xiphoid-processing · 1 year
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The Descent of the Minyar
okay so ik that a popular hc is that Finwë, Ingwë and the like are of the first gen of the elves but ngl i think its very interesting if they arent! And also ik that Indis is Ingwë's niece but i like them better as siblings. I'll be getting one of these up for the Ñoldor and Teleri too when I finish them.
Names below cut! (Pretty long bc it includes all names and not just made-up ones, so you've been warned)
Primitive Elvish=PE; Early, Middle, Late Quenya= EQ, MQ, LQ. Anything with ? is unknown or speculative
Imin [?PE?]- One? (Masc)
Iminyē [?PE?] - One? (Fem)
Minyakwēn [PE] - First One
Melnā [PE] - Beloved
Arispar [PE] - Good Hunter
Stalmā [PE] - Strong hand
Lindaómë [EQ] - Voice of Singers
Takolumë [EQ] - Body-fixer
Kalwayéma [EQ] - Fair-Face
Isqael [EQ] - Wise One
Píneakolumë [EQ] - Small-Bodied
Nereäri [EQ] - Intensively/Very Stout
Ilwen [?EQ?] - Unknown, perhaps Sky
Kalimáma [MQ] - Bright-Mind
Ingwë [EQ-LQ] - Prince/Chief
Airehröa [LQ] - Holy-Bodied
Indis [?MQ-LQ?] - Bride/Wife
Ingalótë [EQ-LQ] - Top Flower
Airesáma [EQ-LQ] - Holy-Minded
Finwë [EQ] - Hair
Nolwë [EQ] - Bold/Brave
Ñoldóran [?EQ-LQ?] - King of the Ñoldor
Ingalaurë [EQ-LQ] - Top Gold
Airefëa [LQ] - Holy-Spirit
Éveähúna [MQ-LQ] - Future-Cursed
Laiwantë [EQ-MQ] - Pale-Face
Ingwion [?EQ-LQ?] - Son of Ingwë
Meldahínë [MQ-LQ] - Beloved Child
Findis [?EQ-LQ?] - Hair?
Laurefindelë [?EQ-LQ?] - Golden Haired
Umbarnáro [EQ-LQ] - Fire Fated
Illicenítë [?EQ-LQ?] - All-Seeing
Ñolofinwë [?PE-LQ?] - Wise-Finwë
Arakáno (Aracáno) [?MQ-LQ? ] - High Chieftan
Írimë [?MQ-LQ? ] - Lovely
Lalwendë [?EQ-LQ? ] - Laughing Maiden
Arafinwë [?EQ-LQ? ] - Wise-Finwë
Ingoldo [?PE-LQ?] - The Eminent/ The Ñoldo
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valinorianyears · 2 years
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Silm OC’s: Inye of the Minyar. She is an avarin elf who stayed at Cuivienen while her brother Ingwe left to follow Orome to Valinor. She is kind of a hermit who cares for the gravesite of the Minyar after her loveaffair with the current queen of the Avari, Turinde, failed. She is as prideful as most Vanyar and just as stubborn. Ready to fuck you up. Hasn’t seen a comb in centuries.
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velvet4510 · 4 months
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spiced-wine-fic · 2 years
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“It had been said in their old lives that the Minyar were less tied to the earth than any of the other clans, were more apt to dreams and prophecy. ‘One to the stars and the over-sky. (The Minyar) One to the fires of the earth and the deep burning. (The Tatyar). And One to the winds and the waters. (The Nelyar). So went the old saying.”
The Once and Future Kings.
Chapter Twenty-one. Opening the Sky.
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shronktheplonk · 15 days
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feanoryen · 17 days
Elven tattoo headcanons
I think tattoos will never be fully permanent for elves, they fade every hundred years, maybe they'll last a few hundred if your ink is of the highest quality & your tattoo artist is exceptional. It's not a flaw with the tattoos that they're never permanent permanent, elven biology just doesn't allow for it.
Miriel, being brilliant with a needle as ever & Finwe, who was a patron of the arts, invented tattoos in Cuiviénen.
Most of the Minyar weren't so fond of them but they were appreciated by several of the Tatyar & Nelyar.
It started out as Finwe just… painting on himself & his GF because why not? He started out using henna commonly used by his friend Elwe & the Teleri but he liked color so then he & Miriel decided to be ✨experimental✨ & *boom* tattoos! He developed the ink & she learned how to work a needle in skin.
