with her doppelganger* *surreptitiously hiding her face with her hair*
Nalitie Lookalike: *confused by the very tall person in a lab coat wearing a soggy paper bag over their head, who appears to have no blood because their hands are very pale and might also have giant holes in them???*
Dukermi: *does the “im watching you” gesture at the Dukermin doppelganger and walks away*
Dukermin Doppelganger: *did not notice or care*
Nalitie: *already halfway down the hall, near the school’s library* *turning around* Dukermin, do you remember where Mr. Napce’s room was?
Dukermin: uhhhh no I have no directional awareness its like my thing. Its why the teleportation magic is like a necessity for me.
Gaster: *didn’t realize Nalitie stopped, trips over her a little* *the paper bag on his head is looking pretty droopy*
Nalitie: Then we will continue walking down these halls until we find it I guess, I’m not asking for directions. *continues, turns down a brown-tiled hallway* *reading the name plates on all of the doors* Mr. Crinkle, Ms. Fleece, Mr. Silentium… Oh, here! *pointing at a classroom*
Dukermin: *heads on in* Hello Teacher, we’re ready for another exciting day of… mmmmath..?
Mr. Napce: *looks up from his papers, eyebrow raised* You’re not in my first period class. Who are you?
Dukermin: uhhh *unpurses lips and mustache falls away* My cover is blown!
Nalitie: We’re new students! We were homeschooled for a really long time but our mom said we’re weird and should be socialized or something. IDK she seemed really upset at us because we were burying… *looks up at Gaster, then back at Mr. Napce* … Gerard in the backyard. 
Mr. Napce: …. 
Dukermin: Yes! We’re unsocialized like feral cats! But we’re eager to learn *sits on top of a desk*
Mr. Napce: I… see… *pulling up his roster* What did you say your names were again?
Nalitie: *is forcing Gaster to sit in a desk chair* I’m Tahlia! 
Dukermin: My mom didn’t give me a name.
Nalitie: Our mom, and she named you Dahlia, you just don’t like it. *points at Gaster, who is refusing to sit* And this is Gerard! He’s really shy about his face so he’s wearing his Interesting Hat to school today. Mom says that it makes it easier to look at him. 
Dukermin: She is a cruel woman.
Nalitie: But she gave us two pancakes this morning! 
Dukermin: Usually we get none! Please teach us, teacher! We’re so pitiful!
Mr. Napce: *looking back and forth between them and his Advanced Human Anatomy and Medical Terminology roster* I can’t seem to find you on my roster… Are you sure you’re not in my 4th hour class?
Dukermin: Oh we may be. We’ll just wait then.
Mr. Napce: *pulling up his 4th hour Remedial Science roster*
Dukermin: Hey teach, mind if I read you a line from my favorite poem?? 
Mr. Napce: *does mind quite a lot, actually, but has been warned that he needs to put more effort into creating a welcoming classroom environment* … go on.
Dukermin: “beware of the man who came from the other world.” … *stares intently through eyeball glasses so it has no effect*
Mr. Napce: … That’s… nice. *goes back to trying to find them in the school’s system to figure out where they’re supposed to be*
Dukermin: *rolls an insight check* *got an 11* HMM *to Nalitie* He’s acting suspiciously…
Nalitie: Hmm… *louder* Mr. Napce, do you know anything about The Oracle? I’m REALLY interested and I don’t have class with… uh… I don’t have history until 8th period!
Mr. Napce: ??? “The Oracle”? You mean from Greek mythology? You’re going to have to ask Mr. Borax about that. He teaches all of our history classes.
Dukermin: A little more distant than Greece. I’m sure you know something, Mr, Napce, you just gotta dig deep into your subconscious whooowhoo. *swinging a pencil like a pendulum*
(The bell signalling the five minute warning before first period rings. Students start to shuffle into the classroom.)
Mr. Napce: *bats the pencil out of the way* What was your last name? I’m having trouble finding you in Earthward. 
Dukermin: What’s it to ya.