Finwe has one on his back that Miriel did right before she got pregnant with Feanor that he never let anyone touch it up after she died even though it was fading, until Feanor got older and asked for his dad’s permission to do it himself.
Miriel used to have a tattoo on her back as well like Finwe’s but she didn’t get it redone after getting reembodied. She also used to have a few on her arms and legs and was overall quite bohemian before what happened, happened. She doesn’t regret co-creating tattoos but they don’t fit her anymore.
Feanor has 1 segmented tattoo along his collarbone. He has 2 stars about an inch tall/wide closest to his heart representing his parents, a slightly smaller but almost as big one near them representing himself, and seven even smaller ones trailing his left collarbone representing his sons.
Nerdanel doesn’t have tattoos, she’s chill if her kids want them but they’re personally not for her.
Fingolfin doesn’t have any for several reasons, they don’t fit him, he’s half Vanya & they’re not really into tattoos, & they were partially invented by Feanor’s mother so it’s weird. Findis doesn’t have any for the same reasons.
Finarfin despite also being half Vanya & closer to that side of his family than Fingolfin, is actually open to them despite not having any yet. He just does not gaf about what other people think.
Earwen has a ton of aesthetically pleasing sea themed motifs on her body.
Fingon has an eagle tattoo.
Maedhros has the star of Feanor tattooed on him but that’s it.
Maglor has a bunch of well put together gorgeous tattoos including both music motifs and symbols honoring his family like the Feanorian star and something for Elrond & Elros as well. They fade after he starts wandering the shores but he gets most of them redone in Valinor.
Celegorm used to have tattoos symbolizing Orome’s hunt but he lets all of them fade away in middle earth. If he ever joined the hunt again after getting reembodied, I imagine he only ever got 1 more tattoo symbolizing Orome. He’s accepted a part of his old life again but it’s not going to be the same.
Aredhel has a bow & arrow tattoo.
Curufin also has the star the Feanor & that’s it.
Caranthir used to have some in the equivalent of his teenage years but cringes looking back at them. They didn’t actually look bad at all and were quite nice but he just gives off the impression of someone who’d be unimpressed with his old self. He has none now.
Amrod & Amras get whatever they’re feeling whenever they’re feeling and change up their tattoos every couple centuries.
Galadriel has none because she thinks Feanor would feel smug if she did get them & she can’t let him be satisfied. (She loves henna though!)
Finrod has a bunch of different motifs representing all 3 of the clans that make up his heritage.
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hypnoneghoul · 7 months
"O na cenich?" Moutain asked, looking up to find Swiss staring at him again. (What are you looking at?)
"Le", Swiss answered simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. To him it was. (You.)
"Alhenion", Mountain whispered, doubting. He thought he'd said it quietly enough for his mate not to hear. He didn't even know why he said it, at all. Sometimes his anxieties and insecurities surfaced, and he couldn't resist. (I don't understand.)
"Man le bennich?" Swiss' brows furrowed. (What did you say?)
"Ú-moe..." the earth ghoul mumbled, looking away. (Nothing...)
"Amman?" Swiss had caught it, of course. "Le herven nîn, estelio vain lîn." (Why? You are my husband, don't underestimate your beauty.)
"Le vain, indo nîn." (You are beautiful, my heart.)
"Ú-amman le a?" (Why not you, too?)
"Im erya rauko." (I'm only a demon.)
"Le galad nîn. Im rauko a." (You are my light. I'm a demon, too.)
"Edhor..." (I'm sorry...)
"Law. Erya sedho a lasto." (No. Just be quiet and listen.)
Swiss got up from where he was sitting on to opposite side of the huge common room couch and walked over to plop himself in Mountain's lap. "Le mei nîn, i alasse o kuile nîn a gerich meleth nîn. Le lindawain guin minyare. Nedh minna a nan ava." (You are my love, the joy of my life and I love you. You are the most beautiful creature ever. Inside and outside.)
"Hannon–" (Thank–)
"Baw." The multi ghoul put a finger over Moutain's lips, soon removing it in favour his lips. "Erya estelio rauko lîn." (Don't. Just trust your demon.)
"Gerich meleth nîn, indo nîn." (I love you, my heart.)
"A gerich nîn, amralime." (I love you, too, my love.)