Mr. Napce: *takes a deep breath, doesn’t want to get in trouble for yelling at students* I am trying to look up your class schedule, since you clearly don’t know where you’re supposed to be. 
Dukermin: What are you a cop? I know exactly where i’m supposed to be *standing on top of the desk now* RIGHT HERE!
Mr. Napce: Miss… Dahlia, was it? If you do not get down off of that desk and help me find your proper schedule this instant, I will have no choice but to send you to the principal’s office on your first day of school. I don’t suppose your mother would be very pleased, would she?
Dukermin: What I need is not a schedule, I need ANSWERS! TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT THE ORACLE!
Nalitie: *shining a flashlight at Mr. Napce while Dukermin Doppelganger rambles about Greek mythology*
Gaster: *has finally sat down in a desk, awkwardly scrunched up because he’s really tall* *the paper bag has disintegrated on the top a little, and if you were looking you would see his skull poking through* *one of the googly eyes has fallen off*
Dukermin: *has jumped off the table and is now by the pencil sharpener brandishing a metal ruler* Tell us what you know of the multiverse or the pencil sharpener gets it!!
Mr. Napce: *standing up, scowling* Alright, Miss Dahlia, Miss Tahlia, you two are going to the principal’s office until you have learned to behave yourselves. 
Gaster: *under his breath* I like this guy… 
Mr. Napce: *turning to look at “Gerard”* And I will remind my class that their phones should be silenced in my classroom, lest they want them to be taken away. *has run out of patience, goes to escort Nalitie and Dukermin to the principal’s office*
Dukermin: You can’t govern us! We will find the answer and save the multiverse whether you’re willing to comply or not! Students rise up against this TYRANT! He can’t silence you anymore than he can silence your phones! 
Students: *uncomfortable silence*
Mr. Napce: *fed up, grabs their hands and starts walking down the hallway with Nalitie and Dukermin in tow*
Dukermin: *laying on the ground kicking while being dragged away* FIGHT THE SYSTEM
Nalitie: *has to walk fast to keep up* We just need to know The Thing You Know!!! That’s all!!!!
(As you approach the staircase at the end of the hall, you hear screaming. The students in Mr. Napce’s class run out into the hallway pointing and screaming. Gaster stumbles out behind them, the paper bag having finally dissolved off of his face because it was wet.)
Mr. Napce: What on Earth??? 
Nalitie: *takes the opportunity to tackle him with all of her 93 pounds* Tell us what you knooooowwww!
Dukermin: That’s right the skeleton is with us and if you don’t tell us what we need to know he’s gonna… rip off your skin so he can wear it like a coat! he’s a chilly guy!!
Nalitie: He’s the Ghost of John[1] and he’s gonna get you if you don’t TELL US!!!
Mr. Napce: … *squinting suspiciously at them* You’re not students, are you?
Dukermin: No. We’re your worst nightmare. *still laying on the ground*
Mr. Napce: I’ll never tell you anything. The secrets of Delphi will die with me. 
Gaster: *down the hall, still wiping paper bag remnants off of his face* *cleaning his glasses*
Students: *have fled the scene* 
Teachers in other classrooms: *ignoring, probably assuming there’s some Intense Review Game going on…*
Dukermin: Then you’ve made your choice *to Nalitie* Activate Operation Elephant Comet Swamp Delta 4-0-1 Version Grey Goose *grabs his wallet out of pocket and books it back towards the library*
Nalitie: *gets pushed off of Mr. Napce as he gets up and sprints after Dukermin* *runs back to the classroom, which is now empty* *thumbs up at Gaster* Thanks for distracting all the students! *flings herself into Mr. Napce’s empty chair and starts digging through his computer*
Gaster: *follows her back into the classroom; poor Gerard has done nothing and is still getting into trouble* *irritated by this whole endeavor* What are you doing now?
Nalitie: *can’t understand him* Hmmm… If you were hiding a secret where would you put it? *digging through file explorer, looking for anything related to The Oracle or Delphi or anything suspicious* *currently in a folder of students’ graded assignments*
Mr. Napce: *digging in his pockets for his phone, going to call maybe the principal, or maybe the other people working for Delphi*
Dukermin: *has very inelegantly spider climbed up to the attic entrance ledge opposite the library* *thumbing through his wallet* *pulls out a picture of a family* Ohhh are these your kids? Would be a shame if something happened… to this picture of them *puts the picture in her mouth*
Mr. Napce: *overshot her, turns around just in time to hear “would be a shame”* You’ll never learn our secrets if I have anything to say about it! *trying to figure out how to get up there*
Nalitie: *has found a folder simply labelled “Delphi” on Mr. Napce’s computer* Aha! *digging around in her pockets for a flash drive* *can’t find one, starts digging through Mr. Napce’s desk drawers* *to Gaster* I don’t suppose you have a flash drive in your pockets with your drill and your ruler? 
Gaster: *gives her a deadpan look*
Mr. Napce: *leaping up, trying to grab ahold of the ledge* Even if you do find our secrets, you’ll never be able to use them! 
Dukermin: Don’t underestimate our power!! *flicks a penny at his head*
Mr. Napce: *got hit in the eye, lets go* Ow! You little—
Nalitie: *has finally located a flash drive* *drags the entire folder onto it, then shoves the drive into her pocket* We got it! *grabs Gaster by the hand and starts sprinting down the hall towards Dukermin*
Dukermin: *making paper planes out of dollar bills* *sees Nalitie* You got it??
Nalitie: Yeah! Let’s go! *running past, booking it down the stairs, dragging Gaster behind her*
Gaster: *tripping on pretty much every step*
Dukermin: *throws the wallet down the hall and jumps down to follow them*
Mr. Napce: *ignores the wallet for now, runs after them*
Dukermin: *catches up with them and throws a portal to some random room in the elementary school* go go go!
Nalitie and Gaster: *trip into the portal* 
Dukermin: *dives through and closes it behind her*
Mr. Napce: *screams in frustration*
Other HS teachers and students: *looking into the halls* ???
(You have arrived in a small classroom. There’s a table with four chairs at it, and a desk in the corner. The walls are covered with cheerful phonics posters and reminders to have safe bodies. It looks like the teacher is out right now. The plate on her desk reads “Mrs. Tessara Chapman.”)
Dukermin: Okay we should be good now. We should see if we can find a student computer to look through the files.
Nalitie: Do we have another disguise for Gaster? I don’t want to freak out the elementary kids… 
Dukermin: Uhh… *finds some construction paper and starts folding it and gluing it until it looks vaguely like a crumpled head. Draws a smiley face on it*
Nalitie: *puts it over Gaster’s face* *sticks another pair of googly eyes on him*
Dukermin: Hmm it still needs something… *notices the glitter* *puts elber’s glue™  on the top and pours glitter over the top* Yes.
Nalitie: Perfect! *grabs his hand and starts walking* Let’s go! *is getting covered in glitter from stuff falling off of Gaster’s head*
(Eventually, you find the computer lab. A class of 3rd graders stares at you as you enter the room.)
Teacher: Hello…? 
Dukermin: Hello, class! *has made a moustache out of construction paper and taped it on* We’re… with cybersecurity. We need to check  the… security of your …. softdrive.
Nalitie: And it can’t wait. Very important, time-sensitive work we’re doing. *heads to an empty computer, turns it on* 
Gaster: *standing awkwardly next to a third grader*
Kid: Why are you wearing paper?
Dukermin: This is our intern. Interns aren’t allowed to show their faces until they’ve proved themselves in this business.
Nalitie: They’re not allowed to talk, either. *jabs Gaster with her elbow so he knows she’s talking about him* *plugs the flash drive into the computer and opens up file explorer*
Kid: *peering over, distracted from their typing work* What are you doing? 
Dukermin: We’re… tapping into the … scrumfile to access the database of… cyberstakes.
Nalitie: You’ll understand when you’re older. 