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thoushaltnotlive · 1 month
You cannot tell me Andrew Minyars wouldn't own this T-shirt ⬇️
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One of the monsters (prolly Neil or Nicky) bought it for him as a gag gift. Now he wears it unironically (though denise it).
Ps:. Can someone more artistically inclinde than me please please please draw him wearing this 🙏🙏
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dalliansss · 1 month
Hi :3 can you do for thingol/finwe this one “❛ i don't even remember why we started fighting. ❜”? 🥺
- @finwecandoit
&. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
Elmo grew up in the household of his eldest brother Elwë, and his brother's husband, Finwë and their wife Míriel. When Elwë wed, of course, as was then custom in Cuiviénen, he'd moved out to establish his own house, and for a while Olwë and Elmo were left at their father Tinwë's household. Elmo and his brothers had many half-siblings, and since they were considered to be 'of age' to start hauling their weight in providing for the house, they were no longer priority in the rationing of food and supplies, which included charcoal for winter and pelts to turn into coats or blankets. Elmo had been too small to remember this exactly, but it had gotten so bad that Olwë had no choice but to bundle him up and go all the way across Cuiviénen to Elwë's home and ask that they be allowed to live again with their brother.
Finwë and Míriel, Tatyar though they are, were very kind. They allowed Olwë and Elmo into their home, and it is this home that Elmo grew up in. Times were tough of course, and they all went to bed every day with varying degrees of hunger, but their situation was better because they knew Elwë would never let them starve or abandon them.
Míriel, lady of the house, was soft-spoken with fine-skilled hands. She was a weaver and craftswoman of renown, and the works produced by her hand fetched hefty prices at Cuiviénen's marketplace, especially her embroidered kerchiefs and dresses. Even Great Ancestress Iminyë often commissioned her for dresses that took several moons to complete, fine things with even more delicate embroidery that to Elmo looked like a sprinkle of stars on cloth.
Elwë is the tempering presence in the house, Elmo observes. His brother reined in Finwë's more reckless and impulsive tendencies, and where Finwë is happy to forgive and forget, Elwë will respectfully question, point out why he thinks something is wrong and why the wrong should be remedied so it can be fixed up in the future and never be repeated again. Elwë is also the mediator-spouse; able to talk and listen freely to Finwë and Míriel's concerns, and he often made sure Míriel's worries reached Finwë and would not otherwise be ignored.
Finwë is the main provider, a hunter of great skill and respect among the Tatyar. He is also the friendly one, and the coddler -- he loved sparing treats and showering Olwë and Elmo with affection, and it is mainly thanks to him that Elmo grew up with lots of hugs and kisses. He kept the household happy and warm and welcoming and full of hope, Finwë.
They're a wonderful balance, the three. Elmo hopes that, once he grows up or is fortunate enough to, he can establish his own household with the same harmony his brother had with his wife and husband.
But like all households, things aren't always lovey-dovey. Today is a quarreling day, tense. Things had been tense since the being called Oromë was spotted by Finwë by the borders of Cuiviénen, and Elmo knew not all the details, but that this Oromë wanted to offer the Quendi a safer place to live in. Finwë, bless him -- ever malcontent with Cuiviénen and wanting a place where they can all be safe, glommed easily into the idea of this Oromë, much like Ingwë of the Minyar. Elwë wasn't easily convinced.
They quarrel quietly, Finwë and Elwë. They don't shout, but they do exchange curt conversation and replies, and glare at each other across the table. Elmo knows they do this keeping in mind Míriel's delicate state and his and Olwë's presence, but the past two days, the tension had been too great it was almost choking, and Elmo knew Míriel said some words to her husbands.
Elwë is presently by the lakeshore, mending his boat. Elmo stood close, holding rope and hammer and some nails for him as his brother worked in sullen silence.
"Elmo," comes Finwë's voice. "Help your nésa with the cooking, will you?"
Elmo looks up at his brother-in-law, glances at his brother still crouched and hammering away at the side of his boat. Ever the pacifist, Finwë is oft the one reaching first for reconciliation. Elmo nods, hands Finwë the rope and nails, and he goes obediently back to their house to help Míriel.