(The “Delphi” file is filled with restaurant menus, floor plans, and a folder labelled “trade secrets.” It looks like Delphi is Nicholas Napce’s family’s restaurant.)
Dukermin: So… the secrets of the universe lie in… pita breads and avgolemono soup?
Nalitie: *clicking into the “trade secrets” folder* I guess??? Maybe it’s code for something??? *elbows Gaster, then points at the screen as if he can see through the paper taped to his face* You’re good at puzzles, what do you think this means? 
Gaster: *rolls his eyes underneath the construction paper* I have a piece of paper taped to my face. 
Nalitie: *did not understand* Yeah, I don’t get it either…
Dukermin: Excuse me, interns are to remain silent.
(“Trade Secrets” is a folder full of recipes. There’s recipes for avgolemono, kreatosoupa, gyros… and one Word file named “SECRET!!!!”)
Dukermin: *points excitedly at SECRET!!!!*
Nalitie: *opens up “SECRET!!!!”*
(It’s a recipe for cabbage soup. Bad-sounding cabbage soup, at that, since it’s literally just water and cabbage.) 
Dukermin: Welp! There it is! The secret of the multiverse! We did it!
Nalitie: *memorizing the recipe, which is 4 cups of water and a head of cabbage, uncut, simmered for 24 hours* Perfect, let’s bring this back to Art. I don’t know how this will help him remove Aubrey’s powers but I’m sure he’ll be able to figure it out!
Kid: *pointing at the picture of the soup-in-progress in the recipe* What’s that?
Nalitie: The key to understanding infinity!
Dukermin: Forget everything you saw here today, kid. *backs out of the classroom*
Nalitie: *follows her*
Gaster: *still standing there, unaware that they left because his face is covered in paper* 
Kid: *pokes him* Are you a statue?
Nalitie: *pokes her head back in* You too, Gaster! Come on! *goes back in and drags him out of the computer lab*
Dukermin: Alright, squad, are we ready to save all of the universe and beyond?
Nalitie: Heck yeah, let’s go back to Pluto!
Gaster: *taking the construction paper off of his face*
Dukermin: *opens up a portal* *jumps in*
Nalitie: *pushes Gaster through, then jumps in after him*
(You arrive on Pluto. Pluto is… looking a lot worse than when you left, actually. A large portion of the main glacier—the one with The Rock, Alphys’s lab, and Toriel’s house on it—has broken off and is floating away in the ocean. There are even bigger holes scattered throughout all of Monster Town. Portals are open in the sky above you, into dimensions that you don’t even recognize. The citizens of Pluto are running around in a panic, trying to figure out how to get the people on the escaping portion of the glacier back. Aubrey Foresman is curled into a ball at Art’s feet, panicking as chaos reigns.)
Dukermin: Ahhhhhahaha this is… Worse than I expected it to be…
(A laser-shooting unicorn flies through the air above you. You can hear a jarring mix of voices singing: some in a heavy metal style, some operatically, and at least one sounds alarmingly like Lydia, who is supposed to be on Riewa.)
Nalitie: Yeesh… Guess we better get this recipe to Art as quickly as possible. 
Dukermin: Yeah its a good thing we found the dimension saving secret that will return all this to happy normal times! *to Art*
(S. G. Art is standing in the middle of the chaos, one disembodied hand rubbing soothing circles on Aubrey’s back. He regards you with the same uninterpretable smile as always as you approach. When he speaks, his voice sounds… different, as if it’s echoing in the air around you rather than coming from his mouth.)
* Ah… hello, children. I see you have returned. Did you find the information that will at last soothe our dear Aubrey’s SOUL? 
Dukermin: Oh hey, do you have a cold or something? Sound a little … odd. Your dialogue is a little broken.
* Oh, there is no need to worry about me. It is simply less painful for me to speak in this way rather than through my poor, distorted vocal cords. 
Gaster: *has been assuming Art was a skeleton like him* Do you… have vocal cords, then? *is confused because as far as he knows only skeletons can speak Wingdings*
* Ah ha ha… I am afraid there is little left to them now. But come now, this is not the conversation we need to be having, not while our poor Aubrey is in such pain.
Nalitie: *has not understood a word of this conversation except Dukermin mentioning Art has broken the dialogue*
Dukermin: Er right let’s get back on track *to Nalitie* it doesn’t matter. Um Aubrey, hope you like cabbages!
(Aubrey doesn’t seem to register what you just said. The hand that was on her back has disappeared, and she seems all the more miserable for the lack of comfort. There’s a cracking noise behind you, but it blends into the general cacophony surrounding you at the moment. Another portal opens in the sky in front of you with a clap of thunder.) 
Dukermin: Ahh Nalitie, give Art the recipe.
Nalitie: Oh, right. Ok, so Mr. Napce’s secret: to make Secret Cabbage Soup, you need to add 4 cups of water and a whole, uncut head of cabbage to a pot, then simmer that for 24 hours. And you need to watch it carefully but DON’T STIR IT! 
Gaster: *rolls his eyes, starts looking around* *notices a hole in the ice behind them* *stares into the rainbow colors it contains with concern because they look… familiar*
* Ah, very good. Yes, this is precisely the information we need to save our dear friend. I am certain her salvation is at hand. There’s just one thing left for us to do. 
(As he speaks, Art’s disembodied hands float themselves just in front of Nalitie and Dukermin’s chests, appearing out of thin air.)
* Goodbye, my dear queens. 
(The hands shove you in the chest, hard. You tumble backwards into the open portal behind you and it closes immediately. Above you, you see three figures on a catwalk, and you think you hear Alphys’s voice, but you scarcely have time to register any of it before you plunge into the blindingly hot, multicolored lava of the Underground’s CORE.)
(In Erscoga, Gaster stares in shock at the melted hole in the ice you just disappeared into, then gapes at Art. Art smiles back at him va♍︎₳☠t̴̨̠̝͚͓͓̭̅͊̔l̶̨̛̳̟#͚̒̊̕y̸͔̗̓̌̃̎͆͐.̵͓̝̠̳̰̗̗͒̈́͗͛̚͜)̶̜̊̈́̈̌
(Table of Contents)
[1] See "The Ghost of John."
Featuring @zarla-s's Handplates!Gaster again.
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rumi-nations · 3 years
Yoga and the Vagus Nerve
Yoga and the Vagus Nerve
Finding poses that fit in a sequence for yoga and the vagus nerve isn’t difficult, but finding the right approach can be. As students come from a variety of backgrounds and abilities, directing them into poses that activate the vagus nerve can be tricky for multiple reasons. Triggering the vagus nerve can heighten a sense of discomfort or unease for students; they might feel lightheaded or…
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minnesconsinyoga · 7 years
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.
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thefinestmuffins · 3 years
Back in Minnesconsin (yes, I hail from the land of Donna!); my sister just described her dog as having “a sensitive system” and no one understands why I’m laughing.
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26point3andbeyond · 6 years
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If you substitute Cocoa Krispies for the regular, & add Cap’n Crunch to the mix, the result, Choco-Peanut Butter Cap’n-Krispie Bars, is spectacular! Nice Work @margomuschamp - Diamond Lake Bistro creating new #sweettreats #midwesterncooking #madewithlove ° #diamondlkbistro #ricekrispytreats #chocolatepeanutbutter #capncrunch #bars #minnesconsin #dessert #yum #delish #sweettooth #culinarycreativity #createsomething #eatdessertfirst #midwestlife #lovefood (at Diamond Lake Bistro) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoaZQvhFij1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1amouhoscd7m7
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geeforvendetta · 7 years
I had the best time in Minnesconsin with @lesbiantrevorbelmont and her family! It was so hard to come home!