Finwë fidgets. Elwë stops his hammering and looks at him in silence. He fidgets some more. "I wanted to apologize--" he says. "You're right. You're right, I... I was just so eager to have a chance--. A new home, you know, Elwë? A safer home. For us. Míriel and your brothers...but, but, I know this is a big decision, and I recognize your call for temperance. That the Quendi should sit, think very hard, and discuss about this before we all go gallivanting in the dark, journeying west..."
Elwë pauses his repairwork. He stands. He is a head taller than Finwë, with darker skin decorated with the whorls and dots and spirals so valued by the Nelyar and given only to the most accomplished of their kindred, like warriors and scholars and leaders.
"I don't even remember why we started fighting," Elwë says, his tone matter-of-fact. "But I am glad you are seeing sense. I am not refusing help, Finwë. But i want the Quendi to make sure this 'help' is indeed what it is being offered. Not some trap for our people."
Finwë wrings his hands. His lower lip quivers, and he drops the rope and the nails as he surges forward and hugs Elwë with all his might. Elwë holds him in turn, rubs his back.
"I'm just so sick of death," Finwë whispers. "I want to lead all of us somewhere safe, where we can mind a house undisturbed, and Míriel doesn't stretch herself thin with grief, where she can be content and peaceful that she can finally nurture a child to term, give birth to a living baby--." He chokes on the words and cries. He clings to Elwë closer. He is decidedly the most emotional in the trio, Finwë.
"I know, Finwë. I know," Elwë promises. He kisses Finwë by the forehead, by the eyelids. "And I just want us, all of us, to be careful and sure."
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Vitaly Minyar-Beloruchev (Russian, 1904-1975). Nude (1961).
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valinorianyears · 2 years
Ingwe, first high king of the eldar, king of the Vanyar, father of Ingil
In my headcanon he is also the father of Elenwe and the grandfather of Glorfindel, who is Ingils son. Which would explain Glorfindels allegiance to Turgon, since Turgon is married to Glorfindels aunt by the time of the flight of the noldor. As Ingwe was chosen by the valar to see Aman and lead his people there he was gifted with powers beyond what normal elves had, and thus passed down the gift of foresight through Elenwe to Idril, who later used it to save many people from Gondolins fall.
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valacirya · 4 months
When Indis first arrived in Tirion, many Noldor whispered about her lack of craft. Some called it laziness; others, dullness. How could they follow her, a rather ordinary Vanya, after knowing Miriel, whose creations rivalled the Music itself? The whispers quieted down soon enough though, as Indis charmed most of the Noldor with her diligence and awkward sincerity. They began to trust her and look to her as queen, not just as Finwe's wife. Many years passed, filled with happiness and love, and grief and anger alike, and through it all her strength did not fail.
And then, Finwe was slain, a murderous Oath was sworn, and her family became kinslayers. And in the darkness, Indis fled- back to the arms of her father (while her youngest child wept alone), to the embrace of the mountains (as the sea turned red with blood), to the gentle care of her people (forgetting that the Noldor were her people too). Perhaps her story might have ended there in the shadow of Taniquetil, confined to the footnotes of history.
But Indis of the Minyar was a child of prophecy, a mother of kings, and her line's renowned courage did not come from Finwe alone. One year to the day she left, Indis returned to Tirion, walking through the gates with her head bowed but her back straight. She went to the King to ask for forgiveness and accepted when it was not given. And then she went to work; first in the fields, then in the forges. Many years passed, filled with despair and hope alike.
And then one day, her son came to sit beside her, and together they watched Tilion climb the sky.
In the Noontide of Valinor, many had whispered about the craftless queen. But the wise among the Noldor knew even then, Indis's craft was herself.
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@finweanladiesweek | day one. miriel/indis
in the last year of miriel's life as she counted her life, the one before she grew heavy with child, the noldor had been the ones to host the competitions.
miriel remembered it only vaguely now, through a summer's haze - the bright clarions ringing, the pressing irritation of setting aside the project she had been working on in exchange for the hot light of laurelin and the duties of state - the deep satisfaction of seeing her own banners flying boldly, her husband clad by the work of her own hand.
after death, and in the time before death, she forgot about it all - the colour of the fabrics, the words spoken in praise and adoration to the valar upholding the celebration.
of the last days lived in shadowless felicity, miriel remembered best the minyar's youngest champion, the best and first of their begotten children born in aman.