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abcwordsurge · 5 months
hello my good friend mx surge! what kind of music do you like/prefer, genre-wise? got any favorite songs? and then can i get some favorite lyrics? smile! and. tell me what characters/stuff the lyrics make you think of if you'd like to go that far! doesn't have to be any characters I'd know about or even any at all. i am Curious <- all /nf! do as much as you like. i love asking questions and hearing your thoughts 🫡🫡 —marley
hello my wonderful friend marley! eeee I love talking about music. this is gonna be a long one
(disclaimer: I am admittedly Very Bad at genres, so I'm gonna give you artists and maybe you can decide for yourself what genres they are)
AJR is a big one, I could talk for days about AJR. they're one of the only bands I've been to a concert for (very very good concert, very fun, very dramatic, highly recommend, they are clearly showmen, not just musicians, and that makes for entertaining shows). I'm unironically following someone on tumblr who posts ONLY AJR stuff because every time I see the name "AJR" it's like a visceral reaction that makes me grin. ooh, also Twenty One Pilots. I love then. looking forward to their new album
I listen to a lot of broadway. some of my favorites are Be More Chill, Mean Girls, Six, and Titanic the Musical, just to name a few. I love seeing live shows especially- I saw Something Rotten not too long ago, and the Nick was BRILLIANT it. was, admittedly, a high school production, but nonetheless. he danced a lot, even unchoreographed dancing in the background, just like, vibing, and it was so obvious that he was just having a good time and enjoyed being there (the actor, that is, not the character) and I just liked watching him
oh, and Sleeping at Last! I first discovered them by their Atlas: Enneagram album, because I'm a nerd and adore personality tests (I'm an INTP and a 5 in case anyone was wondering), but I've been slowly absorbing the rest of their music, and it's all so beautiful
favorite songs... hm. I can't not say "2085," the closer to AJR's most recent album, and perhaps the most emotionally devastating song they have released as of yet (which is really saying something). best lyrics from that song are undoubtedly the last bit, where they say "you gotta get better, you've all that I got," then it gets softer and the lyrics change to "I gotta get better, I'm all that I've got." HEARTBREAKING /pos. I mean, I like that part enough that I wrote a whole fic inspired by it. one of my very few angst fics. "All That I've Got," a Minnesconsin fic (link here if you're curious). by the way, the first song of that album, "Maybe Man," is also a banger, highly recommend
I love "96000" from "In the Heights" (I think it's only in the movie version, not the musical version? not 100% sure though). ooh this song makes me crazy. this song... ok. I can't talk about this song without being a bit weird about it, but stick with me. this song always makes me think of the people on the Titanic. I read a book once with fictionalized versions of a few of the Titanic's officers and crew members, and once I was listening to this song and when it got to Sonny's verse, all I could think about was how exactly it matched fifth officer Harold Lowe's vibes. it's not really the lyrics, but several of the verses just remind me of various crew members' vibes. and it's. it's just a great song
"Air Catcher" by TOP. that's another wonderful song. always makes me think of Iowa to Wisconsin, for no particular reason. best lyric is "I don't believe in talking just to breathe," which is an idea that always appealed to me
Tyler Joseph is a BRILLIANT lyricist, actually. other great lyrics by him:
"our words are loud but now I'm talking action" (Neon Gravestones)
"for us to think is to be alive / and I will try with every rhyme / to come across like I am dying / to let you know you need to try to think" (Car Radio)
"death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit" (Heavydirtysoul)
"haunted by a couple big mistakes / she covers all the dents with the way she decorates" (Redecorate)
"like an "I love you" / that isn't words / like a song he wrote that's never heard" (Shy Away)
I love "despair" by leo. always makes me think of florida talking to loui (in a queerplatonic way, of course). another great floui song is "Tightrope" from The Greatest Showman, but I picture this one as loui to florida
holy moly this is even longer than expected. I'll leave you with this for now. you've probably gotten a good grasp of my taste by now haha. thank you sm for the ask, I had a delightful time answering :D
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Cast Reveal Part 5
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Ooops dropped this....
On this season of Travellers Survivor 16 new cast aways aim to leave their mark on the New Earth... but they aren’t alone.