tall and graceful and very swift, wrestling quendi twice her size in the games, distinguished among the rest of the golden-haired plenty of valmar only for how she laughed at the finishing line, when she won victory for her people or otherwise.
that was what miriel recalled: indis of the vanyar, dust-spotted and freckled, tall and dangerous and joyful, throwing the flowers of her success at the embroidered slippers of the queen of tirion.
finwë had been all for his friends then, turned towards ingwë's clasping hand and olwë's counsel, sitting away and above, so thickly wound together elu's absence was not an absence at all. other athletes had honoured the three kings already, offering their hard-won laurel crowns.
these flowers were for miriel alone, gathered beforehand, the sort of generosity that would become a gesture of friendship, a queenly offering, merely because indis was dust-spotted, tall and dangerous and kind.
osmantus, jasmine, the purple violets that grew upon taniquentil - miriel had had to bend down to pick them up. she remembered that, very clearly - the petals crinkling between her reaching fingers, the sweetness of indis' smile.
the robes she bore were among the best she had produced so far, as fair as the gauzy guise vána donned for the occasion, a glory of the noldor wore about her body in much the same way as tirion was dressed in its banners. the violets had stained them irreversibly.
she might have loathed someone for that, once.
enclosed in the halls of mandos, weary even as a shade and wearied of nothing so much as herself, miriel sought back their sweetness instead. there was little else to do. the perfumes of lórien and the proud, blooming lilies finwë had brought for her rooms during her weakness had grown to be so much ugliness to her.
miriel shed them all, along with her flesh. the smell of joy had become the laughing solemnity of indis vanyarin, to whom she had never spoken; and that much she wished to have as a memory.
finwë's choice never did surprise her; serindë would have chosen so herself, if life had been something she were willing to carry.
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elluendifad · 6 months
Hi!! Could you talk a little about what following Tolkien elven religion is like for you? (Only if you want, of course.)
I'm a very newly awakened elf and I've just started reading the silmarillion. I haven't even gotten that far yet, but already it's the most connected I've felt to any religious system/religious lore before. I'm considering practicing Elvish religion, but idk. I feel a little strange saying I want to practice a religion from a work of fiction, y'know? (Please don't take this as me saying your beliefs are strange— I think they're incredibly cool. This is very much just a me thing.)
Anyway, I guess my question is something along the lines of How did you realize this was the religion for you/What do you believe wrt Tolkiens work being or not being fiction?
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and doubly so if you choose to answer! Have a nice timezone :))
Alatulya, welcome kin! this one is a little long so there is a break. i also accidentally hit publish early, so we will see how editing it works lol.
table of contents: 1. my personal history and variety of practitioners 2. dealing with fictional mythology + my fave paper on this 3. specifics of tolk elven religion
Eldarin religion has been my primary religion (buddhism and my eclectic animistic witchcraft also there and co piloting) for seven years. I have been working with other eldar on our own group experience of this religion for two or a bit more years. I have taken a bit of priestly service role of collecting and organizing materials and keeping track of the calendar, which we call Loa and which assigns different holidays and themes in order throughout the year. i suspect this role is agreeable and natural for me as minya, but that anyone could do it. the degree of demand differs depending on the person, and i would say that much of my time is set to thinking of or practicing our religion. others have less involvement, and some of us feel our cosmology and philosophy is more cultural than religious the way humans might think being a member of a religious group should be. as for my own journey of getting here, i have been otherkin for most of my life and many years of that was 'generally a nature spirit type thing.' which became 'an elf but i am not sure what kind.' which then became 'oh god… am i one of those hoity toity tolkien elves?' bc there is a cultural expectation among elfkin that tolk elves are more dour and care what color clothes you wear or something… turns out that is not true! or, at least, i have not met these grim arbiters of what is becoming of the firstborn! reading the silm and other texts in the legendarium to fill in what i had absorbed from the hobbit and lotr (books and movies) was the lightbulb in the dim cellar. i use a mixed spiritual and psychological theory of origin and function for my several theriotypes and elven kintype, and this experience filled in some gaps i had just been sitting with. i personally feel that i am living one continuous eldarin life--awoken at cuivienen among the minyar, lived and died, spent my time in mandos, and was reembodied here. my sense of memory is dim, and i generally assume that is just a sign that memory is not necessarily important for this part of my life the way it was in arda. it is a great honor to live this life and to find other eldar and folks of all kindreds to share my love of life with. it was natural to transition from my magic and religious work with nature spirits to a cosmology centered on the legendarium-some of the spirits i still work and live with admit they are maiar, others are not maiar and are of the many kinds of spirit and sprite that entered into ea after its foundation to explore. our working relationships and the techniques i use for magic have stayed much the same. so how i do it is just one example in a variety.
2. i will answer first on dealing with the fictional aspect and wrestling with the nature of constructed or pop culture or modern mythology spirituality-the individual beliefs differ there, too!
for my part, i do not think the legendarium is a factual history of this actual world we currently live in. i do think jrrt was channeling something, and may or may not have been kin himself of arda reembodied here.
i think ea, like most faerie realms, is both here and not here and you have to open yourself up and step into it. once most people have experienced the enchantment of an otherworld, they are never fully able to drop the sense of it. i do feel that the legendarium makes a suitable mythopoetic 'history' for powers and themes that apply to both this world and ea and where they overlap, and that the legendarium becomes more historically factual the closer you move into ea and the further you go from current earth.
there is a lovely paper that i surely have annoyed everyone with titled the tolkien spiritual milieu by Markus Altena Davidsen of the university of leiden that really gets into the anatomy of constructed religion and what is present in certain medias that lends itself to that anatomy, which he calls 'religious affordances' in the text. it details a number of groups of many varied beliefs in the tolkien spiritual sphere, some active and some long gone, and i feel that it is a great way to expand one's vocabulary and mental concept of constructed religion and the wide variety that is possible in such constructions. the pdf is available from the university website here
if you check out mr davidsen's other published papers on that website, there are several others also relevant to fiction sourced mythology and spirituality including some by other authors.
3. that being said, there are religious affordances for the eldar in the texts, but not necessarily enough for a fully fleshed out practice as is prepared and given to new members of various world religions. it will take a bit of crafting, but we elves do love to craft! most of us blend legendarium cosmology and philosophy with practices or philosophies we are previously familiar with, like neopaganism or judaism or etc etc.
we have developed some structure in the forms of: a multiply layered observational calendar for the six seasons, eight holidays, twelve months, and seven days of the week; the fourteen valar and several named maiar associated with certain valar; the panentheistic experience of the creator Eru; and the use of witchcraft, meditation, devotional or worship activity, enchantments, glamor, and arts like music poetry painting crochet etc.
most of us practice our own personal flavor by ourselves, and group rituals or ensorcelments are rare at the moment. we are all exploring, and i would be thrilled to hear about your own explorations and what calls to you!
sooo… basically i have a worship and work relationship with our gods and supportive spirits, and give observation on the schedule of the loa. i have daily practices, like offering of beverage an thanks or an oil anointment of my body, and then weekly practices like an eruhini veneration and well wishes for the dead. and monthly practices on the full and dark moon, which is focused on the vala of that month, where i usually do spellwork for the constellation. there are holidays at the start of each season and at the solstices, where i will sometimes do magic for the group but is usually about the personal journey. the one time another elf was physically with me i did do some small rituals including that elda. my herbalism work is inherently religious to me and i also count both learning and practicing herbalism as a devotional activity, same with going on walks or drumming.
i invite you very earnestly to reach out any time and through any means you are comfortable with, and i wish you a very blessed full moon of winds. hantanyel ar namarie!
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mizuki1014 · 5 months
Okay I am confused. I have never hear of okaeri tadaima yoru no yorimichi. Is it new work or a side story? I checked the other blog and manga updates and couldn't find anything with this title. Thanks for any info!
Hey. It’s a short story from the Drama CD. It’s included on the booklet . Here’s the link at minyre’s post.. again, i just provided the raws. Translation and all it’s minyare’s group ☺️
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Round 1
Imin vs Tinfang Warble
One of the Fathers of the Elves.
First elf ever to wake up, ancestor of the Minyar/Vanyar. Kind of a douchebag, honestly, extremely high standards for their personal following and then they wonder why their counterparts have more dudes. A bit of a dreamer, the first of the three to see the light on the western horizon. Never entirely left behind those first few moments when there was just them, and the stars, and song.
Tinfang Warble:
A half-fay from early drafts of the legendarium noted to be one of the greatest musicians of the Elves.
how are you going to vote against a guy whose honest to god name is tinfang warble
Round 1 masterpost
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