Joining us are four past players who fell short in their respective seasons and are looking to leave their mark on the New Earth...
But who will be joining us?
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mom. manager. momager. lover of life. lover of christ
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Hey everyone! I'm TJ. I'm now 21 years old and a college senior about to graduate with a math major and CS minor. For those of you of who don't remember me (and trust me, I don't blame you if you don't remember me) I was the first ever person voted out of this game (I blame Jess). I almost found a way back into the game, but it was too little too late. I'm back for a little redemption and to hopefully show that I'm not a terrible player :).
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Heeeellllllooooooooo everyone!!!! My name is Abrielle and I’m ready to make a fool of myself for your entertainment purposes 😈 Last time I played my time in the game was cut short bc I just didn’t have what it takes to solve mysteries, but I’m back and better(?) than ever! I’m extremely excited to meet some lovely new faces and make some sweet new friends. 🥰 Some fun things about me- I’m a teacher (sorta), I work in a shoe store, and I have a strong emotional attachment to possums ✨ I have two cats and watch quite a lot of Netflix, and my nerdiest hobby is playing these games. Anyway, can’t wait to meet you all and have an amazing season! 🌸
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adoringjensen · 7 years
all emojis that have the colour red somewhere in them so the ask meme thing
omg hi, thank u so much :))
😍 celebrity crush
this one guy named jensne ankles, idk if you’ve heard of him???
😘 irl crush
lol i’m too ugly for that, an irl crush is an unrealistic expectation
☄ seen a shooting star?
I have not, but that would be amazing
🌈 favorite color
ahh I rly like colors like lavender, coral, sage, charcoal, etc. like soft, muted colors :)
🍎 favorite fruit
raspberries!! (but also apples and clementines bc i’m indecisive af)
🎭 favorite play
asldkgh okay I know it’s a musical and not a play, but I gotta say Little Shop of Horrors :)
🏠 where you currently live
Wisconsin! actually, I live in this area known as “Minnesconsin” since it’s right on the border between the two states
🎁 best gift you’ve ever gotten
oh lord, uhm. that’s a tough one. I think my clarinet is probably the best, most expensive “gift” I’ve ever received since I didn’t have to pay for it myself (which was the best part lmao), but I also think that the letters and surprise packages I’ve gotten from @blissfulcastiel have been the best too, because they really really mean a lot to me. And I can’t believe she’s my friend and does that kind of thing for me omfg, I love her so much can i cri ;~; (her friendship alone is a gift in and of itself, but shh that’s super friggen sappy so don’t tell her that)
💌 ever received a love letter?
nope, still too ugly
❤️ 5 people you love
alskdgh okay I love a lot of great ppl, but here are the ones I feel really deserve mentioning:
@blissfulcastiel, my twinsie dweeb
@righteousman, my Meme Buddy™
dean winchester, bc he’s a real person to me goddamnit
my irl best friend, Jenny
my other irl best friend, Hannah
they all hold special places in this lil ole heart of mine
send me emojis ✨
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Residential Door Repairs In Stillwater
If you’re a homeowner in Stillwater facing residential door issues, consider partnering with a trusted company like Minnesconsin Garage Door Repair & Service. Their combination of expertise, quality workmanship, and commitment to customer satisfaction makes them an excellent choice for all your door repair needs. Whether you decide to tackle the repair yourself or call in the professionals, making an informed decision will ensure that your doors remain functional, secure, and aesthetically pleasing for years to come.
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haikutoadobe · 7 years
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by @minnesconsin
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rumi-nations · 3 years
Yoga Nidra Restorative Yoga Classes
Yoga Nidra Restorative Yoga Classes
Earlier this month I made a return to a studio where I taught pre-pandemic. YogaFresh, located in Woodbury, Minnesota, is a special place. It’s a studio with students who have thousands of classes under their belt (not an exaggeration – next to their check in names are the number of classes they’ve completed), but everyone is supportive and kind. It’s a lovely thing to find in the fitness world.…
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